ross, pilots, · second at s,h w, p.rt,,!...

esfjssaMggSB"'' t"'il! " T. soar aloft oil Fancy's wiifg " 0 TO MELANCHOLY. WRITTEN BY a CAROLINIAN. NYMPH ofthe pail'dhue, andd-nv- cad eye," Around whole brows a wreath o! cyprcls twines, For ever doom'd tobrerthe thepenfive sigh, And beat thatbieaft where mmlcrt never fbines; To thee, when d.flipated crouds retire, Itum thfad, thewde epre-ffiv- e lyre. Ms to some tott'ring abbey ruins bea- -, When trembling twilight o'ei thelandlcape falls, vVhere hollow echoes vibrate on the ear, And the long moss droops from the mould- - ring walls; , T' e'e, midlt decaying ftruftures let us muse, Nar heed the clammy milts, nor chilly dews. At midnight hour with thee I'll wander o'er The dreary heath ; th' ungenial damps defy; Or, ftretch'd alone the billow beaten Ihore, While the pie moon gleams from the cloud Anidthr circling (hades that whelm the mgtt, Catch the saint glnnm'rlngs of some watch tower's light. Or,,wrerelunereal vews spread o'er tbi tomb, loln'd hand in hand with Hire, fadnvn.n! I'M go, To mark where grief, enwrapt in awful e'oom' By the blue t iper (beds her floods of wee; And, weepiun.veaistre tardv away, Till morn's alarming clock pi oclaims the day. Ple!ure avaunt I thy fyren crew, Hsnce ! ever mi) lriee their wanton power;l Antlsidalong( ev ell, a la adieu, rodiitny revels of t le mitimgnt hnul Hark! heard'ft tho net the direful lhiicks of pam' Dilcafe ard Ueitn await the tlieugbtlefs tram D'l'ted maid! wi.'i t's content to dwell, 1 (hm fie noise of 1 iit.'s idle brwod, Toftckthee ill il , fiiliuiy cell, Whtre vaintlelafi c 1 5vs can ne'er intrude Bv.t Conenlation c jlm. ill nymph clu in-- . Humbcrs the Tinkling planets as tlit) iume T. R. . Naval Ane td At Soon afte- - cactain Vnw admral) f oravallfs fucc.eded to , , ".YdLaIIayesi- - Weather Etefendants. a j(J CI. eery account the the JSgthis conletiuence . . this court, of a thattth,5ftate tould a Corm-alh- s. the receipt this, hid the crew deck, and thut lacnoaily harangued them lads, th: iruncy be paid till ve return into ; and as to your ftst Jight rtg j I'll clip you along; the large of th; enemy's I see ; when thed hirnfelf an't hecpyoufTCtn it." Were lotiekUd with this war- like compliment, that they one and all to their duty, is they had been paid the money , they demanded ten times over ! llfciii, 'ijm .' !, (ii i,n,1., FOR SALE, a Merchant mill SAW MILL, and DIS1ILLERT, Situate on the waters of Siivcr creek, in Madiion county, about sit from the court house. rnd ten miles the river, wrnch annexed 140 acres of A. c stream and 1 S in the (late, and t Land. seat are eqaa' sny the mills dirtil in primt der. I'ortermsap-pi- y to the on ths premi fes. ROBERT PORTER. Mad'ron county 1 tf CnK jJ lUJJvjL. Ur A.11.N (J X 1 THE R-- r efmt-- ! atives 'v fuDv. riir Lodges, a id ail the Men be s the Grunu Lodt iHf. -- .x are ttiZJtoL requtiKd to pitr-tual- n t: attendance at the Lexlnpton, on the third Ma'cb'jAi, at ten o'clock, A . M.o&ftg tie yearly Com- munication. ,tjr By order the Most W'pfnl G. M DAN. G. Secy. LeKicgMn, 25, J374. 'notice. " Kentucky Insurance Compary. THE general meeun0 thj Share-Holde- rs ih the Kentucky swa,ce will be held at their ihre, in Lexington, on the cay of April next at o'clock, for thr elec- tion of a Prefidcnt. foueJDireftors, and ii re Auditors, ourfuant to law, and the ordinances the By orderof the Pref'dent ar 5 W MACBEaN, Lik. Lexington, '8' Feb 1804. RLM0,AL. JTACCOUN &f TILFORD ten r'-e- i their S T 0 ' r ic 101 .neiiy occupi"d b I. " u 1 ? KnTKP xCx.hf 1801 fj OHK rorE, ?.rd AS rerrwa A A will PRACTICE i . n the v - Court, ana in the I' y eXte, J eu - ,mine, Clarke, Bourbon, Montgomery and Maanon Circuit Courts. November !Oth, "WILLIAM ROSS, B0O7 6? SHOE MAKER, AS on hand a li.e afiorfmfit of BOO 1 5 Pilots, which he intends selling st reduced prices :.. D, Brown top Boots, 8 RI-..- 1. , j Three qi'arterdo. 5 a, is foxed, 6 Half jlilQ. e. is foxed 5s Mens & bonml gj, Miffs' kip-ski- n do, I 75 Mchs' coarse do. I Woniens' .Slippers fro-- h to l 25 oihall ihi es at cddine At these low prices, no tri need be expected. He nsa is to fe'' at tru;fe price? through the Colli ra of the vear .J 3. Any gentleman that Wllh-- S to pjJrCiufea quantity of any of the abovl the prices w ). iill be rerliirpd Two or three Art ' I . , .Cfc,S wanted tne jptifirtfs irtliT.t- - Jiaetly. .( S.ate ulV Mor.tfoim-- 1 Cfcu t ro.rt, (Jc'ier tt i -- 1, 1803. Tames Marrow, epT Yarojey, IV 10.1 HicKtt and Al irt h s 'ie Viar tha Yardln, Jiy Yardley, l.cb. rt Por- ter andEli diet' bii vise, ja c i iral'th Ya'd'ev, dnd Nancv Ya-ol- an' villi" ain Ya.dlev, mtd it, the ape 31 n .... uu u .. itvi t tli Mt fi enr1, wh ch Martha, Sally, htabrh, ard wi'.nai are rlidr, and h'" ' '""f w''hi" ? ed, and Wi)f s (. ok and Arttur Connally, 'answer the complaimnts' bill tlvt a cop-- ofl this order be nfei ted in one of the pubdek news papers the Kate, for two months tin cefflvely, another polled the oor the court house cf th'S count), and oie at the door the Ffcfnytcmn meeting house, Afcuntfterhnj, some Sunday immediately Htt imnr fervitci (A copy. Teff t M. itanlon, fj. M.,L. 'J. BROWN and WESTS PA iV.Nl" Wooden stills , M been ule for ltme time, in icjpity of Lexington, a',d hae -- i.vcd the most unequtvotal a piobat on "ti) more th-ii- i two hund'd Oiltillers, certifieates could ealily procuicd. Any common carpenter or cooper can conftruft a dift.llery on this lan, in three or sour days, and the cost,of ftilh whith will contain 500 gallons, Vill not exceed 100 dollars. S Spirit (:sf high proo f and ffcec frofn dttsar 'ecble lsproduc-- hyonf op"ution, which laves the txpencc ana jtrorbl doubling. 1 t ie stills, work lnri-- t thir " - ernes as fn't as vhe comncn ftiils 4 very fm !! qu mti y iii'l tjent tiiit n wpn are ichafing tl e T t, tP.iJ ri! i teS' .1- - ties 01 Ln "1 i ft !r 1! rl afe rp ar Iplyto the- - i'atci tees 111 Lexington, l?en-- t S'CKV. pr,c of R .rrits to i il.iv IN lH" Pf-- ' And will be pu1 l.icd in a ft iv weeks, THE 1NFFKNAI CO'.FlktNCh ; or' DIAL0GU1 s OF DFVILS. By the Lisruur ilnatica of bi George Collier, and Smith, at sea, mutiny broke out in the (hip, en. In a, of some accidentaf delaj in tlvejNvTIlAM fIA?ES, of defendants Clerk's piyng some of ship's conipa caule, not havingenreird lnsap-sy- , in of vnich theyfin- - Vs ar.cehertinagreeibly law jnd t'.ieiules I t .i, ..J - C....V Pa'. of and it appealing rheUtufac 7 ' tion of tho court tnat he no mhaojtant vr-rei- n they riec.ared to rran, it is ordered thut'ic doappAirnere they notfi,ht jjun till 'hev vcre'on thefirft dar ef tneir next Ami! term. and. paid. Capt. on of upon JIV?y cannot port 1 rfr fhlp I. ' returned better fatisSrd than miiiiu miles Irom K entuckv to is 3 1 to and lerv 01 fabrcnber of f ate c! o; k.eritU(.Ji be n Ma-fe- n Hi) m t,ue!da7n:i Sra'hal: of BRADFORD, Febrtar) annual n L Conttam c Monday, second i0 of oorpj-tion- . Direftort. liav? E t. i ".nc: July to LAW General tf 1803. & 5 a 5 ft N voik, IF to above of Ic c of ir B Naiev r, in at of of in in rc- - bt fall taite) of of J -- n, duals 50 V to to is bound and 1 he once to fubfcrtbri s One Dollar Those who wilh to nolTers cooies the above vork, wrh pleale to fendy,trieir names to th.s office, ar earlv at poffible Tne numerous that have been printed of tne uiaiotrnej ot jjtuis, is confiaered afuffi cicnt retomire.ida- - m. jB NO I ICE. I lySSK vvho have claims against ivltate of A idrow Holmes deceafeel, d to cxhih them legally authen e foj icnl er, in order t' at ie rrnrJr as earlv as oof oe for dif charging them And tl ole indebted to tlieef tate, are now calkd on to difc'iarge laiue. otherwifcr-iuit- s will ceitamly be cummenctd jyibout chfcrlm inarion 1 J Holmes, Adm. Lexington, March 5 1804 3 Scott countv, fct. I AKENupb y Vlicnael God 1 id, ' Hvraziftitaut two miles from GtorfCtown. e.i! NoriHK khofn. a " ' r f Bay Horse, aSOTyxo years old, 14 handi one and a 'iilf uiQjtU high, a (tar in th- - forenead, some fid trc Ipots, 0 brand perceivable ; appraid to dollars. copy. le'lie, Sami. " Shtpa'd,j.p. Jaa. 7th, 1804. t 0 Wa- - DepsrttlUKt, Feb. ttb, 1304. j Notice is hereby given, I TIHT frpur-Kt- t proposals wiy be received at the oirke or" the fecietiry for the depart- -' niantof war, until the eighteenth dav ot May next enrmng, for the fnpply of all tations which may he required fqr the u of the U nited States, from the ift dav of odrlier, id?4, until tie V'h day ci September 8 5, both days inltluiwe, at the following place. ME. Fuft. At Niagara, Dettoit, Michilimack-4- nac, Crukafto, Kort Wawptf, the port on the Miami 01 the Lakes, a Ml t skj place or pla-- , ces, viere rroops are or n.av l..- - itanoneo, or recruited wbm th' ita'e of (JI1105 , nd at am phce orplc-- 5 w thin K-- I- Man trnto'y, north of the 4 degree of north h Second,! At S,h W, P.rt, Krox.ili, Nalbvnie, and itnn the Lheio- - kenationrenTeuncflan.l Georgia, and On the rennc2ee rrn, and oi the rjad be- - tweenfaid rwer an-- i Na'h ille, and at v plaue Or pUces win. re tio ips e or nay bej Rationed, ahardied 01 recruited will in the; ilatei of TTneiTee and KeMtucky 1 liirrt. At tS oarriAit, nrdp V'nffpnpl. sin thenar Wabarh. I Fouith At Fort MmTiC, neat the rnon-- h of the Ohio, K ilkilkias, a id at anv ple c plices where troops are ct may be llitioned, matched or leormttd within tne T idnn.i trri torv, south of the 41 fl degree of roith Lti T tude, (Vincene excepted ) Fifth. At St Lcuu, New-Ma- d, place or places hert tioi'ps are 01 ii.a be, marched or iccnuted in Louilaua, north of the f tk'neiu on t' t ruer Arkan-Au- . SiTt' A r-,'- i.i Ai' -- nfes, Nat- chez, I cr: M ims. h t- i,LooJ tt in the To bile, and T a'iy ,)!ac or puces wUre troops are orm.voe iv3 prcd, n i'iedcr "ccruited wi'Tir' tie Milli.lnji terr.'ory, and on the road dli n I c n. ' an 1 tl c I enncliee ri- ver, (tie poll mi laid r,cr except' J ) es.enn At New Ot leinr, nd anyplace r pljce? o tne " mer( helow Kort Ag3t s; ai.,i 3t (li'e'o , NaUhitoches, and at anv 'her pi ct t r p icts wl tre troops aio" or n i be ltat "1 "d, irch-- t' or red nit? d in Lc .1 ina, ot tvfi-- , muiticne-!,o- r pilivlded for A SfVarare propnr 1' ill ills be rvreied as afr6 d, mr th ,ji it all ations, which mi be require ' ' the u 'e of ile United StT s, fiom in it dy of Lnu in, 183c. ur.t ' the 3 " ri Dec- - 11 'H r of the (am - cat, iioi aav "-- c i int, w nn ,i tie leveral it't s hri 111 attgF renti rcc, z Egi.h At Poit Wi'kifon, Cockfput Iflji d, mc1 at i" pice or 'laces wheie tro ps are or mav be S'tl 'nci n arrl ed or recruited wu'nn the slat of 'ju rg'a, r- - d on the In dnn iOtrdr betvci Georgia id the Creek njt en M-t- rr At CfSihlon, Rock Mountain, on rhc head w?ters of the Sontee,aid at any plice or pi -- es vheie are or may be tfa'icned. matched or recruited within the sate of South ani Nor,h t Tenth At Noifo'k, anri at any place or places whtre foops a c o' mav be ttatiened mi'ched or rccruittd, n it'Mii the ltate of Vir ginia. At Fnrt M Henrv asd at any place cr pl'ces where troop-- , are or my be fiafonet, riarched or d within the (Ute of M .ar.dand the D ftricl a Colam- - Twelf'h- - At Fort ;2'i, ' trMMirg,Car lif'c, and at any place or places i e e troops are or niiy be (1 .t "icd, marxhc1 or recruited v thin the (Va'es ef 1'ennf, 1, si ia, Nw-Jer-l- e, and Delaware. Thirteerth. At Fort Ta, West Point, Al lan". SLhenectadv, and -- t any place or places wheret-oop- s ar or nav be itatic marched r- - rec mted w'i'h n the (late of New Toik, (N aha e ) lomteenth Arrort irumbull, Fort i, aiflat airy piace or places wlere trpops aic i - mav l - mirched or recruited thi" t e fiates ofCon.ierticut, Klwde Island .f Verm rt ' f iterr'h At Fort Independence rBoflon httbouijird at anv p1ice or p'aces where troops ii.irmay lie llanoni-d- , mrchel orTt-cruitc- d within the slate 1 TiialUchulettsthe dillr'ft of Maine excepted ) y?lteentl . At nioutn, Portland, and ifyo) phce or plites whe troops are or mav hMtioned, mirched or i recruited wrtum tre ft e of New IlampP) re and tne dill rift of Mii"e A to cinuf of onhr pound and one quaiei of he t or tlnee quirt s of a pound ot piMk. eighteen ounces "I n ead or nour, ne pill of lum, whiflie n- - biand, and ; te r ue of two rp t f ' 1't, so ir quarts of ir"ar, foisr of loap, an I one pound ii o or hill of anclle1, to eve v nuudred ra ' ons I he t i th leveial component paits of tne 'ation fl ulil be specified ; but t le United Mat's re'er e tre ngh' of linking luch alteran 111s in th- - pi ice ot the roinponenl p r s ot f t ritiot at ri.11 il, ai thali make the prire us car l p' t rl eieof bt ir jnitpropor tior toti.e ir' poiet1 p rcetoi the ih ie ration he rai ion artfo oc iurpUhet in fuchquan titles, that theie lad at all tin es, during tht t.rm of tve propj-- d Lintrat't, be iufticient iaf th co 1 option ot the troops at Miclu limackmac, ' eroit, Nngaia and kago tor h- -. months .(fvance, and at each of the ot ler polls thfe 14 eftein waters for at leait t in e ri ontfv in advance, of good and whoie-fom- e proiiion, is tne same (hall be required It is alio to Ik permiH.'d to all and every of transported, 01 it anv time in the case of ur- - genc such fuppltes of like provisions 111 ad vance,as 111 tl e difcretignof the Commandant (hall be deerred- pioper. It is to be understood that tftu contralot Is to be at the expence and nfk Iffnihg tKe (upplics to the troops, and that all loiles fuf taired by the depredation of an enemy,r means of the troops of the United States, (hall be paid by the United States, at the piuft)f the articles captured or deftroYcd asuflfrefaid, or the depofkion ot two or mare pejji ns of creditable c aracteisand the certlh (.ite-o- f a cotimniTioiied officer, stating the circun, (lances of the lols, and the sinqut.t of; tieaitMies which tompenUtlon filial clamud. The pi u liege is understood to be reserved Co tne United Stan of req iinwf that ncuic oi the fi-- !ies wbieJ may he f urnifhed undei any o( tlie pn )rierc Jntrafts, (lull be il!ud until i - tunp res wi 11 l.ave or mav u fuimOied uidji ctrarfUrjow m force, have been cu.ilmr.t nd that a lupply in advance av b alwavj rcquirtd at in oi the fixed ...... . . pn'ts an tne sea Doaia or inoian iroiuiers,not sxceed ng three months. H. DEARBORN, tm.8 iecreta'y of Wai. NOTES On the navigation of the MISSISSIPPI, For sale at this office. Thts Fd t nn is parted for the Hev Jostlu a tne C immandants of fortified places or poff 1 Mom:;, and ill con'ain aboi t 400 oas'.incall tor at leafons hen tbi same can be of editions t p ovl- - the 30 the Ch of by for A.iK GPjiCUjoATJON ON VALUALIU 4 LANDS, rv ..A.'.. - c iu jrurcr t.ii: 7 ,tcs ir 371J Acies: at tic n ouih of Inciuti crck, on Ked, !i rli 01 Ki luc, y nci 2:95 acies at the nontl f Hr 11 rree 1 , including Frorcn critV, brai cl,t i tneKtn- - tuco river, aLout 9 miles above its truce ,or's, . 3D7 acres on in r.onn, ioiy otnocK -i- - u r....r ,00 acrcs on tht Sout,Prn ksrV of r kv rlv,r orao,te the rniJth ot liukm.n -u a0,o ,cre, ,ntjutI,nB ,he miin ranc cf IrlWM; ! p,cV ce iult be receixetf vVeUV. CIc-e- waters pf Greui ivn ket to, se ,H of tlu: annual S " '" tb ,Uin15 l " " f be ' c Fr further information aDlv tothe in Lsxi ton. to 1 Cra'.uOtK : L.'iV He, to Tho- - j' ilov, ard in Richmrcl. Llaoucn c . ;.u, ,m '.,i !.,.k n,.t.. , ,., r Vl i.wi fv .t.atiii juuuiu jiair.c ';uiiu BLUE, RED, GRLE ;,rwl2 Nirr,Tcd, T1 brown J5 jr iL,Xj comr cottct arc, nnfr. w in a hoi ri)t,ncn 1 v 1 'varwa'H to fiand, or return the mrin?y, and on ..; mf-'nab- le tei11! at. dytr i". "v'' "i ion. I "'1I d"e vool a deep blue at is 6d. per pi iii J. HUGH CKA" FORD, t the sign of the Golden lioi t Et hhn"i :n the old court-honfe- , co . ti cf Mam ckLrofs-ft- i sets, 1 cu gton. SettemLer i'ti, 180J. N. li. Is you Wnt to have yotii co'ton coloured Tret fro'n spots, tye your cuts loose, H. C. i&e ACCO WAN TED. tVjtKtn Baylor is 3n, WANT to porchafe 3 quantity ef INSPECTED TOBACCO, At any cf the ware-- 1 uUes on tl.j KnitncVy river, for vhiehthey wi'i give Lash and IvIeiichasdIze or li. Cash in nine months. Apply' at their ifcore opposite the markei- - houie, in Lexington. September 27, 1003 Nail Manufactory. GEORGE NORTON, "jpAICLS this method cf informing JL bs trierds, and the public in ge- neral, that he continues carrying on the NAIL MANUFjsCTGRY, On Main flrtet ,) and has on hand a large aifortment , f Gut and NAILS, of the heft qual.'y, SPUIG3, BRADS, 8tc. v,hich h m!1 sell at the rroft reduced prices for CatTi. A large-quantit- of BAR IRON cf the bed qnal.t), from rhenon wniks of Fanner and Tiorfey, also lor sale. Lextr.grcn, Jan?rY 9, 1804. valuable property for' salf. 700 acres Militarv Land, lying or Brudi creek, N. W. T. where the road eiofTes fiom Limeflone to Chill cjthe ; thib ti ift contains about three 1 nndred acres of rich bottom, the remainder is well timbered; has on it a good mill Pea-- , and is an excellent stand for a pub- lic 1 oufe. 500 acres ditto dittc,! ng or Clover Lick creek, a branch oi the xaftf rk of Mit Little M ami, N. V. T. in a gooo lfighboihood, about three miles froir !)unhanis-- 'l , lev en fiom Williams 'iurg, and eleven to tweive from the O-h- river. 1000 acrss ditto ditto, lying on Brulh eek, a sew miles from New Market, N. "vV. T. 5C00 acres, lying on Bank Lick creek, KentLclv, part of two tradls, contain- ing 6C0J acres, luiveyed and patented tor W,Hiam Jones. 4C0 3 acres, Clarke county, Kentucky, 0 rt cf a tral of eight t'loufand acres, rm vey eel and patented for Richard Clun-nevoit- h. v 3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county,1 Ken-cl- y, part of 5000 acres, furvevedand patiiiti-- d for George Underwood. 1200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky, Purveyed and patented for Moody and M'Millin. 1000 acre3 Military land, on the wa- ters of RuiTell's creek, Green river. 325 acre-- , r county, Kentuc- ky. icui in,les fio.n Louis-- . ille, 40 afTres of th.s trac?. is cleared. 116 1- -2 acres, Franklin eounty, Ken- tucky, on the North fcrk of Eli.hc.rn. abojt six uiillesfrom Frankfort , on this traft are con!;Qiable improvctnents. A House and well ii.iprovcd Lot .1 the tonn of P.-rr-f, on Main itrcet, and adjoining Mi . Kughes's tavern. An Inn,p ; CUi Let in said town. Also a IIov.fe a,idv.ell irapoved Let n place. ' The above defcrlbeu crpBrtv w'', be sold low lor Cash, In mp and Tol c- - ro, or n 7iv.nT pend v-- e -- d Iter.- - 'y, a couiid"rable may te had For further enquue cf An drew F Pr-- i e, attorney in sad tor (or to the fubknbers. John jofinrvf jn tojt a :n.z. f e,ncton, K ntuti v janwiy 1803-- T t 1. . ?., ,. jii or .1001 -- itmrf Brfil'l i i rrn te I 10, mi a fVoiinih-n- c fttt1 rrtnt ??io -- cti d ( f the bark tt 1 e ,ntr K Jk C. as, ret t' t t, nof than irae,grtf'jts c( tne Mate rf Virf 11 la Vill t bv Imal! trpft i trs accrniodt cr ci tie p rchafer ire 'il pidtlnvin, the m re rti tbs at I r iiist yejrs ciedit, v h , trreft p.i dam, !' Bends and aprn,r, lccorit'c ' leu- - ( nt'elltd , tVr t , y rt tf t'.e lotem" ! is r1 COvI Mr. Oeorse Hit i fti te frcr JteMngto:', c. 41 . I1 j tion roid, alia w'1 be !t t at the reduLd puce of i !ars :hs iealon, Kur the4;i v r 1 oi Fifteen to en'. :e i r i'e with foal, and in evjry ir tw,entj-ft-- c cents tj the h 1. F' e ledp ard gror ni's Jiri l paid whe" t! t, ri -- es b. e 1 sea Ion by the fiut day of sc , ( nest, and tie iiiu,ancf vl, mares are kne r, to be, r! 1 be feaKir, will commti ijtfi of larefi aiid, end tb- - . July rsim'oJ is s hand, i.i , lull fifteen hands f.ijjb, hi- - fa St ocen givci up by the best c, i Vi'ginuto lc eqail fi r is thit eerfjod 1:1 tint fJt), a ,, ' colts r ore arpsovi. be'ig terriLalily bandotiie, -- v. n, and3&neril! of got?d See. Ncs,.r-tUm- n whp wi hei ?a Lveci ri- - n NiHirodcan be dp eiverhas I hi j t uut two inaree v tOf fo?CfyJ ic? 0 "d one Iaft fprin's tplt, whichay u& fen at his ftard To confim v it I have above rff rteu ct Hi 0 J iS a foal getter, I fhtU glue ,.p dlcv- - mg cnanca, to vvjt Ange it ei an who puts a mar- - aid conrjjl'es theadvetttl.nici t,' and getb 1 colt that is not a gori one artai!y to the mare, ft' a 11 hnve his motey re turned on demand. lallursge;,tis will be provided for m.are oiftance, and great care tikmi B them, bu. will not be liable fora1 cidents er eleapes. JOHN MASON. ad March, 1804, NIMROO wa5 got by Medley, n s dam the note u mare old Willis, the d,'m .1 iha two noted rorftj brilliant srd tX aai. Old Willis was f ot by th in cijfd Id Jaeui, her dam by Col. Twin l.-,- i .'s imposed horie 5l ck, Nir;.c 1 won th Ilancver town i' 2, the NewVGlafj cr r t- 1 ;r r..y hand this 2C '1 j JOHN .il- Fr..- - We dokert f 1 at thr Nirnrod. tied by Jonn r Hanoi ery has ftccd hii trite I, f at Turemiii L-- s s, 5pn(l.. ty, Virginia, aid t, itk 1 m rhe rfl rank ;, onp cover 11 , r colts being reuar fr r ve a'.d genertlly cf eodfize. G"i er our hands thi; sit October ' - L .. j n j v , J3VTI XX. DllllltgSly, JOO ' son, Edmund G Htll. yf,. J) Richard St aLclfod. Fojic' GforgeWinn Ricocrdjcoi r- - latd Lively, Wi '. lJureu, LihJ:, 7averntr I Ann. I tviri i ret, jebn Vtgtcsaortb, lumrg Cbtles,Tbon c birley 7, o ., s r. Levis limb-'rlake- . John y on son, Benjamin Waller, Job'- - Oi r ejy, Farisb Colemar, James C 0. urd, 7 fireman Lewis, lavener It .am, Stephen Hue rev, Harry L'ur.ett, Larktn 6 Ho'.hday, Curfj li ..iter, George iii ir ley, Zecbanab &lukh fora, Harry Goodloe, John IV Stir-le- y. 1 I have oth'r certificates too cl nu? to mention, fiom under genJtrr n's bands who r?e bred fron H.nrj in Virginia, wrich maybe see. iths no, conceinirg the fa'cs of 1, 1 rcl's. and thev on the turf., J. Jul. rAEN op by Jor.n Wnf Claie ccui 1 tur .vl 'e c. .'el Bay II-s- ; about fourteen hards arc" a star .n ins, lum. u n re oi y nod fjo the hair of his till bjtl "& spots, at-- ut ii.g eat' e u, td J dollars, jtrusij 7, 1804 Acontes Eubi ' i jh iiil .At't in; TCgp' ateitle- - f the Pi . t TLtiinglf , f t ie p m.t rTONl Gill A or his ; mrl ol un . ty,Vir n ,v i ' G.ori Ci i I AXT.N t.-h- F-a- rc - vinMp lie Kentucky is e- -, ,a i ,frureen :iar.ds ond j ' ai - i LLini j, b anecd on r ljW li' 'er to-- e .a- - , c J ihu oe lore , ai Os' tf 2tn, 1803. M ft rnrfCd-- a' t,.

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Page 1: ROSS, Pilots, · Second At S,h W, P.rt,,! Krox.ili, Nalbvnie, and itnn the Lheio--kenationrenTeuncflan.l Georgia, and On the

esfjssaMggSB"'' t"'il!

" T. soar aloft oil Fancy's wiifg "


NYMPH ofthe pail'dhue, andd-nv- cad eye,"Around whole brows a wreath o! cyprcls

twines,For ever doom'd tobrerthe thepenfive sigh,

And beat thatbieaft where mmlcrt neverfbines;

To thee, when d.flipated crouds retire,Itum thfad, thewde epre-ffiv- e lyre.

Ms to some tott'ring abbey ruins bea- -,

When trembling twilight o'ei thelandlcapefalls,

vVhere hollow echoes vibrate on the ear,And the long moss droops from the mould- -

ring walls; ,

T' e'e, midlt decaying ftruftures let us muse,Nar heed the clammy milts, nor chilly dews.

At midnight hour with thee I'll wander o'erThe dreary heath ; th' ungenial damps defy;

Or, ftretch'd alone the billow beaten Ihore,While the pie moon gleams from the cloud

Anidthr circling (hades that whelm the mgtt,Catch the saint glnnm'rlngs of some watch

tower's light.

Or,,wrerelunereal vews spread o'er tbi tomb,loln'd hand in hand with Hire, fadnvn.n! I'M

go,To mark where grief, enwrapt in awful

e'oom'By the blue t iper (beds her floods of wee;

And, weepiun.veaistre tardv away,Till morn's alarming clock pi oclaims the day.

Ple!ure avaunt I thy fyren crew,Hsnce ! ever mi) lriee their wanton power;l

Antlsidalong( ev ell, a la adieu,rodiitny revels of t le mitimgnt hnul

Hark! heard'ft tho net the direful lhiicks ofpam'

Dilcafe ard Ueitn await the tlieugbtlefs tram

D'l'ted maid! wi.'i t's content to dwell,1 (hm fie noise of 1 iit.'s idle brwod,

Toftckthee ill il , fiiliuiy cell,Whtre vaintlelafi c 1 5vs can ne'er intrude

Bv.t Conenlation c jlm. ill nymph clu in-- .

Humbcrs the Tinkling planets as tlit) iume

T. R. .

Naval Ane td At Soon afte- - cactainVnw admral) f oravallfs fucc.eded to

, ,

".YdLaIIayesi- - Weather Etefendants.a j(J CI. eery

account thethe JSgthis

conletiuence. . this court,

ofa thattth,5ftate

tould aCorm-alh-s. the receipt

this, hid the crew deck,and thut lacnoaily harangued them

lads, th: iruncy be paidtill ve return into ; and as to yourftst Jight rtgj I'll clip you along; thelarge of th; enemy's I see ; whenthed hirnfelf an't hecpyoufTCtn it."

Were lotiekUd with this war-like compliment, that they one and all

to their duty,is they had been paid the money

, they demanded ten times over !

llfciii, 'ijm .' !, (ii i,n,1.,

FOR SALE,a Merchant mill


Situate on the waters of Siivcrcreek, in Madiion county, about sit

from the court house. rnd tenmiles the river,wrnch annexed 140 acres of

A.c stream and

1 S in the (late, and

t are eqaa' snythe mills dirtil

in primt der. I'ortermsap-pi- y

to the on ths premifes.

ROBERT PORTER.Mad'ron county 1

tfCnK jJ lUJJvjL. Ur A.11.N (J X 1

THE R-- r efmt-- !atives 'v

fuDv. riirLodges, a id ailthe Men be s

the Grunu LodtiHf. -- .x are

ttiZJtoL requtiKd topitr-tual-

n t: attendance at theLexlnpton, on the third

Ma'cb'jAi, at ten o'clock,A . M.o&ftg tie yearly Com-

munication. ,tjrBy order the Most W'pfnl G. M

DAN. G. Secy.LeKicgMn, 25, J374.

'notice. "

Kentucky Insurance Compary.THE general meeun0 thj

Share-Holde- rs ih the Kentucky swa,cewill be held at their ihre, in

Lexington, on the cayof April next at o'clock, for thr elec-

tion of a Prefidcnt. foueJDireftors, andii re Auditors, ourfuant to law, and theordinances the

By orderof the Pref'dent ar 5

W MACBEaN, Lik.Lexington, '8' Feb 1804.


JTACCOUN &f TILFORDten r'-e- i their

S T 0 '

r ic 101 .neiiy occupi"d bI. " u 1 ? KnTKP

xCx.hf 1801

fjOHK rorE,?.rdAS rerrwa

A A will PRACTICE i.n the

v -

Court, ana in the I' y eXte, J eu -

,mine, Clarke, Bourbon, Montgomery and

Maanon Circuit Courts.November !Oth,

"WILLIAM ROSS,B0O7 6? SHOE MAKER,AS on hand a li.e afiorfmfit

of BOO 1 5 Pilots, whichhe intends selling st reduced prices:..

D,Brown top Boots, 8RI-..- 1. , jThree qi'arterdo. 5 a, is

foxed, 6Half jlilQ. e. is foxed 5sMens & bonml gj,Miffs' kip-ski- n do, I 75Mchs' coarse do. IWoniens' .Slippers fro-- h to l 25oihall ihi es at cddine

At these low prices, no tri needbe expected. He nsa is to fe'' attru;fe price? through the Colli ra ofthe vear.J 3. Any gentleman that Wllh-- S

to pjJrCiufea quantity of any of theabovl the prices w ). iill bererliirpd

Two or three Art ' I . , .Cfc,Swanted tne jptifirtfs irtliT.t- -

Jiaetly. .(S.ate ulV

Mor.tfoim-- 1 Cfcu t ro.rt,(Jc'ier tt i

--1, 1803.

Tames Marrow, epT Yarojey, IV 10.1

HicKtt and Al irt h s 'ie Viartha Yardln, Jiy Yardley, l.cb. rt Por-

ter andEli diet' bii vise, ja c i iral'thYa'd'ev, dnd Nancv Ya-ol- an' villi"ain Ya.dlev, mtd it, the ape 31 n.... uu u .. itvi t tli Mtfi enr1, wh ch Martha, Sally, htabrh,

ard wi'.nai are rlidr, and

h'" ' '""f w''hi" ?ed, and Wi)f s (. ok and Arttur Connally,

'answer the complaimnts' bill tlvt a cop-- oflthis order be nfei ted in one of the pubdeknews papers the Kate, for two months tincefflvely, another polled the oor thecourt house cf th'S count), and oie at thedoor the Ffcfnytcmn meeting house,Afcuntfterhnj, some Sunday immediately Httimnr fervitci(A copy. Teff t

M. itanlon, fj. M.,L. 'J.

BROWN and WESTS PA iV.Nl"Wooden stills ,

M been ule for ltme time, inicjpity of Lexington, a',d hae

-- i.vcd the most unequtvotal a piobat on"ti) more th-ii- i two hund'd

Oiltillers, certifieates couldealily procuicd.

Any common carpenter or cooper canconftruft a dift.llery on this lan, inthree or sour days, and the cost,of ftilhwhith will contain 500 gallons, Vill notexceed 100 dollars. S

Spirit (:sf high proof and ffcec frofndttsar 'ecble lsproduc-- hyonf

op"ution, which laves the txpencc anajtrorbl doubling.

1 t ie stills, work lnri--t thir " - ernesas fn't as vhe comncn ftiils 4

very fm !! qu mti y iii'ltjent tiiit n wpn are

ichafing tl e T t, tP.iJ ri!i teS' .1- -

ties 01 Ln "1 i ft !r 1! rl afe rp arIplyto the-- i'atci tees 111 Lexington, l?en-- t

S'CKV. pr,c of R .rrits to i il.iv

IN lH" Pf-- '

And will be pu1 l.icd in a ft iv weeks,THE 1NFFKNAI CO'.FlktNCh ;


By the Lisruur

ilnatica of bi George Collier, and Smith,at sea, mutiny broke out in the (hip, en. In a,

of some accidentaf delaj in tlvejNvTIlAM fIA?ES, of defendantsClerk's piyng some of ship's conipa caule, not havingenreird lnsap-sy- ,

in of vnich theyfin- - Vs ar.cehertinagreeibly law jnd t'.ieiulesI t .i, ..J - C....V Pa'. of and it appealing rheUtufac

7 ' tion of tho court tnat he no mhaojtantvr-rei- n they riec.ared to rran, it is ordered thut'ic doappAirnerethey notfi,ht jjun till 'hev vcre'on thefirft dar ef tneir next Ami! term. and.

paid. Capt. onof upon

JIV?y cannotport

1 rfrfhlp

I. '

returned better fatisSrdthan


milesIrom K entuckv tois


1 toand

lerv 01


of fate


o; k.eritU(.Jibe

n Ma-fe- n

Hi) mt,ue!da7n:i




annual nL

Conttam c

Monday, secondi0

of oorpj-tion-.



t.i ".nc:




tf 1803.








to above






Naiev r,

inat of

of in

inrc- -


fall taite)




-- n,

duals 50



bound and 1 he once to fubfcrtbri s

One Dollar Those who wilh to nolTers cooiesthe above vork, wrh pleale to fendy,trieir

names to th.s office, ar earlv at poffible Tnenumerous that have been printed oftne uiaiotrnej ot jjtuis, is confiaered afufficicnt retomire.ida- - m.

jB NO I ICE.I lySSK vvho have claims against

ivltate of A idrow Holmes deceafeel,d to cxhih them legally authene foj icnl er, in order t' at

ie rrnrJr as earlv as oof oe for difcharging them And tl ole indebted to tlieeftate, are now calkd on to difc'iarge laiue.otherwifcr-iuit- s will ceitamly be cummenctdjyibout chfcrlm inarion

1 J Holmes, Adm.Lexington, March 5 1804 3

Scott countv, fct.

I AKENupb y Vlicnael God 1 id, '

Hvraziftitaut two miles from GtorfCtown. e.i!NoriHK khofn. a " '

r f Bay Horse,aSOTyxo years old, 14 handi one and a 'iilfuiQjtU high, a (tar in th- - forenead, some fidtrc Ipots, 0 brand perceivable ; appraid to

dollars.copy. le'lie,

Sami." Shtpa'd,j.p.Jaa. 7th, 1804. t

0 Wa- - DepsrttlUKt, Feb. ttb, 1304. j

Notice is hereby given, I

TIHT frpur-Kt- t proposals wiy be receivedat the oirke or" the fecietiry for the depart- -'

niantof war, until the eighteenth dav ot Maynext enrmng, for the fnpply of all tationswhich may he required fqr the u of the United States, from the ift dav of odrlier,id?4, until tie V'h day ci September 8 5,both days inltluiwe, at the following place.ME.

Fuft. At Niagara, Dettoit, Michilimack-4-

nac, Crukafto, Kort Wawptf, the port on theMiami 01 the Lakes, a Ml t skj place or pla-- ,

ces, viere rroops are or n.av l..-- itanoneo,or recruited wbm th' ita'e of (JI1105 ,

nd at am phce orplc-- 5 w thin K-- I- Man

trnto'y, north of the 4 degree of northh Second,!At S,h W, P.rt,Krox.ili, Nalbvnie, and itnn the Lheio- -

kenationrenTeuncflan.l Georgia, andOn the rennc2ee rrn, and oi the rjad be- -

tweenfaid rwer an-- i Na'h ille, and at v

plaue Or pUces win. re tio ips e or nay bejRationed, ahardied 01 recruited will in the;ilatei of TTneiTee and KeMtucky

1 liirrt. At tS oarriAit, nrdp V'nffpnpl. sin

thenar Wabarh. I

Fouith At Fort MmTiC, neat the rnon-- h

of the Ohio, K ilkilkias, a id at anv ple cplices where troops are ct may be llitioned,matched or leormttd within tne T idnn.i trritorv, south of the 41 fl degree of roith Lti T

tude, (Vincene excepted )

Fifth. At St Lcuu, New-Ma- d,place or places hert tioi'ps are 01 ii.a, marched or iccnuted in Louilaua,north of the f tk'neiu on t' t ruer Arkan-Au- .

SiTt' A r-,'- i.i Ai' -- nfes, Nat-chez, I cr: M ims. h t- i,LooJ tt in the To

bile, and T a'iy ,)!ac or puces wUre troopsare orm.voe iv3 prcd, n i'iedcr "ccruitedwi'Tir' tie Milli.lnji terr.'ory, and on theroad dli n I c n. ' an 1 tl c I enncliee ri-

ver, (tie poll mi laid r,cr except' J )

es.enn At New Ot leinr, nd anyplacer pljce? o tne " mer( helow Kort

Ag3t s; ai.,i 3t (li'e'o , NaUhitoches, andat anv 'her pi ct t r p icts wl tre troops aio"

or n i be ltat "1 "d, irch-- t' or red nit? d inLc .1 ina, ot tvfi-- , muiticne-!,o- r pilivldedfor A

SfVarare propnr 1' ill ills be rvreied asafr6 d, mr th ,ji it all ations, whichmi be require ' ' the u 'e of ile UnitedStT s, fiom in it dy of Lnu in, 183c.ur.t ' the 3 " ri Dec- - 11 'H r of the (am -cat, iioi aav "-- c i int, w nn ,i tie leveral

it't s hri 111 attgF renti rcc, zEgi.h At Poit Wi'kifon, Cockfput

Iflji d, mc1 at i" pice or 'laces wheie tro psare or mav be S'tl 'nci n arrl ed or recruitedwu'nn the slat of 'ju rg'a, r- - d on the Indnn iOtrdr betvci Georgia id the Creeknjt en

M-t- rr At CfSihlon, Rock Mountain,on rhc head w?ters of the Sontee,aid at anyplice or pi -- es vheie are or may betfa'icned. matched or recruited within thesate of South ani Nor,h t

Tenth At Noifo'k, anri at any place orplaces whtre foops a c o' mav be ttatienedmi'ched or rccruittd, n it'Mii the ltate of Virginia.

At Fnrt M Henrv asd at anyplace cr pl'ces where troop-- , are or my befiafonet, riarched or d within the(Ute of M .ar.dand the D ftricl a Colam- -

Twelf'h- - At Fort ;2'i, ' trMMirg,Carlif'c, and at any place or places i e e troopsare or niiy be (1 .t "icd, marxhc1 or recruitedv thin the (Va'es ef 1'ennf, 1, si ia, Nw-Jer-l- e,

and Delaware.Thirteerth. At Fort Ta, West Point, Al

lan". SLhenectadv, and -- t any place or placeswheret-oop- s ar or nav be itatic marchedr- - rec mted w'i'h n the (late of New Toik,(N aha e )

lomteenth Arrort irumbull, Fort i,

aiflat airy piace or places wlere trpopsaic i - mav l - mirched or recruited

thi" t e fiates ofCon.ierticut, Klwde Island. f Verm rt '

f iterr'h At Fort Independence rBoflonhttbouijird at anv p1ice or p'aces wheretroops ii.irmay lie llanoni-d- , mrchel orTt-cruitc- d

within the slate 1 TiialUchulettsthedillr'ft of Maine excepted )y?lteentl . At nioutn, Portland, and

ifyo) phce or plites whe troops are or mavhMtioned, mirched or irecruited wrtum treft e of New IlampP) re and tne dill rift ofMii"e

A to cinuf of onhr pound and one

quaiei of he t or tlnee quirt s of a poundot piMk. eighteen ounces "I n ead or nour,

ne pill of lum, whiflie n- - biand, and ;

te r ue of two rp t f ' 1't, so ir quarts of

ir"ar, foisr of loap, an I one poundii o or hill of anclle1, to eve v nuudred ra' ons I he t i th leveial componentpaits of tne 'ation fl ulil be specified ; butt le United Mat's re'er e tre ngh' of linkingluch alteran 111s in th- - pi ice ot the roinponenlp r s ot f t ritiot at ri.11 il, ai thali make theprire us car l p' t rl eieof bt ir jnitproportior toti.e ir' poiet1 p rcetoi the ih ie ration

he rai ion artfo oc iurpUhet in fuchquantitles, that theie lad at all tin es, during thtt.rm of tve propj-- d Lintrat't, be iufticientiaf th co 1 option ot the troops at Miclulimackmac, ' eroit, Nngaia and kagotor h- -. months .(fvance, and at each of theot ler polls thfe 14 eftein waters for at leaitt in e ri ontfv in advance, of good and whoie-fom- e

proiiion, is tne same (hall be requiredIt is alio to Ik permiH.'d to all and every of

transported, 01 it anv time in the case of ur- -genc such fuppltes of like provisions 111 advance,as 111 tl e difcretignof the Commandant(hall be deerred- pioper.

It is to be understood that tftu contralot Isto be at the expence and nfk Iffnihg tKe

(upplics to the troops, and that all loiles fuftaired by the depredation of an enemy,rmeans of the troops of the United States,(hall be paid by the United States, at thepiuft)f the articles captured or deftroYcdasuflfrefaid, or the depofkion ot two or marepejji ns of creditable c aracteisand the certlh(.ite-o- f a cotimniTioiied officer, stating thecircun, (lances of the lols, and the sinqut.t of;tieaitMies which tompenUtlon filialclamud.

The pi u liege is understood to be reservedCo tne United Stan of req iinwf that ncuicoi the fi-- !ies wbieJ may he f urnifhed undeiany o( tlie pn )rierc Jntrafts, (lull be il!uduntil i - tunp res wi 11 l.ave or mav ufuimOied uidji ctrarfUrjow m force, havebeen cu.ilmr.t nd that a lupply in advance

av b alwavj rcquirtd at in oi the fixed...... . .

pn'ts an tne sea Doaia or inoian iroiuiers,notsxceed ng three months.

H. DEARBORN,tm.8 iecreta'y of Wai.

NOTESOn the navigation of the

MISSISSIPPI,For sale at this office.

Thts Fd t nn is parted for the Hev Jostlu a tne C immandants of fortified places or poff 1

Mom:;, and ill con'ain aboi t 400 oas'.incall tor at leafons hen tbi same can be



tp ovl- -









4 LANDS,rv ..A.'.. - ciu jrurcr t.ii: 7 ,tcs ir

371J Acies: at tic n ouih of Inciuti crck,on Ked, !i rli 01 Ki luc, y nci

2:95 acies at the nontl f Hr 11 rree 1 ,

including Frorcn critV, brai cl,t i tneKtn- -

tuco river, aLout 9 miles above its truce,or's, .

3D7 acres on in r.onn, ioiy otnocK -i- -

u r....r,00 acrcs on tht Sout,Prn ksrV of r

kv rlv,r orao,te the rniJth ot liukm.n-u

a0,o ,cre, ,ntjutI,nB ,he miin ranc cf IrlWM; ! p,cV ce iult be receixetfvVeUV. CIc-e- waters pf Greui ivn ket to, se ,H of tlu: annual

S " '" tb ,Uin15 l " " f be ' c

Fr further information aDlv tothe in Lsxi ton. to 1

Cra'.uOtK : L.'iV He, to Tho-- j' ilov, ard in Richmrcl. Llaoucn c. ;.u, ,m '.,i !.,.k n,.t.. , ,., rVl i.wi fv .t.atiii juuuiu jiair.c ';uiiu

BLUE, RED, GRLE;,rwl2 Nirr,Tcd,T1 brownJ5 jr iL,Xj comr cottct arc, nnfr.w in a hoi ri)t,ncn 1 v 1 'varwa'Hto fiand, or return the mrin?y, and on..; mf-'nab- le tei11! at. dytr i".

"v'' "i ion. I "'1I d"e vool a deepblue at is 6d. per pi iii J.

HUGH CKA" FORD,t the sign of the Golden lioi t Et

hhn"i :n the old court-honfe- ,

co . ti cf Mam ckLrofs-ft- i sets,1 cu gton.

SettemLer i'ti, 180J.N. li. Is you Wnt to have yotii

co'ton coloured Tret fro'n spots, tyeyour cuts loose, H. C.


tVjtKtn Baylor is 3n,WANT to porchafe 3 quantity ef

INSPECTED TOBACCO,At any cf the ware-- 1 uUes on tl.jKnitncVy river, for vhiehthey wi'igive Lash and IvIeiichasdIze or

li. Cash in nine months. Apply'at their ifcore opposite the markei- -

houie, in Lexington.September 27, 1003

Nail Manufactory.GEORGE NORTON,

"jpAICLS this method cf informingJL bs trierds, and the public in ge-

neral, that he continues carrying on theNAIL MANUFjsCTGRY,

On Main flrtet ,) and has on hand alarge aifortment , f Gut andNAILS, of the heft qual.'y, SPUIG3,BRADS, 8tc. v,hich h m!1 sell at therroft reduced prices for CatTi. A large-quantit-

of BAR IRON cf the bedqnal.t), from rhenon wniks of Fannerand Tiorfey, also lor sale.

Lextr.grcn, Jan?rY 9, 1804.

valuable propertyfor' salf.

700 acres Militarv Land, lying orBrudi creek, N. W. T. where the roadeiofTes fiom Limeflone to Chill cjthe ;

thib ti ift contains about three 1 nndredacres of rich bottom, the remainder iswell timbered; has on it a good millPea-- , and is an excellent stand for a pub-

lic 1 oufe.500 acres ditto dittc,! ng or Clover

Lick creek, a branch oi the xaftf rk ofMit Little M ami, N. V. T. in a gooolfighboihood, about three miles froir!)unhanis-- 'l

, lev en fiom Williams'iurg, and eleven to tweive from the O-h-

river.1000 acrss ditto ditto, lying on Brulh

eek, a sew miles from New Market,N. "vV. T.

5C00 acres, lying on Bank Lick creek,KentLclv, part of two tradls, contain-ing 6C0J acres, luiveyed and patentedtor W,Hiam Jones.

4C0 3 acres, Clarke county, Kentucky,0 rt cf a tral of eight t'loufand acres,rm vey eel and patented for Richard Clun-nevoit- h.


3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county,1 Ken-cl- y,

part of 5000 acres, furvevedandpatiiiti-- d for George Underwood.

1200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky,Purveyed and patented for Moody andM'Millin.

1000 acre3 Military land, on the wa-ters of RuiTell's creek, Green river.

325 acre-- , r county, Kentuc-ky. icui in,les fio.n Louis-- . ille, 40afTres of th.s trac?. is cleared.

116 1- -2 acres, Franklin eounty, Ken-

tucky, on the North fcrk of Eli.hc.rn.abojt six uiillesfrom Frankfort , on thistraft are con!;Qiable improvctnents.

A House and well ii.iprovcd Lot .1

the tonn of P.-rr-f, on Main itrcet, andadjoining Mi . Kughes's tavern.

An Inn,p ; CUi Let in said town.Also a IIov.fe a,idv.ell irapoved Let

n place. 'The above defcrlbeu crpBrtv w'', be

sold low lor Cash, In mp and Tol c- -

ro, or n 7iv.nT pend v-- e -- d Iter.- -

'y, a couiid"rable may te hadFor further enquue cf Andrew F Pr-- i e, attorney in sad tor (orto the fubknbers.

John jofinrvf jntojt a :n.z.f e,ncton, K ntuti v

janwiy 1803--


t 1. . ?., ,.jii or .1001 --itmrf Brfil'l ii rrn te I 10, mi a fVoiinih-n- c fttt1 rrtnt

??io -- cti d ( f the bark tt 1 e ,ntrK Jk C. as, ret t' t t, nof than irae,grtf'jtsc( tne Mate rf Virf 11 la

Vill t bv Imal! trpft i trsaccrniodt cr ci tie p rchafer ire 'ilpidtlnvin, the m re rti tbs at I r iiistyejrs ciedit, v h , trreft p.i dam, !'

Bends and aprn,r, lccorit'c ' leu- -


,tVr t

, y rt tf t'.e lotem" !

is r1


Mr. Oeorse Hit i fti te

frcr JteMngto:', c. 41 . I1 jtion roid, alia w'1 be !t tat the reduLd puce of i

!ars :hs iealon, Kur the4;i v r 1

oi Fifteen to en'. :e i r i'ewith foal, and in evjry irtw,entj-ft-- c cents tj the h 1.

F' e ledp ard gror ni's Jiri lpaid whe" t! t, ri -- es b. e 1

sea Ion by the fiut day of sc , (

nest, and tie iiiu,ancf vl,mares are kne r, to be, r!

1 be feaKir, will commtiijtfi of larefi aiid, end tb- - .

July rsim'oJ is s hand, i.i ,

lull fifteen hands f.ijjb, hi- - fa Stocen givci up by the best c, iVi'ginuto lc eqail fi r i s

thit eerfjod 1:1 tint fJt), a ,, '

colts r ore'ig terriLalily bandotiie, -- v. n,and3&neril! of got?d See. Ncs,.r-tUm- n

whp wi hei ?a Lveci ri- - nNiHirodcan be dp eiverhas I hi j tuut two inaree v tOf fo?CfyJ ic? 0 "done Iaft fprin's tplt, whichay u&fen at his ftard To confim v itI have above rff rteu ct Hi 0 J iSa foal getter, I fhtU glue ,.p dlcv- -

mg cnanca, to vvjt Ange it ei anwho puts a mar- - aid conrjjl'es w.ththeadvetttl.nici t,' and getb 1 coltthat is not a gori one artai!y tothe mare, ft' a 11 hnve his motey returned on demand. lallursge;,tiswill be provided for m.areoiftance, and great care tikmi B

them, bu. will not be liable fora1cidents er eleapes.

JOHN March, 1804,

NIMROO wa5 got byMedley, n s dam the note u

mare old Willis, the d,'m .1 ihatwo noted rorftj brilliant srd tX aai.Old Willis was f ot by th in cijfd IdJaeui, her dam by Col. Twin l.-,- i .'simposed horie 5l ck, Nir;.c 1

won th Ilancver town i' 2,the NewVGlafj cr r t- 1 ;rr..y hand this 2C '1 j

JOHN .il-Fr..- -

We dokert f 1 at thrNirnrod. tied by Jonn rHanoi ery has ftccd hii trite I, f

at Turemiii L-- s s, 5pn(l..ty, Virginia, aid t, itk 1 mrhe rfl rank ;, onp cover 11 , r

colts being reuar fr r vea'.d genertlly cf eodfize. G"i erour hands thi; sit October '

- L .. j n j v ,

J3VTI XX. DllllltgSly, JOO '

son, Edmund G Htll. yf,. J)Richard St aLclfod. Fojic'GforgeWinn Ricocrdjcoi r- -

latd Lively, Wi '. lJureu,LihJ:, 7averntr IAnn. I tviri


ret, jebn Vtgtcsaortb, lumrgCbtles,Tbon c birley 7, o ., s r.

Levis limb-'rlake- . John y onson, Benjamin Waller, Job'-- Oi r ejy,Farisb Colemar, James C 0. urd,7 fireman Lewis, lavener It .am,Stephen Hue rev, Harry L'ur.ett,Larktn 6 Ho'.hday, Curfj li ..iter,George iii ir ley, Zecbanab &lukhfora, Harry Goodloe, John IV Stir-le- y.


I have oth'r certificates too cl nu?to mention, fiom under genJtrr n'sbands who r?e bred fron H.nrj inVirginia, wrich maybe see. iths no,conceinirg the fa'cs of 1, 1 rcl's. andthev on the turf.,

J. Jul.

rAEN op by Jor.n Wnf Claie ccui1 tur .vl 'e c. .'el

Bay II-s- ;

about fourteen hards arc" a star.n ins, lum. u n re oi y nodfjo the hair of his till bjtl "&

spots, at-- ut ii.g eat' e u, tdJ dollars, jtrusij 7, 1804

Acontes Eubi '


jh iiil .At't in;TCgp' ateitle- - f the Pi .

t TLtiinglf , f t ie p m.trTONl Gill A or his ;

mrl ol un . ty,Vir n,v i ' G.ori

CiiI AXT.N t.-h- F-a- rc -

vinMp lie Kentucky is e- -, ,a i

,frureen :iar.ds ond j ' ai -i LLini j, b anecd on rljW li' 'er to-- e .a- - , c

J ihu oe lore , ai

Os' tf 2tn, 1803.



rnrfCd-- a'
