s. eden, comm tech final project

Communication Technology in 2024 Comm 303 Stacey Eden

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Communication Technology in 2024Comm 303

Stacey Eden

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Tablets Over the past 5 years tablets have proven to be very useful

in almost any setting, such as personal life or in the business setting.

In the next 10 years they will become very vital to the business world as well as for personal needs.

As they almost are do, in 10 years most everyone will own a tablet to make their lives more convenient.

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Critical Mass Theory In social dynamics, critical mass is a sufficient number of

adopters of an innovation in a social system so that the rate of adoption becomes self-sustaining and creates further growth.

This can be tied in with the grown of tablets. Their growth has continued to increase and before long society will almost be dependent on them, thus causing even more growth in tablet sales.

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Wi-Fi Wi-Fi is the best way to access the internet while at home, in

a public building, or near a public building. In 10 years Wi-Fi will be the means of all Internet and

telecommunications. Wi-Fi will be accessible from almost anywhere in the world,

and will replace all 3G, 4G, LTE, etc. networks.

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Uses and Gratification Theory Uses and Gratification Theory explains how people use

media for their need and gratification. In other words we can say this theory states what people do with media rather than what media does to people.

This seems to go well with what I have to say about Wi-Fi in the future because we use Wi-Fi to satisfy our greatest media need, which is connecting to the Internet, and soon it will even be to just make calls and send text messages.

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Wearable Technology

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Wearable technology Wearable technology for communication has already started

with smart watches and glasses. These inventions have not completely taken off due to one

reason or another. Maybe it’s the price, or maybe just the technology.

However, in 10 years the kinks will have been worked out and they will be a very common item for people to own. Like smartphones are today.

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Moore’s Innovation Adoption Moore’s Innovation Adoption Theory says that innovations go

through a gradual change of being accepted by early adapters, early majority, late majority, and then lastly the laggards. Adoption can be slow and take time. The adoption rate most often follow a diffusion curve.  It can take time for everyone to catch on to the change. 

This theory is closely related to what is currently going on with the innovation of wearable technology. Only a small portion of people have adopted the wearable's but slowly more and more people will join in.

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Voice Command

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Voice Command We have definitely seen voice commands become more

common with Siri and other like systems in smart phones. As time passes, voice command software will become more

advanced and we will see it used much more often for many more uses.

This will not completely eliminate the use of keyboards, but we will be typing things out much less than we do today.

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Media System Dependency Theory At its core, the basic dependency hypothesis states that the

more a person depends on media to meet needs, the more important media will be in a person's life, and therefore the more effects media will have on a person.

I put this theory at the end because not only does it go with what I had to say about voice command, but also all the other technologies I mentioned. We are all becoming so dependent on digital media, that it is obviously having a huge impact on us and society as a whole.

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Referances Chasm Institute LLC RESOURCES Methodology Technology Adoption

Life Cycle. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2014, from http://www.chasminstitute.com/methodology/technologyadoptionlifecycle/tabid/89/default.aspx

Grant, A. (2014, January 12). Uses and gratifications theory. Retrieved December 9, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uses_and_gratifications_theory

Ball, J. (2014, November 29). Critical mass (sociodynamics). Retrieved December 9, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_mass_(sociodynamics)

Loges, W. (2014, November 29). Media system dependency theory. Retrieved December 9, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_system_dependency_theory