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  • 8/6/2019 Rural Population Density


    Journal of Rural Studies 18 (2002) 385404

    Rural population density: its impact on social and demographic

    aspects of rural communities

    Peter J. Smailesa,*, Neil Argentb, Trevor L.C. Griffina

    aUniversity of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, AustraliabUniversity of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia


    Using the settled areas of South Australia as a case study, this paper seeks to demonstrate the specific importance of rural

    population and settlement density as an important variable in understanding the social, population and settlement geography ofsparsely settled rural regions, where sparse and falling density presents both practical and conceptual problems for rural planners.

    After a review of the literature on population density, the case is argued for the use of net rural rather than gross density in the

    analysis of settlement patterns. The paper then tests a series of hypotheses on the empirical relationship between rural density as

    independent variable and selected demographic and socio-economic indicators as dependent variables, at two specific points in time.

    For the same region, points in time and set of indicators, it goes on to compare the predictive power of rural density as an

    independent variable with that of three other important qualities of rural settlement patterns (remoteness, settlement size and urban

    concentration). Rural density is found to be a significant explanatory variable, both in its own right and in comparison with the

    three other variables tested. In conclusion, the findings are related to policy development measures for rural Australia.

    r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Rural population density; South Australia; Rural communities; Socio-economic indicators

    1. Introduction

    By international standards Australia, like Canada, lies

    at the extreme low end of the spectrum of gross national

    population densities. Internally, large areas are practi-

    cally uninhabited, yet peri-urban densities around the

    few metropolitan cities are similar to those of other

    Western countries. The resulting very large range of

    rural densities presents many problems, both conceptual

    and practical, for rural policy makers and planners.

    Over the last two decadesparticularly since the ruralcrisis of the early 1990sagricultural restructuring in

    rural Australia has with few exceptions involved a

    substantial net reduction in the number of rural

    holdings and rural employment. At the same time, the

    continued but spatially restricted counterurbanisation

    movement has brought a new exurban element into

    some rural areas. But, while there has been much

    research on the impact of falling rural population

    numbers and/or disposable incomes on the country town

    network and on major regional centres, there has been

    very little written on the independent impact of falling

    (or, indeed, rising) rural densities. This paper makes a

    start on addressing the question, and seeks to place the

    density variable at centre stage in rural geography,

    comparing it with other critical variables used to

    evaluate rural settlement patterns.

    2. Specific aims

    In this paper, we hope to:

    (1) Provide a brief conceptual review of the density

    concept as it applies to rural populations in Western


    (2) Using a case study where as many complicating

    variables as possible are held constant:

    (a) test a series of hypotheses on the empirical

    relationship between density as independent

    variable and selected demographic and socio-

    economic indicators as dependent variables, at

    two specific points in time;*Corresponding author. Fax: +61-8-8303-3772.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (P.J. Smailes).

    0743-0167/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    PII: S 0 7 4 3 - 0 1 6 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 3 3 - 5

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    (b) for the same region, points in time and set of

    indicators, compare the predictive power of

    rural density as an independent variable with

    that of three other important qualities of rural

    settlement patterns (remoteness, settlement size

    and urban concentration);

    (c) based on this comparison, demonstrate thatrural density has an important impact on

    demographic and socio-economic characteris-

    tics of rural populations, that is not reducible

    to the effects of other qualities of rural

    settlement patterns.

    (3) Relate the findings to policy development measures

    for rural Australia.

    Within the confines of a single paper, there are

    limits to what can be attempted. Three caveats,

    therefore, are needed. First, we purposely use a

    relatively simple measure of rural density at a local

    scale, but excluding urban populations and major

    unpopulated rural areas from the equation. Eventually

    our intention is to develop a more sophisticated measure

    of effective density, at varied scales. Secondly, we

    recognise that density itself is the product of a set of

    other causal factors; these complex relationships are

    acknowledged, but not investigated here. Third, while

    we fully recognise the complexity of the causal relation-

    ships between density and the demographic and socio-

    economic variables considered, in this paper our

    primary aim is to demonstrate the empirical strength

    of the relationships, leaving the matter of the sequence

    and possible reciprocality of causality to a subsequentpaper.

    3. Existing work on rural population density in

    developed countries

    Population density is a quintessentially spatial phe-

    nomenon, expressing the way that human beings

    spread out over, and occupy, the earth. As such it is a

    highly significant element in population geography,

    social geography and settlement geography. Yet a

    search of the literature reveals few analyses in depth;

    and of the work that has been done, the majority has

    been concerned with urban areas. An excellent review

    from a town planning viewpoint is provided by Saglie

    (1998); a general overview, including major German

    language contributions, is provided by B.ahr et al.


    For specifically rural areas, an early contribution by

    Robinson et al. (1961) examined the relationship

    between rural farm densities and rainfall, percentage

    of land under crop, and distance from urban centres in

    the Great Plains, while Aangebrug and Caspall (1970)

    classified Kansas counties by their pattern of density

    change over time. Arguably the first work systematically

    to investigate the impact of density variations on an

    entire settlement system, however, was that of Berry

    (1967). Although working within the constraints of the

    rather rigid theoretical framework of central place

    theory, Berry was able to show that the size of rural

    service centres and their surrounding trade areas issystematically related to the broad regional population

    density in which they are embedded. Whatever the

    density, centres tend to form a discrete spatial hierarchy,

    but as density drops, the absolute size of places at each

    level falls, while trade areas increase in size to

    compensate partlybut only partlyfor the falling

    density. As a result, particular types of service found at

    the lowest hierarchical level under high-density condi-

    tions will move up to the next higher order when density

    falls. Berry also introduced the concept of a phase shift

    in the spatial patterning of trade centres with abrupt

    discontinuities in density, as between suburban areas

    and the peri-urban countryside, or between irrigation

    areas and broad-acre farming. Beavon (1977) later

    introduced the concept of density changes over time to

    central place theory, but only in an intra-metropolitan

    context. An extremely interesting but little known paper

    (Irving and Davidson, 1973) on density in an urban

    context (but with strong rural relevance) introduced the

    idea of social density, expressing the amount of person-

    to-person interaction taking place in a given unit of area

    per unit of time. This was found not to be a simple

    function of physical density of population.

    In Australia, important contributions were made by

    Holmes (1977, 1981) who introduced the idea of criticaldensity thresholds for particular kinds of service centre

    network, relating density levels to broad types of

    primary production land use, e.g. the marginal density

    zone where normal daily schooling of children using

    buses becomes impracticable, and gives way to distance

    education and school of the air, and normal ambulance

    coverage of patients gives way to the Flying Doctor

    service. Holmes introduced the suggestion that a certain

    critically low density (8 km2/resident person) marked the

    approximate limit of the Australian ecumene, separating

    the settled areas from the sparselands, and produced a

    loose classification relating population density bands to

    various forms of land tenure, farm size, land use, town

    spacing and patterns of access to services. Later the

    Australian Bureau of Statistics used a figure of 0.057

    dwellings/km2 to define the limits of the sparsely settled

    areas for sampling purposes in their surveys (Hugo et al.,

    1997, p. 105).

    The terminology used by Holmes to express this

    important phase shift from ecumene to non-ecumene, or

    settled areas to sparselands, did not receive wide

    adoption, and was gradually replaced by a distinction

    (along a very similar geographic boundary) between

    rural and remote Australia, culminating in the

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    adoption by the Commonwealth Government of the

    Rural, Remote and Metropolitan Areas (RRAMA)

    spatial classification system (Departments of Primary

    Industries and Energy and Department of Human

    Services and Health, 1994). The RRAMA system is

    interesting here in that it incorporates a density

    measure termed personal distance expressing theaverage distance between residents within a given

    spatial data unit. Recently, Hugo and Wilkinson

    (2002) have argued that while the concepts of density,

    rurality and accessibility are closely related, they

    should be kept conceptually distinct, and a spatial

    classification that recognises all three of the rural/

    urban, density and accessibility/remoteness dimensions

    is required. The latter dimension is very well captured by

    the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia

    (ARIA), described by Hugo and Wilkinson (2002,

    pp. 1619). This index does not seek to measure density


    Meanwhile, Swedish geographers, examining the

    urbanisation of their large and in great part sparsely

    settled country, had devised a novel method of expres-

    sing the relationship between density and accessibility

    (H.agerstrand and .Oberg, 1970). A family of isopleth

    maps was produced showingfor any point in Swe-

    denhow many people were contained within a series

    of radii of constant length, each corresponding to a

    typical travel distance. In Finland, early work by Hult

    (1962) and Saviranta (1973) showed a distance decay of

    population density in 5 km zones surrounding urban

    centres after the manner of Th .unens rings. Ruotsala-

    Aario and Aario (1977), however, in testing this aroundKuopio, a town of 73,000 people in central Finland,

    found that while a strong relationship existed between

    distance and population density (r 0:62), this was

    due much more to the towns central location in the

    most environmentally favourable part of its region, than

    to the influence of distance per se.

    These contributions apart the analysis of specifically

    rural population density has had limited attention.

    Fitzpatrick (1983) examined the concept of density in

    relation to isolation, with particular reference to

    education. Smailes and Mason (1995) extended the

    H.agerstrand and .Oberg mapping approach to examine

    densities of either total population, or population

    subgroups (e.g. school age children, total workforce,

    pensioners) in relation to service provision in Eyre

    Peninsula, South Australia. Smailes (1996) showed that

    total population growth/decline over a period is better

    predicted by rural population density at the outset of the

    period, than by the absolute population size at the


    In the United States, Rank and Hirschl (1993)

    examined the link between population density and

    welfare participation, but only in the context of

    comparing urban, mixed and rural US counties. Lester

    (1995) finds a negative relationship at the level of whole

    States between density and suicide rates (r 0:5)

    while Fonseca and Wong (2000) find that 19801990

    density increase by State is positively related to the

    1980 density. In the British context, an important

    recent paper by Coombes and Raybould (2001)

    provides a review and critique of the formulae usedfor the allocation of funding to local government.

    They are particularly critical of the use of gross

    population density as an indicator in such formulae,

    arguing that it subsumes a number of important

    characteristics that are better measured separately. In

    our discussion (below) of population density as a

    concept, we return in more detail to the significant

    conceptual issues raised by these writers. Two other

    important descriptors of certain elements of national

    settlement patterns (isolation and clustering of medium-

    sized towns) developed by Portnov et al. (2000) are

    related to, but distinct from, population density and are

    not discussed further here.

    In summary, then, while the above review is certainly

    incomplete, the literature on the density of population

    and settlement in rural areas thus far appears to have

    been fragmented (spatially and by discipline) and

    desultory (over time), whether density is treated as a

    dependent or as an independent variable. As an

    independent variable, its influence on social, economic

    and demographic qualities of rural districts has often

    been implied, but rarely subjected to detailed investiga-

    tion. A number of authors have recognised its intrinsic

    importance as a fundamental aspect of settlement

    systems, with some exploring its practical significancefor planning, but to date there appears to have been no

    systematic or concerted investigation of how net rural

    densities influence the socio-economic and demographic

    composition of communities.

    4. Why is density important, and why is falling

    density a problem?

    In developing countries, excessively high rural den-

    sities are a frequent concern in terms of overpopulation

    and pressure of population on the environmental

    carrying capacity. But when population density gets

    too low, it also has adverse impacts in rural areas. Farm

    amalgamations not only reduce rural numbers, but also

    inevitably increase the spacing between homesteads, the

    ratio of clustered (country town) to dispersed popula-

    tion, and the distance inputs per capita required to

    provide the remaining households with services, social

    functions and human companionship. Ladd (1992)

    found in a study of 247 large US counties that the per

    capita cost of providing public services followed a

    J-curve with its lowest point at about 250 persons/mile2

    (ca. 98 persons/km2). As density fell below this level, per

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    capita costs rose quite sharply. The gross density

    spectrum represented by the South Australian rural

    communities in this case study is almost an order of

    magnitude below this, yet still shows a huge range (from

    58.59 to 0.13 persons/km2). Costs per capita are likely to

    rise quite sharply (and/or quality of service decline

    sharply) as density falls, if indeed the service can bemaintained at all.

    For many services, too, as density drops not only

    does the local population fall below some demand

    threshold, but it becomes impossible to compensate

    for this by, say, amalgamating local government areas

    to achieve some arbitrary population target. In effect,

    it becomes unrealistic to collect enough demand within

    a reasonable travel distance to run the service at

    some minimum viable level. Aasbrenn (1998) deals well

    with the conceptual problem in a country where

    population densities are comparable to Australia,

    with a 1998 gross density of 0.9 persons/km2 in his

    East Norwegian mountain study area. As in Australia,

    such communities are threatened not by complete

    depopulation, but by thinning out of both people

    and the settlement pattern. Aasbrenns Norwegian term

    uttynningssamfunn for such places has no direct

    and accepted English equivalent but translates as

    something like sparsifying communities or thinning

    communities. He points out that the problems of

    sparsification breaks down into a distance problem

    and a scale problem: the extra cost in time, money

    and convenience of overcoming distance as the

    settlement pattern thins out, and the reduced opportu-

    nities for remaining services to obtain scale economies.These two factors lead to five negative features of

    the process of sparsification, listed by Aasbrenn (1998,

    p. 73) as

    * intensified ageing (relative to the national trend);* deterioration of social networks;* changes in demand (for services);* marginalised viability of service suppliers;* decay of physical infrastructure.

    Together these form a syndrome often seen in areas of

    falling density, and form part of a self-reinforcing

    cycle of decline, giving rise to low morale and a

    dispirited residual population (Smailes, 1997). The

    extent of several of these elements in a particular

    community is difficult to measure from secondary data

    and requires fieldwork, yet to be undertaken in the

    present study. However, we suggest below that a

    number of important features of settlement and

    population in a given community will tend to correlate

    strongly with density at a given point in time, and also

    with changes of density over time. First, though, we

    need to consider the nature and measurement of the

    density concept.

    5. Population density as a concept

    5.1. Population density as a dependent variable

    In the analysis below, we shall treat rural population

    density as an independent variable, which has a

    hypothesised direct or indirect causal effect on othersocial variables. But first, we need to recognise: (a) that

    any such causal relationships are at least partly

    reciprocal and (b) that population density itself is also

    a dependent variable, responding to a complex of more

    fundamental causative factors. That is, it can be seen as

    a reflection of the varied habitability and perceived

    opportunity that a given territory offers to humans. The

    strength and nature of the relationships between density

    and these more basic causal factors (themselves heavily

    intercorrelated) is not investigated here. However, in

    Australia we would list the most important of them as

    follows, in approximate order of primacy:

    * rainfall;* soil quality;* remoteness (particularly from major cities);* land values;* farm type;* population potential.

    In many places in Australia these variables will also

    bear a close relationship to the age and duration of white

    settlement, and hence the maturity and attractiveness (to

    Europeans) of the cultural landscape. The dominant

    environmental variables may vary from country tocountry. In the Great Plains of the United States rainfall

    dominated, with a correlation of r 0:78 between rural

    farm population density and average annual precipitation

    (Robinson et al., 1961). In Finland, land quality (as

    expressed by the percentages of land under forest, lakes

    and peat bog) was more important (Ruotsala-Aario and

    Aario, 1977). However, the causal sequence seems to start

    with natural factors and the resulting potential for

    primary production, but to be reinforced by a remote-

    ness/accessibility dimension caused by the initial place-

    ment of the dominant urban centres in the most

    environmentally favoured locations. In Australia, the

    subsequent fanning out of settlement and routeways from

    a few dominant capitals has produced a particularly clear

    and powerful access/remoteness effect, so that one can

    conceive of a series of more or less concentric, over-

    lapping and mutually reinforcing invisible surfaces of

    intensity. These surfaces express variations in land values,

    mean farm size, farm type, remoteness/accessibility,1 age

    1The concepts of remoteness and accessibility are often seen as

    mirror images or opposite poles on a continuum. In the case of journeys

    to consume services, though, remoteness is often used as a quality of

    the point of origin (e.g. a rural homestead) whereas accessibility is a

    quality of the target destination (e.g. a shopping centre).

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    and duration of white settlement, and population

    potential across the nation, with high points over the

    capital cities, but with minor outlying peaks representing

    naturally favoured locations of various types. The ability

    of rural population density to reflect essential qualities of

    the social catchment areas of country towns derives from

    the fact that it appears to provide a single, convenientand perplexingly simple (though far from perfect) index

    of all or most of these factors rolled into one.

    5.2. Population density as an independent variable

    5.2.1. Continuous or discrete variable?

    As normally expressed, population density is a

    discrete variable expressed as an average ratio for some

    defined area. The above discussion implies that we can

    also understand density as a continuous variable

    forming an invisible surface over the settled areas. By

    knowing the location of a community on this surface, we

    argue that one should be able to predict quite a number

    of things about the population and activities of that

    community. To construct such a surface, however, we

    need to have a lattice of control points, between which

    isopleths can be interpolated, involving the calculation

    of a specific local density for some defined region

    surrounding each control point. The more numerous the

    control points, and the smaller the defined areas, the

    more difficult it will be to interpolate isopleths giving a

    smoothly defined surface, for in many cases density

    changes abruptly across a narrow borderas at the edge

    of an irrigation area in an arid landscape, or at the foot

    of a sharp fault scarp.

    5.2.2. Local versus regional density: the scale

    of resolution

    As well as being capable of expression as either a

    discrete or a continuous variable, density may also be

    expressed at differing scales of geographic resolution.

    For some strategic purposes, it is necessary to disregard

    local peculiarities, and focus on where a community or

    enterprise is located on the broad national density

    surface. For detailed analysis of the importance of

    density at the individual community level, however,

    more specific local density measures are required. Thus,

    H.agerstrand and .Oberg (1970, 23, 29) vary the radius of

    the region around each control point to produce density

    maps for different purposes, while Coombes and

    Raybould (2001) suggest a similar moving window

    approach, in effect using regionaldensity as an indicator

    of urbanisation, with weighting to give the zones further

    from the centroid diminishing impact. The latter

    authors analysis (Coombes and Raybould, 2001, p.

    236) shows, for instance, that their social deprivation

    index correlates closely with local conditions, while

    home-insurance levels respond more closely with the

    broader setting around a locality. The present paper

    concentrates purposely on localdensity, within carefully

    defined spatial units corresponding to the functional

    social catchments of country towns, and using depen-

    dent variables expected to respond specifically to

    conditions within these catchments.

    5.2.3. Measured versus perceived densitySaglie (1998, Chapter 2), in an excellent discussion of

    the density concept as applied to the built environment,

    distinguishes between measured densitythe quantifi-

    able relation between physical aspects of the built

    environment and the number of inhabitantsand

    perceived density, which also incorporates the subjec-

    tively experienced impact of density within social space,

    including perceptions of crowding and the like.

    Although Saglies distinction between quantitative and

    perceived aspects of density refers principally to urban

    built environments, in principle the perception by rural

    people of the increased isolation and remotenessengendered by the loss of neighbours, and the feelings

    such perceptions engender are just as important in areas

    of sparsification as in areas of overcrowding. While

    measured density is a concept that can be applied at a

    wide range of scales, perceived density is likely to apply

    mostly to the local scale of daily, or frequent, interac-

    tions. Assessment of perceived density must await

    analysis in the field, however, and only measured

    densities are dealt with below.

    5.2.4. Gross density versus net rural density

    Coombes and Raybould (2001) point out that gross

    population density (including urban populations) has

    long been used as a key variable in allocation models for

    funding local government in the United Kingdom. As

    they argue, however, gross density is a very blunt

    instrument with which to analyse settlement systems,

    since it tends to conflate and/or confuse more funda-

    mental and specific measures, all of which impact on the

    cost and difficulties of service provision and human

    contact. These are identified as

    (a) the size dimensionpopulation size of the spatial

    unit and of the urban settlement(s) within it;

    (b) the concentration/sparsity dimensionthe propor-

    tion of population and dwellings in urban clusters;


    (c) the remoteness/accessibility dimensionrelative

    peripherality or centrality of the area in the relevant

    space economy.

    We would concur with Coombes and Rayboulds

    judgment (2001, p. 226) that (gross) ypopulation

    density is seen to be a proxy of first resort which is

    standing in for a more specific measurement of one

    or other of (these) three dimensions of population

    distribution. Gross density is a particularly crude

    measure when applied to spatial units of variable

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    size, temporally shifting boundaries, and sporadi-

    cally distributed unusable land, and also where the

    level of spatial resolution is ill-suited to the problem

    at hand. Where multivariate statistical analyses are

    applied to a relatively simple indicator like gross

    density at increasing (or decreasing) scales of

    resolution, spatial autocorrelation and the modifi-able areal unit problem (Openshaw and Taylor,

    1981; Amrhein, 1995; Wrigley et al., 1996) can render

    findings unreliable unless complex statistical controls

    are employed (see Green and Flowerdew, 1996). This

    is particularly the case where the spatial units used

    form building blocks for larger units of analysis.

    We would therefore agree that gross density is

    indeed a crude concept that needs unpacking, and

    that qualities (a)(c) above are essential and funda-

    mental descriptors of settlement patterns. To these,

    however, we would add (d) below as a quality of co-

    equal importance.

    (d) The net density of the rural (or more generally, non-

    urban) population of the spatial unit.

    We argue strongly that (d) is no mere proxy for

    qualities (a)(c), but has equal or greater importance in

    evaluating settlement patterns from a planning view-

    pointparticularly in a strongly rural region such as

    South Australia and when calculated for socially mean-

    ingful spatial units at a scale of resolution appropriate to

    the task on hand. Unlike the other three factors, it takes

    direct account of the size of the communitys living

    space, the habitability of the landscape in which the

    town is embedded, and the likely cost of service deliveryand other forms of interaction requiring personal

    human contact for non-urban dwellers. Thus, the nature

    of the surrounding matrix in which the town is set is a

    vital aspect of the settlement pattern, and may be

    expected to have a substantial impact on the community

    as a whole. Moreover, the social environment in most of

    rural Australia (and similar countries) is radically

    different from that of compact, highly urbanised

    countries such as the United Kingdom where towns

    are large, closely spaced, much of the national territory

    is within commuting range of at least one major city,

    and the residual farming population of minimal

    importance. The median size of the main central town

    in the spatial units used in the present paper is just 1120

    persons or 470 households, and the central towns

    median percentages of the total population and total

    persons employed are just 52% and 46%, respectively.

    In the 84 studied communities, the 1996 median

    percentage of the workforce employed in primary

    production was still 26.8% for the total community,

    and 47.6% for the non-urban element, despite sub-

    stantial labour shedding.

    It should perhaps be pointed out that just because

    gross density conflates aspects of both urban and rural

    populations of a community and acts as a partial proxy

    for variables (a)(c) above, it may give a superficially

    higher correlation with various socio-demographic

    qualities of a communitys population than do any of

    net rural density, size, concentration or remoteness

    acting on their own.2 This, however, does not overcome

    its conceptual weakness and the consequent difficulty ofinterpreting the correlations, and it is not used in the

    present paper.

    While gross density may have been overstressed in

    Britain as a measure of settlement patterns, in Australia

    on the other hand there has been a widespreadindeed

    almost universaltrend to focus on settlement size,

    using the population size of country towns as a single

    convenient indicator of the prosperity and/or likely

    future trends for their communities. This reductionism

    ignores the fact that while rural communities invariably

    focus on a country town, that town in many cases

    houses only about half of the total community popula-

    tion and a tiny proportion of the living space. As we

    shall demonstrate, while town size is indeed important

    to rural communities, they also have many major social,

    demographic and economic attributes for which town

    size does not provide a suitable indicator.

    We return later to the question of the relationship

    between all four of the key factors, and their relative

    influence on social and demographic characteristics of

    the studied communities. First, though, we need briefly

    to describe the study area.

    6. The study area

    The paper reports on findings from the settled areas

    of South Australia, excluding the Adelaide statistical

    division. Covering almost 150,000 km2, or roughly the

    size of England and Wales, South Australias settled

    areas were occupied by just 1.41 million people at the

    1996 Census, of whom all but 26% (365,000) were in the

    metropolitan statistical division. The non-metropolitan

    area should thus be well suited to a study of the social

    significance of rural density in sparsely peopled regions

    where distance still presents a substantial barrier to

    interaction, and the settlement pattern is dominantly

    based on primary industry, tourism, retirement and

    local services. Only 20% of the States employment in

    secondary industry is outside the Adelaide statistical

    division, and even this is concentrated into a very small

    number of outlying towns. Very few other specialised

    employment clusters (e.g. defence, railways, mining,

    major tertiary institutions) exist to complicate the

    2In the present paper, gross density used as an independent variable

    gives an average correlation coefficient (disregarding sign) of r 0:582

    for the 11 dependent variables, as against values of 0.480, 0.454, 0.449,

    and 0.369 (net rural density, concentration, size, and remoteness

    respectively) for 1996 data.

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    relationships between rural density and social character-

    istics of the population. Fig. 1 locates the study area and

    shows place names mentioned in the text.

    7. The measurement of population density at the

    local level

    As Fonseca and Wong (2000, p. 505) observe,

    population densitypopulation per unit of areais a

    very straightforward idea until one actually starts to applyit. What population, and what area, go into the equation?

    7.1. The population element

    As people are recorded at their place of residence on

    census night,3 and do not live as hermits scattered

    individually over the paddocks, occupied dwellings

    (which equate to households) are the appropriate

    smallest units for measurement, applying to both rural

    populations and rural settlement patterns. From a

    statistical point of view using households rather than

    persons as a density measure makes little or no

    difference, since the two are so closely correlated

    (r 0:999). In principle, however, households are more

    locationally stable over time than are the individuals

    within them. It is also the dwellings, and not individuals,

    that form the nodes and end-points on the road, postal

    delivery, telephone, electricity supply, school bus service

    networksand indeed on almost all the physical

    networks of transport and communication. (Mobile

    phones and personal lap-top computers are significant

    exceptions.) For all these reasons, households rather

    than persons are chosen as the appropriate unit with

    which to construct a basic density measure (independent

    variable) against which other community characteristics

    can be compared as dependent variables. Densities are

    calculated as the number of inhabited ruraldwellings per

    100 km2; except for the dwindling number of special

    function towns such as Whyalla (steelworks) or Port

    Fig. 1. Location of places mentioned in the text.

    3Although the Australian Census provides some de jure data by

    normal place of residence, the bulk of the data (including those used

    here) is de facto: people are counted wherever they were on Census

    night. Censuses are held on a week-night in winter to minimise the

    count of people away from home.

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    Augusta (power station), this element together with

    tourism and services to passing traffic functions as the

    resource base upon which the remainder of the

    settlement system is largely dependent in this study

    region. Under rural households are included not just

    the farm element, but scattered population of whatever

    occupation. Constrained by Census data, rural alsoincludes dwellings in clustered settlements with less than

    200 people, as well as dispersed houses.

    Densities are calculated exclusive of the area occupied

    by the town(s) within each community. These towns are

    made up of one or more Census Collectors Districts

    (CCDs), which in turn are defined, before each Census,

    to correspond to the outer edge of the built-up area of

    all clustered settlements expected to exceed 200 popula-

    tion. While some CCDs may extend a little beyond the

    current built-up area in order to include enough

    households for a collectors workload, there is no

    significant problem of urban definition. The median

    proportion of the total community area occupied by

    urban settlements is only 0.4% for our 84 communities,

    and its removal has minimal impact on the calculation

    of net rural density.

    7.2. The area element

    Since the object of this study is to identify the impact

    of density upon rural society, socially meaningful spatial

    units of analysis are required. Australia is a country of

    dispersed settlement, and just about all social life is

    concentrated on social organisations and facilities

    centred in towns of various size. Country towns act asthe foci of social drainage basins. Even very small

    centres are frequently nominated as the town of primary

    social importance, while the nomination of places of

    second and third most important social centres allows

    the definition of social linkage patterns at various scales

    (Smailes, 2000). The spatial units used in this study

    therefore each consist of a socially significant town, plus

    the surrounding households linked to the town, forming

    a local interaction system. The aim was to identify

    spontaneously evolved socially cohesive areas which

    should be as small as possible, but still large enough to

    be approximated by combinations of CCDs, splitting as

    few as possible. Such areas were defined using a method

    based on intensive fieldwork supplemented by two

    State-wide postal questionnaire surveys, as described

    in detail elsewhere (Smailes, 1999; Hugo et al., 2001).

    The primary spatial units used here are thus empirically

    validated approximations of the discrete social catch-

    ment areas of 84 country towns, with areas of overlap

    divided along break even lines to give a set of mutually

    exclusive units covering the whole of the defined settled

    areas of the State but excluding major empty areas

    (water bodies, national parks and reserves, etc.).

    Subjectively from field experience, empty areas of

    at least 150km2 were judged large enough to

    cause significant gaps in the settlement pattern and

    communication network, often forming watersheds

    in the social catchments. Typically, the central town

    in each catchment would offer weekly shopping

    facilities, police, banking, school, medical and ambu-

    lance services, and in many (not all) cases, localgovernmentthough the number, variety and quality

    of services naturally vary widely with population size

    and affluence.

    For each of these social units, which for con-

    venience are referred to here as communities, demo-

    graphic data have been calculated from the 1981

    and 1996 Censuses for the entire community, its

    major central town, any other small urban-like clusters

    of over 200 persons included in the area, and the

    rural balance. Census collection districts straddling

    boundaries are allocated pro rata using the South

    Australian Rural Area Property Identification Directory

    (RAPID) to perform the allocation where possible, and

    detailed topographic maps in areas not covered by


    Before proceeding, we should demonstrate that the

    density variable is not reducible to just population

    numbers. It might be argued that any variance in the

    dependent variables could be explained by the popula-

    tion size alone, without the need for physical area to be

    considered. If, for example, the areas of the 84

    communities were all quite similar, but the populations

    showed much greater variation, then obviously any

    differences in density could be sheeted home to just

    variations in population size. In fact, both the Pearsonand Spearman correlation coefficients between area and

    the dependent variables to be analysed were stronger in

    every case than those for population, showing that the

    area over which the population is spread has a decisive

    impact on any observed relationship, whether or not the

    data are transformed.4

    8. The pattern of local rural densities in South Australia

    The 1996 pattern of local rural densities revealed for

    the 84 communities has an extreme range from 787.5

    occupied dwellings/100 km2 in Hahndorf, a suburbanis-

    ing community some 40 min drive from Adelaide, to

    only 2.5 occupied dwellings in Elliston, on the west coast

    of Eyre Peninsula (Fig. 2). The median value is 29.1. If

    all the occupied dwellings were farms, this median

    density would equate to an average farm size of some

    4Additionally, after transformation, there was no significant

    difference between the statistical distributions of the two variables,

    in either skewness or kurtosis.

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    344 ha. The class boundaries used in the choropleth

    mapping reflect the approximately log-linear distribu-

    tion of the community density values.

    The overall basic pattern of rural density in the State

    is probably better revealed by the construction of a

    continuous surface, using the main towns of the 84

    communities as control points (Fig. 3). The generally

    very low densities stand out clearly, especially in the

    peripheral broad-acre dry-farming areas, while even in

    the most closely settled core zone, only a very small area

    of South Australia has a rural density of more than one

    occupied dwelling in every square kilometre. The

    narrow strip of higher density along the eastern and

    north-western coasts of Yorke Peninsula is due to the

    presence of a string of small shack colonies and seaside

    holiday and retirement homes, with less than 200

    permanent residents. The outlier of high density in the

    northeast (the Riverland) is due to the presence of a

    string of major irrigation areas along the course of the

    Murray; and in the southeast, high density is associated

    with the urban influence of Mount Gambier, South

    Australias second largest country town, and the fertile

    basaltic soils and good, reliable rainfall of the Lower

    Southeast. The tongue of slightly higher density

    extending north-westward into the Upper Southeast

    includes an area of better soils, some supporting

    vineyards, reaching into formerly trace-element deficient

    country cleared under the States last big land settlement

    scheme during the 1960s (Marshall, 1972). The contour

    of 25 occupied dwellings/100 km2 approximately out-

    lines the older settled areas of the State, occupied for

    farming by about 1880. The lowest density zone

    corresponds with the most recently settled areas of Eyre

    Peninsula and the Murray Mallee, and also includes the

    northern marginal lands on the flanks of the Flinders

    Ranges, from which overambitious settlers had to

    withdraw in the late 19th and early 20th. centuries.

    Importantly, Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate that the pattern of

    rural densities is not just a function of relative

    remoteness from the metropolitan core.

    Fig. 2. South Australian communities: rural population density, 1996.

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    9. Rural population density as an indicator of

    demographic and socio-economic structure

    Given the correspondence of the density zones

    discussed above with all the fundamental aspects of

    the States space economy and both relative and

    relational space within it, we are now in a position to

    test a series of hypotheses using rural density as

    the primary independent variable. If we are right, in a

    fairly simple space economy dominated by primary

    industry, retirement, tourism, recreation and service

    industry such as that of South Australia, rural popula-

    tion density ought to correlate with a whole series

    of socio-economic variables. Where a community is

    located on the general density surface ought to have a

    major influence on its fundamental makeup, as should

    its local, specific density. The hypotheses outlined below

    relate to synoptic relationships measured at two

    different points of time. In testing these hypotheses,

    we do not suggest a simple causal relationship, for

    causality is likely to be complex. In the first instance, we

    wish to establish the degree of correlation between

    density and the selected variables. Later, we investigate

    the extent to which that correlation is independent or

    otherwise of settlement size, urban concentration and


    9.1. Hypothesised relationships

    (1) The lower the rural population density, the greater

    will be the spatial extent of communities and the distance

    between neighbouring towns. This is a fundamental tenet

    of central place theory, and its general validity can be

    confirmed by a casual glance at any topographic or road

    map. We cannot expect the relationship to be simple or

    perfect, however, for various reasonsincluding the

    sporadic distribution of mineral resources, historical

    accidents of town sitingand the fact that coastal

    centres lose half their potential catchment areas to the


    (2) The greater spatial extent of local social systems in

    sparsely peopled areas will compensate only partially for

    the low density. Thus, the lower the density, the smaller

    will be the total population size of communities.

    Hypothesis 2 has been firmly established empirically

    by Berry (1967) in the United States, and there is no

    reason to expect that Australia will differ. The reasoning

    only applies where towns are dominantly service centres;

    Fig. 3. South Australia: rural population density surface, 1996.

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    however, large mining, manufacturing or other special

    function enterprises are likely to stand out as outliers in

    the relationship.

    (3) Low density will be associated with a low labour

    force participation rate. This is expected mainly because

    in sparsely populated rural areas, numbers of females in

    the formal job market are likely to be low for a varietyof reasons, including the relative shortage of both full

    time and part time non-farm jobs, particularly for

    women, and long commuting distances for the few jobs

    available. Among the farm population, the extent to

    which female partners report themselves as farmers

    rather than homemakers in the Census is uncertain, as is

    the extent of underemployment.

    (4) Low density will tend to be associated with a low

    number, but a high proportion of the labour force

    engaged in agriculture. A major impact on rural density

    is the potential productivity of the land. In densely

    peopled rural areas, farms are likely to be smaller and

    the agricultural workforce therefore larger in absolute

    numbers. But at the same time, a dense rural population

    is likely to provide opportunities for other types of

    enterprise to operate profitably, so that the community

    as a whole becomes less reliant on farming alone.

    (5) High rural densities will be associated with high

    levels of both occupational and industrial diversity of the

    population. Following the same line of reasoning as for

    Hypothesis 4, the non-farm element of the population

    will not only be larger, but will also have a greater

    diversity of livelihoods, whether measured by occupa-

    tion or by industry. Densely peopled areas will bring

    more people and businesses into proximity, and willtend to produce a greater range of niches that can be

    exploited by both full-time and part-time enterprises.

    (6) Low rural density will be linked with a low

    proportion of the workforce unemployed. This is expected

    because in sparsely settled areas, jobs are scarce and

    amenities and public services few. People who become

    unemployed there, and want to find a new job, are often

    more or less forced to move out. Also, such areas (with

    some exceptions, such as remote places with a good surf

    beach) have few attractions for the intentionally

    unemployed, or near-unemployable, elements of the

    workforce. Higher-density areas with more amenities

    and services, on the other hand, are likely both to attract

    this element as in-migrants, and to have a better chance

    of retaining the local-origin unemployed. (Hugo and

    Bell (1998) provide a full discussion of welfare-led

    migration in Australia.)

    (7) In areas of low rural density the masculinity ratio of

    the population (males per 100 females) will tend to be

    high. This hypothesis is consistent with Hypothesis 4

    above for much the same reasons.

    (8) Low population density will be associated with a low

    proportion of the population born overseas. The concen-

    tration of first and second-generation migrants particu-

    larly those from non-English speaking countries in the

    major cities and labour markets of Australia is a well-

    known demographic phenomenon. Most rural areas of

    low population density are subject to net out-migration

    and cultural homogeneity with few opportunities for

    people of minority cultures to become established. There

    are some exceptions such as remote outback miningsettlements. The few concentrations of non-English

    speaking overseas born in the present study area tend

    to be in the higher-density areas as with Southern

    European-born people in the irrigation-based fruit

    blocks of the South Australian Riverland.

    (9) In areas of low rural density the proportion of the

    population who have changed address in the last 5 years

    will also be low. This hypothesis results from the

    expectation that areas of sparsification will also be areas

    of net out-migration attracting relatively few in-

    migrants. The resident population of such areas is likely

    to have a smaller proportion of people who have

    recently changed address than is that of regions of

    higher density which are expected to attract a higher

    proportion of in-migrants.

    (10) Low rural density will tend to be associated with a

    high fertility ratio (children under 5 per 100 women aged

    1544). This is expected because of the declining but still

    noticeable tendency for Australian rural birth rates to

    exceed those in metropolitan and other large urban

    areas. Low density is likely to correlate with high

    rurality, isolation, a low proportion of exurban in-

    migrants and the longer retention of established


    (11) Low rural density will be associated with a low proportion of the population aged under 15. This

    hypothesis appears counter to the reasoning behind

    Hypothesis 10. However, the proportion of school-age

    children in the population reflects not only the commu-

    nitys fertility rate but also the proportion of young to

    middle-aged adults who are their parents. The latter is

    expected to be more important than residual fertility


    9.2. Approach to testing

    The above propositions were tested using rural

    population data derived from the 1981 and 1996

    censuses and the areas of the spatial units in km2

    calculated from the GIS database. The two years

    chosen, 1981 and 1996, represent conditions before

    and after the severe rural crisis of the mid to late 1980s

    and early 1990s, as one of the main aims of the research

    is to pick up any changes which may have occurred in

    the influence of population density over time. Use of the

    parametric statistic Pearsons r with n 84 requires a

    reasonably normal distribution of the correlated vari-

    ables. As many of our variables have a highly skewed

    distribution appropriate transformations (mostly log 10)

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    were applied to normalise the distributions before

    correlation analysis using Pearson. For comparison the

    non-parametric Spearmans rho statistic was also

    calculated based on non-transformeddata sets. In almost

    all cases the values for rho were slightly higher than the

    Pearson r values. However, since we shall later need to

    use multiple regression methods to establish one link inour argument only the simple Pearson correlations are

    presented below.

    9.3. Results

    In this type of analysis we do not expect very high

    correlations of the order one would look for when

    investigating physical processes. We know from the start

    that population density results from a number of other

    key causative variables and that it is still fairly crudely

    measured. Moreover, at this stage of the analysis all

    country towns and their immediate communities includ-

    ing industrial centres and regional capitals have been

    included. In many cases these form outliers that reduce

    the strength of the correlations but it was considered

    important initially to discover which of the relationships

    were robust enough to be valid for all communities

    before identifying groups for separate analysis.

    If the above hypotheses are to be supported firstly the

    sign of correlations must be as expected. Secondly, for

    n 84 a relatively low correlation coefficient can be

    statistically significant so we require a coefficient with

    the predicted sign plus a fairly stringent probability

    levelhere set at pp0:001before considering any

    hypothesis supported. As well as calculating thecoefficients, scatter plots were produced for each pair

    of variables. Because of space limitations just one of

    these is included as an example (Fig. 4). The relative

    location of towns on the plots gives many clues to the

    hypothesised relationships. Given the above caveats

    many of the coefficients in Table 1 are surprisingly and

    consistently high particularly for 1981.

    The first two hypotheses not surprisingly are strongly

    upheld by the Pearsons r values. The positive relation-

    ship between density and total population of the

    community has even strengthened between 1981 and1996, no doubt partly because of the shrinkage in the

    population of large industrial towns like Port Augusta

    and Whyalla which are highly anomalous outliers in

    otherwise low-density regions (Fig. 4).

    Hypothesis 3 suggested that the workforce participa-

    tion rate would be highest in the high-density

    regions because it was expected that the latter would

    have more opportunities for women to enter the

    workforce. In fact in 1981 there was a significant

    moderately strong negative correlation between density

    and participation rate. In that year, before the onset

    of the rural crisis, most people living in the outlying

    areas of sparse population were evidently there because

    they had jobs and the percentage of older people not in

    the workforce had not yet been exacerbated by selective

    out-migration of the young. Female workforce partici-

    pation may indeed have been low but this was evidently

    less significant than the low proportion of aged

    dependents relative to the numbers of people in the


    By 1996 a radical change had occurred. The former

    coupling of low density with high workforce participa-

    tion had almost totally gone and in fact the 1996 r value

    of only 0.107 is the lowest in Table 1. The sparsely

    peopled areas had by then suffered accelerated ageingand growing concentrations of retirees and other non-

    work seekers in mostly coastal communities at a wide

    variety of densities had produced a very diffuse relation-


    Fig. 4. Relationship between rural population density and total population for 84 South Australian rural communities, 1996.

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    To test whether the above conclusions are different

    when the retirement age groups are excluded, for 1996

    the workforce participation rate was calculated for the

    population aged between 15 and 64 only. The rates with

    and without the retirement age groups were in fact very

    closely correlated (r 0:883). The 1996 r value of

    0.107 was raised to 0.211 when the retirement age-

    groups were excludedstill not a statistically significant


    Hypothesis 4, however, is strongly supported and in

    this case the relationship has also gained strength over

    time. The denser the rural population, the smaller is the

    proportion of the workforce engaged in primary

    production as the denser population provides opportu-nities for a greater variety of enterprises and business

    types. The study area does contain a number of special

    function communities with exceptionally low propor-

    tions engaged in farming; if it were not for these the

    relationship would be even stronger.

    Hypothesis 5 extends the above line of reasoning

    suggesting that in densely peopled areas not only would

    the proportion of the workforce in agriculture tend to be

    smaller but the non-agricultural population would also

    tend to be more diverse both by occupation and by

    industry producing a more complex and varied social mix.

    To test this hypothesis an index of diversity was

    devised using a variant of the Gini coefficient based on

    the Lorenz curve, which measures the degree to which

    the proportions of a population in a set of subgroups

    differ from a theoretical situation where all the

    subgroups are equal in size. The index of diversity

    produced ranges from a value of zero (if the whole

    population were in a single category) to 100 (if the

    population were evenly divided between all the cate-

    gories). For the diversity index used in Table 1 index

    values range from a maximum of 55.6 to a minimum of

    22.9 (for communities with rural densities of 279 and 10

    occupied dwellings/100 km2, respectively).

    The subgroups of interest here are the occupational

    and/or industry categories into which the workforce is

    divided. The social structure of a population is in

    principle better expressed by occupation than by

    industryi.e. by analysing what jobs people actually do

    rather than what type of firm they work for. However, in

    this case the breakdown of occupational data available at

    Collection District level is restricted to just 10 categories

    and includes farmers in the general category of managers

    and administrators and farm hands among general

    labourers and related workers, etc. The industry data

    on the other hand provide 13 categories which do

    distinguish primary industry workers adequately and

    which are comparable between 1981 and 1996. Thesewere therefore used in the results in Table 1.5 Clearly the

    hypothesis is strongly supported. There is a very strong

    tendency for the more densely peopled communities to

    have a more diversified workforce and again this

    tendency has strengthened over time.

    Hypothesis 6 relates to the distribution of unemploy-

    ment expecting that there would be a positive relation

    with rural density because people losing jobs would be

    obliged to move out of the sparsely peopled areas

    whereas those who lived in more densely peopled areas

    would be more likely either to find another job locally or

    to remain there for amenity reasons. This hypothesis

    held good in 1981 but by 1996 the general economic

    stress and associated general increase in unemployment

    had all but destroyed the relationship, which was not


    Hypothesis 7 is strongly supported in both 1981 and

    1996: the sparser the population, the greater the

    Table 1

    Tests of the 11 hypotheses: simple Pearson correlation coefficients between rural density and the dependent variables, 1981 and 1996

    Variable r (1981) r (1996)

    Spatial extent of community (km2) 0.760** 0.766**

    Total population of community +0.407** +0.530**

    % Workforce participation (persons aged 15+) 0.396** 0.107

    % Employed in agriculture 0.547** 0.622**Industrial diversity index +0.489** +0.572**

    % Unemployed +0.360** +0.183

    Masculinity (males/100 females) 0.616** 0.581**

    % Born overseas +0.632** +0.675**

    % Changed address, last 5 years +0.322* +0.493**

    Fertility index (persons 04/100 females aged 1545) 0.489** 0.496**

    % Population aged o15 0.453** 0.253

    Mean value of r (disregarding sign), all 11 variables |0.497| |0.480|

    **Coefficient significant at the 0.001 level.

    *Coefficient significant at the 0.01 level.

    5Experimentation with the diversity index showed that, for 1996,

    both occupational and industry subgroupings gave very similar results.

    Actual values of the diversity coefficient are sensitive to the number of

    subgroups used. Compacting the data to 10 subgroups for each, the

    indices based on industry and occupation were very strongly correlated

    (r 0:885).

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    masculinity ratio. Females tend to either remain in, or

    migrate into, areas of high density and to move out of

    sparsely peopled areas; relatively few rural communities

    actually have a female majority in their population, but

    there are some sparsely peopled areas with a ratio of

    over 120 males to every 100 females. This relationship

    had weakened by 1996 since during the rural crisis manyyoung men were forced to leave farms which were no

    longer able to provide enough income for more than one


    Hypothesis 8, expecting that rural density would be

    positively related to the percentage of overseas born in

    the population, was also strongly supported and has

    gained strength between 1981 and 1996. Again a few

    outliers, notably the steel city of Whyallas internation-

    ally recruited workforce and one or two resort towns,

    reduce what would otherwise be an even stronger


    The ninth hypothesisthat in-migration and local

    residential mobility would be positively related to rural

    population densitywas not significant at the 0.001

    level in 1981. However, by 1996 this situation had

    changed and the hypothesis is quite strongly supported.

    The reason for this radical change is almost certainly the

    heavy out-migration from the sparsely peopled areas in

    the early 1990s, with very few new in-migrants to replace

    those leaving, coupled with a reduction in people

    changing address within their own local government

    area during economically difficult times.

    Hypothesis 10, suggesting a negative relationship

    between density and fertility ratio, is also firmly

    supported. From the States slowly diminishing ruralurban differences in fertility one might have expected the

    relationship to weaken slightly between 1981 and 1996.

    However, by 1996 the r value had if anything

    strengthened slightly.

    Finally, Hypothesis 11 is definitely not supported and

    in fact resembles Hypothesis 3 in that the negative sign

    of the relationship is opposite to the expected positive

    and the strength of that negative relationship has

    declined sharply since 1981. Contrary to the proposition

    of this hypothesis, the percentage of the population aged

    under 15 in a community appears to have been affected

    more by the local fertility rate than by the in- or out-

    migration of young families. In the pre-crisis conditions

    of 1981 the gap between urban and rural birth rates was

    still substantial; moreover, the selective out-migration of

    young families from the farms had not yet been speeded

    up. By 1996 the general ageing of the rural population

    was more advanced. The relationship between rural

    density and percentage of children in the population was

    still negative but no longer significant.

    To summarise on the set of 11 hypotheses so far we

    have found that rural population density at a given

    point in time bears a significant negative relationship to

    the spatial extent of the community (km2), the percen-

    tage of the workforce employed in primary production,

    the masculinity ratio and the fertility ratio. Prior to the

    recent rural crisis there was also a significant negative

    relationship with the workforce participation rate and

    the percentage aged under 15, but by 1996 these were no

    longer significant. Rural density bears a significantly

    positive relationship to total population size, theindustrial diversity of the workforce, the proportion of

    the population born overseas and (in 1996) the propor-

    tion who have changed address over the preceding 5

    years. The relationship between density and unemploy-

    ment was weakly positive in 1981 and insignificant by

    1996. Overall, the impact of the rural crisis of the mid-

    1980s to the mid-1990s had weakened or destroyed the

    former links between density and unemployment work-

    force, participation and percentage of children in the

    population, while the earlier relationships between

    density and five other variables had strengthened.

    10. Densitys explanatory power in comparison with that

    of the other independent variables

    So far we have demonstrated the importance of the

    density variable in analysing settlement patterns. How-

    ever, we also need to demonstrate, rather than simply

    claim, that rural density affects the quality of rural

    settlement, landscape and population in a way that is

    not simply reducible to some combination of population

    size of the main town, urban concentration or remote-

    ness. We also need to test whether one or more of these

    three might have even stronger relationships with thedependent variables than has rural density. Both of these

    factors are influenced by the degree to which the four

    independent variables themselves are intercorrelated.

    10.1. Approach

    The intercorrelation matrix between size, concentra-

    tion, remoteness and rural density is given in Table 2.

    For this purpose,

    (a) size of the main central place is measured simply by

    its 1996 population;

    (b) concentration of the population into clustered

    settlements is measured by the 1996 proportion of

    the whole community population resident in places

    of 200 or more population;

    (c) remoteness is measured by the ARIA score. This

    index, to be adopted by the Australian Bureau of

    Statistics for the 2001 Census, expresses the distance

    of a given place from the nearest urban centres of a

    varied range of population sizes (Hugo and Wilk-

    inson, 2002). It takes the form of a continuous

    variable to two decimal places ranging from 0.00

    (most accessible) to 12.00 (most remote);

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    (d) density is the 1996 net local density of the defined

    community areas excluding major unpopulated

    areas and expressed as the average number of rural

    households (occupied dwellings) per 100 km2.

    Three of the six possible pairs of relationships are

    strongly correlated. Not surprisingly the degree of

    concentration into urban settlements is strongly linked

    to the size of the main town in the community. There is a

    somewhat weaker but still highly significant positive link

    between rural density and size of the main town. It might

    be expected that this correlation would be even stronger

    if all country towns were based mainly on local service

    functions; however, the sporadic distribution of indus-

    trial and mining activity, etc. limits this association.

    Finally, there is another very strong link between density

    and remoteness. It should be noted that the latter twomeasures are totally independent in their calculation: the

    remoteness index for any given point is based on

    distance-to-services measures only and pays absolutely

    no regard to the nature of the countryside at that point.

    The other pairs of correlations are not statistically

    significant at the 0.01 level; but do these three strong

    correlations render any of the four variables redundant?

    To test this a multiple correlation analysis was

    performed to analyse the combined effects of all the

    four independent variables upon each of the 11

    dependent variables (from Table 1) in turn. The back-

    ward elimination variant of the model was employed in

    preference to the more common stepwise procedure.6

    Collinearity tolerance calculated for the four indepen-

    dent variables showed that the degree of intercorrelation

    did not approach the low point (ca. 0.100) where the

    influence of any one variable would be reduced to just a

    linear combination of the others thus rendering it

    completely redundant.7 All the four independent vari-

    ables are therefore initially entered into the multiple

    regression equation. In each subsequent iteration the

    partial coefficient is calculated for each independent

    variable along with its significance level. Partial coeffi-

    cients express the correlation between density and each

    dependent variable after controlling for or partialling

    out the separate linear impact of the other three

    independent variables (size concentration and remote-

    ness). As the iterations proceed, variables whose partial

    (measured by Snedecors F) fails to reach a probability

    level of po0:10 are eliminated one at a time, weakest

    first. The resulting regression models retain only thoseindependent variables which make a significant con-

    tribution to multiple R2 (Tables 3 and 4).

    10.2. Results: density as an independent variable in

    multiple versus simple correlation

    A comparison of the partial coefficients with the

    simple Pearson coefficients for rural density is presented

    in the first two columns of Tables 3 (1981) and 4 (1996).

    This clarifies the extent to which density has an

    autonomous influence, once the separate influence of

    Table 2

    Intercorrelation matrix between rural density and three other independent variables, for 84 South Australian rural communities, 1996

    Size (populatn. of main town) Concentration Remoteness Rural density

    Size 1.000


    Sig. (2-tailed)

    +0.758** 1.000


    Sig. (2-tailed)

    0.269 0.154 1.000

    0.013 0.161

    Rural density

    Sig. (2-tailed)

    +0.448** +0.191 0.689** 1.000

    0.000 0.082 0.000

    Relationships significant at 0.001 level italicised and marked with **.

    6In the stepwise model, even if there are two independent variables

    with almost the same value of simple r; the slightly stronger one first

    enters the multiple regression model. Thereafter the model calculates

    which of the remaining variables gives the greatest increase in F (and

    multiple R); that variable then joins the multiple model. If the first two

    variables are intercorrelated, the variance associated with the second-

    ranking one may be eliminated prematurely from the further stages in

    the model. The backward elimination procedure gives a better measure

    of the relative importance of the independent variables, by first forcing

    them all into the equation, and then eliminating the ones whose

    partials fail to make a significant contribution to multiple R2:

    7In multiple correlation analysis, the collinearity tolerance of an

    independent variable ranges between 0 and 1, expressing the

    proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is not

    explained by the collective influence of the other independent variables

    in the equation. The lowest tolerance was 0.324 for 1996 and 0.379 in

    1981, in both cases for the size of the main town, when all four

    variables were initially input into the models; tolerances for variables

    remaining in the final models after the backward elimination process

    were naturally higher, ranging up to over 0.900. Collinearity between

    town size and urban concentration as independent variables may

    cause a problem of interpretation in the case of one dependent variable

    (total community population): the sign of its partial with urban

    concentration is negative in Tables 3 and 4, as against the intuitively

    expected positive.

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    one or more of the other three variables is removed.

    Most frequently, the partial correlation between an

    independent and a dependent variable will tend to

    be lower than their simple Pearson correlation. The

    difference between the two is a function of the extent

    to which the simple relationship of that variable with

    density is affected by the joint influence of population

    size, concentration and remoteness. In 1981, for all 11

    dependent variables simple r was significant at the

    0.01 level or better, and in only two cases was the

    influence of the other variables sufficient to reduce

    the partial coefficient below this significance level

    (Table 3). In 1996, Pearsons r for eight of the 11

    variables was significant at the 0.001 level (nine at

    0.01), and none of the equivalent partials dropped below


    Table 3

    Comparison of the explanatory power of density, concentration, size and remoteness on 11 dependent variables: partial coefficients from multiple

    regression model (backward elimination), 1981, with summary comparison of Pearsons r

    Variable Rural density Urban concentration Size (main town) Remoteness R (var. 14) R2 (var. 14)

    (simple r) (partial) (partial) (partial) (partial)

    Population +0.407** +0.254 0.748** +0.958** 0.974 0.949Area 0.760** 0.834** 0.760** +0.798** +0.348** 0.934 0.872

    % Prim. Indust. 0.547** 0.699** 0.857** 0.902 0.814

    Ind. diversity +0.489** +0.501** +0.628** 0.734 0.539

    Masculinity 0.616** 0.621** 0.490** 0.727 0.528

    % born o/seas +0.632** +0.355** +0.409** 0.221 0.716 0.513

    Wkfce participn. 0.396** 0.447** 0.582** +0.292* 0.694 0.482

    Fertility index 0.489** 0.237 0.314* +0.241 0.596 0.355

    % o15 years 0.453** 0.518** 0.425** +0.355** 0.592 0.350

    % Unemployed +0.360** +0.324* +0.429** 0.538 0.290

    % Chge. Address +0.322* +0.285* +0.347** 0.460 0.212

    |Mean| simple ra 0.497 0.463 0.425 0.409

    Cases of pro:001 10/11 9/11 8/11 8/11

    |Mean| partialb 0.355 0.441 0.280 0.129


    pp0:001:aMean of simple Pearsons r for all 11 dependent variables including those not statistically significant, disregarding sign.bMean of all 11 partials including those not statistically significant, disregarding sign.

    Table 4

    Comparison of the explanatory power of density, concentration, size and remoteness on 11 dependent variables: partial coefficients from multiple

    regression model (backward elimination), 1996, with summary comparison of Pearsons r

    Variable Rural density Urban concentration Size (main town) Remoteness R (var. 14) R2 (var. 14)

    Simple r Partial Partial Partial Partial

    Population +0.530** +0.277* 0.702** +0.953** 0.977 0.954

    Area 0.766** 0.828** 0.735** +0.777** +0.386** 0.927 0.859

    % Prim indust. 0.622** 0.715** 0.789** 0.877 0.769

    % Born o/seas +0.675** +0.446** +0.340* 0.245 0.739 0.546

    Masculinity 0.581** 0.310* 0.495** +0.290* 0.732 0.536

    Ind. diversity +0.572** +0.563** +0.503** 0.706 0.498

    % Chge. address +0.493** +0.359** +0.243 +0.205 0.692 0.479

    Fertility index 0.496** 0.467** 0.305* 0.562 0.316

    Wkfce participn. 0.107 0.185 0.485** +0.318* 0.505 0.255

    % o15 years 0.253* 0.324* 0.379** +0.230 0.186 0.472 0.223

    % Unemployed +0.183 +0.427** 0.427 0.182

    |Mean| simple ra 0.480 0.454 0.449 0.369

    Cases of pro0:001 8/11 10/11 7/11 6/11

    |Mean| partialb 0.351 0.428 0.272 0.136


    pp0:001:aMean of simple Pearsons r for all 11 dependent variables including those not statistically significant, disregarding sign.bMean of all 11 partials including those not statistically significant, disregarding sign.

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    Less frequently, in a multiple correlation analysis the

    partial coefficient may be higher than the original simple

    Pearson coefficient once the confusing element of other

    variables is controlled for, and this is the case for a

    number of the hypotheses tested. In 1981, the partials

    exceeded simple r in six of 11 cases, and in four cases in

    1996. However, as expected, the two tables show that onthe average, controlling for the influence of the other

    three independents did indeed reduce the value of simple

    r (disregarding sign) for the relationships between

    density and the 11 dependent variables. The influence

    of the other variables was strongest in the cases of total

    community population (both years), the percentage of

    the population born overseas and the fertility index

    (1981), and the masculinity ratio (1996). However, the

    strength and degree of significance of the partials shows

    that density is not merely acting as a proxy, but retains a

    strong independent relationship in its own right in both


    10.3. Results: comparison of the relative importance of

    density, urban size, urban concentration and remoteness

    We turn now to the question: although we have

    shown that rural density bears an important relationship

    to the 11 social variables investigated, does one or more

    of the other three critical independent variables have an

    even greater influence? First, to compare the four

    variables in the strength of their correlations using

    simple r; summary data appear in the two second-last

    rows of Tables 3 and 4. In both years, of the four

    independents rural density had the strongest mean valueof r; disregarding sign. In 1981 it also had the greatest

    number of the 11 relationships significant at the 0.001

    level, and in 1996 the second highest.

    A more important test, however, is provided by a

    comparison of the partial coefficients. Columns 36 in

    Tables 3 and 4 show which of the four independents were

    retained in the final equation in respect of each

    dependent variable, and the partial coefficient for each.

    The significance levels of the relationships are indicated

    by asterisks together with italicising of the appropriate

    numbers. The rows in Tables 3 and 4 are sorted in

    descending order of the strength of multiple R2; showing

    the extent to which the variance of the dependent

    variable is statistically explained, jointly, by the indepen-

    dent variables remaining in the model. Multiple R2 gives

    the percentage of the total variance statistically explained

    by the variables retained in the model, reaching 0.5 or

    above in six cases. The bottom row gives a comparison of

    the general performance of the four independent vari-

    ables in the multiple regression analysis, when all four

    are initially included in the models, and before any are

    removed by the backward elimination process.

    Not surprisingly, over a 15-year gap spanning a major

    rural crisis, the relative explanatory power of the four

    independent variables changes somewhat, and the

    average strength of the partials has declined slightly

    for all except remoteness. However, in both years it is

    clear that rural density and in particular urban concen-

    trationthe percentage of the total community popula-

    tion resident in clustered settlements of at least 200

    personsare far more significant than the other twoindependent variables, in respect of the 11 hypotheses

    under consideration. Density and concentration take

    into account the rural matrix in which the town is set,

    unlike the other two measures, which relate only to the

    main town in the community.

    The former two measures do, however, require data

    for a meaningful surrounding rural area functionally

    linked to the town. This at present is a major task, due

    to deficiencies in the Australian Standard Geographical

    Classification, as used in the Census. The ready

    availability for many years of the town population size

    variable explains its widespread use as a surrogate

    measure of many aspects of rural communities. Popula-

    tion size of the main town, though, is the strongest

    explanatory variable only in the obvious cases of total

    population and total area of the whole community (both

    years) and in the proportion of overseas born persons

    (1981). As to the remoteness score, despite its close

    correlation with density (Table 2) after controlling for

    the other independent variables it remains in the

    multiple correlation model for only four of the 11

    dependent variables (three in 1981), and never achieves

    more than third or fourth importance. However, the

    recent availability of the standard ARIA scores on the

    Web will also make remoteness a very useful measurefor many purposes in the future, even though it does not

    play a very important role in the present study.

    The multiple correlation analysis can also answer one

    further pertinent question: if density measures were

    omitted from the multiple regression model altogether,

    would the other three indicators alone (as proposed by

    Coombes and Raybould, 2001) give equally good R2

    values? A trial of the multiple correlation models with

    and without net rural density shows that inclusion of the

    density variables (a) raises the mean value of multiple R2

    for the 11 dependent variables from 0.42 to 0.51 and (b)

    gives a more realistic picture of the role of remoteness,

    clarifying its close relationship with rural density

    (Table 2). Including rural density in the backward

    elimination process leaves remoteness as a significant

    variable in just four, instead of eight, of the 11 models

    for 1996.

    11. Conclusions

    The present paper has, we hope, sufficiently demon-

    strated the importance of rural population density as a

    significant phenomenon in social, settlement and

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    population geography, well worthy of investigation in

    its own right. We argue that, at the local level, rural

    density is a more sensitive and meaningful measure than

    the more commonly used gross density that includes

    both urban and rural components. Examining local

    rural population density, we have demonstrated that it is

    quite strongly associated with a large range of importantdemographic and socio-economic indicators in synoptic

    studies at the 1981 and 1996 censuses, timed to show the

    effects of the major rural downturn in Australia between

    1985 and 1993. While three of the 11 significant 1981

    relationships between density and the selected variables

    had lost significance by 1996, the average value of r

    dropped only marginally, from 0.497 to 0.480 (disre-

    garding sign). Thus, rural density remained as a very

    important indicator of the chosen community qualities.

    A comparison of rural density with the other three

    independent variables was carried out, controlling in

    each case for the influence of the other three by the use

    of partial correlation coefficients. This showed that in

    both years the best overall predictor of the 11 dependent

    variables in terms of the average partial coefficients was

    urban concentration, closely followed by rural density;

    for simple r, the inverse was the case. In both years these

    two key variables were much less affected by controlling

    for the influence of the other independents, than were

    urban size and remoteness. The population size of the

    largest town in the community had the highest partial

    coefficient in only one of the 11 multiple regression

    models, and the remoteness index p