rna structure prediction and comparison session 14 exkurs: the

RNA world hypothesis SELEX RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The RNA world Jens Reeder Faculty of Technology Bielefeld University [email protected] Summer, 2008 Jens Reeder Bielefeld University RNA Structure SS 08

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Page 1: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison

Session 14

Exkurs: The RNA world

Jens Reeder

Faculty of TechnologyBielefeld University

[email protected]

Summer, 2008

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 2: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX


1 RNA world hypothesis


Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 3: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

The central dogma of molecular biology

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 4: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Difficulties in the evolution of replication

For ease of replication genetic information must be storedone-dimensional/sequential

Protein-to-protein replication not observed today (and mostlikely not anticipated at all)

Coded replication (as we see it today) requires lots ofmacromolecular components: genetic storage, mRNA, transferRNAs (tRNAs), aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, ribosome

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 5: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

A chicken-egg problem

What evolved first: DNA or protein?

DNA needs proteins to replicate.Proteins encoded in DNA.

Solution: RNA world?

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 6: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

RNA world hypothesis

First hints in 1960’s.

C. Woese (1967): “The Genetic Code”

Crick (1968): RNA preceeded DNA and protein as source oflife.

W. Gilbert (1986): “The RNA world”, after discovery of firstcatalytic RNAs

RNA both as information storage and catalyst poweringrudimentary cells.

Later, DNA took over the role as genetic storage due to itschemical stability

Proteins (enzymes) replaced ribozymes - more variability andefficiency

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 7: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

RNA Milestones - Nobel prize 1989

Cleavage of precursor tRNA5’ends

Self-splicing group I introns fromTetrahymena thermophila

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 8: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

RNA polymerase

Current record: 20 ntelongation

RNA replicase only a matterof time

Example RNA polymerase:A: RNA ligase (up to 6 nuc.)B: initial SELEX poolC: 10 rounds of SELEXD: 18 rounds of SELEX

(16 nucs elongation)

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 9: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

The equivalent of sex

Self-splicing group I introns from Tetrahymena thermophila

Implying reversibility, two separated introns can act as atransposon → recombination

Major boost for evolution.

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 10: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

RNA regulation

Even a simple metabolism needs regulation.Currently we know of:


regulation by duplex formation

regulation induced by metabolite binding

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 11: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 12: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

A closer look

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 13: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 14: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Why do riboswitches support the RNA world hypothesis?

RNA riboswitches for universally required basic metabolites

RNA riboswitches more widespread in bacteria than anyprotein-based genetic factor that senses metabolites

Sensing domains carry most higly conserved elements(reasonable since the metabolites have not changed)

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 15: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

The ribosome is a ribozyme

Ribosome composed of several proteins and RNAs

Catalytic core clearly defined by RNAs, proteins stabilize(2001)

Peptide bond formation catalyzed by adenin residue

Hypothesis: primitive ribosome made solely of RNAs

The smoking gun that convinced most biologist that therereally has been an RNA world

Lots of other catalytic activies reported (see second part)

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 16: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

RNA world remnants and newcomers

RNAs provide the template for telomerase activity

RNAs part of the spliceosome

RNA editing (guide RNAs)

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 17: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Intermediate conclusion

In a world of RNA there is:



mutation on short and large scale


Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 18: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Consequences and benefits

Explanation for the early life on earth.

Simulation of evolution in the wet-lab

(Nearly) complete knowledge of the chemical repertoire ofRNA

Artificial ribozymes designed for specific task(pharmaceuticals)

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 19: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

A simple ribo-organism

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 20: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Facts against the hypothesis

Chemical conditions on primitive earth might have led to rapidchemical degradation of RNA

Only a relative “short” timespan (0.5 billion years) untilevolution of first primitive life (3.5 bill. y.)

Did another replicating, evolving molecule preceeded RNA aswell?

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

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RNA world hypothesis SELEX


1 RNA world hypothesis


Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 22: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Evolution on the fast track

SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by ExponentialEnrichment) or in-vitro selection

Independently developed by three groups in 1990

Methodical components: synthesis of randomoligonucleotides, amplification via PCR, and transcription andreverse-transcription of RNA

Iterative process that amplifies DNA/RNA sequences withspecific properties.

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 23: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

SELEX - process

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 24: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Theoretical considerations

Library size: 1015 sequences

Complete coverage of sequence space for n = 25(theoretically)

Rapid decrease for longer sequences (n=100: 10−46)

Use only partially random sequences or bias the nucleotidecomposition

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 25: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

Aptamers for target binding

simple ions

small molecules (amino acids, nucleotides, cofactors)

peptides and proteins

Theophyllin-dependent aptamer discriminates against caffeinemore than 10.000 fold (caffein and theophylin differ by onlyone methyl group)

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 26: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX

A tryptophane transporter

RNA 9: membraneaffinity

RNA 727-44:tryptophane aptamer

RNA 10: linker

RNA 10Trp: 0.5 trp/secturnover rate,

Comparable to slowprotein transporters

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

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RNA world hypothesis SELEX


RNA cleavage, ligation and synthesis

Diels-Alder reaction

N-glycosidic and peptide bond formation

Alkylation acyl-transfer


Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08

Page 28: RNA Structure Prediction and Comparison Session 14 Exkurs: The

RNA world hypothesis SELEX


Artificially selected Ribozymes and riboswitches are usuallysmaller than their natural occuring counterparts

However, they are also less efficient and specific

A current goal in SELEX experiments is to find “an exit fromthe RNA world”, e.g. to proove the existence of all ribozymesneccessary for protein synthesis.

Jens Reeder Bielefeld University

RNA Structure SS 08