rock stability under different fluid flow conditions

Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions by Gang Han A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfillment of the thesis requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2003 ©Gang Han, 2003

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Page 1: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions

Rock Stability under Different Fluid

Flow Conditions


Gang Han

A thesis

presented to the University of Waterloo

in fulfillment of the

thesis requirement for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Chemical Engineering

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2003

©Gang Han, 2003

Page 2: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, including

any required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners.

I understand that my thesis may be made electronically available to the public.

Page 3: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions



This thesis would not be completed without acknowledgement of the efforts of those people who

helped throughout this research. First I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Maurice B.

Dusseault, for his consistent technical, moral, and financial support; for trusting my decisions and

allowing me the flexibility to achieve my project goals. His efforts, enthusiasm, and

encouragement motivated the author throughout the study.

Special thanks to the members of my PhD committee, Prof. John Chatzis, Prof. Leo

Rothenburg, Prof. Mario Ioannidis, and Dr. Euripides Papamichos, for their technical help during

my study, and for their critical reviews and useful suggestions on this thesis.

The author deeply appreciates the generous financial support from Schlumberger. In

particular, I would like to thank Dr. Denis Heliot, Dr. Steve Chang, and Dr. John Cook from

Schlumberger for having initiated this study, and Dr. John Cook, Dr. Hongren Gu, Dr. Chang Liu,

and Dr. Ian Walton for providing valuable technical discussions and inspirations.

My extended gratefulness to the technical communications with Dr. Bernald Tremblay, Dr.

Jian-Yang Yuan, and Dr. Ernie H. Perkins from Alberta Research Council, Dr. Luis C.B. Bianco

from PetroBras, Dr. Neal Nagel from Philips Petroleum Company, and Dr. Andreas Kronenberg

from Texas A&M University. Mr. Kirby Hayes’ arrangement for my field study of sand

production in Lloydminster oil fields is particularly recognized.

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This thesis is dedicated to my great parents, Benli Han and Xiangdong Qi, and my beautiful wife,

Xingmei Diao, for always being there

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It is widely known in oil industry that changes in fluid flow conditions such as water

breakthrough or unsteady flow due to well shut-in can lead to sand destabilization, with a possible

consequent sand production. In this research, different flow situations are incorporated into stress

and stability analysis for the region around a wellbore producing oil from weak or unconsolidated

sands, and the analyses involve strength weakening, stress redistribution, and decrease of rock


Two main mechanisms, chemical reactions of rock with formation water and variations of

rock capillary strength, are identified and analyzed to study strength weakening after water

breakthrough, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Using theories from particle mechanics, rock

mechanics, and interfacial science, four novel capillarity models are developed and verified to

analytically capture the physical behaviors of capillary strength at the grain scale. Based on

model calculations, significantly better understanding of strength behavior in two-phase fluid

environments is achieved.

Based on a simplified model that can conservatively but efficiently quantify capillary

strength with only two input parameters (i.e. particle radius and water saturation), a verified new

method that physically calculates pore pressure in a multiphase environment, and a coupled poro-

inelastic stress model, the redistributions of effective stresses with water saturation around a

wellbore are solved. In terms of stress changes and growth of a plastic radius defining shear-

failure zone, the effects of different stability factors, including capillarity through water-oil

menisci, pore pressure changes due to the variations of fluid relative permeabilities, and loss of

strength through chemical reactions of water-sensitive cementation materials, are quantified and

compared in order to clarify when and how they contribute to sand production after water


The nonlinearities of rock elastic properties in stressed and biphasic fluid environments is

analytically addressed, based on an improved nonlinear theory that considers both a failure-based

mechanism and a confining-stress-based mechanism, the strength model, and the coupled stress

model. The calculations demonstrate the redistributions of stress-dependent rock stiffness around

a wellbore and its evolution with increase of water saturation, clarify the relative importance of

each mechanism in reducing rock stiffness, and fundamentally explain why current predictive

technologies are invalid when water appears in a flowing wellbore.

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To quantify the effect of well shut-down on rock stability, the redistributions of fluid

pressure in reservoir are analytically solved and coupled with the stress model, while the water

hammer equations provide a boundary condition for the bottom-hole pressure. This approach

allows direct solution of the relationships among fluid properties, rock properties and production

parameters, within the context of rock stability.

The proposed new approaches and models can be applied to evaluate sand production risk

in multiphase and unsteady fluid flow environment. They can also serve as points of departure to

develop more sophisticated models, or to develop more useful constitutive laws for numerical


Page 7: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions



a Half distance between two particles, m

aw Wave speed of fluid transient, m/s

A Area, m2

Aiw Area of wellbore internal cross-section, m2

BK Bulk modulus, Pa

C Rock compressibility, 1/Pa

Cbc, Effective bulk compressibility, 1/Pa

Cbp Pesudo-bulk compressibility, 1/Pa

Cpc, Formation compaction coefficient, 1/Pa

Cpp Effective pore compressibility, 1/Pa

Cl, Fluid compressibility, 1/Pa

Cm Rock matrix compressibility, 1/Pa

Ct Formation total compressibility (=φCl + Cm), 1/Pa

Co Cohesive shear strength, Pa

Co_ch Chemically reduced cohesive strength, Pa

Co_init Rock initial cohesive strength, Pa

Diw Internal radius of wellbore, m

Dϕ Change rate of friction angle with confining stress

Dν Change rate of Poisson’s ratio with confining stress

e Thickness of tubing wall, m

E Young’s modulus, Pa

Ei, Eo Young’s moduli in reservoir conditions and at atmospheric pressure, Pa

f Friction factor of tubing

fw, fo Water and oil cuts in fluid production

F Force, N

Fc Cohesive capillary force, N

Ff Fluid seepage force, N

Fv, Viscous drag force, N

Fb Buoyancy force, N

g Gravity, m/s2

G Shear rigidity, Pa

h Thickness of oil formation, m

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H Piezometric head, m

k Permeability of reservoir, m2

ki Initial reservoir permeability, m2

krw, krow Water and oil relative permeabilities, m2

Κ A parameter used in pressure calculation, kh



L Length of wellbore, m

n Size ratio (the ratio of two particles radii)

Total number of discrete length

P Fluid pressure, Pa

P1, P2 Fluid pressures at inner (wellbore) and outer boundary of reservoir, Pa

Pa Atmospheric pressure, Pa

Pw, PO Water and oil pressures, Pa

Pe, Pw Pressures at external boundary and wellbore (used only in Chapter 6), Pa

∆P Pressure difference between two immiscible fluids, Pa

Pc Capillary pressure, Pa

q Production rate per unit thickness, m2/s

Q Production rate, m3/s

Qo, Qw Oil and water production rate, m3/s

Water volume in the liquid bridge, m2

r Radius of curvature of the liquid bridge in the vertical plane, m

Radius from wellbore, m

R The radius of particle spheres, m

R1, R2 Inner (wellbore) and outer boundary radii of reservoir, m

Rc The critical radius defining the plastic zone, m

Rw, Re Wellbore radius and external radii, m

Rf A parameter describing residual strength after stress reaches the peak

S Specific surface area, 1/m

Sw, SO Water and oil saturations

Swc Connate water saturation

Soi Immobile oil saturation

u, v, w Displacements in r, θ, z directions, m

V Volume of the unit, m2

Vb, Vp Bulk and pore volumes, m3

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xp, yp Spatial coordinates of point p(x,y), m

z Vertical direction

Depth from wellhead, m

α Biot coefficient

β Failure angle (= π/4 + ϕ/2), radian

βv The angle describing the extent of particle overlap, radian

βw Water volume angle, radian

ε Normal strain

εr, εθ, εz Normal strains in radial, tangential, and vertical directions

εv Volumetric strain

ξ Dimensionless radius

θ Contact angle between fluid and solid, radian

λ Lamé elastic constant

Eigenvalue of first order Bessel function

A factor accounting for non-uniform particle size effects on rock strength

χ The ratio of interparticle space and the particle radius (= a/R)

η A balance parameter (= φo/φ)

ρ Material density, kg/m3

γ Surface-free energy of the material, N/m

Surface tension between two fluids, N/m

µ Fluid viscosity, Pa⋅s

ν Poisson’s ratio

νi, νo Poisson’s ratios at initial reservoir conditions and at atmospheric pressure

ω Dimensionless time

σ Total stress, Pa

σ′ Effective stress, Pa

σ′1, σ′2, σ′3 Maximum, medium, minimum effective stresses, Pa

σr, σθ, σz Total radial, tangential, and vertical stresses, Pa

σ′r, σ′θ, σ′z Effective radial, tangential, and vertical stresses, Pa

σ′h Horizontal effective stress in far field, Pa

σ′e, σ′p Effective elastic and plastic stresses, Pa

σT Tensile strength, Pa

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σUCS Uniaxial (unconfined) compressive strength, Pa

σm Molecular cohesive strength, Pa

τ Shear stress, Pa

Γ Shear strain

ϕ Internal friction angle, radian

ϕ0 Friction angle at atmosphere pressure, radian

φ Rock porosity

φi Initial rock porosity

Φ Dimensionless pressure

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Table of Contents




Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................xi

Chapter 1 Introduction and Structure of Thesis ..................................................................................1

1.1 Fundamental Theories and Concepts in Stability Analysis........................................................1

1.1.1 Theory of effective stress ..................................................................................................1

1.1.2 Stress components and equilibrium....................................................................................2

1.1.3 Rock strength....................................................................................................................4

1.1.4 Rock failure theory............................................................................................................6

1.2 Structure of Thesis...................................................................................................................7

1.2.1 Research goals ..................................................................................................................7

1.2.2 Steps and approaches ........................................................................................................9

1.3 Tables and Figures.................................................................................................................11

Chapter 2 Sand Production and Prediction.......................................................................................12

2.1 Sand Production: a Benefit or a Nightmare?...........................................................................12

2.2 Mechanisms for Sand Production...........................................................................................13

2.2.1 First stage of sand production: sand failure......................................................................13

2.2.2 Sand failure is not the same as sand production ...............................................................15

2.2.3 Failure propagation .........................................................................................................17

2.3 Current Predictive Techniques and their Limitations..............................................................18

2.3.1 Models based on continuum theories...............................................................................19

2.3.2 Models based on non-continuum theories........................................................................20

2.4 Summary ...............................................................................................................................21

2.5 Tables and Figures.................................................................................................................22

Chapter 3 Influence of Fluid Saturation on Rock Strength................................................................26

3.1 Experimental and Field Observations.....................................................................................26

3.1.1 Water-related sand production.........................................................................................26

3.1.2 Alteration of rock strength...............................................................................................27

3.2 Possible Chemical Reactions of Formation Water and Sand ...................................................28

3.2.1 Formation water analysis.................................................................................................29

3.2.2 Quartz hydrolysis and water-related actions.....................................................................29

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3.2.3 Carbonate dissolution......................................................................................................31

3.2.4 Ferruginous deposits and clay swelling............................................................................32

3.2.5 Effects on rock surface energy and strength.....................................................................32

3.2.6 Possibility to quantify those phenomena..........................................................................33

3.3 Mathematical Models for Capillarity......................................................................................35

3.3.1 Basic model: uniform particles contacting tangentially ....................................................35

3.3.2 Non-uniform particles contacting tangentially .................................................................39

3.3.3 Detached uniform particles..............................................................................................41

3.3.4 Squeezed uniform particles..............................................................................................42

3.3.5 Loaded uniform particles.................................................................................................43

3.4 Calculations and Verifications of Capillary Models................................................................44

3.4.1 Model inputs and simplifications.....................................................................................44

3.4.2 Behaviors of capillary pressure and forces.......................................................................45

3.4.3 Capillary cohesive force vs. fluid driving forces..............................................................45

3.4.4 Behaviour of capillary strength and influential factors.....................................................47

3.4.5 Strength evolution with rock deformation........................................................................49

3.5 Conclusions...........................................................................................................................50

3.6 Tables and Figures.................................................................................................................52

Chapter 4 Coupled Stress Solutions for Water/Oil Fluid Flow..........................................................72

4.1 Geomechanics Model for Steady Monophase Flow ................................................................72

4.1.1 Coupled elastic stress model ............................................................................................72

4.1.2 Discussion of boundary conditions..................................................................................74

4.1.3 Poro-inelastic stress model ..............................................................................................75

4.2 Stress-Dependent Porosity and Permeability ..........................................................................78

4.2.1 Stress-dependent permeability and previous models ........................................................78

4.2.2 Porosity vs. stress............................................................................................................80

4.2.3 Compressibility vs. stress................................................................................................81

4.2.4 Permeability vs. porosity .................................................................................................83

4.2.5 Permeability vs. distance from wellbore..........................................................................84

4.2.6 Should permeability be considered as stress-dependent?..................................................85

4.2.7 Model limitations and suggestions for future research......................................................86

4.3 Geomechanics Model for Two-Phase Flow ............................................................................87

4.3.1 An optimized microscopic capillary model ......................................................................87

4.3.2 Pore pressure calculations ...............................................................................................88

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4.3.3 Stress calculations in oil/water environment ....................................................................90

4.3.4 Redistributions of pore pressure and stresses with water ..................................................91

4.3.5 Why does sand fail after water breakthrough?..................................................................93

4.4 Conclusions...........................................................................................................................96

4.5 Tables and Figures.................................................................................................................99

Chapter 5 Nonlinear Rock Properties in Stressed and Oil/Water Environments..............................112

5.1 Introduction: Stress- and Water-Induced Nonlinearities........................................................112

5.2 Nonlinear Theories ..............................................................................................................113

5.2.1 Literature review...........................................................................................................113

5.2.2 Failure-based nonlinearity .............................................................................................114

5.2.3 Confining-stress-based nonlinearity...............................................................................116

5.2.4 Incorporating nonlinear properties into stress calculations .............................................118

5.2.5 Validity of nonlinear theories for rock analysis..............................................................121

5.3 Modelling Rock Properties after Water Breakthrough ..........................................................122

5.3.1 Incorporation of the water effect....................................................................................122

5.3.2 Nonlinear Young’s modulus..........................................................................................123

5.3.3 Nonlinear Poisson’s ratio ..............................................................................................125

5.4 Conclusions.........................................................................................................................125

5.5 Tables and Figures...............................................................................................................128

Chapter 6 Geomechanics Models for Unsteady Fluid Flow ............................................................140

6.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................140

6.2 Model Development ............................................................................................................141

6.2.1 Pressure recovery in reservoir after well shut-in.............................................................141

6.2.2 Coupled geomechanics model .......................................................................................143

6.2.3 Pressure wave inside wellbore.......................................................................................144

6.3 Model Calculations and Discussions....................................................................................145

6.3.1 Model simplifications....................................................................................................145

6.3.2 Rock stability when pressure fluctuates.........................................................................146

6.4 Conclusions.........................................................................................................................147

6.5 Tables and Figures...............................................................................................................148

Chapter 7 Summaries, Conclusions, and Recommendations...........................................................153

7.1 Summary of efforts..............................................................................................................153

7.2 Conclusions.........................................................................................................................155

7.2.1 Why does sand fail after water breakthrough?................................................................155

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7.2.2 Why does sand production often happen after a well is abruptly shut-in?.......................159

7.3 Model Limitations and Recommendations............................................................................159

7.3.1 Capillarity models.........................................................................................................159

7.3.2 Permeability models......................................................................................................160

7.3.3 Nonlinear models..........................................................................................................161

7.3.4 Stress models for sand production prediction.................................................................161

7.3.5 Water hammer models...................................................................................................162

Appendix 6-A................................................................................................................................163

Appendix 6-B................................................................................................................................165

Chapter 8 Bibliography .................................................................................................................167

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Chapter 1 Introduction and Structure of Thesis

Each year, wellbore stability problems cost the petroleum upstream industry more than $6 billion

US dollars (Powers, 2000). Starting from drilling operations, completion and production,

workovers, to EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery), oil operators have to expect various rock stability

problems such as borehole breakout or collapse, sand production, formation compaction, casing

shear, etc. Also, sand production is a common challenge, especially in unconsolidated and

weakly consolidated sand where seventy percent of world oil production is achieved (Bianco and

Halleck, 2001). Sand production is the main focus in this research.

Veeken et al. (1991) pointed out that unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs with

permeabilities of 0.5 to 8 Darcy are the most susceptible to sand production, which may “…start

during initial inflow or later, when reservoir pressure has fallen or when water breaks through”.

Despite insufficient studies of the mechanisms of sand failure, it is generally believed that the

disturbance caused by drilling activities, wellbore introduction, workover operations, or

production strategies leads to stress alterations in the formations near the well. After stresses are

elevated above rock strength, failure (or fabric deterioration) occurs and fluid flow starts to erode

and carry failed sands into the wellbore. Hence sand production can be divided into two

processes: sand failure and failed sand transportation. In this research the first process is focused

upon, involving strength weakening, stress overloading, and decrease of rock stiffness when fluid

conditions vary from monophasic to biphasic, or from steady-state to unsteady-state flow. All of

these are important aspects of sand production prediction.

1.1 Fundamental Theories and Concepts in Stability Analysis

Before discussing any details of rock stability, some important concepts and theories should be

clarified and emphasized as their overuse and frequent misuse lead to a great deal of confusion

(Dusseault et al., 1989).

1.1.1 Theory of effective stress

The most fundamental principle of soil mechanics is the Terzaghi principle of effective stress as

defined by the following equations:

























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where σ is total normal stress, σ′ is effective normal stresses, τ is shear stress, and P is pore

pressure. The above equation expresses the principle that effective stresses are the difference

between total stresses in the rock skeleton and pore pressure in the interconnected voids. The

pore pressure must always act normal to the surface of sand particles because it is a hydrostatic

force; therefore it contributes nothing to the shear stress that acts parallel to a plane.

In Petroleum Geomechanics, a form of Pασσ −=′ has generally been used, where α is

called Biot’s poroelastic constant. Physically it means that the rock skeleton carries the part σ′ of

the total external stress σ, while the remaining part, αP, is carried by the fluid in the porous

medium. Expressed as bc



C−= 1α , (Cm and Cbc are the compressibilities of rock matrix and

rock bulk, respectively), α is extremely difficult to measure, given the inherently complex nature

of a porous medium (Chen et al, 1995). However, α is restricted to the region φ< α ≤ 1, and for

unconsolidated or weak rocks, α is undoubtedly close to 1 (Fjær et al., 1992).

The concept of effective stress lays the foundation for rock stability investigation in

reservoir conditions because it is effective stresses that eventually act on the rock particles

(interparticle forces at the grain scale) to stabilize or mobilize them. Meanwhile the method that

pore pressure effects, which may result from reservoir depletion, fluid saturation changes,

adjustment of production strategy, and so on, are incorporated into stresses calculation reveals the

importance of coupled analysis between fluid flow and rock stresses when issues of reservoir rock

stability are involved. For example, it is found that the effective stress level at reservoir

abandonment often will be approximately two times higher that that encountered at the start of

production (Burton et al., 1998), and the increased effective stresses can result in shear failure of

even well consolidated (strong) rock.

1.1.2 Stress components and equilibrium

For cases involving cylindrical or axial symmetry, e.g. stress and pressure analysis around a

wellbore that penetrates an oil reservoir, the system of cylindrical coordinates r, θ, z are used, in

which the stress components become

normal stresses: σr, σθ, σz

shear stresses: τrθ, τrz , τθz

The components of strain are

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r ∂∂=ε ;





; zw

z ∂∂=ε



rr ∂∂+



12 ;


rz ∂∂+



2 ; zu


rz ∂∂+

∂∂=Γ2 (1.2)

where ε and Γ are normal strain and shear strain, u, v, w are displacements in r, θ, z directions,

respectively. The relations between stress and strain for an elastic material can be written as

rr Gελσ 2+∆= ; θθ ελσ G2+∆= ; zz Gελσ 2+∆=

θθτ rr GΓ= 2 ; zz G θθτ Γ= 2 ; rzrz GΓ= 2τ (1.3)

where ∆ is volumetric strain that can be determined by



uzr ∂




θεεε θ

1 (1.4)

In these expressions, λ and G are the Lamé elastic constants (G is also called shear rigidity),

which can be related to Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (ν) by:

)21)(1( νν


= E,

)1(2 ν+= E

G (1.5)

Without fluid influence, the stress equilibrium equation in a 3-D cylindrical coordinate

system can be written as (Jaeger and Cook, 1979)

01 =+





rrrzrr F


θτσ θθ

021 =++




θθθθθ ρττ




01 =++




zrzzzrz Frzrr


ττ θ (1.6)

where F is internal force and ρ is medium density. In 2-D situation, the above equations (without

consideration of body force) can be simplified to:

01 =





rrr θθ σσθ


Page 18: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


021 =+




rr θθθ τθ

στ (1.7)

This can be further simplified if only a 1-D axisymmetric situation is considered:



d rr θσσσ (1.8)

Replacing stresses in the equilibrium equation (Eq. 1.6) with Eq. (1.3) result in

( ) 0211







=+� ��

�� �∂∂





+∂∆∂+ rF









rG ρ


( ) 0211







=+� ��






+∂∆∂+ θρ

θθθλ F










( ) 011







=+� �

�� �∂∂




+∂∆∂+ zF






zG ρ

θλ (1.9)

For the 1-D case it can be rewritten as







ud (1.10)

In this research (Chapter 4), coupled stress approaches for 1-D studies around a wellbore

will be developed based on Eq. (1.8) and Eq. (1.10).

1.1.3 Rock strength

Mechanical strength is the most crucial rock property in stability analysis, and it appears in

different forms: uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), shear strength, tensile strength, and

residual strength:

• As shown in Fig 1.1, a typical rock response to external uniaxial stress, UCS is the peak

stress that rock can sustain during a uniaxial compression test with no lateral confinement.

Usually, it is treated as a benchmark for sand stability because it is easy to measure. The

higher the UCS value, the more stable sands are assumed to be.

• Another strength concept defined in the figure is the residual strength: the strength rock has

left after losing its cohesive strength component. Its importance for rock stability analysis

will be demonstrated in Chapter 5.

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• Tensile strength prevents solids from being pulled apart by fluid flow or other driving forces

from their original positions. For unconsolidated sand, it is usually negligible unless

capillarity exists through fluid menisci acting on the particle-fluid contact surface, as it is

shown that the magnitude of capillary force at least can match that of fluid seepage force

(Han and Dusseault, 2002 a).

• Shear strength, also called compressive strength, is the maximum compressive stress that

rock can sustain in uniaxial unconfined test. The resistive forces come from two

contributions: one is the cohesive resistive force (cohesive strength); the other is the frictional

resistive force (frictional strength). Cohesion comes from not only mineral cementation (e.g.

quartz, calcareous, and ferruginous materials) and cohesive bonding (e.g. capillary force), but

can also be related to the intergranular fabric, that is, the nature of the contacts among

particles (i.e. interlocking leads to breakage of mineral grains before sliding can occur).

Rock strength is not a constant: it is affected by numerous internal factors, including grain

size, mineral cement type, contact fabric (e.g. point contact, long contact…), original cracks and

fissures, anisotropy, etc., as well as external conditions such as water saturation, stress state,

loading path and so on. This leads to great difficulties in obtaining accurate rock strength data,

especially for in-situ conditions.

Based on the magnitude of stress perturbation and its rate of change, strength determination

can be divided into static (or experimental) methods and dynamic (or logging-derived correlation)

methods. Usually both lab and wireline log data are incorporated if possible, since none of them

could be claimed superior than the other. The most reliable approach is triaxial tests of core

samples in laboratory. However it is time-consuming and costly, and the samples provided are

always damaged to some unknown amount by stress relief.

Well logs can reflect the in-situ stress conditions and provide continuous curves that reveal

strength trends of the formation. Unfortunately, since no logging tool directly yields static

strength value, dynamic methods have to face formidable difficulties in order to interpret and

calibrate the logs in terms of strength, and “…no one should be offended by the statement that it

is far from being solved, even today.” (Raaen et al, 1996) In case of a lack of both experimental

and logging data, an analogue material from an existing database may be worth a try

(Chalaturnyk et al., 1992).

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1.1.4 Rock failure theory

Besides UCS and residual strength, there are several other important concepts defined in

Fig. 1.1:

• Elastic region, within which rock will recover its original state if loading stress is relieved;

• Plastic region, where rock undergoes plastic or irrecoverable deformation, such as grain

sliding and rearrangement, cementation breakage, fracture generation, grain crushing, etc.;

• Yield point, delineating the onset of plastic fabric changes and deviation of the stress-strain

curve from elastic behavior (point A); and,

• Failure point, where the structure loses its designated functionality (point B). Clearly failure

and yield are different concepts. For stability analysis, the accumulation of shear bands is a

process of yield, but cannot be termed as failure until rock collapse and the loading stresses

have shifted to the vicinity. All of these are important aspects of sand production prediction.

Corresponding to strength classifications, two types of rock failure are mainly expected in

sand production scenarios: shear failure (also called compressive failure) and tensile failure. The

former destroys most of the weak mineral bonds between particles and is largely blamed for rock

cohesion loss, while tensile failure results in sand grains being plucked out of the rock skeleton at

the low- or no-cohesion stage and those grains are carried by fluid flow into the wellbore. As a

special form of tensile failure, the term “erosive failure” is sometime used to describe the

transportation of disintegrated particles.

Numerous empirical criteria have been developed to describe the onset of rock failure,

among which the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion (M-C criterion) remains the most popular

because it clearly captures and describes both frictional and cohesive strength factors in shear

failure, and it is easy to apply and is relatively reliable (Fig. 1-2):

βσβσ 231 tantan2 ′+=′ oC (1.11)

where Co is cohesive shear strength, β is failure angle and is related to the friction angle (ϕ)

through β = π/4 + ϕ/2 . For a cylindrical wellbore system, maximum effective stress (σ′1) and

minimum effective stress (σ′3) are usually effective tangential stress (σ′θ) and effective radial

stress (σ′r), respectively.

There are, however, some controversial points about the M-C criterion:

• Mohr’s circle analysis assumes that the intermediate principal stress (σ′2) does not affect rock

stability, which is not necessarily true;

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• It neglects the development of microfractures and the gradual accumulation of damage before

failure; and,

• It doesn’ t account easily for the case of a deviated hole with dipping formation beds passing

through perforation tunnels at various angles (i.e. it is difficult to express the M-C criterion

for the case of anisotropic rocks).

To overcome these limitations, other criteria have been developed. For example, the

Drucker-Prager criterion considers the effect of intermediate principal stress:

(σ′1 - σ′2)2 + (σ′2 - σ′3)

2 + (σ′3 - σ′1)2 = C

2 (1.12)

where C is a characteristic of the rock. The Griffith criterion was developed to study the stability

of rocks where the yield and failure mechanisms are dominated by the development and

coalescence of microcracks:

(σ′1-� σ′3)2 = 8σT(σ′1+σ′3) if σ′1+3σ′3 >= 0

σ′3 = -σT if σ′1+3σ′3 < 0 (1.13)

Tensile failure arises when the radial hydrodynamic drag force, i.e. the radial effective

stress, exceeds the rock tensile strength �T, and is likely triggered exclusively by the case where

the drawdown pressure P exceeds the tensile-failure criterion:

P - σr > �T (1.14)

1.2 Structure of Thesis

1.2.1 Research goals

Most predictive models developed for sand production focus on the effect of steady pressure

depletion in a monophase fluid environment. The effects of water breakthrough and unsteady

flow on sand stability have been less studied and remain poorly quantified despite the fact that oil

companies, on average, produce three barrels of water for each barrel of oil (Bailey et al., 2000),

seventy percent of which comes from unconsolidated or weakly consolidated rock. Unfortunately

those models are “…invalid when the well being analyzed produces free water…” (Ghalambor et

al., 1994), and, to the author’s knowledge, there is no analytical or numerical model for sand

production when fluid flow becomes unsteady.

For the first time, based on experiment findings and field evidence, two important problems

are comprehensively and analytically studied and answered in this research:

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• Why does sand fail after water breakthrough?

• Why does sand fail after the well is abruptly shut down?

More specifically, for water effects on sand stability, new insights and quantifications of the

following questions are addressed:

• Will rock strength be weakened after water breakthrough, and how?

• Will rock elastic properties such as Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio be altered by water,

and how?

• How do stress-dependent porosity and permeability occur around the wellbore, and is it

necessary to incorporate their effects into pressure calculations?

• How do effective stresses become redistributed with increasing water saturation?

• Why are current predictive models useless in the presence of water?

• What kind of role does capillarity play in stabilizing sand, and how to quantify it?

• What are the most important factors that should be accounted for in studying destabilizing of

sand in a biphasic environment?

For the effect of unsteady pressure distributions on wellbore stability, a new framework is

elaborated to tackle problems such as:

• How much hammer energy (in terms of pressure fluctuations) can be generated when a well

is abruptly shut down?

• How much hammer energy can reach the bottom hole and propagate into reservoir?

• What are the possible magnitudes of stress and pressure fluctuations in the reservoir?

Those new findings can serve as a basis for developing new tools to evaluate sand stability

in biphasic environments, when production strategies are adjusted, or for upgrading the current

predictive tools to overcome their limitations. It should be noted that it is not the intention of this

research to cover all the complicated processes of sand production as discussed in Chapter 2. For

example, liquefied sand flowing with oil and water (three-phase flow) in a porous medium whose

transport properties (e.g. porosity, permeability, etc.) and elastic properties (e.g. Young’s

modulus, Poisson’s ratio, cohesive strength, etc.) are constantly changing with sand disintegration

requires more intensive theoretical and experimental studies, and is not addressed in this research.

Furthermore, the rigorous development of analytical or numerical relation for stress and the

critical drawdown pressure at which an oil well will start to produce sand can be seriously

compromised without adequate study of the physics of the sand failure phenomenon. Hence

instead of using empirical approaches, which are commonly adopted by current oil industry, this

Page 23: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


research leaves such issues for future exploration and focuses on rock failure processes that can

be analyzed from a reasonably competent physical basis.

1.2.2 Steps and approaches

There are seven chapters in the thesis, throughout which new analytical approaches are pursued,

based on current physical understanding and theoretical developments in analyses of rock

strength, transport and elastic properties, pore pressure, and stresses.

Chapter 1 contains a fundamental knowledge review for rock stability analysis. Crucial

concepts and theories are introduced with emphasis on fluid influence, such as effective stress

theory, stress components and equilibrium in cylindrical coordinates, classification, influential

factors, rock strength determination, and rock failure theory. Also, the research scope is defined,

and the research goals and steps are clarified.

To better understand the importance of the studies, brief discussions of sand production

scenarios and current prediction technologies are included in Chapter 2. After demonstrating the

benefits and drawbacks associated with sand production, sanding mechanisms from sand failure

to failed sand transport are discussed while the difference between the onset of sand failure and

that of sand production is emphasized. A review of current prediction technologies and their

limitations is briefly carried out.

Chapter 3 is dedicated to the study of strength variation with fluid saturation, as strength is

treated as the most important rock property in stability analysis. After reviewing laboratory and

field findings, geochemical reactions between rock and formation water and variations of

capillary strength are discussed, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Inspired by theories from

particle mechanics, rock mechanics, and interfacial science, five novel capillarity models are

developed and verified to analytically capture the physical behaviors of capillary strength at the

grain scale. Significantly better understanding of sand behavior is achieved, based on model


The appeal of these models is not fully revealed until a simplified capillary model is

proposed in Chapter 4 for stress calculations. With only two parameters as input requirement (i.e.

particle radius and water saturation), the model can conservatively but efficiently quantify

capillary strength. More importantly in Chapter 4, based on a coupled poro-inelastic stress

model, a pore pressure model, and a strength model, for the first time the redistributions of pore

pressure and stresses around a wellbore after water breakthrough are solved. Combined with

strength reduction mechanisms discussed in Chapter 3, these new results reveal the mechanisms

Page 24: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


by which sand fails in two-phase fluid flow environments. In the stress models, different

boundary conditions are compared and some inappropriate conditions that are currently used in

geomechanics analysis are criticized. Based on the simplified capillarity model, pore pressure is

calculated microscopically, and the results confirm the conventional pressure calculations in

multiphase environments. Another important theoretical contribution in the chapter is the

modelling of stress-dependent porosity and permeability around a wellbore. With input of

different relations of compressibility and stress, the proposed method can depict stress-dependent

conductivity properties for different types of rock. As an application, a new approach for

unconsolidated sand is formulated based on nonlinear theory.

Chapter 5 investigates the nonlinearities of rock elastic properties in stressed and biphasic

fluid environments. Nonlinear theories are classified and analyzed into two types: one is based

on confining stress; the other is on shear damage. For the first time, with the aid of the stress

models in Chapter 4, redistributions of rock stiffness around a wellbore with both stresses and

fluid saturation are analytically delineated. Moreover, the calculations clarify the fundamental

reasons why current predictive technologies are invalid when water appears in a flowing

wellbore. The limitations of the models are discussed and recommendations are made regarding

the method to incorporate rock nonlinearities into stress calculations.

A new framework to address the issues of unsteady flow is developed in Chapter 6. Three

models, including a pressure wave model inside the wellbore, a pressure recovery model in the

reservoir, and a model for stress fluctuations around the wellbore, are developed and interlaced

through the variable of fluid pressure. By resorting to analytical and semi-analytical solutions,

the new approach enables a direct relationship to be established among fluid properties, rock

properties and production parameters. The mechanisms for rock failure after well shut-in,

including shear stress elevation, seepage force increase, and cyclic fatigue, are elucidated.

Chapter 7 summarizes main theoretical developments and discoveries in this research. The

two research goals, i.e. why sand fails after water breakthrough or after a well is abruptly shut

down, are answered. The limitations of the models are restated and further improvements are

recommended for future research.

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1.3 Tables and Figures

Fig 1-1: Stress vs. strain in a uniaxial compression test

Plastic Elastic


A: Yield B: Failure

Residual strength

σ′1 σ′3 0 σUCS





Fig. 1-2: Mohr-Coulomb criteria

σ′ 2β

Page 26: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Chapter 2 Sand Production and Prediction

2.1 Sand Production: a Benefit or a Nightmare?

For a long time, sand production becomes a cost source and a safety hazard for oil industry

because it

• erodes equipment, include tubing, pump stator, surface pipes, valves, etc.;

• blocks wells such as tubing assemblage blocking and surface facilities plugging;

• leads to more workovers to replace or repair equipment or clean wells;

• decreases formation conductivity and therefore reservoir recovery efficiency;

• causes formation subsidence and casing collapse; and,

• generates additional need for sand disposal.

Many methods have been tried to prevent sand mobilization, which are referred to as “sand

control” . These exclusion methods range from chemical consolidation such as resin injection to

physical exclusion methods such as slotted liners, prepacked screens, gravel pack placement,

frac-and-pack treatments, etc. However, all these methods normally reduce well productivity and

involve expensive workovers if problems arise. Thus, optimization of sand prediction techniques

and their use in completion and production designs to minimize sanding risks have great

economical value.

In the 1980s, people began to realize that sand production could lead to many benefits: in

the heavy oil (10°-20°API gravity) deposits of Alberta (Canada), field cases show a significant

boost in oil production because of sand production. For many oil wells in the Lloydminster

region, a new concept of sand management, Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand (CHOPS or

CHOP), instead of sand control, has been widely and successfully implemented to keep heavy oil

production economic. The benefits mainly result from (Dusseault and Santarelli, 1989):

• porosity and permeability enhancement from both sand subtraction from the matrix and the

removal of negative permeability factors;

• increase of oil mobility and therefore production rate, from the relative velocity aspects of

Darcy’s law (if sand can move, resistance to liquid movement is reduced);

• foamy oil behavior (the exsolution and growth of gas bubbles in the oil); and,

• enlarged compressibility and porosity dilation, leading to formation compression.

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What constitutes an acceptable level of sand production depends on how much sand will

come out, what the benefit to oil production is, and operational constraints like tubular goods

erosion, sand separator capacity, ease and cost of sand disposal, and the capability of artificial lift

equipment to remove oil and sand from the well.

2.2 Mechanisms for Sand Production

Sand production involves many complicated processes such as stress concentrations and

redistribution, shear dilation, strength weakening, non-linear elastic behavior, hydraulic erosion,

solid transportation, sand recapture, stress arching, perforation blockage, failure propagation, etc.

Most of these are not fully understood despite the tremendous efforts that have been devoted to

them. Assuming that all processes involved are isothermal, brief discussions of each are carried

out below.

2.2.1 First stage of sand production: sand failure

The introduction of a wellbore into an elastic formation leads to stress concentrations sketched in

Fig. 2-1, calculated from the well-known Kirsch elastic solutions (Brady and Brown, 1985).

Shear stress reaches a maximum in the formation adjacent to the wellbore, leading these sands to

most likely experience shear failure and cohesion loss (damage). Furthermore, the maximum

shear stress at the direction of θ = 0 (= 3σ'1 - σ'3) will be always greater than the stress at the

direction of θ = π/2 (= 3σ'3 - σ'1); therefore, as shown in Fig. 2-2, the direction of θ = 0 (i.e. σ'3) is

more favorable for shear failure in the form of shear bands, whereas the direction of θ = π/2 (i.e.

σ'1) favors tensile failure in the form of extensional fractures normal to the cavity surface.

Kirsch’s solutions assume rock is an elastic material and fluid flow has no influence on

rock stability. In a real case when a critical stress (such as the one defined in the M-C criterion)

is reached, the material will yield and behave plastically instead of elastically (Fig. 1-1). With

increasing deformation, the strength of the material may be further reduced, but still can carry

some load, which could restrict unimpeded sand movement toward the well. Thus there will be a

gradual transition zone with reduced strength and stiffness and altered permeability, which is

called the “Coulomb zone” and has been shown to usually exist around a wellbore or perforation

channels by Bratli and Risnes (1981). The stresses, in contrast to Fig. 2-1 where they constantly

decline with radius, first increase within the Coulomb zone before their difference reaches a

maximum (Fig. 2-3), and then declines with radius.

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When subjected to local shearing, the sand particles will rearrange themselves.

Microscopically, two effects may occur: closure or shrinkage of voids or cracks (a process of

volume decrease), or, on the contrary, opening of void space in the form of porosity or

microfissures (a process of volume increase). The former is called compaction while the latter is

called shear dilation (Fig. 2-4). Compaction makes the rock denser and stronger, thus it is a form

of “work hardening”. Even though expressed through a hardening parameter in plasticity theory

(Fjær, 1992), it attracts less attention than shear dilation, mainly because it is a safe process,

generally leading to strength enhancement and greater stability.

Shear dilation becomes of interest in sand stability analysis because, on one hand, it

decreases rock strength and leads to larger deformations; and, on the other hand, it increases rock

porosity and permeability (Wong and Li, 2000), enhances flow efficiency (Tronvoll and Fjær,

1994) and seepage force, and facilitates the detachment of particles from the rock skeleton. It is

generally believed that dilation initiates after some initial compression and before total rock

failure as the shear stress is increased. However, things are far from so simple: first, shear

dilation and compaction may happen at the same time and volumetric and strength changes then

are a conjunctive result of both; second, dilatancy depends on numerous factors such as rock type,

confining stress, porosity, water saturation, temperature, and so on. Jaeger and Cook (1979)

pointed out that dilatancy begins when stresses reach the value of about half the strength of the

low-porosity rock, while Dusseault and Rothenburg (1988) suggested that it does not happen in

high-porosity rock until it deforms 60% to 80% of the yield strain. Larsen et al. (1998) argued

that the shear stress level for the onset of dilation (τonset) should satisfy

situinoconfonset CBA −++= σφστ )( (2.1)

where A, B, C are constants, σconf is confining stress and σin-situ is in-situ horizontal stress, in

effective stress terms.

Dilation can cause two major changes of rock mechanical properties as damage

accumulates: one is decreasing rock strength, which is called strength weakening; the other is

increasing rock deformability or declining rock stiffness.

• As implied by the empirical correlation, φσ 9258)( −= eMPaUCS (Sarda et al., 1993), the

strength will drop as long as the porosity increases. Tronvoll and Fjær (1994) found in their

experiments that under relatively low fluid flow rate conditions, even for ultra-weak

sandstones with UCS of 1-2 MPa, material weakening is a necessary condition for the onset

of sand production. But how much strength will be destroyed by shear distortion or dilation?

It seems this has not been convincingly answered yet. Some empirical correlations of

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strength and deformation used in the elastoplastic description of sand post-yield behavior

may help, such as the one suggested by Van Den Hoek et al. (2000)



ετετ += for peak

pp εε ≤≤0





−−= for p

peakp εε ≤ (2.2)

where τstrength(εp) is the rock shear strength changing with plastic shear strain εp; τo and τpeak

are the rock shear strength at the yield and peak, respectively; εppeak is maximum shear strain

at the peak stress; and, a and b are parameters calibrated from triaxial compression tests.

• Many rock properties such as Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, bulk modulus, etc., are

stress-sensitive. The detailed discussion and modelling of this phenomenon are included in

Chapter 5. In general, corresponding to strength weakening, the Young’s modulus and

friction angle decrease while bulk modulus increases, which is called rock softening in this

research. Even though strength weakening and rock softening are usually substituted for each

other in current geomechanics analyses (e.g. Wang, 1990; Bradford and Cook, 1994; Van

Den Hoek et al., 2000), both of them should be incorporated.

2.2.2 Sand failure is not the same as sand production

After rock is weakened enough and cannot support the original loads, shear failure may appear.

However, failed sands (characterized by shear bands) will not flow into wellbore until fluid flow

is able to disintegrate the particles from the rock skeleton, suspend them in a form of slurry

(containing fluid and solids), and carry them through the porous formation that has changed

dramatically from the original due to sand movement. In fact, the whole formation may be

extruding plastically, or there may be channels that are carrying slurry to the wellbore. Also, the

sand transport issue may be characterized by repeated episodes of capture and re-liquefaction of

sand on its transit to the wellbore.

Fluid flow is an indispensable precondition for sand fluidization. After sand loses its

cohesion in the process of shear failure, the rock may remain stable due to frictional strength and

residual strength or capillary forces from fluid menisci between particles. If fluid is viscous and

flowing, a driving force resulting from the gradient of pore pressure, called seepage force,

becomes the main contributor to pluck particles out of the rock skeleton. Experiments show that,

for a given flow rate, sand cavity growth progresses and then stabilizes while additional growth

requires a further increase in pressure gradient (Bruno et al., 1996). Furthermore, progressive

failure propagates parallel to the direction of fluid flow (Tronvoll and Fjær, 1994). Based on a

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tensile failure criterion and Darcy flow law (Eq. 1.14), Bratli and Risnes (1981) calculated a

critical production rate (q) at which the inner shell of a cavity (with radius of Rw) will start

sanding, triggered by radial fluid flow:


tan44 o


CkRq > (2.3)

Detached from the rock matrix, the sand particles will then flow toward the wellbore,

carried by the fluid. Some of the particles may be recaptured when they pass through or interact

with stable parts of the porous media: when the size of a pore throat is smaller than that of the

particles suspended in the slurry flowing through the pores, the particles will be trapped locally.

Also, the sand will gradually settle down and sediment into a more compact mass with renewed

grain-to-grain contact (and therefore possible frictional strength) if the fluid flow cannot suspend

them fully for their entire trip to the wellbore. These capture mechanisms may be described as

(Zhang and Dusseault, 2000):



ργφφα +∇−=)( (2.4)

where αc and γ are empirically determined parameters and ρs is solid density. It shows the

amount of captured sands (Sc) is increased with the increase of porosity and sand content of the

slurry (C), and decreased with fluid velocity (∇P).

Another significant post-failure process during sand production is sand arching. Hall and

Harrisberger (1970) observed that under confining stress dry angular sand would form an arch,

and a cohesive force resulting from a residual fluid saturation was necessary in a well-rounded

sand to allow an arch to form. There are two places most likely for developing sand arches near

the wellbore: one is around the perforation channel, especially around its tip where the radius of

the cavity reaches the smallest value; the other is around the perforation hole in the casing, which

could block the sand grains from being carried into the tubing as long as the arches are stable

(Fig. 2-5). With the fluid rate increasing, the stability of arches has been increased to some extent

too; then they become instable due to high dilation. When the porosity exceeds some critical

point, i.e. porosity is in the range of 0.4 to 0.53 for different shapes of grains (Perkins and

Weingarten, 1988), sand arches break and sands will flow into the wellbore with the fluid. After

that, a new larger size arch will form and experience the same process. Besides flow rate, there

are many other factors affecting arch stability, including stress level and distribution, particles’

size and shape, fluid saturation, completion strategies and induced damage, arch size and

perforation opening diameter, etc.

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When the process arrives at a point where the pressure gradients and the stresses cannot

stabilize an arch any longer, massive sand production is expected. The collapse-formation-

collapse arching cycles fits well with the “sand burst” phenomenon (see Fig. 2-6) that happens

quite often in both laboratory and the field (Veeken et al., 1991; Dusseault et al., 2000).

Unfortunately, currently available technologies based on either continuum or non-continuum

theories face serious challenges to mathematically describe sand bursts because they are

chaotically episodic, and because the stability of arches is scale-dependent.

2.2.3 Failure propagation

How will the formation change after sanding initiation? This is a very controversial and obscure

subject. Based on experiments and field experience, different damage evolution models have

been proposed. transportation of disintegrated particles.

Enlarged and cone-shaped cavities shown in Fig. 2-7 are found in some experiments

(Vaziri et al., 1997; Bianco and Halleck, 2001). The cavities grow upward due to gravity

influence as failure propagates. After sufficient enlargement, separate perforation cavities may

merge and form one bigger cavity round the wellbore. Some researchers claimed the existence of

large cavities around wellbore by analyzing the changes in density log data (Edward et al., 1983)

and inflow performance. Though the cavity assumption can lead to convenience, e.g. using

effective wellbore radius to calculate well flow performance, it may only be valid when a bed

with good cohesion exists above the cavities, e.g. shale or silt layer. For many CHOPS wells,

geophysical data shows low seismic velocity zones that extend as far as 50 m or more. If it were

a true cavity of 50 m diameter formed underground, it would definitely cause casing collapse or

formation subsidence. Also it is unlikely that large cavities (greater than 5 – 20 cm?) in

cementation-free sands could be indefinitely stable at depths of 500-1000 m.

Tubular piping channels, termed “wormholes”, are reported in lab experiments during cold

heavy oil production (Tremblay et al., 1999). As the wormhole is developing, the produced sand

cut is high; when it reaches the fixed boundary, the sand cut decreases sharply because the

wormhole has nowhere else to propagate. Two conditions must be fulfilled for wormhole

propagation: first, the pressure gradient at the tip must be large enough to pluck the sand grains

from the rock around it, which have already experienced shear failure; second, there must be

enough pressure gradient distributed along the wormhole axis to carry the failed sands into the

wellbore. Wormhole model can be classified into three types for modelling convenience:

constant density, constant number, and combined model (Fig. 2-8). Some progress has been

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made in numerical simulations to relate continuous sand production to wormhole propagation,

such as by Yuan et al. (2000). However this model has never been conclusively confirmed by

geophysical logging or well testing in field, while the experiment conditions such as boundary

conditions or confining stress level for wormhole development in the lab are considerably

different from reality. A simple calculation reveals its controversy: if 1000 m3 volume of sands

were produced from a CHOPS well, assuming the diameter of the wormholes is 0.05 m, there

would be about 127 kilometers length of wormholes under the ground, which is obviously absurd.

Dusseault and Santarelli (1989) suggested a compact growth model for failure propagation

in late stages of massive sand production (Fig. 2-9). Four regions have been classified according

to rock behavior:

• Liquefied zone, where the sands have been disintegrated already and are being carried to the

wellbore by oil in the form of slurry flow;

• Yielded zone, where rock has been yielded but not liquefied or suspended;

• Transition zone, where rock begins to elastically deform upon stress loading, but no plastic

deformation occurs; and,

• Intact region, where rock remains in its original in-situ status and is not disturbed yet.

This model facilitates theoretical descriptions of sanding formation; for example, elastoplastic

and poroelastic theories can be applied separately to the yielded zone and the transition zone.

However, perhaps this model is only applicable for massive sand production in heavy oils and

determination of the region boundaries will be very difficult.

Now the question “which one of those propagation models is true?” arises. Unfortunately,

since no one can see the real case underground, each of those modes is possible, or they may

appear as a combination, depending on rock strength and consolidation state, stresses level and

direction, perforation pattern and density, rock anisotropy, fluid gradient, and so on. For

example, if sand strength is low, i.e. loose sands, the wormholes maybe cannot stabilize

themselves and a compact growth model or cavity model is more suitable; wormholes may occur

around individual perforation channels if conditions can stabilize them but hardly be expected

around an open hole or a densely perforated casing.

2.3 Current Predictive Techniques and their Limitations

Because of the complex and as yet unclear mechanisms, the diversities of reservoir and rock

properties, and many other inherent uncertainties, the history of predictive models for sand

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production is relatively short: only about 30 years. The goals of these models are to answer two

questions that oil industry concerns most:

• When and why will the sand come out?

• How much sand will come out?

Solving the second question requires a three-dimensional description of failure propagation and

other complicated post-failure processes discussed above, which is extremely difficult.

Therefore, most efforts have been focused on the first question. A critical and brief review is

carried out as follows.

2.3.1 Models based on continuum theories

Poroelastic and elastoplastic theories, expressed in terms of effective stresses, are two common

approaches in geomechanics to describe underground stress and strain distributions. Since sand

production involves many inelastic processes, elastic theory is considered too conservative

(Veeken et al., 1989).

Elastoplastic theory arises from the separation of elastic strain εe, calculated by poroelastic

theory, and plastic strain ερ, determined by plastic theory, from the total strain ε: pe εεε += .

Because it can describe some rock post-yield behaviors through the “plastic flow rule” , especially

strength evolution such as work hardening and strain weakening, many advanced predictive

models are based on this technique (e.g. Morita et al., 1989; Bradford and Cook, 1994) even

though it does not obey basic thermodynamical laws (Fjær et al., 1992). Unfortunately for the

case of sand production around a well, the changes of rock properties (e.g. permeability, stiffness,

etc.) during plastic deformation are neglected due to the increased difficulties in solving partial

differential equations that may lead to numerical models of poor stability.

Nevertheless, facilitated with the Finite Element Method (FEM) and sophisticated

computing technologies, some models can update rock properties at each iteration based on some

empirical correlations (e.g. Vaziri, 1995; Chin et al., 2000). Because strain is the focus of these

models, a critical strain (defined by Morita, 1989), above which sand production starts, replaces

the failure criteria based on the critical stress developed by Bratli and Rinses (1981):

[ ]233


211 )()()(

32 pppp

c εεεε ++= (2.5)

While it avoids physical descriptions of complicated failure processes, this type of model creates

a big challenge for laboratory calibration before applying into the oilfield, as strain, a rock

response to stress changes, is sensitive to many factors such as stress level, loading path, rate, and

Page 34: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


history, sample size and shape, etc, which are hardly considered simultaneously during lab


Though many researchers have tried to extend elastoplastic theory by relaxing and

accounting for the impaired assumptions, the theory becomes more and more complicated and

thereby needs more and more parameters and calibrations:

• Papamichos and Vardoulakis (1993) proposed noncoaxial, kinematical-hardening flow theory

to relax the coaxial assumption between the principal plastic strain difference and the

principal stress directions. This introduces a new variable of relative stress describing the

translation of the yield surface.

• A Cosserat continuum model was proposed to account for particle rotation effects (Mühlhaus

and Vardoulakis 1987), but it needs the determination of an internal characteristic length.

• Continuum Damage Mechanics can successfully record the influence of loading history,

using a damage parameter to ‘ remember’ the changed status of the rock (Cheng and

Dusseault, 2002), but the mathematical sophistications deter its further development and

widespread adoption.

The main challenge when those theories are applied into field cases may be a lack of

calibration and the amount of data required. It is useful to remember that plastic theory is

essentially an empirical theory instead of the one based on precise descriptions of physical

changes in the rock mass fabric. Therefore accuracy is not the only goal here: some balance

should be involved, bearing practical available sources in mind.

2.3.2 Models based on non-continuum theories

Discrete Element Method (DEM) is closer to reality than any other approaches, through

numerical simulating, at the grain scale, discrete particle behaviors of discontinuous systems such

as porous media. Some DEM models can convincingly capture sand arching effects based on the

description of local stress concentrations (Rothenburg and Bruno, 1997), while others are

demonstrated to be promising to quantify post-failure sanding processes such as slurry flow

(Zhang and Dusseault, 2000). But, studying rock behavior in great detail requires significant

simplifications of particles (round or elliptic smooth surface) and structures, a huge amount of

formation information, and a thorough understanding of failure mechanisms, which makes DEM

models unrealistic for solving field problem such as sand failure prediction. These drawbacks

limits them only to study of physical mechanisms and the evolution of rock fabric and anisotropy,

and it appears that at some level, these must be accommodated into a continuum approach.

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Strength-based models were once popular in 1970s and early 1980s, mainly because of

their simplicity: sanding was assumed to start if the values of rock strength (Stein and Hilchie,

1972; Coates and Denoo, 1981) or strength-related rock properties (e.g. the ratio of shear

modulus to bulk compressibility, Trixier et al., 1975) exceeded a certain limit. The simplification

and lack of physics, on the other hand, greatly compromises the model applicabilities when

unsteady or multiphase fluid conditions are involved, as neither stress nor fluid pressure is

calculated at all.

Other approaches have been tried for sand production prediction, e.g. Artificial Neural

Networks (ANN) (Kan and Roegiers, 1998), system dynamics theory (Chang, 2000), automaton

theory, etc. These models are relatively new and still need a lot of improvements before they can

gain any acceptance.

2.4 Summary

In this chapter, a brief review of sand production mechanisms and prediction technologies was

carried out.

Sand production does not always mean a nightmare for the oil industry even though it

causes a lot of problems. What constitutes an acceptable level of sand production depends on

sanding amount, its effects on oil production, and operational constraints.

Even though many issues are unclear and controversial, sand production generally can be

divided into two stages: first is sand failure, which involves complicated processes such as stress

concentration, shear dilation, strength weakening, decrease of stiffness, and so on; then sand

grains or groups of grains are detached from the rock skeleton as a result of erosional failure

(liquefaction or fluidization), suspended and carried by fluid flow into the wellbore. More efforts

should be devoted both at lab and in field to clarify how failure propagates (cavity, wormhole,

compact growth, etc.), based on sanding rates that are quantified through careful monitoring


Many approaches have been developed to predict sand failure, based on continuum theories

(poroelastic and elastoplastic) or non-continuum theories (e.g. DEM, ANN, strength-based

models, etc.). Besides insufficient physical understanding and description, the main challenge for

prediction technologies is finding a balance among accuracy, sophistication, and the resources

needed to apply the models into the field (such as calibration efforts and the complexity of

required inputs to the models).

Page 36: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


2.5 Tables and Figures




3σ'3 -σ'1







3σ'1 -σ'3

σ' σ'3 σ'1


Fig. 2-1: Stress distribution in the directions of θθθθ=0 and θθθθ=ππππ/2 around a cavity


Fig. 2-2: Rock failure around a cavity



Tensile failure

Shear failure


(Cook, 2000)

Page 37: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 2-3: Stress distribution in the Coulomb Zone (After Bratli and Risnes, 1981)


Coulomb Zone




σ1 = σ3

Elastic Zone



Fig. 2-4: Definition of Shear dilation (After Larsen et al., 1998)


Peak stress

Onset of dilation



al s


s (M


Page 38: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions





Convergent flow

Fig. 2-5: Sand arching around a perforation hole

(After Dusseault, 2000)

Light oil well

Heavy oil well

Gas well

Fig. 2-6: Sand bursts for different reservoirs

(After Veeken et al., 1991)

Page 39: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 2-8: Wormhole model


A: constant density

B: constant number

Fig. 2-9: Compact growth model (after Dusseault, 1989)

Transition Liquefied

Intact region


Fig. 2-7: Cavity model

Fluid flow

Page 40: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Chapter 3 Influence of Fluid Saturation on Rock Strength

Besides the contribution to effective stresses through the agency of fluid pressure, the fluid type

and saturation may affect the rock strength. Along with the intrusion of more of the wetting

fluids, e.g. formation water entering water-wetted but oil-saturated sand, which is the usual case

in oil fields, the rock may become weaker and easier to fail. The main possible reasons are:

• Chemical reactions between water and solids and the dissolution of cementation materials

may weaken the rock;

• Changes in the surface tension and capillary force may lower the cohesive strength;

• A higher pressure gradient may develop since the relative permeability of oil is decreased

with the increase of water saturation. Therefore, there is a higher fluid velocity and drag

force that may destabilize the sand, even though the viscosity of water is lower than oil; and,

• The particles plucked out of the rock skeleton by fluid flow and the swelling of clay materials

may block pore throats and locally increase the pressure gradient and thus increase the

destabilizing force.

The influence of water influx on sand stability has been realized for a long time, but few

attempts have been made to quantitatively predict this influence, as compared with work on

single-phase frictional sand production models (without capillarity). It will be extremely difficult

to quantitatively describe all possible physical and chemical reasons. In this research, the first

two reasons are discussed in detail, while the third will be addressed separately in the context of a

geomechanical fluid model.

3.1 Experimental and Field Observations

3.1.1 Water-related sand production

Sand production with water ingress is a common problem in oil fields, especially for weakly

consolidated sand and chalk reservoirs. Studies of 43 North Sea sand producers show that

(Skjærstein et al., 1997):

• In 21% of the cases the onset of sand production coincided with the onset of water

production, within a period of +/- 100 days (Fig. 3-1);

• For 70% of the wells, the onset occurred before that of water breakthrough; and,

• In only 9% of cases did the onset occurred more than 100 days after water breakthrough.

Also it was found that the average sanding rate during water breakthrough is higher than the one

before breakthrough, while the average sanding rate 100 days after water breakthrough is the

smallest (Fig. 3-2, Fig. 3-3). In Judge Digby Field (Louisiana, USA), some high-pressure-high-

Page 41: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


temperature (HPHT) gas wells produced sand right after water production started, even though no

wells experienced sanding under high levels of drawdown and flow rate (Vaziri et al., 2002).

Hall and Harrisberger (1970) (Test 11 and 12 in Table 3-1) showed that oil-water

interfacial tension provided enough cohesion to stabilize a sand arch in flow tests. The arch was

stable to outward flow of the non-wetting liquid phase (oil) at a limited rate at residual saturation

of the wetting phase (water). However, outflow of the wetting phase (i.e. increase in wetting

phase saturation) destroyed the arch. In sand cavity experiments (Bruno et al., 1996), it was

found that the critical global pressure gradient that activates sanding dropped from 4 psi/ft to 2

psi/ft when water saturation was increased to 27%, compared with the irreducible water saturation

(<23%). With further increases in water saturation to 30%, sanding occurred at a pressure

gradient of 1 psi/ft. Furthermore, sanding appeared in an episodic manner: at a given flow rate

and saturation condition, a sand cavity started to grow and then stabilized. Additional cavity

growth required either an increase of pressure gradient or a change in water saturation.

3.1.2 Alteration of rock strength

Macroscopically, different rock behaviour before and after water breakthrough results from the

changes of rock properties, including both deformation properties (e.g. Young’s modulus,

Poisson’s ratio, bulk modulus, etc.) and rock strength properties. The detailed discussions of

deformation properties are carried out in Chapter 5, while this chapter is dedicated to the study of

rock strengths.

Many experiments have been done to study the changes of rock strength with water

saturation (or moisture content). Parameters studied include uniaxial compressive strength

(UCS), tensile strength, compressive strength, friction angle, etc. Different rock types have been

tested, such as sandstone, chalk, and shale. Although there may be several physical and chemical

processes involved, the general trend is that an increase in water saturation reduces rock strength.

Dube and Singh (1972) showed that the tensile strength of five different types of sandstone

decreases from 11 to 48% of the dry strength under fully saturated conditions. Boretti-

Onyszkiewicz (1966) tested the strength of five sets of sandstones parallel and perpendicular to

the stratification and found that the compressive strengths of the water-saturated sandstones were

about 7 to 46% lower than the ones in a dry condition (Table 3-2). In oil sands, the cohesive and

UCS of water-saturated sand were determined to be 2.5 kPa and 16 kPa respectively, which are

only 35% of the corresponding strength of water-wetted, oil-flooded sand of the same porosity

(Tremblay et al., 1997). Colback and Wiid (1965) tested quartzitic shale and indicated that the

UCS in the wet condition was approximately half of that in the dry condition (Fig. 3-4, Fig. 3-5).

They believed the reduction in strength with increasing moisture content is primarily due to a

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reduction in uniaxial tensile strength that in turn is a function of molecular cohesive strength of

material. Skjærstein et al. (1997) found a UCS reduction of 50% due to brine saturation in

triaxial compression tests on Red Wildmoor sandstone; their cavity failure tests indicate that this

effect is more important than, for example, possible erosion effects (Table 3-3, Table 3-4).

While most strength parameters change with water saturation, the coefficient of internal

friction, or frictional angle, is altered little or remains unchanged (Colback and Wild, 1965;

Swolfs, 1972; Skjærstein et al., 1997): for different moisture contents the M-C envelopes are

displaced parallel to each other (Fig. 3-6). However, some researchers (Gutierrez et al., 2000;

Horn and Deere, 1962) found it varies with water saturation (up to 10°) if the rock surface

chemically reacted with water, thus causing a change in the surface smoothness. Another

interesting phenomenon is that the weakening is reversible: the data from the Pennant sandstone

indicates that drying a previously saturated rock with a clayey matrix will lead to a significant

increase in mechanical strength, provided that the rock had not been stressed up to the peak of the

σ-ε curve whilst in a saturated state (Hadizadeh and Law, 1991).

The magnitude of strength changes with water saturation is closely related to rock lithology

and mineralogy components. Hadizadeh and Law (1991) tested quartzitic ganister and sandstone

under dry and water-saturated environment. There is little difference in mechanical behaviour

between wet and dry Oughtibridge ganister (quartzite, Fig. 3-7), whereas a pronounced difference

(around 100 MPa) in uniaxial strength between water-saturated and oven-dried sandstone

specimens was observed at all stress rates: the wet rock strength is about 55% of the dry one (Fig.

3-8). They believed the difference mainly comes from the fact that quartz grains in ganister are

bonded by epitaxial quartz cement overgrowths. In contrast, for Pennant sandstone, the matrix,

forming 25% of the rock and composed of clay mineral, is locally cemented by ferruginous and

calcareous material.

3.2 Possible Chemical Reactions of Formation Water and Sand

Sandstone is a type of formation-water-compatible agent since it lives with formation water for a

long time during digenesis, i.e. formation water is in a state of chemical equilibrium relative to its

original environment. However, as a powerful chemical agent, if water moves into a new

environment, because of different compositions, density, or concentrations of active ions such as

sodium, potassium or carbonate, etc., chemical reactions and physical changes have to take place

in order to reach a new equilibrium.

Chemical reactions can be divided into two types: one group is interaction between rock

skeleton and water; the other is between cementation minerals and water. Both of them could

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play a role in the reduction of rock stability either through decreasing the rock strength or

increasing the acting force (pressure drawdown). There are two limiting cases for water-sensitive

cementation: they take part of the loads from the skeleton, or else they form only as bridges

among the particles and do not appreciably share in the compressive load carrying capacity. For

example, in Red Wildmoor sandstone (Skjærstein et al., 1997), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis

of the fine-grained fraction shows a Smectite/Illite content of 72%, which acts partly as a

cementation bond between grains and is very water-sensitive. For this case, a much lower rock

strength is expected after water breakthrough because the bridges will become weaker; thus, it

becomes much easier to release the particles from their original positions.

3.2.1 Formation water analysis

Most rocks in their natural environment contain water and salts in solution. The aqueous phase

occurs either as free pore fluid, as absorbed water on grain boundaries and fracture surfaces, or as

an impurity within the atomic structure of constituent minerals (Swolfs, 1972). The mobilized

water during oil production comes mainly from water-bearing formations in the area surrounding

the oil reservoirs, and is driven into the oil reservoirs by pressure drawdown during depletion.

The formation waters range widely in composition (Perkins, 2001), from quite dilute (e.g. 1000

mg/l Total Dissolved Solid) to near salt saturation (>200,000 mg/l TDS). Compositionally, they

are generally sodium chloride based solutions, but many have potassium, calcium or magnesium

as the main cations, and sulphate, bicarbonate, or carbonate as the dominant anions.

Costin (1987) suggested that in most rocks absorbed and free water held along grain

boundaries and in pores will be readily available for transport to crack tips, thus facilitating stress

corrosion weakening at all applied strain rates. Similarly, results from Pennant sandstone

demonstrated that water held within the clay matrix would be available to enter intergranular

crack tips at all times (Hadizadeh and Law, 1991).

3.2.2 Quartz hydrolysis and water-related actions

For sand reservoirs, the main mineral is almost always quartz; furthermore, quartz overgrowths

are common as cementation. There are several possible reactions that may happen when quartz

contacts with invading formation water. Swolfs’ (1972) summary noted that that formation water

with solutions of aluminium and ferric iron salts react with quartz and silicates, weakening the

surface silicon-oxygen bonds by hydrolysis, and reducing surface energy and cohesion. The

common mode of hydrolysis is:

-Si-O-Si- + H2O → -Si-OH + HO-Si-

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The -Si-O-Si- bridges break up into two silanol groups: -Si-OH and OH-Si-. In such a

hydrolysed bridge, the hydrogen bond is weaker by an order of magnitude than the Si-O bond,

and this is believed to be the source of the hydrolytic weakening. Since all silicates have -Si-O-

Si- or -Si-O-M bridges (where M is a metal ion) that are susceptible to this type of hydrolysis,

this water weakness may apply to silicates in general. Griggs (1967) tested different silicates, e.g.

feldspar, olivine, hypersthene, tourmaline and beryl, and found that the rock strength in wet

experiments was always about an order of magnitude weaker than the dry experimental strength.

Though hydrolysis occurrence and rate depend on the temperature, for example in Griggs’

experiments the temperature was usually from 200°C to 500°C, which is too high compared with

the typical reservoir situation, high in-situ stresses may trigger the occurrence of silicate

hydrolysis in reservoir. Furthermore, it is believed that the hydrolysed bridges and dislocations

do not of themselves cause weakening (Griggs and Blacic, 1965). Based on the assumption that

“…the easy glide which occurs in the hydrolytic state can only occur when the hydrolysed

dislocation can move by exchanging hydrogen bonds with a neighbouring silicon-oxygen bridge

which has become hydrolysed”, the weakening process is shown to be as follows:

Besides hydrolysis, quartz may participate in other forms of reactions under certain

conditions in reservoirs.

• In steamflood processes, quartz and other minerals can generate smectitic minerals through

the reaction:

Quartz ± Kaolinite + Siderite + Na+ + H2O = smectite + H+ +CO2(g)

Even small amounts of smectite (<5%) can dramatically reduce the permeability (1-2 orders

of magnitude, Nadeau, 1990) and rock strength, since smectite has high surface area, good

stability, and a propensity to migrate and block pore throats. However, the reaction will

apparently not happen if the temperature is under 150°C (Keith et al., 1998).

Frank-Griggs model of dislocation motion by hydrolysis and hydrogen bond exchange

Page 45: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• Geochemical reactions in fault zones are generally fluid-induced and tend to soften and

weaken the zones. Breaking down the relatively strong feldspars to easily deformable and

sliding mica is the main reason. The possible hydration reactions are (Christoffersen, 1995):

3KAlSi3O8 + 2H+ = KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 +6SiO2 (microcline, or orthoclase) (muscovite, or sericite)

3NaAlSi3O8 + K++ 2H+ = KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 +6SiO2 +2K+

(albite) (muscovite or sericite)

2KAlSi3O8 + 5Mg+ + 8H2O = Mg5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 +3SiO2 +2K+ +8H+ (microcline or orthoclase) (clinochlore)

KAlSi3O8 + 3Mg++ + 4H2O = KMg3AlSiO10(OH)2 +6H+

(microcline or orthoclase) (muscovite or sericite)

However, those reactions need a long time and should not be considered in the time frame

of sand production issues (Kronenberg, 2001).

3.2.3 Carbonate dissolution

Carbonate minerals in reservoir rock exist either as a rock mass like chalk, oolitic strata,

limestones and dolomite or as a cementation material in sandstone. The effect of chemical

reactions between calcareous material and formation water on rock stability can be significant:

chemical reactions may dissolve rock cementation, collapse the rock skeleton, and thus change

the pore structures and rock properties (Brignoli et al., 1994; Papamichos et al., 1997; Lord et al.,

1998; Gutierrez et al., 2000).

Chemically, calcareous minerals react with water in a form of

−−++− ++⇔+ eHCOCaHCaCO 32


where H+ may originate from:

3222 COH CO OH =+

−+ +⇔ 332 HCOHCOH

−+− +⇔ 233 COHHCO

The overall rate of calcite dissolution depends on the activities at the calcite surface area and is

given by (Plummer et al., 1978):

)HCO)(Ca(k)OH(k)COH(k)H(kRate 32

4233221−++ −++=

where ki are rate constants. Therefore, to calculate the rate, the surface area and the activities of

each item (in the brackets) at the surface area are needed.

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3.2.4 Ferruginous deposits and clay swelling

In the normal pH range of formation water (pH = 5-8), dissolved iron is present as Fe2+, whereas

Fe3+ is essentially insoluble (Appelo and Postma, 1993). Therefore, ferruginous cement will most

likely remain stable (relatively insoluble) as formation water comes in, while for formation water

itself, since iron is a common constituent, the chemical reaction may occur as:

−++ ++⇔+ eH3Fe(OH)O3H Fe 322

That is, there may be some Fe3+ deposits in the pore system arising from invading formation


Clay usually tends to deposit in the voids among rock particles rather than being a part of

the cement deposited near grain contacts; therefore it carries little to no load and does not directly

contribute to the strength decrease by water weakening. However, the existence of clay, even in

small fractions, increases the strength of silicate rock substantially. Also, when in contact with

water, the swelling behaviour of smectite clay makes it an important factor in rock failure. The

swelling clay volume decreases the path diameter (permeability) for fluid flow and increases the

local pressure drawdown, which can cause increased seepage forces to destabilize sand.

Consequently, sand production may be more easily triggered by water breakthrough in clay-

cemented materials if there are enough clay-sensitive cations in formation water.

3.2.5 Effects on rock surface energy and strength

Before continue the discussion, some concepts must be clarified. As discussed above, weakening

of the sand skeleton (largely SiO2) may result from the changes of bond type by hydrolysis. In

order to describe the relationship between bond strength and a rock’s ability to resist deformation,

a term in material mechanics is introduced: the surface free energy (or surface energy). It is a

measure of the work required to produce a unit area of surface of solid (or fluid) by a reversible

and isothermal process; this means surface energy can be only measured in a totally inert

environment, e.g. under high vacuum. In fluid mechanics, another similar concept is widely

used: the surface tension, a tension per unit length along an arbitrary line on the surface. In a

coherent set of units, it must be equal to the work done in creating a unit area of free surface of a

fluid (Rowlinson and Widom, 1982). In this research the concept of surface energy is restricted

to rock (solid) while the concept of surface tension is reserved for fluid.

The effect of all surface-energy related interactions is defined as the “Rebinder effect” . For

sandstone, the effect mainly refers to hydrolysis of silicon dioxide and dissolution of carbonate

cement (since both ferruginous deposition and shale swelling tend to locally increase driving

pressure instead of decreasing rock strength). As a matter of fact, liquids that wet the rock

Page 47: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


surface invariably decrease the surface energy of the rock (Vutukuri et al. 1974). For example,

the surface energy of dry quartz is estimated to be 1×10-4 Jcm-2 (Dunning, 1983), whereas in a

H2O environment it becomes 7.15 ×10-5 Jcm-2 when the work of absorption is –2.85 ×10-5 Jcm-2

(Young and Bush, 1960) or 8.25×10-5 Jcm-2 when the work of absorption is –1.75 ×10-5 Jcm-2

(Schuyler et al., 1982).

Rabinowicz (1965) and Brace (1963) have called attention to the close relation of surface

energy and strength parameters, e.g. hardness, cohesive strength, tensile and compressive

strength, etc. All available data indicate that the breaking strength of rocks, in a similar way as

surface tension, is lower if measured in chemically active fluid environments than in dry or inert

ones (Swolfs, 1972). There are some empirical relations that have been established between two

quantities. For example, fracture will occur when the tensile stress exceeds (Griffith, 1924):


T πγσ 2= (3.1)

where σT is tensile strength, γ is the surface-free energy of the material, E is Young’s modulus,

and c is the length of an interior or surface crack. In a similar way, Orowan (1949) defined the

molecular cohesive strength, σm, of an elastic material as:



γσ = (3.2)

where a is the space between neighbouring atomic planes. Colback and Wiid (1965) showed that

UCS is inversely proportional to the surface tension of different liquids into which specimens

were submerged (see Fig. 3-9) as the immersion fluid can reduce rock surface energy and hence

its strength.

3.2.6 Possibility to quantify those phenomena

In order to quantify the influence of those reactions on rock stability, attention must be focused

on critical issues. The first issue is choosing the most important “part” of the rock with respect to

rock strength. Because loading stress tends to concentrate around the boundaries of rock particles

while the connection between cement and rock particles is usually the weakest part of rock, the

cementation part plays a more important role than the rock skeleton in resisting failure, unless

there is very little cement in the rock (e.g. an unconsolidated sand) and crushing occurs. Slight

changes in cement strength may result in significant changes in rock behaviour. Griggs and

Blacic (1965) found that even if only small proportion of the silicon-oxygen bonds are weakened

by hydrolysis, e.g. fewer than 1 percent, significant weakening will be expected if these

hydrolysed bridges are located in the cementing minerals.

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For cementing agents, as discussed above, the mechanisms accounting for possible water-

weakening reactions are various: quartz hydrolysis decreases rock strength through reducing the

bond energy of silica to hydrogen; calcareous cement is dissolved into the water and physically

changes the shape and size of cement; both new ferruginous material forming in the rock pore

system and clay swelling will locally increase the driving force and therefore the rock instability.

Additionally, those reactions can easily reach a geochemical equilibrium state within the time

period of sand production.

However, even with the assumption that the change in cementation is a dominant factor in

rock instability, and there are mainly three types of possible chemical reactions, rigorously

quantifying those mechanisms with respect to sand instability is extremely difficult or impossible

for a number of reasons.

• The speed and effects of reactions depend not only on the types, amount, and distribution of

rock minerals and the active chemical ions, salinity, and concentrations of formation water,

but also on the environment such as temperature, pressure, etc. As an illustration, the speed

could range from seconds to months or even years for equilibrium within the range of

conditions found in reservoirs (Perkins, 1997), and their effects may become significant in

steamflood conditions in contrast to ordinary reservoir conditions (Keith et al., 1997).

Nevertheless, time factors in chemical reactions may be the reason why some North Sea sand

producers (about 9%) did not produce any sand until sometime (more than 100 days) after

water breakthrough.

• There are several factors affecting the changes of both surface energy and rock strength,


o type and strength of particle bonds, density of bonds per unit area;

o structural resistance of the grain surfaces or boundaries to the rearrangement of the

surface atoms (e.g. high friction angle); and,

o presence and locations of defects such as cracks.

Unfortunately none of these factors can be mathematically described.

Nevertheless, as an important effect resulting from water-rock interactions, surface energy

could serve as a simulation tool to justify the analytical results developed next, in order to match

the sophisticated reservoir situations. Furthermore the description of possible reactions between

cementation materials and water still could be useful as a reference. For example, if there is no

calcareous or silicate cement in the rock (e.g. unconsolidated sand), the reduction of rock strength

in a short period most likely comes from capillary force changes, which can be quantitatively


Page 49: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


3.3 Mathematical Models for Capillarity

Besides chemically or physically weakening the rock, two-phase fluids in porous media, such as

oil and water, oil and gas, or gas and water, result in the generation of liquid menisci among

particles where capillary forces cohesively bond particles, acting like a weak cementation. While

some doubt the significance of capillary effect on rock stability (Lord et al., 1998), many people

believe capillarity plays an important role in sand production after water breakthrough into an oil

well (Papamichos et al., 1997; Bianco and Halleck, 2001; Vaziri et al., 2002). However, none of

the current modelling techniques can convincingly capture the rock physics involved (i.e. changes

of rock strength and elastic properties with fluid saturation).

Although there are clear practical difficulties in developing analytical or semi-analytical

models in particulate systems, there are also important practical merits in pursuing such solutions.

In the grain capillarity models that are described below, a quantitative description of how rock

capillary strength behaves is undertaken. This is formulated at the grain-scale level, with various

fluid properties (water saturation, surface tension, and contact angle), rock properties (grain size,

contact fabric, and grain heterogeneity), and deformations (compaction and extension).

3.3.1 Basic model: uniform particles contacting tangentially

Before further discussion, some capillary concepts must be clarified. Capillary pressure, the most

commonly used concept in capillarity, refers to the pressure difference across the free surface

formed between wetting and non-wetting fluid phases; capillary force is a cohesive force that

results from capillary pressure and acts on the surface of particles surrounded by liquid bridges;

capillary strength is a part of rock strength resulting from the cohesive capillary forces thereby

generated between solid particles. To simplify the problem, a water-wetted but oil-saturated rock

is envisioned, but any two-phase system (e.g. gas-oil, gas-water, air-oil) can be treated similarly. Capillary strength

The rock tensile strength can be related to cohesive force Fc of a single bond in the following

manner (Schubert, 1984):




FcT φ

φλσ −= (3.3)

where R is the radius of solid spheres representing particles, φ is rock porosity, σT is tensile

strength, and λ is a factor accounting for non-uniform particle size effects on total rock strength.

A value of λ = 6~8 is suggested for packs of particles with a narrow size range, and λ=1.9~14.5

for packs with wider particle size distributions (Schubert, 1984). The above equation is based on

several assumptions (Schubert, 1975; Capes, 1980):

Page 50: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• A large number of bonds exists in the stressed cross-section, and the stresses are

transmitted by liquid bridges at the contact points of the particles;

• A statistical distribution of bonds at different directions in space exists over the cross-


• The particles consist of a large number of monosized spheres that are randomly

distributed in the agglomerate (i.e. there are no preferred fabric directions);

• The bond strength between individual particles can be replaced by a mean value that is

statistically applicable throughout the whole assembly (homogeneity); and,

• The number of contact points between one particle and its neighbours (k) can be

correlated directly with porosity as an approximation: kφ ≈ π. (Rumpf, 1962).

Based on a Mohr-Coulomb criterion, UCS can be approximately expressed as (Fig. 1-2)




= TUCS (3.4)

where ϕ is the friction angle. Substituting Eq. (3.3) into (3.4), the UCS can be expressed as a

function of cohesive force Fc:






−= (3.5)

which illustrates, for unconsolidated sand, that rock strength is related to rock porosity, friction

angle, the particle size, and the cohesive force in single capillary bonds. Capillary forces

There are several methods to describe cohesive forces resulting from capillary pressure:

• Gillespie (1967) and Marmur (1993) proposed that the cohesive force results from the

pressure difference ∆P (also called as capillary pressure Pc) between two fluids:

PRF wo

c ∆= 2)sin( βπ (3.6)

where R is the radius of solid spheres and βw is the wetting fluid volume angle (Fig. 3-11).

• Schubert (1984) and Lazzer et al. (1999) believed that besides the pressure difference across

the free surface, there is another vertical component of the surface tension forces acting

tangentially to the interface along the contact line, )sin(2 θβγπ += wps xF , where θ is

contact angle, and xp is the x-coordinate of point p (Fig. 3-11). In this case, the cohesive

force will be:

swc FPRF +∆= 2)sin( βπ (3.7)

Page 51: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Mason and Clark (1965) used the middle point (b) of the curvature to replace the contact

point between solid and liquid (p), and derived:

γππ bbbc xPxF 22 +∆= (3.8)

where xb is the x-coordinate of point b, and ∆Pb is the pressure difference at the point.

• Hotta and Takeda (1974) considered the influence of gravity forces by introducing an

additional item, )2


(tansin31 2223 ww

wG gRFβββρ += , into Eq. (3.8):


cc FFFF −+= (3.9)

However this gravity influence may be neglected if the particle size d < 1 mm (Schubert,

1984). Therefore, in the following research, the gravity influence on capillary force is not taken

into account. As for the discrepancy between Eq. (3.6) and Eq. (3.8), both of them will be used to

calculate the cohesive forces before arriving at a conclusion as to which one is more preferred in

rock stability analysis. Capillary pressure

Now the focus is turned to the calculation of the pressure difference ∆P. Though the Laplace-

Young equation relates the mean curvature of the liquid bridge to the pressure deficiency, it

cannot be solved analytically (Hotta et al., 1974):













The most widely accepted simplification is to assume that the shape of the liquid bridge is a

toroid characterized by a radius r (Fig. 3-11). Therefore the pressure difference can be






−= γ∆ (3.11)

, where r1 is the radius of curvature of the liquid bridge at point q in the horizontal plane (r1 = xp –

r + rsin(βw)), and r is the radius of the curvature in the vertical plane going through the axis of

symmetry. The precision of the toroidal approximation is within 10% of the value obtained by

numerical solution of the Laplace-Young equation (Lian et al., 1993).

Replacing ∆P in Eq. (3.8) by Eq. (3.11), the complete description of the cohesive forces can

be derived:



2 θβγπγπ ++−= wppc xrr

xF (3.12)

Page 52: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


In this equation, r1, r, α and θ are unknown factors that are correlated with each other in a

geometrical way. The coordinates of point p are:

wp Rx βsin= ; wp RRy βcos−= (3.13)

The radius of curvature at the free interface between the two fluids is:






wRRr (3.14)

If the wetting phase in the unit cell is only filled in the liquid bridge (i.e. low water saturation),

the water saturation is equal to the ratio of the volume of liquid bridge to the void volume (Vφ):



)]AA(yx[4S 21pp

w (3.15)


ppw xyRRA )(



1 −−=β



( 22 θβθβπ +−

+−= wp

w ryrA (3.16)

Since the contact angle θ is solely determined by rock and fluid properties instead of water

saturation, it is reasonable to assume θ = 0, i.e. the rock is fully wetted by water (which appears

to be an excellent assumption for the great majority of unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs). The

areas A1 and A2 then become:

)sincos(21 2

1 wwwRA βββ −= (3.17)




ww RRA βββ











−= (3.18)

Substituting Eqs. (3.13), (3.14), (3.17), and (3.18) into Eq. (3.15), a relationship between the

volume angle of wetting liquid (water) and water saturation is established:






24 w





ββπβββφ −

−++−= (3.19)

If the unit studied is defined as in Fig. 3-12 (2D), its volume (area) will be 4R2, and the

above equation will become:





2 w



ββπβββφ −

−++−= (3.20)

Page 53: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


However, taking Fig. 3-13 into account, the porosity of the unit is easily determined as a constant:





π−=φ = 0.2146. This obviously conflicts with the real situation where porosity is a

variable. The conflict results from the simplification of the defined model: i.e. identical spheres

contacting tangentially. In order to get rid of this conflict and match the “ real” microscopic

porosity, a balance parameter, η = φo/φ, has been introduced into Eq. (3.20):





2 w



ββπβββηφ −

−++−=⋅ (3.21)

Corresponding to each value of water saturation, the water volume angle (βw) can be analytically

determined, as well as the toroid radii of curvature (r, xp), the capillary pressure (∆p), and the

capillary strength (in terms of tensile strength and UCS) resulting from capillary cohesive forces. Contact angle (θ)

When the contact angle θ is not zero, Eq. (3.17) and Eq. (3.18) will be:

)sincos(21 2

1 wwwRA βββ −= (3.22)









2 θβθβ


βθβπ ++



−= ww



ww RRA (3.23)

Therefore Eq. (3.21) could be rewritten as:
















Also, the principal radius r1 can be expressed as r1 = xp – r + r⋅sin (βw+θ).

3.3.2 Non-uniform particles contacting tangentially

Assuming the contact angle θ = 0 and the particles are tangentially in contact, for particle 1, the

coordinates of contact point P1 are (see i) in Fig. 3-13)

11 sin wRx β= ; 11 cos wry β= (3.25)

while those of contact point P2 for particle 2 are

22 sin wnRx β= ; 22 cos wry β= (3.26)

Page 54: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


where n is the ratio of two particle radii, and α1, α2 are water volume angles of particle 1 and

particle 2, respectively. From triangle O1O3C, the distance between the x-axis and point O3 is

RrRy w −+=∆ 1cos)( β , comparing with 2cos)( wrnRnRy β+−=∆ established in triangle

O1O2C. The relation of r, βw1, and βw2 can thus be determined as

21 cos)(cos)()1( ww rnRrRRn ββ +++=+ (3.27)

Based on the cosine rule for Triangle O1O2O3, the relationship between α1 and r can be









1cos 1β , or R




w ⋅









β (3.28)

Substituting r from Eq (3.28) into Eq (3.27), the relationship between two water volume angles

(βw1, βw2) can be determined as







2 ++−−++




ww β

ββ (3.29)

The water volume in the unit cell (see ii) in Fig. 3-13) is equal to the one determined by water

saturation, i.e. VφSw, where Vφ is the porous volume of the unit

22 R)n1()4

1(2V +⋅π−=φ (3.30)





2 ))(()(sin)1/)(1( rnRRrnRSV wwwwww ββπβββφ +−−⋅+−++= (3.31)

where r, βw2 can be expressed by βw1 through Eqs. (3.28) and (3.29). Corresponding to each

saturation, the liquid bridge radius r can be explicitly determined by Eq (3.28).

In order to determine capillary pressure from Eq. (3.11), the other radius of the liquid

bridge (r1) must be specified. Neither x1 nor x2 is suitable since the capillary pressure should be

uniform inside the liquid bridge. In this model, the point Q where the interface crosses the x-axis

is selected as a “median” point of the bridge, while its x coordinate, r1 = (R+r)sinβw1 - r, will

served as its “median” radius. Therefore the capillary force can be expressed as

pxF 2ici ∆π= (i = 1,2) (3.32)

Fc1, Fc2 are the capillary forces acting on the interfaces between particle 1 and the liquid bridge

and between particle 2 and the liquid bridge, respectively. Because the capillary bond always

Page 55: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


breaks at the weakest part, the smaller capillary force, i.e. c2c F F = , should be selected as the

value used in the following equation






FcT φ

φλσ −= (3.33)

where 2/)nRR(R += .

3.3.3 Detached uniform particles

Besides tangential contact, there are many other possible contact fabrics between particles, such

as floating contact, sutured contact, convex-concave contact, and long contact, as summarized by

Taylor (1950) and shown in Fig. 3-14. Because fluid tends to fill out any void space regardless

its shape, contact fabrics can be generalized in two microscopic cases for the purpose of

capillarity analysis: the particles are detached from each other, which may simply be an artifact of

the sampling and preparation procedure, or squeezed and overlapped to form convex-concave

contacts and long contacts.

Fig. 3-15 illustrates two detached particles. Assuming two identical particles and a contact

angle θ ≠ 0, the coordinates of point p are

wp Rx βsin= ; wp RaRy βcos−+= (3.34)

where a is the half distance between the particles. The radius r can be expressed as





w ⋅+










where χ is the ratio of interparticle space and the particle radius, i.e. χ = a/R. Therefore A1 and

A2 in Eq. (3.15) can be rewritten as

ppw xyaRRA )(



1 −+−=β

; )sin(21


( 22 θβθβπ +−

+−= wp

w ryrA (3.36)

where the porosity φo of the unit (the shaded area in part ii) of Fig. 3-15) is







Ro (3.37)

Consequently, Eq. (3.15) becomes


wS ββχβ

χπχ 2sin



1)1( −++−=��



Page 56: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions









���� +−+




w (3.38)

When the contact angle θ = 0, the above equation becomes


+−�� ����� +��

����� −−−++−=���














Combining with Eqs. (3.6), (3.3) and (3.5), capillary strength (and force) can be determined.

3.3.4 Squeezed uniform particles

When two particles are squeezed together due to overburden pressure or tectonic movement (Fig.

3-16), another angle βv, which accounts for the extent of particle overlap, is introduced to

calculate the relationship between water saturation and water volume angle βw. In the figure, βv

can be determined by

)1arccos( χβ −=v (3.40)

where χ = a/R. The other required parameters can be written as well

wp Rx βsin= ; wp RaRy βcos−−= (3.41)





w ⋅+













( 221 vw

vw RRA ββββ−−




( 222 θβθβπ +−

+−= w

w rrA (3.43)










−= vvvvo


RR (3.44)

Following the same steps as before, with the definition of unit volume in part ii) of Fig. 3-16, Eq.

(3.15) can be rewritten as




2sin21)1( vw


vv S ββββββχχ

ββπχ −+−




Page 57: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


������ +−−−



− )(2sin21








i.e. )2sin2(sin41


2sin21)1( vww


vv S βββχββχ

ββπχ +−−++−









� ����


���� +−+




v (3.45)

Finally, for each water saturation, the volume angle βw can be determined, as well as the

other parameters needed for calculating capillary force and capillary strength.

3.3.5 Loaded uniform particles

One character of capillary force is that it does not break abruptly with rock deformation, as does

mineral cohesion, which is very sensitive to strain. It has been shown that the critical separation

distance at which tensile failure of the static liquid bridge occurs approximately equals to the

cube root of the liquid volume (Lian et al., 1993), or is at least six orders of magnitude lower than

the particle radius (Johnson et al., 1971). This means that before the sands deform to a certain

extent and grains are fully disaggregated, the capillary force still exists during weakening,

dilation and separation processes. For brittle mineral whose mineral cohesion is destroyed by

shearing, capillary cohesion remains unaffected.

In Fig. 3-15, the volumetric deformation of the particles can be expressed as

χε ==⋅






Coincidently, it is equal to the ratio of distance between particles and particle radius. Therefore

the models developed to calculate capillary strength for detached and squeezed particles can be

used to describe the variations of capillary strength with rock deformation, except that water

volume in the liquid bridge between particles should remain constant instead of water saturation

(as the total unit volume will change upon loading). For the extended case, the water volume

(Qw) in the liquid bridge can be calculated as

ww SRa

RQ ⋅−+= )4

1(4 2 π (3.47)

and for compressed case,

wvvw SRa

RQ ⋅������ +−−−= βπβ




1)(1(4 2 (3.48)

Page 58: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


3.4 Calculations and Verifications of Capillary Models

Based on rock properties and contact fabrics, four microscopic models, are presented here to

analytically describe the behaviours of capillary strength under different rock, fluid, and loading


• uniform particles contacting tangentially,

• non-uniform particles contacting tangentially,

• detached uniform particles, and

• squeezed uniform particles.

In the following discussions, capillary strength factors such as surface tension, contact angle, rock

heterogeneity, detached or squeezed extent of particles, and rock deformation are analyzed, as

well as water saturation.

3.4.1 Model inputs and simplifications

The parameters used in the calculations are listed in Table 3-5, unless otherwise specified. This

list shows the inherent simplicity of the models: only particle radius, surface tension, contact

angle, porosity, and friction angle are needed to estimate the magnitude of capillary strength.

Besides the variations of surface tension due to the replacement of oil by water and

chemical reactions between water and rock (e.g. hydrolysis), there may exist other changes

affecting the magnitude of capillary force. For example, the softening and collapse of rock

cementation changes the pore structure in chalk reservoirs and therefore changes the radius of

capillary menisci (Papamichos et al., 1997). This influence depends on rock properties and

geochemically active water components, and is extremely hard to describe in an analytical way.

Thus this research assumes stable pore structure. However, some other assumptions made during

the model development should be clearly restated, such as:

• The liquid bridge formed between particles can be described as a toroid;

• The variable bond strength between particles can be replaced by a mean value that is

applicable throughout the whole rock mass;

• The water content is distributed evenly inside the particulate rock mass; and,

• The particles deform elastically upon compressive loading (squeezing).

Whereas these may be viewed as limitations to the models’ applicability, the author believes that

because the models capture the essential physics, adjustments and calibrations can easily be

incorporated so as to give useful results in practice.

Page 59: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


3.4.2 Behaviors of capillary pressure and forces

Table 3-6 lists calculation results of the proposed model of uniform particles contacting

tangentially. The negative sign of Pc means the direction of capillary force is opposite to the y-

direction. Notice that the calculated capillary pressure changes from negative to positive, which

indicates that at some critical water saturation (33.19%) capillary pressure does not exist

anymore. Physically, this means that the interface between water and oil collapses and water in

the bridge begins to flow through the particles. Therefore the positive Pc data in the table (marked

as red) are meaningless and should not be considered.

The relationship between water saturation (Sw) and water volume angle (βw) is plotted in

Fig. 3-17. Water volume angle increases with the increase of water saturation, and the increase

rate is very fast at the beginning (Sw<0.55%). (The dashed part of the curve is based on the

positive Pc data in Table 3-6, which should not be considered, as discussed in the previous

paragraph.) Correspondingly, capillary pressure in Fig. 3-18 decreases very quickly with

saturation when Sw<0.55%, and its value can be as high as 34 kPa, a value that is reached almost

instantaneously as soon as water saturation is not zero. Fig. 3-19 describes the typical

relationship between capillary pressure and water saturation degree, i.e. the ratio of water volume

to oil volume, for a white chalk from Haubourdin in the north of France. Fig. 3-20 contains

experimental results of the effect of different fluid combinations on capillary pressure. Not only

in trend but also in magnitude the model-developed capillary pressure curve fits well with field

and experimental data. Considering the influence of connate water saturation (the model assumes

there is no connate water, i.e. Sw starts from zero), the proposed model appears to be promising.

However, plotting the capillary forces resulting from both pressure differences, i.e. Fco from

Eq. (3.6), and surface tension, i.e. Fs from Eq. (3.7), in the same graph can be confusing: Fco

decreases while Fs increases steadily with water saturation. As a result, the sum of them Fc ( =

|Fco|+Fs) only slightly decreases with the increase of water saturation. This is contradictory to

reality where capillary forces and thus capillary strength decreases with water saturation and will

eventually disappear when there are no capillary menisci at all. Therefore Fs should not be

incorporated into Fc, as it is believed to be only a part of Fco and already included in Eq. (3.6)

(Gillespie and Settineri, 1967).

3.4.3 Capillary cohesive force vs. fluid driving forces

After solving the capillary force at grain scale level, a question arises: should it be taken into

account during the analysis of rock stability, since it is usually treated as negligible? In order to

Page 60: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


answer this question, a comparison between the fluid destabilizing force (i.e. seepage force

resulting from fluid gradient) and resistant force (i.e. capillary force) is carried out.

At the particle scale, fluid gradient results in a seepage force that pushes the particles in the

direction of fluid flow. It is one of the major forces that mobilize (liquefy) weak, disaggregated

sand into a slurried condition. An analytical description of the one-dimension seepage force can

be given as (Asgian and Cundall, 1994)




Ff π−= (3.49)

by assuming the particle is spherical with radius R (and a shape factor can be added to this

equation to account for deviations from sphericity). Capillary force among particles only resists

tensile failure; it makes little contribution to resist shear deformation. Fig. 3-21 summarizes the

values of capillary cohesive bond force Fc calculated by the model and the seepage force Ff

calculated by Eq. (3.49), assuming fluid gradient is 20 kPa/m (about 1 psi/ft). It turns out that the

seepage force is always lower than the capillary bond force, on the order of 1 to 3, depending on

the particle size and water saturation. The bigger the particles and the higher the water saturation,

the lower the ratio. Even if the pressure gradient at the sand surface is 1000 psi/ft (due to massive

restrictive formation damage near the wellbore, for example), the capillary force still could match

it when the particle radius is small (R < 0.05 mm) and water saturation is low (<5%).

There are some other forces that fluids may induce on particles, such as viscous drag force

(Fv) and buoyancy force (Fb). By assuming that the fluid flow rate is very slow (creeping flow),

they can be calculated through

vRFv µπ6= and gRFb3

34 π= (3.50)

where µ is fluid viscosity and v is fluid velocity. However, both of them are too small to be

considered, compared with either seepage driving force or capillary force. (i.e. Fv is about two

orders of magnitude lower than the seepage force, Walton, 2000).

In summary, capillary force (Fc) appears to be important enough to deserve attention in the

analysis of rock stability, especially for unconsolidated sandstones. Furthermore, considering the

effect of connate water saturation, capillary pressure and capillary forces most likely have already

reached their peaks before a well produces significant amounts of water.

Page 61: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


3.4.4 Behaviour of capillary strength and influential factors Capillary strength vs. water saturation

Comparing to the rapid decrease of capillary pressure, the reduction rate of capillary strength with

water saturation is smaller (see Fig.3-22). Its magnitude can reach several kPa. Based on tests of

medium to fine-grained sandstones poorly cemented with clay, Dyke and Dobereiner (1991)

developed a relation between rock strength and moisture content (Fig. 3-23), and found that most

strength reduction occurs within a limited moisture content range (1%). The model calculations

agree with their experimental results: capillary strength decreases quickly with water saturation

before it increases to some critical value (as low as 5% in the model). Furthermore, this specific

value is closely related to contact angle (Fig. 3-22), size ratio between particles (Fig. 3-29), and

contact fabrics (Figs. 3-30 and 3-31). This may explain why some experiments showed that

outflowing wetting fluid could destroy a formerly stable sand arch immediately (Hall and

Harrisberger, 1970), and the critical fluid pressure gradient destabilizing sand will decrease to

some extent when water saturation increases (Bruno et al., 1996). Contact angle (θ)

Based on Eqs. (3.5), (3.6), (3.24), the effect of contact angle between fluid and rock on variations

of capillary strength is calculated and plotted in Fig. 3-22. It is shown that capillary force

decreases with an increase of contact angle, and the bigger the angle, the faster the decrease.

Comparing to zero contact angle at which the maximum capillary tensile strength can be as high

as 1.4 kPa and diminishes as saturation reaches 28%, when the angle θ = 1, the strength only

reaches 0.6 kPa and it quickly decreases to zero if the saturation rises to 3%. However, at any

saturation there is no significant difference of the magnitude of capillary forces when the changes

of the angle are small (<0.2). Particle size (R)

The particle size has significant impact not only on the ratio of Fc/Ff (Fig. 3-21), but also on rock

capillary strength, as shown in Fig. 3-24. Rock capillary strength (UCS) increases dramatically

(up to 10 kPa) when particle size is smaller than some critical value (around R = 0.15mm), even

at the same time that capillary cohesive force decreases (Fig. 3-25). The main reason for this

dramatic effect, i.e. rock strength increases while capillary force decreases in unconsolidated

sand, is that the interactions among rock particles become more dominant to determine rock

strength than the fluid-rock interactions: the finer-grained the sand particles, the denser the

particle contacts, the higher the rock strength. Since the radii of sand particles in oil-producing

Page 62: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


formations are usually between 0.05 mm and 0.5 mm, the magnitude of capillary strength

resulting from capillary force can be expected to be as high as in the range of kPa. Surface tension (γ)

In experiments it is found that the cohesive strength and UCS of a water-wet, silicone-oil-flooded

sand was about three times larger than those of the same water-wet, heavy-oil-flooded sand under

the same stress (Tremblay et al., 1997). The difference is believed to result from the higher

interfacial tension between water and silicone oil (38 dynes/cm, measured by Adamson, 1982)

than between water and heavy oil (15 to 20 dynes/cm, measured by Takamura and Isaacs, 1989).

With inputs of γ = 0.015 N/m and γ = 0.036 N/m, respectively, the model-calculated

relations of surface tension and capillary force (and therefore capillary strength) are listed in

Table 3-7, while other parameters used are unchanged (Table 3-5). It is demonstrated that at the

same water saturation, such as Sw = 0.5%, UCS can be 1327 Pa for γ = 0.036N/m and 552.9 Pa

for γ = 0.015N/m, corresponding to the capillary forces of 3.94 dyne and 1.64 dyne respectively.

The ratio of UCS values is about 2.4, which matches the above experimental results, and this may

be viewed as evidence of model validity. Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 3-26, rock capillary

strength is found to be linearly related to the surface tension between wetting and non-wetting

fluids, but the rate of increase (slope of lines) becomes less when water saturation increases. Size difference

Based on Eqs. (3.28), (3.29), (3.31), Fig. 3-24 illustrates the effect of non-uniform size (size ratio

n = 0.1, 0.5, 1) on the variations of water volume angles (βw1, βw2): at the same water saturation,

the greater difference between particles size (i.e. lower value of n) leads to a greater difference

between two angles; in addition, the angles tends to stop increasing with water saturation more

rapidly when the size ratio is small (n = 0 in Fig. 3-27). As a result the capillary force diminishes

more rapidly (i.e. the liquid bridge breaks more easily) when the particles’ size is more different:

for a size ratio n = 1, the capillary force becomes zero when water saturation reaches 30%, while

for n = 0.1, only a water saturation of 1.7% is needed (Fig. 3-28).

The size difference also can affect the magnitude of capillary force and strength. In Fig. 3-

29, at the same water saturation (1%), both capillary force and strength keep increasing when the

difference between particles becomes small (i.e. size ratio increases), despite the fact that

capillary pressure does not increase after reaching a maximum value when the size ratio n is

around 0.5. The reason for different trends of capillary pressure (or tensile strength) and capillary

force is that the force (or strength) is not only determined by the pressure, but also dependent on

Page 63: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


the area being acted upon by the pressure. When the area increase overwhelms the pressure

decrease, their product, the capillary force, will track the area changes. Contact fabrics

Figs. 3-30, 3-31, 3-32, and 3-33 illustrate calculated results for the detached and squeezed models

developed in Sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5.

Compared to tangentially contacting particles, the relationship between capillary strength

and water saturation is quite different when particles become detached or squeezed: instead of

continuously decreasing with water saturation (e.g. χ=0 in Fig. 3-30 and Fig. 3-31), the capillary

strength increases to a peak at an early stage and then decreases (e.g. χ=0.01 in Fig. 3-30). The

peak strength is strongly affected by the distance between particles (Fig. 3-32 and 3-33): the

greater the distance between particles, the lower the value of peak strength. Furthermore, a

greater distance, either positive (detachment) or negative (squeeze), results in a higher water

saturation needed to attain the maximum capillary strength. This is reasonable because there will

be more water needed for widely spaced particles to form a strong liquid bridge than for more

closely spaced particles.

Experiments with unconsolidated sand (Bianco and Halleck, 2001) show that a stable arch

starts to develop even with a small increase in water saturation (Sw > 3%) in a two-phase

environment, whereas such an arch cannot be stable in a monophasic condition. Furthermore, the

sand starts to flow into the wellbore when Sw > 20%, and massive sand production occurs if Sw >

32%. The models developed for detached and squeezed particles (Fig. 3-30, Fig. 3-31) can

explain these phenomena directly: the strength from capillary force first increases to a peak value

(therefore stable sand arches form) before continuously decreasing and disappearing as water

saturation increases (hence the sand arches collapse).

When the extent of detachment and squeeze are the same, e.g. χ = 0.01 in Fig. 3-32 and χ =

-0.01 in Fig. 3-33, the capillary strength of separated particles is much higher (about twice) than

that of the squeezed arrays, given the same water saturation of 5%.

3.4.5 Strength evolution with rock deformation

As discussed in 3.3.5, detached and squeezed fabric models can be applied to describe behaviours

of rock capillary strength upon loading. Following the conventions of rock mechanics, i.e.

negative sign of deformation means compression while positive sign means extension, Fig. 3-34

summarizes the calculation results. In general, capillary tensile strength is a maximum when

there is no deformation (i.e. ε = 0), and decreases with both compressive and extensional

deformation, while there is a slight increase when extension of low magnitude occurs. This

Page 64: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


agrees well with the experimental observations by Mason and Clark (1965): the curves in Fig. 3-

35 generally decrease with the detached distance shortly after a slight increase (each curve

corresponds to a constant water volume in the liquid bridge), even though there is a large

difference of particle properties between their experiments and the analytical model developed

above (the spheres they used are oil-wetted and water-immersed, with radii of 15 mm).

The strength decrease for compressed rock is much faster than when the rock is pulled

apart. For example, when the water bridge volume is 1.72×10-9 m3 and the deformation ε = 0.02,

the tensile strength will decrease from 380 Pa to 95 Pa for rock in a compressional condition, and

from 380 Pa to 315 Pa for rock in an extension condition. As in reservoir situations rock

inevitably has to experience compression due to the changes of stresses in surrounding rocks

during depletion, capillary strength may decrease rapidly with water saturation. On the other

hand, if rock has experienced considerably compaction beforehand and particles are originally in

a squeezed state when oil production starts, the capillary strength can be relatively small.

3.5 Conclusions

Among the mechanisms that may destabilize unconsolidated sand after an oil well starts to

produce water, two main reasons are identified and analyzed in detail to clarify the effect of water

saturation on sand strength: one is chemical reactions of rock with formation water, the other is

variations of rock capillary strength.

There are mainly two kinds of chemical reactions that are likely to lower rock stability

when water breakthrough occurs: quartz hydrolysis and carbonate dissolution that lower the

surface energy of rock, whereas ferruginous deposition and shale swelling change the rock pore

structure and affect local fluid gradients, thus enhancing seepage forces that may destabilize the

sand. Since the rock strength changes from these reactions are environmentally dependent and

are related to numerous parameters that cannot realistically be determined, it will be extremely

hard to quantify the effects of those reactions.

Four novel models are developed to account for the variations and behaviors of rock

strength resulting from capillary forces in two-phase fluid environments, including uniform

particles in tangential contact, non-uniform particles in tangential contact, uniform particles in

squeezed contact, and uniform particles in detached contact. Using these models, the effects of

fluid properties (contact angle and surface tension), rock properties (particle size, size ratio,

contact fabric), and deformation of loaded rock on capillary strength have, for the first time, been

mathematically expressed and quantified. These models fit available experimental and field data

and can explain many published reports about the influence of water saturation on rock strength.

Page 65: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Based on the model calculations, several novel conclusions are made:

• At the grain scale, capillary pressure among the particles can reach the order of kPa and

capillary cohesive force is one to three orders of magnitude higher than the fluid seepage

force when the fluid gradient is about 1 psi/ft. The smaller the particles, the greater the

effect; therefore capillary force should not be neglected in the analysis of sand instability,

especially for unconsolidated sand.

• Capillary induced strength, such as UCS or tensile strength resulting from capillary cohesive

force, can decrease quickly with water saturation, from several kPa to near zero within only a

5% change of water saturation.

• For all the models, capillary strength increases linearly with increasing surface tension of the

interface between the fluids.

• Contact angle affects both the magnitude of capillary strength and its variation with

saturation. At the same water saturation, the larger the contact angle, the smaller the strength,

and the faster the strength decrease with increasing saturation.

• If the particle size is uniform, small particle size results in high capillary strength. If particles

have different size, the size ratio has an influence on the capillary strength similar to that of

the fluid contact angle: it affects both the magnitude of capillary strength and its variation rate

with saturation. However, the relations are different: the smaller the size difference, the

higher the capillary strength and the faster its decrease. Furthermore, at the same saturation,

more homogeneity in particle size leads to greater values of the capillary force and strength.

• For detached and squeezed contact models, the capillary strength first increases to a peak

with water saturation, then decreases after a critical saturation, in contrast to the tangential

contact model where capillary force always decreases with water saturation. The peak

strength is closely related to the distance between particles, contact angle, and size

homogeneity of particles. At the same saturation, the strength decrease becomes more

significant for squeezed particles than for detached ones.

• By introducing strain into the models, capillary strength is also found to vary greatly with

rock deformation: it reaches a maximum when particles are tangentially contacted and

decreases with either compression or extension. Comparing with extended particles, the

strength of compressed particles decreases much faster with deformation.

These new insights into the capillarity variations are essential to create a quantitative

prediction model for sand production in poorly consolidated or unconsolidated sand. It also

should be noted that, besides the description of rock capillary strength in unconsolidated sand

after water breakthrough, these models could be used as the basis of any calculation of capillary

force (and strength) between two spheres in two-phase fluid environments.

Page 66: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


3.6 Tables and Figures

Table 3-1: Test results of arch stability by changing fluid types (Hall and Harrisberger, 1970)

Test no. Step Initial situation Flow Load (psi.) Results 9

(water wettable) Water moistened None 2,000 Arched

a Kerosene None No arch b Air in Arched

10 (oil wettable)

c None


Held a Kerosene at residual

water None Arched

b Kerosene out Held

11 (water wettable)

c Water out


Failed a water at residual oil None Arched

b Water out Held

12 (oil wettable)

c Oil out



13 (water wettable)

Water moistened None 3,450 Arch held

Note: Ottawa sands of 20-40 mesh size, Krumbein Roundness 0.8 (high), grain density 2.64 gm/cc,

porosity 34.6%, friction angle: 34.0. Arch formed at 500 psi; load (average vertical stress) increased to failure or to apparatus limit of 3,450 psi. Table 3-2: Compressive Strength of Sandstones in MPa (lbf/in2) (after Boretti-Onyszkiewicz, 1966)

1 2 3 4 5 State

⊥ || ⊥ || ⊥ || ⊥ || ⊥ ||

Air-dry 150.2 137.3 125.6 88.4 93.9 99.4 93.5 83.2 69.2 54.5

Water saturated 103.7 92.5 87.9 76.5 63.4 53.5 81.4 65.1 55.2 50.3

Percent (%) (Dry-Sw)/Dry

31 32.6 30 13.5 32.7 46.2 12.9 21.8 20.2 7.7

Note: ||, parallel to stratification; ⊥, perpendicular to stratification

Table 3-3: Properties of the materials applied in Skjærstein’s experiments (After Skjærstein et al., 1997)

Page 67: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Table 3-4: External stress at initial cavity failure and onset of sand production (After Skjærstein et al., 1997)

Table 3-5: Input parameters for capillary models R (m) γ (N/m) φ (%) ϕ (°) θ

0.0002 0.036 30 30 0

Table 3-6: The calculations from proposed capillary force model

Capillary force (Dyne) Volume angle


Saturation (Sw)

r1 (m)

R (m)

Capillary pressure

-Pc Fc

o Fs Fc

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0.1 0.000693369 1.90628E-05 1.00418E-06 33961.52 4.25352306 0.045088339 4.2986114

0.15 0.002218033 2.79558E-05 2.27129E-06 14562.28 4.08660105 0.101026482 4.187627532

0.2 0.004992964 3.64742E-05 4.06777E-06 7863.062 3.89998761 0.178555825 4.078543434

0.3 0.015281115 5.25169E-05 9.35032E-06 3164.642 3.47303252 0.395081531 3.868114046

0.4 0.033069497 6.74178E-05 1.71409E-05 1566.258 2.98473557 0.686033261 3.67076883

0.5 0.059334436 8.13617E-05 2.78988E-05 847.9102 2.44907479 1.039811687 3.48888648

0.6 0.094730187 9.45017E-05 4.23257E-05 469.6023 1.88142603 1.44231278 3.323738806

0.7 0.139727311 0.000106966 6.14919E-05 248.8873 1.29800968 1.877490091 3.17549977

0.8 0.194704415 0.000118863 8.70648E-05 110.6149 0.71530812 2.327994474 3.043302598

0.9 0.260010661 0.000130286 0.000121745 19.38547 0.1494763 2.775865741 2.925342044

0.927 0.279460592 0.000133301 0.000133202 0.19938 0.0016028 2.894009566 2.895612365

1 0.336009935 0.000141318 0.000170163 -2.34944 -0.0209051 3.203248679 3.22415381

1.1 0.423113736 0.000152031 0.000240921 -52.5465 -0.5244590 3.593104877 4.117563907

Page 68: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Table 3-7: Influence of surface tension on capillary strength

Surface tension γ = 0.015N/m Surface tension γ = 0.036N/m

Capillary Strength Capillary Strength Capillary

Pressure (Pa)

Capillary Force (Dyne)

σT (Pa) UCS (Pa)


Saturation Capillary

Pressure (Pa)

Capillary Force (Dyne)

σT (Pa) UCS (Pa)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14186.25 1.7768 259.1113 598.3918 0.0006933 34047.01 4.2642 621.8670 1436.1404

6102.301 1.7125 249.7371 576.7432 0.002218 14645.52 4.11 599.3691 1384.1838

3310.013 1.6417 239.4187 552.9138 0.004992 7944.032 3.9401 574.6049 1326.9931

1350.433 1.482 216.1296 499.1299 0.01528 3241.04 3.5569 518.7110 1197.9117

682.5057 1.3006 189.6731 438.0313 0.03307 1638.014 3.1215 455.2155 1051.2751

381.2206 1.1011 160.5777 370.8384 0.05933 914.9294 2.6427 385.3866 890.0121

221.5675 0.8877 129.4553 298.9642 0.09473 531.762 2.1305 310.6927 717.5141

127.5145 0.6650 96.9821 223.9705 0.1397 306.0348 1.596 232.7570 537.5292

67.7348 0.43802 63.8775 147.5189 0.1947 162.5635 1.0512 153.3061 354.0452

27.4627 0.21176 30.8813 71.3174 0.2600 65.91052 0.5082 74.1152 171.1618

0.23745 0.00210 0.30613 0.7070 0.3319 0.569877 0.005038 0.7347 1.6968

Page 69: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-1: Difference between onset of sand production and water breakthrough for 33 wells (After Skjærstein et al., 1997)

Fig. 3-2: Average sand rate during vs. before water breakthrough (After Skjærstein et al., 1997)

Fig. 3-3: Average sand rate after vs. before water breakthrough (After Skjærstein et al., 1997)

Page 70: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-6: Mohr fracture envelopes for quartzitic shale at two saturation status (After Colback and Wiid, 1965)

Fig. 3-4: UCS vs. moisture content for quartzitic

sandstone (After Colback and Wiid, 1965)

Moisture content – percent by weight

Fig. 3-5: UCS vs. moisture content for

quartzitic shale (After Colback and Wiid, 1965)

Page 71: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-7: Stress vs. strain curves for oven-dried Oughtibridge ganister (quartzite) Strain curves for water-saturated quartzite specimens deformed at the same strain rate were

found to be almost coincident with the oven-dried ones (After Hadizadeh and Law, 1991)

Failure Stress

Oven dried Pennant Sandstone

Fig. 3-8: Stress vs. strain in oven-dried and water-saturated

Pennant sandstone (After Hadizadeh and Law, 1991)

Failure Stress

Failure Stress

Page 72: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-9: Influence of the surface tension of immersion liquids on the strength of quartzitic sandstone (After Colback and Wiid, 1965)

Surface Tension γ of immersion liquids at 20°C

σ1 σ3 0 σUCS





Fig. 3-10: Mohr-Columb criteria


Page 73: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-11: Basic capillarity model

Contact angle (θθθθ)




p(xp, yp)






α A2



Fig. 3-12: Definition of unit volume



Page 74: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-13: Models for non-uniform particles contacting tangentially


P1(x1, y1)












P2(x2, y2)





O3 r1

i) Basic model

C ∆y






Oil A2


r βw2





ii) Definition of unit volume

Tangential Concavo-convex

Long Sutured Floating

Fig. 3-14: Schematic Contact fabric for rock particles

Page 75: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-15: Detached uniform particles (a>0) i) Basic model

Contact angle θ




p(xp, yp)








A2 a



Oil r1



ii) Definition of unit volume

i) Basic model

Contact angle θθθθ



p(xp, yp)

X r


Water A2







R βv

Fig. 3-16: Squeezed uniform particles (a<0)




ii) Definition of unit volume

Page 76: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions











0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Water Saturation


er V


e A


Fig. 3-17: Water saturation vs. volume angle (Data in Table 3-6)

Fig. 3-18: Water saturation vs. capillary forces








0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Water Saturation



y P











Capillary F

orce (Dyne)





Page 77: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Expt No. Fluid Combinations

• 1 Toluene-water

×××× 1a Toluene-water

T 2 Toluene-water

+ 3 Toluene-water �

3a Toluene-water

� 4 Heptane-water

∆ 4a Heptane-water

� 5 Air-water

� 5a Air-water �

6 2-?-water

Fig. 3-20: Drainage capillary pressure for different fluid-fluid combinations (After Dumore and Schols, 1974)

Fig. 3-19: capillary force vs. water saturation for a white porous chalk (After Homand et al., 1997)

Page 78: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions







0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Particle Size (mm)



y F


/ S


ge F





Fig. 3-21: The ratio of capillary force and seepage force vs. particle size







0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.3Water saturation



y S


th (P


contact angle=0

contact angle=0.1

contact angle=0.2

contact angle=0.5

contact angle=1

Fig.3-22: Capillary strength (UCS) for tangentially contacted particles

Page 79: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-23: Variations of rock strength with water saturation (After Dyke and Dobereiner, 1991)







0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4

Particle Radius (mm)



y S




Sw = 0.5%

Sw = 5%

Sw = 20%

Fig. 3-24: Effect of particle size on capillary strength (UCS)

Page 80: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-25: Effect of particle size on capillary force










0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4

Particle Radius (mm)



y F




Sw = 0.5%

Sw = 5%

Sw = 20%

Fig. 3-26: Effect of surface tension on capillary strength (UCS)











0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045

Surface Tension (N/m)



y S




Sw = 0.5%

Sw = 3.3%

Sw = 9.5%

Page 81: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions











0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.3 Water Saturation


er V


e A


n=0.1; βw1 n=0.1; βw2

n=0.5; βw1 n=0.5; βw2

n=1.0; βw1 n=1.0; βw2

Fig. 3-27: Effect of non-uniform particle size on water volume angle









0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

Water Saturation



y F




Fc (n=0.1)



Fig. 3-28: Effect of non-uniform particle size on capillary force

Page 82: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-29: Effect of size ratio on capillary strength (UCS) (Sw =1%)










0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Size Ratio (n=R1/R2)



y F











Fc (Dyne) Pc (Pa) UCS (Pa)

Fig. 3-30: Variations of capillary strength (UCS) in detached fabrics









0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.3 Water Saturation



y S




χ = 0 χ = 0.01 χ = 0.02 χ = 0.05 χ = 0.08 χ = 0.1

Page 83: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig.3-31: Variations of capillary strength (UCS) in squeezed fabrics












0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.3 Water Saturation



y S




χ = 0

χ = -0.01

χ = -0.02

χ = -0.05

χ = -0.08

Fig. 3-32: Effect of detached extent on capillary strength










0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11

χ (=a/R )



y T


le S















σT (Sw=5%)

σT (Sw=10%) σT (Sw=20%) Fc (Sw=5%) Fc (Sw=10%) Fc (Sw=20%)

Page 84: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig.3-34: Behavior of capillary tensile strength with rock deformation










-0.09 -0.08 -0.07 -0.06 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Deformation (χ = ε = ∆ V/V)

Capillary Tensile Strength (Pa)

Water Volume=1.717E-09m3

Water Volume=3.435E-09m3

Water Volume=6.868E-09m3

Fig. 3-33: Effect of squeezed extent on capillary strength








0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 χ (=a/R)



y T


le S







Page 85: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 3-35: Capillary force variations with the distance between particles (After Mason and Clark, 1965)

Page 86: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Chapter 4 Coupled Stress Solutions for Water/Oil Fluid Flow

4.1 Geomechanics Model for Steady Monophase Flow

4.1.1 Coupled elastic stress model

For an elastic isotropic formation with a Biot coefficient of α, stress equilibrium in a one-

dimensional cylindrical system can be expressed as




rr θσσσ (4.1)

or rP




∂′∂ ασσσ θ (4.2)

where α is the negative Biot constant that is defined in Section 1.1.1. The negative sign is taken

for mathematical convenience. Radial effective stress σ′r and tangential effective stress σ′θ can be

determined by corresponding radial strain εr and tangential strain εθ relationships



GG rr λλλεελσ θ ++=++=′ )2()2( (4.3)



Gr )2()2( ++=++=′ λλελλεσ θθ (4.4)

where λ and G are the Lamé constants defined in Eq. (1.5), and


r =ε , ru=θε (4.5)

Substituting Eq (4.3), Eq. (4.4) into Eq. (4.2), the displacement, u, must satisfy












νννα (4.6)

It should be noted that since the pore pressure is not only dependent upon radius but also on time

(Pp = Pp(r,t)), so therefore is deformation (u = u(r,t)). The above equation can be rewritten as




r ∂∂






ννα (4.7)


Page 87: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions




ru �





νννα (4.8)

i.e. 1)1()21)(1(


uru +



νννα (4.9)

The solution of this equation can be written as (see Appendix 1):



tcu p


−+++= ),()1(






where coefficients c1(t), c2(t) are variables only related to time and determined by boundary

conditions. From Eqs. (4.3) and (4.4), the effective stresses can be shown to be


tEctEctrP r

r �−−−


−++=′ ),(





21 ανν

νννασ (4.11)


tEctEctrP r�












νννννασ θ (4.12)

Total stresses can be expressed as (σ = σ′ - αP):


tEctEc rr �−



= ),(1



2221 α


νννσ (4.13)





= ),(),(1





21 trPdrtrrPrr

tEctEc r αανν

νννσθ (4.14)

If one assumes steady-state fluid flow, the pore pressure varies only with radius and follows

Darcy’s rule:

�� �����+=

11 ln)(


KPrP (4.15)

where kh


=Κ , R1 is wellbore radius, P1 is the bottom-hole flowing pressure, and Q is the

production rate that is assumed to be constant for a formation with height h. Hence, the

integration of pore pressure in Eq. (4.11) and Eq. (4.12) can be expressed as



)(2 K


drrrPr −=�


Therefore effective stresses in the equations can be written as

Page 88: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions




221' K


EcEcPr ⋅






ννννασ (4.17)



221' K


EcEcP ⋅






ννννασ θ (4.18)

4.1.2 Discussion of boundary conditions

There are two types of boundary conditions currently used: one is at the outer boundary (R2)

where both tangential stress and radial stress are taken to be equal to the horizontal stress

BC1: r = R2, hr σσσ θ ′=′=′ (= σh + αP); (4.19)

the other is that the effective radial stress is zero at the inner boundary and equals the horizontal

effective stress at the outer boundary:

BC2: r = R1, 0=′rσ ; r = R2, hr σσ ′=′ (4.20)

Both conditions are tried in this research, and results are compared.

From the first set of boundary conditions (BC1),







EcEcKPh νννν




−−= (4.21)







EcEcKPh νννν




−−= (4.22)

where P2 is pore pressure at the outer boundary of the reservoir, and thus the two constants can be

solved as



21 PE

c h ννασνν

−−+−+= ;

2)1()5.0)(1( 2



Ec ⋅


νννα (4.23)

Similarly, for the second boundary condition (Eq. 4.20), the stresses become






EcEcKPh νννν






−−= (4.24)













−= (4.25)

and expressions for c1, c2 can be

Page 89: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions



���� ⋅−



















c h ννα









5.0)5.0(1 1221







c h (4.27)

With the input parameters listed in Table 4-1, these solutions are plotted in Fig. 4-1 and

Fig. 4-2. Clearly, the results are strongly affected by the selection of boundary conditions:

without the restraint of the inner boundary (such as BC1), stresses become wild and irrationally

two orders higher than the one with the restraint (i.e. BC2). The results from BC2 seem more

reasonable. In fact, although it is currently used, BC1 fails to meet the rigorous definition of

boundary condition in mechanics (Charlez, 1991).

4.1.3 Poro-inelastic stress model

The above solutions are based on the assumption that the formation is linear elastic. However,

weak or unconsolidated sandstones are more likely to be yielded and mobilized by stresses and

fluid flow, which may lead to sand influx during fluid production. Bratli and Rinses

demonstrated (1981) that there usually exists a “Coulomb zone” around the wellbore, a region

characterized by low cohesion, low permeability and undergoing inelastic deformation. Hence,

poroelastic solutions may be considered to be inaccurate as far as stress calculations concerned

for most borehole cases. As a “ rule-of-thumb”, the boundary condition 0=′rσ @ r = R1 should

not be used to solve elastic equations, as long as a critical distance (Rc) defining the width of the

Coulomb zone can be found. To avoid complexity of theoretical development, a simple approach

to describe stress distributions inside the Coulomb zone is taken, which is called poro-inelastic

stress model in this research because, comparing to current plasticity models, there is no strain-

based flow rule involved.

The well-established Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is used herein to stipulate the

occurrence of shear failure, although the procedure is general and other yield criterion can be

used. Assuming the rock stresses inside the Coulomb zone satisfy the Mohr-Coulomb failure

criterion and stress equilibrium, the effective stress equilibrium equation (Eq. 4.2) becomes


rdrd o

rr αβσβσ +

=′−+′ tan2tan1 2


and solutions can be found to be

Page 90: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions



ωσ ω KC


r or

++=′ − tan2

)( 3 (4.29)


ωωσ ω



r o )1(tan2)1()( 3 −+


=′ − (4.30)

where ω = 1 - tan2β. Since at the inner boundary the rock radial effective stress must be zero, i.e

σ′r (R1) = 0, a solution for the constant c3 can be found:

( ) ωαβ 13 tan2 RKCc o ⋅+−= (4.31)

Therefore at the outer boundary of Coulomb zone, i.e., at r = Rc, the stresses should be


ωσ ω KC


R occr

++=′ − tan2

)( 3 (4.32)


ωωσ ω



R occ

)1(tan2)1()( 3 −+


=′ − (4.33)

Furthermore, the radial stresses should be continuous across the elastic and Coulomb zone

transition, i.e., at r = Rc, so that the stresses calculated from coupled poroelastic solutions (Eqs.

4.17 and 4.18) should equal those from Eqs. (4.32) and (4.33), i.e.



2213 Κ















c (4.34)



2213 Κ






− −




ωω ω








where Pc is pore pressure at Rc and can be expressed as ��������+=

11 ln


KPP cc . Another boundary

condition used is the assumption that, in the far field, the effective radial stress is equal to the

horizontal effective stress (i.e. σ′r(R2) = σ′h):












EcEcPh (4.36)

Finally, the three unknown constants Rc, c1, c2, in the above three equations can be solved:














Ec h (4.37)

Page 91: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


232 )



1cc RRc

Ec ⋅+Κ

−+−= −ω




���� −−




−′ −− )ln(21














cC cccc

oh ν



αβσ ωω


Eq. (4.39) is a nonlinear equation of Rc, in the form of f(Rc2-ω, Rc

-ω, Rc2, ln(Rc)) = 0, which can be

easily solved with the aid of mathematical software (e.g. Matlab).

The stress solutions are plotted in Fig. 4-3. Comparing these to their poroelastic

counterparts (dashed lines), the inelastic stresses shift the concentration of shear stress away from

the wellbore. Directly applying elastic stress equations Eq. (4.17) and Eq. (4.18) into the Mohr-

Coulomb failure expression Eq. (1-11), the equation of Rc will be



−+−− 2

22122 1)1(











5.0)tan1( 2 =−

−−+ βαν

νβ oCK


with boundary condition BC2 (Eq. 4.20), the solution of Rc is 0.1393 m, appreciably smaller than

the value determined by Eq. (4.39): Rc = 0.4327 m.

However, the poro-inelastic stress solutions treat the Coulomb zone as a zone with constant

low cohesive shear strength (Co). This obviously conflicts with the fact that sand becomes

weaker with the extent of shear yield (plastic strain), leading to a non-constant reduced cohesion

or even a cohesionless state after large plastic strain. Fig. 4-4 demonstrates the effect of cohesive

strength on stress distributions inside the Coulomb zone: when Co becomes small (Co is from 0.5

to 0.178 MPa), stresses are lowered significantly at the same distance while the critical radius

increases dramatically (i.e. the Coulomb zone is enlarged). Therefore Eq. (4.29) and Eq. (4.30)

give the upper limit of stresses inside the plastic zone, and should be treated as conservative


One common approach to compensate for this is to add a plastic strain to the elastic strain

calculated by Hooke’s law, and this type of strain is defined by plastic theory. (Bradford and

Cook, 1994; Wang, 2002). But as far as rock is concerned, those plasticity models need intensive

calibrations before being applied in practice; in fact, many researchers believe that a nonlinear

theory based on rock moduli and other properties that change with loading stresses is more

Page 92: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


convincing and reasonable. Some developments have been made during the past few decades

(Santarelli and Brown 1986; Nawrocki and Dusseault 1995; Vaziri 1995), but additional

experiments are needed in order to determine the parameters, and this affects budgets and

presents substantial challenges for geomechanics modelers. Damage theory (e.g. Cheng and

Dusseault, 2002) is somewhat more useful in describing strength behaviors and rock property

changes than classical plasticity theory, but the deformation parameters in most versions of

damage mechanics theories are not linked to stress level.

Developing more comprehensive and mathematically advanced stress models is beyond the

scope of this research, which focuses on the effect of water saturation on stress distributions and

rock properties. The inelastic models developed above with appropriate boundary conditions are

the basis for the stress calculations in this research.

4.2 Stress-Dependent Porosity and Permeability

4.2.1 Stress-dependent permeability and previous models

Concepts of stress-dependent permeability of porous media have attracted attention from

production engineers and reservoir engineers for about 50 years (Fatt and Davis, 1952), as such a

phenomenon could significantly affect well production rate, reserves estimates, profitability

predictions and so on. For stress-sensitive materials such as low permeability lithic sandstones,

collapsing chalk, or fractured rock, the reduction of permeability can be as high as 90% (Thomas

and Ward, 1972; Jones and Owens, 1980; Yale, 1984; Kilmer et al., 1987), leading to losses of up

to 50% of the production rate (Vairogs et al. 1971). Yale (1984) showed that the decrease of

permeability could approach 5% for 500 - 1,000 mD permeability sandstones with an increase in

isotropic effective (matrix) stresses from 3.45 to 34.5 MPa (∆σ′1 = ∆σ′2 = ∆σ′3).

However, when stress changes are anisotropic (deviatoric) because of boundary conditions,

depletion effects in the field, or a non-isotropic in-situ stress state and sand fabric, the behavior of

permeability reduction with increasing stress is not yet clear. Holt (1990) reported that changes

in permeability became more significant in the presence of non-isotropic stresses: up to 10% of

its initial value (sample porosity 25% and initial permeability from 1 to 2.5 Darcies). King et al.

(2001) found that permeability was 10% lower in their triaxial tests, compared to hydrostatic

stress tests (initial permeabilities were 366 mD, 220 mD, 15 mD in the three principal stress


Page 93: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


It has been found that in triaxial compression tests a small permeability increase occurs

when rock is compressed close to failure (Morita et al., 1984; Keaney et al., 1998), and therefore

fluid flow is enhanced (Tronvoll and Fjær, 1994) because of shear dilation of microcracks or

particle sliding. However, these reports were limited to low permeability samples (for Keaney’s

experiment, 3 µD; for Morita, 100 to 200 mD). Also, it is very challenging to model shear

dilation, shear-induced grain crushing, or interstitial mineral grain mobilization within the scope

of continuum theories.

Despite only a partial understanding of the complicated permeability behavior with

stresses, some models have been proposed to quantify this phenomenon, most of which are

“strain-dependent” (Chin et al., 2000; Wang and Xue, 2002); i.e., permeability calculations are

based on the strain determined by a geomechanics stress-strain model. Even though it is

mathematically convenient to relate porosity changes to volumetric strain, this type of model

needs intensive laboratory calibrations before it can be applied in the field. This is because strain

is sensitive to many factors such as stress (loading and confining stress) levels, stress path and

anisotropy, loading rate and history, pressure depletion or increase, sample size, shape, and so on.

There exist some empirical relationships between permeability and stress that have been

developed from curve-fitting analysis of experimental data, requiring two (Ostensen, 1986) to

four (Jones and Owens, 1980; Jones, 1998) coefficients. However, these are purely empirical

relations, and the authors did not tried to generate more generalized stress-dependent porosity and

permeability distributions around a wellbore, both of which should be input and output variables

of a coupled geomechanics model to calculate stress level.

It is well accepted that there does not exist a unique relationship between permeability and

stress (Fatt and Davis, 1952; Jamtveit and Yardley, 1997; Davies, 2001). Nevertheless, it is

possible to develop a methodology to describe permeability alterations with rock stress as part of

reservoir simulation or geomechanical analysis. In this section, based on a nonlinear theory and

currently available empirical relations, a novel analytical method is developed to describe the

distribution of stress-dependent porosity and permeability around a wellbore producing oil from

high porosity (such as unconsolidated sand) reservoirs. As an application, a new criterion is

proposed to evaluate whether porosity (or permeability) should be considered to be stress-

dependent or a constant in a geomechanics analysis.

Page 94: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


4.2.2 Porosity vs. stress

Applying four types of compressibilities defined by Zimmerman (1986) into geomechanics

analysis, four stress-pressure related compressibilities can be defined:

Effective bulk compressibility σ∂

∂−= 1


bbc V

VC (4.41)

Pseudo-bulk compressibility PV



bbp ∂

∂= 1


Formation Compaction Coefficient σ∂

∂−= 1


ppc V

VC (4.43)

Effective pore compressibility PV



ppp ∂

∂= 1


In these definitions, σ and P are rock total stress and fluid pore pressure, and Vb and Vp are bulk

and pore volume, respectively. The advantage of this classification is that rock volume change

upon loading has been separated into bulk and pore volume changes affected by either total stress

or pore pressure variations. These compressibilities follow certain relationships

mbpbc CCC += ; mpppc CCC += ; pcbp CC φ= (4.45)

where Cm is rock matrix compressibility.

Porosity changes under loading condition are defined as:












Vdd φφ −== )( (4.46)

Substituting dPVCdVCVd pppppcp +−= σ , and dPVCdVCVd bbpbbcb +−= σ into the above

expressions gives

dPCdCdPCdCd bpbcpppc φσφφσφφ −++−= (4.47)

Using the relationships among compressibilities, the porosity changes are

σφφ ′−−−= dCCd mbc ])1([ (4.48)

where σ′ is the difference between total stress and pore pressure (σ′ = σ - P). Similarly, the bulk

volumetric strain εb can be calculated as

Page 95: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions



d mbcpcbcb

bb +′=−=−= σσε (4.49)

Combining with Eq. (4.48),

))(1( dPCdC

Cd mv


m −−−−= εφφ (4.50)

which is in agreement with Wang and Dusseault’s work (1991), except for the negative sign

because of a different sign convention. As far as unconsolidated and weakly consolidated sand

are concerned, Cm is assumed to be small enough to be negligible; therefore Eq. (4.48) and Eq.

(4.50) can be written as:

vdd εφφ )1( −−= (4.51)

an equation which has been widely used in coupled geomechanics models; and,

σφφ ′−−= dCd bc )1( (4.52)

which is the form that will be used herein.

4.2.3 Compressibility vs. stress

The integration of Eq. (4.52) involves the expression of stress-dependent bulk compressibility,

Cbc. As bulk compressibility is the easiest to measure in the laboratory, a common approach is to

derive an empirical relationship based on experiment data, e.g. in the form of (Zimmerman, 1991)

σ ′−+= 321bc a a C ae (4.53)

or (Rhett and Teufel, 1992)



)b(1 C

σ ′+= b


or (Jones, 1998)









pp d1 C

1 d


ed d


where a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, d1, d2 and d3 are constants determined from curve-fitting analysis.

Therefore, Eq. (4.52) can be integrated into the following forms:


ln 33






a σσσσφφ ′−′− −−′−′=���



Page 96: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions






























ln dd



d i σσ




where φi and σ′i are initial porosity and initial mean effective stress (i.e. far field in-situ mean

effective stress).

The other way to calculate bulk compressibility is based on nonlinear theory. Bulk

modulus can be expressed as (Duncan and Chang, 1970; Byrne et al., 1987; Vaziri, 1995)


aaK P

nPB )(σ ′

= (4.59)

where Pa is atmospheric pressure (for normalization), and m and n are the hyperbolic equation

parameters. For soils, the parameter values have been determined (Byrne et al., 1987), e.g. m is

usually taken as a constant of 0.25. Hence bulk compressibility can be expressed as



Kbc n


BC −

′== )(1


σ (4.60)

The integration of Eq. (4.52) gives

�� ′


′ ��

���� ′=−− σ




φ ii


Pd m

ma )(


1 1



[ ])1()1(1


1ln m



i nm

P −−−


=−− σσ



or [ ])1()1(








i e−−



φφ (4.63)

As indicated in Eq. (4.63), porosity changes are solely related to the state of effective stress

through application of these concepts.

The four methods of empirically including compressibility (i.e. Eqs. (4.53)-(4.55) and

(4.60)) and porosity (Eqs. (4.56)-(4.58) and (4.62)) discussed above are compared in Fig. 4-5 and

Fig. 4-6, with the input parameters listed in Table 4-2. The porosities used for this calculation

Page 97: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


range from 0.10 (tight sand, Jones, 1998), 0.13 (North Sea sand, Rhett and Teufel, 1992), 0.16

(Bandera Sand, Zimmerman, 1991), 0.18 (Berea Sand, Zimmerman, 1991), 0.27 (Boise Sand,

Zimmerman, 1991), to above 0.3 (unconsolidated sandstone, Eq. (4.63)). As shown in Fig. 4-5,

the rock compressibility, and consequently the porosity, becomes small as effective stress

increases (Fig. 4-6), while their decrease rates follow the same trend: less property changes occur

when rock becomes more and more compacted (i.e. in high in-situ confining stress conditions).

Furthermore, the lower the porosity and the higher the bulk compressibility, the larger the

alterations of the stress-dependent porosity and compressibility: for Jones’ model (φ < 0.1), rock

porosity loses about 20% with stress increases of less than 5 MPa; however, for high porosity

rock (φ>30%), the porosity loss is almost negligible given the same stress variations.

In both figures, the porosity calculation based on nonlinear theory shows particular

applicability to high-porosity (or unconsolidated) sandstones, probably because nonlinear theory

was initially developed for soil, which is similar to unconsolidated sandstone. As around a

wellbore there usually exists a zone of low cohesion and often damaged granular material in a

relatively low stress environment (at least the radial stress, σ′r, is low), the approximations that

are commonly used in soil mechanics, such as soil strength being dominated by frictional

behavior and geometrical relationships among individual particles, become just as valid as other

assumptions, perhaps more so.

4.2.4 Permeability vs. porosity

Many approaches have been proposed to describe the relationship of permeability to porosity and

other rock properties. These approaches can be classified into two categories (Dullien, 1979):

geometrical permeability models that treat fluid flow in porous media as a network of conduits,

and statistical permeability models in which a probability law is applied. Among the geometrical

methods, the Carman-Kozeny model is popular because of its simplicity:



)1(5 Sk


−= (4.64)

where specific surface area, S, can be derived as ii





)1(5 φφ

−= , and φi and ki are porosity

and permeability under initial conditions. It holds well for unconsolidated and weakly

consolidated spherical particulate assemblies (Dullien, 1979; Holt, 1990). However, it should be

noted that permeability can easily deviate from the description of Eq. (4.64), particularly if small

amounts of fine-grained materials such as clays or silt are present in a coarser-grained assembly.

Page 98: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Also, relative permeability in multi-phase cases cannot easily be based on such a relationship.

For example, Davies (2000) showed there is no consistent relationship of porosity with

permeability for sand samples from the Gulf of Mexico and southern California when porosity

exceeds 20%. As a matter of fact, permeability is not only dependent on porosity and specific

surface area, but also on the size distribution, skewness, the topographical arrangement of

capillaries, and the amount and location of interstitial fine-grained minerals. Even though Eq.

(4.64) is used hereafter, other types of porosity-permeability relationships can also be applied,

following similar steps discussed below, for specific cases where adequate laboratory information

are available. This empiricism is necessary, given the complexity of the problem, but the use of

such a relationship is attractive because semi-analytical solutions can be derived.

Fig. 4-7 shows the calculated variations of stress-dependent porosity and permeability with

the nonlinear theory developed above. In the stress range of 0 to 40 MPa, porosity changes are

magnified when interpreted as permeability variations: from 1% for porosity to 4.5% for

permeability, which agrees with experimental observations (e.g. Mohuiddin et al., 2000).

4.2.5 Permeability vs. distance from wellbore

For the elastic zone, effective mean stress in Eq. (4.63) can be determined by Eq. (4.17) and Eq.





νννασσσ θ



′+′=′ Ec

rPre (4.65)

For the Coulomb zone, it can be expressed as



ωσ ω KCr

c op

)2/1(tan2)2/1(3 −++

−=′ − (4.66)

Substituting Eqs. (4.65) and (4.66) into Eq. (4.52), the relationship between permeability and

effective stress can be determined. It should be noted there are no time-dependent effects

considered; rock properties are assumed to be independent of time.

Some arguments have been put forward suggesting that effective stress theory becomes

questionable (or at least inadequate) when permeability-stress relationships are analyzed (e.g.

Zoback and Byerlee, 1975). However, the experiments they performed with Berea Sandstone

were executed with the assumption that pore pressure and confining stress can be changed

independently, i.e. the magnitude of pore pressure increase or decrease equals the changes of

effective stress (∆σ′ = ∆P) if constant confining stress and elastic rock state are assured.

Unfortunately, the changes of effective stress, as shown in Eq. (4.65), are a function of the

Page 99: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


variations of pore pressure but do not equal them. Pore pressure and effective stress are so

closely interlaced that they can not be separately analyzed, let alone the additional effect of Biot’s

constant that should be considered when consolidated sand is concerned.

4.2.6 Should permeability be considered as stress-dependent?

Distributions of stress-dependent permeability and porosity around a wellbore producing oil from

high-porosity sand are determined and plotted in Fig. 4-8. Comparing to the initial values, both

permeability (solid line) and porosity (dashed line) decrease promptly inside the Coulomb zone,

while beyond the critical radius the reduction rates are small. This is because of the nature of the

stress distributions around the wellbore (Fig. 4-3): within the critical distance the mean effective

stress (σ′m) has a steep gradient, whereas it changes little in the elastic zone. It should be noted

that the initial permeability and porosity are defined at atmospheric stress (i.e. 0.1 MPa), while

the dimensionless variables, which are constantly below 1.0, are the ratios of the current property

values to their original ones.

The variations of permeability and porosity are relatively small, about 3.2% and 0.7%,

respectively. When reflected in pore pressure calculations, the stress-dependent permeability

model only predicts about 1.6% change (solid line in Fig. 4-8), and much of this takes place near

the wellbore. Zimmerman’s model for Boise Sand, which has high porosity and is weakly

consolidated, produces a similar effect (dashed line in Fig. 4-8): pore pressure variations are less

than 1.8% of its original value. It is therefore concluded that for clean unconsolidated sand with

parameters roughly similar to those listed in Table 4-2, the stress-dependent porosity and

permeability may be negligible in practice. This conclusion is consistent with the experiments

reported by Yale (1984) and Sarda et al. (1998).

However, these permeability calculations inside the Coulomb zone conflict with data

showing that permeability has indeed been significantly lowered in many cases, e.g. cases where

less than half of the original value has been left (Bratli and Rinses, 1980; Holt, 1990; Sarda et al.,

1998). This is because the model above did not take account of changes of rock properties after

shear yield. As pore throats in sand have been reshaped after sand particles rearrange and

fracture occurs, specific surface area and pore throat apertures changes significantly, particularly

under conditions of large stress changes. Even though some approaches are developed to

describe permeability evolutions with plastic deformation (e.g. Simoni, 1999; Yale, 2002), a

method based on reasonable physics simplifications remains a challenge, mainly because the rock

in the Coulomb zone is little studied due to the limitations of core collection and experimentation.

Page 100: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


There are some experiments that report obvious permeability variations in high-porosity

sand (Holt, 1990; Morita, 1984), but the suitability of the experimental conditions as field

analogues are in question. For example, the 10 - 95% permeability reduction in Holt’s

experiment (Fig. 4-10) was detected when rock samples were axially loaded up to 80 MPa,

whereas the real (in-situ) effective stresses are only about σ′v ≈ 15MPa and σ′h ≈ 7.5MPa for that

sandstone. From the shape of the response curve, it is obvious that massive grain crushing was

initiated in the specimen.

4.2.7 Model limitations and suggestions for future research

Other than effective stress, there are many additional factors that may affect the permeability

distributions around a wellbore, either in a positive (permeability enhancement) or a negative

(formation damage) manner. For example, shear dilatancy (Dusseault and Rothenburg, 1988) and

production of sand particles (Geilikman and Dusseault, 1997) can significantly increase

permeability, whereas infiltration of drilling fluid, formation of mud cake, fabric perturbations

caused by workovers, and accumulation of permeability-sensitive materials such as clay and

asphaltenes will usually result in permeability reduction. Those factors may play more important

roles than stress in their effects on permeability impairment, and some developments have been

made to model those factors with respect to rock geomechanical responses (e.g. Wang and

Dusseault, 1991; Zhang and Dusseault, 1997); however in this paper only stress is considered.

Besides the need to develop empirical relations for use in the model developed above,

another big challenge is the lack of a description of permeability anisotropy. Crawford and Smart

(1994) demonstrated that changes of vertical permeability are much less than those of horizontal

permeability in triaxial compression tests, given the same mean stress increase. Because

continuum theories face great challenges in macroscopically modeling permeability anisotropy in

non-hydrostatic loading stress environment, particulate mechanics models may provide an

alternative and more satisfactory approach in terms of describing pore structure changes at the

grain scale level. Microscopically, when sand particles are loaded, several responses may occur:

• Particles undergo elastic deformation, such as changes in particle shape (Davies and Davies,

2001). Micas and shale fragments are minerals that can be easily altered in shape, whereas

monomineralic fragments such as quartz and feldspar grains require higher load levels to

evidence significant shape changes;

• Particles rotate, slip, and rearrange themselves, although this is most likely at low stress

levels when particles are loosely packed and unconsolidated;

Page 101: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• Particles, particularly weak lithic fragments or coccoliths, experience fracturing and crushing

as forms of plastic deformation. Pore throats are thereby “collapsed”, and liberation of

appreciable quantities of fine-grained particles tends to block intact pore throats, lead directly

to sand production and even wellbore collapse; and,

• Interstitial clay and silicate particles are dislodged by shear strains, bridging across pore

throats and affecting the permeability disproportionately. Interstitial minerals are often

bound to the silicate substrate so lightly that small hydrodynamic forces, combined with

geochemical and capillary changes or shear distortion, can mobilize them.

Hertz contact theory can only reach the first effect, i.e. particle elastic deformation (Wong

and Li, 2000; Bai et al., 2002), and the other three situations remain to be explored quantitatively

in future research.

4.3 Geomechanics Model for Two-Phase Flow

4.3.1 An optimized microscopic capillary model

Based on Chapter 3.3, it has been found that capillary strength:

• generally decreases with water saturation and eventually disappears after some specific

saturation level that is affected by contact angle, size difference between particles, and

contact fabric;

• increases linearly with increasing surface tension;

• increases with smaller particle diameters;

• decreases with large size differences;

• decreases with increase of contact angle; and,

• generally decreases with particle deformation, either extension or compression.

From a practical point of view, i.e. assuming that water breakthrough is relatively sudden

and water saturation increases quickly to some level that makes capillary forces relatively small, a

“safe” or conservative model should be selected to describe how significant is the impact of

capillary force changes on rock stability after water breakthrough. Another consideration is the

limitation in practice on system parameters; some parameters such as contact angle, surface

tension, and grain size difference may not be available from routine petrophysical activities.

Hence, a model that would account for a maximum change of capillary strength, but with modest

input data requirements, should be considered. This leads to a set of analytical assumptions that

would support such a conservative approach:

Page 102: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• Particles in the model should be set with as small a diameter as possible (linked to the lower

limit of the available grain size data, perhaps D10);

• The value of surface tension should be the upper limit of available data;

• The contact angle should be set to zero, which maximizes capillary strength;

• A uniform particle size should be assumed; and,

• A tangential contact fabric should be assumed.

As a consequence, instead of pursuing complex particle combinations such as the one

shown in Fig. 4-11, a more practical model is proposed in which particles have the same size,

contact tangentially, and with a zero contact angle (Fig. 4-12).

Bearing in mind the limits on practical availability of input data, the models presented

above have deliberately been developed to require a limited number of input parameters. For

example, the capillarity model only needs two inputs: particle radius (R) and surface tension (γ),

whereas parameter λ in Eq. (3.3) can be selected based on the distribution of particle size (Table

4-3). The surface tension between oil and water can be set as high as 0.036 N/m (which is the

value for heavy oil and water), as capillary strength is linearly related to surface tension and the

peak strength is needed for calculations. As a result, only particle radius is de facto required.

The relation of oil and water relative permeabilities to water saturation (Table 4-4) is usually

available for reservoir simulations. If capillary pressure data have been determined at the same

time, calibration of the microscopic capillarity model is straightforward.

4.3.2 Pore pressure calculations

After water breakthrough, two pressures exist: water pressure and oil pressure. Assuming steady-

state fluid flow in an infinite reservoir, they can be calculated by









22 ln











22 ln




where Pw, Po are water and oil pressure at distance “ r” from the wellbore, respectively; P2 is far-

field reservoir pressure; k is absolute permeability; krw is the relative permeability to water, and

kro is the relative permeability to oil. The difference of the two pressures is equal to the capillary


Page 103: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


cow PPP −=− (4.69)

Following the development of effective stress theory by Bishop (1959) and Bishop et al. (1963), a

relationship of the form )1)(()()( woww SrPSrPrP −−= is conventionally used to determine

pore pressure in multiphase environments (Simoni et al. 1999; Zhang et al. 2001; Shrefler and

Scotta 2001). However, this has not been physically confirmed, as saturation is a concept of

volume, compared to pore pressure, an areal concept. Furthermore, it is well known that when

water saturation reaches a certain level (less than 100%), capillary bridges will collapse and

capillary forces will disappear. This fact has been overlooked in current theories of pore pressure

calculation. In the following development, a novel method based on physics is developed to

calculate pore pressure at grain scale in two-phase fluid environment.

From Fig. 4-12, the force from pore fluid pressure acting on the particle surface is

ooww ArPArPArP )()()( += (4.70)

where Aw, Ao are areas on which water and oil are acting, respectively, and A is particle surface

area. The equation can be rewritten as




ArPrP o


w )()()( += (4.71)

The ratio of Aw/A and Ao/A can be derived within the dashed frame of Fig. 4-12:

Aw/A = 2βw/π; Ao/A = 1 - 2βw/π (4.72)

After replacing Po(r) with Pw(r) through Eq. (4.69), Eq. (4.72) becomes



cw PrPrP −+= or πβw

co PrPrP2

)()( −= (4.73)

Finally, with constant production rate, the expression for pore pressure can be written as






SQPrP w 2

2 ln2




where R1 is wellbore radius, P1 is bottom flowing pressure, Q is production rate assumed to be a

constant (Q = Qw + Qo), andoro



www k











−+= . Furthermore, fw and

fo are water and oil cut in fluid production, respectively, and can be related to each other through

fw = 1- fo. Water cut can be calculated through

Page 104: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions























−== (4.75)

With Eq. (4.69), considering capillary pressure as only related to water saturation (i.e. dPc/dr = 0),

the above equation becomes








1 (4.76)

Since the value of the water volume angle βw is related to water saturation through Eq. (3.20) in

Chapter 3.3.1, there will be a specific value of pore pressure P(r) for each value of water

saturation. It should be noted that since βw varies from zero to some level (Fig. 3-17), the above

equation only holds within a certain range of βw. Beyond it, the flow becomes monophasic again.

4.3.3 Stress calculations in oil/water environment

Assuming that water saturation is only a function of time (i.e. saturation is not linked to radius),

applying pore pressure Eq. (4.74) into Eqs. (4.17) and (4.18), the effective stresses for multiphase

fluid flow in elastic porous media are





221' w



EcEcP ⋅






ννννασ (4.77)





221' wSK


EcEcP ⋅






ννννασ θ (4.78)

where khSQ

SK ww π


)()( = , is a variable only related to water saturation.

As discussed in Chapter 3.1.2, the friction angle can be assumed to be constant after water

breakthrough, while the decrease of cohesive strength can be divided into two parts (Han and

Dusseault, 2002 a), one from chemical reactions, the other from changes in capillary force. If the

effect of chemical reactions is neglected (e.g. for clean sands), the shear strength after water

breakthrough can be approximately expressed as:

ϕσ tan)()( _ wTinitowo SCSC += (4.79)

Page 105: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


or 2_





initowo φφϕλ −+= (4.80)

where Co_init is the initial cohesive shear strength before water breakthrough.

Following the same steps illustrated in Chapter 4.13, inelastic stress solutions inside the

Coulomb zone can be expressed as



σ ω )(tan)(2)( 3 wwo




++=′ − (4.81)


ωωσ ω


)( 3 wwo SKSCr



−=′ − (4.82)

where c3 is

( ) ωαβ 13 )(tan)(2 RSKSCc wwo ⋅+−= (4.83)

Three unknown constants Rc, c1, c2, in Eqs. (4.34), (4.35), (4.36) can be solved as





















232 ))(



1ccw RRcS

Ec ⋅+Κ

−+−= −ω







15.0)(tan)(2 wwwo






� −−Κ

+� ����

−+ −− )ln(21



2 22











c ccwcc ν


ωω (4.86)

4.3.4 Redistributions of pore pressure and stresses with water Pore pressure vs. water saturation

Before introducing relative permeability data, the water saturation in the microscopic model

developed above should be calibrated to experimentally determined values. The saturation

discrepancy between the model and reality results mainly from two sources that the microscopic

model cannot address: one is connate water saturation (Swc) and immobile oil saturation (Soi); the

Page 106: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


other is the wettability effect of irregular particle surfaces. If assuming water saturation remains

as a constant (Swc) until water breakthrough occurs, the calibration can be carried out as

0/)1(* woiwcwwcw SSSSSS −−+=′ (4.87)

where Sw0 is the saturation at which capillary pressure becomes zero.

Fig. 4-13 shows the calculated pressure variations with water saturation at different

distances from the wellbore (i.e. r = 0.2 m, 1.0 m, 2.55 m). Interestingly, pore pressure first

decreases with saturation until some critical saturation (Sw = 0.45), and the decrease in magnitude

can be as high as several megaPascals; then, it increases continuously to a value (when Sw =

0.734) even higher than the initial value (when Sw = 0.32). Correspondingly, the pressure

distributions around the wellbore (Fig. 4-14) are first lowered by the increase of water saturation

(e.g. from Sw = 0.34 to Sw = 0.507), but eventually become flat (e.g. Sw = 0.704). Physically,

because water is a less viscous and more mobile fluid than oil, less energy (i.e. lower pressure

drawdown) is needed to drive it into the wellbore; consequently, the increase of water relative

permeability raises the pore pressure whereas that of oil relative permeability lowers it. The

synthesis of both effects indicates that pore pressure in a water-dominant fluid system is relatively

higher than in an oil-dominant fluid system.

The pressure difference between the new approach based on physics at the grain scale and

the conventional method is plotted in Fig. 4-15 and Fig. 4-16. Both methods are confirmed to be

precise enough to be applied in the pressure analysis: they agree very well when calculating both

pressure variations with water saturation at a specific location (r = 2.5m) and pressure

distributions with distance at a specific saturation (Sw = 34%). Stress distribution vs. water saturation

Compared to the changes of pore pressure that first decrease, then increase with water saturation,

the stress behavior around the opening is more complicated. Fig. 4-17 describes the redistribution

of effective stresses around a wellbore producing oil and water simultaneously. To investigate

the details, stresses in both the elastic zone near the shear yield front (Rc) and the plastic zone are

presented in Fig. 4-18 and Fig. 4-19.

In the elastic zone close to the shear yield front (Fig. 4-18), the effective tangential stress

(σ′θ) increases to a peak before it declines with saturation, whereas the effective radial stress (σ′r)

does the opposite, it first decreases to its lowest value and then increases. Hence the difference

between them (i.e. shear stress × 2) reaches a maximum at some specific saturation (around Sw =

Page 107: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0.45, connate water saturation is Swc = 0.32). Thus, at the initial stage of water breakthrough,

elastic sand is most likely to experience shear yield that breaks cementation among particles and

propagates the yield front (Rc) away from the wellbore. If fluid flow forces are strong enough to

carry yielded sand into the wellbore, sand production occurs. However, as shown in Fig. 4-17, in

the elastic zone far from wellbore (i.e. r/R1 > 15), the effective radial stress follows the same

trend as the effective tangential stress: first it increases then decreases with saturation.

In the plastic zone (Fig. 4-19), both the effective tangential stress and the effective radial

stress decrease with saturation, except that the former decreases more than the latter. This creates

an even lower general confining stress environment around the wellbore after water

breakthrough, which increases the possibility of fluid flow destabilizing sand.

4.3.5 Why does sand fail after water breakthrough?

Many arguments exist concerning which mechanism (capillarity changes, pore pressure decreases

due to alteration of relative permeabilities, chemical reactions, etc.) is mainly responsible for sand

failure when an oil well starts to produce water. However, most arguments are not convincingly

supported by quantitative measures. For the first time, based on model calculations, the main

mechanisms and their relative importance with respect to rock stability are analyzed and clarified.

The variation of the critical radius (i.e. yield front Rc) at which the sand experiences Mohr-

Coulomb shear yield is selected to evaluate the importance of each mechanism, as the radius is

found to be positively and closely related with critical drawdown pressure (Morales et al., 2000)

and the amount of produced sand (Vásquez et al., 1999). Pore Pressure and Capillarity

Fig. 4-20 shows the propagation of Rc with saturation for rocks of different initial cohesive shear

strengths (Co_init). Clearly, saturation has a large impact on the size of the plastic yield zone: Rc

rapidly increases with the increase of saturation, and furthermore, the lower the initial cohesive

strength, the more significant the increase in critical radius. For example, for Co_init = 0.4 MPa,

the dimensionless critical radius (Rc/R1) increases from 5 to 16 when saturation rises from 0.32

(connate saturation) to about 0.45, while Rc/R1 changes from 4.2 to 7.3 for Co_init = 0.5 MPa and

from 2.7 to 3.2 for Co_init = 1 MPa. Thus the initial rock strength greatly affects the extent of

water breakthrough on sand stability. The decrease of the critical radius after Sw = 0.45 is related

to the increase of pore pressure (see Fig. 4-13) as a higher water percentage leads to a lower

energy requirement (i.e. pressure drawdown) to flow through the porous media. However, it

should not be necessarily interpreted as a stabilizing factor because if sand starts to fail and the

Page 108: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


yield front propagates, geometrical changes require re-definition of the boundary conditions used

in the geomechanics model, an issue that is too complicated to be discussed in this research.

Even if the sand can sustain stress increases, this stress fluctuation may progressively damage the

rock fabric and therefore leave the sand weaker and easier to mobilize.

Compared to pore pressure, the variations of capillary strength with water saturation are

much simpler (see Fig. 4-21, where the effect of connate saturation is not considered). The solid

lines in Fig. 4-22 describe the relationship between dimensionless critical radius and saturation

when capillary strength changes are taken into account. Comparing to the dashed lines that treat

rock strength as a constant, i.e. no capillary strength appears and rock stability changes only result

from pore pressure variations by virtue of relative fluid permeability changes, the capillary effect

that varies the rock strength through changing water-oil menisci is far less significant than the

effect of relative permeabilities unless initial rock strength is relatively low (e.g. Co_init = 0.4

MPa). Considering that the magnitude of capillary strength (on the order of kPa) is much lower

than rock strength (on the order of MPa), this defines when capillary strength plays an important

role in stabilizing sand: after the rock experiences shear yield and most of its initial strength has

been destroyed. Only at this time can the effect of capillarity strength variations become a

significant destabilizing factor. Chemical Reactions

The above discussions assume that the rock is not chemically sensitive to formation water and

that the microstructures have not been altered by water breakthrough. However, this assumption

is very tentative because chemical reactions, such as chemical quartz hydrolysis, ferruginous

deposition, carbonate dissolution, shale swelling, etc., can not only lower the strength magnitude,

but also alter the original geometric structure maintained by particle-particle bonds, and therefore

increase local drawdown. In fact, the significant loss of strength in water-saturated rock (in the

magnitude of MPa) discovered in the laboratory may be mainly due to those reactions, rather than

capillarity (usually in the magnitude of kPa for sandstones).

Another characteristic of chemical reactions is that they can continue even after the rock is

fully saturated, instead of quickly diminishing with water saturation like capillarity and pore

pressure. Fig. 4-23 shows an experimental relationship of shear strength with time for fully

saturated sand and shale (Tamada, 1970): the main strength reduction occurs within the first 20

hours, then the strength remains almost unchanged for many days. An empirical approach using

a time-exponential relationship is recommended for incorporating chemically reduced strength

(Co_ch) into stress calculations:

Page 109: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


)exp(__ btaCC finalocho −+= (4.89)

where Co_final is the remaining rock strength after chemical reaction; a and b are coefficients

through curve fitting and t is time

Even though it is hard to rigorously quantify chemical reactions in terms of rock strength

changes (Han and Dusseault 2002a), one qualitative way is to consider a reduced initial cohesive

shear strength (Co_init), as shown in Fig. 4-20. When the rock initial strength is decreased from

0.5 to 0.4 MPa because of supposed chemical reactions, the dimensionless critical radius (r/R1)

can increase from 7.3 to 16 at Sw = 0.45. When interpreting this effect in terms of effective

stresses distributions around a wellbore (Fig. 4-24), the magnitude of stress changes is highly

significant and can be comparable in magnitude to the effect of pore pressure changes (Fig. 4-17)

caused by relative permeabilities alterations. Furthermore the lower the strength, the larger the

plastic zone. When will each mechanism play a role in destabilizing sand?

In general, the increase of effective stresses due to the changes of water/oil relative permeabilities

ends as soon as pore pressure stops declining at a specific saturation (e.g. Sw = 45% in Fig. 4-13,

considering the effect of connate water saturation); capillarity disappears around Sw = 65% (Fig.

4-21), and chemical reactions may continue even after rock is fully saturated (e.g. as long as 20

hours). Based on these calculations and observations, some interesting conclusions can be made:

• For unconsolidated or weakly consolidated sand with little water-sensitive cementation

material, chemical reactions can be neglected when rock failure is analyzed after an oil well

starts to produce water. Pore pressure variations seem to be largely blamed for sanding

initiation at an early stage of water breakthrough, while capillarity reduction contributes but

is not significant until saturation reaches some point, at which effective stresses start to

decrease due to recovery of pore pressure.

• For weak or consolidated sand with water-sensitive cementation, the effect of chemical

reactions may be more dominant and may continue for much longer than that of other

mechanisms; indeed, many experiments have suggested that the extent of rock strength

decrease with saturation can be easily in the MegaPascal range. Combining with stress

elevations (from pore pressure decrease) that also reach the magnitude of MPa, weakened

rock is further loaded beyond its original state, where the loading results from the

introduction of the wellbore.

Page 110: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• Capillarity should be considered in stress analysis when the rock strength is low or becomes

low due to shear damage or chemical reactions. There are some cases in which capillarity

can be neglected, e.g. when the rock has experienced considerable compaction and particles

overlap each other to a great extent, when particle radius is large, or when the surface tension

of the oil-water interface is relatively low. However, as a cohesive force among particles, the

capillary force is comparable in magnitude to the fluid seepage force (discussed in Chapter

3.4.3). This indicates that after rock experiences shear failure capillarity becomes a dominant

factor to stabilize disintegrated particles as long as water saturation is not high.

4.4 Conclusions

The conditions assumed in stress models are demonstrated to be a critical aspect of solutions.

Two types of conditions (BC1 and BC2) commonly used in solving poroelastic stresses are

inaccurate as long as a Coulomb zone can be found, in which case the assumptions of continuous

stresses across the Coulomb zone should be applied along with the restraints at the outer and

inner boundaries. Based on these conditions, a simple analytical poroinelastic model is presented,

and its limitations are discussed. The solutions can be used as input to analyze stress-dependent

aspects of rock permeability.

Based on nonlinear theory and existing empirical relationships, a general analytical

approach to calculation of stress-dependent porosity and permeability is developed. Comparing

the calculations to available published data, it is shown that nonlinear theory has good

applicability for clean unconsolidated or weakly consolidated sandstones that do not undergo

grain crushing. As an application of the theory, the distributions of stress-dependent permeability

and porosity around a wellbore producing oil from a weakly consolidated sand are described, and

their effects are evaluated in terms of pore pressure variations. The calculations suggest that,

given minimal grain crushing and lack of interstitial fine-grained minerals that can be mobilized

by shear distortion, the stress-dependent aspect of porosity and permeability may be trivial as far

as stress analysis is concerned. With the input of different stress-compressibility relationships for

different rocks, the developed model can be used to help screen those reservoirs for which the

effect of stress on permeability should be considered during geomechanical analysis,

incorporating issues such as sand production predictions, reservoir stress arching and shear,

plasticity onset, etc. Furthermore, the model can be applied to evaluate the extent of formation

compaction resulting from the variations of stress-dependent porosity.

Page 111: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Although this solution is found to be useful, the limitations of the continuum analytical

approach have been emphasized, and it is believed that a micromechanics approach based on

particulate mechanics may be valuable for future research.

Based on a simplified microscopic model that needs only two input parameters (particle

radius and water saturation) to physically describe capillary strength behavior with water

saturation, a coupled poro-inelastic model is developed to evaluate the effect of different

mechanisms on rock stability after an oil well starts to produce free water. According to model

calculations, it is found that:

• Because of changes in oil and water relative permeabilities, pore pressure first decreases with

saturation until some critical point, and the magnitude of decrease can be as high as several

MegaPascals; then it increases continuously to a value (e.g. when Sw = 0.734) even higher

than in the initial state (where only oil exists).

• In the elastic zone close to the shear yield front, the effective tangential stress increases to a

maximum before declining with saturation, whereas the effective radial stress first decreases

to its lowest value and then increases. Thus, at the initial stage of water breakthrough, elastic

sand is most likely to experience shear yield that breaks cementation among particles and

moves the yield front outward from the well.

• For the plastic zone, both the effective tangential stress and effective radial stress decrease

with saturation. This creates a lower stress condition around the wellbore after water

breakthrough, which makes fluid erosion of sand easier.

• In terms of the plastic radius, several mechanisms such as pore pressure changes due to

variations of oil and water relative permeabilities, capillary effects, and strength loss due to

chemical reactions, are evaluated as for water-related rock stability. Water saturation is

shown to have a large impact on changes in the plastic yield zone, and this impact increases

with the increase of saturation. The magnitude of the initial shear strength plays a vital role

in evaluating the relative importance of those mechanisms: when the initial strength is low,

the increase of the plastic radius with saturation becomes significant, and so does the

contribution of the capillarity to stress calculations; otherwise, the effect of capillarity is

trivial compared to that of relative permeabilities (pore pressure variations).

• If cemented materials are water-sensitive, the effect of chemical reactions on rock stability

through the lowering of the rock strength is more dominant and lasts longer than those of

other mechanisms. The magnitude of stress alterations by this effect is high enough to match

the result from pore pressure changes caused by relative permeability alterations.

Page 112: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• The fact that the magnitude of the capillary cohesive force is comparable to that of the fluid

seepage force indicates that after rock experiences shear failure, capillarity becomes the only

dominant factor to stabilize disintegrated particles as long as water saturation is not high.

(Gillespie and Settineri, 1967).

Based on the microscopic model developed in this work, the conventional method to

calculate pore pressure in a multiphase environment is confirmed to be precise enough to apply in

pressure analysis. The geomechanics model facilitates the understanding of why and how rock

becomes unstable after water breakthrough into an oil well, and can be used as a foundation to

evaluate sand production risk in multiphase fluid environments.

Page 113: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


4.5 Tables and Figures

Table 4-1: Parameters used in geomechanics (stress) model

Rock Mechanical Properties Reservoir Flow Properties Geometry Parameters


(Pa) ν σh



(Pa) ϕ φi ki



(Pa) µ












3×109 0.25 28×106 0.5×106 30o 0.3 0.3×10-12 10×106 0.01 0.001 1.157×10-3 50 0.1 10

Table 4-2: Coefficients used in four compressibility models

Zimmerman Rhett&Teufel

(φi =0.13) Jones

(φi =0.1) Nonlinear (φi =0.3)

a1(×10-4) a2(×10-4) a3 b1 b2 d1 d2 d3 m n

Bandera (φi =0.16) 0.82 5.35 0.120

Berea (φi =0.18) 1.05 6.35 0.211

Boise (φi =0.27) 0.95 2.79 0.143

8.9×10-4 3.1×10- 2 13.8 0.44×10-3 0.1 0.25 2.4×104

Table 4-3: Input parameters for capillarity model

R (m) γ (N/m) λ 1×10-4 0.036 10

Table 4-4: Relative permeabilities vs. saturation

Sw krw krow

0.32 0 1 0.375 0.003 0.653

0.415 0.008 0.436 0.4555 0.017 0.311 0.495 0.028 0.214

0.535 0.057 0.14 0.575 0.091 0.089 0.615 0.134 0.049

0.655 0.184 0.019 0.694 0.242 0.001 0.734 0.301 0

Page 114: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 4-1: Stress solutions with BC1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -8000









Dimensionless distance from wellbore



e S







Pore Pressure

Fig. 4-2: Stress solutions with BC2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0










Dimensionless distance from wellbore (r/R1)



e S







Pore Pressure

Page 115: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


20 40 60 80 100 120 1400








Dimensionless distance from wellbore (r/R1)



e S





Co = 0.5MPa

Co = 0.2MPa

Co = 0.178MPa

Fig. 4-4: Effect of cohesive shear strength on stress distributions



σ′θ σ′θ



2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200









Dimensionless dis tance from wellbore (r/R1)



e S




Fig. 4-3: Stress solutions under different boundary conditions


Poroelastic σ′θ



σ′r σ′m



e S





Page 116: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400.8











Effective Stress, MPa




ss P



Fig. 4-6: Influence of effective stress on porosity (dimensionless porosity = φ(σ′)/φi)

Rhett & Teufel




Boise, Zimmerman

Berea, Zimmerman

Bandera, Zimmerman

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400






1.2x 10


Effective Stress, MPa


k C




y (1



Rhett & Teufel




Bandera, Zimmerman

Berea, Zimmerman

Boise, Zimmerman

Fig. 4-5: Different models for stress-dependent bulk compressibility

Page 117: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400.955










Effective Stress (MPa)




ss P




Porosity (=φ(σ′)/φi )

Permeability (=k(σ′)/ki

Fig. 4-7: Stress-dependent porosity and permeability for unconsolidated sand

5 10 15 20 250.965








Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (r/R1)




ss F





Permeability (=k(σ′)/ki)

Porosity (=φ(σ′)/φi)

Fig. 4-8: Stress-dependent porosity and permeability around a wellbore

Page 118: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.98











Dimensionless Distance from W ellbore (r/R1)




ss P






Fig. 4-9: Pore pressure variations with stress-dependent permeability for high-porosity sands

Nonlinear Model

Boise Sand model

Fig. 4-10: Permeability vs. axial stress in non-hydrostatic test of Red Wildmoor sandstone (after Holt, 1990).

Page 119: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


P2(x2, y2)

Fig. 4-11: The most sophisticated situation for capillary strength

Contact angle θ




P1(x1, y1)






Oil A2 a1






Fig. 4-12: Sketch of pore pressure calculations








Pw Pw

wβπ −2

Page 120: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 4-13: Variations of pore pressure at different locations with saturation

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.752









Water Saturation


e P






e (M


r = 0.2m

r = 1.0m

r = 2.55m

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 5003








Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore


e P




nd W






Fig. 4-14: Pressure distributions around a wellbore after water breakthrough

Sw = 0.340

Sw = 0.507

Sw = 0.704


Page 121: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 4-16: Difference of pressure distributions calculated by two methods

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500-2


2x 10




e D





n T






Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (r/R1)

Sw = 33.97%

Fig. 4-15: Difference of pressure variations calculated by two methods

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75-2


2x 10




e D





n T






Water Saturation

r = 2.5m

Page 122: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.7514











s in




e (M


Water Saturation



Fig. 4-18: Variations of elastic stresses with water saturation (r/R1 = 8)

5 10 15 20 25 300








Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (=r/R1)



e S






e (M


Fig. 4-17: Variations of effective stresses with water saturation



Sw = 0.340

Sw = 0.507

Sw = 0.704

Page 123: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 4-20: Variations of plastic yield front (Rc) with water saturation

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.752








Water Saturation



n of




ss C


al R


s (R


1) Co_init = 0.4 MPa

Co_init = 0.5 MPa

Co_init = 1 MPa

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.750









in P


ic Z




Water Saturation

Fig. 4-19: Variations of plastic stresses with water saturation (r = 0.131m)



Page 124: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.40






Water Saturation



y V



UCS (kPa)

σT (kPa)

Co (kPa)

Fc (Dyne)

Fig. 4-21: Variations of capillary force and strengths with water saturation (without the effect of connate water saturation)

Fig. 4-22: Effect of capillary strength on plastic yield front (with the effect of connate water saturation)

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.752









Water Saturation



n of




ss C


al R


s (R



Co-init = 0.4 MPa

Co-init = 0.45 MPa

Co-init = 0.5 MPa

With Capillary

Without Capillary

Page 125: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200










e S




nd W





Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (=r/R1)1

Fig. 4-24: Effect of chemical reactions on stress distribution (Sw = 0.34)

Co-init = 0.4 MPa

Co-init = 0.5 MPa

Co-init = 1 MPa

Fig. 4-23: Evolutions of water-related shear strength with time (after Tamada, 1970)






ar S





Page 126: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Chapter 5 Nonlinear Rock Properties in Stressed and Oil/Water


5.1 Introduction: Stress- and Water-Induced Nonlinearities

It is generally agreed in geomechanics that rock nonlinearity may lead to significant stress differences

compared to elastic calculations (Santarelli, 1986; Wang, 1990; Vaziri, 1995; Nawrocki, 1998). There are

mainly two parts of a rock stress-strain curve that shows nonlinear trends upon loading (Fig. 5-1): when the

rock is initially loaded, and when the load exceeds a certain level and the rock starts to yield and behave

plastically. At the grain scale level, the initial stress increase may result in the closure of existing fractures

and rearrangement of sand particles in order to form a more compacted agglomerate, whereas the latter

involves irreversible behaviors such as grain sliding, breaking of cementation, generation of micro-fissures,

grain deformation, and even crushing at elevated stress levels. Some reservoir problems involve only one

mechanism, e.g. for reservoir compaction the dependency of moduli on confining stress should be of

primary concern. However, for other situations such as wellbore stability and sand production, both non-

linear mechanisms are expected because stresses around wellbore can be as low as zero (such as the

effective radial stress at the wellbore), or as high as many MPas (such as the effective radial stress at the

boundary between elastic and plastic zones).

Besides stress-dependent nonlinearity, changes of water saturation also can lead to significant

alternations of rock strength (as discussed in Chapter 3) and elastic properties such as Young’s modulus

and Poisson’s ratio (Fig. 5-2). Based on experiment results, it is found that

• Young’s modulus generally decreases with increase of water saturation (Burshtein, 1969; Van

Eeckhout and Peng, 1975; Gregory, 1976; Rao et al., 1987; Hadizadeh and Law, 1991; Hawkins and

McConnell, 1992; Papamichos et al., 1997). The variation in tangent modulus at 50% of ultimate

strength, the E50, with water saturation is found to be similar to that observed in strength: it decreases

with an increase in water content, and becomes minimum when full saturation is attained (Table 5-1).

Page 127: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• The behaviour of Poisson’s ratio in oil/water environments is not as clear as that of Young’s modulus:

depending on rock type, mineralogy, and heterogeneity, it may monotonously increase with water

saturation, or decrease slightly before a general increase takes place (Priest and Selvakumar, 1982; Van

Eeckhout and Peng, 1975; Hawkins and McConnell, 1992; Rao et al., 1987), or remain constant

(Papamichos 1997).

Corresponding to changes in elastic properties, rock may behave quite differently upon loading (Fig.

5-3). Unfortunately, this type of rock nonlinearity is often neglected in geomechanical models to predict

rock or soil stability in multi-phase fluid flowing systems.

5.2 Nonlinear Theories

5.2.1 Literature review

There are many types of nonlinear elasticity theories developed to include the stress-related nonlinear

behavior in rock properties such as Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, Poisson’s ratio, etc. They can be

briefly summarized as follows:

• Duncan and Chang (1970) developed a stress-difference dependent rock modulus for soil description

based on an assumption of a hyperbolic stress-strain relationship. Vaziri (1995) showed its value in the

stress analysis of oil sands, which is largely treated as a friction-dominated soil.

• Based on their experiments, Santarelli et al. (1986) proposed a confining-stress dependent Young’s

modulus for stress calculations in rock mechanics. The method only considers the effect of confining

stress and is empirical; therefore it lacks the advantage of relationships based on fundamental physical

processes. The recommended formula is straightforward and simple, but many experiments are needed

to determine the power parameters.

• Nawrocki et al. (1998) developed strain-dependent and radius-dependent Young’s modulus models for

stress calculations around a wellbore. While the use of a strain-based Young’s modulus, in a manner

similar to strain-based failure criteria (see Section 2.3.1), reduces modeling difficulties greatly, the

approach faces great challenges as it needs intensive calibration before practical application, because

Page 128: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


strain is sensitive to many factors such as stress levels (loading and confining stresses), stress path and

anisotropy, loading rate and history, pressure depletion or increase, and even laboratory sample size

and shape. Radius-dependent approaches assume that the relationship of Young’s modulus with radius

from the wellbore either fulfills an exponential law or power law, which has not yet been justified. The

author believes that because rock stresses are not monotonously increasing with distance from the

wellbore (e.g. stress deviation first increases to a peak and then decreases, as shown in Fig. 2-3), a

simple relationship such as an exponential or power law may be not suitable.

In this research, stress-dependent rock nonlinearity is analyzed in two categories: one is based on

confining-stress; the other is based on rock failure. Stemming from the physical mechanisms for rock

property changes in oil/water environments, a new modified nonlinear theory is proposed with

consideration of the effects of both stress and water saturation around a wellbore.

5.2.2 Failure-based nonlinearity Young’s modulus

It is assumed that a typical triaxial stress-strain curve for sandstone fits a hyperbolic expression (Duncan

and Chang, 1970), in the form of






131 (5.1)

where AE, BE are constants derived from curving fitting, and their ratio AE/BE is the maximum stress the

rock can sustain, and σ′1 and σ′3 are the maximum effective stress (axial stress) and the minimum effective

stress (confining stress), respectively. For the axisymmetric in a uniform stress field, σ′θ = σ′1 and σ′r = σ′3.

The derivation of stress with strain results in the tangent Young’s modulus (Rothenburg, 2002),



εεσσ θ







′−′= (5.2)

Rearranging Eq. (5.1)

Page 129: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions




E BAB /1

11 σσ

εθ ′−′



Substituting it into Eq. (5.2), the Young’s modulus can be expressed as


/1 ���

����� ′−′−=



AEσσ θ (5.4)

Since AE/BE is the maximum stress the rock can sustain (i.e. (σ′θ - σ′r)|max), it fulfills the Mohr-Coulomb

failure criterion, ϕϕσ

ϕϕσ θ sin1




−=′ roC :


ϕϕσσ θ sin1



2)(max −


=′−′ ror C (5.5)

Substituting AE/BE by Eq. (5.5), Eq. (5.4) becomes



))(sin1(1 ���



ϕσϕσσϕ θ


rfE C

RAE (5.6)

where Rf is a parameter accounting for residual strength after stress reaches the peak. Based on Eq. (5.6),

Fig. (5-4) shows that Young’s modulus generally decreases with plastic deformation, as more and more

shear-induced microcracks (i.e. damage) occur. Also, the residual value of modulus depends on the

residual strength. Poisson’s ratio

Following similar development steps, Kulhawy and Duncan (1972) proposed an equation for alteration of

Poisson’s ratio by shear damage. Assume that tangential strain (εθ) is related hyperbolically with radial

strain (εr),



BA εεε

ννθ +

= (5.7)

where Aν, Bν are constants derived from curve fitting. Now, the tangent Poisson’s ratio can be expressed as








d rr2)( +

== (5.8)

Page 130: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Rewriting Eq. (5.7) as


A εε νν


ν +=−1


and substituting it into Eq. (5.8), Poisson’s ratio becomes

2)1( θν





−= (5.10)

where the tangential strain εθ can be calculated by rearranging Eq. (5.1)



))(sin1(1 ���













Plotting Eq. (5.10) into Fig. 5-5, it is found that Poisson’s ratio increases with shear stress, and the increase

rate becomes faster if the rock is largely damaged: i.e., the rock becomes more deformable when plastic

effects accumulate (as more microfissures are developed), which agrees with the observations by Walsh

and Brace (1966), as shown in Fig. 5-6, and has been proved to be efficient for soil analysis by Kulhawy

and Duncan (1972).

5.2.3 Confining-stress-based nonlinearity

When a wellbore is created in an isotropic formation, in-situ stress is disturbed in a way that at some

location it is elevated, likely leading to shear damage, while at other locations a decreased confining stress

(σ′r) results in relaxation of rock stiffness and increase of rock deformability. Therefore, according to each

value of confining stress, rock properties such as Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, bulk modulus, friction

angle, and so on, have to be recalculated.

Page 131: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions

117 Young’s modulus

In Eq. (5.6), AE can be treated as the initial Young’s modulus (Ei) from which E starts to decrease. The

value at atmospheric pressure (Pa) is taken in soil mechanics since soil is exposed on the surface (Duncan

and Change 1970; Vaziri, 1995):


aaEi P

PKE �������� ′

= 3σ (5.12)

which implies that soil will lose its stiffness when the confining stress is zero. Because rock always

remains some stiffness regardless of the level of confining stress, Eq. (5.12) is not suitable for stress

analysis in rock. Santarelli et al. (1986) developed another empirical relation based on their triaxial

compression tests on carboniferous sandstones (Fig.5-7)

( )EnEoi mEE 31 σ ′+= (5.13)

where Eo is rock Young’s modulus at atmospheric pressure, and mE and nE are constants determined from

curve fitting (e.g. mE = 0.043 and nE = 0.78 for the carboniferous sandstone, as shown in Fig. 5-8). There

are other different empirical expressions for stress-dependent rock stiffness (e.g. King, 1969; Brady, 1969;

McLean, 1987), but Eq. (5.13) is used in this study, as it agrees with Tronvoll’s experiments with Red

Wildmoor sandstone (1993): i.e., the relation of Young’s modulus to confining stress is fitted to a power

law function. Poisson’s ratio

Similarly, Aν in Eq. (5.10) can be treated as initial Poisson’s ratio (νi), which is related to confining stress

through a semi-logarithmic equation (Kulhawy and Duncan, 1972)

)log( 30

ai P

Dσνν ν

′−= (5.14)

where ν0 is the rock Poisson’s ratio at atmosphere pressure, Dν is the rate of νi change with confining stress

σ′3, and Pa is atmosphere pressure (same units as stress). Fig. 5-9 plots the calculations from Eq. (5.14) and

Page 132: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


shows that the rock becomes less deformable when confining stress increases to certain level, which agrees

with many rock experiment results (Schmidt, 1926 (Fig. 5-10); Lama and Vutukuri, 1978; Tronvoll, 1993).

Due to experimental difficulties and the complex behavior of ν, there are few publications available for

unconsolidated sand, except that Lama and Vutukuri (1978) suggested that an increase of effective

confining stress lowers Poisson’s ratio for weaker rocks, but for stronger rocks its effect is not significant. Friction angle and bulk modulus

Other rock properties such as friction angle (ϕ) and bulk modulus (B) have been studied and their relations

with confining stress are expressed in the form of (e.g. Byrne et al., 1987)

)log( 30


σϕϕ ϕ′

−= (5.15)

and n

aaB P

PKB �������� ′

= 3σ (5.16)

where ϕ0 is friction angle at atmosphere pressure, Dϕ is the rate of ϕ change with confining stress, and KB,

n are constants derived from curve-fitting. Since friction angle becomes almost constant after confining

stress increases to some level (e.g. 10 MPa in Fig. 5-11), and reservoir rock is usually restrained by high in-

situ stresses, the friction angle is assumed to be stress-independent in this research.

5.2.4 Incorporating nonlinear properties into stress calculations

For axisymmetric problems such as wellbore stress analysis, radial strain (εr) and tangential strain (εθ) can

be expressed as


r =ε (5.17)

and ru=θε (5.18)

where u is the radial deformation and r is the distance from the wellbore. Substituting Eq. (5.18) into Eq.

(5.17) to eliminate the variable u, a strain compatibility relation can be derived

Page 133: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions







θ εεεε +==)(


i.e. rdr

d r θθ εεε −= (5.20)

Meanwhile, the total stress equilibrium is


d rr θσσσ −−= (5.21)

Combining Eq. (5.20) with Eq. (5.21), stress can thus be related to strain through



θ εεσσ






d (5.22)

We assume that strain is a function of the effective stresses, i.e.

εr = εr (σ′r, σ′θ); εθ = εθ (σ′r, σ′θ) (5.23)

where σ′r and σ′θ are the effective radial and the tangential stresses, respectively. For porous media with

fluid flow the incremental elastic plane stress-strain relations are

[ ]θσνσννε ′−′−+= ddE

d rr )1(1


[ ]rddE

d σνσννε θθ ′−′−+= )1(1


Therefore the total differential εθ can be


θθθ σ


σεε ′



∂= ddd r



Substituting dεθ into Eq. (5.22), the Biot equation can be developed (Biot, 1974)











θ ∂∂+−−



/ (5.27)

This has served as the theoretical basis of analytical nonlinear stress models (Santarelli et al., 1986;

Santarelli and Brown, 1987; Wang, 1990).

Page 134: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Eq. (5.25) - Eq. (5.24) gives




r νσσεε





θ +=′−′


−− 1


Replacing it in Eq. (5.22) yields








By assuming the tangent Poisson’s ratio is a constant and the tangent Young’s modulus is a function of

radial stress only, i.e. E = E (σr), from Eq. (5.25)


rE σνν







and ��������













rr ddE


E σσ






θθ )(






Using the above three equations, Eq. (5.27) becomes








r d








θθ (5.32)

i.e. 1)(



)(1 −


�����− rr




rr ddE



d σσσ




θθ (5.33)

This is a first-order linear inhomogeneous equation, in the form of

)()()()( xfxyxPxy =+′ (5.34)

where x = σr, y = σθ, ��������−=



r ddE





)( , 1)(


1)( −

−−= r



r d


Exf σ



. The solution of

this type of equation is (Bender and Orszag, 1978)

�+= x dttItfxIxI

Cxy )()(


)()( (5.35)

Page 135: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


where C is a constant determined by the boundary conditions, and



exp)( 1rEdt


tExI r σσ −=

� �������� −= (5.36)

Correspondingly the tangential stress can be expressed as

� −−

−+= −r dttEtdt


ECE rrrσ

θ ννσσσσ )()1



()()()( 1 (5.37)

i.e �−


+= −r dttEE

CE rrrr

σθ ν


νσσσ )(1


1)()( 1 (5.38)

which agrees with Santarelli and Brown’s work ( −




1 r

rrr E




ννσ θ , 1987). Applying a

boundary condition, such as BC1 in Section 4.1.2, into the above equation, the constant C can be solved as









1hr dttE



h (5.39)

With input of different forms of E(σr), the tangential stress σθ can be determined from Eq. (5.38) and

Eq. (5.39). Substituting it into Eq. (5.21), a first-order differential equation of total radial stress is derived,

which may yield stress solutions.

5.2.5 Validity of nonlinear theories for rock analysis

Even though the equations in Sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 show that rock becomes more compacted and stiffer

with increase of confining stress, i.e. higher moduli, smaller Poisson’s ratio, and smaller friction angle, the

determination of constants may require numerous experiments. Furthermore, nonlinear theories were

initially designed for soil in civil engineering, and their applications to reservoir rock may require further


Kulhawy (1975) demonstrated the validity of a hyperbolic form of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s

ratio for various types of rock from shale to sandstone and summarized experimental values of different

input parameters, e.g. Rf = 0.73 in Eq. (5.6) for Berea sandstone. For rock stress calculations, because the

friction angle can be treated as constant at high confining stress (e.g. 10MPa in Fig. 5-11), only nonlinear E

Page 136: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


and ν values are involved. Moreover, since the development of failure-based nonlinearities has not

introduced any limitation from soil mechanics, Eqs. (5.6) and (5.10) are promising for reservoir rock.

Besides describing the physical changes of loaded rock, another attraction of the theory is that only two

curves are needed to determine AE in Eq. (5.6) and Aν, Bν in Eq. (5.10): a stress-strain curve and tangential-

radial strain curve, which are usually available in rock triaxial test data. Furthermore, due to cohesion

degradation (or loss) in the plastic zone around the wellbore, the rock behaves more like soil than it initially

does. This highlights the value of the nonlinear theory in stress analysis around a wellbore.

The author believes that the greatest challenge of nonlinear theory comes from the analytical solution

of the stress equations rather than the limitations inherited from soil mechanics. The stress derivations in

Section 5.2.3 have to assume that modulus only depends on confining stress (i.e. E=E(σr)), Poisson’s ratio

is a constant, and leave aside the effect of pore pressure (as it is the effective stresses that should be used in

Eq. (5.24) and Eq. (5.25)). Even with those assumptions, only certain forms of E(σr) are demonstrated to

be solvable (Brown et al., 1989). Analytical stress solutions with both stress-dependent modulus and

stress-dependent Poisson’s ratio present more prohibitive mathematical challenges. Those limitations

jeopardize the applicability of nonlinearity theory to a considerable extent in practical applications.

Instead of analytical approaches, numerical methods of stress calculations with nonlinear rock

properties are used, such as the Finite Element Method that enables nonlinear descriptions of element

properties at each iteration (Vaziri, 1995). The application of FEM into stress analysis is not carried out in

this research as physics and analytical approaches are the main focus. However the following description

of water-related property changes can be served as a basis for further numerical analysis.

5.3 Modelling Rock Properties after Water Breakthrough

5.3.1 Incorporation of the water effect

Based on the discussions in Chapter 4, water breakthrough into an oil producer can affect rock stability in

three ways:

Page 137: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• Strength weakening. Both chemical reactions and capillarity can reduce shear strength with respect to

water saturation and time, which can be described mathematically by Eq. (4.81);

• Stress elevation. Due to the changes of oil/water relative permeabilities, pore pressure first declines to

a minimum, leading to the increase of rock effective stresses; and,

• Stress oscillations. The viscosity difference between water and oil results in less energy consumed by

fluid flow at later stages of water breakthrough. Therefore pore pressure starts to increase after the

initial minimum, and loading stress (i.e. effective stress) is released. Fig. 5-12 shows stress loading

(from Sw = 34% to Sw = 50%) and unloading processes (from Sw = 50% to Sw = 70%) in terms of shear

stress redistributions around the wellbore. Stress fluctuations may significantly affect rock stability

(Han et al., 2002 b).

Introducing Eq. (4.81) for strength and Eqs (4.78) and (4.79) for stresses into nonlinear equations for

Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, the effect of water breakthrough on rock behavior can be evaluated.

5.3.2 Nonlinear Young’s modulus

Rock behavior in the plastic zone where rock has been damaged by shear failure and only residual strength

exists is complex and not amenable to detailed analytical modeling, so a simplified approach with a

constant strength in the zone is taken in the following discussions.

Following the stress distributions, Fig. 5-13 shows Young’s modulus monotonously decreasing from

the far field to the near wellbore, and then stays almost constant within the plastic zone. The rate of

decrease becomes much faster near the plastic boundary (r/R1, where R1 is wellbore radius): rock modulus

lost is about 80% within 1 meter for a typical borehole diameter. Also, varying parameter Rf from 0.73

(Fig. 5-14) to 0.5 (Fig. 5-15) demonstrates that the minimum value of Young’s modulus depends strongly

on the magnitude of rock residual strength, as rock remains stiffer if its fabric has been less damaged by

shear failure.

The effect of confining stress on the modulus is studied by varying the slope of Eq. (5.13) (i.e. mE)

while other parameters are kept unchanged. Comparing Fig. 5-13 (mE = 0.043) with Fig. 5-14 (mE =

Page 138: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0.0043), the effect is very limited for a wellbore situation, even though Fig. 5-8 shows that variation of mE

from 0.043 to 0.0043 can result in a significant difference in the Young’s modulus. This suggests that

failure-based mechanisms play a more important role in reducing rock stiffness around the wellbore than

confining-stress-based mechanisms.

Initial rock strength greatly affects the distribution of shear stress (Fig. 5-16). The stronger the rock

is, the more the stress is concentrated towards the wellbore, which in turn decreases Young’s modulus

much faster (Fig. 5-17). Therefore, consolidated rock may lose most of its stiffness within a very short

distance from the well, within the yielded zone. For example, 90% of the modulus is lost within 0.6 meter

when rock initial cohesive shear strength is 1 MPa, whereas about 1.7 meter is needed to reduce the same

amount of modulus when rock strength is 0.4 MPa.

Based on model calculations, different mechanisms for rock stiffness reduction after an oil well starts

to produce free water, such as chemical reactions, capillarity, and pore pressure changes, are evaluated and


• Largely due to the changes of oil/water relative permeabilities, shear stress is elevated significantly

with water saturation: it increases from 6 MPa to 14 MPa at a location of r/R1 = 7.5 when Sw changes

from 32% of connate saturation to about 45% and cohesive strength is 0.4 MPa (Fig. 5-18).

Correspondingly, the rock Young’s modulus decreases from 2.3 GPa to 1.3 GPa, a loss of about 45%,

before it regains part of stiffness because of stress release (Fig. 5-19). Furthermore, the magnitude of

modulus loss and stress increase with water saturation depends on location in the rock (r/R1 = 7.5, 15)

and its initial strength (Co = 0.4MPa, 0.45MPa, 0.5MPa): the farther the rock is located away from the

well, and the stronger the rock, the less the modulus loss and the stress increase. This confirms the

experimental observations that weaker rock is more sensitive to changes in moisture content (Dyke and

Dobereiner, 1991).

• Following a method similar to that in Chapter 4.3.5, the effect of chemical reactions on rock stiffness

can be evaluated by manually inputting a reduced strength. If rock cementation is chemically sensitive

and the rock strength is weakened from 0.5 MPa to 0.4 MPa (Fig. 5-19) by reactions, Young’s modulus

Page 139: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


is reduced to 1.3 GPa instead of 2 GPa at the location of r/R1 = 7.5. Meanwhile shear stress level

reaches a maximum of 14 MPa (Co = 0.4 MPa in Fig. 5-18) compared to the value of 9.5 MPa when no

chemical reactions are assumed (Co = 0.5 MPa in Fig. 5-18). Therefore the effects of chemical

reactions leave the rock more deformable.

• As it is in the magnitude of several kPa, diminishing of capillary strength with saturation plays a very

limited role in shear stress magnitude (Fig. 5-20), Young’s modulus (Fig. 5-21), and plastic radius (Fig.

5-22). Comparing solid lines (without capillarity) with dotted lines (with capillarity) in those figures,

at the critical water saturation (i.e. Sw = 45%) capillary strength can cause a maximum change of

several 100 KPa in shear stress, several tens of MPa in Young’s modulus, and one or two units in

dimensionless plastic radius.

5.3.3 Nonlinear Poisson’s ratio

Fig. 5-23 shows the effect of Poisson’s ratio on plastic radius. When the Poisson’s ratio changes from 0.15

to 0.45, critical radius varies little (similar to the effect of capillarity), which may validate the assumption

that Poisson’s ratio can be treated as a constant when stresses around a yielding wellbore are calculated.

This is consistent with Cristescu (1989)’s statement that “Poisson’s ratio … is generally of little use in

determining a reasonably accurate constitutive equation for rocks”, and also reinforces the conclusions

made by Morita (1989). However for compaction analysis or strain calculations, on which some failure

criteria of sand production are proposed, this assumption is invalid. For example, in elastic analysis

thermal cases (i.e. substantial changes in volume from heating or cooling), the stress and strain values are

quite sensitive to Poisson’s ratio.

5.4 Conclusions

Water breakthrough into an oil well can lead to significant stress redistributions and strength variations,

upon which rock elastic properties such as Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio are dependent.

Unfortunately, none of them is carefully studied in current sand production prediction efforts. Based on an

improved nonlinear theory, which considers both a failure-based mechanism (Section 5.2.2) and a

Page 140: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


confining-stress-based mechanism (Section 5.2.3), a strength model that accounts for strength weakening

from capillarity and chemical reactions, and a coupled inelastic stress model, the effect of water

breakthrough on rock properties is, for the first time, analytically addressed. Influential factors such as

pore pressure changes, chemical reactions, and capillarity are analyzed and their relative importance to

sand stability is compared.

The mechanisms for rock nonlinearity are analyzed in two categories: one is based on shear failure

that damages rock fabric and leaves the rock softer and more deformable; the other depends on confining

stress that compacts and stiffens the rock. There are many different equations developed for various

materials and properties, among which appropriate forms should be carefully selected, modified, and

verified for rock analysis around the wellbore in specific cases and specific rock types. The derivation of

analytical stress models with nonlinear rock properties faces prohibitive mathematical challenges. Very

few solutions can be achieved under the assumption that rock stiffness solely relies on confining stress in

some simple, specific way. Numerical methods such as finite element analysis are recommended in order

to more generally incorporate nonlinear rock properties into stress and strain calculations.

Based on calculations using the proposed models, new conclusions are made with regard to the

distributions of stress-dependent rock moduli around a wellbore:

• Corresponding to shear stress distribution, which increases rapidly to a peak at the boundary between

plastic and elastic zones, Young’s modulus rapidly decreases to a minimum at the boundary (for the

case studied, rock modulus loss was about 80% within 1 meter) and increases with the distance in the

far field. Within the plastic zone where the rock has already been damaged by shear failure, the

modulus remains low. The magnitude of the residual modulus depends on rock residual strength: the

more the residual strength, the more the residual modulus;

• Yield mechanisms play a more important role in reducing rock stiffness around the wellbore than

confining-stress-based mechanisms;

Page 141: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• Rock initial strength greatly affects the distributions of both shear stress and stiffness: stronger rock

results in the stress being more concentrated near the wellbore, and therefore a more precipitous

decrease of Young’s modulus in that region;

• Mainly due to the changes of oil/water relative permeabilities, shear stress increases significantly with

water saturation and then gradually decreases. Correspondingly, the loss of rock Young’s modulus can

be as high as 45% before it regains part of its stiffness because of pressure recovery and stress release.

Furthermore, the magnitude of stiffness loss and stress increase with saturation is related to the rock

location and its initial strength: the stronger rock located far away from the well results in less modulus

loss and stress increase;

• For water-sensitive cemented rock, chemical reactions, along with changes of fluid relative

permeabilities, play dominant roles in reducing modulus: the more the strength is chemically lost, the

greater the decrease of Young’s modulus with water saturation;

• The effect of capillarity on rock elastic properties is very limited; and,

• Nonlinear Poisson’s ratio is modeled as depending on both stress and strength. However for all

possible values of sand, Poisson’s ratio affects the magnitude of effective stress and plastic radius very

little. This indicates that Poisson’s ratio can be treated as a constant when stresses around wellbore are


These new studies of nonlinear rock behavior facilitates the understanding of rock behavior in

oil/water environments, and may explain why current predictive models for sand production are “ invalid

when the well being analyzed produces free water” (Ghalambor et al., 1994). The models can be served as

a basis for a new sand prediction tool in oil industry.

Page 142: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


5.5 Tables and Figures

Table 5-1. Variation of Et and νννν with Humidity for the Sandstones Tested

(After Rao et al., 1987)

Kota sandstone Jamrani Sandstone Singrauli Sandstone Jhingurda Sandstone Relative Humidity

(%) Et ×102

MPa ν Et ×102

MPa ν Et ×102

MPa ν Et ×102

MPa ν

0 1.5304 0.0784 0.546 0.2857 0.44 0.1364 0.3053 0.1316

35 1.825 0.125 0.546 0.2461 0.4583 0.125 0.2174 0.1087

60 1.1896 0.1034 0.4106 0.25 0.4255 0.1489 0.1864 0.1818

85 1.1123 0.1579 0.3879 0.4697 0.3654 0.1154 0.1842 0.1579

95 1.037 0.2407 0.3539 0.4444 0.425 0.1542 0.21 0.3

100 0.9505 0.2667 0.3193 0.4386 0.3091 0.2545 0.1524 0.24

Saturated 0.9091 0.3182 0.2724 0.5345 0.2633 0.3167 0.1154 0.2309

Note: tangential modulus Et is taken at the 50% of peak strength.

100 Dev


ric S


s, σ

′ 1 -




Fig. 5-1: Stress-strain curves for triaxial compression tests on a sandstone

under different confining stresses (in MPa) (after Santarelli et al., 1986)

1 2 3 0



Axial Strain, ε1 (%)

Page 143: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Inner Tangential Strain



l Rad

ial S



Brain Saturated

Two-Phase Flow

Oil Flow

Fig. 5-3: Stress-strain curves under different water saturations in a hollow

cylinder test with fluid flow (after Skjærstein et al., 1997)

Fig. 5-2: Effects of confining stress and fluid

saturation on elastic moduli of high-porosity rock

(After Gregory, 1976)

Page 144: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0.24







Shear Stress (MPa)



's R


Fig. 5-5: Effect of shear stress on Poisson’s ratio

νo = 0.25; Dν = 14.8

νo = 0.25; Dν = 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0







Shear Stress (MPa)







Fig. 5-4: Effect of shear stress on Young’s modulus (σσσσ′′′′3 = 10MPa)

Rf = 0.35

Rf = 0.5

Rf = 0.73

Page 145: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0 50 100


Confining Stress, σ′3 (MPa)



Fig.5-7: Young’s modulus vs.

confining stress of a sandstone

(after Santarelli et al., 1986)








k st





Fig. 5-6: Poisson’s ratio vs. compressive stress for a rock

(after Walsh and Brace, 1966)

0 1.38 2.76


4.14 5.52 6.90 8.28 9.66 11.04





Compressive Stress (MPa)



’s R


Sample 1

Sample 2

Page 146: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0 5 10 15 200.18








Confining Stress (MPa)



's R


νo = 0.25; Dν = 0.025

νo = 0.25; Dν = 0.05

Fig. 5-9: Effect of confining stress on Poisson’s ratio

0 5 10 15 20 253









Confining Stress (MPa)



s M





Fig. 5-8: Effect of confining stress on Young’s modulus

nE = 0.78; mE = 0.043

nE = 0.78; mE = 0.0043

Page 147: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 5-11: Friction angle vs. confining stress of dense and loose soil

(after Vesic and Clough, 1986)




10 102 0.1

Confining Stress (MPa)

Dense Soil

Loose Soil






ϕ (o )

0 13.7 27.5 41.3 55.12






Fig. 5-10: Poisson’s ratio vs. confining stress

(after Schmidt, 1926)

Confining Stress (MPa)



’s n


r ?

Page 148: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


5 10 15 20 25 300






Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (=r/R1)


ar S


es n

ear W





Sw = 34.0%

Sw = 50.7%

Sw = 70.4%

Fig. 5-12: Distributions of shear stress around the wellbore


5 10 15 20 25 300










Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (=r/R1)







Sw = 34.0%

Sw = 50.7%

Sw = 70.4%

Fig. 5-13: Distributions of stress-dependent Young’s modulus around wellbore

(mE = 0.043; Rf = 0.73)

mE = 0.043; Rf = 0.73


Page 149: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 5-15: Distributions of stress-dependent Young’s modulus around wellbore

(mE = 0.0043; Rf =0.73)

5 10 15 20 25 300








Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (=r/R1)







Sw = 34.0%

Sw = 50.7%

Sw = 70.4%

mE = 0.0043; Rf = 0.5

5 10 15 20 25 300








Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (=r/R1)







Sw = 34.0%

Sw = 50.7%

Sw = 70.4%

Fig. 5-14: Distributions of stress-dependent Young’s modulus around wellbore

(mE = 0.0043; Rf =0.73)

mE = 0.0043; Rf = 0.73



Page 150: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


5 10 15 20 25 300






Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (=r/R1)


ar S


es n

ear W





Co = 0.4 MPa

Co = 0.5 MPa

Co = 1 MPa

Fig. 5-16: Effect of rock strength on shear stress distributions


5 10 15 20 25 300








Dimensionless Distance from Wellbore (=r/R1)







Co = 0.4 MPa

Co = 0.5 MPa

Co = 1 MPa

Fig. 5-17: Effect of rock strength on Young’s modulus distributions


Page 151: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.81.2










Water Saturation







Co = 0.4 MPa

Co = 0.45 MPa

Co = 0.5 MPa

Fig. 5-19: Evolutions of Young’s modulus after water breakthrough

r/R1 = 7.5

r/R1 = 12.5

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.80






Water Saturation


ar S


es (M


Co = 0.4 MPa

Co = 0.45 MPa

Co = 0.5 MPa

Fig. 5-18: Variations of shear stress after water breakthrough

r/R1 = 7.5

r/R1 = 12.5

Page 152: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 5-20: Effect of capillary strength on shear stress distributions

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.80









Water Saturation


ar S




Without Capillarity

With Capillarity

r/R1 = 7.5

r/R1 = 12.5

Fig. 5-21: Effect of capillary strength on Young’s modulus distributions

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.81.2










Water Saturation







Without Capillarity

With Capillarity

r/R1 = 7.5

r/R1 = 12.5

Page 153: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.84







Water Saturation











Fig. 5-23: Effect of Poisson’s ratio on sand stability

ν = 0.45

ν = 0.25

ν = 0.15

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.84








Water Saturation




ss C


al R


s (R



Fig. 5-22: Effect of capillary strength on sand stability

Without Capillarity

With Capillarity

Page 154: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Chapter 6 Geomechanics Models for Unsteady Fluid Flow

6.1 Introduction

Dynamic pressure fluctuations near a wellbore in a reservoir can, in principle, lead to rock

instability; however, there is little quantitative field documentation available. Santarelli et al.

(1998) reported injectivity decline of some water injectors in the Norwegian sector of the North

Sea after well shut-in. Dusseault et al. (2000) developed a new workover method to clean up

wellbore damage based on a strong dynamic pressure pulse method, clearly demonstrating that

dynamic pressure perturbation can re-initiate sand influx in heavy oil wells that use sand

production as a means of recovery. Santos (2002) has indicated that during the well drilling

process, pressure oscillation at bottom-hole not only can destabilize sand but also shale.

The lack of more extensive documentation of dynamic pressure pulse induced instability

may be due to several reasons: first, monitoring rapid downhole pressure fluctuations has

traditionally been difficult; second, the presence of gas in the oil dampens the effect of pressure

oscillations; and third, the impact of dynamic effects on sand instability has not been widely

understood. It should be noted that the practical solution to this problem is, in principle,

relatively simple: smooth (i.e. slow) production or injection reductions can be easily implemented

to avoid abrupt pressure changes.

However, it is valuable to evaluate rock stability before a production strategy is chosen, and

a thorough understanding of mechanisms and quantitative analysis of their potential effects

should be pursued.

When production (or injection) is adjusted at the wellhead, or when the drilling string is

moved up or down during drilling, pressure fluctuations will appear within the wellbore. This is

also known as the water hammer effect in Civil Engineering, where, for example, massive

pressure waves in hydroelectric water tunnels can arise through rapid shut-down of water flow.

Through the open part of the wellbore, a pressure wave will transfer its energy to the adjacent

rocks like ocean waves transfer their energy to the shore. As a result, stresses in the rock will

dynamically redistribute to accommodate the energy input, while also experiencing a quasi-static

change resulted from pressure recovery processes in the reservoir after shut-in. Moreover the

dynamic stress fluctuations will not cease until the pressure wave attenuates, and this results in a

cyclic as well as a dynamic load.

Page 155: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


In this chapter, the cases of rapid shut-down of a producing well or an injection well are

studied, both of which will lead to a water hammer. First, a quasi-steady pressure model is

developed to account for pressure recovery in the reservoir around the wellbore; then, a water

hammer model is used to provide the boundary conditions for the stress model, which is coupled

through induced fluid pressure. Since the model originates from effective stress theory instead of

introducing stress as factor of compressibility into the pressure equilibrium equations (e.g. Chen

et al., 1995), it may be viewed as a coupled model that directly captures the stress changes due to

fluid pressure fluctuations.

6.2 Model Development

6.2.1 Pressure recovery in reservoir after well shut-in

Suppose there is a well steadily producing oil from a bounded isotropic reservoir (e.g. in a fault

block). One day, it may be shut down, and as a consequence, the pore fluid pressure will recover

and eventually reach a constant value. Assuming both fluid and formation are slightly

compressible, fluid flow is linear, and temperature is constant, the pressure model describing the

problem in the domain Rw ≤ r ≤ Re is











tµ (6.1)

, where formation total compressibility Ct (= φCl + Cm) measures the liquid volume squeezed out

of pore space due to compression of rock skeleton and fluid expansion when reservoir is depleted.

It should be noted that the effect of quadratic gradient terms, as discussed by Wang and Dusseault

(1991), is not considered in this research. The initial conditions at t = 0 can be assumed to be




2)( −=



When time becomes infinite, there will be no flow in the reservoir, and the reservoir pressure is


0/),( =∂∂ rtrP (6.3)

)/ln(2 we

wee RR


−−= (6.4)

There will be no flux across the boundaries after shut-in

Page 156: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


@ r = Rw, 0/),( =∂∂ rtrP (6.5)

@ r = Re, 0/),( =∂∂ rtrP (6.6)

After grouping parameters into dimensionless groups and applying the boundary and initial

conditions, the final solution for pressure can be analytically shown to be (Appendix 6-A)

������ � −


=10 )()(),(

n e

wnnne R

RrJtDCBAPtrP λ (6.7)





















= )exp()( 22


kRtD n


en λ

µ−= (6.8)

where J0 and J2 are Bessel function of the first kind of the order zero and of the second order.

Equation (6.1) with initial conditions Eq. (6.2) and boundary conditions Eq. (6.5) and Eq.

(6.6) can also be solved numerically, e.g. with finite difference method. After discretization, Eq.

(6.1) becomes





= −+−+





dtdP j









Ck 11


µ (6.9)

where ∆r = (Re - Rw)/n, and n is the number of discrete segments (n=50 in the model) within (0,

Re - Rw), where i =1, 2, …, n. Since 2






rr ∂∂=


→, the pressure distribution at the wellbore is




1 jjj PPPrdt



µ (6.10)

Thus, at the boundaries (@ r = 0), Eq. (6.9) becomes



1221 jj





µ (6.11)

and at r = Re - Rw






n PPrdt


∆⋅= −µ


Page 157: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Combining Eqs. (6.9), (6.11), (6.12) and using the method of characteristics, a numerical solution

can be achieved. Calculated results from Eq. (6.7) and Eq. (6.9) are presented as dashed lines in

Fig. 6-1. Note that the numerical solutions for the pressure distributions (part b) are pictured at

time t = 21 s (blue dash), 94 s (red dash), and 463 s, for comparison with the times t = 20 s (blue

solid), and 100 s (red solid) for the analytical solutions.

6.2.2 Coupled geomechanics model

Fluid pressure plays a fundamental role in rock stability. It not only provides a driving force to

mobilize sand (liquefaction and entrainment), but also serves as one of the supportive force for

natural and induced loads; i.e., the effective stress in the rock matrix is affected by pressure

changes in the manner of σ′ = σ + αP, where α is the negative Biot constant. As a rule of thumb,

the stress analysis should always be coupled to the fluid pressure through volume changes as far

as the reservoir situation is concerned. To focus on the physical mechanisms and simplify this

theoretical development, a linear elastic material is considered hereafter. However it should be

noted that inelastic stresses could be incorporated in a similar way.

From the development in Section 4.1, the integration of pore pressure is

������ � −

⋅+=� ∞


2 )()(2 n e








PdrrP λλ


Applying boundary conditions

r = Rw, σ′r = 0;

r = Re (when Re>>Rw), σ′r = σh - αPe(t) (6.14)

the two unknown parameters C1(t), C2(t) in Eqs. (4.11) and (4.12) can be solved:


��� −


+−−+= ew

w PA



EtC α







21 (6.15)



112 )(






n e











������ � −




where, from Eq. (6.7),

������ �+=∞


nnnew tDCBAPtP (6.17)

Page 158: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Therefore the redistribution of the effective radial and tangential stresses after well shut-down can

be determined with the integration part of P(r,t) and parameters C1(t) and C2(t) expressed by Eqs.

(6.13), (6.15), and (6.16).

6.2.3 Pressure wave inside wellbore

For transient fluid flow inside a vertical wellbore, the equation of motion can be expressed as

(Wylie and Streeter, 1984)










g (6.18)

and the equation of continuity is









v w (6.19)

The friction factor f is determined by the Reynolds number and the relative roughness (Moody,

1941). If we assume laminar flow in the wellbore, it is (Orkiszewski, 1967)

f = 64 µ/(ρDiwv) (6.20)

and “aw” is the wave speed calculated by (Záruba, 1993)








ow +


where C1 can vary depending on how the tubing is anchored.

This problem is difficult to solve analytically (Streeter and Wylie, 1967). In this research

the method of characteristics is used, and the solution is (Appendix 6-B)




















= (6.22)

where Qij+1 can be expressed as



111 j






MQQ −−


+ −−+= (6.23)

where iw





22 iwiw AgD


∆= . Note that the piezometric head H can also be written in

terms of the fluid pressure, P = ρg(H-z).

Assuming that at the wellhead the production rate reduces to zero rapidly; then

Page 159: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


jjjjj QNQMQHH 22221

1 +−=+ (6.24)

Consistent with the boundary condition used in the pore pressure model (Eq. 6.5), at the well

bottom this equation becomes:





jn QNQMQHH 1111


+ −+= (6.25)

With an assumption of steady flow inside the wellbore, i.e. fluid pressure only varies with the

coordinate z, the initial pressure distribution before shut-in can be easily derived from the Darcy-

Weisbach Equation (Wylie and Streeter, 1984):








−=+ (6.26)

6.3 Model Calculations and Discussions

6.3.1 Model simplifications

As a comprehensive and complicated topic that incorporates many concepts from production

engineering (wellbore pressure), reservoir engineering (reservoir pressure), and rock mechanics

(effective stresses), quantitative analysis of shut-in effects on rock stresses involves a total of 18

parameters, including 6 for the wellbore, 4 for the oil, and 8 for the reservoir (Table 6-1), all of

which are usually available in the field.

However, as a tradeoff, some simplifications have to be made in order to achieve analytical

solutions, such as:

• quasi-steady pressure state in a bounded homogeneous reservoir before the well shuts down

(a reasonable initial condition for a well that has been on production for some time);

• immediate shut-in boundary conditions for water hammer and pressure recovery model (this

gives the most conservative results);

• a single phase fluid (note that in a real case, if there is any free gas in a producing wellbore,

water hammer effects are dramatically weakened due to the increased fluid compressibility);


• Cyclic fatigue effects on failure are not included in the rock model.

Furthermore the fluid pressure fluctuation is constrained within the wellbore and its effect on

reservoir fluid has not been considered at this stage.

Page 160: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


6.3.2 Rock stability when pressure fluctuates

Calculations of the wellbore pressure are plotted in Fig. 6-4. Due to the boundary assumption

that there is no cross flow from the reservoir to the wellbore in the perforated section after shut-

in, the calculated pressure cannot reach the same level as that determined by the reservoir

recovery model Eq. (6.4). Physically, this assumption is not valid until energy equilibrium is

reached between the wellbore and the reservoir. Before that, the effects of wellbore storage and

pressure fluctuations lead to fluid continuously flowing back and forth across the interface, which

is too difficult to quantify. As a simplified approach to approximately describe how much energy

has been added to the wellbore from the reservoir after shut-in, the pressure difference between

Eq. (6.17) and Eq. (6.25) is added at the nth node of the wellbore. Fig. 6-5 illustrates the adjusted

pressure fluctuations at the well bottom after shut-in. Comparing to Fig. 6-4, the pressure is

building up along the path of static recovery (dashed line), while fluctuations of up to 600 KPa

take place because of the hammer effect.

The fluctuation period calculated by the above hammer model (about 10s) agrees with the

descriptions in Fig. 6-6, which is a field record of an injector being shut down. Compared to the

production well, pressure in the injector is much higher than that in the reservoir, which results in

fluid gradually flowing into the reservoir instead of the opposite direction for the producer.

Consequently, the magnitude of pressure fluctuations in the injector is higher (about 4.3 MPa);

furthermore, hammer energy is quickly consumed by wellbore friction (or fluid loss in some part

of the well): only 2.5 MPa is left for the second half of the period.

Fig. 6-7 shows the effect of the pressure wave inside the wellbore on the effective stresses

in reservoir rock (0.1 m from the wellbore). The dashed lines are stress curves under the

condition of no pressure fluctuation, i.e. the stress-coupled pressure is obtained only from a quasi-

static pressure recovery model. Clearly, a water hammer leads to an oscillation of effective

stresses, while the overall stress trend still follows the static part (dashed line). Furthermore, the

strongest hammer effect occurs in the rock around wellbore: as high as 200 kPa at r =0.2 m (Fig.

6-7), while it diminishes to about 30 kPa if distance increases to 0.5m (Fig. 6-8). As a result, the

rock exposed to the wellbore is most likely failed first if stress fluctuations exceed rock strength.

There are three ways that the stress oscillations can affect rock stability:

• Shear failure. Fig. 6-8 illustrates the shear stress variation at r = 0.2 m from the wellbore.

With the model data listed in Table 6-1, the magnitude of shear stress variation can be as high

as 300 kPa. Thus the cementation of formerly consolidated rock may be damaged or even

Page 161: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


broken if shear stress exceeds the limitation defined by the Mohr-Coulomb criterion (or any

similar yield criterion);

• Induced tensile failure. For rock that has already been damaged by shear failure, oscillations

of the effective radial stress may result in rock particles being plucked out of the rock skeleton

if the stress is larger than the rock tensile strength; and,

• Cyclic fatigue. The stress fluctuations result in the rock being loaded and unloaded

periodically. As shown in Fig. 6-10, cyclic loading can decrease rock strength greatly before

total failure occurs as long as the rock deformation is nonlinear (i.e. partly elastoplastic,

indicating accumulating damage). Therefore even though the shear stress may not lie above

the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, the rock still can fail due to cyclic loading.

6.4 Conclusions

Three models are developed to describe the effect of well shut down (or sharp change of

production rate) on rock stress distributions. Analytical solutions for quasi-static pressure

recovery processes in a bounded oil reservoir are coupled with a poro-elastic geomechanics

model, while pressure fluctuations inside the wellbore provide a boundary condition to the

formation outside the wellbore. By resorting to analytical solutions, direct relationship among

fluid properties, rock properties and production parameters can be established. These stress

fluctuations can then be examined in the context of rock stability changes arising from the

dynamic loading, perhaps, for example, by examining the peak dynamic shear stress. Model

calculations demonstrate that the fluctuations of effective stresses and shear stress may reach

several hundred kPa due to pressure wave created by water hammer inside a wellbore.

The models provide a method to quantify the effect of pressure oscillation, resulting from

operation at the surface, on the stability of the rock. However, the lack of information on the

dynamic response of unconsolidated sandstones to rapidly oscillating pressures, largely because

operators do not collect this type of data, will still impede the use of these solutions in practice.

The author hopes this deficiency could be overcome in the future with the advent of “smart well”

technology that incorporates precise and rapid response bottom-hole pressure transducers in wells

that are prone to sanding.

Finally, noting that the motivation for this analysis was to addresses issues related to sand

production, it can be said that a method of analysis for water hammer effects can help quantify

the deterioration in rock resistance, and therefore be of some value in a general sand production

management strategy.

Page 162: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


6.5 Tables and Figures

Table 6-1: Input data for the developed model

Wellbore Oil Reservoir

Diw 0.06 m µ 0.01 Pa⋅s Re 50 m

e 5×10-4 m ρ 900 kg/m3 k 1×10-12 m2

Eiw 200×1011 Pa Q 100 m3/day h 10 m

νiw 0.3 Ko 1.5×109 Pa Pe 10×106Pa

L 500 m k/µCt 1

Rw 0.1m E 3×109 Pa

ν 0.25

σh 40×106 Pa

0 1 2 3 4 5












Time (minute)



e (M


0 10 20 30 40 50












Distance from Wellbore (m)



e (M




b): Pressure Distributions a):Pressure Variations at Wellbore

Fig. 6-1: Pressure recovery (analytical vs. numerical)

Page 163: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions




Fig. 6-3: Sketch of wellbore

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 8.4











Time after Shut Down (s)



e (M


Fig. 6-4: Water hammer effect on wellbore pressure (unadjusted)

Page 164: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


0 30

60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 8.8









Time after Shut Down (s)



e at


l Bot




Hammer Static

Fig. 6-5: Water hammer effect on wellbore pressure recovery (adjusted)

0 5 10 15 20 5











d P





Time after Closure (s)

Half Period of 5s



Fig. 6-6: Pressure wave inside wellbore after shutting down injectors (After Santarelli, 1998)

Page 165: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 6-8: Effective stress redistributions at r = 0.5m from wellbore

0 100 200 30031.2







Time after Shut-in (s)



e T



l Str




0 100 200 30028.8






Time after Shut-in (s)



e R


l Str






σ′r σ′θ

Fig. 6-7: Effective stress redistributions at r = 0.2m from wellbore

0 100 200 300 22.5






Time after Shut-in (s)



e T



l Str




Hammer Static

0 100 200 300 37.6







Time after Shut-in (s)



e R


l Str




Hammer Static

σ′r σ′θ

Page 166: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Fig. 6-10: Effect of cyclic loading on rock strength

Gradually increasing load

Cycling load



Fig. 6-9: Shear stress fluctuations after shutting down the well (r=0.2m)

0 1 2 3 4 514.95











Time after Shut-in (minute)


ar S





Page 167: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Chapter 7 Summaries, Conclusions, and Recommendations

7.1 Summary of efforts

It is widely known in the oil industry that changes in fluid flow conditions such as water breakthrough or

unsteady flow due to well shut-in can lead to sand destabilization, with a possible consequent sand

production event. This occurs mainly in unconsolidated and weakly consolidated sand, from whence

seventy percent of world oil production is achieved (Bianco and Halleck, 2001). Though many issues are

unclear and controversial, it is generally believed that the disturbance caused by drilling activities,

workover operations, or production strategies leads to stress alterations in the formations near the well.

After stresses reach the rock strength, failure (or fabric deterioration) occurs, and fluid flow can start to

erode and carry failed and disaggregated sands into the wellbore. Hence, sand production can be divided

into two processes: sand failure and failed sand transportation. In this research the first process is focused

upon, involving strength weakening, stress overloading, and decrease of rock stiffness when fluid

conditions vary from monophasic to biphasic, or from steady-state to unsteady-state flow.

As the most important factor in stability analysis, strength behavior after an oil well starts to produce

water is investigated in detail. Two main mechanisms exist for strength weakening, chemical reactions of

rock with formation water and variations of rock capillary strength, are identified and analyzed, both

qualitatively and quantitatively. Inspired by theories from particle mechanics, rock mechanics, and

interfacial science, and based on published laboratory and field findings, four capillarity models are

developed and verified to analytically capture the macroscopic physical implications of capillary strength

phenomena at the grain scale. A better understanding of sand behavior is achieved, based on the model


A simplified capillarity model is developed to quantify capillary strength conservatively but

efficiently using only two input parameters (i.e. particle radius and water saturation). Based on the

microscopic model, a new method is proposed and verified to physically calculate pore pressure in a

Page 168: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


multiphase environment. More importantly, for the first time, the redistributions of effective stresses

around a wellbore after water breakthrough are solved with a coupled inelastic stress model. Also, the

effect of different mechanisms, such as capillarity changes, chemical reactions, pore pressure decreases due

to alteration of relative permeabilities, etc., are quantified and compared in order to clarify when and how

they contribute to sand production in two-phase fluid environments. Meanwhile, in the stress models,

different conditions currently used in geomechanics analysis are compared and their limitations are


The nonlinearities of rock properties in stressed and biphasic fluid environments are analytically

addressed, based on an improved nonlinear theory, which considers both a failure-based mechanism

(Section 5.2.2) and a confining-stress-based mechanism (Section 5.2.3), a strength model that accounts for

strength weakening from capillarity and chemical reactions, and a coupled stress model. The calculations

demonstrate the distributions of stress-dependent rock stiffness around a wellbore and its evolution with

increase of water saturation, clarify the relative importance of each mechanism in reducing rock stiffness,

and fundamentally explain why current predictive technologies are invalid when water appears in a flowing

wellbore. The stress-dependent characteristics of rock transport properties such as porosity and

permeability are also modeled (Section 4.2). With input of different relations of compressibility and stress,

the proposed method can depict stress-dependent transport properties for different types of rock. As an

application, a new approach for unconsolidated sand is formulated based on nonlinear theory.

Three models are developed to describe the effect of well shut down (or sharp change of production

rate) on rock stress distributions. Analytical solutions for quasi-static pressure recovery processes in a

bounded oil reservoir are coupled with a poro-elastic stress model, while pressure fluctuations inside the

wellbore provide a boundary condition to the formation outside the wellbore. As a comprehensive and

complicated topic that incorporates many concepts from production engineering (wellbore pressure),

reservoir engineering (reservoir pressure), and rock mechanics (effective stresses), quantitative analysis of

shut-in effects on rock stresses involves only a total of 18 parameters (Table 6-1), all of which are usually

available in the field. By resorting to analytical solutions, direct relationships among fluid properties, rock

Page 169: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


properties and production parameters are established. The mechanisms for rock failure after well shut-in,

including shear stress elevation, seepage force increase, and cyclic fatigue, are elucidated.

7.2 Conclusions

7.2.1 Why does sand fail after water breakthrough?

In general, with increase of water saturation, sands tend to become weaker (strength weakening) and softer

(stiffness reduction) while the loading stresses (the effective stresses and shear stress) are elevated and the

maximum shear stress moves outward into the reservoir (i.e. more and more rocks are affected). As a

result, the rock is more likely to experience shear failure that destroys or damages the cohesive or

interlocked fabric among rock particles. Furthermore, the sands are more easily detached from the rock

matrix due to a decrease of the rock tensile capillary strength with an increase of water saturation. Since

the capillary strength only depends on water saturation if the rock and fluid properties are fixed, the

sanding rate for each saturation will be constant until destabilizing forces are changed, which leads to so-

called episodic sand production after water breakthrough (Bruno et al., 1996; Tronvoll et al., 2001).

There are mainly two kinds of chemical reactions between rock and formation water that are likely to

lower rock strength when water breakthrough into an oil well occurs: quartz hydrolysis and carbonate

dissolution that lower the surface energy of rock; and ferruginous deposition and shale swelling that

change the rock pore structure and affect local fluid gradients, thereby enhancing seepage forces that may

destabilize the sand. Since the rock strength changes from these reactions are environmentally dependent

and are related to numerous parameters that cannot realistically be determined, it will be extremely hard to

quantify the effects of those reactions.

Besides chemical reactions, the reduction of capillary force and strength through changing water-oil

menisci also plays a role in weakening rock strength in two-phase fluid environments. More specifically,

• At the grain scale, capillary cohesive forces among the particles can reach the order of kPa and are one

to three orders of magnitude higher than fluid seepage forces when the fluid gradient is about 1 psi/ft.

Page 170: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


The smaller the particles, the greater the effect; therefore capillary forces should not be neglected in the

analysis of sand instability, especially for unconsolidated sand.

• Capillary induced strength, such as UCS or tensile strength resulting from capillary force, can decrease

quickly with water saturation, from several kPa to near zero within only a 5% change of saturation.

• The magnitude and behavior of capillary strength are affected by several factors:

o It increases linearly with increasing surface tension of the interface between the fluids.

o Contact angle affects both the magnitude of capillary strength and its variation with saturation.

At the same saturation, the larger the contact angle, the smaller the strength, and the faster the

strength decrease with increasing saturation.

o If the particle size is uniform, small particle size results in high capillary strength. If particles

have different size, the smaller the size difference, the higher the capillary strength and the

faster its decrease.

o For detached and squeezed contact fabrics, the capillary strength first increases to a peak with

water saturation, then decreases after a critical saturation, in contrast to the tangential contact

fabric where capillary force always decreases with water saturation. The peak strength is

closely related to the distance between particles, contact angle, and size homogeneity of

particles. At the same saturation, the strength decrease becomes more significant for squeezed

particles than for detached ones.

o Capillary strength is also found to vary greatly with rock deformation: it reaches a maximum

when particles are tangentially contacted and generally decreases no matter whether the rock is

compressed or extended. Comparing with particles subjected to extensional deformation, the

strength of compressed particles decreases much faster with saturation.

Because of strength weakening and variations of fluid relative permeabilities, pore

pressure and effective stresses will redistribute after the well starts to produce free water:

Page 171: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• Pore pressure first decreases with saturation until some critical point, and the magnitude of decrease

can be as high as several MPa; then it increases continuously to a value (e.g. when Sw = 0.734) even

higher than in the initial state (where only oil exists).

• In the elastic zone close to the shear yield front, the effective tangential stress increases to a maximum

before declining with saturation, whereas the effective radial stress first decreases to its lowest value

and then increases. Thus, at the initial stage of water breakthrough, elastic sand is most likely to

experience shear yield that breaks cementation among particles and moves the yield front outward from

the well.

• For the plastic zone, both the effective tangential stress and effective radial stress decrease with

saturation. This creates a lower stress environment around the wellbore after water breakthrough,

which makes fluid erosion of sand easier.

• In terms of the plastic radius that defines the range of failed sands, water saturation has a large impact

on its magnitude, and this impact increases with the increase of saturation. Several mechanisms such

as pore pressure changes, capillary effects, and strength loss due to chemical reactions, are responsible

for the expansion of failed region. The magnitude of the initial shear cohesive strength plays a vital

role in evaluating the relative importance of those mechanisms: when the initial strength is low, the

increase of the plastic radius with saturation becomes significant and so does the contribution of the

capillarity to stress calculations; otherwise, the effect of capillarity is trivial compared to that of relative

permeabilities (pore pressure variations). If cementation materials are water-sensitive, the effect of

chemical reactions on rock stability through lowering of rock strength is more dominant and lasts

longer than those of other mechanisms. The magnitude of stress alterations by this effect is high

enough to match the result from pore pressure changes.

Another significant effect of water breakthrough on rock stability is a reduction in rock stiffness.

• Corresponding to the shear stress distribution, which increases rapidly to a peak at the boundary

between plastic and elastic zones, Young’s modulus rapidly decreases to a minimum at the boundary

(for the case studied, rock modulus loss was about 80% within 1 meter) and increases with the distance

Page 172: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


in the far field. Within the plastic zone where the rock has already been damaged by shear failure, the

modulus remains low. The magnitude of the residual modulus depends on rock residual strength: the

more the residual strength, the more the residual modulus.

• Rock initial strength greatly affects the distributions of both shear stress and stiffness: stronger rock

results in the stress being more concentrated near the wellbore, and therefore a more precipitous

decrease of Young’s modulus in that region.

• Mainly due to the changes of oil/water relative permeabilities, the loss of rock Young’s modulus can be

as high as 45% before it regains part of its stiffness because of pressure recovery and stress release.

Furthermore, the magnitude of modulus loss and stress increase with saturation is related to the rock

location and its initial strength: the stronger rock located far away from the well results in less modulus

loss and stress increase.

• For water-sensitive cemented rock, chemical reactions, along with changes of fluid relative

permeabilities, play dominant roles in reducing modulus: the more the strength is chemically lost, the

greater the decrease of Young’s modulus with water saturation.

• The effect of capillarity on rock elastic properties is very limited.

• For all possible values for sand, Poisson’s ratio affects the magnitude of effective stress and plastic

radius very little. This indicates that Poisson’s ratio can be treated as a constant when stresses around

wellbore are analyzed in order to avoid prohibitive mathematical challenges.

The fact that the magnitude of the capillary cohesive force is comparable to that of the fluid seepage

force indicates that after rock experiences shear failure, capillarity becomes a dominant factor to stabilize

detached particles as long as water saturation is not high. With increase of water saturation the sands

become more easily detached from the rock matrix due to decrease of the rock tensile capillary strength.

Since the capillary strength only depends on water saturation if rock and fluid properties such as

surface tension, particle size, porosity, friction angle, etc., are fixed, it will be unique with each value of

water saturation. Therefore, the sanding rate for each saturation will be constant until destabilizing forces,

Page 173: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


e.g. fluid seepage force and loading force resulting from deviatoric stresses, are changed, which leads to so-

called episodic sand production after water breakthrough (Bruno et al., 1996; Tronvoll et al., 2001).

7.2.2 Why does sand production often happen after a well is abruptly shut-in?

Because of the pressure wave created by a water hammer inside the wellbore, fluctuations of effective

stresses and shear stress in an oil reservoir may reach several hundred kPa (Fig. 6-8). Furthermore, the

strongest hammer effect occurs in the rock adjacent to the wellbore and diminishes outward. As a result,

the rock exposed to the wellbore is most likely failed first.

There are three ways that the stress oscillations can affect rock stability:

• Shear failure. If shear stress exceeds the limitation defined by the Mohr-Coulomb criterion (or

other appropriate yield criterion), the cementation of formerly consolidated rock may be damaged

or even broken.

• Induced tensile failure. For rock that has already been damaged by shear failure, oscillations of the

effective radial stress may result in rock particles being plucked out of the rock skeleton if the

stress is larger than the rock tensile strength.

• Cyclic fatigue. The stress fluctuations result in the rock being loaded and unloaded periodically.

Because cyclic loading can decrease rock strength greatly before total failure occurs if the rock

deform elastoplastically and damage accumulates (Fig. 6-9), the rock still can fail even though the

shear stress may not lie above the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.

7.3 Model Limitations and Recommendations

7.3.1 Capillarity models

Assumptions made during the development of capillary models should be clearly restated, such as:

• The pore structure is stable while the collapse of rock cementation is neglected even though it can

change the radius of capillary menisci (Papamichos et al., 1997);

• The liquid bridge formed between spherical particles can be described as a toroid;

Page 174: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


• The variable bond strength between particles can be replaced by a mean value that is applicable

throughout the whole rock mass;

• The water content is distributed evenly inside the particulate rock mass; and,

• The particles deform elastically upon compressive loading (without crushing).

Whereas these may be viewed as limitations to the models’ applicability, the author believes that because

the models capture the essential physics, adjustments and calibrations can easily be incorporated so as to

give useful results in practice.

7.3.2 Permeability models

The model developed in Section 4.2 did not account for permeability changes after shear failure. As pore

throats have been reshaped after sand particles rearrange and fracture occurs, specific surface area and pore

throat apertures change significantly, particularly under conditions of large stress changes. Even though

some approaches are developed to describe permeability evolutions with plastic deformation (e.g. Simoni,

1999; Yale, 2002), a straightforward method based solidly on widely accepted physical principles remains

elusive, mainly because the rock in the Coulomb zone is little studied due to the limitations of core

collection and experimentation. Because continuum theories face great challenges in macroscopically

modeling permeability anisotropy in non-hydrostatic loading stress environments, particulate mechanics

models may provide an alternative and more satisfactory approach in terms of describing pore structure

changes at the grain scale level. Hertz contact theory can only address the effect of elastic deformation

(Wong and Li, 2000; Bai et al., 2002), and the plastic situations involving shear slip remain to be explored

quantitatively in future research.

Other than effective stress, there are many other factors that may affect the permeability distributions

around a wellbore such as solids production, infiltration of drilling fluid, formation of mud cake, fabric

perturbations caused by workovers, etc. Those factors may play more important roles than stress in their

effects on permeability impairment; however in this research only stress is considered.

Page 175: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


7.3.3 Nonlinear models

The author believes that the greatest challenge of nonlinear theory comes from the analytical solution of the

stress equations with stress-dependent modulus. The stress derivations in Section 5.2.3 have to assume that

modulus only depends on confining stress (i.e. E=E(σr)), Poisson’s ratio is a constant, and leaving aside the

effect of pore pressure (as it is the effective stresses that should be used in Eq. (5.24) and Eq. (5.25)). Even

with those assumptions, only certain forms of E(σr) are demonstrated to be solvable (Brown et al., 1989).

Analytical stress solutions with both stress-dependent modulus and stress-dependent Poisson’s ratio present

more prohibitive mathematical challenges. Those limitations jeopardize the applicability of nonlinearity

theory to a considerable extent in practical applications.

Instead of analytical approaches, numerical methods of stress calculations (e.g. Finite Element

Method) with nonlinear rock properties enable nonlinear descriptions of element properties at each iteration

(Vaziri, 1995). The application of FEM into stress analysis is not carried out in this research as physics and

analytical approaches are the main focus. However the research results can serve as a basis for further

numerical analysis.

7.3.4 Stress models for sand production prediction

To achieve analytical solutions, poro-inelastic stress models in Section 4.1.3 treat the Coulomb zone as a

zone with constant low cohesive shear strength, which conflicts with the fact that sand becomes weaker

with the extent of shear yield (plastic strain), leading to a non-constant reduced cohesion or even a

cohesionless state after large plastic strain. Therefore the solutions give the upper limit of stresses inside

the plastic zone, and should be treated as conservative solutions.

Because plastic theory is a correlated-empirical theory instead of one based on precise descriptions of

physical changes in the rock mass fabric, it needs intensive calibrations. The author believes that a

nonlinear theory based on rock moduli and other properties that change with loading stresses is more

convincing and reasonable, as strength weakening, stiffness reduction, and stress redistributions are so

Page 176: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


physically interlaced that neglect or separation of any of them would be inaccurate in terms of stability

analysis in multiphase fluid environment.

7.3.5 Water hammer models

As a tradeoff of the pursue of analytical solutions, which enables the establishment of direction relationship

among fluid properties, rock properties and production parameters, some simplifications have to be made

during the development of water hammer models:

• quasi-steady pressure state in a bounded homogeneous reservoir before the well shuts down;

• immediate shut-in boundary conditions for pressure oscillation and pressure recovery models;

• a single phase fluid (note that in a real case, if there is any free gas in a producing wellbore, water

hammer effects are dramatically weakened);

• The fluid pressure fluctuation is constrained within the wellbore and its effect on reservoir fluid has not

been considered at this stage; and,

• static rock properties, such as the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion.

Those simplifications result in conservative results. Their relaxations are recommended for future study.

Page 177: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


Appendix 6-A

Set dimensionless variables of pressure, radius and time as ePtrP ),(=Φ ,



RRr −

=ξ , 2



Ctk µϖ = ,

then the model becomes

ϖξξξ ∂Φ∂



Φ∂ 12



Correspondingly, Eqs. 6.2-6.6 can be transformed to dimensionless expressions. Note, if Re>>Rw, Eq.

(6.6) can be simplified as

if ξ=1, 0/),( =∂Φ∂ ξϖξ (A-2)

The steady state part of Eq. (A-1) is








therefore Φ can be in the form of

21 ln BB +=Φ ξ (A-4)

where B1 and B2 are unknown. Assuming )(T)(E),( ϖξϖξΦ = , the transient part of Eq. (A-1) satisfies




(1)(1 λ










where λ is a constant. Thus T can be expressed as:


1−= eCT (A-6)

while E(ξ) is a combination of Bessel functions J0(x) and Y0(x):

)()()( 0201 λξλξξ YDJDE += (A-7)

where C1, D1 and D2 are unknown constants. Because Y0(x) is minus infinity as ξ approaches zero,

D2 has to be zero to limit dimensionless pressure (Φ) as a finite variable. Therefore the expression for

Φ becomes:

210 ln)(2

BBJFe ++=Φ − ξλξϖλ (A-8)

Page 178: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


where F (=C1D1), and B1, B2 are constants to be determined. Since at infinite time there is no flow at

all and pressure approaches the constant value determined in Eq. (6.4), B1 should be zero, and








−⋅−= . From Eq. (A-8), the derivative of Φ, )(/ 1


λξξ ϖλ JFe−−=∂Φ∂ satisfies

the inner boundary condition Eq. (6.5), and it should also satisfy Eq. (6.6), i.e.

J1(λ) = 0 (A-9)

There are infinite eigenvalues of first order Bessel functions, e.g. λ1=3.833, λ2=7.016, λ3=10.174,

λ4=13.324, λ5= 16.427, … each of which corresponds to a solution Φ(ξ). Therefore Φ(ξ) is actually a

combination of many solutions:









nnn RR




− ξλϖλ (A-10)

In order to determine Fn, the initial condition is applied


ξ ϖ




⋅−=�−=∂Φ∂ ∞

== ennnn khP

QJF (A-11)

Multiplying both sides with the weighting function, ξJ1(λmξ), where λm is an eigenvalue of J1(λ)=0,

and integrating ξ from 0 to 1:


µξξλξλξλ dJkhPQ

dJJF me


nnn )(1

2)()( 1


10 1

11 ⋅



= (A-12)

Since the eigenvalues are orthogonal to each other, the product of J1(λmξ) J1(λnξ) will be zero unless n

= m. The left side of Eq. (A-12) will be (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, 1994)


)()( 2010 1

11 nnnnm

nnnn JJFdJJF λλλξξλξλξλ =


= (A-13)

and the right side will be










ξπµ )(1






�⋅ (A-14)

Then Eq. (A-12) becomes







µλλλ )(12

)()(21 0

20−⋅= (A-15)

Therefore Fn can be obtained as

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µ −⋅= (A-16)

The solution for dimensionless pressure is finally derived as:

� ⋅⋅+=Φ∞


10 )(


nn JeCBA λξϖλ (A-17)

where A, B, Cn are defined in Eq. (6.8). By replacing dimensionless variables, Eq. (6.7) is derived.

Appendix 6-B

Eq. (6.18) + C3*Eq. (6.19) results in



3 =++++iw

zttz D





i.e 02



33 =++++

iwzttz D





C (B-2)

Note that tz Hdtdz

HdtdH += and tz v


vdtdv += . When



dtdz 2


== , Eq. (B-2) becomes

023 =++





C (B-3)

and Eq. (6.18) and Eq. (6.19) can be transformed from two PDEs to two ODEs:

c+: if adtdZ = , 0








c-: if adtdZ −= , 0








which can be graphically expressed in Fig. B-1. Multiplied by )g



dta = , the above equations


c+: 02 2

=++ dZQQAgD





Page 180: Rock Stability under Different Fluid Flow Conditions


c-: 02 2

=−− dZQQAgD





Differentiating both equations results in

c+: ji







1 )( −−−+

−+ −−−= (B-8)

c-: ji







1 )( ++++

++ +−+= (B-9)

Therefore Hij+1and Qi

j+1 can be derived.

Fig. B-1: Sketch of Characteristic Method

c- c+





i -1 i i+1


Pi-1j Pi

j Pi+1j

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