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Safety and Security Audit Protocol Henrico County Public Schools Henrico, VA September 2014

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Page 1: Safety and Security Audit Protocol - HCPS HCPS Safety and Security Audit Protocol is an evaluation tool to assess

Safety and Security Audit Protocol

Henrico County Public Schools Henrico, VA

September 2014

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Table of Contents

Introduction Legal Requirements Safety and Security Audit Process History of the Audit Process Representation of the Audit Team Comprehensive Audit Process Interim Audit Process Components of the Audit Process School Safety Recognition Program Overview of the Program Recognition Rating Process Section 1: Safety and Security of Buildings and Grounds Buildings and Grounds Exterior Buildings Interior Surveillance and Security Cameras Communication and Alarm Systems Americans Disabilities Act (ADA) Building Accommodations Maintenance and Custodial Inspections Maintenance Office Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Binder Electrical Safety Section 2: Fire Prevention and Preparedness Fire Inspection Exit Access and Storage Fire Protection Features Electrical – Heating, Air Conditioning, and Ventilation Other Fire Hazards Fire Evacuations and Drills Section 3: Development and Enforcement of Safety Procedures Building and Grounds Security Staff and Visitor Reporting Procedures Monitoring and Supervision Discipline Threat Assessment

Valuables and Records Technology Safety and Security

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Section 4: Safety and Crisis Planning Safety and Crisis Manual Crisis Kits Drills and Exercises Main Office Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Binder Section 5: School Safety and Crisis Team Safety Chair and Team Representation Meetings, Minutes, and Communication Section 6: Safety Training and Staff Development Safety Protocols Training Participation Incident Command System Section 7: Collection and Analysis of Safety-Related Data Data Collection Data Analysis Data Reporting and Response Section 8: Prevention and Intervention Student Programs Resources Reporting Section 9: Opportunities for Student Involvement Participation Recognition Opportunities School Safety and Crisis Procedures Section 10: Parent/Community Involvement and Communication Participation Communication School Safety and Crisis Procedures Section 11: Role of Law Enforcement Responsibilities and Duties Professional Relationships Student Involvement Communication Safety and Security Survey Section 12: Role of the School Security Officer (SSO) Responsibilities and Duties Training and Certification Professional Relationships

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Section 13: Medical Emergency Preparedness Blood Borne Pathogens Medical Emergency Planning AED Resources and Records Clinic Office Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Binder Section 14: Cafeteria Safety Security Cafeteria Inspections Training Cafeteria Office Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Binder Section 15: Transportation Safety Transportation Areas Traffic Signage Monitoring and Supervision Traffic Plan Training and Transportation Inspections Communication

Zone Offices Appendices

A. Interview Guiding Questions – Administrator B. Interview Guiding Questions – Teacher C. Interview Guiding Questions – Student (Middle and High School) D. Interview Guiding Questions – Student (5th Grade Elementary School) E. Interview Guiding Questions – Parents F. Parent Permission Form for Student Interview G. Sample Comprehensive Audit Schedule H. School Safety Recognition Program Scoring Rubric I. References

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The purpose of the Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS) Safety and Security Audit Protocol is to create division-wide consistency in the assessment process used to evaluate safety and security across schools in Henrico County. The protocol is based on the School Safety Audit Protocol developed by the Virginia Department of Education in 2000. However, in the past decade, best practices for school safety and emergency planning have evolved and HCPS has revised and updated many of our safety and crisis procedures. The HCPS Safety and Security Audit Protocol was developed to align the school safety audit process with these new practices and procedures. The HCPS Safety and Security Audit Protocol is an evaluation tool to assess a school’s safety practices and procedures and the audit report, which results from a school audit, should be used as an internal division document to assist schools in enhancing their safety culture. The report also assists division level staff in supporting school safety and improvement efforts. As noted in this document, the report will include commendations and recommendations for each section of the protocol, as well as checklist items. The commendations will serve to encourage the schools to continue their innovative and effective safety practices. The recommendations will serve to address areas of the school safety program that may need improvement, additional planning, or continued emphasis. Recommendations are meant to be suggestions for how a school can enhance and improve school safety or may relate to items required by law. The safety and security audit process was developed to facilitate a partnership between schools and evaluators trained in safe school practices. Through collaboration and sharing of best practices, HCPS will ensure our school system continues to be proactive in addressing school safety and security. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Office of School Safety and Emergency Management would like to acknowledge with appreciation the contributions of those individuals who participated in the development of the HCPS Safety and Security Audit Protocol, including principals, school safety chairs, school security staff, law enforcement and fire department staff, safety audit team members, and central office staff. Each of these individuals was instrumental in the creation of this document and we greatly appreciate their knowledge and expertise on school safety and emergency planning. Through their collaborative efforts, HCPS will continue to provide a safe learning and working environment for our students and staff. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information about this document or the safety and security audit process, contact: Christine Bailor Cortney Berry Safety and Security Coordinator School Safety Coordinator Office of Safety and Security Office of Safety and Security (804) 226-5550 (804) 226-5553

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Legal Requirements

The Code of Virginia (§ 22.1-279.8) outlines the legal requirements of school safety audits.

According to the Code of Virginia, "School safety audit" means a written assessment of the safety conditions in each public school to (i) identify and, if necessary, develop solutions for physical safety concerns, including building security issues and (ii) identify and evaluate any patterns of student safety concerns occurring on school property or at school-sponsored events. Solutions and responses shall include recommendations for structural adjustments, changes in school safety procedures, and revisions to the school board's standards for student conduct.”


The Virginia Center for School Safety has been given the responsibility to “develop a list of items to be reviewed and evaluated in the school safety audits required by this section. Such items shall include those incidents reported to school authorities pursuant to § 22.1-279.3:1 and shall include a school inspection walk-through using a standardized checklist provided by the Virginia Center for School Safety, which shall incorporate crime prevention through environmental design principles”.

They shall “prescribe a standardized report format for school safety audits, additional reporting criteria, and procedures for report submission, which may include instructions for electronic submission. Each local school board shall require all schools under its supervisory control to annually conduct school safety audits as defined in this section and consistent with such list. The results of such school safety audits shall be made public within 90 days of completion. The local school board shall retain authority to withhold or limit the release of any security plans and specific vulnerability assessment components as provided in subdivision 7 of § 2.2-3705.2. The completed walk-through checklist shall be made available upon request to the chief law-enforcement officer of the locality or his designee”.

“Each school shall maintain a copy of the school safety audit, which may exclude such security plans, walk-through checklists, and vulnerability assessment components, within the office of the school principal and shall make a copy of such report available for review upon written request. Each school shall submit a copy of its school safety audit to the relevant school division superintendent. The division superintendent shall collate and submit all such school safety audits, in the prescribed format and manner of submission, to the Virginia Center for School Safety and shall make available upon request to the chief law-enforcement officer of the locality the results of such audits”. Since 2005-06, the Virginia Center for School Safety has met this requirement through the administration of the Virginia School Safety Survey.


The Code of Virginia also states that in addition to completing the Virginia School Safety Survey, “The division superintendent shall establish a school safety audit committee to include, if available, representatives of parents, teachers, local law-enforcement, emergency services

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agencies, local community services boards, and judicial and public safety personnel. The school safety audit committee shall review the completed school safety audits and submit any plans, as needed, for improving school safety to the division superintendent for submission to the local school board”.

If you receive a request from a parent/community member to view the school’s safety and security audit report or

the school’s responses to the Virginia School Safety Survey, please contact the HCPS Safety and Security Coordinator.

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Safety and Security Audit Process A. HISTORY OF THE AUDIT PROCESS Beginning in 2000-01, Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS) was approved by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to meet the state safety audit requirement by creating a three-year audit cycle. During the first year of the cycle, an audit team conducts a thorough, comprehensive evaluation of each school’s safety practices resulting in a written report containing commendations and recommendations. During each of the subsequent two years of the cycle, 1-2 audit team representatives visit each school and conduct a follow-up or interim audit, which includes a progress report. In the fourth year, the cycle begins anew. The Virginia Center for School Safety (VCSS) is charged with “prescribing a standardized report format for school safety audits, additional reporting criteria, and procedures for report submission”. Since 2005-06, the VCSS has required each school to complete an annual survey to meet the state safety audit requirement. However, the completion of the Virginia School Safety Survey does not provide schools with practical data or recommendations to strengthen their school safety culture. Therefore, HCPS has continued to utilize the three-year audit cycle process to exceed state expectations and provide schools with site-specific safety recommendations and best practices to enhance school safety in Henrico County. B. REPRESENTATON OF THE AUDIT TEAM The Safety Audit Team is comprised of internal and external stakeholders of the school division, including school system staff and public safety officials. The team members bring diverse experiences and expertise, which serves to ensure a comprehensive and objective process. The team representatives include:

• Retired staff from the Department of Construction and Maintenance, • Retired school administrators, • HCPS Safety and Security Coordinator, • HCPS School Safety Coordinator, • Staff member from HCPS Department of Pupil Transportation, • Fire Marshal from the Henrico County Fire Marshal’s Office, and • School Resource Officer Supervisors from the Henrico County Division of Police.

C. COMPREHENSIVE AUDIT PROCESS Following the three-year cycle, one third of the schools in Henrico County will participate in a comprehensive safety and security audit annually. For purposes of the HCPS safety audit process, a school is defined as: "Any separate physical structure that houses and instructs public school students during school hours." Schools will receive information about the date of their safety and security audit early in the school year and additional materials to assist them in preparing for the site visit will be sent at least four weeks prior to the audit date.

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The comprehensive safety and security audit will involve a one day site visit with approximately 6-9 members of the audit team. During the audit visit, at a minimum, the following activities will occur to allow the audit team members to collect information and develop a written report based on observations, documentation, interviews, and safety-related data:

• Interviews with the administration (Appendix A) • Walk-through and visual assessment of the school building and grounds • Fire Drill (weather permitting) • Interviews with key safety personnel, including the Maintenance Supervisor, School

Counselor, School Safety Chairperson, School Resource Officer, School Security Officer, Nurse/Clinic Attendant, and Cafeteria Manager

• Interview with faculty (Appendix B) • Interview with students (5th grade only at elementary level) (Appendix C and D) • Interview with parents (Appendix E) • Review of documentation

At a minimum, schools will be asked to provide the following documents and materials for the audit team to review:

• Most Recent Maintenance Inspection Report • F.I.R.S.T. Book • Playground Safety Inspection Reports • Fire Inspection Reports from current school year • Materials Safety Data Sheets • Emergency Evacuation Maps (posted throughout the school) • Threat Assessment Data • Safety and Crisis Manual • School Safety Team Meeting Minutes • Safety Team Meeting Attendance Roster • Monthly Safety Checklists • Classroom Crisis Manual, Flowchart, or Flipchart • Crisis Kit • Medical Kits • Training/Drills List • Safety Training Staff Attendance Log, if available • Evidence of the Analysis of Safety-Related Data • Student Discipline Data, including Bus Referrals • Student and Staff Injury Report Data • Most Recent HCPS Safety and Security Audit Reports • Virginia School Survey • Evidence of the Effectiveness of the Bullying Prevention Program • Evidence of Student Prevention and Intervention Programs • Evidence of Safety-Related Communication to Parents and Community Members • School Discipline Plan

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• Student Handbook • Video Surveillance Log • Community Crime Data provide by Henrico County Division of Police • Most Recent Department of Health Cafeteria Inspection Report • Most Recent School Nutrition Services Administrative Review • Most Recent HCPS Pupil Transportation Safety Inspection Report

During the visit, audit team members will use the checklists contained in this protocol to ensure that all components of the audit are assessed. These checklists will be used as guides, but the audit team members may observe and report additional safety items, as needed, for each school site. Following the comprehensive audit visit, the audit team coordinator will prepare a written report of the findings to be submitted to appropriate division leaders and the school principal or administrator. A written copy of the comprehensive audit report will be filed in the principal’s office along with the school’s completed responses to the Virginia School Safety Survey. D. INTERIM AUDIT PROCESS During the two years following a school’s comprehensive safety and security audit, the school will participate in an interim audit. The interim audit will involve a half day visit by 1-2 members of the audit team. Interim audits will be scheduled by the auditors assigned to the school and they will contact the principal or administrator directly to schedule their visit. At a minimum, the interim audit visit will consist of the following activities:

• Interview with the administration • Walk-through and visual assessment of the school building and grounds • Interviews with key safety personnel, including the Maintenance Supervisor, School

Counselor, School Safety Chairperson, School Law Enforcement Officer, School Security Officer, Nurse/Clinic Attendant, and Cafeteria Manager, as needed

• Review of documentation, including the Safety and Crisis Manual, Crisis Kits, and the Training/Drills List

During the interim audit visit, audit team members will be looking for data and information that demonstrates growth and improvement on the recommendations made during the most recent comprehensive safety and security audit. The auditor will prepare a report detailing the findings from the interim audit visit, which will be shared with the school principals or administrator and appropriate division level staff. A written copy of the interim audit report will be filed in the principal’s office.

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Components of the Audit Protocol

The safety and security at each school will be evaluated by examining multiple indicators. At a minimum, the HCPS Safety and Security Audit Protocol will address the following safety components:

Component Description 1. Safety and Security of

Buildings and Grounds This component assesses safety aspects of the interior and exterior of the school building, visual surveillance, communication and alarm systems, ADA building accommodations, maintenance and custodial inspections, electrical safety, and C&M safety data sheets.

2. Fire Prevention and Preparedness

This component assesses fire inspections reports, exit access availability and proper storage of items, fire protection features, electrical and other hazards, and the practice of fire evacuations and drills.

3. Development and Enforcement of Safety Procedures

This component assesses the school’s procedures related to building security, staff and visitor reporting, monitoring and supervision, discipline, threat assessment, technology safety and security, and maintaining valuables and records.

4. Safety and Crisis Planning This component assesses the safety and crisis manual, crisis kits, the practice of safety drills and exercises, and safety data sheets.

5. School Safety and Crisis Team

This component assesses the roles and responsibilities of the school safety chair and safety and crisis team.

6. Safety Training and Staff Development

This component assesses staff training in safety protocols and the Incident Command System.

7. Collection and Analysis of Safety-Related Data

This component assesses the school’s safety data collection process, data analysis, and response to safety-related data trends.

8. Prevention and Intervention

This component assesses student prevention and intervention programs and resources related to school safety, including opportunities to report safety concerns or incidents.

9. Opportunities for Student Involvement

This component assesses student opportunities to participate with school safety-related programs and student recognition opportunities.

10. Parent/Community Involvement and Communication

This component assesses parent opportunities to participate with school safety-related programs and planning and communication to parents of school safety and crisis procedures.

11. Role of Law Enforcement This component assesses the responsibilities and duties of the School Resource Officer, communication with law enforcement, and professional relationships with law enforcement personnel.

12. Role of the School Security Officer

This component assesses the responsibilities and duties of the School Security Officer (SSO) and professional relationships with the SSO.

13. Medical Emergency Preparedness

This component assesses medical emergency planning and resources, and clinical material safety data sheets.

14. Cafeteria Safety This component assesses cafeteria security, inspections, and cafeteria staff safety training, and cafeteria material safety data sheets.

15. Transportation Safety This component assesses traffic signage, monitoring and supervision in traffic areas, the school’s traffic plan, transportation safety inspections and training, and communication between the school and pupil transportation.

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School Safety Recognition Program

A. OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM The Henrico County Public Schools Safety Recognition Program will recognize schools that demonstrate their commitment and dedication to school safety by exceeding the expectations outlined in this manual. These schools will use innovative methods and programs to enhance the school safety culture and will show evidence of continuous growth of school safety and emergency planning efforts. The recognition program will begin in the 2010-11 school year and only schools participating in a comprehensive safety and security audit will be eligible to receive this award each year. The awards will be presented to principals on behalf of their schools during a quarterly leadership meeting at the end of each academic year. B. RECOGNITION RATING PROCESS A rubric will be completed by the safety audit team members at the end of each comprehensive safety and security audit (Appendix H). Based on the evidence collected and analyzed during the audit visit, team members will holistically rate each of the 15 components of the audit process to determine areas where a school may have met and/or exceeded safety and security audit expectations and areas needing improvement. The audit team members will use the following guidelines to determine the rating for each section of the protocol:

• Exceeds Expectations – The school has demonstrated a strong commitment to school safety by fully implementing all or most of the safety and security audit checklist items for this section of the protocol. Additionally, the school exceeds expectations by using innovative methods and programs to enhance the school safety culture and has developed or utilized best practices for school safety and emergency preparedness planning. Examples may include involving students in school safety activities, using technology to enhance the school’s safety procedures, or frequently practicing variations on safety drills.

• Meets Expectations – The school has demonstrated a commitment to school safety by fully implementing most of the safety and security audit checklist items for this section of the protocol.

• Needs Improvement – The school has partially implemented or not implemented many

of the safety and security audit checklist items for this section of the protocol. This area of school safety needs improvement to meet safety and security audit expectations.

• Not Applicable (NA) – The school has not implemented this component of the protocol,

because it is not applicable to the school.

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After audit team members have rated each section of the audit protocol, the audit team coordinator will tally the number of “Exceeds Expectations” ratings received by the school. Schools will be selected to receive the School Safety Recognition Award if they have exceeded 12 of 15 (schools with a School Security Officer) or 11 of 14 (schools without a School Security Officer) components of the audit process and did not receive a “Needs Improvement” rating on any of the components. These schools will be recognized by the Superintendent and the Leadership Team for their accomplishment. If a school receives a “Needs Improvement” rating on one or more components of the audit, the school will develop and submit a School Safety Improvement Plan addressing the component(s) needing improvement to the HCPS Safety and Security Coordinator who will then meet with the school’s Director to discuss the next step. The school’s Principal/Administrator must submit the School Safety Improvement Plan within 60 days of the comprehensive audit, or the last day of the school year, whichever comes first. If the school’s Director and the HCPS Safety and Security Coordinator are in agreement that the school has sufficiently developed a feasible plan to satisfy areas needing improvement, then the school’s rating on that component will be changed to “Meets Expectations.”

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Section 1 Safety and Security of Buildings and Grounds

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Most recent Maintenance Inspection Report • F.I.R.S.T. Book • Playground Safety Inspection Reports • Maintenance Office Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Binder • Video Surveillance Log

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Surrounding Environment and Grounds CHECKLIST ITEM Fully

Implemented Partially

Implemented Not

Implemented Not

Applicable 1 School grounds are fenced, if

appropriate, for reasons of safety, visual separation, or pedestrian control.

2 The school has evaluated and appropriately removed all tree hazards (i.e., the potential of trees or branches to collapse due to rot or damage or to otherwise cause injury or damage).

3 The building perimeter is free from telephone poles that may provide access to the building’s upper floor levels or roof.

4 All shrubs are trimmed to a maximum height of 3 feet.

5 All trees are trimmed up to 8 feet to the lowest branch.

6 The school grounds are free from tobacco paraphernalia, trash and other debris.

Building Exterior and Lighting 7 The school building exterior is

free from graffiti. 8 Mechanical, electrical, and other

equipment on the ground is surrounded by a protective enclosure.

9 Pole mounted fixtures are located high enough to prevent damage due to vandalism.

10 Dumpsters are placed a minimum of 10 feet from the building.

11 Exterior light fixtures are covered with a vandal resistant cover.

12 Deep recesses in buildings with wings are well lit.

13 Building entrances and other points of possible intrusions are well lit.

14 The building and grounds have adequate outside lighting to enhance night safety.

15 Grounds lights are functioning properly.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

16 The trailers are well lit. 17 The crawl space below the trailers

is closed off.

Play Areas 18 The play areas have clearly

defined boundaries and/or are protected with fencing.

19 The play areas have ground cover to a depth recommended by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

20 The play equipment complies with Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) guidelines.

21 The play areas have adequate water drainage.

22 The play area is free from graffiti. 23 Exterior bleachers are well-

maintained. 24 The risers between bleacher seats

have handrails (if applicable) and are protected to prevent entrapment and children from falling through.

25 Field houses can be secured for safety and security.

26 In high schools, driver education vehicles are secured when not in use.

Exterior Signage 27 The school has signs to direct

visitors to designated points of entry into the building or campus.

28 The designated entrance has clearly visible signs showing the location of the main office and advising visitors to report to the office.

29 The school has posted “No Trespassing” signs.

30 School safety zone/Drug-Free School Zone signs are posted and readable.

31 The school has posted a “No Smoking” sign.

32 Bus loading areas are clearly marked and restricted to other vehicles.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

33 Fire lane signs are posted and readable.

34 If the school has a video surveillance system, signs are posted at the main entrance to the school.

35 The message board on the marque is able to be secured to prevent vandalism.

36 Parking spaces do not specifically identify staff members/titles.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

Classrooms, Hallways, and Bathrooms 37 Hallways and public spaces are

clean. 38 Hallways and stairwells are free

of graffiti. 39 Hallway gates are used during

after-hour functions. 40 Hallway gates function properly. 41 The bathroom walls and stalls are

free of graffiti. 42 Bathrooms are clean.

43 All bathroom stalls have doors

and operable locks. 44 All bathrooms are equipped with

fixed ceiling panels. 45 The main entrance to the student

bathrooms have hardware that prevents locking from inside.

46 At the end of each day, a staff member is responsible for checking all bathrooms and lockers rooms to ensure that everyone has left the building.

47 Classrooms are clean.

48 Door and vision panels are clear and unobstructed.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

Interior signage is visible to indicate the following areas: 49 Room Numbers 50 Space Designations (cafeteria,

gym, auditorium, main office, etc.)

51 Directional Information 52 Floor coverings are properly

installed and in good condition (no loose tiles, shredded carpet, etc.).

53 Switches and controls are properly located and protected from unauthorized access.

54 Interior lighting fixtures have protective covers.

55 Roof access ladders are located and designed to prevent unauthorized access to the roof.

Other Instructional and Storage Areas 56 Fume hoods in labs are in good

working condition and vent directly to the exterior.

57 Kilns vent directly to the exterior and are in good working condition.

58 The kiln is in a separate room or protected by a secure barrier.

59 Lab preparation areas, hazardous storage areas, and mechanical rooms are properly protected from unauthorized access.

60 Dust removal equipment in shops is in working condition.

61 Paint booths, auto shops and welding booths are well ventilated and exhaust directly to the exterior.

62 Eye wash stations in labs, vocational shops and mechanical rooms are in working condition.

63 Storage rooms have heavier items stored on the bottom.

Cafeteria, Library, Gymnasium, and Music Rooms 64 The cafeteria area is clean.

65 The cafeteria area has noise

control (such as acoustics panels, split blocks, skewed walls).

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

66 Visual surveillance of the library/reading room shall be free of any obstructions from the media office and check-out counter.

67 Bleachers in gym spaces are safe, secure, have handrails, and in good repair.

68 Gym lockers are free of graffiti. 69 Access to the catwalk and prop

areas is secured and supervised. 70 Instruments are stored in secure

storage areas. 71 All bookcases and display cases

are bolted to the walls or otherwise secured.

Door and Window Security 72 Basement windows are secured. 73 All windows (interior and

exterior) are intact. 74 All operable windows have

hardware in working condition. 75 All doors, interior and exterior,

close and latch properly. 76 All door locks, interior and

exterior, function properly. The following interior doors are equipped with the proper hardware that will allow the door to be quickly locked from inside the room or kept locked and quickly closed in the event of an emergency: 77 Cafeteria(s)

78 Gymnasium(s)

79 Library

80 Auditorium

81 Classrooms

82 Workrooms

83 At the end of each day, a staff

member is responsible for checking that all classrooms and offices are locked.

84 At the end of each day, a staff member is responsible for checking all exterior entrances to ensure they are locked.

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85 At the end of each day, a staff member is responsible for checking all night lights to ensure that they have been turned on.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

86 Security cameras are stationed outside the school.

87 Security cameras are stationed inside the school.

88 Security camera systems are functioning properly.

89 The MDF room is secured at all times.

90 The MDF room is not being used as storage.

91 The MDF room has adequate climate control equipment.

92 There are no tripping hazards in the MDF room.

93 A security camera and/or entrance buzzer system is stationed at the front entrance of the school.

94 Security camera locations provide maximum coverage of the school grounds and/or hallways.

95 The view angles of security cameras are free and unobstructed by building elements or shrubbery.

96 Security cameras and lenses are covered with a vandal resistant casing.

97 Parking lots are monitored by staff, security equipment, or can be visually monitored from the main office during school hours.

98 Blind spots in hallways and stairwells are equipped with parabolic mirrors (or some similar surveillance device) in heavily traveled areas, as needed.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

99 Visual surveillance of the main school entrance or monitoring by a camera/buzzer system or security camera is possible from the office.

100 The school has designated points of entry which are monitored to control building access.

101 Shrubbery and trees do not block sight lines of the grounds.

102 Administration clearly understands and follows procedures for distributing copies of recorded surveillance footage.

103 The school maintains a video surveillance log as required by HCPS Policy and Regulations.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

104 A two way communication system is in place between the main office and all classrooms, including supplemental rooms (trailers and field houses).

105 The two-way communication system is functioning properly.

106 The school has the capability to make an “All Call” from a sufficient number of locations throughout the building/campus.

107 School walkie-talkies function properly in all areas of the school (no dead zones).

108 Other communication devices function properly in all areas of the school (cell phones and computers).

109 A communication device is located in the vault that functions properly.

110 The school is aware of the Emergency Channel for their two-way communication system.

111 The fire alarm can be heard in all areas of the school.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

112 The fire alarm is clearly distinguishable from class change bells.

113 The public announcement system can be heard in all areas inside of the school.

114 The public announcement system can be heard throughout the school grounds.

115 All security and alarm systems are functioning properly.

116 Trailers are connected to the school’s central alarm system.

117 At the end of each day, a staff member is responsible for setting the security alarm system.


118 Bathrooms comply with ADA

requirements. 119 Exposed plumbing pipes are

insulated and covered per ADA requirements.

120 Seating for the disabled is available, as per ADA requirements, in the auditorium and the gym.

121 The school has considered appropriate building and equipment accommodations for students with disabilities.

122 The school’s emergency alarm system is in compliance with ADA requirements, taking into consideration students and staff who may be hearing or visually impaired.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

123 Safety-related items on the Maintenance Inspection Report needing improvement have been addressed or plans are in place for corrective action.

124 The school maintains records of all maintenance work orders submitted.

125 The F.I.R.S.T. book is up-to-date. 126 Regular inspections of elevators

are conducted, as required by law. 127 The school has a routine

procedure for checking portable classrooms (trailers).

128 The school has a procedure for checking lights.

129 The school has a procedure for checking storage sheds/areas.

130 The school has a procedure for checking locks and other hardware.

131 Playgrounds are inspected weekly and the Playground Safety Inspection report is completed.

132 The custodial staff has been provided with a Blood Borne Pathogen spill clean-up kit.

133 Bathrooms are checked periodically during the school day for cleanliness and needed supplies.

134 The security alarm system receives regular maintenance and/or testing.

135 Maintenance and custodial storage areas are well-maintained and chemicals are stored properly.

136 Electrical fans and motors are clean and clear of dust.

137 Intake filters are clean and clear of excess dust.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

138 The maintenance Safety Data Sheet (SDS) binder is located in a central location in the maintenance office.

139 The SDSs are maintained for all chemicals and other biohazardous substances that are used by the maintenance and custodial staff.

140 Copies of the maintenance SDSs have been provided to the Chemical Safety Coordinator.

141 The maintenance SDS binder is current and up-to-date.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

142 Electrical panels are clearly labeled.

143 The emergency electrical shut-off switches are clearly marked.

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Section 2 Fire Prevention and Preparedness

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Most recent Maintenance Inspection Report • Fire Inspection Reports for current school year • Emergency Evacuation Maps (posted throughout school)

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 The school has taken appropriate actions to correct fire code violations from the school’s most current Fire Inspection Report.

2 School faculty and administration are aware that all fires, whether extinguished or still burning, must be reported and investigated by the Fire Marshal’s Office.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

3 Exit ways leading to required exit doors are kept clear and unencumbered with furniture.

4 Required exit doors are equipped with panic hardware.

5 Exit door hardware is functioning properly.

6 Exit light signage is working properly.

7 Emergency lights are working properly.

8 Emergency lighting is properly located.

9 Hallway signage and decoration do not block the visibility of exit signs.

10 Artwork and teaching materials do not cover more than 20% of the exit access wall area.

11 Fire-related door signage is legible and clear.

12 Exit doors open completely and without obstruction.

13 Areas outside of exits are clear of obstruction.

14 Enclosed stairwells are free of storage or any obstruction.

15 Storage rooms are kept orderly and well-maintained.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

16 Fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems are maintained in an operative condition at all times (including in field houses and auxiliary rooms, if provided).

17 The school has keys in the annunciator panel to reset each fire alarm pull station.

18 The fire alarm system displays “Normal” or no “Trouble” lights.

19 Fire lanes are clear of vehicles and other obstructions.

20 The school has taken methods to ensure visitors and delivery vehicles do not park in the fire lane.

21 Fire hydrants are clear of obstructions.

22 In buildings with a sprinkler system, items are stored no closer than 18” from the sprinkler head.

23 In buildings without a sprinkler system, items are stored no closer than 24” from the ceiling.

24 Fire doors, which have an ID plaque at top or at the hinge, are not blocked or wedged open.

25 Fire doors on automatic closures are working properly.

26 Fire doors have not been altered in anyway.

27 Fire extinguishers are clearly visible.

28 Fire extinguishers are hanging properly on a mount.

29 Fire extinguishers are not blocked and are easily accessible.

30 The gauges on the fire extinguishers are showing the needle in the “green” area.

31 School staff has been trained in using fire extinguishers.

32 School staff knows the location of the fire extinguishers closest to their work area.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

33 The fire extinguishers receive monthly inspections.

34 The fire extinguishers are inspected within the annual inspection time frame.

35 The fire department connection is not blocked and is secured with caps.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

36 Electrical panels and equipment are clear of obstruction and combustible materials by at least 36”.

37 All electrical panels are closed and latched.

38 Extension cords are not used as permanent wiring.

39 Covers are installed on all switch and outlet boxes.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

40 All flammable materials are stored outside or in a flammable liquids cabinet.

41 LP gas tanks are in the proper position.

42 LP gas tanks are stored in secure enclosures that have a “No Smoking” sign.

43 LP gas tank storage areas are free of any fertilizer or oxidizing materials.

44 Lab chemicals, cleaning chemicals, and other flammable liquids are stored in a secure storage area.

45 The commercial cooking hood system is clean of visible grease, dust, and lint.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

46 All dryer vents are cleaned daily when used (field house, cosmetology, exceptional education rooms, kitchen, locker rooms, etc.).


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

47 The school practices fire evacuation drills at different times of the school day to keep students and staff alert.

48 The school has practiced fire drills by blocking an exit to increase preparedness (not required, but recommended).

49 The school has practiced fire drills by using different pull stations to regularly test the alarm system.

50 Everyone in the school building evacuates during a fire drill, including visitors, students, parents, and HCPS employees.

51 Every employee has an assigned role during a fire drill.

52 The school has developed an evacuation procedure in the event of a fire while students are in the cafeteria, library, gym, or auditorium.

53 Staff members close all windows and doors when leaving their classroom during a fire drill.

54 During an evacuation, each class has an assigned assembly area outside the building.

55 The school has ensured that the outside assembly areas used for evacuations are not located in the pathway used for emergency responders.

56 Emergency evacuation maps are posted in plain view in each classroom, common area, and by each exit way and marked exit.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

67 Primary and secondary evacuation routes are clearly marked on all classroom emergency evacuation maps and denoted with a key.

68 The school has developed a partnership with Captain of the responding fire station and includes them in emergency planning.

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Section 3 Development and Enforcement of Safety Procedures

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Faculty Handbook or any site-specific procedural manual • School Discipline Plan • Student Handbook • Threat Assessment Data

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 The school enforces a procedure to keep exterior building doors locked during the school day (except the main entrance if access is needed or if a door is being tended).

2 Campus style schools enforce a procedure to keep classroom doors locked and closed during the school day.

3 Visitors are greeted upon indicating they want to enter the school.

4 Visitors are screened before being granted access to the building.

5 The administration ensures the front office staff utilizes the camera/buzzer system according to protocol.

6 The school enforces a procedure of locking classroom doors when unoccupied.

7 The school enforces a procedure of keeping classroom doors locked when occupied during the school day.

8 High risk areas, such as offices, cafeteria, music room, shops, teacher work areas and labs, are locked when not in use.

9 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to maximize exterior door security during staff arrival before school begins.

10 The school has developed and follows a procedure that restricts unauthorized access to buildings and grounds during school hours.

11 The school has developed and follows a procedure that restricts unauthorized access to building after school hours.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

12 The school has developed and enforces a procedure that restricts students from entering the school building prior to opening hours unless under direct supervision.

13 The school has developed and enforces a procedure that restricts students from remaining on campus after school hours unless under direct supervision.

14 During summer hours of operation, the school maintains the same level of building security.

15 The school has a key control policy in place.

16 The school conducts an annual inventory of keys.

17 A staff member has been designated and identified in the school’s Crisis Plan to oversee Key Control.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

18 Staff members, including support staff and part-time staff, are issued identification badges.

19 All staff members display identification badges at all times.

20 The school ensures all non-HCPS visitors to the building sign-in and sign-out using the visitor management system.

21 A visitor procedure for HCPS employees is in effect, requiring a sign-in and sign-out process.

22 The visitor protocol has been posted in plain view for all visitors to the building to see prior to entering the building.

23 The visitor protocol has been posted in plain view for all visitors to the building to see upon entering the main office.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

24 All visitors to the building pass through the office which offers verbal and visual contact with staff.

25 Front office staff have been designated to provide verbal face-to-face contact to inquire about the person’s name, area or room to be visited, and nature of visit.

26 Visitors must display identification at all times while on school grounds and this procedure is enforced by school staff.

27 Staff members have been instructed to assist/challenge non-authorized visitors in the building or on school grounds.

28 Anyone coming to pick up a child is required to show appropriate identification before the school releases a student from the premise.

29 Staff members who are not school-based, including central office staff and other support staff, report to the main office to sign-in.

30 Staff members who are not school-based, including central office staff and other support staff, report to the main office to sign-out.

31 During summer hours of operation, the school continues to enforce the visitor sign-in and sign-put procedure.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

32 The school’s hours of operation are clearly posted.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

33 The school has developed and enforces a procedure for monitoring and supervising students during hours of operation.

34 The school has developed and enforces a procedure for monitoring and supervising students until all students have left the school building at the end of the day.

The school has developed and enforces a procedure for monitoring and supervising students during the following times: 35 Student Arrival

36 Student Transition

37 Student Dismissal

38 The school has developed and

enforces a procedure to effectively monitor the playground/activity areas when in use during the school day.

39 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to monitor the main entrance lobby.

40 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to monitor the student bathrooms periodically throughout the day.

41 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to monitor the stairwells throughout the day, especially during class transitions.

42 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to monitor the hallways/walkways throughout the day, including before school, during class transitions, and at dismissal.

43 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to monitor unsecured doors during student arrival and dismissal.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

44 The school has designated a staff member to monitor the sex offender registry.

45 Staff members enforce the school’s procedures for when a student may leave class.

46 Staff members enforce the school’s procedures for tardy students, both late to school and late to class.

47 Staff members enforce the school’s procedures for when students may leave the building or school grounds.

48 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to restrict students from entering a classroom without adult supervision.

49 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to control and monitor student access to the auditorium.

50 The school has developed and enforces a procedure to restrict elevator use by students, unless required.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

51 The student Code of Conduct is reviewed at the beginning of the school year with staff, students, and parents.

52 The student Code of Conduct is reviewed mid-year with staff, students, and parents.

53 Disciplinary consequences for infractions to the student Code of Conduct are fairly and consistently enforced.

54 The school has developed and consistently utilizes a written student discipline referral process.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

55 Parents are an integral part of student discipline procedures and actions.

56 Alternatives to suspensions and expulsions have been built into discipline procedures and are used consistently.

57 The school has implemented a formal support process for students who return to school after a disciplinary issue or personal crisis.

58 School faculty and staff are aware of the school’s discipline and referral procedures/process.

59 Behavioral expectations and consequences for violations are clearly outlined in the Code of Conduct and school rules.

60 Safe and effective procedures are in place for removing disruptive students from class.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

61 The school Threat Assessment Team has been identified and includes, at a minimum, representatives from administration, counseling, instruction staff, and law enforcement.

62 The school Threat Assessment Team has received training.

63 The Threat Assessment Team is knowledgeable about the HCPS threat assessment process and is prepared to implement the process to analyze potential dangerous situation and individuals, if needed.

64 The school Threat Assessment Team collects data according to the DCJS Protocols.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

65 The school has implemented a process to work with students who may pose a threat to the school due to their involvement in criminal activity within the community, if needed.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

66 The school follows the county procedure for handling all cash collected.

67 School files and records are kept in a climate controlled room, secured when unattended, with boxes clearly marked with a destruction date relating to the GS and series number also on the box.

68 Computers containing student personal information are password protected when not in use.

69 Cabinets and drawers containing student personal information have locking ability.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

70 Staff user ID and/or passwords are not kept in plain sight in administrative, public, or classroom areas.

71 Digital and hardcopies of student personal information is kept out of plain sight in administrative, public, and classroom areas.

72 Digital and hardcopies of staff personal information is kept out of plain sight in administrative, public, and classroom areas.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

73 The “port security” is functioning properly on the network jacks and network equipment.

74 No rogue access points have been detected through the Cisco scanning process.

75 The Helpdesk area is secured when the TST is not present.

76 All power cords and cabling are secured in IDEs in areas accessible to students.

77 Space heaters are not connected to the same electrical circuits as computers and network equipment.

78 The IDF room is not being used as storage.

79 The IDF room is secured at all times.

80 There are no tripping hazards in the IDF room.

81 There is sufficient space between heating units and racks in the IDEs and MDFs.

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Section 4 Safety and Crisis Planning

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Safety and Crisis Manual • Classroom Crisis Manual, Flowchart, or Flipchart • Crisis Kits • Training/Drills List • Main Office Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Binder

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 The principal has approved the Crisis Plan by signing the first page of the manual.

2 The Crisis Plan was completed and submitted to Central Office on or before the due date.

3 The Crisis Plan is complete and up-to-date.

The following administrators and key players have been identified in the Crisis Plan: 4 School Principal or Program


5 Administrator for Safety

6 Safety Committee Chairperson

7 Crisis Management Team (CMT)

8 Threat Assessment Team

9 School Safety Committee

10 Emergency Medical Response Team

11 The school has established a line of succession and it is included in the Crisis Plan.

12 The school has designated an Incident Commander and it is included in the Crisis Plan.

13 The Incident Commander has completed all required ICS classes.

14 The staff skills inventory is complete and up-to-date.

15 Selected staff members have been certified in First Aid, CPR, Insulin/Glucagon administration, and AED as required by the Henrico County Public Schools AED and CPR Medical Emergency Response Plan for Schools.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

16 The staff telephone tree has been included in the Crisis Plan.

17 The school has listed the Emergency Communication Channel.

18 If the school is able to communicate with their neighboring school through the Emergency Communications Channel, it has been indicated in the Crisis Plan.

19 The school has an adequate number of walkie-talkies to ensure communication across all key personnel in the school.

20 Staff members who are responsible for receiving State Police notifications have been listed in the Crisis Plan.

21 The Building Information section of the Crisis Plan is complete and up-to-date.

22 The School Population section of the Crisis Plan is complete and up-to-date.

23 The school has identified the location and staff member responsible for monitoring the weather radio.

24 The Key Control Inventory section is complete.

25 The school has identified the Chemical Safety Coordinator.

26 The school has identified the location of each SDS binder.

27 At a minimum, two well separated rooms, with internal and external communication means, if possible, have been designated as the primary and secondary command posts.

28 The school has identified, in the Crisis Plan, a person responsible for keeping the crisis kit information current.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

29 The school has identified, in the Crisis Plan, a person to take out each of the command post crisis kits during all evacuation drills.

30 Schools that cannot avoid stairs in their evacuation routes, have established evacuation zones, notified the local Fire Department, and included these locations in the Crisis Plan.

31 The school has fully completed the Evacuation/Shelter Assistance section in the Crisis Plan.

32 If possible, an evacuation site within walking distance has been identified and can accommodate all students and staff as well as their own population.

33 A nearby, but off-site, evacuation partner school has been identified and can accommodate all students and staff as well as their own.

34 The school has identified someone to inspect the AED.

35 The school has identified, in the Crisis Plan, a person to carry out the AED during all evacuation drills.

36 The school has listed the location(s) and expiration dates of pads and batteries.

37 A list of all after-school programs using the facility is kept up-to-date and is included in the Crisis Plan (only need to include programs that routinely use the school).

38 The school has developed an accountability plan for routine school-sponsored after school activities, which is included in the Crisis Plan.

39 School building maps are included in the Crisis Plan.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

40 The school has developed a traffic safety plan and there is both a written plan and traffic map included in the Crisis Plan.

The school has developed, and included in the Crisis Plan, written evacuation plans for the following activity/common areas: 41 Gymnasium (including locker


42 Cafeteria/Commons

43 Auditorium

44 Library

45 Areas outside the building

The school has developed, and included in the Crisis Plan, written lockdown plans for the following activity/common areas: 46 Gymnasium (including locker


47 Cafeteria/Commons

48 Auditorium

49 Library

50 Areas outside of the building

The school has developed, and included in the Crisis Plan, written Signal Blue Hide-and-Lock plans for the follow activity/common areas: 51 Gymnasium (including locker


52 Cafeteria/Commons

53 Auditorium

54 Library

55 Areas outside the building

56 The school has developed a written Shelter-in-Place plan, detailing the accountability process, and it is included in the Crisis Plan.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

57 The school has developed a written Reverse Evacuation plan, detailing the accountability process, and it is included in the Crisis Plan.

58 In high schools, the school has developed a written Evacuation to Stadium plan, detailing the accountability process, and it is included in the Crisis Plan.

59 The school has developed a written Tornado Shelter plan, and it is included in the Crisis Plan.

60 The school has developed an on-site Family Reunification plan and it is included in the Crisis Plan.

61 The school has included in the Crisis Plan, a diagram of the on-site Family Reunification area.

62 The school has developed an off-site Family Reunification plan and it is included in the Crisis Plan.

63 The school has included in the Crisis Plan, a diagram of the off-site Family Reunification area.

In the event of the following incidents, the school has developed written accountability plans, which are included in the Crisis Plan, accounting for all students, staff, visitors and/or HCPS employees: 65 Evacuation

66 Lockdown

67 Signal Blue Hide-and-Lock Protocols 68 The school has developed an

evacuation plan to accommodate students and staff with communication challenges (i.e., visual or hearing impairments, processing disorders, limited English proficiency, etc.) It is recommended that these plans be written and included in the Crisis Plan.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

69 The school has developed a plan for responding to student disruptions, including a plan for controlled lunches. (It is recommended that these plans be written and included in the manual.)

70 The school has developed a plan for addressing emergency situations that may occur after hours when staff or others are using the school building or grounds. (It is recommended that these plans be written and included in the manual.)

71 Rooms with door panel windows have material stored near the door to cover the panel quickly in the event of a Signal Blue Hide and Lock.

72 Rooms with interior or exterior windows have blinds or material to cover the windows quickly in the event of a Signal Blue Hide and Lock or Lockdown.

73 The bomb threat checklist, which is included in the manual, is kept by each phone and is easily accessible.

74 The “Call Trace Instructions”, which is included in the manual, is kept by each phone and is easily accessible.

75 The school’s NOAA radio is located where it can easily be heard and is turned on during the school day.

76 A phone line has been dedicated for use in a crisis or critical incident.

77 The school has used the Door Numbering System protocol from the Safety and Crisis Manual to number interior and exterior exits.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

78 When possible, classroom numbers are displayed in exterior windows to assist emergency responders.

79 The school has designated and posted shelter areas within the school where each student will shelter in the event of a tornado.

80 The school has designated and posted shelter areas within the school where each student will shelter in the event of a Signal Blue Hide and Lock.

81 Classrooms that contain chemicals and other biohazardous substances have a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in a readily available location.

82 Student names or photos are not displayed directly outside of their classroom.

83 Teacher names or photos are not displayed directly outside of their classroom (recommended).


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

84 Command post kits are available at each command post within the school (should have at least 2).

85 Command post kits are easily portable.

86 A staff member is assigned to keep the command post kits current and up-to-date.

87 Command post kits are updated each nine weeks.

The command post kits include the following items: 88 A updated copy of the

completed command post kit checklist

89 Updated copy of the school’s Crisis Plan from the Safety and Crisis Manual

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

90 Medical Emergency Kit (may be kept in kit or carried out with the school nurse)

91 Current student roster with emergency phone numbers

92 Current bus passenger list

93 Daycare van roster (if applicable)

94 Master schedule

95 Bell schedule

96 First Aid manual

97 Aluminum Blanket

98 Copies of blank sign-out forms

99 Heavy duty flashlights with batteries

100 Floor plan indicating all exits, phone jacks, phone and fax machines

101 Floor plan indicating water and sewage pipes, gas lines, electricity lines, and other utilities


School map (20 copies)

103 Legal pads, pens, and markers

104 Megaphone (charged and battery operated)

105 Names and medical information for staff and students with ongoing medical needs

106 Adhesive name badges

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

107 Each classroom teacher has a classroom go kit, which contains at a minimum the class roster, a pen, a crisis flipchart/flowchart, mini Blood Borne Pathogen kit, and accountability procedures.

108 Classroom go-kits are consistently located in each room (i.e., beside the door, phone, etc.).

109 Teachers carry classroom go-kits with them when going outside of the building with students.

110 The administration regularly checks classroom go-kits during walk-through observations.

Go-Kits, which contain at a minimum, a current student roster, a pen, a crisis flipchart, mini Blood Borne Pathogen kit, and accountability procedures are in the following locations: 111 Cafeteria Manager’s Office

112 Gymnasium Office

113 Library Office

114 Art Room

115 Music Room

116 The school has provided each classroom with a classroom crisis kit (not required).


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

The school has conducted and documented required annual drills to help ensure appropriate implementation of the safety and crisis plan, including: 117 A fire drill each week for the

first four weeks of school

118 Monthly fire drills

119 A lockdown drill the first 30 days of school

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

120 2 bus evacuation drills ( 1

within the first 30 days of school)

121 2 tornado drills (1st by October 14, 2013; 2nd by March 13, 2015)

121 2 Signal Blue Hide and Lock drills (with students and staff)


2 tabletop exercises with the school safety and crisis team

123 Reverse evacuation drill

124 Earthquake Drill (by October 16, 2013)

125 Shelter-in-place tabletop


126 Unauthorized Visitor drill

The school has conducted and documented recommended annual drills to help ensure appropriate implementation of the safety and crisis plan, including: 127 Signal Blue Hide and Lock drill

with students in common areas (i.e., cafeteria, gymnasium, and auditorium)

128 After school hours fire drill with staff.

129 Additional safety drills (i.e.,

more than the required number of lockdown or tornado drills).

130 The school regularly practices a student and adult (staff, visitors, and HCPS employees) accountability process during evacuation drills to prepare for a critical incident.

131 The school has tested the accountability process by “pulling” a student during an evacuation drill.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

132 The school has tested the accountability process by “pulling” a staff member during an evacuation drill.

133 The school regularly takes out the command post crisis kits during evacuation drills to prepare for a critical incident.

134 The school regularly takes out the completed “Authorize to Release” forms during evacuation drills to prepare for critical incident.

135 During all drills, the incident commander wears the ICS vest to practice being easily identified should emergency units respond.

136 During all drills, the incident commander remains free from other assigned responsibilities, such as student and adult accountability.

137 During all evacuations of the building, the maintenance supervisor or head custodian reports to the Incident Commander.

138 All staff, including support staff and staff located in annexes, satellite offices, and specialty centers/programs on the school grounds, participate in emergency readiness drills.

139 The school has established assembly areas for students to report to in the event an emergency occurs during transition times.

140 Students have been made aware of assembly areas to report to in the event an emergency occurs during transition times, and have practiced reporting to these areas.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

141 The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) binder is located in a central location in the main office.

142 The SDSs are maintained of all chemicals and other biohazardous substances that are located in the school.

143 An inventory list of all chemicals and other biohazardous substances is kept in the SDS binder is updated on a regular basis.

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Section 5 School Safety and Crisis Team

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• School Safety Team Meeting Minutes • Safety Team Meeting Attendance Roster • Completed Monthly Safety Checklists • Evidence of Safety Team Communication to Faculty • Training/Drills List (current and previous two years)

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 The School Safety Chair is diligent and effective in carrying out his/her assigned duties.

2 The School Safety Chair has attended all required trainings.

3 The School Safety Chair has completed ICS training, if applicable.

The following required members actively serve on the school safety team (not including crisis team members): 4 School Safety Administrator

5 School Resource Officer (SRO)

6 School Security Officer (SSO)

7 Emergency Medical Response

Team Representative

8 Chemical Safety Coordinator

9 School Counselor

10 School Nurse/Clinic Attendant

11 Safety Chairperson

12 C&M Staff Representative

13 School Nutrition Services Staff Representative

14 Teacher Representative(s)

15 Parent Representative/Input (recommended)


Student Representative/Input (recommended


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

17 The safety team meets on a monthly basis.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

18 The safety team meetings are well-attended.

19 The safety team has a planned meeting schedule for the school year.

20 The safety team maintains an up-to-date Monthly Safety Training/Drills list.

21 The safety team maintains an accurate, monthly safety checklist.

22 The School Safety Chair and school administration communicate frequently to share information about school safety.

23 The school safety team distributes and shares relevant safety information from the monthly meetings with all faculty and staff.

24 The school safety team collects safety concerns and issues from their colleagues to share at the monthly meetings.

25 The School Safety Chair regularly distributes safety team meeting information to absent team members.

The School Safety Chair submits the following completed and updated items each month to Central Office: 26 Safety checklist

27 Accurate meeting minutes

28 Attendance report

29 A copy of the completed

Monthly Safety Training/Drills list

30 HCPS Fire and Emergency Drill Form

31 The School Safety Chair submits the required documents (above) on time each month to Central Office.

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Section 6 Safety Training and Staff Development

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Training/Drills List • Safety Training Staff Attendance Log, if available

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

School faculty and staff have received training in the following safety protocols and school safety issues: 1 Signal Blue Hide and Lock


Signal Blue Hide and Lock from the following areas: 2 Cafeteria

3 Auditorium

4 Gymnasium

5 Library

6 Times of transition

7 Outside of the building

8 Lockdown (annually)

9 Evacuation (annually)

10 Evacuation after school hours

11 Weather emergency (annually)

12 Shelter in place (tabletop)

13 Reverse evacuation (annually)

14 Earthquake (annually)

15 Bus evacuations (staff assigned

to bus duty)

16 Conflict resolution

17 Bullying prevention

18 Gang awareness

19 Early warning signs and appropriate responses to suicide

20 Personal safety

21 All-Call (“how to” training)

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

22 Early warning signs and appropriate responses to student disruptions

23 Early warning signs and appropriate responses to student fights

24 Early warning signs and appropriate responses to incidents involving a weapon

25 Appropriate responses to threats from students

26 Appropriate responses to threats from adults

27 Appropriate responses to a missing student

28 Suspicious packages/mail for office personnel

29 Bomb threat for office personnel

30 CPR/First Aid

31 AED

32 Epi-pen (if applicable)

33 Medical emergency

34 Child abuse and neglect

35 Playground safety


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

The following staff members attended emergency response training provided by Henrico Police during teacher week: 36 Administrators

37 Teachers

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

38 Cafeteria staff

39 Office staff

40 Custodial staff

41 Maintenance staff

42 Instructional aides/assistants

43 Nurse/Clinic Attendant

44 Counselor

45 Technology staff

46 School Security Officer

47 Student teachers/practicum students

48 Intervention staff

49 Other support staff

50 School volunteers are informed about how to respond during a school emergency.

51 School substitutes receive an orientation to the school’s crisis and emergency procedures and safety practices prior to beginning their duties.

52 School safety and violence prevention information is provided regularly to staff as part of staff development activities.

53 At faculty meetings, “safety” is regularly included as an agenda item.

54 All staff members were trained in emergency response procedures, including Signal Blue Hide and Lock, before the first day of school.

55 A process is in place for training staff hired after school begins in emergency response procedures.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

The following staff members are trained in the Incident Command System (ICS): 56 Principal

57 Associate Principal

58 Assistant Principals

59 Safety Chair (except classroom


60 Resource Teacher

61 School Security Officer

62 Nurse/Clinic Attendant

63 Staff members that have been trained in ICS have filed their certificate of completion with Human Resources.

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Section 7 Collection and Analysis of Safety-Related Data

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Student Discipline Data, including Bus Referrals • Student and Staff Injury Report Data • HCPS Safety and Security Audit Reports (Interim and Comprehensive reports) • Virginia School Survey • Safety and Security Audit Protocol manual • Safety and Crisis Manual • Fire and Emergency Drill Forms • Safety and Security Incident Reports • Community Crime Data (provided by SRO)

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 The school accurately maintains the incident reporting system for student behavior offenses.

2 The school accurately maintains student and staff injury reports.

3 The school maintains a copy of the most recent comprehensive and interim HCPS Safety and Security Audit Reports in the principal’s office.

4 The school maintains a completed copy of the DCJS Virginia School Safety Survey of their school in the principal’s office, as required by the Code of Virginia.

5 The school maintains an updated copy of safety committee minutes, including a list of trainings and drills.

6 The school maintains copies of the Fire and Emergency Drill Form.

7 The school maintains copies of Safety and Security Incident Reports.

8 The school maintains a copy of the Annual Maintenance Inspection Report conducted by Construction and Maintenance.

9 The school maintains a copy of the Annual Fire Inspection Report conducted by the Henrico County Division of Fire.

10 The school maintains copies of the Virginia Department of Health Cafeteria Inspection Reports.

11 The school maintains copies of the Cafeteria Operations Review Evaluation (C.O.R.E) from HCPS School Nutrition Services.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

12 The school maintains copies of the Pupil Transportation Evaluation Report conducted by HCPS Department of Pupil Transportation.

13 The school maintains a current Safety and Security Audit Protocol manual.

14 The school maintains a current Safety and Crisis Manual.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

15 The school has established a system for analyzing discipline data to identify trends and to provide information relative to prevention and intervention procedures.

16 The school has established a system for analyzing injury data to identify trends and to provide information relative to prevention and intervention procedures.

17 Safety-related data is reviewed on a regular basis by key school leadership staff.

18 Stakeholder survey data is reviewed by key school leadership staff.

19 Information from the Silence Hurts web link is disseminated amongst key personnel, which includes the principal and counselor at a minimum.

20 The school receives and reviews crime data provided by the SRO.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

21 The school responds to patterns or trends identified through the analysis of safety-related data.

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Section 8 Prevention and Intervention

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Materials Related to Bullying Prevention • Materials Related to Student Prevention and Intervention Programs

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 Conflict prevention strategies are routinely presented to students.

2 Students have access to conflict mediation resources.

3 Students are assisted in developing anger management skills.

4 Students are assisted in developing respect for diversity.

5 Programs are available for students who are academically at-risk.

6 Students have been presented with information on bullying awareness and prevention.

7 Students have been presented with information on cyber-bulling awareness and prevention.

8 There is a process in place to evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s bullying prevention program.

9 Resources are available to students involved in bullying.

10 Suicide prevention support is available for students.

11 The school has implemented a character education program in accordance with the Code of Virginia.

12 The school has identifiable programs or procedures designed to develop positive connections between staff and students.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

13 Students may ask for help without the loss of confidentiality.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

14 The school provides a system whereby staff, students, and parents may report problems, incidents, and potential dangers anonymously.

15 Students and adults are well-informed about the school’s process for providing information anonymously.

16 Students feel comfortable sharing safety-related information and concerns with adults in the school.

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Section 9 Opportunities for Student Involvement

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Student Handbook

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 Students are actively involved in promoting a positive school safety culture.

2 Students have an opportunity to provide input about school safety.

3 Students have the opportunity to show a sense of ownership of the school.

4 All students are given the opportunity to participate in school activities.

5 The school provides opportunities for student leadership related to safety issues and violence prevention.

6 Students are taught internet and technology-related safety skills.

7 Students are taught how to avoid becoming victims of violence (i.e., by avoiding high-risk situations and seeking help from adults).


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

8 The school provides recognition opportunities for all students.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

9 Students know their role in carrying out the school safety and crisis plan.

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Section 10 Parent/Community Involvement and Communication

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Parent/Student Handbook • Examples of Communication to Parents Related to Safety

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 Parents have an opportunity to provide input about school safety.

2 Parents are an integral part of the student discipline process.

3 The school has developed community and business partnerships to support the school’s activities and planning.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

4 Parents have been informed of the visitor sign-in procedure.

5 Parents have been informed of the school’s student drop-off and pick-up procedure.

6 Parents, including families new to the school, are made aware of the student Code of Conduct.

7 The school informs parents of student behavioral expectations and policy changes in a timely manner.

8 The school communicates with parents regularly about the safety practices in place at the school.

9 Parents have been informed of the School Security Officer’s role in the school.

10 Parents have been informed of the School Resource Officer’s role in the school.

11 There is a process in place for parents to share safety-related concerns with school-staff and parents are aware of this procedure.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

12 Parents are aware that a safety and crisis plan is in place at the school.

13 Parents have received information on emergency preparedness and family reunification.

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Section 11 Role of Law Enforcement

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Safety and Crisis Manual • Student Discipline Data

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 Clearly defined roles and responsibilities have been established for the School Resource Officer (SRO).

2 The SRO provides a visible presence on school grounds during school hours and at school-related events.

3 The SRO is an integral part of the school’s safety planning process.

4 When assisting school administration the SRO follows legal mandates and police policy which defines their role in the situation (also known as police jurisdiction), and sets the parameters of their involvement.

5 Without police jurisdiction the SRO does not become actively involved and remains on standby unless the situation changes.

6 The SRO remains impartial and separate from all school administrative activity, unless their presence is needed to maintain a safe environment.

7 Law Enforcement provides after hours patrols of the school site, as needed.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

8 The school has developed a partnership with the local police department and includes them in emergency planning.

9 The SRO has developed an effective partnership with the school administration and faculty.

10 The SRO has developed an effective partnership with the School Security Officer (SSO).

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

11 The SRO maintains an effective relationship with students.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

12 The SRO interacts positively with students, provides “mentoring” and law related counseling as needed.

13 The SRO instructs law enforcement related classes, and provides leadership to develop successful student programs and clubs that support public safety initiatives; specifically- school safety, alcohol/ drug prevention and teen driver safety.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

14 The SRO routinely shares crime information that may negatively impact the school’s environment or pose a threat to student or staff.

15 The SRO has a clear understanding of the legal requirements related to sharing student educational records.

16 Incidents of crime that occur on school property or at school-related events are reported to law enforcement.

17 The SRO communicates with school staff when he/she must be away from school grounds.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

18 The school administrator works with the SRO to develop prevention strategies for students who may pose a threat to the safety and security of the school.

19 Data on violations of state and federal law are reported to law enforcement as required by Code.

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Section 12 Role of the School Security Officer (SSO)

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• None

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 This school employs School Security Officers (SSO). (If the school does not employ a SSO, the remaining items in this section are “Not Applicable”.)

2 Clearly defined roles and responsibilities have been established for the SSO.

3 The SSO is an integral part of the school’s safety planning process.

4 The SSO monitors the parking areas to ensure only students with permission are entering and leaving school property during school hours.

5 The SSO is visible to faculty and students throughout the school day.

6 The SSO has been assigned an immediate supervisor at the school.

7 The SSO wears the uniform approved by the School Board.

8 The SSO has been provided with a secure workspace to write reports and maintain locked files.

9 The administration reviews the daily log of the SSO.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

10 The SSO holds a current state certification.

11 The SSO attends DCJS sponsored training related to his/her responsibilities and in compliance with the school’s policies.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

12 The SSO has developed an effective partnership with the school administration and faculty.

13 The SSO and the immediate site-based supervisor communicate on a regular basis.

14 The site based supervisor completes an annual performance evaluation of the SSO.

15 The SSO has developed an effective partnership with the School Resource Officer (SRO).

16 The SSO maintains an effective relationship with students.

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Section 13 Medical Emergency Preparedness

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Staff Skills Inventory (Safety and Crisis Manual) • Blood Borne Pathogen Kit • Emergency Medical Bag • Medical Administration Record (can be reviewed with the nurse/clinic attendant) • Student Health Records (can be reviewed with the nurse/clinic attendant) • Student Health Histories (can be reviewed with the nurse/clinic attendant) • Clinic Office Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Binder • Medical Information Web Reporting

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 School faculty and staff have received training in Blood Borne Pathogens annually.

2 School administrators and the school nurse have a copy of the Blood Borne Pathogen Standard Exposure Control plan.

3 All classrooms contain a mini Blood Borne Pathogen kit, which contains at minimum band aids, gloves, and wipes.

4 Faculty and staff members are aware of the location of the Blood Borne Pathogen kits.

The Blood Borne Pathogen kit include the following items: Protective Apparel: 5 1 large gown

6 1 eye and face shield/mask

7 1 pair nitrate exam gloves

8 6 antiseptic towlettes

9 1 biohazard bag

Spill Clean-Up Pack: 10 1 absorbent powder (2 oz.)

11 1 2 oz. Disinfectant Spray

12 1 scoop and spatula

13 10 paper towels

14 1 each biohazard and unmarked


15 1 pair nitrate exam gloves

16 2 antiseptic towlettes

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

17 The school nurse has received ICS training.

18 The school clinic attendant has received ICS training.

19 The school nurse/clinic attendant is free of duties during training drills.

20 Key school personnel have reviewed the HCPS Pandemic Plan.

21 There is a procedure in place to inspect and restock first aid supplies.

22 The school nurse/clinic attendant carries out the emergency medical bag during all evacuations.

23 At a minimum, one other staff member is trained as a backup to the nurse/clinic attendant.

24 At a minimum, two staff members are trained in the administration of emergency medical procedures and the distribution of emergency medicine needed for students with known medical conditions.

25 Disposable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available for emergencies (i.e., disposable CPR mouth barrier, etc.).

26 School staff members have received written or verbal training in health conditions that are present within the school.

27 The Emergency Medical Response Team has previously met at least once to review roles and responsibilities, and to develop procedures to respond to a life threating medical emergency.

28 The Emergency Medical Response Team has met during the school year, or has scheduled a meeting, to ensure the team is adequately prepared to respond to a school medical emergency.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

29 There is a process in place to ensure the school’s required medical information has been updated on Web Reporting.

30 A go-kit is created for field trips which includes medical supplies, student roster, emergency medical information, and emergency student contact information.

31 School staff has been empowered to first call 911 in a medical emergency, then notify the front office.

The Medical Emergency Bag includes the following items: 32 Gloves

33 Various sizes/types of bandages

34 Antiseptic wipes

35 Ace bandages

36 Ice pack

37 Stethoscope and BP cuff (Middle

and High schools only)

38 Scissors

39 Pens and Paper

40 Mouth barrier

41 List of students with chronic health conditions (including emergency contact information)

42 Emergency medications or a plan for bringing emergency medications with them

43 Pen light

44 Tape

45 Tweezers

46 Saline/Water

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

47 A staff member has been designated to check each AED device monthly to ensure that the device has power.

48 The staff member designated to check each AED monthly is aware of how to repair the AED, if needed, and order AED supplies.

49 The monthly inspection tag on the AED devices is up-to-date.

50 The AED devices are functioning properly.

51 The AED is located in a place that is easily accessible to all staff members.

52 The school has developed a procedure for getting the AED to any location where it is needed in a medical emergency.

53 A staff member has been assigned to carry out the AED during evacuation drills.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

The nurse/clinic attendant has the following resources readily accessible for reference: 54 Emergency First Aid Flip Chart

55 Blood Borne Pathogen Manual

56 School Health Services Manual

57 Substitute folder

The nurse/clinic attendant keeps the following medical records updated: 58 Chronic Health Conditions list

59 Medical Administration Records

60 Student Health Records

61 Student Health History Records

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

62 The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) binder is located in a central location in the clinic.

63 The SDSs are maintained of all chemicals and other biohazardous substances that are located in the school.

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Section 14 Cafeteria Safety

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• Department of Health Cafeteria Inspection Reports • School Nutrition Services Cafeteria Operations Review Evaluation (C.O.R.E) • Cafeteria Office Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Binder

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 The back door of the cafeteria is kept locked at all times.

2 There is a peep hole or window that allows the cafeteria staff to see visitors before opening the back door.

3 There is an area for vendors and cafeteria staff to sign-in and sign-out for accountability procedures.

4 Vendors have been given a scheduled time period for delivers.

5 The cafeteria manager has a secure space to count receipts and money.

6 A covering is provided for the cafeteria manager’s office door/window or the kitchen doors are closed and locked so that the manager cannot be seen when counting receipts and money.

7 Cash is removed from the register each morning after breakfast has been served.

8 There is a lock on the file cabinet drawer where cash is kept between breakfast and lunch.

9 The kitchen doors can be locked from the inside or locked and propped.

10 The kitchen slicer is set to zero when not in use.

11 Knives, box cutters, etc., are stored securely when not in use.

12 Items in kitchen are stored no closer than 18” from sprinkler head or 24” from ceiling.

13 The kitchen dryer vent is cleaned daily when used.

14 The commercial cooking hood system is clean of visible grease, dust, and lint.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

15 Directions have been posted on the outside and inside of the freezer for how to exit the freezer if a staff member is locked inside.

16 Emergency exiting tools have been placed inside the freezer in the event a staff member is locked inside.

17 In the event of a Signal Blue Hide and Lock, students can access shelter areas in the kitchen from more than one entry point.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

18 Safety-related items on the most recent Virginia Department of Health Inspection Report needing improvement have been addressed or plans are in place for corrective action.

19 Safety-related items on the most recent C.O.R.E conducted by School Nutrition Services needing improvement have been addressed or plans are in place for corrective action.

20 The Virginia Department of Health Inspection Report and the SNS Administrative Review have been posted in plain view of customers.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

21 Cafeteria staff have been trained in crisis emergency procedures, including Signal Blue Hide and Lock, Lockdown, evacuation, and weather emergency.

22 Cafeteria staff have been trained in robbery prevention.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

23 Cafeteria staff and cafeteria monitors have been trained in the Abdominal Thrust procedures (recommended).

24 Cafeteria staff have been trained in Blood Borne Pathogen procedures.

25 Cafeteria staff have been trained on how to get out of the freezer if it closes and locks while still inside.

26 Cafeteria staff have been trained in using an ABC fire extinguisher.

27 Cafeteria staff have been trained in using a K fire extinguisher.

28 Cafeteria staff have been trained in how to respond in the event of a fire in the cafeteria/kitchen.

29 Cafeteria staff know how to use, as well as the location of, the electrical breaker box.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

30 The cafeteria Safety Data Sheet (SDS) binder is located in a central location in the cafeteria manager’s office.

31 The SDSs are maintained for all chemicals and other biohazardous substances that are used by cafeteria staff.

32 Copies of the cafeteria’s SDSs have been provided to the Chemical Safety Coordinator.

33 The cafeteria SDS binder is current and up-to-date.

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Section 15 Transportation Safety

Commendations Commendations Recommendations

At a minimum, the following documents will be reviewed to collect evidence for this section of the protocol and should be readily available to the evaluators during the audit visit:

• School Traffic Plan (Safety and Crisis Manual) • Most Recent HCPS Department of Pupil Transportation Evaluation

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

1 Bus traffic is separated from other vehicular traffic at entrance, exit, and pick-up points.

2 Bus loading and drop off zones are clearly designated.

3 Parent drop off and pick up areas are clearly designated.

4 Policy restricts other vehicles from accessing the bus-loading zone during loading/unloading.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

5 The parking lot has signs to direct staff, students, and visitors to designated parking areas.

6 Signage around the school directs parents to designated drop-off and pick-up areas.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

7 The school has developed a policy and enforces a procedure to monitor the bus loading/drop off area before and after school.

8 The school has developed a policy and enforces a procedure to monitor the parent drop-off and pick-up area before and after school.

9 The school has developed a plan for responding to buses who return to campus with disorderly students

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

10 Parents have been informed of the school’s traffic plan.

11 The school has developed a traffic safety plan and it is included in the Safety and Crisis Manual.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

12 Multiple staff members have been trained in how to pull the passenger list for each bus from the computer system in the absence of the school registrar.

13 The school completed the Pre-K-1st grade bus orientation during the 1st week of school.

14 All bus evacuation drills have been completed on or before the deadline.

15 Bus drills were conducted by bus drivers and observed by the school administration.

16 Buses dedicated to transporting exceptional education students have practiced bus evacuation drills according to Protocol.

17 Students were trained on the bus that transports them to and from school.

18 The HCPS Department of Pupil Transportation Evaluation has been completed and the administration has received a copy.

19 Safety-related items on the most recent HCPS Department of Pupil Transportation Evaluation needing improvement have been addressed or plans are in place for corrective action.

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CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

20 The school regularly communicates with bus drivers regarding school safety procedures and student discipline issues.

21 The school administration has developed a relationship with bus drives.

22 The school regularly includes bus drivers in emergency training drills and planning, when on campus.


CHECKLIST ITEM Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

Not Implemented

Not Applicable

23 Zone Office personnel participate in all emergency readiness drills.

24 The Zone Office is able to communicate with the school through two-way communication devices.

25 A representative from the Zone Office is a member of the School Safety Team.

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Appendix A Interview Guiding Questions – Administrator

1. What is your approach to safety and what actions have you taken to ensure the safety and

security of your school? 2. Provide specific examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of your school safety team and

chairperson. What is the administration’s role on the safety team? If you do not attend the meetings, how are you kept informed about the content of the meetings?

3. What programs or practices are in place to prevent and manage student disruptions/violence?

4. Explain how this school teaches bullying prevention and provide specific examples that

demonstrate its effectiveness. 5. How are students and parents informed about their role in carrying out the school safety and

crisis plan?

6. In the event your primary warning system is compromised, what is your secondary system? How many places in the building/on campus have the capability to make an “All-Call”?

7. How would you describe the relationship that the school staff and students have with the

SRO? SSO? How would you describe the relationship between the SSO and SRO?

8. How do you ensure each student has at least one adult on campus or in the building that they connect with?

9. What opportunities are given to students to show a sense of ownership of the school?

10. Does the front office staff follow the visitor management system as established by the HCPS Policy and Regulations and Protocol?

11. Describe the school’s data analysis process of safety-related data. Please provide an example

of an instance where safety data revealed trends indicating an issue that needed to be resolved. (For example: injury data)

12. What training have staff members (including support staff) received this school year related

to school safety? What additional training is needed for administrators or staff in emergency response and school safety?

13. Describe your school’s evacuation process, including how you will account for all students

and adults.

14. Are there additional safety issues or crisis planning concerns that you would like some assistance in addressing?

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Appendix B Interview Guiding Questions – Teacher

1. How do you contribute to creating a safe school culture at this school? 2. What, if any, are your personal safety concerns at this school? 3. This school year, have you or any of your colleagues been threatened, either verbally,

physically, or in writing? If yes, how was the situation handled? Are you concerned about or intimidated by any students, staff members, or parents in this school?

4. This school year, what training have you received in emergency response and school safety?

Do you clearly understand your responsibilities in the event of an emergency? 5. Are there safety concerns about which you would like to have training? 6. Does your school have in place a conflict mediation program of any kind? 7. In your opinion, do teachers have the benefit of administrative support related to discipline

issues? 8. How does your school provide opportunities for positive recognition of all students? 9. How does your school provide opportunities for all students to participate in school

activities? 10. How are students monitored to prevent altercations and student injuries at school? 11. How would you evaluate the effectiveness of the school safety team?

12. Are you familiar with your school’s SRO/PEAK Officer?

13. Do you feel that this school provides a clean and healthy learning environment? 14. Is there a school safety issue that, in your opinion, is not being adequately addressed to

eliminate the problem? Do you have recommendations for addressing the issue?

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The following rating chart and follow-up question will be completed anonymously using a paper survey during the teacher interview.

. Using a scale from 1 (no problem) to 4 (serious problem), rate how serious the following problems are at your school. Please rate each activity based upon the frequency with which these activities have occurred on school property (i.e., school grounds, bus stops, etc.) during this school year. Circle your answers.

No Problem Serious Problem Vandalism 1 2 3 4 Gang activity 1 2 3 4 Alcohol use 1 2 3 4 Drug use 1 2 3 4 Tobacco use 1 2 3 4 Drug selling 1 2 3 4 Weapons 1 2 3 4 Bullying 1 2 3 4 Physical fights 1 2 3 4 Conflict among different groups of students (i.e., racial/ethnic, cliques, etc.)

1 2 3 4

Respect for adults 1 2 3 4

Is there any school safety-related concern, which you would anonymously like to share with the Safety and Security Audit Team? If so, please describe your concern below.

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Appendix C Interview Guiding Questions – Student

(Middle and High School) 1. What training has been provided to students on what to do during a school emergency? Give

examples of some of the emergency drills your school has done this school year.

2. Do you feel that teachers at your school take the emergency training drills seriously? 3. Are there any places in this building or any times of the day when you feel unsafe? What

about riding the school bus or at the bus stop? Before or after school? 4. Have you or any of your fellow students been physically hurt at school, this school year (i.e.,

injury, by another student)? 5. How do the teachers and principals in this school encourage students to report incidents of

harassment, bullying, threats, etc.? Would you tell an adult if you knew of this type of incident? To whom would you go? Is there a process in place for telling an adult about this type of incident anonymously?

6. Are you afraid of any students or adults in this school? 7. What programs or resources are in this school to help students

• whose grades are failing? • get help in learning how to resolve conflicts without fighting? • learn character and citizenship skills? • who may be thinking about hurting themselves or who know of a friend who may hurt


8. How are students taught about the Student Code of Conduct? Do your teachers or administrators review the Code of Conduct with student throughout the school year?

9. Are there student clubs or activities in the school that promote safety?

10. Do you feel that this school provides a clean and healthy learning environment?

11. Are you familiar with your School Resource Officer and, if applicable, School Security


12. Do you think all students have a trusted adult in this school they can speak with? 13. Is there a school safety issue that, in your opinion, is not being adequately addressed to

eliminate the problem?

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The following rating chart and follow-up question will be completed anonymously using a paper survey during the student interview.

. Using a scale from 1 (no problem) to 4 (serious problem), rate how serious the following problems are at your school. Please rate each activity based upon the frequency with which these activities have occurred on school property (i.e., school grounds, bus stops, etc.) during this school year. Circle your answers.

No Problem Serious Problem Vandalism 1 2 3 4 Gang activity 1 2 3 4 Alcohol use 1 2 3 4 Drug use 1 2 3 4 Tobacco use 1 2 3 4 Drug selling 1 2 3 4 Weapons 1 2 3 4 Bullying 1 2 3 4 Physical fights 1 2 3 4 Conflict among different groups of students (i.e., racial/ethnic, cliques, etc.)

1 2 3 4

Respect for adults 1 2 3 4

Is there any school safety-related concern, which you would anonymously like to share with the Safety and Security Audit Team? If so, please describe your concern below.

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Appendix D Interview Guiding Questions – Student

(5TH Grade Elementary) 1. What training has been provided to students on what to do during a school emergency? Give

examples of some of the emergency drills your school has done this school year.

2. Do you feel that teachers at your school take the emergency training drills seriously? 3. Are there any places in this building or any times of the day when you feel unsafe? What

about riding the school bus or at the bus stop? Before or after school?

4. How would you describe the Safety Patrol Program at this school?

5. Do you know who your PEAK Officer is? Has your PEAK Officer been to your classroom to teach lessons about the PEAK Program this school year?

6. If we were to come outside while you are on the playground during recess, what would we see your

teachers doing?

7. Do you feel comfortable talking with an adult at your school regarding incidents of bullying, threats, and/or harassment?

8. Do you think all students have a trusted adult in this school they can speak with?

9. Is there a school safety issue that, in your opinion, is not being adequately addressed to fix the problem?

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Appendix E Interview Guiding Questions – Parents

1. How do parents contribute to creating a safe school culture at this school?

2. Have you been informed of the visitor protocol at this school? Do you feel the visitor protocol provides adequate protection for your child?

3. Are you satisfied with the level of control the school maintains on all exits and entrances?

4. Do you feel school personnel regularly maintain open communication with parents regarding safety at the school?

5. Do you believe visitors are adequately accounted for during emergency training drills?

6. Have you been informed that the school has developed the following safety plans: • Student drop-off and pick-up procedures • Family reunification plan • Emergency communication plan • Emergency crisis plan

7. How would parents share safety –related concerns with school staff? Are you aware of the

Silence Hurts anonymous reporting web link?

8. Have you been given information relating to the, Crisis Preparedness: Parents and School Emergencies Handbook?

9. Are you familiar with your school’s School Resource Officer/PEAK Officer and School Security Officer, if applicable?

10. Is there a school safety issue that, in your opinion, is not being adequately addressed to eliminate the problem?

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Appendix F Parent Permission Form for Student Interview

Dear Parents, Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS) conducts annual safety and security audits of every school to ensure that we are providing students and staff with a safe learning and working environment. On <<Date>>, your child’s school will be receiving a comprehensive audit conducted by a safety audit team comprised of current and retired school administrators, staff member from the Office of School Safety and Emergency Management, retired staff from the Department of Construction and Maintenance, staff from the Department of Pupil Transportation, a Fire Marshal from the Henrico County Fire Marshal’s Office, and School Resource Officer Supervisors from the Henrico County Police Department. Your child has been selected by your school’s principal to participate in a 30 minute group interview with 3-4 other students to talk about school safety practices, emergency preparedness, and opportunities for student involvement in school safety. Your child will also be asked about any areas of school safety that could be improved. Results from the interview will be used to assist the safety audit team in assessing the school’s safety culture and emergency practices. Student participation is voluntary and all responses to the interview questions will remain confidential. If you do not want your child to participate in the group interview, please complete the bottom of this form and return it to your school’s principal by <<Date>>. If you have any questions about the safety and security audit, you can contact Chris Bailor, Office of School Safety and Emergency Management, at 226-5550, or your school principal. Sincerely,

Chris Bailor <<Principal Name>> Safety and Security Coordinator <<School Name>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not want my child to participate in the student group interview for the school safety audit. _____________________________________________________________________________ Print Student Name Print Parent Name ______________________________________________________________________________Parent Signature Date

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Appendix G Sample Comprehensive Audit Schedule

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Schedule for Safety Audit Activities – Henrico Middle School January 1, 2015

Activity Who Time Location Team Orientation

Audit Team Members 8:30 – 8:45 TBD by school

Group Interview of the Administration

All Audit Team Members with Principal (& other Administrators, if desired)

8:45 – 10:00

TBD by school

Walk-through and visual assessment of buildings and grounds

Jerry Gonzalez, Chris Bailor, Cortney Berry, Steve Sukonick, and Principal/Assistant Principal

10:00 - 10:45 TBD by school

Walk-through and visual assessment of buildings and grounds

John Barber, Bruce Bowen, Deputy Fire Marshall, Sharon Alvarado, and Maintenance Supervisor

10:00 – 10:45 TBD by school

Note: Walk-through assessments with the two groups can occur simultaneously.

Fire Drill (weather permitting- if not, a Signal Blue Hide-and-Lock, Lockdown, or Tornado drill can be conducted)

School TBD by school TBD by school

Principal Meeting Principal, John Barber and Bruce Bowen (Retired C&M Representative/Retired Athletic Director)

20 minutes TBD by school TBD by school

Principal Meeting Principal and Steve Sukonick (Retired AP) 20 minutes TBD by school TBD by school Principal Meeting Principal and Jerry Gonzalez (SRO Supervisor) 20 minutes TBD by school TBD by school Principal Meeting Principal and Chris Bailor (HCPS Safety and Security

Coordinator) 30 minutes TBD by school TBD by school

Principal Meeting Principal and Deputy Fire Marshall 20 minutes TBD by school TBD by school Principal Meeting Principal and Sharon Alvarado (Transportation Rep) 20 minutes TBD by school TBD by school Administrator for Safety Meeting Admin. for Safety and Cortney Berry (School Safety

Coordinator) 15 minutes TBD by school TBD by school

Safety Chair Meeting Safety Team Chairperson and Chris Bailor 15 minutes TBD by school TBD by school SSO Meeting SSO and Chris Bailor 15 minutes TBD by school TBD by school SRO Meeting SRO and Jerry Gonzalez 15 minutes TBD by school TBD by school School Counselor Meeting Director of Counseling and Steve Sukonick 15 minutes scheduled between Walk-

Through time: 10:00-10:45 TBD by school

Cafeteria Manager Meeting Cafeteria Manager and Steve Sukonick 15 minutes scheduled between Walk-Through times: 10:00-10:45

TBD by school

Clinic Attendant/ Nurse Meeting Clinic Attendant/Nurse and Steve Sukonick 15 minutes scheduled between Walk-Through times: 10:00-10:45

TBD by school

Group Interview of 4 to 6 Students (representing a diverse group)

Audit Team Members and Students 30 minutes during a time of day least disruptive to instructional schedule

TBD by school

Group Interview of 3 to 5 Parents Audit Team Members and Parents 20 minutes during a time of day least disruptive

TBD by school

Group Interview of 4 to 6 Classroom Teachers (a diverse group of non-administrative faculty)

Audit Team Members and Classroom Teachers 30 minutes during a time of day least disruptive to the instructional schedule (Interview can take place after school.)

TBD by school

Lunch Audit Team Members TBD by school TBD by school Audit Team Meeting Audit Team Members 30 minutes at the end of the day before

the exit interview TBD by school

Exit interview with principal Principal, Chris Bailor, and Cortney Berry End of the day TBD by school

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Appendix H School Safety Recognition Program Scoring Rubric (To be completed by the Safety and Security Audit Team)

Directions: Use the following guidelines to holistically rate each section of the protocol.

• Exceeds Expectations – The school has demonstrated a strong commitment to school safety by fully implementing all or most of the safety and security audit checklist items for this section of the protocol. Additionally, the school exceeds expectations by using innovative methods and programs to enhance the school safety culture and has developed or utilized best practices for school safety and emergency preparedness planning. Examples may include involving students in school safety activities, using technology to enhance the school’s safety procedures, or frequently practicing variations on safety drills.

• Meets Expectations – The school has demonstrated a commitment to school safety by fully implementing most of the safety and security audit checklist items for this section of the protocol.

• Needs Improvement – The school has partially implemented or not implemented many

of the safety and security audit checklist items for this section of the protocol. This area of school safety needs improvement to meet safety and security audit expectations.

• Not Applicable (NA) – The school has not implemented this component of the protocol,

because it is not applicable to the school.

Audit Component Exceeds Expectations

Meets Expectations

Needs Improvement


Safety and Security of Buildings and Grounds

Fire Prevention and Preparedness

Development and Enforcement of Safety Procedures

Safety and Crisis Planning

School Safety and Crisis Team

Safety Training and Staff Development

Collection and Analysis of Safety-Related Data

Prevention and Intervention

Opportunities for Student Involvement

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Parent/Community Involvement and Communication

Role of Law Enforcement

Role of the School Security Officer (SSO)

Medical Emergency Preparedness

Cafeteria Safety

Transportation Safety


The school is eligible to receive the HCPS Safety Recognition Program Award and has exceeded 12 of 15 Safety and Security Audit components (schools with a School Security Officer) or 11 of 14 components (schools without a School Security Officer).

The school is not eligible to receive the HCPS Safety Recognition Program Award, but has met all of the Safety and Security Audit components applicable to the school.

The school is not eligible to receive the HCPS Safety Recognition Program Award and one or more components of the Safety and Security Audit need improvement. The school will develop and submit a School Safety Improvement Plan addressing the component(s) needing improvement to the HCPS Safety and Security Coordinator who will then meet with the school’s Director to discuss the next step. The school’s Principal/Administrator must submit the School Safety Improvement Plan within 60 days of the comprehensive audit, or the last day of the school year, whichever comes first. If the school’s Director and the HCPS Safety and Security Coordinator are in agreement that the school has sufficiently developed a feasible plan to satisfy areas needing improvement, then the school’s rating on that component will be changed to “Meets Expectations.”

For Use Only if Audit Component Needs Improvement:

Re-Assessment Visit Date: Auditor:

The school has implemented the School Safety Improvement Plan and the audit components needing improvement have been addressed.

The school continues to need improvement in one or more audit components. Comments:

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Appendix I References

Brunner, J.M. & Lewis, D. K. (2009). Safe and Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention

and Intervention. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Georgia Department of Education (2008). School Safety Assessment (On-line). Available: Henrico County Public Schools (2010). Safety and Crisis Manual. Illinois State Board of Education Student Advisory Council (2000). Student School Safety Audit:

Safety in Our Schools (On-line). Available: safe_at_school.htm

Southeast Comprehensive Assistance Center (2003). School Safety Assessment Protocol. Texas School Safety Center (2008). Campus Safety and Security Audit Toolkit (On-line).

Available: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (2013). Virginia School Safety Audit Program

(On-Line). Available: Virginia Department of Education (2000). School Safety Audit Protocol (On-line). Available: safety_audit_protocol

Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (2006). Virginia Statewide Fire

Prevention Code (On-line). Available: Fire_Prevention/fire_Frameset.html

Virginia General Assembly (2013). Code of Virginia § 22.1-279.8 (On-line). Available:

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