rn tit., y. - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pkv4h/data/1881.pdf · tit nj.i en cai...

t ' m 4tm a " wmwm iwgfi"M v.: v S C "O rn THE MUSES. tit., .. .t fi .' Prudence, A p S.r i r. T1T5 beam ot 'u. u.c'ar'd the day, Tit nj.i en cai It .n .tin-- , nav, T Uni'i'c ,)- - ("iiil'ii i B- i it blight, An', ill w is lapture ana ud.ht. v .jut .) ltne cor, 'vrwcenme tress, a it. c . m i cui ies i.'i''in in eacn oreeze, I ''!, To niin, gi ani' f ir, Ca iiii iort'. tj tjlle tlie moi ning air. H t t'.-'-ks ta? rofc's b'nlli djfplay'd, J t'i ntcr by the liljv imide : R Ilreves a lambent flame expreft, And to heave her bread; " H i tall, ' r l nor thick, noi vet too (mall, A .indium (lili to ivhpch wnfind, ' E a tilU, beauty is cnn'd: H.c'reis was elegantly neat, Mor grand, nor mca'n, but cornpleat. Lvr, who is always in t'le way, Rei ' . uto.nakc tne maid lits piey ' Hi fa. e was ft ill witV failles bedeck'd, K" m mors icntle,all reipect ; ViM- - lie met the fair, ' (Yc n aiplu his artfol ways beware.) Fair piaiil,favilis,'mv nam: is love, I i ! : i jo,, of Hie improve ; Tv ivi; n extends o'er earth and sea," , Ar.tl eerv c eatijrs- bends to me: I..'i biid that tum.-- s hu little throat, Lo e forms tiielay, ; 1 e .1 itks and lieids, tl.at wanton bound, A u rt Kt a'.an the fl w'ry ground, T'lo. i alone their p.ealures find, I .i tke t'lem pla, I till each mind: Is 'en t'i" in .te sillies in the l.iVe, I" '.n ioe t leir flo.i.icin; gambqls take ; Ti c sin. tilling t'u 'harfy grove, line .ji t ,eiJ Ciiarms l.orn mighty love; 'J' i; !i.j i, t'gerand t ie'.-'a- r, . IV'i.e.ii; rai'd, hi o'jafures 111 a re ; 'Is .t.irj ti r.' i'iOi.t, ! o'v a'love,. Ami whee is f t'lof lovfc : T'l-- n t'lir uvnij'i, a u go with me, I' i ove .iiilbee-ut- 1i.ul.l.igi: N- -' i)t tins all-- p ccious hour, X..i tis.ic fhoulJ rob sou oi' the pow'r. TV nvmpii vas by his rhetoric won, A.' ', in an init.iiit, near undone, V le i suddenly a fo.-,- appeal 'd, ih; piefcnce made her soon rever'd: 11 .', d.iiiifel, hold, it itiaigiitwav cries, lint ul'd Prudence, bv ti:; wise ; V. : 1.) .t me, love vou jo, Sc'i v en tuts, jiyTepilV'fs woe : Ti. f'i'.ii's temple te 1s bound, ...e soon your bark will oc on gronnd, .ur vntue wreck'd, your peace all loll, Aii'i n a lea of tioiibie toll; 1 .'ioe hsev'iy earth's charra To iojt.i liie mind, the bieait to warm, To o'ini'h grief", to ftlfle rae, A. d ev'i v hcarttul throb atfaage, 3i. ail thole jovs you'll nevei flnre, Di lc:s t'nat PruUiKH tpo be theie. ".JZKine, on i A cert n Bifliop had a Bifcavan man-ferv- a m fYvhdm he ordcied one fcfiival to gO to'arbutcii- - cr,who wos called L)av:dj lor a piece of meat, pud then corne so church, vtheje the liiihop was to preach. The BUhop, in bis sermon, bringing autnorities from tne scripture in this 'manner: Iptinh fiifS'ltx4sTtrtmiithJiijf.''thns S.J lalt happejiing to turn towaids the door,s Jus servant came in, went on, Ani Tti.it f,ijj ? Upon whic.ithe Bifcayan roared out, "He Twears to God, tnat is you dp not pay your bill, jouiietdliever send to his ilibp again!" TV TOTlCj; ii hereby given, that the JJN commiHionors "will-mee- t on Fri- day the 17th of A.uguit next, iita fu- - gar tree, ltancung on tne oank ot Hinkddn, in Bourbon cotinty, where the roai leading from Paris to the Upper Blue licks 'cr'olies, in order to take'thc depofitiotiS of fundrypdrfons, for the ptirpbfe of eliablilhlmr a'be- - m'atTe 'for FrahCis Bpfjs,Har-?-is- , of one thoulbiid acres of laiid, co- - veredby a treasury warrant. ' . Samuel 'Emm. Jujy i6th;'i7?8. "f ' : .' 1- - r TlpAKKiN ,,, hy the fubferiber, Jl Woodford cpuntya dark brown .ware. 14 years old, '4 hands hijih, a 3iil3.ll ltar iti Ufrforehea,d, branded oil-- the.nearflioylder IS, witi a final; belb en, appraised to 5I. 10s. FRANCi'S SPENCER. October 3d, 1797. " ' M.'B. Tlie reafo'n why the above flray' not4fooiter Gazetted, is, thaf- - :k;. '..j. .': t. ', wwiiiuana) anci utiui; ismtii u l atid.harbeen.lately got again. .F - S. - TAKEN up by the fubferiber, liear the month a'chcfnu't forre.1 horfea-laoutlj- x years 9VI, about sour feet six inches hijfji. blaze face, branded on' the near ftioulder3X,2uid oiuthe-of- but-tgjck, but not legible, appraised to t61". TIIOiMAS HEDGER. To l)s sold at Public Autiiott, AT Loan courc-huuf- e, on the Vnci&Av in September iiexi, the following tracts or' laud, or fa much thereof" as will i'atisfy the tax, incereOr, &c. due thereon, for the .years 1792, o3, '94, '95, and "96. Sarah Stapling, 2666 "st-- 3 acres. Smith slaughter, 1 100; 1000. Wil- liam rVpggc'too. John Holkcr, Sooj 4cf o". tien. George' .ratliews, 4000 ; 40rxj 252a JohiiGrecnhoute, 1000; 666 2-- Uichard Taylor, looc K01-bfi- ;c Baylor, 'looij 4000. "Saninel .Coleman, idoo. Charles Lynch', 1000. William- - Ruifell, " 2000; litlward-Clatkeiooo- j 1000. Edivard Dovee. 1000. - Wi'.Hasn Lhatnberland's heirs, AOaO: Saimlpl Cnlpinnn loon. Hirli. ard C. Waters. 5000. . ' f. - 7 On tfie following trails, the tax is duel Ub ior 1796, only. ' nichardlon Boocker, 200. Uichard Wilfoji, 200. Francis aiid Tbomas wlfoil'j, 600 Jofepli Coleman-- 100. John "White's heirs, 1000. Peter D Robert, 795 ; loo; 50.' Thomas O- - verton. 1500. Joseph Nourfe; 1000 'Maik Vandcvvall, 1000. 'Rev. John Hurt, 540 j 1000; 500; 200; 170.' Itjcliard Gernor, 1000. John M. Shep'ard, 600 ; 6qo. Benjamin Dab ncy. 1000. . Thsabove is a list of "non-residen- lands. The following is a lilt of lands returned bj fbc'Jbsfijfs oj the fiver al cap 11 ties tt- the Auditor, di Ijivg in Logan county. ."" ' , .'."",. Mitcjiam flafwell, 1000. Join'Ly- - an.joo. William Martam, joo-."- Jo- - lephvWiller, 500. Andrew Harnett, )"i jo. ocgiiiiionn Atnqjuig, 3C00 j-- 1000. George bTaughter, 3270. l ' iSno. The faldfuill commence by twelve' o'rlockvnnd continue for two dajs, is neceliiry, and be attended by ., ' Reuben JLwing, S. L:-C-. July .5th, 1798. ; be expojed to bal(, OJ .the firil day.of September rext, bclore'the cooit-h'ouf- e door in fhuiclilown, the following tracts o laa-- l Lying in the county ol Nelfou, or Co much therebP aj will be fulKci-cn- t to pay the tax and interell due iheieori, f6r the years, 179J, '9, '94 and '9J. archibald Baird, joo seres, Beach fork; 300, do. Daniel Baird, jou, do. Richard Baird, 1 50, do. Mofej ' Hoop-wood- , 300, Coxt3- - creek. David Meade, 2000; 5500, in three trails Walter Wiley, 40, Kollingiork. ia- - muel Pearle, 500, Salt river.'' Joftph eek 1000, Lick creek 704, do. Kic hard Dickin, )rr iii'ifdro .ilh fltniK Dl.I 3W" i.vio tjiiii, nci. 1 ill- - lip Johhfon, 5000, Wiffohs run. Jo- nas Irwin, i?23, Salt riyer. William1 ruerniveawier, 10000, nardins creej;;y , .. e: r - 1. i s 1 iuuu, oiiiijtuiib cicrh. - ieiun ueii nun, ijuuo. reter uariana, rTOOO.J Coxes creek. Daniel Olaike iooorffn Kolung fork. Jonathan Price, 1000, Coxes creek. John Btinch's heirs, 365, Beadh fork ; 250, do. Richard Baird, 317, Buffaloe creek. Arch. Ba'lrd,"2oo, do. Walter Baker'6 heirs, 340, Salt river; 460, Cosed creek John Clarke, 875, Salt river and Beach fork. Abraham Fry e, too, Mill creekt Humphrey May, 350, Fromans creek, John M'Giinfcy, joo, Chaplins ifork. William Mitchell, 350, do. Wm. Pi- per, by'B. Pope, 3600 Nob lick, south side Beaclifork" Charles Protftor, 200, Pottingers creek. George Wilson, jjSjf, Coxcsjsreek. Thomas Woodger, 400, do. Jofephfe(Teries,'roo, Buf-Tdlo- e creek'. George Brenr, 500. Samuel Beace, 1200, Beacii and Roll-'iri- 'fork. John Smyth, 600. Geo. StUbblefrelil, -- 500. John Wren, 400, 'Sirnpfolis creek, Ch'a3. V ell's heirs, '6bb, ' Salt river. Reuben Triplett, "666" 4. ' , Onihejamc das, ijjejtlhviing trails of landfill' be sold to fatiify the lax 'and TnlinfF due thereon, for the years 1 702, '? '94.'95 Wdty' ' ' " Charles 'Boon'; 749 acres Cedar "-- ".! "" " ""tj" Helms, 2500, Coxes creek. John i , D. !, . 1e-- J .. V . ...., :. t f jr ,..--- . ..-- . Triplett, 1300 Rolling fork, Reubtin Tripjetti looo, do. William Mitch- ell, 7jo Goxes creek. Jphn Ray fen 400, Salt river j .400, Wilfr.ns creek ; 400, d6. 47?,' Lk.'creek, waters B". F. 'jo jo, do. 400, Wlietheran ruu. Tho mas Tletlfofd, 500, "Allies ctcclc. Jo ' fcfph Perkins, 1000, Salt' river; 40. mo. Coxes creek. Richard John! on, jiNECDOTiE: - ' iQ'.o, Pottingefs en r 200, watei-- s Cedar creels. Tol.n M'Cafe, 50, vaters Salt river. John C. Owinge, 500, Beach fork ; .5op, do. Joo, Willoiu reek ;!5oo Beach fori; ; Joo, Cox-- s creek. James Monday, Hoo, Kolling fork.;, James M'Donald, 1000, brancii Cases creek. George Price, jooo, south side Beach fork ; Ban, iiortli side Beach forki John Brifcoe, joo, Salt river ; 800, Sun fish run; 500 Sirnpfons creek. Eenj. Watkins, 827, Coxes cieek. John Fitch, 300, do. 300 Simplons crsekj 1000, Head Coles creek. John Cace, 300, forks Allies creek. William Smiley, 960, waters SimpfoYj's creek ; 650, waters Alet. creek; loo, Coxe creelc. John CrutchfiehJ, jooo, Fro-ma- oreek. Smyth Tanady 500. David Baird, 500, wateis Beach Jonathan Ptigh, 1000, Coxes creek, watltan Davis. 2000. Coxes and Simt- - sons creek. George Lanman, 15000 Chatuille Tuttle, 300 waters Beach F. Cornelius Hogland, 1000 wateis Rol- ling fork. Charles Huff, 1000, do. Moles Tuttle, 100, Mill creek waters. John Blanton, H, Sirnpfons creek-- ; 26, Coxes creek ; 20, Mill creek. Battle Muse, 1000, Sirnpfons creek. John May's devisees & Joseph Jones's aifignces, 67-2- , do. Margaret Hen-deifo- fi, 4?6, Salt tiver. Robert An arevvS) 628, do. 35c, do. 41 5, do. Cha's. Simms, 700, Town for Salt river. Thomas Marshall, 185, Beach sbrk: 'John Baker, nflee. of T hewn as Carter,' 400, forks Pottingers creek. Same,.afTee. nf.A. Kimleigh"; 1000 ealt fork Coxes creek. 11. C. FoiTKK,ate S. N. C. July 4th, 1798, k NOJICE, PETlTJON.Tvill beprefented to the next general aflembly, from a 'number of the inhabitants of Bour bon county, ptaying that a pait of laid county be added to the county ol Claike. 3w R.C.tp July 29th, 1798. y f AKEN up hy the fubferiber, Clarke countTr on Howards Low. creek, one bright bayhorfe, about 5d 13 years old, about lAiianiU I inch.hii;li,a small fnipinhis sorehead near hind soot and ofFfour soot white. branded thin I"H, on the near ihoul- - der and buttock, appraifecTto 9I. ' WILLIAM 11ILLIS. L A ND S. BY virtue of a decrce of the diftrift court, held in Lexington, will be sold to the hjgjreft bidets, at te court bcufe door, in Klqunt Sterlinz, Montgomery county, on the 9ih tlay pf .October rent, (winch U the court-da- y for thjj.faKl eoxinty) and the three following days. The falej to cwnnierce t 2 o'clock each', dav; XM following Jraft? oDid, lving in the laid county, on Slate citek and licking, to wit: An undiviiti tiitnttj ef the follnjnj entry, male 1 jutrj tec 2iji, 17B4, to tiif : Jeremiah toiler, all'ee. &c enters 693 4 es on a tseafury warrant, No i"8,go7, b- - inTnng at the uppci most coi rer of an. entry of) t r f.T t ori-r.- 1. .. It. tht i.ima i" A1A.. . On, on Licking, and running with1iis upper line 1 5R4 i('.e, thence up Licking, and binding on tlic lan.c, for q.iantit) whit'a entry is d and patented to tlse said Foster; th- - one half being the locator, Simon Ksnton's part, and sold by him to general Wilkinson. Also two traOts of 12,625 acre, and ,5000 acres, surveyed, and grauted by patent, to James Wilkinson, February the 22d, 1:90; which surveys were made, by virtue of the niade January tiie 21ft, 1784, to wit : Alexr. Orr enters 15,625 acres 6n a treasury warrant, No. 19,315. hsginningat tlie upper corner of an entry made in the name of Edmond Terrell, of 1050 acres, on Licking creek, and running with bis upper line tile whole length- - thereof, thence the course conti- nued ?00o poles, tiience up the treek, anfl bjndJDg tbereqn; for. nuantit)' of fornjlcb thereof at wil be Allficient 't farisfy arltljpay reytbn short the sum of eleven hundred and seventy-fou- r pounds, eiglit fiiilljngs and eleven pence three farthings, with interest thereon, i the first day 'of February, in tile yen: 1793. until paid together with the ejtpenres of sale, and the costs of suit, purfu-ant to the said decree, enteied up in a suit in chancery, .brought by the said l'eytou Short, against the said James Wilkinson, to foreplole a mortgage on the said lands. The tracts ol 10,62 5 acres, and of 5300 acres, will be sold to'aciomnjodate puichalcrs, in small traft, and oil- twelte months credit, the purchasers giving bond and good security for the jurchafe money. A? it is a condition of the mortgage and decree, that 1.500 acres (hall be refsrved out of the 5 joo acre tract, for Chrilto'pSer Bryan, and as much ai will' redeem a bond, to William" Murray efq. the comrnifiioncrs will attend at Mount Sterling, on the 8tb day of .Cjrtober, afnine o'clock in tho morning, to proceed to the land, o lay off 1500 acres for Chriitqphir Bryan, and as much as will redeemthe bond, to Wil-4ia- JVIariay efq. William SuaDyxK, Q Jqhn Robirts, 3 James Wasd, r 3. Jilsoh VAVE, J 5 Aurjuft' 6th, 1798. !w T4 Kr. :;r, tic r. '"jpllA lo 11 the .:d dy ( Aup-jf- l i I79S ' ".d! atu'itd wi;h the c uppointtti by the county court of Sbrll.j, t,. tale t'iff depnfi-tio- n or depafiiloii.-- , as Ve c.ilc may be to eitabfifh the.callsin an curvmi,!. n the name of John Withers and jaw" uiiuuii mr uuc tnouianti a- - y. cres of 'land ling on the wateis of Brafliear's creek, near the head of Clear creek ; the said entry calls fer- tile head of a branch which runs imo the said creek, opposite to John Bai-ly- 's cabbin, and to iuclude.a cabbia built by Kvan,Hinton. I fball meet at Mr. Abraham Reece's tavern near the . head of Clear creek, and from thence proceed to Hinron's cabl)in, chenand. there to take the depositions agreea- ble jo an, act of the lcgiflature fos-tha- t purpofc. George MarJ;all, f attorney for Withers. Dollars Rexuard. DFSKRTKD, from thisgarrifon, ota the 12th iult. Jame M'Gonaglc and Elilha Cachill, sol, diers of the 4th United States regi- ment. M'Gonagle is an Irifltman by birth, about twenty-on- e years of age, lira feet eight inches high; dark complex- ion, long bjack hair, black eyes, by trade a cooper he formerly lived in -- Maryland and Delaware; arfd proba- - bly may llecr that way or to KeimicS-- ' "- - ky. Cachill 'is country born, about twen4 ty-on- e years of age, fi'C feet five in ches ingii, lair complexion, brown hair, black eyes, by trade a black-smit- h, has a call in his lest eye, which is very observable. I hey went eff in company, and took their regimental cloathing with theia. It is ptefumed that M'Oonagle will forge pafles and discharges for themselves The abovo reward will be paid for apprehending and securing them, or on delivering; them to any officer hi the United States, or thirteen dollars for cither, and rearonable expences is brough to this place. B. Lockwood, Capt.th U. S. regr. Fort Butler, 13th July, 1798. pAKiN up by the fubferiber, on I, his plantation, a sorrel hoife, with a blaze in his face, twelve yearo old, thirteen hands and a half high, Uas the Poll-ev- il three white Ueij two small white fporson the nearToro It g above ihe knee, a long Twitch tail, branded GS, on the near shoulder and buttock, appraised to 7I 10s. SAMUEL' PRICE. May loth, 1 798. TAKfcN up by the fubferiber, in county, on sour mile creek, a dnrkbay horse, about thir- teen hands and a half high, no brand perceivable, a small flar in his sore- - iliead, he has some appearance of tho poll. evil, his mmi feet white, about nine years old, appraised to iol. JftMES DUNCAN. May 17th, 1.798. J THREE DOLLARS REWARD. RAM away from tlie fubferiber February, an apprentice boy, named John fiillb'ieath, abeut seven-tee- n years of age, bound to the Cabi- net hulincls. 1 his i to forewarn all perfnns'from hai boring him, as 1 have a lawful indenture on him ; "whoever delivers said boy ro the fubferiber, li- - .vmcrjri'Cynthiana) ihall.be entitled ta the above revard. 'lt Charles Kelsa. l5 AN AWAY from the fubferiber. on tlie night of the 29th inllanc, living in Lexington, a Negro man na med GEOl(GE, about 20 years of agej well made, (j feet, 6 or 8 inches high, can write his name pretty legibly, and flails f George Litin : had on when he weut away, a fuflian jacket with ileevts half worn, gray caflimer' breeches, white cotton (lockings: he cariied oiFone sine fliirt ruflled at the bosom, one country linen ditto, and one pair of trowsers: he is o fenfibler fellow, and will no doubt attempt palling for a free man. WJioever delivers the said slave to me 3n Lexington, ftiall receive Eight Dollars, 2iid rcafonable charges paidt or Five Dollars is lodged inany jail, on producing the jailor'sreceipt. ' JAMES MORRISON Lexington, July 301)1, 1 798 V

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wmwm iwgfi"M

v.: vS C "O rn THE MUSES.

tit., .. .t fi .' Prudence,A p S.r i r.

T1T5 beam ot 'u. u.c'ar'd the day,Tit nj.i en cai It .n .tin-- , nav,T Uni'i'c ,)- - ("iiil'ii i B- i it blight,An', ill w is lapture ana ud.ht.

v .jut .) ltne cor, 'vrwcenme tress, ait. c . m i cui ies i.'i''in in eacn oreeze,

I ''!, To niin, gi ani' f ir,Ca iiii iort'. tj tjlle tlie moi ning air.

H t t'.-'-ks ta? rofc's b'nlli djfplay'd,J t'i ntcr by the liljv imide : RIlreves a lambent flame expreft,And to heave her bread; "

H i tall, 'r l nor thick, noi vet too (mall,

A .indium (lili to ivhpch wnfind, '

E a tilU, beauty is cnn'd:H.c'reis was elegantly neat,Mor grand, nor mca'n, but cornpleat.

Lvr, who is always in t'le way,Rei ' . uto.nakc tne maid lits piey 'Hi fa. e was ft ill witV failles bedeck'd,K" m mors icntle,all reipect ;ViM- - lie met the fair, '

(Yc n aiplu his artfol ways beware.)

Fair piaiil,favilis,'mv nam: is love,I i ! : i jo,, of Hie improve ;

Tv ivi; n extends o'er earth and sea,", Ar.tl eerv c eatijrs- bends to me:

I..'i biid that tum.--s hu little throat,Lo e forms tiielay, ;

1 e .1 itks and lieids, tl.at wanton bound,A u rt Kt a'.an the fl w'ry ground,T'lo. i alone their p.ealures find,I .i tke t'lem pla, I till each mind:Is 'en t'i" in .te sillies in the l.iVe,I" '.n ioe t leir flo.i.icin; gambqls take ;Ti c sin. tilling t'u 'harfy grove,line .ji t ,eiJ Ciiarms l.orn mighty love;'J' i; !i.j i, t'gerand t ie'.-'a- r,

. IV'i.e.ii; rai'd, hi o'jafures 111 are ;'Is .t.irj ti r.' i'iOi.t, ! o'v a'love,.Ami whee is f t'lof lovfc :

T'l-- n t'lir uvnij'i, a u go with me,I' i ove .iiilbee-ut- 1i.ul.l.igi:N- -' i)t tins all-- p ccious hour,X..i tis.ic fhoulJ rob sou oi' the pow'r.

TV nvmpii vas by his rhetoric won,A.' ', in an init.iiit, near undone,V le i suddenly a fo.-,- appeal 'd,ih; piefcnce made her soon rever'd:11 .', d.iiiifel, hold, it itiaigiitwav cries,lint ul'd Prudence, bv ti:; wise ;V. : 1.) .t me, love vou jo,Sc'i v en tuts, jiyTepilV'fs woe :

Ti. f'i'.ii's temple te 1s bound,...e soon your bark will oc on gronnd,

.ur vntue wreck'd, your peace all loll,Aii'i n a lea of tioiibie toll;1 .'ioe hsev'iy earth's charraTo iojt.i liie mind, the bieait to warm,To o'ini'h grief", to ftlfle rae,A. d ev'i v hcarttul throb atfaage,3i. ail thole jovs you'll nevei flnre,Di lc:s t'nat PruUiKH tpo be theie.

".JZKine, oni

A cert n Bifliop had a Bifcavan man-ferv- a mfYvhdm he ordcied one fcfiival to gO to'arbutcii- -

cr,who wos called L)av:dj lor a piece of meat,pud then corne so church, vtheje the liiihopwas to preach. The BUhop, in bis sermon,bringing autnorities from tne scripture in this

'manner: Iptinh fiifS'ltx4sTtrtmiithJiijf.''thnsS.J lalt happejiing to turn towaids the door,sJus servant came in, went on, Ani Tti.it f,ijj ?

Upon whic.ithe Bifcayan roared out, "HeTwears to God, tnat is you dp not pay your bill,jouiietdliever send to his ilibp again!"

TV TOTlCj; ii hereby given, that theJJN commiHionors "will-mee- t on Fri-day the 17th of A.uguit next, iita fu- -

gar tree, ltancung on tne oank otHinkddn, in Bourbon cotinty, wherethe roai leading from Paris to theUpper Blue licks 'cr'olies, in order totake'thc depofitiotiS of fundrypdrfons,for the ptirpbfe of eliablilhlmr a'be- -

m'atTe 'for FrahCis Bpfjs,Har-?-is- ,of one thoulbiid acres of laiid, co- -

veredby a treasury warrant.'

. Samuel 'Emm.Jujy i6th;'i7?8. "f '

: .' 1-- rTlpAKKiN ,,, hy the fubferiber,Jl Woodford cpuntya dark brown

.ware. 14 years old, '4 hands hijih, a3iil3.ll ltar iti Ufrforehea,d, branded oil--

the.nearflioylder IS, witi a final; belben, appraised to 5I. 10s.

FRANCi'S SPENCER.October 3d, 1797.

" '

M.'B. Tlie reafo'n why the aboveflray' not4fooiter Gazetted, is, thaf- -:k;. '..j. .': t. ',wwiiiuana) anci utiui; ismtii u l

atid.harbeen.lately got again. .F-


TAKEN up by the fubferiber,liear the month

a'chcfnu't forre.1 horfea-laoutlj- x

years 9VI, about sour feet sixinches hijfji. blaze face, branded on' thenear ftioulder3X,2uid oiuthe-of- but-tgjck,

but not legible, appraised to t61".


To l)s sold at Public Autiiott,AT Loan courc-huuf- e, on the

Vnci&Av in September iiexi,the following tracts or' laud, or famuch thereof" as will i'atisfy the tax,incereOr, &c. due thereon, for the.years 1792, o3, '94, '95, and "96.

Sarah Stapling, 2666 "st-- 3 acres.Smith slaughter, 1 100; 1000. Wil-liam rVpggc'too. John Holkcr, Sooj4cf o". tien. George' .ratliews, 4000 ;

40rxj 252a JohiiGrecnhoute, 1000;666 2-- Uichard Taylor, looc K01-bfi- ;c

Baylor, 'looij 4000. "Saninel.Coleman, idoo. Charles Lynch', 1000.William- - Ruifell, " 2000; litlward-Clatkeiooo- j

1000. Edivard Dovee.1000. - Wi'.Hasn Lhatnberland's heirs,AOaO: Saimlpl Cnlpinnn loon. Hirli.ard C. Waters. 5000. .

' f.- 7

On tfie following trails, the tax is duelUb ior 1796, only. '

nichardlon Boocker, 200. UichardWilfoji, 200. Francis aiid Tbomaswlfoil'j, 600 Jofepli Coleman-- 100.John "White's heirs, 1000. Peter DRobert, 795 ; loo; 50.' Thomas O- -verton. 1500. Joseph Nourfe; 1000

'Maik Vandcvvall, 1000. 'Rev. JohnHurt, 540 j 1000; 500; 200; 170.'Itjcliard Gernor, 1000. John M.Shep'ard, 600 ; 6qo. Benjamin Dabncy. 1000. .

Thsabove is a list of "non-residen-


The following is a lilt of lands returnedbj fbc'Jbsfijfs oj the fiver al cap 11 tiestt- the Auditor, di Ijivg in Logancounty. ."" ' , .'."",.Mitcjiam flafwell, 1000. Join'Ly- -

an.joo. William Martam, joo-."- Jo- -

lephvWiller, 500. Andrew Harnett,)"i jo. ocgiiiiionn Atnqjuig, 3C00 j--1000. George bTaughter, 3270.

l 'iSno.The faldfuill commence by twelve'

o'rlockvnnd continue for two dajs,is neceliiry, and be attended by .,

'Reuben JLwing, S. L:-C-.

July .5th, 1798.

; be expojed to bal(,

OJ .the firil day.of September rext,bclore'the cooit-h'ouf- e door in

fhuiclilown, the following tracts olaa-- l Lying in the county ol Nelfou,or Co much therebP aj will be fulKci-cn- t

to pay the tax and interell dueiheieori, f6r the years, 179J, '9, '94and '9J.

archibald Baird, joo seres, Beachfork; 300, do. Daniel Baird, jou, do.Richard Baird, 1 50, do. Mofej

'Hoop-wood- ,

300, Coxt3- - creek. DavidMeade, 2000; 5500, in three trails

Walter Wiley, 40, Kollingiork. ia- -

muel Pearle, 500, Salt river.'' Joftpheek

1000, Lick creek 704, do. Kic hardDickin, )rr iii'ifdro .ilh fltniK Dl.I3W" i.vio tjiiii, nci. 1 ill- -

lip Johhfon, 5000, Wiffohs run. Jo-nas Irwin, i?23, Salt riyer. William1ruerniveawier, 10000, nardins creej;;y, ..e: r - 1. i s 1iuuu, oiiiijtuiib cicrh. - ieiun ueiinun, ijuuo. reter uariana, rTOOO.JCoxes creek. Daniel Olaike iooorffnKolung fork. Jonathan Price, 1000,Coxes creek. John Btinch's heirs,365, Beadh fork ; 250, do. RichardBaird, 317, Buffaloe creek. Arch.Ba'lrd,"2oo, do. Walter Baker'6 heirs,340, Salt river; 460, Cosed creekJohn Clarke, 875, Salt river and Beachfork. Abraham Fry e, too, Mill creektHumphrey May, 350, Fromans creek,John M'Giinfcy, joo, Chaplins ifork.William Mitchell, 350, do. Wm. Pi-

per, by'B. Pope, 3600 Nob lick, southside Beaclifork" Charles Protftor, 200,Pottingers creek. George Wilson,jjSjf, Coxcsjsreek. Thomas Woodger,400, do. Jofephfe(Teries,'roo, Buf-Tdlo- e

creek'. George Brenr, 500.Samuel Beace, 1200, Beacii and Roll-'iri-

'fork. John Smyth, 600. Geo.StUbblefrelil, --500. John Wren, 400,'Sirnpfolis creek, Ch'a3. V ell's heirs,'6bb, ' Salt river. Reuben Triplett,"666" 4.

' ,

Onihejamc das, ijjejtlhviing trailsof landfill' besold to fatiify the lax 'andTnlinfF due thereon, for the years 1 702,'? '94.'95 Wdty' ' '


Charles 'Boon'; 749 acres Cedar"-- ".! "" " ""tj"Helms, 2500, Coxes creek. John

i , D. !, . 1e-- J.. V. ....,:.t f jr ,..--- . ..-- .

Triplett, 1300 Rolling fork, ReubtinTripjetti looo, do. William Mitch-ell, 7jo Goxes creek. Jphn Ray fen400, Salt river j .400, Wilfr.ns creek ;

400, d6. 47?,' Lk.'creek, waters B". F.

'jo jo, do. 400, Wlietheran ruu. Thomas Tletlfofd, 500, "Allies ctcclc. Jo


fcfph Perkins, 1000, Salt' river; 40.mo. Coxes creek. Richard John! on,

jiNECDOTiE: - ' iQ'.o, Pottingefs en

r 200, watei-- s Cedar creels. Tol.nM'Cafe, 50, vaters Salt river. JohnC. Owinge, 500, Beach fork ; .5op, do.Joo, Willoiu reek ;!5oo Beach fori; ;

Joo, Cox-- s creek. James Monday,Hoo, Kolling fork.;, James M'Donald,1000, brancii Cases creek. GeorgePrice, jooo, south side Beach fork ;

Ban, iiortli side Beach forki JohnBrifcoe, joo, Salt river ; 800, Sun fish

run; 500 Sirnpfons creek. Eenj.Watkins, 827, Coxes cieek. JohnFitch, 300, do. 300 Simplons crsekj1000, Head Coles creek. John Cace,300, forks Allies creek. WilliamSmiley, 960, waters SimpfoYj's creek ;650, waters Alet. creek; loo, Coxecreelc. John CrutchfiehJ, jooo, Fro-ma-

oreek. Smyth Tanady 500.David Baird, 500, wateis BeachJonathan Ptigh, 1000, Coxes creek,

watltan Davis. 2000. Coxes and Simt- -

sons creek. George Lanman, 15000Chatuille Tuttle, 300 waters Beach F.Cornelius Hogland, 1000 wateis Rol-

ling fork. Charles Huff, 1000, do.Moles Tuttle, 100, Mill creek waters.John Blanton, H, Sirnpfons creek-- ;

26, Coxes creek ; 20, Mill creek.Battle Muse, 1000, Sirnpfons creek.John May's devisees & Joseph Jones'saifignces, 67-2- , do. Margaret Hen-deifo- fi,

4?6, Salt tiver. Robert AnarevvS) 628, do. 35c, do. 41 5, do.Cha's. Simms, 700, Town for Saltriver. Thomas Marshall, 185, Beachsbrk: 'John Baker, nflee. of T hewn asCarter,' 400, forks Pottingers creek.Same,.afTee. nf.A. Kimleigh"; 1000 ealtfork Coxes creek.

11. C. FoiTKK,ate S. N. C.July 4th, 1798,

k NOJICE,PETlTJON.Tvill beprefented tothe next general aflembly, from

a 'number of the inhabitants of Bourbon county, ptaying that a pait oflaid county be added to the county olClaike.3w R.C.tp July 29th, 1798.

y f AKEN up hy the fubferiber,Clarke countTr on Howards Low.

creek, one bright bayhorfe, about5d 13 years old, about lAiianiU I

inch.hii;li,a small fnipinhis soreheadnear hind soot and ofFfour soot white.branded thin I"H, on the near ihoul- -der and buttock, appraifecTto 9I.


L A N D S.

BY virtue of a decrce of the diftrift court,held in Lexington, will be sold to the

hjgjreft bidets, at te court bcufe door, inKlqunt Sterlinz, Montgomery county, on the9ih tlay pf .October rent, (winch U the court-da- y

for thjj.faKl eoxinty) and the three followingdays. The falej to cwnnierce t 2 o'clockeach', dav; XM following Jraft? oDid, lvingin the laid county, on Slate citek and licking,to wit:An undiviiti tiitnttj ef the follnjnj entry, male

1 jutrj tec 2iji, 17B4, to tiif :

Jeremiah toiler, all'ee. &c enters 693 4

es on a tseafury warrant, No i"8,go7, b- -

inTnng at the uppci most coi rer of an. entry of)t r f.T t ori-r.- 1. .. It. tht i.ima i" A1A.. .

On, on Licking, and running with1iis upperline 1 5R4 i('.e, thence up Licking, and bindingon tlic lan.c, for q.iantit) whit'a entry is d

and patented to tlse said Foster; th- - onehalf being the locator, Simon Ksnton's part,and sold by him to general Wilkinson.

Also two traOts of 12,625 acre, and ,5000acres, surveyed, and grauted by patent, toJames Wilkinson, February the 22d, 1:90;which surveys were made, by virtue of the

niade January tiie 21ft, 1784,to wit : Alexr. Orr enters 15,625 acres 6n atreasury warrant, No. 19,315. hsginningat tlieupper corner of an entry made in the name ofEdmond Terrell, of 1050 acres, on Lickingcreek, and running with bis upper line tilewhole length- - thereof, thence the course conti-nued ?00o poles, tiience up the treek, anflbjndJDg tbereqn; for. nuantit)' of fornjlcbthereof at wil be Allficient 't farisfy arltljpayreytbn short the sum of eleven hundred andseventy-fou- r pounds, eiglit fiiilljngs and elevenpence three farthings, with interest thereon,

i the first day 'of February, in tile yen:1793. until paid together with the ejtpenresof sale, and the costs of suit, purfu-ant to thesaid decree, enteied up in a suit in chancery,.brought by the said l'eytou Short, against thesaid James Wilkinson, to foreplole a mortgageon the said lands. The tracts ol 10,62 5 acres,and of 5300 acres, will be sold to'aciomnjodatepuichalcrs, in small traft, and oil- tweltemonths credit, the purchasers giving bond andgood security for the jurchafe money. A? it isa condition of the mortgage and decree, that1.500 acres (hall be refsrved out of the 5 jooacre tract, for Chrilto'pSer Bryan, and as muchai will' redeem a bond, to William" Murrayefq. the comrnifiioncrs will attend at MountSterling, on the 8tb day of .Cjrtober, afnineo'clock in tho morning, to proceed to the land,o lay off 1500 acres for Chriitqphir Bryan,

and as much as will redeemthe bond, to Wil-4ia-

JVIariay efq.William SuaDyxK, QJqhn Robirts, 3James Wasd, r 3.

Jilsoh VAVE, J 5Aurjuft' 6th, 1798. !w

T4 Kr. :;r, tic r.'"jpllA lo 11 the .:d dy ( Aup-jf- li I79S ' ".d! atu'itd wi;h the c

uppointtti by the countycourt of Sbrll.j, t,. tale t'iff depnfi-tio- n

or depafiiloii.-- , as Ve c.ilc may beto eitabfifh the.callsin an curvmi,!.n the name of John Withers and

jaw" uiiuuii mr uuc tnouianti a- - y.cres of 'land ling on the wateis ofBrafliear's creek, near the head ofClear creek ; the said entry calls fer-tile head of a branch which runs imothe said creek, opposite to John Bai-ly- 's

cabbin, and to iuclude.a cabbiabuilt by Kvan,Hinton. I fball meet atMr. Abraham Reece's tavern near the .

head of Clear creek, and from thenceproceed to Hinron's cabl)in, chenand.there to take the depositions agreea-ble jo an, act of the lcgiflature fos-tha- t

purpofc.George MarJ;all,

f attorney for Withers.

Dollars Rexuard.

DFSKRTKD, from thisgarrifon, otathe 12th iult. Jame

M'Gonaglc and Elilha Cachill, sol,diers of the 4th United States regi-ment.

M'Gonagle is an Irifltman by birth,about twenty-on- e years of age, lirafeet eight inches high; dark complex-ion, long bjack hair, black eyes, bytrade a cooper he formerly lived in --

Maryland and Delaware; arfd proba- -bly may llecr that way or to KeimicS-- '

"- -ky.Cachill'is country born, about twen4

ty-on- e years of age, fi'C feet five inches ingii, lair complexion, brownhair, black eyes, by trade a black-smit- h,

has a call in his lest eye, whichis very observable. I hey went eff incompany, and took their regimentalcloathing with theia. It is ptefumedthat M'Oonagle will forge pafles anddischarges for themselves The abovoreward will be paid for apprehendingand securing them, or on delivering;them to any officer hi the UnitedStates, or thirteen dollars for cither,and rearonable expences is broughto this place.

B. Lockwood,Capt.th U. S. regr.

Fort Butler, 13th July, 1798.

pAKiN up by the fubferiber, onI, his plantation, a sorrel hoife,

with a blaze in his face, twelve yearoold, thirteen hands and a half high,Uas the Poll-ev- il three white Ueijtwo small white fporson the nearToroIt g above ihe knee, a long Twitch tail,branded GS, on the near shoulder andbuttock, appraised to 7I 10s.

SAMUEL' PRICE.May loth, 1 798.

TAKfcN up by the fubferiber, incounty, on sour mile

creek, a dnrkbay horse, about thir-teen hands and a half high, no brandperceivable, a small flar in his sore- -

iliead, he has some appearance of thopoll. evil, his mmi feet white, aboutnine years old, appraised to iol.

JftMES DUNCAN.May 17th, 1.798. J


RAM away from tlie fubferiberFebruary, an apprentice boy,

named John fiillb'ieath, abeut seven-tee- n

years of age, bound to the Cabi-net hulincls. 1 his i to forewarn allperfnns'from hai boring him, as 1 havea lawful indenture on him ; "whoeverdelivers said boy ro the fubferiber, li- -

.vmcrjri'Cynthiana) ihall.be entitled tathe above revard.

'lt Charles Kelsa.l5

AN AWAY from the fubferiber.on tlie night of the 29th inllanc,

living in Lexington, a Negro man named GEOl(GE, about 20 years of agejwell made, (j feet, 6 or 8 inches high,can write his name pretty legibly, andflails f George Litin : had onwhen he weut away, a fuflian jacketwith ileevts half worn, gray caflimer'breeches, white cotton (lockings: hecariied oiFone sine fliirt ruflled at thebosom, one country linen ditto, andone pair of trowsers: he is o fenfiblerfellow, and will no doubt attemptpalling for a free man.

WJioever delivers the said slave tome 3n Lexington, ftiall receive EightDollars, 2iid rcafonable charges paidtor Five Dollars is lodged inany jail,on producing the jailor'sreceipt.

' JAMES MORRISONLexington, July 301)1, 1 798