sage accpac intelligence getting started guide templates1/getting starte… · 3 sage accpac...

1 Sage Accpac Intelligence Getting Started Guide Table of Contents Sage Accpac Intelligence Standard Report Descriptions ........................... 3 Dashboard Analysis ....................................................................................... 3 Financial Reports D ...................................................................................... 5 Financial Reports S ....................................................................................... 6 Financial Reports SB ..................................................................................... 7 Financial Trend Analysis ............................................................................... 8 General Ledger Transaction Details ............................................................. 9 Inventory Master ........................................................................................ 10 Purchase Master ......................................................................................... 11 Sales Master ............................................................................................... 12 Financial Analysis Cube .............................................................................. 13 Inventory Analysis Cube ............................................................................. 14 Sales Analysis Cube .................................................................................... 15 How Sage Accpac Intelligence Works .......................................................... 16 What Functionality is available in Sage Accpac 5.6 ................................... 17 Available Sage Accpac Intelligence Modules ............................................... 18 The Report Manager Module ........................................................................ 19 Finding your way around the Report Manager Module ............................... 19 Creating a Report from Scratch ................................................................. 22 1. Creating a Report Folder..................................................................... 22 2. Creating a Report ................................................................................ 23 3. Running your Report for the first time ............................................... 24 4. Creating and Linking an Excel Template ............................................ 25 Changing or Editing an existing Report ...................................................... 27 1. Copying an Report ............................................................................... 27 2. Running your Copied Report for the first time ................................... 29 3. Creating and Linking an Excel Template ............................................ 30 The Report Viewer Module .......................................................................... 32 1. Making Reports available via the Report Viewer module ................... 33 Some additional Sage Accpac Intelligence functionality............................ 34 1. Automatically distribute Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports to the web or intranet .................................................................................................. 34 2. Auto e-mailing Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports ............................... 38

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Page 1: Sage Accpac Intelligence Getting Started Guide Templates1/Getting Starte… · 3 Sage Accpac Intelligence – Standard Report Descriptions Dashboard Analysis This report is a graphical


Sage Accpac Intelligence

Getting Started Guide

Table of Contents Sage Accpac Intelligence – Standard Report Descriptions ........................... 3

Dashboard Analysis ....................................................................................... 3

Financial Reports D ...................................................................................... 5

Financial Reports S ....................................................................................... 6

Financial Reports SB ..................................................................................... 7

Financial Trend Analysis ............................................................................... 8

General Ledger Transaction Details ............................................................. 9

Inventory Master ........................................................................................ 10

Purchase Master ......................................................................................... 11

Sales Master ............................................................................................... 12

Financial Analysis Cube .............................................................................. 13

Inventory Analysis Cube ............................................................................. 14

Sales Analysis Cube .................................................................................... 15

How Sage Accpac Intelligence Works .......................................................... 16

What Functionality is available in Sage Accpac 5.6 ................................... 17

Available Sage Accpac Intelligence Modules ............................................... 18

The Report Manager Module ........................................................................ 19

Finding your way around the Report Manager Module ............................... 19

Creating a Report from Scratch ................................................................. 22

1. Creating a Report Folder..................................................................... 22

2. Creating a Report ................................................................................ 23

3. Running your Report for the first time ............................................... 24

4. Creating and Linking an Excel Template ............................................ 25

Changing or Editing an existing Report ...................................................... 27

1. Copying an Report ............................................................................... 27

2. Running your Copied Report for the first time ................................... 29

3. Creating and Linking an Excel Template ............................................ 30

The Report Viewer Module .......................................................................... 32

1. Making Reports available via the Report Viewer module ................... 33

Some additional Sage Accpac Intelligence functionality............................ 34

1. Automatically distribute Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports to the web or intranet .................................................................................................. 34

2. Auto e-mailing Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports ............................... 38

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3. Hiding and Showing Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports ....................... 41

4. Using the “Financial Reports D” Drill-down function ......................... 43

5. Configuring Dynamic Drill-Downs ........................................................ 45

6. Hide zero rows .................................................................................... 49

Need More Help? ........................................................................................... 51

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Sage Accpac Intelligence – Standard Report Descriptions

Dashboard Analysis

This report is a graphical one page summary of aggregated Key Performance Indicators such as profit and loss summary, top 5 expenses, top 5 customers, top 5 products etc. Includes predefined drill down reports to drill dynamically to product details and customer details. Fully customisable. Data is from the General ledger and Order Entry. Profit and loss figures are shown for the current month chosen (Parameter on report called Current Monthend Date) as well as the year to date figures (YTD) from the start of the financial year (Parameter on report called Fin Year Start Date). Top 5 Expenses are ordered descending based on the YTD column, but are also shown for the current month chosen (Parameter on report called Current Monthend Date). Top 5 Customers are displayed in descending order of total sales year to date (YTD) and includes their total sales percentage contribution within the context of the top 5 customers. Top 5 Customer Groups are displayed in descending order of Gross Profit year to date and includes their gross profit percentage contributions within the context of the top 5 customer groups.

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Top 5 Items/Products are displayed in descending order of total sales year to date (YTD) and includes their total sales percentage contribution within the context of the top 5 items. Top 5 Item Categories are displayed in descending order of Quantities invoiced year to date and includes their total price within the context of the top 5 item categories. Bottom 5 Items/Products are displayed in descending order of total sales year to date (YTD) and includes their total sales percentage contribution within the context of the top 5 items. Bottom 5 Item Categories are displayed in descending order of Quantities invoiced year to date and includes their total price within the context of the top 5 item categories.

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Financial Reports D

This report displays net changes and balance (YTD values) per General Ledger Account number per financial period for the current financial year, previous financial year and current budget year. Income Statement and Balance Sheet layouts are automatically generated, grouped and sub-totalled by mapped financial categories. Layouts are filtered based on the Change Month Add-in. All layouts can be fully customised using native Excel. Includes drill down to detailed ledger transactions contained within the Excel workbook report. See p. 43 for details on using the drill down.

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Financial Reports S

This report displays net changes and balance (YTD values) per General Ledger Account number per financial period for the current financial year, previous financial year and current budget year. Income Statement and Balance Sheet layouts are automatically generated, grouped and sub-totalled by mapped financial categories. Layouts are filtered based on the Change Month Add-in. All layouts can be fully customised using native Excel. Includes a predefined drill down report to drill dynamically to detailed ledger transactions. This drilldown is filtered based on the current month which you select using the Change Month Add-in.

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Financial Reports SB

This report displays net changes and balance (YTD values) per General Ledger Account number per financial period for the current financial year, previous financial year and current budget year. Income Statement and Balance Sheet layouts are automatically generated and grouped by Accpac account groups. Layouts are filtered based on the Change Month Add-in. All layouts can be fully customised using native Excel. Includes a predefined drill down report to drill dynamically to detailed ledger transactions. This report requires no mandatory manual mapping of Accpac account groups as per the Financial Reports D and S. However, because of this, the report does not automatically create your gross profit and net profit calculations, so these will have to be created manually. Sign control of accounts is not manipulated as they are in the Financial Reports D and S versions, and all account values will be displayed as they are in the Sage Accpac general ledger. It is recommended to use Financial Reports SB when lots of additional Accpac Account Groups have been created, as this version of Financial Reports will auto-generate your Income Statement and Balance Sheet layouts more closely to your desired end result than the other versions of Financial Reports i.e. grouped by your Accpac Account Groups.

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Financial Trend Analysis

This report graphically trends account net changes per selected General Ledger Account number per financial period for the current financial year and previous financial year. Includes a predefined drill down report to drill dynamically to detailed ledger transactions. Fully customisable.

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General Ledger Transaction Details

This report is run for a chosen financial year and range of financial periods and displays detailed ledger transaction details by account, date, reference or description. Can also be used to display a monthly trial balance if run for a specific period and the account detail is hidden using the Excel pivot table. Fully customisable. Transactions can be filtered on company, account group, financial period, financial year, account type (I, B, R). Additional elements can be drag and dropped into the report using standard Excel pivot table functionality.

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Inventory Master

This report displays current stock on hand quantities, purchase and sales order quantities and actual stock values by inventory group, inventory code and location. Fully customisable. Records can be filtered on category, item/product/ location. Additional elements can be drag and dropped into the report using standard Excel pivot table functionality.

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Purchase Master

This report is run for a chosen date range and displays purchase quantities and amounts by vendor and product, from PO. Fully customisable. Records can be filtered on category, location, period. Additional elements can be drag and dropped into the report using standard Excel pivot table functionality.

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Sales Master

This report is run for a chosen date range and displays sales quantities costs, gross profits and amounts by customer, product and salesperson, from OE.. Fully customisable. Records can be filtered on salesperson, customer group, category, period. Additional elements can be drag and dropped into the report using standard Excel pivot table functionality.

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The following reports are only available on purchase of the Sage Accpac Intelligence Analysis module:

Financial Analysis Cube

This cube report analyses General Ledger accounts by account group and segment over multiple fiscal years and enables multi-level drill downs into the required level of detail. Includes Trend Analysis Graph. Fully customisable. The report supports the ability to drag and drop budget and variance amounts as well as caters for financial and calendar views of your data.

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Inventory Analysis Cube

This cube report analyses year to date stock on hand quantities, purchase and sales order quantities and actual stock values by inventory group, inventory code and location and enables multi-level drill downs into the required level of detail. Includes Top 10 Items Graph. Fully customisable.

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Sales Analysis Cube

This cube report analyses sales quantities, gross profits and amounts by customer, product and salesperson over multiple fiscal or calendar years and enables multi-level drill downs into the required level of detail. Data is from Order Entry. Includes Trend Analysis Graph. Fully customisable.

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How Sage Accpac Intelligence Works

Sage Accpac Intelligence uses an ODBC connection to access data and offers the system administrator and user separate interfaces to manage the report creation process. Sage Accpac Intelligence is then integrated with Microsoft Excel which is used as a powerful and familiar desktop reporting platform.

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What Functionality is available in Sage Accpac 5.6 Each client will get the Sage Accpac Intelligence application, which includes:

Standard report templates for management (financial reports, financial analysis/trends), sales, purchases, and inventory

Connection to one ERP company database Each client will also receive one User License for the Sage Accpac Intelligence Report Manager, which allows the user to:

Author new reports (organizing, creating, editing), as well as filter and aggregate data based on existing data containers

Set permissions/security What is not included with the basic installation:

Report Scheduling

Report Consolidations

Import and Exporting of Reports

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Available Sage Accpac Intelligence Modules


Report Manager Allows the creation of reports from predefined containers as well as the generation of report and any template changes.

Report Viewer Allows users basic editing (filtering and changing of parameters) of existing reports/templates, drill-down of reports.

Connector Allows for consolidations and connectivity to unlimited ODBC data sources (for example, CRM or additional ERP companies)

Analysis Allows creation of OLAP cubes, enabling multidimensional analysis of your data using Excel PivotTables®

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The Report Manager Module

The Report Manager Module provides access to the data as defined in the Connector tool and empowers the user to customise their reports for Microsoft Excel.

Finding your way around the Report Manager Module

The Report Manager Module includes a standard windows menu bar and a Report Manager Toolbar to simplify the use of the software.

The Report Manager toolbar has various icons which perform several functions as follows:

Icon Function Description

Add Enables the user to add new folders and reports.

Delete Enables the user to delete their selection.

Properties Displays context specific object properties.

Refresh Refreshes onscreen properties of the selected object

Copy Copies the selected object to the clipboard

Paste Pastes an object from the clipboard into the selected object

Check/Test Use this to check that a report satisfies minimum requirements to function correctly.

Run Runs a report.

Run Sample Runs a report using just a sample of the data (sample size is specified by the user).

Create Template

Enables the user to create a template for the current report from an open Excel workbook.

Un-Link Template

Enables the user to un-link a template from the current report.

Design Allows the user to design a report by opening its template in Excel for modification.

Lock Locks the current report.

Unlock Unlocks the current report

History Displays a Reports Run History

Create PR1 Automatically creates and files a .PR1 file.

Help Display Help Files

Export Report Enables the user to export an existing report.

Run Report Batch

Runs a report batch.

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To use the functions of the Report Manager Interface you will first need to select an object (i.e. a Folder or Report) in the object window.

When you have selected a report in the object window, you can edit the properties of your chosen object by using the Property fields provided in the Properties window or use the tabs provided to add or remove Columns, add Filters and Parameters and Sort Fields.

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To save any changes you make to the properties of the report you have chosen in the object window, you must click on the Apply button.

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Creating a Report from Scratch

You are able to use the already created containers in the Connector Module to create your own reports.

1. Creating a Report Folder

A folder enables the user to manage reports in a logical subject grouping. For example, a Sales folder will typically contain all sales related reports.

To create a new folder, select the Home Object in the Object

Window and click on the Add icon (or right click on your mouse and select ”add folder”).

The "Enter a name for the Folder" window will appear. Enter a name for your folder (e.g. Sales, Inventory) and click on OK.

The new folder you have just created should now appear in the object window.

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2. Creating a Report

A report enables the user to pull data from a published Data Container and output it to Excel.

To create a new report, select the folder where you want to save

your report and click on the Add icon (or right click on your mouse and select “Add Report”).

The "Enter a name for the Report" window will appear. Enter a name for your report (e.g. Budget vs. Actual) and click on OK.

The "Select Data Container" window will automatically be displayed. Select the Data Container from which you want to source your data and click on OK.

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The "Choose Column Fields" window will automatically be displayed.

Select the column fields that you want to be displayed in your report. Use the “Select All” button to select all of the Expressions and click on OK.

To Run the Report, in the object window, select the report you have

just created and click on the Run icon on the Toolbar. Report Manager will launch the report and your data will be rendered to Excel.

3. Running your Report for the first time

To run a report, select the report in the object window and click on

the Run Icon , this will launch your report. During the report run process, two activity windows will be displayed as follows:

The Process Monitor will be displayed at the base of your screen and will show all running report processes. Each report that is run executes as a new process. For problematic reports that are taking too long to run and that cannot be cancelled, use the process monitor to cancel (right click and select “cancel”) the report process. Using the Cancel facility on the process monitor should be a last resort to end a report.

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The Progress Status window will be displayed on the right of your screen and will indicate the progress of your report. Depending on the underlying database system the Progress Status may offer a cancel facility. This Cancel facility should be used as the preferred method for cancelling a report.

Once a report has completed running the data will be displayed in a new workbook in Excel.

4. Creating and Linking an Excel Template

Creating Excel templates enables the user to create a template from an open Excel workbook and link it to an existing report so as to standardise the output format of the chosen report for every run instance of that report in future. To create an Excel template for your report, first run a selected report then format the output data in the Excel workbook according to your specific requirements and then create a template from the Excel workbook as follows.

Once your report has been run and your Excel Workbook is open and formatted according to your specific requirements, in the Report Manager Interface, select the report you have chosen to link to a

template and click on the Create and Link Template Icon .

The Select Workbook window will be displayed. Select the workbook that contains the Excel Workbook that you have formatted according to your requirements and then click on OK.

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The “Specify Template Name” window will automatically be displayed. By default, Sage Accpac Intelligence will name the template using the report name you choose with an .xlt file extension. You can choose to use the default name assigned to your template or you can rename the template.

When you have named the template, click on OK.

You have now successfully created a template from your Excel Workbook.

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Changing or Editing an existing Report

You might want to copy a standard report and make changes to it in order to meet your reporting requirements. It is important to note that you are not able to edit the standard reports without first making a copy of the report. For the financial reports we recommend you make one copy of each report per Accpac company. For example, the mapping in the S or D Financial reports will be specific to your company, so you should make a copy for each company you are going to run the report in.

1. Copying a Report

To copy a report, ensure that the relevant report is selected in the Sage Accpac Intelligence Report Manager by clicking on it (report should be highlighted in blue).

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Select the Action option from the Report Manager menu and choose copy (or right click on your mouse and select “Copy”).

Select the relevant folder in the Report Manager where you wish to paste the copied report by clicking on the relevant folder (folder should be highlighted in blue).

Select the Action option from the Sage Accpac Intelligence menu and choose paste (or right click on your mouse and select “Paste”). Your copied report will be prefixed with “Copy of” followed by the original report name.

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You have now successfully copied a report. You can rename your report if you wish. To do so, select the report, then right-click and select Rename. This will also give you the option of renaming the template to match the report name.

2. Running your Copied Report for the first time

To run a report, select the report in the object window and click on

the Run Icon , this will launch your report. During the report run process, two activity windows will be displayed as follows:

The Process Monitor will be displayed at the base of your screen and will show all running report processes. Each report that is run executes as a new process. For problematic reports that are taking too long to run and that cannot be cancelled, use the process monitor to cancel (right click and select “cancel”) the report process. Using the Cancel facility on the process monitor should be a last resort to end a report.

The Progress Status window will be displayed on the right of your screen and will indicate the progress of your report. Depending on the underlying database system the Progress Status may offer a cancel facility. This Cancel facility should be used as the preferred method for cancelling a report.

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Once a report has completed running the data will be displayed in a new workbook in Excel.

3. Creating and Linking an Excel Template

Creating Excel templates enables the user to create a template from an open Excel workbook and link it to an existing report so as to standardise the output format of the chosen report for every run instance of that report in future. To create an Excel template for your report, first run a selected report then format the output data in the Excel workbook according to your specific requirements and then create a template from the Excel workbook as follows.

Once your report has been run and your Excel Workbook is open and formatted according to your specific requirements, in the Report Manager Interface, select the report you have chosen to link to a

template and click on the Create and Link Template Icon .

The Select Workbook window will be displayed. Select the workbook that contains the Excel Workbook that you have formatted according to your requirements and then click on OK.

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The “Specify Template Name” window will automatically be displayed. By default, Alchemex will name the template using the report name you choose with an .xlt file extension. You can choose to use the default name assigned to your template or you can rename the template.

When you have named the template, click on OK.

You have now successfully created a template from your Excel Workbook.

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The Report Viewer Module Users who have been given access to Report Viewer can run various reports using this function.

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1. Making Reports available via the Report Viewer module

In the Report Manager, when a report is selected as "Make Available via Report Viewer", it is available for selection via the Report Viewer module. Select the report that you wish to make available and select the “Show Advanced” checkbox on the report properties window. This allows you to then select the “Make Available via Report Viewer" checkbox. When this selection is chosen on a report this report will be available in the Report Viewer module when the user accesses the module.

The description as added in the Report Manager is therefore very important as this description will be displayed in the Report Viewer:

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Some additional Sage Accpac Intelligence functionality

1. Automatically distribute Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports to the web or intranet

Did you know that you can automatically distribute any SAGE ACCPAC INTELLIGENCE reports to the web or to an intranet. Why would you want to do this? It often happens that information rich reports, that could help your organisation, are sitting on somebody‟s desk – if only they could be easily distributed to the right people – effortlessly.

Here‟s how it is done!

1. Open your Report Manager.

2. Select the report that you want to publish to an intranet/


3. Select the checkbox to Show Advanced Properties of a report – it

is at the bottom of the properties tab window.

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4. Select the button to „Run Add-ins” - this will be listed in the

properties window of the report.

5. Select the option to „Specify a New Add-in Function‟ and select


6. A box will appear as follows

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Select the Add-In Library, and Add-in Library Module as shown

above. Select the Add in Function followed by the OK button.

7. A box will pop up asking you to enter all the relevant details for

distribution – see below

This will include details about the name of the sheet to be published

and a fully qualified path for the HTML file. (with filename and


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8. When you have entered your details, select OK and you will see

that a string has been added into the “Add-Ins” box in the

properties window of your report.

9. The next time you run the report, an html file will be created in the path you specified.

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2. Auto e-mailing Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports

Did you know that you can automatically distribute any Sage Accpac Intelligence report once it has been run, to a distribution list of your choice? Why would you want to do this? It often happens that information rich reports which could help your organisation, are sitting on somebody‟s desk – if only they could be easily distributed to the right people – effortlessly.

Here‟s how it is done!

1. Open your report manager.

2. Select the report that you want to setup for e-mailing

automatically once it has been run.

3. Select the check-box to Show Advanced Properties of a report – it

is at the bottom of the properties tab window.

4. Select the button to „Run Add-ins” - this will be listed in the

properties window of the report.

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5. Select the option to „Specify a New Add-in Function‟ and select


6. A box will appear as follows

Select the Add-In Library, and Add-in Library Module as shown

above. Select the Add in Function followed by the OK button.

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7. A box will pop up asking you to enter all the relevant details for

emailing – see below

This will include details about your mail SMTP server which you

must get from your Mail administrator, as well as the „from‟ and

„to‟ addresses. To send to multiple e-mail addresses, use a colon

in between addresses. Ensure that when you give the report a

name that you include the “.xls” or “.xlsx” extension as well.

Scroll down on this window to see more available options.

8. When you have entered your details, select OK and you will see

that a string has been added into the “Add-Ins” box in the

properties window of your report.

9. Execute the report, and it will automatically be e-mailed to the

selected recipients.

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3. Hiding and Showing Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports

Why would you like to show or hide reports?

It is handy to be able to hide reports that do not need to be run separately, but only as union reports. This will give your object window a neater look.

To hide a report:

1. Select the report in the Object window of the Report Manager, under Properties select

2. Show Advanced 3. Under the properties tab, select the option Report Hidden 4. Refresh your object window view by double clicking on Home

at the top of the screen 5. Now the report will not show in your list of available reports

To show a hidden report

1. Select the Home object in Report Manager 2. Select Show Hidden Reports

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3. Refresh your object window by double clicking on Home label at the top of the screen

4. You will now be able to view your hidden reports

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4. Using the “Financial Reports D” Drill-down function

The Sage Accpac Intelligence financial D reports give you the ability to drill-down on General Ledger transaction details, thus enabling you to view the makeup of net changes and balances.

Using the Drill-Down Account Feature:

Click on any part of the row containing the account you want to interrogate. This could be from either the Income Statement or Balance Sheet.

On the Drill-Down Toolbar, (On the left of the Excel 2003 < screen and under the “Add-Ins” tab of Excel 2007 click the "Drill-Down Account" button.

The Ledger Transaction Details sheet will be displayed reflecting the transactions for the selected account

The drill-down feature does not allow for the selection of a month to drill-down to, it will always show all transactions that were extracted as per the date range that was selected at the time of running the report. (In the example below, that would be period 1 to 4)

If your data sets are large it is best to run the ledger transactions out for 1 month only, i.e. the current month.

To go back to the worksheet you were viewing before you "drilled down" click the "Back to last sheet" button on the Drill-Down toolbar.

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NB: The Drill-Down feature relies on the account number being available in Column A. Column A can be hidden, but if deleted it will prevent the operation of the drill-down feature

I cannot find the Drill-Down Account Toolbar:

Press Alt-F8 (or Select, Tools, Macro, Macros, from the menu bar)

Select the macro named "Build Drill-Down toolbar”

Select the Run button to run the macro

The toolbar should now be visible again


Save the workbook, close it, then open it again

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5. Configuring Dynamic Drill-Downs

The Drill-Down tool allows you to interrogate data dynamically from within your Excel Reports. A common scenario might be where one high level Sage Accpac Intelligence Report needs to drill-down to line level transactional Data in other reports. As a fast interrogation method the Drill-Down tool allows individual Sage Accpac Intelligence Reports to be executed with parameters based on Excel Cell values. These reports render their data directly to a fast grid style window or you can opt to drill-down data to your Excel Report Workbook. The fast grid option will however allow you to dump the data into Excel via the data screen menu. In this form a Sage Accpac Intelligence Report definition is being used as the source for an Ad-Hoc data enquiry.

To use the Drill-Down tool locate the "Report Tools" menu on your Excel Menu Bar.

The Drill-Down tool will appear. To execute a pre-configured Drill-Down simply double click on it or select it then select the Execute Button.

These pre-configured reports contain pre-configured drill downs:

Dashboard: drill down from a customer within the Top 5 Customers or drill down from an item within the Top 5 Products

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Financial Reports S-3-0 and SB 3-0: drill down to GL transactions when a GL account is selected. These drill downs will be filtered by the month you select in the Change Month Add-In.

To configure a Drill-Down - Select the Drill-Down and select Edit. The Configure Drill-Down window will appear. This window is shown below. To Add a Drill-Down select the Add button and follow the same process outlined below.

NOTE: A Drill-Down definition set is contained within an Excel Book or Template. If you change or add a Drill-Down definition in a Report you should link it back to your Report in the Report Manager to keep the changes.

The Properties of a Drill-Down Definition are listed below: - o Drill-Down Defined Code: A unique code for the Drill-Down

within the Excel Book Drill- Down. o Descriptive Name: A meaningful name used to identify the

Drill-Down o Report ID/Code: The Sage Accpac Intelligence Report ID to

use for interrogation. The Report ID of a report is listed on the property window of a report in the Report Manager. In Version 6 you are also now able to use the Report Code to specify the report to use for interrogation.

o Source Sheet: The Source Sheet used to interrogate from. This is the sheet that has the parameters for the report. This must be the Excel Worksheet name OR the word "ActiveSheet" for the Drill-Down to work from any sheet in the Workbook.

o Report Parameter Columns: A semi-colon delimited list of the column numbers or names used to define where to obtain the report parameters from.

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o Quick Drill-Down / Drill-Down to Workbook: Gives you the choice of having the output displayed in “fast grid” (in a window) or “direct to workbook” style

In the example above whenever the Transactions Drill-Down is executed the values from the EndingDate named range and Column 3 will be taken for the active/selected row and passed to the report of ID P9-SD03-2-0. The report will run and render the data to screen. The Data Output screen is shown below (that was the specific option selected)

Once viewed, the window can be closed. However if you wish to analyse the data in Excel then use the Data to Excel menu provided to transfer the Data into Excel. A number of options are provided for this.

To Add a Drill-Down press the Add button and follow the same process outlined below. NOTE: A Drill-Down definition set is contained within an Excel Book or Template. If you change or add a Drill-Down definition in a Report you should link it back to your Report in the Report Manager to keep the changes.

The Properties of a Drill-Down Definition are listed below: -

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o Drill-Down Defined Code: A unique code for the Drill-Down within the Excel Book Drill-Down.

o Descriptive Name: A meaningful name used to identify the Drill-Down

o Report ID/Code: The Sage Accpac Intelligence ID to use for interrogation. The Report ID of a report is listed on the property window of a report in the Report Manager. In Version 6 you are also now able to use the Report Code to specify the report to use for interrogation.

o Source Sheet: The Source Sheet used to interrogate from. This is the sheet that has the parameters for the report. This must be the Excel Worksheet name OR the word "ActiveSheet" for the Drill-Down to work from any sheet in the Workbook.

o Report Parameter Columns: A semi-colon delimited list of the column numbers or names used to define where to obtain the report parameters from.

o Quick Drill-Down / Drill-Down to Workbook: Gives you the choice of having the output displayed in “fast grid” (in a window) or “direct to workbook” style

In the example above whenever the Transactions Drill-Down is executed the values from the Columns 1 and 3 will be taken for the active/selected row and passed to the report of ID 1. The report will run and render the data to screen.

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6. Hide zero rows

Did you know that you can compress a layout to only show the rows that contain values?

Why would you want to do this? If you have a large general ledger with lots of GL codes and many of them have no balances posted against them, you don‟t want them to clutter up your reports for printing purposes.

How do I do this? 1. Run out your report from the Sage Accpac Intelligence report


2. Select the column that you want to hide the zeroes from

3. Select the hide zero rows option from the add-ins->report tools


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4. Confirm or change the column details when prompted and see how

the rows are compressed to display a schedule that is compact and

shows only relevant data.

5. Note that the rows are hidden, and not deleted so if subsequent

journals are posted to accounts that did not have values before,

these will not be lost.

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