salesforce summer 14 release


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It may help you be in touch with basic changes happened with Summer 14


Page 1: Salesforce Summer 14 Release
Page 2: Salesforce Summer 14 Release

1. Visualforce Remote Objects Enhancements2. Canvas Updates3. Visual workflow Enhancement4. Developer Console Additions5. Change Sets & Deployment Tools6. New Apex Enhancements7. Configure Push Notifications for Your Salesforce

Mobile SDK Connected Apps

Page 3: Salesforce Summer 14 Release

Visualforce Remote Objects Enhancements

Remains in Developer Preview for this release

● Remote method overrides● An upsert() operation● The orderby query condition for specifying sort order● Geolocation fields● New query operators for where conditions

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★ Remote method overrides:Extend or replace the built-in behavior of the basic CRUD operations.Provide new flexibility by enabling you to add your own custom logic to the basic operations. With your own Apex code, can extend or customize the behavior of Remote Objects.

★ An upsert() operationA shortcut for saving new data by updating an object or creating an object if it doesn’t exist.

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★ The orderby query condition for specifying sort order:

Can sort on up to three fields. orderby: [ {Phone: "DESC NULLS LAST"} , {FirstName: "ASC"} ]

★ Where Condition Operators1. ne: not equals2. lte: less than or equals3. gte: greater than or equals

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Canvas Updates

Canvas - platform for integrating external apps to SF from their native environment.

★ Canvas Apps in Page Layouts

★ Request a Signed Request on Demand

★ User Approved Signed Canvas Apps

★ SAML -Single Sign-on for Canvas Apps

★ Custom App Life Cycle

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In PageLayout

Go to CanvasApp Settings section in CanvasApp created.

Add layout and MobileCards to Location.

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Request a Signed Request on Demand

● Useful while refreshing an Expired Session.(Not interrupting the User)

● Use Javascript SDK. (use canvas-all.js in your JavaScript code).

● Use refreshSignedRequest() and rePost() method in SDK.

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User Approved Signed Canvas Apps

● Canvas App accessed in 2 ways:- SignedRequest and Oauth.

● Previously, App is user-approved if OAuth used for access.

● Now App with SignedRequest can also be user-approved.

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SAML -Single Sign-on for Canvas Apps

● SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)

● Provide App users with seamless auth flow.(whether oauth or signed request).

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Using Custom App Life CycleIn the CanvasApp Settings add custom apex class to

LifeCycleClasses.Use CanvasLifecycleHandler interface in apex class to:

● Control request data get sent to your app.

● Alter behaviour of Canvas App based on retrieved data while app rendered.

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Visual workflow EnhancementVisual Workflow, built using's Cloud Flow Designer, lets you visually string together one or more forms, business rules, and calls to backend APIs to implement a complete business process without writing code.New features for this release include:● Changes to trigger ready flows● Manipulate Multiple Salesforce Fields and Records at One Time in a Flow

(Generally Available)● Cross-Object Field References in Flows● Use an Object-Specific or Global Action in a Flow● Send Email from a Flow● Governor Limits Enforced on All Flows

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★ Changes to trigger ready flows : -A trigger-ready flow is a flow that can be launched without user interaction. Also updated the list of elements and resources that trigger-ready flows can contain.

★ Manipulate Multiple Salesforce Fields and Records at One Time in a Flow (Generally Available)

Collect the values for multiple fields for Salesforce records with a single query, and manipulate that data with a single DML statement by using sObject variables, sObject collection variables, and loops in a flow.

★ Cross-Object Field References in FlowsWhen building a flow, you can now reference fields for records that are related to the values that are stored in an sObject variable. To do so, you must manually enter the references. You can reference cross-object fields to use their values anywhere you can reference a flow resource or enter a value.

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★ Use an Object-Specific or Global Action in a FlowAs an alternative to Record or Fast elements, flows can now use object-specific and global actions to create and update Salesforce records. Set the input assignments to transfer data from the flow to the action.

★ Send Email from a FlowYou now have two options for sending email from a flow: call an existing workflow email alert or configure the email within the flow.

★ Governor Limits Enforced on All FlowsPreviously, flows could potentially consume more resources than are allowed by our governor limits

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Developer Console Additions● Search and Edit Files with the Edit Menu● Find Files By Name● Speed Up Queries with the Query Plan Tool● View Color-Coded Logging Expiration Data

★ Search and Edit Files with the Edit Menu

➔ Find

➔ Find Next

➔ Find/Replace

➔ Search in Files

➔ Fix Indentation

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★ Find Files By NameIn addition to the type-based Open dialog, the new Open Resource dialog allows you to search for a file by name by entering a simple string, or by using regular expressions (prefix with “re:”). Click File > Open Resource or press SHIFT+CTRL+O.

★ Speed Up Queries with the Query Plan ToolUse the Query Plan tool to optimize and speed up queries done over large volumes. To enable the tool, click Help > Preferences and set Enable Query Plan to true. To use the tool, enter your query and click the Query Plan button in the Query Editor.

★ View Color-Coded Logging Expiration DataThe Change Log Levels dialog in the Developer Console now includes a color-coded Expiration field that displays the current logging status.

GREEN(10 or more mins)>YELLOW (Less than 10 mins)>RED(After expired)

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Change Sets & Deployment Tools● Change Sets in the Deployment Status Page● Migration Tool Support for rollbackOnError

★ Change Sets in the Deployment Status PageYou can monitor the status of all deployments in one place. improved to include more information about deployments, including errors and test failures

★ Migration Tool Support for rollbackOnErrorThe Migration Tool now accepts the rollbackOnError parameter in build.xml for deployment targets and no longer ignores this value.Now can specify whether a complete rollback of a deployment is performed if a failure occurs by setting this parameter to true or false. This parameter must be set to true if you’re deploying to a production organization. If the rollbackOnError parameter is not specified, the default is true.

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New Apex Enhancements

● Describe Limits Removed● Script Statement Limits Methods Removed● Submit More Batch Jobs with Apex Flex Queue (Pilot)● Monitoring and Reordering the Apex Flex Queue● Submitting Jobs by Calling Database.executeBatch● AsyncApexJob Status Field● Run Future Methods with Higher Limits (Pilot)

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★ Describe Limits RemovedYou’re no longer limited to describing 100 objects or to executing 100 describe statements.Schema.DescribeSobjectResult[] results = Schema.describeSObjects(new String[]{'Account','Contact',...});

You’re no longer bound by 100 fields or fieldSets statements in your code to describe fields and field sets respectively.Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Schema.sObjectType.Account.fields.Name;

Schema.FieldSet fs1 = Schema.SObjectType.Account.fieldSets.fieldset1;

The affected methods are:

getChildRelationshipsDescribes(), getFieldsDescribes(), getFieldSetsDescribes(), getPicklistDescribes(), getRecordTypesDescribes(), getLimitChildRelationshipsDescribes(), getLimitFieldsDescribes(), getLimitFieldSetsDescribes(), getLimitPicklistDescribes(),getLimitRecordTypesDescribes()

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★ Script Statement Limits Methods RemovedThey are available and deprecated in API version 30.0 and earlier. Script statement limit is no longer enforced.So the associated Limits methods are no longer needed. The affected methods in the Limits class are:

getScriptStatements() , getLimitScriptStatements()

★ Submit More Batch Jobs with Apex Flex Queue (Pilot)Can submit more batch jobs simultaneously and actively manage the order of the queued jobs.The Apex Flex Queue pilot enables you to submit batch jobs beyond the allowed limit of five queued or active jobs. Any jobs that are submitted for execution but aren’t processed immediately by the system are in holding status and are placed in Apex flex queue. Up to 100 batch jobs can be in the holding status. When system resources become available, the system picks up jobs from the Apex flex queue and moves them to the batch job queue. The status of these moved jobs changes from Holding to Queued.Without administrator intervention, jobs are processed first-in first-out—in the order in which they’re submitted. Administrators can modify the order of jobs that are held in the Apex flex queue to control when they get processed by the system.

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★ Monitoring and Reordering the Apex Flex QueueFrom Setup, click Jobs > Apex Flex Queue.

Can monitor the moved job in the Apex Jobs page by clicking Apex Jobs.

★ Submitting Jobs by Calling Database.executeBatchTo submit a batch job, call Database.executeBatch. The resulting outcome of Database.executeBatch depends on whether your organization has reached the five queued or active batch job limit.

● If system resources are available for processing jobs, the batch job is queued for execution and its status is Queued.

● If no system resources are available, the batch job is placed in the Apex flex queue and its status is Holding.

● If the Apex flex queue has the maximum number (100) of jobs, this method returns an error and doesn’t place the job in the queue.

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★ AsyncApexJob Status FieldThe AsyncApexJob object, which represents a batch job, has a new status field value of Holding. This new status indicates that the job is placed in the Apex flex queue and is waiting to be picked up when system resources are available.★ Run Future Methods with Higher Limits (Pilot)

One of the following limits can be doubled or tripled for each future method : Heap size , CPU timeout , Number of SOQL queries ,Number of DML statements issued, Number of records that were processed as a result of DML operations, Aprroval.process, or Database.emptyRecycleBinNote: Running future methods with higher limits might slow down the execution of all your future methods.

Running your method with double or triple capacity. Syntax : @future(limits='2x|3xlimitName')Example : @future(limits='2xHeap') public static void myFutureMethod() { }

Tip :Keep in mind that you can specify only one higher limit per future method. Decide which of the modifiable limits you need the most for your method.

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Configure Push Notifications for Your Salesforce Mobile SDK Connected Apps

With these mobile app settings, developers of Salesforce Mobile SDK connected apps can configure their users’ mobile devices to receive push notifications from Salesforce.

If you provide a native Mobile SDK app for your organization, you can use the new Mobile Push Notifications feature to alert your users to important changes and events in your business. The Mobile Push Notifications feature supports Android and iOS devices and requires additional configuration:

● With the mobile OS provider (Apple or Google)

● In your Mobile SDK app

● Using the new Messaging.PushNotification and Messaging.PushNotificationPayload classes OR With the Chatter REST API, using the new push notifications resource

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In addition, we’ve provided a push notification test page. In this page, you can quickly test your push notification setup before the feature goes live in your mobile app.

To reach the test page:

1. In Setup, go to Create > Apps.

2. Click the name of your connected app.

3. Click Send test notification next to Supported Push Platform. This link appears only if you’ve configured your connected app to support mobile push notifications.

Note: Push notifications for connected apps are available only for custom mobile connected apps, such as Mobile SDK apps. This feature does not apply to Salesforce1 or SalesforceA apps.

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