russian's submarine kursk sinking issue

The Sinking Of The Russian Sub Kursk! LATEST UPDATES AT BOTTOM! On August 14, 2000, Russian authorities announced that one of their newest cruise missile submarines, the Kursk, had sunk with all hands. The Kursk is a cruise missile submarine, called the type 949a "Antey" class by the Russians, code named the Oscar II by NATO. It is not a ballistic missile submarine, but is intended to attack and destroy an aircraft carrier battle group using torpedos and short range sea skimming cruise missiles. The Kursk, sailing out from Severomorsk. Almost immediatly, Russian naval authorities reported that sonar used to locate Kursk as it lay on the bottom showed not one, but two submarines lying on the sea floor. While the Russians worked on the Kursk itself, the second unknown submarine slowly moved off. CBS news then broke the story that the United States had three ships in the vicinity observing the naval exercise that Kursk was taking part in, possibly a test of a new ultra-high speed torpedo. Two of the three ships were submarines, later determined to be USS Memphis and USS Toledo, type 688 Los Angeles class fast attack submarines which are often used for covert intelligence gathering.

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The Sinking Of The Russian

Sub Kursk! 


On August 14, 2000, Russian authorities announced that one of their newest cruise missile

submarines, the Kursk, had sunk with all hands. The Kursk is a cruise missile submarine, called

the type 949a "Antey" class by the Russians, code named the Oscar II by NATO. It is not aballistic missile submarine, but is intended to attack and destroy an aircraft carrier battle group

using torpedos and short range sea skimming cruise missiles.

The Kursk, sailing out from Severomorsk.

Almost immediatly, Russian naval authorities reported that sonar used to locate Kursk as it lay

on the bottom showed not one, but two submarines lying on the sea floor. While the Russiansworked on the Kursk itself, the second unknown submarine slowly moved off.

CBS news then broke the story that the United States had three ships in the vicinity observing thenaval exercise that Kursk was taking part in, possibly a test of a new ultra-high speed torpedo.

Two of the three ships were submarines, later determined to be USS Memphis and USS Toledo,

type 688 Los Angeles class fast attack submarines which are often used for covert intelligence


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USS Memphis, reported by

Norway to be undergoing repairs at a Norwegian naval yard.

USS Toledo, reported by Scottish mediato have also been in the area of the Kursk sinking, followed by a visit to Faslane.

The third ship was USNS Loyal, a Victorious Class Surveillence Towed Array Sensor Ship, or

SURTASS, also used as an intelligence gatherng platform.

A Victorius Class SURTASS ship, similar to USNS Loyal, also in the area of the Kursk sinking.

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This was immediatly followed by an announcement from the Pentagon that one of the two

submarines which had been spying on the Kursk was late in establishing radio contact. A fewdays later, the Pentagon reported that the submarine had finally checked in, and it was at this

time that the United States government took the official position that the Kursk had sunk because

of a torpedo explosion. The Russians, however, while agreeing that there was one or more

torpedo explosions on Kursk, insisted that the explosions were the result of a collision involvinga foreign submarine.

Water is an excellent conductor of sound energy, as any sonar operator will tell you, and so it

came as little surprise that the events surrounding the sinking of the Kursk had registered not

only on the sensors of the two American subs and SURTASS but on seismographs locatedhundreds of miles away.

Almost at once, data from Norway was made public.

The above is the first seismic trace from Norway showing the main explosion from what appearsto be a torpedo warhead, and preceding it by two minutes, another smaller event. Although

labled as an explosion, the waveform is not that of an explosive event but a long grinding sound.

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More recently, Norwegian seismologists have released more data from their seismographs. Notethat the first event is no longer described as an explosion.

The issue became even more contentious when the Russians announced that an actual physical

piece of the mystery submarine had been located close to the wreckage of Kursk. Not yet

brought to the surface, the piece is described as the "fairwater" from the top of a submarine's sail.

The Russians then announced that they had identified the submarine that had collided with Kursk,

then lay on the bottom before slowly moving away, as USS Memphis. Radio amatuers had

reported overhearing a US Navy submarine asking for emergancy permission to enter aNorwegain port, and the Norwegian embassy in Moscow informed the Russians that USS

Memphis had required emergancy repairs of an unspecified nature. This report was later

retracted with the excuse that the Norwegian embassy in Moscow does not employ people whospeak fluent Russian, and that the word for "food" had been confused with the word for "repair".

The Norwegians then reversed their story again, admitting that USS Memphis was undergoing

repairs and that Norwegian journalists had actually seen the damage. Russia officially requesteda report on the damage to USS Memphis from the Norwegian government.

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Diagram based on the reports of Norwegian divers assisting the Russians.

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Detail from the above diagram based on the reports of Norwegian divers assisting the Russians.

Note that in addition to the obvious blow out from the torpedo room, a gash runs up across thetop of the hull into the sail. Inside the sail was an escape pod which could have carried the entire

Kursk crew to safety, but it was disabled by the damage to the sail.

Diagram of the interior of the Kursk, showing how many bulkheads had to be penetrated by thegash across the upper hull and into the sail.


As a counter to the Russian claims of a collision, a story has appeared in a German newspaperand then been picked up by a British newspaper claiming that the Russian cruiser Peter The

Great was using rocket propelled torpedos (equivilent to the ASROC) and that one of these sank 

the Kursk.

Source: Independent News (UK) EXCERPTED 

Published: September 15 2000 Author: Patrick Cockburn 

A misdirected missile from a Russian cruiser caused the disaster of the

Kursk nuclear powered submarine during a training exercise, says a

member of a Russian parliamentary team investigating the disaster.

Sergei Zhikov, a deputy and a former submariner, said yesterday that the Kursk and the Peter theGreat, a Russian cruiser, were on an exercise in the Barents Sea in which "the cruiser acted as an

enemy aircraft carrier and the submarine was expected to attack it". He said the Peter the Great

fired five anti-submarine missiles at the Kursk but only four could be found afterwards. "It looks

like the submarine was hit by the missing [anti-submarine] missile," Mr Zhikov told the Interfax

newsagency.The Kursk then tried to rise to the surface in an emergency but had hit the bottom of the Peter the Great. The cause of the sinking of the Kursk and the death of its 118 crew is an

episode that President Vladimir Putin wants to put behind him. The Kremlin now says that

nobody survived the initial explosion and that tapping sounds from inside the hull, which theRussian navy said showed that some sailors were alive 48 hours after the disaster, were made by

automatic machinery. The claim by Mr Zhikov is similar to a report in the Berliner Zeitung

newspaper last week, which said that an investigation by the Russian Federal Security Servicehad concluded that the Kursk had been sunk by a Granit missile fired by the Peter the Great. It

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said that the Granit had travelled 12 miles underwater before exploding close to the Kursk.

Russian officers have hotly denied that the Kursk could have been sunk by one of their ownships, but have been unable to explain exactly what happened. The Pentagon said that there were

two explosions in the vicinity of the Kursk at 7.28am and 7.30am on 12 August. The second was

45 to 50 times bigger than the first, suggesting that one or more of the Kursk's own torpedoes

had exploded. That appears to be confirmed by the extent of the damage to the forward part of the submarine, but the cause of the first explosion is still unknown.


But this story is a hoax. The use of such a weapon would have left a clear and unequivocal traceon the sonar records of the two 688 subs and SURTASS boat the US had spying on the exercise.

More to the point, the Russians, like every other nation, have special training weapons which do

not carry live warheads. In the case of torpedos, both for the Russian and US, the training

torpedos are designed only to get to within a certain distance of the target then surface to berecovered. Training torpedos do NOT actually hit their targets.

Finally note that the story claims that the torpedo fired by Peter The Great supposedly traveled

12 miles underwater to reach Kursk, then it claims Kursk struck Peter The Great while trying to

do an emergancy surface after being hit. How is Kursk supposed to have gone from being 12

miles away from Peter the Great to being right underneath it in just a few seconds?

Excerpts from Various Articles 

Debris found near Kursk linked to British and US submarines

Source: Guardian

Published: Tuesday September 5, 2000 Author: Ian Traynor in Moscow

Special report: Russia's stricken submarine

Russian salvage teams at the scene of the Kursk submarine disaster have

found an object resembling part of the conning tower of a British or

American nuclear submarine, a senior Russian officer said yesterday.

Reiterating the Russian navy line that the most likely explanation for the

sudden sinking of the Kursk on August 12 was a collision with a foreign

vessel, Colonel General Valery Manilov, the deputy chief of the general

staff, told a press conference in Moscow that the object was lying at the

bottom of the Barents sea, off the coast of Murmansk, and was being guarded

by Russian warships.

The Russian top brass continued to believe that the likeliest cause of the

Kursk disaster was a collision with "an other large underwater object", Gen

Manilov declared.


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From a Russian magazine report.

.......The American nuclear submarine SSN 691 Memphis, Los-Angeles class, is currently located

at the Norwegian port in Bergen. A representative of the Norwegian embassy in Moscow told the

Russian RIA "Novosti" news agency that the 'Memphis' entered the Norwegian port "for

repairs." Initially the Norwegian embassy refused to say when the American submarinerequested entry to and entered the Norwegian base. Shortly after publishing this information,

RIA "Novosti" was contacted by another representative of the Norwegian embassy, Ule

Hopestad, who said that his colleague, who gave the initial interview to the news agency,provided "incorrect information" due to his "problems with the Russian language. According to

Ule Hopestad, the 'Memphis' entered the Norwegian port in Bergen on August 18 not for repairs

but to replenish its supplies of food and to allow its crew to rest. Norwegian officials say that'Memphis' was scheduled to arrive to Bergen almost two months in advance.

According to the Russian Defense Minister, Igor Sergeyev, Russian experts are studying satellite

photos of the area where "Kursk" sank. 'Memphis' was detected by satellites when it surfaced and

was traveling at a very low speed away from the general area of the "Kursk" accident towardNorway. Later the American submarine accelerated to around 8-9 knots (16-17 km/h) and

proceeded along the Norwegian coast toward Bergen (roughly 1,900 km from the site of the"Kursk" accident along the Norwegian coastline). The submarine was generally identified as a

Los-Angeles class and later was determined to be the SSN 691 'Memphis'. The unidentified

foreign submarine was initially detected by the Russian nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great" after itintercepted a NATO radio distress signal originated by the submarine, requesting emergency

entry to one of Norwegian naval bases.

Representatives of the Norwegian embassy in Moscow told RIA "Novosti" that the Americansubmarine was seen by Norwegian journalists. However, attempts on the part of the Russian

news agency to locate these journalists have failed.....

This snapshot was made by the Russian intelligence satellite on August 19, 2000 from the

altitude of 40 thousand meters. This is the Norwegian naval base Haakonsvern, arranged on the

coast of a Grimstad-fiord in a province Hordalan, in nine kilometers to the southwest fromBergen. Geographical coordinates of base are 60-20-20 N, 5-13-53 E, ? = +20?. Naval base

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Haakonsvern is used by the small and medium ships - up to frigate class, but not for for


On the August, 19 the nuclear submarine of the Los Angeles class has come into Haakonsvern

and moored in the piers close to the frigate of Oslo class. A submarine moored in the piers,

instead of dock, because the docks in Haakonsvern, we have to repeat, are not assigned forsubmarines, especially nuclear. We presume that the name of this boat is Memphis or Toledo.

Both of them are of Los Angeles class submarines. The submarines of this class are of 109,7meters length, 10,1 meters high and 9,9 meters width. Displacement is of 6000 tons.

The boat coming for the repair had considerable damages in the bow, and that was captured by

the means of optical-electronic reconnaissance. The thick rubber-ceramic skin of the submarinewas torn off, as a peel from a banana. Obviously the steel inner hall was also damaged.

The boat has been repaired for 8 days. On the August, 27 in second half of day she left the base

and has departed to the coast of Britain. The boat doubled the British islands in the east, enteredSouthampton on the southern coast of England and became on repair in closed dock.

The following is a brief review of all available facts relevant to the accident aboard "Kursk":

1.  "Kursk" is the flagship submarine of Russia's Northern Fleet. It sailed for the first time in1994 and entered active service in 1995. It is one of the newest Russian submarines andan important element of Russia's national defense.

2.  The submarine's standard crew is 107 men. "Kursk" sank with 118 men aboard.

Apparently, the 11 "extra" crew were various Navy officials present onboard to observetraining exercises. The complete list of the sub's standard crew was published by the

Russian press.

3.  The submarine sank in shallow waters approximately 135 km from the shore. Currently,"Kursk" is resting at the depth of only 108 meters, at a 25-deg nose-down pitch and a 60-

deg roll to the right. The sub is located in the middle of an extremely strong localized

underwater current.

4.  The rescue buoy was not released. The escape capsule was not used.

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5.  The submarine has a large hole along the right side in the forward sections. Scratch marks

extend to the fin, which also has some impact damage. The fin never touched the seabed.6.  Large pieces of the sub's hull are scattered across the seabed.

7.  The submarine left a relatively long trail on the seabed.

8.  All the external masts and the periscope were extended. These systems are extended only

when the sub is surfaced, surfacing, or traveling at the periscope depth of about 10 meters.Before the sub dives all masts are retracted inside the hull. This is done even during an

rapid emergency dive.

9.  At least five of the nine and perhaps all of the sub's compartments are believed to beflooded. Norwegian divers confirmed that the entire submarine is flooded.

10. The official Russian government commission concluded that the sub sank because of a

powerful explosion onboard. The cause of the explosion is believed to be a collision withan unidentified massive external body with approximate displacement of 7,000-8,000

metric tons traveling at over 6 knots (faster than "Kursk") at the depth of 20-25 meters.

The impact was at a 20-30-degree angle between the velocity vectors of "Kursk" and the

unidentified external object.

11. Russian media reports indicate that the external object, which hit "Kursk" was attemptingto steer away to the left and down from the Russian submarine in the last moments before

the collision.12. At the time of the accident, Russian heavy nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great" detected a

powerful hydro acoustic compression wave, which may indicate an underwater explosion.

The signal's location was calculated, which later allowed to locate "Kursk."13. "Peter the Great" also detected green-and-white rescue buoys, which later disappeared.

The Russian Navy uses only red-and-white rescue buoys. Green-and-white ones are used

by the US, UK, and Norwegian navies.

14. After locating "Kursk", the cruiser detected a second large object on the bottom of the sea,which was identified as a foreign submarine. Two NATO "Orion" naval reconnaissance

aircraft were detected by "Peter the Great" in the area shortly after the accident.

15. According to unnamed Russian Navy officials quoted by the Russian press, a coded

NATO radio communication was intercepted after the explosion aboard "Kursk" wasdetected. The radio message, addressed to the Norwegian Navy, originated from a NATO

submarine, and requested an emergency entry to one of the Norwegian naval bases for a

five-day stay.16. Russian reconnaissance satellites detected a surfaced Los Angeles class submarine

moving toward Norwegian coast at a very low speed. According to unnamed Russian

Navy officials, the submarine was later identified as possibly being the SSN 691Memphis.

17. The United States government and military officials confirmed that two of their

submarines and a reconnaissance vessel, the "Loyal", were observing Russian naval

exercises. Americans denied that any of their submarines were involved in the accidentwith "Kursk."

18. Vladimir Putin had a lengthy conversation with Bill Clinton about "Kursk," after which

he gave the "go ahead" for the Russian Navy to seek foreign help. Putin ordered RussianNavy officials to travel to the NATO headquarter in Brussels and to evaluate NATO's

ability to assist with the rescue operation. Russia has officially accepted help offers from

the UK and Norway.

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19. On August 17 the head of the CIA, George Tennet, secretly arrived to Moscow from

Sofia, Bulgaria. Shortly after Russian journalists became aware of the visit. Bulgarianofficials made no secret of the matter and confirmed that the head of the CIA went to

Moscow. When confronted by the journalists, Russian officials stated that the unusual

visit was related to the situation in Yugoslavia, and not to the accident aboard "Kursk."

On the same day Russian reconnaissance satellites confirmed that a US Los Angeles classsubmarine entered a naval base in Norway.

20. On May 11, the Russian Military News Agency (AVN) reported that in July-August of 

2000 the Northern Fleet will be conducted a training rescue operation. As a part of theoperation, one of the Northern Fleet's nuclear submarines was supposed to lay on the

seabed at the depth of about 100 meters. The rescue vessel to perform the training rescue

mission was identified as "Rudnitsky."21. "Mikhail Rudnitsky" rescue vessel was among the first ships to arrive at the site of the


22. Norway and the United States confirmed that the Los Angeles class submarine SSN 691

Memphis entered a Norwegian naval base for repairs on August 17-18. Americans

refused to say when the 'Memphis' requested entry to the base or whether these wereplanned repairs or an emergency situation.

23. Russian Federation has officially requested a technical report from Norway detailing thenature of repairs carried out on Memphis.

24. The head of the Russian parliamentary national security committee, Dmitry Rogozin, said

that an international group of experts will investigate a possibility of a collision between"Kursk" and a foreign submarine. Russian Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov, confirmed this


25. The crash site of "Kursk" is being heavily guarded by several surface vessels and attack 

submarines of the Northern Fleet. Two research vessels equipped with advances hydro-acoustic systems are mapping the seabed and underwater currents in the area of the


26. Some Russian regional administration officials from Murmansk area stated that there

were two civilian torpedo experts from a military research organization aboard "Kursk"supervising a test-launch of an experimental torpedo that uses liquid propellant.

A Brief History Of US/Russian submarine collisions

Here's a short list of known collisions.

1961 USS Swordfish (SSN-579) is on a spy mission in Soviet waters when a Soviet sub surfacesunderneath it.

196? A US sub, possibly USS Skipjack, on a spy mission in Soviet waters, collides with adestroyer. Finally made public in a New York Times article in 1975.

July 1965. USS Medregal rams a Greek freighter.

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March 1966. USS Barbel rams a freighter near North Vietnam.

December 1967. USS George C. Marshall (SSBN-654) is grazed by a Russian sub.

October 9, 1968. This appears to be the historical precedent for the Kursk sinking. A Russian sub

operating normally collided with an unknown sub in the Barents sea, leaving a sizable hole in theRussian sub. Russian intelligence notes the arrival of a damaged sub in a Norwegian port a fewdays later.

November 1969. USS Gato's sail hits the hull of a soviet sub.

March 14, 1970. USS Sturgeon bashes her sonar dome against a Russian sub's sail.

June 1970. USS Tautog is rammed by Black Lila. It is erroneously assumed at the time that

Black Lila sank.

March 1971. An unnamed US sub operating 12 miles off of the Soviet coast collides with aRussian sub. Reported in the New York Times in 1975.

Mid-1971. USS Dace hits a Russian sub in the Mediterranean.

Late 1971 or early 1972. USS Puffer is trailing a Soviet sub when the Soviet sub unexpectedly

dives, bumping into Puffer.

March 1974. USS Pintado rams a Soviet missile boat while on a spy mission in Soviet waters

near Petropavlovsk. Reported in the San Diego Evening Tribune in 1975.

November 3rd, 1974. USS James Madison hits an unknown Russian Victor class attack sub inthe North Sea. Reported by columnist Jack Anderson.

1981. HMS Sceptre is trailing a Russian sub and rear-ends it.

October 1986. USS Augusta, while testing a new computer sonar system to make detecting

enemy subs easier, rams a Soviet sub. The Augusta claims they rammed a Delta class. Others

report it was a Yankee missile boat that subsequently sank.

December 24, 1986. HMS Splendid and a Soviet sub were trying to dodge out of each other's

way when they collided. HMS Splendid's towed sonar array became tangled in the other sub and

was lost.

February 11, 1992. USS Baton Rouge hits a Soviet sub near Murmansk. For the first time, and inresponse to Yeltsin's demands, the US Navy publicly acknowledges the collision.

March 20, 1993. USS Grayling with a Russian sub in the Barent's Sea.

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Collisions between US surface ships and Russian submarines

The above list does NOT include the numerous times that US surface ships have been involved

in collisions with Russian submarines.

Click for full size image 

The above photo is of a Russian Echo II submarine wallowing with its sail awash following a

collision with USS Voge on August 28, 1976. The photo and descrpition is from Jane's Defense.

The above photo is an overhead photo, also from Jane's Defense, of a Russian Echo II submarine

running on the surface.

Click for full size image 

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The above photo is a close up on the sail of the Echo II submarine.

Click for full size image. 

Photo of submarines in dry dock.

NEW! MOre excerpts from news reports.

Russian vice-premier: US government concealed Kursk/US sub collision due to US election..

Chaos keeps secrets of Kursk on hold

AMONG those keenest to see the United States election result declared are Russian leaders, with

a deputy prime minister saying he then expects the US to come clean about involvement in the

sinking of the submarine Kursk.

The Russian vice-premier, Ilia Klebanov, said divers searching the submarine, which went down

with all hands in the summer, had found new evidence that it collided with a foreign submarine.

But Mr Klebanov told the Russian media that the US government had been concealing that fact

over fears that it would upset the election campaign.

"It was concealed because the United States was preparing for elections. In several days further

there will be more information. It was clear it was another submarine - 80 per cent [sure] it wasAmerican."

Mr Klebanov is the most senior figure to echo the navy’s insistence that a foreign sub, rather 

than incompetence, was the reason the Kursk blew up.


Chris Stephen In St Petersburg

Saturday, 11th November 2000 The Scotsman

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MOSCOW, Nov 8 (AFP) - Russia has "serious" proof that the Kursk nuclear submarine sank 

after colliding with another submarine, Interfax cited a top minister leading an investigation into

the disaster as saying Wednesday.

Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov said after a government meeting on the accident thatinvestigators had collected "serious video proof" that the Kursk went down after smashing into

another submarine.


Russia claims part of foreign sub found near Kursk 

MOSCOW, Aug. 21 (UPI) -- Russian military sources are claiming that a

fragment of railing from a foreign submarine's conning tower was found

Monday on the seabed 1,100 feet away from the wreck of the sunken submarine

Kursk, the official Itar-Tass and Interfax news agencies reported Monday.


The Dossier of the Kursk Murderer Foreign Affairs News Keywords: RUSSIA, KURSK Source:Russia Today Published: August 21, 2000 Posted on 08/21/2000 20:59:43 PDT by Sawdring


On Saturday night, commanders of the Russian Navy confirmed officially that there is notanyone alive on board of Kursk submarine, that sank to the bottom of the Barents Sea a week 

before. In fact, they have known this since Wednesday – Segodnya wrote, - but have feared to

admit this.

One of the possible versions of the shipwreck is as follows. On the night of August 12, according

to the plan of military exercise, Kursk was to carry out a night torpedo attack on a training

military target from the periscope depth. At the depth of 25 meters, when the submarine was

going up, it hit a large underwater object, which was moving at much higher speed at the samedepth or a little higher. The moving object has been identified as "foreign nuclear multi-purpose


The two submarines were aware about the presence of each other, but could have had problems

with hydro-acoustic signals at that very moment, because they were both near the surface of water. According to the preliminary observations, the two submarines collided at the angle of 20

to 30 degrees. The dynamic blow was the equivalent of a 100 to 150 kilogram trotil explosion

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and was registered by Norwegian seismologists. The blow hit a place on Kursk where its two

largest modules were connected – the first torpedo module and the second command module.The combat alarm was sounded at Kursk before the explosion and the crew was at its posts,

according to combat schedules. This means that around forty crew members who were in the first

and in the second modules died immediately.

In the meantime, the killer submarine continued its destruction of Kursk. Moving very tightly to

Kursk, it must have opened its light shell up to the sixth module, and the strong shell  – up to thefourth module. It operated like a can opener with its right horizontal stabilizer on the side of 


The situation at Kursk was desperate, as the water flooded the first module in no time, drowning

the power supply. The submarine became de-energized and its nuclear engine was turned off by

its protection system. The

submarine started to fall on the sea bottom at a 45 degree trim by the bow.

The killer-submarine must have had large injuries as well. There could be parts of its light shell

on board the Kursk and on the sea bottom. Still, its energy system continued to operate, and this

enabled the crew to liquidate the leak and to move away from the catastrophe zone, hiding in thehydro-acoustic shades of Russian ships.

Monday, August 21, Segodnya.

about S E G O D N Y A

(circulation 100,000) Owned by the Most Group headed by Vladimir Gusinsky, the paper was set

up in 1993 and now targets a business-minded audience. It has managed to pool some good journalists who report on a wide range of issues and opinions, although some have since defectedto the new daily, Russkie Telegraf.

Foreign Sub Sent SOS Near Kursk 

Foreign Affairs News Keywords: KURSK Source: Yahoo Reuters News Posted on 11/21/2000

06:18:21 PST by BeamMeUpScotty

Russia recorded SOS signals from a foreign submarine when its own nuclear submarine, theKursk, was sinking with 118 sailors on board in August, a top navy commander said in anewspaper interview published on Tuesday.

The cause of the accident with the Kursk in the Barents Sea remains unclear but Russian officials

have said a collision was a possibility. The United States and Britain have denied their

submarines were involved.

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Northern Fleet commander Vyacheslav Popov told the newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta there

was growing evidence the Kursk sank after a collision with a foreign vessel.

``The 'Polinom' hydro-acoustic system located SOS signals sent by a mechanical transmitter,''

Popov said, referring to Russian naval surveillance equipment.

``Further spectral analysis made by the Northern Fleet laboratory showed that the signalbelonged to a foreign submarine in the area,'' he said.


Another American Deception. 

US submarines pretended to be Soviet submarines violating Sweden's territory to turn Swedish

public opinion against the USSR.

NEW! Russia has again denied the collision story regarding the sinking of Kursk, now claimingthat the contact made with another submarine was actually a large jellyfish, apparently forgetting

their story issued in November 2000 that they had recorded the "jellyfish" sending radio


It has cost far more the sever the bow of thre Kursk and leave it out of sight on the sea floor than

it would have cost to raise the whole sub. I wonder how many of the Pentagon's missing trillions 

paid for the Russians' silance?

Kursk update

02/19/02 Russians now saying evidence of foreign sub in Kursk sinking was just a "large

 jellyfish", apparently forgetting the earlier report that the radio signals sent by the

"Jellyfish" had been recorded, as reported by Reuter's in November 2000.

Back on February 11, 1992, the USS Baton Rouge 1992 rammed a Russian sub near

Murmansk. This was the only time the US has ever admitted to a ramming when it actually

happened and resulted from Boris Yeltsin's demand for a public apology. However, theawareness than US subs were operating so closely to Russia produced a backlash of anger

against Yeltsin's efforts to bring the US and Russia closer together, and helped bring

Yeltsin down. I wonder how much of the Pentagon's missing trillions helped buy the

Russians' silence.

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Click for full size image 

Click for full size image (Note hole dented INWARD) 

Click for full size image (Close up of hole) 

La stampa: &.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot; the submarines OF THE USA exploded, but Putin and Clinton

agreed and hid truth the time of the publication: 06:58 last renovation: 13:02 versions for the

press to preserve in the form of file to send on the mail the survey of the photo-illustrations 118fellows perished under water with the emergency of the atomic submarine of 

&.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot;, 118 families they await the truth, which never they learn and which could

prove to be the last report not of cold, but icy war. But Bill Clinton and Vladimir Putin agreed toshut this theme, he writes La stampa (transfer on site The fragment of this so of the

not open truth could be hidden in the small communication, only it is more than 10 lines, that

was appeared on 22 August, 2000, on the Internet site of &.tsuot;;. The

communication, which not was never published in the printed version of publication and whichin the virtual peace of the Internet existed is only is somewhat hour. The text of spectral

communication is such: &.tsuot;V Saturday, on 12 August, the incident, which occurred in the

Barents sea, could lead to the third world war. During several days the peace was suspendedfrom the small filament, and any incorrect political step could lead to the exchange of nuclear

strikes. Fortunately, the incident was regulated diplomatic of putem&.tsuot;. These were the days

of &.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot;, the Russian nuclear-powered submarine, which motionlessly lies on

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the bottom at the depth of approximately hundred are meter with its load of people and riddles,

secret of catastrophe, which not will be never opened. According to the communication,published on 22 August, &.tsuot;prezident of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and

President of the United States Of bill Clinton after numerous confidential telephone negotiations

knew how to agree about the peaceful settlement of dela&.tsuot;. But what this was

&.tsuot;delom&.tsuot;, which in two years of investigations the Russian procuratorship did shutwith the hypocritical formulation of &.tsuot;za with the absence of the composition of 

prestupleniya&.tsuot;? As it writes La stampa, &.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot; not it was destroyed as a

result of random explosion of one of the nonnuclear charges, APL was struck by the Americansubmarine Memphis. According to the data of publication, the maneuvers were organized by

Russians for the purpose to demonstrate to Chinese effectiveness of one of last

&.tsuot;zhemchuzhin&.tsuot; Russian oboronki: the torpedo of &.tsuot;Shkval&.tsuot;, capableof move under water with a phenomenal speed of 500 km an hour. This weapon the Americans

do not have, until now. Specifically, by these severe of &.tsuot;chudom&.tsuot; in the month

before the catastrophe Putin praised before entire peace. This version of the history of 

&.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot; it is fruit of the three year investigations of French journalists. The

materials of investigation became the basis of the film, taken by director Jean- Michel Carr, whowill be shown France TV during the first days of January. For the journalists of the Italian

newspaper La stampa it was possible to see this film. In it there are no single-valued proofswhatever (what film can change the motion of history?), but the reconstruction of the events of 

these improbable and terrible ten days, when entire peace because of the television controlled the

agony of Russian seamen, produces strong impression. Pravda this or not, but this picture givesits explanation of the improbable behavior of Vladimir Putin, if we consider that this is the not

simply age long dull indifference of Russian authorities to the lives of its fellow citizens. It did

not pass at that moment and six months as Putin it was selected by the President of Russia after

the lightning takeoff, built on the second Chechen campaign. It was on leisure in Sochi on theshore of Black sea during those August days, when &.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot; already two days it lay

on the bottom of Barents sea, but no one spoke about this, quieting that occurred, attempting to

understand as this tax in most advantageous light. Contrary to any expectations Putin decided to

remain on the dacha. From there he forewent the western aid on the rescuing of crew. Nothingessential it was undertaken during the entire week. The mothers of fellows, buried alive in the

sea, cried on the moorages of Murmansk and in vain they appealed to the Russian officers. From

Great Britain and Norway to the Kremlin entered the proposals about conducting of operationswith the use of bathyscaphs and recovery facilities, which the Russians not had. Pale and

inexorable Vladimir Vladimirovich moved not the millimeter. The present discovery of this

investigation became the fact that the Chinese was present during the studies. No one about thisspoke never. In the film there are personnel, on which is visible the group of Generals from

Peking, who be present during the studies together with the Russian associates. Judging by the

film, the presence of Chinese strongly disturbed the Americans, who wanted to prevent the

renewal of qualitative military deliveries by Russians. And in the center of these studies therewas the monstrous torpedo of &.tsuot;Shkval&.tsuot;. For several months thus far, hardly only

Putin was based in the Kremlin, the colleagues OF FSB arrested in Moscow the American owner

of Edmond Poupa, one of the former colleagues of the secret services U.S. NAVY. Poupdiscussed the construction of &.tsuot;Shkvala&.tsuot; with its inventor by Anatoliy Babkin. No

one connected never this matter from &.tsuot;Kurskom&.tsuot;. In actuality Poup, sentenced to

several years of prison, was crossed into the United States after a certain time after the

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completion of the matter concerning the submarine. How to explain this &.tsuot;dobrotu&.tsuot;

from the side of Russian management, which, beginning from its President, did plan first of all toovercome anarchy and pliability of the times of Yeltsin's administration in the attitude of the

former American enemy? To explain is possible by the fact that this was the part of 

&.tsuot;paketa of &.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot;. However, so that in reality did occur there, under

water? The matter, possibly, was as follows: while Russia conducted tests and demonstrated toChinese the weapon forbidden according to the agreements, two American submarines they

spied near. Chance, or, it is not excluded, shielding reaction, it became the reason for launching

torpedo MKYA8, which is been nonnuclear weapon, but which has tip with impoverisheduranium, which makes possible for it to penetrate the metal. &.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot; it proved to

be more vulnerable than it was expected: torpedo led to two internal explosions, and most perfect

from Russian APL lay on the bottom. Round hole with the edges bent inward serves as the proof of entire this: in the film the fragment of submarine is shown. Furthermore, about the fragments

MKYA8 reported the newspaper of &.tsuot;Versiya&.tsuot;: FSB immediately conducted search

in the editorial staff and forced newspaper to become silent. In this sea duel Memphis also were

obtained the damages, two submarines simply encountered. The American submarine several

days was later photographed on the Norwegian report base, located hereabout from the place of incident. Another submarine - Toledo - returned to the United States with the damages. Several

months later New York Times described about its mysterious adventures. On the whole, toMoscow and to Washington it was that hide, but Putin and Clinton everything settled. No

information about this will filter never, because &.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot; was raised to the surface,

but the section, where explosion occurred, it was cut off from the housing. Amin' - to scrap metal118 to Russian fellows, whose agony shook peace, concludes La stampa. Version of the ram: as

this was or it could be The Americans repeatedly denied their participation to the catastrophe of 

&.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot;, although two submarines of project Los Angeles - Memphis and Toledo

- actually they were located in the region of the studies of the northern fleet on 12 August, 2000.But after catastrophe Memphis it visited into the Norwegian port Bergen to the repair. But the

Ministry of Defense OF THE USA it did not allow Russian side to look around these ships in

order to ascertain that none of them was damaged. Proving the certain understanding between

Russia and USA about the ignoring of the true reasons for the loss Of kurska&.tsuot;, manyanalysts give the following associated facts: the special telephone conversation of the leaders of 

Russia and USA, then - the mysterious visit of the director OF TSRU of George snares to

Moscow. And finally, the random failure of Clinton's Billa of the development of antimissilesystem as the concession to Russia. Version of &.tsuot;stolknoveniye&.tsuot; it was one of three

basic at the very beginning of investigation. On it insisted entire former management of fleet,

then discharged by the order of President Putin. On 25 October been by the central board of Russian VMF Vladimir kuroyedov stated that it were confident in the version of the collision of 

&.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot; with the submarine. The version of collision outlined former

commanding of northern fleet Vyacheslav Popov in the interview for the Spanish newspaper El

Mundo. On 5 November the representative of the main staff of Russian fleet stated in theinterview NTV that the command VMF of Russia will defend &.tsuot;ne version, and

pozitsiyu&.tsuot;, which consists in the fact that by the reason for the loss of 

&.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot; collision with the foreign submarine became. According to him, the&.tsuot;prinimaya into the attention gravity of the charges, which will be produced for this state,

Russian side thoroughly carries out entire complex of measures for the identification of this of 

submariny&.tsuot;. 17 November in the interview for the newspaper of &.tsuot;Izvestiya&.tsuot;

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the chief of staff of northern fleet Mikhail motsak again gave the new proofs of the fact that

&.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot; American submarine ruined. This occurred at the very heighth of thewarming up of the Russian- American relations, when President Putin met in THE USA with

President Clinton. According to Motsaka, underwater object in the region of the calamity of 

&.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot; &.tsuot;zafiksirovali the hydroacoustic means of the cruiser of 

&.tsuot;Petr Of velikiy&.tsuot;, also saw it seamen, who were attempting themselves to take outthe emergency buoy of unknown origin, discovered in the Barents sea on 12 August. But in the

evening on 13 August military pilots saw the floated up bubbles of fuel in 18 miles from the

emergency nuclear-powered ship, and then antisubmarine aircraft they revealed the outgoingfrom the Barents sea submarine. Thus, is erected the picture of the fact that occurred from

&.tsuot;Kurskom&.tsuot; 12 August 2000: The foreign submarine, which controlled studies from

their beginning itself and which fixed the Russian surface ships, in the morning on 12 Augustcompleted certain dangerous maneuver in immediate proximity of Russian APL of 

&.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot;. As a result of this two submarines encountered. From the impact

something occurred with the torpedo tube or with the torpedo. The decompression of housing

could occur from the impact - air rapidly was pressed and was heated to several hundred degrees,

which could cause the detonation of torpedo. The strongest explosion, which fixed the ships of northern fleet, and even seismologists, occurred. 7.30 - seismologists of the Norwegian seismic

institute of &.tsuot;NORSAR&.tsuot; they fixed two explosions in the region of the catastropheof &.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot; in the Barents sea. First explosion by the force of 1,5 marks, in two

minutes - second explosion by the force of 3,5 marks. President of Russia Vladimir Putin - on the

leave in Sochi. The management of fleet, giving estimation to explosive force, determines thatAPL and crew perished with probability 95%, and it reports upward. They from there await order,

and preparation for the rescue operation thus far occurs. &.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot; were not given

signals, but signals SOS of podala another submarine - at first this led into error the management

of fleet. In &.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot; there was the call sign of &.tsuot;Vintik&.tsuot;, i, accordingto Vice Admiral Mikhail motsak, with this call sign already after emergency into ether left

&.tsuot;neizvestnyy korrespondent&.tsuot;. Period of communications took place into 19:30,

into 20:30, and also in 1:30 nights, when anxiety was already declared. Even three hours prior to

&.tsuot;Petr Of velikiy&.tsuot; revealed &.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot;, the management of fleet to&.tsuot;eshche had deceitful information about that which has svyaz'&.tsuot; with the submarine

of &.tsuot;Kursk&.tsuot;. Who precisely deceived command VMF, servicemen so did not say.

Now they do not exclude, that this could be the &.tsuot;prednamerennaya work in ether of &.tsuot;chuzhikh&.tsuot;, i.e., foreign submarine. Let us note that in the case CHP the submarine

OF THE USA, in accordance with instruction, had to give out itself for the boat of enemy, i.e., to

imitate the signals of &.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot;. Most likely, Americans knew its numbers and theyleft with them to the connection into these three sessions, reporting to its about the emergency

aboard. Also in accordance with instruction American submarine rejected the radio-buoy, which

revealed the Russian seamen, buoy from &.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot,; not it was rejected. After a

certain time after the catastrophe, about which no one nothing reports, they understandauthorities that after explosion in the command of &.tsuot;Kurska&.tsuot; to survive in effect not

there were chances. Putin is connected with Clinton, the RF Ministry of Defense - with the

Pentagon. The divers work on the spot of catastrophe. Upward again they report, that during suchdamages APL the crew, most likely, it could not survive. And on 12 August, and on 13 August

go negotiations with the American side. As a result both sides decide to hide collision. And only

in 2 days - on 14 August of approximately 11:00 - begins the played play from the

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communication of press- service VMF, that on the submarine occurred the troubles, as a result of 

which it was forced to lie on the soil.