salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

SALAT AL-KHAWF (the fear prayer) (All images contained within this document are designed in a manner that is not intended to recreate the creation of Allah!) In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! THE CONCEPT OF SALAT AL-KHAWF: Salat Al-Khawf, which translates into English as the “Fear” prayer, is performed during times of imminent danger, typically when the Muslims are engaged in warfare with an enemy. However, Salat Al-Khawf can also be performed due to other imminent dangers, such as when one is fearful of an attack from a wild animal. The vast majority of the scholars are of the belief that it is permissible to perform Salat Al-Khawf during times of

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(the fear prayer) (All images contained within this document are designed in a manner

that is not intended to recreate the creation of Allah!)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful!


Salat Al-Khawf, which translates into English as the “Fear”

prayer, is performed during times of imminent danger, typically

when the Muslims are engaged in warfare with an enemy. However,

Salat Al-Khawf can also be performed due to other imminent

dangers, such as when one is fearful of an attack from a wild


The vast majority of the scholars are of the belief that it

is permissible to perform Salat Al-Khawf during times of

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imminent danger because it is the Sunnah of the Prophet

(P.B.U.H.). Subsequently, since the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) performed

Salat Al-Khawf as a fear prayer, it can be deduced that it is

also permissible for the Muslim Ummah (community of Muslims

around the globe). Moreover, the strongest evidence for the

permissibility to perform Salat Al-Khawf is the fact that there

exists no statement from the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) abolishing the

the prayer. Nevertheless, Abu Yusuf, the companion of Imam Abu

Haneefah belonged to a small minority that considered it

specific to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his companions and not

for the Muslim Ummah in general.


The inception of Salat Al-Khawf stems from an incident

which occurred in the area of Usfan, a well-known place near

Makkah. After noticing that the Muslims were exposed when

performing the Zuhr salat, the idolaters conspired that the

ideal time to carry out an attack would be during the

performance of the Asr salat, which was the most beloved prayer

to the believers. However, the Angel Jibril (P.B.U.H.) foiled

their unscrupulous plan by revealing their intention to the

Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H.), before the Asr salat had commenced.

This fact is evident from a hadith collected by Imam Muslim

wherein Jabir reportedly said: “We went out with the Messenger

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of Allah (P.B.U.H.) to fight some people from Juhaynah, and they

fought us fiercely. When we prayed Zuhr, the mushrikeen said:

‘If we had attacked them then, we would have finished them off.’

Jibreel (P.B.U.H.) informed the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.)

about that, and the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) told us about

it. He said: They said: ‘There will come to them a prayer that

is dearer to them than their children.’ When the time for Asr

came, we formed two rows, and the mushrikeen were between us and

the qiblah ... Then he stated that the Messenger of Allah

(P.B.U.H.) led them in offering the fear prayer.” Furthermore,

the revelation delivered to the Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H.) by

the Angel Jibril (P.B.U.H.) was Surah Al-Nisa of the Quran

(4:102). The verse in question reads as follows: “When you, O

Muhammad, are with them, leading their Salah (prayer in the

state of war), let one party of them stand up to pray with you;

armed with their weapons. After they finish their prostrations,

let them withdraw to the rear and let the other party who have

not yet prayed come forward to pray with you; and let them also

be on their guard, armed with their weapons. The unbelievers

wish to see you neglect your arms and your baggage, so that they

could suddenly attack, to overpower you all in one stroke.

However, there is no blame on you if you lay aside your arms

because of heavy rain or because you are sick, but you should

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still be on your guard. Allah has prepared a humiliating

punishment for the unbelievers.”


The main prerequisite which must be established before

Salat Al-Khawf can be performed is the existence of a fear

resulting from an imminent danger that is life-threatening. The

adversary can either be human, animal, or machine, as in the

case of militarized robots, drones, etc. Nevertheless, when the

enemy is human or an agent thereof and it can be reasonably

proven that there are aggressive designs against Islam, such as

concerted efforts to eject the Muslims from their legally

acquired property via military campaigns, an organized refusal

to pay zakat, etc., then Salat Al-Khawf can be performed;

because, the basic conditions for offensive/defensive jihad have

been established. Lastly, it is also important to note that

Salat Al-Khawf is a special prayer that is only performed during

a legally-sanctioned military engagement (jihad), which must be

pronounced by the leader of the Muslims when addressing a human



As with all fard salat, observing the qiblah is an

essential condition for the validity of the prayer. This fact is

evident from Surah Al-Baqarah (2:144) of the Quran which reads:

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“...Turn then thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque;

wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction...” However,

if there is a mitigating circumstance which prevents one from

praying in the direction of the qiblah, the prayer will still be

valid; as with the case of a person in a state of intense fear,

such as one who is either fleeing from an enemy or a wild

animal. In this instance, one is permitted to perform their

salat in whichever direction is convenient. This fact is also

evident from Surah Al-Baqarah (2:239) of the Quran which reads:

“...And when ye are again in safety, remember Allah, as He hath

taught you...”

Qiblah for Salat Al-Khawf:

Regarding the qiblah for Salat Al-Khawf, if the enemy is

positioned in a direction other than the qiblah, the leader/Imam

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should divide the army into two groups. One group should pray

with the Imam while the other stands, on guard defending the

Muslim soldiers from a potential attack from the enemy.

However, if the enemy is in the direction of the qiblah, the

Imam should arrange the Muslim soldiers into two rows.

The reason why none of the soldiers are made to stand guard in

this instance is because the enemy will easily be seen when

attacking from the direction of the qiblah; i.e., there is

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little chance of a sneak attack because the Muslims are looking

in that direction during the salat.

Azan (adhan):

As with any fard salat, the azan and iqamah should be

called whenever possible. This fact is evident from a hadith

collected by Tirmidhi wherein Malik ibn al-Huwayrith reportedly

said: “I came to the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) with a cousin

of mine, and he said, ‘When you travel, give the call to prayer

(adhan), then the call immediately before the prayer (iqamah),

then let the older of you lead you in prayer.’” However, if it

becomes certain that performing the azan and iqamah will place

the Muslim army in danger, the azan and iqamah should not be

called, since they are not required for the salat to be valid.

Rather, performing the azan and iqamah are strongly recommended.

Consequently, the scholars of the Standing Committee opined:

“The adhan is fard kifayah (a communal obligation) in a town,

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and the same applies to the iqamah. If a person starts to pray

without the adhan or iqamah, whether out of forgetfulness or

ignorance, or for some other reason, the prayer is still valid.


As with all fard salat, one must be in a state of

ritualistic purity in order to perform the prescribed prayer.

Therefore, if the individual performing Salat Al-Khawf has

experienced any discharge from the front or back passage (or

stoma) such urine, feces, wind, (except for wind emitted from a

woman’s front passage), lost sanity or consciousness, touched

their private parts/had sexual intercourse, or eaten the meat of

a camel, they will be regarded as ritualistically impure. As

such wudu should be performed, or ghusl in the case of the

individual who engaged in sexual intercourse/masturbation or has

experienced nocturnal emission. However, if using water creates

a health risk due to the potential of attack from the enemy or a

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medical injury, then one can perform tayammum as an alternative.

Therefore, one can simply say, “bismillah” and strike the palms

of their hands upon clean earth and then wipe the entire face

with them. Thereafter, rub the palm of the left over the right

hand and vice versa. This fact is evident from a hadith

collected by Bukhari wherein Abdur Rahman bin Abza reported: “A

man came to Umar bin Al-Khattab and said, ‘I became Junub but no

water was available.’ Ammar bin Yasir said to Umar, ‘Do you

remember that you and I (became Junub while both of us) were

together on a journey and you didn’t pray but I rolled myself on

the ground and prayed? I informed the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) about

it and he said, ‘It would have been sufficient for you to do

like this. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) then stroked lightly the earth

with his hands and then blew off the dust and passed his hands

over his face and hands.’”


Salat Al-Khawf is performed instead of the established five

daily fard salat when there is an imminent fear of attack from

an enemy. It is sufficient for the Muslim army to perform Salat

Al-Khawf with as little as three people; i.e., the Imam leading

one muqtadi (follower in salat) in congregation while the other

stands guard. Furthermore, it is imperative for those soldiers

whom are standing guard against the enemy to be in close

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proximity to those soldiers (muqtadis) whom are praying Salat

Al-Khawf with the Imam.

The performance of Salat Al-Khawf is described a number of

ways in the ahadith. Some scholars maintain that Salat Al-Khawf

is to be performed exactly as the narration implies; whereas,

others declare that the different renditions are a mercy from

Allah which enables the believers to adopt whichever narration

addresses their situation. Likewise, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal is

reported to have said: “There are six or seven proven ahadith

concerning the fear prayer; whichever of them a person does, it

is permissible.”


According to Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir for Surah Al-Nisa, under

“The Description of the Fear Prayer,” Salat Al-Khawf can at

times consist of four rakat, as with Asr, three rakat, as in the

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case of Maghrib, and sometimes two rakat, as with Fajr and Salat

Al-Qasr (salat while traveling). However, since the reports

depicting Salat Al-Khawf were performed during travel, the

ruling of combining specific salat and minimizing the number of

rakat due to traveling applies. Thus, zuhr and Asr will be

combined, as well as, Maghrib and Isha. Moreover, the four rakat

of zuhr and Isha will be reduced to two rakat; whereas, the

rakat of Fajr, Asr, and Maghrib will remain the same, unless

mitigating circumstances (imminent danger) justifies reducing

there number of rakat.

It is therefore important to note that Ibn Hajar al-

Asqalani (Shafi’i Madhab) allegedly said, “None of the

narrations mention the Maghrib salat. As such, there is

consensus that even when performing Salat Al-Khawf, Maghrib is

not to be shortened.” Nevertheless, if there is a mitigating

reason, a combined Maghrib and Isha during Salat Al-Khawf can be

reduced to a single rakah with only the nodding of the head

while either on foot or riding.

Lastly, Salat Al-Khawf is generally performed in

congregation; however, in instances where the battle is raging,

this may not be possible. Therefore, if the Muslims find

themselves in this predicament, Salat Al-Khawf can be performed

individually while either facing the qiblah or otherwise.

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There are at least 10 instances wherein the Prophet

Muhammed (P.B.U.H.) allegedly performed Salat Al-Khawf. Six is

the smallest number of times mentioned; whereas, Ibn al-Arabi

(maliki madhab) was quoted as saying: “The Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

prayed Salat Al-Khawf 14 times. Nevertheless, it is important to

note that in all of the instances wherein the Prophet Muhammed

(P.B.U.H.) actually performed Salat Al-Khawf, he did so while

travelling. As a result, scholars such as Abu Yusuf opined that

Salat Al-Khawf should only be performed while the Muslims are

travelling. This point of view is based on what has been derived

from the Prophet Muhammed’s (P.B.U.H.) example and evidence from

the Quran. The verse cited as evidence is from Surah Al-Nisa

(4:101), which reads as follows: “When you travel in the earth,

there is no blame on you if you shorten your prayers, especially

when you fear that the unbelievers may attack you, since the

unbelievers are your open enemies.” Furthermore, it is also

worth mentioning that the Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H.) did not

perform Salat Al-Khawf during the Battle of the Trench

(Khandaq), despite the fact that he was a resident in Medina

where the battle occurred and lasted for several weeks.

Nevertheless, it can be argued that it is lawful to perform

Salat Al-Khawf while a resident; because, Surah Al-Nisa (4:101)

of the Quran refers to a general situation; i.e., that Salat Al-

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Khawf will usually occur during jihad which often involves

travel, either towards an enemy or via hijrah (migration).

Therefore, special mention has been made in Surah Al-Nisa

(4:101) of the Quran regarding the specific accommodations for

salat due to traveling and its dangers during jihad. Hence, the

implicit meaning should not be deduced that Salat Al-Khawf

cannot be performed when one is a resident; because, the

prerequisite for Salat Al-Khawf is fear, and not travel. Lastly,

the strongest explanation for Salat Al-Khawf not being performed

at the Battle of Khandaq is the fact that it was not likely

revealed at that time.


The Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H.) is reported to have led his

companions in offering Salat Al-Khawf on a number of occasions,

in various ways. The variance in the performance of Salat Al-

Khawf was due primarily to the location of the enemy in relation

to the qiblah (direction of prayer) and the severity of the

threat they presented to the Muslims.

If the enemy is positioned in a direction other than

the qiblah, the leader/Imam should divide the army

into two groups. One group should pray with the Imam

while the other stands, on guard defending the Muslim

soldiers from a potential attack from the enemy.

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If the enemy is in the direction of the qiblah, the

Imam should arrange the Muslim soldiers into two rows.

Therefore, the individual acting as the Imam leading the Muslims

in Salat Al-Khawf should choose the method of the prayer which

adequately addresses the severity of their situation. In

addition to performing Salat Al-Khawf, the Imam must also ensure

that the Muslims are simultaneously on the defense against an

unscrupulous enemy who would attack them whilst knowing full

well that they are engaged in prayer.


Method 1:

Another method of performing Salat Al-Khawf involves the

Imam Performing two complete rakat with all of the Muslim

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soldiers together. The enemy in this scenario is positioned in

between the Muslims and the direction of the qiblah. Therefore,

the Muslim army will be facing their enemy while they are

performing Salat Al-Khawf. As such, the Imam should arrange all

of the soldiers into two rows facing the enemy. Both rows of

soldiers should share in the responsibility of guarding against

the enemy. In this version of Salat Al-Khawf, both rows of

soldiers should follow the Imam in every one of his actions

until he performs sujud, in which case one row of soldiers will

make their sajdah (prostration) along with him while the other

row of soldiers stands guard. Then, once the first row completes

their sujud and assumes the role of standing guard, the second

row will then perform their sujud. Furthermore, after the first

rakah is completed, the two rows of soldiers will swap places.

Those soldiers standing in the first row will move to the second

row and vice versa. Then the Imam will repeat the process from

the first rakah during the second rakah with the two rows of

soldiers. Thereafter, the Imam will lead both rows of soldiers

in tasleem to conclude the salat. In this scenario, both rows of

soldiers will share in the reward of praying on the first row

behind the Imam.

(1st rakah) The Muslim soldiers should be arranged into two

rows facing the direction of the qiblah. They all follow the

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Imam in performing takbiratul-ihram to commence the salat. Both

groups should now join the Imam in the qiyam of the first rakah.

While standing in the qiyam position, The Imam and the muqtadis

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Surah from the Quran.

Next, the Imam should lead all of the soldiers into ruku.

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After performing ruku with the Imam, both rows of soldiers

should rise up into I’tidal (standing again after ruku). In this

position both arms should be positioned against the sides of

one’s body.

However, after rising up into i’tidal (standing again after

ruku), only the first row of solders should perform sujud along

with the Imam. Moreover, the second row of soldiers should

remain standing on guard in i’tidal until the first row of

soldiers completes their sujud along with the Imam and then

rises into qiyam for the second rakah.

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After the first row of soldiers rises with the Imam from sujud

into the standing of qiyam for their second rakah, the second

row of soldiers should now perform their sujud while the first

row of soldiers stands guard.

After completing sujud, the second row of soldiers should now

stand in qiyam, joining the Imam and the first row for the

second rakah of this version of Salat Al-Khawf.

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(2nd rakah) Next, the second row of soldiers in the rear

should now move forward to the position of the first row, while

the first row of soldiers takes their place in the rear standing

in the second row.

In this version of Salat Al-Khawf, both rows of soldiers will

share in the excellence of praying in the first row behind the


The Imam should again lead both rows of soldiers in

performing the takbir and qiyam to commence the second rakah.

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While standing in qiyam, the Imam and the muqtadis should recite

Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from

the Quran. Thereafter, the Imam should lead both rows of

soldiers into ruku.

After performing ruku, the Imam should lead both rows of

soldiers in rising up into i’tidal. However, only the first row

of solders (whom were originally position in the second row)

should perform sujud along with the Imam.

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The second row of soldiers should remain standing on guard in

I’tidal until the first row of soldiers completes their sujud

along with the Imam. Next, after the first row of soldiers

completes their sujud and tashahhud with the Imam, they should

then sit on guard against the enemy in the jalsa position.

The second row of soldiers should now perform their sujud and


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Both rows of soldiers should now be seated in the jalsa position

behind the Imam.

After the second row of soldiers completes their tashahhud, the

Imam should then lead both rows of soldiers in performing the

tasleem to complete this version of Salat Al-Khawf.

In this scenario, the Imam will perform two complete rakat with

both rows of soldiers all together.

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The evidence for this ruling is a hadith collected by Imam

Muslim wherein Jabir reportedly said: “I observed Prayer of Fear

with the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.). We drew ourselves up in

two rows, one row behind him with the enemy between us and the

Qiblah. The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) said: ‘Allah is Most

Great,’ and we all said it (Allah Akbar). He (P.B.U.H.) then

bowed and we all bowed. He (P.B.U.H.) then raised his head from

bowing; we all raised (our heads). He (P.B.U.H.) then went down

in prostration along with the row close to him, and the rear row

faced the enemy; then when the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.)

completed the prostration, and then stood up. The row near to

him (P.B.U.H.) also did it; then went down the rear row in

prostration; then they stood up; then the rear row went to the

front and the front row went to the rear. Then the Messenger of

Allah (P.B.U.H.) bowed down and we all bowed. He (P.B.U.H.) then

raised his head from bowing and we also raised (our heads). He

(P.B.U.H.) and the row close to him which had been in the rear

then went down in prostration in the first rakah, whereas the

rear row faced the enemy. When the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.)

and the rear row close to him had finished the prostration, the

rear row went down and prostrated; then the Messenger of Allah

(P.B.U.H.) pronounced the salutation (tasleem) and we also

pronounced the salutation. (Jabir said we did this) as your

guards behave with their chiefs.”

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Method 2:

Another version of Salat Al-Khawf involves two rakat being

performed while the enemy is positioned in a direction other

than the qiblah. The Imam will arrange the soldiers into two

groups. One group should be positioned behind the Imam in salat

while the other group of soldiers stands guard against the


The first group of Muslim soldiers should perform one

complete rakah with the Imam. Then, after the first rakah is

performed, the Imam will remain standing in qiyam to begin the

second rakah, but he will prolong his standing in qiyam while

the first group of soldiers switches places with the second

group of soldiers standing guard. The second group of soldiers

in this scenario will likewise perform one complete rakah with

the Imam who will then perform the tasleem alone. The second

group of soldiers will then perform one complete rakat

individually followed by the tasleem for a total of two rakat.

Then the second group will then relieve the first group of

soldiers from their guard duties so that they can complete their

second rakah individually. The first group of soldiers will then

perform the tasleem alone. In this scenario, all parties will

perform two rakats. The Imam will perform one complete rakah

with each group, and each group will perform one complete rakah

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individually. Lastly, all parties (Imam and both groups) will

perform the tashahhud and tasleem individually.

(1st rakah for the Imam, and 1

st rakah for the first group)

The Imam and the first group of soldiers should perform the

opening takbir-ihram and enter qiyam. While standing in the

qiyam position, the Imam and the first group of soldiers should

recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah

from the Quran.

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, and

sujud) with the first group of soldiers. After completing qiyam,

the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers into ruku.

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After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers

into sujud.

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa


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The Imam should now stand after performing one rakah into the

qiyam of the second rakah. However, the first group of soldiers

should leave their position behind the Imam and relieve the

second group of soldiers whom are standing guard against the


(2nd rakah for the Imam, and 1

st rakah for the second group)

The Imam and the second group of soldiers should perform the

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takbir to commence the rakah and perform qiyam. While standing

in the qiyam position, the Imam and the second group of soldiers

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Surah from the Quran.

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, and

sujud) with the second group of soldiers. After completing

qiyam, the Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers

into ruku.

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After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers

into sujud.

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa


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While in jalsa, the Imam should perform an individual tashahhud

and tasleem to conclude his salat.

However, the second group should stand in qiyam to perform their

second and final rakah individually (with no Imam).

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(2nd rakah for the first group, which is also their 1


individual rakah) The second group of soldiers should pronounce

the takbir to commence their individual rakah and perform qiyam.

While standing in the qiyam position, the second group of

soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or

section of a Surah from the Quran individually.

After completing qiyam, the second group of soldiers should

individually enter ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the second group of soldiers should individually enter


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After performing the two prostrations of sujud individually, the

second group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa

position and perform the tashahhud individually.

After completing an individual tashahhud, the second group of

soldiers should perform the tasleem individually to conclude

their salat.

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The second group will have performed two complete rakat; one

rakah with the Imam and one rakah individually.

The second group of soldiers should now relieve the first

group of soldiers so that they can perform their final rakah

individually. The second group of soldiers will take their

position standing guard against the enemy.

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(2nd rakah for the first group, which is also their 1


individual rakah) The first group of soldiers should pronounce

the takbir to commence their individual rakah and perform qiyam.

While standing in the qiyam position, the first group of

soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or

section of a Surah from the Quran individually.

After completing qiyam, the first group of soldiers should

individually perform ruku.

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After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the first group of soldiers should individually enter


After performing the two prostrations of sujud individually, the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position

and perform the tashahhud individually.

After completing an individual tashahhud, the first group of

soldiers should perform the tasleem individually to conclude

their salat.

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The first group of soldiers will have performed two complete

rakat; one rakah with the Imam and one rakah individually.

The evidence for this ruling is a hadith collected by

Bukhari wherein Ibn Umar allegedly said: “The Messenger of Allah

(P.B.U.H.) prayed one rakah with one group while the other group

faced the enemy, [At that point, those who had prayed] took the

place of their companions facing the enemy and the second group

came and prayed one rakah with the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and then

he made the taslim. Then each group made (the remaining) one

rakah.” Further evidence is found in the Muwatta of Imam Malik

which reads: “Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi that

Abdullah ibn Umar, when asked about the fear prayer said, ‘The

Imam and a group of people go forward and the Imam prays a rakah

with them, while another group, who have not yet prayed,

position themselves between him and the enemy. When those who

are with him have prayed a rakah they draw back to where those

Page 37: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

who have not prayed are, and do not say the taslim. Then those

who have not prayed come forward and pray a rakah with him. Then

the Imam leaves, as he has now prayed two rakas. Everyone else

in the two groups stands and prays a rakah by himself after the

Imam has left. In this way each of the two groups will have

prayed two rakas. If the fear is greater than that, then the men

pray standing on their feet or mounted, either facing the qiblah

or otherwise.’ Malik said that Nafi said, ‘I do not believe that

Abdullah ibn Umar related it from anyone other than the

Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.).’”

Method 3:

One method of performing Salat Al-Khawf during a two rakat

prayer involves one group of soldiers praying with the Imam

while the other group of soldiers stands guard in close

proximity to those performing salat. The enemy in this instance

is positioned in a direction other than the qiblah. After the

Imam leads the first group of soldiers in one complete rakah, he

will stand in qiyam to begin his second rakah; however, he will

simply prolong his qiyam and will wait in this position until

the first group performs one complete rakah and tasleem

individually. Thereafter, the first group of soldiers will

approach the second group of soldiers whom are standing guard

and notify them that they are being relieved. The first group

Page 38: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

will now stand guard against the enemy. The second group of

soldiers should now join the Imam in qiyam to begin their first

rakah (the imam’s second). After performing one complete rakah

with the second group of soldiers, the Imam will remain seated

in jalsa after performing a prolonged tashahhud. The Imam should

wait in this position for them to perform another complete rakah

individually. Once the second group completes their tashahhud,

they should sit in jalsa and perform the tasleem along with the

Imam to complete this version of Salat Al-Khawf. In this

scenario, each group of soldiers performs one complete rakah

along with the Imam and one complete rakah individually.

(1st rakah) The Imam and the first group of soldiers should

perform the opening takbir-ihram and enter qiyam.

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, sujud,

tashahhud) with the first group of soldiers. While standing in

the qiyam position. The Imam and the first group of soldiers

Page 39: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Surah from the Quran. After completing qiyam, the Imam should

now lead the first group of soldiers into ruku.

After completing ruku, the Imam should lead the first group of

soldiers into i’tidal (standing again after ruku). The Imam

should then lead the first group of soldiers into sujud.

Page 40: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position

before standing in qiyam.

After standing from the sujud of the first rakah, the first

group of soldiers should now perform a second complete rakah

(qiyam, ruku, and sujud) on their own, and then perform the

tasleem. The Imam remains standing in a prolonged qiyam.

(1st rakah individually) The first group of soldiers should

stand in qiyam and say takbir to start their first rakah

individually. While standing in the qiyam position, the first

group of soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another

Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran. After completing

qiyam, the first group should now enter ruku individually, while

the Imam remains standing in a prolonged qiyam.

Page 41: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam remains standing in a prolonged qiyam while he waits

for the first group of soldiers to complete their second rakah

and perform the tasleem.

After the first group of soldiers completes the qiyam of

their second rakah individually, they should now enter ruku

while the Imam remains standing in his prolonged qiyam.

Page 42: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After the first group of soldiers completes the ruku of

their second rakah, they should rise up into i’tidal (standing

again after ruku). The second group should now enter sujud while

the Imam remains standing in qiyam.

After the first group of completes the two prostrations of

sujud, they should briefly sit in jalsa before performing the

tashahhud. The Imam still remains standing in qiyam.

Page 43: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing the tashahhud, the second group should now

perform the tasleem on their own without the Imam. The first

group of soldiers in this instance will have completed two

complete rakat; one with the Imam and one individually.

The first group of soldiers stationed behind the Imam

should now leave the first row and take their position at the

rear standing guard against the enemy.

Those soldiers standing guard should not abandon their posts

until the first group completes their salat by pronouncing the

Page 44: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

tasleem, and then notifies them that they are being relieved.

The Imam is still standing in a prolonged qiyam waiting to be

joined by the second group of soldiers. After the first group of

soldiers officially assumes their role as guards, the second

group of soldiers whom have not yet prayed should now move

forward and join the Imam in his second rakat (for qiyam, ruku,

and sujud) in order to perform their first complete rakah.

The Imam will remain standing so that the second group of

soldiers can join him in this qiyam position. After being joined

by the second group of soldiers, the Imam will perform a

complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, sujud) with them. The second group

of soldiers should now say the takbir to start their salat.

While standing in the qiyam position. The Imam and the muqtadis

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Surah from the Quran. After completing qiyam, the Imam should

now lead the second group of soldiers into ruku.

Page 45: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku, the Imam should lead the first group of

soldiers into i’tidal (standing again after ruku). Thereafter,

the Imam should lead the second group of soldiers into sujud.

When the Imam completes the second prostration of sujud, he

should sit in the jalsa position and perform a prolonged

tashahhud. The tashahhud performed by the Imam should be

prolonged in order to allow the second group of soldiers that

just joined him to complete their second rakah (qiyam, ruku,

sujud, tashahhud) individually.

Page 46: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(1st individual rakah) The second group of soldiers should

now pronounce the takbir and perform qiyam individually while

the Imam remains seated in jalsa performing a prolonged

tashahhud. While standing in the qiyam position the second group

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Surah from the Quran individually.

Page 47: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing qiyam individually, the second group of

soldiers should now enter ruku while the Imam sits in jalsa

performing a prolonged tashahhud.

After performing ruku, the second group of soldiers should now

rise up into i’tidal (standing again after ruku). Thereafter,

the second group of soldiers should then perform sujud while the

Imam remains seated in jalsa performing a prolonged tashahhud.

Page 48: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing sujud, the second group of soldiers should now

sit in jalsa and perform the tashahhud along with the Imam.

The Imam will then pronounce the tasleem, and the second group

of soldiers will pronounce their tasleem along with him.

In this scenario, both groups of soldiers will have completed

two complete rakat; one with the Imam and one individually.

Page 49: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The evidence for this ruling is Surah Al-Nisa (4:102) of

the Quran which reads: “When you, O Muhammad, are with them,

leading their Salah (prayer in the state of war), let one party

of them stand up to pray with you armed with their weapons.

After they finish their prostrations, let them withdraw to the

rear and let the other party who have not yet prayed come

forward to pray with you; and let them also be on their guard,

armed with their weapons. The unbelievers wish to see you

neglect your arms and your baggage, so that they could suddenly

attack to overpower you all in one stroke. However, there is no

blame on you if you lay aside your arms because of heavy rain or

because you are sick, but you should still be on your guard.

Allah has prepared a humiliating punishment for the

unbelievers.” Moreover, a hadith collected by Bukhari reports

that Saleh ibn Khawat relates from Saleh ibn Abu Khaithimah,

concerning those who witnessed the Fear Prayer (Salat Al-Khawf)

that was performed in the battle of Dhat-ur-Riqa in the company

of Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H.): “One batch lined up behind him

(P.B.U.H.) while another batch (lined up) facing the enemy. The

Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led the batch that was with him in one rakah,

and he stayed in the standing posture (qiyam) while that batch

completed their (two rakat) prayer by themselves and went away,

lining in the face of the enemy, while the other batch came and

he (i.e. the Prophet) offered his remaining rakah with them, and

Page 50: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

then, kept on sitting till they completed their prayer by

themselves, and he then finished his prayer with tasleem along

with them.’”

Method 4:

Another method of performing Salat Al-Khawf involves the

enemy being in a direction other than the qiblah. In this

scenario, the soldiers are divided into two groups. One group of

soldiers should stand guard against the enemy while the other

group joins the Imam in salat. The Imam prays two rakat with the

first group. Thereafter, the first group performs the tasleem to

conclude their salat. Then the Imam should stand in qiyam for

his third rakah. The first group of soldiers should now notify

the second group that they are being relieved of guard duty. The

second group of soldiers should then join the Imam in his third

and fourth rakah, which will be their first and second rakah.

After the Imam completes his two remaining rakat for a total of

four rakat, he should then tasleem to conclude the salat. The

second group should also perform the tasleem along with him

since they will have completed their two complete rakat. In this

scenario, both groups of soldiers will perform only two rakat

while the Imam performs four.

(1st rakah for the Imam, and 1

st rakah for the first group)

The Imam and the first group of soldiers should pronounce the

Page 51: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

opening takbir-ihram to commence this version of Salat Al-Khawf

and perform the standing of qiyam. While standing in the qiyam

position, the Imam and the first group of soldiers should recite

Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from

the Quran.

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, and

sujud) with the first group of soldiers. After completing qiyam,

the Imam and the first group should now perform ruku.

Page 52: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers

into sujud.

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the first group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position before

standing in qiyam for the second rakah.

Page 53: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam should now lead the first group of soldiers into the

standing of qiyam for the second rakah of the salat.


rakah for the Imam, and 2nd rakah for the first group of

soldiers) The Imam and the first group of soldiers should

pronounce the takbir to commence this rakah of Salat Al-Khawf

and perform the standing of qiyam. While standing in the qiyam

position, the Imam and the first group of soldiers should recite

Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from

the Quran.

In this rakah, the Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam,

ruku, sujud, and tashahhud) with the first group of soldiers.

After completing qiyam, the Imam and the first group should now

perform ruku.

Page 54: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers

into sujud.

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the first group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position before

performing the tashahhud.

Page 55: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing the tashahhud, the Imam should stand in qiyam

for his third rakah. However, the first group of soldiers should

perform the tasleem in order to conclude the salat.

In this scanerio, the first group of soldiers will only perform

two rakat for this method of Salat Al-Khawf.

Page 56: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing their salat with the Imam, the first group

of soldiers should now relieve those soldiers standing guard

against the enemy.

The Imam will now perform two complete rakat with the second

group of soldiers.

(3rd rakah for the Imam, and 1

st rakah for the second group)

The Imam and the second group of soldiers should pronounce the

takbir to commence this rakah of Salat Al-Khawf and perform the

standing of qiyam. While standing in the qiyam position, the

Imam will recite only Surah Al-Fatihah; whereas, the second

group of soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another

Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

Page 57: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

In this rakah, the Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam,

ruku, and sujud) with the second group of soldiers. After

completing qiyam, the Imam and the second group should now

perform ruku.

Page 58: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers

into sujud.

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the second group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position before

standing in qiyam for the fourth rakah.

Page 59: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam and the second group of soldier should now stand for

the qiyam of the final rakah.

(4th rakah for the Imam, and 2

nd rakah for the second group)

The Imam and the second group of soldiers should pronounce the

takbir to commence this rakah of Salat Al-Khawf and perform the

standing of qiyam. While standing in the qiyam position, the

Imam will recite only Surah Al-Fatihah; whereas, the second

group of soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another

Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran. In this rakah, the

Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, and sujud)

with the second group of soldiers. After completing qiyam, the

Imam and the second group should now perform ruku.

Page 60: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers

into sujud.

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the second group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position before

performing the tashahhud.

Page 61: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While still seated in jalsa with the second group of the

soldiers, the Imam should now pronounce the tasleem, and the

second group should also pronounce their tasleem along with him.

In this scenario, the Imam completed four complete rakat while

the second group of soldiers completed only two complete rakat.

The evidence for this ruling is a hadith collected by

Bukhari wherein Jabir reportedly said: “We were with the Prophet

Page 62: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(P.B.U.H.) during the campaign of Zhat al-Riqa and the salah was

made, and he prayed two rakat with one group and then they

withdrew, and he led the other group in two rakat. The Prophet

prayed four rakat and the people prayed two rakat.”

Method 5:

Another method of performing Salat Al-Khawf involves the

enemy being positioned in a direction other than the qiblah. In

this scenario, the soldiers are divided into two groups. One

group of soldiers should stand guard against the enemy while the

other group joins the Imam in salat. The Imam will pray two

complete rakat fard with the first group of soldiers.

Thereafter, the Imam and the first group of soldiers will

perform the tasleem to conclude their salat. Then the Imam

should stand in qiyam to perform two more rakat (as nafl since

he already completed the salat with tasleem) with the second

group. {It is therefore permissible for one who is making a nafl

salat to lead others in fard salat.} The first group of soldiers

should now notify the second group that they are being relieved

of guard duty. The second group of soldiers should then join the

Imam in order to perform two complete rakat, which will be their

first and second rakah. After the Imam completes two complete

rakat with the second group of soldiers he should then perform

the tasleem to conclude the salat. The second group should also

Page 63: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

perform the tasleem along with him. In this scenario, both

groups of soldiers will perform only two rakat while the Imam

performs four (2 fard and 2 nafl).

(1st rakah fard for the Imam, and 1

st rakah fard for the

first group) The Imam and the first group of soldiers should

pronounce the opening takbir-ihram to commence this version of

Salat Al-Khawf and perform the standing of qiyam. While standing

in the qiyam position, the Imam and the first group of soldiers

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Surah from the Quran.

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, and

sujud) with the first group of soldiers. After completing qiyam,

the Imam and the first group should now perform ruku.

Page 64: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers

into sujud.

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the first group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position before

standing in qiyam for the second rakah.

Page 65: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam should now lead the first group of soldiers into the

standing of qiyam for the second rakah of the salat.


rakah fard for the Imam, and 2nd rakah fard for the

first group of soldiers) The Imam and the first group of

soldiers should pronounce the takbir to commence this rakah of

Salat Al-Khawf and perform the standing of qiyam. While standing

in the qiyam position, the Imam and the first group of soldiers

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Surah from the Quran.

Page 66: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

In this rakah, the Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam,

ruku, sujud, and tashahhud) with the first group of soldiers.

After completing qiyam, the Imam and the first group should now

perform ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers

into sujud.

Page 67: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the first group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position before

performing the tashahhud.

After completing the tashahhud, the Imam and the first group of

soldiers should perform the tasleem in order to conclude the


Page 68: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

In this scanerio, the Imam and the first group of soldiers will

perform two rakat for this method of Salat Al-Khawf.

After completing their salat with the Imam, the first group

of soldiers should now relieve those soldiers standing guard

against the enemy.

The Imam will now perform two complete rakat with the second

group of soldiers.

(1st nafl rakah for the Imam, and 1st fard rakah for the

second group) The Imam and the second group of soldiers should

pronounce the takbir to commence this rakah of Salat Al-Khawf

and perform the standing of qiyam. While standing in the qiyam

position, the Imam will recite only Surah Al-Fatihah; whereas,

the second group of soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and

another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

Page 69: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

In this rakah, the Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam,

ruku, and sujud) with the second group of soldiers. After

completing qiyam, the Imam and the second group should now

perform ruku.

Page 70: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers

into sujud.

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the second group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position before

standing in qiyam for the fourth rakah.

Page 71: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam and the second group of soldier should now stand for

the qiyam of the final rakah.

(2nd rakah nafl for the Imam, and 2

nd rakah fard for the

second group) The Imam and the second group of soldiers should

pronounce the takbir to commence this rakah of Salat Al-Khawf

and perform the standing of qiyam. While standing in the qiyam

position, the Imam will recite only Surah Al-Fatihah; whereas,

the second group of soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and

another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran. In this

rakah, the Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku,

and sujud) with the second group of soldiers. After completing

qiyam, the Imam and the second group should now perform ruku.

Page 72: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers

into sujud.

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the second group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position before

performing the tashahhud.

Page 73: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While still seated in jalsa with the second group of the

soldiers, the Imam should now pronounce the tasleem, and the

second group should also pronounce their tasleem along with him.

In this scenario, the Imam completed two complete nafl rakat

while the second group of soldiers completed two complete fard


Page 74: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

This fact is evident from a hadith collected by Nasa’I

wherein Jabir reportedly said: “The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) prayed

two rakat with one group of his companions and then another two

rakat with another group and then he made the taslim.” Moreover,

another hadith from An-Nasa’i reports: “The Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

prayed the salat AL-Khawf with us, and he prayed two rakat with

some of his companions, and then the others came and took their

places and he prayed two rakat with them, and he made the

taslim. So, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) prayed four rakat and the

people prayed two rakat each.”

Method 6:

Another method of performing Salat Al-Khawf involves the

enemy being positioned in a direction other than the qiblah. As

such, one group of Muslim soldiers should pray with the Imam

while the other group stands guard against the enemy in close

proximity to those performing salat. The Imam will then perform

one complete rakah with the first group of soldiers while the

second group of soldiers stands guard. Those standing guard do

not pray, rather they stand there defending those Muslim

soldiers performing salat. After completing the sujud of the

first rakah, the Imam will then stand in qiyam for the second

rakah while the first group of soldiers performs the tashahhud

and tasleem on their own to complete this version of Salat Al-

Page 75: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Khawf with only one rakah. Afterwards, the first group of

soldiers will switch places with the second group of soldiers

standing guard. The second group of soldiers will now join the

Imam and stand with him in the qiyam of his second rakah; which

will be their first rakah. They will then complete the entire

rakah (ruku, sujud, and tashahhud) with the Imam and perform the

tasleem along with him; thus, performing only one complete rakah

of a two rakat salat. In this scenario, each group of soldiers

only performs one complete rakat with the Imam.

(1st rakah with the first group) The first group of soldiers

should perform the opening Takbiratul-ihram with the Imam and

stand for qiyam.

While standing in the qiyam position. The Imam and the muqtadis

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Page 76: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Surah from the Quran. After completing qiyam, the Imam should

now lead the first group of soldiers into ruku.

After completing ruku, the Imam should now lead the first group

of soldiers into i’tidal (standing from ruku). Thereafter, the

Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers into sujud.

At the completion of sujud, the first group of soldiers should

now sit in the jalsa position and perform the tashahhud by


Page 77: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

As the first group of soldiers remains seated in jalsa

performing their tashahhud after completing only one rakah of

salat, the Imam should now stand in qiyam. After standing for

the qiyam of the second rakah, the Imam will prolong this qiyam

in order to allow the first group of soldiers to complete the

tashahhud and tasleem on their own.

Page 78: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the tasleem, the first group of soldiers should

now leave their station behind the Imam and notify the second

group of soldiers that they are being relieved of their guard

duty. The second group of soldiers should now join the Imam in

qiyam to begin their first rakah.

(2nd rakah for the Imam and 1

st rakah for the second group)

The Imam will now lead the second group of soldiers in the qiyam

position. This will be the Imam’s second rakah and the first

rakah for the second group of soldiers.

Page 79: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While standing in the qiyam position. The Imam and the muqtadis

should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a

Surah from the Quran. After completing qiyam, the Imam should

now lead the first group of soldiers into ruku.

After completing ruku, the Imam should now lead the second group

of soldiers into i’tidal (rising from ruku). Thereafter, the

Imam should lead the second group of soldiers into sujud.

Page 80: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

When the Imam completes the second prostration of sujud, he

should sit in the jalsa position and perform the tashahhud along

with the second group of soldiers.

While still seated in jalsa with the second group of the

soldiers, the Imam should now pronounce the tasleem, and the

second group will pronounce their tasleem along with him.

Page 81: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

In this scenario, the Imam completes two rakat. However, both

groups of soldiers will only complete one rakah of a two rakat

salat. Nevertheless, both groups of soldiers share the reward

obtained from performing salat in the first row behind the Imam.

The evidence for this ruling is a hadith collected by An-

Nasa’i wherein Ibn Abbas reportedly said: “The Prophet

(P.B.U.H.) prayed at Zhi-qard, and he arranged the people into

two rows, one row behind him and one row guarding against the

enemy. The group behind him prayed one rakah (with him) and then

left the place to the other group. The other group then came and

prayed one rakah (with the Prophet), and (neither group) made up

a rakah.”


Method 1:

Another method of Salat Al-Khawf involves the Imam

performing four rakat, as in the case of the Asr salat. The

enemy in this scenario is positioned between the Muslim army and

the direction of the qiblah. Therefore, the Muslim army will be

facing their enemy while they are performing Salat Al-Khawf. As

such, the Imam should arrange all of the soldiers into two rows

facing the enemy. Both rows of soldiers should share in the

responsibility of guarding against the enemy. In this version of

Salat Al-Khawf, both rows of soldiers should follow the Imam in

Page 82: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

every one of his actions until he performs sujud, in which case

one row of soldiers will make their sajdah (prostration) along

with him while the other row of soldiers stands guard in I’tidal

(rising from ruku). Then, once the first row completes their

sujud and assumes the role of standing guard in qiyam, the

second row will then perform their sujud. Thereafter, the second

row should move to the first row and vice versa. (2nd rakah)

Next, both rows of soldiers should again follow the Imam in

every one of his actions until he performs sujud, in which case

the first row of soldiers will make their sajdah (prostration)

along with him while the second row of soldiers stands guard in

I’tidal. Then, once the first row completes their sujud with the

Imam, they should also perform the first tashahhud along with

him. Then they should assume the role of standing guard in qiyam

while the second row of soldiers performs their sujud and

tashahhud individually. Thereafter, the second row should move

to the first row and vice versa. (3rd rakah) Then for the third

rakah, both rows of soldiers should follow the Imam in every one

of his actions until he performs sujud, in which case the first

row of soldiers will make their sajdah (prostration) along with

him while the second row of soldiers stands guard in I’tidal.

Then, once the first row completes their sujud and assumes the

role of standing guard in qiyam, the second row will then

perform their sujud. Thereafter, the second row should move to

Page 83: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

the first row and vice versa. Lastly, for the fourth rakah, both

rows of soldiers should again follow the Imam in every one of

his actions until he performs sujud, in which case the first row

of soldiers will make their sajdah (prostration) along with him

while the second row of soldiers stands guard in I’tidal. Then,

once the first row completes their sujud with the Imam, they

should also perform the second tashahhud and tasleem along with

him. Then they should assume the role of standing guard in jalsa

while the second row of soldiers performs their sujud,

tashahhud, and tasleem individually. In this instance, both rows

share the reward of praying on the first row.

(1st rakah) The Muslim soldiers should be arranged into two

rows facing the direction of the qiblah.

Page 84: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Both rows of soldiers should follow the Imam in performing

takbiratul-ihram to commence the salat. Therefore, both rows of

soldiers should join the Imam in the qiyam of the first rakah.

While standing in the qiyam position, the Imam and the muqtadis

(both rows of soldiers following him in salat) should recite

Surah Al-Fatihah along with another Surah or section of a Surah

from the Quran. Next, the Imam should lead all of the soldiers

into ruku.

After performing ruku with the Imam, both rows of soldiers

should rise up into I’tidal (standing again after ruku). In this

position both arms should be positioned against the side of

one’s body.

Page 85: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Next, after the Imam pronounces the takbir to complete the

position, only the first row of solders should perform sujud

along with him. Moreover, the second row of soldiers should

remain standing on guard in I’tidal until the first row of

soldiers completes their sujud with the Imam.

Next, after the first row of soldiers rises with the Imam from

sujud into the standing of qiyam, the second row of soldiers

should then perform their sujud individually while the first row

stands guard.

Page 86: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing sujud, the second row of soldiers should now

rise into the standing of qiyam with the Imam and the first row.

Thereafter, the second row of soldiers should now swap places

with the first row while standing in qiyam.

Page 87: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(2nd rakah) Both rows of soldiers should again follow the

Imam in performing the takbir to commence the second rakah.

Thereafter, both groups of soldiers should then join the Imam in

the qiyam of the first rakah. While standing in the qiyam

position, the Imam and the muqtadis (both rows of soldiers

following him in salat) should again recite Surah Al-Fatihah

along with another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

Page 88: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Next, the Imam should lead all of the soldiers into ruku.

Next, after the Imam should complete ruku with both rows by

rising up into I’tidal.

However, after performing ruku with the Imam, only the first row

of solders should perform sujud and tashahhud along with him.

Page 89: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The second row remains standing on guard in I’tidal until the

first row of soldiers completes their sujud and first tashahhud

along with the Imam. The arms of those soldiers standing guard

in the second row engaged in the I’tidal position should be

positioned against the sides of their body.

Page 90: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While the second row of soldiers stands guard, the first row of

soldiers should complete their first tashahhud along with the

Imam. Thereafter, the first row of soldiers should rise with the

Imam into the standing of qiyam for the third rakah.

The first row of soldiers should now stand guard until the

second row completes their sujud and first tashahhud


Page 91: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After the second row of soldiers completes sujud they should

then sit in jalsa and complete their first tashahhud


Next, after completing the first tashahhud individually, the

second row of soldiers should then stand for the third rakah.

Thereafter, the second row of soldiers should again swap places

with the first row of soldiers.

Page 92: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(3rd rakah) Both rows of soldiers should again follow the

Imam in performing the takbir to commence the third rakah.

Thereafter, both groups of soldiers should then join the Imam in

the qiyam of the third rakah. However, while standing in the

qiyam position, the Imam and the muqtadis (both rows of soldiers

following him in salat) should recite only Surah Al-Fatihah from

the Quran. (No additional Surah or section of a Surah should be

recited in the third and fourth rakah of salat)

Page 93: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Next, the Imam should lead all of the soldiers into ruku.

After performing ruku with the Imam, both rows of soldiers

should rise up into I’tidal (standing again after ruku). In this

position both arms should be positioned against the sides of

one’s body.

Next, after the Imam pronounces the takbir to complete the

position, only the first row of solders should perform sujud

Page 94: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

along with him. Moreover, the second row of soldiers should

remain standing on guard in I’tidal until the first row of

soldiers completes their sujud with the Imam.

Next, the first row of soldiers should rise with the Imam from

sujud into the standing of qiyam.

The second row of soldiers should then perform their sujud

individually while the first row of soldiers stands guard.

Page 95: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing sujud, the second row of soldiers should then

rise into the standing of qiyam along with the Imam and the

first row of soldiers.

Thereafter, the second row of soldiers should now swap places

with the first row while standing in qiyam.

Page 96: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(4th rakah) Both rows of soldiers should again follow the

Imam in performing the takbir to commence the fourth and final

rakah. Thereafter, both rows of soldiers should then join the

Imam in the qiyam of the first rakah. While standing in the

qiyam position, the Imam and the muqtadis (both rows of soldiers

following him in salat) should again recite only Surah Al-


Page 97: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Next, the Imam should lead all of the soldiers into ruku.

Then, after completing ruku by rising up into I’tidal with the

Imam, the first row of solders should perform sujud and the

final tashahhud along with the Imam.

The second row remains standing on guard in I’tidal until the

first row of soldiers completes their sujud and final tashahhud

along with the Imam. The arms of those soldiers standing guard

Page 98: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

in the second row engaged in the I’tidal position should be

positioned against the sides of their body.

While the second row of soldiers stands guard, the first row of

soldiers should complete their final tashahhud along with the

Imam and remain seated in jalsa. Thereafter, the first row of

soldiers should stand guard against the enemy while seated in

the jalsa position while the second row of soldiers performs

their sujud individually.

Page 99: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Thereafter, the second row of soldiers should perform their

second and final tashahhud individually.

Next, after the second row of soldiers completes their second

and final tashahhud, the Imam should then perform the tasleem.

The soldiers will all join the Imam in performing the tasleem to

complete this version of Salat Al-Khawf altogether.

In this scenario, both rows of soldiers will perform four

complete rakat.

Page 100: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The evidence for this ruling is a hadith from the

collection of Abu Dawud wherein Abu Ayyash Az-Zuraqi reportedly

said: “We were with the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) in the

area of Usfan (a well-known place near Makkah), when the

idolaters met us under the command of Khalid bin Al-Walid, and

they were between us and the Qiblah. The Messenger of Allah

(P.B.U.H.) led us in Zuhr prayer, and the idolaters said, ‘They

were busy with something during which we had a chance to attack

them.’ They then said, ‘Next, there will be a prayer (Asr) that

is dearer to them than their children and themselves.’ However,

Jibril (P.B.U.H.) came down with these Ayat between the prayers

of Zuhr and Asr, ‘(When you, O Messenger Muhammad) are among

them, and lead them in Salah.’ When the time for prayer came,

the Messenger of Allah commanded Muslims to hold their weapons

and he made us stand in two lines behind him. When he bowed, we

all bowed behind him. When he raised his head, we all raised our

heads. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) then prostrated with the line that

was behind him while the rest stood in guard. When they finished

with the prostration and stood up, the rest sat and performed

prostration, while those who performed it stood up in guard

after the two lines exchanged position. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

then bowed and they all bowed after him; then they raised their

heads after he raised his head. Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

performed prostration with the line that was behind him, while

Page 101: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

the rest stood in guard. When those who made prostration sat,

the rest prostrated. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) then performed the

Tasleem and ended the prayer. The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.)

performed this prayer twice, once in Usfan and once in the land

of Banu Sulaym.’”

Method 2:

Another version of Salat Al-Khawf involves four rakat being

performed as a resident while the enemy is positioned in a

direction other than the qiblah. The Imam will arrange the

soldiers into two groups. One group should be positioned behind

the Imam in salat while the other group of soldiers stands guard

against the enemy.

The first group of Muslim soldiers should perform two

complete rakah with the Imam. After the second rakah, the Imam

will remain standing in qiyam to begin the third rakah, but he

will prolong his standing in qiyam while the first group of

soldiers switches places with the second group of soldiers

standing guard. The second group of soldiers in this scenario

will likewise perform two complete rakah with the Imam who will

then perform the tasleem alone (The Imam’s 4th and the second

group’s 2nd). The second group will then perform two complete

rakat individually followed by the tasleem for a total of four

rakat. Then the second group of soldiers will relieve the first

Page 102: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

group of soldiers from their guard duties so that they can

complete their third and fourth rakah individually. The first

group will then perform the tasleem alone. In this scenario, all

parties will perform four rakats. The Imam will perform two

complete rakat with each group, and each group will perform two

complete rakat and tasleem individually.

(1st rakah for the Imam, and 1

st rakah for the first group)

The Imam and the first group of soldiers should perform the

opening takbir-ihram and enter qiyam. While standing in the

qiyam position, the Imam and the first group of soldiers should

recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah

from the Quran.

Page 103: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, and

sujud) with the first group of soldiers. After completing qiyam,

the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers into ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers

into sujud.

Page 104: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa


After briefly sitting in jalsa, the Imam and the first group

should stand to perform the second rakah.

(2nd rakah for the Imam, and 2

nd rakah for the first group)

The Imam and the first group of soldiers should perform the

takbir and enter qiyam. While standing in the qiyam position,

the Imam and the first group of soldiers should recite Surah Al-

Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

Page 105: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, sujud,

and tashahhud) with the first group of soldiers. After

completing qiyam, the Imam should then lead the first group of

soldiers into ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal, the Imam should

then lead the first group of soldiers into sujud.

Page 106: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position

and perform the first tashahhud of the salat.

The Imam should now stand after performing two rakah into the

qiyam of the third rakah. However, the first group of soldiers

should now leave their position behind the Imam and relieve the

Page 107: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

second group of soldiers whom are standing guard against the


(3rd rakah for the Imam, and

1st rakah for the second group)

The Imam and the second group of soldiers should perform the

takbir to commence the rakah and perform qiyam. While standing

in the qiyam position, the Imam should only recite Surah Al-

Fatihah while the second group of soldiers recites Surah Al-

Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

Page 108: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, and

sujud) with the second group of soldiers. After completing

qiyam, the Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers

into ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal, the Imam should

then lead the second group of soldiers into sujud.

Page 109: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

second group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa


After briefly sitting in jalsa, the Imam should then lead the

second group of soldiers into the standing of qiyam.

(4th rakah for the Imam, and

2nd rakah for the second group)

The Imam and the second group of soldiers should perform the

takbir to commence the rakah and perform qiyam. While standing

in the qiyam position, the Imam should only recite Surah Al-

Fatihah while the second group of soldiers recites Surah Al-

Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

Page 110: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, sujud,

and tashahhud) with the second group of soldiers. After

completing qiyam, the Imam should then lead the second group of

soldiers into ruku.

Page 111: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal, the Imam should

then lead the second group of soldiers into sujud.

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

second group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa


Page 112: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While in jalsa, the Imam should perform an individual tashahhud

and tasleem to conclude his salat.

However, the second group should stand in qiyam to perform their

third and fourth rakah individually (with no Imam).

Page 113: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(3rd rakah for the second group, which is also their 1


individual rakah) The second group of soldiers should pronounce

the takbir to commence their individual rakah and perform qiyam.

While standing in the qiyam position, the second group of

soldiers should recite only Surah Al-Fatihah from the Quran

individually. After completing qiyam, the second group of

soldiers should individually enter ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal (standing from

ruku), the second group of soldiers should individually enter


Page 114: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the two prostrations of sujud individually, the

second group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa.

After briefly sitting in jalsa, the second group of soldiers

should stand in qiyam to perform their fourth rakah.

(4th rakah for the second group, which is also their 2


individual rakah) The second group of soldiers should pronounce

Page 115: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

the takbir to commence their individual rakah and perform qiyam.

While standing in the qiyam position, the second group of

soldiers should recite only Surah Al-Fatihah from the Quran

individually. After completing qiyam, the second group of

soldiers should individually enter ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal, the second

group of soldiers should individually enter sujud.

Page 116: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the two prostrations of sujud individually, the

second group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa and

perform the second tashahhud individually.

After completing an individual tashahhud, the second group of

soldiers should perform the tasleem individually to conclude

their salat.

The second group will have performed four complete rakat; two

rakah with the Imam and two rakah individually.

Page 117: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The second group of soldiers should now relieve the first

group of soldiers so that they can perform their final two rakah

individually. The second group of soldiers will take their

position standing guard against the enemy.

(3rd rakah for the first group, which is also their 1st

individual rakah) The first group of soldiers should pronounce

the takbir to commence their individual rakah and perform qiyam.

Page 118: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While standing in the qiyam position, the first group of

soldiers should recite only Surah Al-Fatihah from the Quran

individually. Then, after completing qiyam, the first group of

soldiers should individually perform ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal, the first group

of soldiers should individually enter sujud.

Page 119: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the two prostrations of sujud individually, the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position

and then stand again into qiyam to perform the final rakah.

(4th rakah for the first group, which is also their 2


individual rakah) The first group of soldiers should pronounce

the takbir to commence their individual rakah and perform qiyam.

Page 120: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While standing in the qiyam position, the first group of

soldiers should recite only Surah Al-Fatihah from the Quran

individually. Then, after completing qiyam, the first group of

soldiers should individually perform ruku.

After completing ruku by rising up into i’tidal, the first group

of soldiers should individually enter sujud.

Page 121: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the two prostrations of sujud individually, the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position

and perform the tashahhud individually.

After completing an individual tashahhud, the first group of

soldiers should perform the tasleem individually to conclude

their salat.

The first group of soldiers will have performed four complete

rakat; two rakat with the Imam and two rakat individually.

Page 122: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The evidence for this ruling is a hadith collected by

Bukhari wherein Ibn Umar allegedly said: “The Messenger of Allah

(P.B.U.H.) prayed one rakah with one group while the other group

faced the enemy, [At that point, those who had prayed] took the

place of their companions facing the enemy and the second group

came and prayed one rakah with the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and then

he made the taslim. Then each group made (the remaining) one

rakah.” Further evidence is found in the Muwatta of Imam Malik

which reads: “Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi that

Abdullah ibn Umar, when asked about the fear prayer said, ‘The

Imam and a group of people go forward and the Imam prays a rakah

with them, while another group, who have not yet prayed,

position themselves between him and the enemy. When those who

are with him have prayed a rakah they draw back to where those

who have not prayed are, and do not say the taslim. Then those

who have not prayed come forward and pray a rakah with him. Then

the Imam leaves, as he has now prayed two rakas. Everyone else

in the two groups stands and prays a rakah by himself after the

Imam has left. In this way each of the two groups will have

prayed two rakas. If the fear is greater than that, then the men

pray standing on their feet or mounted, either facing the qiblah

or otherwise.’ Malik said that Nafi said, ‘I do not believe that

Abdullah ibn Umar related it from anyone other than the

Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.).’”

Page 123: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Method 3:

One method of performing Salat Al-Khawf as a resident

during a four rakat prayer involves one group of soldiers

praying with the Imam while another group of soldiers stands

guard in close proximity to those performing salat. The enemy in

this instance is positioned in a direction other than the

qiblah. After the Imam leads the first group of soldiers in two

complete rakah, he will stand in qiyam to begin his third rakah;

however, he will simply prolong his qiyam and will wait in this

position until the first group performs two complete rakat and

tasleem individually. Thereafter, the first group of soldiers

should approach the second group of soldiers whom are standing

guard and notify them that they are being relieved. The first

group will now stand guard against the enemy. The second group

of soldiers should now join the Imam in qiyam to begin their

first rakah (the imam’s third). After performing two complete

rakah with the second group of soldiers, the Imam will remain

seated in jalsa after performing a prolonged tashahhud. The Imam

should wait in this position for the second group of soldiers to

perform two complete rakat individually. Once the second group

completes their tashahhud, they should perform the tasleem along

with the Imam to complete this version of Salat Al-Khawf. In

this scenario, each group of soldiers performs two complete

rakah along with the Imam and two complete rakah individually.

Page 124: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(1st rakah with the first group) The Imam and the first

group of soldiers should perform the opening takbir-ihram and

enter qiyam.

The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, and

sujud) with the first group of soldiers. While standing in the

qiyam position. The Imam and the muqtadis should recite Surah

Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from the

Quran. After completing qiyam, the Imam should then lead the

first group of soldiers into ruku.

Page 125: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku, the Imam should then lead the first group

of soldiers into i’tidal (standing again after ruku). The Imam

should then lead the first group of soldiers into sujud.

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position

before standing in qiyam.

Page 126: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing jalsa, the Imam and the first group should

pronounce the takbir and stand in qiyam to begin the second

rakah of the salat.

(2nd rakah with the first group) After the first group of

soldiers follows the Imam in pronouncing the takbir and standing

in qiyam, they should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah

or section of a Surah from the Quran. After completing qiyam,

the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers into ruku.

Page 127: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku, the Imam should then lead the first group

of soldiers into i’tidal (standing again after ruku). Next, the

Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers into sujud.

After performing the two prostrations of sujud, the Imam and the

first group of soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position

and recite the first tashahhud together.

Page 128: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing the tashahhud, the Imam and the first group

should pronounce the takbir and stand in qiyam to begin the

third rakah of the salat.

However, the Imam remains standing in a prolonged qiyam while he

waits for the first group of soldiers to individually complete

their third and fourth rakah and perform the tasleem.

(1st individual rakah) The first group of soldiers should

pronounce the takbir and complete the qiyam of their third rakah

individually. They should only recite surah Al-Fatihah of the

Quran. Thereafter, they should then enter ruku while the Imam

remains standing in his prolonged qiyam.

Page 129: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After the first group of soldiers completes the ruku of their

third rakah, they should rise up into i’tidal (standing again

after ruku). The second group should then enter sujud while the

Imam remains standing in qiyam.

After the first group of soldiers completes the two prostrations

of sujud, they should briefly sit in jalsa before standing in

the qiyam of the fourth rakah. The Imam should still remain

standing in his prolonged qiyam.

Page 130: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(2nd individual rakah) The first group of soldiers should

pronounce the takbir and complete the qiyam of their fourth

rakah individually.

They should only recite surah Al-Fatihah of the Quran.

Thereafter, they should then enter ruku while the Imam remains

standing in his prolonged qiyam.

Page 131: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After the first group of soldiers completes the ruku of their

fourth rakah, they should rise up into i’tidal (standing again

after ruku). The second group should then enter sujud while the

Imam remains standing in qiyam.

After the first group of soldiers completes the two prostrations

of sujud, they should briefly sit in jalsa before performing the

second tashahhud individually. The Imam should still remain

standing in his prolonged qiyam.

Page 132: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing the tashahhud, the second group should now

perform the tasleem on their own without the Imam. The first

group of soldiers in this instance will have completed four

complete rakat; two with the Imam and two individually.

The first group of soldiers stationed behind the Imam

should now leave the first row and take their position at the

rear standing guard against the enemy. Those soldiers standing

guard should not abandon their posts until the first group

Page 133: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

completes their salat by pronouncing the tasleem, and then

notifies them that they are being relieved. The Imam is still

standing in a prolonged qiyam waiting to be joined by the second

group of soldiers. After the first group of soldiers officially

assumes their role as guards, the second group of soldiers whom

have not yet prayed should now move forward and join the Imam in

his third rakat (for qiyam, ruku, and sujud) in order to perform

their first complete rakah.

The Imam will remain standing so that the second group of

soldiers can join him in this qiyam position. After being joined

by the second group of soldiers, the Imam will perform a

complete rakah (qiyam, ruku, sujud) with them.

(3rd rakah for the Imam and 1

st for the second group) The

second group of soldiers should now say the takbir to commence

the salat along with the Imam. While standing in the qiyam

Page 134: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

position, the Imam should only recite Surah Al-fatihah from the

Quran, while the second group of soldiers recites Surah Al-

Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

After completing qiyam, the Imam should now lead the second

group of soldiers into ruku.

After completing ruku, the Imam should then lead the second

group of soldiers into i’tidal. Thereafter, the Imam should lead

the second group of soldiers into sujud.

Page 135: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing the second prostration of sujud, the Imam

should then lead the second group of soldiers into a brief

sitting in the jalsa position before standing in qiyam.

After performing a brief sitting in the jalsa position, the Imam

should now lead the second group of soldiers into qiyam.

Page 136: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(4th rakah for the Imam and 2

nd for the second group) The

Imam should now lead the second group of soldiers in pronouncing

the takbir to commence the rakat. While standing in the qiyam

position, the Imam should only recite Surah Al-fatihah from the

Quran, while the second group of soldiers recites Surah Al-

Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

After completing qiyam, the Imam should then lead the second

group of soldiers into ruku.

Page 137: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku, the Imam should then lead the second

group of soldiers into i’tidal. Thereafter, the Imam should lead

the second group of soldiers into sujud.

After completing the second prostration of sujud, the Imam

should then lead the second group of soldiers into a brief

sitting in the jalsa position. While sitting in jalsa, the Imam

will remain seated in a prolonged tahsahhud. However, after

completing their first tashahhud, the second group of soldiers

should stand stand in qiyam to begin their third rakah.

Page 138: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(3rd rakah for the second group and their 1

st individual) The

second group of soldiers should now pronounce the takbir and

perform qiyam individually while the Imam remains seated in

jalsa performing a prolonged tashahhud. While standing in the

qiyam position the second group of soldiers should now recite

Surah Al-Fatihah only from the Quran individually.

After completing qiyam individually, the second group of

soldiers should now enter ruku while the Imam remains seated in

jalsa performing a prolonged tashahhud.

Page 139: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing ruku, the second group of soldiers should now

rise up into i’tidal (standing again after ruku). Thereafter,

the second group of soldiers should then perform sujud while the

Imam remains seated in jalsa performing a prolonged tashahhud.

After performing sujud, the second group of soldiers should

briefly sit in jalsa before standing in qiyam.

(4th rakah for the second group and their 2

nd individual) The

second group of soldiers should now pronounce the takbir and

Page 140: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

perform qiyam individually while the Imam remains seated in

jalsa performing a prolonged tashahhud. While standing in the

qiyam position the second group of soldiers should now recite

Surah Al-Fatihah only from the Quran individually.

After completing qiyam individually, the second group of

soldiers should now enter ruku while the Imam remains seated in

jalsa performing a prolonged tashahhud.

Page 141: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing ruku, the second group of soldiers should now

rise up into i’tidal (standing again after ruku). Thereafter,

the second group of soldiers should then perform sujud while the

Imam remains seated in jalsa performing a prolonged tashahhud.

After performing sujud, the second group of soldiers should

briefly sit in jalsa and then perform the second tashahhud along

with the Imam.

Page 142: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The Imam will then pronounce the tasleem, and the second group

of soldiers will pronounce their tasleem along with him.

In this scenario, both groups of soldiers will have completed

two complete rakat; one with the Imam and one individually.

The evidence for this ruling is Surah Al-Nisa (4:102) of

the Quran which reads: “When you, O Muhammad, are with them,

leading their Salah (prayer in the state of war), let one party

of them stand up to pray with you armed with their weapons.

After they finish their prostrations, let them withdraw to the

rear and let the other party who have not yet prayed come

forward to pray with you; and let them also be on their guard,

armed with their weapons. The unbelievers wish to see you

neglect your arms and your baggage, so that they could suddenly

Page 143: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

attack to overpower you all in one stroke. However, there is no

blame on you if you lay aside your arms because of heavy rain or

because you are sick, but you should still be on your guard.

Allah has prepared a humiliating punishment for the

unbelievers.” Moreover, a hadith collected by Bukhari reports

that Saleh ibn Khawat relates from Saleh ibn Abu Khaithimah,

concerning those who witnessed the Fear Prayer (Salat Al-Khawf)

that was performed in the battle of Dhat-ur-Riqa in the company

of Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H.): “One batch lined up behind him

(P.B.U.H.) while another batch (lined up) facing the enemy. The

Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led the batch that was with him in one rakah,

and he stayed in the standing posture (qiyam) while that batch

completed their (two rakat) prayer by themselves and went away,

lining in the face of the enemy, while the other batch came and

he (i.e. the Prophet) offered his remaining rakah with them, and

then, kept on sitting till they completed their prayer by

themselves, and he then finished his prayer with tasleem along

with them.’”

Method 4:

Another method of performing Salat Al-Khawf as a resident

involves the enemy being positioned in a direction other than

the qiblah. As such, one group of soldiers should pray with the

Imam while the other group stands guard against the enemy in

Page 144: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

close proximity to those performing salat. The Imam will perform

one complete rakah with the first group while the second group

of soldiers stands guard. Those standing guard do not pray,

rather they stand there defending those Muslims performing

salat. After completing the sujud of the first rakah, the Imam

will stand in qiyam for the second rakah while the first group

of soldiers performs another rakah individually to complete the

salat with only one rakah behind the Imam and one rakah

individually. Afterwards, the first group of soldiers will

switch places with the second group of soldiers standing guard.

The second group of soldiers will now join the Imam and stand

with him in the qiyam of his second rakah; which will be their

first rakah. They will then complete the entire rakah with the

Imam. However, they will not perform the tasleem along with him;

rather, they will stand and perform another complete rakah

individually. Thus, the second group of soldiers will perform

only one complete rakah with the Imam and one rakah

individually. In this scenario, each group of soldiers only

performs one complete rakat with the Imam.

(1st rakah with the Imam and the first group of soldiers)

The first group of soldiers should perform the opening

Takbiratul-ihram along with the Imam and stand with him for


Page 145: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While standing in the qiyam position, the Imam and the first

group of soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another

Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran. After completing

qiyam, the Imam should then lead the first group of soldiers

into ruku.

After completing ruku, the Imam should then lead the first group

of soldiers into i’tidal (standing from ruku). Thereafter, the

Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers into sujud.

Page 146: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the first group of

soldiers should briefly sit in jalsa before standing in qiyam

for the second rakah.

However, the Imam should prolong his qiyam while the first group

of soldiers performs one complete rakah individually.

Page 147: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(1st rakah individually and second overall rakah) The first

group of soldiers should perform the Takbir and stand in qiyam

while the Imam remains standing in a prolonged qiyam.

While standing in the qiyam position, the first group of

soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah or

section of a Surah from the Quran. After completing qiyam, the

first group of soldiers should then enter into ruku while the

Imam remains standing in a prolonged qiyam.

Page 148: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Next, after completing ruku, the first group of soldiers should

then rise up into I’tidal while the Imam remains standing in his

prolonged qiyam.

Thereafter, the first group of soldiers should then enter sujud

while the Imam remains standing in his prolonged qiyam.

At the completion of sujud, the first group of soldiers should

then sit in the jalsa position and perform the tashahhud.

Page 149: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

As the first group of soldiers remains seated in jalsa

performing their tashahhud, the Imam should continue to remain

standing in qiyam. Then, after completing the tashahhud, the

first group of soldiers should now complete this version of

Salat Al-Khawf by performing the tasleem individually.

Page 150: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing the tasleem, the first group of soldiers should

then leave their position behind the Imam and notify the second

group of soldiers that they are being relieved of their guard

duty. The second group of soldiers should now join the Imam in

qiyam to begin their first rakah.

(2nd rakah for the Imam and 1

st rakah for the second group)

The Imam will now lead the second group of soldiers in the qiyam

position. This will be the Imam’s second rakah and the first

rakah for the second group of soldiers.

Page 151: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While standing in the qiyam position. The Imam and the second

group of soldiers should recite Surah Al-Fatihah and another

Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran. After completing

qiyam, the Imam should then lead the second group of soldiers

into ruku.

After completing ruku, the Imam should now lead the second group

of soldiers into i’tidal (rising from ruku with both arms down

by the sides of the body).

Page 152: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Thereafter, the Imam should lead the second group of soldiers

into sujud.

Then, after the Imam and the second group of soldiers complete

the second prostration of sujud, they should sit briefly in the

jalsa position.

Page 153: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Next, after completing sujud, the second group of soldiers

should stand in qiyam to complete their second rakah

individually while the Imam remains seated in a prolonged


(2nd overall rakat and 1

st individual rakah for the second

group) The second group of soldiers should now stand in the

qiyam position while the Imam remains seated in jalsa performing

a prolonged tashahhud. This will be the first individual rakah

for the second group of soldiers.

Then, after completing qiyam, the second group of soldiers

should now enter ruku while the Imam remains seated in jalsa

performing a prolonged tashahhud.

Page 154: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Next, the second group of soldiers should complete ruku by

rising up into I’tidal while the Imam remains seated in jalsa

performing a prolonged tashahhud.

Thereafter, the second group of soldiers should enter sujud

while the Imam remains seated in jalsa performing a prolonged


Page 155: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

Next, after performing the two prostrations of sujud, the second

group of soldiers should then join the Imam in the sitting of

jalsa and perform the tashahhud.

While still seated in jalsa with the second group of the

soldiers, the Imam should now pronounce the tasleem and the

second group of soldiers should also pronounce the tasleem along

with him.

Page 156: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

In this scenario, the Imam completes two rakat. However, both

groups of soldiers will only complete one rakah with the Imam

while the second rakah is performed individually. Nevertheless,

both groups share the reward obtained from the first row behind

the Imam.

The evidence for this ruling is a hadith collected by An-

Nasa’i wherein Ibn Abbas reportedly said: “The Prophet

(P.B.U.H.) prayed at Zhi-qard, and he arranged the people into

two rows, one row behind him and one row guarding against the

enemy. The group behind him prayed one rakah (with him) and then

left the place to the other group. The other group then came and

prayed one rakah (with the Prophet), and (neither group) made up

a rakah.”


Method 1: In this scenario, the enemy is positioned in a

direction other than the qiblah. Both of the groups begin the

Page 157: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

prayer with the Imam, and then one group would guard against the

enemy while the other group would pray one rakah with the Imam;

after which they would face the enemy while the other group

would come and pray one rakah by themselves (individually) while

the Imam is standing. Then, they would join him in what is the

Imam’s and their second rakah. At that point, the group which

had gone to face the enemy would come and pray one rakah (their

second) individually while the others would be sitting (in salah

waiting for them to sit in their second rakah), after which the

Imam would make the taslim and both groups would make the taslim

together (behind the Imam).

(1st rakah) Both group of soldiers should perform the

opening Takbiratul-ihram with the Imam. One group should stand

with the Imam for qiyam while the other group stands guard

against an attack from the enemy.

Page 158: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While standing in the qiyam position, The Imam and the muqtadis

should recite Al-Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah

from the Quran. The Imam will perform one complete rakah (qiyam,

ruku, sujud, tashahhud) with the first group of soldiers. After

completing qiyam, the Imam and the first group should now

perform ruku.

After completing ruku, the Imam should lead the first group into

i’tidal (rising up from ruku). Thereafter, the Imam should lead

the first group of soldiers into sujud.

Page 159: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

At the completion of sujud, the Imam and the first group of

soldiers should briefly sit in the jalsa position.

The Imam should now pronounce the takbir and stand for the qiyam

of the second rakah while the first group of soldiers swaps

places with those soldiers standing guard.

Page 160: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(1st individual rakah for the second group of soldiers) The

Imam remains standing in qiyam while the second group of

soldiers (those whom have not yet prayed) joins him.

However, they will perform one complete rakah own their own

without him. As such, the second group of soldiers should

pronounce the takbir to commence the rakah. While standing in

the qiyam position, second group of soldiers should recite Al-

Fatihah and another Surah or section of a Surah from the Quran.

After completing qiyam, the second group should now enter ruku

while the Imam remains standing in qiyam.

Page 161: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After rising up from ruku into i’tidal, the second group of

soldiers should perform sujud while the Imam remains standing in


After prostrating in sujud, the second group should briefly sit

in jalsa while the Imam remains standing in qiyam.

Page 162: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The second group should now join the Imam by standing with him

in qiyam.

This is the second rakah for both the Imam and the second group

of soldiers. The first group of soldiers whom initially

performed one rakah with the Imam and relieved the second group

will actually remain standing guard against the enemy while the

Imam performs one complete rakah with the second group of

soldiers (their second rakah, but first with the Imam).

The second group of soldiers should pronounce the takbir to

commence the second rakah and join the Imam in performing qiyam.

Then, after completing qiyam, the Imam and the second group of

soldiers should now perform ruku together.

Page 163: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After performing ruku, the Imam and the second group of soldiers

should rise up into i’tidal and then perform sujud together.

After performing sujud, the Imam and the second group of

soldiers should now sit briefly in jalsa. Thereafter, they

should perform the tashahhud together.

Page 164: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

While performing the tashahhud together, the Imam and the second

group of soldiers should prolong their tashahhud and remain

seated in the jalsa position.

The first group of soldiers (whom have actually performed only

one rakah) will now leave their position as guards and join the

Imam and the second group of soldiers in order to perform their

second rakah.

The Imam and the second group of soldiers seated in jalsa will

stand guard (in the jalsa position) while the first group of

solders performs their second rakah own their own.

Page 165: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

(2nd rakah for the first group) The Imam and the second

group of soldiers remain seated in jalsa while the first group

performs qiyam. The first group of soldiers should pronounce the

takbir in qiyam in order to commence the rakah. Surah Al-Fatihah

should be recited along with another Surah or section of a


After completing qiyam, the first group of soldiers should now

enter ruku while the Imam and the second group of soldiers

remain seated in jalsa.

Page 166: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After completing ruku by rising up in i’tidal, the first group

of soldiers should now enter sujud while the Imam and the second

group of soldiers remain seated in jalsa.

After completing sujud, the first group should now enter sit

briefly in jalsa and join the Imam and the second group in

performing the tashahhud.

Page 167: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

After the first group of soldiers completes their tashahhud,

both groups of soldiers should now perform the tasleem along

with the Imam.

In this instance all parties complete two rakat of Salat Al-


The evidence for this ruling is a hadith collected by Abu

Dawud wherein Abu Huraira reportedly said: “I prayed Salat Al-

khawf with the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) during the year of

the Battle of Najd. He stood to pray Asr and one group stood

with him while the other group was faced the enemy with their

backs toward the qiblah. When he made the takbir, all the people

made the takbir that is, those with him and those facing the

Page 168: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

enemy. Then, he (P.B.U.H.) performed one rakah and the group

with him also performed their ruku and sujjud with him while the

others were still facing the enemy. Next, the group which was

with the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) went to face the enemy while the

other group came and prayed one rakah and the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

kept standing [in prayer] as he was. Then, he (P.B.U.H.)

performed the ruku and the new group performed the ruku with him

and he performed the sajdah and they performed the sajdah with

him. After this, the group which had gone to face the enemy came

and prayed one rakah while the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and those with

him were sitting [in prayer]. Finally, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

made taslim and both groups made the taslim with him. The

Prophet (P.B.U.H.) prayed two rakat and both groups prayed two



According to Fiqh-Us-Sunnah, Volume 2, Page 108, under the

heading, How to pray Maghrib during times of fear, “The sunset

prayer is not to be shortened and there is no hadith which

states how it is to be prayed during times of fear. Therefore,

the scholars differ over how it is to be performed. The Hanafi

and Maliki Schools of Thought say that the Imam is to pray two

rakat with the first group and then one rakah with the second

group. Ash-Shaf’i and Ahmad Ibn Hanbal say it is permissible for

Page 169: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

the Imam to pray one rakah with the first group and then two

rakat with the second group as it has been related that 'Ali

performed it in that manner. Allah knows best!


Due to the threat posed by an enemy that would attack the

Muslims while knowing full well that they are engaged in prayer,

the Muslim army should strategically perform Salat Al-Khawf with

their weapons in hand. Nevertheless, to avoid undue hardship,

Allah permits the Muslims to put aside their arms when they are

suffering from illness and are confronted with obstacles such

inclement weather.

Page 170: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The evidence for this ruling is Surah Al-Nisa of the Quran

(4:102). The verse in question reads as follows: “When you, O

Muhammad, are with them, leading their Salah (prayer in the

state of war), let one party of them stand up to pray with you;

armed with their weapons. After they finish their prostrations,

let them withdraw to the rear and let the other party who have

not yet prayed come forward to pray with you; and let them also

be on their guard, armed with their weapons. The unbelievers

wish to see you neglect your arms and your baggage, so that they

could suddenly attack, to overpower you all in one stroke.

However, there is no blame on you if you lay aside your arms

because of heavy rain or because you are sick, but you should

still be on your guard. Allah has prepared a humiliating

punishment for the unbelievers.”

Page 171: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam


The Muslim soldiers are even permitted to perform Salat Al-

Khawf while either on foot or while riding when danger is

imminent. Consequently, in this situation, one is even allowed

to walk and fight while performing Salat Al-Khawf.

Page 172: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

The evidence for the permissibility to perform salat while

either on foot or riding is Surah Al-Baqarah (2:239) of the

Quran which reads: “If ye fear (an enemy) pray on foot or riding

(as may be most convenient) but when ye are in security

celebrate Allah's praises in the manner He has taught you which

ye knew not (before).”

Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir for Surah Al-Nisa (4:102) under the

heading, “The Description of The Fear Prayer,” reports that a

number of scholars maintain that when one is performing Salat

Al-Khawf while either riding or on foot, they are permitted to

pray only one rakah. This fact is evident from a hadith

collected by Imam Muslim wherein Ibn Abbas narrated: “By the

words of your Prophet (P.B.U.H.), Allah has ordained the prayer

of four rakat while residing, two rakat while traveling, and one

rakah during fear.” This is also the view of Ahmad bin Hanbal.

Likewise, Abu Asim Al-Abadi mentioned that Muhammad bin Nasr Al-

Marwazi said the Fajr prayer also becomes one rakah during fear.

This is also the opinion of Ibn Hazm. Lastly, Ishaq bin Rahwayh

is reported to have said, “When a battle is raging, one rakah

during which you nod your head (not able to perform ruku or

sujud due to being occupied with combat) is sufficient for


Page 173: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam



If the enemy is in the direction of the qiblah, then the

Imam/leader of the Muslims should form them into two rows and

start leading all of them in prayer; bowing with all of them and

standing up with all of them. Then when the Imam/leader

prostrates the first row only should prostrate with him and the

second row should remain standing, keeping guard. When he stands

up, the first row should stand with him and the back row should

prostrate. Then when they stand up, the back row should move

forward and the front row should move backward, then he should

lead them all in the second rakah, standing and bowing with all

of them, then when he prostrates the row which moved forward,

which was in the back during the first rakah, should prostrate

Page 174: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

with him, then when he sits to recite the tashahhud the back row

should prostrate. When they sit to recite the tashahhud the

Imam/leader of the Muslims should say the tasleem with all of

them. This method of Salat Al-Khawf should only be done when the

enemy is in the direction of the qiblah. The evidence for this

ruling is a hadith collected by Muslim wherein Jabir ibn Abd-

Allah reportedly said: “I was present during the fear prayer

with the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.). We formed two rows, one

row behind the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.), and the enemy was

between us and the qiblah. The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.)

said takbeer and we all said takbeer. Then he bowed and we all

bowed. Then he (P.B.U.H.) raised his head from bowing and we all

raised our heads. Then he (P.B.U.H.) and the row that was

directly behind him went down in prostration, and the back row

remained standing, facing the enemy. When the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

had finished prostrating, the row that was directly behind him

stood up, and the back row went down in prostration and then

stood up. Then the back row went forward and the front row moved

back. Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) bowed and we all bowed, then

he raised his head from bowing and we all raised our heads. Then

he (P.B.U.H.) and the row that was directly behind him, that had

been in the back during the first rakah, went down in

prostration, and the back row remained standing, facing the

enemy. When the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the row that was directly

Page 175: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

behind him had finished prostrating, the back row went down in

prostration. Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said the tasleem and we

all did likewise.”



If the Muslims are engaged in battle with the enemy in a

direction other than the qiblah, the leader/Imam should divide

the army into two groups. One segment of the Muslim army should

pray with the leader/Imam while the remaining group of Muslim

soldiers faces the enemy. This strategy of having one segment of

the Muslim soldiers stand guard serves to protect against a

sneak attack from the enemy.

When performing Salat al-Khawf in this instance, the

leader/Imam should lead the first group in praying one rakah;

Page 176: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

then when he stands up for the second rakah after performing

ruku and sujud, they (The Followers in Prayer [Muqtadis]) should

complete the prayer by themselves, i.e., they should intend to

pray alone and complete the prayer by themselves, whilst the

leader/Imam remains standing. Then when they have completed the

prayer by themselves, they should go and stand where the second

group was positioned, facing the enemy; and the second group of

soldiers should come and join the leader/Imam in the second

rakah. At this time, the leader/Imam should make the second

rakah longer than the first, in order to allow the second group

adequate time to catch up with him. Therefore, the second group

of soldiers should join the leader/Imam and he should lead them

in the remaining rakah; then he should sit in the jalsa position

and recite the tashahhud. When the leader/Imam sits to recite

the tashahhud, this group (the second group of soldiers) should

get up immediately after prostrating and complete the remaining

rakah; then catch up with the leader/Imam for the tashahhud,

after which he should lead them in saying the tasleem. This

version is in accordance with the apparent meaning of Surah Al-

Nisa (4:102) of the Quran which reads: “When you (O Muhammed)

are among them, and lead them in As‑Salah (the prayer), let one

party of them stand up [in salah (prayer)] with you taking their

arms with them; when they finish their prostrations, let them

take their positions in the rear and let the other party come up

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which have not yet prayed, and let them pray with you taking all

the precautions and bearing arms.” Further evidence is found in

a hadith collected by Bukhari wherein Malik narrated from Yazeed

ibn Ruman, from Salih ibn Khawwat from one who saw the Messenger

of Allah (P.B.U.H.) on the day of Dhaat al-Riqaa when he offered

the fear prayer, “One group formed rows with him (P.B.U.H.), and

another group faced the enemy. He (P.B.U.H.) led those who were

with him in praying one rakah, then he remained standing and

they completed the prayer by themselves. Then they moved away

and faced the enemy, and the other group came. He (P.B.U.H.) led

them in praying the remaining rakah, then he remained sitting

and they completed the prayer by themselves, then he said the

tasleem with them. Malik said: This is best that I have heard

concerning the fear prayer.”




In instances wherein the Muslim army is engaged in active

combat with an enemy, and the Imam/leader is unable to organize

the soldiers for Salat Al-Khawf in congregation, each Muslim in

this scenario should perform Salat Al-Khawf individually as he

is fighting. The Muslim soldier should perform Salat Al-Khawf

individually regardless of whether he is walking on foot,

Page 178: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

riding, facing the qiblah or otherwise. Moreover, the Muslim

soldier should only gesture with his head for bowing in ruku and

prostrating in sujud by making the gesturing with the head for

the prostration of sujud slightly lower than that of the gesture

for ruku.

This fact is evident from Surah Al-Baqarah of the Quran which

reads: “If you are in danger, pray on foot or while riding...”

Furthermore, Al-Sa’di reportedly said (p. 109): “on foot’ means

walking; ‘riding’ means on horseback or camelback or any other

kind of mount. In this case it is not necessary to face towards

the qiblah. This condition of the prayer is exempt because of

fear.” Further evidence for this ruling is a hadith collected by

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Bukhari wherein Naafi reported that Abd-Allah ibn Umar described

the fear prayer saying: “If the fear was more intense than that,

then they prayed on foot, standing on their feet, or riding,

facing the qiblah or not facing the qiblah.’ Naafi’ said: ‘I do

not think that Abd-Allah ibn Umar narrated that except from the

Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.).’”

Lastly, another hadith from the collection of Bukhari that

was narrated by Ibn Umar reports that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

said: “If they are more than that, then let them pray standing

and riding.” Likewise, Al-Hafiz allegedly said: “If they are

more than that” refers to the enemy; meaning, that if fear is

intense and the enemy is so vast in number that it is feared

that the Muslims will be divided, in this instance, it is

permissible to pray by omitting those essential components of

the prayer that one is unable to perform. Therefore, one can

move from standing (qiyam) to bowing (ruku) and from bowing

(ruku) to prostrating (sujud), by means of gestures etc.

It is reported in al-Muntaqa Sharh al-Muwatta of Abu al-

Walid al-Baji, the Andalusian Maliki Qadi: “If the fear was more

intense than that” means: a case of fear in which it is not

possible to stand in one spot or to form rows. So they prayed on

foot. That is because fear is of two types: one of which is when

it is possible to stand still and form rows, but there is the

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fear that the enemy may attack whilst the Muslims are busy with

the prayer. The second type of fear is that in which it is not

possible to stand in one spot or form rows, such as when under

attack by the enemy. In this case each person should pray as

best he can, on foot or riding.”



If it becomes necessary to perform Salat Al-Khawf in modern

times, the Muslim army should adhere to those methods that are

detailed in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H.).

However, if the Muslim army is unable to perform Salat Al-Khawf

in those ways that were observed from the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) due

to the intensity of combat with the enemy, they should attempt

to followed as much of the Sunnah as possible. This fact is from

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Surah Al-Taghabun (64:16) of the Quran which reads: “So keep

your duty to Allah and fear Him as much as you can.” Likewise,

Muhammed ibn Abd al-karim al-Khattabi reportedly said: “The

Prophet (P.B.U.H.) prayed on different situations in different

ways. Hence he chose the way that best maintained the normal

form of Salah while still defending the Muslims against the




In those instances wherein the Muslim army is unable to

perform Salat Al-Khawf even by indication, whether individually

or following the Imam due to being under constant attack by the

enemy, it is advisable that the prayer be delayed until it is

safe for them to perform it. In fact, the prayer should be

delayed even if its timeframe expires and it has to be performed

as belated. An example of this type of scenario is the incident

which occurred at the Battle of the Trench (Khandaq). The

evidence for this opinion is a hadith collected by Bukhari

wherein Jabir ibn Abdullah narrated: “On the day of Al-khandaq

(the battle of trench.) Umar ibn Al-Khattab came cursing the

disbelievers of Quraysh after the sun had set and said, ‘O

Allah's Apostle (P.B.U.H.) I could not offer the Asr prayer till

the sun had set.’ The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said, ‘By Allah! I,

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too, have not prayed.’ So we turned towards Buthan, and the

Prophet (P.B.U.H.) performed ablution and we too performed

ablution and offered the Asr prayer after the sun had set, and

then he offered the Maghrib prayer.”

It is also worth mentioning that as a result of being

preoccupied with combat, it is likely that Salat Al-Khawf was

not performed during the Battle of the Trench because the

opportunity to do so did not present itself. In fact, the

Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H.) and Umar ibn Al-Khattab could not

pray their beloved Asr salat until after the sun had set; i.e.,

when they were under the safety of darkness; as evident from the

above mention hadith.


A hadith from the collection of Abu Dawud that was narrated

by Abu Ayyash Az-Zuraqi reports: “We were with the Messenger of

Allah (P.B.U.H.) in the area of Usfan (a well-known place near

Makkah), when the idolaters met us under the command of Khalid

bin Al-Walid, and they were between us and the Qiblah. The

Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) led us in Zuhr prayer, and the

idolaters said, ‘They were busy with something during which we

had a chance to attack them.’ They then said, ‘Next, there will

be a prayer (Asr) that is dearer to them than their children and

themselves.’ However, Jibril (P.B.U.H.) came down with these

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Ayat between the prayers of Zuhr and Asr, ‘(When you, O

Messenger Muhammad) are among them, and lead them in Salah.’

When the time for prayer came, the Messenger of Allah commanded

Muslims to hold their weapons and he made us stand in two lines

behind him. When he bowed, we all bowed behind him. When he

raised his head, we all raised our heads. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.)

then prostrated with the line that was behind him while the rest

stood in guard. When they finished with the prostration and

stood up, the rest sat and performed prostration, while those

who performed it stood up in guard after the two lines exchanged

position. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) then bowed and they all bowed

after him; then they raised their heads after he raised his

head. Then the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) performed prostration with the

line that was behind him, while the rest stood in guard. When

those who made prostration sat, the rest prostrated. The Prophet

(P.B.U.H.) then performed the Tasleem and ended the prayer. The

Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) performed this prayer twice, once

in Usfan and once in the land of Banu Sulaym.’”

A hadith from the Muwatta of Imam Malik reports: “Yahya

related from Malik from Yahya ibn Said from al-Qasim ibn

Muhammad from Salih ibn Khawwat that Sahl ibn Abi Hathma related

to him: ‘The form of the prayer of fear was that the Imam stood

with a group of his companions, while another group faced the

Page 184: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

enemy. The Imam prayed one rakah with them, including the

prostration, and then stood. He remained standing while they

completed the remaining rakah by themselves. They then said the

tasleem, left, and formed up opposite the enemy while the Imam

remained standing. Then the others who had not prayed came

forward and said the takbir behind the Imam and he prayed one

rakah with them, including the prostration. He then said the

taslim, while they stood up and prayed the remaining rakah. Then

they said the tasleem.’”

Lastly, according to, “This is the description

given in Surah an-Nisa; therefore, scholars such as Imam Ahmed

prefer this option. Imam Malik had also originally chosen this

option however he has two views; namely, the latter one being

that the Imam does not remain waiting after the second rakah. He

completes the Salah. The second group then complete the salah

themselves. Imam Malik’s latter view is based on his narration

from Yahya ibn Saeed from al-Qasim ibn Muhammad from Salih ibn

Khawwat from Sahl ibn Abi Hathma. His first view is based on his

narration from Yazeed ibn Ruman from Salih ibn Khawwat from

someone who prayed salat al-khawf with the Prophet at That ar-

Riqa’. This is the narration of al-Bukhari and Muslim.”

Al-Bukhari recorded that Ibn Abbas allegedly said, “Once

the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led the Fear prayer and the people stood

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behind him. He (P.B.U.H.) said Allahu-Akbar and the people said

the same. He (P.B.U.H.) bowed and some of them bowed. Then he

(P.B.U.H.) prostrated and they also prostrated. Then he

(P.B.U.H.) stood for the second rakah and those who had prayed

the first rakah left and guarded their brothers. The second

party joined him (P.B.U.H.) and performed bowing and prostration

with him (P.B.U.H.). All the people were in prayer, but they

were guarding one another during the prayer.”

A hadith in the collection of An Nasa’i that was narrated

by Jabir bin Abdullah reports: “The Messenger of Allah

(P.B.U.H.) led them in the Fear prayer. A group of them stood

before him and a group behind him. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led

those who were behind him with one rakah and two prostrations.

They then moved to the position of those who did not pray, while

the others stood in their place, and the Messenger of Allah

(P.B.U.H.) performed one rakah and two prostrations and then

said the Salam. Therefore, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) prayed two

rakat while they prayed one.”

A hadith in the collection of Bukhari reports that Ibn Abi

Hatim narrated that Salim said that his father said, “(When you,

O Messenger Muhammad) are among them, and lead them in Salah

refers to the Fear prayer. The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) led

one group and prayed one rakah, while the second group faced the

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enemy. Then the second group that faced the enemy came and

Allah's Messenger (P.B.U.H.) led them, praying one rakah, and

then said the Salam (taslim). Each of the two groups then stood

up and prayed one more rakah each (while the other group stood

in guard).”

A hadith in the collection of Imam Muslim that was narrated

by Jabir reports: “We went out with the Messenger of Allah

(P.B.U.H.) to fight some people from Juhaynah, and they fought

us fiercely. When we prayed Zuhr, the mushrikeen said: ‘If we

had attacked them then, we would have finished them off.’

Jibreel (P.B.U.H.) informed the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.)

about that, and the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) told us about

it. He (P.B.U.H.) said: They said: ‘There will come to them a

prayer that is dearer to them than their children. When the time

for Asr came, we formed two rows, and the mushrikeen were

between us and the qiblah ...’ Then he stated that the Messenger

of Allah (P.B.U.H.) led them in offering the fear prayer.’”

Further evidence is found in a hadith collected by Bukhari

wherein Salih Khawwat or Sahl bin Abi Hathmah concerning those

who witnessed the Fear Prayer that was performed in the battle

of Dhat-ur-Riqa in the company of Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H.):

“One batch lined up behind him while another batch (lined up)

facing the enemy. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led the batch that was

with him in one rakah, and he stayed in the standing posture

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while that batch completed their (two rakat) prayer by

themselves and went away, lining in the face of the enemy, while

the other batch came and he (i.e. the Prophet) offered his

remaining rakah with them, and then, kept on sitting till they

completed their prayer by themselves, and he then finished his

prayer with tasleem along with them.”


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After completing Salat Al-Khawf, it is recommended that one

seek Allah’s blessings by performing dhikr. Moreover, although

dhikr is encouraged after completing the five obligatory daily

salat, during instances such as jihad wherein the pillars of the

salat are generally diminished, performing dhikr at this time is

ideal. The evidence for this directive is the hadith of Imam

Muslim wherein Abu Hurayrah reportedly said: “The Messenger of

Allah(P.B.U.H.) said, ‘Whoever glorifies Allah (says Subhaan

Allah) thirty-three times immediately after each prayer, and

praises Allah (says Al-hamdu Lillaah) thirty-three times, and

magnifies Allah (says Allahu akbar) thirty-three times, this

makes ninety-nine, then to complete one hundred says Laa ilaaha

ill-Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-hamd

wa huwa‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (There is no god except Allah

Alone, with no partner, His is the power and His is the praise,

and Heis Able to do all things) – his sins will be forgiven even

if they are like the foam of the sea.’”

The evidence for the diagram listed above is a hadith

collected by Imam Muslim wherein Kab bin Ujrah (RA) reportedly

said: “The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) said, ‘There are some

words, the reciters of which will never be disappointed. These

are: Tasbih [saying Subhan-Allah (Allah is free from

imperfection)], thirty-three times, Tahmid [saying Al-hamdu

Page 189: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

lillah (praise be to Allah)] thirty-three times, and Takbir

[saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is The Greatest)] thirty-four times;

and these should be recited after the conclusion of every

prescribed prayer.’”


In the above diagram, begin the counting by using the tip

of the thumb to count the finger tips and lines of the joints;

Page 190: Salat al khawf the fear prayer in islam

starting with the tip of the thumb against the tip of the pinky

finger. (It is strongly encouraged to perform the act of worship

on the right hand)

Begin counting tasbeeh by using the tip of the index finger

to count the first three lines of the thumb, beginning with the

top line. 2nd, take the tip of the thumb and count the first

three lines on all fingers beginning with the top line of the

index finger. 3rd, continue the count, this time start with the

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top line of the pinky finger and continue until finished

counting the index finger. 4th,continue the count, this time

start by taking the tip of the index finger to count the first

three lines of the thumb, beginning with the top line (the lines

of the thumb is counted a total of 9 times).

With regard to this matter, Shaykh Assim Al-Hakeem states:

“There is no explicit statement with regard to the exact manner

in which the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) performed dhikr with his right

hand; i.e., the manner of counting on the finger joints, other

than the number of times for saying each. All what is known is

that one should make dhikr on the right hand with their fingers,

as this is the Sunnah.”