^rte - nys historic...

$T iLAWREiscrs ntipjaMAGICS, Will bo puWished every Tuesday, a,nd delivered to subsbnben at $ 1 50 a year it paid m advance > $1 76 if Jnid witl in s n months, andtf2 if not paid ' until the aspiration of tjjejear Most Jjffids t)t countiy produce vvjll boieceucl imympnt " ^ ' i ^Iyan^WentMatfcaefa vsCjucit csperoul discount jjiade to thbso w)io AIN,- ^ THE And the Steaifl, Packft ^ M me From ttro-New-Yorlc Antcvtea-n. --• RANDOLPHIANA.-Na.IH, r ~~ 4'My knawhjrjge of,Ireland," said lie-to fi' one niPrning, •'••see.nis-Jlo astonish you as- •tch as' it did MrV Manning's servant at brought ^ g , ^ y g ii\e -a note front hisftSftslor-vwhob,y"f|ie way i§ a.supeiJflr retail, sir^and as Soon as h k 1 i d h b y p a he spoke 1 at (ince recognised the brogue, dii b i ' Y ' f p andsaiito g, 'Yan'ce.from Munster, l l are yon not?' 'I atri, plaise yptir honor,' h^..astpnislj,ed; flt the qugstjpji,— tire county of Clare I ptesuirui V—^ !'Yes sir,' said he,_still jnore astonished^' * What ttjw'n did you eom& fromAI- 'rile town oXEtiius^sir.' 'Oh:;'said t,laughing, ' t know. Kunis very -waUW-pray dogs Sir .Edward O'Brienrsfiil. live at JL : Edward OBrienrsfiit. ]iva at jSiomolandf 1 if e d ues indeed^ si?*? 'And Mr, Stack pool at;.EdM)p>i : t;?U 'Aod the Knight of Glin on ti»e^aj4ts.Qf the Shannon ?', -'Yes "sir, 5 ami theji af;i?r"S' }>ans,e aiid a.UnV bow he saijlj, l j\J)glit I rna]<« bunld to o*.,--sh-j how long you lived in Gi<\re ?'• 'I never, was in Euippe,' said jt, <biit I lmpe to be thero spou.*" 'Oh,tl©ti't»b,c qftiier making a fool ofrije—faith, jou're n kit of an'In^iinan f " h th W - ll>e erssufng season in the fol- for "you have t(»e Vogue, and you ICIVPJK its raueji (&~ % , cftuiitiy a.b 1 do' mybeif, and rmpro too, fni thinking.' -It .was-in fain ••— 4 l a a t i assAiredihim I4iad never seen Ireland he went away still .insisting that I had jihe in Virginia, ami he has npt yet been long enptigh in London, to learn how to tiriid.iy into night, and vice versa." I should- mention that the fashionable' diurier hourvvas,8o'cloek r ,which Randolph disliked very much} and frequently p e<l-«gainst.. Very, spoil after he ___ became" acquainted, witlj Lord L-^-^-, who introduced himself .to Vim ffiie night-urider ,ordsl)i[i tpUV ri,G afterwards tihit ho had never, mot with so Well informed a gentle- ^a^Oii all subjects pf History, Bftllip Lot- Ve?7*Biogri\pliy,. &c. Vjmd sir," 'sa;d he, : 'wh.it. most astonished nit: was,his i loc.il knowledge o( Ivnghtnd.and i thought I knew then)" wellj but, I was obliged to yield the jiwlm to Mr. Randolph; I wa.s so dt»lighted~M'lth his conversation^ that I Wrfs^xjetennincd topay a compliment which I knew would- gratify his Virginia i'hoiit mentioning to him- my i-JoaSb* Ogdsnsbnrgli; Levvistpti every at 'S: A *M ^tQi, 4o..l P. M. M apiatliewistpn^ P-. M > ^rtE -Lo\yi5toii ,for; Qg-,: bijl{ Th _ noritiiigBft'idL- _, Yottngsfowri, 9 A. M. -•Rochester-, 7 P. M. Qswogo.'Kriday Jfc-A. M, Sacked Hai-hor, Of]?. M. 'fqjjchinj; at _ .- gi French,Gtreek,^ ; Alexandria Bay..." . firoclcvilie, Morristown, -, & a t at Ofedehsburglj on •Saturday. . W. L. : Presdpitfor-l And Qvieenston for ipstort every Tiies- I Prescott (jvery Friday ju^enstpit ever day afjterftobn- iSJ& t afternoon. OAPT. JOSEPH WHITNEY, "- .Will lcavaBrescott for •••iiuecnston and Lewiston' «very Wednesday And Lewiston and •Queenston every Satur. at4 P. M. touching at Qi- vvogo Sunday morning. FOUJttlf,-*' GAPT, % Will leavg Preic-ottand -•*•—''-*--Wnr Njagnta ' A n d Yonngstown and .Niagara. Tor -.: Regent t 3 . JMdiiday at 3 P. M. stages and strath-boats running daily, betweotvOgdensburgb and Montreal and Presr xott and Montreal; and stages to and frprrji Osdons- j wonder.pQOT Paddy slioulcf have been dec.6iv.ed,- w4ietl we ou board the shif>,.bolh English nud Idsfii" vfefeGotten miffe To •blush by-'the. superior loeal infornmtion tliat JMi. Raodolpl) possessed;,*ven of the very eonnityes in which we were born ?• \ -Jfclij us,gjj;p=amwsehLmself with : thpy sbmerimeaf cWtected any espressioTtsi,. he would enter into a regular argument, a»d quote* autbofities-^such as l>!ilhds, story books, old songs,, &c. to prove that he was .correct, and- in most instances; they had to tethat te ^was' rtgfit* -A 11 .(\m v>s& g done .in the most perfect good humor, and itafiorded us avast deal of^rriu'sement, fnr he would enter into trlfose disc-unions- will as" rtuclfajpparpnf real'felF+wwffespeak ins on the Tariir Unc day I- Hti tandiduie for. the J?r« Thei&ia "bU ipril.aUe n, W'ater- f bUrgliand. Platt3burgi), pril.aUe Ghanq>lain, Water ••tpwteandtj^a^and a daily line of jacket boats from -Oajwgcfto SyrJaRisd'a'nd Utica, thus airordingevery ' facilify {o trawllers'. . " ;Ma) r 13,iag3. • ' Qa^l^pl.. •rijpt(ed he, "if itWd nm been for Vuts ou.th,e^Mi&96Uri question, I shjaiild; ni once say Rufns" King; he is the best man am'th-ef-^lief I'otpmae, and a gentleman' too,"of the old school; \i\d best of all, sir an honest man—rather a^earcq article iJffw among the politicians." A sad mistake, sir he made, on that question, but he thoush tie was right, and.l esteem him still, but he will not now dp for President. The iP»Vw men, sir,'would rob ( us of our fi»h\ d *»• .it^J^CJWKS'. AlJhe Sign.of th? Padlock, Ford street. .TTASOH C. J/EI&GEJ tenders liis.siu-ee.re ASOH C.J/ERQE* i thanks..to his ftiends and tjie pubJick H fth libl t H h" his ftiend n j p ^he> .the liberal patronage He has" jreceivedY «n«l hopus by s.ti id ..attention to •this businecs to merit n continuance of the l same. rmudagnutral Assortment COPPER, i &• SHEET MiOX. WARE, friateriaTs and finished J'orkm.an- h g; ipv »-HV also makes to order on nd Wqrm<r, i B ' short C&ppe S q , ^ j t t y s Dye Kettles, Brewer's and Hatter'* Kettles, Sc. &c< all oLwhich will .be ipld oij as re^njbJiLtfiriBs as can be purchased in-this^ptftce or etse.wrrere. _^_ t'Jobbingand repairirig attendBd trj at all •times,'nird : ar rtsuaU 1 ii generl assoT^fletti &6ki B d l S ialsJUs Qfld, uiir p ? i are trying to obtain sorria of our- i l l b i ll "Mr. Randolph aegrets that "a prior t-a-imuc jiigement will deprive him of the pleasurefabou mucti ji.ii-.ncul.vi- iufoiniaiipii as lis could out Aiiieneun institution*. When )f dining with ftlrs. Fry ou Thursd iy next . liffd g<uie I could not avoid telling tlmthiph \'o apology, however, was necessary -far,| that /wns thy bust republican of thr fvv.., he hour named in heraote, as it is two land I' laughed at him fur having played the iiours. later than Mr., II. Is accusioraedjo aristocrat: MI..we'll-. Tho professor gave us a' warm uivitaUoa' tp bid pro yibit liigj m vitaUoa tp yibit liigj *L.&"}): : . bridge^ \\h\di fllr. Randolph subsequently availed iiirnspjf pfj but I was .r>rcv.enfcd' by bu.';i';ic i s? froni aeci'ijipanyiiig 111RK. Uc tuld rpo .tint hy w,»s delighted p n y with hid visit to Unit cl'.issie i g \vhtre lie di-niii.d »;ii«i,[,i| fiicy lu.iy be. Let iiiuif itt tin.- piesetit raojiU-nl.— « c x i l u J d i i i ' 3 i d f the'rarni VM cxttuJdi,pi.i3ii Iy of K;i; olcun s!i:ll exist ouglit&ot B«III- lo/K-ci'iu" his aslie.s ? SliQUtd ri"t its summit IK: adorned A\ith Uisstajue ? 'X\u'\ naion \vill_iiiow j!fcelf-just,.\v.hi > .».il f'hujf luve become itst'IKby the destruetiiin of i-li't- treaiies of 1815j which rr.aintMiiv Jhe anti- i l cy^ \ "bocftn"i.e"Vequniijted with several/'Warned me a. e I visited m«"sTof the ciiriosities^of tondbit with lijrajjiiid dc;jivt'<jl great -a~dva-mnpe fiorii hi?..injTniAte knowledge of oVery tiling.^— ; We aKvnjs dispensed with tlieshj,i\y-ii)On artel guide*., as he iiiueH firpfpifod to :iet in 8iat p'iipat'ity himsflf and Twitrfifj d g , 8iat p'iipat'ity h h f f and Twitrfnifjy i jI h py , n nijy p ihefii the fees, for -his srrviops. j;Ie had h y rnotU's—Some strmigi" piece f fishion nf leaving his eardj *'R:inv chilpli of-lloffnolvev wherever we whetlu*r it -wins,Weslniiu>ler Abbey the/rnoiiurtuMits, or at the frtp of St" ; d \ .i>s»v-t>r cnlfld eXHCtiy iinili'.r.!.\tid his imposed .upon it by a fuiv j who; have farmed a. wioi.g opitiibu «£ Juiulie \\MH-B. As to ilia family o f . \ V poie'pn, whatever may be said to the coiitra- tlvoy h.\v« no ptli^r gtheii rouutry. - rheif only r-ijibf, ris tliaf «f all who ar<ttjp- ^ih4 their Voice a- who ejulucie them .prossed, consists in. guinst the 0|>pF^sy6f9: irom their native eou«try. A y Ae<H- - '^JOSEPH BONA'PAiRTE'." York ........ ., African Ccildnizql' l t>!K~-<Thc{i\)c\\v\riv nc- -pefrfiissMr! trool th«icouats of the progress of the colony at l/i- li'nrd Cliaticeliorto intioduce Mr. Rnndolph jberja art; r furnished by a Nt-wVmk pAjmr, ii.to tiie 1 louse of!_Lurds,at tht; private en- j fVom the IMareh and April nuiuben of fli>- ' : " *'•- ' fpi " ' '^-•-'- -'• lr :•—**- Iierald pubrfihed at Manr<>vH,.Af- Inrfihe trauee uaar tha'Tlu'aibe.j RPII hi "••' T it, I desired trie dopr-keepefi6Trd4" r i" ea '-" , pf init him wtrenever he presented himsell, Vhe sm if h frlb44 4b" Vhe smue p ,-he were-a v _ House. I am a high Tory, sir, hot i talent even ina KapuWican ; aod, -I assure you,.it gave tfio gi:e«t plensure to i>he\y this n.arlt of distinction to you!r;Am43. rican ffieud " - •" ' % Jl kuow I very mucti onvied him \h\*- prbilugu ou. tlia night of the, deterg"ori ; .Mr. Cawj,iu^'s "Itomaii Catholic tVef's Bill.". The Ilpuse of Lords was excessi veiy crowd- ed, a.nd.1 had to wait for iiearlj' two hours bulore I .cju.ld obtain. adniissjon into the .-.pace below the bar ; and ju»t as I 'Ti an'houses. building on K^—li isTnft'few xniintlK -sjnr«- we ^UiaJiced ilie efcetipn of"t\Vo or lliue ''w.ire- cd riyself tlijco-ugh the. doorwjjy^ neatly suflbeated, I -ed jhi' Rdlti li urely waliiing lkd O y y Rando'lpti leis- -tire other door, sar- his i y g ujft , uujltkd.by Oa&uiug, Lord Lopuonderry, Srl3ltibert*I'eul, aud many other diitlu- "uiihiid mumbtrs of the House of Conir . Uke any lptters of introdu'e- hi.aj. fionv tltis-eetHitry. I abkt-d him, oiie'duy, why he had refiist-d them.|ket trom hi- 'U i" lid h I E l One otHhtse meuisgenius «•-"•.*; VV^cJi&UiaJS' hh •••<JM\, -iiiaieyer tJi«?y.«rti ; U i m e a n s Of c.).(jBHntk:;)tipn^ aijd perpetual tr»ns- ^SIQII . A s"ciite -ten, though feible-in. ittrff, a tiionHitiuw jutreltf by its being $tnt be* ten thousand-iatlioiuaul'i al (he *awe «n« bt-iiit. _JXl|<uln>.au who.can publish what he jiTe.sses in a, Journal- habitually read by a multitude., a man pf 'power, e^ett though he may not be a rnnu of ability." From tlie W^bihgton Globe THE PUBLIC :LAHpS_,Mk CLAY'S _ ETo. 1. In filipit uunitier* we prupose to examino inta,ih«j.pul;ify: .<il tii^MH;for distributing h fjj d t h ^ ^jp •ualiiji nt tliejJub.Ujt3' I*n4si provided for ir» an act vvhicii parsed both Houses of congress at Lhi-ir la^t sessiott r abdT.\vi's retaurfid bv Preiffet: -•-• -r..-;;« ^ ~ - A'e \vilt first enqusTii into the origin of pblic ld f ih IJld Stt' du[ ; A.nA which ft,iit „ . ,, C'mtdyjf Errors,, uH v. scone 1st. -Any travt-tfur vlioinuy have been in Ilaly in tliu spiiug of ];82Gj mubt hrtve luiard of the Celf.bj.atud: tliiij )i oftlie liofill SaVdi L>£? Cuuids, \yliu hose so sliohg a bliinet; to the gruu-t ^irpQlron a.s to i vvondur of jill thpsti whja liai.&iieii ^ TEmpefof* At that, time I was di f G i ll recollect that, i/he | bi'tuided; houses.of-'g-Kid sizp, on Pur watiT-stri'ct, and among t-lif improvements pr«*gtfssii-g 11 that part ofoiir^tqwn, we .pftci-ivi* h iojlief "\v»fe'lioHses, bp-l'injjiilg to M Nelsoiij ('hee>.pnian, and 5{ff>TttJ rfii% to receivp flletr ronfs" 'i'he gfeiit n>-e of prop- erty in'this pnrt of the town vvoiiltTa'tniii-li nidny BCj-f'Ss the A;tl iiitic, who pretend (<• believe tlie l.md CHII be purchased for a- mere trifle on.thi-i colony. •We havo I'lOm an auiliciil^ source ofjln 1 O felo de se -of Itio l?ong.is. (Jrrtibiid This ititKv'idnat lV.i|"icnlt|tig for: lust seveiitcen- \ ears-of iiis life^ ])•?-? n- most aetivelyT'iignged in t h e Slave Trade, nof withstanding (lie ftiaTy Vflbrt's rf Blit'^h the colonlnl go\efhuieiit toward. h"Ci'.mputeil that with- iu the l.i*l four years, two t'i'ii-..iiid >l.iv<- 1 wore shipped alone for the We>t Iadi I in ir- iry-^-'i'tit (if-whivh- 35 were PIUmet —and* 100 by in tliu costume i uP"tii!ffJ3_uaTd,-< yiiig.at a ublc, VVe \\vxc struck with ,tliej-08Kiub!anc«. which lit; bore to-all the li'jsts and . pui truits of the]jem,p.<jr'or which we had htxvu In the midst -of our ccuji^t- Uu.'soft tht 8ubj!-ct^»[i. old Frcu'eh otlicer, decorated wuR tlio,i)idet of the'Legion ol lloupur, pbsur.vjng the surprise depicted, in our couna-iidiitus, \ery'.politely joined our t d id C I i l i ' inaty l iitfd ypy j C 'I can easily'-iifiujrt'ii^ .gen- Jt f y, j y j g llemeii, the. •••uhJLft of your prct.i;iit <uton- 'J'hat ollicel is oue ol the gr.catest i i q g public lauds of ihfi IJsiled States.' i l l i h Vid p rioi Jo (.lie' reyolujti^p, the proVidcfe pf . Q r g U , afierwarda ifee; state of Georgia^ f KtWnded westwilydfy ^ H i i i e Mississippi rivtif, einbfacing tlujpfe^ent state of Alaba-, mvBiJ^'urpst of tb« state oE/Mts&rssippi— mvBiJ p of tb« state vBiJ^urpt of tb« stat oEMts&rssippi. .Tiiose refiefns were thgn'entirely occupied. by tfae^Iudian tribe's; ^ $p'mh a,ttd North'Carolina also claimed: juiisdiction over strips of tenitory runninj* 1 " dly tv the Mississippi, embracing"" the ^ ^ i f ?. charter, pf Virginia embraced all the- turiitory ''frtmi tte poiatof liad called captt or poiiK (!oai.far-l,*all iiWnS the seacpastto h hd hdd d the noTthw^rd^tvvo. hundred mrres, and from the, biiid point pi_i-ape <S»«i/pjl nil along tlie seacbast to .the bouthward"two-^ Hundred ruifes^ and fill that fcpace nnd cit^- cult of lanif'Tyiug frnrn the seaconst, of th» ^ireciiictalprebaid, iip-into the land ujrough* •mt Ijorn sqa sta, west and noitbwest,"' This gtaut. eiribraced; the present states of Ivtuijtieky, Ohio, 'Indiana, llhtibis, and the* _ territory Idi , , oceupicdjjy tha _ lti illi uonders.iit Eiirupfj aiid as l iFl "hi as p ^ p were ""his twin brotticr; in- deed some pwsotrs bete go »of.if-ab td^as^ert ihat both tire Kmtaror- tiifd Iiis jif.)tot\Ji' arc ir.uui4li£.$*ame p«iieiit stoik,.which ma) bo the cii>e, as this, major is a ujtive o! ji, and alxiiit N.»{H»lfi'it J s- ng£> -.1 you (l-oniinuridjije J'iej.._ch oiliccrj L li th ih i* at the:tinie of jthe ie\plution, with, the exce'pligirof ^ s-mall p^ and a. " mid pg settlement* Til 1iad spme uridpfitif d jcIatraSt .to tlie MegtWti •iefrtf-ry conflicting in #&i% «i f ti tho.it* of Vii^iiiia.. L-.uiarteFtif Coimectigut extended'hjejf. ; Jvnitoriw?"fioiij'the Narca .cnpturetT Cfl "repliedhe, u l goto England to see and'uot to bo aetvii—to hear, and not to be heard." lie became, however, one of the liorjs.of the day, and his company was much soughj 11 jr anocnalics of-ifti met with, oT extri;ni,e Ccii.flictj. bri-s of H, B. M. Service. Hh final exit will afford matter o/ speculatipn to the curipus; asit forms oil? of the sttigu> after. At tho splendid ball given for tho bent-lit of the Irish poor under the patronage of the Kiug and royal family, Lord London- derry singled oui llaiidulph, aijd.; MjoocJ b} g i Box, and Parlof Stpvfis and Stove t^hlil etail fi^ LijiftEsfl at^'hplesiale or retail*, for-Gash.'\ fund 15, nxoniul'ucres also; but it will not answer jiirv Old VfrgmiaJiHS some strength left yet, jnd.we mu%''th : e'ifer6iS get a southern man for President!" lie was very froe io c ions of all ihe'grealpe'liticil t-haiac.cr^,' living ami dead, and his satire-wa< cutting. Sometiriies he amused us' by rejieatiiijtpTt> of his speeches inCouytess, on imp rt.mt subjects,"especially ofl'tluTTate warfclidtin- Bankrupt BiU, both pf vvhH;iFhe' r op'io % e<f most violently. Once or twice during tjlu- voyage he lost his temper, but generdij sneaking he wajs iu-.gogd humor, anil full of spirits-, and contributed greatly to our amusement. I.xegrclted-very rnnch that we ha'd tq part in Liverpool, but AVU agreed to meet agajti during the summer in Loridiui. In fhu month of June business "took me to London, and Jny father a"ccomnanifd me. I irrirhediately-j.caLled_at llaiidi>lph's lodg- ings, and was gind to find him in town -r~ sensibility coiipft-d "^itlv grt^vt-aiaisB tollex:t Snddfc|iravity-of mind. High Sthobl in Liberia. —We wrrej sur- f prised aiid, at the same linie sntlC-d in -„ n«w»- .tuuutuis, OutLaei-cgtxj'-TTi one of the late t»u:ti'bUi.s-..of the io lusjiQtide alitho distniguislivd-characti'r 1 *, vt r ica7r RepoMiory, jiist corjieTjiViTtS, that biiili male and female, as'they passed 1 in revit»\v befJr? tfre.m- r . ''Your country man, sir," said he to trie Mr, Ifenry^ljlRfdoy f f Me»\ "Yurk, h;i.- jilaced^a-t-lf"? dispOi-al o.rthe hoard of nnin- ngers of the jPare.iit.Soeiety-tb.'.' suii of t.v. tLc .liuj| etiir oit the niRh:. to thefc&luotly and d;sa--lipu-lbat'Ii t ic. I pb^jiivt:d turn ptii'us'.ii^ tbt- butfelins'of ihe ai HM ,_ Ui-. atillti Ji;VTTi;ijy;gtif- ful nipud, iind his geiii'Frfl dcmeaisour vv^!- a peiff ; Bt cuuuit^purt tu the person lii foi't •us*. Seer! he is about ukiiij a piuclv-ol »nuff! By3t,-avuns! Najioluon't. to rktf.fec.Uoii. 1 * Ina \vor<i,. tlw euthn- o'l the Frutich uflil-cr ios<i. J,i.i.«&ui."Ji u ja'.c'u visiilutsof liiu Cafe \\uie pturiu,* t<- ifie e.i^t tJ llle Souili Sca.dn \:. &c. embracing a portis&Hd and I.linfiis, mid. coming it). f Yiii y , , g ^ . y a fewdays afturwar'ds, '*is a most accom- j thousand dollar's towards forhiing'a fiiiid l i h d gentk-mai). W.ho could ever sup jfor the stipport.of a high SCIHH>1 in onr : cni- £ii dt T h i ] hiHji! _ - York an assprtfiicrit 'tff Groceries, •whreli- haying,b^pjJurc4»s«tHit lijrge lots arid at a very sniall ndvance Train fiatgo gric'fei he'la enabled to sell veryclieap (or >h 6Tappr3"<r6d-credit. . Aiid he respect- y^invifes srll those wishing to purchase to call and examine for themselves. j* ARNOLD; 0,1833. 24 The next day I introduced him to erf who was greatly pleased \vith him. In the course of our conversation lie suddi'iily rose\jroni; his chair, iind sjud-jri his ra6^t irnposing niaunerW'Sir', I have lately seen the greates^curiosily in»London—^aye, and in England too—cpmp^rotl to wWrli/IVe^ minister Abbey, the^fowei-, Surnersel House, Waterloo Bridge, and Parliament itself, sinjs^titp utter iiisiguiiieance I-^-Y ;sir, I liave seen Elizabeth #ry in]Sewg LA: &"WARBiER have on liRtwi a .'fe.w,,papjels>eood.faW« cider, for sale i j s y g and have vvihiessed the miraculous' effort• of true Christianity upon the fno'jt depravi-d pf humnn beings—bad wompn-r-whoare Ahorse, if possible, than thp Devil himself; andyet Mrs. Fry has absolutely tajfoed them itUO •subjection, and they Weep i : ejfer»tanff l ^ h ddses themNoth Nothr j , y p j tears wlieneve^she addresses them.•. ing but religion could.eflect this; and what ca«be a>grea-ter tnlracle than the conver- wya of a degradeS Vyoinan, takeu?ifr°pm tht dregs of society V^-aud you must- also see d C i hi i h ^ ^ sli^p &t Woodard'V Cabinet factory,,, Issabiellast. h he wilt epntinue. line .PpAKE N BUSINESS, w$ be glad to all who wji» plqftse to favor t B0SW Maf 6,1833. ~\ ttc^fved aud are :'.St*EfARD. 19tf- this wonder. Cprre, sir, this is her rnort^ ing for visiting the prisoners, and we shn be just in time. 1 will introduce you, as she has per,mitte*.pe tobring my friend's with me." . .We. irnrriedialcly ordered a _____ ^ drove to Mrs. Fry's house, but J5uMour disappointment t'hat the death of a-psh five had sudd&nly nailed her to the country 1 y I had ,an. opportunity p: her to NewRrtte, and the scene'.which I there sawfully justified fJanidolph's description pf it. Some tinje after I dined.with Mrs. Fry at bei- country seat near '.London, and Mr, Randolph's namo WHS mentioned "at table, "Ho is aBiuaular chararter," said one o heapei' .tfj*»V eV€ir "^a ust te ' ffom.jSiew.-Yo|k; i ,8nd retailing H is jugu her daughters, to mej VwelWd qrfitoa aronsiiig note from him the other d>y. IW mother requestedroeto write a note of iu vitatioli to dhuier to him, «nd in H-i apolo glsed fox A' nSiivg so unfashioiiably early ai hour as four o'c/of/f. His re : p»v was a follows:. -aiiexterior j tsirju » iliati>t> £ij>«4i^tirigaiiexterior C J v e r t s i r j u Th ;i]yc!,n| mucli 'deceit.' t admire hi» polite man- Teller ted niuch, .Midyears a n «hiH|fvieji.u! hld i r- ri, but Uetqst his politics !" tiuns wftb friends in fto-ifon, iVpnn lii II> viiv viviifOL IIIO uuiIii\*o • I ' HIUII.'' >i u u n H.IMJS 111 if^^niii^ 111'<• 11 id* A. vury distinguis>hed rpember of. I^dilifi ].foAs<ibility of tiie. p6ui Ail^d;"ibt i* now iiit brouplit Mr. llnndoloh and Miss it an end. Mr. 'SneldPtiV'd'oi.ntiSn is 11 metit hrpught Air. llundolph and Miss g ud he told me tlutt he b«d nevi-T together at his breakfast Jable, noble foundation upofKAvhkh to hiiM, u\>\\ l h b d i j L s m.iy he live i(| ? ,wU'.e*f*' f( ™0c S\ictt}jm \ 17 I ^ TklLan iiituliectual treat before. _To . High Schoal <f Li'ieria^'m full nporaiion, his own words, '^spaik prtvdaced spark,' Uiir colored bre'lir.en in Ariieric.i mu-t be udforthree hours they -,<itept up the fiie up ar.d doing- their wealthy men must iit.il it. elided in a pgifoct blaze of wit, s-ive more,..ff'thry/wish t!»t to iva the Shrl- umor.and repartee., Mr. Kandolph absp- don'High Se.Ii'ipl in opemioii, bi fife even utely knew Miss Ivigewortli's wo'^ks better iui.i she didJaaDieJI^fpr immediate .quota-' iP.i|S',and.we wereall exceedingly astounded y his intimate acquaintance willi Ireland .1 i_- 1 ; .. _ r _ t.. 'n __J .-tf' t-hoy c mfix,with rert.iinty, UfOii a site foi their eoiifernplated^collrge. F r e e J S r h o o h ' f i i r T . e ' c o p l t t f e r t f y , •We ive^e plcn^'erl to ie.irn that ineans have Mt4—Irish Bvaiiners". Lady T. and myself lately, been-pliced in tlie hands e.f:.the co'o iid nothiug but listen, and I was resvlU 1 ui.iTagijnt, by the• society of funiale phijan- exed wheu some, pulillc businpss called ne away. Randolph - h i ^ p yg soon fterwards, when he received a mpst triend-- y note from Miss Edgewor.ihj writtun in tie most Xarailiarstjle. ,,J begj.©dofhim to give it to me as a. keepsake. vGtv.e that upte tV'y«u!" said- he wUu.-errjphsisisf-7 why, I wourd not part with iMbr half my estate-!" . - , « . One day wediiied together at the Rlarquis f L's, where we_jju3-t several d i U i h d h d h characters, and afnotigst iherh were Pro- fosspMwn^the, of (JtimbridgP^and Sir John Newport... The bjpur nientbned on tlie card of invitation was quarter past^seveii. I said to ilandpipijtha^-we need jfibt reach] hg house much before- 8,- **Sir»" feplied- :ie, "1 always cbihply literally- wiih the, thropbts in Plviiadelplriii, ivjjp nt^ present •Jdpporl twb fem.ilc schools in the colony, to establish a Irfe sch(fc«i A N*»w (3eorgi.i, f.ir recaptUre'd Africans of the Con^Jsibp and Pcrsa tribes; aiid that Rlr. 3am.es R.~ Clark, iatel^_\ffoni Chiir.le^tpn, S. C. h>is rtccived the appointment of teadher for the >«OJ- ' - I . , ' ' ' , ' As sporras^f r. Clark has passed through his seajsofting, the'school will go into-6p«v 1atiohjfand it is hoped- from the earne\t de- sire which those to be benefited', have ex- pre«*.ed for a school and : teacher, that they will-improve' tlie bppprttjtiiityj and gladden ib/ kind heai-tsof their patrons, with the pleasing reflections, that their generosity has not been bestowed-on uiiworthy, pb|ects The nest evening I went-to tue huar I .f cdubra'ed -vladarii Cataluii, and U>_ h.ive.a pei-ji.nt t'lie-JEx-wjipressftl.iriaLou- isa and liei fiitierj « IWe vis.it had bueu-ai noun lure iced- U : ii had not longbeen seatedbe- vve dijtuvcrt u iLe HJ.-J.IJI ii) die uiljiiri- ilig. box. He Was MlAliihiig iip, his BIIIIJ fuided in tho maiiiiei of Xapg'uou, and |;kc kiiuJio vvoriea.gieeii coiil U}ii!oi!<j_d upc.Tow- to the neck, and decorated with two or three tinleis, winch he had won iii the I'v'l" iaii war-;, and above all, ^ije nuver tohi&ot- sotteii lillle corlted-hnt. •Su)oiji i .n.fiet\V9t.di tht: Eim>reos entered her box accoiiipptiird by abiiilliaiit suite, byt presently tin; aluli- eiift' were throw u iyjo amazement by sume coufuMon inthe rtijaj box. ' j f a r i a Ly)iii-<ii fuiil caught a glimpj-u of jtjij- u d6unterM* ' t>f lief dec^ea&cd husband, and f.*m_- . f ^ ^ ^ _l _. ._._, __\fc ___, .* _.* H—1fc.1 "^•'1 he. chiiriei trf Massacrftreetts also, ex* '.(.uded 1 > the Spath Bea and ||ivplvfed the* . jidtjiaiui, DelaW?ire,iSr.ow lsl.i:id, a:|d >ew littra'ps? ' .i.iJ i.ojjaini^lalittdaiu. *-jio» <i£ i-lii- ,,f>--ei}t U States. Iu this couijiu^ii \y*-H oil*** .. ni.es wlico the ttio-iuliou bruift! out^^ Thfe u;S^"Cy wf ..Jit! occasioH forced trXertf tp n* ^y uiL'- on equal ter.ns withuut. settling d.niJs be coiisi\leriijg their comparative suoiigih. i)ut \\\w.u the articles of the .con'* Hit ijiii'ii Were pRt-seuted lo the states foif* Jictr ajjjvioiiil, tlie\vtentiouof thejirs^atps'* aieii \va> called to tliVfdiare, and thfe smalE ' At.(tc> lAiviiigjio chiim tp t fi r ufiis-ipn a_u"d astonishment wgre cjj n ^tlie most palpably rmtnriej. " 'i'he of Sardinia w'a> torce'd to pn£e£him. on bccami.- aliumed at the pfospetit 6F Jizeinent. uhich eeemed to a\vail the ! >tati;s. Some ofthe*ehfisitated•'• the articles of cbitfedtMtion. The; state of M try land^in-"1778 utterTy ", unless tho largei states would si*f« to the United States the jurisdiction ai.d s'oilof the ^esUru teiritoiy "to ' •eeMSft^utln conofess jnto fiouj-coff .and. independent "overnments," and menj|0t- - i: ~-*"•'•*-""•••—tu Hut effect. L * duty,J.O Kept' -the.Wld#fs in cpns^nt escitct5;ent^ « ho eever; jJfSTed'. to presetittams in passiiig mm. g u The difficulties w ijieTTEpxl arisen ioductdf tlie state of New York-, ia 1780, to pnss^an. act to facilitate-the completion of ThelArti- ^crfes of €piilkdi?ratton and perpetual Union among the tTujted Stales of Araeric*"-— The preRmbTe of'this act sets-fotth thedfif- ficttl ties'which had arisen in these wordW ficer and prvsenled htm with a gojd'"snufr box, with the Emperor's lilceness .set '«" brilliants. -—^ terms of an invitation', at flip tirei.e specified.'* we must be there We, went accord- ingly ; and^ as JUiwi-prodicted, .there wai Wo announced sbme time ago ofemineot CPunsei, that tli« arms p jeon, bequeathed 1 by him to his son;,'find re- served in trustvtobe delive|ed tn him a nobody in th« parlor,, nor hail the Marquis a, period fixed 'by the ex-Emppror, fre- t ll:hjjfto th lloi l Lrd eaine byihedeath of Duke do Heifhst^dt A pretty young Miss, of this place* hav- ing a greatauJtiety to pay her respects to tlie President walked tp the city PU the day of: the procession Jbr that purpose ; b i to the dense crcAvd which eiiaprnp aud h< ins un«eti.uaihted With arn';pue to aid, her itt ifer desire, she retuMigtThome pbo- griued anddi>aj)poii! i ted. PeterrniriedTiow- ever to aecotnjaitsh lh.$flbj'efet of her ardent desire slip Bgiiin started on foot Tor tho,city the-i.ext diiy and appJied at_ the: City; UofS for -admittance to tiie President-^-but was informed by some .pftli.fi attend'^Titfi", that he ffe ^ill d t d he" noa : , that jfaril Louisa ha4 beit ToiC;t|e"tiR" ^nVfietesTs lhe«ArliclesoTContea'crBtioli Uidr rierpet'uaj ufiiVin^cbmniPDcled by the hoft- prable congress of the United States of A- rneiiea, have not proved acceptable to ill tire states, it having been conceived a portion .nfds... eaine, by the. death of Duke do Heieh^t'idt, MS, »Tthe properly'of Francf?. This opinion ha^ nrxi..\ ; <.ince been confirmpd by the ndhe^ion'of bar,' all of v\hetn •yet rea..che«Lhqftie.jft.om the lloiise ol'. Ifowever,, by and bye, tlie Marchioness ery lovely vypnian, made her appearance,, ahdiliatidolph apologized for pur iepublican puiictuality., In n jsh_pf| time thp rest of ac.fped that the arplulutphess Mnnn. Louba Uie earixpany ji>i»«3 us, and at 8 o'clock we r»u!d have nfi^tums ib^iYerh sal- down to aii excellent dinner. The.con- j The question, which remained 1 versation ..became very animated, andtdok- ^eerasjojju^n.ovv Set at rest, in. a political turii. • Randolpll Was quesfioned | io- (be •01), American 'affairs* and ntnused u letter, address y was not toffee seen. und-iurited she" y , them, very much by his replies. He ex-! p posed[what hn1 leraie^d the ;Sad degeneracy jsipticd tho ojjihioh: of old Virginia, aud iecame, quite pathetic, L in iiiduniiug over tho abolition of lUwsof, priniogeniMife. Some of . the thought this a strange complaint dbfo l , bv th<> following ced by. the el<l«-»t brother of Ensper«r to the gentlemen whb };v mfud tTjeija^.-oCa promiiiPnt' : mx»m- <Vf tfie"*coniniittte, a pd enquired iflK> svns present reqiivsthg at "he^ame ito see hi:n., Fpitunaicly lor her s<ite o an interview with the e<>m.miitecjriaiiu Tiiliigly told the story of -lief di , g p of lite waste and uncultivated territory, ttiii-~ in the limits orr.claims of certaih Matts,might •to. be appropriated as a common fund /# the ~ expenses of thqwar," fife. ' The«ctproceeds to autliorise die delegaleb of the state i cfiiigrelstoceM to the United! SS i t^e>xigh^f "New York to tho'-soilj^i diction of the western territory, "for theute and benejit of such of the United Statetas shall become members of the federal •ttMtaitemu of the $gU states, and far «& other uit or pur- pose Miadver.*' » —^ If btjems that Virginia, whose were, ^erhapsthe bw,t defined^ ftm d dd h l i m.e gy ut &* desire. be seated Viiid in a few uiiuuteyfj rt-ndy esfe.iided hff «tttlements i tiietfy a 11 d J* 5#Rig~co"rrq.uered~ &( my tW ptiMlf Kasbtskias and .i^mohstrated against the- claims x>l ''LONDON, April 2S, 1833. "Gentlemen.-^-Yuiri:".ujiiuioH nn tin: arm* company of the Empt'ior S>ipolt-o.ii-«[)pe:ir to me de; from & re- Visions which'ciuimi be inva'iid'.iied l|y the d h i L tg p publican ; aud,before we eeparated;, they (publicOr by the tribcrrials really had nearly mistaken tlijndplpli'jfof an . be appended, by Gonefai L>-t these p ; , p y ( p y really had nearly mistaken tlijndplpli'jfof an . be appended, by Gonefai -IVi.tratid, tp th Arisloaat! FtofcssaiSmylhewaasotmuch jnaljoria} column, and confided to tin- pro- interested, in the conversation, he^w&lkud jieciioj, of the p"Pple of I'.uis : .Vf<e"«\ho re h with us aftt-r the p<uty brok» Up, aiiil J-ci'iTv(ri"'t1i(jra froiii Jviipoieoii wiih his las d ldi il 2 ' l k i i i t py p, JciiTvit1i(jra f J p remayied at our l>>dnings itatil 2 o'clock ip. i;-breWu,,caritot beiffty his : wishes by -d the mpinljiigj endeavoring to procure ^letiug th.6ni Mto the Wltls pf eDemies, of . - . V '•*'' •. ••••*i \ * * ••._••• t - , \- Wi&n, y |t The acDtii'man baiil lier f j 1 'h Virginia were all in bis reputed ready ,-tb«ni!ef it, I would diet 1 - Miss, li (| d met town '" ' inMrAtatroh* ot de<:lai i »ti66 timf wiiicu. ture <*on<«krano», The Tower (pf the Pn$s —"The if the .jire8s,>(vj.s the 1 Wcsi te on c^tt''?- 1 .111 pirt uni'onB' ied with' t%;(lb.Uity, of its < rises chiefly'|iqB< tiie po« or

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Page 1: ^rtE - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1833-07-09/ed-1/seq-1.pdf'wh.it. most astonished nit: was,his i loc.il knowledge o( Ivnghtnd.and i thought I knew

$T iLAWREiscrs ntipjaMAGICS,Will bo puWished every Tuesday, a,nd delivered to

subsbnben at $ 1 50 a year it paid m advance> $1 76 if Jnid witl in s n months, and tf 2 if not paid' until the aspiration of tjjejear

Most Jjffids t)t countiy produce vvjll boieceuclimympnt " ^ ' i

^Iyan^WentMatfcaefa vsCjuci tcsperoul discount jjiade to thbso w)io

AIN,- ^ T H EAnd the Steaifl, Packft

^ M


From ttro-New-Yorlc Antcvtea-n. --•

RANDOLPHIANA.-Na. IH, r ~~4'My knawhjrjge of,Ireland," said lie-tofi' one niPrning, •'••see.nis-Jlo astonish you as-•tch as' it did MrV Manning's servant at

brought^ g , ^ y gii\e -a note front his ftSftslor-vwho b,y"f|ieway i§ a.supeiJflr retail, sir^and as Soon ash k 1 i d h b

y p ahe spoke 1 at (ince recognised the brogue,

d i i b i ' Y ' fp

andsaiitog ,

'Yan'ce.from Munster,l lare yon not?' 'I atri, plaise yptir honor,'

h^..astpnislj,ed; flt the qugstjpji,—tire county of Clare I ptesuirui V—^

!'Yes sir,' said he,_still jnore astonished^'* What ttjw'n did you eom& fromAI- ' r i letown oXEtiius^sir.' 'Oh:;'said t,laughing,' t know. Kunis very -waUW-pray dogs Sir.Edward O'Brienrsfiil. live at JL:Edward OBrienrsfiit. ]iva at jSiomolandf1 i f e d ues indeed^ si?*? 'And Mr, Stack poolat;.EdM)p>i:t;?U 'Aod the Knight of Glinon ti»e^aj4ts.Qf the Shannon ?', -'Yes "sir,5

ami theji af;i?r"S' }>ans,e aiid a.UnV bow hesaijlj, lj\J)glit I rna]<« bunld to o*.,--sh-j howlong you lived in Gi<\re ?'• 'I never, was inEuippe,' said jt, <biit I lmpe to be therospou.*" 'Oh,tl©ti't»b,c qftiier making a foolofrije—faith, jou're n kit of an'In^iinanf " h th W

- ll>e erssufng season in the fol-for "you have t(»e Vogue, and you ICIVPJK its• raueji (&~ % , cftuiitiy a.b 1 do' mybeif, andrmpro too, fni thinking.' -It .was-in fain

••— 4 l a a t i assAiredihim I4iad never seen Irelandhe went away still .insisting that I had

jihe in Virginia, ami he has npt yet beenlong enptigh in London, to learn how totiriid.iy into night, and vice versa."

I should- mention that the fashionable'diurier hourvvas,8o'cloekr,which Randolphdisliked very much} and frequently pe<l-«gainst..

Very, spoil after he ___became" acquainted, witlj Lord L-^-^-, whointroduced himself .to Vim ffiie night-urider

,ordsl)i[i tpUV ri,G afterwards tihit ho hadnever, mot with so Well informed a gentle-^a^Oii all subjects pf History, Bftllip Lot-Ve?7*Biogri\pliy,. &c. Vjmd sir," 'sa;d he,:

'wh.it. most astonished nit: was,his iloc.il knowledge o( Ivnghtnd.andi thought I knew then)" wellj but, I wasobliged to yield the jiwlm to Mr. Randolph;I wa.s so dt»lighted~M'lth his conversation^that I Wrfs^xjetennincd topay a complimentwhich I knew would- gratify his Virginia

i'hoiit mentioning to him- my

i-JoaSb* Ogdsnsbnrgli;Levvistpti every

at 'S: A *M

^ t Q i , 4o..l P. M.M apiatliewistpn^ P-. M

> ^ r t E

-Lo\yi5toii ,for; Qg-,:b i j l { Th

_ noritiiigBft'idL- _,Yottngsfowri, 9 A. M.

-•Rochester-, 7 P. M.Qswogo.'Kriday Jfc-A. M,Sacked Hai-hor, Of]?. M.

'fqjjchinj; at _ .-gi

French,Gtreek,^ ;

Alexandria Bay..." .firoclcvilie,Morristown, -,& a t at Ofedehsburglj on


. W. L.: Presdpitfor-l And Qvieenston for

ipstort every Tiies- I Prescott (jvery Fridayju^enstpit everday afjterftobn-




"- .Will lcavaBrescott for•••iiuecnston and Lewiston'«very Wednesday

And Lewiston and•Queenston every Satur.at4 P. M. touching atQi-vvogo Sunday morning.

FOUJttlf,-*'GAPT, %

Will leavg Preic-ottand-•*•—''-*--Wnr Njagnta

'And Yonngstown and.Niagara. Tor -.: Regent t3.JMdiiday at 3 P. M.

stages and strath-boats runningdaily, betweotvOgdensburgb and Montreal and Presrxott and Montreal; and stages to and frprrji Osdons-

j wonder.pQOT Paddy slioulcf have beendec.6iv.ed,- w4ietl we ou board the shif>,.bolhEnglish nud Idsfii" vfefeGotten miffe To•blush by-'the. superior loeal infornmtion tliatJMi. Raodolpl) possessed;,*ven of the veryeonnityes in which we were born ?• \

-Jfclij us,gjj;p=amwsehLmself with

: thpysbmerimeaf cWtected any espressioTtsi,. hewould enter into a regular argument, a»dquote* autbofities-^such as l>!ilhds, storybooks, old songs,, &c. to prove that he was.correct, and- in most instances; they had to

tethat te ^was' rtgfit* • -A 11 .(\m v>s&gdone .in the most perfect good humor, anditafiorded us avast deal of^rriu'sement, fnrhe would enter into trlfose disc-unions- willas" rtuclfajpparpnf real'felF+wwffespeakins on the Tariir

Unc day I-Hti tandiduie for. the J?r«


"bU ipril.aUe n, W'ater-f

bUrgliand. Platt3burgi), pril.aUe Ghanq>lain, Water••tpwteandtj^a^and a daily line of jacket boats from

• -Oajwgcfto SyrJaRisd'a'nd Utica, thus airordingevery' facilify {o trawllers'. . "

• ;Ma) r13,iag3. • '

Q a ^ l ^ p l . .•rijpt(ed he, "if i tWd nm been forVuts ou.th,e^Mi&96Uri question, I shjaiild; nionce say Rufns" King; he is the best manam'th-ef-^lief I'otpmae, and a gentleman'too,"of the old school; \i\d best of all, siran honest man—rather a^earcq article iJffwamong the politicians." A sad mistake, sirhe made, on that question, but he thoushtie was right, and.l esteem him still, but hewill not now dp for President. The iP»Vw

men, sir,'would rob (us of our fi»h\d * » • *«

.it^J^CJWKS'.AlJhe Sign.of th? Padlock, Ford street.

. T T A S O H C. J /E I&GEJ tenders liis.siu-ee.reA S O H C.J /ERQE*.«ithanks..to his ftiends and tjie pubJick

H fth l i b l t H h "his ftiend n j p

^ h e > .the liberal patronage He has"jreceivedY «n«l hopus by s.ti id ..attention to•this businecs to merit n continuance of the

lsame. rmudagnutral Assortment


friateriaTs and finished J'orkm.an-h

g ;ipv »-HV also makes to order on

nd Wqrm<r, iB '

shortC&ppe S q , ^ j

t t y s Dye Kettles, Brewer's and Hatter'*Kettles, Sc. &c< all oLwhich will .be ipldoij as re^njbJiLtfiriBs as can be purchasedin-this^ptftce or etse.wrrere. _^_

t'Jobbingand repairirig attendBd trj at all•times,'nird:ar rtsuaU1 ii generl assoT^fletti

& 6 k i B d l S

i a l s J U s Q f l d , u i i r p ? iare trying to obtain sorria of our-

i l l b i ll

"Mr. Randolph aegrets that "a prior t-a-imucjiigement will deprive him of the pleasurefabou

mucti ji.ii-.ncul.vi- iufoiniaiipii as lis couldout Aiiieneun institution*. When

)f dining with ftlrs. Fry ou Thursd iy next . liffd g<uie I could not avoid telling tlmthiph\'o apology, however, was necessary -far,| that /wns thy bust republican of thr fvv..,he hour named in heraote , as it is two land I' laughed at him fur having played theiiours. later than Mr., II. Is accusioraedjo aristocrat: MI..we'll-. Tho professor gave us

a' warm uivitaUoa' tpbid

proyibit liigjm vitaUoa tp yibit liigj *L.&"})::.

bridge^ \\h\di fllr. Randolph subsequentlyavailed iiirnspjf pfj but I was .r>rcv.enfcd' bybu.';i';icis? froni aeci'ijipanyiiig 111RK. Uc

tuld rpo .tint hy w,»s delightedp n ywith hid visit to Unit cl'.issie


g\vhtre lie

di-niii.d»;ii«i,[,i| fiicy lu.iy be. Let

iiiuif itt tin.- piesetit raojiU-nl.—« c x i l u J d i i i ' 3 i d f the'rarniV M c x t t u J d i , p i . i 3 i i

Iy of K;i; olcun s!i:ll exist ouglit&otB«III- lo/K-ci'iu" his aslie.s ? SliQUtd ri"t itssummit IK: adorned A\ith Uisstajue ? 'X\u'\naion \vill_iiiow j!fcelf-just,.\v.hi>.».il f'hujfluve become itst'IKby the destruetiiin of i-li't-treaiies of 1815j which rr.aintMiiv Jhe anti-

i l

cy^ \"bocftn"i.e"Vequniijted with several/'Warnedme a.e

I visited m«"sTof the ciiriosities^of tondbitwith lijrajjiiid dc;jivt'<jl great -a~dva-mnpe fioriihi?..injTniAte knowledge of oVery tiling.^—;

We aKvnjs dispensed with tlieshj,i\y-ii)Onartel guide*., as he iiiueH firpfpifod to :iet in8iat p'iipat'ity himsflf and Twitrfifj d

g ,8iat p'iipat'ityh h f

fand Twitrfnifjy

i jI hp y , n nijy p

ihefii the fees, for -his srrviops. j;Ie hadh

yrnotU's—Some strmigi" piece

f fishion nf leaving his eardj *'R:invchilpli of-lloffnolvev wherever wewhetlu*r it -wins,Weslniiu>ler Abbeythe/rnoiiurtuMits, or at the frtp of St" ;

d \ .i>s»v-t>r cnlfld eXHCtiy iinili'.r.!.\tid his

imposed .upon it by a fuivj who; have farmed a. wioi.g opitiibu «£Juiulie \\MH-B. As to ilia family of . \V

poie'pn, whatever may be said to the coiitra-tlvoy h.\v« no ptli^r

gtheii rouutry.-rheif only r-ijibf, ris tliaf «f all who ar<ttjp-

^ih4 their Voice a-who ejulucie them

.prossed, consists in.guinst the 0|>pF sy6f9:irom their native eou«try.




. . . . . . . . ., African Ccildnizql'lt>!K~-<Thc{i\)c\\v\riv nc--pefrfiissMr! trool th«icouats of the progress of the colony at l/i-

li'nrd Cliaticeliorto intioduce Mr. Rnndolph jberja art;rfurnished by a Nt-wVmk pAjmr,ii.to tiie 1 louse of!_Lurds,at tht; private en- j fVom the IMareh and April nuiuben of fli>-' : " *'•- 'fpi • " ' '^-•- ' - -'• l r :•—**- Iierald pubrfihed at Manr<>vH,.Af-


trauee uaar tha 'Tlu'aibe.j RPII hi"••' T it, I desired trie dopr-keepefi6Trd4"ri"ea'-", pfinit him wtrenever he presented himsell,Vhe sm if h frlb44 4b"Vhe smue a»

p,-he were-a

v _House. I am a high Tory, sir, hoti talent even ina KapuWican ; aod, -Iassure you,.it gave tfio gi:e«t plensure toi>he\y this n.arlt of distinction to you!r;Am43.rican ffieud " - •" ' %

Jl kuow I very mucti onvied him \h\*-prbilugu ou. tlia night of the, deterg"ori;.Mr.Cawj,iu^'s "Itomaii Catholic tVef's Bill.".The Ilpuse of Lords was excessi veiy crowd-ed, a.nd.1 had to wait for iiearlj' two hoursbulore I .cju.ld obtain. adniissjon into the.-.pace below the bar ; and ju»t as I

'Ti an'houses. building onK^—li isTnft 'few xniintlK -sjnr«- we

^UiaJiced ilie efcetipn of"t\Vo or l l i u e ' 'w.ire-

cd riyself tlijco-ugh the. doorwjjy^ neatlysuflbeated, I - e d j h i ' R d l t i l iurely waliiing

lkd O

y yRando'lpti leis-

-tire other door, sar-

his i

y g ujft ,uujltkd.by Oa&uiug, Lord Lopuonderry,

Srl3ltibert*I'eul, aud many other diitlu-"uiihiid mumbtrs of the House of Conir

. Uke any lptters of introdu'e-hi.aj. fionv tltis-eetHitry. I abkt-d

him, oiie'duy, why he had refiist-d them.|ket trom hi-' U i " l i d h I E l

One otHhtse meuisgenius«•-"•.*; VV cJi&UiaJS'


•••<JM\, - i i iaieyer tJi«?y.«rti ; U i m e a n s Ofc.).(jBHntk:;)tipn^ aijd perpetual tr»ns-

^SIQII . A s"ciite -ten, though feible-in. ittrff,a tiionHitiuw jutreltf by its being $tnt be*

ten thousand-iatlioiuaul'i al (he *awe «n«bt-iiit. _JXl|<uln>.au who.can publish what hejiTe.sses in a, Journal- habitually read by amultitude., i» a man pf 'power, e^ett thoughhe may not be a rnnu of ability."

From tlie W^bihgton GlobeTHE PUBLIC :LAHpS_,Mk CLAY'S

• _ ETo. 1.

In filipit uunitier* we prupose to examinointa,ih«j.pul;ify: .<il tii^MH;for distributing

h fjj d t h^ ^ j p•ualiiji nt tliejJub.Ujt3' I*n4si provided for ir»an act vvhicii parsed both Houses of congressat Lhi-ir la^t sessiottrabdT.\vi's retaurfid bv

P r e i f f e t : -•-• -r..-;;« ^ ~ -A'e \vilt first enqusTii into t h e origin ofp b l i c l d f ih I J l d S t t 'du[

;A.nA which ft,iit „ . , ,

C'mtdyjf Errors,, uH v. scone 1st.-Any travt-tfur vlioinuy have been in Ilaly

in tliu spiiug of ];82Gj mubt hrtve luiard ofthe Celf.bj.atud: tliiij )i oftlie liofill SaVdiL>£? Cuuids, \yliu hose so sliohg abliinet; to the gruu-t ^irpQlron a.s toi vvondur of jill thpsti whja liai.&iieii

TEmpefof* At that, time I wasd i f G i llrecollect that, i/he | bi'tuided;

houses.of-'g-Kid sizp, on Pur watiT-stri'ct, andamong t-lif improvements pr«*gtfssii-g 11that part ofoiir^tqwn, we .pftci-ivi* h

iojlief "\v»fe'lioHses, bp-l'injjiilg to MNelsoiij ('hee>.pnian, and 5{ff>TttJ rfii% toreceivp flletr ronfs" 'i'he gfeiit n>-e of prop-erty in'this pnrt of the town vvoiiltTa'tniii-linidny BCj-f'Ss the A;tl iiitic, who pretend (<•believe tlie l.md CHII be purchased for a-mere trifle on.thi-i colony.

•We havo I'lOm an auiliciil^ source ofjln1

Ofelo de se -ofItio l?ong.is.

(JrrtibiidThis ititKv'idnat


lust seveiitcen- \ ears-of iiis life^ ])•?-? n- mostaetivelyT'iignged in t h e Slave Trade, nofwithstanding (lie ftiaTy Vflbrt's rf Blit'^h

the colonlnl go\efhuieiit toward.h"Ci'.mputeil that with-

iu the l.i*l four years, two t'i'ii-..iiid >l.iv<-1wore shipped alone for the We>t Iadi I in ir-

iry-^-'i'tit (if-whivh- 35 werePIUmet —and* 100 by

in tliu costumeiuP"tii!ffJ3_uaTd,-<y i i i g . a t a ublc, VVe \\vxc struck with

,tliej-08Kiub!anc«. which lit; bore to-all theli'jsts and . pui truits of the]jem,p.<jr'or whichwe had htxvu In the midst -of our ccuji^t-Uu.'soft tht 8ubj!-ct^»[i. old Frcu'eh otlicer,decorated wuR tlio,i)idet of the'Legion ollloupur, pbsur.vjng the surprise depicted, inour couna-iidiitus, \ery'.politely joined our

t d id C I i l i 'inatyl

iitfdypy j

C'I can easily'-iifiujrt'ii^ .gen-Jt f

y, j y j gllemeii, the. •••uhJLft of your prct.i;iit <uton-

'J'hat ollicel is oue ol the gr.catesti i

q gpublic lauds of ihfi IJsiled States.'

i l l i h Vidprioi Jo (.lie' reyolujti^p, the proVidcfe pf

. Q r g U , afierwarda ifee; state of Georgia^f KtWnded westwilydfy ^Hii ie Mississippirivtif, einbfacing tlujpfe^ent state of Alaba-,mvBiJ^'urpst of tb« state oE/Mts&rssippi—mvBiJ

pof tb« statevBiJ^urpt of tb« stat oEMts&rssippi.

.Tiiose refiefns were thgn'entirely occupied.by tfae^Iudian tribe's; ^

$p'mh a,ttd North'Carolina also claimed:juiisdiction over strips of tenitory runninj*1"

dly tv the Mississippi, embracing""the ^ ^ i f

?. charter, pf Virginia embraced all the-turiitory ''frtmi t te poiatof liad called capttor poiiK (!oai.far-l,*all iiWnS the seacpasttoh h d h d d dthe noTthw^rd^tvvo. hundred mrres, and

from the, biiid point pi_i-ape <S»«i/pjl nilalong tlie seacbast to .the bouthward"two-^Hundred ruifes^ and fill that fcpace nnd cit^-cult of lanif'Tyiug frnrn the seaconst, of th»^ireciiictalprebaid, iip-into the land ujrough*•mt Ijorn sqa t» sta, west and noitbwest,"'This gtaut. eiribraced; the present states ofIvtuijtieky, Ohio, 'Indiana, llhtibis, and the* _territoryI d i

, ,oceupicdjjy tha _

l t i illiuonders.iit Eiirupfj aiid asl iFl "hias

p ^p were ""his twin brotticr; in-deed some pwsotrs bete go »of.if-ab td^as^ertihat both tire Kmtaror- tiifd Iiis jif.)tot\Ji'arc ir.uui4li£.$*ame p«iieiit stoik,.which ma)bo the cii>e, as this, major is a ujtive o!

ji, and alxiiit N.»{H»lfi'itJs- ng£> -.1you (l-oniinuridjije J'iej.._ch oiliccrj

L li th ih

i* at the:tinie of jthe ie\plution, with,the exce'pligirof ^ s-mall pand a. "mid

pgsettlement* Til

1iad spme uridpfitif d jcIatraSt.to tlie MegtWti •iefrtf-ry conflicting in #&i%«ifti tho.it* of Vii^iiiia..

L-.uiarteFtif Coimectigut extended'hjejf.;Jvnitoriw?"fioiij'the Narca


"repliedhe,u l goto Englandto see and'uot to bo aetvii—to hear, and notto be heard."

l i e became, however, one of the liorjs.ofthe day, and his company was much soughj 11 jr anocnalics of-ifti met with, oT extri;ni,e

Ccii.flictj. bri-s of H, B. M. Service. Hhfinal exit will afford matter o/ speculatipnto the curipus; as it forms oil? of the sttigu>

after. At tho splendid ball given for thobent-lit of the Irish poor under the patronageof the Kiug and royal family, Lord London-derry singled oui llaiidulph, aijd.; MjoocJ b}

gi Box, and Parlof Stpvfis and Stovet ^ h l i l etail fi^ LijiftEsflat^'hplesiale or retail*,

for-Gash.'\fund 15,

nxoniul'ucres also; but it will not answerjiirv Old VfrgmiaJiHS some strength leftyet, jnd.we mu%''th:e'ifer6iS get a southernman for President!"

lie was very froe io cions of all ihe'grealpe'liticil t-haiac.cr^,'living ami dead, and his satire-wa< cutting.Sometiriies he amused us' by rejieatiiijtpTt>of his speeches in Couytess, on imp rt.mtsubjects,"especially ofl'tluTTate war fclid tin-Bankrupt BiU, both pf vvhH;iFhe'rop'io%e<fmost violently. Once or twice during tjlu-voyage he lost his temper, but generdijsneaking he wajs iu-.gogd humor, anil full ofspirits-, and contributed greatly to ouramusement. I.xegrclted-very rnnch thatwe ha'd tq part in Liverpool, but AVU agreedto meet agajti during the summer in Loridiui.

In fhu month of June business "took meto London, and Jny father a"ccomnanifd me.I irrirhediately-j.caLled_at llaiidi>lph's lodg-ings, and was gind to find him in town -r~

sensibility coiipft-d "^itlv grt^vt-aiaisBtollex:t Snddfc|iravity-of mind.

High Sthobl in Liberia. —We wrrej sur-f prised aiid, at the same linie sntlC-d in

— -„ n«w»- .tuuutuis, OutLaei-cgtxj'-TTi one of the late t»u:ti'bUi.s-..of theio lusjiQtide alitho distniguislivd-characti'r1*, vtrica7r RepoMiory, jiist corjieTjiViTtS, thatbiiili male and female, as'they passed1 inrevit»\v befJr? tfre.m-r.

''Your country man, sir," said he to trie

Mr, Ifenry^ljlRfdoy f f Me»\ "Yurk, h;i.-jilaced^a-t-lf"? dispOi-al o.rthe hoard of nnin-ngers of the jPare.iit.Soeiety-tb.'.' suii of t.v.

tLc .liuj| etiir oit the niRh:.to thefc&luotly and d;sa--lipu-lbat'Ii

t ic. I pb^jiivt:d turn ptii'us'.ii^ tbt-butfelins'of ihe ai HM ,_ Ui-. atillti Ji;VTTi;ijy;gtif-ful nipud, iind his geiii'Frfl dcmeaisour vv !-a peiff;Bt cuuuit^purt tu the person lii foi't•us*. Seer! he is about uk i i i j a piuclv-ol»nuff! By3t,-avuns! Najioluon't.to rktf.fec.Uoii.1* I n a \vor<i,. tlw euthn-o'l the Frutich uflil-cr ios<i. J,i.i.«&ui."Ji u ja'.c'u

visiilutsof liiu Cafe \ \uie pturiu,*


ifie e.i t tJ llle Souili Sca.dn\:. &c. embracing a portis&Hdand I.linfiis, mid. coming it).

f Y i i i

y , , g ^ . ya few days afturwar'ds, '*is a most accom- j thousand dollar's towards forhiing'a fiiiid

l i h d gentk-mai). W.ho could ever sup jfor the stipport.of a high SCIHH>1 in onr:cni-£ i i d t T h i ] h i H j i !

_ - York an assprtfiicrit 'tff Groceries,•whreli- haying,b^pjJurc4»s«tHit lijrge lotsarid at a very sniall ndvance Train fiatgogric'fei he'la enabled to sell veryclieap (or

>h 6Tappr3"<r6d-credit. . Aiid he respect-y^invifes srll those wishing to purchase

to call and examine for themselves.j * ARNOLD;

0,1833. 24

The next day I introduced him toerf who was greatly pleased \vith him. Inthe course of our conversation lie suddi'iilyrose\jroni; his chair, iind sjud-jri his ra6^tirnposing niaunerW'Sir', I have lately seenthe greates^curiosily in»London—^aye, andin England too—cpmp^rotl to wWrli/IVe^minister Abbey, the^fowei-, SurnerselHouse, Waterloo Bridge, and Parliamentitself, sinjs^titp utter iiisiguiiieance I-^-Y;sir, I liave seen Elizabeth #ry in]Sewg

LA: &"WARBiER have on liRtwi a.'fe.w,,papjels>eood.faW« cider, for sale

i j s y g

and have vvihiessed the miraculous' effort•of true Christianity upon the fno'jt depravi-dpf humnn beings—bad wompn-r-who areAhorse, if possible, than thp Devil himself;andyet Mrs. Fry has absolutely tajfoed themitUO •subjection, and they Weep i:ejfer»tanff

l ^ h d d s e s t h e m N o t hNothrj , y p j

tears wlieneve^she addresses them.•.ing but religion could.eflect this; and whatca«be a>grea-ter tnlracle than the conver-wya of a degradeS Vyoinan, takeu?ifr°pm thtdregs of society V^-aud you must- also see

d C i hi i h

^ ^ sli^p &tWoodard'V Cabinet factory,,, Issabiellast.

h he wilt epntinue. line .PpAKEN BUSINESS, w$ be glad to

all who wji» plqftse to favort

B0SWMaf 6,1833. ~\

ttc^fved aud are


this wonder. Cprre, sir, this is her rnort^ing for visiting the prisoners, and we shnbe just in time. 1 will introduce you, asshe has per,mitte*.pe to bring my friend'swith me.". .We. irnrriedialcly ordered a _____ drove to Mrs. Fry's house, but J5uM t«our disappointment t'hat the death of a-pshfive had sudd&nly nailed her to the country

1 y I had ,an. opportunity p:her to NewRrtte, and the

scene'.which I there saw fully justifiedfJanidolph's description pf it.

Some tinje after I dined.with Mrs. Fryat bei- country seat near '.London, and Mr,Randolph's namo WHS mentioned "at table,"Ho is aBiuaular chararter," said one o

heapei' .tfj*»VeV€ir"^aust te'ffom.jSiew.-Yo|k;i,8nd retailing

H is juguher daughters, to mej VwelWd qrfitoaaronsiiig note from him the other d>y. IWmother requested roe to write a note of iuvitatioli to dhuier to him, «nd in H-i apologlsed fox A' nSiivg so unfashioiiably early aihour as four o'c/of/f. His re:p»v was afollows:.

-aiiexteriorjtsirju» iliati>t> £ij>«4i^tirigaiiexterior CJver ts i r ju Th ; i ] y c ! , n |

mucli 'deceit.' t admire hi» polite man- Teller ted niuch, .Midyears an «hiH|fvieji.u!

h l d i r-ri, but Uetqst his politics !" tiuns wftb friends in fto-ifon, iVpnn liiII> viiv viviifOL IIIO uuiIii\*o • I ' HIUII.'' >i u u n H.IMJS 111 if^^niii^ 111'<• 11 id*

A. vury distinguis>hed rpember of. I^dilifi ].foAs<ibility of tiie. p6ui Ail^d;"ibt i* nowiiit brouplit Mr. llnndoloh and Miss it an end. Mr. 'SneldPtiV'd'oi.ntiSn is 11metit hrpught Air. l lundolph and Miss

gud he told me tlutt he b«d nevi-T

together at his breakfast Jable , noble foundation upofKAvhkh to h i i M , u\>\\l h b d i j L s m.iy h e live i(|?,wU'.e*f*'f(™0c S\ictt}jm

\ 17 I ^TklLan iiituliectual treat before. _To . High Schoal <f Li'ieria^'m full nporaiion,his own words, '^spaik prtvdaced spark,' Uiir colored bre'lir.en in Ariieric.i mu-t be

ud for three hours they -,<itept up the fiie up ar.d doing- their wealthy men mustiit.il it. elided in a pgifoct blaze of wit, s-ive more,..ff'thry/wish t!»t to iva the Shrl-umor.and repartee., Mr. Kandolph absp- don'High Se.Ii'ipl in opemioii, bi fife evenutely knew Miss Ivigewortli's wo' ks betteriui.i she didJaaDieJI^fpr immediate .quota-'iP.i|S',and.we wereall exceedingly astoundedy his intimate acquaintance willi Ireland

.1 i_- 1 ; .. _ r _ t . . ' n _ _ J .-tf'

t-hoy cm fix, with rert.iinty, UfOii a site foitheir eoiifernplated^collrge.

F r e e J S r h o o h ' f i i r T . e ' c o p l t t f e r t f y ,•We ive^e plcn^'erl to ie.irn that ineans have

Mt4—Irish Bvaiiners". Lady T. and myself lately, been-pliced in tlie hands e.f:.the co'oiid nothiug but listen, and I was resvlU 1 ui.iTagijnt, by the• society of funiale phijan-exed wheu some, pulillc businpss calledne away.

Randolph -h i

^ p y g soonfterwards, when he received a mpst triend--y note from Miss Edgewor.ihj writtun in

t i e most Xarailiarstjle. ,,J begj.©dofhim togive it to me as a. keepsake. vGtv.e thatupte tV'y«u!" said- he wUu.-errjphsisisf-7

why, I wourd not part with iMbr half myestate-!" • . - • , « .

One day wediiied together at the Rlarquisf L's, where we_jju3-t several d i U i h dh d hcharacters, and afnotigst iherh were Pro-

fosspMwn^the, of (JtimbridgP^and Sir JohnNewport... The bjpur nientbned on tliecard of invitation was quarter past^seveii.I said to ilandpipijtha^-we need jfibt reach]hg house much before- 8,- **Sir»" feplied-:ie, "1 always cbihply literally- wiih the,

thropbts in Plviiadelplriii, ivjjp nt present•Jdpporl twb fem.ilc schools in the colony,to establish a Irfe sch(fc«i A N*»w (3eorgi.i,f.ir recaptUre'd Africans of the Con^Jsibpand Pcrsa tribes; aiid that Rlr. 3am.es R.~Clark, iatel^_\ffoni Chiir.le^tpn, S. C. h>isrtccived the appointment of teadher for the

> « O J - ' - I . , ' ' ' , '

As sporras^f r. Clark has passed throughhis seajsofting, the'school will go into-6p«v1 atiohjfand it is hoped- from the earne\t de-sire which those to be benefited', have ex-pre«*.ed for a school and: teacher, that theywill-improve' tlie bppprttjtiiityj and gladdenib/ kind heai-tsof their patrons, with thepleasing reflections, that their generosityhas not been bestowed-on uiiworthy, pb|ects

The nest evening I went-to tuehuar I .f cdubra'ed -vladarii Cataluii, and U>_h.ive.a pei-ji.nt t'lie-JEx-wjipress ftl.iria Lou-isa and liei fiitierj « IWe vis.it had bueu-ainounlure

iced- U:ii had not longbeen seatedbe-vve dijtuvcrt u iLe HJ.-J.IJI ii) die uiljiiri-

ilig. box. He Was MlAliihiig iip, his BIIIIJfuided in tho maiiiiei of Xapg'uou, and |;kckiiuJio vvoriea.gieeii coiil U}ii!oi!<j_d upc.Tow-to the neck, and decorated with two orthree tinleis, winch he had won iii the I'v'l"iaii war-;, and above all, ^ije nuver tohi&ot-sotteii lillle corlted-hnt. •Su)oijii.n.fiet\V9t.ditht: Eim>reos entered her box accoiiipptiirdby a biiilliaiit suite, byt presently tin; aluli-eiift' were throw u iyjo amazement by sumecoufuMon in the rtijaj box. ' jfaria Ly)iii-<iifuiil caught a glimpj-u of jtjij- ud6unterM*

' t>f lief dec ea&cd husband, andf . * m _ - . f ^ ^ ^ _l _. ._._, __\fc ___, . * _.* H — 1 fc . 1

" •'1 he. chiiriei trf Massacrftreetts also, ex*'.(.uded 1 > the Spath Bea and ||ivplvfed the*

. jidtjiaiui, DelaW?ire,iSr.owlsl.i:id, a:|d >ew littra'ps? '.i.iJ i .ojjaini^lalittdaiu.*-jio» <i£ i-lii- ,,f>--ei}t U States.

Iu this couijiu^ii \y*-H oil*** ..ni.es wlico the ttio-iuliou bruift! out^^ Thfeu;S^"Cy wf ..Jit! occasioH forced trXertf tp n*^ yuiL'- on equal ter.ns withuut. settlingd.niJs be coiisi\leriijg their comparativesuoiigih. i)ut \\\w.u the articles of the .con'*Hit ijiii'ii Were pRt-seuted lo the states foif*Jictr ajjjvioiiil, tlie\vtentiouof thejirs^atps'*aieii \va> called to tliVfdiare, and thfe smalE '

At.(tc> lAiviiigjio chiim tp t f i

rufiis-ipn a_u"d astonishment wgre c j j

n ^tlie most palpably rmtnriej. " 'i'heof Sardinia w'a> torce'd to pn£e£him. on

bccami.- aliumed at the pfospetit 6FJizeinent. uhich eeemed to a\vail the !>tati;s. Some ofthe*ehfisitated•'•the articles of cbitfedtMtion.

The; state of M try land^in-"1778 utterTy", unless tho largei states would si*f«to the United States the jurisdiction

ai.d s'oilof the ^esUru teiritoiy "to '•eeMSft^utln conofess jnto fiouj-coff.and. independent "overnments," and menj|0t--i:~-*"•'•*-""•••—tu Hut effect. L *

duty,J.OKept' -the.Wld#fs in cpns^nt escitct5;ent^« ho eever; jJfSTed'. to presetittams in passiiigmm.

g uThe difficulties w ijieTTEpxl arisen ioductdf

tlie state of New York-, ia 1780, to pnss^an.act to facilitate-the completion of ThelArti-crfes of €piilkdi?ratton and perpetual Unionamong the tTujted Stales of Araeric*"-—The preRmbTe of'this act sets-fotth thedfif-ficttl ties'which had arisen in these wordW

ficer and prvsenled htm with a gojd'"snufrbox, with the Emperor's lilceness .set '«"brilliants. -—^

terms of an invitation',at flip tirei.e specified.'*

we must be thereWe, went accord-

ingly ; and^ as JUiwi-prodicted, .there wai

Wo announced sbme time agoofemineot CPunsei, that tli« arms pjeon, bequeathed1 by him to his son;,'find re-served in trustvtobe delive|ed tn him a

nobody in th« parlor,, nor hail the Marquis a, period fixed 'by the ex-Emppror, fre-t l l : h j j f t o th l l o i l L r d eaine byihedeath of Duke do Heifhst^dt

A pretty young Miss, of this place* hav-ing a greatauJtiety to pay her respects to tliePresident walked tp the city PU the day of:the procession Jbr that purpose ; b ito the dense crcAvd which eiiaprnpaud h< ins un«eti.uaihted With arn';pue to aid,her itt ifer desire, she retuMigtThome pbo-griued anddi>aj)poii!ited. PeterrniriedTiow-ever to aecotnjaitsh lh.$ flbj'efet of her ardentdesire slip Bgiiin started on foot Tor tho,citythe-i.ext diiy and appJied at_ the: City; UofSfor -admittance to tiie President-^-but wasinformed by some .pftli.fi attend' Titfi", that h e

ffe ^ i l l d t d he"

noa:, that j far i l Louisa ha4 beit ToiC;t|e"tiR" nVfietesTs lhe«ArliclesoTContea'crBtioli Uidrrierpet'uaj ufiiVin^cbmniPDcled by the hoft-prable congress of the United States of A-rneiiea, have not proved acceptable to i l ltire states,it having been conceived a portion

.nfds... eaine, by the. death of Duke do Heieh^t'idt,MS, »Tthe properly'of Francf?. This opinion ha^nrxi..\ ; <.ince been confirmpd by the ndhe^ion'of

bar,' all of v\hetn

•yet rea..che«Lhqftie.jft.om the lloiise ol'.Ifowever,, by and bye, tlie Marchionessery lovely vypnian, made her appearance,,

ahdiliatidolph apologized for pur iepublicanpuiictuality., In n jsh_pf| time thp rest of ac.fped that the arplulutphess Mnnn. LoubaUie earixpany ji>i»«3 us, and at 8 o'clock we • r»u!d have nfi^tums ib^iYerhsal- down to aii excellent dinner. The.con- j The question, which remained 1versation ..became very animated, andtdok- ^eerasjojju^n.ovv Set at rest, in.a political turii. • Randolpll Was quesfioned | io- (be

•01), American 'affairs* and ntnused u letter, address

ywas not toffee seen. und-iurited she"

y ,them, very much by his replies. He ex-! pposed[what hn1 leraie^d the ;Sad degeneracy jsipticd tho ojjihioh:of old Virginia, aud iecame, quite pathetic, Lin iiiduniiug over tho abolition of lUwsof,priniogeniMife. Some of . thethought this a strange complaint


l , bv th<> followingced by. the el<l«-»t brother of

Ensper«r to the gentlemen whb

};v mfud tTjeija^.-oCa promiiiPnt':mx»m-<Vf tfie"*coniniittte, a pd enquired iflK>

svns present reqiivsthg at "he^ame i t osee hi:n., Fpitunaicly lor her s<ite oan interview with the e<>m.miitecjriaiiuTiiliigly told the story of -lief di

, g pof lite waste and uncultivated territory, ttiii-~in the limits orr.claims of certaih Matts,might —•to. be appropriated as a common fund / # the ~expenses of thqwar," fife. ' The«ctproceedsto autliorise die delegaleb of the state icfiiigrels to ceM to the United! S S it^e>xigh^f "New York to tho'-soilj^idiction of the western territory, "for theuteand benejit of such of the United Statetasshall become members of the federal •ttMtaitemuof the $gU states, and far «& other uit or pur-pose Miadver.*' » — ^

If btjems that Virginia, whosewere, ^erhapsthe bw,t defined^ ftm

d d d h l i


ut &* desire.be seated Viiid in a few uiiuuteyfj

rt-ndy esfe.iided hff «tttlements itiietfy a 11 d J* 5#Rig~co"rrq.uered~ &(my tW ptiMlf Kasbtskias and.i^mohstrated against the- claims x>l

' 'LONDON, April 2S, 1833."Gentlemen.-^-Yuiri:".ujiiuioH nn tin: arm*

company of the Empt'ior S>ipolt-o.ii-«[)pe:ir to me de;from & re- Visions which'ciuimi be inva'iid'.iied l|y the

d h i Ltg ppublican ; aud,before we eeparated;, they (publicOr by the tribcrrialsreally had nearly mistaken tlijndplpli'jfof an . be appended, by Gonefai

L>-t thesep ; , p y ( p yreally had nearly mistaken tlijndplpli'jfof an . be appended, by Gonefai -IVi.tratid, tp thArisloaat! FtofcssaiSmylhewaasotmuch jnaljoria} column, and confided to tin- pro-interested, in the conversation, he^w&lkud jieciioj, of the p"Pple of I'.uis : .Vf<e"«\ho reh with us aftt-r the p<uty brok» Up, aiiil J-ci'iTv(ri"'t1i(jra froiii Jviipoieoii wiih his las

d l d i il 2 ' l k i i it py p, JciiTvit1i(jra f J p

remayied at our l>>dnings itatil 2 o'clock ip. i;-breWu,,caritot beiffty his: wishes by -dthe mpinljiigj endeavoring to procure ^letiug th.6ni Mto the Wltls pf eDemies, of

. - . V ' • * ' ' • . • • • • * i \ * * ••._••• • • t - , • •

\ -


y | tThe acDtii'man baiil lierf j 1 ' hVirginia were all

in bis reputed ready ,-tb«ni!efit, I would diet 1 -Miss, li(|d

mettown '" '

inMrAtatroh* ot de<:laii»ti66


ture <*on<«krano»,The Tower (pf the Pn$s —"The

if the .jire8s,>(vj.s the1 Wcsite on c tt''?-1.111 pirt uni'onB'

ied with' t%;(lb.Uity, of its <rises chiefly'|iqB< tiie po« or