s jt nn - library of congressffni iiie worn for a long time awar-hm rltfirgmagalnut k tolm...

Genmll f ir today and toroorratH- VOL LXV1HNO 362 YORK WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28 WQ PRICE TWO CENTS k1- Jt Atuor NE AtIPOIb7ASnllrhHaouqlwbllAinAdallOl i 4 s A- t S c i i 0 f nn c PH1LB1N HITS RIGHT AND flT JOLT Fair CROKKIt OV FOR TnT OYKMAff sTAr tr the tlart1 BakeOff MOOOO a Ye- Hn w Much I oe an 111 rjtlsh quire eo rime Near FtitUng DlamsmV en ToMlajs Calendar Modea Vacate tne Slay Ho Heard T da Argument In the Heannell Ct District Attorney 1hllbln made a fle- d y nf It yeolorday In Sconnell cai- he led for Uichard Croker with his right ai- r tlm Diamond COM 1m came pretty rm- iwiving that Um May niJne hail travel otiuide the Code of Criminal Iropnlim In fact he wild that tim had inlouded puttln Diamond cant on the General Senior slrndir for pleading today In spltn t- Jtixtle Pykmanri slay and hn Inquired JuMlce Cilegnrloh if tills would be contenit nf two Suprenxt Court Judges at once II dUlnt put the case on Uie calcnd 0rugh- Uoknr came Into Inn Boannell COM argil nent on thn tlmory Utat he luu mom ln- Oiierce than William I Marks acciiMHl o mwplrlng with thn bead of the Mm De- virtmenl to mike thn city pay extraragnn- prirv for nuppllen 26 per or BO goln- to Marks Mr riiilbln In hi humbln capacity of a prirat- rltlrrn Urk hai made tSOOni a year We ran Imagine what might Im thn profit of n unofflcUl citlren wllh great polltloa power H could acquire million so man tlSt It would l n congenial to him to seel- tlie ntmophere of royalty In preforeoo fr the democrallo air of country Mr IMltiin said this In Justice lllder- Vev court In resisting a motion to quasi the Indictments against Heannell and Mark snd Ui urging that them should 1m a InveetUatlon of the charge at a Il came Into the argument at tlm umiiel H Ordway liaving put the Ieopm- m n nn1 Mr Nicoll having replied On the point that Mr Ordway had l ei Improperly In the Orand Jury no- ffieo if th l it riot Attorney Mr Xlool- Jd IM without doubt this invalidate litili m nt In pr v dlncn- KKlfit the Int lohn Y McKann den Tracy and Kilwnnl M Hhepanl were e- peolally cnraic i for the poople Tlv- iiie tii n arow whether they could appea- Ixfiro th irand Jun and on rcf n no to tlw JuMloa of tIlt Supreme Court li- Urooklyn It wan decided that Tntcy am- Sheparl muni flmt l n nworn In ru Hpecia- AMl Uiit DlMrirt Attorneya Tlvtv wen Ixlli vm i rn In Mr Nicoll oontlnui The danger of gtilng behlr l tho atat If er Kn At If your Honor iiplnild- llw contention of the ltrlct Attorney you will i tablUh A new form of practi v- at variance ith txide and fraught wltr- dangenMi po iilHile Of iwurne In quiet and peacnfil iMiie likn the there U IK real ilnnger l i tlw tlmi might corn when a Wjirlct Attorney would put the power In the a ouunae- i lally appolnlMl Itjr the lr d r of a po lltiml faction We might then M In dlitttient fo iTil lOt thn purpose of fur ririB iollilcnl end It HH that M Phllbln anked t- an on Ito nnid- 11m riniirwt lii Ifndilig Up to th IlilHf IHM llllllrttn dhow that th- e i t filrm wii fhnvkii to Imth tb- ettilmitK tiuiiler wn first brotigh- Milllc llgb when a dixniwion aro i lomptroller ant Mr Smnnel- feuanl to theiM very mallerx o thaI ffni iiie worn for a long time awar- HM rltfirgmagalnut K tolM madeagainiit t fir ilayi Ilk ilefcndarita wen n t aptwir before that Uxly nlil ready It U m t ImjiortAnt that m i ohould l brought to trial Tin i iiitnt the mot brlllian i mler In the county of Sew York Join UniKiy awl tttn mo t able DL tric- oniey New York ever hart iIV Uiuv to evnde an ln i tlgatlnn of idnrt You have th lr eloquent ploaa- v w whllo It I Impowlhlr of cour Court to tflkn cognlmnce of anythlnfi- n Klden v I may wiy that if the rmtrnl are not rebuked by a convictloi- in rllf rivrt you wilt permit tho growtl- kvtiem that will mean the loe of i of dollam to the city a they any at Tlie Club handei- ie to Mr troker a quoted alwre this rlo n of the arguments long briefi well this Grand mlnuteH WIT f nit to the court The minute i l K JiiNtlce lildereleeve r p mte argument on this demurreri- he lnihrtnenti Tlie motloim to qua h r gr rt l would make pleading newUe- etii it WM und mtood that If th tnotloni fail the Court will p Mi upon this demurreri on this arjrunientH already presented- Wlieu tje cao of Police Captain Diamond indicted neglect of duty ram before J iMice Glcgerirh it took ome time to make r what wn Wfore the court After lletxirder floff had given apt IMtiMiml an extension of time to plead t i ho militmetit Henry Clay nen lerMii I tmnond vounicl evcurrd a stay of all1- rK llngi from Jutlce Uyknuin at WSlte llnlim pending a motion to t rtmovi- t o n for trial to this Hupremo Court In another nmnty lisa Dintrict Attorney fit n onler how cauro why the Uulil f it mcAted at t a It affected l more pleading to the indictment wnd- B argument on tlie motion fur turn re- moval of the cane et for Aug 2V and on Mrrxiiy night Jii tl Dykman an Her Mndlng this motion tn the luwti Imie for argtmient Although Henderwon had ob lbed this lro mari t Vor h u on the indictment a at fniey f r IHtmond Ilenderwm- d wt crrd with the onier mail iv JuMtce Ilrkman n MolKlar night rind lawyer Vorhaty who Itad hen m HMarr Iwfore Jutlcn Ilkgerieh ami- bjeeteid tn the argument prncitoilng Henderwtn w tie attnmey 1 and not nntifteil lawyer Mikl he w nnt d In argue iiXmr aM ake tit Hl e m adXMtnie4- m tKMi wnrtil bar arcHment fnr Uie LEFT I CUt t th I t of Ont fair trial rom Ian th ut I nIT I I or n1 t tot r L let I h Ia tr- I for I l l mae < tAr Iou I 1 rr It r r t- at o I r I a I I t I 1- t I 1- I f u t thL I In LI kwOtfl tti I i p I 4 tS I hIS llf h I hem ttia chrg r Ikb them arid tli fl4 ifiroh stand i 4 They I lavA onav4 11 their many p Jury a cud 4 tiny 1w say i to alt r o been 4 is 4mntIftI I olt iiianl- t4t1W4Mrity a its leLta 4 b writ t4 4 5 wria tw the wisdr ruisi 4 I 4 pak t a isiwst iitr st4in s IwI4 4 5 Iidtt ts sidd 044 Iht May tir ii w4e 5 Jrii IlhiAa ri Ilcril 14 4 t44 isre Ji tidi 405 Ihtg 1k d I ks- illw rip Al- I A 4 45- S l 1 s ri- a b m b i t > < > > > > < > > < > > < > < < > < < > > ¬ < > > < by Mr Uniideraon wan In due that b ilgood it while f 1 oorwider that I ahould hay thoroughly In placing this on of the B wloi for pleading JuaUoo I could not have been charge with contempt of oouit for fo tar of will auffi If any postponement of this nw la not u cuggmt mo I do not prop for mn to Plato roy reason for tn now for I do not It right for District Attorney to revenl to thin defeat hU rtuLaorui ma prowlure- llm motion as be ld a not bolng he did not have the ea how the publlo intvrvtta were goln to KUffe- rJuaU aaylng t lAwyer that the District Attorne merely wanted to ttrike the stay out the to show why thor alioul a change of venue Attorney aald that h has road Ui Uie that Co Hemlei had lw n simply called In to get th lr replied waa not true almlU order with a Play had been granted b mUaloner 8 annell Mr H nder on n the In the rave did not want th Attorney to require Cupt o to tran made twoauiMi he kuhen to to iuath the Indlctincn anti nina to demur to f ufTlcUincr District Attorney 1hllbln todd that I wan tho duty of to I ready for the motion on of hoar lni mi i Vorluiu n- ihulr wen of rwortl for Capt IIi irond Mitt Col Henderson niuno wea no- of record whore the stay was granted He continued 1 think It I outrageous that aa Ma trict Attorney of thU I should U treated In the fa hlon I have va I M- Inot here voluntarily but hnmlMpii lragge4 herr by the action of the defendant vinrr Sol only has tire District Attorre- l n to jump alunit from plnx to pUu n la thU cam but bn ha IKOII com to a CIMHI watch on confident It the game of the Ihiinbl rust a I numot yet which ehel- tho attorney for la under I not the defendant In properl t imt- Mvagelr T1i he would niljotirn motion until rniuuiiiK that moan whin Mr Hendorson A nil wax nmkounced Mr Ilillbliu- vkccl thu Court if lb c i stiAxl an if tin nider of Jutl Iranffirring th iiin hail not b n brought to the attentioi- of The Judgo said It remained in Mat u I wnntHil to know sawl Mr IhllbinI- mcHiHH I do not want to IM in ountemp- of two Supreme Court Judge al one and I waiite I have an your Honor a It has men my Ui to put tlm of Diamond on tin Sennion oulitwlar for tomorrow I connldvr the stay of Justlo loyalist I do not think the Dl trict Atlorne wilt place himself in contempt of court JuMlce IU AHMlktant DUtrict Attorney vcstonlay that the M y hail signed had e n prepared that It box been without Tile District Attorney ho said wit vlnwd that a stay only the trial of the and that pr- llmlnary motions and pleading that any Star wem HUg tory and that DiMrlct Attorney n l them It wu through t tin Justice until hi attention could Ix- c lle l lo th ernir It wan A Utanl District Attorney Sand ford who obtainixl the cliangn pla for the argument of the Dlamoml t y- Acconllng to Dintrict Attorno fans Im was nollflnl oil Mot day by Juntim son that Juntlci would to Imvn this argutntui madn hem inilciiil of hUn at Whit Ilalnn bccaiim hn wa MISS ws TO Tin nrscrr- n oman n as flaking Tow anl the Rl er niin- lawers llaughler Intervened Ileld nta of Knit 12Oth street saw i woman wandering down the Mrpet L night nccaMoiuilly tIlting on a d xmtr for a few momeiiM to r M Among tlu who paw her wi re Iiwypr Frank M- itnd hi lUughter wlui live at MO About tt oclock tlm woman started thA river MUM Mowi followed her Ac ionllng to Policeman Hart of Um K- nlrth street elation woman ran on t- tlm pier at the foot of the street aunt ws- lxml to Jump Into thn water when Mix MMH graht d hr Policeman Hart Mr Moat wino had ml ed hU lUughter bouts cams up and anslMed hi diugh Mr MOM say thU story I a llttm et nggeralwl Hn nays that the woman w- In tilts Mmet when Us daughter stopjx her and that he and hi daughter aMinlet her to hi home Khe fell from weak nc anti thuy had Mime difficulty in get trig trot to lila house TlieV wcrn domi their lv t to rvvlvn her with liartMion- whnn IVlkonun Hart came along IU- Kjalle l an ambulance On the way to Ihllevus Hotpita this woman toM Dr Slovin unit roliiumu Hurt llmt she Lad Ixwn ill tot some Illus and that tine met two men yesterday win took her to a saloon In 190th Mrwt gave her drink and annaulted tier At Imlle run was tact In Lice ward hn dmtorn Mild that thought thai he wa getting over a long siiren Mr Ust night tliat a far a m could sun them waa no sign of liquor ri thn woman She s nnmil to h- jild an if the were Insane or had bests Inigged- Tne woman Ka snvenu names idilrew s at She said that tail l n In Tins llronx tn the afternoon ilid hart faitcn arid cut her Iwad Tin xillcerimn say theist he woman lisa ell alKHIt oddy- YOI u Kinv rrrie- imleaMlld CtolUl Carrleil OIT rrrtia li Item thin father CniCAOO Au JJ SevenyparoM aret Tyler aid tn IM Mr lo a IIML was kidnapped the borne Irs M r Oreen at 2J t MagnulU aveoi by man whom Mr Green kvs ve Is Um father of the girt irorced horn tier mpUmr r eral years n The kblnapinng vurmd at 2 f ct x k- i tlm fteni H n- Th inan drove up in frwit f r lire av f U b Un Ml Iheeti MI I- UrgttMt were MSMttnc M4r 4 the dtlM- h vttrs4 slr rMf 4 suit ienig i this SK H p t4l sway Mr- ws M i Tlir- w 4 lam isMM t J- a sx f Urn Mserr I t 4 I- Uf i se for and n I I Uon 1 of mont I the rpt url u lot hot Urn In the Dia mod c 1 loll of t lou U the kOp th IN Juu I thilk ho i lhUbll Mil I list 1 out nln I I fur him fd paid JIlt ant r 11 alI Irhph Imum rot I p- I for t i tie I Irk I a I I 1 I I flr lasi to Aura t11 1 I attn I I a 1 a C t t t a I I tc P 1- I 1 bee aa- Juatlo s Mr Vorhaws eald not argu eau Lit tort clay Justics MoAdsun cane attorney au ts rain addod Mr lbs nuttI od tim s wit s cue hiv too high a tpert sans esulttrsY iiI tin told toni si sib and Mon aNt the tarn the days Mar elate torn if hiss a sb ui IN lflTrl aNt flHi1it4 tat tt aJ whet I S WsSlI u4ri sl gattut- Itii4 ills l kMIN4t4 5ri S sl 144114 ustt4 AI 4 viiitt- i be was r I ib 1554l I A I Ia nep rc- e4 5445 5 i AA < > > < < > < > < < < < > = U S SENATOR BLACRBALL- ELwrKti1 run wnrft PATTIH- 50V Or COtAtttADO- eaiaUonal InoUrnt of the Meeting of U- Amrrloaa list Aoc4atloa In DraTi The Only HepoliUKM Member 9 Committee Net Prraent lnen tl- Oeniecratlo IMxiator ITM Voted Oa- Duxvrn Col Aug J7Conl- attleflelda attack upon the Unll l Hupreme Court for Its the cases waa not the only interesting foatu of the meeting of the American liar AM lu Denver l nt week although moist widely reported Tlie rrally Incident of tl- mentlng wa the blnakballlng of Inltf- Htatea Senator Thotnaa M Iatteraon rnimbnnhlp in the liar Aanoclatlon Tl local oommittee that pauml his wan compound of imven members i tire Denver bar nix of thew Uiing m crata and one u Itopubllonn ITiU tnembo however Mr was not preaont i the meeting aa The rvpoi- accompatiyinK the reoonuncndatlou Uu the application IM rtinUxl was not publlo U 1 generally admitted mutt have dealt with other than log a hU standing an a lawyt in wldily known Mr 1attcraon had aorr notoriety aa a lawyer In Indiana long bcfot he took up hl rmideiKM in Colorado- It a unusual thing for a lawyc of reputation to bo blackballed by th- Amnrlcan list AwHxtatlou and Ita mom bem am anxious to know UM for th action in Sonator whlc I all the morn remarkablo in view of the fac that thn r uf whtah he U pw- prictor contained an edllorial lice da liefoni the vote waji taken highly euki- Kllng the American liar A oclallon ant welcoming Ita member to Denver THIS WAS v Iiri inn fjiglneer KeUe IIOM Out Nix Feet o Illackinalte- KitKrnoU N J Aug 17 Supt U- KiMtt Matlnck of IldhoM Water S or Syntim HH ntly put down H nei- ttiiilnch urtixtan will nt tlio pump ut lj k TtpaiHiiiiui Uu mid lngtiKv KelMiy went cviiiinvtlnx tho few tho ompnitMir of hiss nell A pliHX of Iron pipu was utnl to make thl- comiiNtinii Tim hall Un lakni from this Mtwnr farm a few nrek i so am hail b vn Ivlng on ihn KiaM vv r inu at tine puiup tJilli ti llrft plM WHM nlxiu- twenty tiiot in hiiBtli Klhl f t wor- iul oft oiu end of the plpu uud n HUH ttitrai put on Matlack tried to blow through tin l lx lint found that It was Mopped KnliMv then aloud 01 unit tap It with a hammer din fell out anil tho toots thought clear nut started to comuxt U with tin f id Mr Mat luck up on out Udder and on another and Mr MatUck looking into second time haw wan Mill t ri Mr wa ilumfouniied to tics head of n large block snake log about ten mrh frr- miakn hUned In Mr Mauicn isio waved Itn head crawling further out al than whilst Mr droppe te ansi I trnant Mr ny MIW the Miakn which owr ix foot long Mr K U y v heUononf lh lx M lilowi- In liiwn but Im did not think tluit hn cuuU blow hanl enough to onus Miskoa to op peu- lWASIIOIT HflTKS A IYIKIWI- ongreMiiiin Ainuiig Injnrei- In a Arclilriil RICHMOND Va Aug 27 Iniwptige train No 12 on Southern lUllway wa- wreckn hy running Into a washout nee Danville early morning aunt eovern- x n oi s Injiimil Among them wen Major PrIer J Ot v of lynclilinrK C in- grnuman from the Sixth dixtrict left lutm- liadly UivraUil tin lion II A Duvln mom Imr of thn CoiiMttultonal Convention Kianklln county hip arm nut kit ld- Udly bniled fare cut Mr H A IKivIs- Mtvcm Knli wound and conluslon Iwiweoi- Um hotildoix- Thn woxhout cnus tl by H trial gn nily swollen by rtxftt rain ten feet of track without foiimlMinri cnginn cai- i aw ml wiMy over lint tlm trank aunt em- iniikment gave way UIH two wai- rwachoN which on o them down emttankmont Mr and Mot Davix and their four chit occupied seAtn opxmlt Major Oter- rtrl crnxh c nm umlei the cosmIc Major fell letting lied of ear tho Urn Then thn tar turned piling th mj M ngiiti in a heap agnlnni sort window x Mr Davln was atiinneil anti Mm iMvii- wrut perhapn Uin womt hurt Their ell iltvn wet 4ive nlino t without e ratch i thn prompt amUunm of Major Dtey men alxiut in tho l rkni M ami gut them out from amonu the ieatn One woman saved her self by swinging from tho vltandcllcr ASK fon Jf Wf lfMWVtl- lemlirrf of the Nome lUr SB Judge or- li Incompetent SAX FIUNCIIICO Aug 57llftrtwon- etnbnra of thin Niinm l r ha n iwUtioiim- lIrealdent McKinley to remove Judge Arthur II Noyes nf that Dtotrict Court of the NnjinJ- JlvUi4i of In thin alleged that Judge soyea U v cillAling dilatory weak r hal Iwgligvnt relen and rl lntclr- ncorapetetit that lie lout the mVience std of the attorney of ihn Imr f the court unit of the nt of bun iwileial dwtrict tint order anti de- nw am oUtr and treated with ninn that the iilim if a fear iw rind honeM Ju lc In urgently required it NORM to n vrtit and bl xl- heil to rwllevw tlm cong te4 calendar arid 11 petition urge hi ImniedUte remnal a it f a comtmtent sup u r llm tfi n wa try ateanwr- i this city to pmgra4md tn Washing n i 1 a cuntmHIee was apt 4lit st t IH- ui data Iron tins t wrt re nl t p- rdrvvov i vrii- rtlirr l trM iienienl ef- TeiMtrrl ln t- 1Vx l n flat d ron It for VAl mat I roost CUM all frt u- pI lnr Mol Ill the 11n to Ice the pip bMw isi nil 01 nOl I ho t All I I Itt n rSr aDd to 10tO I I I t a I I thl t Jtp I mt It I I II I I I sensational upon appli- cation Europe bin tine its dat hit sth tills lull the told blow white held till Ass Mr the The stint II lark Iii wits tu ThoSe iso this wet nut was dream was lbs aunt ho t list lieu tic tin puts tilT the erie through fish ban Ida low auiti cod toni IS thaa asit4 oiyr llordtis I lice ares 71 itdstig t 4ssirIl I- wj1 ILISI akt PtnsrtoUsesna 5I 11155 tpI 4 5 a i41nrP4 sgstr W uwsIso flirt w4011 4C lee 1i04 AtliWes hIst ay i1 IIr orwe c mId h h4 I isi Ihi- I P Wl 1U14 4esi4 r 4 be- I ari tt lhoss t- a I SiAt 1 SIP < > < < > > < < > > > > > 77UMV5 Under Prom a locomotive Make Onerallwi Meoestarr- ClUnLMTO S 0 Aug Senate ItonJarnUi Hyan TiHman wise went t yesterday to attend A jiolltlcj meeting waa ford this morning to l at for home on account of the eondltlo of his eye The Henator one got eyo On the way to Spartanburg ywtei day b occupied a seat In tint duty coach which U hU habit when travelling in bout Carol In and hot cinder flow In throng window and lodged In hi eye Titer wa a marting sUng aid BenaCnr TUlnu endeavored to have Ihv cinder removed Hi failed In thU however and last nigh suffered a great deal Tim tryst was In flamed anti It was found neop nry to pot form an Ill alarmed for fear that li may become blind although the Senate I hopeful that the trouble will dUappetu- He rntunicd to hUt hoot at Trenton whir w will ruinalu in n dark room Ilefor leaving Hparlanburg gay out a statement lit which IHI spokn of hi adherence to the Democracy Us wa- opHMKHl lie said to the Cleveland brand o- Democracy and claimed tlio credit wiring Houth Carolina from the 1opullst In 183- TUlman alto touched on recent pwc- alnut a irobabl cottonmill strike raId the operatives weru ritllllml to orvr consideration sort tluit any attempt t cxipTcn thorn Into voting for Mrlnurl would result In much and Interns troubles for tho nOUHKI A IAMUU JiorffJ- otwton Nelrrd K431O stub Kprinlnl Ul Has Caught It Pollre- NABIITIUK Term Aug 77 A robbor- ooourred in the gambling niunu over Ui Climax Miloun at 8IS oclock thin bunS hog Thoma J Johnson 2H years ol a innker by iradi wm lion fo- llowed gambling fur txjnm thus scliix- luckutbook ivnUtuiliig 1420 tIed urn lund gone several block before bo wu taken In custody V J Cantmll an em- ployee ofllmhou n Um rnone kiwi placed It In ibis when Juhtuton who wax a pupxr ploked tilt tin nid him In tint dtivrn wli n uiM u JohiiHn toll intuit if In- trivd in utop him tut would hout him u the same titus tu hluic the muzcln of pUtol lu Cant mil n fact intn U who haul thought Jolm on war fell back anti Johnon mtmatm th nxun cor ruvolvnr- l AolilMC tli door ho boltml down tl- Norgeant Long caught Johnson nt the em- of thus brldpt revolver taken train him ansi hn marched to th- ilioo Matlon when Im wan searched llm inonoy found Intact Johnou admitted taking the money slid Ui explanation Im tics hou owei him lund tried to get a et- Ikunent but fattest suit hn tr It In thU huh story denied lohmton wan arraigned In Court Itound over to tint court am later wan transferred to jail BLOCK ov iniKitsinK xotarP- ilatlnl Itrtlilrnrtt In UP Unlit nn iliim Mnrlrl lroprrl The Orjilvin A luin Hocirtr of thn f Now irk practically otirlud l n of thn block boundmi by llivrr id- l n p t Knd avpmiH and Nventy thIrd and verityfourth street Th- roprnct nf Ml to haw li in flgntM- yiittpnluy aftPriKxiti hut the d l for nilhiR ItiHtnnntit waa pont onp- nwlni to apppmnm of oomn obotarle- whlrh i saul however to bn of nvall Inc Mirtatir- tMiiry W I Korost Inaldi nt of 1 1 J ll l KK thing with mfortnco to tle sale that are pending lie deal IWn arrange by s Poll A Co- Ml IVH bil1 Uixt that ho expecle contract to l elgimd lu a few Tim buyer Im Mild Is a Wt t ni und tho alxnit ll ivo Tl i prop- erty It in undrwi od U used rca Mle fur leMideiuM Its dimensions an- MN Lx3Mx2 lxni3ll- Tlm l x ety is n private corporation iMtahllnhrd In IW7 over i Year ago It wile decided to nil the horns Drho haul iiruwn valiiabVe mid to curn a exiwnMvi- him on which to build largur lion In modern eon trurtinnal A plot of forty acre wits on the ibovn Yonkcr where quarters now ruurxi of will for mr by OcloIxT next yunr bateau if bunting one building an now tlm In itltutlon occupy n group of cottage lilmiu lloinl of lte lew thai to FU Sum ArbllrarllC- HICAUO Aug 57 John Al xaml Xiwin the Modorn Iroph of Zion uYtl uuthority of tho llinl of llelpw to lay l owia wits arbltiarlly aanonMHl- JMtjixM on hi n r onal pioperty Fins InoUlon van enternd In the oa Sot lot liail men eerveil upon IXmie- up ar t for the board rind how CAU I thy aK finent should riot IM r l roni tlt0tn IlilK was I ho second untloi- ynt to Itowle alit In each ca he Ignored lw rTln r ni To lay the Ixianl wa te l 10 Urn over a HU tta n illnl ntid thnrn l lng no Succor this coin iUlnant Attorney M 11 Anhtou b anl- AixxiidmK to Infoimatlon loP with tlm Modern April I was nwinr of the Laiul- iivvvtiitntit AoMiciatiou Xloii lAiialxr Xlun I My iUnlni Mill and four ite- PI five home f r of hix follower llHler trpatmenl Hven tab rnaclc and to tier liwt Information obtain hud upxanl nf JWOtRO iH riepovlti- t of ainre gone Into Vaukecan And timid t i n niakn the a i vHrMtiil larger arting- xn tlwlr autlmnty to Itt an arbltrnr- SU against H TtT i tM rm wlto teI- IM to re il l lintum tnit after rni- Hleratlon It wan rxml to make the flgit- huiMi an amount MIKHI wliwh thy n- m m mllnriion can IM in HM event nrntrs 10 urr NoitTHAfiKs rest tear tar on the ta irm- Ijxl nt Island Ilt lHHi4li I I Auf 1 l 1 ikied IMt fkrwter Ml Ine lItter et aM tint adjnw t i n nf SM f- cha t 11 1JlIW a 7 roll a the ol rUn I I for h ham mil m WI a 1 dull the II mon I gt I tr City 1 tu I U bUnt unity alIt tic 1111 Ion HS1iS II IR SM1O000 till I his tilt Ut Ill prll lInt 1 till 111111 Of I I III tl I t mal i I a oonlt j turn I I ot C t- tea Iksi of I to- t a ItC r till r II I It rI I fo S C- t I It w- oi lute lit ham lund cuuilet1 honk took Inward door keeping the five liinc stole 1k wun nveral 141015 Poik writ was and luau his Old Orphan S lint cat W cnn bus the I the St Incttooa alsy lust has loIs is tic t sty Ini eutfot noirii a his mst was wan Zion cUt sic ri iA Jet 1bi tuwniWrw 4 leg 7 Inir Iris i aw tat I rail 1 N0404 sisi 5iri t he 10 i a- SsaI 1 iIctiWI inselt a 1I IflN 5 041 IdS 4su aas4 04sW Mi rI itiw S W a 4 rees 1 i41 p4 S 4aHt ioasa- artr s h- i j 55 ss1 i l- tt a s S- S 0 s ea ma < < < > < < < > > < < > TO WED LADY FRANCIS HOPE MAJOR xTnoo MAKK A VorVCEtf AWT AT YOKOHAMA Kays Nile li ow Herklng Dhoree Fro Her Titled llmuand Kxpsct to main In Japan Indefinitely and IJ In Foreign Settlement at Yokoham HAM KiUKCiion Aug Yokohan- advicca received by stxnmer say that Ma- jIutnant IiraiUe Strong of Sow York an lady Francis Hope known M Ma sob hats arrived there wider thn nan nf Mr anti Mrs Hjnllh They were book for Nagasaki Major Wrong in an Interview eald thin noruwnm which ban apiioarwl about ti in Han FranrUui lId New York wti ei I al olut ly foUn I do Stat concert in Identity lId admit freely that lAdy iran els Hope U travelling with um I Inten to make her my wif Htm U at uronet- ocuilng a divorce from W huband lx r- Kramiis What do I Intend to do Wnll I nxpec to remain In Jat nn Indollnltoly arid afto going on far an Nauautkl I shall n turn t Yokohama and takn un my residence I hue bluff Tlm bluff U wtiore the foreign- er mXAfS WILD ilSUKIt- Uealli of Three Men In Tom to Cvntrc- llesumunls lsteM Oil p- UjtlLis TVx Aug 7 Tltren men dca- iltv overcomn by gas and In n critical toti- dltlon and oust of lIsts largest rind most feiu- clou oil gushers In the world goUig lutely wild IM tho condilluri that baa ex- cited tin Hplndln Top trill dlntrlc at Iieaumont fur twentyfour hour Ialfstlnn llaaumolil well raliui wlUi a rush met night and tho oil iuule- wlUi trnmendous ansi volum that control of It all Imptxuilblllty 01- Um part of the men conducting the drill lug ThoUMtnds of barrels of oil an bou flowed out funning lakes trial rivers arouni- thn derrick anti endangering this calms ol Hold nitd this oily of Ikauniunt In caxi o urn starting At the tinie of the unexpected rush o sill Jamnt S Smith John McDanleU um lures other workmen atternpte to nell thn ehlltofT valve Imnntth thw derrici floor In onion to bold back the oil Smltl McDsnlel wore ivercoine by und Ml distd in tho lak of oil Thorn II Ireighton Mitt Thorns SundocU wert overcomn by teN and renoued u uriconsoliu condition Iliysirinns of tot frt m fin to n ven hoim work r tor this tiKii to consclouantwt hut their lives tn still de i alred of Iat iallaglier nn employot of the Hey WXM Oil loiniaiiy lost hi life In tics man user that Smith anti McDanlcU did last night Ilia two ooinjunluna wet riocuod un LXJIWCIOUK A amall army of mon 1 on watch rnierRpridea Ui the entire oil Held tonight The oil has fonned a river and goo turnhUnI out over plndlo Top hill tnriw SHY o cAtuAnr Dropped III at J Ilcrponl Morgan Coi- lo llorron a Mrkrl Said Sit Illinirlr Senator liuun y M l ipi w madn hii- IrM vifi to Wnll Sttiet y t rrlay MHO lit return from Kurnpo lln m 1 wvenil burg financial liu tllutloiM oi- f Inch lu i a dinivtor including rxiulta Ufn Aituriincu Society rind tins Trust Coiiiwxiiy A new iaxir reiiortei rico met hun ju t hn was entering tin nico of J I Morgan A Co him tot pointer regarding the InitiurtAnt affairs brought him Into Wall Strict Tlie liewn of th tiny that I an trapped Mild Sins Senator I spent al- tiy on my vacation and am hj- nrfani I run In bistro to toe If m Morgan will loud too a nickel to uptown onn A rtcile- rken llullt It After a lion Our a irrrntierg Pulled It itrkili of 4W Newark Mreet- lobokell built li fence 43 feel high day ago III the rear of hi boti 0 prevent Im eny Karri and Chart Imnntierg who llvn at 410 fruits seein pnxAing remark on what the Gvrkn- arnily am having for dinner Tlm Jrwii- xrg pull d It down Oerken hail tic imnrilxrgn Imforn Ju io of the Pc r jigler who held them In ball on- hargn of mallciou mlwhlef Th M raltm elation of Um two famitlex brnugh- Ixml a lieu win Ixiongd to the but Uld egg In terketia yard HIVJIWV IAHIl HIM IIAIHirltt- elurns the Paper loder At- ctnril Him of stealing YoxKcn N Y Aug 27 Il njamlii UM New Yoik flour nmrcliant who charged with jx tit Ur nny by Noal- ioiler Jr illvharged lu lay und hue Ni m nllego to have Niirt stolen weto- unie l over to Loder Mr Iarr 0funce that the papent had Ixcn handed to by his own lawyer Chariest iuentlng- liienilng letined however that tie pax r- ren lialiUcd to Parr by Ixxjnr Judge iellogg held that thorn could no Isrvrliy- tbero trrmlnalion of tlm tltmi 1 which the t ax rs were to l i returned cm urrox MJ is wrv heir bloat CsiMilred nn lie Cuiirte of Uie- Istnslps ala taelil I lull llrialta- C mmi lom Owar M llpton of the amalca hay Yaclit nub rescued three mn In Jamalc liny Katuitlay aftrl Hn wns fUt lnc the dull ysrhls hen Im saw a row lx at oapli near iUka- ay r lnt Cnmmouont IJpton crowtleil launch arid resetted the they erw al Mi maJy lo give up The men em hsulnl sits the Isulioii aid ier- llied UmmHve s tienrgn J Han J t1taml ers six lr i ad near e irt ter IJeieota avrtys- hd lliinvtlflh tmn New Ynr- kIIIMII Hlll Hlltrltl- epaa Hescue a nunt llrl lie llsd UMns e t- HMMHJ Met AU j Jt e lMism4 tel H l e of a e rsle iMtxl- s I Uie II ta l Urtl lMll f 4e- s 4 U1 n a I 2 better All 11 lit rh Rip its an for titan a I that I ilI0fl0 W liT IJml timer i II butt u mini tin a bergs a fOr Pair I j him I I all lit II T Ill r lat Will the II r a4 I hq I e f to n P I I 61 r I 1 it ss Iii live 2 audi unit Was end iso gas urn ti t t Ics bib Its asked fri int got 1 Ituic few web line was CNN was sin anal men as of 1 uri I lori I ciciest ci h jeai 555 tuNdihs ks I list 4sa- p eseeA coat A ps4mcs11 h S ciisd Se hOidigsw- I ri t5 imciiesalsw s V sg 1k- s as a iri4thl es w ssi cia I al4ssqii s4 I ussr es l ist iast 4i1 agr- aei4 Ps1 us Sri 154 s sA > < > < > > < < < > < nocKrFciLEH Gossip That Father Will Jlvi a Ma- ntneent In Mount Pleasant TinnrrowN N Y Aug 27 Folio- Ing the announcement of Um engage ment of John I Hockefoller Jr t- Mlw Abby AJdrioh daughter of Senate and Nelnon W Aldrinh of llhod Inland there U much j eculallon as to whi John I Rockefeller will glvo thn youn ouuple aa a wedding gift Mr llock fell owns nearly 2000 acres of the Ijest tans In the town of Mount Pleasant and hn Mill adding to hla estate It has Ixjen said Utat Mr Ilockofetlnr was nc buying the Und for hUn lf but for hU fit the report baa gone forth that bn to build one of thn finest manslot in the country and prcnent it to hi when Iin wan aiarrmil Mr Itocknfell hAs just completod a magnificent Mabln c granite ansi thla It ls bel vixl U to be thn begUintng of a large plan of bulldlo- tipvratlonn Among Mr HiKkefeller recpnt jmrohaw the Und In the lluttermllk Itch region TliU Is the highest In Vstolnmt county To cunncct Itch with hU proper Iron brldgu ucroM tine Tut- iiitm railroad tracks Tlm would act inlrnbln great omiitry nmnnlon When Mr Ifcxjkifeller fit rein to Tarrytow- he InUiidml building a maiwloii for hlmnll but he mini much iroublo with the ase- sors that he alMtidonwl liltt- nrciiKbS IMINT fitoss InterrsUng Itent In Prospect Cause tliangp In Plans OTTAWA Ontario AUK 27 Tlm iiich of Cornwall and York U not wx l l li travel ext n lvt ly In Canada ansi Ihi- nnnouncHinimt U cnusing n great d al u dlMipl oliiinwnt U WM at llmt annoiuutN that the Ducbem woul he- niyal husband from QuolwH to Vancouve and ack to Halifax a railway Journey o- aliout ento It 1 now Mid that ai Important evvnt l exxot ii DocemUr that Inichimis nutllcu- ndvUer has Himounccil that It would U- unwUn for her to long journey Thn of Ottnwn who won name to chooM n gift for Duchene IISVH dncidn upon a fur cax- tioAi orsnor iv UAXKKIPS root He Ka fiat a liun He Has kvliawtuc III Ietor lon who wild he s banker taken from isis house at 131 West Sixty third Htre t Usl night to Koo velt Ho plta with a lurid of blrtliliot In hit right heel Ho uud hn wits showing a gun to wits when It exploded All ambuUncn wa- aiul hilt wits half an hour In arriving A Klic man madn a tournliiuit of hand koichlef and etanched the flnw of It wa Mikl ul thus hospital that thin toot mUht to 1x3 amputated Eaton went lo thn hospital am after liar hunband had hi fool dro m took him home lu a cob Tlio doctor rail that unless blood poisoning set In Sir Eaton foot would I saved rorvn nox or JKWM- Uorbman Came a llurglars arn- Mhlle Cleaning a fuller ARMNOTCiy N J Aug 27 Whim ChArle- C of lyndhurM cleaning out culvert In North Arlingtor recently ho foiini- H tin isis containing stud a hunch of Inirglar tools Tin I MII wnn wr pp x- In u nowiaier dated Jiuiuurv IWM liter eonS several palm of slenvo button ivtrring a watch In Um Ixn thin lot probably worth MivemI hunUrm- dnlliiiH It I that wa abandoned one of tIcs gang of burglar that hits rohlmd many hoiieii In IkTger county mot 4 nittinrjrMrinH- ut lie Msnl a llroiikljnlle Feel- Ing ia Lorltrd Ip Joists Thoinprton 20 yearn olj of fti Nur strvil llcixiklyn wa en baiiKUiK bi- hi luimbi to lh ulster railing of tIll nortl roadway on UriHiklyn llridgu URI nigh1- mt If hn altiiu to dmp ln x tui Held of tlm llrooklyti Itnpld Trniixit pany who t aw him etoppett a i lnf car and with lbs u itano of a few r an- NtiKint lust inun over tRio ralliiif und tunieil him over to Iohcemnn l ur was lixkol in tIes O k street v lion Mat Ion fur being drunk IUYAA flVI Of IIHAlTY nIle Ulmien In Ilitisn Contest Arrlte Together K fiirlta Silvia Alfoliwi who won ll tithe of VJuwn of lieaiily irs the UM con at the Clibau capital under tlm tm iiv- t rl irii arriveil yetenlay from URn Ixwtrd this Want liner Morru Sefltir ita Alfono wa in cluing of forme- yijtoii of Imnuty S norn Iullilo our S ftorlta Alfonmi n granddatigh if Snflor AMatiu tt wish nown In America Sim looks a If les nrexi her MWIM iv soinurrsr nv s- n llstn III 7sists for MnntlU Tile People lllncl- UhmmoN Tot Aur 27 CiHulltio- ni 7ipata county III Houthren Texas wlentf- amliio I tin vailtnc Ui iim Hiueno nf- ftnen month dmugnt sin emadllv grow igwnr e Nofixxlnilmnchittlwfsnilriri- cktrri opm wt ilnnthi fnnu- srvaUon rue oo irnng dally Itesil st HIS I tIne Inline 1 ri r daughter Mr Annie F in Wllnaliiliurg wa Ixirn In Julm- iwn this Stato of old Dutob t xdt ITV- ier l uchlerUK years m r lm leavioMt- nttideMMren aiel thme great craml- luklren Mm hail J t i J lowv W v dle nf dl n linirsc e- i tIe llvU War Snn will Im in teen nt l to lsy- Jeltime Itectinie Ills Innulr- JiiUon JntiMWrn st l Akos i Mit h trtet- toritey ImixtM Mt l tM blfbt that I- Mveftt iN Ilial si wIsh Itmt4 eraie r Mie N tMI Jv 4ice Je 4JSH has hew I alrst IntelllcesieeI- SS f4 ft sa Hl ss S U4 ttU SI U11T lion late t I ala Often lIOn I point All I fur n accompany mil 10 take 10 a bulb th han rot n gold rllllC and h lust u lifted II 0 Itt I old tu Old hllr I h a stout athottnl1 lk111 nil II tit ton I I 1 Issued I j Ito lba I I rd It Ia t a VaIl J t I WDD1VU Mrs in- tended old Id hair built slits rio tine 4A lit rigid tie itlie was was tub his blood M 4 terns was jaw clry riot tic RIO JilT 11111 was run 15t Cast a win Is way wenJcling tide lousily lift cisc 1 rat Mt tltuisuiev Sri I ices C see wee snso4 I tp td ii war iRan spr4 s issi es is bt Ms- tsr karatlf IaCIiIttsi AI i- iiAr ra- ltqM Sap tnSSSS saL e lflaesan ptsas- i r a Ictsdp i4 t P air Sb a rs 5eq S aM s < > > < < < < > > > < > < > > < + MAYOR BLACKS PERPLEXITIES Tilt ArroiTvrT or SPECIAl ruuct itnis TnouniEf- lenrral lU atlifaetlan nan There Werent l ioiigh Join to Co Around ami Hie Political Aspiration Had le He ionilitered Hit fengreaiH- iHini In a Bad Ha TntMi Iterken Call the Amalgamated Slen tn Ae count Strikers Wear r IrUenpa- aMcRrMronr Aug 27 Mayor llob ert Jeitniiiah Black I angry through Not itnly I he angry at pretty much everything btt thn triker sri angry at tutu U in urloiK trouble The welllaid plan to gain vote by a grandllo- quenl nUtemenl regarding the right of lalwr anti what h IH going li do with tfnlte Stat Kt i Corx ratlon which inaiie him M w pular the trlker that hU naiun hud widely propoeeil for CAingrvei han fallen In on Itself It all raroo shout through ih appointment of A polkenun In MrKe ort In a particu- larly happy Individual Thn town U quiet anti orderly and then in work in police hilt Then an uxually alx ut ino for ibis thlrty ren appointment to plauw on n iilar full When Mayor lllmk appointinl lirA Hllcrmer- to hue forco lain w k almost every Mriker wnnt to Im appointed U lni Hil for thn Mrivor tn appoint them all Ju t at pnm nt The Puma men K t 13 a day for their M rvt ami there wet huadmU tif hirikiT willing to serve their court ry at that pricv lderatlonn mndn It lnm- vl fur thn Mnyir to pick hi awlut ant lupliamrd ntrlkn leader wanted to get lust Hungarian Slut and Poles organlrod Tbrw have huron hanging hack To Hiwi t thrill in tin work tlm Mayor agrewi to apinilnt a o uple of Hungarian In hit of deputies Tlm have Urge voting strength In this city and they al i had to looked after The Irish are growing to 1 Important In McKee port and they hash to IM repreeente HwndHM and other nntlonalltie had to IM looked after aa they sill uiv vote It I votes thou aro wanted CoiiMquently the Mayor Luau quito a Job selecting extra men Now this In done every Mrlker- whowanttKito Kilt unlhe forest anti failed ls tore Tin Mayor I li pk e l himeelf He ut th Mililiratlonoftlie arreel aNt rxperienccn of John hheridnn Ho U al t angry nt the Mrtker beivuiiM mUlti of tin rank and lUst arc turning againM hint IKXAIIMI of appointment In fart the Mayor Is reaching thn same Ixwltlon he was Ui b fore lute flmt Matement waa given out He U becoming tires pl vr of Isaiah and U cutting all bill friend short when they try to talk to him He U also greatly worried for the Congreeclonal bal- loon which soared o beautifully a week or two ado Hn han discovered that It was Tiled with noticing morn iruhMantial than hot air a politician Mayor Illack- b very much disappointed and in rapidly WUM a Hungarian wmlding down In Jeronu ntrwt Uu evening and n large crowd gathered In a Mush hones lo with at a dollar a danco hoer rind whUkey flowixl Snn men dropimt In on f stlvlli who not to that It wax not long before a row Was going on Inside anti a crowd of hundreds had gaihervd nuteldn- lliu pollen filially arrived and ejideavored to our tin tangle rollceman Knadler one of thn offlonr walked up to a big Hungarian who wax Mandlng on the idnwalk and ake l angrily Why you go In thnm that row Yoiro a Npi ilnl officer You were wom Ir lant Saturday Tint Hun nierxiy shniggwi shoulders Mn not go I ee my friend Thnl wiu euRicifiit 1icuMi fur the worn oflhwr of the law t permit it hot lo pro icwl Another Hun c mn al this mo- ment and lice lIt Thn my imnitfr II an mn Iwth- do ting Swrar time Him Mayor Illack rvftii to give out a IlM- of thn Kixxjlul poli i ineii Im ha xworn In Two of them ut j t an now known Tliey- am lh twn HunKuriun Several other uruliT u plcion Thn Mnyor refiiee to unylhuiii at nil Them two Hun ErUins who not aitempt to proe re lnxMUxe wet pngage l In UM row Hn expe t l to preterve the l ace niil lixik after ihn Mifety of any Ainertc iicili ri ile lrliig t return to their work in ihn null of ihi rilv In oonnldern lion fur their kppolliimilit tlm Mnvor et- xH t their InfluencK wi n ho waul Homs- ihlng eW from tin voerv of McKeeepart ThAt tint MrlkM I H fKilui lbs strikers lien are now Mdii ftVd Wonl threat iniong tlmm today thit a bn k i vte l si tlie milU In Wlwfllng next eek HIM tlm men h Mnick l eek will rmi iiin to rnturn to work kllliisr oillitltion it WM Irlirted ob- airw Hlnong tlm Mnkerx In Juliet while n thu city two of th pnuiloii of tha tack by tin picket in itning when h y attempte tug t Im mill As here has deen no hnrmu ri k ironing the Imalgamaleil IIHMI In lull one k X m 1 il Till pinker at lm W x l National iJlU am di r d Ml thn atltlude of the- m plain workers wh m they clats as tin worker want ngolMCU u woiknndarnvi nt ltunuike break nt alniiwl any limn now Night D M IiUiKk Msnager rawfnnl am work nmong thus men anti ve curml Mvnrsl from them undltHirml old iHM ftiiii H exin the omVUU fl Ihe tut plain plant think lint it will pat t d no cvlirwn wUl tart A hmak ba already l gun at the Na nasal Tulw Wo k unn hundin rind tuety iHirhlntet went work In Ihei- fcpniiie r ip f IMI coiiiiern ml a In went MI UM night To- ny Ihe nwluio HII l niniung alnut full All Um IxHltUver am at work ltd re ir me t Mig Milmd a rapidly i t4 Tlm oar rnl a laknn liy n nl f the imWm- Hi the fct remain that the rnaehinUu rm i e nfU ye4 in tlm al Till mk hate iwile thai llmv IxMIght- gi4i lsvk wlmt llmv csHm n it miwlit rike with ie Antalgamate Nxx tlliii Ite4i l l k tlmrn al ut two eik UMfek It i tmv e new sm t K MKl4i A Meeting l4d- lt n lint t i ii of wtai were ar Ssiarj- M i tlvi rink llw ln l t iiH IS- M of MSH k tubs fer wise f i fI Pit clear II bin 11fCi1 lislIutdtui 1 I IUNtI bite a I aLso lila angry hi A io1nig lute Ifmr freely tic itlnU dUll t bill ansi irpllrtl leI taut Will thin I I h A Lnibtsel ltii Jleie tnaruiescl cud t I ho I ansi > 1 I lounge lit Mayor a the tt Rein lit t Ii appli- Cants hiss was a Ifs Jew anal hurt tacit ie tic ion Theist situ tot sill say ci auld wish a it is laid ash Muzuiss wet I hut s cit y lbs I rich Just lid S I Ilk tie ti ts4 Iraif ircgsthuled ill ale I 11 hiss Ira cit I hlirI llal oaSWdav sftesi wr5tcc- as stkscdsd hi stsssai iicu4sl Irits- ceine cils hess ini4 In btatuesi- ll 1 sil5ei bet e i is e- a int 1 ci i so a sk fee- s I aeI a I wris 11 Igascsse lid Sc 4 the e psktssn c I 4g 14al ad tiM IIW4IetWS C lIt IsoeeThg wani- t 1 Sui C 145i s4 kj C og 1 s S- I Nas tialrS 4 t S It- ew Ts S iri I- C u 1ft > > < > >< > ¬ < < ¬ < <> > < <> < > > ¬ < < > > >

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Post on 02-Dec-2020




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Page 1: S Jt nn - Library of Congressffni iiie worn for a long time awar-HM rltfirgmagalnut K tolM madeagainiit t fir ilayi Ilk ilefcndarita wen n t aptwir before that Uxly nlil ready It U

Genmll f ir today and toroorratH-



Jt Atuor

NE AtIPOIb7ASnllrhHaouqlwbllAinAdallOl

i 4

s A-

t Sc i


f nnc




tr the tlart1 BakeOff MOOOO a Ye-

Hn w Much I oe an 111 rjtlsh quire eo

rime Near FtitUng DlamsmVen ToMlajs Calendar ModeaVacate tne Slay Ho Heard T

da Argument In the Heannell CtDistrict Attorney 1hllbln made a fle-

d y nf It yeolorday In Sconnell cai-

he led for Uichard Croker with his right ai-

r tlm Diamond COM 1m came pretty rm-

iwiving that Um May niJne hail travelotiuide the Code of Criminal IropnlimIn fact he wild that tim had inlouded puttln

Diamond cant on the General Seniorslrndir for pleading today In spltn t-

Jtixtle Pykmanri slay and hn Inquired

JuMlce Cilegnrloh if tills would be contenitnf two Suprenxt Court Judges at once

II dUlnt put the case on Uie calcnd0rugh-

Uoknr came Into Inn Boannell COM argilnent on thn tlmory Utat he luu mom ln-

Oiierce than William I Marks acciiMHl o

mwplrlng with thn bead of the Mm De-

virtmenl to mike thn city pay extraragnn-prirv for nuppllen 26 per or BO goln-

to Marks Mr riiilblnIn hi humbln capacity of a prirat-

rltlrrn Urk hai made tSOOni a yearWe ran Imagine what might Im thn profitof n unofflcUl citlren wllh great polltloapower H could acquire million so man

tlSt It would l n congenial to him to seel-

tlie ntmophere of royalty In preforeoofr the democrallo air of country

Mr IMltiin said this In Justice lllder-

Vev court In resisting a motion to quasithe Indictments against Heannell and Marksnd Ui urging that them should 1m aInveetUatlon of the charge at aIl came Into the argument at tlm

umiiel H Ordway liaving put the Ieopm-m n nn1 Mr Nicoll having replied

On the point that Mr Ordway had l eiImproperly In the Orand Jury no-

ffieo if th l it riot Attorney Mr Xlool-

Jd IM without doubt this invalidatelitili m nt In pr v dlncn-

KKlfit the Int lohn Y McKann denTracy and Kilwnnl M Hhepanl were e-

peolally cnraic i for the poople Tlv-

iiie tii n arow whether they could appea-

Ixfiro th irand Jun and on rcf n noto tlw JuMloa of tIlt Supreme Court li-

Urooklyn It wan decided that Tntcy am-

Sheparl muni flmt l n nworn In ru Hpecia-

AMl Uiit DlMrirt Attorneya Tlvtv wenIxlli vm i rn In Mr Nicoll oontlnui

The danger of gtilng behlr l tho atatIf er Kn At If your Honor iiplnild-

llw contention of the ltrlct Attorneyyou will i tablUh A new form of practi v-

at variance ith txide and fraught wltr-

dangenMi po iilHile Of iwurne In quietand peacnfil iMiie likn the there U IKreal ilnnger l i tlw tlmi might corn whena Wjirlct Attorney would put the power

In the a ouunae-

i lally appolnlMl Itjr the lr d r of a polltiml faction We might then M Indlitttient fo iTil lOt thn purpose of fur

ririB iollilcnl endIt HH that M Phllbln anked t-

an on Ito nnid-

11m riniirwt lii Ifndilig Up to thIlilHf IHM llllllrttn dhow that th-

e i t filrm wii fhnvkii to Imth tb-

ettilmitK tiuiiler wn first brotigh-

Milllc llgb when a dixniwion aroi lomptroller ant Mr Smnnel-

feuanl to theiM very mallerx o thaIffni iiie worn for a long time awar-

HM rltfirgmagalnutK tolM madeagainiit

t fir ilayi Ilk ilefcndarita wenn t aptwir before that Uxlynlil ready It U m t ImjiortAnt that

m i ohould l brought to trial Tini iiitnt the mot brlllian

i mler In the county of Sew York JoinUniKiy awl tttn mo t able DL tric-

oniey New York ever hart iIV Uiuvto evnde an ln i tlgatlnn of

idnrt You have th lr eloquent ploaa-v w whllo It I Impowlhlr of cour

Court to tflkn cognlmnce of anythlnfi-n Klden v I may wiy that if the

rmtrnl are not rebuked by a convictloi-in rllf rivrt you wilt permit tho growtl-

kvtiem that will mean the loe ofi of dollam to the city

a they any at Tlie Club handei-ie to Mr troker a quoted alwre

this rlo n of the arguments long briefiwell this Grand mlnuteH WIT

f nit to the court The minutei l K JiiNtlce lildereleeve

r p mte argument on this demurreri-he lnihrtnenti Tlie motloim to qua h

r gr rt l would make pleading newUe-etii it WM und mtood that If th tnotlonifail the Court will p Mi upon this demurrerion this arjrunientH already presented-

Wlieu tje cao of Police Captain Diamondindicted neglect of duty ram beforeJ iMice Glcgerirh it took ome time to make

r what wn Wfore the courtAfter lletxirder floff had given apt

IMtiMiml an extension of time to pleadt i ho militmetit Henry Clay nen lerMiiI tmnond vounicl evcurrd a stay of all1-

rK llngi from Jutlce Uyknuin atWSlte llnlim pending a motion tot

rtmovi-t o n for trial to this Hupremo Court In

another nmnty lisa Dintrict Attorneyfit n onler how cauro why theUulil f it mcAted at t a It affected

l more pleading to the indictment wnd-

B argument on tlie motion fur turn re-

moval of the cane et for Aug 2V and onMrrxiiy night Jii tl Dykman anHer Mndlng this motion tn the

luwti Imie for argtmientAlthough Henderwon had oblbed this lro mari t Vor

h u on the indictment a atfniey f r IHtmond Ilenderwm-

d wt crrd with the onier mailiv JuMtce Ilrkman n MolKlar night rindlawyer Vorhaty who Itad hen m

HMarr Iwfore Jutlcn Ilkgerieh ami-bjeeteid tn the argument prncitoilng

Henderwtn w tie attnmey1 and not nntifteil lawyer

Mikl he w nnt d In argueiiXmr aM ake tit H l e



tKMi wnrtil bararcHment fnr Uie

















I or





L letI h

Ia tr-I







tAr Iou




r r t-at o

I r Ia

I I t I



If u



I In LI kwOtfl tti








llf hI

hem ttia chrgr Ikb them arid

tli fl4 ifiroh standi

4 TheyI

lavA onav4

11 their


p Jury a






toalt r o

been4 is

4mntIftI I olt iiianl-t4t1W4Mrity

a itsleLta 4 b writ t4 4

5 wria tw the wisdr ruisi4 I 4 pak t a isiwst

iitr st4in s IwI44 5 Iidtt ts sidd

044 Iht May tir ii w4e5 Jrii IlhiAa ri Ilcril 14

4 t44 isre Ji tidi405 Ihtg 1k d I ks-

illw rip Al-

I A 4 45-

S l 1 s ri-

a b m b it




> >




















> <

by Mr Uniideraon wan In duethat b ilgood it while f

1 oorwider that I ahould haythoroughly In placing thison of the B wloifor pleading JuaUoo

I could not have been chargewith contempt of oouit for fotar of will auffi

If any postponement of this nw

la not u cuggmtmo I do not prop

for mn to Plato roy reason for tnnow for I do not It right forDistrict Attorney to revenl to thin defeathU rtuLaorui ma prowlure-

llm motion as be ld a not bolnghe did not have theea how the publlo intvrvtta were goln

to KUffe-rJuaU aaylng t

lAwyer that the District Attornemerely wanted to ttrike the stay outthe to show why thor alioul

a change of venueAttorney aald that h has

road Ui Uie that Co Hemleihad lw n simply called In to get th

lr repliedwaa not true almlU

order with a Play had been granted b

mUaloner 8 annell Mr H nder on nthe In the rave did not want th

Attorney to require Cupto to tran

made twoauiMi he kuhento to iuath the Indlctincn

anti nina to demur to fufTlcUincrDistrict Attorney 1hllbln todd that I

wan tho duty of to I ready for themotion on of hoarlni mi i Vorluiu n-

ihulr wen of rwortl for Capt IIiirond Mitt Col Henderson niuno wea no-

of record whore the stay was grantedHe continued

1 think It I outrageous that aa Matrict Attorney of thU I should Utreated In the fa hlon I have va I M-Inot here voluntarily but hnmlMpii lragge4herr by the action of the defendantvinrr Sol only has tire District Attorre-l n to jump alunit from plnxto pUu n la thU cam but bn ha IKOII com

to a CIMHI watch on confidentIt the game of the Ihiinbl

rust a I numot yet which ehel-

tho attorney for la underI not the defendant In properl



T1i he would niljotirnmotion until rniuuiiiK that moanwhin Mr Hendorson A

nil wax nmkounced Mr Ilillbliu-

vkccl thu Court if lb c i stiAxl an if tinnider of Jutl Iranffirring thiiin hail not b n brought to the attentioi-of The Judgo said It remainedin Mat u

I wnntHil to know sawl Mr IhllbinI-mcHiHH I do not want to IM in ountemp-

of two Supreme Court Judge al oneand I waiite I have an

your Honor a It has men my Ui

to put tlm of Diamond on tinSennion oulitwlar for

tomorrow I connldvr the stay of Justloloyalist

I do not think the Dl trict Atlornewilt place himself in contempt of court

JuMlce IUAHMlktant DUtrict Attorney

vcstonlay that the M yhail signed had

e n prepared that It boxbeen withoutTile District Attorney ho said witvlnwd that a stay onlythe trial of the and that pr-

llmlnary motions and pleadingthat any Star wem HUg

tory and that DiMrlct Attorney nl them It wu through t

tin Justice until hi attention could Ix-

c lle l lo th ernirIt wan A Utanl District Attorney Sand

ford who obtainixl the cliangn plafor the argument of the Dlamoml t y-

Acconllng to Dintrict Attornofans Im was nollflnl oil Motday by Juntim son that Juntlci

would to Imvn this argutntuimadn hem inilciiil of hUn at WhitIlalnn bccaiim hn wa

MISS ws TO Tin nrscrr-n oman n as flaking Tow anl the Rl er niin-

lawers llaughler IntervenedIleld nta of Knit 12Oth street saw i

woman wandering down the Mrpet L

night nccaMoiuilly tIlting on a d xmtrfor a few momeiiM to r M Among tluwho paw her wi re Iiwypr Frank M-

itnd hi lUughter wlui live at MO

About tt oclock tlm woman startedthA river MUM Mowi followed her Acionllng to Policeman Hart of Um K-nlrth street elation woman ran on t-

tlm pier at the foot of the street aunt ws-

lxml to Jump Into thn water when Mix

MMH graht d hr Policeman HartMr Moat wino had ml ed hU lUughter

bouts cams up and anslMed hi diugh

Mr MOM say thU story I a llttm etnggeralwl Hn nays that the woman w-

In tilts Mmet when Us daughter stopjxher and that he and hi daughter aMinlether to hi home Khe fell from weaknc anti thuy had Mime difficulty in gettrig trot to lila house TlieV wcrn domitheir lv t to rvvlvn her with liartMion-whnn IVlkonun Hart came along IU-Kjalle l an ambulance

On the way to Ihllevus Hotpita this

woman toM Dr Slovin unit roliiumuHurt llmt she Lad Ixwn ill tot some Illusand that tine met two men yesterday wintook her to a saloon In 190th Mrwt gave

her drink and annaulted tier At Imllerun was tact In Lice wardhn dmtorn Mild that thought thaihe wa getting over a long siiren

Mr Ust night tliat a far am could sun them waa no sign of liquorri thn woman She s nnmil to h-

jild an if the were Insane or had bestsInigged-

Tne woman Ka snvenu namesidilrew s at She said thattail l n In Tins llronx tn the afternoonilid hart faitcn arid cut her Iwad Tinxillcerimn say theist he woman lisa

ell alKHItoddy-

YOI u Kinv rrrie-

imleaMlld CtolUl Carrleil OIT rrrtiali Item thin father

CniCAOO Au JJ SevenyparoMaret Tyler aid tn IM Mr lo a IIML

was kidnapped the borne

Irs M r Oreen at 2J t MagnulU aveoiby man whom Mr Green

kvs ve Is Um father of the girt

irorced horn tier mpUmr r eral yearsn The kblnapinng vurmd at 2 f ct x k-

i tlm fteni H n-

Th inan drove up in frwit f r lire

av f U b Un Ml Iheeti MI I-

UrgttMt were MSMttnc M4r 4 the dtlM-

h vttrs4 slr rMf 4 suit ienig i

this SK H p t4l sway Mr-

ws M i Tlir-w 4 lam isMM

t J-

a sx f Urn Mserr I

t 4 I-Uf i se

for and




Uon 1 of

mont I


rpturl u


hot Urn

In the


c 1

loll of t

lou U




IN JuuI thilk ho i lhUbll

MilI list




I fur him fdpaid



11 alI IrhphImum








I Irk

I a






flr lasi toAura

t11 1



I a


a C

tt t a









Mr Vorhaws eald not argu



Justics MoAdsun cane



rainaddod Mr


nuttI od



wit s


hiv too high a tpertsans






sib and



tarnthe days


elate torn if

hiss a

sb ui IN lflTrl aNt flHi1it4 tat tt aJwhet



WsSlI u4ri sl gattut-Itii4 ills

l kMIN4t4 5riS sl 144114 ustt4 AI 4 viiitt-i be was

rI ib 1554l I


I Ia nep rc-

e4 5445 5 i AA
















ELwrKti1 run wnrft PATTIH-

50V Or COtAtttADO-

eaiaUonal InoUrnt of the Meeting of U-

Amrrloaa list Aoc4atloa In DraTiThe Only HepoliUKM Member 9

Committee Net Prraent lnen tl-

Oeniecratlo IMxiator ITM Voted Oa-

Duxvrn Col Aug J7Conl-attleflelda attack upon the Unll lHupreme Court for Its thecases waa not the only interesting foatuof the meeting of the American liar AM

lu Denver l nt week althoughmoist widely reported

Tlie rrally Incident of tl-

mentlng wa the blnakballlng of Inltf-Htatea Senator Thotnaa M Iatteraonrnimbnnhlp in the liar Aanoclatlon Tllocal oommittee that pauml his

wan compound of imven members i

tire Denver bar nix of thew Uiing mcrata and one u Itopubllonn ITiU tnembohowever Mr was not preaont i

the meeting aa The rvpoi-accompatiyinK the reoonuncndatlou Uuthe application IM rtinUxl was notpubllo U 1 generally admittedmutt have dealt with other than log

a hU standing an a lawytin wldily known Mr 1attcraon had aorrnotoriety aa a lawyer In Indiana long bcfothe took up hl rmideiKM in Colorado-

It a unusual thing for a lawycof reputation to bo blackballed by th-

Amnrlcan list AwHxtatlou and Ita mombem am anxious to know UM for thaction in Sonator whlcI all the morn remarkablo in view of the fac

that thn r uf whtah he U pw-

prictor contained an edllorial lice daliefoni the vote waji taken highly euki-Kllng the American liar A oclallon antwelcoming Ita member to Denver

THIS WAS v Iiri innfjiglneer KeUe IIOM Out Nix Feet o

Illackinalte-KitKrnoU N J Aug 17 Supt U-

KiMtt Matlnck of IldhoM WaterS or Syntim HH ntly put down H nei-

ttiiilnch urtixtan will nt tlio pumput lj k TtpaiHiiiiui Uu mid lngtiKv

KelMiy went cviiiinvtlnx tho fewtho ompnitMir of hiss nell

A pliHX of Iron pipu was utnl to make thl-

comiiNtinii Tim hall Un laknifrom this Mtwnr farm a few nrek i so amhail b vn Ivlng on ihn KiaM vv r inuat tine puiup tJilli ti llrft plM WHM nlxiu-twenty tiiot in hiiBtli Klhl f t wor-

iul oft oiu end of the plpu uud n HUH ttitraiput on

Matlack tried to blow through tinl lx lint found that It was Mopped

KnliMv then aloud 01unit tap It with a hammer

din fell out anil tho toots thoughtclear nut started to comuxt U with tinf id Mr Mat luck up on outUdder and on anotherand Mr MatUck looking intosecond time haw wan Mill

t riMr wa ilumfouniied totics head of n large block snakelog about ten mrh frr-miakn hUned In Mr Mauicn isiowaved Itn head crawling further out althan whilst

Mr droppe te ansi I

trnant Mr ny MIWthe Miakn which owr ix foot longMr K U y v heUononf lh lx M lilowi-In liiwn but Im did not think tluit hn cuuUblow hanl enough to onus Miskoa to oppeu-


ongreMiiiin Ainuiig Injnrei-In a Arclilriil

RICHMOND Va Aug 27 Iniwptigetrain No 12 on Southern lUllway wa-

wreckn hy running Into a washout neeDanville early morning aunt eovern-x n oi s Injiimil Among them wen

Major PrIer J Ot v of lynclilinrK C in-

grnuman from the Sixth dixtrict left lutm-

liadly UivraUil tin lion II A Duvln momImr of thn CoiiMttultonal ConventionKianklln county hip arm nut kit ld-

Udly bniled fare cut Mr H A IKivIs-

Mtvcm Knli wound and conluslon Iwiweoi-Um hotildoix-

Thn woxhout cnus tl by H trialgn nily swollen by rtxftt

rain ten feet of track withoutfoiimlMinri cnginn cai-i aw ml wiMy over lint tlm trank aunt em-

iniikment gave way UIH two wai-rwachoN which on othem down emttankmont

Mr and Mot Davix and their four chitoccupied seAtn opxmlt Major Oter-

rtrl crnxh c nm umleithe cosmIc Major fellletting lied of ear thoUrn Then thn tar turnedpiling th mj M ngiiti in a heap agnlnni

sort window xMr Davln was atiinneil anti Mm iMvii-

wrut perhapn Uin womt hurt Their elliltvn wet 4ive nlino t without e ratch i

thn prompt amUunm of MajorDtey men alxiut in thol rkni M ami gut them out from amonuthe ieatn One woman saved herself by swinging from tho vltandcllcr

ASK fon Jf Wf lfMWVtl-

lemlirrf of the Nome lUr SB Judge or-li Incompetent

SAX FIUNCIIICO Aug 57llftrtwon-etnbnra of thin Niinm l r ha n iwUtioiim-lIrealdent McKinley to remove Judge ArthurII Noyes nf that Dtotrict Court of the NnjinJ-JlvUi4i of

In thin alleged that Judgesoyea U v cillAling dilatory weak rhal Iwgligvnt relen and rl lntclr-ncorapetetit that lie lout the mViencestd of the attorney of ihn Imr

f the court unit of the nt of buniwileial dwtrict tint order anti de-

nw am oUtr and treated with ninnthat the iilim if a fear

iw rind honeM Ju lc In urgently requiredit NORM to n vrtit and bl xl-

heil to rwllevw tlm cong te4 calendar

arid11 petition urge hi ImniedUte remnal

a it f a comtmtent supu r llm tfi n wa try ateanwr-

i this city to pmgra4md tn Washingn i 1 a cuntmHIee was apt 4lit st t IH-

ui data Iron tins t wrt re nl t p-

rdrvvov i vrii-

rtlirr l trM iienienl ef-

TeiMtrrl ln t-

1Vx l



ron It




I roost




u-pI lnr


Illthe 11n

to Ice

the pip bMw











rSr aDd to 10tOI



t aI I

thl t JtpI mt







upon appli-cation





dat hit





told blow whiteheld till Ass Mr

the Thestint

II lark Iiiwits







waslbs aunt

hot list


tin puts tilT

the erie




low auiti



thaa asit4 oiyr

llordtis I liceares

7 1 itdstig t 4ssirIl I-

wj1 ILISI akt PtnsrtoUsesna5I 11155 tpI 45 a i41nrP4 sgstr WuwsIso flirt w4011 4C lee1i04 AtliWes hIst ay i1 IIr orwe c

mId h h4 I isi Ihi-

I P Wl 1U14 4esi4 r 4 be-

I ari tt lhoss t-

a I SiAt1 SIP


> <






> >

> >


77UMV5Under Prom a locomotive Make

Onerallwi Meoestarr-ClUnLMTO S 0 Aug Senate

ItonJarnUi Hyan TiHman wise went tyesterday to attend A jiolltlcj

meeting waa ford this morning to l atfor home on account of the eondltloof his eye The Henator one goteyo On the way to Spartanburg ywteiday b occupied a seat In tint duty coachwhich U hU habit when travelling in boutCarol In and hot cinder flow In throng

window and lodged In hi eye Titerwa a marting sUng aid BenaCnr TUlnuendeavored to have Ihv cinder removedHi failed In thU however and last nighsuffered a great deal Tim tryst was Inflamed anti It was found neop nry to potform an

Ill alarmed for fear that limay become blind although the SenateI hopeful that the trouble will dUappetu-He rntunicd to hUt hoot at Trenton whirw will ruinalu in n dark room Ilefor

leaving Hparlanburg gayout a statement lit which IHI spokn of hiadherence to the Democracy Us wa-

opHMKHl lie said to the Cleveland brand o-

Democracy and claimed tlio creditwiring Houth Carolina from the 1opullstIn 183-

TUlman alto touched on recent pwc-

alnut a irobabl cottonmill strikeraId the operatives weru ritllllml to orvrconsideration sort tluit any attempt tcxipTcn thorn Into voting for Mrlnurlwould result In much and Internstroubles for tho


otwton Nelrrd K431O stub Kprinlnl UlHas Caught It Pollre-

NABIITIUK Term Aug 77 A robbor-ooourred in the gambling niunu over UiClimax Miloun at 8IS oclock thin bunShog Thoma J Johnson 2H years ola innker by iradi wm lion fo-

llowed gambling fur txjnm thus scliix-luckutbook ivnUtuiliig 1420 tIed urn

lund gone several block before bo wutaken In custody V J Cantmll an em-

ployee ofllmhou n Um rnonekiwi placed It In ibis when Juhtutonwho wax a pupxr ploked tilt tin

nid him In tintdtivrn wli n uiM u JohiiHn toll intuit if In-

trivd in utop him tut would hout him u

the same titus t u hluic the muzcln ofpUtol lu Cant mil n fact

intn U who haul thought Jolm on warfell back anti Johnon mtmatm

th nxun cor ruvolvnr-l AolilMC tli door ho boltml down tl-

Norgeant Long caught Johnson nt the em-

of thus brldpt revolvertaken train him ansi hn marched to th-

ilioo Matlon when Im wan searchedllm inonoy found Intact

Johnou admitted taking the moneyslid Ui explanation Im tics hou oweihim lund tried to get a et-

Ikunent but fattest suit hn trIt In thU huh story denied

lohmton wan arraigned In CourtItound over to tint court amlater wan transferred to jail

BLOCK ov iniKitsinK xotarP-

ilatlnl Itrtlilrnrtt In UP Unlit nniliim Mnrlrl lroprrl

The Orjilvin A luin Hocirtr of thnf Now irk practically otirlud l n

of thn block boundmi by llivrr id-

l n p t Knd avpmiH and NventythIrd and verityfourth street Th-

roprnct nf Ml to haw li in flgntM-

yiittpnluy aftPriKxiti hut the d l fornilhiR ItiHtnnntit waa pont onp-

nwlni to apppmnm of oomn obotarle-whlrh i saul however to bn of nvall Inc

Mirtatir-tMiiry W I Korost Inaldi nt of

1 1 J ll l KK

thing with mfortnco to tle salethat are pending lie deal

IWn arrange by s Poll A Co-

Ml IVH bil1 Uixt that ho expeclecontract to l elgimd lu a few

Tim buyer Im Mild Is a Wt t niund tho alxnit ll ivo Tl i prop-erty It in undrwi od U used rca

Mle fur leMideiuM Its dimensions an-MN Lx3Mx2 lxni3ll-

Tlm l x ety is n private corporationiMtahllnhrd In IW7 over i

Year ago It wile decided to nil the hornsDrho haul iiruwn

valiiabVe mid to curn a exiwnMvi-him on which to build largurlion In modern eontrurtinnal A plot of

forty acre wits on theibovn Yonkcr where quarters nowruurxi of will for mr

by OcloIxT next yunr bateauif bunting one building an now tlm Initltutlon occupy n group of cottage

lilmiu lloinl of lte lew thai to FUSum ArbllrarllC-

HICAUO Aug 57 John Al xamlXiwin the Modorn Iroph of Zion uYtl

uuthority of tho llinl of llelpw tolay l owia wits arbltiarlly aanonMHl-

JMtjixM on hi n r onal pioperty FinsInoUlon van enternd In the oa

Sot lot liail men eerveil upon IXmie-up ar t for the board rind how CAU I

thy aK finent should riot IM r l

roni tlt0tn IlilK was I ho second untloi-ynt to Itowle alit In each ca he Ignoredlw rTln r ni To lay the Ixianl wa te l10 Urn over a HU tta nillnl ntid thnrn l lng no Succor this coiniUlnant Attorney M 11 Anhtou b anl-

AixxiidmK to Infoimatlon loP withtlm Modern

April I was nwinr of the Laiul-iivvvtiitntit AoMiciatiou Xloii lAiialxr

Xlun I My iUnlni Milland four ite-

PI five home f r of hix followerllHler trpatmenl Hven tab rnaclc and

to tier liwt Information obtainhud upxanl nf JWOtRO



t of ainre gone IntoVaukecan And timid

t i

n niakn the a i vHrMtiil larger arting-xn tlwlr autlmnty to Itt an arbltrnr-

SU against H TtT i tM rm wlto teI-

IM to re il l lintum tnit after rni-Hleratlon It wan rxml to make the flgit-huiMi an amount MIKHI wliwh thy n-

m m mllnriion can IM in HM event

nrntrs 10 urr NoitTHAfiKs

rest tear tar on the ta irm-Ijxl nt Island

Ilt lHHi4li I I Auf 1 l 1

ikied IMt fkrwter Ml Ine lItteret aM tint adjnw t i n nf SM f-

cha t

11 1JlIW a7



ol rUnI




hammil m




the II


gtI tr





U bUnt



1111 Ion






Illprll lInt

1 till







I a oonlt

j turnI


C t-

tea Iksi of

I to-

t aItC r till r III It

rI I

fo S C-


I Itw-





lund cuuilet1honk


Inward door keeping the five liinc

stole 1k wun nveral 141015 Poik





S lintcat






St Incttooa alsy




tict sty




mst was



cUt sic

ri iA

Jet1bi tuwniWrw




i aw tat I rail1 N0404 sisi 5iri t

he 10 i a-

SsaI 1 iIctiWI inselt a1I IflN 5 041 IdS

4su aas4 04sW Mi rI itiwS W a 4 rees 1

i41 p4 S 4aHt ioasa-artr s h-

ij 55 ss1 i l-

tt a s S-

S 0 s ea ma

< <






> > <






Kays Nile li ow Herklng Dhoree FroHer Titled llmuand Kxpsct tomain In Japan Indefinitely and IJIn Foreign Settlement at Yokoham

HAM KiUKCiion Aug Yokohan-advicca received by stxnmer say that Ma-jIutnant IiraiUe Strong of Sow York anlady Francis Hope known M Ma

sob hats arrived there wider thn nannf Mr anti Mrs Hjnllh They were bookfor Nagasaki

Major Wrong in an Interview ealdthin noruwnm which ban apiioarwl about ti

in Han FranrUui lId New York wti eiI al olut ly foUn I do Stat concert inIdentity lId admit freely that lAdy iranels Hope U travelling with um I Intento make her my wif Htm U at uronet-ocuilng a divorce from W huband lx r-

KramiisWhat do I Intend to do Wnll I nxpec

to remain In Jat nn Indollnltoly arid aftogoing on far an Nauautkl I shall n turn tYokohama and takn un my residence I

hue bluff Tlm bluff U wtiore the foreign-er

mXAfS WILD ilSUKIt-Uealli of Three Men In Tom to Cvntrc-

llesumunls lsteM Oil p-

UjtlLis TVx Aug 7 Tltren men dca-iltv overcomn by gas and In n critical toti-dltlon and oust of lIsts largest rind most feiu-clou oil gushers In the world goUiglutely wild IM tho condilluri that baa ex-

cited tin Hplndln Top trill dlntrlcat Iieaumont fur twentyfour hour

Ialfstlnn llaaumolil well raliuiwlUi a rush met night and tho oil iuule-wlUi trnmendous ansi volumthat control of It all Imptxuilblllty 01-

Um part of the men conducting the drilllug ThoUMtnds of barrels of oil an bouflowed out funning lakes trial rivers arouni-thn derrick anti endangering this calms olHold nitd this oily of Ikauniunt In caxi ourn starting

At the tinie of the unexpected rush osill Jamnt S Smith John McDanleU umlures other workmen atternpte to nellthn ehlltofT valve Imnntth thw derricifloor In onion to bold back the oil Smltl

McDsnlel wore ivercoine byund Ml distd in tho lak of oil ThornII Ireighton Mitt Thorns SundocU wert

overcomn by teN and renoued uuriconsoliu condition Iliysirinns of

tot frt m fin to n ven hoim work r torthis tiKii to consclouantwt hut their livestn still de i alred of

Iat iallaglier nn employot of the HeyWXM Oil loiniaiiy lost hi life In tics manuser that Smith anti McDanlcU did last nightIlia two ooinjunluna wet riocuod unLXJIWCIOUK

A amall army of mon 1 on watchrnierRpridea Ui the entire oil Held tonightThe oil has fonned a river and goo turnhUnIout over plndlo Top hill

tnriw SHY o cAtuAnrDropped III at J Ilcrponl Morgan Coi-

lo llorron a Mrkrl Said Sit IllinirlrSenator liuun y M l ipi w madn hii-

IrM vifi to Wnll Sttiet y t rrlay MHO

lit return from Kurnpo lln m1 wvenil burg financial liu tllutloiM oi-

f Inch lu i a dinivtor including rxiultaUfn Aituriincu Society rind tins

Trust Coiiiwxiiy A new iaxir reiiorteirico met hun ju t hn was entering tinnico of J I Morgan A Co him tot

pointer regarding the InitiurtAnt affairsbrought him Into Wall Strict

Tlie liewn of th tiny that I antrapped Mild Sins Senator I spent al-

tiy on my vacation and am hj-

nrfani I run In bistro to toe If mMorgan will loud too a nickel to


onn A rtcile-

rken llullt It After a lion Our airrrntierg Pulled It

itrkili of 4W Newark Mreet-lobokell built li fence 43 feel high

day ago III the rear of hi boti0 prevent Im eny Karri and ChartImnntierg who llvn at 410 fruits seein

pnxAing remark on what the Gvrkn-arnily am having for dinner Tlm Jrwii-xrg pull d It down Oerken hail tic

imnrilxrgn Imforn Ju io of the Pc rjigler who held them In ball on-hargn of mallciou mlwhlef Th M raltm

elation of Um two famitlex brnugh-Ixml a lieu win Ixiongd to the

but Uld egg In terketia yard


elurns the Paper loder At-

ctnril Him of stealingYoxKcn N Y Aug 27 Il njamlii

UM New Yoik flour nmrcliant whocharged with jx tit Ur nny by Noal-

ioiler Jr illvharged lu lay und hue

Ni m nllego to have Niirt stolen weto-

unie l over to Loder Mr Iarr 0funcethat the papent had Ixcn handed to

by his own lawyer Chariest iuentlng-liienilng letined however that tie pax r-

ren lialiUcd to Parr by Ixxjnr Judgeiellogg held that thorn could no Isrvrliy-

tbero trrmlnalion of tlm tltmi1 which the t ax rs were to l i returned

cm urrox MJ is wrvheir bloat CsiMilred nn lie Cuiirte of Uie-

Istnslps ala taelil I lull llrialta-C mmi lom Owar M llpton of the

amalca hay Yaclit nub rescued threemn In Jamalc liny Katuitlay aftrl

Hn wns fUt lnc the dull ysrhlshen Im saw a row lx at oapli near iUka-ay r lnt Cnmmouont IJpton crowtleil

launch arid resetted the theyerw al Mi maJy lo give up The menem hsulnl sits the Isulioii aid ier-

llied UmmHve s tienrgn J HanJ t1taml ers six lr i ad

near e irt ter IJeieota avrtys-hd lliinvtlflh tmn New Ynr-

kIIIMII Hlll Hlltrltl-epaa Hescue a nunt llrl

lie llsd UMns e t-

HMMHJ Met AU j Jt e lMism4

tel H l e of a e rsle iMtxl-

s I Uie I I

ta l Urtl

lMll f 4e-s 4 U1










Rip itsan







W liT IJmltimer

i II



tin a


a fOr






all litII

T Ill r




r a4 I hqI e f

to n P I

I61r I


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audi unitWas

end iso gas

urn ti t

t Ics



fri int got










men as



uri I

loriI ciciest ci h jeai

555 tuNdihs ks I list 4sa-p eseeA coat A

ps4mcs11 h S ciisd Se hOidigsw-I ri t5 imciiesalsw s V sg 1k-

s as a iri4thl es w ssi ciaI al4ssqii s4 Iussr

es l ist iast 4i1 agr-

aei4 Ps1us Sri 154 s sA



> <








nocKrFciLEHGossip That Father Will Jlvi a Ma-

ntneent In Mount PleasantTinnrrowN N Y Aug 27 Folio-

Ing the announcement of Um engagement of John I Hockefoller Jr t-

Mlw Abby AJdrioh daughter of Senateand Nelnon W Aldrinh of llhodInland there U much j eculallon as to whiJohn I Rockefeller will glvo thn younouuple aa a wedding gift Mr llock fellowns nearly 2000 acres of the Ijest tans

In the town of Mount Pleasant and hn

Mill adding to hla estate It hasIxjen said Utat Mr Ilockofetlnr was ncbuying the Und for hUn lf but for hU fit

the report baa gone forth that bnto build one of thn finest manslot

in the country and prcnent it to hiwhen Iin wan aiarrmil Mr ItocknfellhAs just completod a magnificent Mabln c

granite ansi thla It ls bel vixl U to bethn begUintng of a large plan of bulldlo-

tipvratlonnAmong Mr HiKkefeller recpnt jmrohawthe Und In the lluttermllk Itch region

TliU Is the highest In Vstolnmtcounty To cunncct Itch with hU proper

Iron brldgu ucroM tine Tut-

iiitm railroad tracks Tlm would act

inlrnbln great omiitry nmnnlon WhenMr Ifcxjkifeller fit rein to Tarrytow-he InUiidml building a maiwloii for hlmnllbut he mini much iroublo with the ase-sors that he alMtidonwl liltt-

nrciiKbS IMINT fitossInterrsUng Itent In Prospect Cause

tliangp In PlansOTTAWA Ontario AUK 27 Tlm iiich

of Cornwall and York U not wx l l litravel ext n lvt ly In Canada ansi Ihi-

nnnouncHinimt U cnusing n great d al u

dlMipl oliiinwnt U WM at llmt annoiuutNthat the Ducbem woul he-

niyal husband from QuolwH to Vancouveand ack to Halifax a railway Journey o-

aliout ento It 1 now Mid that aiImportant evvnt l exxot ii

DocemUr that Inichimis nutllcu-ndvUer has Himounccil that It would U-

unwUn for her to long journeyThn of Ottnwn who won name

to chooM n gift for Duchene IISVH dncidnupon a fur cax-

tioAi orsnor iv UAXKKIPS rootHe Ka fiat a liun He Has kvliawtuc III

Ietor lon who wild he s bankertaken from isis house at 131 West Sixty

third Htre t Usl night to Koo velt Ho pltawith a lurid of blrtliliot In hit right heelHo uud hn wits showing a gun to witswhen It exploded All ambuUncn wa-

aiul hilt wits half an hour In arrivingA Klic man madn a tournliiuit of handkoichlef and etanched the flnw ofIt wa Mikl ul thus hospital that thin toot

mUht to 1x3 amputatedEaton went lo thn hospital am

after liar hunband had hi fool dro m

took him home lu a cob Tlio doctor railthat unless blood poisoning set In SirEaton foot would I saved

rorvn nox or JKWM-

Uorbman Came a llurglars arn-

Mhlle Cleaning a fullerARMNOTCiy N J Aug 27 Whim ChArle-

C of lyndhurM cleaning outculvert In North Arlingtor recently ho foiini-

H tin isis containing stud a hunchof Inirglar tools Tin I MII wnn wr pp x-

In u nowiaier dated Jiuiuurv IWM litereonS several palm of slenvo buttonivtrring a watch In Um Ixnthin lot probably worth MivemI hunUrm-

dnlliiiH It I that waabandoned one of tIcs gang of burglarthat hits rohlmd many hoiieii In IkTgercounty

mot 4 nittinrjrMrinH-

ut lie Msnl a llroiikljnlle Feel-Ing ia Lorltrd I p

Joists Thoinprton 20 yearn olj of fti Nurstrvil llcixiklyn wa en baiiKUiK bi-

hi luimbi to lh ulster railing of tIll nortlroadway on UriHiklyn llridgu URI nigh1-

mt If hn altiiu to dmp ln x tuiHeld of tlm llrooklyti Itnpld Trniixitpany who t aw him etoppett a i lnfcar and with lbs u itano of a few r an-

NtiKint lust inun over tRio ralliiifund tunieil him over to Iohcemnn l ur

was lixkol in tIes O k street v

lion Mat Ion fur being drunk


nIle Ulmien In Ilitisn ContestArrlte Together

K fiirlta Silvia Alfoliwi who won lltithe of VJuwn of lieaiily irs the UM con

at the Clibau capital under tlm tm iiv-t rl irii arriveil yetenlay from URn

Ixwtrd this Want liner Morru Sefltirita Alfono wa in cluing of forme-yijtoii of Imnuty S norn Iullilo

our S ftorlta Alfonmi n granddatighif Snflor AMatiu tt wishnown In America Sim looks a Ifles nrexi her

MWIM iv soinurrsr nv s-

n llstn III 7sists forMnntlU Tile People lllncl-

UhmmoN Tot Aur 27 CiHulltio-ni 7ipata county III Houthren Texas wlentf-

amliio I tin vailtnc Ui iim Hiueno nf-

ftnen month dmugnt sin emadllv growigwnr e Nofixxlnilmnchittlwfsnilriri-cktrri opm wt ilnnthi fnnu-srvaUon rue oo irnng dally

Itesil st HIS

I tIne Inline 1 ri r daughter Mr Annie F

in Wllnaliiliurg wa Ixirn In Julm-

iwn this Stato of old Dutob t xdt ITV-

ier l uchlerUK years m r lm leavioMt-nttideMMren aiel thme great craml-luklren Mm hail J t i Jlowv W v dle nf dl n linirsc e-

i tIe llvU War Snn will Im inteen nt l to lsy-

Jeltime Itectinie Ills Innulr-

JiiUon JntiMWrn st l Akos i Mit h trtet-toritey ImixtM Mt l tM blfbt that I-Mveftt iN Ilial si wIsh Itmt4 eraie r

Mie N tMI Jv 4ice Je 4JSH has hew

I alrst IntelllcesieeI-

SS f4 ft

s a Hl ss

S U4 ttU SI











fur n


mil10 take 10





goldrllllC and








old tu Old hllrI




athottnl1 lk111 nil


tit tonI I 1


I j

Itolba I

I rd It




J t I






Id hair builtslits


4A lit

rigid tie









jaw clry


tic RIO

JilT 11111




winIs way wenJcling


lousily lift cisc

1 ratMt tltuisuiev


I ices C see wee snso4 I tptd ii war


spr4 s issi es is bt Ms-

tsr karatlf IaCIiIttsi AI i-

iiAr ra-ltqM Sap tnSSSS saL e lflaesan ptsas-i r a Ictsdp i4 t P air

Sb a rs 5eq S aM s







< >





< > >




Tilt ArroiTvrT or SPECIAlruuct itnis TnouniEf-

lenrral lU atlifaetlan nan ThereWerent l ioiigh Join to Co Aroundami Hie Political AspirationHad le He ionilitered Hit fengreaiH-

iHini In a Bad Ha TntMi IterkenCall the Amalgamated Slen tn Aecount Strikers Wear r IrUenpa-

aMcRrMronr Aug 27 Mayor llobert Jeitniiiah Black I angry throughNot itnly I he angry at pretty mucheverything btt thn triker sri angryat tutu U in urloiK trouble Thewelllaid plan to gain vote by a grandllo-quenl nUtemenl regarding the right oflalwr anti what h IH going l i do withtfnlte Stat Kt i Corx ratlon whichinaiie him M w pular the trlkerthat hU naiun hud widely propoeeilfor CAingrvei han fallen In on Itself It allraroo shout through ih appointment of

A polkenun In MrKe ort In a particu-larly happy Individual Thn town U quietanti orderly and then in work in policehilt Then an uxually alx ut ino

for ibis thlrty ren appointmentto plauw on n iilar full WhenMayor lllmk appointinl lirA Hllcrmer-to hue forco lain w k almost everyMriker wnnt to Im appointed Ulni Hil for thn Mrivor tn appoint themall Ju t at pnm nt The Puma men K t13 a day for their M rvt ami there wethuadmU tif hirikiT willing to serve theircourt ry at that pricv

lderatlonn mndn It lnm-vl fur thn Mnyir to pick hi awlutant lupliamrd ntrlkn leader wantedto get lust Hungarian Slut and Polesorganlrod Tbrw have huron hanging hackTo Hiwi t thrill in tin work tlm Mayoragrewi to apinilnt a o uple of HungarianIn hit of deputies Tlm haveUrge voting strength In this city and theyal i had to looked after The Irishare growing to 1 Important In McKeeport and they hash to IM repreeenteHwndHM and other nntlonalltie had to IM

looked after aa they sill uiv vote It Ivotes thou aro wanted CoiiMquently theMayor Luau quito a Job selecting extramen

Now this In done every Mrlker-whowanttKito Kilt unlhe forest anti failed lstore Tin Mayor I li pk e l himeelf He

ut th Mililiratlonoftlie arreel aNtrxperienccn of John hheridnn Ho U al tangry nt the Mrtker beivuiiM mUlti of tinrank and lUst arc turning againM hintIKXAIIMI of appointment In fart theMayor Is reaching thn same Ixwltlon hewas Ui b fore lute flmt Matement waa givenout He U becoming tires pl vr of

Isaiah and U cutting all bill friend shortwhen they try to talk to him He U alsogreatly worried for the Congreeclonal bal-

loon which soared o beautifully a weekor two ado Hn han discovered that Itwas Tiled with noticing morn iruhMantialthan hot air a politician Mayor Illack-b very much disappointed and in rapidly

WUM a Hungarian wmlding downIn Jeronu ntrwt Uu evening and n largecrowd gathered In a Mush hones lowith at a dollar a danco hoerrind whUkey flowixl Snn mendropimt In on f stlvlli who

not to that It wax not longbefore a row Was going on Inside anti acrowd of hundreds had gaihervd nuteldn-

lliu pollen filially arrived and ejideavoredto our tin tangle rollceman

Knadler one of thn offlonrwalked up to a big Hungarian who waxMandlng on the idnwalk and ake l angrily

Why you go In thnmthat row Yoiro a Npi ilnl officer Youwere wom Ir lant Saturday

Tint Hun nierxiy shniggwi shoulders

Mn not go I ee my friendThnl wiu euRicifiit 1icuMi fur the worn

oflhwr of the law t permit it hot lo proicwl Another Hun c mn al this mo-ment and lice lIt

Thn my imnitfr II an mn Iwth-do ting Swrar time Him

Mayor Illack rvftii to give out a IlM-

of thn Kixxjlul poli i ineii Im ha xworn InTwo of them ut j t an now known Tliey-am lh twn HunKuriun Several other

uruliT u plcion Thn Mnyor refiieeto unylhuiii at nil Them two HunErUins who not aitempt to proe re

lnxMUxe wet pngage l

In UM row Hn expe t l to preterve thel ace niil lixik after ihn Mifety of anyAinertc iicili ri ile lrliig t return to theirwork in ihn null of ihi rilv In oonnldernlion fur their kppolliimilit tlm Mnvor et-xH t their InfluencK wi n ho waul Homs-ihlng eW from tin voerv of McKeeepart

ThAt tint MrlkM I H fKilui lbs strikerslien are now Mdii ftVd Wonl threatiniong tlmm today thit a bn ki vte l si tlie milU In Wlwfllng nexteek HIM tlm men h Mnick leek will rmi iiin to rnturn to workkllliisr oillitltion it WM Irlirted ob-

airw Hlnong tlm Mnkerx In Juliet whilen thu city two of th pnuiloii of tha

tack by tin picket in itning whenh y attempte tug t Im mill Ashere has deen no hnrmu ri k ironing theImalgamaleil IIHMI In lull onek X m 1 il

Till pinker at lm W x l NationaliJlU am di r d Ml thn atltlude of the-m plain workers wh m they clats as

tin worker wantngolMCU u woiknndarnvi nt ltunuike

break nt alniiwl any limn now NightD M IiUiKk Msnager

rawfnnl am work nmong thus men antive curml Mvnrsl from them

undltHirml old iHM ftiiii H exinthe omVUU fl Ihe tut plain plant think

lint it will pat t d no cvlirwn wUltart

A hmak ba already l gun at the Nanasal Tulw Wo k unn hundin rindtuety iHirhlntet went work In Ihei-fcpniiie r ip f IMI coiiiiernml a In went MI UM night To-ny Ihe nwluio HII l niniung alnut

full All Um IxHltUver am at workltd re ir me t Mig Milmd a rapidlyi t4 Tlm oar rnla laknn liy n nl f the imWm-Hi the fct remain that the rnaehinUu

rm i e nfU ye4 in tlm al Tillmk hate iwile thai llmv IxMIght-gi4i lsvk wlmt llmv csHm n it

miwlit rike with ie AntalgamateNxx tlliii Ite4i l l k tlmrn al ut twoeik UMfek It i tmv e newsm t K MKl4i A Meeting l4d-

lt n lint t i ii of wtai were

ar Ssiarj-M i tlvi rink

llw ln l t iiH IS-

M of MSH k

tubs fer wise f i





11fCi1 lislIutdtui



bite a







io1nig lute Ifmr

freelytic itlnU

dUll t

billansi irpllrtl


taut Will



I h


Lnibtsel ltii Jleie tnaruiescl

cud t

I hoI



1 I loungelit





lit t Ii








hurt tacit




situ tot


ci auld


a it is laid


Muzuiss wetI hut


cit y









ti ts4 Iraif ircgsthuledill ale

I 11 hiss Iracit

I hlirI llal oaSWdav sftesi wr5tcc-as stkscdsd hi stsssai iicu4sl Irits-ceine cils hess ini4 In btatuesi-ll 1 sil5ei bet e i is e-

a int1 ci i so a sk fee-

s I aeI a I wris11 Igascsse lid

Sc 4 the epsktssn c I 4g 14al ad

tiM IIW4IetWS C lIt IsoeeThg wani-t 1 Sui C 145i s4 kj C

og 1 s S-

I Nas tialrS 4 t S It-ew Ts S iri I-


u 1ft


> <


> <










< >






