road map he 7.24


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Page 1: Road Map HE 7.24



Commission on Higher Education

Page 2: Road Map HE 7.24

Table 1. Number of Philippine Higher Institutions and Enrollment by Type2000-2012

Institutional Type/AY Number Enrollment

2000-2001 *2011-2012 2000-2001 *2011-2012

Total HEIs (excluding SUCs campuses) 1,380 1,856 2,229,645 2,566,652

Total HEIs (including SUCs campuses) 1,603 2,282 2,430,842 3,033,967

Public 166 646 771,162 1,282,045

State Universities and Colleges 107 110 499,002 657,858

SUCs Campuses 223 426 201,197 467,315

Local Universities and Colleges 40 94 61,954 150,311

Others (include OGS, CSI, Special HEI)

19 16 9,009 6,561

Private 1,214 1,636 1,659,680 1,751,922

Sectarian 312 339 527,753 484,804

Non-Sectarian 902 1,297 1,131,927 1,267,118

* As of July 23, 2012

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Rationale Compared to higher education, basic

education–yields greater social returns, and its provision is the more fundamental duty of the state

With K-12, current shortages (classrooms, textbooks, teachers, etc) and demand for international comparability, basic education will be prioritized in allocation of government resources

Private sector will continue to contribute significantly to higher education delivery

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(with whatever modest resources generated) maximize public higher education's contribution towards producing competent high level professionals and generating knowledge and technologies for national development and competitiveness

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Objectives Specific:

1. To rationalize the public higher education system, improve its internal and external efficiency, optimize resource utilization and maximize resource generation;

2. To improve quality and standards of higher education, raise the level of educational outcomes and increase the social relevance of its developmental functions; and

3. To expand access to quality higher education among lower income and disadvantaged groups

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Higher Education Development Program Rationalization of SUCs Quality assurance Faculty development, HEI management development CHED Organizational Dev’t

Rationalization within a moratorium period Reorienting financing of higher education

2011Tangible Outputs

PCER Report

Integration of 102 CSIs to SUCs

Education sector development studies

Roadmap for Public Higher Education ReformGoal: Relevant & quality public higher education accessible to all who seek and deserve it


CHED bldg, LLU, MRU, IAU 1,500 HEI managers trained

1,730 FDP scholars IQuAME system

DBM-CHED Circular re NFF XI RUS Master Plan

Typology Bills, draft CMO (SUC Leveling)

National Higher Education Research Agenda II

OBE-typology based QA framework XI RUS Bill

Revised NFF for SUC MOOE Presidential Task Force for Education Report

Major Initiatives

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Upgrading quality 4. Strengthening QA 5. Upgrading faculty qualification 6. Upgrading leading SUCs RDE centers COEs/CODs

Enhancing access 7. Modernizing developing SUCs 8. Strengthening STUFAPs

Cross cutting initiative 9. Executive development program

20163 internationally recognized SUCs


Higher Education Academy

88 developing SUCs upgraded

2550 SUC managers trained

55,000 student scholars/grantees

Socialized tuition fee adopted in 10 SUCs

4 RUS models, 2 specialized HEIs All SUCs & LUCs classified by type & level

All irrelevant & duplicative SUCs programs & satellites phased out NFF for SUC MOOE & PS

22 leadings universities with viable IGPs, raising 50% of their budget needs

OBE-typology based QA applied on all SUCs & LUCs

195 COEs/Ds

80% of non-compliant programs phased out 50% passing in licensure exams in priority programs

within SUCs mandates 2,500 faculty scholars

15 R&D centers established

Rationalization of Public HE system 1. Rationalizing SUCs/LUCs 2. Rationalizing program offerings 3. Rationalizing resource utilization/


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Public Higher Education Reform Overall Framework

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MilestonesObjective 1. Improve Efficiency

Initiatives Milestones

1. Rationalization of SUCs distribution and growth

GIS based map of HEIs and programs completed by 2011, and continuously updated thereafter

Blueprint for public HEI system developed by 2012

Three (3) RUS and two (2) specialized HEIs pilot tested from 2012 to 2016: RUS bill in process during Plan period

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MilestonesObjective 1. Improve Efficiency

Initiatives Milestones

2. Rationalization of programs

Typology framework developed by 2011 and initially implemented in 2012, and all SUCs and LUCs classified by 2013SUCs programs outside mandates, duplicative and inefficient identified by 2011, 30% ordered for phase out/closure by 2012 and 100% in 2013-2016*

New academic programs developed and launched in critical high level professional disciplines, e.g. geology, meteorology by 2013

*Total number of SUCs programs = 12,246 higher education + 1200 preschool, elem, H.S. & TechVoc

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MilestonesObjective 1. Improve Efficiency

Initiatives Milestones

3. Rationalization of resources

Generic socialized tuition fee scheme designed by 2013, and piloted in 10 SUCs in 2014-2016

Normative funding formula revised by 2012, revised formula applied on 100% of SUCs MOOE and simulated on PS by 2013, then fully applied on both MOOE and PS by 2016

22 Leading SUCs with viable IGPs by 2013, with 50% of their budget accounted for by internally generated income by 2016

Plan for digitization and automation formulated by 2012, fully implemented in accordance with GIFMIS in 20% of SUCs by 2014, in all SUCs by 2016

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MilestonesObjective 2. Upgrade quality

Initiatives Milestones

4. Quality assurance of SUCs/LUCs

All authorized unaccredited SUCs programs evaluated by 2012; 20% substandard and non-performing programs closed or phased out in 2012 and 80% from 2013 to 2016

Improved performance of SUCs graduates in licensure examinations in priority disciplines (within their mandates) to 50% passing by 2016*

85 SUCs programs supported for accreditation in 2012, and 340 programs from 2013 to 2016

5. Faculty development

500 SUC faculty scholars supported in 2012 and 2000 from 2013 to 2016**

*Baseline 2010 = 31%**15,566 SUCs faculty (41.9%) w/o grad deg in 2010-2011; 22,966 or 58% w/ grad deg (total 39,532); target will increase to 64.4%

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MilestonesObjective 2. Upgrade quality

Initiatives Milestones

6. Upgrading leading SUCs to internatl standards

5 R&D Centers established in SUCs and supported in 2012, and 10 from 2013 to 2016

15 CHED-funded SUCs R&D projects implemented in 2012, and 30 during 2013-2016

6 SUCs extension programs conducted for the NAPC identified focus municipalities

45 COEs/Ds in SUCs identified & processed with 25 supported in 2012; 150 processed with 100 supported from 2013-2016

3 SUCs in the top leading universities in the world by 2016

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MilestonesObjective 3. Enhance access

Initiatives Milestones

7. Modernizing developing SUCs

89 developing SUCs outside highly urbanized areas supported

8. STUFAPs Harmonized/integrated scheme of STUFAPs instituted through intergovernment/agency collaboration

11,360 STUFAP beneficiaries in SUCs in 2012 and 44,000 from 2013-2016, from poor and disadvantaged families, especially in NAPC focus communities

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Executive DevelopmentProgram

550 SUCs managers trained in 2012; 2000 in 2013-2016

Institutionalization thru establishment of Higher Education Academy and HE career system conceptualized

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2011-2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total

22.00 24.20 26.62 29.28 32.21 134.31

56.00 61.60 67.76 74.54 81.99 341.89

78.00 85.80 94.38 103.82 114.20 476.20

286.00 314.60 346.06 380.67 418.73 1,746.06

GIA for RDE for Leading 504.00 504.00

Infra and Facilities upgrading for Leading

2,631.00 2,631.00

NAFES and Faculty Development

97.16 106.88 117.56 129.32 142.25 593.17

Growth Areas 500.00 500.00

Infra and Facilities upgrading for Leading

2,894 3,183.40 3,501.74 3,851.91 13,431.05

GIA for RDE for Leading 554 609.40 670.34 737.37 2,571.11

4,018.16 3,869.48 4,256.42 4,682.07 5,150.27 21,976.40

88.60 13.29 1.99 0.00 0.00 103.88

GIA for poverty alleviation

500.00 500.00

Modernizing Facilities of Developing SUCs

427.80 427.80

STUFAP 60.34 72.41 86.90 709.28 780.21 1,709.14

GIA for poverty alleviation

550.00 550.00


Modernizing Facilities of Developing SUCs

470.58 517.64 569.40 626.34 2,183.96

1,076.74 556.28 1,156.53 1,278.68 1,406.55 5,474.78

165.00 100.00 110.00 121.00 133.10 629.10

165.00 100.00 110.00 121.00 133.10 629.10

5,337.90 4,611.56 5,617.33 6,185.57 6,804.12 28,556.48

(1) HEDF allocation for Institutional Capacity Building for SUCs(2) Disbursement Acceleration Program Grants-In-Aid for SUCs - RDE, retained by PIDs(3) HEDF allocation for COE/COD, Quality Assurance, Research and Faculty Development Programs (FDP) for SUCs(4) HEDF allocation for STUFAP(5) Released through Development Academy of the Philippines

HEDF (4)





DAP - Executive Development Program (5)


3 For Access

4 Crosscutting




1 For Efficiency

2 For Quality

Fund Source


HEDF (3)



HEDF (1)

GIA for RDE (2)