rotimi and group project

MS. JONES CLASS A day in her students life By Rotimi Sule, Bryan Cano, William Griffin, Ariel Morante

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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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A day in her students life

By Rotimi Sule, Bryan Cano, William Griffin, Ariel Morante

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Ms. Jones walks into her classroom her children are hyper and she tells them to settle down and

pay attention. Ms. Jones says écoutez bien.

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Today we will work out of the books ouvrez votre livre à la page . Regardez l’activité A8. Ms. Jones

ask who wants to read since no one wants to read she says Sam I want you to lisez…. a haute


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Y a-t-il des questions? No one said anything , so she tells the class to commencez. When the

class was reading they got off task and started talking.

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She tells them taisez-vous. When Ms. Jones class finished reading she tells them sortez votre canier.

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You will have le devoir pour demain c’est à la page huit . On Wednesday Ms. Jones ask the class Qui n’a pas fini.

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Then there was a fire drill. All the kids thought it was fake while the

teachers panicked.

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The new lunch lady burnt the kitchen into ashes.

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Once the kids started smelling smoke. They realized that it was

not a drill

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Students were happy to realize their day ended short. Now they

don’t have to turn in their homework.