rugby world cup 2011 twitter analysis

iGo2 Group Pty Ltd – Providing you smart integrated responsible social business solutions Rugby World Cup How @RugbyWorldCup Followers describe themselves

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An analysis of the @RugbyWorldCup twitter Handle.


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iGo2 Group Pty Ltd – Providing you smart integrated responsible social business solutions

Rugby World Cup

How  @RugbyWorldCup  Followers  describe  themselves  

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Ø  The Power of Social Media Ø Who is iGo2? Ø Examining @RugbyWorldCup Ø Partners Ø Customers Ø  Founders of iGo2 Group

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Follower Statistics @RugbyWorldCup

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Follower Authority @RugbyWorldCup

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Most Authoritative Followers @RugbyWorldCup

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Rugby World Cup Social Foot Print @RugbyWorldCup

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Twitter Popularity

RWC2011  OR  RWC11  OR  RugbyWorldCup  

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Word Cloud

RWC2011  OR  RWC11  OR  RugbyWorldCup  

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Most Influential Tweeters Worksheet

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Country Distribution

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Digital Media Activity

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Youtube Channel

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Most Viewed Youtube

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Youtube Comments Buzz Graph

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The Power of Social Media

Ø Social Media is disruptive Ø Social Media is dynamic Ø Social Media changes everything for a business

–  Sales, Marketing, Service –  Human Resources –  Product Management –  Channels –  Processes –  Organisational Models

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Who is iGo2 Group?

Ø  A holistic approach to Corporate Social Business Ø  All members are Certified Strategists in Social Media Ø  Utilise proven methodologies for :

–  Social Media Assessments –  Social Media Strategy Development –  Social Media Programs and ROI –  Social Business Intelligence and monitoring –  Creating Social Communities

iGo2  is  a  Social  Business  product  and  services  company.  iGo2  helps  organisaDons  like  yours  leverage  the  power  of  Social  Media  and  Networks  through  relevant,  focused  and  business  oriented  soluDons.  We  assist  to  connect  you  with  your  markets  and  customers;    convert  your  social  data  to  business  intelligence    and  manage  your  Social  Media  presence  for  maximum  impact.  Whether  your  business  is  already  acDve  in  Social  Media  –  but  needs  to  do  it  beMer  –  or  whether  you  are  just  starDng  out,  iGo2  can  provide  everything  from  consultancy  to  a  complete  tailored  soluDon.  

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iGo2 Focus Areas

Strategy  :  formulaDng  policy  and  strategy  through  researching  your  brand,  customers,  partners  and  compeDtors  

TacDcs:  building  your  social  presence  and  integraDng  to  your  business  processes;  training    and  empowering  employees  

and  partners.  

Intelligence:  monitoring,  collecDng,  and  analyzing  social  data  to  make  informed  and  agile    business  and  policy  


CommuniDes:  building  ‘owned’  social  plaUorms  for  listening,  support,  building,  collaboraDng,  content  

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Social  Business  


8 Point Framework for Social Business

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Social Strategy : Creating Customer Value

From Social Brand Ø  A social brand focuses on external

communications Ø  A social brand is all about

engagement with the social customer.

Ø  A social brand is owned by marketing

Ø  A social brand is measured by clicks, impressions, reach, Likes, comments, RTs, etc.

Ø  With a social brand, budgets are usually allocated toward agencies, community management, Facebook applications, blog development, etc.

To Social Business Ø  A social business focuses on internal

communications. Ø  A social business is all about

engagement with employees. Ø  A social business should be owned by

the entire organization Ø  A social business is measured by

organizational change. Ø  Most investments in social business

initiatives revolve around internal communities, social technologies, and training.

Thanks  to  Michael  Brito  

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•  All social data streams •  Drilldown analysis •  Sentiment analysis •  Comparative Analysis •  Drilldown to influencers •  Drilldown to sources •  Slice and dice •  Periodic reporting – weekly, bi weekly, monthly, real time

iGo2 Group Pty Ltd – Providing you smart integrated responsible social business solutions

Social  Business  Intelligence  Services  

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Potential Value of Social Intelligence

Ø  Crisis Management Ø  Reputation Management Ø  Project Monitoring Ø  Improve customer service Ø  Competitor intelligence Ø  Partner intelligence Ø  Improve product and service development Ø  Improve target marketing Ø  Grow revenue Ø  Deflect costs Ø  Improve Customer Loyalty Ø  Policy or initiative review

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The Social Ecosystem

Par/cipa/ng  Listening,  establishing  reputaDon  (I’m  one  of  you)  

Managed  Listening,  supporDng,  building  reputaDon,  markeDng  

Owned  Listening,  supporDng,  building  relaDonships,  collaboraDng  

External  CommuniDes  

Closed  Network  

Internal  CommuniDes  

Example:  customer  communiDes  

Example:  channels,  members  

Example:  Intranets,  communiDes  of  pracDce  


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Many Social Tools Available Today

Author(s)  write  arDcles  Users  comment  to  author  

Engagement  focus:  On  the  author  

Variety  of  people  edit  the  content  of  a  single  piece  of  content  

Engagement  focus:  On  the  content  

Variety  of  people  publish  comments  on  specific  topics  or  quesDons  Engagement  focus:  On  the  topic  

Individuals  publish  files,  picture,  or  video  for  users  to  comment  on  

Engagement  focus:  On  the  media  

Individually,  these  tools  do  not  equal  community  

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Regular  interac/on  among  members  who  

are  united  by  a  common  interest  

allows  for  rela/onships  to  be  


Communities Enable Relationships

Member  to  Member    Collabora/on    

Owned  Communi/es  

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Different Objectives

RelaDonships   Business  ObjecDve  

Common  AcDvity   RelaDonships  

Primary  Purpose  

Social  Networks   Online  CommuniDes  

Primary  Enabler  

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Community Use Cases (80% of clients)

Internal  Communi/es  

Corporate  Communica/on  

Employee  Networking  &  Collabora/on  


External  Communi/es  

Customer-­‐Driven  Support  

Interac/ve  Marke/ng  

Associa/on  Marke/ng  

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The Leader in Social Community Software

Why  social  communi/es?          

Enhance  customer  support  Empower  employee  collabora/on  Engage  customers  Gain  valuable  insight    


Why  Telligent?    




Serving  the  industry  since  2004    Offices  in  Dallas,  London,  Paris  and  SeaSle  More  than  3,000  customers            


How?  World-­‐class  social  suite    

Online  customer  communi/es  Enterprise  employee  communi/es  Social  analy/cs      


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Tactics – Presence Development

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Some of Our Customers

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Our Partners

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iGo2 Group Pty Ltd – Providing you smart integrated responsible social business solutions

The  Founders  of  iGo2  Group  

Ø  All  Cer4fied  Strategists  in  Social  Media  Ø  All  have  more  than  20  years  business  

experience  in  IT  and  industry