sacramento daily record-union (sacramento, calif.) 1880-01 ...23— charles de young, of the san...

, AUGUST. : Army of the Zulus dispersed, and their King a fugitive.... Exceedingly warm weather in St. Louis. 4- Labor troubles at Fall River, Mass. :.-'\u25a0 6 Negro John Williams examined in connection with the Dunn affair at Wheatland and discharged. Apache outrages in Arizona. s—Yellow fever at Havana City of Marysville decided to commence an injunction suit against the mining companies who are sending down debris. B—Serious8 Serious labor troubles at yuebec. Blue Stocking Base Ball Club of Sacramento victorious over the lutrepids of Marysville, at the latter place.... Omaha Base Ball Club defeated at I San Francisco by the Knickerbockers . .-ensation.l \u25a0 report published of a difficulty between Senator Conkling and ex-senator Sprague, on account of family matters. - •\u25a0"- '"'.. \u25a0-'.. -r'-j f 11— Serious riots at Belfast, Ireland. 12— Keene's Fa'setto made the Lest two-mile time at Saratoga ever made by a 3-year-old. 13—Captain Webb swam from Sandy Hook to Coney Island. 14—Ranis trotted a mile at Rochester in 2:1?}. 15 Riot at Quebec. 21 Severe earthquake shock iv Canada and New- York D. M. Reads aud G. W. Gridley, Butte county farmers, failed. 23—Charles De Young, of the San Francisco Chrimicie, seriously shot, in a cowardly manner, Rev. l. 8. i.1.i.-.i.' candidate of the Workingmen for Mayor of .San Francis after having outrage- ously abused him in paper. The affair created a feverish excitement throughout the State, and the attempted assassin narrowly escaped lynch! _ 25—Greal destitution in the west of Ireland.... Revolution m Hayti. 27 Serious lints at Santiago, Chile. .-'->- --- 28—ludi-iiis threatened trouble in the Canadian northwest . States Grand Jury in San Francisco indicte t E. J Baldwin for violating the revenue laws ...Rarus sold at Hartford, ar^ for $30,000 Disturbances reported from Odessa. 29— Foi tuna won two and a quartei-mile race at Coney Island in 4:02}. ' 30—Indian troubles In Idaho.... Custer monu- ment at West Point unveiled Mrs. Sprague left the residence of her husband at Canouchet. 31- John Welch, ex-Minister to England, arrived at Philadelphia. r'r £ '7 - SEPTEMBER. I— Charles De Young admitted to hail in the sum of $25,000 Coal miners strike in the Cumberland district, Perm . 4—Contest over the will of Brigham Young ended. B— Revolt in Afghanistan. •.'.' '.? ---_'. ,V.--- \u25a0 9— Great strike of cottou operatives in England Fighting continues in Hayti. ...Yellow fever increasing iii Memphis. 10—Preparations commenced in San Francisco for the reception of QeneralOrant Earthquake shock at Lyons, France,...C incinnati Exposition opened by a speech uf President Hayes Damaging drouth in Mexico. Terrible epidemic in Georgia. 13—Address of Hon. J. V. Webster before the State Agricultural Society published in the Record- Union ... Insurrection in Cuba .... Famine in Rou- mania. 14 li.iiiency of $20,000 discovered in the funds of Santa Cms comity, and the Treasurer placed un- der ill rest. 15—Grand Lodged the I. O. O. F. of the United States met at Baltimore W. B. Hodden and wife arrested at Wheatland in connection with the Dunn affair.... annual fair ofthe Mendocino Agri- cultural Association opened at iVillets. lft—Ban Joaquin Valley Fair opened at Stockton. .... Northern District Fair opened at Marysville ... Napa and Solano District Fair in progress at Vallejo. 17— Outbreak of Qte Indians in Colorado Cap- ture of Cetewayo, the Zulu King,by the British, an- -11.,11111 18— Indian depredations in New Mexico.... Labor troubles in England. . Santa Clams, a five year old, trotted in Stockton three heats in 2:22, 2:20 and 2:21. 20— Lecture on rust in wheat by Professor Dwi- ndle, published in the Ki.c.tia -Union ...Details of the capture of Cetewayo published Indian raids in 1dah0.... Mining troubles at Bo ie Gen- eral U. 8. Grant and party arrived in Sin Francisco from a voyage around the world, and received with an imposing demonstration. 22—Santa Clara Valley Fair opened at San Jose. 23— Salute in honor of General Grant fired from the sand lots, San Francisco. 24— Annual report of the Directors of the Central Pacific Railroad published in the Record-Union. 25—Kearney called on General Brant, but the lat- ter was too busy to receive him. ...General Grant enthusiastically received at Oakland. 20—Rinderpest prevailing in Russian Poland Land disturbances in Ireland .. General Grant re- ceived at Smi Jose. 27—New York walking match ended, Rowel! win- ning the belt by making 530 miles. 2S—Meetings held in Ireland to call for an abate- ment of the rents Professor Wise ascended ma balloon from St. Louis, and never since heard from. 29—Single -.\u25a0.ill race on the Thames between John Higgins aud ILVi. Boyd, won by the latter Su- preme Curt denied tne motion for a rehearing in the cu-ie of F\ A. Sprague, and directed the District Court to fix the day for bis execution . Serious trouble apprehended in Ireland over the anti-rent agitation. 30—General Grant received at Stockton Prist. dent Hayes recdved at Springfield, in....Fair of the Monterey Agricultural Society opeued at Sa- J Unas. OCT ' l—Exposure of the Mormon Endowment House mysteries published i.i the RBCORD-IfNTOS . Upper Sacrameuto Agricultural Fair in progress at Chico. .... Western Union Telegraph Company reduced its tar. to take effect November Ist .. News received of the massacre of Major Thorubutgh and most of his amend on Milk river by Ute Indians Strike of tinners at Pittsburg Six-days' "go as you please" walking match commenced at San Francisco. Earthquake at Oakland Grand industnal parade at Indianapolis .. General Giant visited ooemite. 3—The Mans discharged on preliminary exam- ination at Wheatland. 5— News received of the massacre of Indian Agent Meeker and his employes by I'te Indians. 6 Nevada State Fair opened The British en- giged the Afghans and defeated them. 7—'.Irani Lodge of Good Templars convened at ! Stockton .. State Grange met in annual session at j Oakland. ?•"- Graphic account of the recent battle with the Vtes pn lished in tint Record-Union Large un- known balloon passed over Albion, Mich Irish anti renters appeal to their fellow countrymen in America for assistance.... General Grant Jleft San | Francisco for Oregon. 11—Severe earthquake shocks ill Hungary and I Si ri ia. .. Nevada State Fair closed .... Stage robbed | near I'kiah Oregon State Fair closed State Grange adjourned .. Murphy won the ' I'l.cary belt in the New York walking match. . Statue of Josiali yuincy unveiled at Boston. * 12—Large anti-rent meetings being held in Ire- land. 13— Active opposition developed in British Colum- bia to the employment of Chinese for railroad build- ing ..General Grant arrived at Astoria ...Eighty- four-hour " go-as-you please" walking inenced at New York / ' 14—Nevada Grand Lodge of Good Templars met at Carson.... Mrs. C, Hodgdon convicted of murder in the second degree at San Frandsco for causing the death of Mrs. Downs . Miss Sherman won the first prise at the s.m Franc;-,»' walking , match .. Grand Lodge of Masons met at Sau Fran- i cisco. 15— Six-days' walking match between men and horses commenced at snn Francisco. " 10— important facta bearing in the debris ques- tion, from the proceedings of the United States Land Commission, published in the Record-Union. . Indian outb eak reported from New Mexico Gen. Grant visited Salem. IS—General Charles Cadwalader wounded L. S. j Welton at Red Bluff with a shotgun. knottier revolution in Hayti United SU-ites Supremo Court decided the cases of the Union Pa- cific Railroad vs. the United States, and the Central Pacific Railroad vs. Gallatin. . State Board of Agri- culture met at Sacramento.. . .Los Angeies Fair ope, led ':;'-- , General Grant arrived at San Francisco from Oregon. ; . -"\u25a0 *- "- ; 23— Authors' carnival opened at San Francisco. 25— At Oakland St. Jnlten trotted \u25a0 mile in2:123, and Nutwood made two heats in 2:19 and 2:191. 20— General Grant arrived at Carson. 27— Chair for the instruction of Chinese established at Harvard.... Alturas stage robbed. 23— Fair of the Plumas, Lassen and Modoc As- sociation inprogress at Susanville. ...Cabinetmakers' strike in San Frnn-rsi-o. 30— Further Indian outrages in Arizona. 31 -Charles De Young indicted by the San Fran- cisco Grand Jury for an assault to murder Ralioch. NOVEMBER. I— Mrs. Meeker' story of the Ute massacre pub- lished in the Record-Union.... General Grant re- cdved al Omaha. 4—F. A. Sprague sentenced by Judge Fawcett So be liamred December sth. 6 General Grant arrived at Galena.";--.- .--. in I"*., of the Mendocino outlaws escaped from ja'l at r.i, ill. but they were afterwards recaptured. ... .J. T. Curiae released from State Prison, the Su- preme Court having granted him a new triaL - 11—Creed Eb^rmood appiied to Governor Irwin for a respite for Sprague. 12 First of a series of articles on the locust scourge which threatens California published In tho Record-Union .... Annual meeting of the Army of the Tennessee held at Chicago General Grant received at Chicago. 13—Keyes milling debris case on argument before the Supreme Court. i;,_ First of a series of articles on the resources ofPlacer county published in the Bnooan-UmoK. Governor Irwin respited sprague tor dxty days. 17 -Another revolution in Mexico Supreme Court decided the Keyee mining debris case adverse to the farmers Governor Irwin appointed the 27th for thanksgiving. " IS— Opinion of Justice Field, of the United States Supreme Court, in the railroad ease, published in the Ukcord-Umon. , _ \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u0084.,-,.. 19— Statue of Genoa] Thomas unveiled at Wash- lnfo— Coll Deane lectured at San Frandsco on the new bonanzas .. New French cable forma: inau- -»l_Great smash in stocks in New York. _ 22— letter from engineer G. F. AUardt on the debris question, published in the RfcORD-Umon. "4—Monster ferryboat Solano made a successful trial trip from San f' andst •to Benida. ' " - ; r•• 25— Sarah Winnemucea lectured at San Francisco on the Indian question. 27— -Thanksgiving Day - eranyi red. 29— Description of the monster ferryboat Solano. published m the Record Union.... Marriage of King Alfouzo, "1 Spaiu, .md Marie Chnstine solem- . nized at •lrid. SACRAKENTO CITY AND COUNTY. tASVASt. i_H A Conway hail his ankle broken by a rah Banquet _\u0084.,,; by proprietors the Mechanics Sore v, their mn ' wju- fractured by being thJwn from a bnggy.-.-Son'of 11. M " La Rue severely shot accidentally. i,!_____i -* 3-lluiec-robbing Chinaman shot and killed at """t^orge Perkins deceased suddenly at Agrieul- "i' L_uig, accidentally shot while hunting died ....Chas. Rider injured by a shell cartridge ex- ploding while being loaded. . Barn of Mrs. Wilsey burned. r '\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-:' ,'.,.-\u25a0 - . .' -r .-'\u25a0:.'-.,-.- --" ft— F. S. Chanfrau appeared at the theater. 7—Riverside House burped.'.". .Trial of Troy Dye, for the murder of A. M. Tullis, commenced in the District Court. . '-"; ."\u25a0\u25a0"-. "'i__ B—Small fire at Fourth and 1 streets Judge H. 0. Beatty nominated to be Receiver of tbe United States Land Office by the Preddent •\u25a0.-:"\u25a0 9— Alice Gates' opera company opened at the theater.... Captain John Douglas, well-known colored citizen, deceased. .'..Captain J. B Sherburn i died. -^jj6MBsBE_S ! -»eaS3 g,^s_9 e %-' l Troy Dye convicted of murder in the first de- I gree. -."" " --..-. , . , '\u25a0'""\u25a0 11—Edward Anderson comacted of murder in the first degree. John Rice slightly shot by C. Conway. 13—Josh Hart's variety combination at the theater... G. W. Gray died from poison near the American riverbridge. ".""*'_.\u25a0 '. 15— Residence of James Murray at Thirtieth and X streets burned . ... A. F. Clark, one of the Tullis murderers, acquitted. ;v 16—Extremely cold weather prevailing. 17—Slight fire at the residence of J. R. Watson ....Eliza Weatherby's Froliquesat the theater. 20- W. C. Hopping confirmed as Postmaster at Sacramento .. Extremely cold weather. 21—Smelting Works at Twelfth and B streets burned. _ \u25a021- Creed Haymond elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fourth Brigade. 21—Troy Dye and Edw. Anderson sentenced to be hanged on March 13th. . .T. W. Sheehan elected Cap- tain of the San-Held Guard. 25—11. E. Gates broke his arm by a fall ...Numer- ous burglaries committed. . : 23— Prof. Alan Curr lectured before the Literary Institute on •' Life's Battle, and How to Win it".... Annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society— H. M. Larue elected President, O. W. Gilbert Secre- t-r ,L. A. I"; - -ai Treasurer, and G. Vi. Hancock, R. H.Newton, L. J. Rose and Cyrus Jones, Direct- ors. 29—John Sullivan, a Sacramento expressman, died at San Francisco. 30—Slight fire in clothing store of A. Rosenthal. 31— P. Maguire found in a .lying condition on the street with his skull fractured, supposed to have re- sulted from a fall. FEBRt'AItV. I— D. Roden accidentally broke his leg near Shel- don. 2— J. D. Hubert drowned in the river.. . .1. Siscn- vine, an old resident, suddenly deceased Annual reunion aud banquet of the Exempt Firemen's Association. 8- Americus Lodge, No. 80, A.O. U.W. institute I. 10—Hop-house of J. E. Kamp, near the city, burned. . 11 Prof. Allan Curr lectured before the Literary Institute on "A Night in the English House of Com- mons "... Jo. Hurtado acquitted in the District Court on a trial for the murder of J. E. Denny .... Miss Bertha Schade, a graduate of the Sacramento High School, deceased in Oakland. 12— Republican City Convention met and noini Dated for Third Trustee, Josiali Johnson; Collector i.. a. Putnam ; Assess F. A. Shepherd ; Auditor, E. H. McKee, and Fire Commissioner, J. W. Wilson. ....Workingmen's City Convention held a stormy -,--..:!. ..Thomas Cowley, an old resident, sud- denly 'cased. . . D m.icratie City Committee nomi- nated for Third Trustee W. L. Herndon ;Auditor, I. Townsend; Assessor, P. A. Byrne ; Collector, B. F. Stewart ; Fire Commissioner, Chris. Wei-el. 13—Chinese match factory at Sixth and R streets burned . California Theater company opened at the Metropolitan. Jury in the Caulfield murder case in the Dis- trict Court disagreed. 17—11. A. Caulfield admitted to bail by Judge Denson .... Rice's Surprise Party opened at the theater . . . W. W. Grouse, for many years Justice of the Peace at Washington, die,! at that place. 18 —Bar meeting held and resolutions in respect to the memory of the late Judge Ramage passed .... Meeting of ladies he'd to organize a woman's suffrage club. 19—Municipal Workiinrmen's Convention nomi- nated for Third Trustee, John A. Hunt ; Auditor, M. Brannan ;Assessor, G. B. Dean ;Collector, E. Blum, and lire Commissioner, J. C. Devine. 20 Depositors of the Odd Fellows" Bank met and determined to form a new bank, on the ruins of the 1,1,1 one. 21—Eve of Washington's birthday appropriately celebrated by the Tribes of Red lien L. Arm- strong found dead in bed.... Mrs. Maggie Burke br.^ke her leg by a fall. Joseph Harris accidentally fatally shot at Fol- » in. 24—Supreme Encampment of the Order of Cau- casian'met. 25—Meeting of colored citizens held to demand a recognition at the hands of the political parties. Turner masquerade carnival held. 28 Haverly's Colored Georgia Minstrels opened at the theater.... Slight fire at the residence of Mis. Alien, ou Seventh street, between II and 1. MARCH. 2— L. Devinri suicided at the Sacramento County Hospital. 3- State Woman's Suffrags Club organized at Sac- ramento. Democratic mas3 meeting held at the theater, and resolutions passed condemning the President's Chinese veto. s—Proposition5 Proposition to establish a free library exten- sively discussed.... Great interruption of railway travel on account of the recent heavy storm. .. .Mrs. Louis Levy badly hurt by falling down stairs. 6 County resellers' institute .... Slight fire at the house of Julia Cummings- on L street, be- tween Third and Fourth.... Colored Republican Club organized. 7—Hyers sisters appeared at the theater. . . .Dem- ocratic City Convention issued an address on the up- proaching municipal election.... George Brown cut - Martin on the cheek with a razor. Thomas Armstrong shot at T. T. Crump. 10—Body of officer Fred. D. Chaniberlin, who dis- appeared last year, found in the Sacramento river. News received of the decease at Loudon on February 14th of Frank Dale, an old-time Sacra- mento merchant. 11—Municipal election held, and Johnson elected ThirdTrustee, McKee Auditor, Shepherd Assessor, Putnam Collector, and Wilson File Commissioner. The proposition to establish a free public library was also carried . . .Directors of the proposed Peo- ple's Bank elected by the depositors of the defunct Odd Fellows' Bank. 12— Samuel Poorman acquitted in the County- Court of embezzlement, alleged to have been com- mitted in his connection with the late Odd Fellows Bank G. W. Bell found dead in his room W. L. Newell, a pioneer printer, deceased. 13—Mr. and Mrs. Vi. J. Florence appeared at the theater .... State Board of Education met and dis- cussed the school teachers' examination frauds. 14—Boy named Daniel Sheehan accidentally fa- tal I stabbed by a companion. 10—Little daughter of G. Woolf hail her leg broken by a fall. -'-.',' 17— Patrick's Day celebrated by a procession and literary exercises .. .Board of Supervisors wranglingover the election of County Physician. 18— William Howies struck by a train at Elk Grove and badly hurt Mrs. V. 11. Russel deceased .. Republican mass meeting held at the theater .... William Beckman elected President of the People's Savings Bank. 19— Richard Ireland, an old Sacramentan, died at Vallejo. .-? 20— Dr. George Pyburn elected County Hospital Physician ... Eliza Wcathershy's Froliques appeared at the theater. 21— Directors of the various Building and Loan i Associations met to take action relative to the pro- ' posed new Constitution Dr. F. W. Hatch, Jr., appointed Assistant Physician at the Napa Insane Asylum. 24—Mrs. P. Annetta Peckham lectured on "That Drunkard" .. Little daughter of A. Logan severely burned. 25— Directors of the Building and Loan Associa- tions issued an address against the new Constitution. 26—William Gillen, ex -Chief Engineer of the Fire [ Department, deceased. 27— Installation and banquet of Sacramento Com- :mandery No. 2. Knights Templar. 29— W. J. Foster, a well-known pressman, de- ceased .. Troy Dye exhibited symptoms ofinsanity. J. T. Card well, a road-overseer severely stabbed by Chinamen at Mississippi Lor, while collecting road taxes from them. 30—Annual meeting of th. Sacramento Coursing Club commenced at White Roik Meeting of Is- raelites held on the subject of moderate reform in the church service Slight fire at the old city hall. ...Fire at the store of F. Trask at Walnut Grove. 31— A lofthe allopathic physicians appointed on the City Board of Health resigned because two homoepaths had been placed on the Board Henry Ames, an old Sacramentan, died at Oakland. fff ji , APRIL. I— H. D. Webster died suddenly.... Dr. J. L. Howard, an old-time Sacramento druggist, died the train D___B-t ' igiicri. 2— Board of T.ustecs named the Trustees of the Free Library.... Capital Lodge -No. .',1.1. O. G. T., reorganized ... Body of Edward McKeineti found in a shaft near Folsa'tn. i 3—Harvey Caswell, a pioneer Sacramentan, died at San Francisco. 4—R. D.McCarthy ...William King fell from a handcar near ill and badly hurt.... Severe thunder, lightning and ram storm. 7— Large meeting of the Clerk's Early dosing As- sociation held at the theater.... A. F. Clark rear- rested at Oakland on a charge of accessory after the fact in the Tullis murder— Anti-Net. Constitution Club organized. ."'•"..-•' B— Board of Trade passed resolutions against the new Constitution New City Board of Health, composed of " Homeopaths," met. 9— Meeting of ladies held to take action relative to a benefit entertainment for the Howards. .. .An- nual meeting of the Protestant Orphan Asylum held H. A. Caulfield convicted of manslaughter in the District Court. 11— L. C. Stone shot and badly wounded his di- vorced wife. _j 13— Easter generally observed W. E. Gerber. won the champion cup at the pigeon-shooting tour- nament in progress at Folsom. ... 14—Albert Manning admitted to the bar of the District Court. . Light frosts. 15—Miss Georgia C. Hancock appointed Librarian of the Free Library. 16— Supreme Court affirmed the judgments in the cases of Dye and Anderson. . 17— Troy live created a sensation on "insanity. Calico bail given in dd of the 'Wards.... Buf- falo Bill appeared at the theater. 18 Board of Education passed resolutions against the new Constitution Mayor Turner issued a proclamation calling for aid for the Eureka sufferers. 21—Berger f milyat the theater. Wallace Bruce lectured before the Literary Institute on " The Landmarks of Scott." -...Creed Haymond spoke against the new Constitutor. 23— Benefit concert tat the Woman's Home given. . E. Blaner badly hurt by a falling chimney. ... Dye and Anderson "resentenced by Judge Densdn to be hanged on May '-'-''-h- __ - _ ',''"- --•'; -ii 1.. Knight spoke against the proposed Con- stitution, and li- meeting shamefully disturbed by the opposition. .. '. . "'"'»_ ~' : \u25a0-•"'\u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'" \u25a0",- 11. A. Caulfield sentenced by Judge Denson to six years in State Prison for killingW. G. English. "General P. F. Walsh, while addressing a meeting against the new Constitution assailed with rotten eggs by hoodlum opponents. ... -' \u25a0 -' '.' \u25a0v.-Odd Fellows' picnic held at Leets Grove.... Meeting of the Coursing Club at Miller's ranch. .. Boy named John Desmond had his note broken by a blow from a bat. . . .Residence of Henry Coleman at Freeport burned... Rev. Father Gilney, formerly pastor of St. Rose Church, died at San Francisco. -\ I : -- ffi— Store of C. H. Stevens &Co. ; burglarized !Judge O. C. Lewis deceased at Folsom. ' .- -vf" '".r 1 -"' 29— T. G. Phelps spoke against- the new Constitu- tion. i9_ss_Bßß_J__tJHßWW_W_______BE_M____________________! . a MAT. '"' Governor Irwin spoke against the new Consti- tution B. Maeaulev at the theater. -^ \u25a0:.. -f- r 3— A Chapter of the Order of tte' Eastern Star instituted.... Boy named Geo. W. Kripp drowned. Judge Hen-son and General Walsh spoke against the new Cot stitutiou Sou of George \u25a0 Kuchler I struck on the head witha club by another b y, and badly hurt. 4— Quarter Centennial May Festival of the Turner Association held... .Nicolas Gdli severely stabbed the proprietor of ; the Garibaldi House. .. Charles Brown died suddenly..;. Body of -Frank Silva, a child who was drowned, found in the river. ; s—John Hill died suddenly. \u25a0 . 6—Patrick Cassidy dead in bed .... James France thrown from a horse and fatally hurt at Walsh's station Mrs. Alfred Spinks deceased. \ -.-_•-: . 7— Dead body of an infant found in Capitol park. B— Theodore Hasss deceascd/S}_»S^sfc*HflßWii6_| ' 10— Central Republican Club organized. .. .George F.l'hou_,c committed suicide Office of J. J. Agard burglarized. 11— Twentieth anniversary of the Hussars ap- propriately celebrated. 12— Red Men's picnic at Natoma Grove. 13-Mrs. M. J. Young admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court Lawrence Barrett appeared at the Metropolitan Theater . Mass meeting to ratify the new Constitution held and New Constitution party organized m the county. » 14— John Perry died suddenly. 15—Young Men's Republican Legion organized. fi.. Barney o'Ncil died suddenly at Dalton's, Sacra- mento county .. .Safe of Dodge. Bnse & Co. blown open and robbed. , \u25a0' _. ' ' . 16— 11. Jackson died suddenly. : 17- Grand Jury reported .'...Democratic County Central Committee met m.d declared infa- vor, oi straight nominations.... Slight fire at the store of Rothf eld Brothers.. - 19—Barlow." Wilson & West's Minstrels at the Metropolitan Theater. 20— First Republican mass meeting of the cam- paign held..;. Republican County Committee - de- cared in favor of straight tickets... .Mrs. M. H. Suvder of Sacramento died at Coulterville. 21 Yjung Men's Democratic Club organized.... George Martin had his leg broken by a collision at Agricultural Park. - 22 Commencement exercises of Perry's Sacra- mento Seminary at the Assembly Chamber.^..An- nual Convocation of the Protestant j Episcopal Church held. --' 23— .1. P. Jones supposed to have suicided by drowning. . Troy Dye tried bya Sheriff's Jury and declared to be sane... .New Constitution party club organ- ized... F. W. Smith drowned near Courtland.. .. Workingmen held a mass meeting to ratiiy the new- Constitution. .-'-.--.- 24— Steamer Cora struck a snag and sunk near Walnut Grove. 20—Annual commencement exercises of St. Jo- seph's Academy he1d. . .. " Color Guard " again pro- duced at the Theater .Fourth Ward Republican Club organized. * 29—Graduating exercises of the Grammar* Schools held Colored citizens held a meeting in memory ofthe late William Lloyd Garrison .... Troy Dye an,! Edward Anderson executed. .-..8. Powler badly hurt by a runaway near Sacramento. 30 Decoration Day celebrated ; oration by Judge Denson. 31— Commencement exercises of the High School. fjfjf JUNE. t 2— Richard Stewart committed suicide .. Third Ward Republican Club organized.... Third annual commencement exercises of the Sacramento Insti- tute held B. Maeaulev appeared again at the theater. Yosemite Sunday-school excursion party ar- rived from the East Jo. Murphy at the theater. s—George Martin so severely stabbed by M. Bec- tel that he died on the lltb Discovery made that one of the indictments against Charles Heisen in the " Bodego " case had been tampered with Ini- tial meeting held to arrange for the Fourth of July celebration. Little son of E. Perry run over and killed on the Riverside road. B Store of J. F. Cooper burglarized. 7— Republican primary election held in the county. B—liver8 liver sisters appeared at the theater. 10—City offices removed to the new Water Works building. .. .C-.pitail Lodge of Odd Fellows celebra- ted the twentieth anniversary of its organization by literary exercises and a banquet . D. W. Comee deceased. . 11 Mrs. J. G. Switzer died suddenly. .. .Republi- can County Convention met ami nominated for Sen- ators Grove L. Johnson .md William Johnston ; As- semblymen— Seymour Carr, J. X. Young and Elwood Bruner ; Superior Judges S. C. Denson and R. C. Clark ;Sheriff—A. Heilbron; Clerk—T. 11. lerkey; Assessor— J. W. Houston; Recorder and Auditor—W. E. Gerber; Treasurer— E. Wool- son ; •District Attorney—G. E. Bate-3;. Administra- torH. S. Beals; School Superintendent C. E. Bishop ; Coroner A. J. Venniiya ; Surveyor J C. Pierson; Supervisors— S. Blair and S. W.Butler ; Police Judge E. I.Robinson. 12— Honorable Bilks and Workingmen agree to nominate a joint county -at. 14— Free Public Library opened to the public. ... Third annual printers' picnic given at East Park. 10— Body of W. F. Wilson found in the Sacra- mento river. 17— A. Tuli badly hurt at Gait by a horse Rev. J. 11. Vincent lectured; subject. " On Deck.' 1 18— Rev. Joseph Cook lectured Oil "The Certain- ties of Religion." mint County Convention of the Honorable Bilks and Workingmen met and nom- inated fair Senators Thomas McConnell and James Faris; Assemblymen, G. W. Picks, , P. J. a Hopper and G. Doty ; Superior Judges, D E. Alexander and D. C. Allen (who declined and his place was after- wards supplied by M. F. Johnson) ; Sheriff, O. Pltim- mer; Clerk, A. pinks ; Auditor and Recorder, F\ H. Cummings; District Attorney, H. L. Buckley; Treasurer, D. E. Callahan ; Assessor. G. L. Clarke ; Surveyor, A. G. Winn ; School Superintendent, G. R. Kelley; Administrator, J. R. Johnston ; Coro- ner, 11. Voeller. 19—Grand Rspublican torchlight procession and meeting held to ratify the nomination of Perkins as Governor .. Bilk and Workingmen County Conven- tion met and nominated for Police Judge W. A. Henry, and Supervisors, T. Hague and D. Brown. - 20 Andrew Dugan run over by the cars and killed .... Harry Maynard Company at the theater. 23— L. Conrad died at Washington from the effects of a fall Cornelius O'Meara accidentally fatally shot Remenyi concert at the theater Demo- cratic County Convention met and nominated J. L. English and R. T. Mills for Senators. 24—Democratic County Convention nominated for Assemblymen, P. M. Sullivan, C. Wolleb and C. C. Fugitt; Sheriff, O. Plummer; Clerk A. Spinks ; As- sessor, J. Lansing; Auditor and Recorder, G. M. Nichols ; Treasurer, D. E. Callahan ;District Attor- ney, A. B. Venable ; School Superintendent, W. S. Hunt ; Surveyor, A. G. Winn ; Administrator, G. F. Bronner ; Coroner, R. 11. Byers ; Supervisors, W. D. Comstock and E. Greer, Police Judge W. A.Henry. 25— At F'olsom, Mrs. Emma Goissued died from the effects of a fail. 26—" Pinafore " produced at the theater by the Amy Sherwin troupe. 27— J. Straw badly hurt by afall.. .N.T.Brewster died at Roseville. 28 Jefferson Davis killed at Daiten's ranch by a falling derrick.. J. Steinmiller found dead ina cabin near the city. 29— Body of Revinus Lowry found in the river. 30— James Walsh died suddenly Housed Mrs. Curran, at Twenty-first and J streets, burned. JULY. I— Body of R. Moore found near the city. 2— Destructive fire at tenth and J streets— quar- ter of a block burned, starting at S. D. Hamburger & Co.'s furniture factory. 4 The Fourth appropriately celebrated. . .Oration by E. W. Maslin. Edward Jones run over by the cars and severely hurt.. H. D Starring, a pioneer resident, deceased. C. S. Newhall committed (suicide. . .H. S. Beals badly hurt by being thrown from a buggy. 7— Charges preferred against County -Hospital Physician Pybtirn. S—Mrs. G. Politz badly hurt by a runaway acci- dent. 10—Mrs. General James Collins deceased. 11— Interesting historical letter from General John A. Sutter, published in the Record-Union .... Distillery of Detrick & Co. burned. ; 15— Ah Let shot and killed by Ah Jim and others. ... .J. H. Murray died suddenly at the County Hos- pital. . " ' 10— Tony Taster troupe at the theater.... Father Francis Kelly, formerly of Folsom, died at San Francisco. - IS— Benjamin Poor led by a falling stone at the Folsom Branch Prison. .'. -Ada Kingston suicided. - 20 Two of the large boilers at the railroad works exploded, killingJ. M. Keyes, the fireman, and dam- aging property. 22— Board of Supervisors removed Coiajty Phy- sician Pyburn and appointed Dr. G. M. 1 isMjo the .... Emelie Melville troupe produced ''Pina- fore "at the theater.... Near FVeeport, "Jennie" committed suicide by hanging. . 25—Large Republican meeting addressed by Gov; ernor G. L. Woods and D. M. Burns Joshua Whitcomb appeared again at the theater. . Considerable excitement over the reported capture and confession of Tom Lawton at Walli Walla ...Democratic Countv Committee nominated M. F. Johnson and D.. E. Alexander for Superior Judges. ..Chris. Ludekin thrown from a horse at Courtland ami kiled.V , 23 New County Hospital completed and formally accepted by the Supervisors. - . 20—" Color Guard" reproduced at the theater.' . 30— Fire at the residence of J. T. Twelfth and D streets. \u25a0 - f 31— W. H. H. Lee succeeded H. Bnrnham as Chief Engineer of the Paid Fire Department.... John Bdlmer appointed United States Internal Revenue Storekeeper. , \u25a0'. -;-: : \u25a0•"-"\u25a0: AUGUST.". —Slight fire at the residence of J. J. Ankener. ....Work on the new railroad depot in progress.... W. P. Emery appointed Deputy County Clerk. Warm sea-ion of ""-' County Committees of the Democratic Workiugmen's and New Constitution parties .... Wlntelaw Ileid, of '.lie New York TrSnt nt, passed through forth,. East. '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-.- -\u0084-- . 4— Charles Lothhannner deceased. . . .Torchlight procession, and Republican mass meeting addressed by H. F. Page. G. W. Carter and others. - 6—J. R. Watson delivered an address at the thea- ter on the railroad question. 7— George C. Bora spoke at an H. B. meeting. 9— Exciting meeting of , the Democratic County Committee. '.-\u25a0•'->' 11 Congressional labor '. Committee - passed through for San Francisco Board of Education formally accepted the new school building at Tenth and Q "streets.... Movement on foot to secure a franchise for a .1 -stieet railroad. ; 12— li. Hamburger, a former Sacramento mer- chant, died at Astoria, t *-,_-• , - :'-r j "- 13— Boy named John XcGinnis broke his arm by a fall ... . 'Roy named 11 Sullivan hurt by a dray. . I Large excursion train ran to Woodland to at- tend a Republican meeting.... Mrs. Frank Lamb- let murdered at Folsom while in bed, and her hus- . band severely cut. _. He Was afterwards arrested and indicted for the murder. ),.-.' lames O'Neal drowned in the river, .. Robert T. Mills, Democratic nominee for. State Senator, de- clined, and James Fans substituted by the com- mittee. ' \u25a0 ,* ,'.'.' . f \u25a0:. IS— Robinson severely stabbed by J. Stnck- , land near the city J. H. Russell, a printer,de- ceased. " *S_^ay'__*____P_|^B__PSß_BW_J r. 19— Frank Lamblett cv; his throat severely at Fol-' - sem. '\u25a0'\u25a0•' 20—At Elk Grove a young man named Arthur ' was dragged to death by'a horse James Lansing substituted on the H. B. and W. P. C. ticket for As- sessor in place of !Clarke, declined. .J. A.Pratt succeeded J- A. Fillmore as Superintendent of the Sacramento Division of the California and Oregon Railroad. \u25a0 .\u25a0"' \u25a0- -'\u25a0\u25a0- ."\u25a0 ir 21—Little son of Coroner Vermilya accidentally severely burned with powder. .. '•a 22 H." Hi -stimuli died suddenly at the cityprison. . .". Torchlight procession ami Republican mass meeting addressed by G. C. Perkins, Senator Booth and G. A. Kr.ight. ;-"• - 23— Sam Miliigan had his foot badly crushed at Roseville by the cars. r Charles T.Noyes badly hurt in the eye at the railroad shops. ."•-" . | Millie Christine, the double-headed woman, exhibited at the theater. .;. »6—William F. While spoke . . .H. F. W. Detterd- iug deceased. - \u0084 :'f. : - \u25a0 \u25a0 --\u25a0 27- Ordinance passed granting additional fran- chises to the old Street Railway Company G.J. Carpenter and Senator Farley 5p0ke... .0. Van Al- stine severely kicked by a horse. . . . Creed Haymond spoke. \u25a0,\u25a0'.''\u25a0 - 28—Alexander Fleming died suddenly at the sta- tion-house. ' \u25a0-\u25a0 - . 29— J. Powers badly hurt at the railroad shops. j 30— G. C. Hazleton spoke Bat wing-shooting becomes a popular amusement .... Governor Irwin spoke.' '\u25a0' _ 31— Bishop Gilbert Haven preached at the Sixth- street M. E. Church. SEPTEMBER. 3—General election ; \u25a0: Republican county ticket generally elected... J. Anderson drowned at Sut- terville. .. .Little daughter of G. E. Kuchler broke her arm by a fall. 7— Folsom W. E. Gerber defeated C. W. Ran- dall at the wing-shooting match for the champion cup. - \u25a0 .-'j B— J. F. W. Kraus found dead in his room Twenty-sixth annual State Fair opened.... nance 'passed to re-number the uses in the city. 9—Board of Supervisors canvassed the election returns. . 10—Mayor Turner issued a proclamation for a meeting of citizens to prepare for the reception of General Grant. 12—Sham battle fought at Agricultural Park ; 11. A. Conway had his hand blown eff by the prema- ture explosion of a cannon.... S. T. Cooper found I dead. ; 14 -Dr. John Ruth gave an exhibition of rifle- shooting at Agricultural Park John H. Rowe, of this dty, died at Gait. 15—Zamloch, the conjurer, appeared at tho thea- ter.'. .".Meeting held at the Court-house to prepare for Ihe Grant reception . Letter carriers for the Free Postal Delivery appointed. 16—Mrs. ] . Messenger committed suicide near the city. . 17—Local officer Diego Morales died Robert Mullen found dead. IS Anniversary of Chilean Independence cele- brated by the Chilean residents— Little son of E. H. McKee severely kicked by a horse. 23— Mrs. S. E. Eldred deceased. 24— Freight train ditched at Brighton and several persons hurt. 20 Robs, an and Crane appeared at the theater. 28 Schooner Robie Hunter sunk near Walnut Grove Son of Fr.nik Ranlett severely kicked by a horse. , 29 Annual sesssion of the Sacramento Presby- tery commenced. .. .D. Lawlor had hi* leg broken. 30— Vi. O'Millen died at the Railroad hospital of lockjaw, OCTOBER. 1— Free postal delivery system inaugurated ... P. Quinn severely struck with a pitcher by M. Daly. .. . Residence of I). O'Connor, at Washington, burned. .. General Grant elected an honorary mem- ber of the Pioneer Society. 3— Daniel E. Klice, a veteran of the war of ISI2, deceased .... Haverly's Mastodon Minstrels opened at the theater .. .Charles Williams run over and killed by the cars. 4—Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle or- ganized. s—Body of John Tash Sauza found in the river at Freeport. 7—Win J. Davis admitted to the bar of the Sixth District Court . .Mrs. Joseph Thclan deceased Dental Association formed. Twenty-ninth Annual Conference of the M. E. Church South met H. Hurt suicided near Fol- som. 9— Amos Waring committed suicide at Washing- ton.... John Carroll deceased, r. ;-, 10— Dr. J. R. Lame elected Countj Physician. 11—Heavy fall of rain ... Unknown man died sud- denly at Eighth and .1 streets ...P. F. Chamberlain found dead at F0150m.... Mrs. John Gerber de- ceased. 12— Residence of J. Eberbardt burned. 13 Body of an unknown man found in a house at Seventh and D streets. 16— Levi S. Graham died from blood poisoning ... Mrs. H. S. I'.injs died at San Francisco. l.s—C. Schindler badly hurt by a fall. 19—Sacramento Leader appeared. Alfred J. Rivctt deceased. 23— General Grant arrived, and receive,! with an imposing demonstration. 23 Ada Cavendish appeared at the theater. 24 J. 11. Shannon, the hoy orator, gave an exhi- bition at the theater .General Grant left for San Francisco. 25— F. Windri rka thrown from a wagon and killed. 20— Walking match at Agricultural Park. 27— Mrs. I. Dunlap died suddenly. 2S—Report of the Grand Jury submitted Ju- venile Pinafore Company at the theater Resi- dence of N. Thielen at Sutterville burned .. M. Ot- tenwalder died at the County Hospital from an acci- dental poisoning. - , \u25a0 , 29—Capstan of a barge broke end killed F. Sven- Son, C. Scanlan and J. Walke. Albert Strong thrown from a wagon and seri- ously hurt. ;,._. a"i -a_.'__-:s '- * NOVEMBER. 1 Description of the Folsom Branch Prison pub- lished in the Record- Union . . .Democratic Com- mitt, nominated Add. C. Hinkson for Suiierintend- ent of City Schools. 2— B. Liubaugh committed suicide on Brannan Island. 3—Convention of colored citizens held to arrange for cclebratii-g Emancipation Day. . .. Henry Hainan found dead inbed. 4 lnteresting article on the drainage of Sacra- mento published in the Record-Union' . Dr. W. H. Baldwin elects I City Physician Artificial ice man- ufactory commenced operations. History of the Sacramento levees published ill the Record-Unio.n Democratic City Committee nominated for School Directors B. D. Kenned". E. M. Martin. S. Roth and M. F. Johnson. 8—Republican City Committee nominated for School Superintendent F. L. Landes, and for Direct- ors K. F. Wiemeyer, W. D. Stalker, J. D. Lord and W. R. Knights. 12—Workingmen's City Convention nominated Rev. J. H. C. Rome for School Superintendent, aud 0. W. Picks, Thos. Hague, J. W. Willem and D. J. Considine for School Directors. 13— Bonte declined the Workingmen's nomination for School Superintendent. 15— W. T. Talbot found dead near the city. 17—Chief Engineer Vi. H. H. Lee deceased Chain-gang established at Washington .E. M. Skaggs" thrown from a buggy and hurt Supreme Court affirmed the judgment in the case of H. A. Caulfield. IS—Master Mitchell Banner gave a concert.... James Gallagher severely stabbed his brother Patrick Man named Bartoniszhek found dead. 19— Unknown man sprang from the Yolo bridge and drowned Workingmen's Convention nom- inated S. W. Smith for School Superintendent, and D. E. Alexander for Director, vice Hague, declined .. . .M. Ransom ceased. 21—Judge W. A. Henry admitted to the bar of the District Court. 23—Wong Sing shot and killed by an unknown Chinaman. •21 Vi. A. Caswell leased the theater ; Working- men nominated R. K. Wick for School Superintend- ent, vice Smith declined, and Richard Parker Di- rector, vice licks declined. & *25 W. F. Suimhy deceased .... Chas. Bergen sui cided. 20— H. Neubourg committed suicide .. Military exhibition and drill in honor of Gov. Irwin. 27— Butler Folly Company at the theater ; F. Dunn cut in the face by E. Wright . ..At Elk Grove, W. Jefferson, in shooting at Lynch, shot his own brother severely. 28—C. Sullivan elected Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, vice Lee. deceased. 29- Enoch Matter deceased Chas. Hallen found in his cabin near Halt murdered. " Jas McLaughlin died at the County Hospital from injuries inflicted by robbers on the 23d. .. Hi- ram Henderson deceased. __________________________________________ MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, DEATHS. The followingis a list of the marriages, births ami deaths in Sacramento city and county during the past year, as nearly as can lie compiled from authentic sources. Those of a later date than December Ist will be found on another page of this paper. SACRAMENTO CITY. ' '_•:\u25a0- --MARRIED. Jan. _ I— John L. Morberly and Emma S. Ostrander. Edward L. Aiken and Katie 31. Shannon. 1— A. Krull and Maria Manser. » I— James Workman and Fannie Williams. 5—F. A. Midial and Susie Keefe. '. s—E. B. Jennings and Minna Lynn. 9 James 0. Chamberlain and Mary A. Walsh. I*2— W. M*yl,<rry and Alma E. Merchant. ;.;--: 13— William Eddy and May Fulle-. . 14—Hugh Hughes aim Elizabeth Steele. IS—Olef Mattcson and Lena Nelson. 22—John Hahn and Louisa Brown. 27—Isaac T. Barry and Annie Mosely. Horace B. Reed and Georgie Briggs. Feb. : 2—Charles Lee and Mary L. Smyth. . ' : ft—Martin J. Keegan and Kate Cojney. . 12 - Robert J. Ferguson and Mary B. Painter. . 13— J. S. Fassett and Jennie L. Crocker. 15—John Oswil! and Mary Lucy Hack, r 15 John Anderson and EmilyHubert. 17— Phi ho Hortop and Etta Woodle. j 17— Charles Gould and Mary J. Noia. - 20—Frank Edwards and Agnes L. Thompson. 21—H. i). Gamble and Lizzie Bird. ' 23—P. D. 11-vevaiid Marie E. Sparks. ,'- 23—Frank Drew and M.E. Mahone. ''-\u25a0-\u25a0. . 24—Hugh G. Casey and Fannie Kohner. ' Mar. lasses W. Sutton and Susie M. Dobson. . 6—J. S. Watson and Emma C. .May. " ' ft— James Mittsoti aud AliceNelson. jf. B—Henry E. West, and J?sie A. Miller. , B—D. Vi. Chichester and Caroline M. Chiches- HSM^s 1 ' ter.^ate^cfwiV^/?'-- '- .. 9— Siguiond Rothfeld and Bettie Lesman. , 12— John Donovan and Annie Menker. ,12— Henri Beck! and Christiana Sprock. .; : - T.i Jamas T. Boyd, Jr., and Emma E. Lum. " 26—Flank Lahtink and Anna Giehel. ".'--'\u25a0 '-\u25a0 .- 27 August Welsman and Ella McCausl nnd. 27—Harry A.Wilson and Eugenia Franks. . April 9—Valentine Hauser and Kate Kast. r . John Shsran and Hannah Buieren. V '21— Edward Brown and Ellen Butler. 23 James S. Cop-eland and Sallie Edgar. . -':,..:; , -7— Lester C. Browed! and Minnie Cox •'\u25a0",. May I— Emnal Scott and Maggie J. Fark-y. \u25a0 , 3— Adam Ankele and Dma Straatman. sfrfa 6— C. L. Benton and Oilie L. Lamson. jf.". 7— Ferdinand Kohler and Mary L, Klotz. ; "r B— A. J. suiilh and Emma L. lltini. Geo. Vi. B. Chanetoiiand Nellie M.Powell. •'..\u25a0 15—Frederic Iddens and Rosa Naghel. 17— John Cable raid Louisa Kellogg. 18—Johu J A. 'Jeichert and Carrie L. Knaul. - 21— E. R. Rowlands and Ellen J. Jones. 24-Robt. M. Webb and Mary A. Kerr. 24—Nathan L. Bancroft and Emily L. Sims. 26—Hiram Gray and Mary L. Liwis. 29 John B. Henobscbam and Anna Lcmonn. June Robert Robertson and Amanda Gillespie. »-H. D. Millikin anil Sarah R. Ckirkim 10—Gustave A Wendt and Emma J. Knaul. 11 - L. W. Matthews and Ellen Fiynn. 13—Ernest Gildenkrantz and Julia pilsner. David Klein and Mary E. Hannan. 10- B. T. Mouser and Carrie G. Tryon. 22—G. P. Huber and Mary [_awson. ,r. 'jj 23—Manuel Vieri and Flemena Dleglonia. 25 Anton Mauretich and Lupe Nunes. July Joseph Makley and Frances V. Webb. 9—John F. Stephenson and Lilian A. Watson. 12—Edwin C. Dearborn and Mary L. Wattles. 12—N. G. Mellisand Margaret J. Stinaff. 14— James T. Gariick and Emily Curie. '. :'\u25a0 15— John G. Patterson and Nellie Wiley. ': " 16—J. H. Mallion ami Eliza Utley. 10— Richard Burnett and Louisa Tripp. 20—Warren A. Roose and Carrie E. Grabner. 21—Henry Laycock and Eliza Allen. . 22— R.N. Greer and Katie Giamelli. 24— I. Gardner Shaw and Phebe J. Chiles. Aug. 5— J. P. F. Martinea and Mary Ayalla. - . ... Charles 8. Wright and Kate Gourley. 7—Henry Meir and Ann L. Miller. 9— Charles F. Wilkins and Man F. Gilday. 9— William Schwartz and Caroline Voght. 12— Morris Michael and Sarah Hymen, 16— BUmanrnand Lizzie A. Scott. 27— Alexander C. Bray and Lucretla Turner. 29 Willi.. Cook and Almira Thurman. 29— Henry E. Anderson and Mary J. Schrider. 31— Henry Schaumloeffel and Kate Gruhler. 31— Joseph Rowan and Mary J. Donnelly. Sep. G— Fred T. Berry and Hattie L. Scott. S—Thomas J. Hughes and Sarah A.Guilliford. 8— William Guilli»'ord and Mary Spauger. B— E. M. .Ma on « and Julia A. Pitts. ~ 9— O. A. Graham and 11. 1,. 11. ..aia. John Mdmes ami Mary E. Baldwin. 11— C. B. Farnluim ami Jennie I.'. Criswcll. 11— L. 11. Van Vdkenburgh and Sarah S. Tracy. 11— William McNair and Verah Curraher. 13— William Meister and Agnes L. Hirst. 13— Andrew Schmidt and Elizabeth Kaiser. 17—Oscar M.Henry and Amanda J. Dickcn. 20— M.Angel and Charlotte L. P. Livingston. 20— Thomas Rowe and Annie Treah r. 21—William Siemon and Magdalen Schmitz. 21—Jere J. Johnson and Clementina How. 24— P. J. Stephens and Caroline Gambert. 2S John Studarus and llansiue Lauridson. 30— C. F. Rice and Mattie E. Amnions. Oct. 2—Geo. D. Irvine and Ida M. Lowell. 2—Joseph Becker and MethaStolle. 4—Jerry M. Welch and Amanda Parker. 4—Anthony Borraan and^losie Kucny. 4— Charles E. Brooks and M. M. Humphrey. 4— Alfred D. Briggs and Jennie Fisher. s— Henry C. Orth and Belle V. Young. 5- John Garrite and Martha J. Kuowies. 7—Henry Strobel and Barbara Rink. B— Thos. Morse and Elizabeth Fitzgerald. ,*- •••• Jose K. Dins and Amelia Oar ... 11 Herman Btamme and Carrie Niederker. Frank Cosby and Sarah Emerson. 13— Edwin B. Cushman and Kate A. Wilsey. 20— Thomas Slater and Minnie Wheiulun. 21—Jonas E. Centner and Lizrie Castner. 22— A. J. Maestreth and Sarah K. Marchant. 22— Chas. H. Thomas and -Maggie Dcrrickson. 22— H. Taubcnheimer and Addie Goldstein. 22— W. Matthews and Adda Westaway. 24—Geo. W. Cole and Sarah J. Pnlley. Nov. 2— Louis Gattman and Rebcecali F'rese. 2—J. 11. Humphrey ami Emily Funis. 4— Wm. Hillebrand and Ida Hillebrand. 4— E. C. Cook and inezella Sampson. 7— John McCallan and Belle Mcilae. 10— Christian Kerr and Deborah Kidman. 10 David shakespear and Anna Leggatt. George E. Pates and Emily l. Beatty. 11 Jay J Cooley and Catherine C. Craig. 13— Eben McKenney and Han J. Cous ns. , . jj. Hi—J. It. Heath sad Hattie 11. .mm. 22— Rudolph Sel ifelherger and Annie Welter. 22— Christian Mastehuff and Kate Bearens. 24 John Keo and T\ Kirn. 29- J. M. Bates and Eliza D. Sinnotte. PORN. Jan. 1 - Wife of George Cadwalader, a daughter. 2— Wife of O. 11. Wing, a son. Wife of David G. Burg, adaughter. 7— Wire ,i li. W. Willard, a boo. B— Wife of A. M. Smith, a son. 9— Wife of L. Coleman, a son. 9— Wife of Henry Brosius, a daughter. 16— Wife 01 1, \f. Godley, a son. 16— Wife of William Johnston, a daughter. 17— Wife of M. l.i:,ri._r„ a son. 17— Wife of Win. V. Heilbron, a daughter. 18— Wife of John Skelton, a sou. 19 Wife of Frank Anthony, a son. 20— Wife ..I J. Elders, a daughter. 30— Wit of T. T Crump, a daughter. Feb. 11- Wife of V.'. R. Cluness, a daughter. 17—Wife of E. Walters, a daughter. ; y. •_. In—Wife of Jacob Schafer, a son. 19 Wife of S. Moose, ason. 21 Wife of Daniel Reardon, a son. 2S— Wife of T. W. Sheehan, a .liter. 28- Wife of G. A. White, a daughter. Mar. 2— Wife of Kilts Kilgorc, a daughter. 4 Wife of Albert Enrenford, a son. 7 Wife of Charles W. Winchester, a son. 12— Wife of Augustus F. Turner, 11 daughter. 13 Wife of C. F. Smith, a daughter. 13— Wife of It. J. Kluiiie, a -on. 16— Wife of P. F. Walsh, a daughter. 17 - Wife of George F. Bronner, a daughter. Is- Win of Eugene B. Thome, a daughter. 19— Wife of J. F. Ca'derwood, a son. 21— Wife of W. 1. Wallace, a daughter. 23 - Wife of Thomas Taverner, a daughter. 25— Wife of P. New-man, a son. 25 Wife of L. A.Upson, a son. 20— Wife of D. Disown, a son. 20 Wife of P. Hagerty, a son. 26— Wife of Chas B. Howard, a son. 29 Wife of Geo. I. Lauimon, a daughter. 30 Wife of James Craw, a son. 31—Wife of James Craw, a daughter. April2—Wife of Thomas Ross, a daughter. •;,". 4 -Wife of Frank Weissman, a daughter. 7— Wife of J. Muffins, a daughter. 9—Wifeof E. L.Hawk, a son. Wife of A. Eppelin, a son. 10" Wife of A. Flint, a son. 40— Wife of O'Neal, a son. 10— Wife of Chas. W. Thielbar, a son. 11— Wife of J. W. Guthrie, a daughter. 12— Wife of W. H. Wood, a son. 17— Wife of Henry Koehne, a son. 17 Wife of F. A. Finch, a daughter. 17—Wife of D. J. Simmons, a daughter. 18— Wife of A. J. Sag a daughter. IB— Wife of Geo. A. Walker, a son. 19— Wife of C. A. D. Gray, a daughter—still- born. 24— Wife of G. Llewellyn, a daughter. 30— Wife of A. J. Drifts, a Km. May 7— Wiie of J. E. Vessels, a son. 8— Wife of W. J. Hyde, a son. 9— Wife of Geo. W. Maish, a son. W ifo of S. Kingsbury, a daughter. 17— Wife of Lumber Kuuile, a daughter. 19— Wife of .1. D. Clevenger, a daughter. 26— Wife of P. O'Laiighlfii, a son. 31—Wife of Matt J. Fiynn, a daughter. June 4— Wife of Frank L.Renwick, a son. s— Wile of 0. A. Dorsey. a son. 9—Wife of L. H. Steinmiller, a sou. ; 10— Wife of G. W. Conrad, 11 daughter. - 11—Wife of J. 11. Camp, a daughter. 12 Wife of James 11. Stebbins, a son. 15 Wife of P. Geuis, a daughter. 19 Wife of J. Ashcr, 11 son. 20— Wife of F. Dassonville, a son. "Wife of Joseph Lawlor, a son. 23— Wife of Jamas Popert, a son. July 3— Wife of C. L. War. a daughter. 3 Wife of L. P. Dorsey, a son. 5— Wife of Joseph Wiseman, a daughter. 6 Wife of Alexander Smith, a son. 2 ./' 11— Wife of G. W. Chapman, a son. 11- Wife of W. 11. 11. illey, a daughter. 13— Wife of Abraham Richardson, a son. 14— Wife of Henry F'uchs, a daughter. 17— Wife of Daniel Jackson, a daughter. 17— Wife of W. J. O'Brien, a son. 20— Wife of 1. C. Anderson, a son. 20— Wife of Alfred Vosper, a son. 22 Vi ife of H. D. Rode, a sou. Wife of 11. A.Peabody, a son. 25— Wile af .1 F. Brown, a daughter. Wife of T. R. Jones, a sou. 27— Wife of K. B Ellis, a d ugbter. 29— Wife of Nicholas Short, a daughter. 30— Wife of L. C. Jordan, a son. 30— Wife of George Sennonet, a daughter. 30— Wife of A. HUI,a daughter. '-• ;;..'.. Aug 2—Wife of E. C. Atkinson, a son. 2— Wilt- of Eugene shay, a daughter. --,'\u25a0:• Wife of Thos. Harper, a daughter. s— Wife of George M. Saulsberry, a son. 6—Wife of U.S.* Lock. void, a son. B—Wife of F. L.Herlzel, ason. _.'.:_:" Wife of Fred Schnauss, a son. , B— Wife of B. J. Scullion, a son. 9—Wife of E. A. a son. ->..'-' 12- Wile of Roberta. Pettit, a daughter. 13—Wife of J. West, a sou. , 16- Wife of P. I'endcrgrast, a son. 17— Wife of Thos. Storrer, a daughter. 18— Wife of T. J. Scott, a daughter. 21— Wife of D. N.Moyer, a son. 21— Wife, if W. C. Clark, a daughter. 21— Wife of M. Levy, a daughter. 22— Wife of W. c. Curtis, a son. 25 Wife of Chas. H. Thicss, a son. . 27 -Witeof John J. Schneider, a son. 2!)— Wife •'!- .... daughter. 30- Wife tf O. X. 1 r nkiti, a daughter. I Sept. 1 Wife of J. 11. annagan, a daughter. 2— Wife of Lewis Carpenter, a daughter. 6— Wife of Th ..-. Warmby, a son. 16— Wife of Z. Clayton, a daughter. , 22— Wit.. \u25a0 \u25a0 f .In . F. Cooper, a daughter. 22— Wife of . l. Bennett, a son. \u25a0 - V ; -> r 26— Wife of Chas P. Nathan, a son. 27— Wife of J. Linih-ninajer, a son. 29- Wife 01 J. W. Hilr'r.r'ii,a ton. - | Oct. . Wife of James Douglas, a son.'a-a.v'J ; 6— Wife of F. B. Scott, idaughter. 6 -Wife of F. Birdsell, a daughter. 7— Wife of J. G. Mcßride, as,.. 9— Wife of W. T. Bird, a daughter. 10—Wife of T. Bullivant, a daughter. II -Wife of G. Politz. a daughter. 11—Wife J. D. Monow, \u25a0 .l-.ighter. 11- Wife of Louis Little, a son. 14- Wife of G. H. Stubbe, a son. 1 Wife of S. H. Wood, a son. 17— Wife of Emil B lekow, a daughter. •20— Wife of W, L. Moore, a daughter. *?g El—Wife of 6. Nathan, i son. . 23 Wife of Leon S?l moo, a son. 31 -Wife of W. 11. Low a soil. Nov. Wife of Marks Hirst, a son, " : Wife of Lewis James, a son. 4— Wife of R. Pedler, a son. •.' 7 - Wife of Tarn Hing,a son. :'.".' B—Wife of F. Blewner, a .laughter. B—Wife8 Wife of Morris Stenifels, a son. : 10— Wife of Phillip C. Byrne, a son. :r-f 11- Wife of J. C. Dietrich, a daughter. -Wife of W. T. Peterson, a son. 14—Wife of A. J. Gardner, a son. .".'"\u25a0" Wife of A. H. Church, a son. in.TIW-.-ii ia if7a, '-"- aa a-a \u25a0-, i-trt^s'— f-1r.,:. *jr4sy±r^a7frariffi^f^]R* IS- Wife of M.D. Eldred, a son. 21- Wife of D. Hok, a laughter. Wife ofM. Stemauer, a son. - \u25a0 ".22— Wif. of H. D. Cm...:-, a daughter. '-- '\u25a0;::• of A..s*l B. t.i„_-i.\. a daughter 23—Wife oi Joseph Bauqui.r, Jr., a daughter. 25—Wife of M. J. Holland, a daughter, 25— Wife of Joseph Hurtado, a daughter. 27- Wife of Henry Rogers, twin daughters. Wife of G. "A". Can-, a son. 28—Wife of Prank E. Michel, a son. 29— Wife of James Beckett, a son. 30—Wife of Frank Hurl a son. DIED. Jan. I—Zilpha Lake, 79 years, 3 months. 2 Samuel Lane, 4o tears. 3—Margaret Royal, 60 years. 3—George Perkins, 52 years. \u25a0 '.-•\u25a0\u25a0/'\u25a0. ''\u25a0'• ,"• 4— Archibald Fiazer, 21 years, 11 days. .'\u25a0 -Wm. E. Zufelt, 23 years, 9 months. s— Wong Chung, 44 yens. ' MiltonBarney, 83 years. 6— Lawrence it. O'Keefe, 3 years, 6 months. 6—Heinrich Lang, 18 years, 6 mouths. 7- EmilyL.Nichols, as years, 7 months. o—John0 John Douglas, 86 years. o—John0 John B. Sherburn, 28 years, 6 months. 10— Annie Wulff, 2 years, 8 days. " , - 10—Marietta Osbarn, 01) years, 8 months. 12—Victoria K'ebs, 2 months, 27 d.'.vs. 12— Patrick Powers, ,V.l years. 15 Samuel Wilkinson. 15— Bridget HcCnire, 50 years. 15—Joseph Alain-. 35 years. . ; 16—W. btockel, 3- years. \u25a0-.?\u25a0. . 17— Yong Young, 48 years. 19— Nora R. Saloman, 3 months, 6 days. 21 Harriet Cram, 6 months, 13 da; -." 25—JerjonN. Schmidt, 4 months, -.'\u25a0 days. 25— Marl; E. Whister, 3 months, 8 days. 27— William Folks, 4," years. —Philip McGnire, 40 years. Feb. I Thomas Porter, 57 years, 1 month. 1 Anthony Emerson, 66 years. 2— John D. Hubert, 16 years, 2 mouths. 2— lsis Sisenvine, 54 years. 3—Mars! nilGraham, 57 years. Thomas G. Conner, 3 months, 23 days. J-vt Riley Penner, 2.: years, 8- Ah War. Mary Steffanovich, 45 years. 10 George R. Owen, 33 years, Corson L. Silver, 21 years. 11— Won Fab Wong, 50 years. ---' » '.'_\u25a0 Thos. Cowley, 43 years, 3 months. 14—Helena Dwyer, 38 years. 14— Sarah Ann Rlpp m, 50 years, 3 months. , 17— LuluWolgamott, Itear, Bmonths. 19— Chin Shew, 86 years. 20— Lambi.rtoti Armstrong, 72 years. 21— Hiram Cook, 6 } wars, 10 months. 21— Infant son of S. Moose, 2 days. Charles Wardell, 54 years. 22—Henry F. Bauer, 9 days. 23—Adam V. Petit;:, 60 years. 24— Meta Lutting, 34 years, 10 months. 25— Youn Sell, --'3 years. 25— Sella Block, li years. 26— Ne.lie E. Lucas. 0 months, 17 days. John Lubin, 34 years. 26—Mary" v.. Meagher, 17 years, \u25a0'. months. Mar. 2—Lorenzo Devinceuzi, 31 years. 4—John P. Millard, 71 years, X) months. 4—Long MingTay, 50 years. s—James5 James McCabe, 50 years. o—Mary L.Massey, 30 years. 7—Henry McClbe, IS years. B— Paul Meyer, 47 years, 4 months. Beaton L. Anderson, 1year, 4 months. Eddie Flabire, 3 years, 11 months. 9—Geo. Kreutzbirger, 49 years. 9—Jos. E. Cadosa, 3 months, 13 days. 10 Sabaina Harris, 8 months, 16 days. 12-Geo. Vi. Bill. 90 yean. 12—Wm. L. Newell, 57 years. 13— Justina E. Russell, 52 years. 13— Hector McDonald, 24 years. 14— Alexander M. Monro,27 years, 8 months. 14—J. George Lngirell, 1 year, 1 month. It— Peter B. Andrat, 62 years. 14— Daniel Sheehan, 14 years, 8 months. -Henry Gilbert F'arland, 1 year. 8 months. 15— Carrie Z. Brierly, i:', years, 11 months. 16— Daniel Carroll, 53 years. 17—James Burke, tl months, 21 drys. 17- Wm. Murray, 23 day t-. 19—Mary J. Maxwell, 3 months. 19— J. W. Hedges, 40 years, 8 months. 21—John Bell, 67 years, 1 mouth. 22 Infant of J. Davis, 4 hours. 26—George A.Luxon, 30 year-, 9 months. 20- Magdalena W. Futterer, 8 months, 26 days. 20- Edward Scbafer, 1month, 7 days. 20 Wm. Gillen, 40 years, 8 months. 28— Albert S. F'razier, 37 yeais, 9 months. 28—Cliaib s Kemp, 58 years. May Hevener, 1 year, 10 months. 29 Wm. J. Foster, 37 years. 31—John Cardoza, 19 years, 10 months. 31— Harvey D. Webster, 45 years. April l- Chas. M.Marsh, 17 years, 4 months. I—Charles Logan, 29 years. 3— Anna It. Neilson, 7 years, 11 months. 3— James Henry Todd, 21 years, 9 months. Robert D. McCarthy, 37 years, 9 months. 10— Nina Silvers een, 3 months, 12 days. 10 Infant of An&oneaud Mary Gerig. 12 Jennie A. Barbery 30 years, 0 months. 12— Celia Gee, 38 years. 6 months. 12 William A. Shaw, 53 years, 11 months. 14— Robert Chiistiauson,*4s years. 17— Eugene O'Toole, 14 years, 1day. 17—Infant of 11. and L. Kohle. 21— Infant of tt 11. Beard, 1day. 22— Eliza Burdg, 57 years, 5 mouths. 23— A1l Don, 32 years. 21— Lun Ki"-.48 years. 26— Paulo Warrero, 47 years. 20— G. W. C. Collier, 15 years, 9 months. 26 James Beatty, 22 years. 27— Jane M.Morrill, (It years. 27—Albert H. Holt, 2 years, 2 months. 30— Patrick Keilly.00 years. May lAugustus 11. Black, 19 years, 6 months. I—Fred Lier. 45 years. I— Elmer Emory, 2 months, 19 dais. 1— George A.Murphy, 40 years, 10 months. 3 -Geo. W. Kripp, 8 years, SB days. 4 Charles Brown, 42 ears. 4 Ah Kirn, 38 years. C— Mrs. E. W. Spink-, 42 years, 2 months. 6—P. Cassidy, 30 yean 6—Shee Toug, 62 years. . : j v <\u25a0 B— Theodore M.ias, 51 years, 6 months. 8— Lee Hing Wring, 35 years. . 9—C. Sato, 42 years. Cornelius Conway, 00 years. 12— Mary McGuire, 43 years. 13—Sick Gin, 22 years 14 John Perry, 30 years. 16—Ron Ah Tong, 40 years. 16 Thos. H. Jackson, 65 years. 20— iou Chee, 62 years. 22—Thos. Pratt, 51 years. ,23—Caroline Krenzberger, 37 years, 1month. Michael Kelly, 32 years. 29—Troy Dye. 29- Edward M. Anderson, 40 years, 2 months. 30— Maud Morrill,11 months, 27 days. 30 Jim Gay, 40 years. June 1— Eliza J. Longstreet, 41 years. I—Ptioline1 Ptioline Picrri. 2— Richard Stewart, 71 years, 4 months. 3— Infant of Th ,s. McCarty, 1 day. B—Adonljab8 Adonljab Stanley, 89 tears. s—Henry Ban, fair yean. o—Charles Gerrish, 20 years, 10 months. 6— John Kelly,1 arm., 23 days. 10— Daniel Webster Comee, 68 years. 11— Elizabeth Swilzer, "at years. 11— Aimer Kromer, '. year, ii months. 11— George Martin,41 tars. 17— Viola Harrington, 11 months, 15 days. 18— Maud V. Hinkson, 6 years, 9 months, la— James Dickson, 80 years. Harry Pastel), 23 years. 21 -Andrew Dugan, 29 years. jjrr 23 Cornelius OMara, 23 years. 23—George It. Farrar. 1year. r 24— Sim Sim, 33 yean. 21; -Edward D. F. Brown, 7 months, 20 days. 27—Stephen Cunningham, 4 years. 28 Jose M. Finnic-. 40 years. 2a John J. N'ri.'le. 86years. Caroline Mueller. 30— Charles J. Comstock, 21 yea-s. lames Walsh, 30 years. July 1 -William T. Hugben, 60 yean. I—Maria1 Maria Deneta Berg. 5 months, 1 day. s— Ralph T. Clark, 2 months, 17 days. Henry It. Starring, ."at yean, 8 months. s Miry A.Dcnnie, 12 .wars, 20 days. 6 John 11. Crousth. 47 years. o—Chas. S. Newhall, 40 years. Maris D. Berg, 5 months, 1day. B—John Silvers, 2 months, xi days. 9—E. 11. Button, 02 years, 4 months. Ellen Collins. B8 years, 5 months. 11— Horace S. Davis, 2 months, 11 days. 12— Philip Lichthardt, 2months. 13— Let, '.ii,years. 15— Lewis Smith, 1year, 2 months. J. 11. Murray, 51 years. 15 Wing Sin Sou, 37years. IS John Mi-Laugh in, 65 years. 19—J. J. Ynhre, li months, 17 days. pi Grace Richards, 24 years. . 20— Wm. .'.'.. .viii' ird, 29 years, 3 months. 20—Jacob .',l. Keyes, 88 years, t.i months. 22— J. c. Seymour, 72 years. 28—Ah Kec, 27 years. 24— F'ong Suck King, 35 year?. '-__- r- 25 James Dawson, 60 years. j 25— M.i' n.i Catsus, 45 years. 20 Andrew Post, I 6 years. ' 27— Clara M. Chapman, 23 years. 28— Frank Mains, 11 months, 28 days. 29—Wilfred Matter, 7 months. 29— Lrili,' A. Clark, * months, 10 days. 30 Samuel Nichols, 86 years, 4 mouths. Aug. 3—Georgie F. birth, 11 months, 23 days. " 4- Claries Lotthanimcr, 45 years, 7 months. B— Dm. is Thielbar, 02 years. 0—Unknown Chinaman. : 9—Harriet Ostdlo, 1 month, 1day. 9—Ah Wa, 10 months. 9—Thos. C. Frazier, :>', years. John O'Laughlin, 2 months, 14 days. 9— Voting Yang, 26 years, i 10—Julius Asher, 2 months. 12— Edm D. Row c, 1 year. 9 months. 18—Lee Tung, 23 years. 13—Fung Cow. 5$ years. 14 -Kra'ie A. McGuire, 2 years, 7 months. t 14—Robert Lawson, 44 years. r: : r[f'r 17—James HcGrath, 00 years. 17—.John Randolph, 22 years. 17— James P. O'Neill, 28 years, 11 months. IS Joseph Rierdon, 17 years. ' T "r T i.->. 18- John H. Russell, 55 years, 6 months. 20— Ada Merrii', 17 years. 22- Amelia Morrcll, l month. 22— Eva r'oiz<-y, 1 month, 2 days. ' 22—Hong Shung, 38 years. '.-.,. _>2—Henry Hirechman. 22 Mars. 28— Fred. F. Gibson, 10 yean, 3 months. ".-"."-'- --21—Mrs. T. C. Miller, 52 years, 11 months. . 25—Unknown man, 00 .-(ala-S. »T 11. F. W. 1, -.ttrtiri,. 1.1 years, 2 months. -_.. r fed. I 32 years. 20— Henry i". White. 34 years, 7 months. 23— Alexander Fleming, 35 years. ; . .-.."._-•'. , ; \u25a029 Frank Hickey, 23 years. '.'• 29— Lucy S. Jacobs, 39 years, 3 months. \u25a0fj. ilrr.r"!..- L- tMa-.-ti, 33 years. 3 months. ;. 30—Rudolph linn-hart, 52 years. •; r'r \u25a0\u25a0'_,',. 30—Ah Tuck, 47 years. 31 Joseph Hays. 1year, 4 months. Sept. I— Ah Leumg, 28 years. a*3gg||Sgg :4— Wm. Granless, 58 years. 4— Rosa Kacser, 10 years, 7 month.?. ."_' i . Flora F. Kuchler, 1year, 2 months. 6— Librard Ciros, 33 years. - 7 - Emma Wassing, 15 years, 2 months. 7— Charles A.Reuter, 5 months, 4 da s. 7- Florence L. Harper, 26 years, 5 months. B—Joe I'-.tvoe, 31 years. . 8- J." r". Vi. Kmuae, 09 years, 7 months. B—Mrs. M. C. Harvey, 79 years, 16 months. 8- J. Dooly, 24 years. B—lnfant child of W. A. Fountain. 9— Thos. Miller, 77 years, 10 months. 9— Etola A.Hammond, 9 months, 6 days. 9— Ah Gung, Myears. 10- Sarah N. Carter, 47 years, 7 months. 11— Infant child of Henry Kckiiardt. 11—S. T. Coo|ier, 55 years. 13—Abb; L. Fountain, 30 years, 2 months. Martha E. Perkins, 24 years. -James Wicker, r.i years. :.' 15— Minnie 11. Coleman, 8 months, 15 days. Cm- I.'. East, 23 years. IC Louisa Messenger, 49 years, 7 months. IC— Alfred O'Dell, 14 years, 8 months. 16 Sin, 24 years. 17- Diego Morales, 48 years, 1 month. . 17—Robert Mullen. 21— Edna Dunlap, 3 months, 2 days. 21—May H. Woolsey, 10 months, 8 days. 21 Louisa A.Lehman, 38 years* 11 months. 21—Domingos Silvy, 6 months, 11 days. 22— Ah Vim, 35 wars. 23—Walter Bead, 1year, 4 months. 23 Infant ton of Joseph >,huler. 23— Sarah E. Eldred, 44 years, 8 months. 25 Frank A. Anderson, 8 months. 27—Le Tun, 30 years. - -',— 27- Mary tnan, 1- years. 27—J. C. Mahler, 24 years. 2S-- JanetMc -tru, 86 war.-, 6 months. 29— Mai I J. Bauquier. William O'Millen, 21years. Oct. 2—Hiililah A, Lund, 1year, 5 months. Dai Klice, 90 years. 3 Charles McWiiliams, 47 years. .'-;', 4 Mary Thieltn, 36 years. s—Ann5 Ann K. Hartigan, 54 years. C—Henorae Corcoran, 85 years. Mary c. Giesel, 22 years, 9 months. 7—Louis J. Bauer, 5 years, 10 months, 7 days Eugene M.Pearson, 25 years, 5 months. Amos Warner, 3 years, 3 months. 9- -John Carroll, SO years, 5 months. 9—John 1., Sorrels, is years. _-".:; 10— Charles .Miller, 61 years. 10 Thomas Manning, 17 years, 10 months. Win. H. I'm 20 years. 11—Barbara A. Gerber, 20 j ears, 9 months. 11 Amy C. Brown, 70 years. 11— Unknown, 5.") years. 12— James Henley, 4 months, 25 days. 13— Catherine Donahue, 2 months. 13 Unknown, 45 years. . \u25a0'}': 13— Annie Tyler, 3*3 years. s£*\ri 14 Mary Benton, 05 years. 15—Jonas Politz, 71 years. 15—Ah I'ow. 29 years. - . 16—L. S Graham, 82 years. 16—Infant of 11. L. Heath, 6 days. 16 Annie M. Stockhouse, 20 years. 17 Jim Goon, 19 years. 19— Margaret Reiser, 64 years, 8 months. 19—Infant child of B. Kirk. 19— lohn H. Colb, 1month, 19 days. 20— Mcanle Cronan, 5 weeks, 2 days. 20—Alfred J. Rivett, 28 years, 5 months. 21 Anna L. Gruhler, 10 years, 8 months. 21—Ellen E. Shea, 2 months. 22—Hairy F. Phillips, 20 yean, 4 months. 22— Minnie It. Meister, 10 years, 7 months. 22— 0. B. Kloppenburg, 19 years, 1 month. 23—Gertrude Simon, 14 years, 4 months. 24— Mary C. Alfnrd. 24— Willis li. Palmer. 25 Terrenes McMorry, 14 yeirs, 3 months. 26 Sarah lola Hanson, 20 years, 0 months. 26— Libby E. Curtis, 2 months, 4 days. 27— Josephine M. Dunlap, 31 years. 27 Fred Windricks, 51years, 3 months. 27— Bartholomne Rasher, 37 years. 29— Charles Scullion, 2 months, 21 days. 29—Infant child of James C. Row. 29 Guadalupe Flove, 50 years. 29— Ah Ting Tung, 54 years. 29— Cornelius Scanlin, 45 years. 31—Elizabeth 11. MacEwen, 60 yean. Nov. I— Roscy Malloy, 72 years. I— Hawks Young, 57years. 2 rlarances W. Chapman, 3 months, 22dayg 3— Pearl Pettit. 2 months, 21 days. 3—Clayton Vf, Hoskins, 2 yea's, 6 months. 3—Peter Perm, 31 years, C months. 3—C. 11. llri 11111111. s— Chirks W. Todd. s—Fan5 Fan Duck Yonr, 37 years. Fred Merrywether, 75 years. s— Charles E. Miles, 9 years, 7 months. s—Alexander5 Alexander Orr, 45 years. 6—Hugh Mi liny. 65 years. -Alexander Matheson, 39 years. S Eugene Ryan, 1 year, 1 month. 9— Mary Riley, 56 years. Addph Hromada, 5 months. 11—Infant child of M. Stcrnfels, 1day. 11 Mabel D. Beit-hart, 3 years, 1 month. 12 Ah ir.iLloyd, 14 years, 10 months. 12—Constancia E. M. Mason, 50 years. 13— Arthur J. Weadrick, 29 years. 11 Chan I. riliSing', 54 years. 15 John A. Harm. 25 years, 15 days. 15— William F. Sabbut, 28 years. 16— llonora McGrath, -I years. 11 months. 16— Kate Woithiiigton, 36 wars. 10— Amelia 1 .llischi .75 years. 17— Ah Hu: _.. 56 \u25a0\u25a0 i irs. 17 James N. Hill, 60 years. 17—Robert M. Krvrnan, 5 years, 2 months. Thomas Harris, 3 days, William H. 11. Lee, 14 years. 18— Robert Vi. Dunphy, 1year, 6 months. IS Rose I'itzsinimons, 34 years. 18—Huoino Batonichck, 42 years. Iti- Manna, li. Ransom, 78 years. Amanda S. Greenlaw, 44 years. Mary Aim Fli win, 28 years, 11 months.. 21 Mary L.L. Lee, 0 months, 1day. 22 A. Itergdorl, 24 years. 24—Nellie Leonard, 15 years, 8 months. 24— Michael Lucy, 2 years, 17 days. 25 Vi. F. Swimley, 52 years. 23 Infant daughter of Henry Rogers. 29— Enoch Matter, 49 years. 30—D. Henry Thielbar, .'.9 years, 8 months. 30—Noah Johnson, 18 years. 30—Hiram Henderson, 38 years, 11 months. SACRAMENTO COUNTY. MARRIED. Jan. Wm. Cluff and California Colton. 8— W. F. Kroll and Effie L. Stickney. Feb. -4 Joshua T. Bailey and Louisa D. Benton. 19— W. T. Clark and Sue V. Sherman. April 2— D. IIClippenger and Mollie Essig. 2 Barr and Angle Durr. 16—Billings Trapp and Lizzie Beeding. 29— Richard M. Clark and Mollie M. Clark. May 13—W. H. Finlay and E'len M. Gardner. 21—John T. Wells and Clara T. MeGlothin. June 11— H. S. Small and Adell H. Perkins. r \u25a0_ 25— John G. Beckstrom and Rosa Bern-hard. July 10—Maurice Lcavit and A.E. Bates. Aug. 9— S. C. Ti-ynn and Amy Ldmbach. 13 Beurt-g.ird Young and Ida XX. Oxender. 24 George W. Dixon and Clara S. Turner. 24 Win. 0. Davis and Mamie Allen. Sept. 3 James ' '\u25a0 Taylor and Jennie Banking. 23— W. F. Fiddyment and Ella Bond. Oct. 14— It. 11. Tupp and Nellie F. McClurc. 26—Alfred Richardson and Sarah Tew. Nov. 10—F. F. Thomas and Sarah E. Anderson. HORN. Jan. s— Wife of Jacob Gebert, a son. 0- Wife of J. M. Bell, a son. 6—Wife of J. W. Bayless, a son. 13—Wife of A. B. Casey, a daughter. Feb. 3—Wife of C. A. Jenkins, a daughter. 6—Wife of B. Pride, a daughter. 14—Wife of T. Vi. Johnson, a son. 20—Wife of John Patterson, a daughter. Mar. 20 Wife of John Parker, a daughter. April 5- Wife of J. 11. Fenwick, a daughter. 21-- Wife of Washington Brandon, a son. May 2— Wife of Thomas A.Ryan, a son. 4— Wife of George R. Billion, a son. 13— Wife of Thomas Lowe, a daughter. 14 Wife of Joseph Gosling, a son. 20 Wife of ''. P. Bartholomew, a daughter. 27 Wife of John Swain, a daughter. 29 Wife of George Teusch, a son. June I—Wifeof Win. K. Lind. ason. Wife of John tl. Sawyer, a son. B—Wife8 Wife of J. Simmons, a daughter. 17 Wife of Samuel Hawk, a son. 25 Wife of p. Waggoner, a daughter. 25—Wife of Philip Engosspr, a daughter. 26— Wife of A Leslie, a son. July 20—Wife of John Hussell, a son. Aug. 8— Wife of Davids. Henley, a daughter. _ Wife of P. 11. Gardiner, a daughter. 27— Wife of A. A.Nordyke, a daughter. Sep.. 4—Wife of O. A. Lo- dall, a daughter. 9—Wifeof Robert sharp, a daughter. 12—Wifeof Richard Bellby, adaughter. 14 Wife of Richard Carrington, a daughter. 17 Wife of Chas. W. Robinson, a daughter. 19—Wife of A. Kohlhaker, a daughter. Oct. 24—Wife of Aaron King, a son. Nov. 2—Wife of A. W. Bryan, a son. Wife of Paul Kahn, a son. 21— Wife of Jesse Thomas, a daughter. 22— Wife f.f S. Stamper, a son. HIED. Jan. 5- Edward A. Johnson, 32 years. 7— <£. O. Ititr rt, 70 years. 10— Godfred Zeh, 55 years, 3 months. 12 John Watters, 50 years. 17—Humphrey Taylor, 82 years, 5 months, 31—Joseph Randall, 56 yean. Feb. 2 John Shaw, 40 years. 21 Kate M. lleani, 24 years. Benj. F. Hood, 23 years, 9 months. Mar. B—Settle8 Settle Pearson, 20 years. 26—William J. Russell, 41 years. April 9— Lizzie Row, 12 years, 10 months. 22—Lena Wade, 2d days. 27—William Winkelman, 4 years, 3 months. Jlay 15 Bernard OTS 11, 60 years. June IS—Jeremiah M.P. my. 19 years. 19— Jlanuel Proedo, 3 months, 5 days. July 13—Mary Wi!l_r_m*Sheehan,7 yean, 79 month; 22— IlirrvWilliamson, 18 years, 6 months. \u25a0 Aug. 6— Ursula Miller, 79 years. 6—Martha A. Raker, 6 months, 1 day. 10—John Albert Clippinger, 36 years, 5 months ." tif 11—Charlie Frans, 1 )eer, 4 months. : 16—Mrs. C. Van M.iren, 54 years, 9 months. 21— Mrs. II M Hotting-, years. .___.'-- '\u25a0; :',. 88— Ikr-i 1" Tibbitts. 14 yeara, 8 months. 27- Mrs.'.). V. 11:::. 73 years. Sep. 14— John 11. Rowe, 80 yeara, 11 months.* ;. Ifr-Jlargaret Riley, 02 years, 5 months. 26— Eliza E. Smith, ','\u25a0\u25a0 yean, Oct. 11— Phillip V. Chamberlain, 55 years. 12—Henry Gardiner, SOyears. 13— Emilia Nicdeeker, 27 years, 3 months. William F. Talbt-rt, 28 years. 23—John Bennett, 62 years, 6 months. 26— Lucia E. Towers, 61years. 2S— George J. insider, 23 years, 4 months. Nov. -Hattie E. Bowles, IS viars, 11 months. A family at Carlsrube having been - poi.' soned by American corned beef, the Ger. man j Government has interdicted the importation of all preserved j meats from the United States. The meat by which the i accident was caused was of excellent quality, but was rendered poisonous bylead used to solder it, SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNTOX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1880. 5

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Page 1: Sacramento daily record-union (Sacramento, Calif.) 1880-01 ...23— Charles De Young, of the San Francisco Chrimicie, seriously shot, in a cowardly manner, Rev. l.8. i.1.i.-.i.'candidate

,AUGUST. :Army of the Zulus dispersed, and their King a

fugitive....Exceedingly warm weather in St. Louis.4- Labor troubles at Fall River,Mass. :.-'\u25a06 Negro John Williams examined in connection

with the Dunn affair at Wheatland and discharged.Apache outrages in Arizona.

s—Yellow fever at Havana City of Marysvilledecided to commence an injunction suit against themining companies who are sending down debris.


Serious labor troubles at yuebec.Blue Stocking Base Ball Club of Sacramento

victorious over the lutrepids of Marysville, at thelatter place.... Omaha Base Ball Club defeated atISan Francisco by the Knickerbockers . .-ensation.l

\u25a0 report published of a difficulty between SenatorConkling and ex-senator Sprague, on account offamilymatters.

-•\u25a0"- '"'.. \u25a0-'.. -r'-jf

11—Serious riots at Belfast, Ireland.12— Keene's Fa'setto made the Lest two-mile time

at Saratoga ever made by a 3-year-old.13—Captain Webb swam from Sandy Hook to

Coney Island.14—Ranis trotted a mile at Rochester in 2:1?}.15

—Riot at Quebec.


Severe earthquake shock iv Canada and New-York D. M. Reads aud G. W. Gridley, Buttecounty farmers, failed.

23—Charles De Young, of the San FranciscoChrimicie, seriously shot, in a cowardly manner,Rev. l. 8. i.1.i.-.i.' candidate of the Workingmenfor Mayor of .San Francis after having outrage-

ously abused himin paper. The affair created afeverish excitement throughout the State, and theattempted assassin narrowly escaped lynch! _

25—Greal destitution in the west of Ireland....Revolution m Hayti.


Serious lints at Santiago, Chile. .-'->----

28—ludi-iiis threatened trouble in the Canadiannorthwest . States Grand Jury in SanFrancisco indicte t E. J Baldwin for violating therevenue laws ...Rarus sold at Hartford, ar^ for$30,000 Disturbances reported from Odessa.

29— Foi tuna won• two and a quartei-mile race atConey Island in 4:02}. '

30—Indian troubles In Idaho.... Custer monu-ment at West Point unveiled Mrs.Sprague leftthe residence of her husband at Canouchet.

31- John Welch, ex-Minister to England, arrivedat Philadelphia. r'r £ '7


I—Charles De Young admitted to hailin the sumof $25,000 Coal miners strike in the Cumberlanddistrict, Perm. 4—Contest over the will of Brigham Youngended.

B—Revolt in Afghanistan. •.'.' '.? ---_'. ,V.--- \u25a0

9—Great strike of cottou operatives in EnglandFighting continues in Hayti. ...Yellow fever

increasing iiiMemphis.10—Preparations commenced in San Francisco for

the reception of QeneralOrant Earthquake shockat Lyons, France,...C incinnati Exposition openedby a speech uf President Hayes Damagingdrouth in Mexico.

Terrible epidemic in Georgia.13—Address of Hon. J. V. Webster before the

State Agricultural Society published in the Record-Union ... Insurrection in Cuba ....Famine in Rou-mania.


li.iiiency of $20,000 discovered in the fundsof Santa Cms comity, and the Treasurer placed un-der illrest.

15—Grand Lodged the I.O. O. F. of the UnitedStates met at Baltimore W. B. Hodden and wifearrested at Wheatland in connection with the Dunnaffair.... annual fair ofthe Mendocino Agri-cultural Association opened at iVillets.

lft—Ban Joaquin Valley Fair opened at Stockton..... Northern District Fair opened at Marysville ...Napa and Solano District Fair inprogress at Vallejo.

17— Outbreak of Qte Indians in Colorado Cap-ture of Cetewayo, the Zulu King,by the British, an--11.,11111

18— Indian depredations in New Mexico.... Labortroubles inEngland. . Santa Clams, a five year old,trotted in Stockton three heats in 2:22, 2:20 and2:21.

20—Lecture on rust in wheat by Professor Dwi-ndle, published in the Ki.c.tia-Union ...Detailsof the capture of Cetewayo published Indianraids in1dah0.... Miningtroubles at Bo ie Gen-eral U. 8. Grant and party arrived in Sin Franciscofrom a voyage around the world,and received withan imposing demonstration.

22—Santa Clara Valley Fair opened at San Jose.23—Salute inhonor of General Grant fired from

the sand lots, San Francisco.24— Annual report of the Directors of the Central

Pacific Railroad published in the Record-Union.25—Kearney called on General Brant, but the lat-

ter was too busy to receive him....General Grantenthusiastically received at Oakland.

20—Rinderpest prevailing in Russian PolandLand disturbances in Ireland .. General Grant re-ceived at Smi Jose.

27—New York walkingmatch ended, Rowel! win-ning the belt by making 530 miles.

2S—Meetings held in Ireland to call foran abate-ment of the rents Professor Wise ascended maballoon from St. Louis, and never since heard from.

29—Single -.\u25a0.ill race on the Thames between JohnHiggins aud ILVi. Boyd, won by the latter Su-preme Curt denied tne motion for a rehearing inthe cu-ie of F\ A. Sprague, and directed the DistrictCourt to fix the day for bis execution . Serioustrouble apprehended in Ireland over the anti-rentagitation.

30—General Grant received at Stockton Prist.dent Hayes recdved at Springfield, in....Fair ofthe Monterey Agricultural Society opeued at Sa- JUnas.


l—Exposure of the Mormon Endowment Housemysteries published i.ithe RBCORD-IfNTOS . UpperSacrameuto Agricultural Fair inprogress at Chico..... Western Union Telegraph Company reduced itstar. to take effect November Ist .. News receivedof the massacre of Major Thorubutgh and most ofhis amend on Milk river by Ute Indians —Strike of tinners at Pittsburg Six-days' "go asyou please" walking match commenced at SanFrancisco.

Earthquake at Oakland Grand industnalparade at Indianapolis .. General Giant visited

ooemite.3—The Mans discharged on preliminary exam-

ination at Wheatland.5— News received of the massacre of Indian Agent

Meeker and his employes by I'te Indians.6—

Nevada State Fair opened—

The British en-giged the Afghans and defeated them.

7—'.Irani Lodge of Good Templars convened at !Stockton .. State Grange met in annual session at jOakland. ?•"-

Graphic account of the recent battle with theVtes pn lished in tint Record-Union Large un-known balloon passed over Albion, Mich Irishanti renters appeal to their fellow countrymen inAmerica for assistance.... General Grant Jleft San |Francisco for Oregon.

11—Severe earthquake shocks ill Hungary and ISiriia. .. Nevada State Fair closed ....Stage robbed |near I'kiah Oregon State Fair closed StateGrange adjourned .. Murphy won the

'I'l.cary belt

in the New York walkingmatch. . Statue of Josialiyuincy unveiled at Boston.

*12—Large anti-rent meetings being held in Ire-

land.13— Active opposition developed in British Colum-

bia to the employment of Chinese for railroad build-ing ..General Grant arrived at Astoria ...Eighty-four-hour

"go-as-you please" walking

inenced at New York / '14—Nevada Grand Lodge of Good Templars met

at Carson.... Mrs. C, Hodgdon convicted of murderin the second degree at San Frandsco for causingthe death of Mrs. Downs . Miss Sherman won thefirst prise at the s.m Franc;-,»' walking ,match .. Grand Lodge of Masons met at Sau Fran- icisco.

15— Six-days' walking match between men andhorses commenced at snn Francisco.


10— important facta bearing in the debris ques-tion, from the proceedings of the United StatesLand Commission, published in the Record-Union.

. Indian outb eak reported from New Mexico—Gen. Grant visited Salem.

IS—General Charles Cadwalader wounded L. S. jWelton at Red Bluff with a shotgun.

knottier revolution inHayti— United SU-itesSupremo Court decided the cases of the Union Pa-cific Railroad vs. the United States, and the CentralPacific Railroad vs. Gallatin. . State Board of Agri-

culture met at Sacramento.. ..Los Angeies Fairope, led ':;'-- ,

General Grant arrived at San Francisco fromOregon. ;.-"\u25a0 *- "-;

23—Authors' carnival opened at San Francisco.25— At Oakland St. Jnlten trotted \u25a0 mile in2:123,

and Nutwood made two heats in 2:19 and 2:191.20—General Grant arrived at Carson.27—Chair for the instruction ofChinese established

at Harvard.... Alturas stage robbed.23— Fair of the Plumas, Lassen and Modoc As-

sociation inprogress at Susanville. ...Cabinetmakers'strike in San Frnn-rsi-o.

30— Further Indian outrages in Arizona.31 -Charles De Young indicted by the San Fran-

cisco Grand Jury foran assault to murder Ralioch.

NOVEMBER.I—Mrs. Meeker' story of the Ute massacre pub-

lished in the Record-Union.... General Grant re-cdved al Omaha.

4—F. A.Sprague sentenced by Judge Fawcett Sobe liamred December sth.


General Grant arrived at Galena.";--.- I"*., of the Mendocino outlaws escaped from

ja'lat r.i,ill.but they were afterwards recaptured.... .J. T. Curiae released from State Prison, the Su-preme Court having granted him a new triaL

-11—Creed Eb^rmood appiied to Governor Irwinfor

a respite for Sprague.12 First of a series of articles on the locust

scourge which threatens California published Intho Record-Union .... Annual meeting of the Armyof the Tennessee held at Chicago General Grantreceived at Chicago.

13—Keyes millingdebris case on argument beforethe Supreme Court.

i;,_ First of a series of articles on the resourcesofPlacer county published in the Bnooan-UmoK.Governor Irwinrespited sprague tor dxtydays.

17 -Another revolution in Mexico Supreme

Court decided the Keyee mining debris case adverseto the farmers Governor Irwin appointed the

27th for thanksgiving."

IS—Opinion of Justice Field, of the United StatesSupreme Court, in the railroad ease, published in

the Ukcord-Umon. ,_ \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u0084.,-,..

19—Statue of Genoa] Thomas unveiled at Wash-

lnfo—Coll Deane lectured at San Frandsco on thenew bonanzas .. New French cable forma: inau-

-»l_Great smash in stocks inNew York. _22— letter from engineer G. F. AUardt on the

debris question, published in the RfcORD-Umon."4—Monster ferryboat Solano made a successful

trial trip from San f' andst •to Benida.'"-;r••

25—Sarah Winnemucea lectured at San Francisco

on the Indian question. •

27—-Thanksgiving Day - eranyi red.29— Description of the monster ferryboat Solano.

published m the Record Union.... Marriage ofKing Alfouzo, "1 Spaiu, .md Marie Chnstine solem-

.nized at •lrid.


tASVASt.i_H A Conway hail his ankle broken by arah

Banquet _\u0084.,,; by proprietors the MechanicsSore v, their mn


wju-fractured by being

thJwn from a bnggy.-.-Son'of 11. M" La Rue

severely shot accidentally. i,!_____i -*3-lluiec-robbing Chinaman shot and killed at

"""t^orge Perkins deceased suddenly at Agrieul-

"i'L_uig, accidentally shot while hunting died

....Chas. Rider injured by a shell cartridge ex-ploding while being loaded. .Barn of Mrs. Wilseyburned. r '\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-:' ,'.,.-\u25a0

-. .' -r .-'\u25a0:.'-.,-.---"

ft—F. S. Chanfrau appeared at the theater.7—Riverside House burped.'.". .Trial of Troy Dye,

for the murder of A. M.Tullis, commenced in theDistrict Court. . '-"; ."\u25a0\u25a0"-. "'i__

B—Small fire at Fourth and 1 streets—

Judge H.0. Beatty nominated to be Receiver of tbe UnitedStates Land Office by the Preddent •\u25a0.-:"\u25a0

9—Alice Gates' opera company opened at the

theater.... Captain John Douglas, well-knowncolored citizen, deceased. .'..Captain J. B Sherburn

idied. -^jj6MBsBE_S!-»eaS3 g,^s_9 e%-' lTroy Dye convicted of murder in the first de-

Igree. -.""" --..-. • , . ,'\u25a0'""\u25a0

11—Edward Anderson comacted of murder in thefirst degree.

John Rice slightly shot by C.Conway.13—Josh Hart's variety combination at the

theater... G. W. Gray died from poison near the

American riverbridge. ".""*'_.\u25a0 '.15—Residence of James Murray at Thirtieth and

X streets burned ....A.F. Clark, one of the Tullismurderers, acquitted. ;v

16—Extremely cold weather prevailing.17—Slight fire at the residence of J. R. Watson

....Eliza Weatherby's Froliquesat the theater.20- W. C. Hopping confirmed as Postmaster at

Sacramento .. Extremely cold weather.21—Smelting Works at Twelfth and B streets

burned. _\u25a021- Creed Haymond elected Lieutenant-Colonel

of the Fourth Brigade.21—Troy Dye and Edw. Anderson sentenced to be

hanged on March 13th...T. W.Sheehan elected Cap-tain of the San-Held Guard.

25—11. E.Gates broke his arm by a fall ...Numer-ous burglaries committed. . :

23—Prof. Alan Curr lectured before the LiteraryInstitute on •' Life's Battle, and How to Win it"....Annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society—H. M. Larue elected President, O. W. Gilbert Secre-t-r ,L.A. I";

--ai Treasurer, and G. Vi. Hancock,

R. H.Newton, L. J. Rose and Cyrus Jones, Direct-ors.

29—John Sullivan, a Sacramento expressman,died at San Francisco.

30—Slight fire in clothing store of A.Rosenthal.31— P. Maguire found in a .lying condition on the

street with his skull fractured, supposed to have re-sulted froma fall.

FEBRt'AItV.I—D. Roden accidentally broke his leg near Shel-

don.2—J. D. Hubert drowned in the river....1. Siscn-

vine, an old resident, suddenly deceasedAnnual reunion aud banquet of the Exempt

Firemen's Association.8-Americus Lodge, No. 80,A.O.U.W. institute I.10—Hop-house of J. E. Kamp, near the city,

burned. .11

—Prof. Allan Curr lectured before the Literary

Institute on "A Night in the English House of Com-mons "...Jo. Hurtado acquitted in the District Courton a trial for the murder of J. E. Denny ....MissBertha Schade, a graduate of the Sacramento HighSchool, deceased in Oakland.

12—Republican City Convention met and noiniDated forThird Trustee, Josiali Johnson; Collectori.. a. Putnam ;Assess F. A. Shepherd ; Auditor,E.H. McKee, and Fire Commissioner, J. W. Wilson.....Workingmen's City Convention held a stormy-,--..:!...Thomas Cowley, an old resident, sud-denly 'cased. .. D m.icratie CityCommittee nomi-nated for Third Trustee W. L.Herndon ;Auditor,I. Townsend; Assessor, P. A. Byrne ;Collector, B.F. Stewart ;Fire Commissioner, Chris. Wei-el.

13—Chinese match factory at Sixthand R streetsburned . California Theater company opened atthe Metropolitan.

Jury in the Caulfield murder case in the Dis-trict Court disagreed.

17—11. A. Caulfield admitted to bail by JudgeDenson ....Rice's Surprise Party opened at thetheater .. .W. W. Grouse, for many years Justice ofthe Peace at Washington, die,! at that place.

18 —Bar meeting held and resolutions in respectto the memory of the late Judge Ramage passed ....Meeting of ladies he'd to organize a woman's suffrageclub.

19—Municipal Workiinrmen's Convention nomi-nated for Third Trustee, John A. Hunt;Auditor,M. Brannan ;Assessor, G. B. Dean ;Collector, E.Blum, and lire Commissioner, J. C. Devine.


Depositors of the Odd Fellows" Bank met anddetermined to form a new bank, on the ruins of the1,1,1 one.

21—Eve of Washington's birthday appropriatelycelebrated by the Tribes of Red lien L. Arm-strong found dead in bed.... Mrs. Maggie Burkebr.^ke her leg by a fall.

Joseph Harris accidentally fatally shot at Fol-» in.

24—Supreme Encampment of the Order of Cau-casian'met.

25—Meeting of colored citizens held to demand arecognition at the hands of the political parties.

Turner masquerade carnival held.28 Haverly's Colored Georgia Minstrels opened at

the theater.... Slight fire at the residence of Mis.Alien,ou Seventh street, between IIand 1.

MARCH.2—L.Devinri suicided at the Sacramento County

Hospital.3- State Woman's Suffrags Club organized at Sac-

ramento. Democratic mas3meeting held atthe theater, and resolutions passed condemning thePresident's Chinese veto.


Proposition to establish a free library exten-sively discussed.... Great interruption of railwaytravel on account of the recent heavy storm. .. .Mrs.Louis Levy badly hurt by fallingdown stairs.


County resellers' institute .... Slight fireat the house of Julia Cummings- on Lstreet, be-tween Third and Fourth.... Colored RepublicanClub organized.

7— Hyers sisters appeared at the theater. ...Dem-ocratic City Convention issued an address on the up-proaching municipal election.... George Brown cut— - Martin on the cheek with arazor.—

Thomas Armstrong shot at T. T. Crump.10—Body of officer Fred. D. Chaniberlin, who dis-

appeared last year, found in the Sacramento river.News received of the decease at Loudon on

February 14th of Frank Dale, an old-time Sacra-mento merchant.

11—Municipal election held, and Johnson electedThirdTrustee, McKee Auditor, Shepherd Assessor,Putnam Collector, and Wilson File Commissioner.The proposition to establish a free public librarywas also carried .. .Directors of the proposed Peo-ple's Bank elected by the depositors of the defunctOdd Fellows' Bank.

12—Samuel Poorman acquitted in the County-Court of embezzlement, alleged to have been com-mitted inhis connection with the late Odd FellowsBank G. W. Bell found dead in his room W.L.Newell, a pioneer printer, deceased.

13—Mr. and Mrs. Vi. J. Florence appeared at thetheater ....State Board of Education met and dis-cussed the school teachers' examination frauds.

14—Boy named Daniel Sheehan accidentally fa-talI stabbed by a companion.

10—Little daughter of G. Woolf hail her legbroken by a fall. -'-.','

17— Patrick's Day celebrated bya processionand literary exercises .. .Board of Supervisorswranglingover the election of County Physician.

18—William Howies struck by a train at ElkGrove and badly hurt Mrs. V.11. Russel deceased.. Republican mass meeting held at the theater ....

William Beckman elected President of the People'sSavings Bank.

19— Richard Ireland, an old Sacramentan, died atVallejo. .-?

20— Dr. George Pyburn elected County HospitalPhysician ...Eliza Wcathershy's Froliques appearedat the theater.

21— Directors of the various Building and LoaniAssociations met to take action relative to the pro-'posed new Constitution Dr. F. W. Hatch, Jr.,appointed Assistant Physician at the Napa InsaneAsylum.

24—Mrs. P. Annetta Peckham lectured on "ThatDrunkard" .. Little daughter of A.Logan severelyburned.

25—Directors of the Building and Loan Associa-tions issued an address against the new Constitution.

26—William Gillen, ex -Chief Engineer of the Fire[ Department, deceased.

27— Installation and banquet of Sacramento Com-:mandery No. 2. Knights Templar.

29—W. J. Foster, a well-known pressman, de-ceased .. Troy Dye exhibited symptoms ofinsanity.

J. T. Card well,a road-overseer severely stabbedby Chinamen at Mississippi Lor, while collecting roadtaxes from them.

30—Annual meeting of th. Sacramento CoursingClub commenced at White Roik Meeting of Is-raelites held on the subject of moderate reform inthe church service Slight fire at the old city hall....Fire at the store of F. Trask at Walnut Grove.

31— Alofthe allopathic physicians appointed onthe City Board of Health resigned because twohomoepaths had been placed on the Board HenryAmes, an old Sacramentan, died at Oakland. fffji,

APRIL.I—H. D. Webster died suddenly.... Dr. J. L.

Howard, an old-time Sacramento druggist, diedthe train D___B-t ' igiicri.

2— Board of T.ustecs named the Trustees of theFree Library.... Capital Lodge -No. .',1.1. O. G. T.,reorganized .. .Body of Edward McKeineti found ina shaft near Folsa'tn. i

3— Harvey Caswell, a pioneer Sacramentan, diedat San Francisco.

4—R. D.McCarthy ...William King fellfroma handcar near illand badly hurt.... Severethunder, lightning and ram storm.

7— Large meeting of the Clerk's Early dosing As-sociation held at the theater.... A. F. Clark rear-rested at Oakland on a charge of accessory after thefact in the Tullis murder— Anti-Net. ConstitutionClub organized. ."'•"..-•'

B—Board of Trade passed resolutions against thenew Constitution New City Board of Health,composed of

"Homeopaths," met.

9—Meeting of ladies held to take action relativetoa benefit entertainment for the Howards. ...An-nual meeting of the Protestant Orphan Asylumheld H. A. Caulfield convicted of manslaughterin the District Court.

11— L.C. Stone shot and badly wounded his di-vorced wife. _j

13— Easter generally observed—

W. E. Gerber.won the champion cup at the pigeon-shooting tour-nament in progress at Folsom. ...

14—Albert Manning admitted to the bar of theDistrict Court. . Lightfrosts.

15—Miss Georgia C. Hancock appointed Librarianof the Free Library.

16—Supreme Court affirmed the judgments in thecases of Dye and Anderson. .

17— Troy live created a sensation on "insanity.

Calico bail given inddof the 'Wards....Buf-falo Billappeared at the theater.

18 Board of Education passed resolutions againstthe new Constitution

Mayor Turner issued a proclamation callingfor aid for the Eureka sufferers.

21—Berger fmilyat the theater.

Wallace Bruce lectured before the LiteraryInstitute on

"The Landmarks of Scott." -...Creed

Haymond spoke against the new Constitutor.23—Benefit concert tat the Woman's Home given.. E. Blaner badly hurt by a falling chimney....

Dye and Anderson "resentenced by Judge Densdn tobe hanged on May '-'-''-h- __ - _ ',''"-

--•';-ii 1.. Knight spoke against the proposed Con-stitution, and li-meeting shamefully disturbed bythe opposition. .. '. . "'"'»_~':\u25a0-•"'\u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'"

\u25a0",- 11. A. Caulfield sentenced by Judge Denson to

six years inState Prison for killingW. G. English."General P. F. Walsh, whileaddressing a meeting

against the new Constitution assailed with rotteneggs by hoodlum opponents. ... -'

\u25a0-' '.'

\u25a0v.-Odd Fellows' picnic held at Leets Grove....Meeting of the Coursing Club at Miller'sranch. ..Boy named John Desmond had his note broken by ablow from a bat. ...Residence of Henry Coleman atFreeport burned... Rev. Father Gilney, formerly

pastor of St. Rose Church, died at San Francisco. -\


ffi—Store of C. H. Stevens &Co. ;burglarized—

!Judge O. C. Lewis deceased at Folsom. '.- -vf"'".r1 -"' 29—T. G. Phelps spoke against- the new Constitu-tion. i9_ss_Bßß_J__tJHßWW_W_______BE_M____________________!. a MAT.'"'

Governor Irwinspoke against the new Consti-tution B.Maeaulev at the theater. -^\u25a0:.. -f-r3—A Chapter of the Order of tte'Eastern Starinstituted.... Boy named Geo. W. Kripp drowned.

Judge Hen-son and General Walsh spoke againstthe new Cot stitutiou Sou of George \u25a0 Kuchler

Istruck on the head witha club by another b y,andbadly hurt.

4—Quarter Centennial May Festival of the TurnerAssociation held... .Nicolas Gdli severely stabbedthe proprietor of

;the Garibaldi House. .. Charles

Brown died suddenly..;. Body of -Frank Silva, achild who was drowned, foundinthe river. ;• s—John Hilldied suddenly. \u25a0 .

6—Patrick Cassidy dead in bed.... James Francethrown from a horse and fatally hurt at Walsh'sstation Mrs. Alfred Spinks deceased. \ -.-_•-:. 7—Dead body of an infant found in Capitol park.

B—Theodore Hasss deceascd/S}_»S^sfc*HflßWii6_|'10— Central Republican Club organized. .. .GeorgeF.l'hou_,c committed suicide —Office of J. J. Agardburglarized.

11—Twentieth anniversary of the Hussars ap-propriately celebrated.

12—Red Men's picnic at Natoma Grove.13-Mrs. M.J. Young admitted to the bar of the

Supreme Court Lawrence Barrett appeared atthe Metropolitan Theater . Mass meeting toratifythe new Constitution held and New Constitutionparty organized m the county. »

14—John Perry died suddenly.15—Young Men's Republican Legion organized.

fi..Barney o'Ncil died suddenly at Dalton's, Sacra-mento county .. .Safe of Dodge. Bnse &Co. blownopen and robbed. , \u25a0' _.

' '

.16— 11. Jackson died suddenly.:17- Grand Jury reported .'...DemocraticCounty Central Committee met m.d declared infa-vor, oi straight nominations.... Slight fire at thestore of Rothfeld Brothers..- 19—Barlow." Wilson & West's Minstrels at theMetropolitan Theater.

20—First Republican mass meeting of the cam-paign held..;. Republican County Committee - de-cared in favor of straight tickets... .Mrs. M. H.Suvder of Sacramento died at Coulterville.


Yjung Men's Democratic Club organized....George Martin had his legbroken byacollision atAgricultural Park.-

22 Commencement exercises of Perry's Sacra-mento Seminary at the Assembly Chamber.^..An-nual Convocation of the Protestant j EpiscopalChurch held. --'

23—.1. P. Jones supposed to have suicided bydrowning. .

Troy Dye tried bya Sheriff's Jury and declaredto be sane... .New Constitution party club organ-ized... F. W. Smith drowned near Courtland.. ..Workingmen held amass meeting to ratiiy the new-Constitution. .-'-.--.-

24— Steamer Cora struck a snag and sunk nearWalnut Grove.

20—Annual commencement exercises of St. Jo-seph's Academy he1d...."Color Guard

"again pro-

duced at the Theater .Fourth Ward RepublicanClub organized.

*29—Graduating exercises of the Grammar* Schools

held Colored citizens held a meeting in memoryofthe late William Lloyd Garrison .... Troy Dyean,! Edward Anderson executed. .-..8. Powler badlyhurt by a runaway near Sacramento.

30 Decoration Day celebrated ;oration by JudgeDenson.

31—Commencement exercises of the High School.fjfjf JUNE. t

2—Richard Stewart committed suicide .. ThirdWard Republican Club organized.... Third annualcommencement exercises of the Sacramento Insti-tute held B. Maeaulev appeared again at thetheater.

Yosemite Sunday-school excursion party ar-rived from the East Jo. Murphy at the theater.

s—George Martin so severely stabbed by M. Bec-tel that he died on the lltb Discovery made thatone of the indictments against Charles Heisen inthe


"case had been tampered with Ini-

tial meeting held to arrange for the Fourth of Julycelebration. Little son of E. Perry run over andkilled on the Riverside road.

B Store of J. F. Cooper burglarized.

7— Republican primary election held in thecounty.


liversisters appeared at the theater.10—City offices removed to the new Water Works

building... .C-.pitail Lodge of Odd Fellows celebra-ted the twentieth anniversary of its organization byliterary exercises and a banquet . D. W. Comeedeceased. .


Mrs. J. G. Switzer died suddenly. .. .Republi-can County Convention met ami nominated forSen-ators Grove L. Johnson .md William Johnston ;As-semblymen— Seymour Carr, J. X. Young andElwood Bruner ;Superior Judges

—S. C. Denson

and R. C. Clark ;Sheriff—A. Heilbron; Clerk—T.11. lerkey; Assessor— J. W. Houston; Recorderand Auditor—W. E. Gerber; Treasurer— E. Wool-son ;•District Attorney—G. E. Bate-3;. Administra-torH. S. Beals; School Superintendent

—C. E.

Bishop ;Coroner A.J. Venniiya ;Surveyor J C.Pierson; Supervisors— S. Blair and S. W.Butler ;Police Judge E. I.Robinson.

12— Honorable Bilks and Workingmen agree tonominate a jointcounty -at.

14— Free Public Library opened to the public. ...Third annual printers' picnic given at East Park.

10— Body of W. F. Wilson found in the Sacra-mento river.

17— A. Tuli badly hurt at Gait bya horseRev. J. 11. Vincent lectured; subject.

"On Deck.'1

18— Rev. Joseph Cook lectured Oil "The Certain-ties of Religion." mint County Convention ofthe Honorable Bilksand Workingmen met and nom-inated fair Senators Thomas McConnell and JamesFaris; Assemblymen, G. W. Picks, ,P. J. a Hopperand G.Doty ;Superior Judges, D E.Alexander andD. C. Allen (who declined and his place was after-wards supplied by M.F. Johnson) ;Sheriff, O. Pltim-mer; Clerk, A. pinks ;Auditor and Recorder, F\H. Cummings; District Attorney, H. L. Buckley;Treasurer, D. E. Callahan ;Assessor. G.L. Clarke ;Surveyor, A. G. Winn ;School Superintendent, G.R. Kelley; Administrator, J. R. Johnston ;Coro-ner, 11. Voeller.

19—Grand Rspublican torchlight procession andmeeting held to ratify the nomination of Perkins asGovernor .. Bilkand Workingmen County Conven-tion met and nominated for Police Judge W. A.Henry, and Supervisors, T.Hague and D. Brown.- 20

—Andrew Dugan run over by the cars and

killed....Harry Maynard Company at the theater.23—L.Conrad died at Washington from the effects

of a fall Cornelius O'Meara accidentally fatallyshot Remenyi concert at the theater Demo-cratic County Convention met and nominated J. L.English and R. T. Mills for Senators.

24—Democratic County Convention nominated forAssemblymen, P. M. Sullivan, C. Wolleb and C. C.Fugitt; Sheriff, O. Plummer; Clerk A.Spinks ;As-sessor, J. Lansing; Auditor and Recorder, G. M.Nichols ;Treasurer, D. E. Callahan ;District Attor-ney, A.B. Venable ;School Superintendent, W. S.Hunt;Surveyor, A. G. Winn ;Administrator, G. F.Bronner ;Coroner, R. 11. Byers ;Supervisors, W. D.Comstock and E. Greer, Police Judge W. A.Henry.

25—At F'olsom, Mrs. Emma Goissued died fromthe effects of a fail.

26—" Pinafore" produced at the theater by the

Amy Sherwin troupe.27— J. Straw badly hurt by afall.. .N.T.Brewster

died at Roseville.28

—Jefferson Davis killedat Daiten's ranch by a

fallingderrick.. J. Steinmiller found dead ina cabinnear the city.

29— Body of Revinus Lowry found in the river.30— James Walsh died suddenly Housed Mrs.

Curran, at Twenty-first and J streets, burned.JULY.

I—Body of R. Moore found near the city.2—Destructive fire at tenth and J streets— quar-

ter of a block burned, starting at S. D. Hamburger&Co.'s furniture factory.


The Fourth appropriately celebrated. . .Orationby E. W. Maslin.—

Edward Jones run overby the cars and severelyhurt.. H. D Starring, apioneer resident, deceased.—

C. S. Newhall committed (suicide...H. S. Bealsbadly hurt by being thrown from a buggy.

7— Charges preferred against County -HospitalPhysician Pybtirn.

S—Mrs. G. Politz badly hurt by a runaway acci-dent.

10—Mrs.General James Collins deceased.11— Interesting historical letter from General

John A.Sutter, published in the Record-Union ....Distillery of Detrick & Co. burned. ;

15— AhLet shot and killed by Ah Jim and others.... .J. H. Murray died suddenly at the County Hos-pital. . " '

10— Tony Taster troupe at the theater....Father Francis Kelly,formerly of Folsom, died atSan Francisco.

-IS—Benjamin Poor led by a fallingstone at the

Folsom Branch Prison. .'.-Ada Kingston suicided.- 20 Twoof the large boilers at the railroad worksexploded, killingJ. M. Keyes, the fireman, and dam-aging property.

22— Board of Supervisors removed Coiajty Phy-

sician Pyburn and appointed Dr. G. M.1 isMjothe....Emelie Melvilletroupe produced ''Pina-fore "at the theater.... Near FVeeport, "Jennie"committed suicide by hanging.. 25—Large Republican meeting addressed by Gov;

ernor G. L. Woods and D. M. Burns JoshuaWhitcomb appeared again at the theater.. Considerable excitement over the reportedcapture and confession of Tom Lawton at WalliWalla ...Democratic Countv Committee nominatedM.F. Johnson and D..E. Alexander for SuperiorJudges. ..Chris. Ludekin thrown from a horse atCourtland ami kiled.V • ,


New County Hospital completed and formallyaccepted by the Supervisors. -.

20—" Color Guard" reproduced at the theater.' .30—Fire at the residence of J. Twelfth

and D streets. \u25a0-f

31—W. H.H. Lee succeeded H.Bnrnham as ChiefEngineer of the Paid Fire Department.... JohnBdlmer appointed United States Internal RevenueStorekeeper. , \u25a0'. -;-::\u25a0•"-"\u25a0:

AUGUST.".—Slight fire at the residence of J. J. Ankener.

....Work on the new railroad depot inprogress....W. P. Emery appointed Deputy County Clerk.

Warm sea-ion of ""-' County Committees of theDemocratic Workiugmen's and New Constitutionparties .... Wlntelaw Ileid,of '.lieNew York TrSnt nt,passed through forth,. East. '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-.- -\u0084--. 4—Charles Lothhannner deceased. ...Torchlightprocession, and Republican mass meeting addressedby H.F. Page. G. W. Carter and others. -

6—J. R. Watson delivered an address at the thea-ter on the railroad question.

7—George C. Bora spoke at an H.B. meeting.

9— Exciting meeting of ,the Democratic County

Committee. '.-\u25a0•'->'11

—Congressional labor '. Committee - passedthrough for San Francisco Board of Educationformallyaccepted the new school buildingat Tenthand Q "streets.... Movement on foot to secure afranchise for a .1-stieet railroad.; 12— li. Hamburger, a former Sacramento mer-chant, died at Astoria, t *-,_-• ,-

:'-r j"-13— Boy named John XcGinnis broke his arm bya fall....'Roy named 11 Sullivan hurt by a dray. .I Large excursion train ran to Woodland to at-

tend a Republican meeting.... Mrs. Frank Lamb-let murdered at Folsom while in bed, and her hus-

. band severely cut. _. He Was afterwards arrested andindicted for the murder. ),.-.'—

lames O'Neal drowned in the river,.. RobertT. Mills,Democratic nominee for.State Senator, de-clined, and James Fans substituted by the com-mittee.

'\u25a0 ,* ,'.'.' . f

\u25a0:. IS— Robinson severely stabbed by J. Stnck-, land near the city J. H. Russell, a printer,de-


• r.19—Frank Lamblett cv;his throat severely atFol-'- sem.

'\u25a0'\u25a0•' 20—At Elk Grove a young man named Arthur'was dragged to death by'a horse James Lansing

substituted on the H. B. and W. P. C. ticket for As-sessor in place of!Clarke, declined. .J. A.Prattsucceeded J- A. Fillmore as Superintendent of theSacramento Division of the California and OregonRailroad. \u25a0 • .\u25a0"' \u25a0- -'\u25a0\u25a0- ."\u25a0ir 21—Little son of Coroner Vermilya accidentallyseverely burned with powder. ..'•a 22

—H."Hi-stimuli died suddenly at the cityprison...". Torchlight procession ami Republican mass

meeting addressed by G. C. Perkins, Senator Boothand G. A. Kr.ight.;-"•

-23— Sam Miliigan had his foot badly crushed at

Roseville by the cars.r Charles T.Noyes badly hurt in the eye at therailroad shops. ."•-".| Millie Christine, the double-headed woman,exhibited at the theater..;. »6—William F. While spoke .. .H. F. W.Detterd-iugdeceased.

-\u0084 :'f.:

-\u25a0 \u25a0

--\u25a0 27- Ordinance passed granting additional fran-chises to the old Street Railway Company


Carpenter and Senator Farley 5p0ke... .0. Van Al-stine severely kicked by a horse. ...Creed Haymondspoke. \u25a0,\u25a0'.''\u25a0- 28—Alexander Fleming died suddenly at the sta-tion-house. '


. 29— J. Powers badly hurt at the railroad shops.j30— G. C. Hazleton spoke Bat wing-shootingbecomes a popular amusement .... Governor Irwinspoke.' '\u25a0'_ 31—Bishop Gilbert Haven preached at the Sixth-street M. E. Church.

SEPTEMBER.3—General election ;\u25a0: Republican county ticket

generally elected... J. Anderson drowned at Sut-terville. ...Little daughter of G. E. Kuchler brokeher arm by a fall.

7— Folsom W. E. Gerber defeated C. W. Ran-dall at the wing-shooting match for the championcup.

-\u25a0 .-'j

B—J. F. W. Kraus found dead in his roomTwenty-sixth annual State Fair opened....nance 'passed tore-number the uses in the city.

9—Board of Supervisors canvassed the electionreturns. .

10—Mayor Turner issued a proclamation for ameeting of citizens to prepare for the reception ofGeneral Grant.

12—Sham battle fought at AgriculturalPark ;11.A. Conway had his hand blown eff by the prema-ture explosion of a cannon.... S. T. Cooper found Idead.; 14 -Dr. John Ruth gave an exhibition of rifle-shooting at Agricultural Park John H.Rowe, ofthis dty, died at Gait.

15—Zamloch, the conjurer, appeared at tho thea-ter.'. .".Meeting held at the Court-house to preparefor Ihe Grant reception . Letter carriers for theFree Postal Delivery appointed.

16—Mrs. ]. Messenger committed suicide near thecity. .

17—Local officer Diego Morales died RobertMullen found dead.

IS Anniversary of Chilean Independence cele-brated by the Chilean residents— Little son of E. H.McKee severely kicked bya horse.

23— Mrs. S. E. Eldred deceased.24— Freight train ditched at Brighton and several

persons hurt.20

—Robs, an and Crane appeared at the theater.


Schooner Robie Hunter sunk near WalnutGrove Son of Fr.nik Ranlett severely kicked bya horse. ,


Annual sesssion of the Sacramento Presby-tery commenced. . ..D. Lawlor had hi*leg broken.

30— Vi. O'Millen died at the Railroad hospital oflockjaw,

OCTOBER.1—Free postal delivery system inaugurated ... P.

Quinn severely struck with a pitcher by M. Daly.. ..Residence of I). O'Connor, at Washington,burned. .. General Grant elected anhonorary mem-ber of the Pioneer Society.

3—Daniel E. Klice,a veteran of the war of ISI2,deceased .... Haverly's Mastodon Minstrels openedat the theater .. .Charles Williams run over andkilled by the cars.

4—Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle or-ganized.

s—Body of John Tash Sauza found in the river atFreeport.

7—Win J. Davis admitted to the bar of the SixthDistrict Court . .Mrs. Joseph Thclan deceasedDental Association formed.

Twenty-ninth Annual Conference of the M. E.Church South met H. Hurt suicided near Fol-som.

9—Amos Waring committed suicide at Washing-ton.... John Carroll deceased, r. ;-,

10— Dr.J. R. Lame elected Countj Physician.11—Heavy fall of rain ...Unknown man died sud-

denly at Eighth and .1 streets ...P. F. Chamberlainfound dead at F0150m.... Mrs. John Gerber de-ceased.

12—Residence of J. Eberbardt burned.13

—Body of an unknown man found ina house at

Seventh and D streets.16— LeviS. Graham died from blood poisoning ...

Mrs. H. S. I'.injs died at San Francisco.l.s—C. Schindler badly hurt bya fall.19—Sacramento Leader appeared.

Alfred J. Rivctt deceased.23—General Grant arrived, and receive,! with an

imposing demonstration.23

—Ada Cavendish appeared at the theater.


J. 11. Shannon, the hoy orator, gave an exhi-bition at the theater .General Grant left for SanFrancisco.

25— F. Windri rka thrown froma wagon and killed.20— Walking match at Agricultural Park.27—Mrs. I.Dunlap died suddenly.2S—Report of the Grand Jury submitted Ju-

venile Pinafore Company at the theater Resi-dence of N. Thielen at Sutterville burned .. M.Ot-tenwalder died at the County Hospital from an acci-dental poisoning. - , \u25a0

, 29—Capstan of a barge broke end killedF. Sven-Son, C. Scanlan and J. Walke.

Albert Strong thrown from a wagon and seri-ously hurt. ;,._.a"i -a_.'__-:s '-*

NOVEMBER.1 Description of the Folsom Branch Prison pub-

lished in the Record- Union . . .Democratic Com-mitt, nominated Add. C. Hinkson for Suiierintend-ent of City Schools.

2— B. Liubaugh committed suicide on BrannanIsland.

3—Convention of colored citizens held to arrangefor cclebratii-g Emancipation Day....Henry Hainanfound dead inbed.


lnteresting article on the drainage of Sacra-mento published in the Record-Union' . Dr. W. H.Baldwin elects ICity Physician Artificialice man-ufactory commenced operations.—

History of the Sacramento levees published illthe Record-Unio.n Democratic City Committeenominated for School Directors B. D. Kenned". E.M. Martin. S. Roth and M.F. Johnson.

8—Republican City Committee nominated forSchool Superintendent F. L. Landes, and for Direct-ors K.F. Wiemeyer, W. D. Stalker, J. D. Lord andW. R. Knights.

12—Workingmen's City Convention nominatedRev. J. H. C. Rome for School Superintendent, aud0. W. Picks, Thos. Hague, J. W. Willem and D. J.Considine for School Directors.

13— Bonte declined the Workingmen's nominationfor School Superintendent.

15— W. T. Talbot found dead near the city.17—Chief Engineer Vi. H. H. Lee deceased

Chain-gang established at Washington .E. M.Skaggs" thrown froma buggy and hurt SupremeCourt affirmed the judgment in the case of H.A.Caulfield.

IS—Master Mitchell Banner gave a concert....James Gallagher severely stabbed his brotherPatrick —Man named Bartoniszhek found dead.

19— Unknown man sprang from the Yolo bridgeand drowned —Workingmen's Convention nom-inated S. W. Smith for School Superintendent, andD. E. Alexander for Director, vice Hague, declined... .M.Ransom ceased.

21—Judge W. A. Henry admitted to the bar ofthe District Court.

23—Wong Sing shot and killed by an unknownChinaman.


Vi. A.Caswell leased the theater ;Working-men nominated R. K.Wick forSchool Superintend-ent, vice Smith declined, and Richard Parker Di-rector, vice licks declined.& *25

—W. F. Suimhy deceased ....Chas. Bergen sui

cided.20— H. Neubourg committed suicide .. Military

exhibition and drillin honor of Gov. Irwin.27— Butler Folly Company at the theater ; F.

Dunn cut in the face byE. Wright ...At Elk Grove,W. Jefferson, in shooting at Lynch, shot his ownbrother severely.

28—C. Sullivan elected Chief Engineer of the FireDepartment, vice Lee. deceased.

29- Enoch Matter deceased Chas. Hallen foundinhis cabin near Halt murdered.

"—Jas McLaughlin died at the County Hospital

from injuries inflicted by robbers on the 23d... Hi-ram Henderson deceased.__________________________________________


The followingis a listof the marriages,births ami deaths in Sacramento cityandcounty during the past year, as nearly ascan lie compiled from authentic sources.Those of a later date than December Istwillbe found on another page of thispaper.




_I—John L.Morberly and Emma S. Ostrander.

Edward L.Aiken and Katie 31. Shannon.1— A. Krulland Maria Manser. »

I—James Workman and Fannie Williams.5—F. A. Midialand Susie Keefe.

'. s—E. B. Jennings and Minna Lynn.9

—James 0. Chamberlain and Mary A.Walsh.

I*2— W. M*yl,<rry and Alma E. Merchant.;.;--: 13— William Eddy and May Fulle-.

.14—Hugh Hughes aim Elizabeth Steele.IS—Olef Mattcson and Lena Nelson.22—John Hahn and Louisa Brown.27—Isaac T. Barry and Annie Mosely.

Horace B.Reed and Georgie Briggs.Feb. :2—Charles Lee and Mary L.Smyth. .

': ft—Martin J. Keegan and Kate Cojney..12

-Robert J. Ferguson and Mary B. Painter.

.13— J. S. Fassett and Jennie L.Crocker.15—John Oswil! and Mary Lucy Hack,r15

—John Anderson and EmilyHubert.

17—Phi ho Hortop and Etta Woodle.j 17—Charles Gould and Mary J. Noia.

-20—Frank Edwards and Agnes L. Thompson.21—H. i). Gamble and LizzieBird.' 23—P. D.11-vevaiid Marie E. Sparks.

,'- 23—Frank Drew and M.E. Mahone.''-\u25a0-\u25a0. . 24—Hugh G. Casey and Fannie Kohner.



lasses W. Sutton and Susie M.Dobson.. 6—J. S. Watson and Emma C. .May."'ft—James Mittsoti aud AliceNelson.

jf.B—Henry E. West, and J?sie A. Miller., B—D. Vi.Chichester and Caroline M. Chiches-HSM^s1'ter.^ate^cfwiV^/?'--'- .. 9—Siguiond Rothfeld and Bettie Lesman.

•, • 12— John Donovan and Annie Menker.•,12—Henri Beck! and Christiana Sprock. .;


—Jamas T.Boyd, Jr., and Emma E.Lum. "

26—Flank Lahtink and Anna Giehel. ".'--'\u25a0'-\u25a0 .- 27 August Welsman and Ella McCausl nnd.

27—Harry A.Wilson and Eugenia Franks. .April 9—Valentine Hauser and Kate Kast. r

. John Shsran and Hannah Buieren. V'21—Edward Brown and Ellen Butler.23 James S. Cop-eland and Sallie Edgar. • .

-':,..:; , -7—Lester C. Browed! and Minnie Cox •'\u25a0",.

May I—Emnal Scott and Maggie J. Fark-y.\u25a0 , 3— Adam Ankele and Dma Straatman.

sfrfa 6— C. L.Benton and Oilie L.Lamson.jf.".7—Ferdinand Kohler and Mary L,Klotz.;"r

B—A.J. suiilh and Emma L. lltini.Geo. Vi. B. Chanetoiiand Nellie M.Powell.

•'..\u25a0 15—Frederic Iddens and Rosa Naghel.17—John Cable raid Louisa Kellogg.18—Johu J A. 'Jeichert and Carrie L. Knaul.• -21—E. R. Rowlands and Ellen J. Jones.24-Robt. M. Webb and Mary A. Kerr.24—Nathan L. Bancroft and Emily L.Sims.26—Hiram Gray and Mary L.Liwis.29 John B. Henobscbam and Anna Lcmonn.


Robert Robertson and Amanda Gillespie.»-H. D. Millikinanil Sarah R. Ckirkim

10—Gustave A Wendt and Emma J. Knaul.11

-L.W. Matthews and Ellen Fiynn.

13—Ernest Gildenkrantz and Julia pilsner.—David Klein and Mary E. Hannan.

10- B. T. Mouser and Carrie G.Tryon.22—G. P. Huber and Mary [_awson.

,r.'jj23—Manuel Vieri and Flemena Dleglonia.25

—Anton Mauretich and Lupe Nunes.

July Joseph Makley and Frances V. Webb.9—John F. Stephenson and Lilian A. Watson.

12—Edwin C. Dearborn and Mary L.Wattles.12—N. G. Mellisand Margaret J. Stinaff.14—James T. Gariick and Emily Curie.

'. :'\u25a0 15— John G. Patterson and Nellie Wiley. ': "16—J. H. Mallion ami Eliza Utley.10— Richard Burnett and Louisa Tripp.20—Warren A. Roose and Carrie E. Grabner.21—Henry Laycock and Eliza Allen.. 22— R.N. Greer and Katie Giamelli.24— I.Gardner Shaw and Phebe J. Chiles.

Aug. 5—J. P. F. Martinea and Mary Ayalla.- .... Charles 8. Wright and Kate Gourley.7—Henry Meir and Ann L.Miller.9—Charles F. Wilkinsand Man F. Gilday.9— William Schwartz and Caroline Voght.

12— MorrisMichael and Sarah Hymen,16— BUmanrnand Lizzie A.Scott.27— Alexander C. Bray and Lucretla Turner.29 Willi.. Cook and Almira Thurman.29— Henry E. Anderson and Mary J. Schrider.31— Henry Schaumloeffel and Kate Gruhler.31— Joseph Rowan and Mary J. Donnelly.

Sep. G—Fred T. Berry and Hattie L. Scott.S—Thomas J. Hughes and Sarah A.Guilliford.8— William Guilli»'ord and Mary Spauger.B—E. M. .Ma on « and Julia A.Pitts.


9— O. A. Graham and 11. 1,. 11. ..aia.—John Mdmes ami Mary E. Baldwin.

11—C. B. Farnluim ami Jennie I.'. Criswcll.11— L.11. Van Vdkenburgh and Sarah S. Tracy.11— William McNair and Verah Curraher.13— William Meister and Agnes L. Hirst.13— Andrew Schmidt and Elizabeth Kaiser.17—Oscar M.Henry and Amanda J. Dickcn.20—M.Angel and Charlotte L.P. Livingston.20— Thomas Rowe and Annie Treah r.21—William Siemon and Magdalen Schmitz.21—Jere J. Johnson and Clementina How.24— P. J. Stephens and Caroline Gambert.2S

—John Studarus and llansiue Lauridson.

30—C. F.Rice and Mattie E. Amnions.Oct. 2—Geo. D. Irvineand Ida M. Lowell.

2—Joseph Becker and MethaStolle.4—Jerry M.Welch and Amanda Parker.4—Anthony Borraan and^losie Kucny.4—Charles E. Brooks and M.M. Humphrey.4— Alfred D. Briggs and Jennie Fisher.s— Henry C. Orthand Belle V. Young.5-John Garrite and MarthaJ. Kuowies.7—Henry Strobel and Barbara Rink.B—Thos. Morse and Elizabeth Fitzgerald.

,*-•••• —

Jose K. Dins and Amelia Oar ...11

—Herman Btamme and Carrie Niederker.—Frank Cosby and Sarah Emerson.

13— EdwinB. Cushman and Kate A.Wilsey.20—Thomas Slater and Minnie Wheiulun.21—Jonas E. Centner and Lizrie Castner.22— A. J. Maestreth and Sarah K. Marchant.22—Chas. H. Thomas and -Maggie Dcrrickson.22— H. Taubcnheimer and Addie Goldstein.22— W. Matthews and Adda Westaway.24—Geo. W. Cole and Sarah J. Pnlley.

Nov. 2— Louis Gattman and Rebcecali F'rese.2—J. 11.Humphrey ami Emily Funis.4— Wm. Hillebrand and Ida Hillebrand.4—E. C. Cook and inezella Sampson.7— John McCallan and Belle Mcilae.

10—Christian Kerr and Deborah Kidman.10 David shakespear and Anna Leggatt.

George E. Pates and Emily l.Beatty.11

—Jay J Cooley and Catherine C.Craig.

13— Eben McKenney and Han J. Cous ns. , .jj.Hi—J. It.Heath sad Hattie— Rudolph Sel ifelherger and Annie Welter.22—Christian Mastehuff and Kate Bearens.24

—John Keo and T\ Kirn.

29- J. M. Bates and Eliza D. Sinnotte.

PORN.Jan. 1-

Wife of George Cadwalader, a daughter.2— Wife of O. 11. Wing, a son.—

Wife of David G. Burg, adaughter.7— Wire ,ili.W. Willard, a boo.B— Wife of A.M.Smith, a son.9— Wife of L.Coleman, a son.9— Wife of Henry Brosius, a daughter.

16— Wife 01 1, \f. Godley, a son.16— Wife of William Johnston, a daughter.17— Wife of M. l.i:,ri._r„a son.17— Wife of Win. V. Heilbron, a daughter.18— Wife of John Skelton, a sou.19

—Wife of Frank Anthony, a son.

20— Wife ..I J. Elders, a daughter.30— Wit of T. T Crump, a daughter.

Feb. 11- Wife of V.'. R. Cluness, a daughter.17—Wife of E. Walters, a daughter. ;y.•_.In—Wife of Jacob Schafer, a son. •19

—Wife of S. Moose, ason.21

—Wife of Daniel Reardon, a son.

2S— Wife of T. W. Sheehan, a .liter.28- Wife of G. A. White, a daughter.

Mar. 2— Wife of Kilts Kilgorc, a daughter.4

—Wife of Albert Enrenford, a son.


Wife of Charles W. Winchester, a son.12— Wife of Augustus F. Turner, 11 daughter.13 Wife of C. F. Smith, a daughter.13— Wife of It.J. Kluiiie,a -on.16— Wife of P. F. Walsh, a daughter.17

-Wife of George F. Bronner, a daughter.

Is- Win of Eugene B. Thome, a daughter.19— Wife of J. F. Ca'derwood, a son.21— Wife of W. 1. Wallace, a daughter.23 - Wife of Thomas Taverner, a daughter.25— Wife of P. New-man, a son.25 Wife of L.A.Upson, a son.20— Wife of D.Disown, a son.20 Wife of P. Hagerty, a son.26— Wife of Chas B. Howard, a son.29

—Wife of Geo. I.Lauimon, a daughter.

30 Wife of James Craw, a son.31—Wife of James Craw, a daughter.

April2—Wife of Thomas Ross, a daughter. •;,".4 -Wife of Frank Weissman, a daughter.7—Wife of J. Muffins, a daughter.9—Wifeof E. L.Hawk, a son.—

Wife of A. Eppelin, a son.10" Wife of A. Flint, a son.40— Wife of

—O'Neal, a son.

10— Wife of Chas. W. Thielbar, a son.11— Wife of J. W. Guthrie, a daughter.12— Wife of W. H.Wood, a son.17— Wife of Henry Koehne, a son.17

—Wife of F. A. Finch, a daughter.

17—Wife of D.J. Simmons, a daughter.18— Wife of A.J. Sag a daughter.IB—Wife of Geo. A.Walker, a son.19— Wife of C. A. D. Gray, a daughter—still-

born.24— Wife of G.Llewellyn, a daughter.30— Wife of A.J. Drifts, aKm.

May 7—Wiie of J. E. Vessels, a son.8— Wife ofW. J. Hyde, a son.9—Wife of Geo. W. Maish, a son.—

W ifoof S. Kingsbury, a daughter.17—Wife of Lumber Kuuile, a daughter.19— Wife of .1. D. Clevenger, a daughter.26— Wife of P. O'Laiighlfii, a son.31—Wife of Matt J. Fiynn, a daughter.

June 4— Wife of Frank L.Renwick, a son.s— Wile of0. A. Dorsey. a son.9—Wife of L. H. Steinmiller, a sou. ;

10— Wife of G. W. Conrad, 11daughter. -11—Wife of J. 11. Camp, a daughter.12

—Wife of James 11. Stebbins, a son.


Wife of P. Geuis, a daughter.19

—Wife of J. Ashcr, 11 son.

20— Wife of F. Dassonville, a son."WifeofJoseph Lawlor, a son.

23— Wife of Jamas Popert, a son.July 3—Wife of C. L.War. a daughter.


Wife of L.P. Dorsey, a son.5— Wife of Joseph Wiseman, a daughter.6

—Wife of Alexander Smith, a son.

2 ./'11— Wife of G. W. Chapman, a son.11- Wife of W. 11. 11. illey,a daughter.13— Wife of Abraham Richardson, a son.14— Wife of Henry F'uchs, a daughter.17— Wife of Daniel Jackson, a daughter.17— Wife of W. J. O'Brien, a son.20— Wife of 1. C. Anderson, a son.20— Wife of Alfred Vosper, a son.22

—Viife of H. D.Rode, a sou.—Wife of 11. A.Peabody, a son.

25— Wile af .1 F. Brown, a daughter.Wife of T. R. Jones, a sou.

27— Wife of K.B Ellis,a d ugbter.• 29— Wife of Nicholas Short, a daughter.

30— Wife of L.C. Jordan, a son.30— Wife of George Sennonet, a daughter.30— Wife of A. HUI,a daughter. • '-• ;;..'..

Aug 2—Wife of E. C. Atkinson, a son.2—Wilt- of Eugene shay, a daughter. --,'\u25a0:•

Wife of Thos. Harper, a daughter.s— Wife of George M.Saulsberry, a son.6—Wife of U.S.* Lock.void, a son.B—Wife of F. L.Herlzel, ason. _.'.:_:"—

Wife of Fred Schnauss, a son.,B—Wife of B.J. Scullion, a son.9—Wife of E. A. a son. ->..'-'

12- Wile of Roberta. Pettit, a daughter.13—Wife of J. West, a sou. ,16- Wife of P. I'endcrgrast, a son.17— Wife of Thos. Storrer, a daughter.18—Wife of T.J. Scott, a daughter.21— Wife of D. N.Moyer, a son.21— Wife,if W. C. Clark, a daughter.21— Wife of M.Levy, a daughter.22— Wife of W. c. Curtis, a son.25

—Wife of Chas. H. Thicss, a son.

. 27 -Witeof John J. Schneider, a son.2!)— Wife•'!- .... daughter.30- Wife tfO. X. 1 r nkiti, a daughter.

ISept. 1—

Wife ofJ. 11. annagan, a daughter.2— Wife of Lewis Carpenter, a daughter.6— Wife ofTh ..-. Warmby, a son.

16— Wife of Z.Clayton, a daughter.,22— Wit..\u25a0 \u25a0 f .In. F. Cooper, a daughter.

22— Wife of.l.Bennett, a son. \u25a0

-V;-> r

26— Wife ofChas P. Nathan, a son.27— Wife of J. Linih-ninajer, a son.29- Wife 01 J. W. Hilr'r.r'ii,a ton.

-|Oct. . Wife of James Douglas, a son.'a-a.v'J

;6— Wife of F. B. Scott, idaughter.6 -Wife of F. Birdsell, a daughter.7—Wife of J. G. Mcßride, as,..9—Wife of W. T. Bird, a daughter.

10— Wife ofT. Bullivant, a daughter.II-Wife of G. Politz. a daughter.11— Wife J. D. Monow, \u25a0 .l-.ighter.11- Wife of Louis Little,a son.14- Wife ofG.H. Stubbe, a son.1 Wife ofS. H. Wood, a son.17— Wife of Emil B lekow, a daughter.•20— Wife of W, L.Moore, a daughter. *?gEl—Wife of6. Nathan, ison. .23

—Wife of Leon S?l moo, a son.

31 -Wife of W. 11. Low a soil.

Nov. Wife of Marks Hirst, a son, "

: Wife of Lewis James, a son.4— Wife of R. Pedler, a son. •.'7-

Wife ofTarn Hing,a son.:'.".' B—Wife of F. Blewner, a .laughter.


Wife of Morris Stenifels, a son. :10—Wife of PhillipC. Byrne, a son. :r-f11- Wife of J. C. Dietrich, a daughter.

-Wife of W. T. Peterson, a son.14—Wife of A.J. Gardner, a son.

.".'"\u25a0" Wife of A.H. Church, a ia if7a,'-"- aa a-a \u25a0-,i-trt^s'— f-1r.,:. *jr4sy±r^a7frariffi^f^]R*

IS-Wife of M.D. Eldred, a son.21- Wife of D. Hok, a laughter.

Wife ofM.Stemauer, a son.-\u25a0 ".22— Wif. of H. D. Cm...:-, a daughter.

'-- '\u25a0;::• of A..s*l B. t.i„_-i.\.a daughter23—Wife oi Joseph Bauqui.r, Jr., a daughter.25—Wife of M. J. Holland,a daughter,25—Wife of Joseph Hurtado, a daughter.27- Wife of Henry Rogers, twin daughters.

Wife of G. "A". Can-, a son.28—Wife of Prank E. Michel, a son.29— Wife of James Beckett, a son.30—Wife of Frank Hurl a son.

DIED.Jan. I—Zilpha Lake, 79 years, 3months.


Samuel Lane, 4o tears.3—Margaret Royal, 60 years.3—George Perkins, 52 years. \u25a0 '.-•\u25a0\u25a0/'\u25a0. ''\u25a0'•,"•

4—Archibald Fiazer, 21 years, 11 days..'\u25a0 -Wm. E. Zufelt, 23 years, 9 months.s— Wong Chung, 44 yens.

'MiltonBarney, 83 years.

6— Lawrence it. O'Keefe, 3 years, 6 months.6— Heinrich Lang, 18 years, 6mouths.7- EmilyL.Nichols, as years, 7 months.o—John0—

John Douglas, 86 years.o—John0—

John B. Sherburn, 28 years, 6 months.10—Annie Wulff, 2 years, 8days." , -10—Marietta Osbarn, 01) years, 8 months.12—Victoria K'ebs, 2 months, 27 d.'.vs.12—Patrick Powers, ,V.l years.15

—Samuel Wilkinson.

15— Bridget HcCnire, 50 years.15—Joseph Alain-.35 years..;16—W. btockel, 3- years. \u25a0-.?\u25a0. .17— Yong Young, 48 years.19— Nora R. Saloman, 3months, 6 days.21—Harriet Cram, 6 months, 13 da; -."25—JerjonN. Schmidt, 4 months, -.'\u25a0 days.25— Marl;E. Whister, 3 months, 8 days.27— William Folks, 4," years.

—Philip McGnire, 40 years.Feb. IThomas Porter, 57 years, 1month.


Anthony Emerson, 66 years.2—John D. Hubert, 16 years, 2 mouths.2—lsis Sisenvine, 54 years.3—Mars! nilGraham, 57 years.

Thomas G. Conner, 3 months, 23 days. J-vtRileyPenner, 2.: years,8- Ah War.

Mary Steffanovich, 45 years.10 George R. Owen, 33 years,

Corson L.Silver, 21 years.11—Won Fab Wong, 50 years. ---' » '.'_\u25a0

Thos. Cowley, 43 years, 3 months.14—Helena Dwyer, 38 years.14— Sarah Ann Rlpp m, 50 years, 3months. ,17— LuluWolgamott, Itear, Bmonths.19—Chin Shew, 86 years.20— Lambi.rtoti Armstrong, 72 years.21— Hiram Cook, 6 }wars, 10 months.21— Infant son of S. Moose, 2 days.

Charles Wardell, 54 years.22—Henry F. Bauer, 9 days.23—Adam V. Petit;:, 60 years.24—Meta Lutting, 34 years, 10 months.25—Youn Sell, --'3 years.25—Sella Block,liyears.26—Ne.lie E. Lucas. 0months, 17 days.—

John Lubin, 34 years.26—Mary" v.. Meagher, 17 years, \u25a0'. months.

Mar. 2—Lorenzo Devinceuzi, 31 years.4—John P. Millard, 71 years, X) months.4—Long MingTay, 50 years.


James McCabe, 50 years.o—Mary L.Massey, 30 years.7—Henry McClbe, ISyears.B—Paul Meyer, 47 years, 4 months.—

Beaton L. Anderson, 1year, 4 months.—Eddie Flabire, 3 years, 11 months.

9—Geo. Kreutzbirger, 49 years.9—Jos. E. Cadosa, 3 months, 13 days.


Sabaina Harris, 8months, 16 days.12-Geo. Vi. Bill.90 yean.12—Wm. L. Newell, 57 years.13—Justina E. Russell, 52 years.13— Hector McDonald, 24 years.14—Alexander M.Monro,27 years, 8 months.14—J. George Lngirell,1 year, 1month.It—Peter B. Andrat, 62 years.14—Daniel Sheehan, 14 years, 8 months.

-Henry Gilbert F'arland, 1year. 8 months.15—Carrie Z. Brierly, i:',years, 11 months.16—Daniel Carroll, 53 years.17—James Burke, tlmonths, 21 drys.17- Wm. Murray, 23 day t-.19—Mary J. Maxwell, 3 months.19—J. W. Hedges, 40 years, 8months.21—John Bell,67 years, 1 mouth.22 Infantof J. Davis, 4 hours.26—George A.Luxon, 30 year-, 9 months.20- Magdalena W. Futterer, 8 months, 26 days.20- Edward Scbafer, 1month, 7days.20

—Wm. Gillen, 40 years, 8months.

28— Albert S. F'razier, 37 yeais, 9months.28—Cliaib s Kemp, 58 years.

May Hevener, 1 year, 10 months.29

—Wm. J. Foster, 37 years.

31—John Cardoza, 19 years, 10 months.31— Harvey D. Webster, 45 years.

Aprill-Chas. M.Marsh, 17 years, 4 months.I—Charles Logan, 29 years.3—Anna It.Neilson, 7 years, 11 months.3— James Henry Todd, 21 years, 9months.—

Robert D.McCarthy, 37 years, 9 months.10—Nina Silvers een, 3 months, 12 days.10

—Infantof An&oneaud Mary Gerig.

12 Jennie A. Barbery 30 years, 0 months.12— Celia Gee, 38 years. 6months.12

—William A. Shaw, 53 years, 11 months.

14— Robert Chiistiauson,*4s years.17— Eugene O'Toole, 14 years, 1day.17—Infant of 11. and L. Kohle.21— Infant of tt 11. Beard, 1day.22— Eliza Burdg, 57 years, 5mouths.23— A1lDon, 32 years.21— Lun Ki"-.48 years.26— Paulo Warrero, 47 years.20— G. W. C. Collier, 15 years, 9months.26 James Beatty, 22 years.27— Jane M.Morrill,(It years.

27—AlbertH. Holt, 2 years, 2 months.30— Patrick Keilly.00 years.

May lAugustus 11. Black, 19 years, 6 months.I—Fred Lier. 45 years.I—Elmer Emory, 2months, 19 dais.1— George A.Murphy, 40 years, 10 months.3-Geo. W. Kripp, 8 years, SB days.4

—Charles Brown, 42 ears.


AhKirn,38 years.C— Mrs. E. W. Spink-, 42 years, 2 months.6—P. Cassidy, 30 yean6—Shee Toug, 62 years. . :jv <\u25a0B— Theodore M.ias, 51 years, 6 months.8— Lee HingWring, 35 years. .9—C. Sato, 42 years.

Cornelius Conway, 00 years.12—Mary McGuire, 43 years.13—Sick Gin, 22 years14

—John Perry, 30 years.

16—Ron Ah Tong, 40 years.16

—Thos. H. Jackson, 65 years.

20— iou Chee, 62 years.22—Thos. Pratt, 51 years.

,23—Caroline Krenzberger, 37 years, 1month.—Michael Kelly,32 years.• 29—Troy Dye.

29- Edward M.Anderson, 40 years, 2 months.30—Maud Morrill,11 months, 27 days.30

—Jim Gay, 40 years.

June 1—Eliza J. Longstreet, 41 years.I—Ptioline1

—Ptioline Picrri.

2—Richard Stewart, 71 years, 4 months.3— Infant of Th ,s. McCarty, 1day.


Adonljab Stanley, 89 tears.s—Henry Ban, fair yean.o—Charles Gerrish, 20 years, 10 months.6—John Kelly,1 arm., 23 days.

10— Daniel Webster Comee, 68 years.11— Elizabeth Swilzer, "at years.11—Aimer Kromer, '. year, iimonths.11— George Martin,41 tars.17— ViolaHarrington, 11 months, 15 days.18— Maud V. Hinkson, 6years, 9 months,la— James Dickson, 80 years.—

Harry Pastel), 23 years.21 -Andrew Dugan, 29 years.


Cornelius OMara, 23 years.23—George It.Farrar. 1year.

r 24— Sim Sim, 33 yean.21; -Edward D.F. Brown, 7 months, 20 days.27—Stephen Cunningham, 4 years.28

—Jose M. Finnic-. 40 years.

2a John J. N'ri.'le. 86years.—Caroline Mueller.

30—Charles J. Comstock, 21 yea-s.—lames Walsh, 30 years.

July 1-William T. Hugben, 60 yean.I—Maria1

—Maria Deneta Berg. 5 months, 1 day.

s— Ralph T. Clark, 2 months, 17 days.Henry It.Starring, ."at yean, 8 months.

s MiryA.Dcnnie, 12 .wars, 20 days.6 John 11. Crousth. 47 years.o— Chas. S. Newhall, 40 years.

Maris D. Berg, 5 months, 1day.B— John Silvers, 2 months, xidays.9—E. 11. Button, 02 years, 4 months.

Ellen Collins. B8 years, 5months.11— Horace S. Davis, 2months, 11 days.12— PhilipLichthardt, 2months.13— Let, '.ii,years.15— Lewis Smith, 1year, 2 months.—

J. 11. Murray, 51 years.15

—Wing Sin Sou, 37years.

IS John Mi-Laugh in, 65 years.19—J. J. Ynhre, limonths, 17 days.pi Grace Richards, 24 years..20— Wm. .'.'.. .viii'ird, 29 years, 3months.20—Jacob .',l. Keyes, 88 years, t.i months.22— J. c. Seymour, 72 years.28—AhKec, 27 years.24— F'ong Suck King,35 year?.

'-__- r- 25—

James Dawson, 60 years. j25— M.i'n.i Catsus, 45 years.20

—Andrew Post, I6years. '

27—Clara M.Chapman, 23 years.28—Frank Mains, 11 months, 28 days.29—WilfredMatter, 7 months.29— Lrili,'A. Clark, *months, 10 days.30

—Samuel Nichols, 86 years, 4 mouths.

Aug. 3—Georgie F. birth, 11 months, 23 days." 4- Claries Lotthanimcr, 45 years, 7 months.

B— Thielbar, 02 years.0—Unknown Chinaman. :9— Harriet Ostdlo, 1 month, 1day.9—Ah Wa, 10 months.9—Thos. C. Frazier, :>', years.

John O'Laughlin, 2 months, 14 days.9—Voting Yang, 26 years,

i 10—Julius Asher, 2 months.12—Edm D. Row c, 1 year. 9months.18—Lee Tung,23 years.13—Fung Cow. 5$ years.14 -Kra'ie A. McGuire, 2 years, 7 months.

t 14—Robert Lawson, 44 years. r::r[f'r17—James HcGrath, 00 years.17—.John Randolph, 22 years.17— James P. O'Neill, 28 years, 11 months.IS

—Joseph Rierdon, 17 years. 'T "rT i.->.

18- John H. Russell, 55 years, 6months.20—AdaMerrii',17 years.22- Amelia Morrcll,lmonth.22— Eva r'oiz<-y, 1 month, 2 days.'22—Hong Shung, 38 years. '.-.,._>2—Henry Hirechman. 22 Mars.

28—Fred. F. Gibson, 10 yean, 3 months. ".-"."-'---21—Mrs. T. C. Miller, 52 years, 11 months. .25—Unknown man, 00 .-(ala-S.

»T 11. F. W. 1, -.ttrtiri,. 1.1 years, 2 months.-_.. r fed.I32 years.20— Henry i".White. 34 years, 7 months.23— Alexander Fleming, 35 years. ;..-.."._-•'. , ;

\u25a029 Frank Hickey, 23 years.'.'• 29— Lucy S. Jacobs, 39 years, 3 months.

\u25a0fj. ilrr.r"!..- L- tMa-.-ti, 33 years. 3 months.;. 30—Rudolph linn-hart, 52 years. •;r'r\u25a0\u25a0'_,',.

30—AhTuck, 47 years.


Joseph Hays. 1year, 4 months.Sept. I—Ah Leumg, 28 years. a*3gg||Sgg

:4—Wm. Granless, 58 years.4—Rosa Kacser, 10 years, 7 month.?.• ."_'i. —

Flora F. Kuchler, 1year, 2months.6—Librard Ciros, 33 years. -

7 -Emma Wassing, 15 years, 2 months.7— Charles A.Reuter, 5months, 4 da s.7- Florence L.Harper, 26 years, 5 months.B—Joe I'-.tvoe, 31 years. .8-J." r". Vi. Kmuae, 09 years, 7 months.B—Mrs. M. C. Harvey, 79 years, 16 months.8- J. Dooly, 24 years.B—lnfant child of W. A.Fountain.9— Thos. Miller,77 years, 10 months.9—Etola A.Hammond, 9 months, 6days.9—Ah Gung, Myears.

10- Sarah N. Carter, 47 years, 7 months.11—Infant child of Henry Kckiiardt.11—S. T. Coo|ier, 55 years.13—Abb; L.Fountain, 30 years, 2months.

Martha E. Perkins, 24 years.-James Wicker, r.iyears.

:.' 15—Minnie 11. Coleman, 8 months, 15 days.Cm- I.'. East, 23 years.


Louisa Messenger, 49 years, 7 months.IC—Alfred O'Dell, 14 years, 8months.16

— Sin, 24 years.17- Diego Morales, 48 years, 1month.. 17—Robert Mullen.21—Edna Dunlap, 3 months, 2 days.21—May H. Woolsey, 10 months, 8days.21

—Louisa A.Lehman, 38 years* 11 months.

21—Domingos Silvy,6 months, 11 days.22—Ah Vim, 35 wars.23—Walter Bead, 1year, 4 months.23

—Infant ton of Joseph >,huler.

23— Sarah E. Eldred, 44 years, 8 months.25 Frank A. Anderson, 8 months.27—Le Tun, 30 years.


27-Mary tnan, 1- years.27—J. C. Mahler, 24 years.2S--JanetMc -tru, 86 war.-, 6 months.29— Mai • IJ. Bauquier.

William O'Millen, 21years.Oct. 2—Hiililah A, Lund, 1year, 5 months.—

Dai Klice,90 years.3—

Charles McWiiliams, 47 years..'-;', 4

—Mary Thieltn, 36 years.


Ann K.Hartigan, 54 years.C—Henorae Corcoran, 85 years.

Mary c. Giesel, 22 years, 9 months.7— Louis J. Bauer, 5 years, 10 months, 7 days

Eugene M.Pearson, 25 years, 5 months.Amos Warner, 3years, 3 months.

9--John Carroll, SO years, 5months.9—John 1., Sorrels, is years.

_-".:; 10—Charles .Miller,61years.10

—Thomas Manning, 17 years, 10 months.Win. H. I'm 20 years.

11—Barbara A.Gerber, 20 jears, 9 months.11

—Amy C. Brown, 70 years.

11— Unknown, 5.") years.12—James Henley, 4 months, 25 days.13—Catherine Donahue, 2 months.13 Unknown, 45 years.

. \u25a0'}': 13—Annie Tyler, 3*3 years. s£*\ri14

—Mary Benton, 05 years.

15—Jonas Politz, 71 years.15—AhI'ow. 29 years.- . 16—L. S Graham, 82 years.16—Infant of 11. L. Heath, 6 days.16 Annie M.Stockhouse, 20 years.17

—Jim Goon, 19 years.

19—Margaret Reiser, 64 years, 8 months.19—Infant child of B. Kirk.19— lohn H. Colb, 1month, 19 days.20—Mcanle Cronan, 5 weeks, 2 days.20—Alfred J. Rivett, 28 years, 5 months.21

—Anna L. Gruhler, 10 years, 8 months.

21—Ellen E. Shea, 2months.22—Hairy F. Phillips, 20 yean, 4 months.22—Minnie It.Meister, 10 years, 7 months.22—0. B.Kloppenburg, 19 years, 1month.23—Gertrude Simon, 14 years, 4 months.24—Mary C. Alfnrd.24—Willis li. Palmer.25 Terrenes McMorry, 14 yeirs, 3 months.26 Sarah lola Hanson, 20 years, 0months.26— Libby E. Curtis, 2 months, 4 days.27— Josephine M. Dunlap, 31 years.27 Fred Windricks, 51years, 3 months.27—Bartholomne Rasher, 37 years.29—Charles Scullion, 2months, 21 days.29—Infant child of James C. Row.29

—Guadalupe Flove, 50 years.

29—Ah Ting Tung, 54 years.29—Cornelius Scanlin, 45 years.31—Elizabeth 11. MacEwen, 60 yean.

Nov. I—Roscy Malloy, 72 years.I—Hawks Young, 57years.2

—rlarances W. Chapman, 3 months, 22dayg

3—Pearl Pettit. 2months, 21 days.3—Clayton Vf,Hoskins, 2 yea's, 6months.3—Peter Perm, 31 years, C months.3—C. 11. llri11111111.s—Chirks W. Todd.s—Fan5

—Fan Duck Yonr, 37 years.—Fred Merrywether, 75 years.

s—Charles E. Miles, 9 years, 7 months.s—Alexander5—

Alexander Orr, 45 years.6—Hugh Mi liny.65 years.

-Alexander Matheson, 39 years.S

—Eugene Ryan, 1year, 1month.

9—Mary Riley, 56 years.—Addph Hromada, 5months.

11—Infant child of M.Stcrnfels, 1day.11

—Mabel D. Beit-hart, 3 years, 1month.


Ahir.iLloyd, 14 years, 10 months.12—Constancia E. M.Mason, 50 years.13—Arthur J. Weadrick, 29 years.

11 Chan I.riliSing', 54 years.15

—John A. Harm. 25 years, 15 days.

15—William F.Sabbut, 28 years.16—llonora McGrath, -I years. 11months.16— Kate Woithiiigton, 36 wars.10— Amelia 1 .llischi .75 years.17— Ah Hu: _.. 56 \u25a0\u25a0 iirs.17

—James N. Hill,60 years.

17—Robert M. Krvrnan, 5 years, 2 months.Thomas Harris, 3days,—William H.11. Lee, 14 years.

18—Robert Vi. Dunphy, 1year, 6 months.IS

—Rose I'itzsinimons, 34 years.18—Huoino Batonichck, 42 years.Iti- Manna, li. Ransom, 78 years.

Amanda S. Greenlaw, 44 years. •

Mary AimFliwin, 28 years, 11 months..21

—Mary L.L.Lee, 0months, 1day.

22 A. Itergdorl, 24 years.24—Nellie Leonard, 15 years, 8 months.24—Michael Lucy, 2years, 17 days.25

—Vi. F. Swimley, 52 years.


Infant daughter of Henry Rogers.29— Enoch Matter, 49 years.

30—D. Henry Thielbar, .'.9 years, 8 months.30—Noah Johnson, 18 years.30—Hiram Henderson, 38 years, 11 months.



—Wm. Cluff and California Colton.

8—W. F. Krolland Effie L. Stickney.Feb. -4

—Joshua T.Bailey and Louisa D.Benton.

19—W. T. Clark and Sue V.Sherman.April 2—D. IIClippenger and MollieEssig.


Barr and Angle Durr.16—Billings Trapp and Lizzie Beeding.29—Richard M.Clark and Mollie M.Clark.

May 13—W. H.Finlay and E'len M. Gardner.21—John T.Wells and Clara T. MeGlothin.

June 11— H. S. Small and AdellH. Perkins.•r \u25a0_

25—John G. Beckstrom and Rosa Bern-hard.July 10—Maurice Lcavit and A.E. Bates.Aug. 9—S. C. Ti-ynn and Amy Ldmbach.

13 Beurt-g.ird Young and Ida XX. Oxender.24

—George W. Dixon and Clara S. Turner.


Win. 0. Davis and Mamie Allen.Sept. 3


''\u25a0 Taylor and Jennie Banking.23—W. F. Fiddyment and Ella Bond.

Oct. 14—It.11. Tupp and Nellie F. McClurc.26—Alfred Richardson and Sarah Tew.

Nov. 10—F. F. Thomas and Sarah E. Anderson.

HORN. •Jan. s— Wife of Jacob Gebert, a son.

0- Wife of J. M. Bell, a son.6—Wife of J. W. Bayless, a son.

13—Wife of A. B. Casey, a daughter.Feb. 3—Wife of C. A. Jenkins, a daughter.

6—Wife of B. Pride, a daughter.14—Wife of T. Vi. Johnson, a son.20—Wife of John Patterson, a daughter.

Mar. 20—

Wife of John Parker, a daughter.April5- Wife of J. 11. Fenwick, a daughter.

21-- Wife of Washington Brandon, a son.May 2—Wife of Thomas A.Ryan, a son.

4—Wife of George R. Billion, a son.13—Wife of Thomas Lowe, a daughter.14

—Wife of Joseph Gosling, a son.


Wife of ''. P. Bartholomew, a daughter.27 Wife of John Swain, a daughter.29 Wife of George Teusch, a son.

June I—Wifeof Win. K.Lind. ason.—Wife of John tl.Sawyer, a son.


Wife of J. Simmons, a daughter.17

—Wife of Samuel Hawk, a son.25 Wife of p. Waggoner, a daughter.25—Wife of Philip Engosspr, a daughter.26—Wife of A Leslie, a son.

July 20—Wife of John Hussell, a son.Aug. 8—Wife of Davids. Henley, a daughter._ Wife of P. 11. Gardiner, a daughter.

27—Wife of A. A.Nordyke, a daughter.Sep.. 4—Wife of O. A. Lo- dall, a daughter.

9—Wifeof Robert sharp, a daughter.12—Wifeof Richard Bellby, adaughter.14

—Wife of Richard Carrington, a daughter.


Wife of Chas. W. Robinson, a daughter.19—Wife of A. Kohlhaker, a daughter.

Oct. 24—Wife of Aaron King,a son.Nov. 2—Wife of A. W. Bryan, a son. >»

Wife of Paul Kahn, a son.21—Wife of Jesse Thomas, a daughter.22—Wife f.f S. Stamper, a son.


Jan. 5- Edward A.Johnson, 32 years.7—<£. O. Ititr rt,70 years.

10— Godfred Zeh, 55 years, 3 months.12

—John Watters, 50 years.

17—Humphrey Taylor, 82 years, 5months,31—Joseph Randall, 56 yean.

Feb. 2—

John Shaw, 40 years.21

—Kate M. lleani, 24 years.—Benj. F.Hood, 23 years, 9months.

Mar. B—Settle8—

Settle Pearson, 20 years.26—William J. Russell, 41 years.

April 9—Lizzie Row, 12 years, 10 months.22—Lena Wade, 2d days.27—William Winkelman, 4 years, 3 months.

Jlay 15 Bernard OTS 11, 60 years.June IS— Jeremiah 19years.

19—Jlanuel Proedo, 3 months, 5 days.July 13—Mary Wi!l_r_m*Sheehan,7 yean, 79 month;

22—IlirrvWilliamson, 18 years, 6 months.\u25a0 Aug. 6—Ursula Miller,79 years.

6—Martha A. Raker, 6months, 1day.10—John AlbertClippinger, 36 years, 5 months

." tif11—Charlie Frans, 1)eer, 4 months. :

16—Mrs. C. Van M.iren, 54 years, 9 months.21— Mrs. IIM Hotting-, years. .___.'-- '\u25a0; :',.88—Ikr-i 1" Tibbitts. 14 yeara, 8 months.27- Mrs.'.). V.11:::. 73 years.

Sep. 14—John 11. Rowe, 80 yeara, 11months.* ;.Ifr-Jlargaret Riley, 02 years, 5 months.26— Eliza E. Smith, ','\u25a0\u25a0 yean,

Oct. 11— Phillip V.Chamberlain, 55 years.12—Henry Gardiner, SOyears.13— Emilia Nicdeeker, 27 years, 3months.

William F. Talbt-rt, 28 years.23—John Bennett, 62 years, 6 months.26— Lucia E. Towers, 61years.2S—George J. insider, 23 years, 4 months.

Nov. -Hattie E.Bowles, ISviars, 11months.

A family at Carlsrube having been- poi.'

soned by American corned beef, the jGovernment has interdicted theimportation of allpreserved jmeats fromthe United States. The meat by whichthe iaccident was caused was of excellentquality, but was rendered poisonous byleadused to solder it,