saint jude.pdf

1 ....... ....... - ' i w 7 ; :::::::t:=:=wt ··;>! Slf. JUDE PARISH St. Jude Parish was born on November 16, 1954. Tbis is one of the very few in all the Philippme Islands that is dedicated to this great patron. -\nd it is doubtlessly through his mterce.ssion that such fine progress has already been made. That which at first seemed impossible has. through the Saint of the Impossible. became a reality. Ha\ · ing outgrown our small chapel it was decided that a finine shrine must be erected in honor of the great Patron of Hopeless Cases, St. Jude . Therefore. on September 28, 1958 the corne rsto ne for the new edifice was laid by His Eminence Ruftno J. Cardinal Santos. From solid foundations rose foot by foot a worthy place of offering veneration to St. Jude. In grateful thanksgiving to St. Jude for the many blessings bestowed on our parishioners in the past and in petition that hts shrine be successfully completed we have decided to begin a perpetual novena to St. Jude. We are we ll aware of the fact that not only our own parishioners but thousands of others would also like to join in our veneration of St. Jude . Consequently we would like to invite YOU to join with us m this novena. We sincerely hope that what was begun in our present small chapel may, through your ardent prayers, be continued in due time in the new shrine dedicated to St. Jude. Ifvou have a pa1iicularly desperate case in mind we invite you the more to give St. Jude me OiJPOrtunity to prove himself, also in yom case. the true Patron of the Hopeless! jfube \!tbabbeus Devotional Exercises and Novena Prayers NATIONAL SHRINE OF ST. JUDE THADDEUS Conducted by the DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES 1420 Dr . J.P. Laurel St., San Miguel, Manila Philippines 1

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St. Jude Parish was born on November 16, 1954. Tbis ~sh is one of the very few in all the Philippme Islands that is dedicated to this great patron. -\nd it is doubtlessly through his mterce.ssion that such fine progress has already been made. That which at first seemed impossible has. through the Saint of the Impossible. became a reality.

Ha\·ing outgrown our small chapel it was decided that a finine shrine must be erected in honor of the great Patron of Hopeless Cases, St. Jude. Therefore. on September 28, 1958 the cornerstone for the new edifice was laid by His Eminence Ruftno J. Cardinal Santos. From solid foundations rose foot by foot a worthy place of offering veneration to St. Jude.

In grateful thanksgiving to St. Jude for the many blessings bestowed on our parishioners in the past and in petition that hts shrine be successfully completed we have decided to begin a perpetual novena to St. Jude. We are well aware of the fact that not only our own parishioners but thousands of others would also like to join in our veneration of St. Jude. Consequently we would like to invite YOU to join with us m this novena.

We sincerely hope that what was begun in our present small chapel may, through your ardent prayers, be continued in due time in the new shrine dedicated to St. Jude. Ifvou have a pa1iicularly desperate case in mind we invite you the more to give St. Jude me OiJPOrtunity to prove himself, also in yom case. the true Patron of the Hopeless!

~t. jfube \!tbabbeus

Devotional Exercises


Novena Prayers


Conducted by the


1420 Dr. J.P. Laurel St.,

San Miguel, Manila Philippines


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Rev. GERARD .Kl.OESTERS, S.V.D. Censor Manila, August 17, 1959


REV ALPH02\SE LESAGE. S.V.D. Prov. Superior

IMPRIMATUR: MSGR. JOSE N. JOVELLANOS, P .A. , V.G. Manila, August 18, 1959



Copyright 1961 by CATHOLIC TRADE (Manila) Inc.





The Forgotten Saint, this is the title that is sometimes given to Saint Jude Thaddeus. It is hard to conceive how any saint of God could really be forgotten by men, yet it may be explained by a certain confusion of names. No doubt it was by reason of the shameful treason of another Jude, Judas Iscariot, that the name of a glorious apostle and martyr has suffered the forgetfulness of men. At all times, therefore in this short sketch of our patron's life will be called, not simply St. Jude, but St. Jude Thaddeus. Today more than ever is the power of St. Jude Thaddeus being revived in the minds and the hearts of men. He, in turn, is proving himself more than an ordinary advocate by, apparently, taking special delight in coming to the aid of persons in desperate need. Therefore, he is known as the "Patron in Desperate Cases." Although the name, St. Jude Thaddeus, has been neglected in the devotions of men it is nevertheless one of the oldest names in the calendar of the Church. It has the sanction of antiquity dating back to the ·call of the Apostles. It is found in the Canon of the Mass where he

. is called Thaddeus.

Cousin of Jesus

Devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary will be ever new and strong simply because she is the Mother of God. Nor will piety toward St. Joseph ever lessen, because he is the foster-father of Jesus. Devotion to St. Jude Thaddeus. once it is known, should appeal to all for a similar


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reason:he is a lso closely associated with our Blessed Lord by blood relationship. This singular privi lege came to him through Saints Joachim and Ann, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Being a grand-nephew of these two sainrs he is at once a nephew of Mary and Joseph which, of course, places him in the relationship of cousin to Our Lord Himself. Nearness to Christ is always a valuable and indispensable asset to a saint, but when it is the nc.amess of family relationship to the Savior of mankind, then is ooe sharply moved to endear himself to that saint.

-~and Sacred Writer

St. Jude Thaddeus was the son of Cleophas and .\lary ofCleophas. His mother brought him up in piety and i.nnoc:ence. bodi of which were fostered and increased by the exam~le of Christ. This example was before him e\·en in his boyhood days. for as cousin of the Savior, he must have frequently associated with Him. What the life of St. Jude Thaddeus was up to the time of the call to the apostleship is not known, but this much is certain that when the divine invitation was extended to him he not only accepted it, but never for a moment did he allow his zeal as an apostle to cool. It was zeal and zeal alone which eventually brought to him the much coveted reward of martyrdom. He was not only an apostle but also one of the sacred writers. His work is known as "The Epistle of St. Jude." Although only a very brief work of twenty-five verses, the shortest writing of the New Testament. "The Epistle of St. Jude." is remarkable for its strength and dignity. Most of its contents is well adapted to the present time, for the heresies and immoralities of those days are rampant today. It was against these things that St. Jude Thaddeus wrote. He closes his Epistle with admonitions for the Christians. It seems also that he was one of the last apostles to die. He implies th is when be :says: '-Be


mindful of the words which have been spoken before by the Apostles." The name of Jude conveys the idea of praise and Thaddeus, according to St. Jerome,

His Name

Proper names, in the early history of mankind, were used not only to designate a certain person but were often expressive of traits peculiar to that person. The several names ascribed to St. Jude Thaddeus explain the success that attended his apostolate. Saints Matthew and Mark call him Thaddeus. St. Luke in his Gospel and in the Acts of the Apostles calls him Jude, the brother of James, which name St. Jude Thaddeus, calls himself in his Epistle. The name of Jude conveys the idea of praise and Thaddeus, according to St. Jerome, means a man of more than ordinary knowledge of the things of God. It also means sweetness and gentleness of character. A man endowed with these characteristics may truthfully call himself the "Servant of Jesus Christ." With praise of God on his lips and knowledge of Him in his heart, with gentleness of character, what an apostle he must have made!

His Miracles

St. Jude Thaddeus is generally shown with an image of our Lord upon his breast. The tradition is that when the fame of Christ's miracles had reached the king of Edessa (in which country St. Jude Thaddeus preached and established the Church), the king who was afflicted with leprosy sent a messenger to our Lord begging him to come and heal him. When the unfortunate king learned that he could not expect Christ to come to him he sent an artist to Jerusalem that he might at least get a portrait of the Master. On seeing Christ, the poor artist was so


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blinded by the divine brightness of His face that he was unable to draw even a line. Jesus moved with compassion and wishing to console the afflicted king, held a cloth to His face leaving thereon His own image. He then gave it to the poor artist telling him to carry it back to his ruler, at the same time promising to send someone to cure him. St. Jude Thaddeus was sent by Christ to perform the miracle. When St. Jude Thaddeus arrived he was immediately recognized. His first words of greeting to the king were: "Thou hast faith in the Lord Jesus: ilierefore. He sent me." St. Jude Thaddeus then laid his i:a:d ~the king and the leprosy vanished immediately ;zOO co:n~»etely. It is related that so great were the miracles St. Jude Titaddeus \nought that not only the kingdom of Edessa were coo\·erted to the cause of Christ. This is the traditional explanation of the miniature of Christ on the breast of St Jude Thaddeus. The detai ls of St. Jude's life after the dispersal of the apostle from Jerusalem are matters solely of tradition and there is no intent to present them otherwise.

Defender of the Faith

His labors in Persia give some idea of the difficulties which were so often encountered in his ministry. Thi s country was overrun with magicians who employed their arts to deceive the simple and foster pagan superstition. It was necessary that these impostors be exposed once and for all. St. Jude Thaddeus always found traces of two special agents of Satan who went before him trying to poison the minds of the people against him and therefore forestall the efficacy of his work. Their names were Zaroes and Arfaxat, skilled magicians, who by their trickery sought to dupe the ignorant into a belief in the power of pagan idols to hear and grant request. The opportunity presented itself to make a complete exposure of the work


of these magicians. God gave a special power to St Jude Thaddeus. In his presence and at his command the idols were forced to speak and to confess the one true God. Then the demons inhabiting the idols were ordered to leave and in so doing the idols fell to the ground and were broken into fragments amid a howl of infernal rage. But it was the magicians the Saint was anxious to meet face to face that might bring them to the justice of God. On being informed that they were in the camp of the Persian army, St. Jude Thaddeus lost no time in gaining entrance to the camp. Verardach, the commander in-chief, ordered St. Jude Thaddeus to advance and make known his mission. Fearless he cried out: "We serve Jesus Christ, and have come to bring you eternal life if you abandon your errors and your worship of the gods." It was a bold assertion to make in the camp of an enemy, but the commander was interested, owing to the fact that he had already heard of the fall of the pagan idols at the Saint's command. The commander promised to hear more of the mission of the Saint once the impending battle was over. Anxious to know the outcome of the battle and thinking that perhaps the Saint might enlighten him he lost no time in approaching St. Jude Thaddeus on the subject. The Saint commanded the idols to make reply to the question. The answer came back that the war would be long and tedious with great losses on both sides. At this answer the commander was very much disturbed. Then the apostle with great joy exclaimed: "Fear not. Oh Prince, thy gods lie! Tomorrow at this very hour ambassadors will arrive from the enemy's camp asking terms of peace; they will accept all the conditions you propose and will become your subjects." So completely was his promise fulfilled that it was only the intercession of St. Jude Thaddeus that kept the two wicked magicians from being burned at the stake.


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His Martyrdom

Throughout his entire ministry St. Jude Thaddeus was subject to all sorts of persecution and suffering. Our Lord predicted this very thing concerning His apostle. Notwithstanding his great success it must be remembered that he at all times had to deal with hard people, a people steeped in immorality. They were loath to surrender evil habits sanctioned by a custom of long standing. But the acceptance of Christianity meant new customs opposed to old customs, hence the doctrine of All-pure Christ was offensive to their pagan ears. It was this very thing that ~-as ro bring about his martyrdom, and those unwilling to embrace rhe new doctrine waited impatiently for the day when ' 'engeance could be meted out to him. The eventful day came, a day of victory for the enemies, but a day of great joy for St. Jude Thaddeus, now that the coveted prize was within reach. It is a'custom of the Church to represent her martyrs in art with the instrument of torture that made possible their winning the crown of eternal glory. So we have St. Jude Thaddeus represented with a club in his hand, for it was with this weapon that he was put to death. Tradition tells that after death his head was severed from his body with a broad-ax. The church assures her children that his pure soul winged its way heavenward immediately after his martyrdom and that his name was written in letters of gold in the Book of Life.

His Relics

His holy relics now lie in the great basilica of St. Peter in Rome. Pope Paul III, in a brief dated September 22, 1548, granted a plenary indulgence to all who would visit the tomb of St. Jude Thaddeus on his feast day, the day of his death, October 28. This is a very significant


fact, for plenary indulgences were rarely granted at this period. It is a proof that his intercessory power with God must have been great. All the saints have power with God since they are the special friends of God, but the fact cannot be denied that some have been permitted to make their influence with God more visible than others. The reason for this rests with God alone. The history of St. Jude Thaddeus, both as to his life upon earth and his relation to his clients now, proves that God has vouchsafed him an extraordinary power in cases most desperate. It is especially in difficult cases that his wonderful help appears. Thousands have implored his aid and have received extraordinary ~swers to their prayers. Venerable Columba, a Dominican nun, was most devoted to St. Jude Thaddeus and she saw many a petition of grave and serious nature granted through his intercession. Another client among the saints was none other than the great St., Bernard. During his entire life he never cease4_..::: to invoke St. Jude Thaddeus when trials and temptations' surrounded him. When saint calls upon saint sinners: •. should take courage and direction. Even though the· .. ~>•1 difficulty be a malady defying all human ski ll , even· though it be a sickness for which there is no apparenL . remedy, even though it be anguish of soul and distress of heart, poverty, misery or even despair, St. Jude Thaddeus, cousin of Jesus will show a way out of the trouble, if it be according to the will of God. There is no problem so perplexing for which St. Jude Thaddeus. "Patron of Desperate Cases," cannot find a solution, thereby bringing joy and gladness to the heart.

Devotion to St. Jude

Many are the ways of gaining the favor of St. Jude Thaddeus. Some clients approach by making a weekly Holy Hour at the Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus. Others


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make Novenas in his honor by assisting at Mass and receiving Holy Communion on nine consecutive days. Still others invoke him daily. It matters not the method used to obtain St. Jude Thaddeus' intercession just so one proves himselfworthy of divine favor. St. Jude, pray for all who invoke thy aid! Help ofthe hopeless, aid them in their distress! Forgotten of Saints, forget not them who come to thee for help!


This Epistle was written between the year 62 and 67 A.D. as bas been concluded from the text of the Epistle itself. It was occasioned by the teachings and practices of certain heretics within the Church and is a warning to them. After an Introduction (vv. 1-4), the first section (vv. 5-19) may be described as a warning against false teachers. The second section (vv. 24-25), Conclusion.


I. Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James, who have been loved by God the Father and preserved for Christ Jesus:

2. Mercy and peace and charity be given to you in abundance.

3. Beloved, while I was making every endeavor to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you, exhorting you to contend earnestly for the Faith once for all delivered to the saints.


4. For certain men have stealthily entered in, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men who turn the grace of God into wantonness and disown our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Warning Againts False Teachers

5. But I desire to remind you, though once for all you have come to know all things that Jesus, who saved the people from the land of Egypt, the next time destroyed those who did not believe.

6. And the angels also who did not preserve their original state, but forsake their abode, he has kept in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgement of the great day.

7. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the neighboring cities which like them committed sins of immorality and practised unnatural vice have been made an example, undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.

8. In like manner as these men also defile the flesh, disregard authority, deride majesty.

9. Yet when Michael the Archangel was fiercely disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, he did not venture to bring against him an accusation of blasphemy, but said, " May the Lord rebuke thee."


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10. But these men deride whatever they do not 16. These are grumbling murmurers walking know; and the things they know by instict like according to their lust. And haughty in speech, the dumb beast, become for them a source of they cultivate people for the sake of gain. destruetion.

17. But as for you, beloved, be mindful of the 11. Woe to them! for they have gone in the way of words that have been spoken beforehand by

Cain, and have rushed on thoughtlessly into the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. the error of Balaam for the sake of gain, and have perished in the rebellion of Core. 18. Who kept saying to you that at the end of time

12. These men are stains on the ir feasts, there will come scoffers, walking impiously

!banqueting together without fear, looking after according to their desires.

themselves; clouds without water, carried 19. These are they who set themselves apart, about by the winds, trees in the fall, unfruitful, twice dead, uprooted. sensual men, not having the Spirit.

13. Wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; Admonitions for Christians wandering stars, for whom the storm of

20. But as for you, Beloved, build up yourselves darkness has been reserved forever. upon you most holy faith, praying in the Holy

14. Now of these also Henoch, the seventh from Spirit. Adam, prophesied, saying, "Behold the Lord has come with thousands of his holy ones. 21. Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking

15. To execute judgement upon all, and to convict for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto life everlasting.

all the impious of all their impious works, and of all the hard things that impious sinners have

' 22. And some who are judged, reprove;

spoken againts him." •

23. But others, save, snatching them from the fire. And to others be merciful with fear, hating even the garment which is soiled by the flesh.

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24. Now to Him who is able to 'preserve you without sin and to set you before the presence of his glory, without blemish, in gladness.

25. To the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, belong glory and majesty, dominion and authority, before all time, and now and forever. Amen.



Hymn to St. Jude Prayer to the Holy (Spirit) Sermon Letters of Thanksgiving for Favors

Granted Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Hymn Novena Prayers to St. Jude Thaddeus

(Different for each week of the novena) ·Hymn to St. Jude Thaddeus



Novena Prayers to St. Jude Thaddeus (Constant throughout the novena)

Tantum Ergo Reposition Hymn - "Holy God We

Praise Thy N arne" Blessi1_1g of the Sick and of Religious

Articles Veneration of the Relic of St. Jude

L. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created

A. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let Us Pray

0 God, who didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful people by sending them the light of Thy Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things, and evermore to rejoice in His holy comfort. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


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The prayers should be recited in a slow, clear, and reverential manner. A short pause should be made at the end of each clause as indicated by a vertical (I) line.

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 3:

"! found it necessary to write to you, exfzorting you to .contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints. "

L. 0 my Redeemer, has that terrible hour come upon us in which there remain but few Christians animated by the spirit of faith, that moment in which Thy just wrath will withdraw Thy protection from us? Have the vices, the evil habits of our age at last irrevocably moved Thy justice to vengeance?

A. 0 Author and Perfecter of our faith, I we entreat Thee I in the bitterness of our contrite heart I not to permit the beautiful light of faith I to be extinguished in us. I Recall Thy former mercies, I cast a compassionate glance on the vine I which Thou hast planted with Thy right hand I and which was watered I by the sweat of the apostles, I irrigated by the precious blood of thousands I and


thousands of martyrs I and by the tears of so many noble penitents, I and fructified by the prayers I of so many innocent confessors and virgins.

L. Divine Mediator, look upon those zealous souls who, raising themselves incessantly to Thee, pray for the support of our most precious treasure, the true faith. Arrest, 0 just God, the sentence of our rejection; turn away thy glance from our vices and fix it on the adorable Blood which purchased our salvation when shed on the Cross and daily begs it for us on our altars.

A. We beseech Thee, I preserve us in the true Catho li c faith. I Sin afflicts us, I disappointments consume us, I misfortunes oppress us I but preserve Thy holy faith in us I because enriched with this precious gift, I we will willingly bear every pain I and will let nothing alter our happiness. I On the contrary, I without the supreme treasure of the faith I our misfortune will be ' unspeakable and immense.

. L . 0 good Jesus, Author of our faith , 1 preserve it pure in us; keep us firm in the bark of Peter, faithful and obedient to his successor and Thy vicar here on earth so that the unity of Holy Church may be preserved, sanctity promoted, the Apostolic See free and protecteo and the universal Church extended for the benefit of souls.


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A. Fight this day the battle of the Lord I with thy legions of holy Angels, I even as of old thou didst fight against Lucifer, I the leader of the proud spirits I and all his rebel angels, I who were powerless to stand against thee, I neither was their place found any more in heaven. I And that apostate angel, I transformed into an angel of darkness I who still creeps about the earth I to encompass our ruin, I was cast headlong into the abyss I together with his followers.

L. But behold, that first enemy of mankind and a murderer from the beginning, has regained his confidence. Changing himself into an angel of light, he goes about with the whole multitude of the wicked spirits to invade the earth and blot out the Name of God and of His Christ, to plunder, to slay and to consign to eternal damnation the souls that have been destined for a crown of everlasting life, This wicked serpent, like an unclean tonent, pours into men of depraved minds and corrupt heatts the poison of his malice, the spirit of lying, impiety and blasphemy, and the deadly breath of impurity of every form of vice and iniquity.

A. These crafty enemies of mankind I have filled to overflowing I with gall and wormwood the Church, I which is the Bride of the Lamb without spot: I they have laid profane hands I upon her most sacred treasures. I Make haste, therefore,


I 0 invincible Prince, I to help the people of God I against the inroads of the lost spirits I and grant us the victory. Amen.

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 7:

" ... as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the neighboring cities which like them committed sins of immorality and practiced unnatural vices have been made an example undergoing the punishment of eternal fire. "

L. 0 good Jesus, I know that every perfect gift and, above all others, that of chastity depends on the powerful action of Thy divine Providence; I know that without Thee a creature can do nothing.

A. This is why I beseech Thee to defend, I by Thy grace, I the purity of my soul and of my body. I And if I have ever received any impression I whatsoever of a sentiment I capable of soiling ' this ineffable virtue, I do Thou, 0 supreme Master 1

of my faculties, I blot it out from my soul I that with a clean heart I I may advance in Thy love and in Thy service I offering myself chaste all the days of my life I on the most pure altar of Thy divinity. It is the Cross that I adore. I The Cross of the Lord • is with me. I The Cross is my refuge.


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A. 0 Jesus, I Author of our faith, I humble and convert the enemies of Holy Church I grant peace and true unity I to all Christian kings and princes I and to all the faithful I strengthen and support us all in Thy holy service I so that we may live for Thee I and die in Thee. I 0 Jesus, I Author of our faith, I for Thee I live I and for Thee I die. I Amen.

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 6:

" And the angels also who did not preserve their original state, but forsake their abode, he has kept in everlasting chains under dark­ness for the judgement of the great day. "

L. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle, that we perish not in the fearful judgement.

A. Saint Michael, I first champion of the Kingship of Christ, I pray for us.

L. 0 Jesus! life-spring of the soul! The Father's Power and Glory bright! Thee with the Angels we extol ; From Thee they draw their life and light.


A. Thy thousand, thousand hosts are spread, Embatted o 'er the azure sky; I But Michael bears Thy standard dread, I And lifts the mighty Cross on high.

L. He in that sign the rebel powers Did with their dragon prince expel And hurled them from the heaven's high towers, Down like a thunderbolt to hell.

A. Grant us with Michael still, 0 Lord, I Against the Prince of pride to fight; I So may a crown be our reward, I Before the Lamb's pure throne of light.

L. To God the Father and the Son and Holy Paraclete to Thee,

A. As evermore hath been before, I Be glory through eternity. Amen.

L. 0 glorious Prince of the heavenly host, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the fearful warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come thou to the assistance of men, whom Almighty God created immortal, making them in His own image and likeness and redeeming them at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.


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L. Jesus, Lover of chastity, Mary Mother most pure, and· Joseph, chaste guardian of the Virgin, to you I come at this hour, begging you to plead with God for me.

A. I earnestly wish I to be pure in thought, word, and deed I in imitation of your own holy purity. I Obtain for me, then, I a deep sense of modesty I which will be reflected I in my external conduct. I Protect my eyes, I the windows of my soul, I from anything that might dim the luster of a heart I that must mirror only Christlike purity. I And when the "Bread of angels I becomes the Bread of men" I in my heart at Holy Communion, I seal it forever I against the suggestions of sinful pleasures. I Heart of Jesus, I Fountain of all purity, I have mercy on us.

L. Confirm me, 0 God, by the grace ofThy Holy Spirit. Grant me power to be strengthened in the inner man, and to cast out of my heart all unclean thoughts not to be drawn away with various desires but to view all things as passing away, and myself also as passing with them. For nothing is lasting under the sun, where all is vanity and affliction of spirit. Oh, how wise is he who judges in this way.

A. Grant me, 0 Lord, I celestial wisdom, I that I may learn above all things I to seek Thee and to jlnd Thee I above all things to relish Thee and to


love Thee, I and to understand all other things as they are, I according to the order of Thy wisdom. Grant that I may prudently avoid I all impure temptation I and patiently endure those I cannot avoid, I resisting :to the end I by the power of Thy Grace. Amen.

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 10:

"But these men deride whatever they do not know and the things they know by instinct like the dumb beasts become for them a source of destruction. "

L. 0 Lord Jesus, Let me know myself, Let me know Thee And desire nothing but Thee alone.

A. Let me hate myself I And love thee I And do all things for the sake of Thee.

L. Let me humble myself And exalt Thee · And think of n'othing but Thee alone.

A. Let me·die to myself ! And live in Thee. And take whatever happens as coming from Thee.


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L. Let me forsake myself And walk after Thee And ever desire to follow Thee.

A. Let me flee from myself I And turn to Thee I That thus I may merit to be defended by Thee.

L. Let me fear for myself, Let me fear Thee And be among those who are chosen by Thee.

A. Let me distrust myself I And trust in Thee I And ever obey for the love of Thee.

L. Let me cleave to nothing But only to Thee And ever be poor for the sake of Thee.

A. Look upon me I That I may love Thee I Call me I That I may see Thee I And forever possess Thee. Amen

L. 0 most holy Virgin Mary, who didst bear Jesus our Savior and didst shed the everlasting Light upon the world, 0 Mother of divine knowledge,


whose merciful intercession hath procured the grace of increasing in knowledge and piety for countless minds that were rude and ignorant, I choose thee as the guide and patroness of my studies.

A. By thine intercession, I 0 Mother of fruitful studies, I may the Holy Spirit I fill my spirit with light and fortitude, I prudence and humility; I may He give me goodwill, intelligence, memory and ability in sufficient measure, I and above all, I a spirit of docility both in mind and heart, I that I may proceed in all things according to the counsels of divine Wisdom.

L. Defend me, good Mother, againts the spirit of pride and presumption, of vain curiosity and instability; keep me from every occasion of stumbling, from all erroneous opinion, and from all things that might corrupt my faith and disturb the clearness of my understanding, the purity of my heart and the peace of my soul.

. A. Grant, 0 Mary, I that under thy protection, I I may ever be submissive to the directions and teachings of Holy Church, my mother, 1 and may advance in the way o.f truth and virtue I surely, courageously and without wavering; at length may I attain I to the knowledge the love and the everlasting possession I of Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord. Amen.



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The Epistle of St. Jnde ... verse 15:

"Behold the Lord has come with thousands of L. What shall I, frail man, be pleading? Who for me be interceding, His holy ones to execute judgment upon all ... When the just are mercy needing? "

L Day of wrath and doom impending, A. King of majesty tremendous, I David's word with Sibyl's blending,

Who dost free salvation send us,l Heaven and earth in ashes ending! Fount of pity, I then befriend us!

A. 0 what fear man's bosom rendeth, I L. Think kind Jesus! -my salvation When from heaven the Judge descendeth,

Caused Thy wondrous Incarnation; On whose sentence all dependeth! Leave me not to reprobation.

L. Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth, A. Faint and weary Thou hast sought me, Through earth's sepulchres it ringeth.

On the Cross of suffering hought me, All before the throne it bringeth. ShaH such grace be vainly brought me?

A. Death is struck, I and nature quaking, I L. Righteous Judge! for sin's pollution All creation is awaking, I

Grant Thy gift of absolution, To its Judge an answer making. Ere that day of retribution.

L. Lo! the book exactly worded, A. Guilty, I now I pour my moaning, I Wherein all hath been recorded; . All my shame with anguish owning; I Thence shall judgment be awarded.

Spare, 0 God, thy suppliant groaning! I A. When the Judge His seat att~ineth, I

L. Through the sinful woman shriven, And each hidden deed arraigneth, I .. ·Through the dying thief forgiven, Nothing unavenged remaineth. Thou to me a hope hast given.

A. Worthless are my prayers and sighing, I Yet, good Lord, in grace co.mplying, I Rescue me from fires undymg. 26

27 t


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L. With Thy sheep a place provide me. From the goats afar divide me, To Thy right hand do thou guide me.

A. When the wicked arc confounded, I Doomed to shame and woe unbounded, I Call me, I with thy Saints surrounded.

L. Low I kneel, with heart's submission, See, like ashes my contrition! Help me in my last condition!

A. Ah! that day of tears and mourning! From the dust of earth returning I Man for judgement must prepare him I Spare, 0 God, I in mercy spare him!

Lord, all-pitying, Jesus blest, I Grant them thine eternal rest.


The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 20:

"But as for you, Beloved, build up yourselves upon your most holy faith, pray ing in the Holy Spirit. "

L. 0 Holy Spirit, who on the solemn day of Pentecost didst suddenly descend upon the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room in parted tongues as it were of fire and didst so enlighten their minds, inflame their hearts, and strengthen their wills that






henceforth they went through the entire world and courageously and confidently proclaimed everywhere the teaching of Christ and sealed it with. shedding of their blood,.renew, we beseech thee, the wondrous outpouring ofThy grace in our hearts also.

A How grievously I our minds are afflicted with ignorance I concerning the nature I and dignity of those divine truths I which form the ·object of faith, I without which no man may hope for salvation. I How far men go astray I :from a just estimation of earthly goods; ·I which too often are put before the soul itself. I How often our hearts do not beat I with love of the Creator as'they ought, I but rather with an ignoble lust for creatures. How often are we led I by a false respect for human judgement, I when we ought to profess openly the precepts of Jesus Christ I and to reduce them to action I with a sincere heart and with the loss, if need be, I of our worldly substance. I What weakness we manifest in embracing I and carrying with a serene and willing heart I the crosses of this life, I which alone can make the Christian I a worthy follower of his divine Master.

L. 0 Holy Spirit, enlighten our lninds, cleanse "' our hearts, and give new strength to our wills; to such a degree, at least, that we· may clearly recognize the value of our soul, and in like manner, despise


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-the perishable goods of this world, that we may love God above all things and for the love of Him, our neighbor as ourselves; that we may not only be free from fear in professing our faith publicly, but rather may glory in it; finally, that we may accept not only prosperity but also adversity as from the hand of the Lord, with all confidence that He will turn all th ings into good for those who lovingly tend towards Him. Grant, we beseech Thee, that we, by constantly answering the sweet impulses of Thy grace and doing th a t which is good with a persevering heart, may deserve one day to receive the rich reward of g lory everlasting. Amen.

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 21:

"Keep yourselves in the love of God. "

L. I love Thee, 0 Jesus, who are perfect charity; who in Thine essence art true God and true man; in whom are contained the treasures of the Divinity and all the fullness of grace which descends to us upon this earth.

A. I love Thee, I dear Jesus, I who for love of me I hast made Thyself like unto me; I enkindle within me I the flame of Thy sacred love, I which Thou didst bring from heaven, I that loving The~, I may grow into Thy likeness.


L. I love Thee, divine Jesus, my Lord and Master, because Thou has redeemed and freed me, poor slave of sin, by Thy Precious Blood. Of Thy sweet mercy, grant that I may enjoy the full fiuit of Thy Redemption.

A. 0 sweetest Jesus I I implore that I I may love Thee more and more!

L. Most loving Redeemer, at Thy departure from this world Thou didst not wish to leave us orphans. In Thy compassionate love Thou didst institute the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, wherein Thou hast given us Thyself in order to draw our hearts to Thee and enrich us with the plentitude ofThy graces. In this sacred mystery it is Thy desire to hear our prayers and to be our refuge in every need, our support in all difficulties, our comfort in every· affliction.

A. Thou art wonderful, I 0 Lord, I in all Thy works, I but in none more wonderful! than in the Sacrament of Thy love. With deepest reverence and awe I we behold the divine Majesty, I whom heaven and earth cannot contain, I enclosed under the humble appearance of bread. Here the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe I condescends to dwell with the children of men I and invites the poor and needy to come to Him.



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-L. 0 Jesus, our Advocate, both High Priest

and Lamb of God forever, it was for our redemption and sanctification that Thou didst offer Thyself upon the altar of the Cross. In Thy boundless love Thou didst desire that this sacrifice of salvation should be daily renewed throughout the entire world until the end of time that through the merits of Thy Passion we may obtain the forgiveness of our sins and be filled with Thy grace and blessing.

A. In every place I there is a sacrifice I and there is offered to My name I a clean oblation. The holy Mass is our only means of worthily adoring and thanking our heavenly Father. Through this sacrifice I the divine justice is unceasingly honored and appeased I and the treasures of grace are opened to us. I 0 God, I how impenetrable is Thy wisdom I how infinite Thy power I how boundless Thy goodness and love!

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 23:

" ... but others, save, snatching them from the fire. "

L. Ask what Thou wilt, 0 dearest Lord, Nothing will we deny; But only give us countless souls For Thee before we die.


A. Let others pray about themselves, I Thy grace leads many ways; I Give us souls, I 'tis thus Thy Spirit in us prays.

L. A life-long sorrow, if thou wilt, And sharp enduring pain; All, all were light, if souls for Thee Might be the precious gain.

A. Tears will be sweet, I for Thou has wept,\ And blood, I if needs must be; I No cost too great to purchase souls, I 0 dearest Lord for Thee.

L. Whatever be the price, 0 Lord, This grace to us impart

A. Souls from the world I and sin set free, I Souls for Thy Sacred Heart.

L. Eternal God, Creator of all things, remember that the souls of infidels have been created by Thee and formed to Thine own image and likeness.

A. Behold, 0 Lord, I how to Thy dishonor I hell is being filled with these same souls. Remember ' that Jesus Christ, I Thine only Son, I has suffered a most cruel death I for their Salvation. Do not



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permit, I we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, I that Thy divine Son be despised any longer by infidels, I but rather be Thou appeased I by the prayers of Thy saints I and of the Church the most holy spouse of Thy Son, I and vouchsafe to be mindful of Thy mercy. Forget their idolatry and infidelities I bring them also to know Him I whom Thou didst.send, I Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, I who is our health, life, and resurrection, I through whom ~e have been redeemed and saved, I to whom be all glory forever. Amen.

L. Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, deliver the hoi~ ~ouls in purgatory.

A. Almighty and everlastirt~ God, I who seekest not the death of sinners, . I bu\ always that they may live I graciously receive our pr~yer, I and deliver the heathen I from the worship bf idols I and gather them into Thy Holy Church.! unto the praise and glory of Thy name. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Epistle of St. Jude ... verse 25:

" ... to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, belong glory and majesty, dominion and authority, before all time, and now, and forever. Amen. "


L. We pray Thee, 0 Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Thy Name.

A. We pray Thee, I who alone art good and holy, I to endow with heavenly knowledge, I sincere zeal, I and sanctity of life, I our Sovereign Pontiff, the vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ, I in the government of His Church; ! likewise our beloved bishop all other bishops, prelates, and pastors of the Church I and especially those who are appointed to exercise among us I the functions of the holy ministry, I and conduct Thy people in the ways of salvation.

L. We pray Thee, 0 God of might, wisdom, and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgement decreed, assist with Thy Holy Spirit of Counsel and Fortitude the President of the Philippines that his administration may be conducted in righteousness and be eminently useful to Thy people over whom he presides by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion, by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy, and by restraining vice and immorality. Let the light ofThy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress



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and shine forth in all proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful knowlege; and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal liberty.

A. We pray for His Honor, the Mayor of Manila, I for the members of the Board, I for all judges, magistrates, and others officers I who are appointed to guard our political welfare I that they may be enabled, I by Thy powerful protection, I to discharge the duties of their respective stations I with honesty and ability.

L. We recommend likewise to Thine unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow citizens throughout the Philippines that they may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance ofThy most holy law, that they may be preserved in union and in that peace which the world cannot give, and that after enjoying the blessings of this life, they may be admitted to those which are eternal.

A. Finally, I we pray to Thee, I 0 Lord of mercy, I to remember the souls of Thy servants departed I whO are gone before us I with the sign of faith I and repose in the sleep of peace I the souls of our parents, I relatives, and friends I the souls of those who, I when living, were devotees


of St. Jude, I and particularly of such as are lately deceased I the souls of all benefactors I who proved their claim to our grateful and charitable re­membrance. To these, 0 Lord, I and to all who rest in Christ, I grant, we beseech Thee, I a place of refreshment, I light, and everlasting peace, I through the same Jesus Christ, I Our Lord and Savior. Amen.



St. Jude Thaddeus, I true relative of Jesus and Mary, I I salute thee I through the most Sacred Heart of Jesus! I Through this Heart I I praise and thank God I for all the graces He has bestowed upon thee. Humbly prostrate before thee, I I implore thee through this Heart I to look down upon me I with compassion. I Oh, despise not my poor prayers; I let not my trust be confounded I To thee God has granted the privilege I of aiding mankind in the most desperate cases. Oh, come to my aid, I that I may praise the mercies of God! All my life I will be grateful to thee I and will be thy faithful client I until I can thank thee in heav­en. Amen.

L. Blessed Apostle, with confidence we invoke thee!



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A. Blessed Apostle, I wi th confidence we invoke thee!

L. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, aid us in our distress!

A. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, I aid us in our distress!

Pray for us, I that before death I we may expiate all our sins I by sincere repentance I and the worthy reception of the holy sacraments!

Pray for us, that we may appease the Divine Justice and obtain a favo rable judgement!

Pray for us, I that we may be admitted I into the company of the blessed I to rejoice in the presence of our God forever.

Most Holy Apostle, I St. Jude Thaddeus, I fa ithfu l servant and friend of Jesus, I the name of the traitor who delivered thy beloved Master I into the hands of His enemies I has caused thee to be forgotten by many, I but the Church honors I and invokes thee universally as the patron of hopeless cases and of things despaired of.

Pray for me I who am so miserable; I make use, I implore thee, I of that particular privilege accorded to thee I to bring visible and speedy help I


where help almost despaired of. Come to my assistance I in this great need I that l may receiYe the consolations and succor of heaven I in all my necess ities. I tribulat ions and suffe rings, I particularly (here make your request) I and that I may bless God with thee I and all the elect forever.

I promise thee, I 0 Blessed Jude, I to be ever mindful I of this great favor I and I will never cease to honor thee I as my specia l and powerful patron I and to do all in my power I to encourage devotion to thee. Amen.

L. St. Jude Thaddeus, pray tor us! A. And for all who invoke'thy aid!

Let Us Prav

0 St. Jude Thaddeus, thou relative of Jesus Christ, thou glorious apostle and martyr, renowned for thy virtues and mi racles, faithful and prompt intercessor of all who honor thee and trust in thee! Thou art a powetful patron and helper in grievous afflictions. I come to thee and entreat thee from the depths of my heart; come to my aid with thy powerful intercession, for thou hast re, eived from God the privilege to assist with thy manifest help, those who almost despair of all hope. Look do·wn upon me; my life is a li fe of crosses, my clays are days oftribulation and my hea rt is an ocean of



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bitterness. All my paths are strewn with thorns and scarcely one moment passes but is witnesses of my tears and sighs; uneasiness, discouragement, mistrust and almost despair prey upon my soul. Thou canst not forsake me in this sad plight. I will not depart from thee until thou hast heard me. Oh! hasten to my aid, I will be grateful to thee all my life. I will honor thee as my special patron . I will thank God for the graces bestowed upon thee and will encourage devotion to thee according to my power. Amen.

L. St. Jude Thaddeus, pray for us. A A nd fo r all who invoke thy aid.


I firmly believe I that Thou art really and corporally present I in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I adore Thee here present I from the very depths of my heart, I and I worship Thy sacred presence I with all possible humility. 0 my soul, I what joy to have Jesus Christ I always with us, I and to be able to speak to Him, I heart to heart, I with a ll confidence. Grant, 0 Lord, I that I, I having adored Thy div ine Majesty I here on earth I in thi s wonderful Sacrament, I may be able to adore You eternally in heaven. I Amen.

(One Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be .... ·for your Special Intentions)


BENEDICTION (fhe Blessed Sacrament is Exposed)


Hymn: Tantum ergo Sacramentum Venere mur cernui Et anti quum documentum Novo cedat ritui Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui

Genitori , Genetoque Laus et Jubilatio Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benidictio Procedenti, Ab utroque Comparsit Laudatio Amen, Amen


L. You have given them bread from heaven. A. Containing in itself all delight. L. The Lord be with you. A. And with your spirit


0 God, who in this wonderful sacrament, left us a memorial of your passion.

Grant, we implore you, that we may so venerate the sacred mysteries of your body and blood as always to be conscious of the fruit of your redemption.

You have live and reign forever and ever. Amen .



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The Divine Praises

Blessed be God Blessed be His Holy Name Blessed be Jesus Christ true God and true man Blessed be the Name of Jesus Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart Blessed be His Most Precious Blood Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament

of the Altar Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete Blessed be the Great Mother of God Mary

Most Holy Blessed be Her Holy and Immaculate Conception Blessed be Her Glorious Assumption Blessed be the Name of Mary Virgin and Mother Blessed be St. Joseph, Her most Chaste Spouse Blessed be God. in His Angels And in His Saints (The Blessed Sacrament is returned to the tabernacle)


0 sacrament most Holy 0 sacrament divine All praise and all thanksgiving Be every moment thine Be every moment thine



Grant, almighty and eternal God, everlasting health to those who believe. Hear us for thy sick, for whom we implore the aid of Thy tender mercy, that being restored to bodily health they may give thanks to Thee in Thy church, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

They shall lay their hands upon the sick and they shall recover. May Jesus, the Son of Mary, the Lord and Redeemer of the world, through the merits and intercession of His Holy apostle Jude Thaddeus and all His saints, show them favor and mercy. Amen


L. Lord, show us your mercy and love. A. And grant us your salvation. L. The Lord be with you. A. And also with you.

Let Us Pray

L. Dearly beloved brothers and sisters, let us pray to God almighty- Father that we may be transformed into Christ image through the devout use of these signs as aids to prayer. May the Lord in his love and mercy cherish



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and reinforce with his blessing, these tokens of your devotion and piety, so that you may take up the course of the present life without offending anybody. And you may attain eternal life with joy, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

LITANY OF ST. JUDE THADDEUS (For private use only)

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy

on us. God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, pray for us. St. Jude, relative of Jesus and Mary, pray for us. St. Jude, while on earth deemed worthy to see Jesus

and Mary and to enjoy their company,* St. Jude, raised to the dignity of an apostle, St. Jude, who hadst the honor of beholding thy

Divine Master humble Himself to wash thy feet, St. Jude who at the Last Supper didst receive

Holy Communion from the hands of Jesus, St. Jude, who, after the profound grief which the

de.ath of thy beloved Master caused thee, hadst


the consolation of beholding Him risen from the dead and of assisting at His glorious Ascension.,

St. Jude, who was filled with the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost,

St. Jude, who didst preach the Gospel in Persia,

*Pray for us.

St. Jude, who didst convert many people to the Faith,*

St. Jude who didst perform wonderful miracles in the power of Holy Spirit,

St. Jude, who didst restore an idolatrous king to health, both of soul and body,

St. Jude, who didst impose silence on demons and confound their oracles.

St. Jude, who didst foretell to a weak prince an honorable peace with his powerful enemy, ·

St. Jude, who didst take from deadly serpents the power of injuring man,

St. Jude, who disregarding the threats of the impious, didst courageouslv preach the doctrine of Christ,

St. Jude, who didst gloriously suffer martyrdom for the love of thy Divine Master,

Blessed Apostle, with confidence we invoke thee ( 2x).

*Pray for us.



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St. Jude, help of the hopeless, aid us in our d istress ( 3x ).

That by thy intercession both priests and people of the Church may obtain an ardent zeal for the faith of Jesus Christ, we beseech thee, hear us.

That thou wouldst defend our Sovereign Pontiff and obtain peace and unity for the Holy Church, we beseech thee, hear us.

That all heathens and unbelievers may be converted to the true faith, we beseech thee, hear us.

That faith, hope and charity may increase in our hearts, we beseech thee, hear us.

That we may be delivered from all evil thoughts and from all snares of the devil, we beseech thee, hear us.

That thou wouldst vouchsafe to aid and protect all those who honor thee, we beseech thee, hear us.

That thou wouldst preserve us from all sin and from all occasion of sin, we beseech thee, hear us.

That thou wouldst defend us at the hour of death, againts the fury of the devil and his evil spirits, we beseech thee, hear us.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world Spare us, 0 Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins ofthe world graciously hear us, 0 Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world have mercy on us.


L. Pray for us, Bless_ed Jude.

A. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

(Followed by the veneration of St. Jude's relic)


Prayer of Thanksgiving (To be said when a favor has been granted)

0 most sweet Lord Jesus Christ, in union with Thy Holy Mother Mary and all the Angels and Saints, I praise, glorify and bless Thee for all the graces and privileges Thou has bestowed upon Thy chosen Apostle and intimate friend , St. Jude Thaddeus. I pray Thee, for the sake of his merits, grant me Thy grace and through his intercession come to my aid in all my needs but especially at the hour of my death deign to strengthen me against the rage of my enemies. Amen.



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(Indulgences: 300 days: plenary, on the usual conditions, if said daily for a month. Preces et Pia Opera, n 450.)

0 Glorious St. Jude Thaddeus, by those sublime privileges which so ennobled thee in thy lifetime relationship according to the flesh with Our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostolate; by that g lory which, as the reward of thy labors and martyrdom, thou dost now enjoy in heaven; obtain for us from the Giver of every good all the graces we need to enable us to profit greatly by that divinely inspired doctrine which thou hast handed

· dowri ·to t1s in thy Epistle : thaf is, to' build the edifice of perfection upon the foundation of faith, praying through the grace of the Holy Spirit; to keep ourselves always in the love of God, looking for the mercy of Jesus Christ unto life everlasting: and to help by every available means those who go astray. Thus shall we exalt the glory, the majesty, the dominion, the authority of Him, who is able to preserve us without sin and keep us without blemish and in gladness unto the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ , God our Savior. Amen.



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~ ; IPI ; t l' P I J 3 l 1 I Great St . Jude in hea-ven's glo-ry, pa-tron

~;;==-z= s F-m§ Ji F ot all hope- less suuls. In our·


~?tt e fJf:Ffh m r 1 EM lo-tion's end-less plead-ing Saint of God mag-nifi-

~Q~fj .. ; C· iliJIPfll cent Hear thy cli-ents sup-pli-ant.

Human hearts in desperation Mid the dreary toils of life Coun tless thousands have you



By your power in their strife Your warm Jove turns una bating For the hopeless ever waiting ~ Saint of God.

See us suffering sad and lonely Voices calling from afar In the night of Satan's darkness Show us Jesus' brilliant star Send His graces for salvation In the midst of desolation Saint of God.


~_br_ r rlr ri,l£1 r r J I




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~ J ifj. J'' J r I r J l!2ffii . RY. PA-TRON OF rME HOPE - LESS HEART



~ ~~ -· J r r J tlr J R-a t t -EV-ERY ILL IF IT BE HIS HO-LY WILL.



f$$ ~i J l J .J lr J I,J J .I J ,l I J ; L @ I.A- oci- ro te d•- vo- te, la - tcns Oc - o - ros .

2,Ji. ~u.qum v• - lo -tu"' ~uf\G qd - ~p; - ,, - •.

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~·~ :· IiI. 14)111 I • ·I 8 I .I II l Q I J I ~-su,ve-re mon -hu, Chri·ste Je-;u, Ad-

-~'i J .1! J r I I' t I J t I Jj_,l ,II. ~ ou. 9• ,, . dem om- ni -vm c.r• • d en - ti ·lim ,



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:t .. ~ I ~, c: J iA J J I J J J I r SE~ 1. Lou -do, Si - an, Sal- .va -to- rem. lou - co 2. Lou- dis the-rna spe- ci -a - lis: pa - nis

~? J J I J J J J ., r r r r I du - cem et pa - sto - rem in hy- mnis et vi - vus et vi - to - lis ho-di - e pro-

-~ I . -;.· J J Ji I J iJ J J I J J J ;H can -ti - cis; quantum po - tes, tan-tum au - de, pa - ni · tur: quem in sa -crae mensa coe - noe

~;,b r r r J I J J J J I I r F qui - a rna - jor o - mni lou - de, nee lau­tur -bae fra-trum du - o - de - noe do - tum

~ h ~ ~ ' If r r<t. J J r I r J · J • r l . ~a - re suf fi - cis } 1 on am - bi gi -tur . Cum Che -ru -bim, cum

~-pb r r rllL r r 1 I J J J] ., .,.--------.,.

Se-ra-phim te lou -do- mus, Je- su.



~;;,• ; J J J I ,J J I ,I J I J !! J ; ~ 1. 0 <;o-lu-to-r•~ Hci-£ti-o. Qu« c-oe- "

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pan -dis o-:;.t-i-um, Bello nT ho- st: -\3 -

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o, Oo·robur, fer ov- llt -l i-um.

no No-bi-;do-net i~ pci-tri·o. A- men .


0 Saving Victim ! opening wide, The gates of heaven to man below ; Our foes press on from every side, Thine aid supply, Thy strength bestow .

To Thy g reat Name be endless praise, Immortal Godhead One in Three ; Oh ! grant us endles length of days, ln our true native land with T11ee.




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~ z1 J .I ~l J I' J_J J I ,I ~ : Ho - ly Z. we praise Thy nom,~! ?.. Hark! the loud ce - les tial hymr 3. Ho - ly Fo - the;•, Ho - ty Son,

~ ,I J I ( J J I f r J I J J <J • Lord of all, we bow be - fore Theel

An - gel choirs a - bove are rais - ing; Ho - ly Spir - it, Three we name Thee,

~\6::4 J I Jc;: J J I J ) J I ,I !(I .J All on ear•th Thv sce·l ter · daim,

Cher - u - bim and ~e1 - a - phim, Though in es - sence on - !1· one,

~~J ! J'" J J I r?:! J I J ~ -' All in heav'n a - bove a - dore Thee!

In un - ceas - ing cho - rus prais - ing, Un - d i - vi ded we pro - c laim Thee,

·~~~ ~- tJ J I J tz' I !' -:ffi · In - fl - nite Thy vast do - main,

Fi ll the heav'ns with sweet ac - cord: And a - dor - ring bend the knee,

~:;~::~=-.... Ef- ('" J I J J J I I g{ ~-·· -=r=: . - r S.- Z I

· -:- ... Ev - ve~ last - ing Ho - ly, Ho - tv. Wond'-ring at the


is Thy reign. Ho - ty Lor d! mys- te - ry.


Father in heaven

The light of Jesus

Has dispersed the darkness

Of hatred and sin

Accept this candel

And let the light your truth

Guide me to your kingdom

Inflame my heart with your grace

Keep me in the radiance of your truth

Fi ll my heart with your _divine love

And please help me in my needs

(mention your petition)

Grant this

Through Christ our Lord and thru the

Intercession of St. Jude Thaddeus


Our Father Hail Mary Glory Be
