roland harwood: collaboration not competition

© 100%Open 2009 Collaboration not Competition Roland Harwood 29/10/2022 1 Click icon to add picture

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A copy of the slides used by Rolan Harwood of 100%Open during his talk at the Collaborate Cornwall conference, held at Tremough on 24th September 2010.


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© 100%Open 2009

Collaboration not CompetitionRoland Harwood

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© 100%Open 2010

100%Open is dedicated

to open innovation.  

Our know-how

helps you co-innovate

better, cheaper and faster.

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About us

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© 100%Open 2010

Innovating with partners by sharing the

risks and the rewards

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What defines open innovation?

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Open Innovation?Lego

Lego Mindstorms is their most successful product range ever and has helped shift their strategy from a toy manufacturer to an innovation platform.

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© 100%Open 2010

Open Innovation ModelsDiscover™ and Jam™

• Starts with an innovation brief detailing

a specific unmet need

• Is a competitive innovation marketplace amongst customers,

suppliers or users

• The innovation process is mediated by a Trusted Agent

• Innovations are extracted through a linear process

• Tend to be internal routes to market (e.g. license deals)

Discover:• Starts with finding collaboration partners, often to explore a

broad opportunity

• Is a cooperative process , with customers, suppliers or users

• The innovation process is facilitated through a Catalyst

• Innovations are built using an iterative process

• Tend to be external routes to market (e.g. joint ventures)


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© 100%Open 2010

“For complex and creative tasks, financial

incentives have a negative impact

on performance.”

Dan Pink

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Tap into intrinsic incentives

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From What to WhoVirgin Atlantic - VJam

Virgin Atlantic’s return on investment has been 10:1, better value than using a commercial third party for system development, and for more radical ideas.

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© 100%Open 2010

“You don’t own your reputation. It lives and

breathes in those that interact with you.”

Ron Burt

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You can’t run away from your reputation

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Being a partner of choiceP&G Open Innovation Challenge

We invited the UK’s design community to respond to two open briefs on fabric care and wellness, to find global new markets worth $100 million.

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Innovation is a U-Shaped Process

•Find trusted new collaboration partners

•Uncover unmet needs or spot new opportunities

for innovation

•Co-create compelling new ideas, products or


•Filter the ideas and prototype innovations

•Build and motivate collaborative teams

•Create investable propositions with evidenced

business plans

•Form new collaborative business arrangements

•Obtain the resources and commitments


•Coordinate production, communications and


Explore Extract Exploit

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© 100%Open 2010

“The future reveals itself through the


JG Ballard

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Develop your peripheral vision

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Build business empathyMcLaren and NATS

McLaren’s predictive F1 software would allow air traffic controllers to predict how aircraft are likely to act at airports, overcoming costly and dangerous uncertainty.

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© 100%Open 2010

“The inability to suspend judgement is a

hallmark of the irrational.”

Stuart Sutherland

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Suspend Judgement

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Support ideas in a vacuumCancer Research UK OVC

600 registered users, 160 listed ideas, 23 venture applications, 6 shortlisted candidates and 3 supported projects in CRUK’s flexible approach to venturing.

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© 100%Open 2010

“The only thing harder

Than starting something new, is stopping

something old.”

Russell Ackoff

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From Discovery to Detection

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Avoid not-invented-here syndrome Oracle Open Alchemy

We harnessed the energy of diverse perspectives and corporate cultures to spark radical new ideas. Open Alchemy turned known challenges into major opportunities.

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© 100%Open 2010

Connect the dots

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“If you want to go fast,

go alone, if you want to

go far, go together.”


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Keep communicating outsideOrange – OSCR Project

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Collaboration not Competition Tactics & Lessons Learned

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Share both risks and rewards

Focus on 'who?' as well as the 'what?’

Suspend judgement

Target quantity then quality

Connect the dots – clients not cash

Build business empathy

Find your top 1%


Overestimate your own brilliance

Expect something for nothing

Forget about intrinsic incentives

Mange risk down to zero

Forget to keep communicating outside

Delay through analysis paralysis

Support ideas in a vacuum

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© 100%Open 2010

“More people pooling more resources in

new ways is the history of civilisation.”

Howard Rheingold

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© 100%Open 2010

1 Alfred Place, London, WC1E 7EB

Phone: +44 (0)20 7438 2658

Email: [email protected]


Twitter: @rolandharwood

Roland Harwood

Co-Founder & Networks Partner

Thank you

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