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T- r rnE OMAHA i DAILY BEE.TWEN- TYSECOND . YEAH. OMAHA , THU11SDAY MORNING , MARCH 9, 1893. NUMBER 261. THAT PUBLIC SKIRT DANCE How tbo Corporation High Kickers Enter- tained ¬ the Sonata Railroad Committee , ED DICKINSON'S SALARY AND LOCAL RATES Why lloth Are llljjli Hurt' * .MIiMttitcmcii- tof I'aiitunnil HolilreKn'H Mltreirc | < en- tutloim - Ktiitln'n Advlco'to the Ktatu Legislature. CINCINNATI , O. , March 5. Gentlemen of the Senate Committee on : 'From- n copy of TUB OMAHA BBB of tho. 1st iust. I notice that a combination serpentine and skirt dunce has been rendered before jour honorable body by Messrs. Holdrege , Smith nnd Deweso of the B. & M. , Messrs. Burke , Hawlcy , Buchanan and Morchousc of the Elkhorn , Messrs , Sholcs and Perln of the Elkhorn's twin system , Messrs. Tiddemoro- nnd Jay of the Jay Pacific , General Ixw of the Hock Island and Messrs. KImball , Kcl- ley - and Dickinson of the Union Pacific- .If . you gentlemen have been living In n hole in the ground and have never heard of over- charges ¬ on freight , I can sco how necessary it would bo to get Information from them , but , judging from the newspaper rcnorts , this grand .aggregation simply regaled you with song nnd dunce ns now ns that late play , "Uncle Tom's Cabin. " Since it Is evident your honorable body must be ns anxious for pointers nnd Information on transit in No- brnsua - ns were the Into members of our State Board of Transportation , I beg to refer to the sophistry as reported In Tin : Br.n , hoping It may have at least as much Influ- ence with you ns would water poured over u- duck's back. Why IOWK'N Iiidimtrli'M Ilnvo Crmvn.- Mr. . . Hurt cither willfully or Intentionally misquotes comparative commodities for Ne- braska ¬ nnd Iowa , which ho bulls on ono side nnd boars on the other In a way Indicating that he depends on your swallowing his of- ferings ¬ In solid chunks , leaving your mental stomach to do both chewing and digesting. But were his statements true , then Iowa's prosperity Is duo to her local rates nnd our poverty to our high local rates. This gentle- man ¬ spoke of local manufacturing in Iowa bolng greater than Nebraska , but ho forgot to explain that Iowa local rates are what built up Iowa's local manufactures. Ne- braska ¬ "home industry Interests" asks our citizens to patronize them , and rightfully so , but these same gentlemanly ' 'homo Indus- tries , " while asking patronage , make no exertion to get rales put on Iowa basis , so that wind and water may not wash out of our state to the railroad gamblers of Wall street and Boston from live to eight millions of. dollarsn year of our people's money that rlghtfnlly should bo paid to homo Industry nnd those purchases owned by our state'st- ollers. . Ho spoke of the coal mines of Iowa , but forgot to tell of the short haul they bring that sfato.whilo the roads got the long tintil In our state. In a former letter I- luotcd from Iowa's reports showing that Iowa local rates had grown over six millions -of dollars for last year over the year 188'J , the same year that this sumo aggregation of poll to liars told Iowa's business representa- tives ¬ that the rates then proposed would bankrupt the roads if put In force. The song they sung then was old nnd did not go in Iowa ; the song they sang to you no doubt was new .but to the business man who knows Iowa and Nebraska It Is "Sweet Violets"- nnd "Johnny , Get Your Gun. " How lUllrimiU Are Itiilned.- Mr. . . Holdrego spoke of the ninety-nine odd millions they claim to hnvo Invested. For reliable information on that question sco Mr. C. G. Dawcs' argument before the com- mittee ¬ of Inst session , the facts in his state- ment ¬ having been compiled from the rail ¬ road's report , to Us own stockholders A3 cent rate on corn from Hastings to Chicago is 40 per cent too high , and the B. & M.'s claim of its costing U mills per ton per mile to haul is an absolute falsehood coined from garbled figures , compiled for premeditated purpose of deception , nnd their secret corn rates made jointly with the Baltimore. & Ohio nt Boardstown , 111. , refutes Mr. llol- drego's - statement as unworthy nny sane nmn's credence. Ho claims that the road's credit is exhausted. This Is deplorable to him , but a Godsend to us , when we remem- ber ¬ that those roads nro nlrcady mortgaged to banking rings nnd themselves ( which the people must pay and nssumo in freight charges ) for more than the roads uro worth , even If the stock hud no value at all , which it has not in fact , if based on the actual value of the road above the mortgage , did the people you represent have the business ecnso God gu ? n geese. The Pacific Short Line Is in business for miss ! ii.iry purposes , same us tlio brunch lines of the Union Pacific , und loses money every dr.y on paper. If arguments ot pov- erty ¬ from profligacy on their part will influ- ence ¬ you to make paupers of your state's producers , vndor their systems of railroad I inlstlfyIng bookkeeping , then for your state's sake go home nnd smoke cigarettes , like- n Now York dude , until you are of ago to grow brains that can stand alone.- Mr. . . GeneraliScheincr Low of the Hock Island knows how ruinous railroad building is. His company Is not yet dry behind Us earn , and to hear him talk makes ono t'cel like asking a bounty to him to reimburse for passes that his road has given out for missionary purposes.- I'M . DIcKlllson'rt 1'nor I'uy.- Mr. . . Dickinson of the Union Pacific , who only gets $ , ' !. ' ! per day for acting us wet nurse to ono of the illegltmato babies of that pau- per ¬ company , when asked what ho did to earn his Salary , "closed his argument with a general laugh. " How amusing 1 If the rail- roads ¬ take n man's life his value Is set at not to exceed 5000. This Is law. Five months of n branch line railroad manager's life is worth the highest value of any man's life ¬ time. The Union Pacific railroad absorbs Us- ca ni in ps in branch lines which should go to pay Us national debt , and then tells us the nation holds no right over those lines for what is duo us. This explains why Mr. Dickinson's maniigem''iit Is worth 12000. Mtko McDonald the merchant gambler of Chicago , keeps faro dealers who draw big salaries nnd a off. Attorney Kollov deals the railroad cards so that his figures show that $13,1)00 ) n year salaried managers get n lower uverngo salary than trainmen or shopmen. I am sorry the details of his nrgument lire not reported , for U must have been Ingenious. Tills same shell game of linguistic skill is used to show your honorable lK dy that mil ¬ lions of bushels of grain are raised in our state , the valueof which goes to railroad companies In transit , at a loss to the rail- roads ¬ ( I ), leaving but'iinexistciico [ to our Ne ¬ braska producers.- To . cup it all a delegation of railroad em- ployes i- protest at rate reduction , because they are. assured that a reduction In rates means n reduction in wages. Every intelli- gent 1- railroad man not a whipped cur knows hinges nro screwed down to the lowest possslblo notch under nny tariff , and ' this deputation Is a brunch of well mean ' ¬ ing yellow cats In the bunds of the railroad monkeys , used to pull out stolen chestnuts from our industrial lll-os. The wise railroad operative will . work for transit to be put under civil sorvleo rules , us Is | o.stnl service , where honest merit will receive a free man's wages un- awed by petty tyrants who draw from $i3 ! to fM ) a day salary. It would be a shame to reduce Dickinson's salary , or Thurston's , or Investigate the Union Pacific Coal company or Us private freight car lines. The fact Is' , these men who miinuge railways under pres- ent i- ton per mile stock-jobbing systems uro- lyfferlng with softening of the biiiln und in- s - ; nlty , brought on by self-abuse of the truth and their vicious habits tend to cor ¬ ruption of official public life , and to the diMrurtlon of individual business liberty. Th ir I-tease Is of a criminal , vicious nature. Il rtCaUJ bo cruel to confine them in the lu- snno asylum , cruel to the honest , gentle- minded Insane of our states. They would come in contact there with their victims from the farm and factory and country town , whoso reasons have been unhinged by the gambling modus operand ! in transit which throttles nnd bleeds Individual In ¬ dustrial opiwrtunltics. Duty I'liilii llrforo It. Gentlemen of the railway committees , If you and tuo present state legislature fall In giving our state reduced local rates com- paratively ¬ ns low ns present Iowa local rates , you arc criminal flunkies to the brutal power of usurped wealth. Full In your whole duty In the light of facts which honest Intelli- gence ¬ can gather from sources outside of- "newspaper or political" coloring of any nature , and you brand yourselves as a body of representative asses fit only to bray to the piping of gentei'l villainy. There- are excuses for honest differing In religion 01- politics , but none for nny representative Nc- br.iskan - , tjut a brazen tool of transit agencies in falling to do justice to his state in freight rates. Not many of the average men think nt all , and those who do do so for n personal direct consideration , as do the railroad at- torioys - ) , nnd twelve to fifty thousand a year managers exacting tribute under the head of transit. Gentlemen , do your duty , as Iowa business- men did In 1HSS ' 8'J , and face the storm like men. Do not drift like n herd of cattle be fore a Santa Fc blizzard , as Kansas din. If you fail to give us reduced local freight rates.for God's sakonpproprlateinoney to buy slot machines In which two slots are placed , and so arranged that wecan put lOccntsinono slot , and then 5 cents In the other to get back the 10 cents , as we nOw do In railroad taxes. By this arrangement we will only lose 5 cents to the holders of the slot machine , same as each cltl7.cn now docs on freight each hour , and get 10 cents of our money back In rail- road ¬ taxes- .Everybody's . business is nobody's , but local freight rates are business men's nnd "homo Industry's" business. A. J. ClusTix- .SHXATK . IN A SAV1SU MO ! > I , ( iviiural Appropriation * Not Itcln ;: ( iniitlyI- ncronniMl Hot llcpnrt Coming.L- INCOLN . , Neb. , March S. [ Special Tele- gram ¬ to Tin : Her. . ] The action of the senate thus far in considering the general appro- priation ¬ bill In committee of the whole is something of a disappointment to those who were counting on a wholesale Increase of the appropriations for the various departments. The Increase up to the present tlmo amounts to very little , with the exception of the pro- vision ¬ for the supreme court commission , which was not a reality at the time that the house had the bill under consideration. Cuts have been made in some places that nearly offset the Increases , and members of the house are rejoicing in the hope that the senate will say that the work of the lower house was practically correct. Just what the senate will do in the matter of appro- priations ¬ for state institutions is still a mat- ter ¬ of conjecture , ns it is there that the Inrgest increases have been counted on. ' Oiimlm'H Charter Kill. ' 1 he eommltteo of the senate having In charge the Omaha charter held a meeting this afternoon and decided not to allow any- more public discussion of the bill by out ¬ siders. This will cut off both friends and enemies of the charter from having any further hearing on the subject , cither before the committee or on the lloor of the senate , and lobbyists , pro and con , may as well stay at homo , unless they are of the type that can successfully work state house corridors , hotel rotundas nnd sheltered places along the curbstones. The committee expects to submit its report about Friday and will prob- ably ¬ report favorably on the bill , with the ex- ception ¬ of the tax commissioncrnnd the ( J } < - mill levy. Kllloil u Junket. The senatorial World's fair Junket has been declared off. The unexpected publicity given it and the great amount of adverse comment that U excited , both from outsiders and the members of the lower houso.who were strenuously opposed to having the senate get any farther behind the house on the legis ¬ lative calendar than it now is , induced sev- eral ¬ of the twenty-one senators who had signed the agreement to vote on Friday for an adjournment until Tuesday , to change their minds , nnd uncontrollable grief Is once more the lot of the railroad contingent in the upper house. Governor Crounso has appointed Dr. T, C. Manury of Carleton us assistant physician nt the Lincoln Hospital for the Insane under Dr. Hayes. It is stated that Albert Gllmore- ot Ncmaha county will receive the appoint- ment ¬ ns steward at the institution. It is further intimated that there will bo no change In the head of the insane asylum at Hastings , hut that Dr. Johnson. iyho was appointed by Governor Boyd , will be allowed to retain the position of superintendent of the institution en the ground of his particu ¬ lar fitness for the place.- Jlluy . I'uy tlin Hoys' Wny. The house committee on universities nnd I normal schools held n meeting at the Lincoln this evening to consider the request of the I battalion of cadets nt the State university for nn appropriation of fT,000 to take them to the World's fair and remain there a short tlmo during the great exposition. Several of the oOigers of the battalion appeared be ¬ fore the committee to present their case and made a very favorable impression. Some of the members go so far ns to stnto that the Nehraskn exhibit will not ho any too ex ¬ tensive , and * us Nobuiska produces boys that cannot bo discounted by any state in the union it could not do better than to send n bnttnlion of them to the Columbian fair. Mils n Itoitht In Store. The special house committee appointed to investigate , the penitentiary with reference to the cell house constructed with the f 10,000 appropriation voted by the last legislature has completed Us work and will probably submit its report tomorrow- .It . will severely score the Board of Public Lands and Buildings , charging gross neglect of duty and indifference to the interests of the state , and that the action of tlio board amounted to nothing less than throwing down the bars to inevitable waste and col ¬ lusion. The committee Jumps on Colonel Bill Dor- gnu with both feet , giving nhn a character for dishonesty rarely equaled In thcso days of whitewashing investigations *. It gives facts and Ilgurcs in proof of its assertions , and shows conclusively that the manner in which the appropriation was expended under the supervision and by the consent of the board was a monumental steal from start to finish. Never slnco the Impeach- ment ¬ of Dave Butler has a stale official re- ceived ¬ such a turning over by a legislative Investigating eommltteo as these otllclals , secretary of state , treasurer , commissioner and attorney general , are given by thls'com- mittco - , There is no mincing of words , and the committee calls upon the Authorities to bring suit to compel the repayment of the various sums that have been corruptly di- verted ¬ from the proper channels , Ex-Senator Starbuck of Thaycr county was a visitor in legislative hulls today , watching the workings of the legislative machinery and listening to the. racket made by t'.io wheels In the occipital cavities of the law makers. * WK.ITIIKU FOHKO.ISTS. Itiilim , Northerly Winds and Are the. rredlrtloim for Nelirtukit Toduy. WASHINGTON , D. C,, March S. Forecast for Thursday : For Nebraska Showers Thurs- day - , northerly winds ; slightly warmer. For South Dakota : Generally fair Tliurs- day ; winds shifting to southerly and west- erly ; warmer lu northern portions. For Iowa : Haln , followed by clearing weatheri Thursday ; northwesterly winds ; warmer in western iortion. * Movements ofOrenii Slc mcr Mureh H, At Lizard Passed Spain , from Now York for London- .At . Klnsalo Passed Roman , from Boston for Liveri ool- .At . New York Arrived -Hunie , from Liverpool.- At . Boston Arrived Grecian Prince , from Palermo ; Lnncastcrlan , from LiverK | ol. I INILLA'i ' First Battle in the Honduras Revolution Quito Decisive. RIO GRANDE DO SUL'S TROUBLES TO END ( lonernl flovcrmnrnt of llrur.ll Finally De- termined ¬ to C'riuli tin ; Agitators anil Their Army l-'oder.iU Very Much UcmorulUed.I- K)3 . tiu J tincs GnrtltinJcmie.'M , <JolombIa , ( via Galvcston Tex. ), March S. | By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald Special to Tim BCB. ] Unconfirmed reports received hero today via Nicaragua announce that In a decisive bat- tle ¬ Pollcorpo Bonlll.i has won a great victory nnd entered Tegucigalpa in triumph. Noth- ing ¬ has been learned concerning the details of the b.ittlc. The news comes from the sym- pathizers ¬ of Bonllla In Managua , If such n battle has been fought it occurred after the steamer which reached hero today left Ama- fa - la four days ago. When the steamer sailed from Amafala Tegucigalpa was still in the hands of the government. News was alsd brought by the steamer that the provinces of Gadlas and Santa Bar- bara ¬ , like those of Comayaua , are In arms against Bonllln's pretensions. Bonilla has strong support In the provinces of Olatcho- nnd Torn In addition to General Siown's army In Choluteca and the troops in Tcgucl- golpa - , who were reported on Sunday to have revolted against their officers und announced their allegiance to Bontlla. VAU-AHAi'o , ( via Galveston , Tex. , ) March 8. [ By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald -Special to Tin : Bun. ] News has Just been received from Ulo Grande do Sul that indicates that the general government of Brazil has finally determined to crush the revolution which the federals have so long carried on in that state. The Her- ald ¬ correspondent telegraphs and adds that the federals have been defeated at San Borjas. Pyratyno and other points , losing many of their troops and horses. U he reverses and the failure to secure arms and ammunition have demoralized the federals. Their troops have been increased by the Uruguayan authorities , who have stationed troops along the bonier to prevent the revo- lutionists ¬ from seeking hiding ulaces in Uruguayan soil. A large body of revolu- tionists ¬ who sought to rotrca't into Uruguay yesterday were ordered back.- CIIAUI.ICS . nu ii-ssii : s KXPLAINS.- Ho . MuluM n Cleiiu Stiituinent of tlio All'alrs- of the I'liiinnin C'uiml Compan- y.CorlM . | ) ) | l lBU3bn Jtlinci Gordon Hcnilttt.- PAIIIS . , March 8. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : BEE. ] The llrst hearing in the trial of M. Prouet nnd his colleagues im- plicated ¬ In tuo Pnnamo canal corruption business , gives the results which public curiosity expected. The hearing lasted from 11 o'clock in the morning until 0 o'clock in the evening. M. Charles de Lesseps had de- cided ¬ to tell all ho knew, nnd did so. The whole session was taken up with his interro- gators. ¬ . M. do Lessops avowed his relations ..with- Dr. . Cornelius Herz nnd the late Baron do- Hcinach. . Herz , said M. do Lcsscps , was acquainted with President Grovy , which In- spired ¬ confidence In M. do Lesseps. The Intervention of M. Clemenceau , M. do- Freyclhet and M. Floquot was also proven. Therefore the general opinion is that the political career of those three statesmen is absolutely at an end.- M. . . do Lesseps defended himself admi- rably. ¬ . He spoke with surprising facility and explained with consummate art the ramifica- tions ¬ of successful financiering. It is ex- pected ¬ that tomorrow wo shall hear revela- tions ¬ of the very blithest importance. It is quite plain that there exists some secret in which Dr. Herz Is concerned , but nobody wanted to mention it until now. Yet the truth will como out tomorrow in the intcr- rogotory - of the other accused perrons. The whole weight of this discussion , however , will bo borne by M. Charles do Lesseps. JACQUES Sr. Cuun.- i . CLKl'EK.lMn'S I'OKICI' ; IlondH Will Not Ho Issued by the Adminis- tration ¬ UnleHS Absolutely Xeceesiiry. NEW YOIIK , March 8. The Evening Post's special upon the bond issue and extra session says : "Tho president nnd the cabinet nro- ngrccd that the earliest possible repeal of the Sherman act is both desirable and neces- sary ¬ for the party's welfare. They fear , however , that a maorlt.v | for the repeal could not bo secured at present In cither house of congress , and n failure might have a disastrous effect ; hence , it is thought , the better course is to delay the assemblage of congress until early in Iho fall in order that public opinion , which Is evidently turning , may exercise its Influence in the meantime upon senators and representatives. The president and his cabinet are fully alive to the dangers involved In the delay , in consequence of the apprehensions reg.ird- Ing the immediate future among business- men throughout the country , and propose to guard against them by early action , in ac- cordance ¬ with the assurance in the Inaug- ural ¬ address , that1 so far as the executive brunch of the government can intervene , none of the powers with yvhieh it Is vested will bo withheld when their exercise is deemed necessary to maintain our national credit or avert financial disaster.- "This . is the view which some of the best friends of the administration uro presenting where it Is likely to have influence. Spec- ulators ¬ , therefore , who may bo counting on a riot of bond sales , because all the signs point to the necessity of some kind of an Issue be ¬ fore long.nrc likely to bo deeply disap ¬ pointed. Mr. Carlisle is a thoughtful man and very deliberate In his movements , and there is no danger that Mr. Cleveland would In any event override the secretary's Judge ment on such a matter as this- ."It . is thought that the belief of Mr. Cleveland and his secretary of the treasury in their right to issue bonds in certain emergencies without further legislation was nt the bottom of their consenting to a cessa- tion ¬ of hostilities over the Sherman amend ¬ ment. It is not probable , however , that cither of them would feel Justified in making such Issue a largo ono. It would probably bo STi.OOO.OOO , or S10000.000 at the outside a sufficient amount for an experiment. If It should bo found that the effect of this Issue was going to he nullified by a pan- icky ¬ feeling in the money market or by the operations of speculators , who would draw gold out of ono door of the treasury as fast as they shoveled it in at the other , they would consider it better policy to suspend bond selling nnd lot the people have a taste of business conducted everywhere in the coun ¬ try on a silver basis. Of course , gold would In that event go to u premium. " Vlrur Oenenil Hnuly'H l'iinenil.- ST . , Louis , Mo. , March 8. The funcr.il of the late Vicar General P , H. Brady was'hold today in the midst of a driving ruin. Many ] orsons passed around the catafalque taking their last look at the dead nnd the largo church was densely packed. Bishop Hennessey of Wichita , Kan , , cele- brated solemn high mass , assisted by Fathers McDonald and O. J , Hogg of Jefferson City , and Very Hov, H. Muhlslpcn , V. G. Father M S. Drcnnan of St. Loctt was mister of- ceremonies. . Archbishop , Ilyun of Phila ¬ delphia preached "an eloquent sermon , In which he paid a trlbut ? : to the beloved father.- At . the conclusion of Iho services the funeral procession Jvns formed and pro- ceeded ¬ to C.ilvary.ccftictcrv , where the inter- ment ¬ wns made laHho priest's lot- .tOV . . .VMir.U.l.V JSK.IXIM. Good News from thrt Unltoil Stutr * Arotiten- Unliotiniled ICntliuil'im , Hoxoi.ui.tr , M irch I. Both the steamship China ami Australia , ! which nrrlvcd on Feb- ruary ¬ !23 and 22 , rospa.'tlvely , br.iusht satis- factory Intelligence to the provisional gov- ernment ¬ and the Atncric.in pirty on the Islands. Excited tlirongs everywhere ills cussed the action decided upon by President Harrison nnd lib cabinet , nirl the prompt action of the administration was warmly commended by all , irrespective of parties , as well as by the iiriny German residents an J the more Intelligent natives. When the Aus- tralia ¬ arrived , bringing the news that a mes- sage ¬ from President Harrison hid gone to the senate providing for a tro.ity of annexa- tion ¬ , the enthusiasm know no bounds. The day was the iinnlversiry of the birth of Washington nnd wast observed as u general holiday. The city anil shipping were pro- fusely ¬ decorated anil on board the flag ship Mohican Admtr.il Storrctt and staff held n reception , attended by nil prominent persons , exclusive : of pronounced royalists. Toward the close of the week a rumor was current that the scnnto'would not ratify the treaty of'annexation ' "and several wagers were made that the queen would again como to ( the throne. Members of the advisory council ( In discussing the rumor suld that if the United States refused to take action It would ilrlvo the provisional government to- igaln take up arms , Would Not Allow HrllUU Troops to I.ind. Asked If overtures will bo mudo to other > ewers if the United States declined the stands , the councillors replied they might JO compelled to apply elsewhere if the United States troops were withdrawn. In this con- lection - the fact Is not generally known that the raising of the American flag was forced upon Minister Stevens "and President Dole by the notion of tlio British minister , who demanded the withdrawal of the Boston'sf- orces. . A consultation determined that the only course was to declare in American pro- tectorate ¬ , in which the minister acquiesced. Captain Hughes-Hulletlt , commanding the British ship Gurnet , asked permission to land a body of men , stating that the British residents desired further protection. The request wus denied. The deposed queen not only refuses to see newspaper men. but excludes all but her most intimate friends. The main Idea to bo controverted" In order to appease native hostility to annexation is that the Ilawailans will not be deprived of- nny right they possess nor bo placed under the power of what they cjill the "missionary element. " j Judge Alfred S. Hartwell , one of the most prominent men of Hawaii , speaking of the revolution , said : "I dill not Join In the movement because I did not understand how It could succeed , not being preconcerted. Life nd property was-in ? imminent danger when the Bostonlundc ficr men. A delay of two hour's would Ijuvq brought on dark- ness ¬ and tumult , ,,'in.o United States pro- teeto.ato - was not declared , ' a day f too soon. " Kngllah Ami American Sailor * 1ljjht. Several squabbles between the sailors of the British ship Guri'ct | > 'and those from the Boston nnd Mohican occurred ten- days ago , resulting In many arrests. The captains of the American ships averted further trouble by declining to allow further shore leaves. The order was rescinded Saturday , however. On the arrival of the Japanese cruiser Naniwn u few days since the story was cir- culated ¬ that Japan proposed to annul the present contract under which some thirteen thousand of her subjects are laboring on the islands. ' Japan for some time has boon sscro tly en- eouraging emigration to Hawaii with the idea of colonizing the islands , and a cruiser has been dispafphcd to sco what she could do in the way of annexation. Both rumors luck continuation.- A . farewell reception nnd ball was given nt the opera house on February 21 In honor of Captain Wiltze , who relinquished command of the Boston that day. , ' The advisory council has repealed the act appointing governors fpl'lho various islands. The provisional'government has passed laws to carry out the provisions for a na- tional ¬ loan of 750000. , Story of n Mutiny nt Sen. The American bark Ilcspor. Captain Sodcrgren , arrived on February iil with an account of n mutiny on January 11 ! which re- sulted ¬ In the death of Mate Fitzgerald. The Hesper is from Newcastle , N. S. W. , for San Francisco. A plot was hutched to murder the captain , first and second mutes , cook nnd a Greek sailor. "The mutineers were then to run the vessel either to China or the Chilian coast , sell the Cargo and fit the bark for a piratical cruise. On the night of Jan- uary ¬ lii Sailor Lccliilr sprang upon Mute Fitzgerald and felled him with a blow from a hatchet , continuing to gash htm until the victim ceased to .struggle. Dissensions then arose among the plotters and the first mate soon discovered the absence of Fitz- gerald. ¬ . The captain discovered blood on the deck nnd was told by Seaman Green that Lcclalr asked him and others to assist in throwing the body overboard. The captain thereupon ordered the arrest of the muti- neers ¬ , and the bark headed for Tahiti. En- route an attempt was made to release the mutineers , but without success. On her arrival at Tahiti the men were tuken before the United States consul and confessed , The flve prisoners were then sent to Jail until the bark Tropic BlrJ loft for San Francisco , where they will b'o'trlcd.- U'ESTVH.V . U.1Ol l '' .I Hit , T. T. Kckcrt Will Siiccruil Dr. Xorvlu- ireeu ( n Its l'rp lilciit. New YOHK , March S.-j-Tho directors of the Western Union Telegraph company , In an- nuul meeting today , elected T. T. Eckert , president , in place of Dr. Is'orvin Green , de- ceased. ¬ . General Eckcct remains also gen- eral ¬ ' manager. The directors also do {lnred the usual quar- terly dividend of Ji { per cent , payable April 17. The report submitted shows a surplus on October 1 , 18U3 , of'14,470,155 ' , of whicli there has been capitalized by the issue ol capital stoekC distributee. December 9 , ISiii $8,0l8r 00 ; balance. $5,857,045 ; net revenues for the quarter ended December H , 18tU , $2 , 01.U18a ! ! ; tdtul of * 7870rjU.17 ( , from whicl deducting $1,4'27B71 foj dividend paid Jan- uary 10 , interest and sinking funds , leaves a surplus of $0,440,003 January ; 1 , I8U3. The net revenue fop the quarter cndci March at , lb ! 3 , partly estimated , was $1,075 , 000. After appropriating interest und sink Ing fund charges and the dividend just de- clared there will bo n buliineo of fiJOisU8rj. The board adopted resolutions eulogistic of the late Dr. Norvln Green , in which they say , after praising his personal traits nm literary abilities : "At the time of his doatl ho hud presided over the otllclal meetings o the directors and of tno executive nnd otbe committees for more than fourteen years wntu : o.v AN- ClmrlcH Ilnchlu of Oril , Ncl . , Kills Illunclf- Cnrouto t" Tevt * . VINITA , I. T. , March 8. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Chiirlos Hnekle , a German aged CO years , of Ord , Nob. , committed sui- cldo by shooting himself in the forehead on the Missouri. Kansas & Texas passenger train Just before reaching this town tonight In company with seven other gentlemen ho was on an excursion to Portland , Tex. The remains will be sent back. Hackle , his com panlons say. was well off and owns fou farms. Ho leaves a rvlfo and nine children TO IN FOUR BRIEF ROUNDS im Hall Knocked Out by a Single Punch from Long Bob's ' "Terrible. " iREAT CARNIVAL PROVES A FAILURE Inrilly 1'lvo Tlimisiiml I'ooplo Atlrnil the I.list Kvvnt of the Norlot lliiU'H drrotl Almost I'reventH tlio right Ilo- tall * nl the Alliilr. CIIESCNT CITT Ci.un , New OHrll NS , La. , March 8. [ Special Telegram to- I'm: Bun. ] This has been n disagreeable day for Now Orleans , with an tnces- ant driving rain from early morning until ( unset. This has left narrow streets In- mdatcd - , with slimy water and darker and loomicr than the perilous of London , and ho atmosphere with an ' edge on it akin to hat of a Nebraska blizzard. Every ono who cnturcd out became wet and bedraggled ind a sort of wholesale disgust settled over ill at n very curly singe of the game.- To . add to the very general depression pro- ailing , the air bus been filled with suspi- cious ¬ rumors touching the great $40,000 bat- le - 1 between Fitzsimmons und Hall , In which torles of a gigantic fuko and interference ol n the part of the authorities cut no. llttlo Igure. But the big fight has been fought , ind already the result has been llasho.1 to ho furthermost corners of civilization , and thus all of these untoward stories have ncrged Into fable. H Almost 1lxzled. However , these vugno rumor.i had more of- i ! foundation than but few suspected , for the xittle did come wit.hln an ace of flashing in- ho pan. Being strictly on the Inside circle , vhat is related here may be relied upon as- gospcl. . At half-past 10 this morning the Hall contiiigeutnotllled thoolllciulsof thoCrescent- lty ! club that before any other action could o taken looking to ward the consummation of- .he club's plans to pull off the big contest .hey would require two certified checks , ono 'or SiT.fiOO und the other for $J.r 00 , o bo deposited by 1 o'clock with lie New Orleans Commercial National bank r the whole affair was off. Of course this hrow the camp of the Crescents into dire 'onstcrnntlon , and up to the prescribed hour .here was some of the liveliest hustling on- he part of the club that has marked the iltherto clour sailing of the organization. For a time there wore the gravest kind of- loubts whether the buttle would como off or lot , but that It has Is all the evidence iccessary to show that the demanded surety vas duly raised and dciKwiteJ. This expose is made simply to demonstrate the utter foolhardlness and danger In any club hanging up such a largo sum of money o bo striven for by such an unreliable nnd- lisroputublo quantity ns the professional irlze fighter. Another thing , the combined carnival of two clubs , the Olympic and tha Crescent , lias been a frost. There is a possibility that it hud Us Inception and development in the same spot that lei to the imperious de- mand ¬ by the Hall narty that the idlotio and unreasonable purse bo put up. It has boon a that'Now Orleans clubs , nt least , will remember and profit by to the end of their days. Very I.lttlo itituusl8in. : But the fight of the giants. The crowd , while nothing in comparison to that which witnessed the SullivunCorbott- flgnt , embraced possibly 5,000 people. They were a trifle late In arriving , and stragglers came dropping in oven after the men had taken their corners , a potent evidence that the Interest of the people in the contest had but a faint resemblance to that on the occa- sion ¬ so frequently referred to. Hall , attired In a long light gray mackin ¬ tosh , was the first of the gladiators to arrive , and while ho was greeted with a rousing shout , It was but brief and spasmodic. Fitz- slmmons - shambled into the arena a half hour later , when the demonstration was even less marked. Both men were pictures of robust health and herculean strength and were glib und flippant In expressing their supreme confidence in proving the muster of the other. Stiirtcd the Troulilo Kiidty.i- Vt . 9 o'clock prompt Hall , followed by his backer. Squire Ablngdon , Charlie Mitchell , Jack McAuliffo and , lohn Kline , entered the ring , amidst a deafening silence , but when Fitzsimmons , with Frank Bosworth , his trainer , brother Bill and Martin Julian , came up the uproar was something tremen ¬ dous. Fitz was naturalized today , and stepped Jauntily to his corner waving a large sample of the stars and stripes. There was but llttlo delay. The men were soon standing face to face , und the battle was on. Fitzsiinmons at once assumed the ag- gressive. ¬ . He soon discovered that Hall's defense was something marvelous. In the first nnd second rounds Fitz got in n number of stiff body bows , but in return was visited stiffly In the face by Hall's left. Tlio third round was a terrific one , in which It was give and take from start to- finish. . Hall seemed to have a decided ad- vantage ¬ for the llrst half , but in the last Fitz recovered and went at Hall like a fiend , landing tremendously blow after blow upon Hull's ribs , which ho received , however , without a wince. The men were savagely at it when the round closed. HimIt Was ICmlcil. The fourth was short. Fitz jabbed Hall once or twice In the face with his loft , when suddenly , on Hall's endeavoring to force mat ters. Fitz's long right arm described a circle in the air nnd his big list landed like a can- non shot on Hall's jaw. His feet went to the air ns If a dynamite bomb had exploded under them , and his lanky form went to the floor tlko a thousand of bricks. His head struck with horrible force , the concussion oven being felt by those in the press boxes about the i ing. Hall then lay flat upon his back ns lifeless , apparently , as n man hewn from stone. Ho was counted out amidst u scene of wild ox- eltement. . ' Chnrllo Mitchell sat as If paralyzed , but was soon nt his friend's side , together with McAuliiTo und the 'squire. Hall lay unconscious for several minutes with Fitz standing at his side nstrldo his stif ¬ fened limbs. The red-headed wonder wore a look of deep concern , until Hall began to re- vive , when ho cavorted about the stage like a lunatic. Mitchell picked Hall up' In his arms nnd carried him to his corner , and sat him in his chair , Fitz following closely and watching the work of restoration with a puzzled look upon his comical face.- Hiirprlnud . the Attniidiiiisc.- prlng . und 'MoAullffo the other ho wns led slowly from the ring. The whole thing happened with such sud ¬ denness that the big crowd could not rcuIUo what had occurred , but Hull's prostrate form too soon told the story. From n scientific standpoint the fight wn- nn unparalleled one , und will rcmuin us such In the annals of the ring for many years to- come. 1 . That Fitz Is u wonder admits of no I further dispute , und in case Mitchell falls at Corbott's bunds Pompadour Jim will nut bo 1 long wanting a worthy antagonist.- S.ixnv . i Gniswou ) . DKTAII.H or TIM : MII.I. . IIITorn i How the ( lliiilliitorH WorrUul Kanli Other i the Iliittlo iiidi-il. : ' NEW OJU.KASS , La. , March 8. The battle01- mlddlewelghts Is over. The March carnival of pugilism has become prize ring history and Its record is before the country. It is Important because of two things. Ono of Us lights wns for the Inrgcst purse ever fought for In a'ring. . The day of extravagant nurses ! ended tonight. A mngnltlceiit civwd Ill | olnt of slzoand personnel siw a great tuttle tonight. A victory won and a defeat suffered. The scene wns the most superbly appointed llstlc arena In nny land. The In ¬ terest tonight was not as great by many degrees ns on the occasion of the battle for heavyweight supremacy last September when the ponderous pugilistic Idol of the country was laid low by the modern prize rlmr David , but the light tonight was never ¬ theless the most tiiiKirtant | and mostgener.il subject of conversation on the streets , In clubs , in saloons , In hotels nnd In parlors , The committee had vetoed the efforts of the newspapers to bulletin the light , because It did not want to keep any ono away from the arena , but the telephone bells Jlnglod mer ¬ nnd bulletins found their way In every direction in spite of precautions. Clubs and managers had tried hard for months to bring the Australians together , and after much bickering articles were signed. The greatest purse two men over fought for was obtained and Fltzslmmons and Hall went their respective ways to pre- pare ¬ for the battle.- Klllirr . Soomi'il ( loud llrt. They nro men of somewhat similar build. Both are giants , ' strong , stealthy , big boned , long armed , stubborn , fnrmUablo lighters , iilepts In science , experienced in the ring ind hard punchers. Each has a distinctive style. Each has been regarded as a wonder , 'jo close was the match considered that for i long tlmo oven money was wagered on either , the pool rooms letting the bettor ake his choice. Hall promised to go Into the ring n favort- e. - | . The east has been anxious to revenge tself on Fitzsimmons for the defeat of Jack 3cnipsoy , nnd they went to Hall , not only localise Hall was considered n good man , but iccauso the section lines wcrodrawn against he south nnd FHzsimmons. There was not ' uuch choice , however , and the betting was consistent during the day. Hall seemed most strongly a favorite and Fitzsimmons only slightly the choice of the talent. It was U to 10 Hall at nightfall nnd m to 10 ! ) Fitzsimmons. An inllux of Fit- slmmons' - men and several hundreds of Fitz- slmnions' - money appearing In the pool room ate In the evening beat down Hall and mailo . 'Itzsimmons for the time the favorite , even nonc.v demanded for Hall and -I to G on bin opponent. Wild rumors were rife before and after loon. There was unnutliorltatlvo threats of- iiterferenco every hour of the day , and when those had been effectually run to earth there was a rumor that Hall had fallen out with his trainer , that the light was fixed and that the purse would not bo forthcoming. Neither man worked hard on his last day jcfore the light. Each hugged his quarters , except when Fitzsimmons drove in a carriage ° the criminal court and when Hall went iround to Moreau's to get n bite with Chnr- oy - Mitchell. Crowds trailed at the feet of- ilthcr , but Fitzsimmons was the more popu- ar - from a local standpoint and local faith was in him and local money was on him- .ItWux . Noel's llnny Diiy. President Noel was on the ground before lusk , and the police cordon was drawn ibout the building before the day had been ibsorbed by night. The crowd was repre- sentative ¬ in character and thoroughly cos- mopolitan. ¬ . The two men reached the arena in ample .lino to rest nnd to prepare tlremselves for the battle. Charley Mitchell and Jack Mc- Aullffo - attracted ns much nttentlon as they entered the ring as did the stars themselves. Uoth men were drawn to a line point , so far as condition was considered , but neither had taken off much flesh and were strong. They came Into the ring with promptness and the crowd did not have long to wait for hostili- tics to commence. Mayor Fitzpatrlck was among the promi- nent ¬ officials who came early to see the royal battle. In the Hall corner the men chosen to look after his Interests were Lightweight Champion McAulifTo , Charley Mitchell'Squlro Abingdon Bnlrd , nnd John Kline holding the wntch. Most of them men ol craft and experience. Fitzsimmons had men with less reputation , out not less faithful than Hall's attendi.nts , Hilly Fitz ¬ simmons , his brother : Martin Julian and Frank Bosworth , D. O. O'Malloy keeping time. The men entered the ring at 9 o'clock promptly , Hall leading the procession- .Itefereo . Duffy took his position almost Im- mediately ¬ and both ho and Hall were cheered loudly. Fitzsimmons came In waving the United States flag nnd received a tre- mendous ¬ ovation. President Noel nnd the chairman of the contest committee. Joseph Short , Joined the men in the ring , while Captain Barrett took charge of the police detail. Ucferco Duffy made a neat speech , counseling the men to ba careful and cool , and the light was on , I'll * Did Iho FlKhtlni- . Hound 1 Usual handshaking marked the opening. Both men stepped nimbly to cen- ter ¬ and feinted for an opening. Fitzsim- mons ¬ attempted a left uppercut In stomach , but Hall backed away. Ho tried again for the head , and falling , clinched. Hall led for the stomach , but received n tap on the shoulder. Fitzsimmons scored a heavy left Hall's mouth , a right on the heart , "with- out return. The audience yelled. Hull made a wild left swing and Fitz smilingly dodged away. FiUsimnions landed heavily with left on the stomach and dodged a return from the same hand. Hull landed a heavy right on the cur und Fitzsimmons clinched , Hall hitting Fitz with right on head. Hound B Fitzsimmons tried to reach the stomach with left , missed and backed away. Fitz attempted a right on the body , missing because ot Hall's clinch. The men were ex ¬ tremely cautious , but Hall received a heavy left on the stomach , responding with a left on the head. Hall lundcd n good left blow , but received one on the head in return. Hall was trying to land his right nnd shift- Ing - , Hull slipped away. Fitz forced Hall In the corner , but the latter clinched to avoid punishment. Fitz tried the left , but was neatly stopped. Bot'i men In a hot rally scored rights on the head.- Houii'l . !! Fitzsimmons was the aggressor , feinting with his left , which ho landed on the stomach. Hall received aright on the body and a moment later Fitzsimmons re- ceived two heavy lofts on the face and a heavy right uppercut. Fitz clinched to save himself , and Duffy had a hard tlmo in part- Ing - them. Fitz was clinching to avoid pun- ishment right along. Both men were light ¬ ing hard when the round ended , .M Lit IT llHll'H I'litnl MUtillio. Hound 4 Hall came up the aggressor. Fitz landed a heavy right on the Jaw , knock- Ing - Hall into the middle of the ring. The blow was a tremendous right-hand swing and landed full on the point of the jaw. Hall wns n long time in coming to , but no finally drew his left hand up to his nostrils and was finally helped to his corner by Fitzsimmons , his conqueror. * The referee awarded the contest to Fitz ¬ simmons , who , waving the United States flag over his head , walked over to his oppo- nent's corner and shook his hand , and as he was leaving the ring received a tremendous ovation. When Frank Bosworth Jumped through the ropes after Hull had fallen und the bat- tle ¬ was upperently over , Fitzsimmons forci ¬ bly thrust Ills officious second back through the ropes. Ho kept his word nnd did his own fighting. The light was the easiest Fitzsimmons has had In America , and tha blow that knocked Hall out was universally said to bo the hardest that nny one of the old ring habitues ever witnessed , Hull Wiu I'lirnlyzoil. The audience rose to its feet nnd a 1 tremendous shout went up , Hall , however , 1 lay unconscious on the carpet , n look of agony on his face and the crowd fearing ho hud suffered serious injury , Hall's second ran quickly to the prostrate pugilist , and applying restoratives gradually brought him back to consciousness. Fitzsimmons also ran to the center of the ring , and pulling o.T his gloves helped to resuscitate lil.s con- quered ¬ foe. When Hall hud b cn brought to ho was carried limp to his ehulr. where ho remained until able to go to bis dressing room. FUzslmfiions wus frenzied with delight over his comparative easy victory. Unused lor .tinnier , MAONOI.U , Miss. , March 8. U 1C , Ford wns banned today for the of Marshal U. A. Clay a year ago.- on . SYSTEM THAT KILLS How Oonvicta at the Penitentiary Have Boon Punished to Death. LEFT AT THE MERCY OF BRUTAL GUARDS No Ohauco to Escapa or Appaal When Sen- tence - is Once Pronounced , OFTEN TORTURED FOR MINOR OFFENSES Almost Anything Suffices to Sent! a Prisoner to the Torture Ohambor. RESULT UF LEGISLATIVE INVESTIGATION Krldciico on Which the Joint Committee Conclude * Thtt : Trunk INm-ell Wan Mur- ilorocl - KccciimiH'McliitlmiHfitr ClmiiRo- In the I'enltentliiry MumiKomcnt. LINCOLN , Nob. . March 8. [ Special to Tun- BEE. . ] Today In the senate the report of the joint coni'iiltteo appointed early In the session to Investigate the penitentiary was submitted. The nffalr which particularly Invited attention was the death of convict Frank Powell , No. 2Ktt ( , who was sild : to have committed suicide by hanging himself in his cell. The report of the eommltteo charges that Powell's death w.is the direct result of punishment Inflicted by the cell house keeper and guards. During its Investigation the committee took nn immcnso amount of testimony , ex- amining ¬ n great number of witnesses , Includ- ing ¬ the oniecrs of the penitentiary , stnto- onicials , prison guards , prison missionaries , convicts and ox-convicts. In the several hundred pages of typo-written testimony Is contained a story of cruelty and inhumanly , brutal treatment accorded to helpless pris- oners , the details of which would enuso o smile of approval to illumine the face of any of Thomas do Torquomada's lieutenants , were ho spared from his eternal rest long enough to peruse it. Tnc BEI : has hail au opportunity to review this testimony , and from It has condensed the following as being the evidence of reliable witnesses and fairly presenting both sides.- Klde . * Howe. Describe * It. Among the rcsnonscs of Elder Howe , chap lain 'at the penitentiary , to the questions asked him abont the tieatmcnt of convicts , were the following : "About eight years ago 1 was called by the warden , Mr. Nobcs , to go to the dark hole ono Sunday morning after service. Ho said that he had a man in there that ho did not want to have stay there after noon as ho would lose all of his good time , Ho was sent in for ten years nnd went In the dark hole on Saturday. Ho came to the penitentiary and would not answer any questions and hn was put into the dnrk hole. Wo wont down. ' The man was lying down with n small rope about | his neck , and his hands were hand * cuffed behind him and the other end of the rope was fastened to them , and ho had gotten Into ' a corner of the room und had slid dowa- so that ho could not get back and was obliged to remain where he was lying. That was a mode of punishment that to mo was barbar- ous ¬ , n relic of barbarism. Ho had been in- twentythree hours , nnd was very much ex ¬ hausted.- "Your . hands are handcuffed , and this rope was tied on and your hands nro dr.iwn up Just as f.-.r as the man that puts it on wishes to doit ; if he is mad ho will draw them up this way , and then it is all the time drawing yon , and every tune you move your bunds it will saw them. There is nothing between your skin and this ropo. " Dopeiula on tin ! llruto Who Does It. Other informntlon elicited from the chap ¬ lain was to the effect that the warden or ¬ dered the punishment in eases of this kind , and he eould deputize somebody else to do it , The warden does not put on the rope or the handcuffs , ns that Is done by the collkeeper. The warden is not present , but goes occa- sionally ¬ afterwards to see how the man is getting along , and the doctor calls every day , or Is supposed to. The chaplain said ho purposely avoided knowing anything about the punishments if- ho could help It , ns ho had enough care and anxiety with , the boys , nnd with all the load nnd responsibility ho carried did not want to carry any of the re- sponsibility ¬ of the warden or any of the men. Ho know of a case throe or four years ago , when n man was punished twen- tytwo ¬ to twenty-four dnys under Warden Hyers. It was a case of attempted mutiny , anil this was quite n largo man , and the leader of the mutiny. They were getting poor meat to eat , and there wore forty or fifty of thorn in the mutiny and the warden was very angry about it and went down nnd ordered forty of them into punishment. They hadn't regular cells enough nnd so they were handcuffed and kept in their cells for several days. The leader was kept In there until Dr. Carter , who was tno physician at that time , ordered him released because ho could not stand that amount of punishment without injuring him ; maybe ho would bo- under punishment n day or two and bo re ¬ leased a short time , but In all it was twenty- four days of continuous punishment , Cruelty Very Common , He was handcuffed all day and night , and had this rope on him all the time except when ho ale. II : was lot down after being there twenty-three days and was then put on for eight days inure , and came out of the cell a sk'doion. He was a stubborn man nnd would not yield. Tbo order of the physician was sullleiont to get him out ntany time. Other cases of cruelty were very frequent. "I know of ono previous to that , " ho said , "under Mr. Nobes. who was kept In , I think , about ten days. Ho was a rather fceblo man , und when he came out ho was very feeble and soon went to the hospital , and was there until ho died. I think that hastened his death , but oUicrwIso ho would have died , us he could not have lived n great while- ."This . mode of punishment has never changed u long as I can remember. It is different under different administrations , belnir more severe under ono than the other. This Is the euro for all diseases , and you can often tell by the looks of the neck if they have been In there for some tlmo , HIMV I'owell Wits Kil.'cil- ."I . do not know anything about Powell's case only what I have heard. I burled him. It was an uncommon thing , though ; ho was put into the eollln and the -colUa closed up miforo I got there , which has never occurred iioforo since I have been chaplain. I think it was undesigned ; u now deputy warden had churgo and ho probably did not know the rules , which were that I should sco every man , nnd sco whether It was a man or something else. I could not swear that I burled him , though I supposed that 1 did. They generally cull mo right off when there Is a death , but I was not notified In this case until I was called to tbo- uncral. . "Thero should bo reforms , nnd those ro- forms should lw inadu sure and soon , I do nofsoo how a man hanging up under the clr- cumstnnccs that ho hung , with his hands fixed us they were , could let himself down. I do not know how he rould do that. The pay of the guards should bo increased until you can bite men that can bo trusted to takn care of your sons and daughters , und the rcpivsentu'lvcs of the state , In my opinion , should look after that most carefully. What kind of men can you hire for f JO a month to work thcrol You need u class of men you eun crust , but you get a class of men that U low down , lower tnan many of Ibr

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How tbo Corporation High Kickers Enter-tained


the Sonata Railroad Committee ,


Why lloth Are llljjli Hurt' * .MIiMttitcmcii-tof I'aiitunnil HolilreKn'H Mltreirc| < en-


Ktiitln'n Advlco'to theKtatu Legislature.

CINCINNATI , O. , March 5. Gentlemen ofthe Senate Committee on : 'From-n copy of TUB OMAHA BBB of tho. 1st iust. Inotice that a combination serpentine andskirt dunce has been rendered before jourhonorable body by Messrs. Holdrege , Smithnnd Deweso of the B. & M. , Messrs. Burke ,

Hawlcy , Buchanan and Morchousc of theElkhorn , Messrs , Sholcs and Perln of theElkhorn's twin system , Messrs. Tiddemoro-nnd Jay of the Jay Pacific , General Ixw ofthe Hock Island and Messrs. KImball , Kcl-ley


and Dickinson of the Union Pacific-.If


you gentlemen have been living In n holein the ground and have never heard of over-charges


on freight , I can sco how necessaryit would bo to get Information from them ,

but , judging from the newspaper rcnorts , thisgrand .aggregation simply regaled you withsong nnd dunce ns now ns that late play ,

"Uncle Tom's Cabin. " Since it Is evidentyour honorable body must be ns anxious forpointers nnd Information on transit in No-


ns were the Into members of ourState Board of Transportation , I beg to referto the sophistry as reported In Tin : Br.n ,

hoping It may have at least as much Influ-ence with you ns would water poured over u-

duck's back.Why IOWK'N Iiidimtrli'M Ilnvo Crmvn.-


. Hurt cither willfully or Intentionallymisquotes comparative commodities for Ne-


nnd Iowa , which ho bulls on ono sidennd boars on the other In a way Indicatingthat he depends on your swallowing his of-ferings


In solid chunks , leaving your mentalstomach to do both chewing and digesting.But were his statements true , then Iowa'sprosperity Is duo to her local rates nnd ourpoverty to our high local rates. This gentle-man


spoke of local manufacturing in Iowabolng greater than Nebraska , but ho forgotto explain that Iowa local rates are whatbuilt up Iowa's local manufactures. Ne-braska


"home industry Interests" asks ourcitizens to patronize them , and rightfully so ,but these same gentlemanly ' 'homo Indus-tries , " while asking patronage , make noexertion to get rales put on Iowa basis , sothat wind and water may not wash out ofour state to the railroad gamblers of Wallstreet and Boston from live to eight millionsof. dollarsn year of our people's money thatrlghtfnlly should bo paid to homo Industrynnd those purchases owned by our state'st-ollers. . Ho spoke of the coal mines of Iowa ,but forgot to tell of the short haul theybring that sfato.whilo the roads got the longtintil In our state. In a former letter I-

luotcd from Iowa's reports showing thatIowa local rates had grown over six millions-of dollars for last year over the year 188'J ,the same year that this sumo aggregation ofpoll to liars told Iowa's business representa-tives


that the rates then proposed wouldbankrupt the roads if put In force. The songthey sung then was old nnd did not go inIowa ; the song they sang to you no doubtwas new .but to the business man who knowsIowa and Nebraska It Is "Sweet Violets"-nnd "Johnny , Get Your Gun. "

How lUllrimiU Are Itiilned.-Mr.


. Holdrego spoke of the ninety-nine oddmillions they claim to hnvo Invested. Forreliable information on that question scoMr. C. G. Dawcs' argument before the com-mittee


of Inst session , the facts in his state-ment


having been compiled from the rail ¬

road's report , to Us own stockholders A3cent rate on corn from Hastings to Chicagois 40 per cent too high , and the B. & M.'sclaim of its costing U mills per ton per mileto haul is an absolute falsehood coined fromgarbled figures , compiled for premeditatedpurpose of deception , nnd their secret cornrates made jointly with the Baltimore. &Ohio nt Boardstown , 111. , refutes Mr. llol-drego's

-statement as unworthy nny sane

nmn's credence. Ho claims that the road'scredit is exhausted. This Is deplorable tohim , but a Godsend to us , when we remem-ber


that those roads nro nlrcady mortgagedto banking rings nnd themselves (which thepeople must pay and nssumo in freightcharges ) for more than the roads uro worth ,even If the stock hud no value at all , whichit has not in fact , if based on the actualvalue of the road above the mortgage , didthe people you represent have the businessecnso God gu ?n geese.

The Pacific Short Line Is in business formiss ! ii.iry purposes , same us tlio brunchlines of the Union Pacific , und loses moneyevery dr.y on paper. If arguments ot pov-erty


from profligacy on their part will influ-ence


you to make paupers of your state'sproducers , vndor their systems of railroadI inlstlfyIng bookkeeping , then for your state's

sake go home nnd smoke cigarettes , like-n Now York dude , until you are of ago togrow brains that can stand alone.-


. GeneraliScheincr Low of the HockIsland knows how ruinous railroad buildingis. His company Is not yet dry behind Usearn , and to hear him talk makes ono t'cellike asking a bounty to him to reimburse forpasses that his road has given out formissionary purposes.-



DIcKlllson'rt 1'nor I'uy.-


. Dickinson of the Union Pacific , whoonly gets $,' !.' ! per day for acting us wet nurseto ono of the illegltmato babies of that pau-per


company , when asked what ho did toearn his Salary , "closed his argument with ageneral laugh." How amusing 1 If the rail-roads


take n man's life his value Is set at notto exceed 5000. This Is law. Five monthsof n branch line railroad manager's life isworth the highest value of any man's life ¬

time. The Union Pacific railroad absorbs Us-ca ni in ps in branch lines which should go topay Us national debt , and then tells us thenation holds no right over those lines forwhat is duo us. This explains why Mr.Dickinson's maniigem''iit Is worth 12000.

Mtko McDonald the merchant gambler ofChicago , keeps faro dealers who draw bigsalaries nnd a off. Attorney Kollovdeals the railroad cards so that his figuresshow that $13,1)00) n year salaried managersget n lower uverngo salary than trainmenor shopmen. I am sorry the details of hisnrgument lire not reported , for U must havebeen Ingenious.

Tills same shell game of linguistic skill isused to show your honorable lK dy that mil ¬

lions of bushels of grain are raised in ourstate , the valueof which goes to railroadcompanies In transit , at a loss to the rail-roads


( I ) , leaving but'iinexistciico[ to our Ne ¬

braska producers.-To


cup it all a delegation of railroad em-ployes

i-protest at rate reduction , becausethey are. assured that a reduction In ratesmeans n reduction in wages. Every intelli-gent


railroad man not a whipped curknows hinges nro screwed down to thelowest possslblo notch under nny tariff , and'this deputation Is a brunch of well mean ' ¬

ing yellow cats In the bunds of therailroad monkeys , used to pull outstolen chestnuts from our industriallll-os. The wise railroad operative will .work for transit to be put under civil sorvleorules , us Is | o.stnl service , where honestmerit will receive a free man's wages un-awed by petty tyrants who draw from $i3!to fM ) a day salary. It would be a shame toreduce Dickinson's salary , or Thurston's , orInvestigate the Union Pacific Coal companyor Us private freight car lines. The fact Is' ,these men who miinuge railways under pres-ent i-

ton per mile stock-jobbing systems uro-lyfferlng with softening of the biiiln und in-s

-; nlty , brought on by self-abuse of thetruth and their vicious habits tend to cor¬

ruption of official public life , and to thediMrurtlon of individual business liberty.Th ir I-tease Is of a criminal , vicious nature.Il rtCaUJ bo cruel to confine them in the lu-

snno asylum , cruel to the honest , gentle-minded Insane of our states. They wouldcome in contact there with their victimsfrom the farm and factory and countrytown , whoso reasons have been unhinged bythe gambling modus operand ! in transitwhich throttles nnd bleeds Individual In ¬

dustrial opiwrtunltics.Duty I'liilii llrforo It.

Gentlemen of the railway committees , Ifyou and tuo present state legislature fall Ingiving our state reduced local rates com-paratively


ns low ns present Iowa local rates ,you arc criminal flunkies to the brutal powerof usurped wealth. Full In your whole dutyIn the light of facts which honest Intelli-gence


can gather from sources outside of-"newspaper or political" coloring of anynature , and you brand yourselves as a bodyof representative asses fit only to bray tothe piping of gentei'l villainy. There- areexcuses for honest differing In religion 01-politics , but none for nny representative Nc-br.iskan

-, tjut a brazen tool of transit agencies

in falling to do justice to his state in freightrates. Not many of the average men thinknt all , and those who do do so for n personaldirect consideration , as do the railroad at-torioys


) , nnd twelve to fifty thousand a yearmanagers exacting tribute under the headof transit.

Gentlemen , do your duty , as Iowa business-men did In 1HSS ' 8'J , and face the storm likemen. Do not drift like n herd of cattle before a Santa Fc blizzard , as Kansas din.

If you fail to give us reduced local freightrates.for God's sakonpproprlateinoney to buyslot machines In which two slots are placed ,and so arranged that wecan put lOccntsinonoslot , and then 5 cents In the other to get backthe 10 cents , as we nOw do In railroad taxes.By this arrangement we will only lose 5 centsto the holders of the slot machine , same aseach cltl7.cn now docs on freight each hour ,and get 10 cents of our money back In rail-road




business is nobody's , but localfreight rates are business men's nnd "homoIndustry's" business. A. J. ClusTix-



IN A SAV1SU MO ! > I ,

( iviiural Appropriation * Not Itcln ;: ( iniitlyI-ncronniMl Hot llcpnrt Coming.L-


, Neb. , March S. [ Special Tele-gram


to Tin : Her. . ] The action of the senatethus far in considering the general appro-priation


bill In committee of the whole issomething of a disappointment to those whowere counting on a wholesale Increase of theappropriations for the various departments.The Increase up to the present tlmo amountsto very little , with the exception of the pro-vision


for the supreme court commission ,

which was not a reality at the time that thehouse had the bill under consideration. Cutshave been made in some places that nearlyoffset the Increases , and members of thehouse are rejoicing in the hope that thesenate will say that the work of the lowerhouse was practically correct. Just whatthe senate will do in the matter of appro-priations


for state institutions is still a mat-ter


of conjecture , ns it is there that theInrgest increases have been counted on.

' Oiimlm'H Charter Kill.'1 he eommltteo of the senate having In

charge the Omaha charter held a meetingthis afternoon and decided not to allow any-more public discussion of the bill by out ¬

siders. This will cut off both friends andenemies of the charter from having anyfurther hearing on the subject , cither beforethe committee or on the lloor of the senate ,and lobbyists , pro and con , may as well stayat homo , unless they are of the type thatcan successfully work state house corridors ,hotel rotundas nnd sheltered places alongthe curbstones. The committee expects tosubmit its report about Friday and will prob-ably


report favorably on the bill , with the ex-ception


of the tax commissioncrnnd the (J } <-mill levy.

Kllloil u Junket.The senatorial World's fair Junket has

been declared off. The unexpected publicitygiven it and the great amount of adversecomment that U excited , both from outsidersand the members of the lower houso.who werestrenuously opposed to having the senate getany farther behind the house on the legis ¬

lative calendar than it now is , induced sev-eral


of the twenty-one senators who hadsigned the agreement to vote on Friday foran adjournment until Tuesday , to changetheir minds , nnd uncontrollable grief Isonce more the lot of the railroad contingentin the upper house.

Governor Crounso has appointed Dr. T , C.Manury of Carleton us assistant physiciannt the Lincoln Hospital for the Insane underDr. Hayes. It is stated that Albert Gllmore-ot Ncmaha county will receive the appoint-ment


ns steward at the institution. It isfurther intimated that there will bo nochange In the head of the insane asylum atHastings , hut that Dr. Johnson. iyho wasappointed by Governor Boyd , will be allowedto retain the position of superintendent ofthe institution en the ground of his particu ¬

lar fitness for the place.-



I'uy tlin Hoys' Wny.The house committee on universities nndI

normal schools held n meeting at the Lincolnthis evening to consider the request of theI

battalion of cadets nt the State universityfor nn appropriation of fT,000 to take themto the World's fair and remain there a shorttlmo during the great exposition. Severalof the oOigers of the battalion appeared be ¬

fore the committee to present their case andmade a very favorable impression. Some ofthe members go so far ns to stnto that theNehraskn exhibit will not ho any too ex ¬

tensive , and*

us Nobuiska produces boys thatcannot bo discounted by any state in theunion it could not do better than to send nbnttnlion of them to the Columbian fair.

Mils n Itoitht In Store.The special house committee appointed to

investigate , the penitentiary with referenceto the cell house constructed with the f 10,000appropriation voted by the last legislaturehas completed Us work and will probablysubmit its report tomorrow-


will severely score the Board of PublicLands and Buildings , charging gross neglectof duty and indifference to the interests ofthe state , and that the action of tlio boardamounted to nothing less than throwingdown the bars to inevitable waste and col ¬

lusion.The committee Jumps on Colonel Bill Dor-

gnu with both feet , giving nhn a characterfor dishonesty rarely equaled In thcso daysof whitewashing investigations *. It givesfacts and Ilgurcs in proof of its assertions ,and shows conclusively that the manner inwhich the appropriation was expendedunder the supervision and by the consent ofthe board was a monumental steal fromstart to finish. Never slnco the Impeach-ment


of Dave Butler has a stale official re-ceived


such a turning over by a legislativeInvestigating eommltteo as these otllclals ,secretary of state , treasurer , commissionerand attorney general , are given by thls'com-mittco

-, There is no mincing of words , and

the committee calls upon the Authorities tobring suit to compel the repayment of thevarious sums that have been corruptly di-verted


from the proper channels ,

Ex-Senator Starbuck of Thaycr countywas a visitor in legislative hulls today ,watching the workings of the legislativemachinery and listening to the. racket madeby t'.io wheels In the occipital cavities of thelaw makers.


Itiilim , Northerly Winds and Arethe. rredlrtloim for Nelirtukit Toduy.

WASHINGTON , D. C, , March S. Forecast forThursday : For Nebraska Showers Thurs-day

-, northerly winds ; slightly warmer.

For South Dakota : Generally fair Tliurs-day ; winds shifting to southerly and west-erly ; warmer lu northern portions.

For Iowa : Haln , followed by clearingweatheri Thursday ; northwesterly winds ;warmer in western iortion.

*Movements ofOrenii Slc mcr Mureh H ,

At Lizard Passed Spain , from Now Yorkfor London-


Klnsalo Passed Roman , from Bostonfor Liveri ool-


New York Arrived -Hunie , fromLiverpool.-


Boston Arrived Grecian Prince , fromPalermo ; Lnncastcrlan , from LiverK| ol. I


First Battle in the Honduras RevolutionQuito Decisive.


( lonernl flovcrmnrnt of llrur.ll Finally De-


to C'riuli tin ; Agitators anilTheir Army l-'oder.iU Very

Much UcmorulUed.I-



tiu J tincs GnrtltinJcmie.'M,<JolombIa , ( via Galvcston Tex. ) ,

March S. | By Mexican Cable to the NewYork Herald Special to Tim BCB. ]Unconfirmed reports received hero today viaNicaragua announce that In a decisive bat-tle


Pollcorpo Bonlll.i has won a great victorynnd entered Tegucigalpa in triumph. Noth-ing


has been learned concerning the detailsof the b.ittlc. The news comes from the sym-pathizers


of Bonllla In Managua , If such nbattle has been fought it occurred after thesteamer which reached hero today left Ama-fa


la four days ago. When the steamersailed from Amafala Tegucigalpa was still inthe hands of the government.

News was alsd brought by the steamerthat the provinces of Gadlas and Santa Bar-bara


, like those of Comayaua , are In armsagainst Bonllln's pretensions. Bonilla hasstrong support In the provinces of Olatcho-nnd Torn In addition to General Siown'sarmy In Choluteca and the troops in Tcgucl-golpa


, who were reported on Sunday to haverevolted against their officers und announcedtheir allegiance to Bontlla.

VAU-AHAi'o , ( via Galveston , Tex. , ) March8. [ By Mexican Cable to the New YorkHerald -Special to Tin : Bun. ] News hasJust been received from Ulo Grande do Sulthat indicates that the general governmentof Brazil has finally determined to crushthe revolution which the federals have solong carried on in that state. The Her-ald


correspondent telegraphs and addsthat the federals have been defeatedat San Borjas. Pyratyno and other points ,

losing many of their troops and horses. U hereverses and the failure to secure arms andammunition have demoralized the federals.Their troops have been increased by theUruguayan authorities , who have stationedtroops along the bonier to prevent the revo-lutionists


from seeking hiding ulaces inUruguayan soil. A large body of revolu-tionists


who sought to rotrca't into Uruguayyesterday were ordered back.-



nu ii-ssii: s KXPLAINS.-



MuluM n Cleiiu Stiituinent of tlio All'alrs-of the I'liiinnin C'uiml Compan-


| ) ) | l lBU3bn Jtlinci Gordon Hcnilttt.-PAIIIS


, March 8. [New York Herald CableSpecial to Tin : BEE. ] The llrst hearing in

the trial of M. Prouet nnd his colleagues im-


In tuo Pnnamo canal corruptionbusiness , gives the results which publiccuriosity expected. The hearing lasted from11 o'clock in the morning until 0 o'clock inthe evening. M. Charles de Lesseps had de-


to tell all ho knew , nnd did so. Thewhole session was taken up with his interro-gators.



M. do Lessops avowed his relations ..with-Dr. . Cornelius Herz nnd the late Baron do-

Hcinach. . Herz , said M. do Lcsscps , wasacquainted with President Grovy , which In-


confidence In M. do Lesseps.The Intervention of M. Clemenceau , M. do-

Freyclhet and M. Floquot was also proven.Therefore the general opinion is that thepolitical career of those three statesmen isabsolutely at an end.-


. do Lesseps defended himself admi-rably.


. He spoke with surprising facility andexplained with consummate art the ramifica-tions


of successful financiering. It is ex-pected


that tomorrow wo shall hear revela-tions


of the very blithest importance. It isquite plain that there exists some secret inwhich Dr. Herz Is concerned , but nobodywanted to mention it until now. Yet thetruth will como out tomorrow in the intcr-rogotory


of the other accused perrons. Thewhole weight of this discussion , however ,

will bo borne by M. Charles do Lesseps.JACQUES Sr. Cuun.-



IlondH Will Not Ho Issued by the Adminis-tration


UnleHS Absolutely Xeceesiiry.NEW YOIIK , March 8. The Evening Post's

special upon the bond issue and extra sessionsays : "Tho president nnd the cabinet nro-ngrccd that the earliest possible repeal ofthe Sherman act is both desirable and neces-sary


for the party's welfare. They fear ,

however , that a maorlt.v| for the repealcould not bo secured at present In citherhouse of congress , and n failure might havea disastrous effect ; hence , it is thought , thebetter course is to delay the assemblage ofcongress until early in Iho fall in order thatpublic opinion , which Is evidently turning ,may exercise its Influence in the meantimeupon senators and representatives.

The president and his cabinet are fullyalive to the dangers involved In the delay ,in consequence of the apprehensions reg.ird-Ing the immediate future among business-men throughout the country , and propose toguard against them by early action , in ac-cordance


with the assurance in the Inaug-ural


address , that1 so far as the executivebrunch of the government can intervene ,none of the powers with yvhieh it Is vestedwill bo withheld when their exercise isdeemed necessary to maintain our nationalcredit or avert financial disaster.-


is the view which some of the bestfriends of the administration uro presentingwhere it Is likely to have influence. Spec-ulators


, therefore , who may bo counting on ariot of bond sales , because all the signs pointto the necessity of some kind of an Issue be ¬

fore long.nrc likely to bo deeply disap ¬

pointed. Mr. Carlisle is a thoughtful manand very deliberate In his movements , andthere is no danger that Mr. Cleveland wouldIn any event override the secretary's Judgement on such a matter as this-


is thought that the belief of Mr.Cleveland and his secretary of the treasuryin their right to issue bonds in certainemergencies without further legislation wasnt the bottom of their consenting to a cessa-tion


of hostilities over the Sherman amend ¬

ment. It is not probable , however , thatcither of them would feel Justified in makingsuch Issue a largo ono. It would probably boSTi.OOO.OOO , or S10000.000 at the outside asufficient amount for an experiment. IfIt should bo found that the effect ofthis Issue was going to he nullified by a pan-icky


feeling in the money market or by theoperations of speculators , who would drawgold out of ono door of the treasury as fast asthey shoveled it in at the other , they wouldconsider it better policy to suspend bondselling nnd lot the people have a taste ofbusiness conducted everywhere in the coun ¬

try on a silver basis. Of course , gold wouldIn that event go to u premium. "

Vlrur Oenenil Hnuly'H l'iinenil.-ST

., Louis , Mo. , March 8. The funcr.il of

the late Vicar General P , H. Brady was'holdtoday in the midst of a driving ruin. Many] orsons passed around the catafalque takingtheir last look at the dead nnd the largochurch was densely packed.

Bishop Hennessey of Wichita , Kan , , cele-brated solemn high mass , assisted by FathersMcDonald and O. J , Hogg of Jefferson City ,and Very Hov, H. Muhlslpcn , V. G. Father

M S. Drcnnan of St. Loctt was mister of-ceremonies. . Archbishop , Ilyun of Phila ¬

delphia preached "an eloquent sermon , Inwhich he paid a trlbut? :to the belovedfather.-

At.the conclusion of Iho services the

funeral procession Jvns formed and pro-ceeded


to C.ilvary.ccftictcrv , where the inter-ment


wns made laHho priest's lot-



..VMir.U.l.V JSK.IXIM.

Good News from thrt Unltoil Stutr * Arotiten-Unliotiniled ICntliuil'im ,

Hoxoi.ui.tr , M irch I. Both the steamshipChina ami Australia ,

! which nrrlvcd on Feb-ruary


!23 and 22 , rospa.'tlvely , br.iusht satis-factory Intelligence to the provisional gov-ernment


and the Atncric.in pirty on theIslands. Excited tlirongs everywhere illscussed the action decided upon by PresidentHarrison nnd lib cabinet , nirl the promptaction of the administration was warmlycommended by all , irrespective of parties , aswell as by the iiriny German residents an Jthe more Intelligent natives. When the Aus-tralia


arrived , bringing the news that a mes-sage


from President Harrison hid gone tothe senate providing for a tro.ity of annexa-tion


, the enthusiasm know no bounds. Theday was the iinnlversiry of the birth ofWashington nnd wast observed as u generalholiday. The city anil shipping were pro-fusely


decorated anil on board the flag shipMohican Admtr.il Storrctt and staff held nreception , attended by nil prominent persons ,

exclusive: of pronounced royalists.Toward the close of the week a rumor was

current that the scnnto'would not ratify thetreaty of'annexation '"and several wagerswere made that the queen would again comoto( the throne. Members of the advisorycouncil( In discussing the rumor suld that ifthe United States refused to take action Itwould ilrlvo the provisional government to-

igaln take up arms ,

Would Not Allow HrllUU Troops to I.ind.Asked If overtures will bo mudo to other

>ewers if the United States declined thestands , the councillors replied they mightJO compelled to apply elsewhere if the UnitedStates troops were withdrawn. In this con-lection


the fact Is not generally known thatthe raising of the American flag was forcedupon Minister Stevens "and President Doleby the notion of tlio British minister , whodemanded the withdrawal of the Boston'sf-orces. . A consultation determined that theonly course was to declare in American pro-tectorate


, in which the minister acquiesced.Captain Hughes-Hulletlt , commanding the

British ship Gurnet , asked permission toland a body of men , stating that the Britishresidents desired further protection. Therequest wus denied.

The deposed queen not only refuses to seenewspaper men. but excludes all but hermost intimate friends.

The main Idea to bo controverted" In orderto appease native hostility to annexation isthat the Ilawailans will not be deprived of-nny right they possess nor bo placed underthe power of what they cjill the "missionaryelement. " j

Judge Alfred S. Hartwell , one of the mostprominent men of Hawaii , speaking of therevolution , said : "I dill not Join In themovement because I did not understand howIt could succeed , not being preconcerted.Life nd property was-in? imminent dangerwhen the Bostonlundc ficr men. A delayof two hour's would Ijuvq brought on dark-ness


and tumult , ,,'in.o United States pro-teeto.ato

-was not declared, ' a day

ftoo soon. "

Kngllah Ami American Sailor * 1ljjht.Several squabbles between the sailors of

the British ship Guri'ct| > 'and those from theBoston nnd Mohican occurred ten- days ago ,resulting In many arrests. The captains ofthe American ships averted further troubleby declining to allow further shore leaves.The order was rescinded Saturday , however.On the arrival of the Japanese cruiserNaniwn u few days since the story was cir-culated


that Japan proposed to annul thepresent contract under which some thirteenthousand of her subjects are laboring onthe islands. '

Japan for some time has boon sscro tly en-eouraging emigration to Hawaii with theidea of colonizing the islands , and a cruiserhas been dispafphcd to sco what she coulddo in the way of annexation. Both rumorsluck continuation.-


farewell reception nnd ball was given ntthe opera house on February 21 In honor ofCaptain Wiltze , who relinquished commandof the Boston that day. ,'

The advisory council has repealed the actappointing governors fpl'lho various islands.

The provisional'government has passedlaws to carry out the provisions for a na-tional


loan of 750000. ,Story of n Mutiny nt Sen.

The American bark Ilcspor. CaptainSodcrgren , arrived on February iil with anaccount of n mutiny on January 11! which re-sulted


In the death of Mate Fitzgerald. TheHesper is from Newcastle , N. S. W. , for SanFrancisco. A plot was hutched to murderthe captain , first and second mutes , cooknnd a Greek sailor. "The mutineers werethen to run the vessel either to China or theChilian coast , sell the Cargo and fit the barkfor a piratical cruise. On the night of Jan-uary


lii Sailor Lccliilr sprang upon MuteFitzgerald and felled him with a blowfrom a hatchet , continuing to gash htm untilthe victim ceased to .struggle. Dissensionsthen arose among the plotters and the firstmate soon discovered the absence of Fitz-gerald.


. The captain discovered blood on thedeck nnd was told by Seaman Green thatLcclalr asked him and others to assist inthrowing the body overboard. The captainthereupon ordered the arrest of the muti-neers


, and the bark headed for Tahiti. En-route an attempt was made to release themutineers , but without success. On herarrival at Tahiti the men were tuken beforethe United States consul and confessed ,

The flve prisoners were then sent to Jail untilthe bark Tropic BlrJ loft for San Francisco ,where they will b'o'trlcd.-



U.1Oll ' '.I Hit ,

T. T. Kckcrt Will Siiccruil Dr. Xorvlu-ireeu( n Its l'rp lilciit.

New YOHK , March S.-j-Tho directors of theWestern Union Telegraph company , In an-nuul meeting today , elected T. T. Eckert ,president , in place of Dr. Is'orvin Green , de-ceased.


. General Eckcct remains also gen-eral


'manager.The directors also do {lnred the usual quar-

terly dividend of Ji{ per cent , payable April17. The report submitted shows a surpluson October 1 , 18U3 , of'14,470,155' , of whiclithere has been capitalized by the issue olcapital stoekC distributee. December 9 , ISiii$8,0l8r 00 ; balance. $5,857,045 ; net revenuesfor the quarter ended December H , 18tU , $2 ,01.U18a!! ; tdtul of *7870rjU.17( , from whicldeducting $1,4'27B71 foj dividend paid Jan-uary 10 , interest and sinking funds , leaves asurplus of $0,440,003 January; 1 , I8U3.

The net revenue fop the quarter cndciMarch at , lb! 3 , partly estimated , was $1,075 ,000. After appropriating interest und sinkIng fund charges and the dividend just de-clared there will bo n buliineo of fiJOisU8rj.

The board adopted resolutions eulogisticof the late Dr. Norvln Green , in which theysay , after praising his personal traits nmliterary abilities : "At the time of his doatlho hud presided over the otllclal meetings othe directors and of tno executive nnd otbecommittees for more than fourteen years

wntu : o.v AN-

ClmrlcH Ilnchlu of Oril , Ncl . , Kills Illunclf-Cnrouto t" Tevt * .

VINITA , I. T. , March 8. [Special Telegramto THE BEE. ] Chiirlos Hnekle , a Germanaged CO years , of Ord , Nob. , committed sui-cldo by shooting himself in the forehead onthe Missouri. Kansas & Texas passengertrain Just before reaching this town tonightIn company with seven other gentlemen howas on an excursion to Portland , Tex. Theremains will be sent back. Hackle , his companlons say. was well off and owns foufarms. Ho leaves a rvlfo and nine children


im Hall Knocked Out by a Single Punchfrom Long Bob's' "Terrible. "


Inrilly 1'lvo Tlimisiiml I'ooplo Atlrnil theI.list Kvvnt of the Norlot lliiU'H drrotl

Almost I'reventH tlio right Ilo-tall * nl the Alliilr.

CIIESCNT CITT Ci.un , New OHrllNS , La. , March 8. [ Special Telegram to-

I'm : Bun. ] This has been n disagreeableday for Now Orleans , with an tnces-

ant driving rain from early morning until(unset. This has left narrow streets In-


, with slimy water and darker andloomicr than the perilous of London , andho atmosphere with an ' edge on it akin tohat of a Nebraska blizzard. Every ono whocnturcd out became wet and bedraggled

ind a sort of wholesale disgust settled overill at n very curly singe of the game.-


add to the very general depression pro-ailing , the air bus been filled with suspi-


rumors touching the great $40,000 bat-le

-1 between Fitzsimmons und Hall , In whichtorles of a gigantic fuko and interference

oln the part of the authorities cut no. llttloIgure. But the big fight has been fought ,

ind already the result has been llasho.1 toho furthermost corners of civilization , and

thus all of these untoward stories havencrged Into fable.

H Almost 1lxzled.However , these vugno rumor.i had more of-

i! foundation than but few suspected , for thexittle did come wit.hln an ace of flashing in-

ho pan. Being strictly on the Inside circle ,

vhat is related here may be relied upon as-gospcl. . At half-past 10 this morning the Hallcontiiigeutnotllled thoolllciulsof thoCrescent-

lty! club that before any other action couldo taken looking to ward the consummation of-.he club's plans to pull off the big contest.hey would require two certified checks , ono'or SiT.fiOO und the other for $J.r 00 ,o bo deposited by 1 o'clock withlie New Orleans Commercial National bankr the whole affair was off. Of course thishrow the camp of the Crescents into dire'onstcrnntlon , and up to the prescribed hour.here was some of the liveliest hustling on-he part of the club that has marked theiltherto clour sailing of the organization.

For a time there wore the gravest kind of-loubts whether the buttle would como off orlot , but that It has Is all the evidenceiccessary to show that the demanded suretyvas duly raised and dciKwiteJ.This expose is made simply to demonstrate

the utter foolhardlness and danger In anyclub hanging up such a largo sum of money

o bo striven for by such an unreliable nnd-lisroputublo quantity ns the professionalirlze fighter.

Another thing , the combined carnival oftwo clubs , the Olympic and tha Crescent ,

lias been a frost. There is a possibilitythat it hud Us Inception and development inthe same spot that lei to the imperious de-mand


by the Hall narty that the idlotio andunreasonable purse bo put up. It has boon a

that'Now Orleans clubs , nt least , willremember and profit by to the end of theirdays.

Very I.lttlo itituusl8in.:

But the fight of the giants.The crowd , while nothing in comparison to

that which witnessed the SullivunCorbott-flgnt , embraced possibly 5,000 people. Theywere a trifle late In arriving , and stragglerscame dropping in oven after the men hadtaken their corners , a potent evidence thatthe Interest of the people in the contest hadbut a faint resemblance to that on the occa-sion


so frequently referred to.Hall , attired In a long light gray mackin ¬

tosh , was the first of the gladiators to arrive ,and while ho was greeted with a rousingshout , It was but brief and spasmodic. Fitz-slmmons


shambled into the arena a half hourlater , when the demonstration was even lessmarked. Both men were pictures of robusthealth and herculean strength and wereglib und flippant In expressing their supremeconfidence in proving the muster of theother.

Stiirtcd the Troulilo Kiidty.i-


9 o'clock prompt Hall , followed by hisbacker. Squire Ablngdon , Charlie Mitchell ,Jack McAuliffo and ,lohn Kline , entered thering , amidst a deafening silence , but whenFitzsimmons , with Frank Bosworth , histrainer , brother Bill and Martin Julian ,came up the uproar was something tremen ¬

dous.Fitz was naturalized today , and stepped

Jauntily to his corner waving a large sampleof the stars and stripes.

There was but llttlo delay. The men weresoon standing face to face , und the battle wason. Fitzsiinmons at once assumed the ag-gressive.


. He soon discovered that Hall'sdefense was something marvelous.

In the first nnd second rounds Fitz got in nnumber of stiff body bows , but in returnwas visited stiffly In the face by Hall's left.

Tlio third round was a terrific one , inwhich It was give and take from start to-finish. . Hall seemed to have a decided ad-vantage


for the llrst half , but in the last Fitzrecovered and went at Hall like a fiend ,landing tremendously blow after blow uponHull's ribs , which ho received , however ,without a wince. The men were savagely atit when the round closed.

HimIt Was ICmlcil.The fourth was short. Fitz jabbed Hall

once or twice In the face with his loft , whensuddenly , on Hall's endeavoring to force matters. Fitz's long right arm described a circlein the air nnd his big list landed like a can-non shot on Hall's jaw. His feet went to theair ns If a dynamite bomb had explodedunder them , and his lanky form went to thefloor tlko a thousand of bricks. His headstruck with horrible force , the concussionoven being felt by those in the press boxesabout the i ing.

Hall then lay flat upon his back ns lifeless ,

apparently , as n man hewn from stone. Howas counted out amidst u scene of wild ox-eltement. . '

Chnrllo Mitchell sat as If paralyzed , butwas soon nt his friend's side , together withMcAuliiTo und the 'squire.

Hall lay unconscious for several minuteswith Fitz standing at his side nstrldo his stif ¬

fened limbs. The red-headed wonder wore alook of deep concern , until Hall began to re-vive , when ho cavorted about the stage like alunatic. Mitchell picked Hall up' In hisarms nnd carried him to his corner , and sathim in his chair , Fitz following closely andwatching the work of restoration with apuzzled look upon his comical face.-


the Attniidiiiisc.-



und 'MoAullffo the other ho wns ledslowly from the ring.

The whole thing happened with such sud ¬

denness that the big crowd could not rcuIUowhat had occurred , but Hull's prostrate formtoo soon told the story.

From n scientific standpoint the fight wn-nn unparalleled one , und will rcmuin us suchIn the annals of the ring for many years to-come.


. That Fitz Is u wonder admits of no I

further dispute , und in case Mitchell falls atCorbott's bunds Pompadour Jim will nut bo 1

long wanting a worthy antagonist.-S.ixnv

. i

Gniswou ) .




How the ( lliiilliitorH WorrUul Kanli Other i

the Iliittlo iiidi-il.: 'NEW OJU.KASS , La. , March 8. The battle01-

mlddlewelghts Is over. The March carnivalof pugilism has become prize ring historyand Its record is before the country. It is

Important because of two things. Ono of Uslights wns for the Inrgcst purse ever foughtfor In a'ring. . The day of extravagantnurses! ended tonight. A mngnltlceiit civwdIll | olnt of slzoand personnel siw a greattuttle tonight. A victory won and a defeatsuffered. The scene wns the most superblyappointed llstlc arena In nny land. The In ¬

terest tonight was not as great by manydegrees ns on the occasion of the battle forheavyweight supremacy last Septemberwhen the ponderous pugilistic Idol of thecountry was laid low by the modern prizerlmr David , but the light tonight was never ¬

theless the most tiiiKirtant| and mostgener.ilsubject of conversation on the streets , Inclubs , in saloons , In hotels nnd In parlors ,

The committee had vetoed the efforts of thenewspapers to bulletin the light , because Itdid not want to keep any ono away from thearena , but the telephone bells Jlnglod mer¬

nnd bulletins found their way In everydirection in spite of precautions.

Clubs and managers had tried hard formonths to bring the Australians together ,and after much bickering articles weresigned. The greatest purse two men overfought for was obtained and Fltzslmmonsand Hall went their respective ways to pre-pare


for the battle.-


Soomi'il ( loud llrt.They nro men of somewhat similar build.

Both are giants , ' strong , stealthy , big boned ,long armed , stubborn , fnrmUablo lighters ,iilepts In science , experienced in the ringind hard punchers. Each has a distinctivestyle. Each has been regarded as a wonder ,

'jo close was the match considered that fori long tlmo oven money was wagered oneither , the pool rooms letting the bettorake his choice.Hall promised to go Into the ring n favort-


| . The east has been anxious to revengetself on Fitzsimmons for the defeat of Jack3cnipsoy , nnd they went to Hall , not onlylocalise Hall was considered n good man , buticcauso the section lines wcrodrawn againsthe south nnd FHzsimmons. There was not

'uuch choice , however , and the betting wasconsistent during the day.

Hall seemed most strongly a favorite andFitzsimmons only slightly the choice of thetalent. It was U to 10 Hall at nightfall nndm to 10 ! ) Fitzsimmons. An inllux of Fit-slmmons'


men and several hundreds of Fitz-slmnions'


money appearing In the pool roomate In the evening beat down Hall and mailo. 'Itzsimmons for the time the favorite , evennonc.v demanded for Hall and -I to G on bin

opponent.Wild rumors were rife before and after

loon. There was unnutliorltatlvo threats of-iiterferenco every hour of the day , and

when those had been effectually run to earththere was a rumor that Hall had fallen outwith his trainer , that the light was fixed andthat the purse would not bo forthcoming.

Neither man worked hard on his last dayjcfore the light. Each hugged his quarters ,

except when Fitzsimmons drove in a carriage° the criminal court and when Hall wentiround to Moreau's to get n bite with Chnr-oy

-Mitchell. Crowds trailed at the feet of-

ilthcr , but Fitzsimmons was the more popu-ar

-from a local standpoint and local faith

was in him and local money was on him-.ItWux


Noel's llnny Diiy.President Noel was on the ground before

lusk , and the police cordon was drawnibout the building before the day had beenibsorbed by night. The crowd was repre-sentative


in character and thoroughly cos-mopolitan.



The two men reached the arena in ample.lino to rest nnd to prepare tlremselves forthe battle. Charley Mitchell and Jack Mc-Aullffo


attracted ns much nttentlon as theyentered the ring as did the stars themselves.Uoth men were drawn to a line point , so faras condition was considered , but neither hadtaken off much flesh and were strong. Theycame Into the ring with promptness and thecrowd did not have long to wait for hostili-tics to commence.

Mayor Fitzpatrlck was among the promi-nent


officials who came early to see theroyal battle. In the Hall corner the menchosen to look after his Interests wereLightweight Champion McAulifTo , CharleyMitchell'Squlro Abingdon Bnlrd , nnd JohnKline holding the wntch. Most of them menol craft and experience. Fitzsimmonshad men with less reputation , out not lessfaithful than Hall's attendi.nts , Hilly Fitz ¬

simmons , his brother : Martin Julian andFrank Bosworth , D. O. O'Malloy keepingtime.

The men entered the ring at 9 o'clockpromptly , Hall leading the procession-


Duffy took his position almost Im-mediately


and both ho and Hall werecheered loudly. Fitzsimmons came In wavingthe United States flag nnd received a tre-mendous


ovation. President Noel nnd thechairman of the contest committee. JosephShort , Joined the men in the ring , whileCaptain Barrett took charge of the policedetail. Ucferco Duffy made a neat speech ,counseling the men to ba careful and cool ,and the light was on ,

I'll * Did Iho FlKhtlni- .

Hound 1 Usual handshaking marked theopening. Both men stepped nimbly to cen-ter


and feinted for an opening. Fitzsim-mons


attempted a left uppercut In stomach ,but Hall backed away. Ho tried again forthe head , and falling , clinched. Hall led forthe stomach , but received n tap on theshoulder. Fitzsimmons scored a heavy left

Hall's mouth , a right on the heart , "with-out return. The audience yelled. Hull madea wild left swing and Fitz smilingly dodgedaway. FiUsimnions landed heavily withleft on the stomach and dodged a returnfrom the same hand. Hull landed a heavyright on the cur und Fitzsimmons clinched ,Hall hitting Fitz with right on head.

Hound B Fitzsimmons tried to reach thestomach with left , missed and backed away.Fitz attempted a right on the body , missingbecause ot Hall's clinch. The men were ex ¬

tremely cautious , but Hall received a heavyleft on the stomach , responding with a lefton the head. Hall lundcd n good left blow ,but received one on the head in return. Hallwas trying to land his right nnd shift-Ing

-, Hull slipped away. Fitz forced Hall In

the corner , but the latter clinched to avoidpunishment. Fitz tried the left , but wasneatly stopped. Bot'i men In a hot rallyscored rights on the head.-


! ! Fitzsimmons was the aggressor ,

feinting with his left , which ho landed onthe stomach. Hall received aright on thebody and a moment later Fitzsimmons re-ceived two heavy lofts on the face and aheavy right uppercut. Fitz clinched to savehimself , and Duffy had a hard tlmo in part-Ing

-them. Fitz was clinching to avoid pun-

ishment right along. Both men were light ¬

ing hard when the round ended ,

.M Lit IT llHll'H I'litnl MUtillio.Hound 4 Hall came up the aggressor.

Fitz landed a heavy right on the Jaw , knock-Ing

-Hall into the middle of the ring. The

blow was a tremendous right-hand swingand landed full on the point of the jaw. Hallwns n long time in coming to , but no finallydrew his left hand up to his nostrils and wasfinally helped to his corner by Fitzsimmons ,

his conqueror. *

The referee awarded the contest to Fitz ¬

simmons , who , waving the United Statesflag over his head , walked over to his oppo-nent's corner and shook his hand , and as hewas leaving the ring received a tremendousovation.

When Frank Bosworth Jumped throughthe ropes after Hull had fallen und the bat-tle


was upperently over , Fitzsimmons forci ¬

bly thrust Ills officious second back throughthe ropes. Ho kept his word nnd did hisown fighting. The light was the easiestFitzsimmons has had In America , and thablow that knocked Hall out was universallysaid to bo the hardest that nny one of theold ring habitues ever witnessed ,

Hull Wiu I'lirnlyzoil.The audience rose to its feet nnd a

1tremendous shout went up , Hall , however ,1lay unconscious on the carpet , n look ofagony on his face and the crowd fearing hohud suffered serious injury , Hall's secondran quickly to the prostrate pugilist , andapplying restoratives gradually brought himback to consciousness. Fitzsimmons alsoran to the center of the ring , and pulling o.This gloves helped to resuscitate lil.s con-quered


foe. When Hall hud b cn brought toho was carried limp to his ehulr. where horemained until able to go to bis dressingroom. FUzslmfiions wus frenzied withdelight over his comparative easy victory.

Unused lor .tinnier ,

MAONOI.U , Miss. , March 8. U 1C , Fordwns banned today for the of MarshalU. A. Clay a year ago.-




How Oonvicta at the Penitentiary HaveBoon Punished to Death.


No Ohauco to Escapa or Appaal When Sen-


-is Once Pronounced ,


Almost Anything Suffices to Sent! a Prisonerto the Torture Ohambor.


Krldciico on Which the Joint CommitteeConclude * Thtt: Trunk INm-ell Wan Mur-


-KccciimiH'McliitlmiHfitr ClmiiRo-

In the I'enltentliiry MumiKomcnt.

LINCOLN , Nob. . March 8. [ Special to Tun-BEE. . ] Today In the senate the report ofthe joint coni'iiltteo appointed early In thesession to Investigate the penitentiary wassubmitted. The nffalr which particularlyInvited attention was the death of convictFrank Powell , No. 2Ktt( , who was sild: tohave committed suicide by hanging himselfin his cell. The report of the eommltteocharges that Powell's death w.is the directresult of punishment Inflicted by the cellhouse keeper and guards.

During its Investigation the committeetook nn immcnso amount of testimony , ex-amining


n great number of witnesses , Includ-ing


the oniecrs of the penitentiary , stnto-onicials , prison guards , prison missionaries ,

convicts and ox-convicts. In the severalhundred pages of typo-written testimony Iscontained a story of cruelty and inhumanly,brutal treatment accorded to helpless pris-oners , the details of which would enuso osmile of approval to illumine the face of anyof Thomas do Torquomada's lieutenants ,were ho spared from his eternal rest longenough to peruse it. Tnc BEI : has hail auopportunity to review this testimony , andfrom It has condensed the following as beingthe evidence of reliable witnesses and fairlypresenting both sides.-


* Howe. Describe * It.Among the rcsnonscs of Elder Howe , chap

lain 'at the penitentiary , to the questionsasked him abont the tieatmcnt of convicts ,were the following :

"About eight years ago 1 was called by thewarden , Mr. Nobcs , to go to the dark holeono Sunday morning after service. Ho saidthat he had a man in there that ho did notwant to have stay there after noon as howould lose all of his good time , Ho was sentin for ten years nnd went In the dark hole onSaturday. Ho came to the penitentiary andwould not answer any questions and hn wasput into the dnrk hole. Wo wont down. '

The man was lying down with n small ropeabout| his neck , and his hands were hand *cuffed behind him and the other end of therope was fastened to them , and ho had gottenInto' a corner of the room und had slid dowa-so that ho could not get back and was obligedto remain where he was lying. That was amode of punishment that to mo was barbar-ous


, n relic of barbarism. Ho had been in-twentythree hours , nnd was very much ex ¬



hands are handcuffed , and this ropewas tied on and your hands nro dr.iwn upJust as f.-.r as the man that puts it on wishesto doit ; if he is mad ho will draw them upthis way , and then it is all the time drawingyon , and every tune you move your bunds itwill saw them. There is nothing betweenyour skin and this ropo. "

Dopeiula on tin ! llruto Who Does It.Other informntlon elicited from the chap ¬

lain was to the effect that the warden or¬

dered the punishment in eases of this kind ,and he eould deputize somebody else to do it ,The warden does not put on the rope or thehandcuffs , ns that Is done by the collkeeper.The warden is not present , but goes occa-sionally


afterwards to see how the man isgetting along , and the doctor calls every day ,or Is supposed to.

The chaplain said ho purposely avoidedknowing anything about the punishments if-ho could help It , ns ho had enough care andanxiety with , the boys , nnd with all theload nnd responsibility ho carried didnot want to carry any of the re-sponsibility


of the warden or any ofthe men. Ho know of a case throe or fouryears ago , when n man was punished twen-tytwo


to twenty-four dnys under WardenHyers. It was a case of attempted mutiny ,anil this was quite n largo man , and theleader of the mutiny. They were gettingpoor meat to eat , and there wore forty orfifty of thorn in the mutiny and the wardenwas very angry about it and went down nndordered forty of them into punishment.They hadn't regular cells enough nnd so theywere handcuffed and kept in their cells forseveral days. The leader was kept In thereuntil Dr. Carter , who was tno physician atthat time , ordered him released because hocould not stand that amount of punishmentwithout injuring him ; maybe ho would bo-under punishment n day or two and bo re ¬

leased a short time , but In all it was twenty-four days of continuous punishment ,

Cruelty Very Common ,

He was handcuffed all day and night , andhad this rope on him all the time exceptwhen ho ale. II : was lot down after beingthere twenty-three days and was then puton for eight days inure , and came out of thecell a sk'doion. He was a stubborn man nndwould not yield. Tbo order of the physicianwas sullleiont to get him out ntany time.Other cases of cruelty were very frequent.

"I know of ono previous to that ," ho said ,"under Mr. Nobes. who was kept In , I think ,about ten days. Ho was a rather fcebloman , und when he came out ho was veryfeeble and soon went to the hospital , andwas there until ho died. I think thathastened his death , but oUicrwIso ho wouldhave died , us he could not have lived n greatwhile-


mode of punishment has neverchanged u long as I can remember. It isdifferent under different administrations ,belnir more severe under ono than the other.This Is the euro for all diseases , and you canoften tell by the looks of the neck if theyhave been In there for some tlmo ,

HIMV I'owell Wits Kil.'cil-."I


do not know anything about Powell'scase only what I have heard. I burled him.It was an uncommon thing , though ; ho wasput into the eollln and the -colUa closed upmiforo I got there , which has never occurrediioforo since I have been chaplain. I thinkit was undesigned ; u now deputy wardenhad churgo and ho probably did not knowthe rules , which were that I should scoevery man , nnd sco whether It was aman or something else. I could notswear that I burled him , though Isupposed that 1 did. They generally cull moright off when there Is a death , but I was notnotified In this case until I was called to tbo-uncral. .

"Thero should bo reforms , nnd those ro-forms should lw inadu sure and soon , I donofsoo how a man hanging up under the clr-cumstnnccs that ho hung , with his handsfixed us they were , could let himself down.I do not know how he rould do that. Thepay of the guards should bo increased untilyou can bite men that can bo trusted to takncare of your sons and daughters , und thercpivsentu'lvcs of the state , In my opinion ,should look after that most carefully.What kind of men can you hire for fJO amonth to work thcrol You need u class ofmen you eun crust , but you get a class of menthat U low down , lower tnan many of Ibr