rupac 2010 statictics - jacow - cern

RuPAC’2012 September 24 – 28, 2012 Russian Particle Accelerator Conferences – biennial conference every even year in large Russian Labs (JINR, ITEP, BINP…) Maksim V. Kuzin, JACoW Editor [email protected]

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RuPAC’2012 September 24 – 28, 2012

Russian Particle Accelerator Conferences – biennial conference every even year

in large Russian Labs (JINR, ITEP, BINP…)

Maksim V. Kuzin, JACoW Editor [email protected]

TOPICS • Circular Colliders • Linear Colliders, Lepton Accelerators and New Acceleration Techniques • Hadron Accelerators • Synchrotron Light Sources and FELs • Cooler Storage Rings • Particle Dynamics in Accelerators and Storage Rings • Modern trends of Accelerators • Applications of Accelerators • Beam Dynamics and Optimization • Accelerator Technologies • Electromagnetic Fields • Accelerators for medical and industrial purposes • Instrumentation, Controls, Feedback & Operational Aspects

ORGANIZED BY: • Russian Academy of Sciences • State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM • Federal Agency of Science and Innovations • St.Petersburg State University • The D. V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus

RuPAC’2012 Abstract creation Activity

Maksim V. Kuzin, JACoW Editor [email protected]



• 316 Abstract Created • 469 times Abstracts Updated

• 26 Abstract Withdrawn

• => 290 Contributions !!! (167 at RuPAC-2010, 175%!) Thanks to the Conference place???

Maksim V. Kuzin, JACoW Editor [email protected]

Conference place is VERY important in Russia

Year Number of participants

Number of oral reports

2008 Zvenigorod

50 km from Moscow

146 65

2010 Protvino

100 km from Moscow

140 56

2012 Peterhof

100 m from Royal Summer Palace and



(185 %)


(150 %)

Papers in




(165 %)

Initial Paper Status:

• RuPAC’2010: RuPAC’2012:

–Red 7 % - Red 10 %

–Yellow 4.5 % - Yellow 45 % (!!!)

–Green 88.5 % - Green 45 %

Maksim V. Kuzin, JACoW Editor [email protected]

2012 - Error types

Pct Error Type Action or reason

17% FC01 No PostScript File or EPS files missing Yellow for DOC files

16% TC04 Figure formatting incorrect (outside margins, single/multiple line

caption not centred/justified…

Word – figure captions

12% TC01 Incorrect Title, Authors, Affiliation formatting TeX (title not in bold)

and Word (author list


11% TC02 Text formatting incorrect (paragraphs, section/sub-section

headings, indentation…

Word - section/sub-

section headings

10% TC06 Reference formatting incorrect (indentation, hyperlink) Word

7% TC00 General Problems related to formatting Word, few papers in TeX

5% FC03 No Source Files TeX

4% UT00 General problems with template usage Word, two papers in TeX

Poster sessions:

Poster session A: 25/30 (83%)

Poster session B: 52/56 (93%)

Poster Session C: 48/60 (80%)

Poster Session D: 41/59 (69%)

Average: 80% (166/205)

Maksim V. Kuzin, JACoW Editor [email protected]

Traditionally deadline have been extended, till October, 10th

• 193 papers (88%) have been uploaded before

fist deadline (first day of the Conference) and 25 papers (12%) during next two weeks. Russian state of mind

Maksim V. Kuzin, JACoW Editor [email protected]

Next RuPAC in 2014 – PROBABLY in Moscow State University

TM-12: Valencia or Novosibirsk?

Thanks to:

• Matt for the SPMS

• Volker for the JPSP

• Ronny for JACoW site support

• Raphael for the printer driver

• Christine and Teresa for the TM organization

• All of you – for the attention!