•r^'nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031266/1942-05-29/ed-1/seq-2.pdf;yp$^^ v: •••...

; y p $ ^ ^ V : ••• _ # ; ••••• •r^' *m •;.'. •*. ; r-." •;^}'pA^ ,: !T^'$",': v ,. 1 * " '. itipri^;iaiadi.giv$'iiispiratipn..axid. r.qlaxii- ''<ftoM!.-~;r\/"\'.',..: ! .\- '. .,-;.'.'• •;,:'.".".';:,' ':•.•• ./SJ&^exi , ''Sut>lKpni , .tlie garden, slipuld '•; ib^'f^ai^fi^pt' 7 ' fdr. a -te\v\ <&dn^rs_':-i>.y /••VgJa^iJgyltfi^toH^wa^eCyjB,-^ do'bl. place;, .... ; siway"- IJrpm '(Jai^sci ' rays' i'd'iT.;- the. '..-sun-.-' : •'Set'-tli^ait'tii: ia' cbbl/place at .ni.i'h't 'alsp.'; •-i|fe;eiy;tfi§ii si^jbjlefti^tt^"ifii , eah.-..ii , 'a'te!l;. .'; . fendia;ecjit.1&e.'steins.' eybiry.' day.; ' : '. •'.'•"' : '•^ioSipfei i i .''a4j^a.a^¥iiii!E5i't'-J&l. a-/'fine .art;] ^$%f£'dtite : 'h'est "pil, a:' prpp"er- setting.' ••'..' iS'&'k'e''•tSSe'.''aJ^i^eMen't^fpl; a- .batticu- ... 'ifi^la'g&fiii-tb'e/'Tgpjn.' Prober 'Tiala'nces .•'-.- %'.' ,; fmpt>'i;tan't!' 'Aybid' 'tall; 'v&ses-• aaj : a,: ; '•'•.. lRii^%tfe&med;.',fl;p,^'erS''.V!b6v,e .'the ;.eye'| •••'•,• fe'^l;;6;^ey : .w;iM'--afipeai-'tp;B-life'S^5V; : ',; l . .'';".-pge'-cpTprgi wMc'a-^piiibnte. well, iksai . . ^ j a . v t i e s i ' s e l v ' e s ..attd:..'-\yi|)li. Jt%&••• : b£ck; : -;' grbiiftd;.V,;.'%iinesv yglloM'sj.-.knd'.-oflie'lJ' Wife mm jfofr.fnW.'^bb.^an Ube ;farVii. can' h'ei£':irt 'the. ty'ar -MtWt- ist''de'sp'riped 'by.Wi AY, pl'mgaiv, assistant extension [itofeste'r ! a:t Gbrh'eli. ' ' ' •'•••• ?''".!, How ca-u'.ftierwobd help win the jiyar? ';,'.;/'; . '. " . : "'..- ; :;: \.-JMifflV*ei':.-^ue'l')yppci on; the fafan, if iised' ia .pla'ce b e o t h e r fuels, \yb'iild Release '.s.hips;.-.;and- -railroad.. ears-' new neede'd /E6- iiaSll.'ffies'e . ether fuels ..for,! teatispbriang- mHitafy; •'supplies', and S)fy&v.{y'af:;$t&&i$!S<.:'.' .'''.'•'.."'.•'''. iii.'' saying.' tiksj hped'ed ' tfaaspprtation SpJi:ceV£pi::i]6b:e.'- , 'a1l^;ut..\vkr. effort? '..•'•_•'•' ; Ans^erj-; By producing fuet '-'wppd ft.oifl'.'.cuii^e'e^.-tpps'-pftrees cut.-ffpm'j [•;safe!pgss'. and. deadi,. -.seriously ..-injured,, ;.|,&i£-§1i|l'p'i , 'ef?s4fa.'.Sn'a unthrifty; trees- not. •r-:, ^iip&pas^plpfs r :ai:e^est:in '^fccprfifeiitta^le.-ipr-v^fijefer-ilpg^ obx'-bolts,-' 6r' •:Bfers.;.- W e s . btuesi'-violets.'-'ana.'••'^•'ys;rdffier• Bteoial^m'"od'ucts;' • •• r"w?£ef;e- tbe';Ii^b't-.'is ; .'|i5@liteH.'•••';. ' ••• ' -._-'•iP^&^frs•;'%ptl3d. , ^e : 'combin : e«Iv.nat-.j fQaxe.di\r..^p..'iiPt';;Ci'4« T d.'ib'emV •' iet •p7ie''J -Mnd'fi'f -Hb'weir.a-iip. p^e'.'CflWrld^Jhaie.; ;. ilie-&ik.ng'etoent;.;':-.',Ha'2'e | iae-vfeiigSr;; . ''•bioolai&^&feai^,;ttie-.-:ba:se: '•&}"• -.to y&&8& $?&< ,' :<^^§r;>-^%^'.^'^>b|[^'''an^.\pa£Tfly'.'^s'ii ! i _ powers'., -ia'eaj'ei' !tlbietop.-'•.' "ffjii?. igiyes "'.baiS'nc.e ! t'p "pe. cphippsiti'p'ii.. Tii"e da*& ' ^ploysv psa- ippk' ;bMt : ei , -.riea'! , ;..'tii'e-' ! basfe : ott'ije^center; -.-. "...'.••.' -.''' ."•.-'^l&Biore Bb^ei; airahgements y'6u;j : .-zaa'l^eiTiSie- .better,'joJ>. ypu Svill' be-able ;fb-ao;^f^::jR.-<Di , .Ailen, Cpmeil, : . '"... ~ffr B;uy..W.a>:^*iWgsVB ; 6h'cii -r^' '.' .'.'^'et.era'nfei-. wise'-afe.';i|bre-^^ fiaS^ess;^lip'raej t&jyoxi aT^JmaKiH&f^ypxa'bl'e. pi'edtfttipn.sJ :. yojii-Mt4''T^Hning- 'ii'psslbli'iilJteS;•'•at-'--Billy' • t^6?$eai^pKp ;';pS:cipf '. : ; 'ge%mg •jp^giy-.V'a, .• ^fenj^^i&^ai^;a:;si^\;eafey> i .in;^ ..'63^1$glfi-Affaiu-TOiiiuei-• -,'bariieS'S:. .ipjs'e; .Milg!§lSfg i .'itip 'ibe,ii,feids ;ib#e-:*ai :Sai;atQga| . .&'c'e^ay••'ffd'm^';^J3^e,•'il'•4p^usust-fii;'' .'-';..' ,'Sr%^ Buy;;V^ar. 5§'gviri'gs. ^iir^s- T^T'. ' ;•„'.. : '•' 'jSflMStilrefi'io' 'tte- : '3nite>pf3s^Sr?2.6(j —•PluV'^ax. -' ' ' •' ..f-feRM« : .:>F : ilI«iHREP'.--. Authorized &$perfy >Servic« ^If:Sf^li^'"i^ y% : ; W^ '' , sff6'uTd/apt'..0i'e; -gobd. -ti:ees 'iii- fte'WQ.b'ai&Sd ; be;;ciit 'for fuel'wppd jitrs^Tdttg.-j^'ffinS'ppiita'tipn ..-space- is; so ;inJp^i%nt?;' •'•••• ..-."• •:/'-, ; : •Mife'treit:'.:'' .33.eca.use;- &'e: airplane. ,iiv kiusti^y''-needs' latge' gwatjitj.fci.ea pf ,-bi-rch. Iknjdi fliaple veneer-; -oafe is ; . .needed; ;fpr',j .sTiips : ,.;'. and'-''.. ibdck.pi;y',..- and; as'b- .;'fp'r- 'handles; .and-, lurriiber.. and. pulpw-pod' are. <n«fid'ed^in;.gfrea:t.;aihpiipits-. by ptiher'j .wafc industiie'Si-:.All ef these. ,predu,ct$' are v : o6tkitiabi:e''eifly -frplii: wek-forpied; ~trees v .'"-.. ';•'• .' ". .'.- .,.*..' Where-'caa'. fuel wPPd and other yoP'd-3a.Tid. ; 'p'i:6diicts!-'be u s e d ' t p h e l p in tliis'.'iwar effort? •" [•• '/Answer:'Fuel Voe'd.can be; used' ph fc!i%:-.!fia!'hi;% 'pla.de,-- , pf"coal ior'pil. '. In addiiipn-, iise pf. w'pp.d 'instead pf'.metal ;ppsiiv' ca. ! n sa yfe.i file' tttetal for •, wgj- •purp.Qses.;/-:'' ;: : ,.% r , ..-••"••••.'...;' ••.'.',--.:. •• . ;•. r 5',..":Gan a. -wpodland jpjyner ..be- sure, : b'f a. demand'-.for .'all -tlfe-"fiiftl. ^-ppd-lie' cani'iCTiit? : ',.. . " .. ,-. •'..:'• .'• •. : : ; ._.'ijig&weri' i^p; '-'lie-', shpuid 1 -piaii;'. .his ;C^t:so -Sabiat'-ihjB ;3iifii'S.e*lf caii;. u s e •->vbp.d; 4h..-.pi'ap'e ; .-..of-' ,p|het fu.els'' a'nd/JsupMy. those-"' h.e- kn'p'ws" 'he. : Qa;h. .sell -.to,. '.Tn' : ; .cfeas^ ; -aaip.un.it^ «f-• fuel vropei'-will'.'be, : M^^:^^0::stDh-i&. : "-- "•.;•'.•"•'. 'IA .' : |v.']:i|;'iMte.-':-p'fcd'^ and'."s&Bpciienit;-*hen : . burnin'g:-'-w:poa.'?.."'( ;,. : •Answer: J&tf.ieces.saiiiy'ir-'A. S-tSyfe" l^^eientJtek^p^ilbUife a'.^ppd.'rstiiye^ -ofc'jst .^.pmbiAa|ipn .stbVg.'may bei'quite; feffiei^A'.:.,'•;-?.;•;;..'•';.. - ; - ' ; 'A.'.';'':-'"'.•'. 'f.'.';fflcp^can-ths-.cpntrit)uSipn.Pf .';t!ie'! ^ai^fyKttfid^SiS >)pfe. iGOtttfime'd. .a-iidLliKj C^&^d^',;^g;'- '•.'•'..'• '.'-.-' '.•'••:.-.' ;";'..'• I'..-'.-' '.':' i'4(S#ei>:^Keep\bnt;fiTes:Ahafc^ po.nijee^'g^ffisiiRfeep. stae&?|ptttspf ^.e! !;'ii?opa : ^V ;ato3f%ave' yjoyhg^\j$riIty' .tfee's; !fo}^gptM^ : ... ;•;„,.,••''';', "..,_ ;'*,'•,'' '.'.';! ;'v V^ Buy '^ar-?'iy-i^^B6'ntis- i —-r- ,"-' . ^^u'Eiirg-^^efet^g^-rreahnp^ IBE/'feu^iicatlpXi; -OT'pn' .vJfcffftr' .tp'j-Piay 3Rii^g\ ;;||umai*;^.»fby-X'iSem^&t ;^ ,: V!?poaK 'Kin'g^^;Mtftn-aiy.: : ;is 'fejp'i&cinig.,©i.h;- i ;Rirteffy lbi^o^uJ[ali^i#BCTeVer ftpre-tMn'two; ;ffeyer§;' : -^sTi. 'itb' ipajftfcrpateV '--^0^6.'^ ^®fie- -&igW'Sbhnfefcs*' iSi.van'tipinreed.Jbi' jpjibli^Sotf ;by^Honiron Hoii's'e, fhfe'iagt IdlrMayil.';.•:".- •' ••,-.'' [:[••'.• ".' •••'' '' •' •'. "-rEa'ffc^Sfctur.day, H e n r y P a r k s ; p o e t ipf .•Nte^'.'y'prK eityi.'l^'ft.BbzenMll, to' •inte;r-in^liigence vb'rk'for tke Army, %eadqiiarieiang in /Wtashiiigtpn. .He mSl. -toe. replaced at Bozeniaji by Ed- -ward B. ifevfton,. of Wiffithtdpt- Sfesfe. ; New^6ir is ^ graduate of 5F6r*ieSi. •<jplleg;e,, and. Bpstbn University, -wltti yis: '.an'tii' ifeeently 'inTofiaatip'tt cterfe. at the Gppley Plaza Hotel, Soston, g student' d'f snprt sfory -wriclng-. " '.-•• :.; .Aappn'g; ..aintfer ,gtiests;;at Bftzefflfeill; : :dpjing- ffle-'^e&i.' Wgre E^ipa 'Meis&a, p| JS^nesbiiiggni. :aad QSk. aiid .Sffe : .-]^0|siae*'e^Sie1bbing,- rdf -OnaSwJ#:.'-ti3^,: j^De'iansb'hi- ;;jChteday, Gloria- Qati§2t&* '^je-menti^b02/-Jb'nk-I^w^n-''^i ifelrtdn.-'^ere ; -/gaesSs for f&& .pBi^ef- a.n^iiie/¥vfenfB^i:|c>f- '3<5r..-ana ,|rT%^3j^Tf,ei ^e^f^lfer < i^Pneli4'^gil; , .•, ^anft' '• Miss;' -.^S'll -Manfe ; -."'#es#ir#1sSie'b'atsgfe - -at 't^i p-B^ft&^aigion;'.-- ;••-'•'. •;. - : ' '. %^-,'B'u^''8iWai; :4^y(n^s.'B.o>;'<fs' r -rs-: . ;:;,; ; ii.%maii^ia5^e^;"toc|i- ; |aken'..-3&' fflia, i^t'epi; it^.«';.itofekSg;.;Trrft : ;j^B'; ao%!n! ; '-. '• Q- ; Wilien .is- t.lie-:l3.e.st..tim , e-.tP:'prune: .raspbel-ry- ibish.es?' is r . .&.•• JVT-.,. G-leiis Falls; .-'••- ' ' •; .-.' -'.- ;• &:. •Big'ht'a'Cfer harvest..": Cut-all, Old- .-canes:•• close tp the' ground."aud ia'uirn ihein; ,.T<hjji aiew'-eanesvtp 'eigb.t'tti a hill. . 'Pinch :back- .ii'ps- anai-hreak ,pft| nnd>. ibaim ftli' iWltfect. tips : during •'.the summer and -in••spring thinoiit sickly: canes.•and..new,sprp.nts..to-..8- to- a, ibJlh- ..Q; ; . (iaii you tell- iue .There rqonld- buy some sweet, potato"plants? A\r..H>; •©.j.SchenecEady, ... . / - A'. .-Lppk in'-.the. ads., in -any farm- |>eir|[o'd5en:l' iijnd 'you. - 'ivill' : fipdr ina-ny •soiifchern. grownvplants tpr.-sale; ojder. fippiri.:'spnie. .soiLtliern. grower. ,:Xou.' eaii- gr6#' y.bur' Own''plants:.•'in'.'.about -five -w'ee'.ks-.,; -JPa.clcsix inches pf. iresb, sti:awy; li'p.rse- manure-ia a.;'box pr : -bed: preset a; seed] flat over- a-radiator-and. jay- tlie'-.'-whpl.e'. potato, p'n .ip.ur'-i.h;feh.e.S!] of- s'ltnd, p.r 'soil and' coyer,:tvyb Inches?! deep. witb -gand or soil. Keep •water- ed-.;-and' warm 'an.d add- two' or thy^e! (iiidhes sofl ,to-s ; plants .Wme- up..-1 when danger pt'frost i's. past,-'pull or'] 'break-off''-\yihatever i>l'ants;..'ypu want and. set'' three., 'in'ciies.^deep^ iS irichesl apart, fn. four-foot rows', keep •'-clean-j -culfcivat-ed'and. bill "over; t:be buds, wlienvj . they. 'begin; to foiimt on' the.'-Mnnersv '.., Q.J "I; have.-.-a Ghayote .seed: ' HoVy- shpnid I grpw it "and- if it grows,'; what •will"'l ; ^e-t.?. Hiss--K:' E., Guilder land: Center. [ , . " -'.-.. . .'Av 'bhaypte,, '• (S e'chi u ; -m Ed-ale:); 1 spnie'tiiues. Galled-' chuehui. huisquil," yegp'table-.pear, miriltpn, mangp'-squasili.' e^tc.;' (is'-. : 'a tropical, :p;er.en-n'ial';'y.ine -that p'rodiic'es' a' -'f les'hy -.tuberous-' root- simi-'. •jar tp'-.-asd' d'fte'a used''like; a gdtiato;. and' •from...a'!fe\v" tp-' 100-pr'.-mpre••'p'era.; Shape'd'. : ,eai ! ble feuits' "a%out -ii-kse . au'd? used "..like,'.' a' sinaii-, s'qua-sh!- tn' ,"each'' : fruit"Is b'B©-.flat..se'e'a-. '• PJanfe'it in'ricn',.; .sandy.•'loam-, by • sebtinf. the whple fruSt''. i n f!be..grpund'vvStii the; tip 6f...th% stem..' end'YexppsedL .-iStai*b about 1 J^nttfey.-'Ti ;in.a,large/ipot pi>)tuib'.&tta > eit!b:er tr'a-ns :: ' plant' pUtddorsj.'-'aftBr danger .of 'frosti is ;pas,t'.or •k'eep-\hj'.itub'-'a^di'Mpve:.tiaek.; into greenhouses''- iit'ti'e ifail,.. iFeed'it; frequently fhfpughbat''. "fe|e : •ife"asdn , .'-.v r iti 'grdw's' , a-4all.'vinfe attd.-iheea's a-s't'uiyy'; treJUs'..'-for/s'up;pcirt.-... The;' flb'We.Psf'.'.a^fe.i ei'theri' : ni'aife •.or'/fema'Ie'iAfii.'Jbnife'.-te^^] pianis' jbekr ^.hpsp'.-pf, one •• §esl...'pnfy, : : s'p' it : i& Veil.to.have two 6t Mol}e?'pia?ri ; ts.;i it' require;!,' a' ipng-ferp^ing-'.kea^e;n>,.v;s6 : : ' piantyour ;seed ^6wAan;a''rusKij. •aio'hg..: Wuth. !he'at-,.''.water'.and, tfieqien'.t;f;ee^in'g.: \ : :M : "I/'baVe- some.' '^fitte.'.':Ii'e;g-b:!()i^i- ib'enf: ithat'haw.jbee'n. '^iff .sbiiie fegwji; -fe^ip;r,ns)'ijaii^ittt6r: -HKw- 'iSTSg^isUp^aj White t^gSorn rpos'ter Jbefpte i ;can;| .'be sure of a.- pure ' white-''strain^ 'i "wia't to -breed.i'h& 'hen's aha apnt, want: •any :bf'-the. 'brown' -blood in. &!e aChick'Si; s s ^:,:'#ens'i?aiis:, ••'•' •;' r:J :•" .'•. l •: -Av-' W^it;' about - a' ."^elsk; >tth'puth.- ttiKee or. four days -' i s . 'U$ : ua'ny• - tonjg; ierioiigh'. -' • ;' •".".', V.'. ;. '_•• '.-;.'• ';v:-'. ; .(: -r^-'Buy Wa'r';.SaVin'gs-.B"o'n'Ss--^= i -. reompifete-sto^R ;6f-Sp%a^;h6ey.^ :''#:j)£^s(-.ato.;:^^ v : tai^r«an-'cia;^:';; : .,.'"'. '•'.{..'•.;'.'•..' '.>.'.'•'-..-' : ""'!•-.•:•••.- , :.^Vi.''' .... --.. • '.' ''•:';'? '•"'••: FEDBRATiED &"HiikCW ;NQ^E'5, Pe'y. Ed^t..¥:-t)iB! l Ke^cEf J :'Efa'st0r. 1-6 a. l nt-©hUTC-hienooi.'• •• II a. in. Worship service. Senn'o'n: "^leaionali iDay."' ' '" " -' ' eOMMyNlfY NOTES ¥. immer s i!!if!ii&3^&o^ .' j^/$"«ix"'^iia"rahtb4d; ; PUIip¥tiirtji?j^e.- ^C|^JSa¥iirtkction Gakrarrttfed. : ;; lii|lii^::^l,W:-litt.: Tb>6 • regolar meetiifig of the WSCS •wfltt Be heW on Tuesday,evening,-June. 2j. ;st T:g& .p'dlbct in the Methodist/ e&pFcfr. ' The ^ottng; -Wpitien'-s 6-uiia T*nME -fife in .eh-arge'of -the program- ' Mr. smd llfs, 'Oharies Tnp'bs are maims to Albany- the first of t h e m<miA.' . '.'..- • -MES^ A- B- Wilson of .ibis, .^.lace, Mrs. G<j|:a , i Frea;6Fi.ck pf Schenectady, and ffllrs... fcfene.pePy 0>f 'To'nk'e'rs. were gsfistg of 3tiS. Elsie Van^brst- 6f isiiil- deFJand Center, Saturday af%'npjp^ s , 3Jfe. S'reeman 'Gaiusha as-.:XOnVaTe"sc-.' Ji^|pjiirt)afiy'.-clty'n'ds^^^^ : . - . ;'%-So^#d.-.-^ga-iapra : -' : w:as.-'home over. •fee.^elfc^en'a. 1 !;.: •'' .'•• •'.'". ' - ' t .;.3lTj.-iand',3«rrs: ^ i i l i a m , (McTigue of!-. •Albajciy .yiSated; -Miss ^fertrude- Robison* te.^tm'dayi' ' ' ;.]. '•'.,'•''• •]'•'•• ''•:; .'" . j ':.:!.MS.SJ .©fean'p^:'.JfjagM "s-fteti,t..a. fe-w.-l a'ays , '-ralt' •Av^e'lt.\wi'tril. : J(& - i l arid. Mts.'-J .Walter'vjlatili'.; - ..<;. ,?•''•*'.;-.v' •,.. ,' .Tne-.-HatoiiJton' XJ3fid.ii is.ocietiy'.of '$tip\ '•(Juilae'riana> Pi-fe.4jy%'ri;a^:".'*h^rpii *iil." ; fueet.j'^iphflay ^nfg^ti 'J&ne'i f,',.' a f t ''%?;• pbpnfe of - ^ s , - Pl'dyt. ISia&j."'.,_- ,.':',; j'-..'"; ihioittias '&|>|}es)'ana fMi: : >.aiiid !^rs,.; j;,W4}i;ne• i .<3ai'g& bf; p 'Claytb'ii"were .Sunday 7 txlifih^r-'guests- of .Mr.;.-ari'd # ; r$. G-.'G; 'fir.o'ym..; -•'-.'•- '''•;';^ri..;and-'jMrs.., •Me'l!s"pn. Van* Btiren o'f Ailba-ny", and'.; >Mfsi. ;ie'ske/Ma:&ias-, : bf; .^Vailckviill;^ -were .'Sunday Battery of Wi. "4n'd:Mr;&--'-fil,ai - 'ksbn'. fepe.^'^s'i, l^atMaS' 'Sfe:^.ii&i6n , g^f.!an'a'--^6V , .^^5tf¥#i-",inr .'^Iri^-X 1 ;^liil^ - ife SlajtHiafc. is ; .,coMii;e'.a. j l#oV^l^'Pj^'''n.o'sp'i'tai'. .-."••• . -...-' ••• .- .'• ^ffitfm'ai 1 '^S'c'na'ad't'- r^litenea:', Ttte'sda-S; 'j^hti^f^kim^i'^&ilt [Baatonv'Ijl'.i' 'ttfter •-a" 'teirfcday ••iMfip'u^';wi 1 ii s ';iis' ;3J'a,fc- ; Wis,. %vy •4hd: ; : >¥.r"su '9|Wai'd.; Sch'itadt'. ••':,.' t ' .'".fcAiW'^l^rW^ik^'•.;'"••. ,..-I wish tp.fhanfcajfl' thp'B"e.'"tyhp,-se,nt;.| ime flowers an(i cards;,fluniii'g,Tny ill-'- ness. ... . }.,. , .' ,:A-..-. >• .'v . . . . •••••', <? . ,r '•. . .- . Bo'crs-Beekfer ' } r^-'^My .wa;r $&yfria,i' , B.tma».^r^ lWte:;#n^'S^i1n• '•',' The' .jfse.; '.-piijJpojSprir-gas ji's'' 'a '..slnistev '.*'nd\ ; evetfft*-eSeni'';t'h#a't.ihj--te'e-.'Diie^e : ttfe w6rl;di.-..cfiffifiit!t!,- .yet Gfemi:c{# #aifa^ ••oE-';.i^ie);-:m'plsi';.;]'^Mes-s,,sp'r.t •'mirst '.Hs& I; waged- •cdns'taatly; '. : fe ; •#& ,Aiheri'6a'h l-'fai?meiv. i *|<aShi''t-insect 5p|sitSi.'.fnd'- afsV: easpsi if :Kes" is' : fo do. 'hiS^iMlt.duty' in •fch;e". .ilia'tble/bt-' jproquctibh'.- '•' ,'fius:'ido •ScienMs-t : s.' &§g' :'t)h'e - .#t#te : E^et'ini^nt SM*ibtt at -pfeneVji )$tei& tKp- situaiitfii i^^iti^-^p..;fe{fepts..o;f. aie : '.w# an!!tn;ei| e"6n]t*<Jl:,'pf;-'jests' 'dania^iiigv fi-uafe 'art'd:'' yeget^bifek/' - .... •-•'"•... \ '•': : \.;'.••''•• "••'•';'•.••.. : v:" . '"it'' ,i : s 'jwijiit''' c'£«fl*k^te-..'pMn^lB&My ; ; ,thjat) |h-e;Xif^»m'e* : M'ge'S! ; hl's vneyer-einVli : .ih-g ..'Sifcisu;g:^l4-10 : 'iie;ep': toseet'' amk ; 'diS^ p\1S'-6' "da&age 1 ^fhinV-bptindS-,.'.' -say : 'ifch"e st^ipn'^sftkilJsi,' wh56; cph'tiiwiep 'ilt.^is'.' ; e's;f;iHia:t)e'a* %M ; ifbe'V';na.tapn''g- ; loss fipni: -.the^eVicaijsgs.? lis /lthi:^e : /biiiiplL ^dblia^s- aiiiiittaiy,. .anjai'-any. ifiliMng;. oii.;ciuftailr- imeMxbi;'. -ppntroU pra.ct'ices ••^yili- -.a.cld. ^eaitiy4* $hfe-sum.'•''•';•;..••'•..;. •• ., ,"'',"'•; '„;yS!pi|iii-:- ? lEaft©e , S.' Of.'"insecfiicid'es.:, and; fuiigiQld'es -wili -flivdb.ivbted'ly' rise;' ,diir^ ^iwg-^'th'e"^iiia^geri'oy,--0/5!s-;'^'e. ppiniipri Of .the-.'^^ea-^y-ai scientists', "feti'd't'the &nV .creasfea^.-cb'sts^-Will' 'aqf>\. ibeX'..ttnreas-6nf' aibjp-.' ^^Bajfn^. Mp '^y^iiiiabiiity. "of-;.'.' .fihfe obemipafej;t3suafly' ; emi|;iisyed'- as.' ins.e'c-: ^cfdies,::%id--'iin-itgipideSi..Hyi'l'l Jb'e:',a-' far |; more 'iSnJ)tS:i(ta.n't,. .factor, >*hey- ;bel'iey«-. A^de'drtU'lIhe^ pf spine niateriai ; s! -Vyili.aisp 'ibe -iack' 'of ..traiisi- p'Ortaitipn 'ijjciljt'ie's. fp'r OEhei: ;in;a;t'e:r.iais, of .wiiicbJ M e r e rti&ty "'be-an-'adequate' ;siipply'.-^i'-p£ -'reacn. '*6l ; -New'.''1r.<>ijk' iaimCTS^-.;.^-/'/'-;.'•: --: : - •;,- •••;•''•'". -'.;. M-:'^e; v -jB^efiKiBimfis_.6J fcie.-feiStoo^ •^B^I^iild'e^V^iea.'-ii'ii'.- •^ffin-S;". "state r.'the. ^tatuis! ;p% :i^ateho)ie'; is':'- .mo'st a .'uncer%i ; n,.;l -)5xiE''ferte^^t'.s^:^y-va^iS ; %^n.'.'c'c^^fi^l 0Sm^Ms0ky^- arid./'thf i<u|ch.vEa^it< .indiei.atid.^vietbef "South''Ameia'catii; ^'tfr^^vp't-.^lfi^ftaterial, pani., suhply;! •ffi.4 ;S'etia^na;.-.:'is-.'--'s't'ilii 'prob!iPm'a1ti^ai,-:| ArspnlC''as":,^iighi?.i'b.ttt,4P^!fe^t^'tiife y^a*'s : ; :-npeds-..;Mil |b:e met' :.It'-is' e:x-: pfecbjdi/tfi^b iSiere will be ahv aafquatej snppiy-.'.plE ^ni'coSj'nfe'; <aiso. ; . )Sui|ur.,;'and;-;i .cp^e¥/:ic'o5^t!tfnaSi.^^r.'us'e'•d^••iutiif^;! ci'd^.'siipffld'.ibe.Syaii t&.infe^t:: r.e'al = | jh'eeSs 1 ; -ini;;;v|*9|2-.j 'Ji--' fact,. this-; season' l^i^er&.-feay; well; : 4iiia;'ithat.;l^bpr .an% ]eiu^m|fnit *?yy311v )p;bse?'-' : 3Srgi&f - -prbbJ^ras ihitf .adpquate'sflp^plies^-p^^ a^--.."'^.^^^^^^,;;,.•s'ay.- ihp" ';st'ition. ; s^i eBia/ids-fcS:; 7 Svhtfi jpivisefttbai? ait-] wbuld; ibfe.'.^^'.-tOi/aistapi^aJS ;needs^ivffch;.'>'e-'; 's'prep"tr;;itp;/ ;ip|Ss(-'|i»r - ^p^'. ?atiji( -*iflji|t: lejluifemfeil^^fil^flli^ .i#ll;pB ••b ' bM vtaiBe'iki • ^ v f e ' - ' i - " A^"-X-----1.,' '.••' , -'.' ....... -.-?*T •fj#« a 5*..« .... •-' J^,. . . ••• t,-.'-<^Ti. -.fkeepiii-i- .'\\fth-''Jil'&)fiioiiiaT |)a-y;, : -lih'^i I uastpiv' Ke'y; .-•WJi'lil'a-hi-'.a;,-. ^pnsa.'ai'e.''\vili'' ! n^y^.ffli:,:hJ's-'-sS»rapii-ibh"eM&'op.!.-S^h'(l^-; iStfayvSti ^ ^ T ^ s - i n ^ a l i e y ^ r g e . ^ ' ' . . , . ' : j >•; .;T?li'e- annual-.strawberry .siiip.pet' 'u.p.r-' .de-t'-'tiieir.ausiiic.'e^ 'b'i;- • tli'e'-,iL(i'ai:e^' Aijl : •;gp(Jiet'y wiUT}'4':c&nS:iMedCin^ ,fia,ll-.-bji yifSay'nifltti,' June.'4li.- ; • : • '.''5IK'.arid. JVIi's,. .'JPIIJI ;Vadne'y. JsntpiH. taijied; w : itli r ili;'famHy .plciii'Q ,?a:.t' tij^i'r; piiip'ihe-.bn'-'Slay 2 : |'.'. .'l^Ps'e'pre'Se'n't weise: '0vl and; Jl^/-Mber4- r f'aM!iie^' l ^iWpi;t^ "Vkari;ey>;-. JSKv^'rvy|ll§';: ^'-Miv^asud ,CjSsm.< •#ra!riic'• Vatcihey• 'aiid^-.family; ..'Bfelfriar:;-j ; iplJ:swb,rtl.i. VJvtaeJK'v •MSMen,-.''.^'ridge;';,, ; livir?. and''.Mi's.-: Eay.rriohd• ; v r adWe'y. aMJ Ifa-m-iiyV'. »i4:v'.M ! i'za l b'(|'fh Ei'i'c'k'sfrn!- ..artd;- . John';. EriptesOri:' 6f ^ t f e •'placp-;'-^I'i?v (ssicd \Mvfr. -pre'd- ''fteliy/ea,.-.-A|tainpftt,• ' '-vf/e're; : ; a.ls6'.- c.ailers,- aliihe if'adney. ,hpm?e>,'- : .--..., : . '.','• tMi'sk-'^eil'.' Reynolds', -ibf-'jEelma-r- was.; ; ;a-.-^ues't\'oii. Siituhd'ay'- a-t ; .,'6lie Asnie pf: jj\|r':.arid l lyfrisv''SiivBr/vm,..lE|viflsV?'' :;i fe:s:. ! '(Sai!heiurie'.'.Ke'erih ; pTte:''6f-^^ ;is':im;day ,kfc' 'tlie;';Bai-ls,; topfnei '.'.GiilleBS ' '.jMjV^fi^AyrS.'Ciai'fence HulBanplePf., Jl^^ , *^eibiS''$ul>sdSiy^'-eTen1ftf.'''wlt'h;Mr*| ; a^a.;^r&%, : Payne'i.. :>> ;•.,.. . ...j - ! '''Mf.j'and' iMTri. Arihbld ; ' §11^61: were TBceri'l 6a ; ile'r%'.of ' . » & a'hu' Afrs. ChaS/ 'Kqsfei^rit, (Jedar Hiii " ' I-..,._ rte ari^Jylysv' ffiminj-feefer • of- Sel- 'kliilc." ^bre iijecent :Pallers' of .Mi's. Julia. iMilton- f Ddnaidi Peck, "vyitb a nstfty,of frienas/ is^b'e'bJt.-'.tnp- Ve'ek end at (Long Lakfe 'fiSshiogi •.''.'• . ;' '.'•-'fl&Si- iFJibyd 1 Sriiith 6f <}ra;peviile spent the week end With Mrs. bohala; Peck. ;.., TOeY^estetib/'tFii'p; ia&partment .will siMe:a.-rqa%-fui;K'ey : \,|^ .June' 11; ats Sheparifesj; l^ri^^Sbuth./WesterloiJ ;Kcket's;.c.an„h,e,MirAiiaS^^ ^ i n ^ a i j a n i - f ^ f l a ^ .^"ta;tion-' '--.The -if^] iaiipi. ' j s ^ - p r ^ t ^ . ^ib.eiie'fit of "tb.e'" : - Mi-$' ^^ptnieii|-:pf]Sh^^5Mi,p'f Westprjp.-: •-. .'Private-: Au'ggs|iis. #i - a^e-, 'son pf-'-Jyir;';- ;and.' '^Irs,' ®lm#-VBlate;. .wail-, uride'rgpi an; bpej ; aftpn;!*6;.'^a|i# , 'ii'e"ed- hospital, W'a'shirigtori>,'l)'.;,'i^,,'" , ri;b-#.w^e^ '.'.- •' .' Pive-.-nam.eg-.%^v;e-ip6en; t d d e d i e e e S t : ly tp Clarksviljle^'jbipnor'.i-pll of ser : . vice' men. V^iteihani' .Second- Gl-arss: David ThorpplSf" .tne-U'r.S.S. 'iracu's and Forrest Th'rpp^p£.-|b:e''.Navai, Training- Station- at .^4%fipr.t.'P,;. t, •afe" ! the saiior sons of Mr.. s$ji!$foz&.. .ipb.ri'est ..'Ihorpe.- Mrs. Qakley ^aispury ias tbiree" spns| $ii. l tbe''sei^c£'..f3^;^^o^ge' , 'Qa.nipb>ll i j stationesd at : eam(P;'|c>ix.; .'3Pvt.' Tihe'pjdore,' .Campbell, Fnrf-.Bragg*..N. C;, and Fire-I! .maii John .^Dlpell'';pf the -W.&S,' Vinpennes, '''.®k?kWflie.-s.]rpil pf hPnprj| ,'tp . date "num;bte|» *'2i',^ni : en,' •' .... * ' '. Tier.e •^•l^||&;.-a-^|to1ili:ci:.jae.e i ting in the'Granfe h^i^t^feiafck'sy'lli'e Mil'June, .All: .persens''''.fnffefested: ;;are... *e'qu.e#te'd] tp:.'att.end..':^5;;'*;^;-; : v,;,Vv-. V' : '""-' : -''- ••! ;.;.- Seslie-' A&ffiifas,;^ .cpn-yai.esicin'g.'.-;iri| the,. Albany- h'o;si*itai ;'|6ii6)ying-. an -pp-> Ration.. •', ,T-"-,K^ : ", ?«:•'.'' •= ' . i ,..:"Mi-.. arid i^Si.:^fi6^fs;-.3p^re..«p;feei l ?( gained; *ith'-,V'-ttan*efc^'aWy ' : §atur%yi| 4ye]ri'ing..tbe-.':pcc^6ibn>- -ijpin-gVttheiT i&fchj •vyeuftin|:' annilp'r'sa'fcy?.. '...''Thfe' WtfeS't^. inif ci,uafd.iM'f.. ''a'riS^'#^i#l^-'-^aJis^iEg- a'n.dv||r..'-ahd;'i^sJ-WicBaWB J %0^'-- ' "i ,^r : s;''Jamps : :':M*iri!^ 'C:'X\ sehbpi. : for 'twbi; x&TS,,'?tiiit .../teach.-. : ftj 'Sputa Bethl|toenii ? itoFittg :th.e'' ppffing! year.-. ' [• "'• .',.,'•'"•'.=.''' - " ' V ' : ' • . ' • ' ,'•••"•'•*.'.! . iSftr. .a.ii'd •ar*sv'iC ! lai'ep;ce.'-Bi-a.'dy; '.'and.j -sbtt •;b£:-)Sclre''n^t^a'y I&ayie-, ,ibe'ie&vgu;es't^ of .M^rSa'a^'Reia''.•••''• "..'. •;.-'•:'.• :; '...".Vi, Pvt. fame's Msfcifc,6£Mitcne.ll : g?iel.d,| -.L. I,;. has:- -b'6# .^s*tih!g; -'Ms;., ^arenfsyi •Mr.-and,atr:s^ "Maftsjbrall: Auiftih;' ••:,.-• ; j ' •'. The apring vsuppep' of tbe CSiethodl&t ;c&'ii!^'-M^'-<b^tf-'^^'##.J-^^^*^l .were. Miss •&ua , ce* ,®e.iae'l : i'%l;bany';' Mfesj ifliatiiet' 'H^idei;,"; ^irf* '-Thomas"/ A;] Hpihies^aM:-- itfiss' .... &ia!'a'y's.:' SiAh v aeT.' v p'"t i ©yibiart •.;/:•:'•""<'/'}-..,!:•• ' : '.. : " :.';•!•;'.'., | .' Mr-$.' B e l l a /Glay'^pf. .iJ'e'iniar Ka's. b'^eW ! | sben'd}ri'g; : ;a <f|\y.'- : d# ter>.-Mrsvf Qiiiitpri' ^ppMtigiL:;-.'.:;.:•' V: : •:.:•., " .;ThiiS.;cpp^;m.uni'ty^^ >yas;';g^i'4yba'4p-.iiear : J ;pf;.tlre.':aeatiii-.'.pf jS^!gr.Jlfele'iaa^-a.^DU,isV •Wai|rpn:.p'n;,^t'ay, % at'N'eiy 'B'aitiino're;-. 'Mv$i.; Walda'on' -was? Bp'ip"Mig-' ; 25;' iaBfii? a:t;U;hevPAnglj'i.n ; n:''tort iho^bhi-S) |;.'piace; .>w3ip*e!,she. lived':^^iintil,;'.her,;.mar-.| i ri:ja^e''.t6. , -^'are'Vp-''Vy %, a^i3i'dH of -J.erichp,^ ;w5bp.'-' passed; :/away''." s o p e y e a r s . alp.-J •MrsV; ; '•^ifison• '"fes -liying. wftli; -h"#4! |fStep-'daughtei;,.•' MSs'i.'-:BBe'riry.-.'WS'ls'ie;;- jati 'Neiw .'Bai'ti-mpre',;'w:heye v iii^ fuh.ei'al. ,\y;a;s\i heja bn.'. Fri^aj'j- Iviay. '2-2'"a't'' 2'',pv!'.flii' jB'uiual -. tppk.'.'place.' . : at-.:-M ; t.. .Pieasa'nl;.- |;ceni6tery-,.. ''New.-'Saiern, '-S.urv-|viiig lii:' 'a'd'ddfipn t.p ..the';'istep'-'da-ug"hter,,a're '"a step-spa,- Cjeprge Waldrpn,.- of'.-••FeufS. •SusB'}-'ji'.'hia. t I£;bj;o;tlj;6*,' Aifife'd!'| , "ang'bu ; i':ji pf "]3^i&a/;. , '-'t/hi , ^'e.]'nep ; 1xe.v*'a, 'fte^;. ; Aar- pld:p£t&g>bufh,' '|tfaiu'n.ei-.'S;'aSarbp;r, S. it, i§ehite;tli - ^angbiirni-' : ' peimar; ' "Elbert' ;Pangp;urii;. Albany;^ arid'-'a .'ri'if ce-; Mrs.- Allen. Kniffen;,- Olarlcs-yille.' '.. •• ' Mrs,.' aS'dSvard,' Valentine ••entertainea : a:t4iyn:c'ri"e^ Hp|inh'eiig.'and',t.h.e/Missed •Mliaai''and: J-ari'e; BSluj-gby- "pt':-,.P.awiiri;g;,'...N : ;' Y., 'fibe.. hPiise'-.sue'S'ts qf 'MTs.'.'-'Hblnipe.pgL-' -;• •• : Mrs, ':Jbnii : ;I'erigu-.s'on-; is-.^confined- to ;h-.ei - .,honi.e.':'©uff6i-i'?%. ff phi. rin plec'tricai shock;sustained' while" using..and'.-elee'-,; J't'ric'^va'shin%''m'ac i h.iii.e:.. ';'• . ;•"','•'.'l\.'\"..-''•'' .' IVtr,..; and'. .Mrs'-.' Stariiey . M-Qrehpuse. a'pd Mfc%nft-MtS: i ' : &eo'*gis;, Eden. .Syire',, supper-guests 'of. .:'Mr;' -a.n.d'"^'si Earlel IJa'' " - " ;sibn ME ._ . . ., .,„..,...-.,_.,._,,„., tegraiiani'a J n'a'-'s l bns: pi{GfiaWt^yifleivfre|. ialspcaflers.- Sunirg:'^he ; ^veiiih|.;':''.% !; Mrs'v'.-Jennte-.HpIa'lfeg 'jhas .-'b'^Sii ' : 'cbri4 :fined : vtb-;h:gr'3fpnie'. -by /iiltfess:-fffr'-.$Ke; : ; |>ast iwo w'eeks.; :'.'..'..'•.'.'''.,,;•". ''•':. rx-},, "•'-'IVirs'; '.Fritn-cps-©afigb'urii: lri. ; 'Gbmi|'ainy^ wd'th./Sieivnegfieiv;-.'Kennettt Pangbjiijlnf. \it£h&M&mityi:•'£&&••• •#i ! sv; : i?plia.' : ;C5i'§y -.br;; iSeiinaf . mbtofed: ib ^e > *^...|8S3.t.flps'^e;' T.hrir:sda'y.,ey'erii'ng:..wh;efft'^ |<a;^^'e'Jd%e'.^pJne"''bC^i!:&'>.'@eie'n^'^aM' Pdipk;'<"-yy' '-A--r-4: ;.;v.y.'-;- •^•;.; i ..r.' ,;.;•;'••' '• Mrs', ' : M:a(bel. Jewell'•'pf':|il|a,pii;yiijili.' liakej , and- Julius -/Mbtzschinan:- -pt S'<ihen,e.6fady -were recent callers -at Me Sptin. iMead fepme. ;• - - ;-•' ' -..' . •'];.. •."'•"MV; .and- Mrs,'iEarl'e .'lia Grange antf: sons,. lilai'vaiit'and,-R'pnaid,.--were.;guefeig'; at/the -hprae' at•JV$n aiicl pis'. ,Kenriebu| j;.v\fis'.eribiii''ii ^.and, jiMantly at. -0'nes'queT .tTi'aw./iFri.'aay'.nighi-b.--' - ;••• .,,-';' : ' ; ;jH;bwaia;^6h|; of-feayeha w'as.a'-'gu.ek^ a t itlhe' 'hb'riie pf-''Mr.; .'arid.'Mrs.i Eugehfe'l] .Mpr^lipuse',.''S|ii'nda.ys,''' '•;'• ,;•: : .-. .• -.--.'•:.';' '•; -Mrs.''-.Ora.. 'Jpnes- arid daugHteri:- (Beai' t'ricfe,- Pf Albany,- w;exe .,guesM.,';-pf .-Mfrt'i}] a n a Mrs.- Stanley';;Mp;r;e'hoj.iSe,^Suhaayj/ Three pupils of the Storiy fei'il sehbpi who. have;. -recently ipin'ohased }.War Soinis are,-.IUielite: Sbiile,' Helen Secor and- Patrioia S'hultes. -Ariipunt. of .th:4;] sale ef stamps in the Unibnviile s&hbpi; is-'$235;00p. ' .,••••'• ; . ; , Mrs. Jack Pert and daughter-, SaralU IB'eattie,. have returned .freni the Mu bany hpspitah -• '' •.-:>•• Viking.'. &'plmberg , is- convalescing> frpin a tonsilectomy^ . -. |: Mr, and Mrs., E. '<L. Cheatum 6f tbe j South, '.rbad aTihptmcfe. the.'bif.th',-Pf-,:d-s ,dau^hter,'.lji : nda Lee;, at .'Aibany hos" :r>ii|l;pn.Moad'ay>"toy'.'lj,-'B94?.'"' ..,-'. -i '..MiSs irnia Seep* lias -been ill ,pf .-^ribpe;. "Missi ,.fecipr is ;at' p'rese-fit c'p'ijt rieot'ed w|'th 'me stUte' I'abbia'toi^'^rii; ,Al&njC']' ' "'• - c ' v '^''^•V&M$$i i>'-WilM'Sn 5 . Van Allen,"pf Deimar ;;i|? spending'ai'-f,etiv-''day&, at th'e'-VW&aM' 1 •E^Ackerriiaji 'hprae. ' ' ;• '.'.,"' ...'•'{ ' lWi% and'3^'rsi .Gepi'ge Bargy rind soiiv ;-Jphri Barjgy> ana .Mrs. -Bajegy, hay*.,, mpyed, ,fi'pin : the 'Clip'^foa'a'into' b'h;§l rp'arSpnage';'i'ri "the •.yiilage : ttnion ,-they; .i'ecentiy'^uj-chased'.,--.--"'.: ." •-. ' <• •'•';.-.••',,-;'!'! •',' -Mi;;'ana;4vtrS.jp&n : Ey fiines'ana.s"^mj felchard;: of-'Albany, were g.iiests at. Ehe:;] itibjeae-0$;,Mr, .-and;--Mrs. HpwSpd.^tt&f^ ^uh'day.-'.sj.- -..-:' ;':;'-•' ?• '•: '•":'> '•,'•;'•;:'"'./ .'.",v! '; /Mies,. iViilis;Jv'-Pete-pf' Bing-ha.ni.tpi); isl |;'s;pfenddng-;s;pifle-'-lt;itt^ Cipr'Sbri^'JackPerti' a-iid fai'ri'ffy.' : .;.'i .•;Mi'ss.:'R'U|rjy''g! ; iiay pf th'e ;.;Sbiitli>i!pa : djj jtaud-. Jp's'ep.ii, -Hogaii ,'"bf. Ai'banyi'.'^-eie'j •:intjKEjcied'-'.ffln- May'.'-2..' Mr;..:rin:d"'. 'MVs/! :Ho-gan,' : k:ie'. ii'vin'g..pri;Wpb;diawii'.'Ay,e';'i.! Al^anyl..'/. : '.'..•;•''./.'-'•'-.. •;' i[,:..'.;>:'':.;• ,_.40. .rtA'NGE'RiS...... ... ...... !'-, .• Wis ' •• held ./bur: '1'ait'- 'jfleetiii-g .-on,' mayit jl9. : ; 'Our ciub:.d'e?ide. ( i 'tp: jpf^y.'bjastf^aj^ 'a'^riS'ntet''th^e..'Clarks'^iilS,^ isr"*' 1 next- meeting'^yili' bPyieid,; J;utoe ;2i; •;' '•'' .' . "• ',.' ..''I'ryi'ng.'Mbsbefc.Itep'o'rtef -•-.' -'ZF-* f^i ¥f^k^SaVjnii's'.igondsi•~~r'. Sli lopefVelf ^ j j l a ^ y ; ' . , ittfue.-'.-is/eVai-h-'g ' pf. ;- ; 'ait'. .-inn'tja^, •(sqyiev ! 6i'op..-i-n. 'Ng.\y' 'Kprk-'pr^aiiaffi-'iS; a.a'tvp'ca.tea. as;., tein-g. far -jsjuimribr' ';tbi "ll^^: suni.rn.ee". p.r.;.;,fall •seedj'ngs ,wheri ; ; lin^Pasurtdr 1 n - /Jerrii'li pf.. rii^pge.ii;''arid.' forig^tfic' -maiier- :-c'prisei'!ya'tio ; h..' ; a;n-a;.-:in li^e'ifeauctiOiiypi- s'o'ii ;; a'rffl :)Wafc'i ! 'ips's'es'. •'XSi'jV ''and.. pthei; rpcp'm.jn'enda ; tibns pio.- Ifo'tona'i'd/.s'bi'l-pa^^^^ •^o-.qfyv^r^e.M'jjs'-';*^ '.fovth' ;in..'-'a•.b.iill'eyri-i-just; ip.riWls'hed ".'by- il|h;e-iSjate'i3^&riin;eiit •S!tatipii.;$:t-;:iG.e i ; ?npya--;-''.ori:-.- Sev'M: yeai^ ' ? a;riy;es ; t ; i : gat'ibn's. >by 5 Ri, ; i(5v /Gpilispfn'iari'di^ '•&• '•QaJrletpn^l i.lt'.-c'opy ''pt-. %h'ei' .%u'ti'e'kn!; , ^fry:. : toe' ; abtaitri'-' jea ; .i^6n/:i)e:qu'est-';tt-fhpi'^ ' •".' -JV"'.* T *^.'®^-' , ^^'^^^i^:'- i W?^.'? ; '' !! V?*' ' V-x : .vV.^!lfeliwiiSiii^fe, l^iiiv '.-.•'''. - .; ,,-iISpiv asfia, ^ i v s i . ^ m ' e r s d n -^ra1.1feriib.p'qjt. ^aijSffji- ft£"j§ew •iS^b;tta^'a';'%V*e ;! c'iiiers ;tff-;^feVah , tt..:^sv.-'^^nw6fe,;.-^o'nd^y... V.vPrV-. aiM> •pr4, 1 /-i^nJK,.feairgi&,.'p'f 'E-el-.: ; iril'5ia!,'^e'r'e-aii"n'e"r;;gfte"s ! b§ Su'rid ; ai' pf M.iV' •ife^.ii^' ; .^al'gi'' , l (pi..i!b'n^'..'•':'• "•'•'•' .- •'"••' j'Mp' h0'ffl*$-- pe^fr-^inri-e'. :'an : a.,so;ri ^ti'tbiev^&m*/tffKi'Sv/a;&niii^ ;^yy1h:itei, i'^'iMi-,;, am'd" ; fe^-.Elittiferi; : P v ;'Sp'h:g''caria ! ' iS^»..'^^;^^le'B"f..^'.. : Men s | i ^ . >a?t" Glen.-" jjjipfiit, ^inid:a^;. ; ? y..'X. : \\' ! ..•••'. •'•'-... j-'; ^^;..'3^jjr.ii^pn^'ip"S^Miii'i ';&' week- |\yithJ v he^'aaiifh;ter k't.HJmflfeniM'ari'pr.'. f.j'/M'iv. a.ifd; ..Ml'S. 'ftenfy , Bgaiigai'd-, pf Albany; -werS-, 'caiief s'. iSatiirday .or;. Mi;'. !l'a : n.q;\|V!!raV'- , S^i'.en^p-'0u'ay : .'J - ... ''.'•-," '• j, SIM-.- aiid'; 1fci<s/'Walter.. B a k e r arid', spn', fibi^,;' ana.-Mr-i' ;a!ftd.' Jifesl' .•fiiar^nce' :;§tiay-'.'were^guests' Sunaay. pE Mr." ahdli >|3}r„S;:.- Jay ;]|'aiiie,e^;at '.Township.. '' '• .-: '"-JM.rs.'.L.eR'py;.'Stewartva'rid daUghtg-r,. Audi^, ; 'were-- %ee'k: .eijd' -guests '• of/her .parents.:at. | Sch;ene'c.ta.ay-: : , ;•-.•. -;'..' Eluy' M/ah^ ^a^ngs.'.ife'on'dS' fjr~ •'.. 1 ...,- Mrs. Db'r'a .Shiilte'l .'.is'S'penain'g 'Spme ; v tiine-'.wi'th'i! Jiei'V aaugh.teiv..Mrs,. Samuel iMcfe^illP'ch •ariav'fataii.y.atvCJotioesi,':':'.';•• .;• ; j f e ' -and-:Mi's!- ' ' Tilacy' Jotespri'. ''a'ritl'' M-ii and .M-rsj -Galny-.-yischeif••'attended;: | ! £;K'e.-.flag-jfay ' e^ercisps'' i.n'l&l'b'a'ny.;re-: ;6ently>' •';•.',; •'/'-•'.'-\.•••-,' •;. .•';/•; . : •'Mr,' -and-.Mrs.••Le'en;ara:Shultes. aji'd: •pMid'r-e'rt..of,..'Stony ...H-iil *'ere' : f.Su.hday cyennig ; dinnet - uguests-, 'pf;.)Kis-..';s.ist , e'r, ;MKS>.'-;S.- .!.M'c'Culi6.'ch ' and . "faiiii.ly, '.hear;' ;(3'p'Ti'oes."" '- ••-• •••- ..';-. • - -;.-.-, .... •..-.,-•• ,. ! ;.• ''aps^X^pH-'-'Shutte^v. -.k'is./Si. MoGul/ Ipeli.; and... (laughter,, iieon'ri- '-\vfen6-: jn' 1 j 7 i$y: .6n : ..Satu'i!a;ay. ; .,' They'.':atso. #allted'j !p,n;'.«Drs.. MaKy 'Dtftp'viiJke .'whil'e;: f thpiie....'' ] '•: .MaBgar6t.:iS''mit ; ii-:pf:^pn5&gi'aer^ [a^'Veek. 'eii'd; gii%s't- a-ti.fee'.M^Guliffich:] faolaie.''.';'• : :;•-.'•'•'-' '•'".'..•'.'•' .'•;.' :•'"•'-,• •;'»Gpyo'fth^.i;...p ! h;ma^;'to^^ ^vie'ekl s'etit.' : icjiafetoe'ft,-' 'oji-'- .'.ip'aa!;'.;.'j<ya|r. .,'ppiiftoils' .p('. •New, ypftk-.'sj/ate ' a n ' pperatirtg' 'Ki<jn;'.for, ; ;.th^- deveTdpinelft'-pi! (i!te .Cull• manjpwpr.' of' .ttie .gtajtel'ii'i! 'ffife 'pV.esenit: eiriei'gen'cy . iijjri'der ..'tiii'e. ! |cWre'a(Lipn ..'pt. itli'e.'.^'e.'tvjliy}.. c r e a t e d ''.3>lv,isipn pi 1 flhys-ioai,'. •Fif.-ue'ss.; [of .^hifinV.i3)if.^i'Wn- .'A,' .^ness! ia': •d'iji'eCtoft:.. ,•.,-' •;,-.> .•'.'.'• .'•} ..;•' ;,. ''. ••',.'• ' 'v , v. ®he, - "divisibri. ,"V?41i,.' fe'Ve- ,n^; 4t& : ' b b - .-' riaetive: .,';iih'e ..,«fey"ei:P.pmenit pf 'iph-yslcal. .StV'ehgfhy; : ;. : ;'s ! t(iinijia .and : 'endurance' 'th'i'PU'gh: gfaotic^ cbiuiSes.-'and -comjetl-- .tiW.J-'evreijts ^.'-.iajijpiqn'g',: .' in'e*.e-gi&t^i;ed;:. y.oiith','-• .•iegisiianis,' Spr .-ith'e;; •'.ai'ny^d .' fprces, wk'rtn'd'usti'y'-.'iyby-kgrs, aj)a, ! divil-..; , ian; ipi'.bteetiq.n.' 'w-prkei'Sy. G'e;';biEic i ates- : : ; WiHr ibe;-'igrant§a-':'.'l'bi ; ; ' .'the- -..sa ti'&l'a'ctpr.y ;c6nipletio.n'.pf(c.oin's'es, . .-, - 1 --.,.,,.. ,.' Jn. .sire's sirigi.tiiip.: J aipo'v ta n ce" tp' the -' ,'prpfMni -fe'the 'siajtes',^ i iv i ai: 'el'f6ift' : <3-Q-v--'• •ernpi: .fceihrii'at-'Svrptef. :'!T.h.e''.ulfj-inat©'- : ;su'c'.c.is% -.pf. any-S-atipajart; :ty:a : r. ^f^fiiiiiH- '"a-it^OfOE i|'s-jp'eppip.;-. Wh.e'fb'et ••.they.' b'p "engfge'a•':&:•-the'#rm'0 : d- fpiic'es,:'in .ffie ^vp%odibu-'o.f-'iv:af- mtel^i^-'dV-.in^/lSie •' ig'rot'eptioii.;bf j.;oiir'.-c'iyi-lVaii,••po..p'Ul,!ij:'.'i^n, pur'..p'epp',:i'e'-.; iiraslt ',pe . ; p)h'y&icafly %t—; ;'tih'at. 'i|; • .'s^i^ng/'aJna.-jabie. itp 'ieftdU re," .-' - 'T.h'e , >]!(i^sro'nV.o , f;'^ysite^.,.Fiitnys!'S..' is. : -chki'-gjeidyyritti ,the-.'.fuiict;ip'h. : '.of-: ''piffn'izr' fk&-'\ diireeting, ,''.:.ah'd ; «ii'bei'Vi.si ; ng' •. ffctie. |,,Stat;e"-V?-ai-..OOuacj'Rs-^rpgiani;-' Of ;ac-- 'tisfi't'ies 1 f'Q.'r'.ist#piri;g,-u:p, '..the:'; develop-' ••meniif .vkn::av'''.'&iuE,tenanee.; cf"'"'agility, | : sk:.ength,': s't'ifeiria-,-- eridur'ancp, c'ou.i ! ,a ! 'gp- |: .and : '.m()i'iai;e''Ihfou.sh'motor, sfail is-i .fylia•• •prbgram'.vv'iili pfej I'-ftiTgOtbry. -.IDelpiftis.";, ?arid .staff ^assisted ,'by .a-•Sjt&.tp..^a'VisOfy 'GP'nimi'ttee.,'a'p- ppintea tiy- : t'hte ©ovei'hPr,.-'. ©h-ris'tbiiher ' 'Gv'-iMoWeli.haper-.'o.f ©rioofclyri is' chair- njanpf itjhis; committee.' •"-' '• lipcaily,'' the'.. physical Fitniess ,P.ro- ^rani. "ppebates. ",dVi!pni,.':. i th'e.;.'i>fity SLI&L: 'county "yrbjv. Icbu'riPil fh'fough'' its' -'KLvi: .S'ib'ri' pf j?iiysjoa.l.;!iri'tnfes's(v..and."-'-wi't'li- (bite - .help; -;b'f., ; .a'--'-local- -'.advlspry'. 'cprhniittbe; fpi#'.'id.ea.l' ..war--.epuhpil's-' ..program'- .... coV: •operates. •' with,.- '.icoOr'ajnates.,-' simple-' m'eh'ts.,.'-and''•'"expands" jblle" phys'icaii .'fit- •raess;-efforts-arid actiyitte's-' of.-all;.agen- cies' arid' -organizations•'. e.xisting'-in the epmmuriify!-,••.'</.. •.'.''.•.•.• , ' . ' ' . ' )\'-.:'-' ', ."•.r^-r-T, Buy'VV'af'.•S.ayirjg's BBfi'ds r-^i ', -Amii>l«- "ie'dirie- s H o i i l d ' ^ e -.vprpvfdea fri. tile diet- of ^;.|:rowing'^by.piv'sirl-.. '• .Sea f pod .is.'an- «iece]4en't- : s^ui: - 6e';. 'also fajBTe - - -salt,, to,- Tyhieh. iod.irie »is 'addeft/.' i a y s , '•eprnell.' ;.%lleti^',E-tiS0'''. "The-- "Mole's-'; ceint:, Phy^itai: .^ey.eip'p'n)pn.t:'.';; For a. ,&ep .A'cbpy, : M£yr'". Ypfk '.'.re'sfdeifts ; niay' sb-nd-ii :jpib!s'tc,ard. :tp QSijc'e-'-pf 'PaplicV,,, tipn,. Rpljerfe Mail. 'Kliaca:, ,'Sk. % ••" '-.;' W ! 0^^^''0f0^:'jPiKt^r : 'fijbfy .;p?tJ:iiiE:i.^. .M,|R£»i;>#hJE'.^jg#^t%-.' Lead Zinc Pigment f ; » .- -.:.,-.-..irwAWSFBRRE'D. ^P^ev. JiiutheY' & '-'P^ttbi},-^ -whe .vwa^: iassteh^'Sfb-'Ahy'^i^tto'' Methbdi^'t' bliur^bf.'ibjt.-i'tife Wby /G.bnfei^en'ce'^ 'lia>t! ^Bee'n'.a^pcf'intef ft^''fne-.'disitri'bt- supetej, 'inifeMdenVitp'"flll'•£'vabari# -at .Pj,tlts-;| iie^,:mm. •'.' i^i/^'sP^ttbrij^will;! pje^cli his.' last .Serinpb; herb Sunday,; .Rev/Kenneth Beatty MftS .been, named, •to ,iir ithe \Mati.$, afc ©elahspn,., and^ •^iil-Vconduct y hi»'.''firSf. Service here; JWe, 7.;-; "'•/":"•'. ; / : ~*•:••-•'..; .'•'.-/.-' •..' I'^ifr',' m$ -gpsT ;:: Gnaijib6:'B>'. -iJbp-raff- *aM Elniei-Weiflh -bf -Amsterdam, Mj* ana'-'.'i^i'ff^-'feiVia-iii-'-.^!). •• Waddfll;-' iMi'sv, fliiteti^-MttSn'v *f' '^ariafijle; :'ve^e "gftests of"(MJr-.-afrdHm^r£• ? rai f«?v " ; JWb,..|Bta%l--'Stt-tttt of .Schenectady ^ S f t e d ^ r l»aTen't&;;:Mi'.,'^id .Mrfr;- Her-;. 'iMk Vrohia'iii.-Suii'dKyv'l -. .•.•:•.'" '.,.; '; : : baS«eenl*ue'»|;!of' | M«S *»r0tiiy Vl<? " ! •man-,.- '•..'•" -.•••.',..",.. - ','.. '.. iBasfpv.Garbbhate, .AA/hitjs. Lead., ,1|,%j ^"^i^'htu^..'J^'agb^M'i'iA : A' : . •«.,'. '•..'• '•'. -tl?.^:! . $itlfnium"proxi'de .";. ';".' ... f pi5$J. ! •mst^mngm Eu.ce, ; ;!il'e,ajt;-jri^itedj\ .,.».-^,' r-'-.Lln.se^d*';'0)i;-i 1 .'.-.'.-.^,';'..'. '.\. Japari Drief Jand Thinner -•••' '--",•.;• :• -.'---^Pp-^iWv'. 1 -'-.'/-' '-'•- ".'-:'' '•-.'. i 'Nb'F ; !'Nfe«"'--PW i Hli$I!A#ESA!P : -AtfiVlP:feICE; : 79% : Oio'^' M l^ffi$$0gB$£!it'-> £ : ij& : -fcjii^'' SCHENECTADY LATHAMS, N, Y .-.f !•' i^HM^ 1U-JT-1 ' Mfe-THODIS* ^ t i R G f j WQtES ;.'. 'Rpv* '.'Dau-rerice' tStafr.,:ijyas'toi'i"'.' ' '.,'.Sdnday,-^y',;3l ; st':;' - •• '•"' •''•'"•' \.M.-\'%•-•'•• !&•' .•'••Serriibn, -.Elecbipn ofj: :Qff'iceF^\-{b.tioii{rJii'&':..bhu^c^:. . s e i ' v i c e . ' ' " ' /••". ;,c6TAM&Mj'y( : !M*>TE4. .-' •... ' .•':Sttfid&y--.gi^e^...p^#i r .;"afta.i'..^S:s. i '#;: 'iOhTrysiei; -.Iwet'e• MrV,;and,'IMfs. #ioy;d| iChifysier 'of/- Schenectady, oMr.8.: GbVit' Bfadt. : aha'"Mrr; •aria^lMfs;-'Fi'ea'Bradtl ibd'-sbSiyMaynard', >6f' iJela'ri'S'bb'....' :'\' ; -..Mh;and'^fr'sv•Jbli'n-i&%&&'sb;ent-Suh-l! 'day nW'th-^Mfc-an'd--Mi's:•i^rb'ld'''Oi i iu ? pi| ktid Wrz.,faiL-nk B^ffdo.dt.'abbe's-teCill.il .',, :"ViyM' ^hainplbtf s;pent';.Suriaay/\y!'th.l| jtfiss 'paulide Norman> . '. ;•; "••': ••'.' ;(i ' -V'bi'jabn; ^^rhfer ''ifias. .bben Reining i ibis.-4aunt, Mi's;: Charlie Triiax... of iKriox.' ' .-iMildi'ed K e n d o spbn.t';S'at\ii'.day^^ift'eiv •n66n^':with v >M'r». A;' 'Gliappeil. •of:.8<$& ne.ct'ady<'''-- ':'-,,•';.'-,„• ...—- B)iy War S«vin%» Bonflt -— Adyertise in tlieJBriteripriiie. iriM^^ ••Smmim^m t; ^'itefo^d^K^sl^^ Fartn in Oregdn, ahd are 275-egg birds and over 306-egg icpijl&rcls;. TJh© |>en*ha.^:wo» flbe M%'^rld¥^efojrd,'|s' ^^fD&^kn^rtiQn.'ltt %ir-^nii;-' v :. , :;-;v-^-cU- 1 ..•'.••:.'.• fei^::.!^^^ed:' 1 ••-• OWR REDS ^lj'E;.F«d.W'''W6R / |L i t»- : ftEC'OR'b'^RAIN &i-R-E&f v;•,;'. : FRbM^R'jy|l:|^fR,F^A ; R"|V);S^'\•, ; - •.'...'"'"'"''• '<y]^/^W%•P^^fl^J^FHEk.-:•••'y f0i)i^^^LB'i.^. : one Delmar 9-1244 ;. : / : '.' gans ROtJTB8^ §m$$L •j^ykUv^ ye*«2^35*#sBae««^ si -# t*,.*:,^ .«-_>*„, - •** #- ,.•- J?-jr* ff,-^ }j& t -• V > '-',- i-^fr^a^

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Page 1: •r^'nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031266/1942-05-29/ed-1/seq-2.pdf;yp$^^ V: ••• • • _ •r^' *m •;.'. •*. ; r-." •;^}'pA^,:!T^'$",':v,. •1*" '. itipri^;iaiadi.giv$'iiispiratipn..axid

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'. itipri^;iaiadi.giv$'iiispiratipn..axid. r.qlaxii-• ''<ftoM!.-~;r\/"\'.',..:!.\- '. .,-;.'.'• •;,:'.".".';:,' ':•.•• ./SJ&^exi,''Sut>lKpni,.tlie garden, slipuld '•; ib^'f^ai^fi^pt '7 ' fdr . a -te\v\ <&dn rs_':-i>.y

/••VgJa^iJgyltfi^toH^wa^eCyjB,-^ do'bl. place;, ....; siway"- IJrpm '(Jai^sci ' rays' i'd'iT.;- the. '..-sun-.-' : •'Set'-tli^ait'tii: ia' cbbl/place a t .ni.i'h't 'alsp.'; •-i|fe;eiy;tfi§ii si^jbjlefti^tt^"ifii,eah.-..ii,'a'te!l;.

.'; . fendia;ecjit.1&e.'steins.' eybiry.' day . ; ' : '. •'.'•"' :'• ioSipfeiii.''a4j a.a^¥iiii!E5i't'-J&l. a-/'fine .art;]

^$%f£'dtite:'h'est "pil, a:' prpp"er- sett ing. ' ••'..' iS'&'k'e''•tSSe'.''aJ^i^eMen't^fpl; a- .batticu-... 'ifi^la'g&fiii-tb'e/'Tgpjn.' • Prober 'Tiala'nces

• .•'-.- %'.',;fmpt>'i;tan't!' 'Aybid' 'tall; 'v&ses-• aaj:a,:; '•'•.. lRii^%tfe&med;.',fl;p,^'erS''.V!b6v,e .'the ;.eye'| •••''•,• fe'^l;;6;^ey: .w;iM'--afipeai-'tp;B-life'S^5V;:',;l.

.'';".-pge'-cpTprgi wMc'a-^piiibnte. well, iksai . . j a .v t ies i ' se lv 'es ..attd:..'-\yi|)li. Jt%&•••:b£ck;: -;' grbiiftd;.V,;.'%iinesv yglloM'sj.-.knd'.-oflie'lJ'

Wife mm • j f o f r . f n W . ' ^ b b . ^ a n Ube ;farVii. can' h'ei£':irt 'the. ty'ar -MtWt- ist''de'sp'riped 'by.Wi AY, pl'mgaiv, a ss i s t an t extension [itofeste'r !a:t Gbrh'eli. ' ' ' •'•••• • ?''".!, How ca-u'.ftierwobd help win the jiyar? ' ; , ' . ; / ' ; . '. " .:"'..-;:;: \.-JMifflV*ei':.-^ue'l')yppci on; the fafan, if i ised' i a .pla'ce b e o t h e r fuels, \yb'iild Release '.s.hips;.-.;and- -railroad.. ears-' new neede'd /E6- iiaSll.'ffies'e . e ther fuels ..for,! teatispbriang- mHitafy; •'supplies', and S)fy&v.{y'af:;$t&&i$!S<.:'.' .'''.'•'.."'.•'''.

iii.'' saying. ' tiksj hped'ed ' t faaspprtat ion SpJi:ceV£pi::i]6b:e.'-,'a1l^;ut..\vkr. effort? '..•'•_•'•' ; Ans^erj- ; By producing fue t '-'wppd ft.oifl'.'.cuii^e'e^.-tpps'-pftrees cut.-ffpm'j

[•;safe!pgss'. and. deadi,. -.seriously ..-injured,, ;.|,&i£-§1i|l'p'i,'ef?s4fa.'.Sn'a unthrifty; trees- not.

•r-:, ^ i i p&pas^p lp f s r : a i : e^e s t : i n '^fccprfifeiitta^le.-ipr-v^fijefer-ilpg^ obx'-bolts,-' 6r' •:Bfers.;.- W e s . btuesi'-violets.'-'ana.'••'^•'ys;rdffier• Bteoial^m'"od'ucts;'

• •• r"w?£ef;e- tbe';Ii^b't-.'is;.'|i5@liteH.'•••';. '••• ' -._-'•iP^&^frs•;'%ptl3d., ^ e :'combin:e«Iv.nat-.j • fQaxe.di\r..^p..'iiPt';;Ci'4«Td.'ib'emV •' i e t •p7ie''J -Mnd'fi'f -Hb'weir.a-iip. p^e'.'CflWrld^Jhaie.;

;. ilie-&ik.ng'etoent;.;':-.',Ha'2'e |iae-vfeiigSr;; . ''•bioolai&^&feai ,;ttie-.-:ba:se:'•&}"• -.toy&&8& $?&< ,' :<^^§r;>-^%^'.^'^>b|[^'''an^.\pa£Tfly'.'^s'ii!i _ powers'., -ia'eaj'ei' !tlbie top.- '•.' "ffjii?. igiyes "'.baiS'nc.e !t'p "pe. cphippsiti'p'ii.. Tii"e da*&

' • ^ploysv psa- ippk' ;bMt:ei,-.riea'!,;..'tii'e-'!basfe:

• ot t ' i je^center ; -.-. "...'.••.' - . ' ' ' ."•.-'^l&Biore Bb^ei ; a i rahgements y'6u;j :.-zaa'l^eiTiSie- .better,'joJ>. ypu Svill' be-able ;fb-ao;^f^::jR.-<Di ,.Ailen, Cpmeil, :.

• '"... ~ffr B;uy..W.a>:^*iWgsVB;6h'cii - r ^ ' '.'

.'.'^'et.era'nfei-. wise'-afe.';i|bre-^^ fiaS^ess;^lip'raej t&jyoxi aT^JmaKiH&f^ypxa'bl'e. pi'edtfttipn.sJ

:. yojii-Mt4''T^Hning- 'ii'psslbli'iilJteS;•'•at-'--Billy'

• t^6?$eai^pKp ;';pS:cipf'. :;'ge%mg •jp giy-.V'a, .• ^fenj^^i&^ai^;a: ;si^\ ;eafey> i . in;^ ..'63^1$glfi-Affaiu-TOiiiuei-• -,'bariieS'S:. .ipjs'e; • .Milg!§lSfgi.'itip 'ibe,ii,feids ;ib#e-:*ai :Sai;atQga| . .&'c'e^ay••'ffd'm^';^J3^e,•'il'•4p^usust-fii;'' .'-';..' ,'Sr%^ Buy;;V^ar. 5§'gviri'gs. ^iir^s- T^T'. ' ;•„''..

: '•' 'jSflMStilrefi'io' 'tte-:'3nite>pf3s^Sr?2.6(j

—•PluV'^ax. - ' ' '

•' ..f-feRM«:.:>F:ilI«iHREP'.--.

Authorized &$perfy >Servic«

^If:Sf^li '"i^

y%:; W ^ '',sff6'uTd/apt'..0i'e; -gobd. -ti:ees 'iii- fte'WQ.b'ai&Sd ;be;;ciit 'for fuel 'wppd jitrs^Tdttg.-j^'ffinS'ppiita'tipn ..-space- is; so ; i n J p ^ i % n t ? ; ' • ' • • • • . . - . " • • : / ' - ,

; : •Mife'treit:'.:'' .33.eca.use;- &'e: airplane. ,iiv kiusti^y''-needs' la tge ' • gwatjitj.fci.ea pf ,-bi-rch. Iknjdi fliaple veneer-; -oafe is;. .needed; ;fpr',j .sTiips:,.;'. and'-''.. ibdck.pi;y',..- and; as'b- .;'fp'r-'handles; .and-, lurriiber.. and. pulpw-pod' are. <n«fid'ed^in;.gfrea:t.;aihpiipits-. by ptiher'j .wafc industiie'Si-:.All ef these. ,predu,ct$' arev

:o6tkitiabi:e''eifly -frplii: wek-forpied; ~treesv .'"-.. '';•'• .' ". • .'.-.,.*..' Where-'caa'. fuel wPPd and other

yoP'd-3a.Tid.;'p'i:6diicts!-'be used ' tp help in tliis'.'iwar effort? •" [••

' /Answer: 'Fuel Voe'd.can be; used' ph fc!i%:-.!fia!'hi;% 'pla.de,--,pf"coal io r 'p i l . '. In addiiipn-, iise pf. w'pp.d ' instead pf'.metal ;ppsiiv' ca.!n sa yfe.i file' tttetal for •, wgj-•purp.Qses.;/-:'';: :,.%r, ..-••"••••.'...;' ••.'.',--.:. •• . ;•. r 5',..":Gan a. -wpodland jpjyner ..be- sure,

:b'f a. demand'-.for .'all -tlfe-"fiiftl. ^-ppd-lie' cani'iCTiit? : ',.. . " .. ,-. •'..:'• .'• •.

::;._.'ijig&weri' i^p; '-'lie-', shpuid1 -piaii;'. .his ;C^t:so -Sabiat'-ihjB ;3iifii'S.e*lf caii;. use •->vbp.d; 4h..-.pi'ap'e; .-..of-' ,p|het fu.els'' a'nd/JsupMy. those-"' h.e- kn'p'ws" 'he.:Qa;h. .sell -.to,. '.Tn':; .cfeas^;-aaip.un.it^ «f-• fuel vropei'-will'.'be, :M^^:^^0::stDh-i&.:"-- "•.;•''.•"•'. 'IA .' :|v.']:i|;'iMte.-':-p'fcd'^ and'."s&Bpciienit;-*hen:. burnin'g:-'-w:poa.'?.."'( ;,.: •Answer: J&tf.ieces.saiiiy'ir-'A. S-tSyfe"

l ^ ^ e i e n t J t e k ^ p ^ i l b U i f e a'.^ppd.'rstiiye^ -ofc'jst .^.pmbiAa|ipn .stbVg.'may bei'quite; feffiei^A'.:.,'•;-?.;•;;..'•';.. - ; - '; 'A.'.';'':-'"'.•'.

'f.'.';fflcp^can-ths-.cpntrit)uSipn.Pf .';t!ie'! ^ai^fyKttfid^SiS >)pfe. iGOtttfime'd. .a-iidLliKj C ^ & ^ d ^ ' , ; ^ g ; ' - '•.'•'..'• '.'-.-' '.•'••:.-.' ;";'..'• I'..-'.-' '.':' i '4(S#ei>:^Keep\bnt;fiTes:Ahafc^ po.nijee^'g^ffisiiRfeep. stae&?|ptttspf ^ . e ! !;'ii?opa:^V ;ato3f%ave' yjoyhg^\j$riIty' .tfee's; !fo}^gptM^:... ;•;„,.,••''';',"..,_ ;'*,'•,'' ' . ' . ' ;! ;'v V ^ Buy '^ar-?'iy-i^^B6'ntis- i—-r- ,"-'

. ^^u'Eiirg-^^efet^g^-rreahnp^ IBE/'feu^iicatlpXi; -OT'pn' .vJfcffftr' .tp'j-Piay 3Rii g\ ;;||umai*;^.»fby-X'iSem^&t ; ,:V!?poaK 'Kin'g ;Mtftn-aiy.::;is 'fejp'i&cinig.,©i.h;-i;Rirteffy lbi^o^uJ[ali^i#BCTeVer ftpre-tMn'two; ;ffeyer§;':-^sTi. 'itb' ipajftfcrpateV '--^0^6.'^ ^®fie- -&igW'Sbhnfefcs*' iSi.van'tipinreed.Jbi' jpjibli^Sotf ;by^Honiron Hoii's'e, fhfe'iagt I d l r M a y i l . ' ; . • : " . - •' ••,-.'' [:[••'.• • " . ' •••'' ' ' •' •'.

"-rEa'ffc^Sfctur.day, Henry Parks; poet ipf .•Nte^'.'y'prK eityi.'l^'ft.BbzenMll, to ' •inte;r-in^liigence vb'rk'for tke Army, %eadqiiarieiang in /Wtashiiigtpn. .He mSl. -toe. replaced a t Bozeniaji by Ed--ward B. ifevfton,. of Wiffithtdpt- Sfesfe. ;New^6ir • is ^ graduate of 5F6r*ieSi. •<jplleg;e,, and. Bpstbn University, -wltti yis: '.an'tii' ifeeently 'inTofiaatip'tt cterfe. at the Gppley Plaza Hotel, Soston, g student' d'f snprt sfory -wriclng-. " '.-•• :.; .Aappn'g; ..aintfer ,gtiests;;at Bftzefflfeill; ::dpjing- ffle-'^e&i.' Wgre E^ipa 'Meis&a, p | JS^nesbiiiggni. :aad QSk. aiid .Sffe

:.-]^0|siae*'e^Sie1bbing,- rdf -OnaSwJ#:.'-ti3^,: j De'iansb'hi- ;;jChteday, Gloria- Qati§2t&* '^je-menti^b02/-Jb'nk-I^w^n-''^i ifelrtdn.-'^ere ;-/gaesSs for f&& .pBi ef-a.n iiie/¥vfenfB i:|c>f- '3<5r..-ana ,|rT%^3j Tf,ei ^e f lfer<i Pneli4' gil;,.•, anft' '• Miss;' -.^S'll -Manfe;-."'#es#ir#1sSie'b'atsgfe - -at ' t ^ i p-B^ft&^aigion;'.-- ;••-'•'. •;. -:

' '. %^-,'B'u^''8iWai; :4^y(n^s.'B.o>;'<fs'r-rs-: . ;:;,;;ii.%maii^ia5^e^;"toc|i-;|aken'..-3&' fflia, i ^ t ' ep i ; it^.«';.itofekSg;.;Trrft: ; j^B' ; ao%!n!;

'-. '• Q-; Wilien .is- t.lie-:l3.e.st..tim,e-.tP:'prune: .raspbel-ry- ibish.es?' isr. .&.•• JVT-.,. G-leiis F a l l s ; .-'••- ' ' •; .-.' -'.- ;• • &:. •Big'ht'a'Cfer harvest..": Cut-all, Old-

.-canes:•• close tp the' ground."aud ia'uirn ihein; ,.T<hjji aiew'-eanesvtp 'eigb.t'tti a hill. . 'Pinch :back- .ii'ps- anai-hreak ,pft | nnd>. ibaim ftli' iWltfect. tips : during •'.the summer and -in••spring thinoiit sickly: canes.•and..new,sprp.nts..to-..8- to- a, ibJlh-..Q; ;. (iaii you tell- iue .There rqonld-buy some sweet, potato"plants? • A\r..H>; •©.j.SchenecEady, . . . • . / • • - A'. .-Lppk in'-.the. ads., in -any farm-|>eir|[o'd5en:l' iijnd 'you. - 'ivill': fipdr ina-ny •soiifchern. grownvplants tpr.-sale; ojder. fippiri.:'spnie. .soiLtliern. grower. ,:Xou.' eaii- gr6#' y.bur' Own''plants:.•'in'.'.about -five -w'ee'.ks-.,; -JPa.clcsix inches pf. iresb, sti:awy; li'p.rse- manure-ia a.;'box pr:-bed: preset a; seed] flat over- a-radiator-and. jay- tlie'-.'-whpl.e'. potato, p'n .ip.ur'-i.h;feh.e.S!] of- s'ltnd, p.r 'soil and' coyer,:tvyb Inches?! deep. witb -gand or soil. Keep •water­ed-.;-and' warm 'an.d add- two' or thy^e! (iiidhes p£ sofl ,to-s ; plants .Wme- up..-1 when danger pt'frost i's. past,-'pull or']

'break-off''-\yihatever i>l'ants;..'ypu want and. set'' three., 'in'ciies.^deep^ iS irichesl apart, fn. four-foot rows', keep •'-clean-j -culfcivat-ed'and. bill "over; t:be buds, wlienvj . they. 'begin; to foiimt •• on' the.'-Mnnersv '.., Q.J "I; have.-.-a Ghayote .seed: ' HoVy-shpnid I grpw it "and- if it grows,'; what •will"'l;^e-t.?. Hiss--K:' E., Guilder land: Center. [ , . " - ' . - . . . .'Av 'bhaypte,, '• (S e 'ch i u;-m Ed-ale:); 1 spnie'tiiues. Galled-' chuehui. huisquil," yegp'table-.pear, miriltpn, mangp'-squasili.' e tc.;' (is'-.:'a tropical, :p;er.en-n'ial';'y.ine -that p'rodiic'es' a' -'f les'hy -.tuberous-' root- simi-'. •jar tp'-.-asd' d'fte'a used''like; a gdtiato;. and' •from...a'!fe\v" tp-' 100-pr'.-mpre••'p'era.; Shape'd'. :,eai!ble feuits' "a%out -ii-kse . au'd? used "..like,'.' a' sinaii-, s'qua-sh!- tn' ,"each'': fruit"Is b'B©-.flat..se'e'a-. '• PJanfe'it in'ricn',.; .sandy.•'loam-, by • sebtinf. the whple • fruSt''. in f!be..grpund'vvStii the; tip 6f...th% stem..' end'YexppsedL .-iStai*b about1 J^nttfey.-'Ti ;in.a,large/ipot pi>)tuib'.&tta>eit!b:er tr'a-ns::' plant' pUtddorsj.'-'aftBr danger .of 'frosti is ;pas,t'.or •k'eep-\hj'.itub'-'a^di'Mpve:.tiaek.; into greenhouses''- i it ' t i 'e if ail,.. iFeed'it; frequently fhfpughbat''. "fe|e: •ife"asdn,.'-.vriti 'grdw's',a-4all.'vinfe attd.-iheea's a-s't'uiyy'; treJUs'..'-for/s'up;pcirt.-... The;' flb'We.Psf'.'.a fe.i ei'theri':ni'aife •.or'/fema'Ie'iAfii.'Jbnife'.-te^^] pianis' jbekr .hpsp'.-pf, one •• §esl...'pnfy, ::s'p' i t :i& Veil.to.have two 6t Mol}e?'pia?ri;ts.;i it' require;!,' a' ipng-ferp^ing-'.kea^e;n>,.v;s6:

:' piantyour ;seed ^6wAan;a''rusKij. •aio'hg..: Wuth. !he'at-,.''.water'.and, tfieqien'.t;f;ee^in'g.: \::M: "I/'baVe- some.' ' fitte.'.':Ii'e;g-b:!()i i-ib'enf: ithat'haw.jbee'n. '^iff .sbiiie fegwji; -fe^ip;r,ns)'ijaii^ittt6r: -HKw- 'iSTSg isUp^aj

White t^gSorn rpos'ter Jbefpte i ;can;| .'be sure of a.- pure ' white-''strain^ ' i "wia't to -breed.i'h& 'hen's aha apnt, want: •any :bf'-the. 'brown' -blood in. &!e aChick'Si; ss^:,:'#ens'i?aiis:, ••'•' •;' r:J :•" .'•. l •: -Av-' W^i t ; ' about - a' ."^elsk; >tth'puth.-ttiKee or. four days -' i s . 'U$:ua'ny• - tonjg; ierioiigh'. -' • ;' •".".', V.'. ;. '_•• '.-;.'• ';v:-'.; .(:

• -r^- 'Buy Wa'r';.SaVin'gs-.B"o'n'Ss--^=i-.

reompifete-sto^R ;6f-Sp%a^;h6ey.^

:''#:j)£^s(-.ato.;:^^ v :tai^r«an-'cia;^:';; :.,.'"'. '•'.{..'•.;'.'•..' '.>.'.'•'-..-':""'!•-.•:•••.- , : . ^ V i . ' ' ' . . . . - - . . • '.' ''•:';'? '•"'••:

FEDBRATiED &"HiikCW ;NQ^E'5, • Pe'y. Ed^t..¥:-t)iB!lKe^cEfJ:'Efa'st0r. 1-6 a. lnt-©hUTC-hienooi.'• •• I I a. in. Worship service. Senn'o'n:

"^leaionali iDay."' ' '" " -' ' e O M M y N l f Y NOTES


immer s

i!!if!ii&3^&o^ .'

j^/$"«ix"'^iia"rahtb4d; ; PUIip¥tiirtji?j^e.- ^C|^JSa¥iirtkction Gakrarrttfed.


Tb>6 • regolar meetiifig of the WSCS •wfltt Be heW on Tuesday,evening,-June. 2j. ;st T:g& .p'dlbct in the Methodist/ e&pFcfr. ' The ^ottng; -Wpitien'-s 6-uiia T*nME -fife in .eh-arge'of -the program- '

Mr. smd • llfs, 'Oharies Tnp'bs are • maims • to Albany- the first of the m<miA.' . ' . ' . . -

• -MES^ A- B- Wilson of .ibis, .^.lace, Mrs. G<j|:a ,iFrea;6Fi.ck pf Schenectady, and ffllrs... fcfene.pePy 0>f 'To'nk'e'rs. were gsfistg of 3tiS. Elsie Van^brst- 6f isiiil-deFJand Center, Saturday af%'npjp^s

, 3Jfe. S'reeman 'Gaiusha as-.:XOnVaTe"sc-.' Ji^|pjiirt)afiy'.-clty'n'ds^^^^ : . - . ;'%-So^#d.-.-^ga-iapra:-':w:as.-'home over. •fee.^elfc^en'a.1!;.: •'' •• .'•• •'.'". ' - ' • t

.;.3lTj.-iand',3«rrs: ^ i i l i a m , (McTigue of!-. •Albajciy .yiSated; -Miss ^fertrude- Robison* te.^tm'dayi' ' ' ;.]. '•'.,'•''• •]'•'•• ''•:; .'" . j ':.:!.MS.SJ .©fean'p^:'.JfjagM "s-fteti,t..a. fe-w.-l a'ays , '-ralt' •Av^e'lt.\wi'tril.:J(&-il arid. Mts.'-J

.Walter'vjlatili'.; - ..<;. ,?•''•*'.;-.v' •,.. ,' .Tne-.-HatoiiJton' XJ3fid.ii is.ocietiy'.of '$tip\

'•(Juilae'riana> Pi-fe.4jy%'ri;a^:".'*h^rpii *iil." ; fueet.j'^iphflay ^nfg^ti • 'J&ne'i f,',.' aft • ''%?;• pbpnfe of - ^ s , - Pl'dyt. ISia&j."'.,_- ,.':',; j'-..'"; ihioittias '&|> |}es) 'ana fMi::>.aiiid !^rs,.; j;,W4}i;ne•i.<3ai'g& bf;p 'Claytb'ii"were .Sunday7

txlifih^r-'guests- of .Mr.;.-ari'd # ; r $ . G-.'G; 'fir.o'ym..; -•'-.'•-'''•;';^ri..;and-'jMrs.., •Me'l!s"pn. Van* Btiren o'f Ailba-ny", and'.; >Mfsi. ; ie 'ske/Ma:&ias-, :bf; .^Vailckviill;^ -were .'Sunday Battery of Wi. "4n'd:Mr;&--'-fil,ai-'ksbn'. fepe.^'^s'i, l^atMaS' 'Sfe:^.ii&i6n,g^f.!an'a'--^6V,.^^5tf¥#i-",inr .'^Iri^-X1 ;^liil^ - i f e SlajtHiafc. is ; .,coMii;e'.a. j l#oV^l^'Pj^'''n.o'sp'i'tai'. .-."••• . -...-' • ••• .- .'• ^ffitfm'ai1 '^S'c'na'ad't'- r^litenea:', Ttte'sda-S; 'j^hti^f^kim^i'^&ilt [Baatonv'Ijl'.i' 'ttfter •-a" 'teirfcday ••iMfip'u^';wi1iis';iis' ;3J'a,fc-; Wis,. %vy •4hd:;:>¥.r"su '9|Wai'd.; Sch'itadt'.

••':,.'t' .'".fcAiW'^l^rW^ik^'•.;'"••. ,..-I wish tp.fhanfcajfl' thp'B"e.'"tyhp,-se,nt;.| ime flowers an(i cards;, fluniii'g ,Tny ill-'-ness. ... .}.,. , .' ,:A-..-. >• .'v. . . . •••••', <? . ,r '•. . .- . Bo'crs-Beekfer ' } • r^-'^My .wa;r $&yfria,i',B.tma». r^

lWte:;#n^'S^i1n• '•',' T h e ' .jfse.; '.-piijJpojSprir-gas ji's'' ' a '..slnistev '.*'nd\;evetfft*-eSeni'';t'h#a't.ihj--te'e-.'Diie^e:ttfe w6rl;di.-..cfiffifiit!t!,- .yet Gfemi:c{# # a i f a ^ ••oE-';.i^ie);-:m'plsi';.;]'^Mes-s,,sp'r.t •'mirst '.Hs& I; waged- •cdns'taatly; '.:fe; • # & ,Aiheri'6a'h l-'fai?meiv.i*|<aShi''t-insect 5p|sitSi.'.fnd'- afsV:

easpsi i f :Kes" is ' :fo do. 'hiS^iMlt.duty' in •fch;e". .ilia'tble/bt-' jproquctibh'.- '•' , ' f ius: ' ido •ScienMs-t:s.' &§g' :'t)h'e - .# t#te : E ^ e t ' i n i ^ n t SM*ibtt a t -pfeneVji )$tei& tKp- • situaiitfii i^^iti^-^p..;fe{fepts..o;f. a ie : ' .w# an!!tn;ei| e"6n]t*<Jl:,'pf;-'jests' 'dania^iiigv fi-uafe 'art'd:'' yeget^bifek/' -....•-•'"•... \ '•'::\.;'.••''•• "••'•';'•.••..:v:" . '"it'' ,i:s 'jwijiit''' c'£«fl*k^te-..'pMn^lB&My;;

,thjat) |h-e;Xif^»m'e*: M'ge'S! ;hl's vneyer-einVli:

.ih-g ..'Sifcisu;g: l4-10: 'iie;ep': toseet'' amk ;'diS^ p\1S'-6' "da&age1 ^fhinV-bptindS-,.'.' -say :'ifch"e st^ipn'^sftki lJsi , ' wh56; cph'tiiwiep 'ilt.^is'.'

; e's;f;iHia:t)e'a* % M ; ifbe'V';na.tapn''g-; loss • fipni: -.the^eVicaijsgs.? lis /lthi:^e : /biiiiplL ^dblia^s-aiiiiittaiy,. .anjai'-any. ifiliMng;. oii.;ciuftailr-imeMxbi; ' . -ppntroU pra.ct'ices ••^yili- -.a.cld. ^ e a i t i y 4 * $hfe-sum.'•''•';•;..••'•..;. •• ., ,"'',"'•; '„;yS!pi|iii-:-?lEaft©e,S.' Of.'"insecfiicid'es.:, and;

fuiigiQld'es -wili -flivdb.ivbted'ly' rise; ' ,diir^ ^iwg-^'th'e"^iiia^geri'oy,--0/5!s-;'^'e. ppiniipri Of .the-.'^^ea-^y-ai scientists', "feti'd't'the &nV .creasfea^.-cb'sts^-Will' 'aqf>\. ibeX'..ttnreas-6nf' aibjp-.' ^Bajfn^. Mp '^y^iiiiabiiity. "of-;.'.' .fihfe obemipafej;t3suafly' ;emi|;iisyed'- as.' ins.e'c-: ^cfdies,::%id--'iin-itgipideSi..Hyi'l'l Jb'e:',a-' f a r |; m o r e 'iSnJ)tS:i(ta.n't,. .factor, >*hey- ;bel'iey«-. A ^ d e ' d r t U ' l I h e ^ pf spine niateriai ;s! -Vyili.aisp 'ibe -iack' 'of ..traiisi-p'Ortaitipn 'ijjciljt'ie's. fp'r OEhei: ;in;a;t'e:r.iais, of .wiiicbJ M e r e rti&ty " 'be-an-'adequate' ;s i ipply ' . -^i ' -p£ -'reacn. '*6l ;-New'.''1r.<>ijk' i a i m C T S ^ - . ; . ^ - / ' / ' - ; . ' • : --::- •;,- •••;•''•'". -'.;. M-:'^e;v-jB^efiKiBimfis_.6J fcie.-feiStoo^ •^B^I^iild'e^V^iea.'-ii'ii'.- • ffin-S;". "state r.'the. ^tatuis! ;p% :i ateho)ie'; is':'- .mo'sta.'uncer%i;n,.;l -)5xiE''ferte^^t'.s^:^y-va^iS;%^n.'.'c'c^^fi^l 0Sm^Ms0ky^- arid./'thf i<u|ch.vEa^it< .indiei.atid.^vietbef "South''Ameia'catii; ^'tfr^^vp't-.^lfi^ftaterial, pani., suhply;! •ffi.4 ;S'etia^na;.-.:'is-.'--'s't'ilii 'prob!iPm'a1ti ai,-:| ArspnlC''as":,^iighi?.i'b.ttt,4P^!fe^t^'tiife y^a*'s:; :-npeds-..;Mil |b:e met ' :.It'-is' e:x-: pfecbjdi/tfi^b iSiere will be ahv aafquatej snppiy-.'.plE ni'coSj'nfe'; <aiso.;. )Sui|ur.,;'and;-;i .cp^e¥/:ic'o5^t!tfnaSi.^^r.'us'e'•d^••iutiif^;! ci'd^.'siipffld'.ibe.Syaii t&.infe t:: r.e'al =| jh'eeSs1; -ini;;;v|*9|2-.j 'Ji--' fact,. this-; season' l^i^er&.-feay; well;:4iiia;'ithat.;l^bpr .an% ]eiu^m|fnit *?yy311v )p;bse?'-':3Srgi&f - -prbbJ^ras ihitf .adpquate'sflp^plies^-p^^ a^--.."'^.^^^^^^,;;,.•s'ay.- ihp" ';st'ition.; s i eBia/ids-fcS:;7 Svhtfi jpivisefttbai? ait-] wbuld; ibfe.'.^^'.-tOi/aistapi^aJS ;needs ivffch;.'>'e-'; 's'prep"tr;;itp;/ ;ip|Ss(-'|i»r - p ^ ' . ?atiji( -*iflji|t: lejluifemfeil^^fil^flli^ .i#ll;pB ••b'bM vtaiBe'iki • ^ v f e ' - ' i - " A^"-X-----1.,' '.••' ,-'.' . . . . . . . - . - ? * T • f j # « a 5 * . . « . . . . • - ' J ^ , . • • . . •••

t,-.'-< Ti. -.fkeepiii-i- .'\\fth-''Jil'&)fiioiiiaT |)a-y;,:-lih' i I uastpiv' Ke'y; .-•WJi'lil'a-hi-'.a;,-. ^pnsa.'ai'e.''\vili''

!n^y .ffli:,:hJ's-'-sS»rapii-ibh"eM&'op.!.-S^h'(l -; iStfayvSti ^^T^s - in^a l i ey^ rge .^ ' ' . . , . ' : j >•; .;T?li'e- annual-.strawberry .siiip.pet' 'u.p.r-' .de-t'-'tiieir.ausiiic.'e^ 'b'i;- • tli'e'-,iL(i'ai:e ' Aijl: •;gp(Jiet'y wiUT}'4':c&nS:iMedCin^ ,fia,ll-.-bji yifSay'nifltti,' June.'4li.- ; • : •

'.''5IK'.arid. JVIi's,. .'JPIIJI ;Vadne'y. JsntpiH. taijied; w:itli

rili;'famHy .plciii'Q ,?a:.t' tij^i'r; piiip'ihe-.bn'-'Slay 2:|'.'. .'l^Ps'e'pre'Se'n't weise: '0vl and; Jl^/-Mber4-rf'aM!iie^'l^iWpi;t^ "Vkari;ey>;-. JSKv^'rvy|ll§';: '-Miv^asud ,CjSsm.< •#ra!riic'• Vatcihey• 'aiid^-.family; ..'Bfelfriar:;-j ;iplJ:swb,rtl.i. • VJvtaeJK'v •MSMen,-.''. 'ridge;';,,; livir?. and''.Mi's.-: Eay.rriohd• ;vradWe'y. aMJ Ifa-m-iiyV'. »i4:v'.M!i'zalb'(|'fh Ei'i'c'k'sfrn!- ..artd;-. John';. EriptesOri:' 6f t f e •'placp-;'- I'i?v (ssicd \Mvfr. • -pre'd- ''fteliy/ea,.-.-A|tainpftt,• '• '-vf/e're; :;a.ls6'.- c.ailers,- aliihe if'adney. ,hpm?e>,'-:.--...,:. '.','• tMi'sk-'^eil'.' Reynolds', -ibf-'jEelma-r- was.; ;;a-.-^ues't\'oii. Siituhd'ay'- a-t;.,'6lie Asnie pf: jj\|r':.arid llyfrisv''SiivBr/vm,..lE|viflsV?'':;ife:s:.! '(Sai!heiurie'.'.Ke'erih;pTte:''6f-^^ ;is':im;day ,kfc' 'tlie;';Bai-ls,; topfnei '.'.GiilleBS '

'.jMjV^fi^AyrS.'Ciai'fence HulBanplePf., Jl^^,*^eibiS''$ul>sdSiy '-eTen1ftf.'''wlt'h;Mr*| ;a^a. ;^r&%, :Payne' i . . :>> ;•.,.. . ...j - ! ' ' 'Mf.j'and' iMTri. Arihbld;' §11^61: w e r e TBceri'l 6a;ile'r%'.of ' .»& a'hu' Afrs. ChaS/ 'Kqsfei^rit, (Jedar Hii i " ' I-..,._

r t e ari^Jylysv' ffiminj-feefer • of- Sel-'kliilc." b r e iijecent :Pallers' of .Mi's. Julia. iMilton- f

• Ddnaidi Peck , "vyitb a nstfty,of frienas/ is^b'e'bJt.-'.tnp- Ve'ek e n d a t (Long Lakfe 'fiSshiogi •.''.'• . ;' '.'•-'fl&Si- iFJibyd1 Sriiith 6f <}ra;peviile spen t the w e e k end With Mrs . bohala; Peck.

;.., TOeY^estetib/'tFii'p; ia&partment .will s iMe:a . - rqa%-fu i ;K 'ey : \ , | ^ .June' 11; a t s Sheparifesj; l ^ r i ^ ^ S b u t h . / W e s t e r l o i J ;Kcket's;.c.an„h,e,MirAiiaS^^ ^ i n ^ a i j a n i - f ^ f l a ^ .^"ta;tion-' '--.The -if^] iaiipi. ' j s ^ - p r ^ t ^ . ^ib.eiie'fit • of "tb.e'":- Mi-$' ^ ^ p t n i e i i | - : p f ] S h ^ ^ 5 M i , p ' f Westprjp.-: •-. .'Private-: Au'ggs|iis. #i-a^e-, 'son pf-'-Jyir;';-;and.' '^Irs,' ®lm#-VBlate;. .wail-, uride'rgpi a n ; bpej;aftpn;!*6;.'^a|i# ,'ii'e"ed- hospital, • W'a'shirigtori>,'l)'.;,'i^,,'",ri;b-#.w^e^ '.'.- •' .' Pive-.-nam.eg-.%^v;e-ip6en; t d d e d i e e e S t :

ly tp Clarksviljle^'jbipnor'.i-pll of ser:. vice' men. V^iteihani' .Second- Gl-arss: David ThorpplSf" .tne-U'r.S.S. 'iracu's a n d Forres t Th'rpp^p£.-|b:e''.Navai, Training-Station- a t .^4%fipr.t.'P,;. t , •afe"!the saiior sons of Mr.. s$ji!$foz&.. .ipb.ri'est ..'Ihorpe.-Mrs. Qakley ^ a i s p u r y i a s tbiree" spns | $ii. ltbe' 'sei^c£'. .f3^;^^o^ge' , 'Qa.nipb>ll ij stationesd a t : eam(P;'|c>ix.; .'3Pvt.' Tihe'pjdore,' .Campbell, Fnrf-.Bragg*..N. C;, and Fire-I! .maii John . ^ D l p e l l ' ' ; p f t h e -W.&S, ' Vinpennes, '''.®k?kWflie.-s.]rpil pf hPnprj| ,'tp . date "num;bte|» *'2i',^ni:en,' • •' .... *' '. Tier.e •^•l^||&;.-a-^|to1ili:ci:.jae.eiting in the 'Granfe h^i^t^feiafck'sy'lli'e Mil'June,

.All: .persens''''.fnffefested: ;;are... *e'qu.e#te'd] tp:.'att.end..':^5;;'*;^;-;:v,;,Vv-. V':'""-' :-''- ••! ;.;.- Seslie-' A&ffiifas,;^ .cpn-yai.esicin'g.'.-;iri| the,. Albany- h'o;si*itai ;'|6ii6)ying-. an -pp->

R a t i o n . . •', ,T-"-,K :", ?«:•'.'' •= ' . i ,..:"Mi-.. arid i^Si.:^fi6^fs;-.3p^re..«p;feeil?( gained; *ith'-,V'-ttan*efc^'aWy ':§atur%yi| 4ye]ri'ing..tbe-.':pcc^6ibn>- -ijpin-gVttheiT i&fchj •vyeuftin|:' annilp'r'sa'fcy?.. '...''Thfe' WtfeS't . inif ci,uafd.iM'f.. ' 'a 'riS^'#^i#l^-'-^aJis^iEg-a'n.dv||r..'-ahd;'i^sJ-WicBaWB J%0^'-- ' "i ,^r:s;''Jamps::':M*iri!^ 'C:'X\

sehbpi. :for 'twbi; x&TS,,'?tiiit .../teach.-. :ftj 'Sputa • Bethl|toenii?itoFittg :th.e'' ppffing! y e a r . - . ' [• "'• .',.,'•'"•'.=.''' - " ' V ' : ' • . ' • ' , '•••"•'•*.' .!

. iSftr. .a.ii'd •ar*sv'iC!lai'ep;ce.'-Bi-a.'dy; '.'and.j -sbtt •;b£:-)Sclre''n^t^a'y I&ayie-, ,ibe'ie&vgu;es't^ of .M^rSa'a 'Reia''.•••''• "..'. •;.-'•:'.• :;'...".Vi, • Pvt. fame's Msfcifc,6£Mitcne.ll:g?iel.d,| -.L. I,;. has:- -b'6# .^s*tih!g; -'Ms;., arenfsyi •Mr.-and,atr:s^ "Maftsjbrall: Auiftih;' ••:,.-• ; j ' •'. The apring vsuppep' of tbe CSiethodl&t ;c&' i i !^ ' -M^'-<b^tf- '^^ '##.J-^^^*^l

.were. Miss •&ua,ce* ,®e.iae'l:i'%l;bany';' Mfesj ifliatiiet' 'H^idei;,"; ^irf* '-Thomas"/ A;] Hpihies^aM:-- itfiss'....&ia!'a'y's.:' SiAhvaeT.'vp'"ti © y i b i a r t •.;/:•:'•""<'/'}-..,!:•• ':'..:" :.';•!•;'.'., | .' Mr-$.' Bel la /Glay'^pf. .iJ'e'iniar Ka's. b' eW!| sben'd}ri'g;:;a <f|\y.'-:d# ter>.-Mrsvf Qiiiitpri' ^ppMtigiL:;-.'.:;.:•' V:: •:.:•., " .;ThiiS.;cpp ;m.uni'ty^^ >yas;';g^i'4yba'4p-.iiear:J ;pf;.tlre.':aeatiii-.'.pf jS^!gr.Jlfele'iaa^-a.^DU,isV • •Wai|rpn:.p'n;,^t'ay, % at 'N'eiy 'B'aitiino're;-. 'Mv$i.; Walda'on' -was? Bp'ip"Mig-';25;' iaBfii? a:t;U;hevPAnglj'i.n;n:''tort iho^bhi-S)

|;.'piace; .>w3ip*e!,she. lived':^^iintil,;'.her,;.mar-.| iri:ja^e''.t6.,-^'are'Vp-''Vy%,a^i3i'dH of -J.erichp,^ ;w5bp.'-' passed; :/away''." s o p e y e a r s . alp.-J •MrsV; ; '•^ifison• '"fes -liying. wftli; -h"#4! |fStep-'daughtei;,.•' MSs'i.'-:BBe'riry.-.'WS'ls'ie;;- jati 'Neiw .'Bai'ti-mpre',;'w:heyeviii^ fuh.ei'al. ,\y;a;s\i heja bn.'. Fri^aj 'j- Iviay. '2-2'"a't'' 2'',pv!'.flii'

jB'uiual -. tppk.'.'place.' .:at-.:-M;t.. .Pieasa'nl;.-|;ceni6tery-,.. ''New.-'Saiern, '-S.urv-|viiig lii:' 'a'd'ddfipn t.p ..the';'istep'-'da-ug"hter,,a're '"a step-spa,- Cjeprge Waldrpn,.- of'.-••FeufS. •SusB'}-'ji'.'hia.tI£;bj;o;tlj;6*,' Aifife'd!'|,"ang'bu;i':ji pf "]3^i&a/;.,'-'t/hi,^'e.]'nep;1xe.v*'a, 'fte^;. ;Aar-pld:p£t&g>bufh,' '|tfaiu'n.ei-.'S;'aSarbp;r, S. it, i§ehite;tli - angbiirni-' : ' p e i m a r ; ' "Elbert' ;Pangp;urii;. Albany;^ arid'-'a .'ri'if ce-; Mrs.-Allen. Kniffen;,- Olarlcs-yille.' '.. •• ' Mrs,.' aS'dSvard,' Valent ine ••entertainea :a:t4iyn:c'ri"e^ Hp|inh'eiig.'and',t.h.e/Missed •Mliaai' 'and: J-ari'e; BSluj-gby- "pt':-,.P.awiiri;g;,'...N:;' Y., 'fibe.. hPiise'-.sue'S'ts qf 'MTs.'.'-'Hblnipe.pgL-' -;• ••: Mrs , ':Jbnii:;I'erigu-.s'on-; is-.^confined- to

;h-.ei-.,honi.e.':'©uff6i-i'?%. ff phi. rin plec ' t r icai shock ;sus ta ined ' while" using..and'.-elee'-,; J't'ric'^va'shin%''m'acih.iii.e:.. ';'• . ;•"','•'.'l\.'\"..-''•'' .' • IVtr,..; and ' . .Mrs'-.' Stariiey . M-Qrehpuse. a'pd Mfc%nft-MtS:i'

:&eo'*gis;, Eden. .Syire',, supper-guests 'of. .:'Mr;'' -a.n.d'"^'si Earlel I J a ' ' • • " • - "

;sibn M E ._ . . ., . ,„. . , . . .- . ,_., ._,,„., tegraiiani'aJn'a'-'slbns: pi{GfiaWt^yifleivfre|. ialspcaflers.- Sunirg:'^he;^veiiih|.;':''.% !;

Mrs'v'.-Jennte-.HpIa'lfeg 'jhas .-'b' Sii ':'cbri4 :fined:vtb-;h:gr'3fpnie'. -by /iiltfess:-fffr'-.$Ke;:; |>ast iwo w'eeks.; :'.'..'..'•.'.'''.,,;•". ''•':. rx-},, "•'-'IVirs'; '.Fritn-cps-©afigb'urii: lri.;'Gbmi|'ainy^ wd'th./Sieivnegfieiv;-.'Kennettt Pangbjiijlnf.

\it£h&M&mityi:•'£&&••• •#i!sv; :i?plia.': ;C5i'§y -.br;; iSeiinaf . mbtofed: ib • ^e>* ...|8S3.t.flps' e;' T.hrir:sda'y.,ey'erii'ng:..wh;efft'

|<a;^^'e'Jd%e'.^pJne"''bC^i!:&'>.'@eie'n^'^aM' Pdipk;'<"-yy' '-A--r-4: ;.;v.y.'-;- •^•;.;i..r.' ,;.;•;'••' '• Mrs', ':M:a(bel. Jewell'•'pf':|il|a,pii;yiijili.' liakej , and- Julius -/Mbtzschinan:- -pt S'<ihen,e.6fady -were recent callers -at Me Sptin. iMead fepme. ;• - - ;-•' ' -..' . •'];.. •."'•"MV; .and- Mrs,'iEarl'e .'lia Grange antf: sons,. lilai'vaiit'and,-R'pnaid,.--were.;guefeig'; at/the -hprae' at• JV$n aiicl pis' . ,Kenriebu|

j;.v\fis'.eribiii''ii ^.and, jiMantly a t . -0'nes'queT .tTi'aw./iFri.'aay'.nighi-b.--'- ;••• .,,-';' : ' ;;jH;bwaia;^6h|; of-feayeha w'as.a'-'gu.ek^ a t itlhe' 'hb'riie pf-''Mr.; .'arid.'Mrs.i Eugehfe'l] .Mpr^lipuse',.''S|ii'nda.ys,''' '•;'• ,;•::.-. .• -.--.'•:.';' '•; -Mrs.''-.Ora.. 'Jpnes- arid daugHteri:- (Beai' t'ricfe,- Pf Albany,- w;exe .,guesM.,';-pf .-Mfrt'i}] a n a Mrs.- Stanley';;Mp;r;e'hoj.iSe,^Suhaayj/

Three pupi l s of the Storiy fei'il sehbpi who. • have;. -recently ipin'ohased }.War Soinis are,-.IUielite: Sbiile,' He len Secor and- Pa t r io i a S'hultes. -Ariipunt. of .th:4;] sa le ef s t amps in the Unibnviile s&hbpi; is-'$235;00p. ' . , • • • • ' • ;.;,

Mrs . J a c k Per t and daughter-, SaralU IB'eattie,. h a v e re tu rned .freni t h e Mu bany hpspi tah -• '' •.-:>••

Viking.'. &'plmberg , is- convalescing> frpin a tonsilectomy^ • . -. | :

Mr, and Mrs., E. '<L. Cheatum 6f tbe j South, '.rbad aTihptmcfe. the.'bif.th',-Pf-,:d-s ,dau^hter,'.lji:nda Lee;, at .'Aibany hos" :r>ii|l;pn.Moad'ay>"toy'.'lj,-'B94?.'"' ..,-'. -i

'..MiSs irnia Seep* lias -been ill ,pf .-^ribpe;. "Missi ,.f ecipr is ;at' p'rese-fit c'p'ijt rieot'ed • w|'th 'me stUte' I'abbia'toi^'^rii; ,Al&njC'] ' ' "'• - c ' v '^''^•V&M$$i i>'-WilM'Sn5. Van Allen,"pf Deimar ;;i|? spending'ai'-f,etiv-''day&, at th'e'-VW&aM'1

•E^Ackerriiaji 'hprae. ' ' ;• '.'.,"' ...'•'{ ' lWi% and'3^'rsi .Gepi'ge Bargy rind soiiv

;-Jphri Barjgy> ana .Mrs. -Bajegy, • hay*.,, mpyed, ,fi'pin: the 'Clip'^foa'a'into' b'h;§l rp'arSpnage';'i'ri "the •.yiilage: ttnion ,-they; .i'ecentiy'^uj-chased'.,--.--"'.: ." •-.'<• •'•';.-.••',,-;'!'! •',' -Mi;;'ana;4vtrS.jp&n:Ey fiines'ana.s"^mj felchard;: of-'Albany, were g.iiests at. Ehe:;] itibjeae-0$;,Mr, .-and;--Mrs. HpwSpd.^tt&f^ ^uh'day.-'.sj.- -..-:' ;':;'-•' ?• '•: '•":'> '•,'•;'•;:'"'./ .'.",v! '; /Mies,. iViilis;Jv'-Pete-pf' Bing-ha.ni.tpi); isl

|;'s;pfenddng-;s;pifle-'-lt;itt Cipr'Sbri^'JackPerti' a-iid fai'ri'ffy.' • :.;.'i .•;Mi'ss.:'R'U|rjy''g!;iiay pf th'e ;.;Sbiitli>i!pa:djj

jtaud-. Jp's'ep.ii, -Hogaii ,'"bf. Ai'banyi'.'^-eie'j •:intjKEjcied'-'.ffln- May'.'-2..' • Mr;..:rin:d"'. 'MVs/! :Ho-gan,':k:ie'. ii'vin'g..pri;Wpb;diawii'.'Ay,e';'i.! Al^anyl.. ' / . : ' . ' . .•;• ' ' . / . ' - '• '- . . •;' i[,:..'.;>:'':.;• ,_.40. .rtA'NGE'RiS...... ... ...... !''-, .• Wis '•• held ./bur: '1'ait'- 'jfleetiii-g .-on,' mayit jl9.:; ' O u r ciub:.d'e?ide.(i 'tp: jpf^y.'bjastf^aj^ 'a'^riS'ntet''th^e..'Clarks'^iilS,^ isr"*'1

next- meeting'^yili' bPyieid,; J;utoe ;2i; •;' '•'' .' . "• ',.' ..''I'ryi'ng.'Mbsbefc.Itep'o'rtef -•-.' -'ZF-* f^i ¥f^k^SaVjnii's'.igondsi•~~r'.

Sli lopefVelf ^jjla^y; ' . , ittfue.-'.-is/eVai-h-'g •' pf. ;-;'ait'. .-inn'tja^, •(sqyiev !6i'op..-i-n. 'Ng.\y' 'Kprk-'pr^aiiaffi-'iS; a.a'tvp'ca.tea. as;., tein-g. fa r -jsjuimribr' ';tbi " l l^^: suni.rn.ee". p.r.;.;,fall •seedj'ngs ,wheri;

; lin^Pasurtdr 1n- /Jerrii'li pf.. rii^pge.ii;''arid.' forig^tfic' -maiier- :-c'prisei'!ya'tio;h..';a;n-a;.-:in li^e'ifeauctiOiiypi- s'o'ii ;;a'rffl :)Wafc'i! 'ips's'es'. •'XSi'jV ''and.. pthei; rpcp'm.jn'enda;tibns pio.-Ifo'tona'i'd/.s'bi'l-pa^^^^ •^o-.qfyv^r^e.M'jjs'-';*^ '.fovth' ;in..'-'a•.b.iill'eyri-i-just; ip.riWls'hed ".'by-il|h;e-iSjate'i3^&riin;eiit •S!tatipii.;$:t-;:iG.ei

; ?npya--;-''.ori:-.- Sev'M: y e a i ^ '?a;riy;es;t;i:gat'ibn's. >by5Ri,;i(5v /Gpilispfn'iari'di^ '•&• '•QaJrletpn^l i.lt'.-c'opy ''pt-. %h'ei' .%u'ti'e'kn!;,^fry:.:toe';abtaitri'-' jea ;.i^6n/:i)e:qu'est-';tt-fhpi'^ ' •".'

-JV"' .* T *^. '®^- ' , ^^'^^^i^: ' - i W?^.'? ; ' ' ! ! V?*' ' V-x :.vV.^!lfeliwiiSiii^fe, l ^ i i i v '.-.•'''. -

.; ,,-iISpiv asfia, ^ ivs i . ^m 'e r sdn - ra1.1feriib.p'qjt. ^aijSffji-ft£"j§ew •iS^b;tta 'a';'%V*e;!c'iiiers ;tff-;^feVah ,tt..:^sv.-'^^nw6fe,;.-^o'nd^y... V.vPrV-. aiM> •pr4,1/-i^nJK,.feairgi&,.'p'f 'E-el-.: ;iril'5ia!,' e'r'e-aii"n'e"r;;gfte"s!b§ Su'rid;ai' pf M.iV' •ife^.ii^';.^al'gi'' , l(pi..i!b'n^'..'•':'• "•'•'•' .- •'"••'

j'Mp' h0'ffl*$-- pe^fr-^inri-e ' . :'an:a.,so;ri

^ti'tbiev^&m*/tffKi'Sv/a;&niii^ ; yy1h:itei, i'^'iMi-,;, am'd"; fe^-.Elittiferi; :Pv;'Sp'h:g''caria!' iS^». . '^^;^^le 'B"f. .^ ' . . :Men s | i^ . >a?t" Glen.-" jjjipfiit, ^inid:a^;. ; ? y..'X.: \\'!..•••'. •'•'-... j-'; ^ ^ ; . . ' 3^ j j r . i i ^pn^ ' i p "S^Mi i i ' i ';&' week-|\yithJvhe^'aaiifh;ter k't.HJmflfeniM'ari'pr.'. f.j'/M'iv. a.ifd; ..Ml'S. ' f tenfy , Bgaiigai'd-, pf Albany; -werS-, 'caiief s'. iSatiirday .or;. Mi;'. !l'a:n.q;\|V!!raV'-,S^i'.en^p-'0u'ay:.'J - ... ''.'•-," '• j , SIM-.- aiid'; 1fci<s/'Walter.. Baker arid', spn', f i b i ^ , ; ' ana.-Mr-i' ;a!ftd.' Jifesl' .•fiiar^nce' :;§tiay-'.'were^guests' Sunaay. pE Mr." ahdli >|3}r„S;:.- J a y ;]|'aiiie,e^;at '.Township.. ' ' '• .-: '"-JM.rs.'.L.eR'py;.'Stewartva'rid • daUghtg-r,. Audi^ , ;'were-- %ee'k: .eijd' -guests '• of/her .parents.:at.|Sch;ene'c.ta.ay-::, ;•-.•. -;'..'

Eluy' M/ah a^ngs.'.ife'on'dS' fjr~ •'..

1 ...,- Mrs. Db'r'a .Shiilte'l .'.is'S'penain'g 'Spme ;vtiine-'.wi'th'i! Jiei'V aaugh.teiv..Mrs,. Samuel iMcfe^illP'ch •ariav'fataii.y.atvCJotioesi,':':'.';•• .;• ; j f e ' -and-:Mi's!- •'•' Tilacy' Jotespri ' . ''a'ritl'' M-ii and .M-rsj -Galny-.-yischeif••'attended;:

|!£;K'e.-.flag-jfay ' e^ercisps'' i.n'l&l'b'a'ny.;re-: ; 6 e n t l y > ' •';•.',; •'/'-•'.'-\.•••-,' •;. .•';/•; . :

•'Mr,' -and-.Mrs.••Le'en;ara:Shultes. aji'd: •pMid'r-e'rt..of,..'Stony ...H-iil • *'ere':f.Su.hday cyenn ig ; dinnet- uguests-, 'pf;.)Kis-..';s.ist,e'r, ;MKS>.'-;S.- .!.M'c'Culi6.'ch ' a n d . "faiiii.ly, '.hear;' ;(3'p'Ti'oes."" '- ••-• •••- . . ' ; - . • - -;.-.-, . . . .• . . - . , -•• ,.!

;.• ''aps^X^pH-'-'Shutte^v. -.k'is./Si. MoGul/ Ipeli.; and... (laughter,, iieon'ri- '-\vfen6-: jn'1

j 7 i $ y : .6n:..Satu'i!a;ay.;.,' They'.':atso. #allted'j !p,n;'.«Drs.. MaKy 'Dtftp'viiJke .'whil'e;:fthpiie....'' ] '•: .MaBgar6t.:iS''mit;ii-:pf:^pn5&gi'aer^ [a^'Veek. 'eii'd; gii%s't- a-ti.fee'.M^Guliffich:] faolaie.''.';'•::;•-.'•'•'-' '•'".'..•'.'•' .'•;.' • :•'"•'-,•

•;'»Gpyo'fth^.i;...p!h;ma^;'to^^ ^vie'ekl s'etit.' :icjiafetoe'ft,-' 'oji-'- .'.ip'aa!;'.;.'j<ya|r. .,'ppiiftoils' .p('. •New, ypftk-.'sj/ate ' a n ' pperatirtg' 'Ki<jn;'.for,; ;.th^- deveTdpinelft'-pi! (i!te .Cull• manjpwpr . ' of' .ttie .gtajtel'ii'i! 'ffife 'pV.esenit: eiriei'gen'cy . iijjri'der ..'tiii'e.!|cWre'a(Lipn ..'pt. itli'e.'.^'e.'tvjliy}.. • created ''.3>lv,isipn • pi1 • flhys-ioai,'. •Fif.-ue'ss.; [of .^hif inV.i3)if .^i 'Wn- .'A,' . ^ness ! i a ' : •d ' i j i ' eC to f t : . . ,•.,-' •;,-.> .•'.'.'• .'•} . . ;• ' ; , . ' ' . ••',.'• ' 'v

, v. ®he, - "divisibri. ,"V?41i,.' fe'Ve- ,n^; 4t&:' bb- .-' riaetive: .,';iih'e ..,«fey"ei:P.pmenit • pf 'iph-yslcal. .StV'ehgfhy; :;.:;'s

!t(iinijia . a n d : 'endurance' 'th'i'PU'gh: gfaotic^ cbiuiSes.-'and -comjetl--.tiW.J-'evreijts .'-.iajijpiqn'g',: .' in'e*.e-gi&t i;ed;:. y.oiith','-• .•iegisiianis,' Spr .-ith'e;; •'.ai'ny^d .' fprces, wk'rtn'd'usti'y'-.'iyby-kgrs, aj)a,!divil-..;

, ian; ipi'.bteetiq.n.' 'w-prkei'Sy. G'e;';biEiciates-: :;WiHr ibe;-'igrant§a-':'.'l'bi;;' .'the- -..sa ti'&l'a'ctpr.y ;c6nipletio.n'.pf(c.oin's'es, . .-, -1--.,.,,.. ,.' Jn. .sire's si rig i.tiiip.: J aipo'v ta n ce" tp' the -' ,'prpfMni -fe'the 'siajtes', iiviai: 'el'f6ift':<3-Q-v--'• •ernpi: .fceihrii'at-'Svrptef. :'!T.h.e''.ulfj-inat©'-:;su'c'.c.is% -.pf. any-S-atipajart; :ty:a:r. ^f^fiiiiiH-

'"a-it OfOE i|'s-jp'eppip.;-. Wh.e'fb'et ••.they.' b'p "engfge'a•':&:•-the'#rm'0:d- fpiic'es,:'in .ffie ^vp%odibu-'o.f-'iv:af- mtel^i^-'dV-.in^/lSie •' ig'rot'eptioii.;bf j.;oiir'.-c'iyi-lVaii,••po..p'Ul,!ij:'.'i n, • pur'..p'epp',:i'e'-.; iiraslt ',pe .;p)h'y&icafly %t—; ;'tih'at. 'i|; • .'s^i^ng/'aJna.-jabie. itp 'ieftdU re," .-' - 'T.h'e, >]!(i^sro'nV.o,f;' ysite^.,.Fiitnys!'S..' is.:

-chki'-gjeidyyritti ,the-.'.fuiict;ip'h.:'.of-: ''piffn'izr' fk&-'\ diireeting, ,''.:.ah'd; «ii'bei'Vi.si;ng' •. ffctie. |,,Stat;e"-V?-ai-..OOuacj'Rs-^rpgiani;-' Of ;ac--'tisfi't'ies1 f'Q.'r'.ist#piri;g,-u:p, '..the:'; develop-' ••meniif .vkn::av'''.'&iuE,tenanee.; cf"'"'agility,

|:sk:.ength,': s't'ifeiria-,-- eridur'ancp, c'ou.i!,a!'gp-|:.and:'.m()i'iai;e''Ihfou.sh'motor, sfailis-i .fylia•• •prbgram'.vv'iili pfej

I'-ftiTgOtbry. • -.IDelpiftis.";, ?arid .staff ^assisted • ,'by .a-•Sjt&.tp..^a'VisOfy 'GP'nimi'ttee.,'a'p-ppintea tiy- :t'hte ©ovei'hPr,.-'. ©h-ris'tbiiher ' 'Gv'-iMoWeli.haper-.'o.f ©rioofclyri is ' chair-njanpf itjhis; committee.' •"-' '• • lipcaily,'' the'.. physical Fitniess ,P.ro-^rani. "ppebates. ",dVi!pni,.':.ith'e.;.'i>fity SLI&L:

'county "yrbjv. Icbu'riPil fh'fough'' its' -'KLvi: .S'ib'ri' pf j?iiysjoa.l.;!iri'tnfes's(v..and."-'-wi't'li- (bite -.help; -;b'f.,; .a'--'-local- -'.advlspry'. 'cprhniittbe; fpi#'.'id.ea.l' ..war--.epuhpil's-' ..program'-....coV: •operates. •' with,.- '.icoOr'ajnates.,-' simple-' m'eh'ts.,.'-and''•'"expands" jblle" phys'icaii .'fit- • •raess;-efforts-arid actiyitte's-' of.-all;.agen­cies' arid' -organizations•'. e.xisting'-in the epmmuriify!-,••.'</.. •.'.''.•.•.• , ' . ' ' . ' ) \ ' - . : ' - '

', ."•.r -r-T, Buy'VV'af'.•S.ayirjg's BBfi'ds r-^i ', -Amii>l«- "ie'dirie- sHoiild'^e -.vprpvfdea fri. t i le diet- of ^;.|:rowing'^by.piv'sirl-.. '• .Sea f pod .is.'an- «iece]4en't-:s^ui:-6e';. 'also fajBTe - --salt,, to,- Tyhieh. iod.irie »is 'addeft/.' i a y s , '•eprnell.' ;.%lleti^',E-tiS0'''. "The-- "Mole's-'; ceint:, P h y ^ i t a i : .^ey.eip'p'n)pn.t:'.';; For a. ,&ep .A'cbpy,: M£yr'". Ypfk '.'.re'sfdeifts ;niay' sb-nd-ii :jpib!s'tc,ard. :tp • QSijc'e-'-pf 'PaplicV,,, tipn,. Rpljerfe Mail . 'Kliaca:, ,'Sk. % ••" '-.;'

W!0^^^''0f0^:'jPiKt^r: 'fijbfy .;p?tJ:iiiE:i. . .M,|R£»i;>#hJE'.^jg#^t%-.' Lead Zinc Pigment

f;» .- -.:.,-.-..irwAWSFBRRE'D. ^P^ev. • JiiutheY' & '-'P^ttbi},-^ -whe .vwa^: iassteh^'Sfb- 'Ahy'^i^tto ' ' Methbdi^'t' bliur^bf.'ibjt.-i'tife Wby /G.bnfei^en'ce' 'lia>t! ^Bee'n'.a^pcf'intef ft^''fne-.'disitri'bt- supetej, 'inifeMdenVitp'"flll '•£' vabari# -at .Pj,tlts-;| iie^,:mm. •'.' i ^ i / ^ ' sP^ t tb r i j ^wi l l ; ! pje^cli his.' last .Serinpb; herb • Sunday,;

.Rev/Kenneth Beatty MftS .been, named, •to , i i r ithe \Mati.$, afc ©elahspn,., and^ •^iil-Vconduct yhi»'.''firSf. Service here; J W e , 7 . ; - ; "'•/":"•'.;/

:~*•:••-•'..; . ' • ' . - / . - ' •..'

I' ifr',' m$ -gpsT;::Gnaijib6:'B>'. -iJbp-raff-*aM Elniei-Weiflh -bf -Amsterdam, Mj* ana'-'.'i i'ff -'feiVia-iii-'-. !). •• Waddfll;-' iMi'sv, fliiteti^-MttSn'v *f' '^ariafijle; :'ve^e "gftests of"(MJr-.-afrdHm^r£• ? r a if«?v " ;JWb,..|Bta%l--'Stt-tttt • of .Schenectady ^ S f t e d ^ r l»aTen't&;;:Mi'.,' id .Mrfr;- Her-;. 'iMk Vrohia'iii.-Suii'dKyv'l -. .•.•:•.'" '.,.; ';::

baS«eenl*ue'»|;!of' |M«S *»r0tiiy Vl<?"!

• m a n - , . - ' • . . ' • " - . • • • . ' , . . " , . . - ' , ' . . '..

iBasfpv.Garbbhate, .AA/hitjs. Lead. , ,1|,%j ^"^i^'htu^..'J^'agb^M'i'iA:A':. •«.,'. '•..'• '•'. -tl?.^:! . $itlfnium"proxi 'de .";.';".' . . . fpi5$J.!

•mst^mngm Eu.ce,;;!il'e,ajt;-jri^itedj\ .,.».-^,' r-'-.Lln.se^d*';'0)i;-i1.'.-.'.-.^,';'..'. '.\. Japari D r i e f Jand Th inne r

- • • • ' ' - - " , • . ; • :• - . ' - - - ^ P p - ^ i W v ' . 1 - ' - . ' / - ' ' - ' • - " . ' - : ' ' ' • - . ' .

• i'Nb'F;!'Nfe«"'--PWiHli$I!A#ESA!P:-AtfiVlP:feICE; :

79% :Oio'^'

M l^ffi$$0gB$£!it'-> £:ij&:-fcjii^'' SCHENECTADY

LATHAMS, N, Y .-.f !•' i^HM^ 1U-JT-1

' Mfe-THODIS* ^ t i R G f j WQtES ;.'. 'Rpv* '.'Dau-rerice' tStafr.,:ijyas'toi'i"'.' ' '., '.Sdnday,-^y',;3l ;st':;'- ••''''•"' •''•'"•' \.M.-\ '%• -•'•• !&•' .•'••Serriibn, -.Elecbipn • ofj: :Qff'iceF^\-{b.tioii{rJii'&':..bhu^c^:. . s e i ' v i c e . ' ' " '

/••". • ;,c6TAM&Mj'y(: !M*>TE4. .-' • . . . ' .•':Sttfid&y--.gi^e^...p^#ir.;"afta.i'..^S:s.i ' # ; : 'iOhTrysiei; -.Iwet'e• MrV,;and,'IMfs. #ioy;d| iChifysier 'of/- Schenectady, oMr.8.: GbVit' Bfadt.:aha'"Mrr; •aria^lMfs;-'Fi'ea'Bradtl ibd '-sbSiyMaynard' , >6f' iJela'ri'S'bb'....' :'\' ; -..Mh;and'^fr'sv•Jbli'n-i&%&&'sb;ent-Suh-l! 'day nW'th-^Mfc-an'd--Mi's:•i^rb'ld'''Oiiiu?pi| ktidWrz.,faiL-nk B^ffdo.dt.'abbe's-teCill.il .',, :"ViyM' ha inp lb t f s;pent';.Suriaay/\y!'th.l| jtfiss 'paulide Norman> . '. ;•;"••': ••'.' ;(i ' -V'bi'jabn; ^ ^ r h f e r ''ifias. .bben Reining i ibis.-4aunt, Mi's;: Charlie Triiax... of iKriox.' ' .-iMildi'ed Kendo spbn.t';S'at\ii'.day^^ift'eiv •n66n^':withv>M'r». A;' 'Gliappeil. •of:.8<$&

ne.ct'ady<'''-- ' : ' - , , • ' ; . ' - , „ • ...—- B)iy War S«vin%» Bonflt - — Adyer t i se i n tlieJBriteripriiie.

i r i M ^ ^ ••Smmim^m


^'itefo^d^K^sl^^ Fartn in Oregdn, ahd are 275-egg birds and over 306-egg icpijl&rcls;. • TJh© |>en*ha.^:wo» flbe M%'^rld¥^efojrd,'|s' ^^fD&^kn^rtiQn.'ltt %ir-^nii;-'v:.,:;-;v-^-cU-1..•'.••:.'.•

fei^::.!^^^ed:'1 ••-• OWR REDS ^lj'E;.F«d.W'''W6R/|Lit»-:ftEC'OR'b'^RAIN &i-R-E&f

v;•,;'.:FRbM^R'jy|l:|^fR,F^A;R"|V);S^'\•,; -

•.'...'"'"'"''• '<y]^/^W%•P^^fl^J^FHEk.-:•••'y


one Delmar 9-1244


gans ROtJTB8^

§m$$L •j^ykUv^ ye*«2^35*#sBae««^ si -# t*,.*:,^ .«-_>*„, - •** #- ,.•- J?-jr* ff,-^ }j& t

-• V > '-',-i -^ f r^a^