r«p- have you forgot? so tired 9ire

» •-^—•• i^ * r«p- Have You Forgot? What? jn\T 1 AST STILL CARRYING AN CP-TODATE LINE OF Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware m* Aim A NL'MBKU OV OTHEB THING * WHICH I AM INABI.E TO MENTION Come to let me for your next Bam) of Flour orjl'oik. Yours to please- Jas. B. White- ILL. CAM So Tired II may be from overwoHt, Mt the chance* ar* Hs from an In- active LIVFRi -* With a well conducted LIVLK one con do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds ahundred per cent iv ones earning capacity. It cap be kept in healthful actioo b\, and only by Tuft's Pills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. A Convention of the Democratic party of Pill county is hereby call- ed to meet in the Court House iu Greenville on Thursday, Angus! 28th, 1902 at 11 o'clock A. M. tor lhe purpose of nominating candi date- for liie Legislature ami the several loiinty office*. Township primalies will be held at the usual meeting places iu the townships Batuiday. August 23rd, 1903, at :i o'clock P. M. for the pw ICVnilU/ll, DHT ' -'-I"- -iiful.>f Mealeaii MaatHM Mo- lr IUU nlLLrUI Uaemt iai. u HI .-- 1...11 lull ol »u«-r»nd with luu earulo your Utrgal oftaa 11 will ijniciuy cura a Bare llu >*». jU- in ms*m Next 'i.,vi :.) h....-.-. V\ ilkiiiaon. For JfaUs, Lock*, Hitufes, Doors, Windows, Paints, Rope, Hatnes, Collars, PIOU'S, Sh0V6l8 <UI(1 t (i/ - -I ,„,.« e ,)f appointing delegates and pentefS Tools, go to alternates to said couuty couven- lion, the iiouiiiiatioii of candidates tor Justuses of tha Peace and Goo- stable.- and also to elect a Town- bip i:\eiinivc Committee. The number of delegates and alternates each township will be cunt led to is al billows : Beaver Dam Bclvoir I. i.'*ueee»8or 10 iiimonil it I'arr. i.—i the prase to gtt tin beat Fruit Jars If at our store. We have I In in in dllTerenl -tvl.s nntl sizes ::t prices « low OS the lowest Then 08 Bclbel Curolii a Cbicod < 'onteulnoa Falkland ie aii uc.id.iiiarters fur Ibel Farmville lOMMiTOJC Mos. Best of Everything' ' . ., ,, J . . m ; Pa. tolas in the Grocery Line MIICMk tiel \,.ar 1.-.Ii!t sup»li*fe freia 11- Ky order of the Democratic Kx w. I.. Blows Beo'r. *fi . ntiMlf. JS«>'i am* in Pif»ii Hi.'-. :S '. > "he Oi iii- Trani portal inn Uhmpajty WM inoerp irated today to rnua line apand down Hoccaaio river from New Born. The head- '"\'llr^ ' f '':t?y*.."?\ **•* TUr WANT lIOMlert tf» tiarlflM. PM «">»U' >£. ATJ._>. *#»;< «v Jl>»> Ifctttfl, ttrucfriM, frofflfltMUI, !ty, AU ,\ the wjitiil $S. IUU.— l flr -- W to Ntw* ftOlfterver. 'l. -Mfc •*•*-. ( (Vl«(^tt 1 Vtltll 1 '..»*.• - »... .1* B>I»I*J » . k't*.mi(.l A t v. I.lii k'hl ''. «. . *V. flrf lit*. *•>. •v.'* •# •tlflMtk.t t Mi. . fc" >*>•<•> ..< «* : nlif' « it ;. [.).•• HO(h|tl ifi.il >IU ifi'l%<M 1 iilillftl «• akbitvf titfcffHrii « ».. tMafllt^ll *• ' •* » A. I>i''i U '! .>»i*l •» gal IU 1 IKI in »*il fc 1 f-U Mi 1 : i in 111 ! .it. ;• ,* <>»»i U.. '•;., . 1 ikMj ..I far i,.%i«t, i- •, k.11,.,1 in I r-.«. !«.»•. a.) »lup«plw mil ..'..' •• g( .1 »' « >dt 1. [• '• :.. rttti flUlbt I »- » L.-. ** , .. t : - kfl .. M .-• M n . k-f<-.. <*.'».' ti,* ••mi I*. Wffiit fOU WANT . *>rtM«riri*. •Ir., >;• ho Mrs. L. H. WHITE, Keep this fact alteaTS fresh in your iiiemorT:— 1 .• Cuts, Mashes cud all Open Sores, you Deed only to apply ff)exic«n f0u8lBi)| ^inimenf B f « limes and the soreness and inlhninialioii will be conquered and toe wounded ile.-li healed. TogntthoueatreaBlljyou lllOUkl saturate a pleat of soft cloth with tlio liniment ami hind k opos the Wound ud vou M'niild a poultice, 2.V., OOe, Mi ?1.00 u l«nir. i/.-.-n au rVC All v.iviri.'iiilry o!il 1 I 11. MT; Hn>t.^nnf KEEr AN tit UN )<.,„.i , s«u I- .-. Bumbk/m nr . iber dj^.^aawngyourtowbuw Hexleuu HiuUni Mnlnaab OLD DOHINION LINT f^ HIVKR SEinriCE IStetuner Hyreo leave Washing ton daily at 6 A. M. for Green- ville, leave Greenville daily at 12 M. for Washington. Connecting at Washington with Steamers for Norlolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York Boston, Aurora, Kotith Creek, Belhaveu, 8wau (Juurter, Ocracoke and tor all points for tbe West with rail- loads at Norfolk. Shippers should order freight by the Old 1 loin 1 mim 8. 8. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from Phi la delphia; Buy Line aud Chesapeake 8. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer- chants' and Miners' Line from Boston. < 'omuicni ciiij- July 1st the steam er Guide will leave Washington at .".a. m.Tuesday, Thursday aud Hat urday for Belhaveu, Bwamiuaiter and Ocracoke and will leave Ocra- coke at 0 a. m. for Hwamiuarter, Belhaveu aud Washington on Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday. The steamer Ifatteras will leave Washington Saturday nights at 10 c'clock, during July aud August. for Ocracoke. J. J. CHEEKY, Agt., Greenville, N. C. J. E. LKMOINE, District Supt. Washington, N. C P«M"!S!"* "~ To My Friends. It u with j<<) I Idl you "hat Kodol did for me. 1 ana troubled with my stomach toi *-i veral months. Ppon belns advised to use Kodol, 1 iiid so, ami words 11 not tell tbe good it has done me. A neighbor had dys|s>pala <o that he hud triad mosl everything. I told him !• usa Kodol. Words of gratitude hit e come to ins from him liecaube I iifommoiMUHl It.- Oeo. W. I'ry. Viola. Iowa. Ilealih and strength of mind ami oil. depend on the utom- t,. nn , Una B 1 irr aeh.i lu-tfvityofthcdlges- \" om le,e ' •' ll " , a r live orgai.s. Ko.h.l. the j_-i-.it n eon- . cleared, with tobacco |.,i struelive eun-s all Moniai-ti and lilu \ tenant houses. FARMS FOR SALE! One Farm. 1 !•# miles front here, 171 i acres, lln oleared, Good land for tobacco, corn, cotton, etc. Splendid dwell- ing, two tobacco luiriis and tenant houses. Second Farm, 'i\ miles mostly bowel trouhlc». indigestion, dysjiep- la. hoitol digests any food food 10.1 eat. rake a dose after meals. John 1. Woolen. UUJ. Jack, X. V. Kiev list cf goods on band* Priee Louatry prulaje lnugiit tor ta.-li ei liaagii r. 1 gouds a I .it licstl'resirlptlnn for "•>.-1 m in 1 .1 fever 1 ;, lioll ..f (,III\,-'» . 1 u»i --1 1. . Totile, li i- siiiipld iron m 11 id a 1 - . -. I.'i in. No r j, ruro li.- Pai i'i .' '"*>• J. €. T ANIER, Bl oil. IN Aaiericaa and Italian Marble - EWTAttt l.tiiKli i«Vfl. .*'>, M. b$€ihalti« A lost character can sometimes be restored, but it takes n great deal of virtue aud time to do it. Ills Mgbt Strengtheueg. •• While |itebuieking last in< nih in> M->egr>ohl ho. wa>. poiaoned bs aonie ..' plant," say. W. II. Dibble, of Sioux (ity. Iowa, ••lb rubbed li* 1 .> -on off his bands into bl. eyes ami foi' a wbile we were iiliaul lie iiinilil lo-e nis sight, l-'inall* a neigh* i>or recommended lieWiit. Wlteh ll«/.el Salvo. Tl.e tii-si gpplb'ation lu'l|ieil him ami in u feu days he was n. weil us ever." for skin dlneaws, eiits. liut'iis. sealiis, wounds, inaeol bites, HeWitt's Witch llasel Halve U cure. Itelieves |lflea at once. Ueware of counlei'feils, John 1.. woolen. Third Farm, ill0acres, about half cleared, with good tenant houses, tobacco barns and orchards. About half thin farm is low ground, which is good corn land, and suilnble for pasturage. Finn place for man wanting to raise beaf, cotton, or ,•!.•> a dairy, as well •? for general farmlag. Apply lo J. M. BEATY, Saaittifleld, N. 0. ,.-; 1 -V , "" l ," M ' -[AilieriCaaailfl Italian marDie Wholee»ieanareta.llOri«er»nd ru*Mii'i. ;,.»•»:*.'1." '!'»*'.o'l' .'. ! OHi KINVILLB, N,c. j(.uruUnro Dealer. Csab paid fbi "-1,1.1 ,:..., ... .1. icspiaiat mi »V«r« end Iran F«atc Said. Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar- ,,s» J.I... ,• IM psayvr «f Ittt ,».» frVst-l'lMi nerk »»>l prisr. ......,., re't-, Turkeyi, Egg, ele. Bed II »« gr» '• "Weal -»'t i »u .«.( .(.rssiiis. ; y^.ts. Mattresses, Oak Bulta, lia f ; l>» Collages, Co Carts, Parlor ' NtttfS to Creditors. !»"?, T f'"-, l ; , : l "!»-".- .»% « . . 1 Iborillurd and Gail & Ax Suufl, ! I.. .:.i- i.uai.r^ii li (1 ie li.' 1 .1;. ' '' IPgh l.ifcTohaci o, Key West Cbe- 3lliniM«IUS lot Welief. |»» -nperH»rC«mnuf I'lHctiuuty -' r ,„,t-., Henry George Civsr, Can- I ,.„ 1, .!.«.'. ri 1MB. L. i kkATt r'. . . . n . In ItCOIH . . ,-ii'l I it ..'•!.•. I r l UUI't. .-.is. In). !.«»'- .aN ... .-I.., k. , iJu beiHi- #. »i'.-i. 1'alias < w-i.' I'ai t......i bit ll r.l 111 I .'• I'. k- » ..H ... .'I ; .1 It M'I. a.% a; I* tl,* •< pK,«|n r li at ...? ' riii 1 tiaytrioi .« 'fc'tfc •« -•• i' -.alia M u.r »l P'|'l«riilei H .', ai "l.nii i.Iai 1 'i 111 SpPlS' Hi'l ' »' IM -u '.'* »S 11 111 !• Ml .' V ' Hrl '. 1 a>is)il ".'i !»' ••. in UK •"•' dirca •sn« «r la. si 11 it 1 f»i. .is .-. u^a. - »i . 11' .»• - - o'« >*in.i .it pl« «i * «.n »li h "• ...1 rev r;« nrtral dwmuMf . .11 ikn i*iif.nn.l. I' « MiKiRg 1 >. '. gufSt let ' as-1 lor of the last will and b-lunnnl' i>...„.ii«, . ' iliinin WbiMfSd, .i-.ii. ;i id ""' « I'" j ••- !'••'"e", A PP»». i>k!iu:>i,i:ir i,a ... 1 1 nne Anplea, Byrup, Jelly, Milk, . - ,..i in w.. 1 li ibj mill all in Flout dugar, I'..flee, Meal,Soap, >I.I« noising .jalnui against Iherstab Ly, 'i.igic l'ood, Matches, Oil, p:, K ifr'St .K. '.'• " ***? r , lv Moal ""a *&&£ t».u. *a .1- btfiiiv tU iHth iv of d*U needs, Oranges, Apple-, Nub., i».'. itm.i, m 11.1. not » ', »il Dandles, Dried Apples, Peaches, .a SM »: .1,11 i\,,e.,i . ,11 |*I-I I'IUII,... Currents, Kaiaius, Glass Obedience, submiattoDi disci pline, coinage—these are among Ihe things which make a man. II Natda a Tonic. There an' times when your liver in-ciW a tonic. Don't give purgatives thai nrl|M ami w.akiu. Drwltt's! I.itiU-1 aid) Hi-. 1 - 1 »|H ! nil poison Iron, the h\-li in mill Bel as tonii- to. Ihe liver.' \\ . Si oil. all I Highland ! »ve., Milton. i'a.. Bays: " I have! earried lieWii"-l.uiie Karly Itisers] with in. tor ...vi nil years 11ml would I 111 t 11, without thiin." Sun II Bud IUSV to lake. Purely vegetable. They m,* r grille or distress. John I., woolen. The n.an w I10 is trying to keep, up with the I'aBhijus bus little time' to 1I0 any useful work, The Baptist Female University ^c-; In tlio luiirt «»f RaMgh.VttftM Rfift iwuliloikior the rhiirehco. tin- I i.uvcnior'- in.iii»roli. Ibt: Cgi|ii|i>l kii>( the MbrSTlM. w Kunm-li- IM- Mini Dutil, Foil huiMiii*.". T«"nty lh"«« Oilcan ud TtMk- rr-1 five nii'ii antl i'ijlitt i u womeii) Wi'll ri|iil|i|ujil I liriitlnil iind l(li> .- Jl 1*1 IjlloiniltitlS", Mll-lat 1 ste- al nll| i-l IVO nun iiinl foBI Winurii. ^ : Twe.fi ill-iltiii s>\ 1-. In.ii.i 1 by Lolvwillf Ha U i n ml mi- I PRlM, lUMlmU '«if'l t»r l»| jjj I.ai|j Prlnolpil, lj»ily !*:.> -1. latn, if M-ifroti ami Nnr»i', Full I.iicrstrf Co*w, Iftcliirlhil ill ffoi $167.50 per Session I'.-i (urlie r litt rmiinnh. IddaM ^S A Ngcettarff Precaution. Biaki Ta.» mt «i«t iiaj of July, i'."'-. Ware, Cakes and crackers, Han lints Bar >lu>a 1 .a.t,,,,, I,...I I'.vilaas:/ 1 »"»*^ps..j umn U.K. PtlUl II..I, I 1.. . . 1 ,1 1 old. It is wol'se .. 1 than ni.iiii .i-niii. it is dangerous. li. J.111I.11. kMeuioi. raul, Cbeeae, Bail Bulter, New I i t> „.,„,, , Minute rough 1 irvytni 1 Hoyal .Sening Machines, and nn can ours ll at once. Always InlUm- merons otber goods. Ouulily and mallon, clears ll ad, soothes and li.-t.G.iiliH-| FiriMil Newspaper. Quantity. Cheap for cash. fJoro IZ^!:;::^:.^:^^::^ The Charlotte Obier?tt. ,OM,w ' ETERY IAY IN THE YEAR. S. M- Schnltz CAlBWBU a. TOMPRINS, Publishsn. JWlOIH 66 J. P. CALDWELL, Editor. - i I lil-es 1 oil 1. 1 troubles, Absolutely sale. Act. ine mediately, L bllriren like It, Jno. I. I ivootau." .•s. .0 I'EK VilU, Tin: tilisiliiVKi; Receives tin lingisi lelegrapnlc news larvloe delivered In any paper between Washington and Atlanta, and t's s|n i i.ti set •. ice is 1 be ^n atesl ever bundled by .1 North Caro- lina paper. WINTIERVILLR »'. p I'olau I '11, it i .1 named will lake Bi t.v ll ni sn r ;. 1 * ilsivc lias l.i 1 l- : 11.r1.1- 1 II llio ftlllsirlor 'ollll «i I I uiiinly hj. | I ] .... 11 In iiii.i 11 1] v . I; ... 1! li. lai.t 1 l-.ill IhC - nteu 1 i.'-i iii Ilia ittnplainl, snd : ill fiirllu 1 1 1 . tLiil sc 1- rv'| ..11-I 1 -i, ; 0 1 Ilit 1 < 1 . ilit superior 1 ol I.IIKI,, 1 in.. Hi 1 Huiiiiaylii Be)ilem- itlfc SUNDAY OBSERVE!, noil- iti ' 1 ii 1.1 slats of Iti 01 mote pagos, and is! in lltccavllle. M. (' and answer ot dtuur; |n ;l | ;;u ,. extent wade 1111 ofl i..- tin comulau| m .11 aeltnri, 1 in. ,. ,,„,,', ,,,,.. Irintntin wilt. r ,.|] m in. 1 t lor orlgmal matter. " '' - v...!.,,.., .io.i..|.i.iint. LHE SEMI WKEKLY OBSKIIV n,i-ti-..th.uy..i.h,«v-.i^ |i;; ,,,, pr , ntol ^ewiayand Prldai (Ottk ttfp*i>r (tsirt. . #i|a-r.\.ar. The largest paper HI Noiih Gaiolina. I'orly live bales of eollou were received ou Ihe miitkel yisleiday, lllosl uf it lietlig lien 1 top. On Ihe same day In .t yc.11 not a single HIGH SCHOOL '' i ' 1 '-;-"- i.«»««re.~wii«i B f. ton Slur. R.T. VANN, Raleigh. N.C. TRINITY COLLEGE, DURHAM, N. C, t Mb is V>h -Militate mid undergraduate courses of sliuly, new library facil- ities, laboratory tonlp- nunil and gymnnsiiiiu. Number ot sluileuts dou- bled iu li years. Large number of scholarships awarded annually. Iiosut made lo worthy btudeuls. l-.ipi 11-1 - very moderale. For catulo^us, adtlresa D. W. NEVVSOM, REGISTRAR. Ibis a large e-uniiinilii.us school building, well iiiiippodjtwu large Dorm- toilet ou ihe school grounds, 1 Vum -. 1 uf ia- -11 .1. lion an : I.it 1..1.V, Music 11 ml Ait. I hi.ioitgh leu liirg ill e\ 11} De|il. i'.Hillly of tin leaeliers. Iballli IIud i.toi.ils of tile , .II^- ni I'M-eiii 1 Board •i per month Tuition 1 in 1 Mslil liable, Send for l\ilnla_ne. Slow Starvation mi m. 1 is: (i. I.. MNEBGRRV, Pfln.t Sample coniM tout on applUutlou.1 , AddtWH nrx OUSEUVKU, fll.irlolle. \ C I I >r. I >. I J. rlitriit's, U the fate of sufferers from dysnpTillt «nd 1 nfl tr food renialoi undlgesjed ll sao In fact, 11 does urtnal ilainaif.'by deoaylrig la the If your food remains undlgcsiefl b<«ly. In fact, ll does grtual dan ttouiacb and iMilsonlng the sjfleln. KODOL- lion n't build tip in.1 Kndol Is tha ssnslblc remedy, eat ltbtreiiutltt.ua thslsHly aud I tha ktniuacb. This rest soon r Cathartics I stimulants only Kodol cures. It Is'Kature'a touQ VffWt You Cat. m J. L HIT, -DKALEB IN- !'.! 1 It -*&*" AOENEDAE LINE OF— Alsoauk« l.i nu of Hardware. COMK TO r«KK ME. J. R. COBEY. 9IRE<JT(DRY. CHTTBCHW. li*P: i-rr—Services every Bon- day, rooming and evening. Pray- er-meeting Wednesday evealag Bev.ff.ff. Booth, pssvtor. Sunday school «:30 a. a. M. A. Allen superintendent. M ETuomm-—Bervicea every Bon lay, ruoruiug and evening. Prayei aie*ting Wednesday evening. B«T. ft. M. Eure, pastor. Sunday schooJ 9:30 a. m. L. H. Pender, auperin tendeut Pa;*BVTKkUN. -Services thin Sunday,morningandevening. Bev 1. B. Morton, pastor Sunday- school iu a. in E. B. Ficklen sn. oerintendent. EPIHOOPS.L.—Bev. F. H. Hard- ing, Miniater. Morning and even- ing prayer with sermon every let aud 3rd Boudsy. Lay services every 2nd and 4th Sunday. Sunday-school 9:45 a. in . W. B Brown, superintendent. ;Litany every Wedneadsy 10 a. m. CHKIHTIAN—Preaching second, and fourth Sunday in each month Player meeting Wednesday night. Bev. D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun- day school 3:00 P, M., W. B. Par- ker, superintendent. CATHOLIC—NO regular service LODGES A. F. & A. M.—Greenville I/slge, No. 284, meets first and third Monday evening. B. Wil- liams W. II., J. M. Reims, Bee. K. ot P.—Tar River Lodge, No. 93, meet every Friday evening, W. H. ,Del>, C. C.{ C. L T. M. Hooker, K. of B. andS.| I. O. O. F.—Covenant Lodge, No. 17. meets every Tuesday evening. W.S. Atkins, N. G., D. I). Overton. So". It. A.— Zeb Vance Council, No. MM, meets every Thursday even- ing. \V. B. Wilson, Secretary, J. 8. Tunstall, Regent. A. O. A.—Egyptiau Council, No. 6, meet every first and third Thursday night in Odd Fellows Hall. J. /. Gardner, Worthy Cheif; D. S. Smith ,8ec. I. O. H.—Greenville Couclave No. 510, meets every second and fourth Monday night in ;<)dd Fel- lows IUU. W. B. Wilsou Arcbon D. S. Smith Sec. W.R.WIIICHARD - UI-:Ai.r.ic IN— Qonoral Jifforehandise Whichard, N. C. The Stock complete In every :1c par'nient and prices an low at the lowest. Highest market prlcer paid for country produce. AGRICULTURAL HECHANICAL COLLEGE. Industrial Education A combination of Theory and I'ruclice, of Hook Study and Manual Work in Engineering, Agricul- ture, Chemistry, Eleotrlo- iiy, Mechanic Arts, and Cotton Manufacturing. Full courses (4 years), shoit courses ('J years), special courses (3 months), Tuition and mom, #10 a term; board, $8 a month. 80 teachers, DUO stiidDnla. New Imlldings for BOO. W'riie for Booklet "A Duv ut Ihe A. & 11. College." Pres. OEO. T.WINSTON, KALKIUU, N.O. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA The Head of the State's Educational System. Academic Meilit-ine, Deparlniri.t. I.nw, - - - Phnriiimy. .——_ t*_v—- iiiiini, 1 uirs. II i. njiiuri'it iimua SI 1...». m1.... a .IIMtw tlv. (II..-|,.I. r.lle.l ilr.p.p.1. t-.k ncWsa A* m. l^vVfT roold irci ... I 1 Kik ,iui.Lii|ni.ri..,..i,i.,,„i,.,i„r u.oii.n. .,i.idSvid2ii«l«iiiiilufS» A.. 'i ii 1...1. er ,.|i..i.>tr.» I .r.l .1.. I ul K... I. I t l.li .11 ii..rlHUal!?iSiSW)IUl »tln .1 ! lo,....„«,Ui,5.ua., II. Ilw.ll MVI.MI.AII,.,I..^1^/W^S,*TV, ' Norfolk, Va. 1, JI.UI tlinply of Staintea Cotton Bayer* ami Broken In getting lowl it it la, nndusyoui Btocka, Ootton. Qraln anil Provls order. JOB PBJNTING of all ttrTs. lMvnfl'Wir'tfroJrciv York Chicago ami Kc* Orleans. Ile.ital .Surgeon, oi.iei. ,iwi> 1 iti .> 11.1 u 01 an ; .Tkrmis m HID luTest styles ami bwtr-, .• .„•<•.«_ / Greenville. W.OF '[workni-anliilk. \*k\Ml**< l ] It can't help but do you «*•«. T,„. ,1 U,tt^o„*„.^^,^j^, ^'"..^.jr.^^U^v.rM. Nwrl -nc» auei siivc iff&&jr&^rst£Sxir'^^^ (laaft I 1 ll llitil :' h gAnii 1^*9 ivlffln in t.ntiui" I'l'I ' ,,r »i* Hi "'r* f. .: ffVtlu 1 - m Siaiirt 5* fiiliKlm Hew Horniia.ii.aAVak'i Works, .'~v.ii llsiiuag Hy.ii.u.. AH trim is.;'asaantamba s.iooa ' A.kln-M fF, P, VEMAHkti, President <nt«n ftrr A>B PRINTING are J..L. WoOtCN [CHapel Hill, N-rth Carolina ATLANTIC COAST LINE BAILBOAD OO. oavim.vSEi) BCaSDULK flAIII 1,01 IU SOIJTI. Ik »AH"I K.T »•». >SW l.«r. W.lton Ar ll» kjMuunl U.T, l.rrxiru I.. Rookr MOODI I.U..VI, WII.U. I^.Te Salau. L. r»y. tlotlll. Ar Vlorunc. Ar O..M.-I..,I., I. v Oul.i.boro L. U.j ol'.. Al WlUulmftoB i'i a m 11 ?A A B r H I- K AMP'. mil 1 MIS IS P at. urn 1 loaiooS ;II IISIIS 1 sst so s II t it 1 1 at is III is I SO I It Pat AM IS) 111 I u II rtj A-.S THAINk UOINO MOHTB. u tb ibi at? as si il ?M & ll a IV PM (.« /lurooca IT PofatUTlllO !.*,»?• tMilmtv ArrlM WIUOB i.» Wllmloitoat I,v HMIM.III LT tiulrl.Uin !«• Wllswn Ar Rooky MoDDt A rrl T 0 TkUborO I<oa,ro Tarboro l,v Kuokr Hour I If!. 10 OP. Ik) «• in 10 m 11 « ISO AM PM A « 1011 IB 1 a) 11 T it t IT 11 at r M AM PM PM I U I M 11 So I. It 11 I U 100 II IS II M I III til I 10 II u I M I ST 11 10. Iteturolua laavnPay.llcTlll. 6 OX) p in, Hope Mills 6 at p Iti.l Sprin||> S si, Ar Wal.liin Ysdkln Dlrlsion Main Line—Train learsa Wllmln> ion 110am,arrive. Kayellevlle |2 *0p ra I.Mvr. K»y.lltvllle Vti'l, p in.arrivs. Ha>. fnnl 1 6S p ni Iteliirnlus leavea Hanford .1 .11 I 11.. .r live K.) i-tu-nll. 1 81) 11 ni leave FayelUvvllls 4 40 pm, arriTSS Wilmington 7 :W u ni ll.-n.,, tuvlll. Branch—Train leaves Ban nrilaville 8 10 s ni, Mmi.ni 8 06, a m, itad tiering. II 81 s m, Parktun 10 41 a. m. "(..pa Mills 10 U s m, arrl.e ;PayeUevllla 1. ni, Mail..111 IU |i n arrives 'Buiu.-uvilla S M a Connection! at Fayettetllle with train Na VM at Man..11 v.nil Hi,. Carolina Central Railroad, at II. I rlprlnip with the Red Hiirjngaa Bowiu.ire railroad, at Hanfnrd wlllillie Si'iil-iar.l Air I .Ins and rtnlilliern ll.vilvvay sl Hull with the Durham and (JhirliiUa Railroad Train on ID. bvollanri Naok bran, u RoaS I...... vv,.[.!,.1 1 IB ,, ra, 11.ill. 1 I a p a, ar rl.M S. ulland N«.k at I 10 p .... Ormii.lll. A II em i;iii»l,,ii 0 as 1.111 ll.turnlD|l.a.r. km.nia t M a in, Ureaartll. I 11 am, arrl.tna llalllaa al 11 ol * n>. Waldon II HJ am. dally vioep sssav. Train. "S H'a.lilngloe llran. I, laaT. Waab- Initoli M ft) a in and 1 45 p m, arrtve Parm.l. I ft a ni and I '.0 p m. raliiriUD. laa.e Parmala I II a 111 AI..I 5 «* i> 111, arrtv. Wa.tilnelaa lost a a. and I r i. m,.l.ilyei. n sumtir' Train leavei Tarb.iro dally eae.pl snndap al I Is p 0., suml.r 1 St ajt, artiTa. Plf- meiilti t lAp m S 10 p in, r.inrulDR. laarM 1 IJ- mouth dally, .loepl nundar, 1 m a in. .ml Sun da. 0 SO em,arrive.Tarboro lt|ear, 1100.OJ. Train oa Mi.llan.t N c h,..-n liatai Oolle I...in dally,eioapl Sunday. IS. B, arrlfiv. S.nllliSrlifsiO. m,ri.lnrnlii|i)Mv.i Smllktai Tina m errlveaalOoldiboruliee a. Trele oa Na.liTlllo llr.unlv leave am by Mnunl iliaiaim |i a, arlive N.iliv II. piaia 1.1.1 Up IB, .l.rllil ll,i|« II . a>, . tin llalunilkB Iwve Bprlaf II..ue 11 vki a mi It p a>. NaAirlle II II I a arrfve al Ho. MoeullSldam. I*, p m dally •v.i.pl Snnd.y. Trail on f'iiiii,m Hi... ii leevee Waraayr ros . Mn«oai d.lly. ...r.p. Hanilay,'. IS a m and I IS v ... vetarahii i...,ea OllaleS sl 1 OS . a. imi Trala Svtrtuak.. . !,* eoBaaeltoB Wet' dm K.raUHtfteNv.rlh dally, all ml. >la Hok aOaa 11 M. KMKBBON, (len'l Paaa. Agent J. It. KMNLT, OenT Manager. T. M. KMKBBON. Truffle MauaKSI solicited. Beat iroik 1 nsf^-kTikO DOIIM'T ill V* Hews TwiceBfeek -For $1 a Year THE EASTERN REFLECTOR. Twice 1 Week D. J. WHlGtfftlxD.EDITOR ftlJD QWfJBK TRUTH lQ FRBFEREQdE TO PWTIOI, TBKII.8. $L00 FBI, YEftlv IQ ftDVfilJiZE. Y0L. XXI. GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902. NO. (38. Tuesday and Friday $1 a Year Ricks & Wilkinson ALL SUMMER GOODS MUST WALK. We are anxious to sell—yea, but we are not so Ajnaious for money tbat we will jeopardize our business by offering stuff we cannot stand back of. We are as jealous of our good name as we are proud of our business. Come this weekend see how far a dollar bill will travel. Mr. Wilkinson is in the northern mar- kets buying Fall and Winter goods, and all summer goods must suffer great cuts. We mean carry over. B" & Wilkinson Bethel High School BETHEL, N. C. A strictly Hist class Fitting School for young Men and Young Women. Thoroughly equipped, Strictly non- Denominational, and Co educational. Prepares (or College, for Business, and for Life. Between 100 and 200 pupils Ibis year. Hook Keeping, Commercial Law, Mb..i i list ml. Typewriting and Music. Eeach course is under experienced and fully competent teachers. EXl'ENSES:",Tuitlon, 11.60 to 18.00, Board at Iff.00 to £7.00 per month. BETTIEL Hiail SCHOOL is situated in one of the most beautiful and healthful locations in Pitt county. Fall session opens September I. For cat- alogue and full information, address J. W. SHERRILL, Principal. The NEW STORE. B. Fleishman & Bro. Have opened in one store of the l'hoonix Building (whan linker ft Hart formerly kepi) with a full line of Clothing Dry Qoods, Shoes, Huls, (tents FumiahlDga, Notions, etc. Everything in stock is brand new and we are soiling at Prices to Astonish You. (five us a oall and be convinced that we can save money. B. Fleishman & Bro. , 1HI Alll.livlll-.l) IN l.Slitl. ] J. W. PI1Y & CD. Norfolk, Va. Cotton Factors anil handlers of Bagging, Ties aud Hags. Oorrespondeuco and shipments solicited. Dr. ID .1st. James, Dental Surgeon, Un«ju\llle, 1.0] Qreenville Male Academy Tbe Kill term of tills School will iH'giii.ou Moud.iy, Heptemlier 8, 1IMW. Only ti limit. .I number of IH.JS will lie taken this Kail, therefore those having buys which (bey wish to scud to Ibis xchonl would do well to see me. The work nud discipline of the school will eonlinue us It bun been heretofore under tbe present man- ngenieut. i oi partioulara apply to \V. II. ItAUSDALK, Principal. Orders for JOB PBINTINO aro solicited. Best woik. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. Urgr Attendance and Ores! Interest Manifested. Tbe Democratic township pri- maries were held Saturday at the various precincts in the county to elect delegates and alternates to tbe Oounty Convention to be held here Thursday, AUK 28ta to noui iuale magistrates and constables and elect township executive coin in it tees. Below wc give the proceedings of each township primary: IlKTHEI. TOWSMIH". S A Gainer, Chairman. B M Whiteburst, Secretary. Delegates: S M Jones, M A James, O I. Moore, Boot Slatoii, B M Wbltebnrat, T II Barnaul, VEBIaton, Julius Brown, M 0 Klount. Allcmates: S 8 Moore, W (i I.illle, J J Carson, T 11 Williams, II W Brown, J S Ilrown, 8 II Mar- tin, \V J Whilehuntt, S T Carson. Magistrates: S A Gainer, B M Whiteburst S C Whitehurst, 8 T Carton. Constable: Mc 0 Bullock. | Tbe strength of each caudid.ilc was lakeu al follows- Kenate:- J L Kleiiiiug, .'Jlij A I. Illow, 88, House of Representatives: -8 A Gainer, 42; Barnbill, 18. ReBisler of Deeds: B Williams, 13; T B Mooie, 9; I) II James, 1; J I, 8ugg, 4. Treasurer: J B Cherry, 29; & T While, 2.1. They unanimously endorsed I) i' Moore for ('leik Superior Court ami 0 W Harrington for Bhei ill". CAUOI.INA TOV. NHIIII". Meeting called to orilsr by W II Williams, Cbm, WJ Little,Scel'y. Delegates:—W K Waiien, J 8 Gray, J L Kobersoii, W B Wiiich- ard, 8 C Whichard, J H Boebtick, J II Keel, 8 A Oongleton, J A Whichard, .1 J Gray. Allernalc:—W B Koebuck, I I. Perkins, It L Butler, H II Gray, W L Nobles, J BCongleton, Thail ens Bodgerson, II »' Gray, J W Page, 1 II Little. Magistrates:-.! B Gray, W H Williams,. 8 0 Whichard. Constable:—J ll Wbitehnrst. Ex Committee:—J L Pcrkius, W U William, W J Little, J 8 Gray, W K Wnnvn. CONTKNTM;A TOWNSIIU'. Jesse Cam..ni, Cbairmau. KG Cox, Secretary. M puniinn NO. I. Delegates:—L A Cobb, J /. Brooks, It It Jackson, A It Horton, .1 It Spier, II L Illoiint, John I Pierce, Br, T B Allen, B Laug, '.aaniuel Miiniford, C T Tyson, W F Hail, lease Cannon, AMOSIIIS, Ltvfaytttl O0X| J M C Nelson, J W Cannon, K G Cox. Alternates:—H II Ivcs, Dr W W Dawson, J (', McLawliorn, II 0 Rodgers, H 0 Cannon, Dr C A lllount, It IS SiimereJI, Kichard Wingale, ('has Smith, Koberl W'oitbinglon, M K siimerell, J 1! Suiiili, A KGarris, J A Iliancli, Joseph Nelson, B ! Cox, Win Smith, J LOrifiiii. I-IIEI'INOT NO, 2. Delegates: LlWD Hobgooil, I. C I'lclcher, (has Mcl/'.whorn, A (I Out, Dr 11 T Cox, II K Ellis, G K Jackson. Alternates:—J J May, W 8 May, W II Wingate, Cbas l.angslon, It (1 Chapman, II I. Hamilton, Rich aril Worlblngton. PKBOTHOT NO. 1. Mngiht rales-. J .1 Stokes, I Allen, B J Brooks ,1 B Sugg. 1'ltECINlT NO. t. j M mow, c H Uogatoa. Constable: Joseph Mcbiiwhorn. I'lSECINlT No. I. Exeeulive Commillec; Jesse Cannon, Chairman, Asa Harris, 0 J Tinker, H L Hlonnt, J W Cau noil. After the Battle roll call, After heavy selling—Ili'.ken Lota. And broken lota Bean broken prices. and that is why we are having a Great Reduction Sale All Summer Goods arc marked down at special prices for special selling. Lawns, Dimities, Shirt- waists, Parasols, Fans, etc. Special lot Slippers and Oxfords-==Ladies\ Misses' and Children's. Some of these are worth |l.ff". We give you your choice for 39c. A word to the wise is bettor than a Webster's Dic- tionary to tbe otherwise. Attend this Bnd-of-the-Season Sale today and ^'ei your share, of (he bargains at Commute at 3 o'clock P. at. W I. Noble-. Secretary. Delegates:—J K Davenport. M T Spier, J I Moore, J A Harris. Alternates:—David Hymaa, W I. Nobles, W T Mason, 0 E Brad; ley. JUSIICIS:—J J Moore, W II Boss. M A Barris. Constable:—J B Overton. Executive Committee:—J B Lit- tle. D H James, B B Satterthwaite, .1 i; Barnbill, H M Jones. Motion was tn,i.Ie and earried thai delegates lie instroeted io cast Paotolnt vote lor D H James Beg liter of Deeds, J B Little lor the Howe ..I Itepretentatlves, .1 l! Barnbill lorCouuiy Oommlssioner aud J. I.. Fleming for the Senate. SWIFT CREEK IDWS-iiir. E s l.augklnghouse Cbm, LB Mewborn Bee, Delegatea: KS Laogbioglionse, W !•' Haul iug, M M Kwell, i .inaily Moore, M 0 Smith, .1 J Moore, B A Gard- ner, J A Hardy, Jesae A Blokes, Jesse Hardy. Alleruales: H .1 Williams, W B Bland, Abiam J Hardy, J B Stocks, N. II WbitforJ. Job Moore, Floyd Hamilton, G W Gardner, A B Garris, W II tCUpatricIc, Magistrates! I-' Balding, liuftis M Elks, L I> Pbelp-, Bobl. Smith. The executive committee was eieiied a* follows: J Marshall Cox Chairman. JJ Elks, Alston Grime-. W K Clark, W E Proctor. FW.KI.AM> TOWNsnil'. The primary was called to order by John Smith. Chairman, aud F. G. Dupiee was elected Secretary. Delegates:—.! .' Cook, Jno 8 Hani-, John King, Jonas Dilda, Dr J Moirill, It J Little, B B Cot- tou, Ellis Jobnsou and J B Dozier. Alternates:—P S Cotton, J L Fouulain, F G Ditprce. G W Sal- let-Held, 0 H Batter, J H Smith, W H Moore, W T Pierce, T L Williams. Magistrates!—J 1! Doxier, It A I'oiiiitaiu, T G Dupiee and S M Crisp. C.in-lable:—G V .Smith. Executive Committee:—J H Smith, Chairman, J I. Fountain, i: It Gotten, l'G Dopree and T L Williams. About The Dance. Dancing is Ihe chief source of amusement among all savage 11 n.es. more savage ami uncivilized be Half Gallon, per dozen, 85c. "«"«« * ' H ' ~ Paul S Moore, J A Hardy. Quarts, per dozen, 60c. J. B. Cherry & Co. The Only Department Stcrs in GREENVILLE. i-iir.iiNiT so. 2. ry. A G Cox, Chairman| Di B Tj SOUTH HIDE BIVBII. Cox, II BElite, Cbas McLawhorn, Delegates:—J. B. Hester, J. W. J J May. Tucker, M. G. Move, Paul Har The strength of DO candidate was rington, ll. H. Allen, B. W. Tuck tajt,,,,, er, Josepbus Moye, A. 8 Walker,) l-'VUMvll.l.K. .Noah Forbes, B. L. Little, V. M.l B M Lewis Chin. Whiehai.l. A Worlhingtou and J B TogWCll Sec. Joseph Tripp. Delegates: Altematcs:—J. W. Smith, W. 0 L Barrett, B I. Davis, W BE. Nichols, Harvey Allen, W. 8. Ilorne, J W Parker, W E Hoyce,' Brooks, Jas. Evans, J. W. Yin ,1 BTugwell, A .1 Flanagan, J Tleant, John W. Tripp, G, Tucker, Bandy,J.TLewis. B. H. Hardee, Augustus Forbee, Justice of Pciiee:—C I. Barrett,'< . A. Tucker. J. W. Brooks and A.! Flanagan, BM Lewis, and 1! W. O. Vincenl. Noi.'Tll SIDE RIVER. Delegates: —'-' F. Fleming, J J UarrlugtOD, J J .lotus, David Hud- ley, W J Briley and W K Mooro. Alleruiitcs:—W J Vainrlgbt, K s Dlxou, Peter Flaming, Elihu Briley, Ashley Whichard, Asa TOWN. Delegates:—W B Parker, Cbas. B Bynum. Constable: It K Belcher. Ex-Conuniltee: 0 I. Barrett ohm, U L Davis, W B Home, B M Lewis and W V. Il.ij.e. liUKKNVII.l.K TOWMUIP. The meeting waa called lo order Spniu. al .1 o'clock P. M. by F. C. Hard- ing. H. W. Wheilbcc was elected | chairman and W. c. Vlnoanl, , 1 ' 1 '. |: - » «W> •''• (J B ll: ""-- J. D. Gardner and.I. B. Harding I '' Ar r, ,1 (I Moje, W I wire sleeted tecrelariet by accla- Harding. J I.Btarkey, J BOorey, i: i: Grlfliu, C C Vines, II I, Cow million. ' ' The motion thai Ihe strength of ard, V « Harding, Joe bawls, each cididalc U- taken at the, AHermile.-H I. Carr. J L W 00- same time was carried, and the l<». W L Brown, B W King, t 1 vote resiilleil as follows: , W*»i u ''' T > s ""' 8 S " ,i "'- F.irSenaloi:-Ji.s. L. Fleming," White, KG Flanagan, 1(17; A, L.BlOW, 1(13; J. .1. Laugh "' liighotise, 30. For lloimeof He|.iesenlalives:— II. T. ,1. I>. Cox, ill; L J. Chapman,.">l ;| 8. A. Gaircr, li; C. J. Tucker, I; H. It. Cot leu, I; J. J. Laughing- w II 0 While. K G II A I Mi , W II Long. For Muglal rules: A Wottblu Constable: Lewis H Cox. Ex-Committee: Previiiet No 1: I. B afewboru chin. KB l/aughiugboaae, C P Moore. MO Smith, W II Kilpal liek. Pleeini-t No 2, W B Bland, W OUox, .1 J Moore, .1 A Hardy, B A Gardner. i!KA\i;it rtaM TowNsiur. Deiogatea:—Ivy Smllb, W H Klka, s V Joynei, 1) L Crawford, J ! ' Allen. Alternate!—Jesse Smith, J B Joyner, 0 A Nichols, I' M Smith, It L Nichols. Magistrates: W 0 Joyner, I A Nichols, J H Cobb. Constable:—B A Willougbby, IIELYOIK TnM NslllH D •' Barrow, Chairman, W W Bullock, Secretary. Delegates:—JJ llathoway. Jr. D c Barrow, Charlie Parker, It W Faithful. Alternates:— W A Hyman, Bicbaril Harris, Thad Parker. Kl> llathoway, Magtetmtaai—D C Barrow, w W Bullock. () ll Hatbowaj. i 111...I) TOWNSHIP, The ci.i.i.d primary was held las) Saturday at 8 p. m. with J. J. Klka, i ii.iirinaii, Alston Crimea, Secretary. The delegation was instructed for.!.J, Laughlughouse as State Senator and J J Klka for member of ibe Hoard ..I Count} Commis- sioners. Tbe sl relight of the camii.laics lot Itegiater of Deeds was taken and ihe vote stood T B Moore 58, Itii-banl Williams 30 l.anier I. I'he following were selected us Magistrates: Alston Grimes, W I, Woolen, J Marshall Col and C F Cbapman I ItGallOWay, Constable. Delegatea: .1 BGalloway, J II Mills, H ll the people the more popular Ihe dance. The dance is not the prod- uct of a bighlj cultured people, but a relic of a former age of men- ial and moral weakness. This fact is worth the careful study of Christ inn-.—The Chiiitinn al Work. Uivjvr St. l -l,n. Tbe bulletin of ihe stale board ol" health says thai in July measles prevailed in 21 counties, whisipiug cough ill 25: scarlet fever in 9; ty- phoid fever in 5.1; nialaiial fever in 28) hemorrhagio fever in 4; smallpox ill 12—Canidcn, ('alter- ed, Catawba (18 cases), Gaston, McDowell, Mecklenburg, North- t lampion, Bocklngham, Kutberfonl, Burry, Wilson aud Yadkiu. They arc Striking lots of oil in Louisiana these days. A well was bon d al Welsh, a new locality, and before they got ready to "turn it in" a few days ago il turned it- self in. and with I great lush of oil and gas, blew the piping out and blew the derrick all to pieces. After hud work they got it muz- zled and think they have "tho greatest gusher in ihe world."— Wilmington Star. A real estate dealer in Maine his an advertisement ju the New York Journal of lands for sale aud olli line; great inducements to set- Hers. S.ine of Ihe advantages ot Ihe locality set forth by him are Dial there arc "no Hies, no mosqui- toes and no negroes" in the locali- ty, li..w ihe northern negropbo- lists would sneer aud howl if such SO advertisement should appear in a southern paper. No southern man would think for a moment of holding out ihe absence of ncgiocs in the seel ion as all inducement lo would-be purchasers, Vei the nc- ( ni is I..1.1 lhat these northerners are more friendly to bin than the northern whitea.— Wilmington Mosscuifcr, Pioctor, w F Carroll, J J Klka, C ! 239; J. B Little, 31B;| tol> > J •' Jenkins, Frank Randolph,! M joncs, .1 Marshall Cox, VV 1 W I Valnrlgbl, CD Konntree, B Wouicn. W L Clark, Alston G Flauiigiiu, Grimes, J B Tucker, .1 3 Oakley, For Th. domed 6. W. Harrington foi Sher ill and D. ('. Moore for Clerk of 188) Constable:—.1 W Tucker. piimiiy unauimousl) on An low.i woman haalnamed her lv in daughters Gaaolvue and Ker- osene, ii win be dangeroat io -park 'em. Committed—W L house, 1. Treasurer.—J. B. Cherry, 8. T. While, 229. Register of Dccds:-T. K. Moore, |8iiperioi t oiul. HI; It. Williams, Jr., 99; J. L. B»«0»Hva C g nn{ , TI; J 0. Lnuier, 40; O. ('.»•»«"• W " Ratjadale, J \\ Viu Jrobtea, s, D. II. James, i. «•»». •' J Harrington, W R Par The dillercnl precincts then ad- "IT. joinned and selected Ibe foHowlog] PACTOU1 TOWNauiP. lilt Of delegutes and alternates i Haollug called to order by J It which weie elected by the pr.ma-1 Lillle, Chairman ol" Executive N i, Smith, Jesse n Smith, W l Tu.kcr, Henry Dixon, Sh.ab Stocks, J Bryuul Williams and Ed Dixon. Alternate-. W V. Proctor, G W Venters, 1. A Arnold, 1 A Mills, W alUoort). 0 A Klka, c 1! Buck, W 11 Gallo way, .1 K McU > in, V F Chap man, I. E Blcks, .1 >'in I. Cot Hardy Btokw, Law It Hdwardt John liaskiiis, Bd Uollldays, Constipation Docs your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver I Aycr's Pills arc liver pills. They cure consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia. lie. All dniJlUl... "i ~, : a in ...iiinl BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMtV

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    Have You Forgot? What? jn\T 1 AST STILL CARRYING AN CP-TODATE LINE OF Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware m* Aim A NL'MBKU OV OTHEB THING


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    Jas. B. White- ILL. CAM

    So Tired II may be from overwoHt, Mt the chance* ar* Hs from an In- active LIVFR— i -*

    With a well conducted LIVLK one con do mountains of labor without fatigue.

    It adds ahundred per cent iv ones earning capacity.

    It cap be kept in healthful actioo b\, and only by

    Tuft's Pills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE.


    A Convention of the Democratic party of Pill county is hereby call- ed to meet in the Court House iu Greenville on Thursday, Angus! 28th, 1902 at 11 o'clock A. M. tor lhe purpose of nominating candi date- for liie Legislature ami the several loiinty office*.

    Township primalies will be held at the usual meeting places iu the townships Batuiday. August 23rd, 1903, at :i o'clock P. M. for the pw

    ICVnilU/ll, DHT ' -'-I"- -iiful.>f Mealeaii MaatHM Mo- lr IUU nlLLrUI Uaemt iai. u HI .-- 1...11 lull ol »u«-r»nd with luu earulo your Utrgal oftaa 11 will ijniciuy cura a Bare llu >*».


    in ms*m Next 'i.,vi :.) h....-.-. V\ ilkiiiaon.

    For JfaUs, Lock*, Hitufes, Doors, Windows, Paints, Rope, Hatnes, Collars, PIOU'S, Sh0V6l8 'i am* in Pif»ii Hi.'-.

    :S '. >

    ■"he Oi iii- Trani portal inn Uhmpajty WM inoerp irated today to rnua line apand down Hoccaaio river from New Born. The head-

    '"\'llr^™'f'':t?y*.."?\ **•* TUr WANT lIOMlert tf» tiarlflM. PM «">»U' >£. ATJ._>. *#»;< «v Jl>»> Ifctttfl, ttrucfriM, frofflfltMUI, !ty, AU,\ the wjitiil i« $S. IUU.—

    l flr-- Wto Ntw* ftOlfterver. 'l. -Mfc •*•*-. ■( (Vl«(^tt

    1 Vtltll 1 '..»*.• -■»... .1* B>I»I*J » . k't*.mi(.l A t v. I.lii k'hl ''. «. . *V. flrf lit*. *•>.

    •v.'* •#■ •tlflMtk.t t Mi. • . fc" ■>*>• ..»i*l •» gal IU 1 ■ IKI in »*il fc 1 f-U Mi 1 : i in 111 !■    .it. ;•■ ,*■ »»i U.. '•;., . 1 ikMj ..I far i,.%i«t, i- •, k.11,.,1 in

    I r-.«. !«.»•. a.) »lup«plw mil ..'..'■•• g( • .1 »' « >dt 1. [• '•

    :.. rttti flUlbt I »-■» L.-. ** , .. t : - kfl .. M .-• M n . k-f;• ho

    Mrs. L. H. WHITE,

    Keep this fact alteaTS fresh in your iiiemorT:—

    1 .• Cuts, Mashes cud all Open Sores, you Deed only to apply

    ff)exic«n f0u8lBi)| ^inimenf B f « limes and the soreness and inlhninialioii will be conquered and toe wounded ile.-li healed.

    TogntthoueatreaBlljyou lllOUkl saturate a pleat of soft cloth with tlio liniment ami hind k opos the Wound ud vou M'niild a poultice,

    2.V., OOe, Mi ?1.00 u l«nir.

    i/.-.-n au rVC All v.iviri.'iiilry o!il 1 I 11. MT; Hn>t.^nnf KEEr AN tit UN )pala -on off his bands into bl. eyes ami foi' a wbile we were iiliaul lie iiinilil lo-e nis sight, l-'inall* a neigh* i>or recommended lieWiit. Wlteh ll«/.el Salvo. Tl.e tii-si gpplb'ation lu'l|ieil him ami in u feu days he was n. weil us ever." for skin dlneaws, eiits. liut'iis. sealiis, wounds, inaeol bites, HeWitt's Witch llasel Halve U cure. Itelieves |lflea at once. Ueware of counlei'feils, John 1.. woolen.

    Third Farm, ill0acres, about half cleared, with good tenant houses, tobacco barns and orchards. About half thin farm is low ground, which is good corn land, and suilnble for pasturage. Finn place for man wanting to raise beaf, cotton, or ,•!.•> a dairy, as well •? for general farmlag.

    Apply lo

    J. M. BEATY, Saaittifleld, N. 0.

    ,.-;1-V,""l,"M' -[AilieriCaaailfl Italian marDie Wholee»ieanareta.llOri«er»nd ru*Mii'i. ;,.»•»:*.'1." '!'»*'.o'l' .'.►! OHi KINVILLB, N,c. j(.uruUnro Dealer. Csab paid fbi "-1,1.1 ,:..., ... .1. icspiaiat mi »V«r« end Iran F«atc Said. Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar- ,,s» J.I... ,• IM psayvr «f Ittt ,».»■ frVst-l'lMi nerk »»>l prisr. ■......,., re't-, Turkeyi, Egg, ele. Bed

    II »« gr» '• "Weal -»'t i »u .«.( .» .(.rssiiis. ; y^.ts. Mattresses, Oak Bulta, lia f — ; l>» Collages, Co Carts, Parlor

    ' NtttfS to Creditors. !»"?,■ Tf'"-, l;,:l"!»-".- .»% « . . 1 Iborillurd and Gail & Ax Suufl, ! I.. .:.i- i.uai.r^ii li (1 ie li.' 1 .1;. ' '' IPgh l.ifcTohaci o, Key West Cbe-

    3lliniM«IUS lot Welief. |»» -nperH»rC«mnuf I'lHctiuuty -'r,„,t-., Henry George Civsr, Can-

    I ,.„ 1, .!.«.'. ri 1MB. L. i kkATt r'.

    . . . n . In ItCOIH . .

    ,-ii'l I it ..'•!.•.


    r l UUI't.

    .-.is. In). !.«»'- .aN ...

    .-I.., k. , iJu beiHi- #. ■ 

    »i'.-i. • 1'alias ■ < ■ w-i.' I'ai t......i

    bit ll r.l 111 I .'• I'. k- • • » ..H ... .'I ; • .1 It

    ■M'I. a.% a; I* tl,* •< pK,«|n r li at ...? ' riii1

    tiaytrioi ♦.« • 'fc'tfc •« -••■ i' -.alia M u.r »l P'|'l«riilei H .', ai "l.nii i.Iai T» 1 'i 111 SpPlS' Hi'l ' »' IM -u '.'* »S 11 111 !• Ml .' V ' Hrl '. 1 a>is)il ".'i !»' ••. in UK •"•'

    dirca •sn« «r la. si 11 it ■■ 1 f»i. .is .-. u^a. - »i • . 11' .»• ■ - - o'« >*in.i .it pl« «i * «.n »li h "• ...1 rev r;« nrtral dwmuMf . .11 ikn i*iif.nn.l. I' « MiKiRg

    1 >.■• '. gufSt let ' as-1

    lor of the last will and b-lunnnl' i>...„.ii«, . ' • iliinin WbiMfSd, .i-.ii. ;i id ""' « I'" j ••-■!'••'"e", APP»». i>k!iu:>i,i:ir i,a ... 1 1 nne Anplea, Byrup, Jelly, Milk, . - ,..i in w.. 1 li ibj mill all in Flout dugar, I'..flee, Meal,Soap, >I.I« noising .jalnui against Iherstab Ly, 'i.igic l'ood, Matches, Oil,

    p:, K ifr'St .K. ■'.'• " ***? r,lvMoal ""a *&&£ t».u. *a .1- btfiiiv tU iHth iv of d*U needs, Oranges, Apple-, Nub., i».'. itm.i, m 11.1. not » ', »il Dandles, Dried Apples, Peaches, .a SM »: .1,11 i\,,e.,i . ,11 |*I-I • I'IUII,... Currents, Kaiaius, Glass

    Obedience, submiattoDi disci pline, coinage—these are among Ihe things which make a man.

    II Natda a Tonic. There an' times when your liver

    in-ciW a tonic. Don't give purgatives thai nrl|M ami w.akiu. Drwltt's! I.itiU-1 aid) Hi-. 1 - 1 »|H ! nil poison Iron, the h\-li in mill Bel as tonii- to. Ihe liver.' \\ . Si oil. all I Highland ! »ve., Milton. i'a.. Bays: " I have! earried lieWii"-l.uiie Karly Itisers] with in. tor ...vi nil years 11ml would I 111 t 11, without thiin." Sun II Bud IUSV to lake. Purely vegetable. They m,* r grille or distress. John I., woolen.

    The n.an w I10 is trying to keep, up with the I'aBhijus bus little time' to 1I0 any useful work,

    The Baptist Female University

    ^c-; In tlio luiirt «»f RaMgh.VttftM Rfift iwuliloikior the rhiirehco. tin-

    I i.uvcnior'- in.iii»roli. Ibt: Cgi|ii|i>l kii>( the MbrSTlM. N« w Kunm-li- IM- Mini Dutil, Foil huiMiii*.". T«"nty lh"«« Oilcan ud TtMk- rr-1 five nii'ii antl i'ijlitt i u womeii) Wi'll ri|iil|i|ujil I liriitlnil iind l(li> .- Jl 1*1 IjlloiniltitlS", Mll-lat 1 ste-

    al nll| i-l IVO nun iiinl foBI Winurii. ^ : ■   Twe.fi ill-iltiii s>\ 1-. In.ii.i 1 by Lolvwillf Ha U i n ■ml mi- I PRlM, lUMlmU '«if'l t»r l»| jjj I.ai|j Prlnolpil, lj»ily !*:.> -1. latn, if M-ifroti ami Nnr»i', Full I.iicrstrf ■   Co*w, Iftcliirlhil ill ffoi

    $167.50 per Session I'.-i (urlie r litt rmiinnh. IddaM ^S

    A Ngcettarff Precaution. Biaki

    Ta.» mt «i«t iiaj of July, i'."'-. Ware, Cakes and crackers, Han

    lints Bar >lu>a 1 ■.a.t,,,,, I,...I I'.vilaas:/ 1 »"»*^ps..j umn U.K. PtlUl

    II..I, I 1.. . . 1 ,1 1 old. It is wol'se .. 1 than ni.iiii .i-niii. it is dangerous.

    li. J.111I.11. kMeuioi. raul, Cbeeae, Bail Bulter, New I it> „.,„,, , Minute rough 1 irvytni 1 Hoyal .Sening Machines, and nn can ours ll at once. Always InlUm-

    merons otber goods. Ouulily and mallon, clears ll ad, soothes and li.-t.G.iiliH-| FiriMil Newspaper. Quantity. Cheap for cash. fJoro IZ^!:;::^:.^:^^::^

    The Charlotte Obier?tt.,OM,w' ETERY IAY IN THE YEAR. S. M- Schnltz

    CAlBWBU a. TOMPRINS, Publishsn. JWlOIH 66 J. P. CALDWELL, Editor. -

    i I lil-es 1 oil 1. 1 troubles, Absolutely sale. Act. ine mediately, L bllriren like It, Jno. I.

    I ivootau."

    .•s. .0 I'EK VilU,

    Tin: tilisiliiVKi; Receives tin lingisi lelegrapnlc news larvloe delivered In any paper between Washington and Atlanta, and t's s|n i i.ti set •. ice is 1 be ^n atesl ever bundled by .1 North Caro- lina paper.

    WINTIERVILLR »'. p I'olau I

    '11, it i .1 named will lake Bi t.v ll ni sn r ;. 1 * ilsivc lias l.i 1 l- : 11.r1.1- 1 II llio ftlllsirlor 'ollll «i

    I I uiiinly hj. | I ] .... 11 In iiii.i 11 1] v . I; ... 1! li. lai.t 1 l-.ill IhC

    - nteu 1 i.'-i iii Ilia ittnplainl, snd : • ill fiirllu 1 ■        1 1 .

    tLiil sc 1- rv'| ..11-I 1 ■ -i, ; ■ 0 1 Ilit 1 < 1 . ilit superior 1 ol I.IIKI,, 1 in.. Hi 1 Huiiiiaylii Be)ilem- itlfc SUNDAY OBSERVE!, noil-

    iti '■    1 ii • 1.1 slats of Iti 01 mote pagos, and is! in lltccavllle. M. (' and answer ot dtuur; |n ;l |;;u,. extent wade 1111 ofl i..- tin comulau| m .11 aeltnri, 1 in. ,. ,,„,,', ,,,,.. Irintntin wilt.r,.|] m in. 1 t lor orlgmal matter. "■'' - v...!.,,.., .io.i..|.i.iint. LHE SEMI WKEKLY OBSKIIV

    n,i-ti-..th.uy..i.h,«v-.i^|i;; ,,,, pr,ntol ^ewiayand Prldai (Ottk ttfp*i>r (tsirt. . #i|a-r.\.ar. The largest paper HI Noiih Gaiolina.

    I'orly live bales of eollou were received ou Ihe miitkel yisleiday, lllosl uf it lietlig lien 1 top. On Ihe

    same day In .t yc.11 not a single

    HIGH SCHOOL ''i'1'-;-"- i.«»««re.~wii«iBf. ton Slur.

    R.T. VANN, Raleigh. N.C.


    t Mb is V>h -Militate mid undergraduate courses of sliuly, new library facil- ities, laboratory tonlp- nunil and gymnnsiiiiu. Number ot sluileuts dou- bled iu li years. Large number of scholarships awarded annually. Iiosut made lo worthy btudeuls. l-.ipi 11-1 - very moderale.

    For catulo^us, adtlresa D. W. NEVVSOM, REGISTRAR.

    Ibis a large e-uniiinilii.us school building, well • iiiiippodjtwu large Dorm- toilet ou ihe school grounds, 1 Vum -. 1 uf ia- -11 .1. lion an : I.it 1..1.V, Music 11 ml Ait. I hi.ioitgh leu liirg ill e\ 11} De|il. i'.Hillly of tin leaeliers. Iballli IIud i.toi.ils of tile , .II^- ni I'M-eiii 1 Board •i per month Tuition 1 in 1 Mslil liable, Send for l\ilnla_ne.

    Slow Starvation

    mi m. 1 is: (i. I.. MNEBGRRV, Pfln.t Sample coniM tout on applUutlou.1

    , AddtWH nrx OUSEUVKU, fll.irlolle. \ C I I >r. I >. I J. rlitriit's,

    U the fate of sufferers from dysnpTillt «nd 1 nfl tr food renialoi undlgesjed ll sao In fact, 11 does urtnal ilainaif.'by deoaylrig la the

    If your food remains undlgcsiefl b 1 iti .> 11.1 u 01 an ; .Tkrmis m HID luTest styles ami bwtr-, .• .„•SW

    l.«r. W.lton Ar ll» kjMuunl

    U.T, l.rrxiru I.. Rookr MOODI I.U..VI, WII.U. I^.Te Salau. L. r»y. tlotlll. Ar Vlorunc.

    Ar O..M.-I..,I., I. v Oul.i.boro L. U.j ol'.. Al WlUulmftoB

    i'i a m 11 ?A A B r H I- K AMP'. mil

    1 MIS IS P at. urn 1 ■ loaiooS ;II IISIIS 1 sst so s II t it 1 ■ 1 at i« is III is I SO I It Pat AM

    IS) 111 I u • ■ II

    rtj A-.S THAINk UOINO MOHTB. u

    tb ibi at? as si il ?M & ll a IV PM

    (.« /lurooca IT PofatUTlllO !.*,»?• tMilmtv ArrlM WIUOB

    i.» Wllmloitoat I,v HMIM.III LT tiulrl.Uin

    !«•▼• Wllswn Ar Rooky MoDDt A rrl T 0 TkUborO I S si,

    Ar Wal.liin Ysdkln Dlrlsion

    Main Line—Train learsa Wllmln> ion 110am,arrive. Kayellevlle |2 *0p ra I.Mvr. K»y.lltvllle Vti'l, p in.arrivs. Ha>. fnnl 1 6S p ni Iteliirnlus leavea Hanford .1 .11 I■ 11.. .r live K.) i-tu-nll. 1 81) 11 ni leave FayelUvvllls 4 40 pm, arriTSS Wilmington 7 :W u ni

    ll.-n.,, tuvlll. Branch—Train leaves Ban nrilaville 8 10 s ni, Mmi.ni 8 06, a m, itad tiering. II 81 s m, Parktun 10 41 a. m. "■(..pa Mills 10 U s m, arrl.e ;PayeUevllla

    1. ni, Mail..111 IU |i n arrives 'Buiu.-uvilla S M a ■ 

    Connection! at Fayettetllle with train Na VM at Man..11 v.nil Hi,. Carolina Central Railroad, at II. I rlprlnip with the Red Hiirjngaa Bowiu.ire railroad, at Hanfnrd wlllillie Si'iil-iar.l Air I .Ins and rtnlilliern ll.vilvvay sl Hull with the Durham and (JhirliiUa Railroad

    Train on ID. bvollanri Naok bran, u RoaS I...... vv,.[.!,.1 1 IB ,, ra, 11.ill. 1 I a p a, ar rl.M S. ulland N«.k at I 10 p .... Ormii.lll. A II em i;iii»l,,ii 0 as 1.111 ll.turnlD|l.a.r. km.nia t M a in, Ureaartll. I 11 am, arrl.tna llalllaa al 11 ol * n>. Waldon II HJ am. dally vioep ■sssav.

    Train. "S H'a.lilngloe llran. I, laaT. Waab- Initoli M ft) a in and 1 45 p m, arrtve Parm.l. I ft a ni and I '.0 p m. raliiriUD. laa.e Parmala I II a 111 AI..I 5 «* i> 111, arrtv. Wa.tilnelaa lost a a. and I r i. m,.l.ilyei. n sumtir'

    Train leavei Tarb.iro dally eae.pl snndap al I Is p 0., suml.r 1 St ajt, artiTa. Plf- meiilti t lAp m S 10 p in, r.inrulDR. laarM 1 IJ- mouth dally, .loepl nundar, 1 m a in. .ml Sun da. 0 SO em,arrive.Tarboro lt|ear, 1100.OJ.

    Train oa Mi.llan.t N c h,..-n liatai Oolle I...in dally,eioapl Sunday. IS. B, arrlfiv. S.nllliSrlifsiO. m,ri.lnrnlii|i)Mv.i Smllktai Tina m errlveaalOoldiboruliee a.

    Trele oa Na.liTlllo llr.unlv leave am by Mnunl iliaiaim |i a, arlive N.iliv II. piaia 1.1.1 Up IB, .l.rllil ll,i|« II . a>, . • tin llalunilkB Iwve Bprlaf II..ue 11 vki a mi

    It p a>. NaAirlle II II I a arrfve al Ho. k» MoeullSldam. I*, p m dally •v.i.pl Snnd.y.

    Trail on f'iiiii,m Hi... ii leevee Waraayr ros . Mn«oai d.lly. ...r.p. Hanilay,'. IS a m and I IS v ... vetarahii i...,ea OllaleS sl 1 OS . a. imi

    Trala Svtrtuak.. . !,*■• eoBaaeltoB Wet' dm K.raUHtfteNv.rlh dally, all ml. >la Hok aOaa

    11 M. KMKBBON, (len'l Paaa. Agent

    J. It. KMNLT, OenT Manager. T. M. KMKBBON. Truffle MauaKSI

    solicited. Beat iroik 1

    nsf^-kTikO DOIIM'T

    ill V* Hews



    $1 a Year


    TBKII.8. $L00 FBI, YEftlv IQ ftDVfilJiZE.


    Tuesday and Friday

    $1 a Year

    Ricks & Wilkinson


    We are anxious to sell—yea, but we are not

    so Ajnaious for money tbat we will jeopardize

    our business by offering stuff we cannot stand

    back of. We are as jealous of our good name

    as we are proud of our business. Come this

    weekend see how far a dollar bill will travel.

    Mr. Wilkinson is in the northern mar- kets buying Fall and Winter goods, and all summer goods must suffer great cuts. We mean carry over.

    B" & Wilkinson Bethel High School

    BETHEL, N. C. A strictly Hist class Fitting School for young Men and Young Women. Thoroughly equipped, Strictly non- Denominational, and Co educational. Prepares (or College, for Business, and for Life. Between 100 and 200 pupils Ibis year. Hook Keeping, Commercial Law, Mb..i■ i list ml. Typewriting and Music. Eeach course is under experienced and fully competent teachers. EXl'ENSES:",Tuitlon, 11.60 to 18.00, Board at Iff.00 to £7.00 per month.

    BETTIEL Hiail SCHOOL is situated in one of the most beautiful and healthful locations in Pitt county. Fall session opens September I. For cat- alogue and full information, address

    J. W. SHERRILL, Principal.

    The NEW STORE. B. Fleishman & Bro.

    Have opened in one store of the l'hoonix Building (whan linker ft Hart formerly kepi) with a full line of Clothing Dry Qoods, Shoes, Huls, (tents FumiahlDga, Notions, etc.

    Everything in stock is brand new and we are soiling at

    Prices to Astonish You. (five us a oall and be convinced that we can save money.

    B. Fleishman & Bro.

    , 1HI Alll.livlll-.l) IN l.Slitl. ]

    J. W. PI1Y & CD. Norfolk, Va.

    Cotton Factors anil handlers of Bagging, Ties aud Hags.

    Oorrespondeuco and shipments solicited.

    Dr. ID .1st. James, Dental Surgeon,

    Un«ju\llle, 1.0]

    Qreenville Male Academy Tbe Kill term of tills School will

    iH'giii.ou Moud.iy, Heptemlier 8, 1IMW.

    Only ti limit. .I number of IH.JS will lie taken this Kail, therefore those having buys which (bey wish to scud to Ibis xchonl would do well to see me.

    The work nud discipline of the school will eonlinue us It bun been heretofore under tbe present man- ngenieut.

    i oi partioulara apply to \V. II. ItAUSDALK,


    Orders for JOB PBINTINO aro solicited. Best woik.


    Urgr Attendance and Ores! Interest Manifested.

    Tbe Democratic township pri- maries were held Saturday at the various precincts in the county to elect delegates and alternates to tbe Oounty Convention to be held here Thursday, AUK 28ta to noui iuale magistrates and constables and elect township executive coin in it tees.

    Below wc give the proceedings of each township primary:


    S A Gainer, Chairman. B M Whiteburst, Secretary. Delegates: S M Jones, M A

    James, O I. Moore, Boot Slatoii, B M Wbltebnrat, T II Barnaul, VEBIaton, Julius Brown, M 0 Klount.

    Allcmates: S 8 Moore, W (i I.illle, J J Carson, T 11 Williams, II W Brown, J S Ilrown, 8 II Mar- tin, \V J Whilehuntt, S T Carson.

    Magistrates: S A Gainer, B M Whiteburst S C Whitehurst, 8 T Carton.

    Constable: Mc 0 Bullock. | Tbe strength of each caudid.ilc was lakeu al follows-

    Kenate:- J L Kleiiiiug, .'Jlij A I. Illow, 88,

    House of Representatives: -8 A Gainer, 42; Barnbill, 18.

    ReBisler of Deeds: B Williams, ■13; T B Mooie, 9; I) II James, 1; J I, 8ugg, 4.

    Treasurer: J B Cherry, 29; & T While, 2.1.

    They unanimously endorsed I) i' Moore for ('leik Superior Court ami 0 W Harrington for Bhei ill".


    Meeting called to orilsr by W II Williams, Cbm, WJ Little,Scel'y.

    Delegates:—W K Waiien, J 8 Gray, J L Kobersoii, W B Wiiich- ard, 8 C Whichard, J H Boebtick, J II Keel, 8 A Oongleton, J A Whichard, .1 J Gray.

    Allernalc:—W B Koebuck, I I. Perkins, It L Butler, H II Gray, W L Nobles, J BCongleton, Thail ens Bodgerson, II »' Gray, J W Page, 1 II Little.

    Magistrates:-.! B Gray, W H Williams,. 8 0 Whichard.

    Constable:—J ll Wbitehnrst. Ex Committee:—J L Pcrkius,

    W U William, W J Little, J 8 Gray, W K Wnnvn.


    Jesse Cam..ni, Cbairmau. KG Cox, Secretary.

    M puniinn NO. I. Delegates:—L A Cobb, J /.

    Brooks, It It Jackson, A It Horton, .1 It Spier, II L Illoiint, John

    I Pierce, Br, T B Allen, B Laug, '.aaniuel Miiniford, C T Tyson, W F Hail, lease Cannon, AMOSIIIS, Ltvfaytttl O0X| J M C Nelson, J W Cannon, K G Cox.

    Alternates:—H II Ivcs, Dr W W Dawson, J (', McLawliorn, II 0 Rodgers, H 0 Cannon, Dr C A lllount, It IS SiimereJI, Kichard Wingale, ('has Smith, Koberl W'oitbinglon, M K siimerell, J 1! Suiiili, A KGarris, J A Iliancli, Joseph Nelson, B !■ Cox, Win Smith, J LOrifiiii.

    I-IIEI'INOT NO, 2.

    Delegates: — LlWD Hobgooil, I. C I'lclcher, (has Mcl/'.whorn, A (I Out, Dr 11 T Cox, II K Ellis, G K Jackson.

    Alternates:—J J May, W 8 May, W II Wingate, Cbas l.angslon, It (1 Chapman, II I. Hamilton, Rich aril Worlblngton.

    PKBOTHOT NO. 1. Mngiht rales-. J .1 Stokes, I

    Allen, B J Brooks ,1 B Sugg. 1'ltECINlT NO. t.

    j M mow, c H Uogatoa. Constable: Joseph Mcbiiwhorn.

    I'lSECINlT No. I.

    Exeeulive Commillec; Jesse Cannon, Chairman, Asa Harris, 0 J Tinker, H L Hlonnt, J W Cau


    After the Battle roll call,

    After heavy selling—Ili'.ken Lota.

    And broken lota Bean broken prices. and that is why we are having a

    Great Reduction Sale All Summer Goods arc marked

    down at special prices for

    special selling.

    Lawns, Dimities, Shirt- waists, Parasols, Fans, etc. Special lot Slippers and Oxfords-==Ladies\ Misses' and Children's.

    Some of these are worth |l.ff".

    We give you your choice for

    39c. A word to the wise is

    bettor than a Webster's Dic-

    tionary to tbe otherwise.

    Attend this Bnd-of-the-Season

    Sale today and ^'ei your share,

    of (he bargains at

    Commute at 3 o'clock P. at. W I. Noble-. Secretary.

    Delegates:—J K Davenport. M T Spier, J I Moore, J A Harris.

    Alternates:—David Hymaa, W I. Nobles, W T Mason, 0 E Brad; ley.

    JUSIICIS:—J J Moore, W II Boss. M A Barris.

    Constable:—J B Overton. Executive Committee:—J B Lit-

    tle. D H James, B B Satterthwaite, .1 i; Barnbill, H M Jones.

    Motion was tn,i.Ie and earried thai delegates lie instroeted io cast Paotolnt vote lor D H James Beg liter of Deeds, J B Little lor the Howe ..I Itepretentatlves, .1 l! Barnbill lorCouuiy Oommlssioner aud J. I.. Fleming for the Senate.


    E s l.augklnghouse Cbm, LB Mewborn Bee,

    Delegatea: KS Laogbioglionse, W !•' Haul

    iug, M M Kwell, i .inaily Moore, M 0 Smith, .1 J Moore, B A Gard- ner, J A Hardy, Jesae A Blokes, Jesse Hardy. Alleruales:

    H .1 Williams, W B Bland, Abiam J Hardy, J B Stocks, N. II WbitforJ. Job Moore, Floyd Hamilton, G W Gardner, A B Garris, W II tCUpatricIc, Magistrates!

    I-' Balding,

    liuftis M Elks, L I> Pbelp-, Bobl.

    Smith. The executive committee was

    eieiied a* follows: J Marshall Cox Chairman. JJ

    Elks, Alston Grime-. W K Clark, W E Proctor.

    FW.KI.AM> TOWNsnil'.

    The primary was called to order by John Smith. Chairman, aud F. G. Dupiee was elected Secretary.

    Delegates:—.! .' Cook, Jno 8

    Hani-, John King, Jonas Dilda, Dr J Moirill, It J Little, B B Cot- tou, Ellis Jobnsou and J B Dozier.

    Alternates:—P S Cotton, J L Fouulain, F G Ditprce. G W Sal-

    let-Held, 0 H Batter, J H Smith, W H Moore, W T Pierce, T L Williams.

    Magistrates!—J 1! Doxier, It A I'oiiiitaiu, T G Dupiee and S M

    Crisp. C.in-lable:—G V .Smith. Executive Committee:—J H

    Smith, Chairman, J I. Fountain, i: It Gotten, l'G Dopree and T L Williams.

    About The Dance.

    Dancing is Ihe chief source of amusement among all savage 11 ■n.es.

    more savage ami uncivilized be

    Half Gallon, per dozen, 85c. "«"««■• * ' H' ~ Paul S Moore, J A Hardy.

    Quarts, per dozen, 60c.

    J. B. Cherry & Co. The Only Department Stcrs in


    i-iir.iiNiT so. 2. ry. A G Cox, Chairman| Di B Tj SOUTH HIDE BIVBII.

    Cox, II BElite, Cbas McLawhorn, Delegates:—J. B. Hester, J. W. J J May. Tucker, M. G. Move, Paul Har

    The strength of DO candidate was rington, ll. H. Allen, B. W. Tuck ■ tajt,,,,, er, Josepbus Moye, A. 8 Walker,)

    l-'VUMvll.l.K. .Noah Forbes, B. L. Little, V. M.l B M Lewis Chin. Whiehai.l. A Worlhingtou and J B TogWCll Sec. Joseph Tripp.

    Delegates: Altematcs:— J. W. Smith, W. 0 L Barrett, B I. Davis, W BE. Nichols, Harvey Allen, W. 8.

    Ilorne, J W Parker, W E Hoyce,' Brooks, Jas. Evans, J. W. Yin ,1 BTugwell, A .1 Flanagan, J Tleant, John W. Tripp, G, Tucker, Bandy,J.TLewis. B. H. Hardee, Augustus Forbee,

    Justice of Pciiee:—C I. Barrett,'s""' '» 8 S",i"'-

    F.irSenaloi:-Ji.s. L. Fleming," White, KG Flanagan, 1(17; A, L.BlOW, 1(13; J. .1. Laugh "' liighotise, 30.

    For lloimeof He|.iesenlalives:—

    II. T. ,1. I>. Cox, ill; L J. Chapman,.">l ;| 8. A. Gaircr, li; C. J. Tucker, I;

    H. It. Cot leu, I; J. J. Laughing-

    w II 0

    While. K G

    II A I Mi , W II Long. For Muglal rules: A Wottblu

    Constable: Lewis H Cox.

    Ex-Committee: Previiiet No 1: I. B afewboru

    chin. KB l/aughiugboaae, C P Moore. MO Smith, W II Kilpal

    liek. Pleeini-t No 2, W B Bland, W

    OUox, .1 J Moore, .1 A Hardy, B A Gardner.

    i!KA\i;it rtaM TowNsiur.

    Deiogatea:—Ivy Smllb, W H Klka, s V Joynei, 1) L Crawford, J !■' Allen.

    Alternate!—Jesse Smith, J B Joyner, 0 A Nichols, I' M Smith, It L Nichols.

    Magistrates: W 0 Joyner, I A Nichols, J H Cobb.

    Constable:—B A Willougbby, IIELYOIK TnM NslllH

    D •' Barrow, Chairman, W W Bullock, Secretary.

    Delegates:—JJ llathoway. Jr. D c Barrow, Charlie Parker, It W Faithful.

    Alternates:— W A Hyman, Bicbaril Harris, Thad Parker. Kl> llathoway,

    Magtetmtaai—D C Barrow, w W Bullock. () ll Hatbowaj.

    i 111...I) TOWNSHIP,

    The ci.i.i.d primary was held las) Saturday at 8 p. m. with J. J. Klka, i ii.iirinaii, Alston Crimea, Secretary.

    The delegation was instructed for.!.J, Laughlughouse as State Senator and J J Klka for member of ibe Hoard ..I Count} Commis- sioners.

    Tbe sl relight of the camii.laics

    lot Itegiater of Deeds was taken and ihe vote stood T B Moore 58, Itii-banl Williams 30 l.anier I.

    I'he following were selected us Magistrates: Alston Grimes, W I, Woolen, J Marshall Col and C

    F Cbapman I ItGallOWay, Constable.

    Delegatea: .1 BGalloway, J II Mills, H ll

    the people the more popular Ihe dance. The dance is not the prod- uct of a bighlj cultured people, but a relic of a former age of men- ial and moral weakness. This fact is worth the careful study of Christ inn-.—The Chiiitinn al Work.

    Uivjvr St. l -l,n.

    Tbe bulletin of ihe stale board ol" health says thai in July measles prevailed in 21 counties, whisipiug cough ill 25: scarlet fever in 9; ty- phoid fever in 5.1; nialaiial fever in 28) hemorrhagio fever in 4; smallpox ill 12—Canidcn, ('alter- ed, Catawba (18 cases), Gaston, McDowell, Mecklenburg, North-

    tlampion, Bocklngham, Kutberfonl, Burry, Wilson aud Yadkiu.

    They arc Striking lots of oil in Louisiana these days. A well was bon d al Welsh, a new locality, and before they got ready to "turn

    it in" a few days ago il turned it- self in. and with I great lush of

    oil and gas, blew the piping out and blew the derrick all to pieces. After hud work they got it muz-

    zled and think they have "tho greatest gusher in ihe world."— Wilmington Star.

    A real estate dealer in Maine his an advertisement ju the New

    York Journal of lands for sale aud olli line; great inducements to set- Hers. S.ine of Ihe advantages ot Ihe locality set forth by him are Dial there arc "no Hies, no mosqui- toes and no negroes" in the locali-

    ty, li..w ihe northern negropbo- lists would sneer aud howl if such SO advertisement should appear in a southern paper. No southern man would think for a moment of holding out ihe absence of ncgiocs in the seel ion as all inducement lo would-be purchasers, Vei the nc- (■ni is I..1.1 lhat these northerners are more friendly to bin than the northern whitea.— Wilmington Mosscuifcr,

    Pioctor, w F Carroll, J J Klka, C ! 239; J. B Little, 31B;|tol>> J •' Jenkins, Frank Randolph,! M joncs, .1 Marshall Cox, VV 1

    W I Valnrlgbl, CD Konntree, B Wouicn. W L Clark, Alston G Flauiigiiu, Grimes, J B Tucker, .1 3 Oakley,

    For Th.

    domed 6. W. Harrington foi Sher ill and D. ('. Moore for Clerk of


    Constable:—.1 W Tucker. piimiiy unauimousl) on

    An low.i woman haalnamed her lv in daughters Gaaolvue and Ker- osene, ii win be dangeroat io -park 'em.

    Committed—W L

    house, 1. Treasurer.—J. B. Cherry,

    8. T. While, 229. Register of Dccds:-T. K. Moore, |8iiperioi t oiul.

    HI; It. Williams, Jr., 99; J. L. B»«0»Hva C gnn{, TI; J 0. Lnuier, 40; O. ('.»•»«"• W " Ratjadale, J \\ Viu Jrobtea, s, D. II. James, i. «•»». •' J Harrington, W R Par

    The dillercnl precincts then ad- "IT. joinned and selected Ibe foHowlog] PACTOU1 TOWNauiP. lilt Of delegutes and alternates i Haollug called to order by J It which weie elected by the pr.ma-1 Lillle, Chairman ol" Executive

    N i, Smith, Jesse n Smith, W l Tu.kcr, Henry Dixon, Sh.ab Stocks, J Bryuul Williams and Ed Dixon. Alternate-.

    W V. Proctor, G W Venters, 1. A Arnold, 1 A Mills, W alUoort). 0 A Klka, c 1! Buck, W 11 Gallo way, .1 K McU > in, V F Chap man, I. E Blcks, .1 >'in I. Cot Hardy Btokw, Law It Hdwardt John liaskiiis, Bd Uollldays,

    Constipation Docs your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver I Aycr's Pills arc liver pills. They cure consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia.

    lie. All dniJlUl...

    "i ~, : a in ...iiinl



    D. I. WHICiUKD, EUITO* *xi> Owsea.

    Enured it the potloflict »I (liwatille. N. C, aa sccood class mail matter.

    FRIDAY, AVOIST, "», 1902.

    Ex Judge David Scaeocb, of

    (ireensboro, died Tuesday cveuing,

    aged Tl years. He had beeu in

    poor health several years.

    A glance ahead for a few weeks

    to the coming of winter altucst

    makes one shiver here ic August

    at the prospects of prices that will

    have to be paid for oral.

    It is hinted a bullet be picked

    out of Tom Jones, the lynched

    Seven Springs negro, aud sent to

    Gov. Aycock. His Excellency

    might stop the pardon mill long

    enough to ofler a reward for the


    LynchiDgs are bad aud it is a pity

    they ever occur, but the negro Tom

    Jones near Seven Springs, came

    as near getting what he deserved

    as ever did a criminal. The Coro-

    ners jury that investigated the CMC

    stated in their verdict that the

    lvuchers had done their duty.

    lu opening court at Greensboro,

    Monday, Judge McNeill had to

    charge two grand juries. After

    thejury had beeu sworn aud the

    charge delivered it was discovered

    that two of the luembeis owed

    taxes for two years. The jmy was

    called back, the two men removed

    and ctl.i'i - put in their places, aud

    the Judge had to deliver another

    charge to the Inxly.

    The Kinstou Morning Sews tell

    of the attempted poisoning of the

    family of S. S t'auley, in Leucii

    county, by carbolic acid being

    placed in the SOffes pot. The poi-

    son was discovered just in time to

    save the family from probable

    death A uegro named Kdilie

    Davis, who worked for Mr.Canley

    was arrested for the crime. He

    made a coufessiou and said auother

    negro named Lot I.iwson, "put

    him up to ;t." Both were plated

    ID jail. It looks like the negroes

    over that way want auother lynch-



    Coming Wcdncxiiy. Scotcmbcr 3rd.

    What promises to be one of the big events of the season is the forthcoming visit to this city of Xorria & l!owc*s Big Trained An- imal Shows. Beyond question, there Is not an amusement institu- tion in America that has such a hold ou the public favor as these big moral shows. The rise of this great enterprise is pheuominal. First, starting small it has risen year by year with tremendous

    strides until the present seasou. it is now the largest ana best. The past seasou was a record breaker. Iu San r'raucisco, Port-

    land, Seattle, Suit Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Miuueapolis, St. Paul and Dublin hundreds were turned away at every performance and its tour was one continuous ovation. The press aud public wete unanimous iu declaring it to

    be the brightest a; d best show of ilskiudin existauce. aud it has made aa undying name for itself and its hustling progenitors. The career ol Messrs. Norris & Howe illustrates thetypical thrift, Integ- rity of purpose, ingenuity of rep- resentative westeru men. Their success has uearly all been achieved in the West, and western ideas of honesty and fair dealings have

    gained for them a reputation that is as can fully preserved as it is

    well united. Tbe season of 1903 of the Xonis.t Howe's Big Shows marks long and rapid Itridea in advance ol similar exhibition in the way of s /.e and grandeur.

    The special features this season

    arc the performing Hone, camels, seal*, buffaloes, baby elephants

    and the most marvelous troupe of juvenile perforuicis. while many ol tbe popular features of past years are retained, so tbat takeu all iu all they give as clever a per-

    formance aa one COUld wish to wit- ness

    MI have used Ayer'a Hair Vigor for over thirty yean, ll has kept my acalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn- ing gray." — Mrs. 1. A. Soule, Billings, Mor.t.

    There is this peculiar thing about Ayer's Hair Vigor—it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But gradually the old color comes back,—all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too.

    ll.aa . Mite. 4H dngiiiu.

    If jinir iiagalBI cannot »f you are going to

    need wagons to bouse your crops you need ;; ••Tar Heel" and should

    place your orders tight now. Miss Marlha Tripp, of Wash-

    ton, is visiting Mrs. Dr. Cox. A very large crowd left ou Ihe

    excursion fur Norfolk from here

    yesterday, F.ight trains passed thiougb

    Winterville yesterday. Such is Dot an often occurrence with US,

    Rev. J. li. Jackson and wife, of GoMsboro, are visiting relatives

    (lathered by Our Correspondent* and Reported fjr REFLECTOR Readers.

    »tco«c«—cie»e—eeoc—« dren, of Aydeu, are visiting near

    here. Prof. Liueberry is in Washing

    lugton iu the interest of bis school. Mrs. Bettie Britt came from

    Snow Hill Mouday aud has taken charge of the girl's dormitory.

    Mrs. F. O. Cox and Master Bruce went to Kinstou Monday evening uud returned next morn-

    ing. Gall and sec our Bike buggies.

    Hunsucker Carriage Co. D. N. Branch informs us he

    lout a barn of tobacco by lire one day last week and sustaiued a loss of about $100.

    Miss Bettie Jones, of Bethel, who has been visiting Miss Dora

    Cox, returned borne Mouday. Lonuie Highsmith, wife and

    child, who have been spending the

    summer over the river near tbeir old home, cainc home Monday evening.

    HEARNE & CO., Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,

    Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars.

    Agents for Wilbur's Horse, Cattle and Poultry Food.

    Fruit Jars. A dollar s]-nt with n« grta a dollar's worth of satTafac- tion every lime. If il doesn't

    Smith bouse, but Mrs. Smith would Dot see him. lie. however, I iu the neighborhood.

    Telephone Directory.

    The Carolina and Virginia Tele.

    been ; phone you will uut keep us waiting ftir It.

    This notice !■ for thoac who tin 1 Ihe cross mark on their paper.

    SHORT LOCAL ITEMS iinap Shots at Home New* Put In Few Word* for Busy Readers

    Miss Olive Morrill, who has been visiting at W. B. Wilson, has returned to her home iu Snow Hill.

    Miss Ruth Barden, who has IK.II visiting her nncle W. B. Wilson, has returned to her home at Ply. mouth.

    K. C. Kiug, of Falkland, left this morning for the northern markets to purchase his fall stock of goods.

    Archie Bawls, who has beeu vis- iting Master Hayden Lee Griffin,

    ; returned this moruiuc to his home in Wilson.

    Mrs. K. S. Greene, of I.aCirange, who has beeu visiting Mrs. V. M. Hodges, returned home Saturday evening.

    K rs. Bettie Moscley, of Hooker- ton, who has been visiting Mrs. J.

    | W. Brown returned home Satur- day evening.

    J. N. Lawrence and wife, of Portsmouth, arrived Saturday evening to visit their brother, L.

    ' W. Lawrence.

    Miss Naucy Coward, of Orceue county, who has been visitiug her brother, E. A. Coward, left Satur day evening for Aydeu.

    Mrs. N. Iv. Matthews, of Dur- ham, arrived Saturday evening lo joiu her husband who is a tobacco

    | buyer for M. I*. Jorrtau.

    TUKBDAY, Al-til-BT 20, 1902.

    J. B. Biggs went lo ltichruoud ' this morning.

    I. A. Sugg, Jr., left Monday tor IBoeky Mount.

    Bev, l". A. Bishop returned Monday from l'renmnt.

    Miss Kloye Andrews left Ihis morning for Durham.

    K L. Tatc and family left this ; morning for Greensboro.

    Heber Forbes returned this morning from Morehead City.

    Mrs. W. It. Smiih returned this , morning to her home in Hassell.

    £jjj^ggj§ffipr *»*++mm+*m+>++m**+%&

    Scuppernongs are coming.

    Fruit Jars cheap at S. M.Scbultz.

    There are yet some uice water melon".

    Cotton fields n r .< ' ing white, it is opening so f..-t.

    September • court will bepi

    ai of Superior ..c\i Tuesday.

    J. L. Fleming baa moved into his residence near the Baptist cbnrcb.

    For a good smoke try the "Havana Crook" at Reflector Book Store.

    M. P. Jordan & Co. have placed a telephone in their factory. The number is 107.

    D. W. Hardee has moved into his new store which has just been completed at five points.

    Several of the colored firemen from here, left for Raleigh Mon- day to attend the colored Firemen's Convention.

    Almost time for schools to begin tbe fall session. Pupils should get their tablets and other supplies at tbe Reflector Book Store.

    W. C. Fleming is having Inni- ber hauled on bis lot on Evans street, south of the Academy, pre paratory to building a residence.

    New lot of choice cigars at Re- flector Book Store. "Havana Crook" Is anew brand just added. It is tbe best to be hau for the price.

    Tbe advertising car of Norria & Rowe's show was side tracked here Monday night and Ihey are advertising tbe town and county to day.

    Farmvilte High School.

    Open Sept. 15th. Good loca tion, easy accommodations and terms reasonable. Patronage so- licited. For further Information see or address,

    J. F. BlOSaS, Prin. Farmville, N. C.

    PERSONAL NOTES Brlet Mention ol People Met

    I With ia the Social World

    Mo.viuy, AtfitsT 25, 1902.

    J. S. Tuoatall went to William- ston today.

    J. H. Edwards left Saturday for f*" %,'j^l 3n7a r1

    l'"',"c'1 Earmviiic. \ltom Plymouth Monday atteruoon,

    Frank Skinner left this moruiug JJ5ff*H \icUe, **"■  *!? M* --»•--C

    Sheer Dimity Exquisite new patterns, stripes and floral pat- terns. Good values at 80 and 10c. Spe- cial sale price, 5c India Linen

    l-'c and 14c. Can't be matched in any city for less than above prices. Special sale price, i>> |

    Men's Shirts. Detached Caffs, 60a ance sale price,

    raoV 29c Calico, 4c Yard.

    0,000 yards Calico, only ten yards to the customer.

    Ladies' Low Cut Shoes All caught in this mammoth slaughter sale. Profits not thought of. They must go while this hot weather lasts. Our*l.;>.". ami 11,00 lino, all styles, warrant r\Q - ed solid leather, VOC

    Balbrigan Undershirts & Drawers

    Egyptian Combed yarus French woven neck, double breasted drawers.

    Clearance sale price, 2»JC

    Lace Curtains. Worth il.60 and I1.7C, extra length, 98c 10 ft. long, very surely worth $2.20 fjl ift and 11.18. Special sale price, ajl.47

    Special. Hamburg Edging, Big Reductions.

    Spool Cotton. ■I- .1. Clark's Spool Cutum, -j>,. per spool.

    The Most Sweeping of Keen Kutting Prices Get in the Main Squeeze. Come Early

    C T. MUNFORD'S. The Big Store Greenville. N. C.

    mqp W$«**++mm+m+*mm mtmidB *#*






    Advice to the Aged. Ait bring* lufUTiiitlee, »ucB «• elui- Kl»h bowel., weak kldne>e and blad- der and TORPID UVPJL

    Tint's Pills Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware rp. AND A XlMIiEK OF OT1IEK THING

    lllWa , wmcH , AM rJHABLE TO MENTION

    Come to sec me for jour next Barrel of Flour orJPork. Yours to please-

    Jas. 6. White.

    ha>c ■ upeciric effect on these owns, stimulating the !■...> i-l-. caualnir tken to perform their natural functions at In jouth and

    IMPARTING VIGOR—— to the kldncve. bladder and LIVER They arc adapted to old and young.


    H.L CARR

    from Oa- l,e*u;ar ConesDODdanl WASHINGTON, D. C". Aug. 21. The echoes of the uusavory Phil-

    ippine transport scandal have hardly died away, but another is read] to take its place. This time

    it concerns the lighter system at Manilla. As may be shown, it is

    necessary to tiausfer go-ids for Manila lo lighters which, in turn, land them at the wharves and warehouses. These lighters are employed by the quartermMtM in charge and aie paid at a given rate per Hip; the rate beiug based on their tonnage capacity. When the situation first became known,

    the official" of the Treasury depart

    Cunt (or Capital Oroundi at Rakijh

    The steamer Compton w ill today bring up from Fort I'aswell two

    big guns which the war depart- ment has donated to Governor Ay-

    ' cock to be placed ou the capitol grounds. These guus belonged to

    Confederate armament at Fort ('as- well, and when the emplacements were made for the modern guns the old guus were dug from their resting place sixteeu feet uuder the sand. They will weigh 7.500 pounds each and will be delivered

    at th Seaboard Air Line depot for shipment to Raleigh.—Wilmington

    Messeugcr. 22nd.

    To My Frlenda. It is with joy 1 loll jou whut KoiUil

    did for mo. 1 wu* troubled with m#\ stomach for several mouths. t'i>on bcintf advised to use Kodol, I did ao, and word* cm. not nil the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia sci that he had tried must everything. i lold him lo use Koilol. Words of gratitude have come to mo from him because I recommended it.—Geo. vv. Pry, Viola. Iowa. Health and strength of mind antl body depend on ihesloni- mli. and normal activity of the lliges- tive organa. Koilol. the great recon- structive ionic CHITS alt atomach and bowel troubh *. Indigestion, dyspep- sia. Kodol dlgesta any good food yon cat. Take a dose after meals. John L. Woolen. For Notts, Locks, Hinfes, Doors,

    Windows, Paints, Rope, Humes, Collars, PloiVS, Shovels ClTld Car- u,eM^''MlhiltAt^e[."!\ The wan. of money is the jienters Tools, §'o lo

    H. L CAM. Next door to Ricks & Wilkinson. I Succeaaor to Ormond .V Cai i.

    TeUYo Thai the place to get the best

    Fruit Jars i« al out si ore. \Ye have them in different styles and si/.cs al prices a- low as the lowest Then as usual we aie bcadtiunrter* lor the

    Best of Everything; in the Grocery Line Get your table supplies from u- and v on arc sure so have the bed . BUTTER and CHEESE ON ICE.

    furnished them showing the names, speeds and capacity of the lighters. Since then the Treasury official!

    have apparently paid no attcutiou

    to the disbursement* made for lightering purposes by the army quartermasters, and no more than was necessary »as revealed by the Wat department. Receutly, how- ever, tbe Treasury department, availing it-ell of the figure* already

    furnished it and the

    root much evil.

    The person who i|iiairels with the world gets soundly whipped.

    jojfjYSTOtf p^os. Greenville, N.JC. THE NEW GROCERS,

    NOBTH ( Mioi.iNA. i In Justice's court | Pittcount) 1 I.. A. Maw-. .1.1'.'

    Th. Aydi n MUlino ,s Dry floods, Groceries, Confections, Vlanufactuaing Company. etc.. go to

    va, frank i . Ocnoon trading as bYask ' . Denoon & ' o. and Tin- A. ('. 1- Hall*. " Co.

    Tla defendant I rank < . Di n above named wiii lake nnllci 11 a: ai,


    Mrs. L. H. WHITE, action c ntitled a- ulmve has U i ncom- nn ne, d before I.. A. Mayo a Ju-tlei' of the Peace in and lor Pitt count, a' Greenville, N. *'., lo recover :!..■   «um oi -l-'i.Vt for breach of eontrni i nn part ol said I >■ noon in sbipph . nm in had condition, mid tl ai.i *..! fuith i tuki utii lint I required i" up|s ar before it.. -.. id A. Mil, ii, .'. I'., al Ihe court 11 ise In i , N. . ''. MOOltK,

    Clerk l'iti Buperioi I ourt.

    Black .lack, X. C. S i line . : ■■ il- ..a Land. IVices low

    Country produce bought for cash or in ■ I bai -' I r gi odli

    J. C. T.ANIER, :«vin IN

    American and Italian Marble ORI-:ENVILLE, N. C.

    Hire and Iron Fence Sold. r'tr»t-CIass wort and pricci Q*1 : .-: - BI : i ..- -i nt on ap] ration.

    Notice to Creditors. i In ii.. ;.a o Ion !■.•■< cr I "'

    i ii.- Superior Courtol Pill count) us i ... tor oi ill- lu»l will uwl l- eminent

    a:': Wl Itrhi ad, .:■ . a-.d. aim all, i - t"-:aii,' ula ... . " i n duly Usuiil to me. I ii.i.l-i uotif) all per- noni holillnir claims a_a!u*i the estate ni ".. -am kVllliuiu Win:.-In an. lo la, -. i.' tin in for i'ii v.'i: lul) authvn- tlca ... on or IK fore the Ja'li da) ol July, l'.ioa. or this nottci will Is plead in liar ol Ihi ii I-, oi' i... All I- i -i'i,% aaa bled in -aid estate arc ui .'■ d lu make pay mi at to aie iiuiiHtliali It,

    This Ihe 21st da) of July, H«C". K. J. i HUB, Kxecutor,

    iu t a Hupcrli r Chart. Nnrlli Car illna Pill County M.I.. P.llar

    t. 1' I'.'llaid. Ha. defendant above named trill laku

    luitire iiiai an action ealilled a- above bai been eommsaced In tbe Buperioi 'lain of Pin county l y said plaintiff lo obtain a divorce from said defendant upon Ihe griitmds mentioned in the rosiplaint, ami the said defendant wiH raribrr taki notiti lliul he is re|aiirisl I., appear ill the next ii'iui't tbaounerlor Cburt of said ooantv

    North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.

    The Charlotte Observer EVERY DAY IN THE YEAH.

    CALDWELL i. TOMPKINS, Publuhcn. J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.

    SS.no PER VKAH.

    THE UlWEltVEiJ Iteceivcs the laijjest teletraphic news service delivered to any paper between Washington and Atlanta, and its special sert ice is Ihe itrfaiest ever handled by a Xoilh Caro- lina paper.

    tob* held on th* Ant Monday la acptem- THE SUNDAY 0B8EBVBB cm. bor.1003, at IbaCtart HOOH inwi.l inuniy ; gj^iH of lb' or more pages, and is

    to a large extent mudu up of original matter.


    In Orccnvllle. N. C,and answer or dimur In'the complaint in said action, or Ihe 1'1,'iiui. ;l a ni ipi'ly In the I: art lor Ihe rellaf demaaded la -aid < omplalnt,

    This the lih da* of July, IM*. I> t. atOOBB,

    ' lerk Supiri' r ' iii.il.

    0B8EHV- EK printed Tueaday and i'lidny 11 per year. Thelorgesl paptr in North Carolina.

    Sample oopte* sent on application. Address

    THBOBSEBVBB, Charlotte, N. 0.

    Norfolk. Va.

    Ills >ixin atrcnsihened-

    " While |».ckniukinir last moDth my li-\i ar-t»M l*oy was [K>isonedb) some «.ttl tn- iilum," n»,r* W. H. Dibble. ol Si.i.ix »il\. Iowa. 'H»' rubbed tin' poison off his bandfl into bis r\rs ami for u while we writ afraid bo wtniltl low bit si^'ht. Kinallv a neigh-

    . bor recommended DeWitt a Witch reports Ol|Ha*tel Salve. The Hrat application

    was I he quartermasters a* filed monthly I !;^" "- J°d.'n '^;J-;> -J^

    \\ ilh the auditor for the War de- ruta, burns, .-..aids, wounds. Insect pat.menl, has been making SOine bite., BeWilt's W^J^sWj.

    ComparUoua which have proved|of countcrfrlta. John I., woolen. the old adage thai ••co'ii]>aiisoi.sl

    arc odious." The amounts paid j Alcohol is used to preset", c near- out lor freight far exceed the ra-: \i everything but Ihe hu nan slom- p.tcily ot ihe lighter*, tonnage and ; ac|1-

    Thc carpenter ought to be known by his claw hammer coat, bntsom how he isn't.

    ESTABUBHBD 1876.

    S. M. Schnltz. Wholesale and retail Gruoer and

    Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar re'.-. Turkeys, Egg. etc. Bed- steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits. Ba by Carriages, do Carts, Parlor suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P. Lorillard and Gail ft Ax Suufi, H'gh Life Tobacco, Key West Che- roots, Henry George Clear, Can- ned Cherriet.. Peaches, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, Flour Sugar, Coffee, Matt, Soap, L\". Magic Food, Matches, Oil, Cotton Seed Meal aud Hulls, Gar den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches, Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass and China Ware, Tin and Wooden Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Maca roni, Cheese, Beet Butter, New Itoyal Sewing Machines, and nu merous other goods. Quality and Quantity. Cheap for cash. Con:

    to see me.

    S. M. Schnltz. Phone 65

    FARMS FOR SALE ! One Farm. 1 1-2 miles from

    here. 171i acres, 1 lo cleared. Good land for tobacco, corn, cotton, etc. Splendid dwell- ing, two tobacco barns and tenant houses.

    Second Farm, 2; miles front here, 800 acres, mostly cleared, with tobacco barns and tenant houses.

    Third Farm, 610 acres, about half cleared, with good tenant houses, tobacco barns and orchards. About half this farm is low ground, which is good corn land, and suitable for pasturage. Fine place for man wanting to raise beef, cotton, or run a dairy, as well as for general farming.

    Apply to

    J. M. BEATY, Bmitbfleld, N. C.


    RXVSB sx:*. irxcx Steamer Myres leave Washing-

    ton daily at o A. M. for Green- ville, leave Greenville daily at 12 M. for Washington.

    Connecting at Washington with Steamers for Nortolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York Boston, Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven, Swau Quarter, Ocracoke and tor all poicts for Ihe West with rail- roads at Norfolk.

    Shippers should order freight by the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from Phila- delphia; Bay Line aud Chesapeake 8.8. Co. from Baltimore. Mer- chants' and Miners' Line from Boston.

    Commenceing July 1st the steam er Guide will leave Washington at 5 a. in. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday for Belhaven, Swanquaiter and OcrHcoke and will leave Ocra- coke at 5 a. m. for Swanquarter, Belhaven aud Washington on Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday.

    Tbe steamer Hatteras will leave Washington Saturday nights at 10 o'clock, during July and August, for Ocracoke.

    J. J. CHERRY, Agt., Greenville, N. 0.

    J. E. LEMOINE, District 8upt. Washington, N. C

    v Necessary Precaution.

    Don'i neglect u cold. It is won* He ia the most noted inrvivor ■>.""> "."".'rwu'i i'r-1? '.1"1''>:"ou Dj using One Minute l ouirh ( ureyou

    can cure it at once. Always inilum- n.aiion. clears the head, soothe* and strengthens the mucus membrane. Cures couRhs, rroup*. throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts Im- mediately. Children like it. Jno. L. wooten.

    speed taken into consideration,

    and the auditor ho* demanded an explanation of the discrepancy.

    Secretary Boot is ia Europe in blissful ignorance of the discov- eries ot the auditor and until he return-' it I* nni probable Unit any of bit subordinate* will dare make a statement, but ill Ihe meantime a secret Investigation

    will be mode and possibly as.npe- goal will be selected.

    I he determination of the Grand Army of the Republic to invite

    General Mile* to head their grand parade at the encampment to be

    held In Washington nest October, is a source of serious annoyance to tbe friend* of the President, Of mitrae, General Mile* I* ihe ujo*t distinguished member ol the (i. A.

    R of Ihe Civil war, since Grant,

    Sherman, Sheridan and a camber ol others have paued away, dom- ing from tbe people, without the aid of a West Point education, General Miles has attained the highest tank in theainiyand that. together wiih the fact that lie

    served shoulder to shoulder with the men of 'liOV.o, makes him

    dear to llio G. A. R.. but he is iu disgrace with the administration. Colonel Piesident Hooscvelt has had oorulon lo scold him and would have retired him had not an Influential delegation of Man- ton and representatives goue to the While House and threatened lo blockade all legislation recom- mended by Ihe President if he did; and being In the black books of Colonel-President Roosevelt, he has uo right to occupy a position of honor or importance in the G. A. R. parade, and especially iu Washington. It is eveu hinted lhat if the General accepts the in- vitation the Colonel Commauder- in Chief will prolong his stay in the west so that he will uot be in Washington on the day of the great procession, but the time ia still distant and it is probable that his hotter advised friends n ill not allow liiin lo so seriously ulfroiil ihe \ "icr.ins during the time they are guest* iu lb* nation'* capital.

    It Needs a Tonic.

    There ace times when your live needs n ionic. Don't give purgatlvca

    . ihat srrl|ie and weaken. neWlM'a lo I Little Karl) Riser* expel all poison

    from tin- system and *el aa tonic to the liver. W. Sei.it. 531 Highland aii., Milton. Pa., saya: "I hove carried DeWit"* Little Early Riser* with me for seieral years and would not he without them." Bmrll and easy to lake. Purely vegetable. They never gripe or distress. John L. vrooten.

    '•Be fliiluoiis aud you'll be hap- py,'' seen* to be Ihe motto of the Summer gill at the seashore.

    a. -DEALER IN-

    The Baptist Female University

    In fl.o In'.in of Jlnlelifli. wlililn two block* o( Ihi obvc***M.tlM Uarenior'fl nmu>l«n. [*M C*>;>itl Mini Hu- Ubnt*M> N**w Ftinii'li- Inirs anil Outfit. IVur ItulMliiir*. T* i'nt y I If* M Officer- fiml Tew h iui'iii io ihi' iinderslgniid, unit persona havlna claim* uj;uiii-.t >;iiit esiute are uotliieil to preaenl them for pa viiK'iit un or betor* the tl*\ dai of July, UOS, or thla notloewlll i» plead u liur of reoovwy.

    This 21at ilav of Jnli IllUi MAllV W. r'f.ANAd \N

    Kseeutrla of Ihe KJIUW of Jvhn flM*j|Mi

    Q snared

    Jfforchandiso Whichard, N. C.

    The Stock complete in every .1e par'inent and prices as low a* the lowest. Highest market pricee paid for country produce.

    AGRICULTURAL HECHANICAL COLLEQE. Industrial Education A combination of Theory and Practice, of Book Study and Manual Work in Engineering, Agricul- ture, Chemistry, Electric- ity, Mechanic Arts, and Cotton Manufacturing. Full courses (4 years), short courses (9 years), special courses (It months), Tuition anil room, $10 a term; hoard, $8 a month, ao teachers. 860 students. New buildings for (500. Wrile for Booklet "A Day at the A. A: M. College.''

    Pres. 0E0. T.WINSTON, RALEIGH, N. C.

    LMTI Waldoa ArBoo*r»oaBt

    LMreTarboro LT Hock; Mont Laavt Wilton Le«T« golma LT r«jfUeTUl« Ar Florrao*

    Ar Qol4iboro LvOoldiboro LT Manolla Al WUmliiirtoj

    l 00 10 H r.M. UK lie loo* IMS) I ■ II 10 1*1 ia tu l* PK AH

    1 ■ tIt mini I ii i a id

    m r II 11 •"J! W II .

    m A at r« TRAINt UOIHO aOKTO.

    s§ UI M »ft * "3 o#o Ol OS O


    AM ra rat I II lo I, M It


    The Head of the St a to'a

    Kducational System . .

    Acaileniic Miilieinp,

    D*a*M*M, Law, - - - l'lmnumy.

    One inn ilri'il anil i in lit icbolar- iiliiiiH. I'o i tuillon to teachmi iniil Ihe »onii M mlni»lcri. Li«ni for the neeily.

    563 StrtwtiT~~S4 hwtntctwf New Ihirneirrlm. Water Worki, m leave Kayelleiille i 40 p ra, erneee Wllmlogtoa 7 80 urn

    Bennetteville Branch—Train leaTea Ben nettiville 8 10 a ffi, Mailon ( Of, a m, lied Spriaga INi a, Parkton 10 ll a. m.

    LT ^loreooe LT r.vi'iu-iiiii CIST* selma ArrlTe WIIMB

    LT Wllmlaaloa t.T W■«n"ll» LT Ooidiborc

    I^KTO WllMB Ar Oockr atonal ArrlTe Tarboro Leave Terboto LT UookT Moact Ar Welnni

    bin UOIM 1110.

    ille 10 60 am, arrive 'KayeUerllls llle»C-

    Red Bprl Sm, Maxton 8 18 p n


    HeliiriiiiiK leaTilFayettevlll Hope Mill, 6 36 p a Bed ripnaai

    00 p . „. 6l(

    arrlvaa Bcnnetaville _«6pm " L'onnactiona at FayeUevllle with train Ne 78 at Meiton wlih tbe Caroline Usntral Kailruail. al lied Bprium with the Bad Springe ft Bowmora railroad, at Saaford with the Seaboard Air Line and Soulkera 3allway at Oulf with Ika Durham and Charlotte Railroad

    Train ou Ike aoouami Wept srenna loa* laavseVaMM] » pm. Ualltei no p m. er rlite Si.illenii Neck .1 I 10 i> IU. (IreeaTllle• 41 pm, Klnston • 40 pm. 7 al e in, GreeaTllle I 19 e a, arrlTUU' ■l ll,lim. WeldOB II M em. deny eaese

    llelonilaaleavN Elaetoa lallti

    Treloe oa Waahlnatoa Braaeh leave Waea- lof Ion H 00 e m and I 4a p m, arrive Permele * II a m end a '.0 p m. retarntaa leave ParaMie III « m end MAI p m, arrive Waehlaatea 10 M e ■ and 0 l&p m,dellveiooBl*aadar

    Train leavee Tarboro dally eioept Sondey it IU n a, snndev 4 as p m, errlToe Ply- mouth OUpm laopm, remrnlni, laavtf Ply. moulh dellr, eioept Suudey, TWtil.aM.•*■ derl 00em.arrl»ee1»;>Kini •eiia.UHaas

    Train on Mid lend N O ta^apli iraveo tlulll ore dally, eioept bunder, I e* a •

    SinUhlald I il a f" " - } f~ -. hero dally.eioept Suada., . . -

    lila n,reWrala*laavei saUi TOO a m.arriveealQoMeboraaala m.

    \X Train

    Mwunl oa MaahTllle Branch leave

    m, errlie ' - M'«k» N.ili. lie eie, I*

    et 910 am. le* p at, arrive N in. 4 Ik pm. aprlag Dope 11 l

    (m. Ketaralaa leave spring Hope II to a aaj Upm.NeihTfllell 40 a al. airfve at Tea. B

    Mount II io e m. I «o p m. dally aieaal aaad«7.

    \m ta*

    loa »el: J. via Pii

    I All UK News


    —F r-



    Twice a Week

    TliU-PH 117 PWBWE TO PIOTIOIj' T&Wl$. $1.00 PEflYEfifl UIRVMTIZ&.


    NO. 69.

    *voe Wan*' Train on Clinton Dreoon leal. - Cllntoa dellr. eioeplSondev.9*l aai

    in. returnta* leav*o t'llnlon al T 01 00 pm. Train Notlmaaee eloee _.

    don (or ell polnti North dellr, all ral —I*

    Rick5& Wilkinson


    We are anxious to sell-yea. but we are not

    so anxious for money that we will jeopardize

    our busine8s by offering stuff we cannot stand

    back of. We are as jealous of our good name

    as we ore proud of our business. Come this

    week and see how far a dollar bill will travel.

    Mr. Wilkinson is in the northern mar- kets buying Fall and Winter goods, and all summer goods must suffer great cuts. We mean carry over.

    Bfcfaj Wilkinson Bethel High 5chooF

    BETHEL, N. C.

    A strictly first class Fitting School for young Men and Young Women. Thoroughly equipped, Strictly non- Denominational, and Coeducational. Prepares for College, for Business, and for Life. Between 100 ,„,d 200 pupils this year. ■ Hook-Keeping, Commercial Law, hhortliand, Typewriting and Music, teach course is under experienced VYPPVQ'IL nP°.

    mPetont tochers. HIB\8ES'T„i,!0n| |, .5010 |8-00 Boardat*5.-.0to $7.00 per month.

    sstJteecsgaSr r * -" J- W. SHERRILL, Principal.

    The NEW STORE. B. Fleishman & Bro.

    Prices to Astonish You. i, Bu-nbill 81, Little 7. Sallerthwailc 21. Holland 1. Sec- ond ball,.!. Parker I, Page 7 langa or plenrod cavities the load. of ihe dead body of Nellie Cropsey,

    We f.noi enactment Of such law*I "" Mo°d '" 'he heart, little or no

    u,.ri„f Harv..tlai n««hl>*