role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across states of india riddhi panse (and...

Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) Prepared for COSMAR 2014 The 14 th Consortium of Students in Management Research November 21-22, 2014

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Page 1: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India

Riddhi Panse

(and Vinish Kathuria)(Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Prepared for


The 14th Consortium of Students in Management


November 21-22, 2014

Page 2: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Outline• Introduction – Motivation– Research Question

• Policies to promote wind energy in India

• Methodology

• Data and Variables– Principal Component Analysis

• Econometric Modeling

• Results

• Conclusions

• Limitations and Future Work

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Page 3: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Introduction – Motivation • Renewable Energy (RNE) - reducing local air pollution, increasing

energy access and improving energy security.

• Indian RNE Program - resource assessment, demonstration, awareness creation, and providing useful operating experience to industry and Utilities.

• Wind Energy in India – short gestation periods, increasing reliability and performance of turbines.

– CAGR 34 per cent: From 52 MW is 1991 to 19000 MW in 2012.

– MNRE guidelines for clearance of wind power projects: mandatory for States to make guidelines, facilitate infrastructure, provide financial incentives to support wind projects since 1996.

– Notable Acts and Policies at national level: Accelerated Depreciation, Electricity Act 2003, National Electricity Policy 2005, Tariff Policy 2006, Generation Based Incentive, REC Mechanism.

– Policies at State level: Capital subsidy, Feed in tariff (FIT), Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO), banking, wheeling charges, Green energy funds.

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Page 4: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Motivation (Contd..)• Cumulative wind installed capacity as of 2012:

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Sl. No.

State Potential @ 50m

Potential @ 80m

Installed Capacity in MW (per cent of potential @ 50m)

1 Andhra Pradesh (AP) 5394 14497 447.65 (8.3)2 Gujarat (GJ) 10609 35071 3,174.66 (29.92)3 Karnataka (KN) 8591 13593 2,135.30 (24.86)5 Madhya Pradesh (MP) 920 2931 385.99 (41.96)6 Maharashtra (MH) 5439 5961 3,021.85 (55.56)7 Rajasthan (RJ) 5005 5050 2,684.25 (53.63)8 Tamil Nadu (TN) 5374 14152 7,162.27 (>100)9 Others 6866 9280 3.2

Total 49130 102778 19,050.37



10000 Installed Capacity Potential

- TN exploited > 100%- GJ, KN, and MP exploited < 50%. MH and RJ just above 50%. - AP < 10%.

Page 5: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Motivation (Contd..)

Items AP (1997) TN(1995) KN(1993) MH(1998) GJ(1993)* MP(1998)

Wheeling charges** (% of energy)

2 2 5 2 2 2

Banking facility (months)

12 12 12 12 6 ---

FIT** (Rs./kWh)2.25 (5%

escalation, 97-98)2.25 (5%

escalation, 95-96)2.25 (5% escalation,

94-95)2.25 (5% escalation,

94-95)1.75 (no escalation) 2.25 (no escalation)

Captive use/ Third Party Sale

Allowed Not Allowed Allowed Allowed Not Allowed Allowed

Capital Subsidy20% (max 25


Same as for other industries

30% (max 20 lakhs)Same as for other


Other Incentives Industry status No generation taxNo generation tax for

5 yearsSales tax exemption

(up to 100%)Sales tax exemption

(up to 50%)Sales tax exemption

(up to 100%)

Notes : *- Policy expired in 1998, **- FIT and wheeling has been revised several times by respective SERCs.

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• Summary of selected policies for wind power in 1990s and 2012


Wheeling Charges (%)

At par with conventional

5% of energy

5% of energy +Rs.1.15/kWh as cross subsidy for

3rd partysale.

2% of Energy as wheeling + 5% as T&D


7% of energy forinvestor having one Turbine & 10% for


2% of energy + transmission

charges as per ERC

1% of energy @ 33kV and 4% of energy @ 132/220 kV system

Banking facility

5% (12months, FY)

Allowed @ 2% energy input

12 months Not allowed Not allowed 6 months


5% since 2005 (with no

escalation), reduced to 4.75%

in 2012

10% since 2006 (with no

escalation), reduced to 8.95%

in 2012

2% since 2007 (with no escalation),

increased to 12% in 2012

3% from 2006 (with annual 1% escalation till 2009), 5.75% from 2010 (with annual 1% escalation till 2012)

1% from 2006, 10% in 2009, 4.5% in 2010

(with annual 0.5% escalation till 2012)

10% from 2008 (with annual 1% escalation till

2009), reduced to 0.8% in 2010, 2.5% in 2011, 4%

in 2012.

2% from 2006, 4% from 2007 with annual 1% annual escalation till

2009, 6.75% from 2010, reduced to 5.5 in 2012.

FIT(Rs./kWh)Min. Max Avg. Min. Max Avg. Min. Max Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg.

2.25 4.7 2.81 2.25 3.57 2.65 2.25 5.01 2.79 2.25 4.65 2.93 2.25 4.23 2.68 2.25 4.35 2.3 2.75 4.78 3.47

Page 6: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Motivation (Contd..)• Growth of wind power across various States

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- Essential to know how policies are performing vis-à-vis expectations. - Evaluation can help identify potential adaptations and allocate scarce financial

resources as efficiently as possible.

Page 7: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Research Question

Do State level policies impact on their relative attractiveness for deployment of wind energy across States of India?

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Page 8: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Literature Review for RNE/wind power• For India

– Schmid (2011) – impact of two national level policies, Electricity Act 2003 and Tariff Policy on grid connected RNE sources in India.

– Rao and Kishore (2009) – Bass model + composite index for AP, GJ, TN, and MH. Index strong correlates with States’ ranking as per diffusion parameter.

– Benecke (2008) – Case study on TN and Ke for wind energy. Issues in design and execution of policies.

– Jagadessh (2000) – Determinants of high growth and subsequent stall in TN and AP for wind energy.

• For US/Europe– Bird et al. (2005) – Policy and market factors for wind energy in US– Menz and Vachon (2006) – OLS for 39 States in US from 1998 to 2003. RPS

and mandatory green power option significant. – Marque and Fuinhas (2012) – Public policy in selected EU countries to

contribute to wider use of RNE.

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Page 9: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Methodology • Use heterogeneity in various policy parameters to compute an index of

attractiveness• Using index and control variables, model is regressed.

– ICs,t = Installed capacity of wind power in a State

– PCi = ith Principal component of State’s wind power policies

– Xs,t = Vector of State’s other characteristics affecting ICs,t

– βi is the estimated parameter ith principal component of State’s policies

– γ’s are the coefficients of control variables.

• Estimation models– Simple pooled Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)– Fixed Effect (FE)– Random Effect (FE)

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Page 10: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Methodology – computing an index• Each policy variable is individually normalized and then

aggregated across time t for each State• Final scores across time t is further normalized to obtain

final index values

• Bi,s = Value of parameter i for State s, and Ai,s= Score received by each parameter i for State s

• Bi,s considered for FIT, RPO, Banking, and Wheeling Charges.

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Page 11: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Methodology – Principal Component Analysis

• Correlation of indices

(* - 90% confidence level)

• Different policies to exert influence at different stages – assigning weights

• Multivariate statistical weighing approach – principal component analysis - extract a small number of sub-indices – Linear combination of original indices – maximum variance – Components orthogonal to each other– Use components with eigen value greater than 1. 21/11/2014 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 11

FIT RPO Wheeling Banking

FIT 1.0000

RPO-0.2105* 1.0000 (0.0125)

Wheeling0.5175* 0.0040 1.0000 (0.0000) (0.9630)

Banking0.5006* 0.2014* 0.5387* 1.0000 (0.0000) (0.0170) (0.0000)

Page 12: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Data and Variables

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• Dependent variable – Installed capacity (MW) from 1993 to 2012

• Policy Variables – FIT, RPO, Banking, Wheeling charges

• Computation of principal component using above policies

• First two components were selected (with eigen value >1 & ≈ 80% variance)– First component is loaded by FIT, Wheeling charges, and Banking– Second component is loaded by RPO

Variables Description Data Source Remarks

FIT Per unit tariff for energy fed to theGrid

MNRE, 1993; Tariff Orders by State Regulatory Commissions

Increasing trend of adopting levelized per unit cost is observed

RPO Mandating distribution utilities to purchase certain quantum of power generated using RE

Tariff Orders by State Regulatory Commissions

Obligation has been increased on annual basis regularly

Wheeling Charges

Charges imposed on generator fortransfer of energy across grid

Same as for FIT Wheeling charges have declined with discriminatory charges imposed on high, medium, and low transmission Lines

Banking Charges

Allows future withdrawal of energy for earlier fed energy

Same as for FIT Allowed in all States. Few impose restriction on the months.

Components Eigen value Proportion SE_Prop Cumulative SE_cum Biascomp1 2.04 0.51 0.036 0.51 0.036 0.026comp2 1.13 0.28 0.030 0.79 0.020 -0.009comp3 0.46 0.12 0.015 0.91 0.012 0.024comp4 0.36 0.09 0.012 1.00 0.000 -0.019

Page 13: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Data and Variables (Contd..)• Policy indices versus installed capacity – High index in MH and GJ inverse relation with capacity installed.– AP – neutral relationship between index and capacity. – Other factors influencing deployment?

• Control variables – per capita net State domestic product, power

deficit, geographic potential. • Expected relation with dependent variable

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Variables Description Data Source Expected Sign

Aggregate Indicators Two components selected by applying PCA to policy variables

Policy variables as shown in Table 6 +

Control Variables

PCNDP Reserve bank of India +

Power Deficit Annual average Peak power deficit faced by States

CEA Annual Reports; Socioeconomic Review reports for each State


Geographic Potential Ratio of geographic potential to installed capacity for States

MNRE, 1993; MNRE, 2005 -

Page 14: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Econometric Modeling• Correlation between control variables

• State having high PCNDP = high deficit = high ratio of capacity to potential. Can’t use all the variables together.

• Estimation – Pooled OLS- if time invariant omitted variables ->biased results– Need to use panel data techniques

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PC1t-1 PC2t-1 ln PCNDP deficit Rpot


PC2t-1-0.0000 1.0000 (1.0000)

ln PCNDP 0.3109* 0.5299* 1.0000 (0.0029) (0.0000)

deficit -0.0212 -0.1482* -0.1654* 1.0000 (0.6320) (0.0110) (0.0508)

Rpot 0.0913 0.5071* 0.4092* -0.1315 1.0000 (0.2832) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.1214)

Page 15: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Results• Does policy influence wind deployment?

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VariablePooled OLS





0.273* 0.392 0.374 0.149**

(1.81) (1.21) (1.17) (2.06)


-0.103 0.000 -0.018 0.0276

(0.84) (0.00) (0.17) (0.29)

ln PCNDP2.512*** 2.267** 2.300*** 1.183***

(8.74) (3.42) (3.60) (5.85)

Rpot 3.218*** 3.007 3.087** 2.81***

(5.38) (1.23) (1.98) (4.56)

Constant-20.499*** -18.045** -18.387*** -7.14***

(6.91) (2.80) (2.80) (-3.59)R2 0.60 0.55

N 133 133 133 133

F test/ wald chi square 12.78 (0.004)

9.49 (0.00) 90.87(0.00)

Hausman test 0.49 (0.9743)

Note: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

• F value = 12.78 > tabulated value. Reject null hypothesis that model is pooled OLS.

• Fixed Effect (FE) and Random Effect (RE) models – Hausman test for selection.

• Hausman – 0.49 < critical value of chi-squared (1 df, 5 per cent = 3.84), null of RE being more efficient.

• Handling autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity – Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) procedure

Page 16: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Results – Robustness test• Combinations of different control variables

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Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5


0.173 0.174 0.168 0.146 0.121

(2.02)** (2.22)** (2.15)** (1.87)* (1.70)*


0.195 0.088 0.101 0.132 0.122

(1.99)** (0.86) (0.98) (1.45) (1.43)


1.490 1.453

(7.09)*** (6.87)***


-0.014 -0.014 -0.006

(1.15) (1.19) (0.53)


2.686 10.291

(4.65)*** (6.94)***




constant 5.181 -9.656 -9.082 4.754 3.945

(19.04)*** (4.62)*** (4.26)*** (14.03)*** (11.63)***

N 133 133 133 133 133

Note: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

• Model 1- only policy component


• Model 2 – ln PCNDP is introduced

• Model 3 – ln PCNDP and deficit


• Model 4 – deficit and Rpot used

• Model 5 – deficit, Rpot, and Rpot^2


• Sign and significance of policy

variable is always at or above 90

per cent confidence level.

Page 17: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Contributions and Conclusions

• Computation of aggregate indicator for 7 States of India – four

policy variables (FIT, RPO, banking, wheeling charges)

• Panel data techniques – impact of policy differences on deployment

using control variables (PCNDP, deficit, potential)

• Policy indicator significant – regardless of control variables

• High per capita income -> encouraging installed capacity

• Power deficit – no impact21/11/2014 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 18

Page 18: Role of policies in deployment of wind energy – evidence across States of India Riddhi Panse (and Vinish Kathuria) (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Limitations and Future Work• Following aspects not considered– Social: opposition from land owners– Economic: Land prices, business priorities – Grid strength: Utility’s willingness to absorb wind– Infrastructure: Accessibility to potential site– Power Generation: Plant Load Factor at aggregate level – Political willingness

• Weights to individual policies – through discussions with investors

• Implementation of model for forecast – Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir

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Work done in my research till now…• Diffusion of wind power across countries (1980-2012)– Five countries: China, US, India, Germany, and Spain – Standard diffusion models: Bass, Logistic, and Gompertz– Explaining model parameters with respective parameters.

• Role of Policy in wind diffusion in the States of India

• location choices of investors in State of Maharashtra– Interviews with developers, investors– Site visits– Discussion with authorities from MERC, MEDA, SLDC,

MSEDCL.– Discussion with farmers, land owners. 21/11/2014

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