rs life after death

The concept of life after death

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The concept of life after death

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Heaven In most religions, Heaven is a realm, either physical or transcendental in which people who have died continue to exist in an afterlife.Heaven is often described as the holiest place, accessible by people according to various standards of divinity, goodness, piety, faith or other virtues.

HellPurgatory is the condition or process of purification or temporary punishment in which, it is believed, the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for Heaven.

Purgatory In many religious traditions, Hell is a place of suffering and punishment in the afterlife.

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Heaven, Hell and Purgatory

Christians believe that God is just and fair, and so cannot let evil go unpunished. Most believe in the idea of judgment after death, and that God will treat people in the afterlife according to how they lived their life on earth.✟Even though heaven is often mentioned in the Bible, it is rarely described. Christians therefore have very different ideas about it. Some believe that heaven is a physical place, where their body goes after death. Others believe that it is their soul that lives on, and that heaven is a state of being united with God. Although most would like to believe that it is a place full of angels. ✟The Bible is even less specific about hell, and Christians have very different ideas about this too. Some Christians believe that hell is a place of suffering, and of separation from God. Others believe that hell is a spiritual state of being separated from God for eternity.✟Some Christians, including Roman Catholics, believe in purgatory. This is an in-between state for the majority of people of waiting for heaven, a time of cleansing from sin and preparing for heaven.

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Life after death in


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Triptych of Last JudgementAkademie der Bildenden Kunste, Vienna

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Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the highest heavens;

from Gustave Doré's illustrations to the Divine

Comedy."Stairway to Heaven " by Jim


Fresco Painting Depicting Jesus Christ Enthroned In Heaven with


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Medieval illustration of Hell in the Hortus deliciarum manuscript of Herrad of Landsberg (about 1180)

A vision of Hell from Dante’s Divine Comedy. Illustration by Gustave

Doré.Giotto ("The Last Judgment")

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Image of a fiery purgatory in the Très Riches Heures

du Duc de Berry

Dante gazes at purgatory in this 16th century painting.

A depiction of purgatory by Venezuelan painter Cristóbal Rojas (1890) representing the

boundary between heaven (above) and hell (below)

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Life and Death is represented in many ways other than in religion and

art; that is in Entertainment such as music videos, films

and books

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The popularity of TV programmers and films about the supernatural suggests that many people believe that there is a form of life after death,, in the sense of ghosts, poltergeists and psychic experiences. Some people under hypnosis claim that they are even able to recall events from their previous lives.

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A night at the movies turns into a nightmare when Michael and his date are attacked by a hoard of bloody-thirsty zombies - only "Thriller" can save them now.

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Dead Like Me is an American-Canadian comedy-drama television series starring Ellen Muth and Mandy Patinkin as grim reapers who "live" and work in Seattle, Washington.

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It is the story of a teenage girl who, after being raped and murdered, watches from Heaven as her family and friends struggle to move on with their lives while she comes to terms with her own death.

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When the Imperial prison barge Purge — temporary home to five hundred of the galaxy's most ruthless killers, rebels, scoundrels and thieves — breaks down in a distant, uninhabited part of space, its only hope seems to lie with a Star Destroyer found drifting, derelict and seemingly abandoned. But when a boarding party is sent to scavenge for parts, only half of them come back — bringing with them a horrific disease so lethal that within hours, nearly all aboard the Purge will die in ways too hideous to imagine.

And death is only the beginning.

The Purge's half-dozen survivors — two teenage brothers, a sadistic captain of the guards, a couple of rogue smugglers and the chief medical officer, the lone woman on board — will do whatever it takes to stay alive. But nothing can prepare them for what lies waiting onboard the Star Destroyer amid its vast creaking emptiness that isn't really empty at all. The dead are rising, soulless, unstoppable, and unspeakably hungry.

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"Is hell all fire and brimstone?"

"Does heaven really have pearly gates?"

"Is purgatory closer to heaven or to hell?"

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