sadr campaign we are africa

A Publicity Campaign for the complete freedom of SAHARAWI

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Post on 17-Feb-2017




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A Publicity Campaign for the complete freedom of SAHARAWI

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recognises the initiative power of the united, independent voices of every African!

Every part of this map should represent African lands being governed by the rightful African nationals.

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FIREFLY GROUP (Pty) Ltd is an African owned company that exceptionally defines quality trends in all areas of specialty. Our organisation is based in South Africa yet its scoop of operation goes beyond the region serving the rest of the Africa and the global village.

We take pleasure in championing a professional service and pioneering products whilst providing a cost effective solution with a personal touch for each of our diverse clients. Using a combination of fresh ideas, up-to-date technology and our distinctive brand of creativity, each client interaction surpasses requirements whilst meeting the initial brief.

Our organization is made up of five divisions and two of these divisions have been tasked to create a publicity campaign towards garnering awareness of the global community to the urgent plight of SAHARAWI for complete freedom.

These divisions, FIREFLY Media & Entertainment and Firefly Consultancy came up with the campaign, “We Are Africa!”

Firefly Group (Pty) Ltd-our skills and expertise, your reality.

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BRIEF INTRODUCTION FIREFLY Media & Entertainment, a division of FIREFLY Group (Pty) Ltd, is an African

media organization whose interest is in all forms of African expression and innovativeness. Our organization was founded to facilitate the documentation and repackaging of all historic, cultural and artistic projects for the consumption of a global audience.

We initiate and emphasis on projects that have value for Africans and Africans in the Diasporas, whilst also ensuring the availability of platforms where African uniqueness can be exhibited.

We have partnerships with broadcasting networks cutting across the African continent, [including Mnet’s Africa Magic which is viewed in over 54 countries] all of the television networks broadcast at national level and are pro-African content.

We also have international broadcasting partners who cater for the Africans in the diaspora including Africa Broadcasting Network (London), AfroGlobal Network (Canada) African TV (USA) Oyo TV (USA) and many more found on the Caribbean Islands.

These networks form a major part of the “We Are Africa!” campaign as they will showcase to all Africans on the continent and in the diaspora the urgency of SAHARAWI’s freedom and the main message is, “Total freedom for SAHARAWI is complete freedom for AFRICA .”

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FIREFLY Consultancy, a division of FIREFLY GROUP (Pty) Ltd, is a regional public affairs and strategic communications firm whose main mandate is to bring about a peacefully united Africa, striving for social and economic growth.

With partnering firms across the continent, our multi-cultural and diversely capable professionals have extensive experience in coalition building, community outreach and public involvement, in addition to traditional services such as earned media, marketing and branding, event management and crisis communications.

Using our skilled and experienced communication experts, we will be the force behind the effective and sustainable launch and maintenance of the SAHARAWI publicity campaign, “We Are Africa!”

Our role is to ensure that Africans as a whole feel that ‘a wrong to one, is a wrong to all’ thereby transforming the plight of Saharawi to a plight for Africa, thus, “We Are Africa!”

Our legal and diplomatic communications personnel will initiate a lobbying process to all influential sons and daughters of Africa, both on the continent and in the diaspora to sign up, be heard and endorse the “We Are Africa!” campaign.

Ultimately, all heads of states in Africa (AU members) are supposed to endorse the campaign. The collective effect of the media frenzy created by FIREFLY Media & Ent and the endorsements of diplomatic and influential Africans garnered by FIREFLY Consultancy will lead to global pressure on United Nations to ‘free’ SADR.


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1. Docu-series production2. Catalogue production3. Launching of the docu-series/catalogue4. Broadcasting of the docu-series on all available networks5. Social network publicity of the docu-series/catalogue6. Media chronicling of SADR influential people7. Participation of African heads of state


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Docu-Series Production

Firefly Media & Ent. has a great team that includes researchers, scriptwriters and a production crew that have shot movies, series and documentaries.

This team will work with SADR’s Ministry of Arts and Culture, artists and directors in SADR to produce a six(6) part docu-series that showcases the lifestyle and culture of SAHARAWI.

The name of the docu-series is, “GLIMPSE” which depicts a short but thorough look into the different aspects of Saharawi culture, lifestyle, aspirations and inspirations.

This docu-series will also include interviews of Saharawi’s influential personalities, individuals from SADR who are effecting positive socio-economic development either in SADR or elsewhere.

This will elaborate the many and relatable aspects of the community of SADR, for at the end of the day, the African story is the same and it resonates to all.

No harsh or accusatory language will be used in order to ensure that all broadcasting networks are comfortable to air this content on their television stations.

The main aim of this docu-series, “Glimpse” is to put Saharawi into the minds and lives of everyday Africans before they familiarise themselves with the plight of SADR

Another aim of this docu-series is to show that SADR is a capable and holistic nation that can govern itself and whose people are breeding success [socio-economically] in SADR and elsewhere

Ultimately; this docu-series, Glimpse is meant to answer the most common question-”who are the SAHARAWI?”

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The docu-series will showcase…

arts, culture, lifestyle –the joys of the Saharawi

and the nation’s aspirations and foreign relations too.

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Catalogue Production Whilst Firefly Media & Ent. is preoccupied with the production of “GLIMPSE,” the honors will be on

Firefly Consultancy to be putting together ‘a book of pictures and short sayings/speeches’ that depicts life as it is and life as it should be in SADR.

This catalogue will be more extrovert in approach and it will be the instrument through which the tempo of the campaign will be picked up thus sensitivity to political correctness and consumer readiness will need to be evaluated throughout its production.

The Consultancy team will use the same photo/audio material used in the docu-series only that the pictures will show the sadness, the anxiety and the need for more, from all aspects of the Saharawi community, as such, the catalogue will be called, “We Are Saharawi!”

This has an ambiguous significance. First, “We are Saharawi!” shows the need to be known and accepted, to be recognised as one nation, to be understood and to be embraced as the people of Saharawi. Secondly, “We Are Saharawi!” will subtly put into motion the social network buzz that will develop to become, “We Are Africa!” which is a direct transformation of “We Are Saharawi!”

The catalogue is meant to showcase the sad beauty of SADR and also for the audience/readers to feel empathy for the people who have been denied complete freedom for way too long.

Ultimately, the catalogue is supposed to spiral the questions, “why is SADR not free and how can I, as an African/individual contribute towards their independence?”

These are the questions that will usher the whole social networking frenzy and that will allow everyone regardless of race, gender or creed to participate in the, “We Are Africa!” campaign.

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The arid life at the refugee camps; the many voices that have been silenced…

Mothers, a nation who could provide more for their people, if only they were in their own territory

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Docu-series/Catalogue Launching After the docu-series, “GLIMPSE,” a lifestyle, informative and entertaining television series

has been successfully produced and is ready for television broadcasting, a series of launching events will be done in the selected countries where SADR embassies are present including South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and Zimbabwe, strategically.

It is on these launching events that the catalogue, “We Are Saharawi” will also be placed into the face of the public without it stirring much attention, at least not right away.

On the launches, the Ministries of Information of the countries where SADR has embassies will be allowed to speak and Firefly Media & Ent. will use these opportunities to ensure that the ministers pledge to showcasing “Glimpse” on national broadcasting networks owned by governments (we already have the private sector television networks covered)

Other influential personnel (regional/international) residing in the countries where the launches will be held, will be specially invited and allowed a moment to speak about SADR, thus the focus of conversation will be tuned, not only to the docu-series/catalogue, but ultimately to the harsh reality of colonialism and the pending independence of SADR.

Firefly Group will then ensure that the events gain public attention and that all words of freedom spoken on/for SADR will be idolised in the mainstream media for longer and more lasting effect.

The special individuals that will be awarded moments to speak will be specifically asked to make mention of the catalogue, “We Are Saharawi” and to conclude their speeches with the transformed, “We Are Africa!” to ensure the rapid and effective spread of the campaign.

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Social network publicity of catalogue/docu-series

There is no denying that, in the 21st century, social media is one of the most powerful tools for global interaction, global mobilization and global participation on all things affecting humanity. As such, Firefly Consultancy has in-house social media influencers and also has partnerships with mainstream and independent bloggers that will place the “We Are Africa!” campaign on the forefront.

Status updates, re-posts, blogs and online magazine articles will be made visible to the global community that will emphasise the urgency of the need for the African community as a whole to participate fully in the “war with no blood” towards the complete freedom of Saharawi as a nation and complete the cycle of the decolonisation of the African continent.

During launching events and all media conferences that will be held in relation to “Glimpse” and “We Are Saharawi,” the social network will play an important role in building up momentum and giving feedback of the events.

It will also recapture moments of significance and especially be a repetitive facility to emphasise the key points made by special guests during the course of the events.

Ultimately, the combined efforts of all social media will cause a mass awareness and a global voice that will be chanting one mantra, “We Are Africa, free Saharawi, free all Africa!”

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Third-generation refugees, beautiful children, who deserveto know and experiencethe sweet taste ofFreedom!

Africa and the world have to know: a nation isbeing subjected to second classcitizen status on their own Land…

#the world has to know

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Media chronicling of significant SADR personnel Media chronicling of significant individuals from/in Saharawi can be interpreted as the

“media shadowing” of all pro-SADR activities by the chosen individuals. Astute, upright individuals who have impressive profiles that will exalt the outlook on

Saharawis will be covered with press whenever/wherever they are seen or heard being in action for Saharawi.

In this regard, Firefly Consultancy will work hard to synchronise the activities of the selected individuals with the media outlets [and social media] that cover the area they will be found.

This is aimed at ensuring that there is no media break or moment of wondering as to what Saharawi is preoccupying itself with and also, this will elaborate how these people are socially/culturally, economically relevant, not just to SADR but to Africa and the world as a whole.

The idea is to give an impression that all matters regarding Saharawi are current, fast brewing and urgent. This is what will give pressure on the world leaders to say something publicly about Saharawi as no leader [especially those involved in the masterminding of world politics] will wish to be seen as being pro-colonisation, publicly.

All selected individuals [including the SADR president], will have to ensure that they are alert and ready to utelise all platforms of the media that will ensure that the plight of Saharawi rings true, louder and nearer to the forefront of total freedom.

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Participation of African Heads of States “A pen is mightier than a sword,” this saying rings true of all times as it is the

instrument that authenticated all recognised and accepted democracies. As such, Firefly Consultancy will draft a write-up to the effect that each signing head of state recognises SADR as a capable and self governing state which the United Nations needs to grant total sovereignty urgently.

The act of willing participation will be a strong highlight of the “We Are Africa!” campaign as it will herald the unity amongst our continent and the readiness by African leaders to solve African challenges/problems in the African way, that is, peaceful and unanimous collaborative efforts for African socio-economic developments.

The above mentioned document will be made simple, straight forward and it will only be made public when the time is ripe, that is, when enough names and endorsements are in place and an accompanying letter of enquiry from the African Union [along many other non-governmental and human rights organisations] are presented to the United Nations.

This will be publicised and the details of the endorsements, supporting letters and the enquiry to United Nations will be circulated through all forms of media to the effect of mounting more pressure on the United Nations for fear of being seeing as ineffective or biased towards a perpetrator if they fail to give an accountable report and a conclusive, decisive and freeing decision for Saharawi.

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Unity of purpose towards the total decolonisation of Africa, an initiative for Africa, by Africans!

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The Next Step…

There are moments in history that define how history will be written; the moment when Kwame Nkrumah decided to be a pan-Africanist preaching that democracy should be a reality for all Africans; the moment when Nelson Mandela decided that reconciliation was pivotal for development, the moment when Robert Mugabe reclaimed mineral/land wealth to enrich his nation and the moment when El-Ouli Mustafa Sayed [God grant him eternal rest] decided that colonial rule on Saharawi from any foreign national had to end, if need be, by military force.

Now is another historical moment, a moment through which Saharawi democracy and African unity can be heralded simultaneously, peacefully. Since time immemorial all colonial powers have used the media to control the public opinion by appearing as saviors when in fact they were perpetrators, the same media is what we will use to incite our people and their masses to build pressure against them for the greater good of Saharawi and Africa.

The next step becomes your responsibility to ensure that this moment is not lost to history, allow us, FIREFLY GROUP, a collaborative chance to work closely with you to mobilise all necessary personnel to make this “We Are Africa!” campaign a reality that will catapult total African freedom.

This has never been done before, yes…that’s why and that’s how it will succeed!

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Thanking you for your kind and sincere considerations as we look forward to working with you soon.

Sincerely, for the greater good of African unity and socio-economic development,

Our skills and expertise, your