rosenberg's rules. a checklist to success

LAVA consult Rosenberg’s Rules

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Transcript of J. Rosenberg's keynote speech at CMC (Claremont McKenna College). Although dating from 2010, still valid to this day. Except maybe rule #13, which I personally would encourage in some cases... Credits of course go entirely to Jonathan Rosenberg.


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Rosenberg ?

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Jonathan RosenbergSVP of PRODUCTS

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As SVP of Products at Google, Jonathan Rosenberg led the internal cultural transition by leading and creating an ‘open’ atmossphere.

During a lecture at Claremont McKenna College, Rosenberg’s alma mater,he shared his 42 rules to lead by. Pure gold.

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#1. Be a broken record

When you think you’ve communicated something too much, you’re probably

just beginning to get through

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#2. Share everything. Hide nothing

We strived to empower everyone equally from an information standpoint.

In the internet age, power comes from sharing information not hoarding it.

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#3. Every word matters

A leader’s words should always be thoughtful and precise - everything you say will be interpreted. “Be crisp & direct and choose each word wisely”

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#4. Tell stories

Narrative is how we learn. If you want to be a leader, you will teach and tell stories.

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#5. Stop talking, already

Listening makes you more humble,more intuitive and smarter.

Talking does none of these things.

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#6. But, if you know the answer...

There’s a time for listeningand there’s a time for straight talk.

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#7. Ditch the pecking order

You shouldn’t be able to figure out a company’s org chart by looking at their product

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#8. Avoid the HiPPO

Highest Paid Person’s Opinion...

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#9. Crush bureaucracy of all kinds

The most important attribute in organizationsis the ability to get out of the way.

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#10. Crowded is creative

Offices should be designed for energy and interactions, not for isolation and status

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#11. You need strategy AND tactics

There are people who are great at strategy,and there are those who are great at tactics.That’s why we have teams.

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#12. On teams, think small

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

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#13. Show up

Working from home is a malignant, metastasizing cancer. Ban it.

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#14. Be original

Never ever suggest copying your competitor. Their products generally suck.

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#15. Hope is not a plan

It just isn’t.

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#16. Doveryai no proveryai

Trust but verify. (Russian proverb)The primary job of a leader isjudgment and communication

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#17. Value over costs

Spend 80% of your time on 80% of your revenue. It’s obvious, but hard to do, because that

other 20% will end up taking up aninordinate amount of your time.

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#18. Beware of the green-eyed monster

Where there is success, there is envy.

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#19. Reorganisations

If you must reorganize, do it in a day.Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

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team building

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#20. Interview well

Great people not only make a great company, they also attract more great people

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#21. Hire in committee

All too often, companies allowhiring managers to call all the shots.

We didn’t do that. The gate is a committee. Promotions should be a peer review process.

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#22. You can’t teach passion

When enthusiasm is real, everyone can feel it -- it’s a tangible energy that lights people up.When hiring, it’s important to spot passion.

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#23. Don’t hire specialists

the underlying pace of technology willtransform the landscape so quicklythat the specialist’s job will be gone

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#24. Slow down

Urgency of a role isn’t sufficiently importantto compromise quality in hiring.

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#25. Diversity is your best defence...

…against myopia.

People with different backgrounds see theworld a little differently. That’s invaluable.

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#26. Be selective

Instead of laying off the bottom 10%,don’t hire them

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#27. Life isn’t fair

You shouldn’t tell peoplethey’re doing a great job

when they're not.

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#28. Identify and purge

There’s six pieces of sushi left.Your friend takes five.Bad egg.Get rid of bad eggs.

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decision making

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#29. Start with the right goals

Goals drive behavior and conflict.Make sure you have the goals right.

If they’re creating conflict, change them.

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#30. Consensus does not mean unanimous

If everyone is thinking alike,somebody isn’t thinking.

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#31. Consider the customer

If there’s a doubt about what to do,consider your customer’s perspective.

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#32. Creativity can’t be managed

Creativity can be allocated, it can be budgeted, it can be measured, it can be tracked and

encouraged, but it can’t be dictated.

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#33. Prepare to lose in order to win

A leader’s job is not to prevent risk, but to build the capability to recover when failures occur.

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#34. Lay off the kill switch

To have a great idea,have a lot of them.

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#35. Create a culture of ‘yes’

Organizations develop antibodies to change. That’s why big companies stop innovating.If you’re the innovator, you’re like a virus.

The antibodies want to kill you.

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#36. Good judgment comes from experience

Errors shouldn’t be defended or buried.They are what make you smarter.

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#37. Never stop learning

It’s never too late to learn.

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#38. Grow up

Humility is correlated with age.Arrogance is inversely correlated with age.

Why?Because as you get older, you realize

how hard it is to get things done.

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#39. Delegate

You get personal leverage through empowerment, delegation and inspection.

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#40. Mean what you say

Make sure you spend your time on the things that you say are important. Culture is set from

the top, and once set, it cannot be changed.

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#41. Watch people on their way out

You learn a great deal about a person and your ability to judge them in that moment they resign

and the manner they walk out the door.

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#42. Know you’re not exempt

It’s the only way to learn he says.Communicate, confess, and comply.No one is perfect – not even you.

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credits and thanks to

Jonathan RosenbergSVP of PRODUCTS

Full keynote available on youtube: