s h o w s o m e h e a r t i s s u e o n e


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Post on 31-Mar-2016




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Show Some Heart is a vegetarian and vegan zine. It has a positive natural theme through out, containing interviews with real people. It is both about teaching than it is informing.Show Some Heart is for both new vegans/vegetarians, aswell as people who are already. This zine will contain everything related to people and their animal friendly lives. Containing everything from art, recipes, dietry and nutritional information, interviews, reviews and music.


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INTRODUCTIONShow Some Heart is a

vegetarian and vegan zine. It has a positive natural theme

through out, containing interviews with real people.

It is both about teaching than it is informing.Show Some

Heart is for both new vegans/vegetarians, aswell as people

who are already. This zine will contain everything related to people and their animal friendly lives. Containing

everything from art, recipes, dietry and nutritional

information, interviews, reviews and music.


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Nutritional Information of vegetarian or vegan ingredient

suggestions. Interview with Sam Crocker of Antagonist AD, one of New Zealands most successful hardcore

bands. Two super easy vege recipies, Blueberry Muffins and an amazing Eggplant &

Tofu pasta bake.Interview with Dayna McDougall, Professional

Piercer at The Tattooed Heart. A review of Revive, an

awesome vege cafe right in the heart of Aucklands CBD by

Natasha Van Der Laan.


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How long have you been vegan?9 years

What was the reasoning for becoming vegan?A culmination of a lot of smaller reasons. I think if I had to pick a couple as my main ones, it was more of a ‘political’ choice. I’m all for sustainability and the meat & diary industry is not. When you’ve got rain forests being torn down for farmland & grain fields to feed cattle it’s ridiculous. Grain being grown in third world countries were children are dying of starvation & that grain being exported out to feed cattle so the company that produces the meat can save a few dollars making it. I don’t agree with the ethos of that system.

When you tell people you are vegan what is their general reaction?People are pretty confused and will be stunned. They won’t know what I could eat, usually ask if I eat heaps of bread or something similar. I think this points out that the majority of people aren’t conscious consumers they don’t really think about what they are buying or putting into their bodies.

What challenges have you faced as a vegan?The first few months are the hardest, just adjusting working out what you can eat. Once that becomes routine it’s really easy. I had another small struggle when I started training Muay Thai 6 days a week. It just meant again I had to re evaluate my diet, making sure I was eating right and healthy.

Is it hard to find places thataccommodate being a vegan or vegetarian?Not really, I’ve been through Europe, Australia, Asia and small town New Zealand, it’s pretty easy. I usually find the places that will surprise me will be new upmarket fine dining places which just won’t have any options on the menu. But in saying that I’ve only run into one place in Auckland that the chefs didn’t offer to make up a special vegan meal.

Can you recommend any good places to eat out in Auckland? One of my favourite spots is Ken Yakitori, you’ve got too change a few of the items on the menu but it’s delicious. Californian Burrito Company do a vegan burrito with fake chicken and cheese. Zap Thai does some amazing tofu dishes. Raw Power on Vulcan lane, tofu sandwich is a must. Revive makes really nice health conscious food. There’s seriously heaps of places around town cater really well for vegans.

Do you have any tips for someone who has recently becomevegan or vegetarian?Just relax, don’t beat yourself up over trying to be ultra vegan or vego, relax into the routine of checking all the labels. It gets easier and you can only do your best, at least your trying right? But the biggest thing is just get into the routine & get adventurous with cooking!

What is your favourite vegan snack or meal to make?So many. I think my easy breakfast is my favourite. Every morning before work I’ll make some quinoa with cinnamon, ginger and a whole bunch of fresh fruit, almonds, a little coconut cream and soy milk. So easy &makes you feel amazing.

Have you noticed any changes in your health and wellbeing since becoming vegan?Lost any signs of asthma. My body seems to be able to get fitter faster. I guess it’s the ‘right’ fuel I put into my body.

Antagonist AD www.facebook.com/antagonistad


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2 cups Unbleached All Purpose Flour or one cup normal flour and one cup

wholemeal floor.1 and 1/2 tsp Baking Soda

1/2 tsp Salt2 Lemons For Lemon Zest

3/4 to 1 cup Sugar1 cup Milk, any 1/3 cup Canola Oil

1 teaspoon Lemon Extract1 tbsWhite Vinegar

1 and 1/2 cups Fresh OR Frozen Blueberries


Preheat the oven to 375F for 15 minutes. Lightly grease a muffin tin.In a medium bowl, combine together

flour, baking soda, salt and lemon zest.In a large bowl, combine the

sugar, milk, oil, extract, and vinegar. Mix well.Add the dry ingredients

to the wet ingredients, stir until just combined. Don’t over stir.Gently fold in the berries using a rubber spatula.Fill the muffin tins about 2/3rds full.Bake until a wooden skewer inserted into the center comes out clean, about

22 minutes.Remove from the oven and let it cool for 5 minutes. After that remove the muffins from the tins and

cool on a wire rack.


0.45kg whole wheat penne pasta1 medium eggplant, diced

6-8 heads of broccoli2 garlic cloves

2 jars of vegan pasta sauce4 cup. fresh spinach, well rinsed

1 container firm, tofu, excess water removed

2 tsp. oregano2 tsp. basil

1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare pasta, then drain pasta when it is just slighly undercooked. While pasta is cooking, saute’ the eggplant and one

chopped garlic clove until tender. In the same saute’ pan, add the spinach with a bit of water. Stir until spinach is lightly

cooked and wilts. Drain the spinach in a strainer. Place theses ingredients into a

food processor. Blend until smooth. Add pasta sauce and eggplant mixture to

pot. Stir until combined. Spread 1/2 the pasta mixture into a glass dish. Spoon

the spinach mixture on to the pasta and spread evenly. Spread the remaining

1/2 of pasta mixture on top. Bake for 30 to 40min, once done leave to cool

for 10min before eating.




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What to eat to get the right nutrition into your body as a vege or vegan!

Revive is a much needed health haven amongst the greasy takeaway joints that dominate Auckland’s CBD. The cafe serves delicious healthy salads, hot meals and smoothies from two central city locations.

The cafe is vegetarian but many of their meals are also vegan and cater for other various dietary requirements. Revive is kind of cafe that does vegetarian well. We’ve all been to cafes that make half-ass attempts at being vege-friendly and assume, ‘Hey, you’re a vegetarian, you’ll LOVE our ORIGINAL spinach and feta combination’. Yawn!

Revive ensures customers get the protein and iron they need in a vegetarian or vegan diet by using a variety of chickpeas, beans, tofu, lentils and nuts. They also use whole grains, natural flavourings, fresh local produce and free range eggs.

If you do choose to pop in to Revive, I personally recommend signing up for their weekly emails which feature health tips and recipes and discount coupons for the cafe. Nothing like some food for thought!

Revive is located at 16 Fort Street and 33 Lorne Street. For more information and to see their weekly menu check out www.revive.co.nz

orange or kiwifruit or having a glass of fruit juice will help obsorb the iron.

Vitamin B12 As long as your eating a healthy vegetarian or vegan diet you shouldn’t have to worry about your B12 levels. But it is although better to be safe than sorry. Sanitarium Maramite is a great source of B12, with one piece of toast giving you 25% of your daily intake, often soy products are fortified with it. There are also suppliments availiable which can help. If you are worried, its as easy as going to get a simple blood test through your local doctor.


Protein can be found in many vegan and vegetarian friendly products. Such as whole grains like quinoa, beans, lentils, most nuts, tofu and other soybased products.

By Natasha van der Laan



l Info


Dried and undried beans, dark green leafy vegetables, lentils, quinoa and tofu are especially good sources of iron. Often even better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foodscontaining vitamin C along with foods containing iron. Vegetarians do not have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than do meat eaters. Eating a fruit like an

S H O W S O M E H E A R T S T I C K E R S O U T N O W !


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How long have you been vegan?Going on 2 years I think?? I can’t remember to be honest!

What was the reasoning for becoming vegan?I love animals too much! They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. I was Vegetarian for a bit then saw some really eye opening footage that showed me the dairy industry was just as horrible if not worse as the meat industry and I was a bit of a hypocrite for still eating dairy and eggs. So I stopped consuming it! Easy as that!

When you tell people you are vegan what is their general reaction?‘OMG like what do you even eat?!’ “where do you get your protein from?!” haha Normally very negative or defensive. They often attempt to tell me why they eat meat and justify their own actions. Sometimes when people suddenly reflect on their own morals they get angry and try to put you put you down for being different to them and how they have been brought up. Or make up excuses as to why they ‘need’ to eat meat and cheese.

What challenges have you faced as a vegan?The only real challenges is finding food thats suitable when travelling. On planes etc. You can aways get a vegan meal in a restaurant and most places are pretty accommodating to get you something more substantial hen a garden salad!

Do you have any tips for someone who has

recentlybecome vegan or vegetarian?

Dont be snobby to trying new things!!

Eat a variety of foods and make sure you

research a bit of nutrition so you know how to keep

track of what vitamins you needto keep on top of! Dont

fall into theap of being a ‘junk food vegan’, eat lots a fresh fruit

and veg, grains, beans and soy!!! If you have cravings and fold don’t beat yourself up. Everyone makes mistakes! Go to SAFE

and pick up a delicious vegan version of cheeses, icecream, chocolate bars!

Have you noticed any changes in your health and wellbeing

since becoming vegan?For sure, I feel better physically and mentally.

I dont get food poisoning anymore and I dont feel gross or heavy after a meal! Vegan

food rules, everyone, vegan or not should try a vegan version of their fav dish and see if they notice the difference! Your heart and

intestines will thank you for eating clean, healthy food!!

The Tattooed Heartwww.thetattooedheart.co.nz/

Dayna McDougall

Professional Piercer At The Tattooed Heart

S H O W S O M E H E A R T S T I C K E R S O U T N O W !



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