[root_gapps] hd_hdplus stock root and other mods - via cwm flashable zips -

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[ROOT_GAPPS] HD_HDplus Stock Root and Other Mods - Via CWM Flashable Zips -


  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]

    [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips

    23rd December 2012, 08:42 PM (Last edited by leapinlar; Yesterday at 05:40 AM.) #1

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    > Barnes & Noble Nook HD, HD+ > Nook HD, HD+ Android Development > [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - viaCWM flashable zips

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    [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWMflashable zips

    Now that I have a bootable CWM (clockworkmod recovery) SD forstock that works on the HD+ (thanks to verygreen) and now the HD(thanks to bokbokan), and it seems B&N has broken the previousroot on the new updates, I have developed some CWM flashable zipsthat will root and add extras like Play Store to all versions of stockHD/HD+ (including 2.0.6). None of the extra zips require having rootto install them or to function once flashed. WARNING! All of thesezips are for installing on stock only. Do not attempt to installthem to CM10/10.1 for SD. If you want things for CM10/10.1 onthe SD, go to my Easy Guide for Original HD+ SD here or myHybrid HD+ SD guide here.

    If you have questions or comments on this post, reply to this thread.If you are a new user and cannot post here, post on my HD/HD+ tipsthread here. Please do not send me private messages or emails. By posting in the forums others get a chance to help youand if I answer your question in the forum, others can see my response and it may help them too.


    WARNING! Be sure to use CWM to nandroid backup your existing ROM before you try to install anything here.That way if something goes wrong and your system messes up, you can boot to the CWM SD and restore yourROM exactly the way it was before you did anything.

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    1Re: [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus StockRoot and other Mods - via CWMflashable zipsleapinlar OP 2013-Mar-12 15:54

    1(quote)I have had similar issues. For

    Darrian 2013-Mar-11 12:59

    1Re: [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus StockRoot and other Mods - via CWMflashable zipsleapinlar OP 2013-Mar-04 9:15

    1Re: [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus StockRoot and other Mods - via CWMflashable zipsleapinlar OP 2013-Mar-03 23:05

    1Re: [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus StockRoot and other Mods - via CWMflashable zipsleapinlar OP 2013-Feb-24 13:13


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  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]


    CWM is a tool that you can use to install modifications to your stock that you ordinarily could not do without already beingrooted. And it has lots of other features like making an exact backup of your stock so you can restore it later if you want.And you should do that before you ever start installing anything else. But the feature that is most useful here is the abilityto install (flash) the zips I have here on this thread.

    It is really a very simple process to install these changes. But a few users are very intimidated by the sheer number ofwords on this page and want something they think is simpler. I am going to hide some of these words so it looks lesscomplicated. If you need to see the words, just click on the Show Content buttons.

    A summary of the below section for those looking for steps is as follows:

    a. Make the CWM SD.b. Copy the installation zips to the CWM SD.c. Insert the CWM SD to the device and boot to it.d. Use the CWM commands to backup your device and install the zips.e. Remove the CWM SD and boot to your modified device.

    Details for accomplishing these things are included in the following paragraphs.

    a. Make the CWM SD.

    Before you can install the modifications here you must make a bootable CWM SD. To make one, you will need a spare SDthat you are willing to dedicate to use as a semi-permanent CWM card, a card reader for your PC, and burning software.

    To make a CWM card you must use a process where software copies (burns) an image file to an SD. I recommend usingWin32DiskImager. Download and extract the image file for your device (HD or HD+) attached below and burn that to yourSD. For detailed instructions, click on the Show Content button.

    Attached at the bottom of this post you can get the CWM image zips that I have modified to work on stock. I haveone 4GB version for HDplus and one 4GB version for HD. You must use the version for your device, they are notinterchangeable. And you must use the CWM image zips from this thread if you want them to work on stock. Theones from the CM10 threads will only work on SD installations of CM10 and mine will not work on the CM10 ROMs.Download the appropriate 4GB CWM image zip for your device and extract it. You will end up with an approximate3.7GB .img file. Burn that image to your 4GB or larger SD using Win32diskimager in Windows or use the ddcommand in Linux or OSX (Mac).

    To use Win32DiskImager, find it on the web (it's free) and install it on your Windows PC. Open it (be sure to run itas administrator) and select the drive (device) that has your card reader with your SD inserted. Then in the imagefile box put the location where you have the extracted img file. Then when everything is set right, click on the writebutton. A warning will pop up asking if you want to proceed. When you have verified that you are going to write tothe correct device, click on Yes. (One user overwrote their external USB hard drive by not verifying first). With this4GB image it will take a while. If you get an error message about access denied it means you are looking at thedrive with Windows Explorer. Close Windows Explorer and try again. In fact, it is a good idea to close allunnecessary windows when burning, even your browser.

    If you do not have a 4GB or larger SD, you can use my small version of the image, also attached below. It onlyrequires 120MB of space on the SD. And it has all the same features as it's bigger 4GB brother, it is just smaller.But there is not much room to put other things on the card, like the Rooted 2.0.0 ROM or backups. You can usepartitioning software, like Mini-Tool Partition Wizard or EaseUS Partition Manager (both free), that can expand thepartition to the full size of the SD you burned it to. In fact, if you have the software available, it is faster to make thisimage instead of the 4GB version. It only takes a few seconds to burn the small image and a few more seconds toexpand the partition. It can take up to 10 minutes to burn the 4GB version. Some people are having issues with thecard not booting after expanding the partition. You must be careful not to move the beginning of the partition, onlyextend the back.

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  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]

    You can also use the partitioning software to expand the 4GB version to fill the card if the card is bigger than 4GB.But I recommend you use a relatively small SD to put CWM on. Certainly no larger that 8GB. It is a waste of a bigcard to use it for stock CWM. It cannot be used for anything else. You could reformat the card to make it usable forother things, but I recommend against that. You probably will need CWM later either to reflash the zips or installnew zips or to make and restore backups. When finished installing the zips here, put the CWM card away and saveit for future use.

    To burn using Linux or Mac, you are on your own. A user, (jfever311) just added some Linux instructions here.

    b. Copy the installation zips to the CWM SD.

    After it completes writing to the card, temporarily remove the card and re-insert again so the PC recognizes the newimage. With the card still in the PC, copy to the SD card those zips (keep them as zips) that you want to install to theNook. I recommend the Gapps/Play Store plus Extras zip and, if you want root, the Universal Root zip as discussedbelow.

    c. Insert the CWM SD to the device and boot to it

    Remove the card from the PC and insert into your powered off Nook and boot. CWM should appear. If it does not andboots to stock instead, power off and try again. You can tell when it is going to boot to CWM when the 'cyanoboot' logoshows. If it still does not boot after several retries, go to my Nook Color tips thread linked in my signature and read itemA9 'bootable SD cards'. It applies to the HD/HD+ too.

    d. Use the CWM commands to backup your device and install the zips.

    Once CWM appears, use the volume up/down keys to move the cursor and highlight "backup and restore". Then use the nkey to activate it. The power key is the back button. Pick backup and it will take several minutes to backup your system.That way if something messes up you can later restore that backup. Keep the backups for future needs, don't delete them.

    Then use the power key to move back to the main screen and select "install zip from SD". Pick the zip you want from thelist of zips that you put on the SD earlier and select install. Do them one at a time in any order you want. You do not haveto do any wiping.

    e. Remove the CWM SD and boot to your modified device.

    After you finish, remove the CWM card and tell CWM to reboot. Sometimes you get a message saying that it is set to flasha new recovery and do you want to fix that? It makes no difference what answer you choose, so I just say no. It shouldboot to stock with your changes installed.

    Most of the below zips can be flashed (installed) on any version of stock HD-HDplus ROM as long as you have booted theNook into stock at least once and registered. All of the zips below can be installed and work without the UniversalRoot if you don't want to be rooted. Just copy any additional zips to the SD while it is inserted in the PC, remove fromthe PC, insert into the Nook again and boot to the CWM and install per the previous paragraph. For additional information,click on the Show Content button.

    There is an alternative to downloading on your PC and copying the zip to the SD card for flashing. You candownload the zip on your device and store it on internal media memory. Then, when you boot to CWM to flash it,select "install zip from SD/choose zip from internal memory" and install from there.

    One additional thing. Since the device is very sensitive to the apps you install later (the device will try to reset itselfif you install an app that writes to /system), it is probably a good idea to back up with CWM periodically so that if youdo have to restore, you won't have to repeat a lot of the changes you made since the last backup.

    If you do get into the 8 failed boot process because something got inadvertently added to /system, you can recoverfrom the reset by turning off the device before the 8th reboot and inserting your CWM card. The next boot will bootto CWM and you can restore your last back up to get back to where you were.

  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]

    2. Universal Root (rev2 - 2/3/2013)

    Adding Root is an important step in making your device better. It gives you access to files and locations that you areordinarily not allowed to see or modify. Many further mods to your device depend on being rooted. But for the HD/HD+, itadds some element of danger because the user and apps have access now to /system. It is easy to change somethingthere and if you change something there, it will reset itself on the next boot, wiping all your data. So once you are rooted,be very careful with /system. And also be very careful with installing apps that modify /system. If the app says it requiresroot, and you don't know why, be careful. An example of an app to be careful with is AdAway. If you let it do its thingwithout configuring it properly, it writes a file to /system and you will get reset. But if you configure it right, it is ok (set it toinstall the hosts file to /data).

    If you prefer not to be rooted, all of the other below zips can be installed and work without having root. Withoutroot there is no danger of you or your apps resetting your device.

    This zip will root your stock no matter what version of the software (even 2.0.6). It uses a new exploit discovered bysomeone0 and developed as a zip by me. The zip will disable previous roots by verygreen and someone0. Then itwill install the new exploit root that is based on a combination of the original someone0 root and verygreen root. Thezip is very small and is attached to this post. I added a few small apps to help users. adbWireless to help with ADBconnectivity issues, Terminal Emulator to help with running scripts and manipulating your system, Root Browser forseeing root files, zeam launcher to help you see these apps and AnyCut so you can put the stock Home shortcut onthe zeam screen. If you do not want any of these apps, just go to settings and uninstall them.

    As soon as you boot after flashing the root and the stock home screen comes up, press the n key and a dialog boxpops up asking which launcher you want to use. Click default and select zeam. To put a stock home shortcut onzeam, long press the zeam screen, choose shortcut, choose AnyCut, choose activity and scroll to home and select itThen press OK. There will now be a shortcut installed to get back to the stock home screen. An alternative way toswitch back and forth between stock home and zeam is described by natefish here.

    Before you run any app that requires root, run superuser at least once, it needs that so the root apps recognize it(this is no longer necessary if you use rev2 of the zip). Also, some users updated the superuser app in Play Store.That has shown to cause problems. If you did upgrade, just flash the rev2 zip and it should fix it.

    I also added another zip to disable root if you already rooted your device. It will leave all the other things installedby the zips below, just root will be gone. And you can always add root later again if you want by flashing theUniversal Root zip.

    Rev2 of the Universal Root zip now includes Root Browser so you can see root files. I also updated the root a littleby putting superuser in /system. You do not have to open superuser first anymore. I also include a disable root rev2to match it. Either of these can be flashed over rev1 with no problem.

    If you get updated by B&N despite setting OTA to manual with the zips below, just flash this first zip again and yourroot should be back. Breaking root will not effect your installed apps unless those apps specifically required root.

    3. Gapps/Play Store + Extras (rev2 - 2/3/2013)

    This zip adds Play Store and a few other extras (enables Unknown Sources along with setting OTA (Over the Air) updatesto manual and sets up Userinit). This is the zip that most will want to install since it gives you a lot of flexibility to installnew apps. And if you install it without the Universal Root there is no danger of getting reset. Click on Show Content to getthe file and instructions.

    You can download my NookHD-HDplus-Gapps+Extras-for-stock-rev2.zip here. Rev1 included a few minor fixes andadded zeam and AnyCut. Rev 2 adds Terminal Emulator, Root Browser and Userinit. It is approximately 24MB. It

  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]

    can be flashed as long as you have booted and set up (registered) the Nook first. After you install the zip, removethe SD and reboot. You will see "Updating Apps" during boot. That is the system setting up the gapps. Then youshould see Play Store in the zeam launcher and you can open it and register with Google. Warning! This versionof the gapps zip is for stock only. Do not try to install this version to CM10 on SD.

    If you did not install the Universal Root and set up zeam as described in the Universal Root section, you need to doit now. I'll repeat the directions. As soon as you boot after flashing this zip and the stock home screen comes up,press the n key and a dialog box pops up asking which launcher you want to use. Click default and select zeam. Toput a stock home shortcut on zeam, long press the zeam screen, choose shortcut, choose AnyCut, choose activityand scroll to home and select it Then press OK. There will now be a shortcut installed to get back to the stock homescreen. An alternative way to switch back and forth between stock home and zeam is described by natefish here.

    Some users have reported the gapps+extras zip not installing properly. It gives a bad zip error in CWM. I think it isgetting corrupted on download by their PC. It is usually their anti-viral software doing it. The solution is to use yourNook to download the file to the internal SD and then use the "install zip from SD/choose zip from internal memory"function in CWM to flash the zip.

    Many users complain that Play Store lists many common apps as incompatible with your device. Just because PlayStore says it is incompatible does not mean it will not run on your device. It just means Play Store will not let youinstall it. The solution is to find and install the app from somewhere else like the Amazon Store, the 1Mobile Store orfrom another device. I have found most apps that Play Store says is incompatible actually do work.

    And, it seems the setting OTA to manual does not always stop B&N from somehow still updating you. If they do,and you lose root, your installed apps and Play Store should still work. Re-flashing the Universal Root zip will getroot back if you want it.

    4. Adding Voice Search to your Gapps installation

    This zip will add the Voice Search app to the Gapps package. To get the zip and read instructions, click on the ShowContent button.

    When someone0 and I were developing the ics gapps package for installing on stock, we found that the VoiceSearch app caused the stock settings to crash. So we decided to leave it out of the main package. But I personallythink the Voice Search app is cool and have been trying things to modify it so that it does not crash settings. I havenot been successful but have developed a workaround. Only the settings-general tab crashes with Voice Searchinstalled. The workaround is to go to settings-applications, and pick my apps, and Voice Search. Open the settingand choose 'disable' to temporarily disable the app. Then you can go to settings-general without it crashing. Then,when finished with general, go back and enable the app. Another option suggested by a user (mikolay) is to use athird party app like Smart Quick Settings (free) to do some of the more common general settings for you.

    I have prepared a zip to add Voice Search to your already installed gapps package. I am pretty sure it will not workwithout the rest of the package installed, but I don't know for sure. Download the NookHD-HDplus-VSAddition.zipfile here, copy to your CWM card and flash it per the instructions above. Do not install this zip unless you haveread the instructions in the previous paragraph!

    5. Extras (rev2 - 2/2/2013)

    If you decide not to install gapps, but you want the Extras from the Gapps + Extras zip, I have another small zip (updatedto rev2) that you can flash instead of the Gapps + Extras zip above. It includes setting Unknown Sources, Manual OTA(which does not seem to prevent auto updates anymore), setting up Userinit, and the extra apps (zeam, AnyCut, TerminalEmulator and Root Browser). If you flashed the Gapps + Extras you do not need to flash this zip. Click on ShowContent to get the zip.

  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]

    You can get the zip here. It also can be flashed as long as you have booted and set up (registered) the Nook first.And, if you did not flash Universal Root or the Gapps + Extras, you need to set up zeam as described in the Gapps+ Extras instructions above.

    6. White-on-White repair for HD/HDplus (latest - 1/31/2013)

    This mod changes some text colors so that most third party apps no longer display white text on a white background. Thechoice of the text colors was a compromise since the same text colors are used on white backgrounds and greybackgrounds. If too dark they will not show on grey and if too light they will not show on white. Thanks to someone0 forhelp in selecting the colors and making this mod. To get the zips and read instructions, click on Show Content.

    Some people do not like the effect of this mod, so be sure you have made a backup of your system as Irecommended earlier before you install this mod so you can easily revert back to stock colors.

    Also be sure to install the correct version for your device and software version. If you install the wrong version foryour device, it will either not install or get stuck at 99% when it boots. If it does not install or gets stuck, just installthe correct version or restore your backup.

    You can get the version for HDplus 2.0.0 here and HDplus 2.0.2/2.0.4/2.0.5 here. And the version for HD 2.0.0 hereand HD 2.0.2/2.0.4/2.0.5 here. I just added versions for 2.0.6 for both devices. HDplus here and HD here. Since thismod interferes with future updates, I have included two zips to take them back to the 2.0.6 stock settings so that itcan update without failing. Get the rev1 of revert to stock settings for HDplus here and HD here.

    7. Swapping "sdcard" and "ext_sdcard"

    Many users have complained that on the HD/HD+, like many phones, the internal media is named "sdcard" so that appscan store their files there. Some users would like them stored on their external SD. This mod will swap "sdcard" and"ext_sdcard" so that apps will store their files on the external SD. The external SD will show as "sdcard" and the internalmedia will show as "ext_sdcard". And it shows swapped using MTP also. It can be a little confusing since we cannotcontrol the names, but they are swapped. If you don't have an external SD in the slot, both sdcard and ext_sdcard willdisplay the internal media.

    This is the same modification as the one I have posted in my tips thread but this version does not require root to install.

    I have two zips attached below, one to install the swap feature and one to remove the feature. Just flash the one you wantand on the next boot it will become effective.

    8. Location Services

    This zip will set up network location services so that apps like Google Maps can locate you based on your wifi location.You must have the Gapps + Extras zip installed first. Flash the zip attached below (NookHD-HDplus-LocationServices.zip)and reboot. A box will pop up asking if you want to use Location Services. Press agree. Once that message to use locationservices is authorized, when you use an app like Google Maps, it will locate where you are. The message says:


    "Allow Google's location service to collect anonymous location data. Some data may be stored on your device.Collection may occur even when no apps are running."Disagree Agree

    If that box gets automatically dismissed before you say agree, it never pops up again so it never gets authorized. You thenhave to flash the zip again until you can press agree.

    9. Full revert to HD/HDplus 2.0.0 Stock with Root and Plain Stock 2.0.0 and now Update to 2.0.6 (latest 2/4/2013)

  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]

    I developed these original 2.0.0 rooted ROMs before I developed the Universal Root. They are not really necessaryanymore, but some users may want to install them so I am leaving them here. I also added two more factory 2.0.0 zips,one for each device. They will take you back to stock with no root so you can let B&N update you to the latest ROMversion if you want. And I have also added update zips to take you to 2.0.6 from any ROM version even if you previouslyinstalled the white on white mod. Some users outside the USA have commented that these ROMs do not always workproperly on their devices. These are definitely US ROMs and zips so be warned they may not work for non-US users. Tosee the description and the links, click on the Show Content button below.

    For those wanting to revert to the full HD/HDplus 2.0.0 ROM, I put together another 2 zips that would take the userback to 2.0.0 stock with root and hopefully having updates blocked permanently. Download the modified B&N 2.0.0factory zip for HD here and for HDplus here. They are quite large (~350MB) so it may take a while. I modified themfor root using someone0's original method.

    To install the full 2.0.0 rooted ROM, boot to the CWM and go to "mounts and storage" and format /data. Yourinternal media files will remain intact. Then go to "Install zip from SD" and select "HD-factory-2.0.0-rooted.zip" or"NookHDplus-factory-2.0.0-rooted.zip" depending on your device and flash it. Do not flash the gapps zip yet.Remove the CWM SD and boot. Complete the registration (you can skip OOBE if you like). It will NOT update toanother new version. The version shown on the settings screen will show as 4.0.4, even though the real version is2.0.0.

    I have included a few extra apps to make things easier. File Manager from CM 7.2, Calculator, adbWireless to helpwith ADB connection issues, Terminal Emulator, and the Moby Dick live wallpaper. I also included Zeam Launcherso you can access these apps, along with AnyCut to put your stock Home on the Zeam screen. If you want adifferent launcher, just uninstall zeam and add the launcher of your choice. Before you try to use a root app, opensuperuser at least once. You can use ADB to sideload apps if you do not want to flash the gapps zip. Unknownsources is not enabled yet so you cannot just double click on apk's with your file manager.

    Once you have booted to stock and registered, it is ok to re-insert the CWM card, boot to it and install "NookHD-HDplus-Gapps+Extras.zip". The reason you have to boot once first and register is so the system is setup when thesecond zip is flashed.

    Actually you can flash any of the appropriate zips above, including the 2.0.0 white-on-white repairs. Just rememberto do a nandroid backup with CWM before you install them.

    I also have uploaded the factory stock zips for each device. These may be flashed to your device if you want toupdate to the latest version and your system is not letting you. Just wipe /data with CWM. It will preserve yourinternal media files where an ordinary reset will wipe them. Then flash the zip. It will update to the latest versionwhile getting ready for you to register again. Then you can apply the other zips in the previous sections to get root,Gapps or others. Get the HDplus version here and the HD version here.

    And now I also have included update zips to take you from any version of ROM to 2.0.6. All of your previouslyinstalled apps, settings and mods will remain intact after the update. Just flash the zip over the existing ROMwithout wiping. You will have to re-flash the Universal Root and white on white if you want them. Get the HD+version here and the HD version here. They are 90MB and 75MB so it may take a while to download. (It will notwork over the rooted 2.0.0 ROM in this section. That version is update proof).

    10. New OTA (Over the Air) update block

    Another user (thanks greenya!) has come up with a new method to block OTA updates from B&N that seems to work. Ihave tested it with AdAway. I tried to manually update my 2.0.5 system in settings. It says there is an update available butdoes nothing when I push download. I removed the block and hit download and it began downloading immediately. So itdoes block them.

    If you are rooted, you can do this yourself with AdAway. I have a description in my HD/HD+ Tips thread linked in mysignature. See item 4.

    But, if you are not rooted or just want to do it the easy way, I have developed a couple of CWM zips to make it easy. Just

  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]


    Ads by Google

    23rd December 2012, 08:42 PM (Last edited by leapinlar; 17th March 2013 at 04:27 PM.) #2

    flash the NookHD-HDplus-new-OTA-hosts-block zip below. It will safely put a new hosts file on your system that blocksaccess to the sites needed by B&N to update your device. If you want to return to stock settings so you can update if youwant to, just flash the NookHD-HDplus-restore-stock-OTA-hosts zip.

    If you have AdAway, you may have some interaction, as it uses the same hosts file. If you want to continue to use AdAwayto block ads, you may have to set up AdAway like I explained in my Tips thread by adding the site to its black list.


    NookHD-HDplus-SDSwap.zip - [Click for QR Code] (561.1 KB, 1083 views)

    NookHD-HDplus-remove-SDSwap.zip - [Click for QR Code] (152.6 KB, 757 views)

    NookHD-HDplus-LocationServices.zip - [Click for QR Code] (727.7 KB, 1489 views)

    NookHD-HDplus-Universal-Root-rev2-(02.02.13).zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.02 MB, 2143 views)

    NookHD-HDplus-disable-root-rev2-(02.02.13).zip - [Click for QR Code] (3.34 MB, 531 views)

    NookHD-bootable-CWM-6027-for-emmc-stock-4GB-rev3-(02.03.13).zip - [Click for QR Code] (9.04 MB,1340 views)

    NookHD-bootable-CWM-6027-for-emmc-stock-small-rev3-(02.03.13).zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.51 MB, 571views)

    NookHDplus-bootable-CWM-6023-for-emmc-stock-4GB-rev3-(02.17.13).zip - [Click for QR Code] (9.36 MB,1169 views)

    NookHDplus-bootable-CWM-6023-for-emmc-stock-small-rev3-(02.17.13).zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.81 MB,404 views)

    NookHD-HDplus-restore-stock-OTA-hosts-rev0-(02.23.13).zip - [Click for QR Code] (152.5 KB, 297 views)

    NookHD-HDplus-new-OTA-hosts-block-rev1-(02.24.13).zip - [Click for QR Code] (152.9 KB, 480 views)

    See my Nook Color Tips Thread here,and my Nook Color EMMC Partition Repair Thread here,and my Nook Color Updated CM SD Installation Instructions here,and my Nook HD/HD+ stock tips thread hereand my Nook HD/HD+ stock CWM Root Tools thread hereand my Nook HD+ Hybrid CM SD hereand my Nook HD+ Updated Guide for Original CM SD Installation here

    The Following 54 Users Say Thank You to leapinlar For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


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  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]


    23rd December 2012, 08:52 PM #3


    23rd December 2012, 08:58 PM (Last edited by leapinlar; 23rd December 2012 at 09:06 PM.) #4


    Recognized Contributor -OP

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    Change Log

    Change Log

    03/17/13 - even further editing to make it look less intimidating03/04/13 - general editing of text to improve readability02/24/13 - minor change to new OTA block (rev1)02/23/13 - added new OTA block method and zips02/18/13 - added revised HD+ stock CWM compatible with new HD+ Hybrid CM SD02/04/13 - added modified Update to 2.06 zips for all ROM versions. Numbered sections and put dates on revisions andfiles02/03/13 - revised CWM images - HD+ with larger fonts and HD made compatible with the new HD Hybrid CM SD.02/02/13 - added rev2 of Universal Root, Disable Root, Extras and Gapps + Extras01/31/13 - added white-on-white repair for version 2.0.6 and plain stock 2.0.0 zips so your system can update to the lateststock version01/12/13 - added rev1 of Gapps + Extras to correct minor issues and to add zeam and AnyCut for those not wanting to root01/10/13 - added Location Services01/06/13 - added SDSwap01/05/13 - added HD versions of 2.0.0 rooted ROM and white-on-white repair zips01/04/13 - restored HD+ 2.0.0 rooted ROM link01/03/13 - added warnings about Voice Search and about the danger of being rooted on these devices, added disable rootzip and rev1 of Universal Root01/02/13 - added small CWM image files and instructions01/01/13 - added tip about doing periodic backups, interrupting 8 failed boot reset, added Voice Search and updated theHD CWM image to rev212/31/12 - re-arranged post and reworked instructions12/30/12 - temporarily disabled HD+ 2.0.0 rooted ROM link12/27/12 - added HD CWM and re-labeled zips that work on HD12/25/12 - added Universal Root and other zips.12/23/12 - original post for HD+ CWM and HD+ 2.0.0 rooted stock ROM

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    Senior Member

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    Leapinlar, shouldn't this thread be in the Nook Hd+ forum?

    ElineUSA Prodigy EL908 9.7" tablet 16gb ICS 4.0.4 Dual Core 1.5 gHz +32gb uSD, Antutu Benchmark v3.01 score 8603CPO Nook Color emmc CM10 nightly 20130303 + 16gb uSD, Antutu Benchmark v3.01 score 2666CPO Nook Color 32 gb uSD CM7.1 oc'd 1.225 gHz

    The Following User Says Thank You to hwong96 For This Useful Post: [ Click to Expand ]


    Yes, I will see if I can get it moved. Thank you for catching that.

  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]


    23rd December 2012, 09:01 PM #5


    23rd December 2012, 10:08 PM #6



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    See my Nook Color Tips Thread here,and my Nook Color EMMC Partition Repair Thread here,and my Nook Color Updated CM SD Installation Instructions here,and my Nook HD/HD+ stock tips thread hereand my Nook HD/HD+ stock CWM Root Tools thread hereand my Nook HD+ Hybrid CM SD hereand my Nook HD+ Updated Guide for Original CM SD Installation here


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    Posts: 532Join Date: May 2012

    Thx so much. I will try it.

    Ive learned That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.



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    My devices:HTC Blue Angel (retired)HTC x7501 (retired)HTC Incredible, w/ AOKP (GPS use)HTC Rezound w/ NilsP Business ICS (current phone)B&N Nook Color, w/ CM9HP Touchpad w/ CM9

    If you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to ask. I don't bite! :)

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  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]

    23rd December 2012, 10:12 PM (Last edited by HiddenG; 24th December 2012 at 02:41 AM.) #7


    24th December 2012, 12:20 AM #8


    24th December 2012, 12:54 AM #9


    24th December 2012, 02:43 AM (Last edited by leapinlar; 24th December 2012 at 03:23 AM.) #10




    Thanks Meter 15

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    Wow, thank you very much for this. Flashable CWM? Another road to custom ROMs. Thank you.

    Once I get my new setup, I'll see if I can get back on Android development. I've only worked on the Samsung Galaxy5/Europa for Android development before. :P

    Sorry for the bother, please may I ask; after installing the ROM, will it keep the 8-bootup-failure-reset intact? I know itsounds like a stupid question, haha but I'm curious; since it is overwriting the default ROM. Thank you.

    The Old One



    Thanks Meter 10

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    TYVM, I was told I was going to get on HD+ for Christmas and wanted to use it stock for ebooks (I have a BN account anda dieing nook 3G with bought books I want to keep) but the new 2.0.5 update would leave me to choose no tablet stuff(until CM10/cyanoboot gets up) or no BN access.

    Does this have the White on White Text fix in or will I need to do that myself?

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    I don't think he did.



    Recognized Contributor -OP

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    Originally Posted by The Old One TYVM, I was told I was going to get on HD+ for Christmas and wanted to use it stock for ebooks (I have a BN accountand a dieing nook 3G with bought books I want to keep) but the new 2.0.5 update would leave me to choose no tabletstuff (until CM10/cyanoboot gets up) or no BN access.

    Does this have the White on White Text fix in or will I need to do that myself?

    I'm working on it. Soon. Ok, see OP for links, one for 2.0.0 and one for 2.0.2/2.0.4.

    Sent from my HD+ rooted stock using Tapatalk

    See my Nook Color Tips Thread here,

  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

    http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2062613[3/24/2013 7:52:39 PM]


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  • [ROOT/GAPPS] HD/HDplus Stock Root and other Mods - via CWM flashable zips - xda-developers

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