rotary club cagayan de oro


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Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro The Mother Club's 64th Joint Induction of Club Officer and Turn-over Ceremonies


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THE FOUR-WAY TESTof the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH?2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP?4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

OBJECT OF ROTARYThe Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

FIRST:The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.

SECOND:Hight ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition off the worthiness of all useful oc-cupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarians’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

THIRD:The application of the ideal of service in each Rotar-ian’s personal, business, andd community life.

FOURTH:The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

2010 -2011 dietmar schug

Jun nolasco (Pdg)dodie lagrosas

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The Rotary Club of CDO

The Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro was organized on April 22, 1948 as Rotary Club de Misamis, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Cebu, under RI D. 81, with Dist. Governor Mariano F. Lichaoco of Dagupan as Dist. Governor and RI President S. Kiendric Guernsey of Jacksonville, Florida.

In Rotary Year 1950-1951, Philippine district No.81 was changed to RI Dist. #48 with RI President Arthur Lagueux and Dist. Gov. Fernando D. Manalo of RC Baguio as district governor for the newly designated district.

In Rotary Year 1957-1958, with RI President Charles G. Tennent of Ashville , North Carolina, USA , Dist. No. 48 was again changed to District 385 with PP Hernando “ Nan ” Pineda of the Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro as the first District Governor under the new district number for the whole Philippines .

In RY 1964-1965, RI Pres.Charles Pettengill of Greenwich, Connecticut, USA , Philippine Dist. 385 was divided creating Dist. 380 for Luzon and Palawan and Dist. 385 for Visayas, Mindoro and Mindanao . Past Pres. M.A.T. Caparas of RC Caloocan who later on became RI President was the first DG for 380 while PP Leonardo F. Gallardo of RC Bacolod was the DG for 385.

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Again, RY 1974-1975, RI President William S. Robins of fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA divided RI Dist. 385 with Western Visayas and Western and Central Mindanao for 385 with PP Dante P. Sarraga of RC CDO as its District Governor while 386 for Eastern Visayas and Mindanao for the new district under PP Mariano S. Ilano of RC West Cebu as its first District Governor for the newly created district.

In RY 1984-1985, with RI Pres. Carlos Canseco, the new district 387 was created out of clubs from RI DIST. 385 and 386 with PP Hassomal Daswani of the RC of Cotabato as the first Dist. Governor.

The RC Cagayan de Oro was organized with only 17 charter members and to date, we are the biggest club in Mindanao with more than 60 registered members.

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I am most proud with City Councilor Ian Mark Q. Nacaya being chosen as President of the Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro for Rotary Year 2011-2012.



Given your vast experience and meritorious performance in public service, I hope and pray that your presidency will bring positiveimpactontheclub’sroleinservingourpeople.



Office of the City MayorCity of Cagayan de Oro

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our club, the rotary club of cagayan de oro, will experience a change of leadership again. The new set of officers is ready and willing to take over the helm of leadership because our outgoing officers shared with them the vision of a great club with members and officers participating in all endeavors to serve the community. They have been taught about club administration and they attended the Presidents elect and secretary training seminar and the district assembly to learn more about rotary.

Pres. Ian and our incoming officers, it is your time to lead. It is now your turn and in your hands depend the success of our organization. You can choose to be leaders only by position or leaders in action for each and every member acts in response to your action or inaction.

To our outgoing officers led by Pres. Dietmar, congratulations for a job well done. Without doubt and fear of contradictions, the many projects you undertook created a better future for the community and people that you and your members unselfishly served. You are judged by what you finished, and not by what you started.

to the members of the rotary club of cagayan de oro, my heartfelt appreciation for what you have done to our club, our community and its people.

Pdg doring caragosrY-1997-1998


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With great felicitation, I greet the members and officialdom of the rotary club of cagayan de oro on the occasion of their induction and Changeover Ceremonies.

as they end their term, may i pay tribute to President dietmar and his team for having truly shared Rotary to all and sundry. Upon the other hand, i salute President- elect ian and his team for accepting the challenge to lead and serve.

Your club has always been in the forefront of rotary’s efforts to change and improve communities. Truly for the year that was, you spelled the great difference as you relentlessly endeavored to serve the needs of your community and reach out to other peoples overseas.

Let me therefore, congratulate those of you who have served well and helped shaped a better tomorrow for our communities. let us, with honor and enthusiasm, reach within and embrace humanity as we continue to builld communities and bridge continents.

samuel “sam” Fontanilla District Governor-RY 2011-2012



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Twelve months seemed to be passing in a breeze – but this breeze had the impact of a strong wind. Looking back I recall exciting activities and hours that we members of the club shared, many important projects continued and begun, many invigorating

fellowships enjoyed that kept our club strong, many information dispersed that invited more new members and, most important, many marginalized people whose life we touched and maybe changed for the better.

Look at our Camiguin Cataract Operations that became increasingly a major fellowship occasion – starting with just seven of us and reaching more than thirty RCCDO activists. Our Interplast program, our fireside chats, the Youth City Officials and career talks, regular feeding programs plus district affairs and seminars and many more. With all of these opportunities to serve and participate it remains our choice how much we get out of Rotary. The more you give into it, the more you will get. The last year I was called to give a lot to the club but I feel that I received even more.

Getting yourself involved in our Club is rewarding and I realized that this is The Club I want to belong to! I thank my board to get me through the intricacies of parliamentary procedures and for having such good ideas for projects and activities and for carrying them out to our satisfaction.

I also thank all long term and new members of the club for the good attendance throughout the year, a steady performance that made me proud of you. Service above Self has been our Motto and I wish the incoming board under the leadership of President ian a fruitful year which will keep our Club strong and relevant.

dietmar schugPresident rY 2010–11



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We owe this distinction to our predecessors who had the will to endeavor various undertakings which were not within their ambits as many of them are from the private sector.

Having been in the government sector for no less than eighteen years, I share the outburst of gratitude to the gentlemen in the club and their spouses, the rotary Anns for leading the way and institutionalizing certain service projects that we, the incoming officers have the privilege to just simply follow. The imprints of your steps, the mark of greatness in your hearts we shall forthwith continue.

Out RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee in his address at the 2011 RI Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, on 25 May asked all Rotarians to go back to their communities and think of “new and different ways” to take on the challenges of today. Further, he said: “We are the doers of our communities, the leaders, the ones who are most involved, who see the problems and have the means to find the solutions. I am asking you to reach within and unleash your inner power and then use it to embrace everything and everyone around you.” in our own special ways we hope to see the concerns of others as opportunities to develop and realize more responsive and appropriate means in helping our fellow men. With your whole hearted support and cooperation, we will not fail.

Collectively, let’s pay the bounties received, forward….

incomparably with distinct place in the society the contributions of our club to human improvement efforts in the city and some parts in the archipelago have intensely created a tradition of excellence through which we have produced heart-warming, smile-enticing, health-nourishing programs.

IAN MARK Q. NACAYAPresident, RY 2011-2012



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“I’LL THINK ABOUT IT”…. more than a year ago, I had this casual attitude about my presidency of the most prestigious civic club on the planet. Perhaps the easiest answer then was “i can’t”, “i Won’t”.

But then…… with so much prodding and motivation from the lovely Anns and Past Presidents especially Lady Tere Sarraga and PP Nitz Evangelista, the excitement grew and became “i Will”.

and as we are about to end the year, with amazement, it will be “i did it”.

Let me therefore, thank and congratulate the officers and members of the rotary anns of the rotary club of cagayan de oro for the splendid and unwavering support in my term as your president.

To the incoming officers, my felicitations, “Whatever it is, TEAM SPIRIT is the key to our SUCCESS”.

Janet Bernasorann Past President 2010-2011



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the rY 2010-2011 was certainly a successful and socially fruitful year. the rotary theme of “Building communities Bridging continents” was not only relevant but was also most apt for us of the Rotary family. For all the activities we have had, I thank you all for your cooperation.

it is indeed my honor to be chosen as the President of the rotary anns of the rotary club of cagayan de oro. i expect most of the coming months to be favorable to us with opportunities to make big gains in almost every area of life. I then encourage everyone to help and support my term to implement worthy projects with creative ideas and wonderful acts of goodness. As we sail ahead in the ocean of service, I am proud to embark with you all in our never-ending quest to serve humanity. We shall all aspire to the Theme: “ Reach Within to Embrace Humanity” and provide the best possible service we can in our community.

My best wishes to everyone!



marissa V. turnerann President 2011-2012

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“We are the doers of our communities, the leaders, the ones who are most involved, who see the problems and have the means to find the solutions. I am asking you to reach within and unleash your inner power and then use it to embrace everything and everyone around you.

Family is the first emphasis because the family is the starting point for everything Rotary is trying to accomplish. The family is the building block of the community. If we wish to see a world that is more joyous, we first have to make sure that the families of the world are more joyous, that they have the things they need to be happy, to thrive, and move forward. So we have to look at housing, at clean water and sanitation, at health care, at all the issues affecting mothers and children.

Continuity involves continuing and strengthening those things Rotarians do well.There are so many areas in which we have been successful -- working for clean, safe water; spreading literacy; working in so many ways with Generation Next, our youth. And of course, our greatest project, polio eradication. If we want to really achieve the impossible, we have to have not only persistence, but vision -- we have to be looking past what we are doing now, at what we can and should be doing in the days and years to come.”



KalYan BanerJeeri President rY 2011-2012

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P R O G R A M M ECall to Order PRES. DIETMAR SCHUG ANN PRES. JANET BERNASORInvocation PVP JOHN DE CLEENEPambansang Awit Fellowship Report SEC. ALVIN BENASAWelcome Address VP/PE MARILLO PAANOSpecial Number ROTARY ANNSPrayer before meals PP SAMMY BLANCO

Dinner … Raffle… Entertainment ... DinnerINDUCTION OF ROTARY CLUB & ANNS OFFICERS FOR RY 2011-2012




Induction of Honorary Members PDG JUN NOLASCO Inducting Officer

Introduction of Guest Speaker PAG CHITO SARRAGA Speech DR. JOHN JOSEPH MCGUINNESS Presentation of Plaque of Appreciation PRES. IAN NACAYA & ANN PRES. MARISSA TURNERAwarding of Major Awards AG MANNY ALONG Chairman, Awards Committee IPP DIETMAR SCHUG ANN PP BIEMA ALONG Chairman, Awards Committee

Awarding of PHF PIN - Outstanding New Rotarian by IPP DIETMAR SCHUGAwarding of PHF PIN – Outstanding Rotarian by PP STEVE GAISANOSpecial Number 007 Choral Trackers, RY2011-12 Officers Closing Remarks SEC. BEN ELIOMaster of Ceremonies PD DANNY CAMAT

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Guest Speaker


ADDRESS PO Box 108 Kensington NSW 2033 St. Vincent’s Clinic, 438 Victoria Street, DARLINGHURST NSW 2010 DEGREESMB BS Sydney University, 1964 Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

FFARCS London 1970 Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists Royal College of SurgeonsFFARACS 1971 - Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists Royal Australian College of SurgeonsFRCA 1991 - Fellow, Royal College of AnaesthetistsFANZCA 1992 - Fellow, Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

AWARDSOAM For service to Medicine in the field of anaethesia, to medical education and through the provision of humanitarian assistance to communities in the Asia- Pacific regionRFD Reserve Forces Decoration 1991 for services to medical section RAAF from 1968-1991ADM Awarded Australian Defence Medal 2007

Certificate of Congressional recognition Government of Philippines for volunteer surgical missions


1964 - 1965 St. Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst, SydneyANAESTHETIC REGISTRAR1966 - 1969 St. Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst Women’s Hospital, Crown Street, Sydney St. Margaret’s Hospital, Darlinghurst St. Margaret’s Childrens Hospital, Darlinghurst1970 The Middlesex Hospital, London The Hospital for Sick Children,

Great Ormond Street, London

CURRENT POSTS Senior Anaesthetist at St. Vincent’s Private Hospital & Day Surgery Clinic. Full time Clinical Anaesthetic Prac tice, specialising in Anaesthesia for: - Head & Neck surgery - Neurosurgery - Foot & Ankle surgery - Major urological surgery - Colorectal - GynaecologyACCREDITED ANAESTHETISTSt. Vincent’s Private Hospital, Darlinghurst Prince of Wales Private Hos pital, Rand wick

PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS1971 - 1995 Senior Anaesthetist, St. Margaret’s Hospital for Women, Sydney (Obstetric teaching hospital - Sydney University) Director, Department of Anaesthetics, St. Margaret’s Hospital (1981-1993)

1972 - 2004 Visiting Senior Anaesthetist, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney Chairman of the Anaesthetic Depart ment 1992-19941971 - 1980 Anaesthetist, St. Margaret’s Children’s Hospital, Darlinghurst1972 -1976 Anaesthetist, Repatriation General Hospital, Concord.


SURGICAL TEAM 29 SEPARATE MISSIONS - Solomon Islands 1989, 1991, 1992, 2006 - Papua, New Guinea 1993

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- Vanuatu 1994 - Western Samoa 1995 - Kiribati, 1997 - Philippines, 1998, 1999, 2000 x 2, 2001 x 2, 2002 x 2, 2003 x 2, 2004, - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 x2 - Myanmar, (Yangoon General Hospital) 2001. 2002 & 2003 - Fiji (Lautoka) 2009(b) Orthopedic Outreach, Solomon Islands, 2008(c) ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIRFORCE (1968 - 1995) - Squadron Leader, Anaesthetist in Specialist Reserve involving medivacretrievals of sick and traumatized Defence & Civilian personnel within Australia, Pacific Islands & surrounding countries (d) TEACHING Since 1975, involved in lecturing and tutoring anaesthetic topics to the part II final fellowship examination course

From 1989 - 2009 Convener of an annual anatomical workshop for anaesthetists on Cadaver specimens at the University of Sydney Anatomy Department(e) Participant in Remote, Difficult and Third World Anaesthesia Workshop, Launceston, March 2000.


(now Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists ANZCA)

1980- 1986 Chairman, Sub-Committee, NSW An aesthetic Continuing Education. Involved organising three major meetings per year with overseas guests on a range of sub specialist anaesthetic topics for NSW Society of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Anaesthetists.

1984 - 1988 Representative, Faculty of Anaesthetists NSW Day Surgery Committee.1986 - 1993 Anaesthetics Adviser to Medical Services Committee, Health Department of NSW.1989 -1994 Committee Member, Australian Society of Obstetrical Anaesthetists1976 - 1996 Tutor in Regional Anaesthesia and Anatomy, Part 11 Fellowship Course for the Diploma of Fellow of College of Anaesthetists.

1989 - 2009 Convener and Tutor, Anatomy Work shop, NSW Continuing Educa tion, Sydney University, Anatomy Department Responsible for organis ing anatomical specimens for dissec tion demonstrating anatomy for nerve blocks and other anaesthetic techniques Demon strated Regional Anaesthesia for the Head & Neck surgery

MEMBER OF SOCIETIES- Australian Society of Anaesthetists- Australian Medical Association- N.S.W. Rod Fishers Association

SPECIAL INTERESTSRegional AnaesthesiaHead and Neck Regional Anaesthesia.Obstetrical Anaesthesia

PUBLICATIONS‘Local Anaesthetic Infiltration for Caesarean Section’Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. 1989; 17:198-201

VIDEO PRODUCTION‘Regional Anaesthesia Head & Neck’, St. Vincent’s fHospital, Darlinghurst, UNSW Audio-Visual Depart-ment

EQUIPMENTModified mask for failed intubation at caesarean sectionAnaesthesia & Intensive Care, 1984, P279. INTERESTS Fly Fishing, Photography, Astronomy PRESENTATIONS*Speaker World Anaesthetic Congress - April 1996, Sydney ‘Local Anaesthesia Technique for Head & Neck Surgery’*South Australian Continuing Education, October 1999Regional Anaesthesia for Surgery of Head & Neck’

*Jobson Symposium 2001, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital *Victorian Regional Committee, 1999

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OFFICERS RY 2010-2011

Dietmar SchugPresident

Marillo PaanoVice President

Alvin BenasaSecretary

Ben ElioTreasurer

Manuel AlongImmediate Past


Ian Mark NacayaPE and Director

Ferdie BernasorDirector

Leo AbaDirector

Dexter BanderaDirector

Gus RodanoDirector

Rey LomardaProtocol Officer

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Leo AbaDirector,

Community Service

Edilbert Joaquin R. Elio


Vincent Joseph ValenciaTreasurer

Julius DulfoDirector,

Public Relations

Dietmar V. SchugImmediate Past


Michael Alan Turner

Protocol Officer

Ferdie BernasorVice President

Paul Clarence R.JuarezDirector,

Youth Service

Saikat RamnaniDirector,

Club Admin

Gus T. RodanoDirector,

Vocational Service

Marillo S. Paano-President-Elect

Ian Mark NacayaPresident

OFFICERS RY 2011-2012

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ABA, LEO “Leo”ID# 6837824Inducted : 2008Proposer : Rtn. Ray GaranClassification : INVESTMENTAddress : Bulua, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : (088) 309 0466Cell Number : 0920 424 5297/0918 884 4555Birthday : July 6, 1981

ALINABON, MANUEL L. “Manny”ID#5246877Inducted : February 25, 1999Proposer : PVP Hong SeeClassification : RESTAURANT SERVICEAddress : La Illongga Fastfood Ororama Megacenter, Lapasan Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 724605 / 8573652Cell Number : 09189091859Birthday : August 06Spouse : JosyBirthday : August 26Wedding Anniversary : April 23

AKUT, BERTID#Inducted : 2011Proposer : ID JJ RamnaniClassification : Antique DealerAddress :

ALEGRIO, MAURICIO, JR. “Jun”ID# 6700700Inducted : 2010Proposer : Classification : CONSULTANCY-HOUSING PROJECTSAddress : Carmen, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 858 1568Cell Number : 09228581568Birthday : June 10Spouse : GhayeBirthday : April 5Wedding Anniversary : October 27

ALONG, MANUEL U. “Manny”ID#2453258Inducted : September 1995Proposer : PT Raul Noble / PP Billy WalterClassification : OUTDOOR ADVERTISINGAddress : Star Ads, Kalambaguhan- Burgos Sts. Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 723793Cell Number : 09209259091Birthday : October 27Spouse : BiemaBirthday : May 29Wedding Anniversary : November 16

APDIAN, RONNIE J. “Ronnie”ID#6366026Inducted : 2004Proposer : Dir. Ed PaladClassification : Address : Pabayo cor. Abejuela Sts. Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 721577Cell Number : 09172581229Birthday : July 1, 1950Spouse : Mary GraceBirthday : April 5, 1953Wedding Anniversary : March 25

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BAGUIO, STALIN A. “ Stalin”ID#6501903Inducted : 2006 Proposer : Sec. Glenn DaelClassification : COMELECAddress : Cagayan de Oro City Telephone No. : 725798Cell Number : 0917 705 5521Birthday : August 03, 1971Spouse : Emila BootsBirthday : February 01, 1973Wedding Anniversary : December 20

BANDERA, MODESTO B. “Dexter”ID#6501902Inducted : 2005Proposer : PAG Ray TalimioClassification : MICRO LENDINGAddress : B21 L12 Regency Plains Subd. Iponan, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : (088) 309 0466/232 4773Cell Number : 0921 317 9079Birthday : August 15, 1970Spouse : AngeluBirthday : August 18, 1978Wedding Anniversary : August 18

BATO, LOPE JR. P. “Jun”ID#3201820Inducted : 1996 Proposer : VP Ray TalimioClassification : PUBLIC AUDITINGAddress : QCB & Co., J. r. Borja St. Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 721457Cell Number : 09189357411Birthday : October 16Spouse :ViolaBirthday : June 3 Wedding Anniversary : January 21

BELLA, PRIMITIVO, JR. “Jun”ID#267415Inducted : July 1968-RC CBO July 1976 – RC CDOProposer : PP Manny Samson / PS Ting VelezClassification : SENIOR ACTIVEAddress : Bella Law Office, 220 Va menta Ave. Carmen, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 724719Cell Number : 09189203107Birthday : August 20Spouse : PatBirthday : April 17Wedding Anniversary : April 11

BENASA, ALVINID# 7012968Inducted : 2008Proposer : PP Ric GabaonClassification : TELECOMMUNICATIONSAddress : Bayantel, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 3091111Cell Number Birthday : March 14Spouse : Ma. RachelBirthday : February 2Wedding Anniversary : December 15

BERNASOR, FERDINAND A.“Ferdie”ID#5716934Inducted : 2001Proposer : PP Chito SarragaClassification : MAINTENANCE SERVICES CONSTRUCTIONAddress : B2-L15, Portico, Gran Europa Lumbia, Cagayan De Oro CityTelephone No. : (088) 8585097Cell Number : 09189032809Birthday : November 10Spouse : JaBirthday : June 7Wedding Anniversary : May 25


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BLANCO, SAMSON M. “Sammy”ID#1177076Inducted : 1986Proposer : PP Naning BarreraClassification : PAST SERVICEAddress : RER Drive Subdivision, Phase II Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 711972Cell Number : 09177068521Birthday : February 14Spouse : VickyBirthday : October 5Wedding Anniversary : December 8

CAMAT, DANILO F. “Danny”ID#1836318Inducted : 1998Proposer : Rtn. Egardo VeliliaClassification : REAL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTAddress : Robinsons Land Corp. Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 856-7773Cell Number : 0922-818-3888Birthday : March 21, 1957Spouse : MarleneBirthday : February 11, 1959Wedding Anniversary : June 16

CARAGOS, SALVADOR L. “Doring”ID#267451Inducted : 1971-RC Iligan 1977-RC CDOProposer : PP Roy TamparongClassification : PAWNSHOP MGNT.Address : Rosalindas Pawnshop & Jewellery Casa del Chino Igua, A. Velez St. CDOCTelephone No. : 725590 / 857 1181Cell Number : 09177064605Birthday : February 20Spouse : LindaBirthday : July 7Wedding Anniversary : July 19

CUEVAS, JOSEPH HAMILTON M. “Jowette”ID#6501904Inducted : 2006 Proposer : Sec. Glenn DaelClassification : GOV’T. COMELECAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 725798Cell Number : 0920 921-9663Birthday : October 28, 1973Spouse : JayeBirthday : January 7, 1974Wedding Anniversary : October 25

DE CLEENE, JOHNID# 1902752Inducted : 2010Proposer : PDG Dan SarragaClassification : RELIGIOUS MISSIONAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : Cell Number : 09285621836 / 9285215090Birthday : July 1Spouse : LoriBirthday : July 1Wedding Anniversary : June 26

DELA CRUZ, ANTONIO E. “Tony”ID#2558410Inducted : January 27, 1996Proposer : PP Tinnex JaraulaClassification : GENERAL CONSTRUCTIONAddress : JALSE Construction Corrales St. Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 8573655Cell Number : 09189091865Birthday : June 12, 1947Spouse : MalouBirthday : July 28, 1954Wedding Anniversary : August 17


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DULFO, JULIUSID# 8288904Inducted : 2010Proposer : Dir. Ferdie BernasorClassification : CHICKEN TRADINGAddress : B22 L20 Villa Trinit Subdivi sion Bugo, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : (088) 8528296Cell Number : 09188877007Birthday : July 22Spouse : MarilynBirthday : July 18Wedding Anniversary : June 10

ELIO, EDILBERTO JOAQUINID# 8026060Inducted : 2010Proposer : PAG Chito SarragaClassification : BANKING-RURALAddress : c/o SIAM Bank Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : (088) 8572209Cell Number : 09177073546Birthday : November 14Spouse : JessicaBirthday : December 2Wedding Anniversary : July 2

ESLAMLOU, SAMADID# 8288895Inducted : 2011Proposer : Rtn. Naeem IqbalClassification :

EVANGELISTA, GABRIEL B. “Gabby”ID#267500Inducted : June 1976Proposer : PP Roy TamparongClassification : SENIOR ACTIVE Telephone No. : 740245Cell Number : 09163660068Birthday : April 4Spouse : NitzBirthday : December 30Wedding Anniversary : June 20

FABELLO, MELVINID#Inducted : 2010Proposer : Sec. Mar PaanoClassification : BANKING-SAVINGSAddress : RCBC-Limketkai, Cagayan de Oro CityCell Number : 09177120839

FERRER, PAULID# 6700707Inducted : 2005Proposer : PP Luigi SarragaClassification : Cell Number : 0918 386 8579Birthday : January 24Spouse : ChingBirthday : January 10Wedding Anniversary : September 1


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GABAON, RICARDO E. “Ric”ID#6012342Inducted : May 2002Proposer : PP Vic CincoClassification : AUTO DISTRIBUTIONAddress : Mitsubishi Motors Cebu Corp. Gusa Highway,Cag. De Oro CityTelephone No. : 8551550Cell Number : 09189067789Birthday : April 3, 1954Spouse : BernadetteBirthday : April 30, 1953Wedding Anniversary : June 9

ELANGO, ROBERT LOUID# 8288896Inducted : June 11, 2011Proposer : IP Ian Nacaya IP JJ RamnaniClassification : Public SafetyAddress : --

Telephone No. : 737659 / 726342Cell Number : 09172507510Birthday : Decenber 19, 1963Spouse : GenaBirthday : August 5Wedding Anniversary September 14

GAISANO. STEPHEN, JR. S. “Steve”ID#267408Inducted : 1978Proposer : PD Nene EparwaClassification : DRY GOODS RETAILINGAddress : Gaisano Cagayan Inc. Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 726409Cell Number : Birthday : December 19Spouse : MaryBirthday : October 20Wedding Anniversary : February 12

GATILOGO, HENRY M. “Henry”ID#6118874Inducted : 2003Proposer : VP Manny AlinabonClassification : REFRIGERATIONAddress : HG Ind’l Engineering Sales & Services, National highway-Bu lua, CDOTelephone No. : 856483 / 737977Cell Number : 09177074110Birthday : June 15, 1963Spouse : DebbieBirthday : July 23, 1967Wedding Anniversary : May 11

HIPONA, CESAR M. JR. “Jun”ID#2558374Inducted : 1996Proposer : PP Ray TalimioClassification : GOV’T. ENGINEERING SERVICESAddress : DPWH Sub-District Office, Pun-tod, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 724992Cell Number : 09216682134Birthday : January 29Spouse : SarahBirthday : April 10Wedding Anniversary : October 16

IQBAL, NAEEM “Naeem”ID# 6651886Inducted : 2006 Proposer : PD Nick RaagasClassification : RESTAURANT MANAGEMENTAddress : Hayes-Tiano St., Cagayan de Oro City Telephone No. : 710106Cell Number : 0915-446-4058Birthday : November 4, 1972Spouse : BettinaBirthday : April 18, 1967Wedding Anniversary : January 12


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JARAULA, CONSTANTINO G. “Tinnex”ID#1836327Inducted : 1990Proposer : PP Mike GokingClassification : GENERAL LAW PRACTICEAddress : Jaraula-Juan-Jaraula Law Office Carmen, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 8586755 / 3504602Cell Number : 09177062652Birthday : June 20Spouse : DivinaBirthday : August 15Wedding Anniversary : May 6

JUAREZ, PAUL CLARENCE “Popo”ID# 8077999Inducted : 2009Proposer : PAG Chito SarragaClassification : EDUCATION-COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIOJNAddress : Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 08822 710 945Cell Number : 09177187656Birthday : August 21Spouse : En-enBirthday : February 21Wedding Anniversary : January 09 LAGROSAS, DUFEL “Dudie”ID# 1764584Inducted : 2010Proposer : VP Mar PaanoClassification : Trucking ServicesAddress : Carmen, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : Cell Number : 09209605931Birthday : October 14Spouse : DorisBirthday : Wedding Anniversary : September 5

LIMKETKAI, ALBINO U. “Al”ID#2155668Inducted : 1973Proposer : PP Nestor FernandezClassification : SENIOR ACTIVEAddress : Limketkai Corporate Office Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 725226Cell Number : 09177060335Birthday : October 31Spouse : FrancesBirthday : December 2Wedding Anniversary : May 28

LOMARDA, REYID#8054835Inducted : 2009Proposer : PAG Chito SarragaClassification : PAST SERVICEAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : Cell Number : 09219942080Birthday : August 17Spouse : NancyBirthday : August 15Wedding Anniversary : June


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MAKAPUGAY, NORMAN “Norman”ID#3265693Inducted : 1997Proposer : PS Guy BalsamoClassification : SAVINGS BANKINGAddress : RCBC Savings Bank Carmen, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 727788Cell Number : 09177062197Birthday : October 1Spouse : IselBirthday : November 13Wedding Anniversary : January 14

MOHAMMAD, SOHAILID# 8054832Inducted : 2009Proposer : Rtn. Naeem IqbalClassification : MICRO LENDINGAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : Cell Number : 09322245544Birthday : July 1

MOORJANI, NARENDAR L. “Naren”ID#267428Inducted : Proposer : Classification : JEWELRY MERCHAN DIZINGAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 722556Cell Number : Birthday : December 25Spouse : ShairaBirthday : August 13Wedding Anniversary : October 20

MUGOT, EMMANUEL C. “NOEL”ID# 8288891Inducted : 2010Proposer : PAG John Mark F. SarragaClassification : INSURANCE SERVICESAddress : Philamlife, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : Cell Number : 09228195886Birthday : December 23Spouse : HelenBirthday : April 22Wedding Anniversary : June 22

NACAYA, IAN MARK Q. “Ian”ID# 6651891Inducted : 2006Proposer : PAG Chito SarragaClassification : Public UtilityAddress : City Council Office Cagayan de Oro CityCell Number : 09177036729Birthday : July 29, 1973Spouse : ReinaBirthday : October 04Wedding Anniversary : August 08

NOLASCO, NARCISO JR. R. “Jun”ID#6012335Inducted : 2001Proposer : PDG Doring CaragosClassification : TELECOMMUNICATIONSAddress : SOTELCO Office, CDOTelephone No. : 727230Cell Number : 09177068045Birthday : July 4Spouse : LuttBirthday : February 8Wedding Anniversary : January 10


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PAANO, MARILLO “Mar”ID# 6700702Inducted : 2007Proposer : Rtn. Raul RemigosoClassification : Civil Engineer - ContructionAddress : St. Michael St., NHA Phase III Kauswagan,Cagayan de Oro City Cell Number : 0920 927 5752Birthday : April 8Spouse : OpheliaBirthday : February 1Wedding Anniversary : March 18

PAMPARO, JAMES R. “James”ID#3265696Inducted : 1996Proposer : PP Gabby EvangelistaClassification : ORE SINTERINGAddress : Reyes Village Subd., Bugo Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 742112Cell Number : 09162124587Birthday : March 20Spouse : LuzBirthday : March 14Wedding Anniversary : March 5

PAMPARO, RONALD “RonaldID# 8288894Inducted : 2011Proposer : PP Chito SarragaClassification : INSURANCEAddress : Reyes Village Subd., Bugo Cagayan de Oro CityPEREZ, ROYID# 6098763Inducted : 2009Proposer : PD Jun BatoClassification : TELECOMMUNICATIONSAddress : Globe, Cagayan de Oro CityCell Number : 09177975050

PYRAH, DEREKID# 2546693Inducted : 2009Proposer : IP Dietmar SchugClassification : INSURANCEAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 310 6800Cell Number : 09209626393Birthday : April 22Spouse : CecylBirthday : February 24

RADKE, CARSTENID# 8078000Inducted : 2009Proposer : IP Dietmar SchugClassification : RESTAURANT MGNTAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 856 1207Cell Number : 09216235122Birthday : September 11Spouse : JenniferBirthday : March 20Wedding Anniversary : November 28

RAMNANI, SAIKAT “JJ”ID# 8155302Inducted : 2010Proposer : Rtn. Naeem IqbalClassification : TRAVEL & TOURSAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 852 1081Cell Number : 09088932761Birthday : September 13Spouse : LuzBirthday : July 4Wedding Anniversary : March 26


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RODANO, AGUSTIN “Gus”ID# 6837854Inducted : 2008Proposer : Rtn. Mike TurnerClassification : IT ServicesAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 858 1889Cell Number : 0921 551 3453Birthday : December 31Spouse : RizaBirthday : August 17Wedding Anniversary : December 6

ROLIDA, FRANCISCO L. “Frank”ID#267506Inducted : 1973Proposer : Classification : SENIOR ACTIVEAddress : General Manager, Ceb Southern Motors, Inc. Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 728345Cell Number : 09177061942Birthday : May 7Spouse :AnitaBirthday : December 14Wedding Anniversary : February 18

ROMERO, CARLO ANTONIO D. “Carlo”ID#2558413Inducted : 1996Proposer : PD Bobby BalinadoClassification : OPHTHALMOLOGYAddress : Room 210, Polymedic Gen. Hospital Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 724914Cell Number : 09177065258Birthday : January 17Spouse : MonetteBirthday : June 9Wedding Anniversary : June 18

SARRAGA, FRANCISCO B. “Chito”ID#1455255Inducted : 1987Proposer : PP Muss GandarosaClassification : Wood Works Address : Lapasan Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 723936Cell Number : 09177073207Birthday : June 3Spouse : JuvyBirthday : May 26Wedding Anniversary : December 7

SARRAGA, JOSE LUIS F. “Luigi”ID#2091925Inducted : 1998Proposer : PVP John de CleeneClassification : BROADCASTINGAddress : SIAM Corp., JR Borja St.,Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 726162Cell Number : 09194044606Birthday : March 6Spouse : ChonaBirthday : September 2Wedding Anniversary : May 28

SARRAGA, JOHN MARK F. “John”ID#5716937Inducted : October 2002Proposer : PVP John de CleeneClassification : SUGARCANE PLANTINGAddress : Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City Telephone No. : 724756Cell Number : 09209102058Birthday : July 1Spouse : ChingBirthday : September 11Wedding Anniversary : October 16


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SATORRE, BOBBYID# 2337511Inducted : 2009Proposer : PDG Jun NolascoClassification : TELECOMMUNICATIONSAddress : SOTELCO, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : Cell Number : 09198415120Birthday : September 20Spouse : RuthBirthday : February 24Wedding Anniversary : February 14

SCHUG, DIETMAR “Dietmar”ID#6118876Inducted : July 2003Proposer : Rtn. Josef MostClassification : HEALTH CARE PROVISION, CHARITYAddress : Committee of German Doctors, Cag. De Oro CityTelephone No. : 725045Cell Number : 09177060177Birthday : November 23, 1963Spouse : VilmaBirthday : June 20,1959Wedding Anniversary : May 5 SEE, HONG C. “Hong”ID#2155677Inducted : 1991Proposer : PP Celing AdazaClassification : THEATER OPERATIONAddress : Ororama Megacenter, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 725712Cell Number : 09177065279Birthday : July 31Spouse : GloriaBirthday : June 31Wedding Anniversary : January 25

SORIANO, ANTONIO S. ‘Tony”ID#267452Inducted : 1995Proposer : PP Tinnex JaraulaClassification : COMMERCIAL LAW PRAC-TICEAddress : Soriano Law Office, Tiano- Montalban Sts. Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 726583Cell Number : 09173211072Birthday : July 30Spouse : JecsBirthday : June 30Wedding Anniversary : January 6

TIRO, MEYNARDO, JR. “ Sonny” ID# 3323692Inducted : 2009Proposer : PP Luigi SarragaClassification : RICE FARMINGAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : Cell Number : 09209615129Birthday : July 28Spouse : Easter GraceBirthday : April 2Wedding Anniversary : May 12

TURNER, MICHAEL “Mike”ID# 6700701Inducted : 2007Proposer : Dir. Ed PaladClassification : Internet MarketingAddress : Door 9, 3rd Flr. Marel Bldg. Cagayan de Oro CityCell Number : 0920 664 0703Birthday : March 20, 1961Spouse : MarissaBirthday : July 9, 1983Wedding Anniversary : September 1


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VALENCIA, VINCENT JOSEPH “VINCE”ID# 8098646Inducted : 2010Proposer : PAG Chito SarragaClassification : CARBONATED BEVER AGES DISTRIBUTIONAddress : Cagayan de Oro CityCell Number : 09209224716Birthday : May 16Spouse : PamBirthday : Wedding Anniversary : February 5

VILLAMALA, VICENTE “Chad”ID# 6651897Inducted : 2006Proposer : PP Chito SarragaClassification : PharmaceuticalAddress : Blk 18, Lot 22-24-Kisanlu, Pag-ibig City, Iponan, MisOrTelephone No. : (08822) 738 583Cell Number : 0920 922 8607Birthday : March 11, 1954Spouse : LeonoraBirthday : May 22, 1969Wedding Anniversary : January 2

YAP, SYDNEY THADDEUS K. “Syd”ID#2375679Inducted : February 9, 1995Proposer : PP Roy Tamparong, PS Tony ReyesClassification : Universal BankingAddress : Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company, A. Velez St. cor. Yacapin St. CDOCTelephone No. : 726054Cell Number : 09178182800Birthday : May 17Spouse : AmyBirthday : August 20Wedding Anniversary : June 1


BARCELON, EMETERIO J. SJ “Terry”ID#2155644Inducted : 1992-RC-CDO 1974-RC DavaoProposer : PP Celing AdazaClassification : RELIGION - CATHOLICAddress : Milandec, Xavier University Cagayan de Oro CityTelephone No. : 726217Cell Number : 09193632590Birthday : January 1






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The Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro (RCCDO) took the lead in their Medical Mission by inviting group of highly specialized doctors in the field of Eye Disease Management to do FREE Cataract Operations to indigent patients.

RCCDO Programs and Pictures

Pres. Dietmar Schug with PAG John Mark Sarraga giving the Plaque of Appreciation to Australian Interplast, Dr. John Joseph McGuinness.

This smiling girl is a happy beneficiary of the Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro’s

Mend-A-Heart Project.

Rotary Cataract Camiguin 2010Rotary Boot Camp 2010

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Club members with the Australian Interplast Team atPDGTinnex&LadyDivina’sresidence.

Boys Town Handog Pamasko Project

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Janet BernasorPresident

Ching SaraggaVice President

Jessica ElioTreasurer

Malou Dela CruzAsst. Treasurer

Riza RodanoAsst. Secretary

Ghaye AlegrioPRO

Marissa TurnerSecretary

Biema AlongDirector

Vilma SchugDirector

Josy AliñabonDirector

Sarah HiponaDirector

Terry DaelAuditor

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Marissa TurnerPresident

Juvy SarragaSecretary

Jessica ElioVice President

Ching Sarraga Asst. Secretary

Bern GabaonTreasurer

Luz RamnaniAsst. Treasurer

Riza RodanoPRO

Aida GonzagaAuditor

Janet BernasorIPP & Director

Biema AlongDirector

Malou Dela CruzDirector

Josy AliñabonDirector

Vicky BlancoDirector

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Rotary Anns Picture GalleryRY 2010-2011

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1951-1952 Ping Rabe1952-1953 Ping Rabe1953-1954 Janet Javier1954-1955 Trining Pineda1955-1956 Choleng Floirendo1956-1957 Ester Fernandez1957-1958 Diding Mosqueda1958-1959 Choleng Floirendo1959-1960 Chabeng Gorospe1960-1961 Chabeng Gorospe1961-1962 Ping Rabe1962-1963 Choleng Floierndo1963-1964 Gely Dayrit1964-1965 Sofing Velez1965-1966 Tere Sarraga1966-1967 Nene Reyes1967-1968 Carmelita Larrabaster1968-1969 Mimi Mosqueda1969-1970 Naring Casino1970-1971 Aty Siojo1971-1972 Bella Tiro1972-1973 Lily Marfori1973-1974 Pepit Tamparong1974-1975 Yoling Malfferrari1975-1976 Nena Balan1976-1977 Pacita Cid1977-1978 Tellie Gabor1978-1979 Inday Calejesan1979-1980 Jella Chaves1980-1981 Linda Caragos

1981-1982 Tellie Eparwa1982-1983 Juliet Te1983-1984 Gangging Dingcong1984-1985 Ives Valoria1985-1986 Nene Goking1986-1987 Terry Biaco1987-1988 Ontsing Aberilla1988-1989 Lynda Lugod1989-1990 Daisy San Jose1990 – 1991 Rose Sawadjaan1991 – 1992 Lulu Bolongaita1992 – 1993 Jas Valderrama1993 – 1994 Lingling Sarraga1994 – 1995 Divin Jaraula1995 – 1996 Auau Gorspe1996 – 1997 Nitz Evangelista1997 – 1998 Minnie Talimio1998 – 1999 Vicky Blanco1999 – 2000 Malou Dela Cruz2000 – 2001 Merle Adaza2001 – 2002 Maleen Camat2002 – 2003 Jeanette Carrion2003 – 2004 Sarah Hipona2004 – 2005 Josy Alinabon2005 – 2006 Jecs Soriano2006 – 2007 Ching Sarraga2007 – 2008 Bern Gabaon2008 – 2009 Malou Dela Cruz2009 – 2010 Biema Along2010 - 2011 Janet Bernasor

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Landline Nos.:(088) 852.1081; 323.1996; 309.3827; 310.8293


Mobile Nos.: +63.917.325 7852; +63.908.893.2761; +63.922.836.2375

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Reina A. NacayaOperations Chief Kids:

Zian Anthon Andrei Jullian Marian Ysabel

Congratulations to our Son…City Councilor

IAN MARK President

Rotary Club of Cagayan de OroRY 2011-2012

Atty. Epifanio T. Nacaya Mrs. Flor Q. Nacaya

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PD Michael & Ann Pres. Marissa Turner

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Congratulations to the

Officers of the Rotary Club of CDO

RY 2011-2012


Pag manny & ann PP Josie alinabon

Limketkai Foodcourt, ororama supercenter cogon, Market city Agora

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