russia polyvinyl chloride market

Barykovsky lane 4, building 2, office 201 Moscow, 119034 Phone number: +7 495 988 96 06 e-mail: [email protected] Demo-Version Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market Analysis and Forecast to 2017 November 2012 Marketing Research

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Russian Market Report (business division of IndexBox Marketing Ltd., Moscow, Russia) is a leading Russian marketing and consultancy company, a well-known provider of consumer, retail, and wholesale market research information for a wide range of industries. For years of service, it has built an image of a loyal partner, a trustworthy source of information, and a specialist in its sphere. This has been achieved by very precise problem recognition and problem definition, appropriate research design, exact choice of research methods, state-of-the-art primary and secondary data collection, quantitative and qualitative research expertise, thorough and accurate analysis, and effective implementation.


  • 1. Demo-VersionRussia: PolyvinylChloride MarketAnalysis and Forecast to 2017November 2012Marketing ResearchBarykovsky lane 4, building 2, office 201 e-mail: [email protected] www.indexbox.ruMoscow, 119034Phone number: +7 495 988 96 06

2. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Brief OverviewThe report on the Russian polyvinyl chloride market contains: Analysis and forecast of market dynamics; Structure of consumption by region; Analysis of domestic production, market shares of the main market players; Analysis of exports and imports; Analysis of factors, influencing the development of the market; Analysis of raw materials base; Analysis of the state of the consuming industries; Assessment and forecast of market development; Financial and economic profiles of the leading companies in the industry.Methodology: Expert interviews with top managers of the largest players on the market; Analysis of information, received from the main market participants; An analysis of statistical information: o Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat); o The Federal Customs Service (FTS); o The Ministry of Economic Development; o The Federal Tax Service; o Industry associations.The report contains information on the following commodity groups: Suspension polyvinyl chloride; Emulsion polyvinyl chloride.The report will allow you to: 1. Identify key indicators of the market, build your own business forecasts, based on market data; 2. Evaluate the growth potential and threats in the market.Key figures presented in the report on the Russian polyvinyl chloride market: Volumes of production, exports and imports; Indicators of market development; Consumption indicators.The report contains 170 pages, 50 tables, 69 figures.Page 2 from 23IndexBox Marketing 3. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)The report contains the consensus market forecast based on the average value of theforecasts of market participants. As market experts are considered: manufacturers,importers, wholesale distributors, high-volume consumers, professional associations andunions, and trade publications. The experts, participating in the survey, are provided withspecial conditions on the purchase of the reports.Page 3 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 4. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Why People Choose Us We have been professionals in marketing research for over 9 years, and have completed over 1000 industry studies which are updated on a regular basis. We collect data via expert interviews with market participants. Industry experts verify all secondary information used in the report. We have an extensive database of economic information in almost every sector of the economy. Cross-analysis of related industries enables our clients to get a complete picture of the market of interest. Our own research methodology guarantees the consistently high quality of our work. We offer unique and individualized customer service: o Personal account on the website with a personal manager; o Monitoring of the status of your order online; o Pre-sale specialist advice and answers to post-purchase questions. We offer special conditions for the actualization of our research reports. If interested, find out about these conditions from our specialists now! Page 4 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 5. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Research DesignThe purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the Russian polyvinyl chloride marketand build a forecast of the industry in the medium term.Geography of the research: RussiaMethodology1.Analysis of secondary market data:Secondary data refers to data from the Internet (industry portals, competitors sites,shopping sites, articles and reviews, reference materials), specialized publications, state andprivatemedia companies,marketing agencies,commercial databases,IndexBoxMarketing own research.2.Analysis of Materials from Market Participants (price lists, brochures, etc.):Data collection from market participants is needed to analyze the specifics of the marketand the parties involved in it, their pricing and assortment policy. Data on marketparticipants is gathered during the analysis of secondary information, and also by sendingrequests for price lists and other presentation materials.3.Expert Interviews with Market ParticipantsTheanalysis of secondaryinformation is completedby expertinterviews withrepresentatives of market participant companies manufacturers and trading companies.Our approach to the estimationThe consensus market forecast is the average value of the forecasts of market participants(experts).ExpertsAs market experts are considered: manufacturers, importers, wholesale distributors, high-volume consumers, professional associations and unions, and trade publications. Expertopinions are collected during telephone interviews conducted by IndexBox on a regularbasis (the standard is every six months, but can be more often, based on a special requestor under conditions of high volatility in the market). IndexBox has created an extensivedatabase of experts within key industries. The experts, participating in the survey, areprovided with special conditions on the purchase of the reports. Page 5 from 23IndexBox Marketing 6. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Accuracy of forecastsThe accuracy of forecasts is verified by experts in the given industry, based on the historicalperiod (3 years). In accordance with this accuracy, each expert weighs out the forecasts tocreate the overall average forecastIndicators1. Consumption: Consumption is the main index estimated by our experts and features the dynamics of consumption in real terms in the short to medium term. Experts give an estimate of the potential volume of consumption in accordance with their expectations and production plans (for manufacturers).2. Internal production: It is based on the projected volume of consumption and production capacity in any given industry, assessing, of course, and factoring in the dynamics of domestic production.3. Imports and Exports: Takes into account the retrospective dynamics of export-import operations, strengths and weaknesses of the domestic production, changes in legislation, the macroeconomic situation in the countries of the supplier (beneficiary) of a product, an assessment of the dynamics of imports and exports.Page 6 from 23IndexBox Marketing 7. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Table of Contents1. Executive summary2. Research design3. Description of polyvinyl chloride4. Volume and dynamics of the polyvinyl chloride market4.1. Polyvinyl chloride market in 2008 - 20175. Characteristics of the domestic production of polyvinyl chloride5.1. Production of polyvinyl chloride6. Main manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride and their corresponding market shares6.1. Manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride6.2. Profiles of the main manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride 6.2.1. OJSC "SAYANSKKHIMPLAST" 6.2.2. OJSC "CAUSTIC" 6.2.3. OJSC "PLASTCARD" 6.2.4. CJSC "NPP "POLYPLASTIC" 6.2.5. OJSC "SIBUR - NEFTEKHIM " 6.2.6. VOLGOGRAD OJSC "KHIMPROM" 6.2.7. CJSC "SIBUR - KHIMPROM" 6.2.8. LLC "POLYMERPLAST"6.3. Investment projects in the industry7. Characteristics of prices of polyvinyl chloride7.1. Dynamics of manufacturers prices of polyvinyl chloride8. Characteristics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride to the Russian Federation8.1. Volume and dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride8.2. Manufacturing countries, leading suppliers of the imported polyvinyl chloride on theterritory of the Russian Federation8.3. Foreign companies, manufacturers of the polyvinyl chloride, imported to theRussian Federation8.4. Russian companies, recipients of the imported polyvinyl chloride8.5. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federation9. Characteristics of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride9.1. Volume and dynamics of the exports of polyvinyl chloride9.2. Recipient countries of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride9.3. Manufacturing companies, supplying polyvinyl chloride for exports9.4. Sending regions of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride10. Factors, influencing the development of the polyvinyl chloride market in Russia11. Characteristics of the consumption of polyvinyl chloride11.1. Volume and dynamics of the consumption of polyvinyl chloride in 2008 2011.Forecast unilt 201711.2. Structure of consumption of polyvinyl chloride by industries11.3. Balance between production and consumption of polyvinyl chloride12. Forecast for the development of the polyvinyl chloride market in 2011 - 2017Page 7 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 8. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version) 12.1. Scenarios for development of the world economy 12.2. Scenarios for development of the polyvinyl chloride marketAppendix1. Financial and economic indicators of the industryAppendix2. Profiles of the leading manufacturersPage 8 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 9. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)List of tablesTable 1. Volume and dynamics of the polyvinyl chloride market in 2008 - 2011 and forecastuntil 2017, in thousands of tonsTable 2. Production of polyvinyl chloride in 2005 - September 2012, in thousands of tonsTable 3. Manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride and their volumes of production in 2011Table 4. Production of PVC by the OJSC Sibur-Neftekhim in 2011Table 5. Volume and structure of production by the OJSC SayanskhimplastTable 6. Production capacities for the manufacturing of polyvinyl chloride, planned forcommissioning in 2012 - 2018Table 7. Average manufacturers prices of PVC in the Russian Federation in January 2007 -September 2012Table 8. Imports of polyvinyl chloride in 2011, including Kazakhstan and BelarusTable 9. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation in January -December 2011, in tonsTable 10. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation in January- December 2011, in thousands of USDTable 11. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation in January- July 2012, in tonsTable 12. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation in January- July 2012, in thousands of USDTable 13. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing countries in 2011, intonsTable 14. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing countries in 2011, inthousands of USDTable 15. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing countries in January- July 2012, in tonsTable 16. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing countries in January- July 2012, in thousands of USDTable 17. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companies in 2011,in tonsTable 18. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companies in 2011,in thousands of USDTable 19. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companies inJanuary - July 2012, in tonsTable 20. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companies inJanuary - July 2012, in thousands of USDTable 21. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation by recipientcompanies in 2011, in tonsTable 22. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation by recipientcompanies in 2011, in thousands of USDTable 23. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation by recipientcompanies in January -July 2012, in tonsPage 9 from 23IndexBox Marketing 10. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Table 24. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation by recipientcompanies in January -July 2012, in thousands of USDTable 25. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federation in2011, in tonsTable 26. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federation in2011, in thousands of USDTable 27. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federation inJanuary - July 2012, in tonsTable 28. Volume of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federation inJanuary - July 2012, in thousands of USDTable 29. Exports of polyvinyl chloride in 2011, including Kazakhstan and BelarusTable 30. Volume of the exports of polyvinyl chloride in 2011, in tonsTable 31. Volume of the exports of polyvinyl chloride in 2011, in USDTable 32. Volume of the exports of polyvinyl chloride in January - July 2012, in tonsTable 33. Volume of the exports of polyvinyl chloride in January - July 2012, in thousands ofUSDTable 34. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by recipient countries in 2011,in tonsTable 35. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by recipient countries in 2011,in thousands of USDTable 36. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by recipient countries inJanuary - July 2012, in tonsTable 37. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by recipient countries inJanuary - July 2012, in thousands of USDTable 38. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companiesin 2011, in tonsTable 39. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companiesin 2011, in thousands of USDTable 40. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companiesin January - July 2012, in tonsTable 41. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companiesin January - July 2012, in thousands of USDTable 42. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by sending regions in 2011, intonsTable 43. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by sending regions in 2011, inthousands of USDTable 44. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by sending regions in January- July 2012, in tonsTable 45. Volume of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by sending regions in January- July 2012, in thousands of USDTable 46. Profitability of production and dynamics of the net financial result of theorganizations by type of economic activity in 2008 - January 2012Table 47. Fprecast for the balance between supply and demand on the polyvinyl chloridemarket in 2011 - 2017, in thousands of tonsPage 10 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 11. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Table 48. Base scenario for the development of the polyvinyl chloride marketTable 49. Conservative scenario for the development of the polyvinyl chloride marketTable 50. Pessimistic scenario for the development of the polyvinyl chloride marketPage 11 from 23IndexBox Marketing 12. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)List of FiguresFig. 1. Volume of supply on the polyvinyl chloride market in 2008 - 2011 and forecast for2012 - 2017, in thousands of tonsFig. 2. Dynamics and structure of the polyvinyl chloride market in 2008 - 2011 and forecastuntil 2017, in thousands of tonsFig. 3. Structure of the polyvinyl chloride market by origin in physical terms in 2011Fig. 4. Production of polyvinyl chloride in 2011 - September 2012, in thousands of tonsFig. 5. Production of polyvinyl chloride in January 2010 - September 2012, in %, to theanalogical period of the previous yearFig. 6. Production of polyvinyl chloride in 2005 - 2011, in thousands of tonsFig. 7. Production of polyvinyl chloride in 2005 - 2011, in billions of RURFig. 8. Structure of production of polyvinyl chloride by companies in 2011Fig. 9. Index of the average manufacturers prices of PVC in the Russian Federation inJanuary - December 2011Fig. 10. Index of the average manufacturers prices of PVC in the Russian Federation inJanuary - September 2012Fig. 11. Dynamics of the average manufacturers prices of PVC in the Russian Federation inJanuary 2011 - September 2012, deviation in %, to the analogical period of the previousyearFig. 12. Comparison of the average manufacturers prices of PVC by Federal Districts of theRussian Federation, in September 2012Fig. 13. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in 2008 - 2011, in thousands of tonsFig. 14. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation in January-December 2011, in tonsFig. 15. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation in January -December 2011, in thousands of USDFig. 16. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation in January -July 2012, in tonsFig. 17. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation in January -July 2012, in thousands of USDFig. 18. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation bymanufacturing countries in 2011 in physical termsFig. 19. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation bymanufacturing countries in 2011 in value termsFig. 20. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation bymanufacturing countries in January - July 2012 in physical termsFig. 21. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation bymanufacturing countries in January - July 2012 in value termsFig. 22. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation bymanufacturing companies in 2011 in physical termsFig. 23. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation bymanufacturing companies in 2011 in stoimostnvalue termsomPage 12 from 23IndexBox Marketing 2012 13. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Fig. 24. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation bymanufacturing companies in January - July 2012 in physical termsFig. 25. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation bymanufacturing companies in January - July 2012 in value termsFig. 26. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation by recipientcompanies in 2011 in physical termsFig. 27. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation by recipientcompanies in 2011 in value termsFig. 28. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation by recipientcompanies in January -July 2012 in physical termsFig. 29. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in the Russian Federation by recipientcompanies in January -July 2012 in value termsFig. 30. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federationin 2011 in physical termsFig. 31. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federationin 2011 in value termsFig. 32. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federationin January - July 2012 in physical termsFig. 33. Structure of the imports of polyvinyl chloride by regions of the Russian Federationin January - July 2012 in value termsFig. 34. Dynamics of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride in 2008 - 2011, in thousandsof tonsFig. 35. Dynamics of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride in 2011, in tonsFig. 36. Dynamics of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride in 2011, in thousands of USDFig. 37. Dynamics of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride in January - July 2012, intonsFig. 38. Dynamics of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride in January - July 2012, inthousands of USDFig. 39. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by recipient countries in 2011in physical termsFig. 40. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by recipient countries in 2011in value termsFig. 41. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by recipient countries inJanuary - July 2012 in physical termsFig. 42. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by recipient countries inJanuary - July 2012 in value termsFig. 43. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companiesin 2011 in physical termsFig. 44. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companiesin 2011 in value termsFig. 45. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companiesin January - July 2012 in physical termsFig. 46. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by manufacturing companiesin January - July 2012 in value termsPage 13 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 2012 14. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Fig. 47. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by sending regions in 2011 inphysical termsFig. 48. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by sending regions in 2011 invalue termsFig. 49. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by sending regions in January- July 2012 in physical termsFig. 50. Structure of the Russian exports of polyvinyl chloride by sending regions in January- July 2012 in value termsFig. 51. Quarterly dynamics of the GDP of Russia in 2007 - 2011, in trillions of RUR,excluding the seasonality factorFig. 52. Dynamics of the GDP of Russia in 2005 - 2011, in 2008 prices, in billions of RURFig. 53. Dynamics of the real disposable income, the real wages, the real pensions of thepopulation in 2005 - 2013, in %Fig. 54. Quarterly dynamics of the real disposable income of the population in the RussianFederation, in %, to the corresponding period of the previous yearFig. 55. Structure of the real disposable expenditures of the population in 2009 - 2011, in %Fig. 56. Dynamics of outstanding debts, given to persons in January 2009 - November2011,growth temps, in %Fig. 57. Total construction volume of commissioned buildings in the Russian Federation in2005 2011, in millions of cubic metersFig. 58. Structure of commissioned buildings in 2005 - 2011, in cubic metersFig. 59. Total construction volume of commissioned residential buildings in the RussianFederation in 2005 2011, in millions of cubic metersFig. 60. Total construction volume of commissioned non-residential buildings in the RussianFederation in 2005 2011, in millions of cubic metersFig. 61. Volume of commissioned multi-flat residential buildings in 2005 - 2011, inthousands of square metersFig. 62. Volume of commissioned individual residential buildings in 2005 - 2011, inthousands of square metersFig. 63. Number of months, a person should work in order to purchase 1 square meter of aproperty in the primary marketFig. 64. Dynamics of production of different industries of the economy in 2008 - 2011Fig. 65. Dynamic of investments in fixed assets (index of physical volume) in 2005 2011,in %, to the previous year Fig. 66. Structure of investments in fixed assets by sources offinancing in the Russian Federation in 2007 - 2011Fig. 67. Dynamics of consumption of PVC in the Russian Federation in 2008 - 2017, inthousands of tonsFig. 68. Structure of consumption of PVC by industries in 2011Fig. 69. Forecast for the balance between supply and demand on the polyvinyl chloridemarket in 2008 - 2017Page 14 from 23IndexBox Marketing 15. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Executive SummaryKey figures and conclusions about the marketThe volume of supply on the Russian polyvinyl chloride market in 2012 was almost tons,which is % higher than the the same figure for 2011. It should be noted that the volumeof imported products on the polyvinyl chloride market was %.The volume of production of polyvinyl chloride in 2012 was tons, which is % higher thanthe volume of production in 2011.The largest share (%) of all polyvinyl chloride manufactured in the Russian Federation in2012 belongs to the Federal District.In 2012, the import volume of polyvinyl chloride in Russia amounted to tons in physicalterms and to thousand USD in value terms.Page 15 from 23IndexBox Marketing 16. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)4. Characteristics of the Russianpolyvinyl chloride market...4.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian polyvinyl chloridemarket in 2007 - 2012. Forecast for 2012 2017The volume of supply on the Russian polyvinyl chloride market in 2012 was almost tons,which is % higher than the the same figure for 2011. It should be noted that the volumeof imported products on the polyvinyl chloride market was % of the total market. Source: Data (Rosstat, FTS), Analysis (IndexBox) Fig. 1. Volume of the supply of polyvinyl chloride in 2008 - 2012 and forecastfor 2013 - 2017, in thousands of tons and percentagePage 16 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 17. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)4.2. Structure of the polyvinyl chloride market in Russia:production, exports, imports, consumptionThe volume of imports of polyvinyl chloride in 2012 was about tons, which was % of thetotal market volume. A more detailed analysis of the imports and exports is presentedbelow.Table 1. Volume and dynamics of the market of polyvinyl chloride in Russia in 2008 2012 and forecast until 2017, in tons200920102011F 20122013F 2014F 2015F2016F 2017FVolume of In tonsproductionIn %, to%%%%%% %% thepreviousyearVolume of In tonsexportsIn %, to%%%%%% %% thepreviousyearVolume of In tonsimportsIn %, to%%%%%% %% thepreviousyearVolume of In tonstotal supplyIn %, to%%%%%% %% thepreviousyearSource: Data (Rosstat, FTS, Expert opinion), Analysis (IndexBox)Page 17 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 18. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)5. Characteristics of the domesticproduction of polyvinyl chloride inRussia in 2007 - 2012Characteristics of domestic production - Volume and dynamics by type of product - Production capacities - Structure of production - Main producers and their market shares5.1 Volume and dynamics of the production of polyvinyl chloridein 2007 - 2012In 2011, the volume of production was higher than for the analogical period of the previousyear.Source: Data (Rosstat), Analysis (IndexBox)Fig. 6 Production of polyvinyl chloride in 2007 - 2011, in thousands of tonsPage 18 from 23IndexBox Marketing 19. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)6.1 The main manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride and theircorresponding market sharesTable 4. Manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride and their corresponding marketshares in 2011ProductionMarketof polyvinylshareManufacturerRegionchloride, intons OTHERS TOTAL Source: Data (Company data), Analysis (IndexBox)Page 19 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 20. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)8. Characteristics of the imports ofpolyvinyl chloride into the Russianmarket 8.1. Volume and dynamics of the imports of polyvinylchlorideThe volume of imports of polyvinyl chloride in 2011 was tons. The largest amount ofpolyvinyl chloride was imported in , when were imported tons. Table 8. Volume and dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in 2012, in thousands of tonsMonth Quantity, in thousands of tons In %, to the previous monthJanuary February%March %April %May %June%July%August%September %October %November%December%Total Source: Data (FTS), Analysis (IndexBox) Page 20 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 21. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Source: Data (FTS), Analysis (IndexBox)Fig. 30. Dynamics of the imports of polyvinyl chloride in Russia in 2012, in thousands of tons and in %Page 21 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 22. Market Research Russia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)About IndexBox"IndexBox" is one of the leading companies in the sphere of marketing consulting. We carryout pieces of marketing research and consult on questions about strategic marketing.The "IndexBox" team has been working together for more than 7 years.The average experience of "IndexBox" specialists in the marketing sphere is 10 years.IndexBox" employs 15 specialists in its research analytical department.The gathering of the researched information is controlled by 8 employees, all with vast experience in field work. And who oversee more than 150 experienced interviewers.Over 10 years, we have completed more than sixteen hundred projects, most of which are focused on the consumer and industrial markets. The geography of the research includes not only the territory of Russia, but also foreign markets.In total, more than 80,000 respondents have taken part in our research studies.Not only does "IndexBox" have a wide partner network in the regions of the Russian Federation, the CIS, and the Baltic countries, but also has countless foreign partners, including the largest research companies in the USA, the UK, France, India, and China.Our clients are big Russian and foreign companies:Page 22 from 23 IndexBox Marketing 23. Market ResearchRussia: Polyvinyl Chloride Market. November 2012 (Demo-version)Marketing researchOur specialization - the study of consumer and industrial markets, segments of B2C andB2B. Among the methods used: desk research, consumer surveys, expert surveys,competitive analysis, sales audit, a wide range of qualitative market research products andservices. Our competitive advantage is the formation of special research techniques to thetasks of each project. System planning and operational monitoring of the industry, created acompany that allows professionals to operate in IndexBox their work relevant and accurateinformation.Business PlanningWe are professionally engaged in developing business plans, feasibility studies, investmentmemoranda, conduct financial analysis of enterprises and prepare analysis for transactionsM & A. Business plans developed by IndexBox, contain a complete financial model for thefurther implementation of the project, all calculations are based on marketing information,which is permanently collected and analyzed for over 7 years. Documents comply with thestandards of Russian and foreign banks, the projects have market feasibility and realisticprojections, and we provide assistance in finding an investor and financing, legal support.Strategic MarketingWe develop strategic development for brands, products, separate business tons andindustry. Generally, programs include product, pricing, marketing and communicationstrategy. Projects in the field of strategic marketing are relevant to large enterprises,financial and investment companies that are planning to expand its interests as well assmall companies that are thinking about business development.DevelopmentConsulting in development - is to develop the best options for use of the area. To do this,our marketing agency, conducts research real estate market, analyzes the possibleconstruction, and estimates the market feasibility and economic benefits of investing in realestate. Marketing agency IndexBox offers a range of professional services for the study ofthe real estate market and the development of individual marketing concept of the facility.Page 23 from 23IndexBox Marketing