rockaway shows a...

tTf o 1,0th are as- sets ROCKAWAY RECORD If if* *ews, ids., or] J<>I* I'rintiiit'. phone Jiockaway 220; arc alwaj* jrlad to! jou VOL. XL No- 21 pork Loin Roast, 1b. - - - - - Legs of Lamb, lb. ------ jersey Pig Heads, Ib. - - - - - Cottage Hams, lb, Fresh Hams, lb. - - - - - Chuck Roast, ft. - - . . . Smoked Hams, lb. - - - - - Home-made Sausage, to. - - - Fancy Fresh-Killed Chicken, lb. - NATIONAL COOKIES, lb "Fresh from the oven" each bag haa a number. ing number entitles bolder to a 2\' 2 lb. Fruit Cake. A Full Line of Fresh Fish 29c 39c 16c 39c 29c 30c 29c 38c 39c 25c Winn- Hagan's Cash Markets MAIN ST. TEL. 6 2 ROGKAWAY, N . J . MAIN ROAD MT. TABOR, N. J. Third Liberty Loan Redemption The entire Issue'of THIRD UNITED STATES LIB- ERTY LOAN will be M R l ! ? on September 16th, and in- terest will cease on '" Bring yoar bonds to usinTwe ""'HI ^ pleased to at- tend to redemption wlthBvrt experjse to you. Attend to tbi» matter promptly to avoid loos of. inter- est. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rockaway, N. J. dpltal Sarnl.g WW,W0 National Union Bank Dover, N. J. 3 % Interest PaM on Cbcckfa* Accoonto of $100 or over Member Federal Reserve Bank Sale Deposit Boxes "- $6,00 per annum *ad op Capital f i t * , * * Do you belive in this land of PrdUcHonf The only Ae«l Protection for your property and home iHNSURANCE. see E . J . MATTHEWS & SONS W. Mala Stnet - lUwtaway, V. ROCKAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1M8 $1.00 PER YEAR 500,000 For Sale Five Get Terms High School Class B Only One Cent Each In State Prison Champions of County AttswiatJon lo.Sell Seals llrmi 1'rnall) For Diner \PKro.— Rwkawaj lla- iVmuinrnt l Knr AVKSIIII With Kuii'e Hi fhc ]'rin<i|>al>' < $20,000 for Rockaway Township Roads Morris ("iinlj (irt- 4|i|H>rlJounent from Slate Hlrbwaj I oiiiuii»i>ion Tl»e Morris County Tuberculous; Five men v-r* K( .,it*r..*d to terms Coming from behind, after trailing Association has 500,000 bright little ; i n 9 ia«e prison Friday when arraigned 7 to 0 at the beginning of the second Christmas Seals which cost only one; before Judge Albert II. Holland in half, Coacli Horasko-» Rockaway High. penny each and the money obtained, Quarter and Special Sessions Court. School football team swept their an-i from the sale of these seals la. used Three of the men, were charged with! clem rival, the Rorburv High School, for nursing work, educational, pub-, and plead guilty to larceny, one plead ! eleven, off their feet in their annual 1 llcity and community health meas- j guilty to a simple assault on a Net- Iclassic at Liberty Field to gaia a glorJ urea. This is New Jersey's 21st an-; CO ng girl and the fifth plead guilty tojioue victory by a score of 20 to 7 With! nual seal sale and there are no seala; assaulting a Dover man with a l.nife |this vicinity went the second success-' to be given to Community Chest donV In addition lo prison sentences, fines |i Te County Class B Championship and ators as the Association feels that j totaling $725 were Imposed and a' people of the, community like to buy! number ot defendants were given suu- these seals and contribute their sup- port in. checking this dread disease. Up to the present time the field nurse has made 1130 visits to families the home, but he denied taking th« .entire amount and said he did not \n»w what had become ot the remain- der, of the sum missing. The Manufacturer and.. Industrial News Bureau says the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company will expend during the coming year $4,471,536 for extension and improvements of facil- ities throughout the State of New Jersey. •• Dear Mr. Beat Vmjnt* Hate yoa ever thoagbt of that little home of yoar own? WoaMftH yoa Uke to hare It In a Mttbw of oM t»M to the Mt> of a Itae stnam of water! Woaldnt yoa like ft to hare eTerr eoBrealeaf* of a modern ettr home! WoaMa't 70* like It to fee » ko«M ilatiaet In Its desfeat WoaMnH joa want it b«nt of the Tery kept Material* aid by the best woifcmaasalp! How woaM yoa like to hare It right away! Be at home for Christmas by y o n own fireside. We hay© that hone for yoa. Write •« that yoa are laterest- ed. Boat thlak yoa harea't eaoagh aioaey. l e t as tell yoa how simple it h to pay for at a ao greater amoaat per month, than yoa woald aay for rent. Boat lose this ad. It will aot appear again. Write as be- fore yoa lay It aside. Only three of these homes' win be ready for Christmas. "Be sare an. get yoar*. THE ABCADIAM Bextl De.vtlle, N. J. wa« cut, when Benard ran wild witli the knMe. Judge Holland sent- enced him to three years at hard lab- or In Btate prison. Herman Holzworth, of Netcong, who last week entered a plea of guilty to a charge of assault, was sentenced to one year In state prison. A plea (or leniency was made In Us behalf by H. Warner Doremus, of Madison, j pofnt an(l tied the ills counsel. rjr Winters, of Dover, were also sent enced to a year In state prison, fol- lowing their pleas ot guilty to charges of larceny. Sherlock admitted that he had taken two shirts and a pair of trousers from a room In tbe Mansion Mouse at Boonton. •Winters, admitted he had taken $S60 from tbe home of Mrs. Laura Nicholas in Belmont avenue, Dover, Where he was a boarder. He was charged with the theft of J600 fromj o|1 an en(1 run penled sentences. Tta> heaviest penalty wag imposed on Melvln Benard. colored, of Dover, who-[>leed guilty to an assault upon about the county. The Bield Secretary j Irvlife Yale, of Dover, with a knife. has enlisted 1689 school children in : * health program. During the coming year and pend- ing the result of our teal sale we hope to give added time and effort to work In this county. Some facts regarding tuberculosis In our state and county are shown in the survey which waa made this year: I. In tuberculosis death rate New Jersey shows a steady but decided de- crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little If any de- crease. II. Morris County however had tbe fourth highest death rate In 1923 and In 1927 moved down to twelfth place. III. Peak of deaths from tubercu- losis is between 20-3S years of age while from other diseases except pneumonia the peak occurs between (0-75 years of age. IV. One ont of every three deaths in Morris County between ages 2048 is dne to tuberculosis. ". Toe situation In Morris County is serious because, in 11*7 there were; W deaths from tuberculosis, over half of these were persons between 20-31 year* of age. There are probably ab/wt 400 cases In the county. It Is the aim of the Morris County Tuber- culosis Association thru, its Held nurse as« •eeretary to plan to InH tbe»« pe- ttenta, arrange for tbelr - care and treatment, follow up of all sanatorium cases and thru the preventatlve work with children help to reduce this dis- ease. The sale of these Christmas Seals contributes very largely to this work. Do your share and let everyone- use these seals in sending out letters dur- ing this Christmas season. Mrs. Wlllard Hnnt Is chairman in Rockaway. Health Seals "Some seals are valued for their fur, And others for their oil; To hunt them in their water haunts, Requires much skill and *oU. "But there is one seal yon can bunt. To catch It, use a penny; It i» the Jolly Christina* Seal That brings good health to many". permanent possession of the Princi- pals' Cup. The local lads also knock- ed an old jinx in the head when they; won their first Victory over Roxbury| on their home grounds. It was a contest replete with thrills, j Starting off with a disastrous outlook for the locals, the maroon and white! eleven rallied and holding Roxbury on their own fifteen yard line at <he be- ginning of the second half started a drive for eighty-five yards which end- ed with captain Doiiohue plunging off tackle for four yards to score tbeir first touchdown. Donohue a moment later rushed around end for the extra The cheering had hardly died down. Earl 8herlock, of Boonton, and Har- j when Coll , BB taking the ball on Rox- bury's 40 yard line, skirted left end and with wonderful Interference and 'the finest exhibition of broken field running ever seen bere carried the pigskin over for what proved to be the winning count. It was one of the most sensational nuts ever witnessed on the local field. Collins practically ran thru the entire team, first sidestep- ping one tackier then stiff arming an- other. Donohue made tbe extra point three of the Accidently Shot y By Companion MM ' Arthur McDougal, sixteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Esra McDougal, of Munaon avenue, is in a serious con- dition at Dover, due. to a bullet wound received ' Sunday, near Predmore's Farm, South.Salem street. The youth was accidently shot by a playmate, Frank Willis, fourteen years old, of Bean avenue. The boys frequently went ort hiking expeditions In the woods and fields and! had several traps located south of Dover. Sunday they visited tbe traps and became separated In the under- brush. Willis Is aeW Jo have fired be thought, at game moving in the brush. As the shot, rang, out he heard a scream and realised that he had woonded his companion. He ran to the Predmore borne and word was tel- ephoned to the injured boy's relatives. Dr. Coetello was, snmmoned and ren- dered first aid, after which the boy was'taken to the hospital. Sunday night *n operation, was per- forated' and ths bullet was removed. It bad passed through the back, tear* ing Its way through the-vital organs. Files T«r FmkeUer Sheriff William N. Beach has filed a petition aa a' Republican candidate tor.memberot the Board ot Freehold- ers. The * peUtioav containing 112 was Hied Monday in the County Clerk's oflct* Mr, BMch, who Is entering his third yea* a* Sheriff, has let it be known for tome tints that he wenld be In the fteM as a candidate for Freeholder. H« had not oBcially announced him- self, howerer until after tbe general election thit; month. He cannot suc- ceed himself as SherlB. Tke names on Sharif Beach's Ant petition are those of resident! in Riv- erdale, Boonton, Pompton Plains and PIM Brook; There «re a few names of residents of Dover and other scat- tered communities. It Is understood that a D*mb»r of other petitions have been circulated by Sheriff Beach, but bav* not,been filed In the Clerk's of- fice. Tin terma of Director Fletcher L. Frltts of Dover and William Bass- ett of Mine HUI expire in 1*M and they will, it is said, be candidates for re-election; Several others It it un- daratood, will also eaUr the race as the June Primary approaches. Pkeae year er*m l*r fnsk, sue wiKKetrll* CaadbM to Itoekaway •1-W. Un. E. E. S«r«r, BeavflJe, JttMT, 2U2 visitors' tacklers on his back over the line. The final score wae made in tbe last few minutes of the game, when Kelly intercepted a forward pass and a second later rnshed thru the center of the line for seven yards and anoth- er touchdown. Rockaway failed to make the extra point, when Roxbury broke "thru to smear the play. . Roxbury's score was the result ot an intercepted pa*4 and an aninter- rupted march of fifty yards for a touchdown, Hand taking the ball over and then making the extra point with a pretty drop-kick. The highly tooted forward passing attack of the boys from up county, did not materialise. They completed only two for a total gain of 9 yards, had two intercepted and failed on six other attempts. Rocksway completed one out of ten tries and had one intercept- ed. The Rockaway lads made eleven first downs to Roxbury's eight. The greatest factor in the contest was the wonderful Interference of the local team. Time after time a member of the backfield took out two and three tack- lers lo allow his team mate to make big gains. The deadly tackling of the locals secondary defense was the best seen here in a long time. Frequently Donohue nailed the ball carrier before be could get started. Tbe playing of Donohue, CoUfns, Heath and Kelly in tbe backfield and McKinny and Hunt on the line for Rockaway stood out above all the others. As predicted in this paper last week, every player gave a good account of himself and was in the game every minute. For Roxbury, Apportionment of $1.050,ou« hag been made by the State Highway Com- mission as aid for the improvement of township and buough roads A total of $50,000 was granted for these mun- icipal divisions in each county under the statutes provided for that sum.. Under the legal regulators the State Highway Commission ia permitted too contribute up <o 75 per cent, of tfte- cost of improving a township or bor- ough thoroughfare. The remaining 2?. per cent, must be contributed by the borough or township, bill this percent- age Is frequently exceeded when faafe are available in the township. The stipulation wag also made that $MO per mile must be spent each year for the maintenance of the improved road. As the total of requests for aid was *3,ooo,WW, with only one third of that sum available, lengthy study was giv- en 4o the projects by the State Hgk^ way Commission. Preference was granted for the more important art- eries and for those upon which Im- provements had been started in *rer^ ions years. Work is done on lfl« mile* these roads each year, gravel aa* penetration macadam being the ma- terials chiefly used. The allotments were decided upon at a meeting of H%hway Commissioo- "' Ho «* L. Scott, Percy a Stewart. Firman M. Reeves and Abraham Jeiia- with Major William G. Sloan, Bute* Highway Engineer, and Edward R Heed, Assistant State Highway JEBI glneer. The amounts allowed In Morrte County Is as follows: Morris—Hanover Township, BUg«. dale avenue road, ttOjBM; Parilppa*. Troy Hills Township, Cherry roa#, $10,000; Rockaway Township, Mtfa road v $10,000; Rockaway-Green Pan* road. $10,000. (Continued on page 3} Tie Tftw State Hhrkway Work on the new State Highway be- tween peBart's corner,' 'Dover road, and Denrllie, has been progressing rapidly daring the Fall months. The laying of the concrete has been com- pleted on the Dover end, where the' road intersects with the old road, to the new viaduct which crosses Ihe Lackawanaa and N. J. Central raflr; roads and the Rockaway river. flr; ke- brldge been completed lor sine time and workmen are now busy. Jay? ing heavy brick on the roadway'., ; At Mendet bridge the big fill-in l» almost done, and tbe sldewalls along the railroad bridge have been remov- ed. Work of concreting the new high- way through .the Arthur, O.. Crane tract, back ot the old Hlnchman house and the Wayside Inn, was begun Mon- day morning. Mrs. Wlllard Hunt, who is chair- man of the Christmas Seal campaign for Rockaway and vlctniey, is anxious for a good showing for this vicinity. We trust our readers will respond liberally. Mr>. Hunt's appeal is high- ly deserving. Denies Fraud Mayer, F0w Answer la Declaring that William r. Birch, his former partner in the coal awt automobile business owes him moaty. Mayor Thomas O. Bassett of Donr' in an answer to a suit filed agaiatt him by Mr. Birch, denies the charter of fraud in papers filed In tie Coert of Chancery hi Trenton Tuesday. In addition to his denials, Mayor Bassett, requests that real and per- sonal properties of the partnership at the time of the dissolution a few weeks ago be ascertained. He also asks that an account be stated of the amount owed him in the final llaaid- atlon and settlement of the partner- ship affairs and that a decree be made* adjudging; ths sum so ascertained that is dne him from the complainant and that be may hare snch other relief as Is equitable and just The answer denies allegations mad* by Birch and says they are libeloac . and defamatory and were made tor the purpose of humiliating and em- barrassing defendant that he "never dishonestly and fraadenUy comkawi .' the affairs of said partnership, ami that complainant well knows that de- ' fendknt never so contacted said baa- " hoes*." ReekawBT Five. Whs At Hewarfc The Rockaway Comminlty FFra • gave the' Centenary Big Fire; defeat ot the season last night, wlnnlag Sft-M. Tke CeaUaer- : ies took the lead in the first half, bat I, oiuse the visitors found the basket they 7 took v new lease and went into tk« f. lead iffthe final quarter. Davis, Rk*- * anj»'ana Orav^c featured with teat ' petals each (or the winners. Tttae. - Centcaftty right forward was thefeign*- »«or«:lor t»e losers with twelve points ann .partner was next wRh six point*;- "" ' The CommnaHy Five is a team that . will do-its beat at all times to keep. the spectators on their toes in excite- ment. They are out to win and en- tertain you. Give them your support* - BEWAaa f250.00 OFFERED—For information leading to the arrest and convictions ;J: of the person or persons who on th#;.? night of October 31, 1928, unlawful?' ,' took the Sign from my Lot on Mai* . and Bast New Sts. JOHN F. STICKLE, JR. . , HU Roekawsy, ». X. *

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Page 1: ROCKAWAY shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little

tT fo

1,0th are as-sets ROCKAWAY RECORD If if* *ews, ids., or]

J<>I* I'rintiiit'. phoneJiockaway 220;arc alwaj* jrlad to !


VOL. XL No- 21

pork Loin R o a s t , 1b. - - - - -Legs of Lamb, lb . - - - - - -jersey P i g H e a d s , Ib . - - - - -Cottage Hams, lb,Fresh Hams, lb. - - - - -C h u c k R o a s t , ft. - - . . .

Smoked Hams, lb. - - - - -

Home-made Sausage, to. - - -

Fancy Fresh-Killed Chicken, lb. -NATIONAL COOKIES, lb

"Fresh from the oven" each bag haa a number entitles bolder to a 2\'2 lb. Fruit Cake.

A Full Line of Fresh Fish






Hagan's Cash MarketsMAIN ST. TEL. 6 2 ROGKAWAY, N. J.


Third Liberty LoanRedemption

The entire Issue'of THIRD UNITED STATES LIB-ERTY LOAN will be M R l ! ? on September 16th, and in-terest will cease on '"

Bring yoar bonds to u s i n T w e ""'HI pleased to at-tend to redemption wlthBvrt experjse to you.

Attend to tbi» matter promptly to avoid loos of. inter-est.


dpltal Sarnl.g WW,W0

National Union BankDover, N. J.

3 % InterestPaM on Cbcckfa* Accoonto of $100 or over

Member Federal Reserve Bank

Sale Deposit Boxes"- $6,00 per annum *ad op

Capital f i t * , * *

Do you belive in this land of PrdUcHonfThe only Ae«l Protection for your propertyand home iHNSURANCE.


W. Mala Stnet - lUwtaway, V.


500,000 For Sale Five Get Terms High School Class BOnly One Cent Each In State Prison Champions of County

AttswiatJon lo.SellSeals

llrmi 1'rnall) For Diner \PKro.— Rwkawaj lla- iVmuinrnt lKnr AVKSIIII With Kuii'e Hi fhc ]'rin<i|>al>' <

$20,000 for RockawayTownship Roads

Morris ("iinlj (irt- 4|i|H>rlJounentfrom Slate Hlrbwaj I oiiiuii»i>ion

Tl»e Morris County Tuberculous; Five men v-r* K(.,it*r..*d to terms Coming from behind, after trailingAssociation has 500,000 bright little ; i n 9ia«e prison Friday when arraigned 7 to 0 at the beginning of the secondChristmas Seals which cost only one; before Judge Albert II. Holland in half, Coacli Horasko-» Rockaway High.penny each and the money obtained, Quarter and Special Sessions Court. School football team swept their an-ifrom the sale of these seals la. used Three of the men, were charged with! clem rival, the Rorburv High School,for nursing work, educational, pub-, and plead guilty to larceny, one plead ! eleven, off their feet in their annual1

llcity and community health meas- j guilty to a simple assault on a Net- Iclassic at Liberty Field to gaia a glorJurea. This is New Jersey's 21st an-;COng girl and the fifth plead guilty tojioue victory by a score of 20 to 7 With!nual seal sale and there are no seala; assaulting a Dover man with a l.nife |this vicinity went the second success-'to be given to Community Chest donV In addition l o prison sentences, fines | i T e County Class B Championship andators as the Association feels that j totaling $725 were Imposed and a 'people of the, community like to buy! number ot defendants were given suu-these seals and contribute their sup-port in. checking this dread disease.

Up to the present time the fieldnurse has made 1130 visits to families

the home, but he denied taking th«.entire amount and said he did not\n»w what had become ot the remain-der, of the sum missing.

The Manufacturer and.. IndustrialNews Bureau says the New JerseyBell Telephone Company will expendduring the coming year $4,471,536 forextension and improvements of facil-ities throughout the State of NewJersey. ••

Dear Mr. Beat Vmjnt*

Hate yoa ever thoagbt ofthat little home of yoar own?WoaMftH yoa Uke to hare It Ina Mttbw of oM t»M to the Mt>of a Itae stnam of water!Woaldnt yoa like ft to hareeTerr eoBrealeaf* of a modernettr home! WoaMa't 70* likeIt to fee » ko«M ilatiaet In Itsdesfeat WoaMnH joa want itb«nt of the Tery kept Material*aid by the best woifcmaasalp!How woaM yoa like to hare Itright away! Be at home forChristmas by yon own fireside.We hay© that hone for yoa.Write •« that yoa are laterest-ed. Boat thlak yoa harea'teaoagh aioaey. l e t as tell yoahow simple it h to pay for at aao greater amoaat per month,than yoa woald aay for rent.

Boat lose this ad. It willaot appear again. Write as be-fore yoa lay It aside. Only threeof these homes' win be readyfor Christmas. "Be sare an.get yoar*.


De.vtlle, N. J.

wa« cut, when Benard ran wildwitli the knMe. Judge Holland sent-enced him to three years at hard lab-or In Btate prison.

Herman Holzworth, of Netcong,who last week entered a plea of guiltyto a charge of assault, was sentencedto one year In state prison. A plea(or leniency was made In Us behalfby H. Warner Doremus, of Madison, j p o f n t a n ( l t i e d t h e

ills counsel.

rjr Winters, of Dover, were also sentenced to a year In state prison, fol-lowing their pleas ot guilty to chargesof larceny. Sherlock admitted that hehad taken two shirts and a pair oftrousers from a room In tbe MansionMouse at Boonton.

•Winters, admitted he had taken$S60 from tbe home of Mrs. LauraNicholas in Belmont avenue, Dover,Where he was a boarder. He wascharged with the theft of J600 fromjo|1 a n en(1 run

penled sentences.Tta> heaviest penalty wag imposed

on Melvln Benard. colored, of Dover,who-[>leed guilty to an assault upon

about the county. The Bield Secretary j Irvlife Yale, of Dover, with a knife.has enlisted 1689 school children in : *health program.

During the coming year and pend-ing the result of our teal sale we hopeto give added time and effort to workIn this county.

Some facts regarding tuberculosisIn our state and county are shown inthe survey which waa made this year:

I. In tuberculosis death rate NewJersey shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County showswide fluctuations with little If any de-crease.

II. Morris County however had tbefourth highest death rate In 1923 andIn 1927 moved down to twelfth place.

III. Peak of deaths from tubercu-losis is between 20-3S years of agewhile from other diseases exceptpneumonia the peak occurs between(0-75 years of age.

IV. One ont of every three deaths inMorris County between ages 2048 isdne to tuberculosis.". Toe situation In Morris County isserious because, in 11*7 there were; Wdeaths from tuberculosis, over half ofthese were persons between 20-31year* of age. There are probablyab/wt 400 cases In the county. It Isthe aim of the Morris County Tuber-culosis Association thru, its Held nurseas« •eeretary to plan to InH tbe»« pe-ttenta, arrange for tbelr - care andtreatment, follow up of all sanatoriumcases and thru the preventatlve workwith children help to reduce this dis-ease.

The sale of these Christmas Sealscontributes very largely to this work.Do your share and let everyone- usethese seals in sending out letters dur-ing this Christmas season.

Mrs. Wlllard Hnnt Is chairman inRockaway.

Health Seals

"Some seals are valued for their fur,And others for their oil;

To hunt them in their water haunts,Requires much skill and *oU.

"But there is one seal yon can bunt.To catch It, use a penny;

It i» the Jolly Christina* SealThat brings good health to many".

permanent possession of the Princi-pals' Cup. The local lads also knock-ed an old jinx in the head when they;won their first Victory over Roxbury|on their home grounds.

It was a contest replete with thrills, jStarting off with a disastrous outlookfor the locals, the maroon and white!eleven rallied and holding Roxbury ontheir own fifteen yard line at <he be-ginning of the second half started adrive for eighty-five yards which end-ed with captain Doiiohue plunging offtackle for four yards to score tbeirfirst touchdown. Donohue a momentlater rushed around end for the extra

The cheering had hardly died down.Earl 8herlock, of Boonton, and Har- j w h e n Col l,BB taking the ball on Rox-

bury's 40 yard line, skirted left endand with wonderful Interference and'the finest exhibition of broken fieldrunning ever seen bere carried thepigskin over for what proved to be thewinning count. It was one of the mostsensational nuts ever witnessed on thelocal field. Collins practically ranthru the entire team, first sidestep-ping one tackier then stiff arming an-other. Donohue made tbe extra point

three of the

Accidently ShotyBy Companion


' Arthur McDougal, sixteen-year-oldson of Mr. and Mrs. Esra McDougal,of Munaon avenue, is in a serious con-dition at Dover, due. to a bullet woundreceived ' Sunday, near Predmore'sFarm, South.Salem street. The youthwas accidently shot by a playmate,Frank Willis, fourteen years old, ofBean avenue.

The boys frequently went ort hikingexpeditions In the woods and fieldsand! had several traps located south ofDover. Sunday they visited tbe trapsand became separated In the under-brush. Willis Is aeW Jo have firedbe thought, at game moving in thebrush. As the shot, rang, out he hearda scream and realised that he hadwoonded his companion. He ran tothe Predmore borne and word was tel-ephoned to the injured boy's relatives.Dr. Coetello was, snmmoned and ren-dered first aid, after which the boywas'taken to the hospital.

Sunday night *n operation, was per-forated' and ths bullet was removed.It bad passed through the back, tear*ing Its way through the-vital organs.

Files T«r FmkeUer

Sheriff William N. Beach has filed apetition aa a' Republican candidatetor.memberot the Board ot Freehold-ers. The * peUtioav containing 112

was Hied Monday in the CountyClerk's oflct*

Mr, BMch, who Is entering his thirdyea* a* Sheriff, has let it be knownfor tome tints that he wenld be In thefteM as a candidate for Freeholder.H« had not oBcially announced him-self, howerer until after tbe generalelection thit; month. He cannot suc-ceed himself as SherlB.

Tke names on Sharif Beach's Antpetition are those of resident! in Riv-erdale, Boonton, Pompton Plains andPIM Brook; There «re a few namesof residents of Dover and other scat-tered communities. It Is understoodthat a D*mb»r of other petitions havebeen circulated by Sheriff Beach, butbav* not,been filed In the Clerk's of-fice. Tin terma of Director FletcherL. Frltts of Dover and William Bass-ett of Mine HUI expire in 1*M andthey will, it is said, be candidates forre-election; Several others It it un-daratood, will also eaUr the race asthe June Primary approaches.

Pkeae year er*m l*r fnsk, s u ewiKKetrll* CaadbM to Itoekaway

•1-W. Un. E. E. S«r«r, BeavflJe,JttMT, 2U2

visitors' tacklers on his back over theline. The final score wae made in tbelast few minutes of the game, whenKelly intercepted a forward pass anda second later rnshed thru the centerof the line for seven yards and anoth-er touchdown. Rockaway failed tomake the extra point, when Roxburybroke "thru to smear the play.. Roxbury's score was the result ot

an intercepted pa*4 and an aninter-rupted march of fifty yards for atouchdown, Hand taking the ball overand then making the extra point witha pretty drop-kick.

The highly tooted forward passingattack of the boys from up county, didnot materialise. They completed onlytwo for a total gain of 9 yards, hadtwo intercepted and failed on six otherattempts. Rocksway completed oneout of ten tries and had one intercept-ed. The Rockaway lads made elevenfirst downs to Roxbury's eight. Thegreatest factor in the contest was thewonderful Interference of the localteam. Time after time a member of thebackfield took out two and three tack-lers lo allow his team mate to makebig gains. The deadly tackling of thelocals secondary defense was the bestseen here in a long time. FrequentlyDonohue nailed the ball carrier beforebe could get started.

Tbe playing of Donohue, CoUfns,Heath and Kelly in tbe backfield andMcKinny and Hunt on the line forRockaway stood out above all theothers. As predicted in this paperlast week, every player gave a goodaccount of himself and was in thegame every minute. For Roxbury,

Apportionment of $1.050,ou« hagbeen made by the State Highway Com-mission as aid for the improvement oftownship and buough roads A totalof $50,000 was granted for these mun-icipal divisions in each county underthe statutes provided for that sum..Under the legal regulators the StateHighway Commission ia permitted toocontribute up <o 75 per cent, of tfte-cost of improving a township or bor-ough thoroughfare. The remaining 2?.per cent, must be contributed by theborough or township, bill this percent-age Is frequently exceeded when faafeare available in the township. Thestipulation wag also made that $MOper mile must be spent each year forthe maintenance of the improved road.

As the total of requests for aid was*3,ooo,WW, with only one third of thatsum available, lengthy study was giv-en 4o the projects by the State Hgk^way Commission. Preference wasgranted for the more important art-eries and for those upon which Im-provements had been started in *rer^ions years. Work is done on lfl« mile*

these roads each year, gravel aa*penetration macadam being the ma-terials chiefly used.

The allotments were decided uponat a meeting of H%hway Commissioo-" ' H o «* L. Scott, Percy a Stewart.Firman M. Reeves and Abraham Jeiia-with Major William G. Sloan, Bute*Highway Engineer, and Edward RHeed, Assistant State Highway JEBIglneer.

The amounts allowed In MorrteCounty Is as follows:

Morris—Hanover Township, BUg«.dale avenue road, ttOjBM; Parilppa*.Troy Hills Township, Cherry roa#,$10,000; Rockaway Township, Mtfaroadv $10,000; Rockaway-Green Pan*road. $10,000.

(Continued on page 3}

Tie Tftw State Hhrkway

Work on the new State Highway be-tween peBart's corner,' 'Dover road,and Denrllie, has been progressingrapidly daring the Fall months. Thelaying of the concrete has been com-pleted on the Dover end, where the'road intersects with the old road, tothe new viaduct which crosses IheLackawanaa and N. J. Central raflr;roads and the Rockaway river.


brldge been completed lor s inetime and workmen are now busy. Jay?ing heavy brick on the roadway'.,;

At Mendet bridge the big fill-in l»almost done, and tbe sldewalls alongthe railroad bridge have been remov-ed. Work of concreting the new high-way through .the Arthur, O.. Cranetract, back ot the old Hlnchman houseand the Wayside Inn, was begun Mon-day morning.

Mrs. Wlllard Hunt, who is chair-man of the Christmas Seal campaignfor Rockaway and vlctniey, is anxiousfor a good showing for this vicinity.We trust our readers will respondliberally. Mr>. Hunt's appeal is high-ly deserving.

Denies Fraud

Mayer,F0w Answer la

Declaring that William r. Birch,his former partner in the coal awtautomobile business owes him moaty.Mayor Thomas O. Bassett of Donr'in an answer to a suit filed agaiatthim by Mr. Birch, denies the charterof fraud in papers filed In tie Coertof Chancery hi Trenton Tuesday.

In addition to his denials, MayorBassett, requests that real and per-sonal properties of the partnershipat the time of the dissolution a fewweeks ago be ascertained. He alsoasks that an account be stated of theamount owed him in the final llaaid-atlon and settlement of the partner-ship affairs and that a decree be made*adjudging; ths sum so ascertained thatis dne him from the complainant andthat be may hare snch other relief asIs equitable and just

The answer denies allegations mad*by Birch and says they are libeloac .and defamatory and were made torthe purpose of humiliating and em-barrassing defendant that he "neverdishonestly and fraadenUy comkawi .'the affairs of said partnership, amithat complainant well knows that de- 'fendknt never so contacted said baa- "hoes*."

ReekawBT Five. Whs At Hewarfc

The Rockaway Comminlty FFra •gave the' Centenary Big Fire;defeat ot the season lastnight, wlnnlag Sft-M. Tke CeaUaer- :ies took the lead in the first half, bat I,oiuse the visitors found the basket they 7took v new lease and went into tk« f.lead iffthe final quarter. Davis, Rk*- *anj»'ana Orav c featured with teat 'petals each (or the winners. Tttae. -Centcaftty right forward was the feign* -»«or«:lor t»e losers with twelvepoints ann .partner was next wRh sixpoint*;- "" '

The CommnaHy Five is a team that .will do-its beat at all times to keep.the spectators on their toes in excite-ment. They are out to win and en-tertain you. Give them your support* -


f250.00 OFFERED—For informationleading to the arrest and convictions ;J:of the person or persons who on th#;.?night of October 31, 1928, unlawful?' ,'took the Sign from my Lot on Mai* .and Bast New Sts.

JOHN F. STICKLE, JR. . ,HU Roekawsy, ». X. *

Page 2: ROCKAWAY shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little

Historic Englith OakThe lloya! oak stood near tt>* turui

Of Bosc lH'S. ic Stu-upshire, Engnut] for 24 iiours afforded concealmentto Cbur'es II afier the battle of

j Worcester, In 1051. The tree was de-stroyed after the Restoration by relic

'hunters, hut au otik grown (rout aoacorj of the orlgiual tree stands onthe spot, and there Is auoiher, said to

|k»T« been planted by the klcg, hiHyde park.



New Form of Violin BodyInstead of being curved. Die ' >d.v

of a rlolln conslructoU by a Chicago[XD&ker is a»g\iUir, tbe form enablingthe player to reach farther on thestrings although tils £ngwr may beshort, and making the Instrumenteasier to 1mlJ under the cliln, saysPopular Science Magazine. At thesame time, an Improvement In tone is

timed for till? t>attern.

"Brick" CityPhlladephla early became the Brsi J

bricfc home cit; in the Cnltetf States. JIt Is still pertiaps tbe most nearly 100 !per cent brick city of them all. One !reason for this doubtless Is the excel'teat quality and variety ol brick man- jufactured to that district. And Phil- ,adelpWa lias never bad a really bljefire.

FiroprooRng ParadoxSelenium o' Itself Is very combustl-

bit, bat when • dilate solution la >p- jpiled to tbe Insulation of braided tele- jphone wires It makes tbe line quite <flame-proof. Ttte paradox Is not very Jclearly explained, but there are a fewother ehenilcaU which behave In tbe |same manner. ;










is STia26UCK3


Center* o/ PopulationThe 20 largest cities In tbe world are: ;

London, New lork, Berlin, Paris, Chi- jcam, Osaka, Tokyo, Buenos Aires,Vienna, Philadelphia, Moscow, Canton, ;Pelplnf, Calcnlta, Budapest, Bombay, jRio oe Janeiro, Hamburg, Sydney,•Cairo. :

/Vic* for Nttnky ,Sporting Niece (to paoenger, after

several narrow escapes)—Isn't It fun-!ny, nude? TTB been driving for near-ly a week now, but I still get Huddledup between tbe foot-brake end the ac-;celerator.—London Opinion. ,

Comment* Both OetmmOn a clear day both the Atlantic

and Pacific oceans can be seen tramthe summit of Irani, a mountain inCartago province, Costa Rica. It is12,600 feet high.

Found** by Greek Kingffne city of Alexandria was founded j

In 332 a O., by Alexander the Great. )I He Intended It to be a Greek city, act-ling a9 a port for Greek goods to be) distributed tbrougb Egypt, and Egypt-lisa goods gathered to be sent oversea.

CHd Ttxat CattU Brand*To lmmort&Ute tue history of tbe

Tens cow business and Its Importance' as tbe state's original great Industry,'thlrly-two famous old cattle brandsI have been chiseled on tbe walls ol.Garrison hall, of the state university.

An$mr tfeper Worth WhU«Anger Is the moat impotent passion

that accompanies the mind of man;It effects nothing it foes about; andhurts the man who Is possessed by itmore thin any otber against whom itIs directed.—Gareodon.

CaVMeWMM* ! / • *»When Mexican 10 calks hat* aft

trimmed with leather and metal orna-ments, the; actually weigh from S to8 pounds.

i Spmnish Blood in IrelandAbout 1000 B. C the sons of Ml-

leslus of Spain iDvaded tnd conqueredIreland. Tbe Irish race Is popularlyVnown as tbe UUeslus race becauseits members were largely descendants

j from Mileslos. It wss a Celtic tribe,i as were the others that blended with! It to be known as tbe Gaols. Tbls! accounts for the Spanish names and! Influences In Ireland.

5 M * to "Jfentew" 7Aane?«r 'Three engineers are occupied on

the Monte Generoso, Italy, In studying'the possibility of harnessing the elee-1trie power produced by thunderstorms.This laboratory is nearly 6,900 feet!In the air >

The Bureau of American Ethnologyaaya that the Delaware Iodlss aaaitfor sycamore tree Is "amokholae,"which means "canoe wood,*

Silir From Wood FiaWThis country now use* annually

nearly 70,000,000 nooBds t aitiSetaisilk made from wood liber.

; Phoenician God| Uolecb iras tbe chiei god of tbe, Phoenicians and Is frequently men-! Honed in tbe Bible. Be is spokes ot' as the god of tbe Ammonites, Human

sacrifice*—Intents—were offered up totbe idol of Uolech. These unfortunatevictims were slowly burnt to death inihe arms of the Idol, which were madeof hollow metal heated from the In-side.—Pathfinder Magazine.

A uctioneer's OutleHP34 W. Blackwell St., Dover M

Early Sealing WaxCommon beeswax was Brst used as

I a sealing wai, being mixed with earthy] materials to give II consistency. Tbe; Venetians brought tbe Indian sealing< wax to Europe. The Indian wax wasj Bade only of shellac, colored with ver-: mil ion, or some other pigment, and| this aaa been found superior to all: other materials.


Sport Sweaters$1.19

Vc»- novelty .lesions ill ;h^ pop-ular slip over styles For boysand siris. site* 6 to 16.

All » w Novelties

Men's Shirts$1.29

In the popular starched col-lar attached styles. Attrac-tive colors ami patterns.

Ladies' Crepe 4e Chime


Slip*. Step-ins. Bloomers. Chem-ise. Dance Sets. French Pantsin a host of atiractiTe colorsand styles Lao* trimmed ortailored.

Ladies' Thread SilkFull Fashioned


All first quality hose in up-to-date shades. Nationallyknown makes. Sites S to 10.

Cumplete line of

Vantine Cosmeticsin attractive cas*s

Men's Li.e4

Kid Gloves$1.97

Genuine cape kid in MB. brownor grey. Each glove carries"Adler's" stamp uad gaarantee.

A Isei i l Gift

Men's Sweaters$1.67

In heather or pepper and sailmixtures. Heavy or medianweight. Sport coats or windbreaker*


OutletOffers Meal roaditions

for Gift Shoppfaaa?d i Complete assortments

to choose tram(21 A Urge and capable

sales force to serve you.(31 Every article purchas-

ed is covered by our all in-clusive mooey-back guaran-tee.

(4) A small deposit willhold any article till Christ-mas.

i>> Store open eveningstill nine to serve those whoseduties keep them ba»y tirothe d»y.

Misses* Rajon

Silk Combination$1.00

Heavy firm knit rayon. Built

ap shoulders with trilled

legs. All sixes.

Grtrnt Pyramid DttpoilodThe rvogb limestone rocks on tbe

surface of Lbe Great pyramid are be-lieved to have been covered with asolid marble casing. These stonesprobably began to be removed about1SXO A. D. for the beavtiflcation ofCaiio.

FIRST NATIONAL BANKMorristown, New Jersey

CHARTERED U «Resources over 11.9WJW)

3% Intereston Checking Account of 1500 and oVtjr

4% Interestpaid on Savings Account of 15.00 and upward

Credited January, April, July and October63 years ot Financial Success and Conaamttv* Banking

Acts as Executor, Trustee and QaarttaaTravelers' Checks and Letters or Credit on all partt of the World

Fire-Proof Storage Booms 8Hrer TatttiSafe Deposit BOMS ~

Night DepositoryOFFICBJR3

H. WARD FORD PresidentFRANK D. ABELL si. Tlce-Presld«BtWARD CAMPBELL .VW-PreiUeatHENRY CORY C*aale,r, Vice-PresHeatR O B E R T c. C A S K E Y Asa't Caakicr, Trust OHicerFRANK Q. MILLEN , AaaiaUn^ CashierDAVID F. WILLIAMSON ....AaatetantT Cashier

Good Advice DUregardtdIt was orer 2,090 jears ago when

PyUatoras gave the excellent advice,I ""It is better either to be silent or to| as things cf more valae than silence."

bat there is no evidence that anyonej ever followed bis idvice.—Hlllsboro] Xews-Berald.

i Dmtch "Fommd" CommecticutTne claim of the Dutrt to Oonnectl-

eat bj riEBt or discover; was wellfoaaded. Tbe accounts of the voyages«f Henry Uudsoo Is 1000 and ofAdrian Biota la 1614 aive tbe drst de-scriptions whica history records of this

R a j o i

J Spreads12.97

Pull s i» . la attractive c&ecksof un comjbtacd with hhse, rose,gold. gT*en and orchid.

ot Kimg DavUft la not ftailivelj known who wai

Hat anther of David, bat many a*-of tbe Mb* of

DaiH wkan hard pnasedUKBMUctlonala«a<ktjp«naMa

• f ia t kiag of ataafe.

La4ies* Rayoa

Silk Vests77c

In een popular and attractivecolon. Heavy firm knit rayonPall siit.

Neddaces ail (Mmia a variety of colon:

aa« styles



.Vowlij sport toeks in heavy

cotton, rayon siOi or n j o n

silk nocklns in Kngteh rib.

n was a bwj haar laat aceartd theprtsa at ta* baby aWra. T U airlbaWaa abonM worn. TktjTl get aUtat ether prtaas. la«iadlM the **.altar awant -Ondaaua Enaalrcr.

GaaoUn*. before the adreM of themotor ear, ana co—Idtrtd a valueteaaand daaterows brnfoaact of the petro-lewa trade, and ariUleat or railoni

| wat* destrortd tefor* a aae was Ioaadj for IL

AU Wool

Boys Lumberjack$1.87

Heavy *e«hl In-attractive'plaids. Pall cat and wellmade. Sixes $ to l«

Silk «MI Silk mmi W«ol

Men's Socks,1 pair $1.00

Smart noveliy patterns. Qt *

qaalitr that woald v i m a t

itoabl* tbis low price.

Lakor H* Own Mommrdbeing easeatlallj active, mod

!| Bnd activity his Joy. aa well aa Msbtaaty and l iorj; and labor, like cr-eryihlac else that la food, tails ownreward.—WhlppJe.

5<iemc* Gbern a BoeotTom n a j have noticed that tbe

weather i* cooler lately. Science says| j ibc earth Is ccoliag at the rate of two

decrees each 10 arillioa jean.—Taki-oa Daily Rerublic.

The Morris CountySayings Bank

South Street corner DeHart StreetMORRISTOWN, MORRIS COUNTY, iffilW JBR8EY




Interest Paid Since m i• . "ASSETS OTEK TWELVE H a U W . ; • , • . .

Nauonjl and 8ute Banks tad Tract OtaaijaaxaWi at»'«t>X aaflafsBuka. aad Savlnta or Thrift*DapoaltoNTteaaak nMtatattaa hat*

,°T, " a .apodal protection of tha Snvtaaa Bask l*wa of tbo 8UUot nav Jaraay.


Best Grades or OM

shaoditvaioiithRed AA Coil

SAM CIARDIMala Street, a«ar Flnt ifatUMUlMk

Cleaning and PressingOur work is done thorough and clothea made to look new

We aleo dye any kind of garment and do aaamdingWe cover Buttons with cloth to match ganaenU

Telephone Bockaway 4*1

Advertise in the Record — it brinfs results

Page 3: ROCKAWAY shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little


School Oiss BChampions of fruity,ri,i,nnueujrom P*** U

- - ^ M •! Kotkerfellow put up"'""'! «B,i i Thompson's open field' ^ V ; — t i o n a l .

U'-,.!..>• hy Play: ",,i Quart.-r-Roxoorjr won tue1 j ,,!,-, u-d to receive, defending

Norm K^ 1 a u d R ° c l o l w a > t n e

' gua|. Collins kicked off poorly" ,-neu Hoi'ler fumbled Repp re-

P" ei i,,, i in- locals, in mid-field.plays H i 'I line gained four yards.

arll j,|,.,,mpleted and Donohue

feted u> R"xl'Ury'« t e n ^aTli llm-Minify «i;n Hit' aid »' » »*veu yard

irranl p»-- an l1 l i n e b u c k i > c » " ' ~ 'tnciiiy-five yard line whereIMIII Donohue made eight

", .iri)UM!| I'IHI: an incompleted

j,s ami «ff sillt> e c m t Roc k a w *y " v e

,rtls; Heatli ran around end for fouranoiliti' pass went wild and

made five yards and first

8IH '1'IU " ' l i l e ; C o l l l n 8 . logt t n r * 'lTt, WIIPII Roxbury broke thru line:iottier pas? failed and Donohue klck>

10 i,|s uH-n 42 yard line as the,.rtpr eiidi-<l. Score Roxbury 0,

ball to t

Second ijua-rter—Roxbury Inter-mied v1"* "'"" D o n o n u e o a t n e l r

yard liii'-. Thompson made ninerd> off tm-kle, and the^ tea moreihe sam>- place for first down;nd mailc i yards thru the line and

lompson tuiide nine, more for an-ibcr first ilmvn. Rockaway line was

ripiieil to pieceB. Three playsid Roxbury had another first downid the hall on Rockaway'e sevenml line. Kockaway held Thompson

one yard gain but Hand, shotiru tackle for a touchdown and thenjcked goal for the eitra point. HeathKelved kick off on 25 yard line. Don-hue's pas- us grounded; Roxftnry set

five Minis off side; DonohueIcked to Itoxhury's 48 yard line.hompsoii > pass went wild, Rox-irj• fumhli'il and McKinny recoveredr Rockuuiiy. Donohue made fiveis tlirn line: Donohue passed butwas gniuniled; Heath made first

boble pass for only a gain of fourbllins w;i- nailed from behind on aoble pa?" for only a gain of foaririiv A i>us* Donohue to Oula Bet-id four mure: Donohue bucked cen-ir for tu-n and Collins rail, thruitkle \K imoUier first dawn. Col-

repeateil with a gain 'of four

yardu: another pass »aj grounded-Donohue lost yards then kicked to

jmidfield a» half emlecl. Ituxltury 7.; llw kawuv o

i Third yuartai—R,,xbu.y kicked oiljto Rockaway's 3n yard line, Kelly ranthe hall back four yards, Ixmoliue

! made three thru tackle. Collins lostI three and Donahue punted to Rox-I bury's 43 yard line where Uockerfel-I low received and made a pretty runj back for 2« yards. He wan hurt onj the play hut stayed in the game.Thompson made fifteen yards aroundend tor a firm down anil it looked likeanother inarch for a »< ure for Rox-

j bury, lloxbury made another firstdown on three playn which provedthe taut offensive punch for the visit-ors as Kockaway braced and allowedonly a half yard on ne?. four playsknocking down two forwards, andtaking the ball on their own fifteenyard line. Donohue made fifteenyards around end for first down, Col-lins made four around the otljer endthen made five more In same place,a five yard off side penalty gave Ihelocal boy** another first down. Heathmade two yards, Roxbury knockeddown a pass and Donohue ran Mftackle for seven yards, Kelly made itthe third first down when he slippedthru center two yards. Rnckawaysensed a touchdown and were rippingRoxbury's line to threads. Collinsreeled off a thirty yard run for an-other first down and putting the bailon the Roxbury 15 yard mark.

Donohue made five yards thrutackle and Heath made first downaround end bringing the ball to thevisitor's five yard line. Donohuefumbled but Heath recovered on thefour yard mark and Donohue crashedthru the line for a touchdown and tiedthe score with a run around right end.Collins kicked to Roxbury's 38 yardline; Roxbury was holding and got•et back fifteen yards, Thompsonkicked to his 45 yard mark, Donohuemade twenty yards around right endbehind beautiful Interference but theball was brought back and Rocka-way was penalised five yards tor hav-ing two men in motion in backfield.Heath brought the ball up to ' theforty yard line and Collins ran aroundleft end on a double pass for fortyyards and a touchdown. Donohuecarried half of the Roxbury team overthe line with him for the extra point.Collins kicked to Roxbury 41 yardline where Heath downed it. Rocka-way line held on first play thenThompson made It yards and first

B 0 CE AWA r 1 E C 0 B Ddown, more play.H l,y Koxliuryand they were discouraged and kit-k-cil to Koi-kaway'B •><) yard iiuf Uoii-oiiue lost a yard. Kelly sliot down tixe

' side line for nix yards and out of• IK>UIK!H. Heath marie four yards• ardiirwl end and Donoliu« brnught the

ball up to '•',:, yard line tor first downas the quarter ended. Kockaway 14.Koiliury 7.

Fourth Quarter—Collins made four1

yards around ^nd and Rockaway waspenalized fifteen yards for holding.]Donoliue made ten yards thru lineand then kicked to Itoxbury's 43 yardline. Roxbary reHorted to a desper-ate forward passing attack Kelly in-tercepted pass and ran it back to hiaown 35 yard line. Rocka.way receivedanother 15 yard penalty and Donohueand Collins made up 13 yardK of thisthen Donohue kicked to 22 yard line.Kelly intercepted another pacx onfirst play and brought the ball up to32 yard line Heath made three yardsDonohue two. Kelly three and Dono-hue made it first down with two yardsthru center. Rockaway made it firstdown on three plays and brought theball to 9 yard line, Kelly took theRoxbury team off their guard andslipped thru center for the finaltouchdown. Heath failed to make ex-tra point when Roxbury broke thruand spoiled the play. Coach Horas-ko sent In his second string playersand Collins kicked to Roabury'syard line. Thompson shot thru tacklefor fifteen yards as the final whistlesounded. Rockaway 20. Roxbury 7.Rockaway Roxbury

Kepler L. E.. . FitzherbertMalone U T CookMcKinney L. 0 RobinsonRepp C . . . . (Cant) HoplerHunt . . . . ' . . . . . .B. Q.^.'.',.'.. U>fe»May ;.. .R. T . - . . . . . . ScheerOula R . B . : 'ZahnKelly . . . , Q . . , . . , RockertellerCollins. .... t.. R. H . . . . . ThompsonHeath ...UK.... OavtttDonobue (Capt) F Hand

Score by periods;Rockaway 0 0 14 t—tORoxbury .0 7 0 0 — 7

Touch-downs— Donohue, - Collins,Kelly. Hisnd. Points - after touch-down—Donohue t. Hand. Referee-—Nelson D. Hopkins, Georgetown. Um-pire—Joseph FederJci, Orange.. Headlinesman—E. B. Caaswelly Jr,, , St.Lawrence,, Substitutions—Roxbury;Berry; Benson, J. Duvltt, P. Thomp-son. Rockaway: Vanderhoof, Howell,P. Gula, McKinnon, Crampton. Per-onne, Orr, JohnBon, Maleca.

Kppltt' Keeping QualitU*Bristol university records the Im-

portant fad Ihat the keeping qualitiesof fruit are related tu liieadll In whichtlie fruit Is grown. When certain varl-etiea of ap[ilt. grown in cerlain placesare slurcrj Uiev break down luitrDaily,giving rise to Jonathan spot, bitterpit ami other disorders. Apples storedunder the stiuw conditions, but gcuwuunder dilTereut ones stand the testwell.


IHE GREAT^T VALUE• - . . . I N ' A

k hw Priced S

PO URS•595 • *775SIXES•725* Lmshg

SPECIAL FEATURESONB HUNDRBD AND NrNB inch wheelbtsc.QuiBT BODIES—exdufiye Duninc construction.I BW ADVANCBD body lines.

" fjfiw BRILLIANT body colors.MOM ROOMY body interiors. >POWBPJTJL CONTJNBNTAL R e d ^ a l Motor of

special Durant design.LANCHESTSR VIBIUTION DAMPER on front end

of cninltshaft.• CHROWUM TIMING on all -fittings fonnetly

nickel plated. 'BENDDC QUIET positive four-wheel brakes.EXCEPTIONAL gear shifting and steering ease.SHVENTBEN-INCH flat thin-grip steering wheel.PERFECT BALANCE—for unrivalled comfort and.

performance—always identified with Durant


Fichter's Garage62^56 Main Street, Rockaway


Rubber Improve! ViolimModem violins m«y be made to

rival the product of (lie old mastersby Impregnating the wood with rub-ber latex before vgrntaiifug, accordingto the claim of a Clerm&u investiga-tor named Ditmar-Oraz, writing inthe scientific magazine Natur andKultur. He states that thii treat-ment i-uuaps ihe wood to remain per-manently elastic

Famoat Botanic Garden*The Royal Botanic garden* of Kew

(Surrey, Eng.) origloated in the eiollcgardeo formed by Lord Capel, towhom tlie estate belonged In the lateSereuteeotl] and early Eighteenthcenturies. In 1S40 the gardens wereadopted as a national establishmentand now tliey conilst of T5 acre*, withthe arboretum adjoining extending 270acres. -

Wood Afford* ProtectionThe bureau of mine* lays that

wooden-soled «noe> are worn by cer-tain workmen at refineries whenbreaking np the coke whlcn has beeDdeposited In tlie stills. There re-mains considerable beat In tbe stillsand became of this the workers weirwooden-soled alioes and other pro-tective devices.

Watch Act* « CmlendmrAn oblong wristlet witch made re-

cently measure* only one inch by oneand one-half. It records not onl) thetine, bnt, In addition, tbe day of tbeweek, tbe month, the date, and tliephases of the moon. The last fourrecords are contained In small circleson the dial.

CltmingUctSliver lace n i i j be rejuvenated by

cleaning with gasoline or alcohol witha brash.. It mar also be cleaned bywAblag In salt water, using two tible-spoonfuls salt to each plat of water.—Philadelphia Public Ledger.

Expre*»*>* IncredalotunmwTlie expremlon "Tell It to tbe ma-

rines" carries the Idea that the speak-er ts Incredulous, it Is supposed tohave originated with seamen who con-sidered marines landlubbers, andtherefore easy to fool.

g Tittered"Please remesiber our comnoDlon

service next Sunday," announced aWorcester clergyman. "Tbe Lord willbe with ns daring the morning serv-Ice,- a id the bishop In the evening."—Boston Transcript.

. Old Englith SchoolTbe oldest school In England, ac-

cording to a historian of medlevilscjjools. Is King's school at Canter-bury, Kent, which was founded laSMt the year after 8 t Augustine'smission. ,

Worth Remembering- H e who is proud of his ancestors,"

said iu T , the sage of Chinatown,"Is under obligation to assume thatthej are still witcbful and eipeciaatto be prond of him."—Washington

Gtmet Fortune* Scattered' TIMre Is nothing keeps longer (bana Biidailng fortune and nothing meltsaifajr sooner than a "great one. Pov-erty tretds npon the heels of greatarid unexpected riches.—Brnyere,

Folly end htedne**F»lli consists- ID drawing of false

c~aoctaglons trom just principles, bywklcb It la dlslingutebed from mad-ness, wnlcb draws just conclusion!'from false principles.—Locke.

_ - Earlie$t "Cloeh*"The water clocks; or Clepsydra,

used ' by the Egyptians, Chinese,Greekl, and Romans, were the earliestforma of time-measuring devices cosstrvcted by mankind.

z Codling a SnowdriftInVtbe desert ranjea of the West

•beeproen sometimes cover snowdriftswltb.;'straw to delay melting andfurnish water for a longer period.

';;'•' Ditinfectant* .A*4klnfectnnt differs from an md-

septic la that It Is not sui posed tocon* Ift aclunl contact with a tiringperson.

On the Hop."All the new dances are evolved by

male-experts. Bat women still leadmen ihe old. old dance.—Exchange.

' Fan During Old AgeWe sincerely bellevi this: To tiave

more fun during old age. have lessfnn w.blle yonng.—Atchlson Globa

Remember Thi*The man wl.o conies out on ton Is

tlie one who first gets to the bottom<ff things.—Los Angeles Times.

. the FemthtwlBells were aied 'ior churches la

as early as MO A. D.



It It

Good Overcoatsni the Popular Blues and GraysLarge, Roomy, Swagger Styles

HERE Is am overcoat ratae wlthoat eqaaL The*»,eoat* hare the style, qaalitr a»i workmaMskip ofcoats that are price* MBICII atore ehewaeie. la styletke* are Jswt what the well-drenMd saea waat for thisw)at«r—Iartre, twtmj, with spotty I*™* • • • *»»h.Thejr may be had la the slaa/le aai aeable breaateastyles—in the popalar blaett aa< grays. Sp**Ut pre-holiday selling at

Hart, Schaffner k MarxOvercoats$35 to $75

S4 Speedwell Areaae Horristowa, \ . S.

Some Polish ImpertttiueVirtue and talents, though allowed

their doe consideration, vet are nolenough to procure a man a welcomewherever be conies. Nobody contentshimself with rough diamonds, or wearsthem so. When polished and set, theygive luster.—Locke.

Exercue ScientificallyScientific physical culture will

brighten tbe eyes, give the skin therosy hoe of health-, make the cheeksround, the flesh Brra, the body strongand symmetrical—beantifnl In all Itsproportions.—Bernarr MacFadden InPhysical Culture. .-...

Pipe-Laying Method*Pneumatic methods hare revolution

Ized the work of laying gas mains. Atruck provides air to operate tools fordigging the trench and to drive wirebrashes for cleaning the pipe prepara-tory to assembling and an air blastblows out the pipe before Joining.

Walker'* Danger SignalA patent for a cone for hikers has

recently been granted In England. Atiny bulb and battery provide "a redlight for protection when the owner Uwalking on the highways at night.

Legal DittinctionIn law, flotsam, or floatsam, Ig der-

elict or shipwrecked goods floating Inthe sea, while Jetsam Is goods thrownoverboard which sink and remain un-der the wnler.

Auyrian Headdre—ingAssyrian men covered their hair

with gold powder and gold thread.Beards nnd hair were curled. Theireyebrows were painted. Assyrian wom-en did not wear their hair curled.

SealedJ^oposaisSealed proposals will be received by

the Mayor and Council of tbe q r i - y hof Rockawmjr. at the Borough Han, .Rockaway, New Jersey, until eight F. „-M. December 13th. 1828. for the col-lection, disposal and removal of gar-bage in the Borough of Rockaway, inaccordance with a contract to be sign-ed, form of which is hereto anncxad.

The proposals must be made In ac- •cordance with said contract and tiii 'successful bidder will be required to -.furnish a surety bond for full amount ;of bid for the performance of the work -in accordance therewith.

Each proposal mast be accompan- 'led with a certified check for $100.00.The proposal must be sealed and ad-dressed to James B. May. Borough '"Clerk, Rockaway. Bidders are requir-ed to use the form to be furnished bythe said Borough Clerk in submitting 'bids for this work.

Tlie right is reserved by the Bor-ough' to accept or reject any or allbids, and it does not bind Itself to ac-cept a smaller bid. '

By order of the- Mayor and Council 'of the Borough of Rockaway, of the ,:,County of Morris.

JAMES B. MAY,Borough Clerk. ',

Dated, November 8th, 1928.

Win. HandleyTaxi,

Tel. J26-B Boelawarat Bardette's

Page 4: ROCKAWAY shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little

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fll* trtlar iftf In Iflfe *fiMtIhnf »f«rti* fif (ft* WOW** hnV*.

FIRST NATIONAL BANKAT TUB or R J i n n t ew< OCTOBER •• , , , .


IJtCOO: furniture tad Flstarac



MM h *fi«m(ir>r fh#i in H f, Tt |. f If ,!|ii,u in imtti',1 i i i i i i i i jh it rnihnr*<hK Hi HV t|(i\«flv ll»" "M

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11,it tun

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IfflilAliit pldtit " * ««r P">»I«M.

In tkU r»«|>M-l «r#

i, mint

for inHtrfnt. ta*e», and otlttr cxpctUM


mm MRimtlttif(t»»«!r, N, J.

; ! I «m» lo ii« nllli Ihf imiimnH' uf

?!<««<• i««rk imlcklf in(>tMt»*,

Alison Ball Opt. D

Inn. t,. liiinkn


trmed and


T i d a l • . . . - . ' « »dial* <>r N«w Jtro/, County of Horrlt, H:

I v. (i. KNOLBMAN. Caihltr of U M «t>OTa-aa«i*d _ „ , ,»»*«r Hint ill* »bor« aMUmmt ia ttw to tba bttt ot my k.

,„„, „ Ai nlkhl • l»«l»ii (imi.-c1 II M, ni«pkni>tl WrM>». IK»»rrj V ^ , 1 , , P

"wH«niSTimrntr-Mi»thw*iitt chtiNilt ttmi . , _ „ \ • W M ' mnXiio. } Dtracton^H»llM * » K «t>H (tltttttilirt Wltlt «•!• ^ ^ ; KPWIN •' WATTHKW8.

FOR SALELeghorn and Rhode Is-land Reds. 40c lb. whilethey lust. Tel. Rocka-way .V)7-M or call at

, , Bush Poultry Farmml LOW Prices Denville, N. J.

o n • : •• • - — '. ~

*v Custom TailoitHl Suits GEO. B. W H I T H A MMMI -,'»»-

t i i . 'tii.I l>» u t t t i t U l i ' (lti> tn« i

| . , | !M (.(.-(, M,t| . Kltil i l l ! I I , ' . , I l l *

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, , l I ... .!• t V ,.».-t,l.iU.^ -> ' ^ .

• H I P m i 4"> •.

$25,00 a Suit


N. J

ml dwuiii tu before me tola 10th lay of OctoberHAROLD S. " • "

and tuneral Directorcaracul scrrico and prompt attention

tJ».-u to Jill i-«lls. ii«r or night.

K««\pr»l r»rli<r!>—M»iu Strett


Kane-Brooksft Go.

7 WaU 8tmt


i Neon L%ktC»qH>ratloB

C H U M I Stock

(No par ralne)

Geo. R. TatteraallBeprcaentatire

H Wuktagtoa gtteet••rrfetowa

to V tfct «-i\r» h* taHa'

t tt

k i . Boou iattad High Sdttlkjcts


Qet admnce inform'm on the—



—A Six at theprice of a Four jac

' Ttr


Page 5: ROCKAWAY shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little

D A V . m, im

tockaway RecordMOVJCMBiai it. 1928

Local Briefii

., ,r,lKii (he Odd Fellows dance

S a y Hi?"'- ( : o a n d e D ) O y y 0 U r -

rI The Newark

I at [!»<•• 113th R e g i m e n t

Automobile Show willJ3tU Regiment Armi

,e, ai-Jiiue. Newark, Irom Jan

Ion Saturday evening, December 1st,will he a dance held in the

• lin avenue hall for the benefit\cml Heart Church. This will\ last dance held there this year

y a tore* attendance Is expected..ol inty clerk E. B. Mott vnd ou.I Dr. R- L- Mott, attended thetawion-Nav-v football game at Phil-|WC „,, Saturday. MidshipmanBertram Mott, 2nd, of Annapolis,i viitli ilii- Middles to a drill after'game. The Navy won.

|Th« dan.-<-s held In the Jr. O. U. A.„. i have been «o pleasing and so

tlUtiendeil that It has been decidedbold another dance on Saturdayjt, December 8th. The dance mu-

f. has i"'1"1 fi°od a n d t n e r e n M b w n

ih modern and old-fashioned danc-Oeorge Wliitham's famoua Quoit

i of the Odd Fellows has met an-ker defeat On Monday night thelilors gave them a good trimminglining eight gtmes out of fifteen.

how tlie mighty hare fallen!Ltain Hungerbuhler, of the Oddillons. says the troable with hjs

oo much ftve-hundred."

[joseuh Douglas, of Roxbnry town-•;H committed to the Morris

winy jail Monday on charges of•ging i lie names of George Cole and

Kuder of Chester townshipIthecks totalling about 170. He was

rested upon the complaint • of Em-M. Hockenbnry *od arraigned

[ore Justice of the peace W. W.[rdingly of Chester township.

• "- ;Bird, twenty Tear* old; « u

mil deail Monday morning in thenear tlie Dover Boiler Works,

I is believed to have been a victim'canned heat" and exposure. The

kly «as removed to the morgue of(amis and Schiller.' Bird had fre-jently been arrested by local policeI charges of drunkenness. The body

i found liy George Robinson, wholed police. ' ;

tzeclio-Slovaklais the latest coun-io he lirought within reach of

letk-au telephones. On NovemberI people here will be able to callpsue. capital of Ciecho-Blovakia for

I more a minute than the cost ofone call to London. It is the

Iteeutlt European nation connectedI telephone with ours, and addsIm 34,000 telephones-, the number|Prague. to the 28,000,000 and OTer

i Interconnected on tfie two conttn-

Alk-e Rowe, daughter Of Mr.! Mrs. wiinam Rowe, of Wharton,

married to Robert McLennan,at the parsonage, by Rev.

Mus stark, at Paterson. Thefie wore a gown of Mae, chiffon.

bridesmaid was Bliss Evelynfiler, of Rockaway, who wore black

The best nun was KennethBUM, Df WTiarton. After the c«re-K a dinner was served to aboutfty guests from New; York, Book-

Mine Hill and Wharton. Onreturn from a wedding'trip to

"lv. and Mrs. McLennan willfe their home In, Wharton. '

am Evans, colored,- of Whar-as committed to the Morris

Jail Sunday on a charge offlng an automobile while under the

Jwnee of liquor. He was arrested[Patrolman Owen Geary in Bpeed-

•ini". Morrlstown, after he hadinto another machine, caus-

[s'lRhl liamage. Evans # » • ex»m>hy in- George Johnson," police

peon, and pronounced unfit to op-uiuomoblle. He was then

f'Pieil before AcUng Recorder I*lo. who imposed a Ane of $200

I. costs u f n 6 unaote to p a y t l l e

'•J111- Ki-ims was sentenced to theWl for a ninety-day term. It

1 lu' i-i t he only colored resident

aiiiuiitl Memorial Services of'•'"'ise of Elks will be held next

y i'tturnoon, at 2:3ft, In the"i-"'1 Tliea:re, In memory of the

ll)eM "r the Lodge who have paBS-Vriv I m ring the past ye»r death"'"iitirntlMi Whltfleld B. Olllen.a

(eall.,1 ruler of the lodge; lJ.

1"" 'I'iijlor. John A. Roots. Jr.," Kh-iiardH, Nicholas n, SlstnJll!l" T. Unwell. Hon.-Joseph O.

' '--^I'X County State Senator,e th" uiatnr of the occaalon andnil Mi-vices will he In charge

f11' I'ltlKt- officers: An orchestrar l!" dii-oi-iion of Rudolph Forst,ll'rintili. [|,c m U 8 | c a n i j ^ g vocal-|«iil i,e p ( 1 9 t e r Miller, baritone,

Ixrine Angle, soprano. The''•' will beI ' l - a i i R o .

(<>l»nil»«lon Hud Ho»r Vear

BOCK A WAY BE(OBi)Get your mall Thanlc^iving ,iav

early in lUe morninK. The Post Of-Bee nil! dose for i|,(, <uy a , , , . , . , ! „, ,A. M. A I ) O u t H0.OO0 was reetortii by real

|estate brokers and saiesmau to com-The annual convention of the Mor- ' I'lalulug d i iu ta during tlie past year

ria County y. M. <;. A. will be hofd |a«:«ordtii8 to the annual


Monday evening, 3rd,report of the

New Jersey Real Estate Communionthe First M. E. Church, Dover. A sup-I111"1 *'ll» 'Juvernor A. Harry Mooreper will precede the cHtiventioiL I M o l e t i i a u *3O0,O00 has been refundedBiBhop Franci» .(. MI-CODnell. will de-l '° lllt* wmjflainitig uubllc hy licenseesliver the main address of the evenin*. ) a i n c e L h e inception of the commissionBiBhop McConuell wan recently ap-pointed Bishop of th€i New York Area.

Salvato Policasta. of Oenville, waalodged In the Morris Count}" jail Indefault ot a tine of fl5 Imposed onhim by Acting Recorder Louis Tre-mallo on a charge of operating anautomobile with improper licenseplates. Policaeta was arrested byTrooper C. H. Elmeadorf in Denvllle.He waa fined $15 and in default wassentenced to 10 days lu the countytail.

Hlt-ant-Rsn Victim Dies

Nelson Wright, 49 years old, whowas struck by a "hit-and-run" driveron the Mount Freedom road, succumb-ed to his Injuries in Memorial Hospit-al Thursday night. He waa taken tothe hospital after a passing motoristhad discovered hig unconscious formlying alongside the road. He did notregain consciousness before he died.He sustained a fractured skull and In-ternal Injuries.

State troopers hare been runningdown every available clue in an effortto find the driver of 'the machine thatstruck Mr. Wright. Thus far theyhave been unsuccessful, although theyare still working on a number of def-inite clueB.

Mr. Wright lived on the Mount Free-dom road and was on his way homewith a pound of butter when struck.He has been a lifelong resident ofMorris County and ia the son of Har-ry C. and Susan Hart Wright, whosurvive. He Is also survived by twoBisters, Mrs. Eva Chambers and Mrs.Catherine Hinks and three brothers.

I ia 1!!21. Considerably more moueybeen restored than the report, of

the commission discloses because uu-meroua voluntary settlements weremade by erring brokers, salesmen andand developing companies which didnot reach tlie public hearings of thetorn mission.

The report showa a total of 862 com-plaints filed during the year all ofwhich were investigated by lhe fieldforce of the commission and resultedIn the public hearing of 340 seriouscharge*. The licenses of 8 operatorswere revoked and 21 suspended. 11requests for renewal of licenses weredenied because of violations of the li-cense law. Many persons chargedwith operating without licenses plead-ed guilty and paid the penalty of *20Oas prescribed by law. Others weremade defendants in actions broughtby the Attorney General's Departmentfor the collection of the penalty.

The commission had a busy yearhandling more than 101,484 pieces ofmall matter licensing 13,285 brokersand 4,914 salesmen.

NsrtJi JerwT Will Hav« Great

"Northern Jersey ia going to be thegreatest industrial center of Amer-ica", was the' prediction of EdwardMcDermott, real estate authority ofHudson County at the real estate

Roial ChM«tar» Tmferts Baauaet

As an lnslnaative to do bigger andbetter things In the way of tossingrubber quoits, a banauet at the Tel-low Bowl, 'last Friday evening, wasgiven to the members of the RoyalChandler Quoit Team by their localbacker, .Mr. B. A. Lynch. After tuck-ing away the bountiful spread themembers were addresses by Mr. Lynchwho stated that he was very muchImpressed with the enviable record be-ing hung up by the team and In hisremarks made it known that it wajhis desire that the goal of the RoyalChandlers be nothing short of thechampionship of Morris County, fo l -lowing Mr. Lynohs' talk several of themembers were called upon for a fewremarks. Incidentally a real oratorwas uncovered in the person of "Bob"

meeting at the Morrlstown Y. M. C. A.|T«acNell. Bob certainly was equal tolast week. This development will notbe massed together, however, butrather, spread over a large territory

Mlf-samcient' Centers. -The * new-bridge, the vehicular tunnels, railroadelectrification, new highways and buslines will make this speedily pos-sible".

"This Bhould not interfere," he add-ed, "with, the continued developmentof large areas for restricted hlgh-clasB residential sections".

"In this new movement, the redestate men nave a great opportunityand also a great reipoaaiMlity Jor r T.-Ing'h intelligent direction. They a n tbe students of condlUuu,1 know re»l.values, watch trends, understand altr.planning, toning and taxxtloir"., ;

the occasion.Since the Royal . Chandlers have

been feted for. past performance's theyhave pledged themselves to continueto add mow -victories to the followingrecord for which they are Justlyproud.

CUM Actress Gala*

Marjorie Jennings, five-year-olddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jen-nings, of Dover, who made her debutIn theatrical circles by attaining theleading role in Hal Roach's "OurGang" motion picture contest, will ap-pear In the 8t«n*ey Theatre, JerseyCity, for one week,; commencing Mon-day night, and next «reek will appearIn Newark. The clever impersonationmugs and dances of the little actresshas attracted favorable comment intheatrical circles.

An HoMKt-lo Goodness Banijaet

rThe business men of the town arearranging a banquet to be held at theYellow Bowl, on Thursday night, Dec.6, In honor of the Championship Foot-ball Squad pf the local High School,who will be their guests. Those whoattended last year's banquet will want(o go this year. Get your tickets fromDuncan Smith, Win. Gerard or Jas.B. May, the committee in charge.


Unkind StatementIt has been confirmed that light

travels UJO.UOO miles a second. WhenIt ililkes a human skull, however, Itloses most of Us velocity.—New YorkGvenlng Post.

By Fore* of Habit"Bauds np I" growled the lough

pundit . "Go on, yon bum," repliedthe former second (lentenimt, "yourotate first."—Detroit News.

' Mankind't GovernorThe cerebrum, or mure narrowly the

gray nuttier of the cerebrum, Is usual-ly n-garded as the seat of conscious-ness In (he human brain.

' Occoratira AftritatiMCiefiilncss and benutv, color and

originality—the correct attributes ofmodem decoration.

Soft for Egg StmnaWei salt will rtmoii « n 'italnj

trow tllTtr.

NEW PLAYHOUSE Ig; tuilay fur three 'lay* ah a

Kivmg entertainment 1" theeairc around tlif corner, is tlielittle li

epic Iii-li story uf mother love witha splendid all-star cast "Mother Ma-chree. ilt-lle f i t n u e u . of tile

popular rharacter actr^sseH in the U.S. i» admirably cast for the maluraallpart in "Mulher Macuree" Fu* Films'veraloii of Rida Johnson Vuuug's »ougand story of mother-love. Johu Fordis the director. Miiss Bennett. *'bowon international fame by iier unfor-getable performance in "Stella Dal-las" brings to thiH BWeeteHt of Irishstories a broad human sympathy anda full compliment of mother-lovedrawn from the recesflen of her ownsoul Studio critics and the public atlarge who have been fortunateenough to have seen "Mother Ma-chree" pronounce her present charac-terization one of the most touchingroles Hhe has ever attempted. Humorand pathos are adroitly blended in a

rift moving; plot which reaches agmoshing climax when Miss BennettIs confronted by the necessity of|claiming or rejecting her own son.IrlsU scenes and sequences are faith-fully reproduled ss many of the balk-grounds were filmed in Galway, Thecast Includes Ethel Clayton, VictorMcLaglen, Ted McNamara and Phil-ippe DeLacey, one of the most beauti-ful and remarkable child actors, iscast In the role of Brian the son ofMother Machree. The second episodeof the Collegians enaitled Calford vs.Redskins will be the additional enter-tainment with the Pathe News openingthe show. '

On Saturday Ranger, the WonderDog, will star In "Dog Law" a mightymelodrama of life and live in Cana-da's Rockies. Newlyweda "Unwel-come" is the comedy tnd the Kiddies'Party and No. 7 Haunted Island willfeature the matinee only.

A big double feature'bill for Mon-day and Tuesday Includes ColleenMoore in "Qh! Kay" a feature gay asthe1 dance tunes It made famous—also"Billy in Our AlUy" starring ShirleyI*A6n. "Oh! Kay" Is said lo be thegayest show Colleen ever gave, withfun galore when this charming boot-leggeresB poBes as substitute bride-to-be for a man Bbe'cJ uerer «e«n before—on;his weddiag uJglit—to. escape therevenue officers. In "flalfy to OurAlley" you'll see- Shirley Mason in trote inimitably her own—a hoydenislorphan of tenement streets, whose loya! Jpving. heart rise* above lntoleran,ttam to' tru'e- aaSpfnes'*~A''

Berkshire Civic Club.. . .15 8Jr. O. U. A. M. .18Denvllle P .O. 8. of A. ..181. O. a P. ftockaway... . lS •Denvllle P .O. 8. ot A. ..18Jr. O. U. A. M. Rockaway 15Dover F 0. S. of A. . . . . 1 8Berkshire Civic Club 7>. .N.18..



X. E. Ca»re•• " r ! •

The quarterly Communion Servicewill be held Sunday morning at 11o'clock. Persons desiring to Join thechurch will present themselves at thisservice. The annual offering for theNear East Relief Fund will be taken»t this time. 136,000 orphans In theNear East are still to be ted and cloth-ed and educated. What help will youglveT • '••„• ; , • -._

The Junior Order, tlnlted AmericanMeohanlcs will attend the eveninglervice. . A male Quartet will sing.The pastor will speak on "The Lord-ship of Jeans."

The monthly meeting of the OfficialBoard at the close of Prayer Servicenext Wednesday, December 5th.

to' trfi'e-Jna^pfneM. "X" .greai•. toon't' miss it. Two goo*

showa for one small admission.Coming ne^t.Wednesday, Thursda;

and Friday, C a r l ^ e a W ) ! ^ outstandlng.achievenwnt^'UKte JTbm'* Cabin"

Remember every TuWklay and Frlday nights are China Nlrirt*.. Get th<full set of tinted china




'Republican members of'(he l i t } seaston In caucus at Trenton Honda)voted to support the election of GuGeorge Gabrlelson - of i w n i as speaker, and Wm. B. Knigbl.' of Camdeoas majority leader. Because or tinheavy Republican majority In the Legislatnre, the selection is Equivalent tinomnatlon and election.

Members of the Senate named The*A. Mathias. of Ocean, president, anArthur N. Plerson, of Uhtoe, majorit:l eader . •". •<*•-•' ^f"1"

The choice <by 'both"group* waiwithout opposition. .


Kfekawtr l»Ugk CMI C«.Koekawart If. i .


•; On The Stage—Presenting



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Decemher 8-4-5



with JAIfET GAYXOH, the Star at uUh HeaT«n"

K. H. Sparnoh and His Oroheatra at All Performances

Thanksgiving NeedsCarversStainless steel blades, genu-ine Stag and Compositionhandles small or large blade.In pairs or sets. Very mod-erately priced.

Table CutleryStainless blades. Composi-tion handles. White and col-on. Sets of twelve piece's.Prices from ..

Roasters"Wearever" Aluminum at a.-, -a- i

Savory Enameled, 6 styles. Prices H25 t» HM

Aluminum Cooking Utensils,

S. H. Berry Hardware Co.15 E. Blackwell St., Dover Tel. 947

Open Saturday Evenings


COALSlw>» — frotapt




Now Showing New LineChristmas ToysStationeryf etc

Buy Now and Buy RightPay us a visit before going out of town.

Open Nights until 9 o'clock

Newsdeafeis Phone 54 Rockaway

BUYChristmas Presents

NOWWhile not all items in our stock hare been reduced for thisspecial offering, there are plenty of timely bargains tosave money on if you buy now, It is a splendid chance tolay in your Christmas Gifts.

A Big AssortmentDolls and Carriages, Desks with chairs

for children, Wagons and Sleds, Scooters andKiddie Carts, All kinds of Games and Toys,Beautiful line of Leather Goods, FountainPens, Pipes and Cigars, Excellent Selectionof Books, Stationery, Building Blocks, Elec-tro Sets, etc.Everything at Popular Prices. Absolutely guaranteed ormoney refunded.


Stationer and Newsdealer

Page 6: ROCKAWAY shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little

SixBat, Not Blimd

•As blind as a bat" is a mistaken•tmile. AH have efficient *J>«, (hose ofthe orleuial fruit-eating sorts being »t\i*. natural to their foslike counte-nances, lu our more fuiuliiar lnsect-«Bting siHH-ies they are likel.v to be•mall, beaflllke «ud nearly hidden inthe very soft fur with wlileli those•nlumls arc clmlipd: the old Englisham! German unmet "Hitting mite" werenut bud ones.

Event to RememberAu elderly employee of a London

pro'il sharing company, on receivingh|g first protit warrant, turned to 1 liemanager and siiirt: "Goodness ^nflmercy hnve followed me all the days« ( mj life, hut this Is the tirst blink-In' time they have ever overtakenme :"—Christian World.

Flocked to Hear GalileoGalileo, born lu 1564 In Pisa, Italy,

Invented lite proportional compass—mi Implement still used In geometri-cal drawing—anil. constructed - theflrgt thermometer. Hts scientific lec-tures were attended b? overflowingaudiences, HO that a ball accommo-dating 2,000 people was requited.

Good Cheer InvaluableGood clieer Is just as essential to

life ns suuslilne, air, and water. Fuilli-«rmore, It is jusl «s plentiful. It notoiilv helps you, but It helps others.It spreads like the ripples In a pool«f water. Keep smiling. Spread goodcheer.—Grit.

FatnouB Negro PainterHenry 0. Tanner was a negro, born

In Pittsburgh In 182U, who heroine afamous painter. A number of bis paint-ings were purchased by the Frenchgovernment for it* collection of mod-ern arts In Hie Luxemburg gallery.His favorite themes were scriptural.

America's Wonder*The Seven Wonders of the United

Slates art usually enumerated an Ni-igara falls. park. Mam-nielli cuve, Hie Garden of Ihe Gods,Colorado; tbe giant trees of Califor-nia; Natural bridge iu Virginia andtbe loeemlte valley.

Men'* Earring*Earrings are still worn by some

•fishermen on the Belgian coast They'are very rarely worn by men else-where, but sre sometime* seen In tbecars of gypsies and a few Indiansand Spaniards.

The DifferenceWe are unable to appreciate the

value of the air we breathe because It•costs us nothing. That Is one reason

. why a dollar you earn Is a mountain-an<| one given you Is a molehill.—Atctil-«on' Globe.

laraelitith HeavenIt is remarkable how vague was the j

Idea of nfter-llfe the Israelites bid. jIt was after lite Babylonian captivity jthai they developed their concept of J»ieaven ss a reward.fur virtue, havingborrowed it from their captors.

Hotel High in AirThe highest hotel- In Europe is ths

Ktilm hotel at the terminus'of the Zer-niait-Goniergrat railway In Switzer-land, it Is 1R t!inps higher ttinn theWtoohvorth building of New York.

Wo Whit* Official*.Wberisi Is a republic populated en-

tirely by negroes, and governed bythehi. Wlille a few while engineershave been employed In Liberia, HeyAre not covernmeut officials.

Some Entha*ia*t$Too many vainglorious fellows who

kid themselves Into believing that theyare making history are actually onlymaking hysteria.—Fort Wayne News-Sentinel.

Few Found UnfitThe national average for physical

rejections of drafted men during the jWorld »•».• was 8.1 per cent. Mary- :

land had the lowest, only 4.94 per icent.

FoolUh Extreme*It is absurd to suppose tint every-

thing faMiionable is bad. as It wouldbe to suppose that everything unfash-ionable Is good.—Miimerie.


Pot Self A*ideFriendship Is a might? factor In this

hard world, since by friendship comessetf-forgelfulness; nml no uitin cando great works unless he forgets self.

WAy, Oh Why?One of life's unsolved mysteries Is '

why those who have nothing to sayalways take so 4ong to say It.—S;I-ouls Post-Dispatch.

Name It PhenecianThe Spnnifcb city or Seville ivits hull:

by tbe I'lionet'luus. They nnmed itSephnla—mareliy plain—a name whichUltimately was changed to Seville.

Importance of RubberIt Is estimated that rubber now l>

used In the production of ,10.1*11 nr- ilieles. I

Both Fatal •It's a question which kills most peo

pie, germs or grrmclies,—Funu andFlttsMe. , , >

Make for HealthHope, faith nnd buoyancy me sister

handmaidens to heiltu.—W. G.

rWhem Metml Get* Tirmi


Make YourThanksgiving

Completewith an


Jay Bros.Clothes for the

familyCash if you have it,

Credit if you want it

JAY BROS.30 W. Blackwell St., Dover

Opposite Baker TheatreOPEN EVENINGS

The new Fordhas a very simple and

effectivelubrication system

THE lubrication system forthe engine of tbe new Fe*d

• is at simple in principle a*Water running down-hill.

A gear pump in the bot-tom of the oil pan raises theoil to the valve chamberreservoir. From here itflows on to the main crank-shaft bearings and tbe frontcamshaft bearing. Overflowoil drops into the oil pantray and runs into troughsthrough which the connect-ing rods pass.

As the ends of these rodsstrike Ihe oil they scoop upa supply for the connectingrod bearing. At the samelime they set up a fine spraythat lubricates the pistonsand other moving parts.

From the tray the oil runsinto the bottom of the pan,and is again drawn upthrough a fine mesh screenand pumped to the valvechamber.

This system is so effectivethat ihe five-quart contentsof the oil pan pass throughthe pump linn- in everymile when you are travelingat only 30 miles an hour.Yet there is only onemovable part — theoil pomp.

A* a matter of fact, thelubrication system for thenew Ford is so simple in de-sign and so carefully madethat it requires practicallyno service attention.

There is just one thingfor yoq to do, but it is a veryimportant thing ._, . watchthe, oil! Change the oilevery 500 miles and be surethe indicator rod never rcg.ulers below low (L).

If the oil level is allowedto fall below low, the supplybecomes insufficient to oilall parts as they should beoiled.

To insure best perform-ance it is also advisable tohave the chassis of your carlubricated every 500 miles.This has been made easyin the new Ford through theuse of the high pressuregrease gun system.

Proper oiling and greas-ing mean so much to the lifeof yonr car that they shouldnot be neglected or care-lessly done.

See your Ford dealer reg-ularly. He is especially well,fitted to lubricate the new

Ford and he win do• good, thoroughjob at « fair price.

Mexico Grateful toTtltphoneOperaton

Operators of tbe New JerseyBell Telephone Company whoserved through tbe nlgnt wbenthe body of the Mexican flyingace, Captain Kmllio Carransa,was found by a berry pickerhave received the "sincerethanks" o( the Mexican govern-ment "for their spontaneity andwillingness to be of service onthat memorable occasion."

When knowledge of the rateof the gallant Carrauza, wing-Ing homeward from a good will(light to the United States, wasplucked from the South Jerseypines country, Mt. Holly wasthe nearest sizable town to tbescene of disaster where he badcrashed In a lightning storm,The mexican letter o' thankswas transmitted there by ArturoM. Ellas, Mexican Consul Gen-eral.


I Add one more to the long list ofcriminals who have run Into th* tele-phone network of circuits and a squadof policemen soon after they naveturned their, backs in flight from theircrime. Fast, Intelligent co-operationwith the Westneld sollce by MissCatherine Krause, chief operator forthe New Jersey Bell Telephone Com-pany there; Miss Mabel Cardner.clerk, anil Miss Grace Tompklns, su-pervisor, speedily ended the get-awaytrail for this murderer, but let theWeatfleld chief of police himself tellabout Ibis particular bit of service.His letter to H. B. Wanderer, Mana-ger, Westneld:Dear Mr. Wanderer:

I am writing this to congratulateyou on hiving such a Chief Operatoras Miss .Krause and also your opera-tors. We had a colored woman, mur-dered early this morning and the mangot awiy. We learned he had a tele-phone conversation wltb a party andwas to call again. I called HissKrause and asked her to look out forths call, which she did, and to make along story short we got our man. Now,Mr. Wanderer, I ask you to convey toMiss Krtuse and the operators myesteem, appreciation and the heartyco-opetation In this case. Thankingyou with best wishes.

Very truly yours, *(Sgd) JOHN C. R0SECRANS,

Chief of Police.


The Time Bureau ot tbe New JerseyBell Telephone Company made Its de-but August 1. It furnishes tbe thai ofday—or night—upon request. Themethod ot obtaining the time will beto ask the operator for "Time Bureau."

The Bureau furnishes time in tbenorthern part of tbe State only, forthe present. A cbarge ot five cents Ismade for each time the Bureau's serv-ice Is used, and this charge, It Is an-ticipated, will be sufficient to maintainthe Bureau, which is established as a.convenience tor telephone users and isentirely separate from regular tele-phone service.

The practice ot furnishing the timethrough the switchboard operatorwithout charge has been discontinuedin the few communities where it stilleiista in the area the Time -Bureauserves, because this service hasplaced an Increasing harden upon thetarnishing of regular telephone serviceia those communities, which waa -thereason for discontinuing the practiceyean ago In all other districts In thearea.


A. new development in telephotogra-phy was achieved the other day whena hundred-win! message, written inthe new shorthand method known asspeedwrlting. was sent over the wiresof the American Telephone and Telegraph Company trom New York to Los

A metal gets tired and needa »tbe same as does an animal, declare*Prof. 3. B. Kommers, eirpert on melfttfatigue at the University of Wisconsin. When an axle breaks or an antomobile wheel drops off without "~parent cause, (be reason usuallyihat the metal was fatigued



and1113 1 (.lie m ^ i v i !•»— - — — D -

needed a rest and didn't get It. ThereIs no way of preventing this fatiguesays Popular Science Monthly, e*cepiby resting the metal.

Mice Put to U$eOver 50,000 mice can be found a:

Rayleigh, Essex, England, and they arecherished Inhabitants whose presenceis a source of local pride. Tbey bnve• home of their own, tailed the ilous-ery. feed on specially prepared tidbits and are so happy that tie? wllnot leave their bouses. The mice arebred and «nt io universities for experlmental parpfses.

"Indian*" Wrongly NamedOur lied Indians were so called by

error. They were called Indians bfrcause tbe first discoverers of NorthAmerica thought they bad found thenorthwest passage to India, and socalled the Inhabitants Indians. Sim!larly the Islands known ai the WesiIndies were so named because «f Hiebelief that tbey were part of India

Headleu Ghott ReportedSark, on the Channel Islands. Is

having ghost scares. Many declarethat a headless man In black andwhite and riding a white horse, hasbeen seen In different parts of thecountry. Another tale Is that a spe-cial Dominican monk roams the Islandeach night and vanishes pact morning

Mert NaturalA peculiar fact In' the field of nBt

ural science Is that when tbe cargoes over a bnmp the girl alwaysbounces to the left, where the youngman at the wbeel is sitting, and neverin ti.j other direction.—Ohio StateJournal.

rV«i(A( of HairAuthorities say that the weight of

tbe hair naturally depends upon Itslength and thickness. It Is rare thaithe balr weighs more than 12 ounces,although where there Is considerablegrowth It may attain from 14 to 16ounces.

Steam Subdued FirmA gasoline distilling plant on I'eliys

Island In the Delaware river caaghrtire and employees (ought It withsteam whlcb was directed through ahose. Water could not be used, butthe steam did the work.

Cheap Advice"Ench tells others what tbey ought

to do," said H! Bo, the sage of China-town, "which leaves a sense of dutysatisfied without the personal excuseof moral endeavor."—Washington Star.

Perhap* AU Are RightSome people think (lie radio Is a

toy, some find it a blessing, to othersIt is .merely one more nuisance andyet others make It a cause snd acrusade.—Woman's Home Companion.

EducationEvery man who rises above the

common level receives two educations:the first from his Instructors: thesecond, the most personal and Im-portant, fron. himself.—Gibbon.

Another Specie*Ion seldom see the crnnd manner

any more, but there is the man whotaps the drug store showcase with acoin because he 4s in a hurry to buya stamp.—Los Angeles Times.

EoU Thing I* WorryDon't worry. Long continued. In-

tense worry Is one of the most com-mon causes of physical degeneration•and ultimate breakdown.—Bear Admlral Bralsted.

Wisdom in ForgiveneuA wise man will make baste to

forgive, because he knows the fulliu,Bi*e, uecnuee ne Knows the fulli i a s y 3 t e m o f <""<-e of "me and will not .offer

of the alphabet and can be read by any-one familiar with the system, withouta chance of error.

Hiss Emma B. Dearborn, originatorof this shorthand method, sent her pic-ture and greeting in speedirrlting bytelephotograph to Miss Ruth Roland,motion Picture star in Los Angelea,and Miss Roland replied in a similar -. "manner. The limit for an ordinary ,, ™ l t ' e Creek physician says, "Con-typewritteo message mich as a single !Ii?a,fcOn i s responsible for more mls-plcture. Is 800 words to be sent by e l T t h a n a n v <>«»«••<*••«•"telephotograph. hut as many as 2,500 I o u n a

words can be sent over telephone lies atiracts water from the 9 w l m

wires in<-one picture by the use of j i n t n ,•,. ,„ . sssiemspeedwrlting. ?a . >- 5 ' c v a c ' l a t i n B bowel

, called the colon. The water loosensFACTS ABOUT THE TELEPHONE, dr>" f o o d w a s t e an'l causes n:

, gentle, ihorough movement withoutGood breeding Is revealed quite as r° r n i"'6 a habit or evpr i n n w l n g '

much by courteous manners over the l l l e u o s c - Itelephone'as it would be in a drawing Slop suffering from conatlnatinn 'room. . Chew a Rexall Orderlie nt *>a.l.luu-

A pleasing telephone personality is Gerard's Drug Store.a personal asset

pass away In unnecessaryRambler.


ery than any other causeBut Immediate rellet has been


TheEtiquette ofStationery


Letter for correct socialusuage acclaims your goodjudgment.

Distinguished, heavy pay-

er with fabric finish. The

latest and best i» only

SL25In white and modish tints



HOPATCONCI LINK—'1MorrtstowB, Mncfls Plains, Mt.

Tabor, DetMTllleV Dwrer, Mine HiO,KCRVU, g s i c c a s i — , Iiedgewooa,iMndiac, Bettnaada Islawl, Net-COOK, Staahoae, Badd Lake, Craa-berry Lake, Aatdorer, Newton.

B M M learn Mala an* Wall Sii»_F.r Knul l

"Week days and Mtnrda}* 6:15A. II., 6:36 A. M., an&every SO minutountil 10:06 P.M. »B« 11 GO I'M.U i . s i P . M . Wliaxton Ju.>, (I3.scX>over only).

Sundays. 7.(It A.M., and e\iry 30minutes until 10:01 P. M and 11:01P. 11. (11:51 P. If. Wharton Jet.),(12:55 A. M Dover only).

Far LaasUaar*Week anys and Saturday C:l!>

A. II.. 6:36 A. M.. and every hour until8:36 P.M. and l l :» l P.M. ,

Sundays- 7 06 A. sf._ and even houruntil 9:16 V M and l i:M P. M

Far Kt tnac • • « »«s«»«pfWeek dajs and Saturday* «:15

A.M.. 8:36, ,:3S, CIS, 10.31; 11:31A. II.. 1:36 f M, 2:J«, 4:J», 6 in 7:31,8:36, 9:36, 11.06 P.M.

Sundays: 7:3* A.M.. 8:36. 10:31,11:36 A.M., 1:36 P.M., JUS. 4:36,5:11,7:36, 6:J6, 9:36, 11:«( F.lL.

Far *«•««•Week days , Saturdays and Sun Jayi:

8:36 A.M., 11:36 A.M., 1:36 P.M., 5:3«P.M.. 8:3« P . M.f a r

Week days and IA. JU., 6:54 A. M, «:14 A. M., and everr

5:30tardaytnutes unt i l ( :S( P . a t ; then everr

hour until 9:54 P .M. and 11:24 CM.(7:24 P.M.. 8:24 P.M., »:24 P. II. Ml.Tator only). -:•-••-,

Sundays: 6:20 A. M., «:B4 A. M., andevery hour until 10:61' A.M.; thenevery 30 minutes until 1:64 P. M., andevery hour until l:St P.M. and 11:21F, SI. (7:24 P. M., 8:14 P. II., 5 24 P. K.Mt. Tabor only).

WHABTON BUB CINE—10Dover and Wawrton.

•sacs leave LaefeainMUMi S l«t l« - :Week days and Saturday t:U

A.M. and every I t : minutes until6:48 P.M.

UUSES FOt HIKEPublic Strrict Dt Luxe bum*9mi * tplniii M W of earn-ing pcrtitt Io At tteJun, mom-tarns, thtmtn, or. a*. tUtiic or«htt evtnlu Tkrf on ««< I"fiaiici, euthigf, m. ttmu

Phone: Mwrut*r* 2S09


J. H. Blanchard & Co.Mannnutnren Of


with or without handles

All kinds ot Edge Tools and

Mowers Sharpeaed

St. r k « M sUckawsr :


It is hetter to get the correct num \Rock D r i l l B Auomobile Springsber from the telephone directory than U w » Mowers Sharpened PliiTnhin-to call the wrong one from memory, i DAVID HART '

An order for $200,000 worth of ai1. Blacksmithvertlslng was placed recently fron General RcpalrlneLondon in New York by radio tele i Telephone Itockaway 4 »phone. The India Tea Growers' As »A a I 1 k l n ( ' 9 of tools ground an.l . ! , . .soclatlon decided Io spend thai »,. «n.d " 8 h a r p -anwatt to popularize India, tea. •" C o r - Unl<"> St.. Hibernla Avs.


wm t n BBD


M A a l . Piiallaff 0»i TarnlakMf jSigns aod^Xattarhtg of Evtry

DsscrtpUoaTel. H81 I t l K Blaekmll I


Carpeitcr aWi »slWtr, , Estimates O l « n

Jobblag m SpMialtfKOCKAWAT. H. J.

INDIAN SFBlire WATERAialrse. as tie Paresi Sprin;'Brodueei. Takea tot* aSprlsir. Man stlanlatl>ic'reseat thaa «UMr mttr* A I"III caitlaec jag>


Page 7: ROCKAWAY shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little

Watlmg TotemX ™e*lt«"!,„„. the people of tbe Unit-

f f " ° ' . ioiifri-ed . wealth of* ".ouir.'s, ««y» th« Forestryj S r o f H" American tree assort*.

* " - " , , ! ,,-,-»uae of the very lui-» " * ' ( ' l (i,. ui. They seemed be-

i iiic [---iWiKy ot exhaustion.•m<j e one of our naturaljte ne have spent witb «


Medieval EmMeans

The C«IIM ' f 1 " " ' s l s a r e l l c o t m G d 1 'tint- c( the armorial insignia

,.,nl,roidered on tbe clothHie nrmor to render a

.pi uous in buttle. Herald-[4S iiovHuptd during the Crusades,„ it IUIS- necessury for a knight


r, ,|t lie

cessary r ghmark by wblcn he i

Later the emblem* Iund recorded. I

I TAe Tannel in Hittory! xjmneifc cut tliroogh solid rock wltb

tit aid «< f | i nP l e h a n d t 0 ° ' * w e r e D u l u

to many of me ancient civilised na-'!L, Wudiiig the Egyptians, Assy.ijtuii (Jreoks Azetcs, Peruvians andW of India. The oldest known

were used as the entrance tomral lowo c" for W U « I « M purposes,t by 500 I). 0. the Greek* were usingnncls for milling.

Room for AllHirvard nstroneirws, after s i s

jmn of careful "photometric" meas-have let a tack out of the

. . . urn) report It to be a thou-, times bigger than has bam aup-fffd Tlt-re ls room for all, ap-

itlt, find places to go to wben-we are crowded or stsrved off

tae earth.

Ttache* HomeThe United States bureau of borneommies was established to MOB. It

lilt a dual icle. It* flu Jog* are vaintitle to those who »ro Interested In

llgfDt consumption and to tboie[btcrested In efficient production ofkoDtebold eiialpment, foodttesai andUler goods and services utei la thekoine.

Early AwtrmmmmEratosthenes (0. 2T5-1DB B. a ) of

Cjme was the t int astroaMMf to at-itmpt to measure the distance •roundIk earth. Bis calculation! of toe clr-nmference came surprisingly near thetraii, the degree of error kelnf on)/I trifle mere than 33 minutes,

Mane Puzzled BattyLittle Betty iraa viewing the varl-

•u animal exhibits i t the w o with-fyeO Interest Pausing' before

Ike lion's cage elie asked ber mother:"Doei he always wear a An neck-

In the summer UmeT" ><

Bearing III Novt*I It Is above all thlngt strange to

how rum bear 111 news!' Oftenstrongest till then become the

eakest, \rlilic the weakest, a* Ifwe, reach up and steal strengthhm Hie toils.—Kipling.

Alaska'* Fir* School| The lii'-! known -school In Aaska

tifniil at Three'Saints, Kodlak, lTfrr,, by Shelikof. a Russian

rcder, i0 mTord religion* and secular(lining, AH schools are noil undert burcnu of education. '

Time to UncorkI Europe is experimenting In building•"uses of -r.rk. First thing we know

rglors niii all be carrying cork-«w6 «s part ot their felonious

t.—Los Angeles Times.

Btntfit in Shmrmgt an orgnment In favor of soelfl

lections is the obscrratlon that bj•-mranicatlng our grief we bate less.

: b; commuDlcaMng our pleasure'lave more.—Grevilla

Java for Bommty "' ;

: Island of lava. It U said, hasi most beautiful highways ~la tbe« i Trees bsv« bees planted along> roadsides, until new 19,000 nUles

w e s a J t — I r \ u m 9 m> breakfast room It the enbny bole«'« Jon eat dinner and MUfar to1 lolling t ftt.1, tabl«d«ik.^f«l«co Chronltleu T

«• eropa,dertoea suy be

ws. bmed at tbe

^Handicap of"' alone knows eoatlct; weakow even tttfeat, tM M boraJ-Mme, tweteHW, • • ''

c « " « Strongly BmiU•aitle, North Wales, be-1 nlo to be UM beat pre-ln tbe comriry.

,. So

L ' lh*Comnmtl

' - " o f

Us* Bright Binding*tibrury workera liave found (liat

tittln-reiitl books often become morepopular ulieu Utiil colur^'d or »< iii^icoven arc r^iiluced sith brighterbinflingK A spe<_iul co^f-r, coat«:U will;a material simllur to a dii-mli'sil lliil.-husetj ou mok»r rarH, has IK^'U ii,!iij-liuced. It Is waterproof, finger marks \iiucl staius m:iy eaeily be wnniicJ off,und it c&fi l«e obtaimofl in s u ulevarie-ty of colors and Uvsi^ii^.—I'fijiii-lar Mecimxik's Magazine.

Size and EfficiencyIn Hlrplauca, Increase In size de- ;

creases relative efficiency. The freightload tliat a plane can sustain In pro- 'portion to Its weight \e less as the ,size of the plane Increases. Tbe re- jverse Is true of airships. Everj In- ;crease In the size of the alrehlp !means n decrease In the funoant olhorsepower reiuired for each pass-enger.


I h;i v*; ol>.wv*-d of luy K«X thaii'r%; i s !i i*itii<](»j' I n f i i t ' i r p r i v a t e e o n -

'I'.Sil ;<»h« Hi! It V'At It *i\^i('!' Vililt WO1»-) k i i o w i m t l i i n g J t t f i

{•ts i in'ii i i d i iu t . ^ Is*


ter, iimj fruiniMillyn i i i l inucii from binJIIIK.-II a s fruiu any

. . .Mi-ii of ri -illUf-t; Uity lire disjioy djo^etJ tox.—K. C. Hcwe's Monthly.

"Ifj ^ucb con-fuulis with

M\V Bb</Uiti tio tU». 1 have j

.li Intimacies; joliifr source,wiirili rarely

to iijiolo-

Faith That LtuttThe OD!J faith that wears well and

holOs Its color In al! weitner !e thatwbloh 1? woven of conviction and setwith tbe sli&rp mi>r<inr.t c-f experieoce.— I-OWtli.

True AH ThroughHe that is habituated to deceptions

and artificialities in trifles will try IDvain to be true In matters of impor-tance, for truth is a thing of habitrather than of will. You cannot Inany given case by any sudden andsingle effort will to be true, If theliablt of your life has been Insincer-ity.—F. W. Robertson.

lac* Mahing Old IndnrtryLuce making was Invented in the

year 1561, st St. Annaberg, la Sai-ony, by Barbara Dttmann. The firstestablishment of lace manufacture inEngland Is said to he doe to tomerefugees from Slanders, who settledIs the village of Cranfleld, in the westof tbe county of Bedford, adjoiningBucklDlhinnhlre.

Know No S*aTbe ezlatence of set serpenti li un-

confirmed by official records of theCoast and Geodetic inrvey, coveringtbe 113 yean of Its existence, accord-ing to Information given In a letterwhich hat been sent by the tnrrey inrespoBM to an Inquiry for photo-graphs of sea serpents.

Strong—t MigrmtionThis Is the season of tbe return oi

the caribou to Alaskan feedinggromds. These animals travel In ahuge circle below the arctics, Tlslt-lag their feeding grounds once a year.Seven million animals ar« tn tbeherd.

Af««W« Long Coattlin*The coastline of Alaska la longer

than the Atlantic and Pidflc coast-lines of the United States put together. In nautical miles they measure:Alaska, 4,128; Atlantic coastline, 1,-77a; Pacific, 1,871.

LimU, to Work That W.y"He who makes life harder for oth-

ers,'' said Bi Ho, the sage of China-town, "must not be surprised to nodthat he hai created conditions whichmake life harder for himself."—WashIngton Star.

FuhCm 0« "Drowntd"The bureau of asbeiies says that

tab can b« asphyxiated, particularlyIf the water contains chemicals or Isheavily polluted, wblcb would causealack of oxygen infflclent to maketbe flsb suffocate.

Common PeopleHeard today that tbe common peo-

ple of the United States lave moregold In their teeth than tbe commonpeople of Europe bare In their banksand purses.—Atchtson Globe. -

Critidmn Not EnoughThe prime thing that every man who

takes an Interest should remember Isthat he must act, and not merely criti-cise the actions of others.—TheodoreBooNvelL

Und* CsVm"De mag wif a voice so big dat Be

drowns trot da hsnocnj," said UncleBben, "thinks de discord makes bin0e leader of de choir."—WashingtonStar. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Wo Hop* NotA Bohemian student at Neo-brd*ovo

ate 101 dsinpUngs, or "iwetchenknoedel," at one sitting. It is to be hopedthat be deeea't ban to eat hi* words.

TkoMm*WhoIt « • aiaw aaytUs*, U Is (tat the

m aan't tlaaa te «Mar.-AtcalMiiGlobe.

u ikaM M BO aamua * J M Mla SMrrlage In beavea Itet »»•*•*•eoBBt tor Its nelag bea?ea.-<klej|«

C«a% Nome to tArtetUn" «ells sre naned after

Artols la rraftce when the tubolarbore was Invented.

Nothing will ever *e ettesipted Uall feasible eaje«tl«ae swst flrsv beovercoirie.-Josiison.

Toiler* Komi Bmy•boot 8B teas of colna are handled

dally bi Ibe tdtral Reserve bank ofNew lork.

Oenerslly speaking, a menqplsne Itcapable of greater speed taan tbe M-alan*

Degrees in MusicTlic niiisical degrees most frequently

conferred In English-speaking coun- ,tries for work In music urt> Mus. B.— IHacljelor of Jlusic—and Mus. D.—Doc-tor of Music. Less frequently the de-gree llus. 51.—Master of Music—isgranted. In Germany the I'll. D. de-gree la graulea liistwid ul ilus. D.,thus placicg Bteciali/.od nork In uiuglcon a liar with other

Needed Calorie*As a rule it is approprltite to assume

tliat an America!) man or woman wholeads a quiet life at home with littleexercise requires about 2,500 calorieseach day. If engaged in sedentary oc-cupation, 3,000 calories are required.A moderate amount of exercise or alaborer doing tight work needs about3,500 calories. For .hard work, 4,000calories or more are necessary.

Propertie* of Feather*It is believed that In the develop-

ment of wings and powers of flight Inbirds those featliers nearest the bodywere the Bret to become serviceable,bat now tbe most Important flightfeathers are those of the outer mar-tin. Wing feathers vary In strength,ibape and power of flight, accordingto tbe mode of life of the differentbirds.

Bell* of HiotoryMan nude bells of clay before he

had taught himself the art of writing.His first efforts were rather shapelessclay vessels which gave on a pleasingresonance when struck. Savages wearbells aa some of their qblef ornaments.The early Israelites are mentioned byMoses, Isaiah and Zacbarlali as usingbells on the yokes of their horses.

Woman', WorkBy wearing a pedometer, a house-

wife, doing an average amount olwork, discovered that she walked flv«to five and one-halt miles In the nous*dally. Necessary shopping and tak-ing the children out accounted for in-other three and one-half miles.

Another Myth BlmtteiFor years the bears of Kadlah

Island have been a bugaboo thatrivaled the child-stealing witches foiterror. Recent explorations have beenconducted In tbe Islands and" it is nowstated that Kadlik bean are no worstthan others.

Major Plonet*Including tbe earth, there are eight

major planets revolving around Unsun. They'are Mercury, Venus,Berth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Cranuand Neptune. The moon Is not splanet. It Is a satellite of the earth.

Huwtmm LanguageTbe Hawaiian fa one of tbe Poly-

nesian languages. The written lan-guage dates only from tbe time of th«arrival of missionaries in 1820. Thealphabet consists of 12 letters wblckare pronounced as In Latin.

Hoame Like SpheroTo allow additional room In th<

streets; an architect of Dresden, Ger-many, baa constructed a house-formedlike a sphere. The structure, abonleighty feet In diameter, stands on abate 16 feet sqnare. „ -

Merttr of InHrumenUAntonio Stradivari of Cremona,

Italy, who brought tbe craft of violinmaking to Ita highest pitch of per-fection (UJW-17W) slso made ibeautiful violoncellos and violas.

Field Muo Emt Tr—Field nice gnaw the bark frost

orchard trees, and kill many by idUng tbcsju in a atag)e winter theyit«i—jf nurseries' near Rochester, N.X., to the extant of 1100,000.

Tke Peutor SmyttUaa shall yet eataWlab

routes between all tbe pdrta In in*a m Mai of space, sad shall broad-cast Ma whispers to otbtr-Jena Andrew BoisMa.

The amMial sport of Spaa Is tnjll-ashling; ef SeeUaad, %otfi-'*%Ma4cricket; Belgian, cocUgatisw; Cubaand Soil* A#»r!ea, jsj atel.

OUCmrmotTbe carpet Industry saMsd la An-

bnason (rranea), a dty aalateatM forIta ssaanfactare) at carpets, as earlyas MSt

Another Ckmngo NotodTbe effort to keep straight ased to

be a BJoral struggls iastead of a diet—Baa rrsndsco Qbroalcle.

^ nunWar not do a little somwtniag for

the overprlvileged chlldf—fort WayneKews SeaUael.

Tbe greatest wtravaganee In UMOalwd Btstee la tae wait* of worda,

"Jungle Man"tcraj "orarjguiiiu" consists ofg

two Malay words, ''orarjg," iiieaDiDg"mfln," ond "utan," "Jucgle" or "jao-gle man."

Be Glad to Buy 'EmIt a lot of men we know had their

way, thtre would be a brisker Bale ofcombs and brushes.—Cincinnati En-quirer.

Left-HandedntMtNinety-six per cent of the world's

population ore said to be born right-handed and about i per opnt left-handed.

Ceniu$ and TalentDoing easily what others find dif-

ficult is talent: doing what Is Inpossible for talent Is geDlus.—Araiel.

The Very IdealInpudence Is when the neighbor's

boy repeats something he learnedfrom your child.—Detroit News.

The Better Port"We cannot choose good friends,"

said HI Ho, tbe sage of Chinatown,"but must hope to live so worthilythat good friends may choose us."—Washington Star.

' Executive Soeeion SecretThe executive session of the legisla-

tive body Is one from which the gen-eral public it excluded, as pointed outIn an answered question In Libertysfagashie.

FateWhat must be shall be; and that

which Is a necessity to him that strug-gles, Is little more tbar. choice to himthat Is willing.—Seneca.

Undo Bben•(Nobody denie*,". aald Uncle Bben,

"dat de women kin work Jes u wellas 4e men. Bat dat ain' no 'sense foba loafin' husband."—Washington Star.

* Gothic Typo of WindowA rose window Is a large circular

window, usually with tracery andsfpped glasses, used especially tnQothlc churches, over the portals.

Impooing Appellation"Singapore," the name'of the capi-

tal of the Straits settlements in Hala-yaa, means "lion's town."

Every member of the

family . . short or tall,

enjoys perfect driving

comfort in Buick's new

adjustable front seat t *

Simply turn the teat regulator andthe entire seat move* to the exactposition desired . . . "Made-to-Meaaure" driving position forevery driver.

BuickBirch'& Birch, Inc.

POTEK, If. i.

Flying TigmIt takes abont fourteen days for the

mosquito eggs to develop Into man-eat-ing mosquitoes.—Arkansas pnper.

Stock en HinueUA man has a real csse or megalo-

mania when he can find joy In hear-ing his love letters read In court

KipUng't KnowledgeAccurate references to 70 species

of aummals are made by Kipling inhis yerse.

UntidyThat BMssbers of BrlUla's

ssent a n untidy as ackool boys Is :opUdoa of the woaun who baa ied the carpets in tbe legislative Itog for U yean. They drey ithe floor and a n otherwise untidy.

The author of the division ol tftoOld testament Into verses la aetkatwat.Robert Stephens (or farlwaQ, s>rrench printer, flrst divided the Kowteatasaent into verses, In anprinted at Geneva, la 1BS1.

• *

of Interest to Every Telephone ffser

WE believe that thw policy fully reoognizee oar oMsga.'tion to the people of our State and that as we cany it

but, we shall receive the continuing confidence and coopcM.'tion of the public. The service ptedgt of the New Jersey BellTelephone Coaipany, is also that of every other Bell TelephoneCoBtpany in the land.

Back of your, telephone today is die purpose and pledge ofa nationwide organization to continue to go forward withyour cooperation (we quote President Walter S. Oifford of theAmerican Telephone and Telegraph Company) "providing a aw'vice moreand more free tromimperfections,errors and delays andalways at a cost as low as is consistent with financial safety."

New Jersey Bell Telcpfcoae €••Ul .Yew Jertew MmetitmUom mhrltea~ mat JTmttottmtl Metomreee

Page 8: ROCKAWAY shows a steady but decided de-crease, while Morris County shows wide fluctuations with little

The Kiss m HistoryOriginally, to Orteual lite, Ike kiss

iukd a religious sl^Bifs<sece. With the*mSe£t Jews end Teutons !t was tEG&rk of Teaeratiaa KD*3 aSevtioo andas coiDifioB a s&<u(£!iO£ belweeo umum th« baij.Jtfcaie is loday. The earlyArabians wursr-iied Ae'.r gods withktecs. Hoii>fclioi<i tods were xhvfgre*se<5 on entering nod leaving theJtiosoe. And %itfc tin- t't-raians tbt k**>tt2 ii&cof was tt tiijiiuaai eussoffi-—1~Jcfcanzt--

» r h » L««ec Lirtm* Dover DenvilleLosiug «.'o»trol of hit car wtoik- uii-

jrtfT i;-.e influence of !i(jaor Enrich K

BIT it Token on Hookt

TPr."'Sei. !>l fkKssiiuK- was- Ose cause *>*'a st no a* atiids-n'. late last Bigbt oni~Ea=t Ma:i; Mrt-**. nrar Mrades bridge!Dr*i»l tas driving uiwarsi DecvHiejwbec h* tinasbed h«-i»'!iong into a tarj driven by Bertbuei Xsptr of SumhoiwHis car was badly wrecked, and hereitiv^d iiijurie^ consisting trf catsabout tbe (ate. The Xiper car waaaijo wrecked ami i:s occupants se-

• v.reiv injured. Mrs Elleii Xiper sus-

Miss Helen Browuey «»1 tint-rt-ain•he Qaeen Esther Club at tier iionn-Saturday afternoon from ?. to 1.30.

Mr a od Mrs. Morris S. Rouiarn- oiPit-atinny Inn are the proud jraitntsof a baby boy.

Clarenre K. Moore and family, ofBrao< hviik?. were gaeirs of relativesshe first of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. lames W. Gill, 0* Ean- the South, as far as Alabamadolph avecae are entertaining Mr txptet to be gone a uiomh.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bush or HIIKplace, and Mr. and .Mrs. K. K. J.VHCIIanil »oo of Roekaway. are travellingby a new Ford automobile through


and MrsMich.

Boy Strand, of Detroit.w C j g c o Qf R i v t r ( l i l k !>„,!<, h»B

tiiono nbere iuc-tis ««.-«• h«ke<} b.i »bats piogs »l:icii lUfc erct-Jy birds pur- jroed and seized under water on thelf ;

belief Uiey were siniU Bsfc. Angers i

ceases of a tr.>g afier bass, have caugln ]bitterns or tero-os tiai Lappeoed to bt iir«z Lotting in the same

Seniority Gives RankTbe chairmen of all Important sen j

ate eoxuminees reach tbe office ol jthainnaa by rigbt of seniority. Upon jthe death, resignation or removal «' a |chairman the senior member of the ;

ftiilr i at akout oae eye- ---•_>.—hand. Eds-ard Nii>er, had sereiWritabroken and a compound fracture ofthe low :r jaw His opper lav was 4 ( b r i des ,«rems in Seyenteeoihalstf fr»ctared and he sustained BDUS-! - . . « .^ t« e **eroos lacerations of the faceson. Bef*thael. escaped with slightcHT£ ab£)ut the face.

He was teed fSM and his l.ceme was,

tration the ranking member of the jf i i i t partr becomes chairman. ;

Many Vein Year DayThe gHd new year Is welcomed In

Eeptemter !n several parts of theword. The Parsls or fire worshiper*of India take two days to It, the 7iband 8th. Ab.rssinia also takes twodajs, tbe 11th and 12th. In Palestine,Eerpt, Irak, Syria and Turkey the19th m d 16tb are legal holidays forthe Jewish new year.

purchased the Denvilic Junction and jMiss Dorothy SI. Clement, of Pater- property belonging thereto, formerly

KM! pain- s o n aJii Edward J. Looghlin. «rf owned by tbe Morris founts Trartion"e^fllas" Whanoo, were married Novenlber 1* Coiiipany.

in- Paterson ' y Rev. John J. Calliney M r a n ( J M r g n a r < . n t . ( . „ s h l . p p B o l

reception Jllowed at the home ° f , c h u r c n g ( r e e t > entertained Saturday^.euiiig the following guesis. Mr. aud

The ir . S l " e t " " " W b i C h *** F O U n e ^ u Mrs. Bichard Tbouias ot Madison;™ e l left for a wedding trip in the South M r a m ) M r g R a y m o n ( 1 P a r k s o f M a ( 1 .

Upon their leturn they will make jBoa and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John- j

Dr. JkElroy gave first aid to the their home in TVnanon. son ol Orange,

injured motorists, after which they john Spicer. of Mine Hill Is spend- Mr. aad Mre. Charles are havingwere taken to Dover General Hospital. l n g a (ew iAri w,;t)j hi5 grandson. a bungalow erected on the BaehDrexel i » pronounced drnnk and L a t n e r g wniums. [n Cincinnati, -O Farms here.taken before Recorder Duncan Smith. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , o •T]lursday, December 6th, at 12

Church to- o'clock, the Ladies Aid Society of this^ _ _ _ _ mornmtr at 10 o'clock. RO". place wlH hare a Coyered Disb tun-°^ W. A. Knox, pastor of Grace M. E. ,-heon at the Bircnwood. Members

Nature's Refreshing Church, will be tie* preacher. are asked to come and bring a friend.For mj part, I often take my troubles M f e g A I , M j ^ ^ dangWer ot Air , a n d a Covered Dish.

and Mrs. William Rowe. ot Wbarton. Miss Laura Dalman of the Rocka-was married to Robert McLennan, Sat- w a y road, a member of the 1928 8th

loggagcttol tfce least part of whlcb is urday by Rer. Augustas start, of grade of the Denrtlle Public School,one's natural but wearisome self-es- Paterson. The attendants wtre Miss jg now attending the Dover Businessteem. . . . Into the heart may come Evelyn Pichter of Rockaway and Ken- College.• bq*h aiitOe stiller than the silence i n e t n Castner, of Wharton. A >ec«p- j | r

of ttV forest, a music deeper than thai • t i o n a d d i n n ( . r followed t!;e cer-mooy h ' '

Into the woods—and Leave them there, j

M r s Frederick Ohrt, who"ODe of t n e Charles

and Wood."they will reside

m c r m O T e d m t 0 t f c e William

Important New MetalA discovery,, likely to prove of the

greatest Importance lo wireless andX-ray work and. indeed. In electricalengineering generally, has been madeIn the production of a new kind ofmetal which will allow an electriccurrent to pass through it In only one


Limit in SmaUnet*The malarial parasite Is so small

as easily to inhabit tbe interior of aI human blood corpuscle, of which Ore'million are normally contained In ai cubic millimeter of blood (about one-aixtb of an average drop.)

"Virgin Queen's" StatueWhat Is beHeTed to be the only

contemporary portrait in statuary ofi Queen Eiizabetb Is to be seen In aJ niche orer tbe vestry door of thej church of St. Dnnetan-to-the-West,

J Fleet itreet, London.i

Tranquillity WinsTranquillity does not com< to many

lanwmgnt It can he practiced and: learned ootil It finally becomes a.habit. The tranquil man Is s match;fox all life's situations.—Grove Pat-'terson.

Immense English DockThe Gladstone dock, at Liverpool, j

England, ran take tbe largest vesselsafloat at any state cf tbe Ude. -There

,ar» three miles of quay and tbe water'area It about 55 acres.

Clams Grow SlowlyIt takes from two to four yean for

clams to grow to edible size, tbe exacttime depending on food conditions,

.temperature of the water and otherconditions.

First America* Copyright: -Heah Webster was the first to take.advantage of the United States copy-I right law. His Grammatical Institute' of the English Language, published ln11783, was so protected.

Great Emigrant RouteTbe emigrant route the "Oregon

jtrau." was about 2,000 miles long. Itj extended from Independence, Mo, toF«rt Vancouver on the Colombia river.

The Sun's CompetitorTne Golf stream Is estimated to car-

. ry as much heat to northern Europeas the eatire Arctic region receives

I frost the sun.—American Magazine.

DmUuionIt many times falls out that we

j«stsa oarselvM much deluded in othersj t a e n s e we flrrt deluded jomlvea.—'Sir Philip Sidney

ON* Good PointOne of the few charming thlnn to

be said about tbe human breast Isthat It Is always bulging with nope.—H. L. Mencken.

Easy to TellTon can tell the historic spots at a

fiance. Seven tourists are groupedthere while another manipulates skodak.—San Francisco Chronicle

i The Spice ot Life* Toe test of life, the spice and thekick of i t art ln tbe competition Itaffords.—American Magazine.

England's Largest CollegeTrinity college, Cambridge, if (he

Jargort college in England

• The Auxiliary of the John C. Dick- Jenkins' house in Denville Park.Famoat Natural Bridge erson Camp, United Spanish War jiiss Prances Righter of Syracuse

The Bainbow bridge Is located with - Veterans assisted by the members of rniversity. is spending this week withIn the -Navajo Indian reservation, in ! ,i,e camp, entertained tie St«t« presi-' her mother and steter, Mrs. S. A.San Juan county, Utah. The bridge j d e n t Harriett A. Gunther and ttitf, Righter and Miss Mary Righter, here.

amons tbe natsral bridges of l n e ; Wyckoff Camp and Auxiliary | t t Red- „ ,„ „ „ „ „ „ „ u , e m e m D e r s of theworid in tnat it Is not only a symmet- me0 8 H a l 1 ' N o r U l S™"* 8 r e e - I a s t local W. C. T. V. at her home Thure-rlcal arch below, but presents a curved . night. : d a T evening, December 6th. Finalsurface above, thus having the ap-j M r s J o l m ^jidefton. of Passait; «a> plans will be made at that time forpearance of » rainbow. ! a "gaat ot {Tiendl i n town orer the ' the covered dlan loocbeon to be held

. _ . | week-end. at her home on Thursday evening,Following a SWaUOID i , »_»-«„ i December 13th, under the auspices of

A French fanner who h.d fed • ; *•«. Lewis H. Kmght, of PrMpect,swaUow repeatedly attached a note to street is a patient in Post Gratote

\ York for sargfcal .luncheon. The cost U 50c with cov-e r e d d l g n . or 75c withont covered dish.

tbe bird requesting any who found j Hospital. New-It to do likewise and grant the bird' treatment.Its liberty. After six months the bird,came back with a note sent by a boy George Hiler. of Livingston araise, | ^ g conmunity Christian Club dis-livlng ln Martinique, one of the West I entertained a number of friends a t | tribut«d six Thanksgiving dinners toIndies, stowing that the swallow had; his home last Monday night In honor i ! s f iends in Denville and Tabor

H e a l t £uure M r O S S * ' M W i C - - ^ h i S 8 i f * b l r t h ( U y - A , »«*«™] Mr. Charlea Kropse of West Ph.l-Healtb Culture. ~ . watch was presented to « - ; a d € l p n i a f a t h e r o f M r 8 ^ ^

Plenty of Salt • | ' e r- | ton, win spend Thanksgiving Day atIt's too bad other thing* are i.ut as] R e T ' Theodore Andrews addreMed t h c home of his daughter, Mrs. Hamp-

plenUTol as salt If an tbe talt ini»e«f tne Ro»»ry Onb Moortmy on *Tli«M»- ton, on the Diamond Spring road,give (rat there U «UU to be had OBtJei»m«; and Ita ReanonsIhlliUes". M - , 0

of the aea waves about a quarter of ijbert Sedgman, invited the members!pound of salt from every gallon. ID ! to a venison dinner, December 10. jcubic miles of salt this amounts to the!

Dtaiillt 3L E. Chireh

generously expanded figure of 4,419,-e^u«VUW; CA|HU1UCU U(U1« V* ^ l i f l , 1 , j

380. Let the hens lay. Well alwavs Madison street have teen enterttining

Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Drewes, of! Tuesday night the Epworth League

He Still RoarsPrimitive man once roared or

grunted to express bis emotions, says jSir Richard Paget. Step on some- jbody's foot In a street car and see if |modern man Isn't able to do tbe same.

have the seasoning for the eggs. the past week, the former's mother,Mrs. Anna J. Drewes, of Hoboken.

Edward Rodda, of Bergen street, isEngland in HawaiiHawaii is a detached territory of i a patient in Dr. Allen's phyiatxic ra-

the United States. A small strip of „,„, M o r r t o l o w a . ^ o f h l 8 l e g 8ground on which tbe monument to . . . " , -Captain Cook was erected in 1874 is i** 8 r e m o v e d a b 0 T e t h e *«ee ia a n

British (erltory, having been presented,Ieffort t o ?*Te h l a h f e o n Saturday,by a sister of a native king. The mon-1Tb* trouble started from an ingrownumeot Is at KealakeVoa, and marks \ toe-nail, which resulted in gangrene,tbe spot where Cook was killed in j His condition is thought to be serious.1TT9.

Ancient Civilization• The marriage of Miss. Elizabeth] Define, ot Brooklyn and Ben rand M.

Chinese traditions carry the story of jciviliiatlon in eastern Asia back toabout tbe year 2852 B. C The ybegins with a legendary ruler, Fnhsi, j performed

b I d

son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard(p. Ward, of North Sussex street haa

The ceremony wasin St. Joseph's Church,

pie lived by hunting and fishing.

g y , , jwbo Is said to have been the organizer • Brooklyn, by Rev. Devine. an ancle ofof society In the time when the peo-1 the bride. A reception followed at

the home of tbe bride's parents andUhe young people left for a weddingtrip to Atlantic City. They will maketheir home in Baasett Park.

Mr. and Mrs. T. tThrenholdt havemoved from Princeton avenue to- Mt.Hope avenue.

Prehistoric FishingPrehistoric man fished with flint

books and used thongs or raw hidefor line. One type of hook was needle-like la shape. After the fish swat-lowed the hook the caveman h / •Jerk on bis line turned it crosswise Inthe fish's mouth. Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Fritts of East

"Pins and Needles""fins and needles'' a n caused byi

tke free drralaUon of the blood being |

j Orange are visiting the latter's sister'and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. SL

Gibson, of Lincoln avenue.

Mrs. Harvey 0 . Powell, of

rashes on and hits tbe sides of t i evein*. That causes the tingling. ; Mrs. William A. Knoz of North Sussex

Old English P»j street.

Mr. John B. Reeves, manager of theNassau, New province, Bahama ls-JF. W. Woolworth store Was recently

lands, was founded by the English In j elected treasnrer of the First" M. E.the Seventeenth century. It was de-j church,stroyed by the French and Spanish In I1703 and rebuilt io 171& It l i still | • K- H. Sparnon, director of the Bakeran EngHab possession. Theatre orchestra, is directing the

; orchestra of the Sanford Theatre. Ir-BaUoon's Height Limited vington this week. Mr. Sparnon will

There Is a limit to tbe height to j have charge of both Irvfngton andwhlcb a balloon can ascend. The hal- -Dover orchestras,loon riiei because of the buoyancy ofthe air. and as the distance from theearth Increases the atmospherecomes more and more rarefied.

In the near future a large depart-be- ment store will be opened in the for-

'mer Geo. Richards building, altera-:tions and Improvements are now be-

Favor Was Appreciated Ung made to the building.They say conitesv Is • dying amen-j

Ity. On the orer hand. • gabby gen-1 M " Wilbur Button and Mrs. A. G.tleman ln Kansas City recently con- Boll entertained at thee home of Mrs.eluded an ontuoally long conversation Boll on Friday with a covered dishas follows: Thanks for listening." 'luncheon. The guests were members

of the literary and executive commit-; tees of the Women's Club.

Miss Minnie Lawrence, of Academy


"Pride of Lake Land CemQuality Always—

met at the Parsonage, Diamond Springroad. Tbe Epworth Leagne presentedRev. and Mrs. Hampton with gold Ep-worth League pins, in appreciation ofthe interest they have taken in theactivities of tbe League, especiallythe recent League play.

Plans were made for a "DEEPLEA"Banquet to be given Tuesday Decem-ber 18th at 7:30 P. a At the Birch-wood. Anyone interested Is invited.Tickets will be $1.25. Special pro-gram of music will be rendered.

The Leaguers voted to pledge thesum of $250 to the Building Fund forthe new church, payable $50 per year,and are going to make an effort todouble this pledge before the time iscompleted.

Plans were made for many otheractivities of Interest to young peoplein tne League and community.

Light refreshments wer» ""•«•' '••Mrs. Hampton at the close ot themeeting. ' "

Thanksgiving services were held at10 A. M. Thursday morning. Specialmeeting and election ot staff of officersand appointment ot teachers of churchschool will be held Monday, Dec. 17,In the church.

Sunday Services: Church School at»:30 A. M. in charge of Supt R. J.Hlckerson. 10:45 A. M. Bible Sunday,Golden Rnle Sunday—yon are re-quested to bring your Bible. Thepastor will give a Junior talk to boysand girls. "How 8ball I Use MyBlbler will be the topic of the morn-Ing sermon. 7 P. M. Epworth Heraldnight ln the Epworth League. ClaraWeidman, 4th Vice-President will lead.

Bible Forum in the Church incharge ot Rev. E. L. Hampton, 7; 45P. M. Evening Service of Song andFellowship. The .place you ought tobe on Snnday night. The place forenthusiasm and diversion. Specialmusic at both services.

The Republican women are still ontheir job notwithstanding electionsare over for some time. On nextMonday evening. December 3rd, ameeting of the Club will be held atthe home of Mrs. Aniida Egbert, inGarden avenne.

SchooFs Long HistoryThe oldest boarding school in Eng-

land is considered to be 8 t Peter's'school, lork, which was founded m 1 "reel , la a patient In the Dover Gen-627 and became a boarding Kboo! on ! e r a l H°«P't»l suffering from a ner-der Albert the Wise about 740. ivous breakdown.


S»U ssd Delivered at DrntlifeBy Rockaway I.ehlgh Coal Co.

TeL Rockaway 408

Once again the season rolls a r o u . WIM* all 8hoa|

thankful for blessings of the past y««r. Tfct. la thethat prevails In our store on this Ttuu|ta«lTligWe bar tried to please our customers «•* th»«, tai ihave given us a liberal patronage. W« alw tfcmk

The Usual Low Prices on MeatsProvisions Over the Week-End


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Monarch Mince Meat, quart jarAunt Anne Mince Meat, quart jar .New Crop Large Budded Walnuts IkNew Walnut Meats, 14 lb :Jumbo Peanuts, lbCranberry Sauce, White Rose, No. 2 canApple Sauce, White Rose, No. 2 can I . . .Pure Strained Honey, 1214 oz jar ^Royal Scarlet Maple Syrup, pure, bottleAiry Fairy Cake Flour, pkg 'Sanka Coffee, lb. . , . . . . ;Sweet Potatoes lb

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In a rather even same ot footballlast Saturday between the boys ofnockaway avenue and Keller avenue,the Roikaway avenue squad won bya eeore of as to 32. The game wasvery eicitiug and full of thrills.There was some spectacular end rum,

line bucks BBd forward

was loudlyBoth (cans had

bt the isotul

time in pnetlslas for this (•***Each wer* m M M t of vW*Rockaway « # • • • carries
