s5 dvd pro user guide

Software User's Guide For Product Numbers :SN78xx Snazzi* Movie Studio S5 DVD Pro

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Page 1: S5 DVD Pro User Guide

Software User's Guide

For Product Numbers :SN78xx

Snazzi* Movie StudioS5 DVD Pro

Page 2: S5 DVD Pro User Guide


Published March 2005P/N: 78-001-9082 Rev A

License Agreement

Copyright 2003 V One Multimedia Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of thisdocumentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to makeany derivative work (such as translation, transformation or adaptation) withoutpermission from V One Multimedia Pte Ltd.

V One Multimedia Pte Ltd reserves the right to revise this documentation and tomake changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of VOne Multimedia Pte Ltd to provide notification of such revision or change.

V One Multimedia Pte Ltd provides this documentation without warranty of anykind, whether implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the impliedwarranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. V One Multime-dia Pte Ltd may make improvements or changes in the product(s) and / or theprograms(s) described in this documentation at any time.

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ContentsLicense Agreement..........................................................................................................1-1II

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION & INSTALLATION ................................................... 1-4What’s Snazzi* V DVD PRO ............................................................................................ 1-4System Requirements ....................................................................................................... 1-5Hardware Installation ....................................................................................................... 1-6Connections ..................................................................................................................... 1-7Driver & Software Installation ......................................................................................... 1-8

CHAPTER 2: USER INTERFACE IN DEPTH ................................................................2-12User Interface ..................................................................................................................2-12Mode Buttons .................................................................................................................2-13Control Buttons ..............................................................................................................2-14Seek Bar ..........................................................................................................................2-15Setup Button ..................................................................................................................2-15Adjust Color Button .......................................................................................................2-15Version Info Panel ...........................................................................................................2-16Duration Button ..............................................................................................................2-16Snapshot Button .............................................................................................................2-16Volume Slider Button .......................................................................................................2-16Mute Button ...................................................................................................................2-17Media Gallery Button ......................................................................................................2-17About Button ..................................................................................................................2-17

CHAPTER 3: INTRODUCTION TO BASIC FUNCTIONALITIES ...............................3-18Introduction ....................................................................................................................3-18Recording Mode .............................................................................................................3-18Start Capturing ................................................................................................................3-19Playback Mode ...............................................................................................................3-20Snapshot .........................................................................................................................3-21

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CHAPTER 4: INTRODUCTION TO SETUP CONFIGURATIONS .............................. 4-22Introduction ....................................................................................................................4-22Recording ........................................................................................................................4-23Capture Options ..............................................................................................................4-23Setup Options .................................................................................................................4-24File Saving Options .........................................................................................................4-28

CHAPTER 5: INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA GALLERY .............................................. 5-29Introduction ....................................................................................................................5-29Opening Media Gallery ...................................................................................................5-29Action Buttons ...............................................................................................................5-30Supported File Formats ...................................................................................................5-31

CHAPTER 6: CUSTOMER SUPPORT ......................................................................... 6-32Contacting Technical Support ........................................................................................6-32World Wide Web ............................................................................................................6-32Online Chat Support .......................................................................................................6-32

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Welcome and thank you for purchasing Snazzi* V DVD PRO. Thisproduct turns your PC to a all in one capture solution and provides a high qualityvideo capturing experience. Before you proceed using this product, we recommendyou read this user manual to get an overview of the product. This chapter providesintroduction to Snazzi* 5 DVD PRO and installation steps to configure the Snazzi*V DVD PRO PCI device.

What is Snazzi*V DVD PRO:

From V One Multimedia, Snazzi* V is a professional high qualityMPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoder and decoder supporting both MP@ML and I-Frame encoding.Snazzi* Movie Studio S5 features:

•Real-time hardware video capturing in MPEG-1 and MPEG-II formats.

•Digital video conversion with hardware encoder.

•Advanced controls for I-Frame encoding with CBR/VBR support.

•Superior quality hardware decoder for watching/playback captured movies on TV.

•Locked video and audio synchronization.

•Records in full motion at upto 720*576/25fps (PAL) and 720*480/30fps (NTSC).

•Still image capturing.

•Daily, weekly, multiple scheduled recordings and pre-defined file sizes.

•Instantly PAUSE/RESUME video during recordings.

•Fast resizing of compact GUI.

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As a minimum, you should have Pentium IV with 1.6GHz or higher processor.



Hard Disk:

7200 RPM Hard Disk Drive

Operating System:

Windows XP

System Requirements:To use Snazzi* V DVD PRO, you’ll need to make sure that your

PC meets the following requirements.

Assumption:This guide is written with the assumption that you have the basic

working knowledge of the Windows operating system and have the requiredsoftware and video source.

Package Contents:The Snazzi* V DVD PRO package includes Snazzi* V DVD PRO

PCI card, Video/Audio cables, User’s Manual, Installation CDs and ProductWarranty and Registration card.

Registration: V One Multimedia offers dedicated technical support and keeps

you informed about product updates. Please register your product in order toaccess all these services.

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Hardware Installation:Switch off your PC and attached peripherals.Disconnect the

computer from the power supply. Unplug all the cables and open the housing ofyour PC.

Locate an available PCI slot in your computer.Insert the Snazzi* V DVD PRO PCI cardinto the PCI slot by holding the card at the topand gently pushing both ends into the slot atthe same time. Fasten the card’s bracket atthe back of the computer.

Snazzi* PCI card PCI slots Fig:1

NOTE: PCI slots are usually white in color (other slots areusually black or brown). We recommend installing the cardin first of 2nd PCI slot for better performance.

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Connect Your Video/Audio Inputs (Capturing)

For capturing, you need to have extenal video source connection with yourSnazzi* V DVD PRO PCI card. For video connections, plug one end of the yellow(RCA cable) from the video source into the “Composite-In” jack as illustrated in Fig2. If you are using a device with an S-Video port, connect the S-Video cable to theS-Video-In jack. Likewise, for device with a component port, connect the 3 green,blue and red cables into the Y,Cb and Cr jacks respectively.

Plug the audio cable into the “Audio-In” jack of the Snazzi*V DVD PRO for audioinput from the external video source device.

Note: Y-Cb-Cr, or commonly refer as component video or color differencevideo, was invented to simplify video electronics and reduce the overallbandwidth requirements for transmitting video compared with RGB. Inpractice it provides one luminance signal with full horizontal resolutionand two color signals with reduced horizontal resolution. Componentvideo can give better resolution of side by side color details compared withS-video because there is more bandwidth available for color information.

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Driver & Software Installation

For software installation, insert the Installation CD in the CD-ROM device. Theinstaller will start automatically and installation wizard will finalize the installationfor you. If the installer does not start automatically, you can manually install theSnazzi 5 DVD PRO software by double clicking the CD-ROM drive and selectingSnazzi 5 DVD PRO\setup.exe.

After Snazzi 5 DVD PRO setup completes, it prompts a message to restart thecomputer. We strongly recommend you to please restart the computer beforelaunching Snazzi 5 DVD PRO software.

As soon as you restart your computer after installing the Snazzi* V DVD PRO PCIcard, Windows Found New Hardware Wizard will automatically detect the deviceas “Multimedia Video Controller” and ask for driver installation as shown in Fig:4.


Please make sure that you select “Install the software atuomatically (Rec-ommended)” and click Next to proceed.

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NOTE: During the driver installation, you may see a warning message that this devicehas not passed WinXP logo testing and may not work properly as shown below. This hasnothing to do with the functionality of device so please press Continue Anyway button tofinish the installation.


As soon as you press Continue Anyway, Windows will start copying files tocomplete the driver installation. You will be indicated about the driver completionprocess as shown in Fig:6.


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The driver completion process dialog shows that the drivers for Snazzi* V DVDPRO device have been installed successfully. To make sure the driver status, wewill also check the driver entries in the Device Manager. Here is it how:

• Click Start- Settings- Control Panel• In Control Panel, double click theSystem icon. You see the systemproperties window.• In System Properties, click the Hard-ware tab, then click on Device Man-ager button.• Locate the icon for Sound, Video andGame Controllers and click the +signnext to it to expand the entry list.• Look for an entry for “V One S5 DVD PRO”.


If there is no yellow exclamation mark against this entry, it means the drivershave been installed and the device is ready to use.

However if you find any yellow exclamation mark with driver entry, pleaseuninstall and try reinstalling the drivers.


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Trade Marks:

Snazzi*V DVD PRO is a trademark of V One Multimedia Pte Ltd. All other trade-marks are registered trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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Key Features:

To help you learn the software quickly, this chapter will take you through theGraphical User Interface and buttons.This high level view gives you a completebasic introduction of this software.

For more detailed explanation of each functionality, please refer to the individualchapters designated for each operation later in the manual.

Main Graphical User Interface:

When you start Snazzi 5 DVD PRO software, the main interface will appear onyour computer’s desktop. Let’s start the application and discuss some of the basicGUI elements of Snazzi 5 DVD PRO software.


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Mode Buttons These buttons allow you to choose between differentmodes of the Snazzi 5 DVD PRO applicaion.Thesebuttons open the path between your Snazzi* softwareand your input/output devices, such as VCR, VCD orcamcorders. Clicking on a Mode button beginsinitialization of the device path and the control buttonsbeneath the video window.

Snazzi* V DVD PRO provides two modes•Capture Mode•Playback Mode

Capture Mode

Recording/Capture mode button allows you to see thevideo preview and capture video clips from any externalvideo source, such as a VCR, VCD Player or DVD Playerwhich is connected to the Snazzi*V DVD PRO.Clicking this button again will switch the software to idlestate.

Playback Mode

Playback mode button allows you to play yourrecorded video/audio contents on your monitor.

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Control Buttons Control Buttons are located just below the VideoWindow.

The information in the Control Buttons area is as follows:

1. Play/Record

Starts playback of the captured file in PlaybackMode or starts capturing videos in Capture Mode.

2. Step Forward

The Step forward button is used to go forward oneframe in a playback video file.This button will onlyenable in the Playback mode.

3. Step Backward

The Step Backward button is used to go back oneframe in a playback video file.

4. End of Clip

Clicking End button moves the seek bar to the end ofthe selected clip to allow you to move around theproject quickly

5. Start of clip

Clicking Start button moves the seek bar back to thebeginning of the selected clip to allow you to movearound the project quickly

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Seek Bar Seek Bar is used for quickly moving forward or backwardthrough a video clip. Drag and Drop feature by mouse isalso included in seek bar operations, which makes it moreinteractive.The Seek bar is located beneath the VideoWindow.

Setup Clicking on setup button lets you select the videostandards, video source, working directory, recordingtemplate, snapshot type and recording scheduler.

Color You can make adjustments to the Input Video using theavailable sliders for each option. These adjustments forcolor correction can be applied in real-time.

BrightnessThis slider adjusts the brightness of the Input Video.HueThis slider adjusts the Hue of the Input Video

ContrastThis slider adjusts the contrast of the Input Video.


This slider adjusts the saturation of the Input Video.

User can see the effect of these options on runtime sothat it becomes more user friendly and interactive to settheir own preference.

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Version Info Panel This panel is located just below the Seek Bar.

The information in the above field is as follows.

1. Open File

Opens a captured video file. Clicking this button willopen a select file dialog box from where you canload the required clip, which is to be played.

2. Duration

Duration Option provides three ways.

Limit Capture TimeLimit Capture Time enables automatic stop ofmanual capture after a specified time.

Limit File SizeLimit File Size with auto-splitting in selected numberof files.

ManualLimit capturing via user interface.

3. Snapshot

Captures still images from your videp spurces and letsyou save them in any of the 4 formats : BMP, JPG, PNGand TIFF.

4. Volume Slider

You can control volume by dragging the volumecontrol slider. You can also minimize and maximizethe volume.

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5. Mute

This button will Mute the sound. You can viewvoiceless video by clicking Mute button.Pressing Mute button will not affect the video file beingencoded.

Media Gallery Pressing this button will launch the Media Gallerywhere you can manage the video files.

About Dialog This is from where you can see the application versionnumber and other details.

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Introduction This section is designed in the perspective to give youthe working knowledge about using Snazzi*V DVD PRO.We will show you how to accomplish primarytasks:

•Capturing Mode - Capture video clips from externalvideo source and encode the videos in desired format.

•Playback Mode - Play and view your captured clips.

In order to perform these tasks you need a video source,Snazzi*V hardware, and a Personal Computer withSnazzi 5 DVD PRO software installed.

Recording Mode Snazzi* V DVD PRO allows you to encode your videosin many formats i.e MPEG 1, MPEG 2,WMV, DivX and DV(type 2).

Before you can start capturing, you need to set theEncoding Parameters. You can open the Setup Dialog toset these parameters.

The Setup dialog will appear on the screen with differentoptions. You can set the working directory and the wayhow clips store. Set the capture template and video insettings.


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Start Capturing Click the Capture Mode Button to initialize the softwarefor capturing video. You can see a Preview in the VideoWindow which indicates that the Snazzi*V DVD PROdevice is ready for capturing.

Note: Improper cable connections might result in “No VideoSource Found” error message. Please also make sure thatyou have DirectX 9.0b installed in your system otherwise youmay not get MPEG-1 preview videos.

To CaptureVideo Click on the record button in the control buttons bar to

start recording. The recording will start with a preview inVideo Window.

Click stop button to finish recording. A message willappear that a clip is successfully stored.

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Playback Mode You can play and scrub (quickly move through) videousing the Playback buttons and the slider. You can playMPEG (Audio+Video) and AVI files.

Click on the Playback mode button to load the movieclip.

A file open dialog box will prompt you to open the captured clips, select the desired clip (filename) and pressOpen button. After pressing the OPEN button, the desiredfile will load and appear in the video window.

Drag the slider to the left or right to scrub through thevideo file being played in the video window.

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To move frame-by-frame through the entire video clip,pause playback and press the Step Forward and StepBackward buttons respectively. Please keep in mind thatthese two buttons will only enable after pausing theplayback.

Snapshot Snazzi*V DVD PRO provides a very user-friendlyway for capturing snapshots. It provides you a lot ofoptions from snapshot type to the way of managing itright on your desktop.Now you can take snapshots in four different formats(bmp, jpeg, png, tiff).

Click the Setup Button on the Side Panel ofthe Snazzi 5 DVD PRO software to open theproperty pages.

Click the Snapshot property tab and select the Snapshottype.

Start taking snapshots by clicking the snapshot button onthe main graphical interface.The snapshots will saveautomatically in the pre-defined working directory.However if you select “Preview before saving” option inSetup-Snapshot, Snazzi 5 DVD PRO will show youthe still image before saving and prompts for file name.

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Introduction: Setup Dialog box button is located on the right side ofSnazzi 5 DVD PRO interface. Setup dialog boxconfigures your settings for capturing or recording videofrom any external video source. This actually behaveslike an engine which runs the whole aeroplane.

In this chapter, we will discuss all the options providedby Snazzi*V DVD PRO.


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Recording The most important settings which allow you to choosethe Capture format for your Snazzi* V DVD PRO.

Capture Options Snazzi 5 DVD PRO allows you to capture video infollowing formats. We will discuss each format with itsoption.

• MPEG 1• MPEG 2• WMV• DivX• DV (Type 2)

All the above capture options are dependent of theVideo-In source selection.

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MPEG-1 Selecting MPEG 1 capture format provides 2 options forvideo capturing. VCD ( Video CD) and Normal QualityMPEG 1.

VCD : Vcd stands for Video CD. VCD format generates amultiplexed MPEG-1 file with both audio and video in thesame file. Use this format when you want to author theVCDs as this will automatically set the appropriateencoding parameters for White Book Video CD. VideoCD is captured at a bitrate of 1.15Mbps.VCD formatcaptures video at SIF resolutiion. Please check thesupported resolutions table for more information.

Normal Quality MPEG 1 : MPEG-1 Normal Qualitygenerates a multiplexed MPEG-1 file with both audio andvideo in the same file. The bitrate can set from 1Mbps to5Mbps You can use the bitrate slider to increase ordecrease the bitrate. The bitrate viewer provides anexciting feature to check the bitrate in both the commonlyused units i.e Kbps and Mbps.

Most of the users get themselves confused when theymerge Normal MPEG-1 option with VCD. We provideNormal Quality MPEG-1 option for those who want tocapture high quality video content for professionalpurpose like TV Broadcasting quality.

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MPEG-2 Selecting MPEG-2 capture format provides 2 options forvideo capturing. SVCD and DVD.

SVCD: SVCD stands for Super Video CD. It is based onMPEG-2 technology. SVCD can deliver up to 2 timessharper video images than the previous VCD standard. Itspecifies MPEG-2 video at 576*480 (PAL) and 480*480(NTSC) resolution,almost four times the MPEG-1resolution.

The default video bit rate for making SVCD is 2.4 Mbpshowever you may change the bitrate from 2 Mbps to2.4Mbps.

DVD:You can stop your work whenever you are happywith your VCDs.But if you would like to make a longervideo clip in hi-quality, a MPEG-2 compression isnecessary. Thats why DVD is preferred over VCDs. Thebitrate can vary from 2Mbps to 9.8Mbps.

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4-26WMV WMV stands for Windows Media Video. Developed and controlled

by microsoft coporation, its a generic video encoding solution.

Snazzi 5 DVD PRO provides 27 demanding video encodingprofiles which help the users from playing back the video onPocket PCs to stream video over internet.

As soon as you select a profile, its description comes justbeneath the profile.

DivX DivX is a video technology that compresses digital video so that itcan be downloaded over DSL or cable modems in a relativelyshort time with no reduced visual quality.

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DV DV is the most popular format for the video editing. It provides highquality video for best results.

Type-2 generates a DV AVI file suitable for Adobe Premiere.Type-2 AVI files extract the audio from the DV stream and add this as an additional AVI format stream to the AVI file due towhich Type-2 file is around 5% larger than the Type-1 equivalent.

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File Saving Options: Click on the Browse button to set the “Working Diretory” for the clips.

There is also a unique feature that Snazzi* Movie StudioS5 DVD PRO provides the users. This is a file name option feature.This feature gives the option for the File name selection.

Save Automatically: Selecting this option will let Snazzi* MovieStudio S5 DVD PRO to auto save the clips without promoting for the file nameprior to save the clips.Prompt For Name: Selecting this option prompts a window for the filename of your choice.

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Introduction: This chapter examines in detail the key features of theMedia Gallery of Snazzi* Movie Studio S5 software.

Media Gallery: Media Gallery is used for creating and organizing yourwork or in a more simpler way we can say it a homeplace for the recorded clips.These files can be storedand accessed in an efficient manner. Snazzi* MediaGallery can be opened by simply clicking the MediaGallery tab on the upper left corner of Snazzi* MovieStudio S5 GUI.

After clicking this button, a gallery will appear in front ofyou. You can see all your work like clips and snaps inthe gallery. Files within the Media Gallery are referenced from a specific location. If you later move or deletethe files, as the function suggests, its thumbnail will alsobe disabled with a cross sign on it showing that thereis no media file referenced to this thumbnail.

Lets have a look how Media Gallery appears when youclick the Media Gallery button


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Your work starts from here with several action buttons on the top of gallery. Letstake a look on these action buttons and their effect on the gallery.

Action Buttons:

On the top of the gallery window there lies the control buttons of the gallery.These action buttons include Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Delete All and propertiesfor simple tasks.

Delete & Delete All: These buttons will be quite helpful in deleting a one specificitem from the gallery or emptying the whole gallery. When you delete a clip froma default location, its thumbnail will appear disabled having a cross sign on it. If itis not, please make sure to click the Refresh button available in Gallery’s rightclick features.

Properties: You can check any gallery item properties by just selecting thatspecific file and pressing the properties button. As soon as you press this button,the selected file’s properties dialog will come infront of you to checkthe complete details.

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Attach/Detach: As the name suggests, this button isused to attach or detach the Media Gallery from themain Snazzi* Movie Studio S5 GUI. It helps to keep yourfocuss on gallery as an individual unit for working andallowing you to interact with different applications. Forexample, dragging any supported media file to Snazzi*VDVD PRO galley for quick way around withoutpressing import button.

Import: Import your desired clips in the gallery by justpressing the import button on the bar. You can alsoimport the clips by just right clicking anywhere in gallery.

Refresh: Press this button to refresh the gallery itemsfor example, if you delete any clip you won’t be able tosee red mark indication until you press the refresh button.

Note:Gallery will not import the invalid media files.

Snazzi* V DVD PRO also allows you to do sometasks on right click features. Right click anywhere ingallery and choose how you want your gallery items toappear. You can choose between thumbnail view ordetailed view. Besides these two features, you can alsoimport, cut, paste and check the properties of thumbnailsrespectively.

Supported File Formats: Audio & Video•MPEG 1•MPEG 2•WMV•DivX•DV ( type 2)


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Technical Support: Our Technical Support Engineers are dedicated to helpyou. Having the following data available will provide us a comfy way to help you

Complete description of the problemSystem Specifications

Send an E-mail at [email protected] or fill a Technical Support Fast Re-sponse Form available on Snazzi site. After sending us your E-mail, you will soonbe contacted by our Technical Support Engineers.

World Wide Web:

Access the latest information about our video products on Snazzi official websiteby entering our URL into your Internet browser:http://www.snazzi.com

This service features news and information about Snazzi products, customerservice and support, Snazzi’s press releases and much more. Our TechnicalSupport page includes an online Fast Response Form.

Online Chat Support:

Snazzi serves its valued customers through Online Chat Support, the fastest andeffective way of getting help. Our Engineers are online to provide you the techni-cal support. Chatting with a Technical Support Engineer is just a click away.Browse for the Snazzi’s official website and click the Instant Chat Button.