ross r. atherosclerosis-an inflamatory disease.pdf

MECHANISMS OF DISEASE Volume 340 Number 2 · 115 Review Article Mechanisms of Disease F RANKLIN H. E PSTEIN , M.D., Editor ATHEROSCLEROSIS — AN I NFLAMMATORY DISEASE RUSSELL ROSS, PH.D. From the Department of Pathology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Box 357470, Seattle, WA 98195-7470, where reprint requests should be addressed to Dr. Ross (e-mail: [email protected]). ©1999, Massachusetts Medical Society. THEROSCLEROSIS is an inflammatory dis- ease. Because high plasma concentrations of cholesterol, in particular those of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, are one of the prin- cipal risk factors for atherosclerosis, 1 the process of atherogenesis has been considered by many to con- sist largely of the accumulation of lipids within the artery wall; however, it is much more than that. De- spite changes in lifestyle and the use of new phar- macologic approaches to lower plasma cholesterol concentrations, 2,3 cardiovascular disease continues to be the principal cause of death in the United States, Europe, and much of Asia. 4,5 In fact, the le- sions of atherosclerosis represent a series of highly specific cellular and molecular responses that can best be described, in aggregate, as an inflammatory disease. 6-10 The lesions of atherosclerosis occur principally in large and medium-sized elastic and muscular arteries and can lead to ischemia of the heart, brain, or ex- tremities, resulting in infarction. They may be present throughout a person’s lifetime. In fact, the earliest type of lesion, the so-called fatty streak, which is common in infants and young children, 11 is a pure in- flammatory lesion, consisting only of monocyte-de- rived macrophages and T lymphocytes. 12 In persons with hypercholesterolemia, the influx of these cells is preceded by the extracellular deposition of amor- phous and membranous lipids. 11,13 By asking ques- tions about arterial inflammation, we may be able to gain insight into the process of atherogenesis. A FACTORS THAT INDUCE AND PROMOTE INFLAMMATION OR ATHEROGENESIS Numerous pathophysiologic observations in hu- mans and animals led to the formulation of the re- sponse-to-injury hypothesis of atherosclerosis, which initially proposed that endothelial denudation was the first step in atherosclerosis. 6 The most recent ver- sion of this hypothesis emphasizes endothelial dys- function rather than denudation. Whichever process is at work, each characteristic lesion of atherosclero- sis represents a different stage in a chronic inflamma- tory process in the artery; if unabated and excessive, this process will result in an advanced, complicated lesion. Possible causes of endothelial dysfunction leading to atherosclerosis include elevated and mod- ified LDL; free radicals caused by cigarette smoking, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus; genetic altera- tions; elevated plasma homocysteine concentrations; infectious microorganisms such as herpesviruses or Chlamydia pneumoniae; and combinations of these or other factors. Regardless of the cause of endothe- lial dysfunction, atherosclerosis is a highly character- istic response of particular arteries. 6-9,14 The endothelial dysfunction that results from the injury leads to compensatory responses that alter the normal homeostatic properties of the endothelium. Thus, the different forms of injury increase the adhe- siveness of the endothelium with respect to leuko- cytes or platelets, as well as its permeability. The injury also induces the endothelium to have procoagulant instead of anticoagulant properties and to form vaso- active molecules, cytokines, and growth factors. If the inflammatory response does not effectively neutralize or remove the offending agents, it can continue indef- initely. In doing so, the inflammatory response stim- ulates migration and proliferation of smooth-muscle cells that become intermixed with the area of inflam- mation to form an intermediate lesion. If these re- sponses continue unabated, they can thicken the ar- tery wall, which compensates by gradual dilation, so that up to a point, the lumen remains unaltered, 15 a phenomenon termed “remodeling.” As for the in- flammatory cells, granulocytes are rarely present dur- ing any phase of atherogenesis. 16 Instead, the response is mediated by monocyte-derived macrophages and specific subtypes of T lymphocytes at every stage of the disease. 17,18 Continued inflammation results in increased num- bers of macrophages and lymphocytes, which both emigrate from the blood and multiply within the lesion. Activation of these cells leads to the release of hydrolytic enzymes, cytokines, chemokines, and Copyright © 1999 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. Downloaded from at RUTH LILLY MED LIBRARY on June 14, 2005 .

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Volume 340 Number 2



Review Article

Mechanisms of Disease



H. E


, M.D.,




— A










, P



From the Department of Pathology, University of Washington School ofMedicine, Box 357470, Seattle, WA 98195-7470, where reprint requestsshould be addressed to Dr. Ross (e-mail: [email protected]).

©1999, Massachusetts Medical Society.

THEROSCLEROSIS is an inflammatory dis-ease. Because high plasma concentrations ofcholesterol, in particular those of low-density

lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, are one of the prin-cipal risk factors for atherosclerosis,


the process ofatherogenesis has been considered by many to con-sist largely of the accumulation of lipids within theartery wall; however, it is much more than that. De-spite changes in lifestyle and the use of new phar-macologic approaches to lower plasma cholesterolconcentrations,


cardiovascular disease continuesto be the principal cause of death in the UnitedStates, Europe, and much of Asia.


In fact, the le-sions of atherosclerosis represent a series of highlyspecific cellular and molecular responses that canbest be described, in aggregate, as an inflammatorydisease.


The lesions of atherosclerosis occur principally inlarge and medium-sized elastic and muscular arteriesand can lead to ischemia of the heart, brain, or ex-tremities, resulting in infarction. They may be presentthroughout a person’s lifetime. In fact, the earliesttype of lesion, the so-called fatty streak, which iscommon in infants and young children,


is a pure in-flammatory lesion, consisting only of monocyte-de-rived macrophages and T lymphocytes.


In personswith hypercholesterolemia, the influx of these cells ispreceded by the extracellular deposition of amor-phous and membranous lipids.


By asking ques-tions about arterial inflammation, we may be able togain insight into the process of atherogenesis.




Numerous pathophysiologic observations in hu-mans and animals led to the formulation of the re-sponse-to-injury hypothesis of atherosclerosis, whichinitially proposed that endothelial denudation wasthe first step in atherosclerosis.


The most recent ver-sion of this hypothesis emphasizes endothelial dys-function rather than denudation. Whichever processis at work, each characteristic lesion of atherosclero-sis represents a different stage in a chronic inflamma-tory process in the artery; if unabated and excessive,this process will result in an advanced, complicatedlesion. Possible causes of endothelial dysfunctionleading to atherosclerosis include elevated and mod-ified LDL; free radicals caused by cigarette smoking,hypertension, and diabetes mellitus; genetic altera-tions; elevated plasma homocysteine concentrations;infectious microorganisms such as herpesviruses or

Chlamydia pneumoniae

; and combinations of theseor other factors. Regardless of the cause of endothe-lial dysfunction, atherosclerosis is a highly character-istic response of particular arteries.


The endothelial dysfunction that results from theinjury leads to compensatory responses that alter thenormal homeostatic properties of the endothelium.Thus, the different forms of injury increase the adhe-siveness of the endothelium with respect to leuko-cytes or platelets, as well as its permeability. The injuryalso induces the endothelium to have procoagulantinstead of anticoagulant properties and to form vaso-active molecules, cytokines, and growth factors. If theinflammatory response does not effectively neutralizeor remove the offending agents, it can continue indef-initely. In doing so, the inflammatory response stim-ulates migration and proliferation of smooth-musclecells that become intermixed with the area of inflam-mation to form an intermediate lesion. If these re-sponses continue unabated, they can thicken the ar-tery wall, which compensates by gradual dilation, sothat up to a point, the lumen remains unaltered,


aphenomenon termed “remodeling.” As for the in-flammatory cells, granulocytes are rarely present dur-ing any phase of atherogenesis.


Instead, the responseis mediated by monocyte-derived macrophages andspecific subtypes of T lymphocytes at every stage ofthe disease.


Continued inflammation results in increased num-bers of macrophages and lymphocytes, which bothemigrate from the blood and multiply within thelesion. Activation of these cells leads to the releaseof hydrolytic enzymes, cytokines, chemokines, and

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Januar y 14, 1999

The New England Journal of Medicine

growth factors,


which can induce further damageand eventually lead to focal necrosis.


Thus, cycles ofaccumulation of mononuclear cells, migration andproliferation of smooth-muscle cells, and formationof fibrous tissue lead to further enlargement and re-structuring of the lesion, so that it becomes coveredby a fibrous cap that overlies a core of lipid and ne-crotic tissue — a so-called advanced, complicatedlesion. At some point, the artery can no longer com-pensate by dilation; the lesion may then intrude intothe lumen and alter the flow of blood.

Hypercholesterolemia and Modified Lipidsand Lipoproteins

LDL, which may be modified by oxidation, glyca-tion (in diabetes), aggregation, association with pro-teoglycans, or incorporation into immune complex-es,


is a major cause of injury to the endotheliumand underlying smooth muscle.


When LDL par-ticles become trapped in an artery, they can undergoprogressive oxidation and be internalized by macro-phages by means of the scavenger receptors on thesurfaces of these cells.


The internalizationleads to the formation of lipid peroxides and facili-tates the accumulation of cholesterol esters, result-ing in the formation of foam cells. The degree towhich LDL is modified can vary greatly.


Oncemodified and taken up by macrophages, LDL acti-vates the foam cells. Removal and sequestration ofmodified LDL are important parts of the initial,protective role of the macrophage in the inflamma-tory response


and minimize the effects of mod-ified LDL on endothelial and smooth-muscle cells.Antioxidants such as vitamin E can also reduce free-radical formation by modified LDL.


In addition toits ability to injure these cells,


modified LDL ischemotactic for other monocytes and can up-regu-late the expression of genes for macrophage colony-stimulating factor


and monocyte chemotacticprotein


derived from endothelial cells. Thus, it mayhelp expand the inflammatory response by stimulat-ing the replication of monocyte-derived macrophag-es and the entry of new monocytes into lesions.

The inflammatory response itself can have a pro-found effect on lipoprotein movement within the ar-tery. Specifically, mediators of inflammation such astumor necrosis factor


, interleukin-1, and macro-phage colony-stimulating factor increase binding ofLDL to endothelium and smooth muscle and increasethe transcription of the LDL-receptor gene.


Af-ter binding to scavenger receptors in vitro, modifiedLDL initiates a series of intracellular events


that in-clude the induction of urokinase


and inflammatorycytokines such as interleukin-1.


Thus, a viciouscircle of inflammation, modification of lipoproteins,and further inflammation can be maintained in theartery by the presence of these lipids.

Oxidized LDL is present in lesions of atheroscle-

rosis in humans.


In animals with hypercholesterole-mia, antioxidants can reduce the size of lesions,


and they reduce fatty streaks in nonhuman pri-mates.


The latter observation suggests that the an-tioxidants have an antiinflammatory effect, perhapsby preventing the up-regulation of adhesion mole-cules for monocytes.


Antioxidants increase the re-sistance of human LDL to oxidation ex vivo


inproportion to the vitamin E content of the plasma.Vitamin E intake is inversely correlated with the in-cidence of myocardial infarction, and vitamin E sup-plementation reduced coronary events in a prelimi-nary clinical trial.


In contrast, other antioxidants,such as beta carotene, have no benefit.



High plasma homocysteine concentrations wereinitially thought to be associated with advanced ath-erosclerosis on the basis of autopsy findings in patientswith homozygous defects in enzymes necessary forhomocysteine metabolism, such as cystathionine beta-synthase or methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.


In patients with such defects, severe atherosclerosisdevelops in childhood, and many have their first my-ocardial infarction by the age of 20 years.


Ho-mocysteine is toxic to endothelium


and is prothrom-botic,


and it increases collagen production


anddecreases the availability of nitric oxide.


Plasma homocysteine concentrations are slightlyelevated in many patients who have no enzymatic de-fects in homocysteine metabolism.


These patientshave an increased risk of symptomatic atherosclerosisof the coronary, peripheral, and cerebral arteries.


Treatment with folic acid can return their plasma ho-mocysteine concentrations to normal. Trials are underway to determine whether folic acid will prevent theprogression or possibly even induce the regression ofatherosclerotic lesions.



Concentrations of angiotensin II, the principalproduct of the renin–angiotensin system, are oftenelevated in patients with hypertension; angiotensinII is a potent vasoconstrictor. In addition to causinghypertension, it can contribute to atherogenesis bystimulating the growth of smooth muscle.


Angio-tensin II binds to specific receptors on smooth mus-cle, resulting in the activation of phospholipase C,which can lead to increases in intracellular calciumconcentrations and in smooth-muscle contraction,


increased protein synthesis, and smooth-muscle hy-pertrophy.


It also increases smooth-muscle lipoxy-genase activity, which can increase inflammation andthe oxidation of LDL. Hypertension also has proin-flammatory actions, increasing the formation of hy-drogen peroxide and free radicals such as superoxideanion and hydroxyl radicals in plasma.


These sub-stances reduce the formation of nitric oxide by the

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Volume 340 Number 2





increase leukocyte adhesion,


and in-crease peripheral resistance. Thus, free-radical forma-tion mediates some of the effects of both hyperten-sion and hypercholesterolemia.


Several reports have shown a correlation betweenthe incidence of atherosclerosis and the presence ofat least two types of infectious microorganisms, her-pesviruses and

C. pneumoniae.


Both organismshave been identified in atheromatous lesions in cor-onary arteries and in other organs obtained at au-topsy.


Increased titers of antibodies


to theseorganisms have been used as a predictor of furtheradverse events in patients who have had a myocardialinfarction.


Nonetheless, there is no direct evi-dence that these organisms can cause the lesions ofatherosclerosis.


Although these organisms areubiquitous in many tissues and organs, the fact thatlesions cannot be induced experimentally in animalsby injection of the organisms leaves their role as eti-ologic agents in question. It is nevertheless possiblethat infection, combined with other factors, may beresponsible for the genesis of the lesions of athero-sclerosis in some patients.




Interactions among Endothelial Cells, Monocytes, and T Cells

Specific arterial sites, such as branches, bifurca-tions, and curvatures, cause characteristic alterationsin the flow of blood, including decreased shear stressand increased turbulence.


At these sites, specificmolecules form on the endothelium that are respon-sible for the adherence, migration, and accumulationof monocytes and T cells. Such adhesion molecules,which act as receptors for glycoconjugates and inte-grins present on monocytes and T cells, include sever-al selectins, intercellular adhesion molecules, and vas-cular-cell adhesion molecules.


Molecules associatedwith the migration of leukocytes across the endothe-lium, such as platelet–endothelial-cell adhesion mol-ecules,


act in conjunction with chemoattractant mol-ecules generated by the endothelium, smooth muscle,and monocytes — such as monocyte chemotacticprotein 1, osteopontin,


and modified LDL — to at-tract monocytes and T cells into the artery (Fig. 1).


The nature of the flow — that is, whether shearstress or turbulence is high or low — appears to be

Figure 1.

Endothelial Dysfunction in Atherosclerosis.The earliest changes that precede the formation of lesions of atherosclerosis take place in the endo-thelium. These changes include increased endothelial permeability to lipoproteins and other plasmaconstituents, which is mediated by nitric oxide, prostacyclin, platelet-derived growth factor, angioten-sin II, and endothelin; up-regulation of leukocyte adhesion molecules, including L-selectin, integrins, andplatelet–endothelial-cell adhesion molecule 1, and the up-regulation of endothelial adhesion molecules,which include E-selectin, P-selectin, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and vascular-cell adhesion mol-ecule 1; and migration of leukocytes into the artery wall, which is mediated by oxidized low-densitylipoprotein, monocyte chemotactic protein 1, interleukin-8, platelet-derived growth factor, macrophagecolony-stimulating factor, and osteopontin.











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important in determining whether lesions occur atthese vascular sites. Changes in flow alter the expres-sion of genes that have elements in their promoterregions that respond to shear stress. For example, thegenes for intercellular adhesion molecule 1,


platelet-derived growth factor B chain,


and tissue factor


in endothelial cells have these elements, and their ex-pression is increased by reduced shear stress.


Thus,alterations in blood flow appear to be critical in de-termining which arterial sites are prone to have le-sions.


Rolling and adherence of monocytes andT cells occur at these sites as a result of the up-reg-ulation of adhesion molecules on both the endothe-lium and the leukocytes.

Chemokines may be responsible for the chemo-taxis and accumulation of macrophages in fatty streaks(Fig. 2).


Activation of monocytes and T cellsleads to up-regulation of receptors on their surfaces,such as the mucin-like molecules that bind selectins,integrins that bind adhesion molecules of the im-munoglobulin superfamily, and receptors that bindchemoattractant molecules.


These ligand–recep-tor interactions further activate mononuclear cells,

induce cell proliferation, and help define and lo-calize the inflammatory response at the sites of le-sions (Fig. 1).

In genetically modified mice that are deficient inapolipoprotein E (and have hypercholesterolemia),intercellular adhesion molecule 1 is constitutively in-creased at lesion-prone sites.


In fact, it is present onthe surface of the endothelium at these sites in normalmice and is increased in mice with apolipoprotein Edeficiency. In contrast, vascular-cell adhesion mole-cule 1 is absent in normal mice but is present at thesame sites as intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in micewith apolipoprotein E deficiency.


Thus, adherenceof monocytes and T cells may occur after an increasein one or more of the adhesion molecules, whichmay act in concert with chemotactic molecules suchas monocyte chemotactic protein 1, interleukin-8, ormodified LDL. Would interference with only one ofthe several adhesion molecules be sufficient to de-crease inflammation and thus slow or counteract theprocess of atherogenesis? In mice that are completelydeficient in intercellular adhesion molecule 1, P-selec-tin, CD18, or combinations of these molecules, lipid

Figure 2.

Fatty-Streak Formation in Atherosclerosis.Fatty streaks initially consist of lipid-laden monocytes and macrophages (foam cells) together withT lymphocytes. Later they are joined by various numbers of smooth-muscle cells. The steps involvedin this process include smooth-muscle migration, which is stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor,fibroblast growth factor 2, and transforming growth factor


; T-cell activation, which is mediated bytumor necrosis factor


, interleukin-2, and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor; foam-cell formation, which is mediated by oxidized low-density lipoprotein, macrophage colony-stimulatingfactor, tumor necrosis factor


, and interleukin-1; and platelet adherence and aggregation, which arestimulated by integrins, P-selectin, fibrin, thromboxane A


, tissue factor, and the factors described inFigure 1 as responsible for the adherence and migration of leukocytes.






Adherence and3aggregation of3



Adherence3and entry3

of leukocytes



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Volume 340 Number 2



feeding leads to smaller lesions of atherosclerosis.


Comparison of the relative roles of these moleculesin inflammation in the arteries and the microvascu-lature may provide clues to the relative feasibility ofmodifying the inflammatory process at these sites,and thus of modifying atherosclerosis.

A recently discovered class of molecules, the disin-tegrins, sometimes called metalloproteinase-like, dis-integrin-like, cysteine-rich proteins (MDCs), has beenidentified in endothelium, smooth muscle, and mac-rophages.


These transmembrane proteins, whichappear to be involved in cell–cell interactions,


con-tain a metalloproteinase sequence in their extracellu-lar segment that permits them to activate moleculessuch as tumor necrosis factor




They are notfound in normal arteries, but one of them, MDC15,is present in lesions of atherosclerosis.


Adhesionmolecules such as L-selectin can be cleaved from thesurface of leukocytes by a metalloproteinase (L-selec-tin sheddase), which suggests that in situations ofchronic inflammation it may be possible to measurethe “shed” molecules, such as the different adhesionmolecules, in plasma, as markers of a sustained in-

flammatory response.


Disintegrins may partici-pate in these shedding processes. If shedding occurs,it may be detectable in different types of inflamma-tory responses. Increased plasma concentrations ofshed molecules might then be used to identify pa-tients at risk for atherosclerosis or other inflamma-tory diseases.

Monocytes and Immunity

The ubiquitous monocyte, the precursor of macro-phages in all tissues, is present in every phase of ather-ogenesis. Monocyte-derived macrophages are scav-enging and antigen-presenting cells, and they secretecytokines, chemokines, growth-regulating molecules,and metalloproteinases and other hydrolytic enzymes.The continuing entry, survival, and replication ofmononuclear cells in lesions depend in part on factorssuch as macrophage colony-stimulating factor andgranulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factorfor monocytes and interleukin-2 for lymphocytes.Continued exposure to macrophage colony-stimulat-ing factor permits macrophages to survive in vitroand possibly to multiply within the lesions. In con-

Figure 3.

Formation of an Advanced, Complicated Lesion of Atherosclerosis.As fatty streaks progress to intermediate and advanced lesions, they tend to form a fibrous cap thatwalls off the lesion from the lumen. This represents a type of healing or fibrous response to the injury.The fibrous cap covers a mixture of leukocytes, lipid, and debris, which may form a necrotic core.These lesions expand at their shoulders by means of continued leukocyte adhesion and entry causedby the same factors as those listed in Figures 1 and 2. The principal factors associated with macro-phage accumulation include macrophage colony-stimulating factor, monocyte chemotactic protein 1,and oxidized low-density lipoprotein. The necrotic core represents the results of apoptosis and necrosis,increased proteolytic activity, and lipid accumulation. The fibrous cap forms as a result of increasedactivity of platelet-derived growth factor, transforming growth factor


, interleukin-1, tumor necrosisfactor


, and osteopontin and of decreased connective-tissue degradation.



Macrophage accumulation Formation of3necrotic core

Fibrous-cap formation




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trast, inflammatory cytokines such as interferon-g ac-tivate macrophages and under certain circumstancesinduce them to undergo programmed cell death (ap-optosis). If this occurs in vivo, macrophages may be-come involved in the necrotic cores characteristic ofadvanced, complicated lesions (Fig. 3).

Initially, the only cells thought to proliferate duringexpansion of atherosclerotic lesions were smooth-mus-cle cells. However, replication of monocyte-derivedmacrophages and T cells is probably of equal impor-tance.95 The ability of macrophages to produce cyto-kines (such as tumor necrosis factor a, interleukin-1,and transforming growth factor b), proteolytic en-zymes (particularly metalloproteinases), and growthfactors (such as platelet-derived growth factor andinsulin-like growth factor I) may be critical in therole of these cells in the damage and repair that en-sue as the lesions progress (Fig. 2).

Activated macrophages express class II histocom-patibility antigens such as HLA-DR that allow themto present antigens to T lymphocytes.20 Thus, it isnot surprising that cell-mediated immune responsesmay be involved in atherogenesis, since both CD4and CD8 T cells are present in the lesions at all stag-es of the process.96,97 T cells are activated when theybind antigen processed and presented by macro-phages. T-cell activation results in the secretion ofcytokines, including interferon-g and tumor necrosisfactor a and b, that amplify the inflammatory re-sponse.97 Smooth-muscle cells from the lesions alsohave class II HLA molecules on their surfaces, pre-sumably induced by interferon-g, and can also presentantigens to T cells.97 One possible antigen may beoxidized LDL,98 which can be produced by macro-phages.99 Heat-shock protein 60 may also contributeto autoimmunity. This and other heat-shock pro-teins perform several functions, including the assem-bly, intracellular transport, and breakdown of pro-teins and the prevention of protein denaturation.These proteins may be elevated on endothelial cellsand participate in immune responses.100

An immunoregulatory molecule, CD40 ligand,101

can be expressed by macrophages, T cells, endothe-lium, and smooth muscle in atherosclerotic lesionsin vivo, and its receptor, CD40, is expressed on thesame cells. Both are up-regulated in lesions of ath-erosclerosis, providing further evidence of immuneactivation in the lesions.102,103 Furthermore, CD40ligand induces the release of interleukin-1b by vas-cular cells, potentially enhancing the inflammatoryresponse.104 Inhibition of CD40 with blocking anti-bodies reduces lesion formation in apolipoproteinE–deficient mice.105


Platelet adhesion and mural thrombosis are ubiq-uitous in the initiation and generation of the lesionsof atherosclerosis in animals and humans (Fig. 2).9

Platelets can adhere to dysfunctional endothelium,exposed collagen, and macrophages. When activated,platelets release their granules, which contain cyto-kines and growth factors that, together with throm-bin, may contribute to the migration and proliferationof smooth-muscle cells and monocytes.106 Activationof platelets leads to the formation of free arachidonicacid, which can be transformed into prostaglandinssuch as thromboxane A2, one of the most potentvasoconstricting and platelet-aggregating substancesknown, or into leukotrienes, which can amplify theinflammatory response.

Plaque rupture and thrombosis are notable com-plications of advanced lesions that lead to unstablecoronary syndromes or myocardial infarction (Fig.4).9,21,107 Platelets are important in maintaining vas-cular integrity in the absence of injury and protect-ing against spontaneous hemorrhage. Activated plate-lets can accumulate on the walls of arteries and recruitadditional platelets into an expanding thrombus. Animportant component of the platelets is the glyco-protein IIb/IIIa receptor, which belongs to the in-tegrin superfamily of adhesion-molecule receptorsand appears on the surface of platelets during plate-let activation and thrombus formation. These recep-tors serve an important hemostatic function, and an-tagonists to them prevent thrombus formation inpatients who have had a myocardial infarction.108




The cellular interactions in atherogenesis are fun-damentally no different from those in chronic inflam-matory–fibroproliferative diseases such as cirrhosis,rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulosclerosis, pulmonaryfibrosis, and chronic pancreatitis (Table 1). In the ex-amples in Table 1, the response of each particular tis-sue or organ depends on its characteristic cells andarchitecture, its blood and lymph supply, and thenature of the offending agents. Thus, the cellular re-sponses in the arteries (atherosclerosis), liver (cirrho-sis), joints (rheumatoid arthritis), kidneys (glomeru-losclerosis), lungs (pulmonary fibrosis), and pancreas(pancreatitis) are similar yet are characteristic of eachtissue or organ.

Inflammatory Response

Does the inflammatory response in arteries differfrom that in other tissues? Granulocytes are rare inatherosclerosis, and among the other disorders in Ta-ble 1, they are present only in rheumatoid arthritis andpulmonary fibrosis. In the case of arthritis, althoughthe early response begins with granulocytes, they arefound primarily within the joint cavity. Macrophagesand lymphocytes predominate in the synovium, lead-ing to erosion of cartilage and bone, which is re-placed by fibrous tissue (pannus). In pulmonary fi-

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Volume 340 Number 2 · 121

brosis, granulocytes initially appear in the alveolarspaces; however, the lung parenchyma, where fibrosisultimately occurs, is infiltrated by macrophages andlymphocytes. Thus, there are parallels between ath-erosclerosis and these other inflammatory diseases.

Are there particular aspects of the chronic inflam-matory response in atherosclerosis that can be usedto advantage? At least three different types of mac-rophages, each regulated by different T-cell cyto-kines (interferon-g, interleukin-2, interleukin-4, andinterleukin-10) have been identified.122 These differ-ences raise the question whether there are subgroupsof monocytes that “home” to a specific tissue or or-gan. Are there differences in arterial endotheliumand microvascular endothelium such that differenttypes of monocytes are attracted to each, and couldone take advantage of such differences?123 One mighttry to use such differences to modify the inflamma-tory response so as to emphasize its protective ratherthan its destructive characteristics.

If the injurious agent or agents are not removedor nullified by the inflammatory response and theinflammation progresses, the response changes froma protective to an injurious response. Such constantor repetitive injury can stimulate each tissue to re-pair or wall off the damage by means of a fibropro-liferative response, which, when excessive, diminish-

es the functional capacity of the tissue or organ andbecomes part of the disease process (Table 1).

Instability and Rupture of Plaque

Chronic inflammatory responses are often associ-ated with specific types of injurious or granuloma-inducing agents. In most patients myocardial infarc-tions occur as a result of erosion or uneven thinningand rupture of the fibrous cap, often at the shouldersof the lesion where macrophages enter, accumulate,and are activated and where apoptosis may occur.124,125

Degradation of the fibrous cap may result from elab-oration of metalloproteinases such as collagenases,elastases, and stromelysins (Fig. 4).126 Activated T cellsmay stimulate metalloproteinase production by mac-rophages in the lesions, which promotes plaque insta-bility and further implicates an immune response.103

These changes may also be accompanied by the pro-duction of tissue-factor procoagulant and other he-mostatic factors,102,127 further increasing the possibil-ity of thrombosis.

Stable advanced lesions usually have uniformlydense fibrous caps. The potentially dangerous lesionsare often nonocclusive and thus difficult to diagnoseby angiography, yet at autopsy active inflammation isevident in the accumulation of macrophages at sitesof plaque rupture.107 Macrophage accumulation may

Figure 4. Unstable Fibrous Plaques in Atherosclerosis.Rupture of the fibrous cap or ulceration of the fibrous plaque can rapidly lead to thrombosis and usuallyoccurs at sites of thinning of the fibrous cap that covers the advanced lesion. Thinning of the fibrouscap is apparently due to the continuing influx and activation of macrophages, which release metallo-proteinases and other proteolytic enzymes at these sites. These enzymes cause degradation of the ma-trix, which can lead to hemorrhage from the vasa vasorum or from the lumen of the artery and canresult in thrombus formation and occlusion of the artery.

Plaque rupture Thinning of fibrous cap Hemorrhage from plaque3microvessels

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be associated with increased plasma concentrationsof both fibrinogen and C-reactive protein,128-130 twomarkers of inflammation thought to be early signs ofatherosclerosis.128,131,132 Plaque rupture and throm-bosis may be responsible for as many as 50 percentof cases of acute coronary syndromes and myocar-dial infarction.21



Smooth Muscle

To understand the factors that are important inthe proliferative and migratory responses that lead todifferences in the organization and enlargement ofthe lesions in different parts of the arterial tree, itmay be helpful to understand the embryonic deriva-tion of the smooth-muscle cells that make up the ar-teries in different regions. Smooth-muscle cells havedifferent embryonic origins, depending on the seg-ment of the arterial system involved. In some verte-brates, smooth-muscle cells in the upper portion ofthe thoracic aorta are derived from a neuroectoder-mal source, whereas those in the abdominal aortaare derived from a mesenchymal source.133 Althoughlikely, this has not been confirmed in humans. Thesmooth-muscle cells of coronary arteries appear tooriginate from a third precursor population in theintracardiac mesenchyme. The existence of these dif-ferent lineages suggests that smooth muscle in dif-ferent parts of the arterial tree may respond differ-

ently to the stimuli that generate atheroscleroticlesions at each of these sites. To complicate mattersfurther, smooth-muscle cells within the media oflarge arteries may be heterogeneous, with differentproliferative and matrix-producing capabilities.134

These differences in the origin of smooth-musclecells raise questions about whether these cells, onthe basis of their lineage, respond differently to dif-ferent cytokines, mitogens, chemotactic factors, orextracellular matrixes.135-137 Is there selection of aparticular lineage based on the cells’ responses tothese different substances? Does cell lineage help toexplain why lesions in peripheral arteries differ fromthose in the carotid and coronary arteries?

The Role of the Matrix

Smooth-muscle cells in the media of arteries, aswell as in lesions, are surrounded by different typesof connective tissue. In the media of arteries, thematrix consists largely of type I and III fibrillar col-lagen, whereas in the lesions of atherosclerosis it con-sists largely of proteoglycan, intermixed with looselyscattered collagen fibrils.

When cultured human arterial smooth-muscle cellsare plated on collagen in fibrillar form, the collageninhibits cell proliferation by up-regulating specificinhibitors of the cell cycle.137 In vivo degradation ofthe collagen by collagenase, or migration away fromthis inhibitory environment, may allow the smooth-muscle cells to respond to mitogenic stimuli and rep-

*Plus signs denote the presence of a cell type, and minus signs its absence.












Atherosclerosis + + ¡ Smooth-muscle cells Collagen types I, III, and IV, elastin, fibro-nectin, proteoglycan

Endothelial-cell injury and dys-function; fibrous cap; new matrix formation and degra-dation; necrotic core

Ross,9 Libby and Hansson,109 Ross and Fuster110

Cirrhosis + + ¡ Fibroblasts, Ito cells Collagen types I and III

Parenchymal-cell injury; new matrix and scarring replacing necrotic parenchyma

Maher,111 Antho-ny et al.112


+ + +/¡ Synovial fibroblasts Collagen types I and III, fibronectin, pro-teoglycan

Synovial-cell injury; erosion of cartilage; new matrix scarring (pannus)

Sewell and Trentham,113

Harris 114

Glomerulosclerosis + + ¡ Mesangial cells Collagen types I and IV, fibronectin

Epithelial- and endothelial-cell injury and dysfunction; de-crease in glomerular filtra-tion; new matrix formation

Johnson,115 Magil and Cohen116

Pulmonary fibrosis + + +/¡ Smooth-muscle cells, fibroblasts

Collagen types III and IV, fibronectin

Inflammatory exudate in alveoli and bronchi, organized by ex-tensive matrix deposition and scarring

Kuhn et al.,117 Lukacs and Ward,118 Brody et al.119

Chronic pancreatitis + + ¡ Fibroblasts Collagen, fibronectin, proteoglycan

Epithelial (ductal) injury; peri-ductal inflammation; intersti-tial fat necrosis; new matrix formation

12Sarles et al.,120

DiMagno et al.121

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licate, as they do when they are cultured on non-fibrillar, monomeric collagen. Other matrix molecules,such as fibronectin and heparan sulfate, may be in-volved, because they can also inhibit the cell cycle, andcell–matrix interactions can lead to the expression ofchemokines by macrophages.138-140 If these interac-tions were to occur in arteries, they could profound-ly influence the inflammatory and fibroproliferativeresponse.141 Thus, the matrix that surrounds the cellsis not neutral and may determine whether they re-main quiescent or multiply in response to growthfactors.


Cells may express different constellations of genesand therefore vary phenotypically, depending on theirenvironment. New techniques have been developedto identify DNA that should yield a vast amount ofinformation about which genes are expressed and inwhat patterns, information that should help decipherthe complex nature of atherogenesis.142-144 Becauseatherosclerosis is a multigenic disease, understandingpatterns of gene expression may help to explain dif-ferences in susceptibility to agents that cause disease.Furthermore, the patterns of gene expression mayvary in lesions from different persons and at differentsites and may provide clues regarding genetic differ-ences in susceptibility as well as response to therapy.

Advances in molecular genetics have made it pos-sible to remove or insert genes and to determine theroles of their products in disease.145 Numerous ani-mal models that are useful in studying the geneticsof atherogenesis have been produced, such as apo-lipoprotein E–deficient mice.146,147 In the absence ofapolipoprotein E, lipoprotein remnants are not car-ried to the liver, where they are normally metabo-lized, and the mice become hypercholesterolemic andlesions of atherosclerosis develop that are similar tothose in humans. To explore the role of monocytesand platelets and of platelet-derived growth factor inatherogenesis, studies are under way in which apo-lipoprotein E–deficient mice have been made chi-meric for a deficiency of platelet-derived growth fac-tor in circulating monocytes and platelets.

Studies in transgenic mice have revealed thatLp(a) lipoprotein, cholesterol ester transfer protein,apolipoprotein A (the principal apoprotein of high-density lipoprotein), and other molecules have littleeffect on atherogenesis, whereas macrophage colo-ny-stimulating factor appears to be important in theregulation of the numbers of monocytes and macro-phages and in lesion formation.148,149

Thus, although hypercholesterolemia is importantin approximately 50 percent of patients with cardio-vascular disease,5 other factors need to be taken intoconsideration. Atherosclerosis is clearly an inflamma-tory disease and does not result simply from the ac-cumulation of lipids. If we can selectively modify the

harmful components of inflammation in the arteriesand leave the protective aspects intact, we may createnew avenues for the diagnosis and management ofdisease in the 50 percent of patients with cardiovas-cular disease who do not have hypercholesterolemia.

Supported in part by a grant (HL18645) from the National Institutes ofHealth.

I am indebted to all the fellows, students, and assistants who haveworked with me over the years, in particular to Elaine Raines for hersupport and scientific endeavors and for her critical reading of themanuscript; to Dr. David Hajjar, Dr. Goran Hansson, Dr. SamuelWright, and Dr. Momtaz Wassef for their review and suggestions;and to Barbara Droker for assistance in preparing the manuscript.


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