ru and pachi

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Post on 03-Apr-2018




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  • 7/28/2019 Ru and Pachi


    Ru and Pachis Backstory

    It was a cold winters day in a small town in Sinnoh, the frigid air blew hard enough to send ice crystals slicing threw the air, scratching the bark of the treeswhich bowed away from the wind as if trying to hold themselves for warmth. Thesnap and crack of the weaker trees pierced the continuous screaming howl that was the north wind, blowing with the mite and intensity of a tropical storm turning the light snow fall into a blizzard the likes of which the region had not seenin decades if not centuries. Out in the elements the wild Pokmon were faring poorly, especially those weakened by ice. The humans and tamed Pokmon fared little better as the elements seemed to have a real knack for kicking in the door and boldly announcing their presence with a scream and a blast of icy air.But in one house, the door remained tightly bolted, the windows unbroken by blizzard born debris, and the roof fastened down tight. It was a bastion of light warmth and comfort in the harsh storm and all the work that Ru and his elderly grandfather put into maintaining their old ranch house suddenly became worth missing all of those sleepovers and the eventual ostracization of the 8 year old boy.They had put in their fair share of hard work and now it was finally paying off.Meanwhile, half running half airborne by the storm the runt and only surviving member of a dray of Pachirisu made his way into town, calling out in poke speak for anyone, its cries lost in the storms thunderous winds. Snow cut into his skinas the wind whipped it past, the cold seeped into his bones more and more with each step, his vision grew dimmer and dimmer. The Pachi was not even three monthsold, and already he could sense he was dying. A few minutes more and the blizza

    rd would simply tally up one more in its kill count then never think of this Pokmon again.However sometimes when it seems the end has arrived, its really just popped in for a quick chat to remind one that they are in fact mortal. Such was the fate ofPachi, as with a gust of wind he was picked up and heaved into the window of the warm house, making a rather sickening smack as flesh met plate glass and neither chose to yield. Hearing the smack Ru looked to the window, and despite his grandfathers protests opened the window and quickly pulled the Pokmon to safety. Onerelight of the fireplace, a warm blanket to wrap the half frozen Pachirisu in,and a nice warm bowl of Egg drop soup later and the Pachi was doing a lot better, but still lacked the characteristic spunk of his kind.Ru kept Pachi for a weak, until his grandfather insisted that it was well enoughto go back to the forest. Ru, obedient as a child, followed instructions and br

    ought the Pokmon out into the forest near Rout 205 then set him down telling himhe was free to go and wishing him luck. Pachi however had a different idea. Thetiny Pachirisu had known warmth, the joys of cooked food, companionship, and even playing with another. He wasnt about to leave that easily. The Pachi recalled stories his mother had told him and his brothers and sisters of Trainers Pokmon, titans of ledged, stronger, faster, smarter, and happier then wild Pokmon despite living in the tiny balls humans carried on their belts or in bags. They fought for glory, for the love of combat, a Trainers Pokmon could make or break that human,earning him respect of others of their kind, food, shelter. In all it seemed like a good deal, so in that moment Pachi decided; Ru would be his trainer. Period.From that moment on, for three months the Pachirisu followed Ru around. When hewas at home Pachi would rest on the windowsill outside peering in, ignoring they

    hyperactive urges in favor of sitting there trying to look tough, fast, and powerful to make Ru want him. When Ru was at school he would do the same, only zipping out o the playground to sit or run about with Ru during lunch and recess. When Ru walked home from school Pachi would run alongside him. Eventually, seeinghow stubborn the Pokmon was Rus grandfather caved in with a sigh and told Ru to Just let the damn thing in.The next year was spent with Ru and Pachi playing together. During this time RUlearned how to speak Pachis specific dialect of Pokspeak, and Pachi learned to understand English, even though he couldnt vocalize it. Their ability to communicateon a nearly perfect translation lead to much mischief, for example the hyper ac

  • 7/28/2019 Ru and Pachi


    tive Pachi often spouting off rambling rants about nearly anything (Though in particular food, and especially blueberry muffins were frequent topics.) would cause all people listening aside from Ru who knew what the Pokmon was talking aboutto yell at them to be quiet. In this way Pachi learned how to curse, and becamequite good at it. They also conspired to pull many pranks, using Pachis small size to get him into places Ru couldnt get into. Like girls bathhouses.On Rus 9th birthday, Pachi realizing that his chosen human wasnt on the path to becoming the Trainer he wanted Ru to be simply spelled out that Pachi wanted to bea fighting Pokmon. A bit shocked since RU had thought of Pachi as a best friendonly, not a fighter or weapon took the request as he would have any dear friends.This is important because in his eyes Pachi was a person not a Pokmon, and he promised trained him as any human warrior would be. Over the next three years their training began. Daily runs, longer every day until they were running miles andmiles. Dodging practice, with Ru using faster and faster sling shots to shoot rocks at Pachi razing his speed and reflexes while also helping dull his innate weakness to rocks. In the similar fashion to that Ru traveled to Professor Rowanslab and convinced him to give him samples of most of the know Pokmon venoms, andadminister them to Pachi in the hopes of boosting his resistance to the poisons.He bought a weight set at a garage sale and Pachi did his best to work out, buthis small size was a hindrance to any physical attacks given his lack of mass.Given this fact Ru and Pachi decided to work on long game strategy. They figuredout what moves Pachi could do well and mapped out sequenced moves, almost making fighting moves into dances, linking the finished combos to code phrases and hand signs. Pachis lack of hitting power they knew wouldnt be too much of a hindranc

    e once he grew strong enough to do damage with his staticy fur, especially the charges Pachi built up in his tail, but for now it would be a problem. The solution was a stratagem where Pachi would get mid range on an opponent, using his superior speed and agility to dodge all attacks, weight for an opening, then strikewith all he had. A Pokmon Trainer named Rick who specialized in fighting Pokmon happened to pass through Rus hometown one day on his league challenge and stayed for a few months, teaching Ru and Pachi basic hand to hand combat after being impressed with the small Pokmons armature fighting.Then, on Rus 13th birthday, his grandfather passed away. It was peacefull, the old man went in his sleap from age. But it devastated Ru and Pachi. A week later the bank bought out the ranch house, forcing the two into homelessness. The two got by swiping food, or forging in the forest and traveled around, their possessions being simply camping gear in one back pack, a good sized knife for protectio

    n, and a few toys for Pachi to play with. They kept up training using rocks forweight training, running daily, Having Pachi sleep on a solar powered wireless recharging pad to boost his electrical charge in an attempt to give him electrical powers sooner, and all else they could with what they had. Over the course of2 years the two earned money doing odd jobs and with the occasional trainer battle. Totaled up there was enough for two things. Firstly, a solution to the rocktype problem, Pachis eventual electric powers wouldnt scratch them, and his physical were weak. As such Ru purchased a TM and taught Pachi Grass Knot with it. TheSecond thing, to start their League Attempt correctly. The greatest trainer alive came from Pallet Town in Kanto, and that is where the two would start. One ships ticket and a ride later the two found themselves in Kanto, heading for PalletTown. Ru striding confidently, secure in the knowledge that he knew Pachi wellenough to formulate the strategies for them to win, and Pachi darting ahead, mos

    tly to acquire and eat berries.