saintcyr hl finalreflection 7490

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  • 7/23/2019 SaintCyr HL FinalReflection 7490


    Running Head: FINAL REFLECTION

    Final Reflection

    Harry Lyonel Saint Cyr

    University of West Georgia

    MEDT 749


  • 7/23/2019 SaintCyr HL FinalReflection 7490


    Running Head: FINAL REFLECTION

    T!is is one of t!e co"rses t!at # really for$ar% to& # $as fille% $it! ent!"sias' a(o"t t!e

    s)ills an% )no$le%ge t!at # $o"l% learn in t!is co"rse& T!e *"r*ose an% goals of t!is co"rse are

    cleare% (y its title itself& # )ne$ e+actly $!at t!e inten%e% learning an% teac!ing of t!is co"rse is

    an% $ill (e& Ho$ever, # %i% antici*ate% t!e vast a'o"nt of researc! st"%ies on vis"al learning,

    learning an% teac!ing t!eories, %esign *rinci*les an% t!eories t!at # $ill %iscovere% t!ro"g!

    co'*leting t!e eig!t 'o%"les of t!is co"rse& T!e sylla("s, of co"rse, clearly liste% an% %efine

    t!e o(-ectives of t!is co"rse, ("t li)e any ot!er s)ills yo" can only it (y %oing& .s # reflect (ac)

    on t!is co"rse, an% as # reflect on t!e seven o(-ectives of t!is co"rse, # !ave clearly "n%erstan%

    t!e i'*ortance of teac!ing vis"al literacy an% t!e necessary actions nee%e% to create an% to foster

    vis"al learning&

    .ccor%ing to /enne%y, 01y t!e ti'e c!il%ren enter sc!ool, 72 of t!e infor'ation

    a(sor(e% $ill consist of vis"als 3/enne%y 56& T!e afore'entione% 8"ote clearly set t!e tone

    for t!e 'ost i'*ortant )no$le%ge t!at # ac8"ire% fro' t!is co"rse, $!ic! is $e are fore'ost

    vis"al learners& T!erefore it is i'*erative t!at teac!ers effective incor*orate '"lti'e%ia learning

    *rinci*les an% vis"al t!eories in t!eir teac!ing *ractices in or%er to 'eet t!e nee%s of all learners&

    # $as astonis!e% to learn for t!e first ti'e t!at learners 0*rocess vis"als an asto"n%ing ,

    ti'es faster t!an te+t&: 3Frey ;, *& 7& T!en it all 'a%e *erfect sense to 'e& #n 'y t$elve

    years of teac!ing, t!e lessons t!at 'y st"%ents en-oye% t!e 'ost $ere t!e lesson t!at "se vis"als&

    Teac!ing vis"al literacy !as no$ (eco'e one of 'y teac!ing *ractices< goals&

    =ne iss"e t!at # !ave %iscovere% a(o"t vis"al literacy is t!at a large n"'(er of teac!ers

    are not a$are of t!e researc! st"%ies t!at !ave (een con%"cte% in t!e area of vis"al an% 'e%ia

    literacy, an% t!erefore t!ey are not a$are of t!e i'*ortance of teac!ing vis"al literacy& T!is lac)

    of a$areness !ave ca"se% 'any teac!ers to %esign an% to create instr"ctional 'aterials t!at %o


  • 7/23/2019 SaintCyr HL FinalReflection 7490


    Running Head: FINAL REFLECTION

    not effectively an% efficiently incor*orate t!e *rinci*les of %esign, '"lti'e%ia learning t!eories,

    an% %"al co%ing t!eories& Many of t!e' are not even a$are t!at learners 0*rocess vis"als an

    o"tstan%ing , ti'es faster t!an te+t&: 3Frey ;, *&7> Most of t!eir vis"al *resentations

    are %esigne% $it!o"t t!e incor*orating )no$le%ge an% a$areness of '"lti'e%ia %esign t!eories,

    *rinci*les of %esigns, or %"al co%ing t!eory& .not!er iss"e is t!at 'any of t!e vis"al tools t!at

    are availa(le to s"ccessf"lly teac! vis"al literacy are not (eing "se% efficiently or aligne%

    s"ccessf"lly $it! t!e content areas& Finally, anot!er iss"e is t!at teac!ers are not $illing to

    c!ange t!eir *ractices& #t is very %iffic"lt to !el* to convince t!e' to c!ange $!at t!ey !ave

    (een %oing for so 'any years an% to e'(ar) on so'et!ing ne$ an% %ifferent&

    Regar%less of t!e a'o"nt of )no$le%ge an% s)ills t!at # ac8"ire% fro' t!is co"rse,

    regar%less of 'y s"ccessf"lly 'et t!e o(-ectives of t!is co"rse, it is not "ntil t!at # *"t t!e' t!e

    s)ill an% )no$le%ge in 'y teac!ing an% learning *ractices t!at it !as (een $ort! t!e $!ile& #

    *lan to incor*orate t!e s)ills an% )no$le%ge in 'y teac!ing an% learning *ractices (y

    s"ccessf"lly an% efficiently integrate t!e instr"ctional %esign t!eories an% *rinci*les into

    classroo'& .n as e?lea%er for 'y %istrict an% sc!ool, # *lan to enco"rage an% to lea% ot!er

    teac!ers in ta)ing t!e lea% in incor*orating '"lti'e%ia learning t!eories an% %esign *rinci*les

    into t!eir teac!ing an% learning&

    # !o*e to a**ly $!at # !ave learne% fro' t!is co"rse in t$o $ays& T!e first $ay # !o*e to

    a**ly $!at # !ave learne% in 'y teac!ing *ractices in t!e classroo'& .s a Frenc! teac!er, # *lan

    to %esign instr"ctional 'aterials t!at a**ly t!e '"lti'e%ia learning t!eories, t!e seven *rinci*als

    of %esign, as $ell as t!e t!eory in %"al co%ing& T!e secon% $ay # !o*e to a**ly $!at # !ave

    learne% is (y *rovi%ing *rofessional %evelo*'ent to 'y colleag"es t!at foc"ses on creating

    vis"al 'aterials t!at foster vis"al literacy in t!e classroo'& .s e?lea%er for 'y %istrict, 'y


  • 7/23/2019 SaintCyr HL FinalReflection 7490


    Running Head: FINAL REFLECTION

    res*onsi(ility is to *rovi%e s"**orts to 'y colleag"es (y (ringing an% s!aring tec!nology tools

    an% strategies t!at $ill !el* to efficiently an% effective integrate tec!nology in t!eir classroo's&

    My *lan to sei@e t!is o**ort"nity to !el* "n%erstan% t!e i'*ortance of teac!ing vis"al literacy in

    t!eir teac!ing *ractices&

    T!ere are t$o 'ain %ifferences # care to co''ent a(o"t 'yself& First %ifference is 'y

    attit"%e a(o"t t!e i'*ortance of teac!ing vis"al literacy& .t t!e (eginning of t!e co"rse 'y

    initial *ers*ective $as (ase% on 'y )no$le%ge t!at so'e st"%ents are vis"al learners an% so'e

    are not& T!erefore, # !ave of t!e i'*ortance of %esigning instr"ctions $it! %ifferentiation in t!e

    !o*e of 'eeting t!e nee%s of t!e vario"s learners in t!e classroo', es*ecially vis"al learners&

    .fter co'*leting t!is co"rse, 'y *ers*ective !as c!ange% in t!at as*ect& # no$ "n%erstan% t!at

    all learners can (enefit an% $ill (enefit fro' instr"ctional 'aterials t!at effectively an%

    efficiently a**lie% '"lti'e%ia learning t!eories, *rinci*les of %esign, an% vis"al t!eories& T!e

    secon% *ers*ective is in t!e effective "se of vis"al 'ate an% ot!er tec!nology tools to 'eet

    learners< nee%s& .lt!o"g! # !ave "se% t!ese 'aterials at vario"s *oints in 'y teac!ing, it $as

    %"ring t!is co"rse 'y *ers*ective !as c!ange% to "sing t!ese tools on a 'ore consistent an%

    reg"lar (asis&

    T!e 'ost c!allenging iss"e a(o"t t!is co"rse $as t!e s*ee% at $!ic! # !a% to learn t!e

    tec!nology tools t!at nee%e% to (e "se% for t!e assign'ents an% to efficiently an% creatively "se

    t!e' to %esign instr"ctional 'aterials t!at foster vis"al literacy& T!e secon% 'ost c!allenging

    iss"e $as to f"lly a(sor( all t!e infor'ation e'(e%%e% in t!e co"rse rea%ings&

    # en-oye% t!e rea%ings, t!e %isc"ssions, t!e co''ents fro' 'y class'ates, an% t!e

    fee%(ac) fro' t!e teac!er& 1"t 'ost i'*ortantly, # en-oye% "sing learning a(o"t t!e %ifferent

    vis"al tools t!at # can effectively incor*orate in 'y teac!ing *ractices in or%er to create an% to


  • 7/23/2019 SaintCyr HL FinalReflection 7490


    Running Head: FINAL REFLECTION

    %evelo* vis"al learners& # tr"ly en-oye% %esigning an% creating t!e vario"s vis"al 'aterials t!at

    are aligne% $it! t!e nee%s of 'y learners as $ell as aligning t!e vario"s reso"rces $it! t!e

    Georgia >erfor'ance Stan%ar%s&

    T!e one s"ggestion t!at # !ave for t!is co"rse is t!e integration of 'ore live sessions&

    T!e live sessions $o"l% tr"ly !el* t!e learners to !ave a '"c! %ee*er "n%erstan%ing of

    assign'ent& # (elieve t!at a 'ini'"' of t!ree live $e(ca' sessions $o"l% s"ffice&

    # tr"ly en-oye% t!is co"rse& # feel tr"ly e'*o$ere% an% )no$le%gea(le in t!e area an%

    i'*ortance of vis"al literacy& T!is co"rse !as tr"ly *ave% t!e $ay for 'e to (eco'e t!e teac!er

    an% e?lea%er t!at 'a)e it a *riority t!at all learners are vis"al literate an% teac!er are a(le to see

    t!e i'*ortance of teac!ing vis"al literacy&


  • 7/23/2019 SaintCyr HL FinalReflection 7490


    Running Head: FINAL REFLECTION


    Frey, A&, B Fis!er, D& 3;& Teac!ing vis"al literacy Using co'ic (oo)s, gra*!ic novels,ani'e, cartoons, an% 'ore to %evelo* co'*re!ension an% t!in)ing s)ills& T!o"san%

    =a)s, C. Cor$in >ress&

    /enne%y, 1& 356& W!at is is"al Literacy !tt*s$$$&yo"t"(e&co'$atc!v=69ni.@"a*c

    Mayer, R& 3& T!e Ca'(ri%ge Han%(oo) of M"lti'e%ia Learning& Ae$ Ior)

    Ca'(ri%ge University >ress&

    Aigel J&T& T!o'as& 354 D"al Co%ing an% Co''on Co%ing T!eories of Me'ory&


    >aivio, . 35975& #'agery an% ver(al *rocesses& Ae$ Ior) Holt, Rine!art, an% Winston&

    >aivio, . 359;& Mental re*resentations a %"al co%ing a**roac!& =+for%& Englan% =+for%

    University >ress&
