russian and french masters vrubel serov aivazovsky bastien-lepage

19 th Century Masters Mikhail Vrubel Jules Bastien-Lepage Valentin Serov Ivan Aivazovsky

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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19th Century MastersMikhail Vrubel

Jules Bastien-Lepage

Valentin Serov

Ivan Aivazovsky

Vrubel was a member of the Symbolist movement of French, Russian and Belgian poets and painters.

Symbolism was a reaction to naturalism and realism, anti-idealistic styles which attempted to represent reality in its gritty manifestations -- to elevate the humble and the ordinary over the ideal. As a reaction, Symbolism favored spirituality, the imagination, and dreams.

Mikhail Vrubel

(Russian 1856 – 1910)



Jules Bastien-LepageFrench, 1848-1884

Bastien-Lepage was a "Naturalist“ in his love of Nature and the abundance of organic patterns and shapes.

He was an “Impressionist” in that his work covered a similar range of subject matter as that of Impressionism, but using tighter, more traditional brushwork.

He was a “Romantic” in his love of strong epiphanies of intense feeling bordering on religious ecstasy or deep melancholy ennui.)



Valentin Serov

(Russian, 1865 – 1911) Serov’s portraits were notable for their psychological intensity. His favorite models were actors, artists, and writers. He tried to capture a sense of movement by combining linear drawing with decorative color and spontaneous brush.


Ivan Aivazovsky

(Armenian/Russian 1817 – 1900)

Aivazovsky is considered one of the greatest seascape painters of all time, especially for the shimmering play of light on the waves which echo the work of English artist J. M. W. Turner. His art effectively depicts diffuse sunlight and moonlight, sometimes coming from behind clouds, sometimes coming through a fog, with almost transparent layers of paint.

