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  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide


  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide


  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide







    byDonesh Olyaie

    Production dramaturg

    ah mlles Death o a Salesman hs

    bee he ae ey he

    weeh ey. We 1949, hs

    ply s he s ble ks pe les b se he

    sy Wlly L, he ph

    le-lss ly Bkly.

    Wlly, sxy-hee-ye-l sles,

    ebes ew ype he,

    hs lyeve we L l

    ss B Hppye he plyes wh

    s h hs ls y eh.

    the L ly ps lsi

    spshs Wllys eeslse he pese. B e Wlly s

    s hl elles,

    es he s he h, eebe

    wh he wshes h hppee? Wlly

    hs sse he be lll he

    ae de hs ly, b,

    he e he y, wh he -

    plsh? Wh e ws he hs? a

    ae h vles peple wh

    e seby, whee es h leve

    el y lke Wlly L?

    mlle pke he ply wh sses

    h y aes h el wh

    1949, e e he

    e w wl ws he ge

    depess. Lke Wlly, wh es he

    e hs ee, wh ws hppe

    lls aes wk bslee

    ses? Wh ws ly

    he bk e e ses?

    Hw wl e ee el wh

    he sh vles he ex? We

    selves sk sl qess y. i

    shl be spse, he, h Death o

    a Salesman es spek s b

    w . Se s lly

    elly vese Bkly he

    1940s, he Ls le kes le

    se bh he w.

    let:the Bkly Be(Jh assrebl/Yle uvesyVsl reses).

    right:mlle hs esk,1962 (al new/gey ies).

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    MiChael Walkup: chles, s Wlly L le yve lwys we ply?

    Charles s. Dutton: Wlly L ws e he e hes i e s y

    hee se. Bk he i h he ese ply ll he e ps he hee, b

    i wy hee whle, we e h i ws le ll y

    yes by. my syle s vey physl, i hh i bee ply he le

    w whle i y eh, s eh, sll hve he vl pwe

    se wk. is hllee, i lke hk h i b seh le whh

    l e s hve be .

    MW: ths ye ks sxy yes se he peee Death o a Salesman

    Bwy. Hw ses pph hs ply 2009 , pl, he

    ple he Wlly?

    CsD: i wll be esy ses ey wh y hs h hppe he ply.

    Wlly L s whs ppe hs w es les eses.

    i i y jb hey expeee he hes ey, i hkSalesman wll

    be l jey.

    JaMes BunDy: oe he ex hs b Wlly s y see h s ye ,

    y ls see h he e hs le. Y hve he whle spe hs lys

    hsy pke e eve. a he Ls e ly h, he ee, y

    sees see vey h lke he w. i hees ee e wh

    Wlly wh he ly he hee, wll le pwel es he ply.

    GettinG DoWn to Business

    Before rehearsals began for Death of a Salesman,

    production dramaturg Michael Walkup spoke with

    Charles S. Dutton, who plays Willy Loman, and director

    James Bundy about their collaboration.


    let:Jes By.

    right:chles S. d.

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide




    CsD: i hk wh s ves y ee s he vsel spe hee

    h les es he ply ellelly. i ye eel h he hee,

    he y h s well hve sye he lss e he ply.

    MW: o s h b ews se Yle rep shele hs p

    Death o a Salesman 2009. the ey ke, b we elee he s a

    ae pese. Wll hese ew sl pll eles p he p?

    JB: chles i wee lk b hs ply eve bee Bk ob ve

    hs speeh he 2004 de cve. the pese ws ll-a

    ae Death o a Salesman ke pll see; , we ee

    he whle s wl be a ae l ls se. S hese exel s

    e h e b wh ee s b he ply he eses

    heye wh he w expeees.

    CsD: i ee. reless he pll le, eless whs hppe

    he e slly, hees ply be e. the e i s hk b hwobs x he ey, i Wlly L.

    JB: d ll-a ae p, wy, ees he ply be see

    s pll see b he a ae expeee. i llws hee be

    wl whee he elshp a ae hes whe le es

    e w qes. thh he s we wll see hw he sy eepes

    eses bh spelly veslly.

    CsD: i lke le he ee ee wh he ply es he e. the ee

    y wlk wy sy, ths s ae, 2009. B s y jb ee hepee he he; ll he he s, eveyh h wll ee he ply

    pllly, hppes lly s w.

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    Ive always made a point o not

    wasting my lie, and every timeIve come back here I know that all

    Ive done is to waste my lie.BiFF

    Like a young god. Hercules

    something like that. And the sun,

    the sun all around him...

    God Almighty, hell be great yet.

    A star like that, magnicent, can

    never really ade away!WiLLY


    Will and Lindas olde son

    Character Descriptions

    Whos Who?

    rk Fhex

    s Wlly L

    ny rbee

    s L L

    he 2008 p

    Death o a Sales-man ae

    Se (cesy

    ae Se).

    And they know me boys, they know

    me up and down New England.

    The nest people. And when I bring

    you ellas up, therell be open

    sesame or all o us, cause onething boys: I have riends.


    I get the eeling that Ill never

    sell anything again,

    that I wont make a living or you,

    or a business or the boys.WiLLY

    I realized that selling was thegreatest career a man could want.

    Cause what could be more satisying

    than to be able to...

    pick up a phone, and be

    remembered and loved and helped

    by so many dierent people.WiLLY

    Willy loMan

    a salesman

    Youre my oundation

    and my support, Linda.WiLLY

    [Its] enough to be happy

    right here, right now. Why must

    everybody conquer the world?Linda

    linDa loMan

    Wills wife

    i Death o a Salesman, he hes lk b heselves eh he. Hweve,

    we lwys ep wh hey sy e vle? Lk he llw qes.

    d hese ws lly esbe he hes, s hee e beeh he se?

    thk b he elshp eh speke he pes hey esbe; wh hbe he v ebellsh s he h?

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    Character Descriptions

    The Woman

    hoWard Wagner,Ws BssJenny,Cs Sct

    STanley, wt

    miSS ForSyThe, leTTa,mss Fsts f

    near right:

    Thomas Chalmers as

    Uncle Ben, Lee J. Cobbas Willy, and Howard

    Smith as Charley in the

    1949 production o

    Death o a Salesman

    (Museum o the City

    o New York).

    ar right:

    Arthur Kennedy as Bi,

    Lee J. Cobb as Willy,

    and Cameron Mitchell

    as Happy in the

    1949 production oDeath o a Salesman

    ( John Springer


    I dont know what the hell

    Im working or. Sometimes I sit

    in my apartmentall alone.

    And I think o the rentIm paying. And its crazy.

    But then, its always

    what I wanted. An apartment,

    a car, and plenty o women.

    And still, goddammit, Im lonely.HAPPY

    I gotta show some o thosepompous, sel-important

    executives over there that HapLoman can make the grade.



    W ls u s

    A man oughta come in with a

    ew words. One thing about

    Charley. Hes a man o ew words,

    and they respect him.



    Ws b f

    Bernard can get the best marks

    in school, yunderstand, but when

    he gets out in the business world,

    yunderstand, you are going

    to be fve times ahead o him.

    WILLY, to BIff


    Cs s f

    t Bff hpp

    Ben. That man was a genius,

    that man was success incarnate!

    The man knew what

    he wanted and went out and

    got it! Walked into the jungle,

    and comes out,

    the age o 21, and hes rich!WILLY

    Ws bt



  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    Setting: Play

    a hoMe


    in Brooklyn

    byMichael Walkup

    Production dramaturg

    Death o a Salesman bes he

    Ls he 1949 Bkly. ah

    mlles se es esbe he

    sll, sle-ly hse s we

    ll ses by we, l shpes.

    Wlly pls h he hse s bxe by bks wws, wws

    bks. He es:

    The street is lined with cars. Theres

    not a breath of fresh air in the

    neighborhood. The grass dont grow

    any more, and you cant raise a carrot

    in the backyard. They shouldve had

    a law against apartment houses.

    Remember those two beautiful elm

    trees out there? When I and Biff

    hung the swing between them?...They

    shouldve arrested the builder for

    cutting those down. They massacred

    the neighborhood.

    the ps Wlly ells s he p

    se mlles plyhe ely 1930s,

    whe Wllys w ss wee hh shl,

    Bkly ws sll ee, he eh-

    b ses pee he vew

    he y. thh leps ey

    spe by e s, Wlly

    sees lve slesly hese w,

    spe Bklys.

    Wllys sl ees he 1930s

    ae pesss vew he

    b yes llw he w

    s he es. F s,

    he ge depess, e by

    he Sk mke csh 1929, bh

    evs hshp s jbs evpe

    pl e. i he 1940s, he s-

    y spke by WWii lhe ae

    pspey h evelly see he

    uSs ple s wl pwe. B Wllys

    s evees he ps ss

    he pese, he sees e

    by he e, h s hs he s ve-shwe by ew, ll bls.

    Se dese S

    d esehe

    pe phphs

    Bkly ehb-hs

    hs es (new Yk

    Pbl Lby).

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    Setting: Production

    this is


    byMichael Walkup

    Production dramaturg

    ah mlle ses Death o a Salesman,

    hs expl he s s he

    ae de, e he s

    u.S. es: Bkly. (the e

    y ly ppely pples Bkly

    l 1898, whh e bee

    pe s e new Yk cys

    ve bhs.) Bklys y sehbhs e ese

    expeee he ae el p.

    the eh es Bkly

    wee ees syys wh he

    ehbhs es. Bh Beh

    Flbsh wee ply Jewsh

    ehbhs; Be-Syves

    Bwsvlle bee he hss

    a aes he 30s

    40s. ils ee Beshs, e e y l e

    bbe ish tw e he mh

    Be. these ppls, e

    sehse he e sphs-

    e mh, ve Bkly s

    ep s he h-sbble bh

    sv les.

    the s hl he 20h eysw Bkly see: he Bkly

    nvy Y bh hss

    wkes, spke hs s-

    e WWi expe Bklys

    esees s h by he -1920s

    spsse mh s he s

    ppls bh nYc, pe-

    e s hs y. Keeh

    t. Jks, new Yk cy hs,

    ls h s y s e-qe llaes e he hee

    e-e Bkly eses.

    Bese s le s wy s

    sh le p ppl,

    Bkly bss e be

    ae lks. Ebbes Fel

    he he Jke rbs

    he Bkly desbee vese

    ehbhs el Bkly

    l ws elshe ke wy hh-se pe bls. Js blks

    wy ss Pspe Pk, 19h-ey

    y-be pje e by he

    se hes wh ese mh-

    s cel Pk. cey isl, he

    sh p he bh, ws he

    sh lss sees s he cyle

    lle se he Seeplehse,

    evey se vss elbwe eh

    he he bwlk w le

    nhs h .

    mlle eve wes whh hese

    Bkly ehbhs he Ls

    lve; hs ply evkes ls yh

    Bkly. B he, Wllys e

    s he ae de, hs hew

    sees be ae sel. mlles lk

    spey se y be pesely

    he p. a Bkly ve hsel,

    mlle e qppe, n e kw

    Bkly, bese Bkly s he wl.Jackie Robinson in

    Dodger uniform, 1950.

    (LIFE Image Archive).

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    in anD out

    oF the spotliGht

    by Donesh Olyaie

    Production dramaturg

    ah mlles le ws splshe ss he pes ewsppes ve hl

    he 20h ey. i y pehps he s sh-e w se

    clep, he ws psse ve hs pll pples we

    se he s sessl plys hs e. B beh he heles,

    ah mlle ws pve, speve whse pb qess es lep

    he pe he ae ssess. mlle ws he e

    sses ae, l he h pvy, he pps vlvee

    Ve, he h ee expess. B lke Wlly, mlle ws ls

    Bklye, hsb, he. He ws sps sele by jy

    e lve wh bl hs he l ce. as he llw ele ess,

    hee s h mlle Wlly L, b hees e veee s well.

    About Miller

    ah mlle 1949, heye he w he Ple

    Death o a Salesman


  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    1915:ah mlle s b he Lwe

    Es Se mh lves

    he uppe Wes Se, whee hs he

    s sessl l bsess.

    1931: tw yes e he new Yk

    Sk Exhe shes, he bkpmlle ly ves Bkly. ah

    plys bll wh he bys

    Bkly l Jls Phlp

    Epse, wh wll bee he seewes

    Casablanca, es ply

    Jes ms Hh Shls bll

    e. (a bll jy h mlle ses

    hh shl le peves h

    sev he ly WWii.)

    1933: mlle es abh

    Ll Hh Shl Bkly.

    1934:aley ejee e, ah mlle

    e-pples he uvesy mh.

    up eev se el, mlle

    kes pesl ppel he e

    he vesy ese. mlle

    s lely e l

    bss; e h e mh, he s ssely e hh

    ks. t pse hs llee eee,

    mlle leves hs jb chwk

    dele, mh ble

    wehse ely le whee

    Ll cee w ss, ves

    a ab, mh.

    1938:ah mlle es heuvesy mh. d hs llee

    ee, hs w h ee h w

    Hpw aws d,

    l shlshp he thee

    gls Be new Plys. ae

    e he Bkly, mlle bes

    w plys he Feel

    thee Pje , h se, es

    hs hh shl sweehe my ge


    1941: mlle jles sevel jbs

    spp hs ly: he s wke bx

    y, spwe uS w b

    vesees, shpes helpe

    he Bkly nvy Y. He es

    we plys hs ee e.

    1944: mlles plyThe Man Who Had

    All the Luckpeees Bwy lses e ly pees.

    mlles s hl, Je, s b.

    ah mlle pee lly new

    Hve gee, 1968


    About Miller

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    About Miller

    1947:All My Sons pes e sess.

    i bes Eee onells The Iceman

    Cometh he d desk aw,

    mlle elebes by by hsel

    Sebke veble. the ply

    ls ws ees he F.B.i., wh

    se be cs pp.mlles se hl, rbe, s b.

    1948: mlle bls sll b

    rxby, ce, bes w

    Death o a Salesman hee.

    1949: Death o a Salesman pes he

    ms thee Bwy. the ply

    es mlle Ple Pe, ty aw,

    hs se d desk aw.El K, eqe llb wh

    mlle, es he ply.

    1953: mlle peees The Crucible. the

    ply, el wh ss hyse, s

    ply spe by he vess mlle

    h wh K, whe K esse

    hs e ppe bee he Hse

    cee u-ae aves

    (Huac) evel vls he beleve be cs syphes. as esl

    mlle, belev h hs ws beyl

    s llbs, spek

    h y yes.

    1955: mlle peees w ew wks

    new Yk:A View From the Bridge

    A Memory o Two Mondays.

    1956:Whle w The Crucible, mlle

    bes ess mly me.

    ae sly ve hs s we

    my, mlle es he Hllyw

    s; mlle eses pee wh

    Huac vess.

    1960: mlle wks hs se

    seeplyThe Mists, s hs we

    mly me. the -ye-l

    e s ley shky ,

    , by 1961, he ple ves.

    1962:ae ee he se The

    Mists, phphe ie mh

    he we qkly evelp el-

    shp y 1962. the s hl

    ehe, rebe, s b le h ye.

    1964: Incident at Vichy Ater theFall eb new Yk; bh plys el

    wh mlles eps e

    he eves he Hls.Ater

    the Fall ls ks mlles e

    wh El K.

    1965: mlle s elee he Pesey

    PEn iel, el

    ss wes whse ss s

    ve lee wlwe peee expess.

    19651968: mlle wks hh he

    se weess

    pes ae eve Ve.

    Hhlhs le eh- hs

    l e, he uvesy mh,

    s well s lles ss he hes,

    l e he new Hve gee.

    1966: mlles yes s, del,

    s b. Shly e hs bh, del s

    se wh dws Sye.

    Fllw el ve

    he e, mlle ses h lve

    s. mlles s elshp

    wh del hs bee she

    seey hs bee se s


    1968: The Price pes new Yk.

    th se ye Death o a Salesman sells

    s llh py.

    1972: oe mlles ew eps

    ey, The Creation o the World and

    Other Business, pes new Yk b

    lses e wey pees. tw

    yes le, hs sl p he

    ply, Up From Paradise, pes a

    ab, mh.

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    About Miller

    1977: The Archbishops Ceiling pes

    Wsh d.c. p evews.

    Hweve, s sessl s L

    1985 bes ah mlle evvl


    1980: The American Clockpes b s

    qkly lse e ep espse.Hs ply elevs b ss

    n e p, Playing or

    Time, s.

    1982: Elegy or a Lady Some Kind

    o Lady ke he peee new

    Hve he L Wh thee, he s

    plys pe e he ew

    bl. Whe he L Wh pee

    1965, hey pe The Crucible

    s he s shw.

    19871994: mlles plys I Cant Remem-

    ber Anything, Clara, The Ride Down

    Mt. Morgan, The Last Yankee, Broken

    Glass peee new Yk. Hs

    seeplyEverybody Wins s le


    19971998: the Se thee

    cpy new Yk ees s ee

    ses s mlles wk.

    1998:Mr. Peters Connection peees

    new Yk.

    2002: Resurrection Blues pes mepls he se ye h mlles

    we, ie mh, es.

    2005:ah mlle psses wy hs

    he rxby, ce.

    mlle wh hs h

    we, ie mh,

    he rxby he,1975 (ale


    ie ahve).

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    Theatrical Genre


    For the

    CoMMon Man

    byMichael Walkup

    Production dramaturg

    des ey hh hsy

    e e h ly slly eleve

    es, sh s hees les,

    ke pppe pss (hk

    Sphles K oeps, res

    Qee Phe, Shkespees PeHle, ll he he e

    hs he Wese ). F

    ees, plywhs ese he ks

    hes hse wh

    ble bl pp hh he ves.

    ah mlle, w ey se

    1949 Bkly, lles hllees

    hs hsy hs plyDeath o

    a Salesman. i

    hey pl sple, mlles le esh hs he ses less ly sk

    h hs behe ses hs ply

    pps hel s

    ey whh e bk e ahes.

    a 330 BcE, he geek phl-

    sphe asle we The Poetics whh

    he sh ee w ees plys:

    ey ey. i ey, he sys,

    we lh hes ees,

    whle ey we eel py s we wh

    hes e he

    b. asle he sshes

    bewee he ees by h ey

    es sel wh e wh e

    lwe h we, whle ey els

    es wh e hhe.

    d he Hh il resse

    (. 14501530 cE), asles ws

    ey, l wh he plys he es

    The Poetics, wee ehsslly ee,

    hs bsevs k he weh

    h--s les plyw

    ees llw. i 1749, ve 250

    yes e he esvey asle,

    he ppl Feh ss plywh

    Vle esly ssse he

    w sessl ey b lw

    he: iee, wh l pl

    bewee e eve be?B Vle ws w s

    he es. i he 1700s, sh e

    pwe Epe bh he hee

    ew le-lss ees wh wshe

    see he w sesbles efee -

    se, he h hse he esly

    pe hs bles, whse

    ese ws elee by he ae

    Feh revls. i ws he

    w he bes , ees ees h el le-lss

    pleses pbles. B he ves-

    bewee hh lw ees

    e hee.

    i he se ye mlle we Death

    o a Salesman, he le ske

    he ebe, ee Wlly Ls

    ss hs essy tey

    he c m. Se sy h mlle

    ee e-y Evey Wlly, vee e whse sy ss

    w sees hw j-

    ey hh he ehss pls

    he ae de. thse wh

    hs e he ply pesss

    e h Death o a Salesman mlle

    elly ehes bk he lsss

    eleves hs lw he (s

    he p L h e) he

    ss he l, sse,

    lke L L, h e s be

    p he ll .

    Show me ahero and I

    will write you

    a tragedy.

    F. Scott




    is if I get a

    paper cut.

    Comedy is if

    you fall into an

    open sewer

    and die.

    mEL BrooKS,


    I believe thatthe common

    man is as apt

    a subject

    for tragedy in

    its highest sense

    as kings were.

    artHur miLLEr,


  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    Theatrical Style


    Willys heaD:

    arthur Miller

    anD aMeriCanexpressionisM

    byJeff Rogers

    i 1949, ah mlles es ve

    h h The Inside o His Head ws

    vey le hs ew ply b hewey le e eh

    sles. ths le ws, mlle, lel

    esp hw he evse he

    ply: lpse he ble

    Wlly L. the syle he ply ese-

    e pevs ae expees

    wh expesss s syle h

    evelpe Epe he he

    weeh ey. Expesss pes

    ejee he ess pssve sb-jevy ipesss (e.. des,

    re, me) e se

    essve syle bs wh psyh

    vby ( syle ppe wks by

    V gh, Bek, Kkshk).

    Epe plywhs, sh s as

    Sbe Fk Week, sl-

    e h syle he w. the plys

    e ee pss he

    jey sve hs e sel hs

    ple he spl ss.

    me ves ae ply-

    whs lke Eee onell Ele

    re se hs expesss syle s

    h e he e

    by esly ehe

    pesl wl. onells The Hairy Ape

    (1922) ees he jey p

    l ske he h belly se-

    shp hs eh he hs pe

    , whle res The Adding Machine

    (1923) llws m. ze, bkkeepe,

    hs ph ppse hs le e

    he s eple by he.

    these plys, lke he Epe ebes,

    se ll he es he hees,

    lh, seey, eve sells

    evke he el e

    he pss sle. deesle, mlle eplye hs expesss

    y ew ae ex

    he sle he le lss ee

    s l ey he e hsh

    e eles.

    i keep wh hs l e

    he plys le, mlle hh he seey

    shl lk lke ss-se

    Wlly Ls b. dese J mele

    (19011976) h hs w es bhw vey Wllys e sle.

    mele bse mlles e ee

    ss-se Wlly Ls le. Hs

    es ee he we-e ses

    sll hse se by we-

    pe bls. gee le

    pes wee pjee h e

    s, lle ss, llw he

    we pes sslve wy, s

    e ey. ths sepe ws he vey essee he ex-

    pesss es fy el

    esy le he ee eep

    Wlly Ls psyh sle. the es

    he l p Death

    o a Salesman epeses ekble

    llb bewee s

    (mlle) vsl s (mele),

    yslle he vsl fee

    expesss he ae hee.

    opposite page:

    Jseph Hshs

    ee Lee J. cbbs Wlly L he

    l 1949 Bwy


  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    International Productions



    by Donesh Olyaie

    Production dramaturg

    is e ke e h Death

    o a Salesman hs ee ple he

    ae , wh less p-

    s s hees. B he

    ppel Death o Salesman s slely

    ae phee; he ply

    hs s wy ses ss he

    wl l ps dek,Fe, gey, ily, Jp, mex,

    he nehels, nwy, Sh Ke,

    rss, El hes. the

    ey Wlly L es ees

    eless ll bk,

    svey e 1983 whe he

    ply, ee by mlle hsel, peee

    he Peples repbl ch. Hw

    wl s chese ees

    e ply h el wh plssey? Whe ske hw hs ae

    ply wl sle chese

    ee, mlle se, i epes he

    he he he he hle.

    ths wh s b. the sles p

    s wh he es sy lve. B he l

    be pes, he l be, wheve.

    the p, pee chese,

    plye pke hses Bej. Wh

    bee le hh he pees

    ws h he elshps he

    L ly eee ll sl-

    . the chese ply Hppy

    we, oe h b he ply h s

    vey chese s he wy Wlly es ke

    hs ss sessl. the chese he

    lwys ws hs ss be s.

    B hese elshps e

    ese wh ees s we ee

    he 21s ey? the plys pesee -

    se s s s s eve y, wh

    y ps h sse he sk

    e-ex . c ew hees

    elees be svee hh hese

    esh e-s Death o a

    Salesman? a ee p he

    Shspelhs Bh gey

    pple wh hs sse, expl he

    ply epy es. the eJe Kse ee se es h

    pke s h ae ksh

    he se s pssble. ies nve

    ae is,1950s lk e,

    ule S e he spe.

    a Bb dyl qe ws pse ex

    Shell ol s, whh

    B Hppy pe lss ls

    l The Godather Taxi

    Driver. the qes he ee hep: hs Death o a Salesman

    bee pee ae lke evey-

    h else se? Kse k hs

    sep he s he ele e

    he ply esqe pe

    plee wh mly me, he whe

    sk bllw p, Se Lbey

    y hbsh se h.

    Whle hs p epe qe

    ae le, evews sll se

    he pwel sy he plys ee.

    the L ly he elshps

    speee he jbs pp le

    ee se h eve. i sees

    L L hs h h ll l,

    ae s be p sh pes,

    hs se, sh ply.

    ah mlle ebes he Deatho a Salesman s he Bej Peples athee Bej,ch (ie mh/m Phs).

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide



    its like

    Dj vu allover aGain:


    in 2009

    by Monica Achen

    Whe Death o a Salesman peee Feby 1949, he ue Ses ws

    he s eess, y

    he se e hllees h

    l 2009: be ke, pl

    hs pes, wl se

    ee, s eplye. Se

    ee h he epess ws

    h. mlle kes e eeees

    he 194849 eess Death o a

    Salesman, js s he s les ve

    e es hsl eves sh

    s he ge depess he Se

    Wl W. neheless, plpble

    sese e xey hs ve

    he plyxey h wll lkely eel

    ll l ys ees. theLs ee les k hse

    ely f less aes:

    he ly sl ke e

    pyes, he l-e eplyee

    l wh w, he ll

    pe be l

    be w hle.

    mlle ws e he plh

    hse ppe he s wh

    he es Jh Keeh glbhlle he fe sey ( hs 1958

    bk he se le), hse wh

    he ae pse ppy

    es llle. iee, he ply s

    se he s new Yk cy:

    Bkly. i 1949 (s w), Bkly ew

    hse ble mh es:

    wk lwe-le lss les,

    rss, Plsh, Jewsh

    es, a aeseely ve he Sh seh

    wk. the bh hbe hse

    sv bh e sl

    epe, e wh le sess.

    the Ls beleve heselves hve

    heve he sese sey

    ls ple by he e le

    lss. they sve le h he

    by bewee le pephey

    s e le h hey h e.

    Sxy yes eSalesman peee,

    lls aes sll he

    se ples h.

    Contemporary Context

    Charles S. Dutton as

    Willy Loman (Steve Pyke).

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide




    1. relshps e p hee

    Death o a Salesman. iey he

    ee elshps he Ls hve

    wh eh he wh peplese he ly. Which o those

    relationships do you eel are the strongest?

    The weakest? Which relationship eels

    the most real to you and why? F les

    he ply spp y swes.

    2. Death o a Salesman ws s pe

    1949 es be se ll

    ve he wl.Ater reading the play, are

    there parts you eel are no longer relevant?

    Which parts o the play aected you the

    most? Why do you think the play lives on?

    3.We he le 15h ey, Every-

    man s meevl ly ply. the sy

    llws he e Evey

    s he kes hs l jey eh; he

    s e hes lke Seh,

    Bey, Kwlee hs wy. the

    ply es llse hw sle pes

    ph le

    chs heve. Se peple sy h

    Wlly L s Evey. In what

    ways can you see that Willy represents

    people in general, and in what ways is his

    story very specic and unique?


    1. Ater reading the play, which character

    did you most strongly connect with? We

    pph sss why. ae see

    he ply, evs hs pph. Did whatyou see on the stage reinorce your choice?

    Or have you changed your mind? Did

    the actor change what you thought about

    the character rom reading the script?

    2. Death o a Salesman hs yes

    whee y, s he ee, see he ps

    s Wlly L eebes . Be pepe

    sss hw he s, e

    wh he e eses, heve

    hese ees he ps. Hw es he

    se ey ke he ply eel e

    less els? Hw h hese e-

    es ese expesss? (the

    le ise Hs He: ah mlle

    ae Expesss, pe 14,

    y e y hs pess.)

    3. ah mlle s evew

    wh chle rse 2006 h hes

    e pjes he h.Ater

    seeing Yale Repertory Theatres production,

    which character or characters do you

    eel are a refection o Arthur Miller?

    (Y y helpl bk

    ee mlles b pes 1013.)

    Discussion Questions

    J meles p

    he se shw he le

    ee he Bwyp (F Pee L.

    HyssMiller: Death

    o a Salesman, 1995).

  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide


  • 8/8/2019 Salesman Study Guide


    Fo moe infomation onyale repeto Theate


    Charles s. Dutton


    oF a


    go to ou website:aleep.og

    yale repertory theatre

    JamES BundY

    as de

    Victoria noLan

    m de

    stuDy GuiDe Writers

    monica acHEn

    Yle Shl d, mFa 06

    donESH oLYaiE

    P d

    Yle Shl d, mFa 10

    JEFF rogErS

    Yle Shl d, mFa 07

    micHaEL WaLKuP

    P d/as c,Yle Shl d, mFa 06


    aLiza dziK


    amY BoratKo

    Ley me

    rutH m. FELdman

    de E & aessbly Seves

    [email protected]

    speCial thanks

    Scott dougan

    maggiE ELLiott

    JEnniFEr KigEr

    KatHErinE onEiLL

    JorgE rodriguEz

    catHErinE SHEEHY

    arEna StagE

    Funding orWiLL PoWEr! 2008 09

    is generously provided by:

    mS. ESmE uSdan
