rosmeri gonzalez

My name is Rosmeri Gonzalez I’m 18 years old I’m from the City of Chilanga Morazan in El Salvador My language is Spanish I immigrated to U.S in February 2013 My interest is to have a career and help my Family My favorite past time is taking care of my sisters

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Rosmeri gonzalez

My name is Rosmeri Gonzalez I’m 18 years old I’m from the City of Chilanga

Morazan in El Salvador My language is Spanish I immigrated to U.S in February

2013 My interest is to have a career

and help my Family My favorite past time is taking

care of my sisters

Page 2: Rosmeri gonzalez

The students are moving the soil

When the seeds sprout you can move it to a flower pot.A student is showing that the plant is ready to move to a flower pot.

Garinger community garden

Page 3: Rosmeri gonzalez

Here is some fertilizer for the plants.

The fertilizer help with the growth of the plant.

Ms. Mabe is explaining how we can use the fertilizer

She also shows how we mix fertilizer with soil.

Page 4: Rosmeri gonzalez

These empty flower pots are now ready to be filled with soil that was also mixed with fertilizer.

The empty flower pots are filled with soil and fertilizer.

The seed is now sprouted ready to grow.

The popsicle sticks are to name all the plants that are growing.

Page 5: Rosmeri gonzalez

The group has reunited to see how this plant had grown.

This is good for us because it helps us understand the growth of the plant.

Ms. Mabe explains how the plant can now be re-planted

According to the picture you can now see how big this little plant had grown from a seed.

Page 6: Rosmeri gonzalez

In this picture we are pulling a wagon of swiss chard that are ready to be transplatnted in the garden

Sergio is digging a hole to put the plants that are now ready to be transplanted in it.

In order for the plant to grow the soil has to be nice and moist.

A garden volunteer explained to us the way to take out the plant from the flower pot and the way we put it in the soil.

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The students are transplanting the plants.

We put it in the dirt, put soil around it, and put pressure on it so the plant could have a better chance of growing.

Then the plant is ready to grow larger than it was before.

Page 8: Rosmeri gonzalez

The vegetable has now grown big enough to eat so we cut the stem and wash it.

After doing this we can prepare a salad or a healthy snack to eat.

In the first picture you can see two members of the garden pulling a pile of vegetables that is now ready to eat.

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We also learned how to make a garden bed.

The piece of paper on the table is a model of how to make a garden bed

A student is in charge of doing all the measurements for the garden bed.

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A student had just cut the wood for the garden bed.

Now that the wood is cut the students arrange the pieces to put the way it has to be.

After the garden bed has been done we put dirt in it. Then we plant the plants then and put water on them.

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We learn how to make worm tea

The worm tea is to help the plants so the little bugs

won’t eat the plant.

When the worm tea is prepared we put it in a bottle and spray it on the plants.

In this picture you can see the student is spraying worm tea on the plants.

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As you can see in this picture these plants have been harvested and then cut.

Tun Soe took them home to cook.

Above is the food that a student made with the vegetables they cooked at home.

He cook it with his own style.

Page 13: Rosmeri gonzalez

ConclusionMany people live in U.S without resources to eat healthy and buy vegetables. They work hard to live better.U.S should help people who can do to eat more healthy by making garden for them. They could be an asset to beginning to plant healthy food in the U.S.Every one deserve to live a dream, live happily, and be what they want to be. Students who learn how to garden create a path way to others generation to live a healthy life.

We should try to understand our population. Every year education is lower because the difficult conditions of economy. Through the garden we can help U.S economy.The garden motivates student to care about themselves and the community. It inspires students to live healthy and make U.S a better country.Working in the garden with the students could be an asset to the US education.