rosiglitazone abrogates bleomycin-induced scleroderma and ... · genetic event in ssc, blockade of...

Matrix Pathobiology Rosiglitazone Abrogates Bleomycin-Induced Scleroderma and Blocks Profibrotic Responses Through Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor- Minghua Wu, Denisa S. Melichian, Eric Chang, Matthew Warner-Blankenship, Asish K. Ghosh, and John Varga From the Section of Rheumatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois The nuclear hormone receptor, peroxisome prolif- erator-activated receptor (PPAR)- , originally iden- tified as a key mediator of adipogenesis, is ex- pressed widely and implicated in diverse biological responses. Both natural and synthetic agonists of PPAR- abrogated the stimulation of collagen synthe- sis and myofibroblast differentiation induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)- in vitro. To char- acterize the role of PPAR- in the fibrotic process in vivo , the synthetic agonist rosiglitazone was used in a mouse model of scleroderma. Rosiglitazone attenu- ated bleomycin-induced skin inflammation and der- mal fibrosis as well as subcutaneous lipoatrophy and counteracted the up-regulation of collagen gene ex- pression and myofibroblast accumulation in the le- sioned skin. Rosiglitazone treatment reduced the in- duction of the early-immediate transcription factor Egr-1 in situ without also blocking the activation of Smad2/3. In both explanted fibroblasts and skin organ cultures, rosiglitazone prevented the stimulation of collagen gene transcription and cell migration elic- ited by TGF-. Rosiglitazone-driven adipogenic dif- ferentiation of both fibroblasts and preadipocytes was abrogated in the presence of TGF-; this effect was accompanied by the concomitant down-regula- tion of cellular PPAR- mRNA expression. Collec- tively , these results indicate that rosiglitazone treat- ment attenuates inflammation , dermal fibrosis , and subcutaneous lipoatrophy via PPAR- in a mouse model of scleroderma and suggest that pharmacolog- ical PPAR- ligands , widely used as insulin sensitizers in the treatment of type-2 diabetes mellitus, may be potential therapies for scleroderma. (Am J Pathol 2009, 174:519 –533; DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2009.080574) Excessive collagen accumulation in the skin and lungs, the hallmark of systemic sclerosis (SSc), can lead to organ dysfunction, failure, and death. 1 The pathogenesis of fibrosis remains incompletely understood. 2 Although inflammation is a prevalent early feature, its precise role in fibrosis remains controversial, and anti-inflammatory therapies are generally ineffective in reversing or slowing the progression of the process. 3 Therefore, there is an urgent need for anti-fibrotic therapies. The fibroblast is the key effector cell driving the fibrotic process in SSc. In response to extracellular cues such as transforming growth factor (TGF)-, fibroblasts become activated with increased collagen production, expression of cell surface receptors for growth factors, secretion of cytokines and chemokines, resistance to apoptosis induction, and myo- fibroblast differentiation. 4 In light of the key role of TGF- in the pathogenesis of fibrosis, therapeutic strategies to block its production, activity, or intracellular signaling are under investigation. 5 However, because the potent anti- inflammatory and immunosuppressive activities of TGF- are physiologically important, global TGF- blockade could be complicated by spontaneous autoimmunity. In- deed, mice lacking TGF- die at an early age from severe inflammation. 6 Therefore, an ideal anti-fibrotic strategy targeting TGF- must selectively abrogate fibrotic re- sponses without disrupting its important immunosuppres- sive activities. Rosiglitazone is an insulin-sensitizing agent widely in type 2 diabetes mellitus that exerts its biological effects in Supported by the National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases grants AR-42309 and AR-49025) and the Scleroderma Research Foundation. Accepted for publication November 4, 2008. Address reprint requests to John Varga, Section of Rheumatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 240 E. Huron St., Chicago IL 60611. E-mail: [email protected]. The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 174, No. 2, February 2009 Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2009.080574 519

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Page 1: Rosiglitazone Abrogates Bleomycin-Induced Scleroderma and ... · genetic event in SSc, blockade of TGF- signaling by PPAR- could be a novel therapeutic approach to patho-logical fibrogenesis

Matrix Pathobiology

Rosiglitazone Abrogates Bleomycin-InducedScleroderma and Blocks Profibrotic ResponsesThrough Peroxisome Proliferator-ActivatedReceptor-�

Minghua Wu, Denisa S. Melichian, Eric Chang,Matthew Warner-Blankenship, Asish K. Ghosh,and John VargaFrom the Section of Rheumatology, Northwestern University

Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois

The nuclear hormone receptor , peroxisome prolif-erator-activated receptor (PPAR)-� , originally iden-tified as a key mediator of adipogenesis , is ex-pressed widely and implicated in diverse biologicalresponses. Both natural and synthetic agonists ofPPAR-� abrogated the stimulation of collagen synthe-sis and myofibroblast differentiation induced bytransforming growth factor (TGF)-� in vitro. To char-acterize the role of PPAR-� in the fibrotic process invivo , the synthetic agonist rosiglitazone was used in amouse model of scleroderma. Rosiglitazone attenu-ated bleomycin-induced skin inflammation and der-mal fibrosis as well as subcutaneous lipoatrophy andcounteracted the up-regulation of collagen gene ex-pression and myofibroblast accumulation in the le-sioned skin. Rosiglitazone treatment reduced the in-duction of the early-immediate transcription factorEgr-1 in situ without also blocking the activation ofSmad2/3. In both explanted fibroblasts and skin organcultures, rosiglitazone prevented the stimulation ofcollagen gene transcription and cell migration elic-ited by TGF-�. Rosiglitazone-driven adipogenic dif-ferentiation of both fibroblasts and preadipocyteswas abrogated in the presence of TGF-�; this effectwas accompanied by the concomitant down-regula-tion of cellular PPAR-� mRNA expression. Collec-tively, these results indicate that rosiglitazone treat-ment attenuates inflammation, dermal fibrosis, andsubcutaneous lipoatrophy via PPAR-� in a mousemodel of scleroderma and suggest that pharmacolog-ical PPAR-� ligands, widely used as insulin sensitizersin the treatment of type-2 diabetes mellitus, may be

potential therapies for scleroderma. (Am J Pathol2009, 174:519–533; DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2009.080574)

Excessive collagen accumulation in the skin and lungs,the hallmark of systemic sclerosis (SSc), can lead toorgan dysfunction, failure, and death.1 The pathogenesisof fibrosis remains incompletely understood.2 Althoughinflammation is a prevalent early feature, its precise rolein fibrosis remains controversial, and anti-inflammatorytherapies are generally ineffective in reversing or slowingthe progression of the process.3 Therefore, there is anurgent need for anti-fibrotic therapies. The fibroblast isthe key effector cell driving the fibrotic process in SSc. Inresponse to extracellular cues such as transforminggrowth factor (TGF)-�, fibroblasts become activated withincreased collagen production, expression of cell surfacereceptors for growth factors, secretion of cytokines andchemokines, resistance to apoptosis induction, and myo-fibroblast differentiation.4 In light of the key role of TGF-�in the pathogenesis of fibrosis, therapeutic strategies toblock its production, activity, or intracellular signaling areunder investigation.5 However, because the potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activities of TGF-�are physiologically important, global TGF-� blockadecould be complicated by spontaneous autoimmunity. In-deed, mice lacking TGF-� die at an early age from severeinflammation.6 Therefore, an ideal anti-fibrotic strategytargeting TGF-� must selectively abrogate fibrotic re-sponses without disrupting its important immunosuppres-sive activities.

Rosiglitazone is an insulin-sensitizing agent widely intype 2 diabetes mellitus that exerts its biological effects in

Supported by the National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Arthritisand Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases grants AR-42309 and AR-49025)and the Scleroderma Research Foundation.

Accepted for publication November 4, 2008.

Address reprint requests to John Varga, Section of Rheumatology,Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 240 E. Huron St.,Chicago IL 60611. E-mail: [email protected].

The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 174, No. 2, February 2009

Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology

DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2009.080574


Page 2: Rosiglitazone Abrogates Bleomycin-Induced Scleroderma and ... · genetic event in SSc, blockade of TGF- signaling by PPAR- could be a novel therapeutic approach to patho-logical fibrogenesis

part via the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor(PPAR)-�.7 Originally identified in adipose tissue, PPAR-�is one of a family of closely related nuclear receptors andligand-activated transcription factors with a primary rolein adipogenesis.8 In addition to adipocytes, PPAR-� isexpressed in macrophages, vascular endothelial andsmooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts. The PPAR-� recep-tor acts as a lipid sensor that can be activated by fattyacids, eicosanoids, and related endogenous products ofmetabolism.9 A majority of experimental studies ofPPAR-� have used the natural ligand 15-deoxy-�12,14

prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2), or synthetic ligands suchas rosiglitazone. In the absence of ligand, PPAR-� is com-plexed to the retinoid X receptor (RXR) and co-repressors,preventing its binding to DNA. Upon receptor ligation, co-repressors are displaced from the PPAR-�/RXR complexand co-activators such as p300 are recruited, allowingsequence-specific binding to conserved PPAR-� re-sponse elements (PPREs) in target gene promoters.10

Ligands of PPAR-� exert a broad range of proliferative,anti-inflammatory, and repair activities in addition to ad-ipogenesis and insulin sensitization.11 Recent studieshave shown that PPAR-� inhibits basal and stimulatedcollagen synthesis in vitro and in vivo, suggesting a novelbiological role in connective tissue homeostasis.12–14 Li-gand inhibition of TGF-�-dependent fibrotic responseswas mediated via the PPAR-� receptor and involved an-tagonistic cross talk with the intracellular TGF-�/Smadsignal transduction pathway.12

Because fibroblast activation by TGF-� is a key patho-genetic event in SSc, blockade of TGF-� signaling byPPAR-� could be a novel therapeutic approach to patho-logical fibrogenesis. In the present studies, therefore, weinvestigated the effect of rosiglitazone, the most potentpharmacological PPAR-� agonist, in bleomycin-inducedscleroderma. The results indicate that rosiglitazone ame-liorated the development of fibrosis in this mouse modelof scleroderma. The anti-fibrotic effect of rosiglitazoneinvolved blockade of TGF-�-induced fibroblast activa-tion, as well as attenuation of the inflammatory response.Furthermore, rosiglitazone counteracted the develop-ment of subcutaneous adipose atrophy and loss of localPPAR-� expression. Together, these findings indicatethat ligands of PPAR-�, already in clinical use for thetreatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, block fibrotic TGF-�responses without triggering aberrant immunity, suggest-ing their potential as novel anti-fibrotic agents in SSc.

Materials and Methods

Animals and Experimental Protocols

Six- to eight-week-old female BALB/c mice (The JacksonLaboratory, Bar Harbor, ME) were used in these studies.The protocols were institutionally approved by the North-western University Animal Care and Use Committee.Mice were housed in autoclaved cages and fed sterilefood and water. Filter-sterilized bleomycin [20 �g/mouse dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)](Mayne Pharma, Paramus, NJ) or PBS was adminis-

tered by daily subcutaneous injections into the shavedbacks of mice using a 27-gauge needle.15 Rosiglita-zone (5 mg/kg) (GlaxoSmithKline, King of Prussia, PA)and the irreversible PPAR-� antagonist GW9662 (Bi-omol International, Plymouth Meeting, PA) were admin-istrated by daily intraperitoneal injection. At the end ofeach experiment, mice were sacrificed and lesionalskin was processed for analysis. Each experimentalgroup consisted of at least five mice.

Histochemical Analysis

Lesional skin tissue was embedded in paraffin, and con-secutive 4-�m serial sections were stained with hematox-ylin and eosin (H&E). To evaluate collagen content andorganization in the lesional skin, deparaffinized sectionswere stained with Picrosirius Red and viewed under apolarized light microscope.16 Dermal thickness, definedas the distance between the epidermal-dermal junctionand the dermal-adipose layer junction, and the adi-pose layer, defined as the distance between the der-mal-adipose junction and the muscle, was determinedin H&E-stained sections at �100 microscopic magnifi-cation. For localizing tissue lipids, samples immersedin freezing medium (Triangle Biomedical Sciences,Durham, NC) were sectioned (7 �m) using a CM 1900UV cryostat (Leica Microsystems, Bannockburn, IL)and stained with Oil Red O.17 Mast cells were identifiedby Astra blue staining and quantified by counting in sixrandom fields under high magnification.15 To detectapoptosis, terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL)assays were performed on paraffin-embedded tissuesusing an in situ cell death detection kit (Roche Molec-ular Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN).

Immunohistochemistry andImmunofluorescence

Four-�m sections from lesional skin were deparaffinized,rehydrated, and immersed in TBS-T buffer (Tris-bufferedsaline and 0.1% Tween 20), and treated with target re-trieval solution (DAKO, Carpinteria, CA) at 95°C for 10minutes. Tissue embedded in freezing medium (TriangleBiomedical Sciences) was sectioned (7 �m) in a CM1900 UV cryostat. Primary antibodies against CD3 (BDPharmingen, San Diego, CA); Mac-3 (BD Pharmingen),�-smooth muscle actin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO),TGF-�1 and Egr-1 (both from Santa Cruz Biotechnology,Santa Cruz, CA), phospho-Smad2 (Cell Signaling, Dan-vers, MA), PPAR-� (Santa Cruz), or I-Ad (BD Pharmingen)were used. Bound antibodies were detected usingsecondary antibodies from the Histomouse-Max kit(Zymed Laboratories, San Francisco, CA) and the DakoCy-tomation Envision � System-HRP (3,3�-diaminobenzidinetetrahydrochloride) according to the manufacturers’ in-structions. Substitution of the primary antibody with iso-type-matched irrelevant IgG served as negative controls.After counterstaining with hematoxylin, sections weremounted with Permount (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA)and viewed under an Olympus BH-2 microscope (Olym-

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pus, Tokyo, Japan). Fibroblasts were identified by theirspindle-shaped morphology. The number of immunopo-sitive cells was determined at �400 magnification by twoblinded observers. Immunofluorescence intensity wasquantitated by image analysis.

Quantification of Tissue Levels of Collagen andTGF-�1

Lesional skin tissues were homogenized in 0.5 mol/Lglacial acetic acid and centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15minutes. Supernatant were then assayed for soluble col-lagen using Sircol colorimetric assays (Biocolor, NewtonAbbey, UK), and TGF-�1 was quantitated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (R&D Systems, Min-neapolis, MN).

RNA Isolation and Quantitative Real-TimePolymerase Chain Reaction 9 (qPCR)

Total RNA was isolated from frozen skin tissue usingTrizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and purifiedwith RNeasy mini spin columns (Qiagen, Valencia, CA).Reverse transcription was performed in a DNA thermalcycler (2720 Thermal Cycler; Applied Biosystems, FosterCity, CA) using a reverse transcription system kit (Pro-mega, Madison, WI). Real-time qPCR was performedusing SYBR Green Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) in anABI Prism 7700 sequence detection system (AppliedBiosystems). The oligonucleotide primers used for qPCRare listed in Table 1. The results of real-time qPCR anal-ysis are expressed as -fold change in mRNA levels rela-tive to 18S RNA or GAPDH levels in each sample.

Flow Cytometry and Determination ofAdiponectin, Cytokine, and Chemokine Levels

Peripheral blood was obtained at day 5 of bleomycininjections via cardiac puncture with citrate solution (100

mmol/L Na Citrate, 130 mmol/L glucose, pH 6.5) as an-ticoagulant, and mononuclear cells were purified by den-sity gradient centrifugation. Spleens were removed andtriturated with the end of a 3-ml syringe, and filteredthrough 70-�m nylon mesh (BD Bioscience, Bedford,MA). Single cell suspensions of peripheral blood mono-nuclear cells or spleen cells were analyzed by flow cy-tometry using antibodies against I-Ad (MHC-II)-FITC,CD86-PE, or CD-11b-APC, along with mouse IgG1-PE,IgG2a/2b-FITC, and IgG-APC (all from BD Pharmingen)as isotype controls. Events were collected on a DakoCy-tomation (DAKO, Fort Collins, CO) by gating for live cellsbased on forward and side scatter, and data were ana-lyzed using Summit software V4.3 (DAKO). Serum levelsof adiponectin, and the inflammatory mediators interleu-kin (IL)-1� and MCP-1 were determined at 7 or 28 daysafter the start of bleomycin injection by ELISA (R&D).

Collagen Transcription Assays

Cultures of dermal fibroblasts were established by ex-plantation of skin biopsies from newborn Col1a2-luctransgenic mice. These mice harbor a construct of themouse pro�2(I) collagen gene promoter containing 17 kb5� of the transcription start site, fused to a luciferasereporter gene, that drives high levels of reporter geneexpression in fibroblasts.18 When the fibroblasts reachedconfluence, cultures were incubated in serum-free mediacontaining 0.1% bovine serum albumin and indicatedconcentrations of rosiglitazone, followed 30 minutes laterby 10 ng/ml of TGF-�1 (Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA). Atthe end of a further 48 hours of incubation, cultures wereharvested and cell lysates were assayed for their lucif-erase activities.19

Skin Organ Cultures

Triplicate 3-mm punch biopsies were obtained from theback skin of 12-week-old female C57BL/6 mice. The tissueswere incubated in 96-well plates (one tissue piece per 150�l of culture medium) in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s me-dium with 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% vitamins, 100 U/mlpenicillin/streptomycin, 2 mmol/L L-glutamine with rosiglita-zone (10 �mol/L) in presence or absence of TGF-�1 (10ng/ml). After 48 hours, conditioned media were collectedand newly synthesized soluble collagens (types I to IV) werequantified by Sircol colorimeteric assays. Total RNA wasisolated from skin homogenates using Trizol reagent andsubjected to real-time qPCR analysis.

In Vitro Adipogenic Differentiation Assays

To assess adipogenic differentiation, mouse 3T3L1 preadi-pocyte (Zen-Bio, Research Triangle Park, NC) were incu-bated in either preadipocyte maintenance medium or DM2adipogenic differentiation medium (both from Zen-Bio).Low-passage (three to four) dermal fibroblasts estab-lished from the skin of newborn BALB/c mice wereseeded in 12-well plates (105 cells/well), and allowed toattach overnight. Cultures were then incubated in Dul-

Table 1. Primers Used for Quantitative Real-Time PCR

GenecDNA sequence

F, forward; R, reverse









Rosiglitazone Attenuates Murine Scleroderma 521AJP February 2009, Vol. 174, No. 2

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becco’s modified Eagle’s medium or DM2 in the pres-ence or absence of rosiglitazone (10 �mol/L) and/orTGF-�2 (5 ng/ml) (Genzyme, Framingham, MA) for up to5 days. To assess intracellular lipid accumulation, cellswere stained with Oil Red O (0.5% Oil Red O dye in 60%isopropanol) for 30 minutes followed by gentle rinse be-fore microscopic visualization. Lipid-containing cellswere enumerated in 10 random microscopic fields for

each experimental condition, and experiments were re-peated at least three times.

For immunocytochemistry, cultures were washed inPBS and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 minutesfollowed by methanol for permeabilization, and stainedwith antibodies specific for leptin (Santa Cruz Biotechnol-ogy), fatty acid binding protein-4 (FABP4) (R&D), and�-smooth muscle actin (Sigma-Aldrich). Slides were

Figure 1. Rosiglitazone attenuates bleomycin-induced skin inflammation. FemaleBALB/c mice received subcutaneous bleomycin alone, or bleomycin plus rosiglita-zone or GW9662. Lesional skin was examined (day 7). A, Top: H&E stain. a, control;b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plus rosiglitazone; e, GW9662; f,bleomycin plus rosiglitazone plus GW9662. A, Bottom: The numbers of inflamma-tory cells in the lesional dermis were determined. Bars are the means � SD from sixdeterminations. B: Sections were immunostained with antibodies to Mac-3. a, con-trol; b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plus rosiglitazone; e, GW9662; f,bleomycin plus rosiglitazone plus GW9662. C: Immunofluorescence with antibodiesto I-Ad. Top: a, control; b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plus rosiglita-zone. Red arrows indicate I-Ad-positive mononuclear cells; yellow arrows indi-cate hair follicles. Bottom: Cutaneous I-Ad expression was quantitated as describedin the Materials and Methods. The results indicate the means � SD from three micein each group. *P � 0.05. Scale bars: 50 �m (B, C); 20 �m (B, inset). Originalmagnifications: �100 (A); �400 [A (inset), B].

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overlaid with secondary horseradish peroxidase-conju-gated anti-rabbit IgG for 30 minutes, and 3,3�-diamino-benzidine tetrahydrochloride was used for chromogeniclocalization of antibody. Sections were counterstainedwith hematoxylin, and images were obtained by digitalcapture. Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled anti-mouse IgG was used as secondary antibody of �-smoothmuscle actin. Nuclei were identified with 4�-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Images were obtained by digital capturein a Nikon Eclipse TE200 microscope (Fryer Co., Huntley,IL) and viewed under �200 magnification.

In Vitro Cell Migration Assays

The modulation of cell migration in vitro was analyzed bymonolayer wound-healing assays.14 Briefly, primary skinfibroblasts from C57BL/6 mice were grown to early con-fluence. Scratch wounds were induced in monolayersusing standard p1000 pipette tips, followed by incubationof the cultures in media with 10 ng/ml of mitomycin C(Sigma-Aldrich) to block cell proliferation. Rosiglitazone(2 to 20 �mol/L) and TGF-�1 (10 ng/ml) were added andincubation continued for a further 24 hours. The woundswere monitored at intervals by phase contrast micros-copy. Wound gap length was measured at six differentsites in each sample at indicated times, and experimentswere repeated multiple times with similar results.

Statistical Analysis

Results are expressed as the means � SD or � SEM.Mann-Whitney’s U-test ( in vivo studies) or Student’st-test ( in vitro studies) was used for comparison be-tween two groups. Values �0.05 were considered sta-tistically significant.


Effects of Rosiglitazone on Skin Inflammationand Fibrosis

To evaluate the effects of rosiglitazone in a mouse modelof scleroderma, BALB/c mice given daily injections ofsubcutaneous bleomycin for up to 28 days were treatedwith intraperitoneal rosiglitazone. Bleomycin induced anearly and transient accumulation of inflammatory cells inthe skin that peaked on day 7 after initiation of treatment,and was most prominent in the deep dermis and subcu-taneous adipose tissue (Figure 1A, and data not shown).Concurrent treatment with rosiglitazone significantly re-duced the inflammatory cell infiltration (Figure 1A, bot-tom). Pretreatment of the mice with the selective PPAR-�antagonist GW9662 abrogated the effects of rosiglita-zone, indicating that anti-inflammatory response was me-diated via activation of cellular PPAR-�. Immunohisto-

Figure 2. Rosiglitazone prevents skin fibrosis and subcutaneousadipose atrophy. Lesional skin was examined after 28 days. A: H&Estain. Top: a, control; b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycinplus rosiglitazone. Representative photomicrographs. Arrows indi-cate the extent of the subcutaneous adipose layer. Bottom: Thickness of the dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Results repre-sent the means � SD from five mice per group, *P� 0.05. B: Oil RedO stain. a, control; b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plusrosiglitazone; Scale bar � 100 �m. Original magnifications: �100 (B,insets); �400 (B).

Rosiglitazone Attenuates Murine Scleroderma 523AJP February 2009, Vol. 174, No. 2

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chemical analysis showed that mice treated withrosiglitazone plus bleomycin for 7 days had reducedaccumulation of Mac-3-positive cells in the lesional skin(Figure 1B), whereas the numbers of infiltrating CD3-positive cells and mast cells were primarily unchanged(data not shown). The enhanced local expression of MHCclass-II (I-Ad), a hallmark of classical monocyte/macro-phage activation, was substantially attenuated by admin-istration of rosiglitazone (Figure 1C).

After 28 days of bleomycin injections, a considerableincrease in dermal thickness and accumulation ofdensely packed collagen bundles was evident in thelesional skin (Figure 2A, top). At the same time, the sub-cutaneous adipose layer showed striking atrophy, andwas virtually replaced by acellular densely packed con-nective tissue. Mice treated with rosiglitazone showedsignificant expansion of the subcutaneous adipose layerwith accumulation of intracellular lipids, as demonstratedby strong staining with Oil Red O (Figure 2B). Whenrosiglitazone was administered together with bleomycin,dermal fibrosis was attenuated and collagen bundleswere loosely packed and randomly oriented. Quantitativeevaluation showed that whereas dermal thickness of thedermis was 50% increased in bleomycin-injected micecompared with PBS-injected control mice, rosiglitazone at-tenuated the increase (P � 0.05). Furthermore, the integrityof the subcutaneous adipose layer was partially preservedin these mice (Figure 2A, bottom).

Staining with Picrosirius Red was used to investigatethe deposition and organization of collagenous matrix inthe skin. In bleomycin-injected mice, the dermis andsubcutaneous tissue showed dense collagen accumula-tion with strong red birefringence (indicative of highlycross-linked mature fibers), whereas mice given rosigli-tazone together with bleomycin showed weaker birefrin-gence (Figure 3A). To examine the effects of rosiglita-zone on collagen gene expression in vivo, mRNA in thelesional skin was quantified by real-time PCR. The resultsshowed a threefold to sixfold increase in the levels ofCOL1A1 and COL1A2 mRNA in mice treated with bleomy-cin compared with PBS-treated control mice (Figure 3B).Concurrent treatment with rosiglitazone markedly attenu-ated the up-regulation of collagen mRNA (P � 0.01). Theexpression of �-smooth muscle actin, a marker for identify-ing myofibroblasts that play crucial roles in pathologicalfibrogenesis, was determined by immunohistochemistry.After 28 days of bleomycin, a twofold increase in �-smoothmuscle actin was noted in the lesional dermis and subcu-taneous layers (Figure 3C, top). Concurrent treatment of the

Figure 3. Rosiglitazone attenuates collagen deposition and myofibroblast accu-mulation. Lesional skin (dermis plus subcutaneous adipose tissue) was exam-ined after 28 days. A: Picrosirius Red stain (viewed under polarized microscopy).a, control; b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plus rosiglitazone; e,GW9662; f, bleomycin plus rosiglitazone plus GW9662. Representative photomi-crographs. Arrows indicate the extent of the dermis. B: Real-time qPCR analysis.Results are normalized for 18S RNA and represent the means � SD of duplicatedeterminations from three mice per group, *P� 0.01. C, Top: �-Smooth muscleactin immunohistochemistry. a, control; b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleo-mycin plus rosiglitazone. Bottom: The proportion of �-smooth muscle actin-positive fibroblastic cells was quantified from at least six separate fields from fivemice per group. The results indicate the means � SD. *P� 0.05. Scale bars: 100�m (A); 50 �m (C); 20 �m (C, inset).

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mice with rosiglitazone significantly reduced the number of�-smoothmuscle actin-positive fibroblastic cells (Figure 3C,bottom). Plasma levels of adiponectin, an adipocyte-spe-cific circulating cytokine, were increased by 40% in ros-iglitazone-treated mice compared with controls (5.3 � 0.4�g versus 3.7 � 0.4 �g, P � 0.05). Detection of in situ celldeath demonstrated a modest increase in the number ofTUNEL-positive fibroblastic cells in the lesional dermis at 28days after bleomycin injections were started; the increase inapoptotic cells was abrogated in rosiglitazone-treated mice(data not shown).

Reduced Mononuclear Cell Activation

Peripheral blood and spleen mononuclear cells were ob-tained on day 5 after treatment was initiated, and ana-lyzed by flow cytometry. The results indicated that boththe frequency and the absolute numbers of I-Ad-positivemononuclear cells were modestly increased in the circu-lation of bleomycin-injected mice compared with controlmice, and rosiglitazone treatment was associated with anearly 30% reduction (Figure 4A). Similar results wereseen when spleen cells were analyzed (Figure 4B). Cir-culating CD-11b-positive monocytes expressed very lowlevels of CD86, which was not significantly affected byrosiglitazone (data not shown). The enhanced serum lev-els of the inflammatory mediators IL-1� and MCP-1 in

bleomycin-treated mice at day 7 were markedly reducedby treatment with rosiglitazone (Figure 4C).

Reduced PPAR-� Expression in Lesional Skin

Because the biological activities of rosiglitazone are me-diated primarily through the nuclear PPAR-� receptor, theexpression level of PPAR-� governs the intensity of cel-lular responses. Immunohistochemical analysis to exam-ine the modulation of PPAR-� in the fibrotic response

Figure 4. Rosiglitazone attenuates mononuclear cell activation. Peripheralblood mononuclear cells (A) or spleen cells (B) were collected at day 5 oftreatment. Single cell suspensions were analyzed by flow cytometry usingantibodies against CD-11b and I-Ad. The results represent the means fromthree mice per group. C: Serum levels of IL-1� and MCP-1 at day 7 weredetermined by ELISA. The results represent the means of duplicate determi-nations from four mice per group. *P � 0.05.

Figure 5. Modulation of PPAR-� expression in the lesional skin. After 28days, lesional skin was examined. A: Immunohistochemistry. Top: a, control;b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plus rosiglitazone. Representa-tive images. Bottom: The proportion of immunopositive fibroblastic cells wasquantified. The results represent the means � SD from five mice per group. *P�0.05. B: Real-time qPCR analysis. The results, normalized for 18S RNA, representthe mean � SD of duplicate determinations from three to five mice per group.*P � 0.05. Scale bars: 100 �m (A).

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Figure 6. TGF-�1 expression and signaling in the lesional skin. At 28 daysafter injections were started, lesional skin was examined. A: TGF-�1 immu-nohistochemistry. a, control; b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plusrosiglitazone. B: Real-time qPCR analysis. The results, normalized for 18SRNA, represent the means � SD of duplicate determinations from three miceper group, *P � 0.05. C: Immunohistochemistry for phospho-Smad2, or D:Egr-1. Top: Representative photomicrographic images. a, control; b, bleomy-cin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plus rosiglitazone. Bottom: The proportionof immunopositive fibroblasts was quantified. The results represent themeans � SD from five mice per group. *P� 0.05. E: Real-time qPCR analysis.The results, normalized for 18S RNA, represent the means � SD ofduplicate determinations from five mice per group. *P � 0.05. Scale bars:50 �m (D); 20 �m (D, inset). A, C, Original magnification �100; inset, �400.

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showed that in normal dermis, PPAR-� was detectableprincipally in fibroblastic cells, where it appeared to bedistributed in both nucleus and cytoplasm (Figure 5A).Whereas bleomycin treatment of the mice was associatedwith progressive loss of PPAR-� expression in fibrotic der-mis, concurrent administration of rosiglitazone partially pre-vented this inhibition. Because immunohistochemistry isneither highly sensitive nor quantitative for PPAR-�, mRNAlevels in lesional skin were determined by real-time qPCRanalysis. The qPCR results confirmed the decrease inPPAR-� mRNA expression associated with fibrosis, andshowed significantly increased expression in mice that hadreceived concurrent rosiglitazone (Figure 5B).

Effects of Rosiglitazone on TGF-�1 Expressionand Activity

Transforming growth factor is a key mediator of fibrosis ina variety of fibrotic disorders, as well as in bleomycin-induced animal models of fibrosis. Secreted by infiltratingleukocytes or by activated fibroblasts, or liberated in situfrom its matrix-bound sequestered latent form, activeTGF-� induces both Smad-dependent and Smad-inde-pendent intracellular signaling in resident fibroblasts. Toevaluate the modulation of the TGF-� by rosiglitazone invivo, TGF-�1 mRNA and protein expression were exam-ined in lesional skin. Concurrent administration of rosigli-tazone substantially prevented the up-regulation ofTGF-�1 mRNA. The accumulation of TGF-� protein inlesional skin detected by immunohistochemistry (Figure6A) and TGF-� mRNA determined by qPCR (Figure 6B)were reduced by rosiglitazone treatment. To assessTGF-� signaling activity in situ, expression of phosphor-ylated Smad2, a highly sensitive and specific marker ofTGF-� activity was examined. The results of immunohis-tochemistry showed that bleomycin by itself caused amarked up-regulation of phospho-Smad2 in fibroblasticcells in the dermis, reflecting their activation in situ byTGF-� (Figure 6C). Rosiglitazone treatment failed to atten-uate this response. In contrast, rosiglitazone abrogated theup-regulation of Egr-1, an early-immediate response tran-scription factor that is an intracellular mediator of Smad-

independent TGF-� signaling and has been implicated inthe fibrotic response (Figure 6, D and E).

Rosiglitazone Abrogates the Stimulation ofCollagen Synthesis and Fibroblast Migration

To explore the mechanistic basis underlying the antifi-brotic effects of rosiglitazone, ex vivo TGF-� responseswere investigated by two complementary approaches.First, organ culture experiments were performed to ex-amine the regulation of collagen production by rosiglita-zone. Tissues obtained from the back skin fromC57BL/6 mice were incubated in media with TGF-� androsiglitazone for 48 hours. The results of Sircol colori-metric assays showed that TGF-� induced a 40% in-crease (P � 0.05) in soluble collagen secreted into theculture media (Figure 7A). Concurrent rosiglitazonetreatment of the organ cultures abrogated this stimula-tion. Stimulation of COL1A1 and COL1A2 mRNA ex-pression in the skin tissue were similarly abrogated byrosiglitazone (Figure 7B).

Next, the regulation of type I collagen synthesis byrosiglitazone was investigated in monolayer cultures ofdermal fibroblasts explanted from Col1a2 transgenicmice. As reported previously,13 these fibroblasts showedsustained Col1a2-luc expression in vitro even in the ab-sence of stimulation, as determined by luciferase assays.Incubation of the cultures with TGF-� for 24 hours re-sulted in a more than twofold increase in luciferase ac-tivity, reflecting stimulation of the COL1A2 upstream en-hancer; the response was abrogated by rosiglitazone(Figure 7C). At the range of concentrations used in theseexperiments, rosiglitazone had no effect on cellular tox-icity as determined by trypan blue dye exclusion. To-gether, these results indicate that rosiglitazone abro-gated TGF-�-induced stimulation of collagen productionand Col1a2 promoter activity in skin organ cultures andmonolayer fibroblasts in vitro. Blockade of these TGF-�responses in rosiglitazone-treated fibroblasts did not in-terfere with Smad2 activation (data not shown).

Migration of dermal fibroblasts plays a critical role inboth normal wound healing and pathological fibrogen-

Figure 7. Rosiglitazone abrogates collagen stimulation in vitro. A and B: Skin organ cultures were established from C57BL/6 mice and incubated with TGF-� withor without rosiglitazone for 48 hours. A: Soluble collagen secreted into the media was quantitated by Sircol colorimetric assays. Results are the means � SD oftriplicate determinations from a representative experiment. B: Total RNA was isolated and analyzed by real-time qPCR. Results are the means � SD of triplicatedetermination from a representative experiment. C: Dermal fibroblasts explanted from Col1a2-luc transgenic mice or wild-type mice were incubated with rosiglitazoneand TGF-� for 48 hours. Cell lysates were assayed for their luciferase activities; luciferase activity in nontransgenic control fibroblasts was undetectable. Results are themeans � SD of triplicates determination from a representative experiment. *P � 0.05.

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esis. We hypothesized that the anti-fibrotic effects ofrosiglitazone were associated with reduced stimulationsof fibroblast migration. To determine the effect of rosigli-tazone on the wound healing response in vitro, scratchassays were performed with confluent fibroblasts. Cellproliferation was blocked with mitomycin C. A pipette tipwas used to make a liner scratch in the monolayers, andfibroblast migration was monitored for up to 24 hoursafter mechanical injury. As shown in Figure 8, rosiglita-zone significantly attenuated the stimulation of fibroblastmigration and wound closure elicited by TGF-�, with a50% reduction at 24 hours (P � 0.05).

Rosiglitazone Induces Adipocytic Differentiationof Explanted Dermal Fibroblasts

We consistently noted that the development of dermalfibrosis was accompanied by progressive atrophy of the

subcutaneous adipose layer and its replacement by fi-brous tissue (Figure 2). This pattern recapitulates theprogression of histopathological changes in the skin seenin patients with SSc. To investigate the molecular basisunderlying loss of adipose tissue that accompanies theonset of skin fibrosis, and its rescue by treatment of themice with PPAR-� ligand, we focused on the adipogenicmodulation of fibroblast and adipocyte phenotypes invitro. Under standard monolayer culture conditions, der-mal fibroblasts retained their spindle-shaped morphologyand growth characteristics for up to 1 week (data notshown). However, when incubated in media containingPPAR-� ligand, these fibroblasts gradually acquired arounded shape and accumulated prominent intracellularlipid droplets (Figure 9A). By day 7, up to 50% of cells ineach culture were Oil Red O-positive (Figure 9B). Fur-thermore, rosiglitazone induced strong up-regulation ofthe hallmark adipogenic markers PPAR-�, FABP4, andleptin (Figure 9, C and D), whereas mRNA levels for typeI collagen and �-smooth muscle actin were decreased(data not shown). Subsequent exposure of adipocyticcells (as judged by abundant accumulation of cytoplas-mic lipid droplets) to TGF-� (5 ng/ml) for 7 days resultedin recovery of the fibroblastic spindle-shaped morphol-ogy, and was associated with loss of cellular leptin andFABP4 expression, suggesting reversion to a fibroblastphenotype (Figure 9C). Under identical culture condi-tions, mouse 3T3-L1 subcutaneous preadipocytes werereadily induced to undergo adipogenic differentiation inmedia containing rosiglitazone, as expected (Figure 9E).Remarkably, the adipogenic differentiation of preadipo-cytes was also prevented by TGF-�. Together, theseresults indicate that PPAR-� ligands drive differentiationof mature dermal fibroblasts as well as preadipocytes toadipocytes, and this process is reversed by TGF-�. Ros-iglitazone in these experiments had no effect on cellviability or proliferation (data not shown).

Rosiglitazone Ameliorates Skin Fibrosis WhenStarted after Onset of Inflammation

To determine whether the anti-fibrotic effects of rosiglita-zone were primarily attributable to the prevention of theinflammatory response elicited by bleomycin, or to itsdirect effects of TGF-�-mediated activation of fibroblasts,rosiglitazone was administered beginning on day 7 afterbleomycin injections were started, and mice were sacri-ficed 21 days later. At day 7, significant cutaneous in-flammation was evident in bleomycin-injected mice. Micetreated subsequently with rosiglitazone showed reducedskin fibrosis compared with mice treated with PBS inparallel (Figure 10A). The thickness of the dermis was235.9 � 50.7 �m (mean � SD) in bleomycin-treatedmice, compared with 198.6 � 33.5 �m in bleomycin plusrosiglitazone-treated mice. Furthermore, when initiatedon day 7, rosiglitazone was associated with reducedTGF-� and collagen accumulation, and reduced COL1A1mRNA expression in the lesional skin (Figure 10, B–D).These results indicate that the anti-fibrotic effect of ros-

Figure 8. Top: Rosiglitazone abrogates stimulation of fibroblast migration.Confluent monolayers of dermal fibroblasts were scratched with a p-1000pipette tip to induce mechanical injury, followed by incubation in media withTGF-� (10 ng/ml) with or without rosiglitazone (2 �mol/L or 20 �mol/L) forup to 24 hours. Fibroblast migration was monitored by phase contractmicroscopy. Representative micrographs taken at 24 hours. a, control; b,rosiglitazone 2 �mol/L; c, rosiglitazone 20 �mol/L; d, TGF-�; e, TGF-� plusrosiglitazone 2 �mol/L; f, TGF-� plus rosiglitazone 20 �mol/L. Bottom:Quantification of fibroblast migration. The width of the scratch was measuredat six different sites in each sample. The results, shown as mean � SD, werereproducible in three independent experiments. *P � 0.05.

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iglitazone in the bleomycin model of mouse sclerodermawas at least in part independent of its potent inhibitoryeffect on inflammation, and may reflect a direct anti-fibrotic activity.


In light of the pivotal role of TGF-� in fibrosis, inhibitingTGF-� signaling represents a novel approach to targeted

Figure 9. Rosiglitazone induces adipogenic differentiation of skin fibroblasts. Primary cultures of confluent dermal fibroblasts from newborn BALB/c mouse(A--D), or 3T3L1 mouse preadipocytes (E) were incubated in standard media with rosiglitazone (10 �mol/L), or in differentiation media (DM2), in the presenceor absence of TGF-�2 (5 ng/ml) for 7 days. A: Cells were examined by phase contrast microscopy. B Top: Cell stained with Oil Red O. Bottom: The proportionof Oil Red O-positive cells was quantitated. The results indicate the means � SD from three separate experiments, *P � 0.05. C: Immunocytochemistry withantibodies against FABP4 (a--d) or leptin (e--h); hematoxylin counterstain. D: Real-time qPCR analysis. The results, normalized for 18S RNA, represent themeans � SD of duplicate determinations from three different experiments. *P � 0.05. E: 3T3L1 preadipocytes examined by phase contrast microscopy.Representative images. Original magnifications, �200.

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anti-fibrotic therapy. The intensity of TGF-� signaling isphysiologically modulated by redundant and comple-mentary mechanisms that govern ligand availability andbiological activity and the magnitude and duration ofresponses. Molecules such as Smad7, caveolin-1, andthe TGF-� pseudoreceptor BAMBI constitute an intracel-lular regulatory network that normally restricts the mag-nitude and duration of cellular responses to TGF-�.5 Thepresent findings suggest that the nuclear receptorPPAR-� may fulfill a similar regulatory role in the contextof TGF-�-mediated fibrogenesis.

Bleomycin-induced scleroderma was used as an ani-mal model to examine whether the in vitro suppression ofTGF-� responses by PPAR-� demonstrated in culturedfibroblasts translates into anti-fibrotic activity in vivo. Al-though there is no animal model that fully recapitulates allkey aspects of human scleroderma, subcutaneous ad-ministration of bleomycin is increasingly popular as anexperimental approach, because bleomycin elicits a pre-dictable sequence of pathological changes in mice thatparallel the evolution of fibrosis in scleroderma, with earlyand transient cutaneous inflammation followed by pro-gressive fibrosis.20 Within the lesional dermis, fibroblasticcells show evidence of TGF-� activation and Smad2/3phosphorylation, and fibrosis is attenuated in mice withtargeted deletion of Smad3.15,16 Bleomycin-induced sclero-derma thus permits an exploration of the complex relation-ship between the inflammatory and fibrotic processes, andtheir modulation by endogenous molecules and pharmaco-logical agents.

The present results show that rosiglitazone attenu-ated the severity of dermal fibrosis and local collagendeposition, and reduced the tissue accumulation of

myofibroblasts in vivo. Rosiglitazone also down-regu-lated the levels of TGF-� in lesional skin. The mecha-nisms accounting for these potent anti-fibrotic effectsare complex. We observed that rosiglitazone sup-pressed the early inflammatory response, with reducedactivation and tissue accumulation of mononuclear leu-kocytes. TGF-� is known to play a direct role in mono-cyte recruitment and activation in this animal model. 21

Although inflammation is a prominent early finding infibrosing conditions that might contribute to both trig-gering and sustaining the fibrotic process, therapeuticagents targeting the inflammatory response such ascorticosteroids generally fail to reverse or slow theprogression of fibrosis, and are primarily ineffective inSSc.22 In the present studies, rosiglitazone attenuatedthe early cutaneous inflammation induced by bleomycin,consistent with the recognized inhibitory effects ofPPAR-� on immune and inflammatory responses.23 Themechanistic basis for the anti-inflammatory effects ofPPAR-� remains incompletely understood. In monocytesand macrophages, PPAR-� ligands have been shownto suppress the production of tumor necrosis factor-�,IL-1, IL-6, and Cox, in part through blocking NF-�Bactivation.24–28 Indeed, accumulating evidence sug-gests that PPAR-� represses a rage of signal-depen-dent transcription factors that activate proinflammatorygenetic programs.

The attenuation of skin fibrosis in the bleomycin sclero-derma model by rosiglitazone appears to be attributableto the direct anti-fibrotic effects of PPAR-� in addition tosuppression of the inflammatory response. Ligands ofPPAR-� blocked the stimulation of collagen productionand collagen gene transcription elicited by TGF-� in vitro,and prevented myofibroblast differentiation of humanlung and skin fibroblasts.12,13 Because the irreversiblePPAR-� antagonist GW9662 counteracted the anti-fi-brotic effects of rosiglitazone in the present studies, wepropose that these effects are mediated primarily viacellular PPAR-�. Indeed, murine embryonic fibroblastslacking PPAR-� failed to show abrogation of TGF-� re-sponses when treated with rosiglitazone (A. Ghosh and J.Varga, unpublished data). However, we cannot fully ex-clude a role for PPAR-�-independent responses, such asinduction of hepatocyte growth factor, a growth factorwith potent anti-fibrotic activity.29,30 Because hepatocytegrowth factor inhibits collagen synthesis and abrogatesTGF-� signaling,31,32 its stimulation by rosiglitazone mayplay a role in attenuation of bleomycin-induced sclero-derma. Induction of the tumor suppressor phosphataseand tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN)by PPAR-� may be an additional anti-fibrotic mecha-nism.33,34 PTEN inhibits fibroblast proliferation, collagensynthesis, and myofibroblast differentiation,35 and sup-presses TGF-� production.36 Acting primarily as a lipidphosphatase, PTEN regulates signal transduction path-ways mediated through PI3 kinase and Akt. The signifi-cance of PTEN as an endogenous inhibitor of fibrosis isunderlined by the dramatic sensitivity of PTEN-null miceto bleomycin-induced fibrosis.35 Thus, PTEN induction byrosiglitazone could contribute to the blockade of TGF-�-induced profibrotic responses.

Figure 10. Rosiglitazone ameliorates bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis.Rosiglitazone treatment was initiated beginning on day 7 of bleomycininjections. Lesional skin was examined at 28 days. A: H&E stain. a,control; b, bleomycin; c, rosiglitazone; d, bleomycin plus rosiglitazone. B:Soluble collagen in lesional skin was quantitated by Sircol colorimetricassays. Results are the means � SD of five mice per group. C: Total RNAwas isolated and analyzed by real-time qPCR. Results are the means � SDof triplicate determination from a representative experiment. D: Levels ofTGF-�1 in lesional skin were determined by ELISA. The results representthe means � SD of duplicate determinations from three mice per group.*P � 0.05. Original magnifications, �100.

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In agreement with our previous findings,15 we de-tected enhanced phospho-Smad2 expression in lesionalfibroblasts in bleomycin-treated mice, indicative of theiractivation by TGF-� in situ. Interestingly, up-regulation ofphospho-Smad2 was unaltered in rosiglitazone-treatedmice. Failure to block Smad2 phosphorylation suggeststhat PPAR-� ligands abrogated TGF-�-induced re-sponses independent of Smad activation,12,13 and furtherindicates that the anti-fibrotic effects were not because ofdesensitization to TGF-� as would be the case if rosigli-tazone suppressed TGF-� receptor expression, asshown for instance in hepatic stellate cells.37 In markedcontrast to Smad2 activation however, up-regulation ofEgr-1 was substantially reduced by rosiglitazone. Egr-1 isa TGF-�-inducible early immediate gene that functions asa transcription factor mediating Smad-independentTGF-� signal transduction in fibroblasts.38 WhereasEgr-1 is rapidly and transiently induced by inflammatoryand stress signals, normally its expression is barely de-tectable in most tissues. In contrast, sustained Egr-1expression was noted in lesional tissue from mice withbleomycin-induced scleroderma,39 suggesting thatEgr-1 may contribute to the progression of the fibroticresponse. The present results show that Egr-1 up-regulation in lesional skin was prevented by rosiglita-zone, identifying Egr-1 as a target of inhibition byPPAR-�, and implicating this transcription factor as apotentially important mediator of the anti-fibrotic ef-fects of rosiglitazone.

The development of dermal fibrosis was accompaniedby progressive loss of subcutaneous adipose layer, and itsreplacement by fibrous tissue. In marked contrast to PBS-treated mice that had abundant subcutaneous fat, lipoatro-phy was consistently observed in the bleomycin-treatedmice. Subcutaneous adipose atrophy is a characteristichistopathological feature of human scleroderma,40 as wellas of TGF-�-driven scleroderma in transgenic mice.41 Thebasis for the loss of adipose tissue subjacent to dermalfibrosis is unclear. Potential mechanisms include loss oflocal adipocytes through apoptosis, impaired adipogenicdifferentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells, or simplyreplacement and effacement of the soft adipose tissue byexpansion of stiff connective tissue. It is of interest thatsubcutaneous adipose atrophy is prominent in, andgenerally precedes, cancer cachexia in animal mod-els.42 In this setting, adipose atrophy is attributed tothe loss of PPAR-� and related adipogenic transcrip-tion factors in the local milieu, with consequent failureof adipogenic differentiation, rather than loss of adipo-cytes.42 The critical role of PPAR-� in the maintenanceof subcutaneous adipocyte homeostasis is further sup-ported by the results of adipocyte-specific deletion ofPPAR-�. These mice develop subcutaneous lipoatrophyand concomitant accumulation of collagen-rich fibrousconnective tissue at the same location.43,44 Similarly, inan animal model of cancer-associated lipoatrophy, theshrinking adipose layer is replaced by collagen-rich ex-tracellular matrix.42 Cumulatively, these observationssuggest that an inverse correlation may exist betweenadipogenesis and fibrogenesis, possibly mediated viathe PPAR-�-dependent commitment of mesenchymal

precursor cells to the adipogenic or the fibrogenic lin-eage. In the present studies, bleomycin-induced dermalfibrosis was associated with loss of subcutaneous adi-pose tissue, but the process was primarily preventedwhen mice were pretreated with rosiglitazone. BecauseTGF-� is a potent inhibitor of both the expression andfunction of PPAR-� (J. Wei and J. Varga, unpublisheddata),45–48 enhanced TGF-� signaling in bleomycin-treated mice could account for locally reduced PPAR-�expression and function.

These observations also highlight a reciprocally antag-onistic relationship between the TGF-� and PPAR-� sig-naling pathways. On the one hand, PPAR-� activation infibroblasts by natural or synthetic ligands, and even ec-topic expression in the absence of exogenous ligand,blocks TGF-� responses such as stimulation of collagensynthesis, �-smooth muscle actin expression, and cellmigration.12,13 Antagonism by PPAR-� involves blockadeof Smad2/3-dependent transcriptional responses withoutpreventing ligand-induced Smad activation and nuclear ac-cumulation (A. Ghosh and J. Varga, unpublished data).Moreover, PPAR-� suppresses the synthesis and secre-tion of TGF-� in vitro and in vivo by multiple mechanisms,including induction of PTEN,14,36,49,50 and rosiglitazonetreatment reduced the accumulation of TGF-� in the le-sional skin. Thus, PPAR-� ligands exert dual antagonis-tic effects on TGF-� in the context of fibrogenesis bydirectly disrupting TGF-� signal transduction, and bysuppressing TGF-� production. On the other hand,TGF-� itself negatively regulates both the expressionand function of PPAR-�, thereby desensitizing fibro-blasts to PPAR-� ligands. Our present results suggestthat whereas PPAR-� receptor expression is diminished inlesional tissues in bleomycin-induced mouse scleroderma,concurrent administration of rosiglitazone prevents PPAR-�loss, thereby preserving rosiglitazone sensitivity even infibrosis. The complex TGF-�/PPAR-� relationship is likelyto have important consequences for physiological con-nective tissue homeostasis, and tissue fibrosis.51 Thebalance between TGF-� and PPAR-� signaling may behighly amenable to therapeutic manipulation using cur-rently available pharmacological ligands such as rosigli-tazone, or selective PPAR-� agonists that are under de-velopment. These approaches merit further investigationfor the treatment of fibrotic disorders.


We thank Robert Schleimer and Warren Tourtellotte and themembers of the Varga Laboratory for helpful suggestions.


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