royal australian...royal australian the official newspaper of the royal australian navy .c volume 41...

Royal Australian The official newspaper of the R oyal Australian Navy VOLUME 41 , No. 23 .c S8LT Natalee McDougall with U' :UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay, Kimlin and LElIT Lewis following their graduation. l>ictuTe: CPt Mark Dowling. C Rrst woman pilot .- earns her wings - LI. Royal Australian Navy has welcomed ilSfirslwomanpilO(. Twenty-!wo-year-old SBLT Natalee McDougall from Cumballing in Western Auslralia gradu:lIcd from the Australian Defence Academy's helicopter Irolining facil- ilY this month. The Chief of Navy. VADM Don Chalmers, welcomed her to the aviation ranks and pre- sented herwilh her wings. Naralec: was one of six young naval offi· cers to gradu:lIe from the school and to receive her wings from VADM Chalmers. TIle presentation and associ3led parade of ADF pilots took place at the Fairbairn base. For Nalalee the gr.lduation meant an end no:s=J to 17 months of intensive classroom and practical training at Fairoaim. She first flew the PC9 fixed wing trainer then advanced to the Squirrel helicopter. "Now she will go to 723 Squadron (CMDR Mark Jerrell) at HMAS ALBA- TROSS for more intensive training." LCDR David Gwylher, careers co-ordinatOf for the aviation school, said. "She will fl y Squirrels. "SBLT McDougall is the first woman to graduate as a pilot for the RAN in its 50 years of naval aviation. women had begun rraining but failed and moved on. "The fourth would have graduated with the Navy. She. however, was poached by another service," LCDR Gwyther said. "SBLT McDougall is our first woman pilOl:." To graduate with Natalee were SBLT Stuart Cayzer. 23. from Wagga Wagga. LEUT David Bellenay. 26. from Mount Gravatt, SBLT ANdrew Sleeman, 21, from Perth. LEUT Nathan Lewis, 25. from Sydney and NSBLT Paul Kimlin. 22. ".",",-",,-, MelbaintheACf. The men will join Nalalce at 723 A modest Natalee said she did not want to be singled out for special attention.

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Page 1: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

Royal Australian The official newspaper of the R oyal Australian Navy

VOLUME 41 , No. 23


• S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay, Kimlin and LElIT Lewis following their graduation. l>ictuTe: CPt Mark Dowling.

C Rrst woman pilot .- earns her wings


Royal Australian Navy has welcomed ilSfirslwomanpilO(.

Twenty-!wo-year-old SBLT Natalee McDougall from Cumballing in Western Auslralia gradu:lIcd from the Australian Defence Academy's helicopter Irolining facil­ilY this month.

The Chief of Navy. VADM Don Chalmers, welcomed her to the aviation ranks and pre­sented herwilh her wings.

Naralec: was one of six young naval offi· cers to gradu:lIe from the school and to receive her wings from VADM Chalmers.

TIle presentation and associ3led parade of ADF pilots took place at the Fairbairn base.

For Nalalee the gr.lduation meant an end

r==G;iiiQ~ no:s=J to 17 months of intensive classroom and practical training at Fairoaim.

She first flew the PC9 fixed wing trainer then advanced to the Squirrel helicopter.

"Now she will go to 723 Squadron (CMDR Mark Jerrell) at HMAS ALBA­TROSS for more intensive training." LCDR David Gwylher, careers co-ordinatOf for the aviation school, said.

"She will fl y Squirrels. "SBLT McDougall is the first woman to

graduate as a pilot for the RAN in its 50 years of naval aviation.

~Fourother women had begun rraining but failed and moved on.

"The fourth would have graduated with the Navy. She. however, was poached by another service," LCDR Gwyther said.

"SBLT McDougall is our first woman pilOl:." To graduate with Natalee were SBLT

Stuart Cayzer. 23. from Wagga Wagga. LEUT David Bellenay. 26. from Mount Gravatt, SBLT ANdrew Sleeman, 21, from Perth. LEUT Nathan Lewis, 25. from Sydney and NSBLT Paul Kimlin. 22. ".",",-",,-, MelbaintheACf.

The men will join Nalalce at 723 A modest Natalee said she did not want to

be singled out for special attention.

Page 2: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,


Submariners acknowledged [CP0it::k -;:;;;J ~e:e~a_d~~I;e~:'~~n~~dl~ m~ku~~:r;u;~a~ej\'e a

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world is \'ia allunderwa- occasional game of cards Ill !; conTac t . Minute s

~~:§:~~§::~::§~§§~:§~ seem like hou~ . r The sonar idelllifies the ship as a po tential enemy. The CO o rders a course 10 In(creep!. The crew prepares for action

he3d not realising it has been successfu lly liller­ce pte d by a ROy3 l Austrair3n i"3\ ysubma­nne. The mi SS Io n is a

No mailer \0. here ),OU are 10 the " orld oper3-tions si mil3r to thi s go o n ye ar-In. ye 3r-out. Th ey bring SUbm3nne ncws to the edge of re31-It) and tes t Ulan and 1lI3chIOe in a re31 game of cat and mou'>e.


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OOdyuds, $htpllutldrllQilldtngU1ltnngrS1a~nts. busilessorgarism'ls,Governnll!ntdt9<rtrmn1s.OWrsus to ollicW establishments, Government d!p~r1ments and pnvaksubscribers.

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STAFf: t.1anag~Edilor.LCIJRKt'IInPite(()2195631~ AssistantEditor:LEUTAaronMatlkOws(02)95631211; Adwrtisir:lg: MrGtoIl CIiIIO«I (02) !l5631539; Pic1orit:lSPtt StMGUmtlt (02)956l 1593: SMots' Represtnt.1!M: POWTRAIsonIJarvds (02) 93S9~60 ~subsaIpttonVldl)Ml!r.1Irnouines: MtPUJoIVl$on (02)95631201 .

PUlicaIieIDIIH Dudl.e

1C~. . .•.•..•• lJecer.'ttr

2 (354) NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998

surveillance is the name ViOl Ihe I'Crb cope the potenti31 ene my warshIp no allied Navy h3S M:en Sailo rs like Warr31lt Office r Go rd on Be n3-\·eme. who now wor~ s 3t

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rr:====~~~;;:;~E~m~'I~I '~I"~IO~"~'P~''''~M~'I;''=.,~= .• =u==~ ~n~u~I~~~~~~esb~f t~t:~S o~;\~; I ~~it~~S ~o;::~ Award as dux of the class at the Mk 41 Mod 5 Vertical uunching System (YLS) course gradu3tion ceremony.

He was also awarded the United Defense AW3rd 31 the end of the Mk 45 Mod 2 gun CO\lrse in July this ye3r.

Rich 3chieved the presligious double with a course 3VerJge of 98.5 per cent 311d 96 per cent respectively.

This rare oco.:urrcnce has only hapl'Cned once before in Ihe history of Mk 41 and Mk 45 training.

The United Defense Award is presented to the person achieving the highest 3cademic score for the course and comprises scale models of the Mk 41 and VLS and Mk 458un.

The awards are presented on beha lf of United Defense by LOPAC Ply LId.

The Mk 41 Mod 5 YLS is conducted at the Ordnance Support and Training Cenlre in Willi3mslOwn. Victoria. by LOPAC Staff. Mr Mark Cerleni1l3 (ex WEEO) and M r \V3yne Richards (elt CPOETW). and consists of 10 weeks of intensive tmin ing on the 0I'Cr3t ion and main~ tenance of tile VLS system.

The course was 31so attended by LSET Craig Lewis (ex Royal Canadian Navy). CPOWF Dornbush, POWF Weeks and AET Peters. all of Nuship n:: MANA and POWF Moore of HMNZS TE KAllA.

Gmduation of the IT MANA personnel m3rks the final major weapons course for her ships' company after compleling their Mk 45 Gun course earlier this year.

WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY AdvI!f1 '$ers alldlor advertls,ng agenCIes upon and by lodging maler .. [ WIth Ihe Pubillher lor p"bloeahon or aull\.ollsIIIg or apprOVing 01 Ihe pub[Ical ,on 01 any matellal INDEMNIFY the Publisher. its directors employees and agenls alJalO$t .. cwl""s. demandS. proeeedtngS. COSII . expenses. dlmaO". awarns. judgments and any othe, Habi.ty whatsoever wholly or partIally ans'ngdlll!C\ly o< 'nc:hreet/y ineonnec:tKlnWltnlhepubloeabonotlhemale<1al.andWIthoulhmi\'ng lhe 9I'fMIrahty 01 the Ioregoong. Irwjemnlty eact'l of them in relal!OO lodelamalion. [ibel , slanoer ot Utle, ,nlnngemenl 01 eopynght. infringement 01 trademarks 0< names ot p!.!blicat,on titleS. unla" compel,bon. breach 01 Irade praClIOOli Of fat< trading leglslalion. vH)!at,on ot lights 01 pnvaey 0<

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ADVERTISING CONDITIONS ACve!1!Slng.ooeptedior pubIiea!JQn in NAVY NEWS is sutJtealOtheoor'llitoon$setOUI in lhetr rate cards and the rules appoeable to advert<SlfIg laid down lrom lime 10 ume by the Media Council ot Austral,a. Every adllenlsement is subfect to the P1iblishef's aPP!'DVa[ and the Pllbbshe< may. at its di$Cl'el!(lIl. relute 10 ac:cepl an adveft!semltnt lOf publication if ~ believes lhe advan,semet'Ii may inlnnge the righll ot any person or may 001 comply Wllh all laws and .egutations ot the Statss and Terr~ories. The Pllblisher aC(:epts no uasponsib~lry 01 liability in retation to any toss due 10 the lailllis 01 an advenisement to appeal according to inslruetklns. The pos~,oninlj or plac:ing Of an ad\Ienisemenl w.ttoin ths ac:cepted dassifielol,on II al lha!OO 01 NAVY NEWS except wllere Sj)eCOallyinstnx:tedanda~eedllpontJylhePubhshfll.

Rates a'a based on lhe urwje~tanding ttlat the monetary leval ordered's llsed WI,",n the p&nod 01 me order. MllClmllm period Of any order '5 one year. Shouid an advertiser lail to lISe the 10Iai monutary level ordered the rala wi! be arneilded 10 ooinade WIth the amount 01 space use<!. The WOfd -adIIenlse<nen\- will be used on oopywhlCh In the opinion 01 the Publisher. !8sembIH editonalmatte<. TheaboYetermsaraSUOteettod\angewrtnoulnohlication •• lthediscreuonolthePl!bUI'Ier.

Page 3: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

Navy is in good shape Defence Minister appointed T:::~~7~:1 ;::i~II~I; J ohn Howa rd m a ke chan/i:es lo his Cabinet.

With the d ecisio n by Mr Ian Mc Lachlan nOI tOHek a nother term in F .. d e ral po lili cs, Ih .. Prim e Ministu had 10 a ppoint II n .. ... · Dffence Minisl .. r.

opporlUlIllles remall} lorlheI4.<XXlpcrsonnel oflhe RAN, says Ihe Chief of Navy. VADM Don Chalmers.

''The Army and the RAAF are downsiLing. The Navy is nOl. It is reshaping," VADM Chalmers said.

"We have to find qatfforanewhelicopler squadron ( Kaman Sea SpTlles), IWO no':w minehunters and for UMAS TOBRUK.

"The Navy is in good shape."


leaders," VADM Chalmers said.

In a 14amlllg he said that many ASian economIes had been "delohaled" by the pre­..enlfinancialcrisis.

H014ever.lllanycon­IlIIued to make hi·ler.:h defence acquisillon~

"We o':xpected super­~on i c missiles in the )ear 2005 ... they are here now:' he said.

A graduate from New Zealand look out t\\O of the euellence awards.

LEUT Phlll Henry received thl': Sydney­Emden Award and the Tenix DelenceSystems s14ordofexcelience.

He appointed Mr John Moore. who ... ·as born in. Rockhanlplon in 1936.

His remarks came when lhe media asked him 10 comm e nt o n reporlS Ihal many senIOr Army officers were plannmg to quit becau~e o f reslrlcted career advancement crealed bYlheDefence Reform Program.

• VA D,'\I Don Chahllt'rs ""ith PWO gnldua le LEUT Phill Henry. Piclun': AUPII Simon l\Ielcalfc.

LEUT Carol Eva ns received Ihe Captain Darhng Award for belllg the Duxofl he .'>Urfacewarfarestream. M r M oore becam e II

siockbroker a nd l'nlertd politics in 1975 ... hen he wasell'ctt'dto Ihe I10u~ of Represcnta ti l"tsas the mcmberforth ... llrisblUie ml'lropolil a n sea t o f Ryan.

Hl' was Ih l' Minis l" r f o r nu s i n ess a nd ConsumerAlTairs in Ihe Fraser Go' ·ernmenl.

He was speaking after aceremonyat HMAS WATSON where he presented certificales to !7 Au~tralian and New Zealand officers who hadgradualed In classes 26 and 27 of a revamped Principal Warfare Officers'

The new SIrU ClUre

VADM Chalmer~ said there 10. ere currently 14.000 personnel In the RAN.

He saJd Ihe servil'e was losing around 11 percent ofstatTannually.

"But thiS I~ normal:' he said.

He dId add thaI as Ihe re~ul t of Ihe DRP 20 per cent of ollicers abo~e lhe mnkorcaptain had had 10 go and they had gone

l ie ~ald thai apan from finding per..unnel for the new Sea Spnre "'Iuadrun. two nllnehunters and TOBRUK (nolO.' to be retained by the RAN) the RAN wou ld ~o':e 20 nl'"w ~h l ps e nter service in fonhcollllngyears.

"The Navy is III good shape ... and there are good career opportu ni ­ties." he ~aid.

Speaking to the 17 groduates. lhemany family

He sen't'd as II shadow mini s t e r wh e n I h l' Coalition was in opposi· lion bul with Ibe relurn or the Coa lit ion in 19% was appo int ed Iht' Fe d e ral M ini slt>r ro r RAN assists ~---il in promotion

A~~~~h~~j~~I~~~~I~II~!n :~;::~ 1~:~~~~r~~I~~O~ulr~ Ihe Phlllppl1le~ lhlS month

Aboul 16 Auslralian defence manufacturer~ di s­cussed their capabilltle~ with senior Filipino govern· ment. Defence and lIIdustry representatlve~.

In a whole 01 Government erton. Defence IS con­tributing 10 the largest trade miSSion ever mounted by Australia to the Phlhpplll~ ~. The promolion. r.:a lled All the Be$! from AU$!flIliti. will 10]..1" plaee dunng Ihe islandgroup·sIOO'"annlversaryotlndependence.

members 10.00 had anend­ed along with tormer s .: n i 0 r 0 f fir.: e r ~ . including Captain Stan Darling allt"r whom the award for the Dux of the surfar.:e warfare ~Iream is namt"d. VADM Chalmers sa id: "'These new PWO~ are prime exa mples of t he high slandard~ Ihal Ihe RAN and the New Zea land Navy demands.


01 PWQ 26 and 27 Into lhe wartare tr.lternllyoot emphasise tbey ~hou ld

nlll lose ~ I gh t 01 Ihe IlIIporlanr.:e of the Job Ihal he~ before Ihem. oj building ablli ,y through expenence and manag­Ing people and ~ystems toar.:hie\"e optimum per· IOTlllanr.:e.

"The mosl advanced systems will neverreplao.:e Ihe elfer.:tl venes~ 01 sirong and efficient

llle()(herlieutenants 10 graduate were New Zealander Malt Williams and AU~ l ralian s Simon Cannell. Sieve Dryden. Roger Fonhoff. Nick Harns, J im Hilloc k , Scotl Lalham. Ma rk Lo':ach. Cate Leahy. Jusl in McLaren. Rod Mr.:Manu s. Ainslie Mort horpe. Andrew Quinn. Mick Turner and Guy Blackburn.




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contribution to the promotion With repre!oCnlalion by a RAN band. an Air Force hot ai r balloon and a RAN task group compnsmg liMA Shlp\ ADELAIDE. SYD· NEY and ANZAC.

ANZAC IS lhe firsl of 10 ANZAC ships bemg buill by Tenix for Ihe Royal AU'lTalian and Royal New Zealand navle~.

One edition left T!~,~:tt~i,:~r:! ~~i. News on December 14

The starr would Ilke to tha.nk a.1I our supporters for their assistana! during this our 40th annivenary year.

Contributors and adverti~rs are reminded thaI the deadline for the December issue Is nut Friday, December 4.

The first paper for 1999 will be on January 25. witb the deadline ror adl'ertising and news copy January 14.

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NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998 (355) 3

Page 4: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

ing graduated from the Submarine Warfare Officers'Course.

On June 29, under the guidance of LCDR Frank: Powell. course instruClOr. the students commenced a l6-week: intens ive period of trainingandassessmcnt.

At the end of the first day 's ins truction s tu­dent s' partners were invit ed to SWSC and were give n a brief on what the course involved and a tour of

Combat System Simula­tOfS. Thisnewapproach was wholeheartedly endorsed and provided an insight into the pres­s ure s the studenlS would endure through­oUlthecoursc.

The course im:luded familiarisation visi ts to Navy and scientific deparlments in Can­berra. Nowra and Sydney and to prime contrncto~ that are cur­rently manufacturing various equipment for the Collins-class sub­marines. A highlight of the course was th e advanced sonar module at the Naval Submarine Traini ng Center (Paci­nC), lIawaii.

Every s tage of the

passing so me seven exa minati o ns and assessments.

Having graduated from the course all stu­dent s ha ve now returned to sea in their respec ti ve submarines as a qualified Sub­marine Warl"arc OfficerJ W3tch Leader to consol­id:ate thei r knowledge and develop their skills while working towards being recommended for the Submarine Execu­tiveOfficcrs'course.

In addition to achiev­ing thi s recommenda­ti on 311 students will continue to be assessed on thei r potential for command as they a re approximately four to

The Naval Tr:aini ng Commander, Com­modore Kevin Sc:arce, the senior offi cer pre­sent at the graduation . awarded the s tudents with their qualification cenificates.

In recognition of the co mpany 's close ti cs with the RAN subma­rine arm, the Manager Business Development. Computer Sciences Corporation, Mr John Kol. prese nted the Sword of Excellence to LElITMiles.

INVESTOR ALERT Century 21 new homes currently has available a range of builders display homes with ..... • 8% rental returns • Long leases available • From $139,900 fully completed

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4 (356) NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998

• Top ~1udent ". LI-:UT Miles receh'es t.he Sword of Excellence from Mr Kol. I'icture: LSPII 5 te"eC urnelt,

Defence writing manual released T~a~u:ti~~n~~~yn:!:";~e';:ri!i~~ replaces the SOs-era JSp(AS) I02 Service Writing Manual.

ADFP 102 provides s tandards and guidelines for the prep3ration of all writ­ten material within the ADF and Depanmelll of Defence and for service­specific operational requirements.

Ass istant director Publi shing and Distribution, Mr Frank Wood, said !;Com­pleting the new manual had been a mammoth task requiring dedicated effon from DPS st:aff and the ADI·--WC writing

" De lays in its fina l release were caused by DER. the ensuing DRP and the associa ted res tructuring of the DefenceOfganisalion." Mr Wood said.

"Despite these obstacles and the wide­ranging consul tation that h:as required numerous revisions and al terations. DPS has produced a documcnt that will serve the Defence organisation into the 21st cenmry."'

ADFP 102 is available to desktop users on DEFWEB and will be incorpo­rated into the next release of the Defence M:an:lgers ' Toolbox CDROM. These systems allow users to view specific sec­tion s of the manual and to print out required infonn:ltion if desired.

For those users requi ring the infomla­tion in papcr fonnat. hard-oopy distribu· tion began in mid November from DPS Canberra .

In addition to the release of the manual DPS has also released an updat­ed DoeGen 7. which provides the requi. s ite templ:ates fo r producing minutes. facsimiles. !citeD and manuals in accor­dance with the new standards.

Information about DoeGen 7 c:an be obtained by contac ti ng Ms Sharon Dowling on (02) 6265 6753.

Areas that do not receive the required number or hard copies shou ld contact the distribution manager, Mrs Wendy Smith. on (02) 6265 1933.

• Manager 5t:..ndards Sonja Meissner and assistant director I'roduction and Distribution ,,' rank Wood present DEPSEC Corporate M.r Rob Tonkin .... ith a

copy of the new AD"-P 102.

Page 5: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

• UMAS AO t-:LA IDE ... upgrade on Ihe way.

selves. particularly against modem anti-ship mis­si les. introduced after Ihc ships had entered service.

Better defences against torpedoes and mines also New Defence Minister Mr John Moore announced will be included.

ADI as preferred tenderer on November 13. There will be enhancements 10 overall re liability His announcement was followed by a statement by of the ships. They will also be more cost-effective to

the managing director of ADI. Mr Ken Harris. oper:lIe. maintain and support. To receive the upgr:lde will be HM A Ships Living conditions also will be improved.

ADELA IDE . CANBERRA. SYDNEY. DARWIN, "I am very pleased to see that Australi:ln industry MELBOURNE and involvement in this pro-NEWCASTLE. ject will excecd 60 per

Mr Moore told ce nt of the contract N(1vy News: "An value."thcMinistcrsaid .

~i:~:1~::;s ::~Is~~~ ~==:.. • .- :~t::~~:;~~~~~:~~ ered cost.cap:lbility. t:lken by Aus tra lian through-lifc support indusuy wilt include and involvement of high technology work Austr:lli:ln industry associated with the in the project. improved comb:lt sys-

Of"~~etre~~e:~~~t~ .- - _-- ~-.-• .. ' .£---- ::;:1 f~;a~h;f:~:~~ea:~ been analysed. the --. '------------"---t combat sySlems. Department of ._ .... "' ___ .... __ .--.. ·1llcAu~lralianindustry

Defence decided _1U._-": program for the FFG that the tender from upgrade wilt place ADI presented best Austmlian comp:lnies in a good position to provide value for money." through-l ife support for the ships."

The FFG upgrade project entails n1:ljor improve- A contmct is expected to be signcd in March. Mr ments to the capability of the FFGs to defend them- Moore said.

Open day attracts 20,'000' ~,~~ Vi~t:~I~I;~·~Oa~t~~:~~ ~~:tA~TM~~~~~:~E H~l~o~edS:~:~~~~ ~~~~!~,gnu~~ro~:~ee~~ ~~u~~~~;:a~eT~~I~:~O~ be~t open days when units open to the public. of the submarine FARN-crowds nocked to G:lrden plus various displays and COMB. Individ-ual SUT-

Island to take the oppor- <lctivjties. face ships reported tallies tunity to "sce their N:lvy Visitors had the oppor- of mOTe than 5000 visi-:It work" on Sund<lY. tunity to visit the DDGs tors while FARNCOMB

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FARNCOMB were the ol1ly WA-based neet unilS available the ~upport of the four Fleet Base East­based ships was greatly appreciated. including MELBOURNE's Seahawk Flight.

A lIisit by th e Sail Training Ship LEEUWIN was an added bonus.

Those ever reliable roving <lmb:lSS:ldors. the WA Naval Band. made up of Rcscrvists under the direction of CPOMUSN Peter Leeg. once again excelled.

The Nava l Reserve Cadets made a good con­tribution with their gun runs. static display and Drum Corps perfor­mances.

As always the naval firefighters. wet winch­ings. and the WA Model

Boat Club were popular anractions as were the Defence Rec ru iting van and Ihe gunnery display.

Among the other major e){hibits wcre dental. the island-b<lsed Conserva­tion and Llnd Manage­ment ranger with his (<luna display including live s nakes, th e Sub­marine Training and System Centre and Escape Facility. FIMA workshops. dental. NAV­CALS. DSTO and the Public Affairs photo­graphic display.

o >-

lot lurther delails

Phone (02) 9966 0390 • LEEUWIN glides into her berth forward of HI\'lAS H08ART althe Diamantina l>jer during the Open Day. Picture: LSPH Pt"ler Lewis.

For the Rest ofYolir Life

• The Association promotes and protects the interests of serving and former members of the Regular C\>fcnce Force, their spouses, dcpendants, widows and widowers. The RDFWA is involved in a range of issues impacting on the welfare of serving and fonner members including: • Conditions of Service • Resettlement benefits • Housing • Retirement benefits • Compensation • Repatriation Entitlemenls Help us to defend and improve conditions of service and to continue to support members who need help in

obtaining Iheir benefits. Annual Membership costs arc $20 for serving and former members, and $10 for spouses. All Branches are staffed by ~ volunteers.

For further details contact the RDFWA as follows: QLD(07)32334480 SA (08)821>43197 NSW (02) 9339 3447 WA (08) 9-109 6577 ACT (02) 6265 9496 NT (08) 9SlS -1423 VIC & TAS (03) 9282 7901 NATIONAL OFFICE Tel (02) 6265 953Q

Fax (02) 6265 9776

We need you because Olle day you may treed us

NAVY NEWS, November 30,1998 (357) 5

Page 6: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

Importance of protecting • • • Being environmentally

friendly is \'ery imponant for a great Navy and so too is oor public image. Sometimes the re is a chance to combine the two. I learnt about the link between the environ­men ! and image wh e n my DDG was about to depan for Vietnam.

Before we sailed 10 rain, death and destruc­lion upon the enemy we we(e expected 10 host a cocktail pan)'. This was a varia tion o n the no rmal practice where the citi· ze nr)' farewelled its depaning warriors rather than vice versa.

BUllhe Vietnam War was never normal and we had 10 host our own cock­tail pany or no-one would have said goodbyeexcepl Doreen at the Frisco and all she wanted was the slatc paid up incase we didn't come back.

We were berthed out­board STALWA RT on the oil wharf. This was unusual too but ensured that sailors would cast us off nllhl."f than truc ulent P&Os whose loyallies of whi ch you could never be sure.

STALWART had only been commissioned the previous month. Being so new and different from anything e lse in the RAN, there was much to be lea rnt abou t thi s

OSlmngevessc: J. One of he r features

Mum was. er, how shall I say it: her waste residue storage capaci t y. Yes, Mum, unlike every other s h ip in th e RAN. had e \'er been in the RAN or was to be in the RAN for so me lim e 10 come. STA LWART's, urn . " leavi ngS'" did!!" leave, they stayed with her.

You see. Mum. she was equipped with ho lding tanks which relained..lhe crew's 'faecal output" (as the handbook so delicate­ly put it) umil il could be s afe ly dumped at sea away from sensi tive POliS Poi nt nostrils whe re the very existence of human poo appeared to be too painful to contemplate.

The days when the b lind mu l le t cou ld be allowe d 10 fl o at free were coming to an e nd. After all. Mum. the o ut ­put of 3000 diarrhoeic sai lors berthed at GID could be quite prolific.

As you can quickly see

t he lime and place of releasIng one's deposits wasaJJ.

Now let us return to the cocktaIl party

STALWART's uppe r deck was cleared and our guests tramped across in their cocktail dresses and

black ties. Pleasantries were exchanged and the gentle munnurof small talk a nd goss Ip soon enveloped the throng.

I do not know exactly

when .... e became aware thatsomc:thrng was amiss. or on the nose so to speal, butlhere came a pOInt when the aroma of miOl­spring rolls. $luffed olh'es and '"angels on ho.-scback'· wasenhancedbyamllsky tang that was less than sa\'oury and wafled up between the ships.

What staned asa pass­ing whiff quickly turned into an odour of elephan­tine dimensions.

tile odour had left them feeling slallemly. These IIlCludedlheguestsseOior enough to dcpan wllhoul offending anybody else.

The 000 manned the side bemused. No sooner dId he pIpe some VIP on board than he had to pipe th e m o ff again. The COXN's lips were get­ting sore and the Bosun's Mate seemed lObe salut­in g in all dIrecti o ns at

generated so qUIckly and by so few. Afler all, most of the shlp's company were as ho re. If the remamde rwere all hard at it togelher, there had to be a limit to their capaci ty. even If the chef had dis hed up c urrie d prawns and rice again.

As the Slain around the ships s pread, a muddy di scharge could be seen in the g loom bubblin g from d ee p beneath

. .. the environment and our public image

The deck was covered The more determined b y an awning and and thIrsty guests stuck adorned with colo urful it o ut va liantl y for a signal nags. This was all whi le a nd ed ged di s" very seamanlike but JUSt cre tely towards the out-as the awning would keep board side . They firmly the weather out, so tOO clu tc hed t hei r '" ho r ses did it keep the still air in. necks" and used tooth-

There were tWO types of pi<:ks a~ 'hey did so. guests: those who pretend- The re rnalOill!; digni -ed not 10 notice and those taries jos tled discrelely who did. A third group fo r the most ai ry posi-simply depaned brushing tion. As !>terns to happen themselves off as though 0 11 these occasions the

STALWART's hull . You will have g uessed by now. Mum. that one o f STALWART's duty stok­ers had decided to vent tanks andjeez he was hard to find . Alld he swore black and blue that he thought he was trallsferrillgballast.

10,===============================::::-, junior o ffi ce rs found themseh'es exposed and

SAspectilcular, highlydet.,iled modeiorAussi~history."




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abandoned tnboard. Before long a mIld list

to port cou ld be nQ(iced. The welfare of tile guests at the guard mIl became a mailer of concern. Not ~ much because of the risk offalhng o\'erooard bu', ratner. the fate thaI awai ted them among the sewer.lge If they dId so.

The CO fidgeted at the gangway. hands clasped nervously behind him. He fare we l1ed the Admiral who had swck it o ut longer than most. After ,hree months of grinding training. tortUTOUS wrntup and Exercise Ke Sera this wasjuSi toomoch forl he CO. He surveyed the des­olate scene around him and the uneaten hors­d'oeuvres. FOCAF's car disappeared into1he night, irs little flag l1unering on thcbonnet.


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6 (358) NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998

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The source of the problem .... as not hard to flOd . After all II was fl oallng all aro und us. The question was. how did II get there?

Peering into the gluti ­nous stew betwee n the ships we were puzzled by how much could be

The CO turned and looked a t me bravely. "We ll Sub, Vietnam should bea piece of cake. After all. what's left to hit the fall now,?"' I we nt below feeling bilious.

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Page 7: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

Excellence award for FIMA F~~1~ ~~;~Ih:r ~~,:~n~~;no~ anu eqtllpment 10 '1~ltlng sh Ips and

boalS ",h .. n r.-qurred that operate under a framo':wor l of bu~rn<'ss excellence.

Tho': Fleet [ntermeuiatc Marntenance ACtl\lty at Cairns wa~ tine 01 only 35 enterprises recognlseu In the 199/j AU~lrahan Quailly A",aru~

OIC LCDR Mile R:hhlelgh 'aId the 3dopuon of quality pnnclple, had beeo a dnling force behmd FIMA', conti nuing Improvemenl and ability 10 l'Ompete ""thCI1,lianindust ry

The ch iet executl\!.' officer u f the Au~tra li an Quality Council. Mr Barry C()leman. said the awards, al ,arruu~ I cvel~, ",ere recognised mtemationally :b

applymg a rigorous proccs~ to assess and measure business Impro\'O,~mem within an organlsatlOn.

Amapcontnbuunglat1or lollS>ucces:. hau been the olerall comm itment b) ('mplo)eesfromlhe OtUscl,heuld

"FIMA Cairns consi\ tenlly strl\'es to producequahty "'orl "hll' h ison tIme and fit for purpose." he said

"Eve ry member of the organl~atiun 3ccept\ responSIbility for the quality of Ihe and serV ices provided by

Services pro\idcd by FIMA Calms to hx·ally.based neet ulillS include plan· n l manufaclurrng, maintenance.

and installation of

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Ihe quarterded 01 the fngate HMCS OTTAWA.

To marry "'ere CO RP (f ir efighter) Pel e r Robertson . 39, uf SI Thomas, OntariO , !lnd MISS Debbra Bo lt o n. from SparwO<.ld. Brilis h Columbia.

Peler, who ha~ ,er\ed 2 I year~ wit h th e Canadian armed M!rVICeS, 16 yea rs With the Air Force. four WIth the

Gt'rman mO\' ie on SHS Iht· sa me tim .... It WliS

but found him se lf aboa rd the former h.a .. in g 10 read thl' !\Ianly (l'rry the SOllth Engli sh s ublilles to SltJ'ne "hich was buill understand it! by Harland and Wolff

* * * * of Belfast ... th ... same

~~n~:li::\·t:~~I;:~: C;;~/:~~It~~O:~S'I~~ ~~:;;::c~y ;~~d~t:JeUsi:~ Na\'a l SU PIJOrl Ofnce Sur/leflll,C(lp/llin K t'\'ill Spl'lI l ~alr tht' lime g a n g a nd the Rldardj()rhlsmHmJ(Jj c heck in g ,Syd ne y submarinl.'rs pa cked Member of til" Order ,,! Harbour for tccbergs. the Renaissanct' Centre A,.J{mllll 11/ Iiii' Queen s . * * * • ~ne sl:;"1 eC ~ I }~ntabs~i~ ~~II;~~~_.~~,n,~I~sAc~.~ F;;:;~:;;~i:'{;OS'[,:;;d~:~;' ~~~ b)~~I~~do~~:nis:i~s~ ~I; ~,!::,~~it/ ;';f:}j(;;;I~l~ ~::s~rlI~a{;r eL~:'r~:il:: ma:" the 300 gU~ts (I ('(/rur of 37 ye,tlrs 1/1 Cl"I'(1 f(IIIOII , .. nth the

:::?:::~'I':':~::'::;':: ''''··r·/~;I;,lj: ~a~d ~'u~;~~ Z'DAAt tIte ;:~:~I;:!:flr:;: o nun til ~ fOllr Col/ms· nearlydawli ~' claH ~ubs, andVoiCl.'lllpe The Sthoo/ i s r e li a bl y ho~sr lemllS informed the wIll b e

~i~s~~~.a~~·~~I:~r~~r tol:7;,~i~~n; fom; :';;7:;:i IV A LFA~NC~M~ nearly a week, collsulwncy In the Nm',l' D£Cf/AI NEUX lllld

••• * :::~~l t~fs ~'::::~PII:h~ ::~~e~~::;hl;:le,t~I;~~ B~I:;:,'(:/·If:;e;;e~i~ ments ii/elude professor :j~;'sll ~~te':r7~1;7;:::~ mates across Australirl in his ci~i1irl/l life, b/U r r

t;:~,~7e:,:;,s C~::;t~~ ~:'~~ 1o~/~c~~n,~'; :~;~he~e ::~: s;~~::~ Cottier. Sle~e fell CN's Commendution beet/use '"Ihe subs (Ire (I

seriouS/I' ill eorlier this VADM Chalmers pre. local induslryH. The I",k year ';'hen he was sen ted 10 him an his was lightened /tlSt month undergoing his c ross· retirement in Aprtl '97, when Sf/££A Ns L£UT ol"er cOllrse 10 become II CAPT Ricka rd says he Forbes Peters ,'isited Ihe band officer and after 5«S his AM lU fft;ognilion SelIOO/1O lell the elli/dren emergency surgery. he "s of the y,'Orlc of all rrwmbers how submarines .",~)rlc . been un the sick list for of lire Resen'es. • * * * Obulll SI.( 1II01l11,S. n~'re * * * * happy to repOrl 51el'e's on Ihe f"O(ld 10 recol'('')' alZd is look"'!: forward 10 pullllZ!: IllS IIlZiform buck 011 III Ihe {\'ew Yew:

* * * * L ~~~'I!lh ~osrt:.~~ Krl'ig s nl a rin e, the Ge rman N:ny, officer. w h o mi g rat ed to Au s tralia abo ut 30 yea r s ago, Ro lf. who s till has a marked accent, was watching a

A ~~Osi:::~~~1 c~;~ fI a t I('red to be among II small group of Syd neys iders invited last month to watch the I}j sco\'e ry Cha nn t'l's ~markable Ih'e broad· cast from Ihe wni:k of the Titanir, While the show, h os ted b y th e Profess ional Publi c Relulions peuple, "as fa SC inating, it wa s mildly dist urbin g at

I~':e:s~~seu;f a:o~ £-\ 'e rywhere to go. so th£­Naval Resen "e Cad ets of TS CONDAMINt-: have pul Oul a call for help. The cadets wtluld appr«iate donations of any old unirorms that a re no longe r need ed , If )oucan help. contact Natasha Katsi karis at Admirals' U()at s. HMAS WATF.RHt-:N, on (02) 99262211.

Army and one with Ihe Navy, wa~ one of 240 Canad ian!> returning to th e ir h ome ba se ESQUIMALToo Van~'l)u\'er Island, aboard o rrAWA.

The fnga le hau spent fi\'emont hs llllheGulfas a memDer of the ABRA· HAM LI NCOLN bailie group.

She ~pe O! li ve days in Melbourne and another four In Sydney before

cro~s,"g lhe Pacilic. It "as the days III pon

rn Au~traha which gave Peter 1he opponunity 10

marry Debbra and for Them to ha\'e a honey. moun.

lie soughl3oo gamed permI ss ion fro m his CO, CMDR Richard B ergeron~ to hav(' the weddrngon board

Dcbb r a flew from C anada with a brides· maid,

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NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998 (359) 7



Page 8: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

Ship ' s divers gel called upon at times to carry out all sorts or shipborne tasks but the dhus rrom

HMAS BRISBANE ( CMDR Peter Leschen) have experi. enced tbeir most unusual dhe.

Their dive site was the lillie known and rarely dived 5·149· O·F fuel oil tank with their job to carry out repal" inside it.

Luckily the fuel had been removed and the lank was full or salt water but they slill man· aged to find patches of left O\'fT diesel which managed to foul their masks whenever they broke the surface.

On deployment in South East Asia and only one day out or Kuantan , BRISBANE's engi. neen emptied out a fuel tank to investigate a suspected leak rol· lowing salt water contamination orthe ruel.

When they entered the tank to investigate, they quickly discov. ered a leaking inspection cover on th e port s tern tube which runs straigbt tbrough the tank.

Attempts to tighten Ihe ras­tenings only led to the gasket on the cover deteriorating furtber and before long . water was gusbingin.

Arter rears of having to dock

the ship, it was decided to let the lank fill 10 its natunl level or salt water and Ihen 10 send divers in to carry out the repairs under walfT.

Once alongside , Ihe tank was reopened and prepared ror e ntry. The repairs took about two hours to complete berore the tllDk was pumped dry again 10 carry out tbe final cbecks.

The repairs were deemed sue· cessrul and refuelling took place as BRISBANE's diven VOMT Nicholls and LSMT Loadsman relaxed, dreaming about their next exotic dive location.

AppOintment on board ~:sth~el: ~:~~ sbip visited the Indonesian city or Medan.

This time IIMAS BRISBANE marked the event with an onicial runction held onboard to celebrate the appoint. ment or thl' new Honorary Austnlian Consul to Medan , Mr Fraser Cargill.

More than 100 gul's ts included the Australian Ambassador to Indone<iia, MrJohn McCarthy and the GOVl'rnor of Medan.


~ •••••• ~~:~C~ •• iiiiiiiii.i •• m threedaysinMedanwith the ship's compa ny enjoying not only the city but the beautirul coun· tryside only a few hours rrom the ship's berth.

• The Governor of Medan welcomes the Steel Cat and congratu lates the new 1I0norary Australian Consul to Mcdan. behind the GOl'ernor, wbile BRISBANE

and the Ambassador, Mr McCarthy, look on.

World Heritage listed Fraser Island at the soufhern end of the

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l\1edan was the third of rour Indonesia n cities that the Sted Cat visited on her South Ea5t Asian

deployment. The las t was Ujung

Padang before bl'ading back 10 Sydney.

Further inrormation Steel Cat home page on and piclures on what the World Wide Web at: BRJSBANE has been lip • .hUp:J/ to can be round on The ,.,siteslddg4Udcfault.htm".

The only easy day

• SBLT Paul Sedgman, LEUT Wayne Hamilton , LEUT Jamie Sullivan, SBLT Rohan Vendy, SBLT Bruce lIankinson and SBtT Danlien I'\lunchenherg during their test. Picture: ABPII Damian Pawlenko.

, 'you are remind ed that you are all vol· unteers, anyone not wishing to continue

may have a talk to the Chief at the bottom of the hilL .. " the POPT goaded us.

I glanced at my heart rate moni· lor on reaching the summit ... 178!

My legs were like jelly. Steady your breathing, keep your head "po

I think I just lost my sense or humour halrway up the hill or was that halrway down having now lost count or the number or times we bave been up and down.

" Recovery tim e," the POPT shoutl'd as nine aspiring candi· dates vying for selection as clear· ancl' diving orficers s lagg('fl'd back to the base or the bill only to be instr ucted to sp rint to the sum· mit once again.

Suddenly the POPT started si nging " things ca n only get bet· tern while the ever vigilant direct· ing s taff scrutinised each candi· date 's response.

Unfortunately for the candi· dates, this sce nario occurred more than once, during the inaugural Clearance Oivers Officers' Selection Test at "MAS PENGUIN and environs.

Eacb candidate starts CDOST on an equal basis, referred to only by his designated number, rorced to double at all times whether in drl'Ss one , PT rig , dress two , wet suit or dress three overalls , boots and webbing.

All conversations belween candi· datl'S and starr are directed through a nominated spokesper. son.

Under these conditions, each candidate's goal is not just to com· plete the test, but to display tbe necessary attributes required.

A gruelling program or objec­tives Is impleml'nted to evaluatl' each candidate'S potential to become a COO. Objectives are divided into individual or team scl'narios conducted in the air, on water or land . Each must be achieved within the set time while candidates combat a combination or minimal sleep, mental and phys. Ical exhaustion and adverse envi­ronmental conditions forcing tbem to operate well outside their nor· malcomfort;wnes.

Criteria for evaluation include lea dership , teamwork, strength , s tamina , ingenuity, mental agility and sense or humour.

Any offi cer s interested in an ext re mely challenging and reward· ing two weeks with the aspiration or a career as a COO can contact DNOP,

Prerequisites to attend CDOST include Sc uba air divers, manda­tory, and Scuba air s upervisor, d esirable, with the future award of a bridge watch keeping cerlificate.

Two COOSTs have been sched· uled for 1999, beginning on April 12 and October 30.

But as we wtTe told : " The only easy d ay was yes terday."

H MAS COLLINS , ---------........... _fa_ .. ......... .....

1a6e ..... fllc:c.tnc--.. n .... lli ..... d to aake lite nb .... lae ,..,. ... _ .. ,,*-7 aut JUr, LCDR Peter ---1aIt....all rro.. LCDR ..... nom...

Ef"CII wftIl COLLINS _ .... -.,.. ......... be ......

fa dlb cue, LCDR DnlesWMpiped...taore for tile ftuI dIM 1'ia tile ............ doJbos to tile ..... 1Ioor, wbue • waftiDa nhlde .,.,... .... ..., .. tII;c

up lab aew poaltioa ..

"""""""". SobmariDe s.o_

"rogue". This month the 2070

tonne submarine and her otrlCft"S and crew put pilots and alr"Cl'iw from Britain, Canada. New Zealand and Aust.-ali.a to the test.

Participating in tbe annual Fincastle International Anti·sub· IIlBrineWarfareExercisc. maritime patrol aircraft from Ihe four nations had to find , "a ttack" and "sink" ONSI"OW.

The task of finding ONSLOW was not tasy and was likened to find· ing tbe proverbial needle in the haystack.

The competition was conducted orr Kangaroo Island in South Australia.

Run in conjunction witb tbe event was the Lockheed/Martin Trophy ror the best maintenance team.

For the colllpetition the British brought their Nimrod, the Canadians tbeir Aurora , the New Zealanders the K series of the P3 Orion and the RAAF itc; P3C Orion .

The visitors congregated at RAAF Edinburgh for the drill and " -ere hc:Qed by No 92 Wing of the HAAF.

The Fincastle has been

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NAVY NEWS, November 30,1998 (361) 9

Page 9: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

T~a'~:~o ~~~~el:~d:S BENAL LA ( LCD R A. Withers ). is" We Lead . OIhen. Follow".

LCDR Withers and his crew "ere I!vmg up to that motto when they made a spec ial j o urney to the

remote Rame Island early m November.

1l1eislandis d osclO the nonhern tip of the Great Barrier Reef and ~outh ­east of Thursday Island.

1l1e ship had to land and establish a tlOc measuring station at the western end

Island Manager Christmas Island ThiS ullIqu c and d cslrable posmon III the IndIan O cean IS offered to a pe rson WIth a

tt'c hmcal background (tradc or cngmccnng) WIth a IHIIlUllUIll of 3 yt.'ars Pctroll'lllll Indllstry

backgrotmd. Computcr hteracy is esscntlal.

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Tank Storagc. ProJCCl M anagl' IIICrH, CapItal Works, Tendors, St.lff lllan:1gt·lllent. Ill... HR. Offi ce Managcnlt'llt and li aIson WIth

Governlllcnt and Envlronlllt'llIal dt'partnlCnts.

ThIS 2 }"\:ar contract (with I Y"'ar opuon) mcludes base sabry. company Vt.'hldc, 3 bt'droom Isi1nd hou~'. m.~ ck-ctnClty and pholw aUow:mcc.

St;mmg due January 1999.

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10 (362) NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998

of the island Although BENALLA

could launch her boat to take the eqtllpment lOa nearby sandy beach the 360 tonne vessel "ould no! aochor because Ihe Island dips to 200 met re~ wlthm a mile.

No human inhabitants were found but the crew saw large numbers of nest­ing boobies and fri gate birds.

1l1ere " ere m::lOy .tunle tracks while a large num­ber ofblack tiP reef sharks ""ere see n III the mshore waters.

BENALLA will return to the 1 ~ land before the equipment is removed in mid-December.

Never a slip on the C~~~~~~~~::~~~r~;~~ ny aboard HMAS SYD· NEY are dOin g "' I he ChmaRun"

Sure, they Ju"t IlslI ed China but Ihat I~ not ""hal il ls about

Sto\\ ed below are eight boxes of fin e c hina cups. saucer~ e":

SYDNEY is bringing t h e i I e III ~ b ac k t o Australia as a gift from the Japan ese c it y o f Sase bv to its S I ~ l e r clly in NSW. Cofis Harbour.

The chmaware "lit be g i v e n asp r 1/ e ~ In Japanese language con· tests m loca l Austra lian schools.

CMDR Gale hopes the SYDNEY 's fli ght c rew wilt be able to deh\ erthe crockery 10 Cuffs Ilarbour in the ship 's Seullawk helicopter.

S YD NEY v i s it e d Sasebo in October as part of a goodwill I' is lt to Japan and the Peo ple 's Repubhc.

Sasebo has an ac ti ve Japan-Au stralia Soc iety and strongly supports the Lions Internat IOnal youth exchange program wit h Australia.

fragile China Run

o Handle with care . . . POSN Tina Brading and AHSN Iiollie McGee ch~k the china is properly packed ready for its Seahawk night to Coffs Harbour,

Pictul1!: ABPII Dal'id Connully.

r-------------------------, Review looks into conditions abroad T~:I~~ce:c:t~eers;::~ dist ributed Ih ... Draft OI'CrseItS Conditions of S ... n ·ice propost-d pack· agt' widely for co m· mt'nL

Endorsemt'nl or the package by the ex(!('u· ti l'l" 14'aS plannl'd ror Octolwr 30. for impl ... • ml'nl.ation t'arly in thl' New Yl""'dr.

The p.ackage includ­ed an individual calcu­latiun sheet for selr·asst'ssment of the fin.anchll impact the pro­posa l " 'ou ld hal'e on person· nel currently posted o,·ersea5.

In gt'neu l terms the Armed Forces f ede r a tion would like 10 support the package, We accepl the rea­so n for the package and Ihe inll'nl behind it.

Ho,,'e\'l'r,then-an-a number of signincant i ssu~thatn'Quireres­

olutiun bdore th e package is suilabl ... for ratincatiun.

Th e fed e ration is alarmed at the num· ber of members whu hal'e ad"iscd they will b{' greatl y di sadl a n· taged ir the package is introdu ced as pro ­posed and " e a re

astonished that aPllro· priale tran siliunal arra ngenH'n ts have nut beenguarantt'('(1.

Further. thl're is the qu{'Stion or whelht'f it is appropriate to implement Ihe pack­age out s ide the nex t ADf producti,·i ty bas{'d r{'muneration arrangement.

We say this nuting Ihat.any poJicychanges applied to Derence

c-hilians will be subject 10 negotiation through the workplace bargain. ing process . Surely. ADF personnt.'lmust be gil'en the same cun­sideration

The federa tiun raised its cOIH~e rn s with th e pruposcd pack.agt' In correspon · dence to the Head of OPE. MAJGEN Peter Dunn. on October 28 and offered the rollo"··

ing recommendations forconsidef'oIlion ,

o Amend implemen. tlilion milestones to allowconsultlltlon:md negotiatiun to resolve all outstanding Issues.

oAsaninterimmt'$! . sure, cunllnue 10 apply thecurrenlentitle ­menls. supplemented b~' appropriate exch.angl' ratl' adjus t­ments and interim trdnsitionmeasurcs.

o Includ e a more co mpre· hensh 'e expla. natiun package wi th th{' pru· mu lgatiun ur the seco nd draft toaddr1!SS out s tandin g concerns. o Include this major policy change in the replacement ADF Remuneration A~ There is a gen· eral pt'rception by members

that the milestOOfl .set ror the introduction of this policy is .a "rail · road" s tratt'gy. While this may not be the intention, thi s is the fl'Sult.

The Armed .,'o rct'S Federation can be contacted on telephone (02 ) 6260 5100 o r 180080686 1. email : arrra,


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Page 10: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

Letters to the Editor

Recycle names Sir. YoorNovCllllxf 16edlllon

raised the issue of the imminent dissolUlion of numerous venerable organisations of Navy vClerans duc 10 the passage of time and dwindling numbers.

wonder whether it might be a viable altemative for our veterans' associations to seek the renamiug of s uit able NRC units around Australia as a memorial to the ships.

Vale Salty

Si r. their men and thcirdeeds I was saddened 10 hear wi thin the youth of the of the passing of Allen

While a decision to ··go NRC. Gilbert (Salty) Eckel. OUI on a high nOle·· shows Each organisation could whom I knew and sen·ed the spirit of the surviving perhaps seek to ··adopt"· a wllh during my 20 years members. it is a far beller unit. and through close Navy service frOIl! 1964 demise than the s low liaison with the unit. pass through to 1984 'and later

dissolution which depleting into safe hands the history. ~~~~r:'~li~~~ friendship ill

:~~:":~:::,o:;!g~::! ~;~~i;~~:;~:~~~::: ~~~~:;";~~f~~~:': l:~~£:::i, ::,~~;i:~~ ::f,~~i~~S;g~~~~~~~ \~; r~:~:"~;~:~;:~~!~q~~~,;~:.~e ~~::~~IIYal~~o;:Vi~~\;~:~ a part of the future of the in particular rugby learns.· ~n:R~I~c~~~S 3~y~~~~)~~~~ :~t~!~.continued their adventures ~~~~~~~~nr~~~~~~d~$ a pair with

membership for ,hese ~o~~~ l:!~:r:;i~; ~~ ~nO:~:i~!~~~i:'e~tt\~II"Sah~ excepti6t\ w;~Oj:i~t~~ ~:~:r;~~~~h~a~;~~ ofYehr:d ·Fo:~e~ ac~::~enl~~:S;~~ O~:~St:t~~~:. currently to service in {he Navy. rugby club Nepean (now Ja~uha~PI~3j:~~~de/~eA~~~~ ill their training. Fiona as dux of phase they shared a hou se together for

suppOrts a large number N~~h:~ ~~~~d:a: :;v::: :::~ii~:~. :aavv: aipnptr:~~ 1~~~Joi~,en~a~n 7;eAs~';e ~~~~; ~~~e~o~~~;;:!~e~~arded the prize ~~;I~y~idm~O ~e:~trhe Et:se, ~~ii~

of Naval Reserve Cadet to the past of Ihe RAN lice intersen' ice and L:::,":::d::':::"':::" :::bO::'h::,::o::m::,,:::,,::,"::, ::Ph='="==A=fo="~P=h="~' ':;'"r="f.' §. S§'§"§' §,"§d§'§"§"§'"§" §'§"~'.~~~~~ ~~;~h:~I~m::~lfeo;~~:r than to ensure its survi val ;eur~trca:~at: n~~l:b~~te~ I horses of the RAN. there for posterity within the few of his achievements • are many more which custodians of the nation's To my knowledge.

bear the names of their future - its youth. Salty never received any THE EDITOR home town.orkx;aldiSl:rict. BobDoogias Australian honours or NAVY NEWS

Withuut wishing to Port Manager'sOmce a~ards for his devout denigrate these origins. [ Heel Base West devotion to Na'·y sport LOCKED BAG 12 ~~~~~::::::========;-] and his ongoi n g PYRAfONTNSW2009

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contri butions to Nm'y Newso\'ertheyears.

This anomaly appears to be an oversight in the system which awards personnel for doing their paid positions

Vale Salty Eckel -always remembered by his many rnates.

Gary (G us) RusseJi ExCPQWTR,

1\loonHJka. Qld

'Funeral' for Bass

Sir, I refer 10 Ihe article

Bass elevared too higher n(ll'(ll pillne by SBLT Simon Gourlay. pub­lishedinNavyNews, July 13.1998. While the arti­cle was wrinen tongue in cheek and wilh an obvi­ous affection for Ihe deceased animal. I found references to a funeral service having been amnded by C HAP O'Neill. IOgelher with a planned three gun salute inappropriate. Persolls reading the anicle might construe this asa flippam approach [0 a very serious order of funeral service, or an accepted part of naval ceremonial. Neither of these IWO impressions should be encouraged

Notwit hsl3nding the genuine fee li ng for the dog among the Hobart naval community. likening the funeral to that of a deceased naval person was unfortunate, particu­larly given the RAN's recent tragic loss. LCUR 'nm Coyle, RANR.


Good advice at service centre

Sir, The September 1998 edi tion of Th" Key, provided

information on a concept whereby a range of personnel services would be delivered via a single Defence Service Centre. In support of the DSC proposal. the article stated that current services required clients to be "continually running around to get the personnel and support services they need·' and that one of the greate,;t problcms we have with our service providers is the promulgation of incon~istent advice.

This damning indictment of the current organiS(J.Iion aud its people makes ror a rather compelling argument in ~uppon or the necd for fundamental change. While I endor.e Ihe need to improve services continually and pursue opporwnities available through advances in technology. the emotive arguments presented in The Key serve onl)' to provide a disservice to the hundreds of military personnel and public servants responsib le for the delivery of these service~

A morc sober argument for the establishment of the DSC is presented in a document titled Business Case -Establ ishment of.a National Servicc Centre, DeIXl"Incnt of Defence. preparcd by SFC Consulting Services in July. This document attests that a rigorous examination of DoD's opermions. was conducted through a review of appropriate documentation. structured interviews and surveys and detai led analysis. The authors Slate these interviews and surveys wen;! ··conducted with a large number of personnel ranging from program heads 10 personnel infuoctional roles".

11le data presented to iliustf"J.le the existing iocfficicncies wi th in Defence would indicate that those interviewed or surveyed were mo re· represe n tative of h igher management and policy 3rcas than personnel responsible for thc day to day delivery of services.

I have approached the DSC project office directly .with myconcerosandwasassuredbythedirectorthat··wedo not believe that furtherreviewofthc validity of the data is required"

The DSC project will affect at least 3000stalT currently involved in personnel administration and will cost more than S30 million to implement. As wi th any significant Defcnce restructure or expenditure, there must always be a comprehensive necds analysis process.

In an a\tempt to allay concerns regarding the validity of data supporting Ihe case for a DSC. I would like to hear from all those personnel in unils outside the ACf who were interviewed or surveyed in relation to the DSC project. Please forward a simple affirmative response to:



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NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998 (363) 11

Page 11: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

The Navy remembers rE;iiiQ!'~

S~~~~~~sS~~:Sm!~~ nations have joined in services afou nd Aus­tralia marking the 80th anniversary of the end of World War I.

This year saw rar more interest in, and acknowledgemen t o f , the 300.000 Auslrali:ms who served in WWI and the thousands who died in thc:conflicl. The: cere-

monies also acknow­ledged the many more who served and died in the conflicts which fol­lowed.

Of particu lar signifi­cance was the renaming of theOlebe Is land Bridge in Sydney as the ANZAC Bridge.

In joining the NSW RSL president, Mr Rusty Priest. in renaming the span NSW Premier Bob Carr pledged that no advenising or event would

be placed or conducted on the bridge which would blemish the image of the: ANZACs.

Walchingthc:ceremony was WWI vcteran Charlie Mance, aged 98. onc of just 66 still alive in Australia.

The Navy's Sydney Standing Guard was joined by squads from the Army and RAAF at the renaming ce r emony. Earlier the three services had been represcnled al a

service al the Cenouph. The parade was typical

of what took place at naval bases and war mem­orials around Australia at I lam on November II .

Events included No 723 Squadron (HMAS ALBA­TROSS) sending a flight of three helicopte rs to appear over the war memorial in Wollongong at II .02am.

The gian t US carrie r AB RAl-I AM LINCOLN. although 400kms to sea. dispatched three FI4 Tomcats and two FIB Ilorne lS. The Tomcats overflew the Shrine of Remembrance in Mel­boume while the Hornets flew a similar mission ovc:r Hobart·s memorial 10 the fallen.

Burleigh pic tu r ed Ce nolaph in D a rwin durin g Ih e during Ih e Darwin ce remon y.

The carrier visited Hoban a few days later.

Remembrance Day ceremony. Pictures: LSPII S hane Cameron.

At HMAS CERBERUS lessons were curtailed to allow hundreds of young sailors and their officers to a ll end a local Remem­bnmce Day service.

Memorial to veteran

Proton Satria GLi with 12 months comprehensive Insurance and rego Driveaway for just


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It was the same every­where with sailors joining ceremonies involving just a few dozcn people. or others llncndcd by thou­sllnds.

Some have described the World War II heavy c rui ser. HMA S SHROP­

SIIlRE,as "the lucky ship". Despite 133 kamikaze anacks. torpe­

does missing fore alld aft, artillery shells falling short or landing long and a mine found hooked in the: port paravune S HROPS HIRE was not damaged nor

were any of her 1280 men lost. Many of the saves can be put down to

outstanding gunnery and radar detection. A mcmorial to the WWII veteran ha.~

now been erected and dedicated. II is at the nonhcm point at Garden Island. Sydney. and joins a number of other mcmorillls to RAN ships and those who sailed in them.

Can the Proton Hotline 1800 652 708 for your nearest Proton dealer and identify yourself as Australian Defence Force personnel to be eligible for this exclusive offer'. tRepayment of $208 per fortnight based on a Car Loan of $17,990 at 8.90% p .•. variable over a term of 48 months, Repayment includes establishment fee, one years comprehensive insurance and aU on road costs. Offer applies to Satria GU Manual. Terms and Conditions available on application. Fees and Cf1ar98S apply. Approval Conditions apply. "This offer Is exclusive to existing and prospective members of the Australian Del.nee Credit Union, NSW permit number TC98-7831 ISSUed 18.9.98. ACT permit number TP9810949 issued 17.9.93. VIC permit number 9813650 issued 21,9.98. NT permit number NT9812291 is5ued 21.9.98. SAperrnit number T9812830 issued 21.9.98


12 (364) NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998

Page 12: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

~;e~ J ~~i~.~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ Associ31ion have joined Band of I· 1M AS SYDNEY The nc;.;! bienn ial

HMAS LEEUWIN 18th INTAKE 35 locals for a national (2) who lost their lives off Reunion will take place in PR~SPECTIVEREUNION rcunionat the Navy Club, thccooslofWAwhcnthc Sydney over the

Frcmantle, ;'Ind HMAS ship sunk with all hands. Easter/ ANZAC Da y A liS! ornamcs isbcingcompilcd to soc irthere is

suflicenl intcrcsl 10 hold a reunion or(hc above intake.

If you are interested please contact: Ron(RoUy) Davis (f1l)S443 10)3

~.IohnLr.r;is(07)33644 1 24(B.H .)

THE MYSTERY OF RUGBY UNION The RAN Rugby Union committee is in the process of compiling a hiSloric record of Rugby in lhe RAN and they need your help. If you have any Navy rugby fact$, anecdoles or memorabilia we would like 10 hear Irom you. Please contact either WO Ron Giveen (02) 9563 4509

or CPO Cameron Martin (02) 9359 3039

WES1 HEAD GUNNERY RANGE 40th Ann iversa ry -1999

The search is on for ANY West Head Gunnery Range memorabilia.

Enquiries to CPOET Wayne Allen (03) 5950 7966 or fax (OJ) 5980 0863

DID YOU SERVE ON A CRUISER? Usoyouwill be itl1eresled to know 1h31 Ihenexl Croisef Reunioo

will be IIeId in RotonJa IMIEastei 2000. II you $eMd In a tluisellor anyGommonweahh Navy

youwi~be madeleel mostweleome! YouC3n~isltryourinterestbywril!flD tO:

TlIfSetftlary. Cruiser Reunion CommiHee, C/·RotaruI RSA , HnpapaStreet. Rotorua

or lu The Chalrmn, Allin Birtwistl'fD1)346 OS91

WANTED New memtlers for /Jte HMAS MElBOURNE As$/H;/,IIQI/

Didyouserve(}fI"fN~tJyserving, OfIthe$hipSaJanylime? Soyouh8veanintereslinanyofthethreeMfI.BQURNfs? Serving. retired. tiviliaflS most welcome. On(y S5 per )Wr.

Call Kevin (Mitch)Miller,secrelary, HMAS MELBOURNE Associalion , (046) 286S40,

2 BnttlebrushAvenue, Bradbury NSW2560

END DF AN ERA ­Decommissio ning

.siUndodlollold .. md d ... """, binfcldtcOInmlSSIOfWIgtundiontoo HMAS PLATYPUS. ONSLOW ~~d OTAMAon 18. 19,.,.,20Decelnbtt t!l9S.n. __ ... tonSISt

01 ~ 'etrion. do'IntI/d¥Ice II Oatting Hl rboulConvtnllonudChu,cn Sewooe.POCtorfleMflnl'memo­... ·shrldiDnCoonlNtOfWOJotwl

~~':~t~!:!' :w~s":: ~penonnet-..s/longIO_.~

·~bOOb'Iil·tor.-lit!ss~ nlllis_,edlaIlloOll!lClfletight IObdwttnS500·S700(~m ....-s). n.ovaiIoIIitiIyolSotMoe ~IooWfWlllm<ll'bas sbNIgiMstiglted. Rtqutslpe!SOf>­ndMSlW'4lIO-.dflebl<lion ..... tadWOJolllRlllilkll'Emwnbacl Plf$GMllooMIONJlneCorb,lm{OB) !i5S32&131oo~_petSOII­nelbj'C0827M11d1t99ll

Transferred to or from Canberra?

Have your pets cared for whilst you move 10

or from canberra.

We pick up from and deliver to the Canberra airport.

Rates for boarding ooapplicalion.

Tony and Chris's Boarding Kennels (02) 6236 9207


TIl: FOS1BI FANU SCIBI: - 1999 In 1999.theAustr1llill'l DdetICe Fotte Academy will :tgaiooonduct its 'FosIer Family Scheme' fOf Fim YeiI' Midshipmen lIId OffICer CBts. N-lIliIIycadets.luendingthc Defel>Ce Academy is thcir flf$l rno~e lwayfrorohome. CaDyoorfamilybclpoot? TIIeAim-ThtaimofthcscbeJrlr,islOaWstthe$ecadel$mcoping wilh tbetransitioo frorn civilian to Academy life by providing thcm witilafamilyeDvi_ntwitbintbeCanberraa.u.ThisalJowsthema way 10 escape thedtmands of the Academy fori while. The scbeox: ilsoalJowsmemb:tsoftheDeftoCCCommwtityanopportwlitytop3f' ticipale io the do:~elopmeol of furun: ADF Ie*n. E/i,i~lliIy-The Schcmc isopeplO: • CulTt1lt SeMce Commissioood OffICa'J iIId Fami]y • RetircdorEx-$erviceCommissionedOffict:rsaJldFamily • Cum:ot Smice Warrant OffICa'J (oreqllivalent) iIId Fami]y • DefeoceAcademy AcadcmicStaffilldFamiJy Inlmsted?- Pluse6!loUithec.1jlftSSiooofinll:RStformbclowaod mum 10: LCDR liDds.1y [rwin.Coordillilor fosltJ Family Scheme, Aurutiw! Defmcc Fotte A(3demy,CaDbern. ACf2600 orpbonethefosltrFamitysc:bcmeCooroinalor.i.CDRlillds.aylrwin. on(02)62688530fOfanapplicatioofonn.

r.7"m-;I;r~,~;,t,;;;II-;rt~;';F;';r-f;;i;Sd,;~t;tm.--l : P\easesendmeill~ppt~lionlorm: : :-- : : ~nk: Service: :

! Current Appoin,meot ! : WorkAddnm: : I WorkPhooe· ____ ,


STI RLING. The service was weekend 2000 when the

. With ~ gO!f~~~nt. ~o;~~e~ Sb~ ~o:~e~ RAN Band Association

~:~r~~~;~ml~~~ dl;~~ Connelly, now Chaplain wil~ fonn a parade ban~ togethers, pillS visits to Father J.F. Connelly. who rna e up of former RA formcrHMAS LEEUWlN i s based at HMAS musicians 10 participate in and Garden Island. the CERBERUS. the Sydney ANZAC Day reunion was "all systems A luncheon fo llowed march. go!" the service and the WOs More than 60 rormer

The WA Nava l Band

• I'ictured in front of the new RAN Band Association banner unveiled at the reunion are (Ur) : tCDR Bill J<' a rrell 1982-87, tCDR George Hooke r [954.70, LCDR Jim McDonough t?76·82, LCDR Norm Gullick 1975-76 (former Di~tors

or Music RAN).

FAMILY ~ ttEWS H~]e~~?tO':Poc::SS':ga:i~~ Hope you an: aU organised (J am oo"'herc ncar ready yet). I would love 10 receive your news on any O uistmas th ings p[anncd ... OI"just anythingis gene ral. Please send to the addJessbc]ow.

flMAS C~RBERUS -Playgroupe~ery Wednesday 9.30am - 11 .30am a t Cerberus Cou age. Cook Rood . HMAS C ERBERUS. Contact Ailct:n on 5983 6242 for more information. WESTERN

AUSTRAI.lA - Combined Contact G roups mcctevery second Wednesday of the IOOfIthattheFunCIionCen~, HM AS STIR LI NG at 9.3Oam. Come along and hear what"sgoingon in the Navy community. Babysi tting pr0-vided.

Senior Friends - fina! 1998 barbecue. Sunday Novembcr 29. 1] 30a m at Camp Markham. HMAS STIR. LING. BYO lunch. ConllCi Ann Beard (FLO) 0 0 9521 9833 or Narelle McDonnell on 95284242.

For information on a1] the ships' coordinators contaCl yourlocalA..O.

NCGSF - If you have any issuesdirco;:t them to Michele ~.NCGSFWA~.3 CmIiroJ G:anJms. w..nao. WA 6](9.PH:(Q!)95930373.

MarLlla House - wi ll be closed from December II to Fcbruaryl.]999.

Ollistmas Party December 4. lOam - 2pm with Santa arri~ingat [lam. ]f you are 3ltending ring Tina on 9521 9850.

JERVIS BAY - Banksia House Community Centre . HMAS CRESWELL in Benson Road ne xt to the Chi]dcare Centre, Kangaroo COllage and play ground . Ctaftgroup - Wednesday mornings, Craft group ­Wedne,;day nighlS,has start" ed. Contact Robyn Cordner. on 44421238. For informa·

tioncOlllaCl Jan Gitmorcon 4442 11 84.

Under Fives ' Club - e~ery Thuuday from 9.30am to noon for parents with chi] · dren under five years. For more information call Jan Gilmorcoo4422 1] 84.

Youth G roup - Those interested can contact Robyn Cordncron4442 1238.

NOWRA - Craft - every Friday,9.JOamto Jl .3Oam$] forcoffce$2.50 perchiklfor He\enDeaoon 442]0294.

Night Craft - every seoond Wednesday7-9pm .ContaC! Linda McAdam 4423 7500.

Playtime - Mondays 9.30am - II .30am.ContllC:t Peri Robertsoo 4423616 1.

Coffee mornings - th ird Wednesday of every month 9.30am - 11.30am $1 per ch ild fo r c reche . Contac t Simone Monow 4422 4665.

SVDl\'h'Y -~~ and tbSrdJildm:w web;me 10 ~SutIn1:lOOF.lmilyNrovcri.::. Sylvania Community Health Centre,29 Sylvania Road. Sylvania. tItinJ Tuesday ofcach month.CooUICI Leigh Ralston, MeroeSocial\V(rlco',on(02)

""50"" The Endeavour Childcaro Centre. Endeavour House. South Coogee, has vacancies for children from si;.: wccks to 5 year.; . Priority given to service members . Open 6JOam - 5JOpm. Monday to Friday. For information con· tact Ju]ie on (02)93]4 1221 .

KisWlgI\)irlCooageD.*m: Fonx:ConununityHouse,282 Kissing Point Road. Dundas. 9814 «l52.Pbygroup - Tuc:-;o:hy ]OamlOnoon.Craft - Fridays 1O.30amto 12.30pm. Coffcc monting.<l - last\\b:H:;rlayofthe month. Various topics . child mindingavailalje. HillsfXfena: Group - :saxn:J Mnlayof em}' monlll.cruft, lIlOOling !('a. child minding. Phooo N..'1ida Murray

oo(02)9874«l52 Tal.:e A Break . Contact

Kyl ie Honk in. Little Bay. phone (02) 93 11 1618.

CANBERRA DEn:NCE SUI'I'ORT GRO U P S ­Canberra Tri·Service BabysillingOub - Northsidc. Adriana Mackie 625 ]225 -Southside. Michelle Hofstce 623 16707.

Tuggcranong Tri-Service Families'Playgroup - every w.xnesday 9.31:bm - I I JOam, Tuggeranong Commun ity Centre. Cowlishaw Street , Tuggeranong.Contact Kerri HUltr623]6315~QwoILeuth 6292]823.

Tuggeranong Tn-Service Spouses' Group - every Friday9.30am - I I .30am. Rie ll ardson Community House,33 Pritcha rd Court. Richard son . Contact Sam Garvey62925378 or lindsey Matchctt62944063.

Dunt roon Communi ty Cent re playgroups Monday and Tue sday 9.30am -11.30am. Pl ayschool Wednesday to Fnday9.30am - noon. Bookings essential Contact Margot Nelson 6275 9411.

CanberraServicc Wives' c raft grou p , Thursday fort· nigbt]y lOam - 12 .30pm, Ginninderra Hal l. Fu lagar Crescent. Higgins. Contact Janet Purcell 6292 3062 or liz Murphy62S49363.

HARM AN play g roup. Wednesday iOam - noon . Cottage, 52 McLaugh]an St reet. HMAS HARMAN . Contact Robyn Jones 6291 0262 01" Deb Abso[om 6297 2911.

Any other enquiries. con· tact your Fami[y Lia ison Officcron(02)62669095.

ADJ<: LAIDE - For details of mee tings contaCl Faith Grecn on 83322536 or Betty 1bomason82982720.

Please forward informa· tion to be illCllKkdin Family News to 6 Chestcrfield Rood. Somerville . 39]2. Victoria. mSon21Q' !, II 1M!' fm

ward to recciviog i!


, . eommaod toputammuflibcM1i11lhEgun(.) 3. !Ilm.-."~m 9 TO IlalAoru rope (5) nAr .. oIlpoerCf_rt anwrllcllt,ugo su_(5) t4~bCWJ~,ea~(31

t5.OIItttlOlllil1OloO(2J t6.'wecontr"'(2) 1 9.5u~ ltcOIdel(21 20 EmeIUOrlL)' pOSdlOtl _ OI(llCl beKon (10) 21. AVllIIOtI "~"II (3) 22 Au-twm>C:<l1 oomms (3) 24 tdentl,ienclor 11)0 (J) 28.tnlelrontlnenljl wtllsbC lIIl$siIe(4) 29. USS N ... Jo,Sfy is", _ dus 88 (41 3O f<lloI(4) 32 ~'!llt led\I'I>CIlfItCIl>Cal(3) ~ I\apldmel!lodol .. hOIH~IlUt_comms"""9l1andlU9~19) 36. WI .. allloltiutI21 31,OnetlgMtlolaPIIII(3) 38. ffHt51(S)

2, "" tedlnlClt .. ",,, ~ (3)

4 Rel.>~ ~ subsurtlClieleY:lbOll lnal iHom~l~trveIV SflaliowboJ!

wlucll ""n.tiIt be !.UI1>C:1enll<)r wrfact na.,.,.1IOn (41 S_-bochfc!(21 6. {~w'''1.rt(2) 1,SuIOIoiSu'24 _ (6) 8 n.lnissiletirtd by aGun( IOj

to ThltVJglldy<lrtme<lpanolthtSNwrlltll,,"_ltIttfllr~lIUlO~

IIaDloIJI llId the horllOll (6)

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abo,"dstup (1)

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1LOo(6) 26. Pettyollitel(2) 21 H .. ., lioo lltlibre orw,re (5) 31 M ..... tecllnQlhul(3) 33. Standardape"bnOP'lXedu,n(3) 35. ArIIi-artJ1It (abtI) (2)

Pass the WORD The answer is .

006(; LO(;6 «;0) oooz A9UPAS "9AV 4jJo~uaM 8Z-9Z

UO!Un J!paJ:) aouaJaa Ue!leJlSn'd all!


GALLIPOLI AND WESTERN FRONT TOUR 19 April - 8 May 1999 World Wide Mi!iwy & Cultural Tours is offering you the opportunity to retrace the foouteps of the First AlF through the b.attlefields of Gallipoli, France and Belgium. This 20 day tour wiU visit the battlefields and towns that have becorne etched in Australia's military history such ts GalIipo[i, including attendanu at the Dawn Service on Anzac Day, the Nek, Lone Pine, Poziercs, ViJlen-Bretonneux. Fromellcs, Bulle­COUTIandle HameI. FuI]ycsoonedbyIT(lUl' Leader and Military Historian with over 6 years expcricnce conducting balt1efield tours.

Aying Singapore Airlines-Coot $6,800 per person based on min share. Gallipoli or Fraoce & Belgium can betakenscparately.Fordctailsoontact PatWilliams. WMC Tours, (02) 9267 2S?9 Facsimile (02) 9261 2121. Uc No. 2TAOOIJSI.

NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998 (365) 13

Page 13: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,


The RAN Central Canteens Fund owns, and operates,

three holiday resorts. These resorts offer excellent

standards of accommodation including cottages, units,

caravan and camping sites (not Forster Gardens), as well

as excellent facilities at significantly less cosllhan other

similar commercial holiday resorts.

BUNGALOW PARK Located at Burrill l ake, 4km south of Ulladulla on the mid South Coast of NSW. Bungalow Park fronts the shores of Burrill Lake and is only minutes from the beach.

Burrill Lake offers safe swimming lor children and is ideal for fishing and all water spons.

A highlight al Bungalow Park is the spectacular daily bird feedings.

Conlacl the manager. Ken Veild for bookings Of /urther information. Bungalow Part, BurriflLafte NSW 2539

TELEPHONE : (02) 44551621 FAX: (02) 4454 4197


Situated 240km south west 01 Perth, on the Bussell Hwy just south 01 Bussel1on. Amblin Park is right on the shore 01 Geographe Bay which offers sale swimming lor children and is ideal for fishing and all water sports.

Amblin Park also has a fully enclosed healed sWimming pool.

Contact the manager, Frank Frimston lor bookings or /Uf1her in/ormation. Amblin Caravan Park, PO Box 232 Busse/ton WA 6280

TELEPHONE: (08) 9755 4079 FAX: (08) 9755 4739

FORSTER GARDENS Occupying a prime location In Forsler on the mid·North Coast of NSW, 331km from Sydney. Located at 1-5 Middle Street. Forster Gardens provides a pleasant village atmosphere with all the delights and attractions of Forster only a few minutes walk away.

Contact the manager, Ian McLaughlin lor bookings or further information. Forster Gardens. PO Box 20 Forster NSW 2428

TELEPHONE / FAX: (02) 6554 6027

Bookings tor Holiday Units accepted up to TEN months ahead tor Navy Personnel and up to NINE months ahead tor all other patrons. Bookings for Caravan and Tent sites will be accepted up to TWELVE months ahead for a/l patrons. Retired RAN personnel (20 years or more) are eligible for full Service discounts and all those with less than 20 years are entitled to up to 20% discount at all Holiday Centres.

Write to Staff Officer (Can teens) . DSUP-N. CP3-1-B1 Campbell Park Offices, CAMPBEL L PARK ACT 2600 to obtain your discount card.

Telephone: (02) 6266 4985 Fax: (02) 6266 2388

14 (366) NAVY NEWS, November 30, 199B

• Left 10 righl LSUM ~likc Turner. ,\B ET ,\d:tnl Cain. AnET Jace Hutchinson, C I>QET Wayne Allen a nd A8 ET Slen! Willcox. Kneeling is LS PTI J eff Kerr.

Runners on target T:h~~:sR~r~~~~ele~~s~f ~:;~ Gunnery Ran~'C, 1'''~'I'e ~rt:lInly on 1aJ'­getforchal'itylaslmonth.

The f1.lnne~ took pan In the recent Anny Suppon Command Lnke Relay.

"AlthoughaJileamsasprelo ..... 1nthe el'ent the real reason for the race i~ 10 raise money for the BOlle Marrow Donor InSlilUte." team member. CPOET W:ly~ Allen loki Nan' News.

'11leGun RunllC~pertOrrried mag-

"They had delin'red lelephone books, ooOO.w..,ed rattles;nl chocol:ue dnles and run an auclion of sponmg 1l1C1l1Of'.lbilia.

'111C team gave $50CX>to lhe 1IISII-nilicenlly. _

This event is a relaymce oomprising teaITL~of fi\'e runners .... ho eoch com­plete three bps of Albert P3O. Lale in Melbourne.

A total di<.tanceof72 kms IS covered FifiylC3IllSf3CCdthesta/ter'sgun.

"Not only did they tim~ founh In the open men's C:lle):OfY. they also easily won the rund r.l.lsmgCllegOf)' ... forthe se.ccnlyear.

'"flletcam has .... med hard to Tal.-.e ~,.

The Hume Weir al. Bellbridge near Albury IS the venue fora gruupof s:lI loN who don't mind gellUig .... el ..

although they would prefer 10 stay dry. The .... elr will be used for the 19991nterservice

Waten;l..llng Competltton. The competition w,lI be conducted from February 26

10 March I . Ho~ t fo r Ihe eve lll will be the Albury.Wodonga

Mililary Area Walcrsl..l Club Ser. ice SI..I le3ms from acfO'iS AU~lmha are Invited to

Format of the COlllpelillon. procedure~ alld elenl ndes will be supplied to Ihosc entering

• Aclion rrom las t year.

The pOlllt of COlll3Ct is SGT Dary l Gammon al HQALTC Bonegilia on(02) 6055 2308 or 856 2695

SGT GamIDOfl would IIl..e norm nations by December 15. Lale acceptances may be received depending on Ihe

number of nonllnatlon~ tal..en by December 15. he said.

Leve l 5 10 Level 6 and SGT Dave Field - Level 4

Transferred to or from Canberra?

Issue .... e may ,:::,:,,='--::="'--"'-7--"'-='--=::'::::'; 1:~eh~~lu~~c:~~ be able 10 orlromCanberra

~:~~;t ~~ulh: ~ 1:r;hWI ! :n~ a~ :~~ft~~~ NTL a~ well 20. 1999 Canberra airpon. as the perfor- Those graded lIlanCe~ ollht: '-----==---------' referees who Rates for boarding ADF melllber~ who par- ahead for Inter-Service wl\h 10 nominate lire to on application. tkipated. touch. forward their en dorsed Tony and Chris's

CAPT Ca!>slt' Irolll Ihe As in the State Cup,:l1I commitment forms 10 Boarding Kennels ~~~~~o~:~~:: Touch ~~~n~.:~ex~~~;~te:~~~~ ~Ve~~ i~~~'!:~. Ihe first (02) 6236 9207

The VDFTA held bolh was played but at the end --=::::::::::::::::::::::=~~=====~ ils Stale Cup and Inter- of the day. RAAF W3~ I [ .,,"'-."'"'' '" ..... - 'A ;t Scplember Maybe ne~1 year Anny

1lle State Cup was held and Nal'y .... ill be able to on September 3 IIolth eight lurn the tablu. The malo: and four fema le VDFTA appre!,: t3led the lealll~ !':olllpetmg. ~upport It rece l\ed from

Considenng Ihat then: the player~ and comlliinee were no nalional sclec- members to make il su!,:h The R.A.N. Ski Club lioliS Ihe lurn up was a successful event and almosloverwhehmng. encourage a~ good anen-

Compeltng tt:al1ls came dan(.'C for next year. from far and wide - The 1999 Slate Cup Lalenon. Me lbourne will be played in Metro. Watsonla. Sale. Apnll"1ay 199910 mal..e Puc k a pun y a I. timely selecllon~ lo r Ihe AlburyfWodonga and i'\a!ionals in No\ember. CERBERUS For any inqumes. con-

Atier a full day of COIII- lal'! CAPT Ca~~le. o n pellllon the .... mners lIoere: (02) 6055 2048. Men'~ SI:lIe Cup: WOI K<"nGokJen,l\'fen.'C

··Gascon". from Lavenon cooch, has advised tll.lI:11: the Plale Willner: CER- 1998r..rn..theADFn:ferees BERUS. Women's Wm- acquitted tht'lIlsclves .... uh ner: CI\ I yfdependellls. disun(:tion. from La\cnon. 1be follollolOg upgrade~

The Inter·Senlce .... a~ .... ereallained· challenged on September W02 Trelor 00 .... ·5(: 11 -

4 and II ..... as great. lor lhe upgraded tmm ulel 5 10 lirs! lime III 1 .... 0 )ea~. 10 Level 6. W02 Bill SI3l1e -


The R.A.N. Ski Club iSa private dub open

to all CUITCIII and p;lSI members of the

RAJ'I and the RANR. Rank IS leit behind

\\ht'n .... e hit the snow.Cbeap

accommodation IS av:ulable in Club Lodges

al MI Buller 111 ViclOria and Pember

Valley III NSW. Lodges are u!>Cd in winter

for Downhill and Cro~ Country Skiing

and Snowboarding:lnd III summer for

enjoYlIIg the high country and alpine hikes.

Ifinlerested InJoinlng. pleasecalJ

Doug Collins on

(02) 6266 .l-l)S (W) or (02) 6292 5980 (H)

Page 14: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,

,J, l d. _ _ tf Glendinnings Menswear Pty Ltd

Incorpo .. ti"'il Red Anchor Tailoring Co.

FOR ALL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS HfKX1ome.: Shop2!3, 7·41 CowptlrWhcrf Rood.

WOOIIoomooloo, NSW 20 11 (".)[110 Roehr5) Phone: (02)9158 151801 (02) 91Sa4097 Fox: (02) 9357 4638



Cheq~s. tiC .• to De made payable: 10: Edll0nal Committee ~;l\y :\e'-'5. Locked Bag 12. p)mlOIlI2009. Australia

Enclosed please lind $24 (AuSlralian currency) to cover 12 months subscnption and posting lor "Navy News' within Australia (AIr Mail and overseas postage rates are extra). USE BLOCK LETTERS place cross In applicable square

~""W3I Q_",~ ~W~ PfIO"IIl (08)96V752U ... (06)9!>&'1~




N"VYN£WS.pUJIrsIIMJ/or_~ __ ot~atJhe~.,.

.tId /"." "mobH ThO' m.I .. ....r publJsh«1 IS ,.,.eutd 10111' ItI'''Ul _ no. ........ 5 ,~~""_~fIIy_ot_C»plolOel...a.(NAVY) F_ ~._Drtyld __ s_..--s. Edd"""Sl~If_oIfot» ____ ~I>yll._O'V'_

Early Olympic help wins name tribute T~~d~~ ~I~~~~!S 1~~;: I~o~ha~ Au~trallan Na\y has been ackno"l­cdged

The Au~tra li an Yac ht in g Federat ion has na med a spec ia l launch [0 be used by coachc\ to monitor Austral ia'~ O lympIC yacht~ and thelrcre"'"s .... hlle they are tram-109 for the Year 2000 Gamc\. I'ENGUIN

The commanding officer of IIM AS PENGU IN. C M D R Ian Peche). accompamed by [he ChlCf exeCUll\e ofllcer of the AYE Mr P hil Il rown y,ere on hand to offici3 11 y na me the seve n metre SharlCat.

CMDR Pechey poured the u~ual champagne over t he craft at t he y,hmat IIMAS PENGUIN.

lbe .... han will b¢ the home of the

high-speed oUI·board po\\ered launch for tile I1ext fewye:m.

C'MDR r .. eh .. y ex pi allied Ihal early Ihl" year Ihe RAN offered the OlympIC yachting team the use of Ihc belch and the launching ramp on Ihe northern edge of PE:-\GU IN tor trammg m the lead uptulhe !'ame\.

"We also had ackaram:e lh vcr'S foclhtyempt)." CM DR PCI.:he) s:lId.

''The blllltllOg comprises a lecture room. offices and loho .... en; CIC. :lnd hadrlOl becn used for 12m011lh~

'"It .... a~almost like It .... aspurpo~ built for the Olympie yachl\men." he added.

Mr Bw" n concurred sa) 109 the ~el up at PENGUIN wa\ Ideal for Ihecol1lpelllnrs.

'The A YF has now bought from Ihe Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron a se\en-metrestarten;' boat.

" We used a gr:lnl from a 5ptcl31 fund held by the Austr:l.han Ol}mpl<: Comml\tee to mal e the pun·haSl.' .

'Thc launch has been filled y,uh special rails on thecabm rool and II

will be from here that coache~ Voi ll vilXo tape yachts and theIr crew~ In aClion.

" T he tap .. wi l l then be taken bela ..... played on a monitor and from there tilt! coache~ ","III de ter­mmeif.fOfexample.sail~arec3Jl')'­Ill!, enough air or If th .. crey, lXluld beoolllg'oOmethlllgb.!lIer"

lie ,~id that a~ a la~[ re~ort. the S50.000 \'essel could be u .... d a~ a ~afety craft.

'l1te Navy has !:xxn vcry good to u~ already so we decided to name the launch after HMAS PENGUIN and for CMDR Pechey to spla~h the champagne:' he said.

$11 ,000 to Martin Foundation

• Wilh La dy M artin are (I to r) PO To ny Ya rnold. CPO Jim G lossop. WO Slc'"c Cot ta m and PO Tom Kolosko. l'iclu re: ABP" Jon Gagelcr.


Did you get ' im lad?

T;Z;;~r~~dre~n~nd [e~~ :t; sponsors have raised an o utstanding 5 11.000 fo r Ihe Si r Dav id M a rtin Foundation.

The money was r:l. ised at Ihe Sir David M am n Chanty Go lf Day at the Ca md en Va ll ey golf reso rt .

The cash will be used to support the foundat ion in its charter to provide a brighterfulure for "street kids'·.

T he fo undat ion oper­ates a youth farm on the Sou t he rn High la nd s of NSW.

The o\'e rall winners of Ihe tourn a me nt we re CPOSN Ray Mundy from HMAS WATSON and his

guests. MrC. Beggs. Mr T. Sm ith a nd Mr D. Cavanagh.

T he tea m's score was an inc re dib le 15 unde r par off the stick.

T h is gave the te am a nell score of ~/ •.

Primary s po nsors for the tournament were CSC Pty Ltd . Te n ix an d Bellinger lnstrome ms.

Other sponsors includ­e d C a p ta i n F reele. Au s t ra l ia n D e f e n ce Credit Union. Aerospace. Go lf Ma n . C hr i ~ ti es.

B lac k woo d s. Bri t i s h A eros pa ce . D o) les Sea foods. C oca Cola. J>arr a m a lla L e a g ues. Wests Leagues. RANC­CF. Camden Valley Golf Resort . Ano ver Holdings.

No, but I got the number!

A D I . Br o w n B r os. Impress Pro mo t io n s. Detroit Diesels. Sydney Tower Restaurant. Wayne Campbell (ex CPO MET) and Way ne Jones fro m Smps.

" Many [hank... also go to the \"anous messes and sh ips funds from NSW ships and establishments who were very generous with theirdon3lions:' one of th e o r g ani s er s. C PO M T J i m Glosso p , to ld N(II·\· N£,,·s.

A fe"; weeks aftenhe tou rname nt. Jim and his fe llow organisen; attend­ed Ihe ho me of Lad y Marti n and presented he r wi th an o\"ersized cheque for \he S I 1.000.

Runners ready T:n~~:j be he ld al t he Latchford Arm y Barrack s i n Wodonga 00 February 12.

The e venl is open 10 alt un ifo rm ed and civilia n members.

I n q u i ri e s b e fore Ja n uary 27 to C POC K Bob Barr o n (03) 5950 1228 . C P O R S Andy

• Ho rsburg h o n (02) 6265 3 I 74 or WOSTD Rick Bro ml ey on (02) 626 6 2388.

NAVY NEWS, November 30, 1998 (367) 15

Page 15: Royal Australian...Royal Australian The official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy .c VOLUME 41 , No. 23 • S8LT Natalee McDougall with U':UT Sleeman. SBLTS Cayzer, Bettenay,


The Highway Rest Stop Program is a DDOHS initiative which aims to reduce the number of Defence members involved in road accidents. The program allows permanent, reserve and civilian members of the Defence Organisation to utilise available accommodation at Defence establishments

while travelling long distances over the Christmas holiday period

Overnight accommodation cnroutc may be made available to, single members, couples and families. The facilities avai lable vary throughout participating establishments, and while in some cases it may be basic, the purpose of the program is to enable personnel to "Stop and rest" reducing

the risk of members becoming the part of the holiday season accident statistics.

The following list of twelve participating units may be contacted to arrange for accommodation, in most cases alleast two days notice is required.

NT o RAAF TINDAL (Katherine NT) Ptriod- JJ Jan 1998 to JJ Jan 1999.

Accommodation. Teal Camp. Air conditioned ATCO huts. Most rooms contain bunk beds. (max 2 persons).Showers toilets and laundry facilities. Accommodation at Teal Camp is SS per person (defence or civilian) per night. and is recommended for families. Families are able to consume meals at the Airmen's Mess if accompanied by a serving member. at the Civilian casual meal rate. Accommodation at respective Messes will only be available to service members. if there are vacancies. Service members will be charged at the defence rate for meals and accommodation. Messes willllOl be available for c ivilian accommodation under this program.

Requests for use of these fa cilities should be made 10 the RAAF Tindal Visits and E~en:ise Cell by phone on (08)897 36007 or 36015, During the reduttd ac1ivity period dil'e('t requests 10 the Accommodation Cell on (08) 897 36526.

WA o (!MAS STIRLING (South of Fremanlle) Puiod -18 Dt!c 98 to 15 Jan 99

Accommodation 8 double and some single rooms all withensuite. Meals available in respective messes at casual meal rates for non service personnel. Facilities available include pool. gymnasium. and beach picnic area .. All requests are to be faxed to the Accommodation Office HMAS STIRLING during working hours no less than two working days before arrival and confirmation must be recei\'ed to gain entry. One set of spare keys for all types of accommodation will be held by the Duty Senior Sailors Barman for Officers. Senior and Junior Sailors wishing to Stop for a rest without notice. POC. accommodation office Ph: (OS)9553 2450 or (08)9553 2299 Fax: (08) 9553 2669


AccomlTK)(\ation available-Officers Mess.8 single rooms.2 double rooms/suites. Sergeants Mess. 8 single rooms. 3 double roomslsuites. Other Ranks. 8 single rooms. 7 shared rooms. AU Ranks. 2 double rooms/suites. Showers and laundry. shared facility. Meals available at applicable rates with 48 h.ours notice. POC is SeT Micheal Pinkerton a t accommodation cell on ph (08) 839 32996. Contact s hould be made 48 hours priorloarnval.

VIC o LOGISTICS BATTALION MELBOURNE (Broadmeadow) l\bygar Barrack.'I. Period- 14 Dec 98 to 16 Jan 99

Accommodation ·17 single rooms. shared shower. toilet and laundry facilities. Meals available from OlRs Mess on repayment. The unit will be closed over the period 23 Dec 98b to 3 Jan 99. For use over this period bookings are to be made prior to 23 Dec 98. Bookings over the remaini ng period are to be made at leas\48 hours prior to arrival. POC Ron Martin or Charlie Cobb on (03) 9358 1303 Fax (03) 9358 1340.

o BAND lANA LOG GROUP (Wodooga) Gaza Ridge Barracks. Puiod- 12 Ike 98 to JOJan 99

Accommodation facilities available al Gaza Ridge 8amcks South Bandiana- 23 ;II; Single rooms .2 )[ double rooms (Officers). I}[ double room (Sgts). COts will be available on request. Meals will be available on repayment. POC Sharon Lillis Accommodation Cell , Spotless Servict's. tel (02) 605 52964 Fax (02) 60552964.

QLD o RAAF TOWNSVILLE Pt!riod II Dec 98 to / I Jan 99

Transit accommodation (ai r conditioned) twin share rooms (bunks); Meals available on repayment (civilian rate) at the Ainncns Mess; Showers and laundry available; POe for bookings; Accommodation cell Ph (07)475 2 17&J Should the Accommodation cell be unmanned then contact the Duty Security Cont ro ller on (07) 475 21558 Bookings should be made 48 hours in advance of anticipated arrival.

o 8ASCROCKHAMPTON Period 12 Dec 98 to 17 Jan 99

ACT o HMAS HARMAN (Canberra) Period· /8 Dec 98 to 18 Jail 99

Scale A acwtll.ll'lOdalion; slKlwers and laundry facilities; Bookings Fax required minimum of 72 hours prior to arrival. Confirm by phone minimum 24 hours before anival; POC SSGT Neil Godden, (07)493 14709 Fax 07) 493 14747.


Showers and laundry facilities. meals on repayment.Bookings. 48 hours notice; POC SGT R

White Ph (07) 468 43188 ext 216.

Single accommodation; showers and laundry available; Meals at

Main Cafeteria on repayment;48 hours notice for bookings: I'OC Accommodation Office Ph (02) 44211680 or arter hours, Security Supt'rvisor Ph (02) 44211 7 15.


(North of Newcastle) Period II Dec 98to II Jan 99

Shared ablution and l:lUndry facilities: meals from messes and

canteen on a user pays basis; Contact 48 hours prior 10 arrival; bookings

limited to one night only.POe Mr Leo J orden Ph (02) 4964 7200 or (02) 4964

7 198 Fax (02) 4964 2020.


Pt!riod 14 Dec 98 to II Jan 99

Facilities - Married quaners (laundry and cooking facilities. no linen). Single rooms (no linen). No meals avai lable; Minimum 72 hours notice. Bookings will be passed to the caretaker at Bogan Gate. POe CPL Trudy Sloane (02) 4737 0234.

Facilities; 4 }[ Junior Sailors single room cabins. double bed. 4 x Senior Sailors. single room cabins. double bed. 2}[ Officers (single bed) single room cabins. 2 x Officers (double bed) double room cabins. additional single bed can be added if required. Linen supplied. Meals available from main Cafe (all other messes will be closed). Please purchase meallickets from parent establishment prior to travel. 48 hours notice for bookings. if accommodation office unattended a message may be left advising ETA and requirements. POC Accommodation Offi« ph (02) 6280 2795 fax (02) 6280 2774.

Note: All OH&S and HSR personnel are encouraged to llOIify personnel in their areas of this program. Commanding Officers and Managers are requested to encourage personoelto use the wide variety of facilities when !ra\'elling during the Ie<lve period .

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