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archived as (also …Salla_16.pdf) => doc pdf URL -doc URL - pdf more from Dr. Salla is on the /UFO.htm#Salla page at doc pdf URL note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from previewbombshell-document-confirms-navy-admiral-was-denied-access-to-ufo- crash-retrieval-program/ on April 16, 2020. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site. Navy Admiral Was Denied Access to UFO Crash Retrieval Program by Dr. Michael Salla / June 15, 2019 Posted in Featured, Science and Technology / July 19, 2005 The transcript of a conversation between a U.S. Navy Vice-Admiral and a leading scientist discussing a failed attempt to gain access to a highly Classified program involving a crashed extraterrestrial craft has been recently released online. The conversation took place on October 16, 2002 and involved the retired Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Vice-Admiral Thomas Wilson speaking with Dr. Eric W. Davis, a scientist working on the feasibility of exotic propulsion systems with EarthTech International, an advanced technology think tank established in Austin, Texas. In the 15-page document comprising the transcript, summary notes, and an accompanying letter, Davis describes what Wilson told him about an April 10, 1997 “briefing” where he (Wilson) received information from former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Dr. Steven Greer (founder of the Disclosure Project) about a classified UFO program that they had codeword information about. At the time, Wilson was a Rear Admiral (upper class); Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency; and Vice Director for Intelligence (VJ2) for the 1

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Navy Admiral Was Denied Access to UFO Crash Retrieval Program

by Dr. Michael Salla / June 15, 2019Posted in Featured, Science and Technology / July 19, 2005

The transcript of a conversation between a U.S. Navy Vice-Admiral and a leading scientist discussing a failed attempt to gain access to a highly Classified program involving a crashed extraterrestrial craft has been recently released online.

The conversation took place on October 16, 2002 and involved the retired Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Vice-Admiral Thomas Wilson speaking with Dr. Eric W. Davis, a scientist working on the feasibility of exotic propulsion systems with EarthTech International, an advanced technology think tank established in Austin, Texas.

In the 15-page document comprising the transcript, summary notes, and an accompanying letter, Davis describes what Wilson told him about an April 10, 1997 “briefing” where he (Wilson) received information from former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Dr. Steven Greer (founder of the Disclosure Project) about a classified UFO program that they had codeword information about. At the time, Wilson was a Rear Admiral (upper class); Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency; and Vice Director for Intelligence (VJ2) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a position he held from November 1994 to September 1997.

When Wilson inquired into the program’s existence from a regulatory body created for Special Access Programs (SAPs), he learned that it involved a corporate Research&Development effort involving a retrieved extraterrestrial craft but was denied access by 3 corporate officials working for a major U.S. aerospace contractor.

The 1997 briefing was first publicly discussed by Greer and his associate Shari Adamiak only a month after it occurred and was corroborated by Mitchell over a decade later. In a May 1997 interview with Art Bell on Coast-to-Coast AM, Greer said:

Joint Chiefs of Staff-level fellow that I briefed while I was in Washington about a month ago … After he looked at all this and heard the witness, he turned to us and said: ‘Well I have no doubt this is true. But I am horrified that I hadn’t known about it’… Because of his position. And very, very senior … I can’t say who it was. But a very,


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very senior position… And then they begin to come to grips with well: ‘Who-the-hell does know about it? What is going on here?’ And then they become frightened.

Years later, Greer released a National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) document containing code words and locations that sparked Wilson’s failed attempt to gain access to the classified UFO program. In a workshop, Greer explained the NRO document’s contents and what happened when Wilson investigated it:

“It’s the National Reconnaissance Office document. ….. The reason it’s important is not so much for its content… ….. Take note of the distribution list, please. ….. …….’Blue Fire’, which is a code name, 1991, Commander’s Net, Royal Op’s, Cosmic Op’s… so, Cosmic Clearance… You’ve heard of this?

"It’s not a myth. It’s real. Maj Op’s, MAJI… It’s MAJIC Op’s. It goes through a whole bunch of them… Nellis Division, all these code numbers and you get down to some really interesting things. … This secret document went to the admiral [Admiral Tom Wilson] prior to our meeting and he actually recognized one of these entities and made an inquiry. It was being run by a contractor. …..

"And the contractor… One of these corporate contractors… When he called them up, he said: ‘I’m Admiral Tom Wilson…' At that time, he was Head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff… 'I want to be read into this project.’

"Guess what happened? They said: ‘Sir, you don’t have a Need-To-Know.’ This is the guy who’s supposed to give the intelligence briefings for the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States. He was told ‘You don’t have a Need-To-Know’…

"And Admiral Wilson said: ‘Goddamn it! If I don’t have a need to know, then who does?’ They said: ‘Sir, we cannot discuss this with you further’ and they hung up and blocked his line.

"This all happened before the stand-up meeting I did for him with Edgar Mitchell… The 6th man to walk on the Moon… Myself, my military adviser, and a few other people met with the Admiral in what’s called a ‘stand-up’ briefing. I was doing the presenting. It was supposed to be 45 minutes."

In 2007, Mitchell began publicly confirming that the briefing had indeed taken place, corroborating what Greer had revealed a decade earlier.

A detailed chronology of articles and interviews referring to the 1997 Wilson briefing is provided by Croatian UFO researcher Giuliano Marinkovic.

The transcript of the 2002 conversation between Wilson and Davis was first discussed in radio interviews by UFO researchers Grant Cameron and Richard Dolan in December 2018. Cameron said he was given the 15-page document which he shared with a former lawyer and Superior Court judge Michael W. Hall. Hall has given several interviews in March 2019 discussing the document’s origins and authenticity.

Cameron, Dolan, and Hall believe the document is authentic and its consistency with what Greer and Mitchell had earlier revealed does point to this. I contacted Dr. Eric Davis to comment on the document’s authenticity and he replied saying “I have no comment on this.”


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If the document was a hoax, I see no reason why Dr. Davis would not have said so.

All this leads me to conclude that the document is an authentic transcript of what Dr. Davis and Admiral Wilson discussed back in 2002 about the April 1997 meeting and Wilson’s subsequent investigation. The transcript was very recently released online and are available for public viewing.

The transcript, summary notes, and accompanying letter provide compelling documentary support that the 1997 briefing had occurred exactly as Greer and Mitchell had reported up to 2 decades earlier. Importantly, the notes substantiate one of Greer’s major claims that he was regularly briefing senior officials in the Clinton Administration about the UFO coverup (something many UFO researchers had previously dismissed or ridiculed).

The transcript provides a fascinating insight into how a U.S. Navy admiral who was Vice-Director for Intelligence (VJ2) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time was denied access by corporate officials to a classified UFO program which he firmly believed fell under his field of responsibility.

The briefing and unsuccessful investigation did not negatively impact Wilson’s career. 2 years later, in May 1999, Wilson was promoted to Vice-Admiral and became the 13th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), a position he served in until July 2002.

3 months after his retirement, Wilson met with Davis to discuss the 1997 meeting and its aftermath. In the transcript, we learn about Wilson’s perspective on what had happened.

Presumably, the recording and transcription of Wilson and Davis’ conversation were intended for a small audience at EarthTech International founded by Dr. Hal Puthoff which was studying exotic propulsion systems and releasing feasibility studies of them to interested scientists and journals.

In 2009, Davis and EarthTech included some of these exotic propulsion feasibility studies as Defense Intelligence Reference Documents, two of which were first leaked online in December 2017 by Corey Goode who says a confidential DIA source gave him them.

In the transcript, Davis (EWD) describes how Wilson (TW) began by confirming that the April 1997 meeting did take place and involved Greer, Mitchell, and U.S. Naval Reserve Commander Willard H. Miller (who was Greer’s top military advisor). Miller played a critical role in the various “UFO briefings” that Greer gave senior officials and politicians during the Clinton administration:

TW: Confirmed Greer/Miller/Mitchell gave talk in Pentagon Conference room. Adm Mike Crawford, Gen. Pat Hughes (Hughes his boss) were present (others too.) Date April “97. (Ed Mitchell said 4/9/947.) After group broke up, Miller/Wilson talked (privately) 2 hours on UFOs, MJ-12, Roswell, crashed UFOs/alien bodies, etc. TW intrigued – knew about intelligence on US mil/intel UFO close encounters – and foreign gov’t encounters. Seen records. Told Miller. [Transcript/Summary p. 1]

Wilson was here acknowledging that the serving Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Lt. General Pat Hughes also sat in on the meeting. After the meeting broke up, Miller and Wilson continued to discuss issues that had been raised:

TW: Yes, Miller asked the question on MJ-12/UFO cabal – crashed UFO. Confirmed he called Miller ca. late June ’97 and told that he/Miller was right. There is such an organization in existence. [Transcript/Summary p. 1]


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Wilson was here acknowledging that after being informed about the existence of the classified UFO program by Greer and Mitchell in April 1997, he had inquired into the program’s existence and discovered that MJ-12 was real and that there indeed was a UFO cabal running classified operations involving crashed UFOs. This accounted for why Admiral Wilson later failed to gain access to the crashed UFO program as explained later in Davis’ summary notes.

Miller subsequently told Greer and Mitchell about what Wilson had revealed to him in June 1997 after he [Wilson] was denied access to the classified program that Greer and Mitchell had told him about earlier in April. Admiral Wilson [TW] was furious that Miller had told Greer and Mitchel about Wilson’s failure to access it as Davis’ [EWD] transcript make clear:

TW: Very furious. Very angry about Miller (facial expression tense, angry voice)● Violated personal and professional trust. Especially among intelligence

colleagues/Navy officers● There’s Navy camaraderie among officers – brotherhood● Violated that and confidentiality

EWD: How?

TW: Miller told Greer their conversation

Who knows whom else he and Greer told. (EWD note – Miller told Ed Mitchell who only told me in 1999)

The significance of all this is that Admiral Wilson did not want the details of what he learned during his investigation of the Classified program that Greer and Mitchell had first brought to his attention becoming public. By telling Greer, Commander Miller had in Wilson’s opinion broken trust shared between Naval Intelligence officers to keep the information confidential. That is why he was so angry.

However, if it were not for Miller taking the risk he had, Greer and the World would probably not have learned the truth of what happened and how corporate contractors had sidelined Wilson and U.S. Naval Intelligence over a classified reverse engineering program of a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle.

[Note: The 15-page leaked Document is available below]

Further ReadingNew Investigation Shows Disputed MJ-12 Document Exposing Extraterrestrial Contact is AuthenticNew Majestic Document Reveals US Diplomatic Relations with ExtraterrestrialsAdvanced Technology Reports Leaked by Corey Goode Confirmed by Leading ScientistAbove Majestic Producer Reveals Secret Space Program Disclosures & Document Dumps ImminentFull ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forwardWikileaks Reveals USAF General involved in UFO & Secret Space Program Disclosures

In the transcript/summary of a 2002 conversation between Vice-Admiral Thomas Wilson and Dr. Eric Davis, it was revealed that a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle was being reverse-engineered by a major aerospace company. Wilson first learned about the classified UFO program through a National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) document shared with him at a confidential April 10, 1997 meeting with Dr. Steven Greer, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Navy Commander Willard Miller.


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The recently released transcript describes what Admiral Wilson [TW] told Dr. Davis [EWD] about Wilson’s efforts up to June 1997 to learn the truth about the classified UFO program,and the associated reverse-engineering effort revealed to him in the April meeting.

EWD: Okay then, what happened in April-June ’97?

TW: After parting with Miller (a week later, he thinks), I made calls, knocked on a few doors, talked to people ... It went on for 45 days (thereabouts) on and off.

● Suggestion came from Ward (Gen. M. Ward) to go through the records groups files (like an index system) in OUSDAT (Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology)

● Ran into Bill Perry in May ’97. Talked about this quietly. He suggested the same thing.

● They told me of a special projects record group not belonging to usual SAP. A special subset of the unacknowledged/carve-outs/waived programs not belonging to usual SAP divisions as organized in ’94 by Perry himself and set apart from rest but buried/covered by conventional SAPs. (Transcript/Summary, pp. 6-7)

Wilson was here referring to different categories of Special Access Programs (SAPs) where the most important – unacknowledged/carve-outs/waived – were hidden behind conventional SAPs.

The method of hiding the most highly Classified programs behind less classified ones was verified in one of the NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden called Sentry Eagle. It graphically depicted how Exceptionally Compartmented Information (ECI – an Intelligence Community classification similar to an Unacknowledged SAP used by the Pentagon) would be hidden behind a Non-ECI Program (similar classification status to a conventional SAP)

NSA leaked slide showing SENTRY EAGLE program where different DHS, DOD, and NSA classified programs are hidden within less classified national programs. (NSA)


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Wilson went on to describe the aerospace company that ran the Classified reverse-engineering effort without naming it:

EWD: Who was the project contractor or USG agency that runs the program?

TW: An aerospace technology contractor. One of the top ones in U.S.

EWD: Who?

TW: Core secret. Can’t tell.

EWD: Defense contractor?

TW: Yes, the best one of them.

The reference to the “best one of them” firmly points to Lockheed-Martin’s Skunkworks division which has a long track record of successfully working on cutting edge aerospace programs. For example, Skunkworks former Chief Engineer and Director Ben Rich was fond of ending lectures by declaring: “We now have the technology to take ET home”. [StealthSkater note: For more on Ben Rich => doc pdf URL ]

The slide that Ben Rich used to end lectures with comment about taking ET home

Wilson then explained what happened when he discovered which company was running the Classified UFO program and contacted it to gain access:

EWD: What happened with you found contractor?

TW: I made several calls (end of May ’97). First to Paul, Mike & Perry to confirm I had right contractor and program manager to talk to.


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EWD: They confirm?

TW: Yes.

EWD: Then?

TW: (End of May ’97) Made 3 calls to the program manager. One of them a conference call with security director and corporate attorney. Confusion on their part as to why I was looking for them and what I wanted from them or wanted to know about. Very testy tone from all of them. [Transcript/Summary, pp. 8-9]

Wilson next explains how he was denied access to the Classified UFO program by the 3 corporate officials (program manager, security director, and attorney):

TW: I told the threesome that I wanted formal briefing, tour, etc. Was exploiting my regulatory authority as Deputy Director DIA/Assistant Joint Chief of Staff J-2. Told them my not being briefed was oversight they needed to correct. I demanded!

They needed to discuss this (his demand) so hung up. Got called 2 days later and they said they don’t want to talk on phone and arranged for face-to-face meeting at their facility.

EWD: Did you go?

TW: Yes, 10 days later (mid-June or so). Flew out there. Met in their conference room in their secure vault. Three of them show up.

EWD: 3 guys with whom you had telecon?

TW: Yes. The same three. Security director (NSA-retired, a CI expert); Program director; Corporate attorney. Called themselves the "Watch Committee” or "Gate Keepers" [Transcript/Summary, p. 10].

Wilson describes how the “Watch Committee” told him about a prior incident years ago where the present security system was set up after an agreement was reached with the Pentagon’s Special Access Programs Oversight Committee (SAPOC) which was overhauled in 1994,very likely due to the incident Wilson was told about. The agreement gave the corporate contractor running certain categories of SAPs the authority to restrict access to UFO-related programs from Pentagon officials regardless of their rank and position:

[TW] Said after that episode a formal agreement was struck with Pentagon people (SAPOC) to prevent this in future. Didn’t want a repeat. Special criteria were established in agreement

●A special circumstance that must meet rigorous access criteria set by contractor committee

- No USG personnel are to gain access unless they met the criteria. Tto be administered by contractor committee (program director, attorney, security director) irregardless of the tickets and position USG personnel possess


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- Literally "their way or the highway". [Transcript/Summary p. 11]

The “Watch Committee” told Admiral Wilson that despite him being Deputy Director of the DIA and Vice Director of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that he was not on the “bigot list” (i.e., those with a “Need-to-Know” access) who could be briefed about the UFO program:

TW: They said my tickets were all confirmed and valid. But I was not on the bigot list.

● My tickets alone were not enough.● I didn’t meet the special criteria so need to know authorization was not being


I argued more. But they wouldn’t accept my arguments that they fell under my statutory oversight and regulatory authority as Deputy Director DIA under purview for my right to have Need-to-Know (oversight, audit, justification issues, etc., etc.).

● Regulatory and statutory authority as Deputy Director DIA not relevant or pertinent to nature of their program!

● Then they pulled out their bigot list to convince me otherwise( several pages long) dated 1990, updated 1993. [Transcript/Summary, pp. 11-12]

The transcription goes on to cover Wilson and Davis’ conversation about names on the bigot list and who in the Pentagon and White House was allowed access:

EWD: Who was on it? Recognize names?

TW: That is core secret. Willing to say that most were program employees – names and titles (job titles) – civilians – didn’t recognize any military personnel – could be there.

EWD: Any politicians?

TW: No.● No White House names, no President!● No Congressional people● No Congressional staffers

EDW: Any in Clinton or Bush Sr. Administrations?

TW: No! But handful of names were Pentagon individuals I recognized. Few from OUSDAT, one from another department, another at the NSC who is Pentagon SES employee. [Transcript/Summary, p. 12]

Stunningly, Wilson learned that no members of the Legislative (Congress) or Executive (White House) branches of Government were briefed about the corporate UFO program. Only a few Pentagon officials were given access. This corroborates what Greer and others have been claiming for decades over the Unconstitutional nature of the secrecy system developed for the UFO issue.

Next, the transcript elaborates on how Wilson tried to gain access by identifying the type of program that was underway attempting to link it to his official field of responsibility as Deputy Director DIA:


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[TW] Program Manager said they were● Not any weapons program● Not any intelligence program● Not any special ops or logistics program● Doesn’t fit these categories [Transcript/Summary, p. 12]

Finally, Wilson was told that the UFO program was a reverse-engineering program of a recovered extraterrestrial vehicle. Exactly what Greer, Mitchell, and Miller, had told him at the April 10, 1997 meeting. Importantly, Wilson expressed his surprise thinking that the UFO term was merely a cover for acquired foreign aerospace technology built by the USSR or China:

● I asked what they were then● Loud groan from Program Manager● Security Director and Attorney say it’s okay to say it.

EWD: Say what?

TW: There were a reverse-engineering program –● Something recovered years ago in the past● Technological hardware was recovered●So I thought they meant recovered Soviet/Chinese, etc. hardware and reverse

engineer it – like a missile or intel platform or aircraft – actually came to meeting expecting to find a sensitive foreign collection and reverse engineering operation. I thought “UFOs” used as a cover for that –

● So I said that and they said that they weren’t that either● They had (Program Manager talking) a craft. A an intact craft they believed could

fly …● Program Manager said they didn’t know where it was from [they had some ideas on

this]. It was technology that was not of this Earth. Not made by Man. Not by human hands [Transcript/Summary, pp. 12-13]

Wilson next described that he was told the corporation had encountered great difficulty in its reverse-engineering efforts:

[TW] Said they were trying to understand and exploit technology. Their program was going on for years-and-years with very slow progress,

Agonizingly slow with little or no success. Painful lack of collaboration to get help from outside community of experts and facilities to assist effort. Must remain isolated and use own facilities and cleared personnel. Tough environment to work. About 400-800 (bigot list count) workers varying in number funding or personnel changes. [Transcript/Summary, pp. 12-13]

When Wilson threatened to go to the Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC), he was told to go ahead by the corporate “Watch Committee” and was eventually denied access by the Senior Review Group running SAPOC Pentagon committee set up to oversee Special Access Programs:

TW: Before last week of June (’97):


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● They told me that they were sustaining the contractor. That I was to immediately drop the matter and let it go. Forget about it as I did not have purview over their project. It didn’t fall within my oversight, etc.

● I became very angry and started yelling when should have kept my mouth shut…● … Senior Review Group chairman said if I didn’t follower their suggestion, that I

would not see Director DIA promotion, get early retirement, and lose 1-or-2 stars along the way.

● Really incredibly angry! Upset over this!! Livid!!!● Why such a big deal over this considering the position of trust I have in the

Pentagon? I do have relevant regulatory/statutory authority over their program. That’s my position!!! [Transcript/Summary, p. 14]

The refusal to grant access was the critical moment that Wilson realized that the corporation was being supported by a powerful group linked to the Pentagon to hide the corporation’s reverse-engineering of an extraterrestrial spacecraft as an Unacknowledged/waived SAP hidden within the labyrinth of conventional SAPs conducted by the Pentagon and its corporate contractors.

The refusal was ultimately why Wilson believed that a UFO cabal/ MJ-12 was in charge of UFO related projects and even senior officials at the DIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were out of the loop. This is what he told Commander Miller back in June 1997 who in turn relayed Wilson’s conclusions to Steven Greer and Edgar Mitchell who respectively revealed more details over the next 2 decades.

There are several important conclusions from Admiral Thomas Wilson’s failed efforts to learn about and gain access to a classified UFO program that involved a clandestine corporate effort to reverse-engineering a retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft as described in the leaked 15-page document received by Canadian UFO research Grant Cameron in November 2018 and uploaded to the Internet on April 19, 2019.

First, Wilson’s failure to gain access to the classified UFO program described above confirms one of Dr. Steven Greer’s major contentions that senior Military officials are out of the loop when it comes to UFOs despite the obvious National Security implications they carry. The “bigot list” mentioned by Wilson in his conversation with Dr. Eric Davis about who was granted “Need-to-Know” access to the program was dominated by corporate employees with only a few Pentagon officials being briefed and no one from the Executive and Legislative branches of Government. [StealthSkater note: which if true would explain why past Presidents have been consistently rebuffed when asking about UFOs. The mysterious "Powers That Be" have determined that they don't have a Need-to-Know.]

This is very surprising given the clear National Security implications about UFOs due to the advanced technologies they possess and the possibility that these could be or had been weaponized by foreign nations. A few years later, this was the rationale for the creation of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) in 2007 with Congressional funding of $22 million. Significantly, some of the principal figures involved in the Wilson UFO briefing (e.g., Dr. Eric Davis) were also involved in the AATIP program.

A second conclusion is that corporations have been given an inordinate amount of Power when it comes to deciding who gains access to the category of unacknowledged/waived SAPs that involved the study of retrieved extraterrestrial technologies. The corporate “Watch Committee” bluntly turned down Wilson’s request for access. [StealthSkater note: Famed military researcher John Andrews doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf said that he always believed that there were 2 governments. The officially-


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elected one and the other "hidden" one that actually does the important work. And Bill Clinton once stated that there were parts of the Government that even he couldn't control.]

What really surprised Admiral Wilson, however, was that the Pentagon’s Senior Review Group running the Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC) also turned his request for access down despite him being DIA Deputy Director and Vice-Director for Intelligence (V-J2) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. All this is very telling about the power of corporations when it comes to who is really in charge of the research and development of extraterrestrial-related technologies.

Another conclusion is that Wilson’s testimony provides powerful support for the existence of a UFO cabal/control group running extraterrestrial-related projects in a way that escapes conventional Government and Military oversight. Leaked documents going back to September 1947 have referred to this control group as Operation Majestic-12/MAJIC 12/MJ-12.

Admiral Wilson’s experiences is telling us that the UFO control group is very real and exercises great power through its ability to restrict “Need-to-Know” access to whom it chooses regardless of an official’s constitutionally-backed duties and positions. While it has long been known that U.S. Presidents and members of Congress were routinely cut out of the loop of such UFO-related projects, it is was not known that this was occurring to senior Pentagon officials until the 1997 Wilson briefing.

Fourth, who leaked the 15-page document to UFO researcher Grant Cameron in November 2018? Was it one-or-more “white hats” wanting the disclosure process to move forward by leaking one of the most important UFO documents ever to publicly emerge as contended by UFO historian Richard Dolan describing it as the “UFO leak of the century”?

Alternatively, was the leaking part of a limited hangout promoting Tom DeLonge’s To-The-Stars Academy through the involvement of figures such as Dr. Eric Davis as contended by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot?

Dolan addressed these questions in a blog post (insert video) published on June 15. He pointed out that Cameron’s source for the document is an Australian space/UFO enthusiast James Rigney. In a Q&A with Dolan, Rigby wrote:

It is unlikely that these documents would ever have found their way to anyone within the UFO community were in not that for the fact that for number of years I was very active in the ‘Space’ community belonging to an organization in Australia and making frequent trips to the U.S. to attend conferences and other events.

Along the way, I was fortunate to make acquaintance in the U.S. with several people in the US who knew of my interest in, knowledge of, and credible approach to the UFO/UAP phenomena as well as my passive and occasional involvement in the UFO community.

The events that lead me to obtaining the documents were strangely the result of this strange and unlikely intersection between the usually incompatible Space & UFO fields….

Over a period of a couple of years, I gained the trust of these people to a point where I was invited to look over some documents, copy what I wanted, and get them into the right hands if I thought that was appropriate. Certainly there was no intrigue or ‘smoking gun’ type discussions at the time.


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Digby was here confirming that the document’s original source was an individual connected to the U.S. Space community who provided the document to him a few years ago. There is growing speculation that the leaked 15-page document came from the files of the deceased Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell. If so, who gave the document to Mitchell? The most likely source is Dr. Davis given his direct role in recording/summarizing the meeting with Admiral Wilson (as mentioned above), Davis had no comment on the 15-page document when I contacted him by email.

Tracking the ultimate source for the leaked document is very relevant given present circumstances surrounding topics concerning Space and UFOs. The fact that the 15-page document was publicly uploaded on April 19 is significant given recent public interest over Navy pilots reporting UFO incidents and the creation of a Space Force as a new branch of the U.S. Military. Which takes me to my last conclusion.

Finally, the 3 corporate officials in the “watch committee” that denied access to the Classified program claimed that the reverse-engineering of the extraterrestrial vehicle was very slow and little progress had been made over the years. Were they telling the truth? Or providing a cover story for successfully reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technologies which had been covertly deployed in a corporate-run secret space program that was kept away from the prying eyes of the DIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff?

In the U.S. Air Force Secret Space Program, I describe how differently sized and shaped antigravity vehicles were successfully reverse-engineered by corporate contractors including Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks division and began to be deployed in the 1970s and 1980s by the USAF. This suggests that there are many Unacknowledged SAPs that involve the research, development, and deployment of antigravity spacecraft by different military services and corporate contractors.

There is no indication in the leaked 15-page document over whether Admiral Wilson was aware of secret space programs runs by the USAF and the U.S. Navy. He merely expressed his surprise that the UFO program that Steven Greer and Edgar Mitchell pointed out to him (which he was unaware of) involved a retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft.

It’s quite possible that Wilson was aware of Military-run space programs but simply had not been briefed about the specific reverse-engineering program that was being run by the corporate contractor for unknown purposes (one of which involved a corporate run secret space program).

It’s perhaps not coincidental that the leaked transcript and summary of Admiral Wilson and Dr. Davis 2002 conversation emerges as Space Force is about to be formally launched. The U.S. Congress is poised to pass legislation authorizing the creation of Space Force as a separate branch of the U.S. military under the authority of the Department of the U.S. Air Force.

The emergence of Space Force will ultimately address many of the questions and issues raised by Admiral Wilson’s investigation of the corporate reverse engineering program back in 1997 and the secret construction of antigravity spacecraft by multiple corporate contractors for the U.S. Military or other unknown customers.

Space Force will also provide a powerful institutional foundation for disclosing many secrets concerning antigravity technology, alien life, the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial technologies, and secret space programs. The leak of the Wilson Davis conversation comes at a propitious time for the disclosure process to move forward and Space Force is the most likely institutional catalyst for all to be revealed.


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[StealthSkater: a more complete discussion of Top-Security classifications is at => doc pdf URL ]


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15-Page Leaked Document uploaded to the Internet


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Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Chats About UFO, Alien BeliefApollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell returned from his mission to the Moon a changed man. He has

spent the last 35 years trying to use the tools of science to figure out what happened. Along the way, he says that people knowledgeable about an alleged crash of an alien spaceship in Roswell, N.M. shared the information with him.

He's been speaking out ever since, most recently on a radio talk show that tripped off an unexpected wave of media attention. In a telephone interview with Irene Klotz, Mitchell sets the record straight as he sees it.

Irene Klotz: Hi, Dr. Mitchell.

Edgar Mitchell: Just a minute ... I'm sorry. My dog jumped in my lap and knocked over my coffee cup. It's Okay. Go ahead.

IK: What's your dog's name?

EM: Oh, that's Cutie (Q.T.?)

IK: Cutie?

EM: Yup. I've got two of them. And right now they're telling me that it's their suppertime and I must come in and fix their supper ... At least that's what they want.

IK: Well first of all, thanks very much for making a little time. I wanted to ask you if there was anything about the radio interview you did that was different from what you've said in the past.

EM: No, there's nothing different. Several of (the reports of the interview) that I've seen come around have some flaws in them. Some of the reports pushed it or spun it incorrectly. NASA had nothing to do with anything I've done. I wasn't briefed by NASA. There haven't been any sightings as a result of my flight service there. So if that part of it comes out on anything you've seen, it is just totally wrong.

IK: Yes, I did want to clarify that.

EM: My major knowledge comes from what I call the old-timers. People who were at Roswell and subsequent who wanted to clear the things up and tell somebody credible even though they were under severe threats and things. This was back in the Roswell days. Having gone to the Moon and being a local citizen out in the Roswell area, some of them thought I would be a safe choice to tell their story to. Which they did. Even though the gGvernment put real clamps on everybody, it got out anyhow.

Subsequent to that, I did take my story to the Pentagon. Not NASA but the Pentagon. And I asked for a meeting with the Intelligence Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and got it. And told them my story and what I know and eventually had that confirmed by the admiral that I spoke with. That indeed what I was saying was true.


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IK: You mean what had been told to you was true?

EM: Yup. In other words, there was a UFO crash. There was an alien spacecraft. This gentleman tried his damndest to get me in and like so many others in the Administration over the last 60 years since JFK's time was unable to. He was told 'Admiral, you don't have a Need-To-Know' and therefore go get lost, essentially.

IK: Have you ever come out and said who this person was who briefed you?

EM: No, I have not.

IK: Would you at some point?

EM: No. It is out and around. But I don't feel like I have the liberty to do that.

IK: When did you have your meeting at the Pentagon?

EM: It was in the late '90s in Washington when I was there working with The Disclosure Project trying to get all those opened up with another Naval officer by the name of Will Miller and Steven Greer, who you probably heard of. Steven and I don't really work on this anymore together. But we did at that point and getting to the Pentagon and seeing what we could do there to try to get this opened up.

IK: Why do you think the Government hasn't acknowledged that there is Life outside of Earth? I thought that was sort of the point of NASA.

EM: Well, most people in Government don't know. The Government is highly compartmentalized. You could work next door to somebody for 30 years not knowing what they're doing in certain areas. The whole point of all of this ... goes back to World War II. This Roswell incident took place right at the aftermath of World War II when the U.S. Army Air Corps was split off and became the U.S. Air Force. The OSS (Office of Strategic Services), which was the intelligence service of World War II, was disbanded and eventually became the CIA. At that point, the Cold War was just starting to move under way and we were at odds with the Soviets.

The Air Force was brand new and supposedly in control of the skies and didn't know what they were doing and the CIA didn't know what they were doing. So Pres. Truman was in a big problem here. Here people were telling him there were aliens around and nobody knew if they were hostile or what they were and what was he going to do about it.

So he formed a committee. A very high-level military and academic and intelligent people -- politically powerful people -- and said 'You guys work on this.' And that was called ... The MAJIC 12. And they did pass a National Security Act, or so I'm told, under highly Classified auspices that gave this committee virtually unlimited power to deal with this issue. Which they have done for the last 60 years, slowly excluding everybody including Presidents.

You may remember that Pres. Clinton tried to send (Webster) Hubbell to find out about this at Wright-Patterson. He got rejected. And Barry Goldwater back in the 1960s when he was getting ready to run for the Presidency and who was a brigadier general in the Air Force Reserve tried to get information about it. He got rejected. And I'm told that Gerry Ford tried to do some finding out and he got rejected. [StealthSkater note: Goldwater inquired about the alleged "Hangar-18/Blue Room" at WPAFB and was abruptly threatened with court-martial by General


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Curtis LeMay if he ever brought up that topic again. LeMay said that "I'm not even allowed in there." doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf ]

Jimmy Carter announced his observation of UFOs. But that never went anywhere so obviously he made no progress. Only in recent years has the Public interest become acute enough and enough stories leaked out so that people are starting to believe that it's all real. And the fact of the matter is that It IS.

They're still around and there's a lot of stuff going on.

Are you aware of the so-called Phoenix Lights Incident? That wasn't our stuff.

IK: I'm sorry. Can you say that again?

EM: Lights. Just a few years ago. 3 humongous craft flew over Phoenix very slowly in the middle of the night that clearly were not ... I happened to be on the phone with people out there when that happened and have had pictures of it. Clearly those were not, to those of us who know aviation and spacecraft ... Clearly those were not local stuff, home-grown stuff.

IK: So you're saying the incidences are becoming more prevalent among the general public? People are having their own sightings?

EM: Just several weeks ago, this so-called incident in Stephenville, Texas. Another one. And naturally a lot of discounting and unfortunately the Press ... The giggle factor got up and the Press tended to ignore it. But the fact of the matter is this is the real stuff we're dealing with. We're not alone in the Universe. And it has nothing to do with NASA. As far as I know, it has to do with what's going on and has been going on for a long time.

IK: As a man of science and engineering, how did you make this leap from doing what you needed to do to be an astronaut to what you're doing today?

EM: Because I was told by people who were utterly sworn to secrecy under severe penalty if they talked. And because I'd been to the Moon. Because I was a local resident of Roswell when the so-called Roswell incident took place, some of them thought I was a safe person to tell before they passed on so that the knowledge didn't die. There are others like me. People out here who have done an enormous amount of investigation who have seen through the facade and seen through the cover-up and can talk chapter-and-verse better than I can. We know it's real.

IK: Can you describe what changed you after you were in space? How did that happen?

EM: Well, I've got a research foundation that has been working on that problem for 37 years.

I was coming back from the Moon after completing a successful mission there. My job was being responsible for the lunar spacecraft for the lunar surface activities. So on the way home, my successful job had been mostly completed and we were just coming home. We still had experiments and work to do. But the big stuff was done.

We were orientated such and rotating in order to keep the thermal balance of the spacecraft so that every 2 minutes you could see the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and a 360-degree panorama of the heavens came through the window every 2 minutes. That's powerful stuff. Particularly since it's space. Without the atmosphere to block, the stars don't twinkle and there's 10 times as many as


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you could possibly see on Earth because of the lack of interference. It's much closer to what you could see through the Hubble Telescope these days with those pictures. And I hope you've looked at some of those. It's overwhelming. And I realized as that happened. Because I do have a PhD from MIT and I studied astronomy at Harvard and MIT and knew that molecules of matter in my body and in the spacecraft and in my partners' bodies were made in some ancient generation of stars. That's where matter is created.

Suddenly I realized that the molecules in my body were created in an ancient generation of stars. And suddenly that became personal and visceral, not intellectual. I had never had this experience. It was accompanied by bliss, an ecstasy I had never experienced.

Later -- and I'm making this long story short -- with some discovery and some help from scientists at Rice University in Houston, I discovered in ancient transcripts that this type of experience -- a transformational, transcendental experience where you see things as you perceive them but experience them viscerally and emotionally as one, as a part of it -- is called samadhi. In doing more research, I found that it has taken place in every culture on Earth. The political and cultural expression of that turns out to be religion.

The experience is the same. A heady, overwhelming experience. But when it gets politicized and put into the culture, those things get lost on the people who had the experience and it becomes something else. So that's what it was. A deep, deep cultural experience that is in the culture of our civilization in hundreds of places.

IK: Is that what the Noetic Institute is for? To bring this consciousness ...

EM: I'm trying to use the tools of Science to understand precisely these types of knowledge.

IK: Wow. That's quite a calling.

EM: That's exactly what I've spent the last 35 years doing.

IK: What's the tie-in between this pursuit and your experiences with understanding that there are other lifeforms that have come to Earth?

EM: Well, it's just an extension of the cosmology of what's this whole Universe about and what are we about and coming to the conclusion that we are not alone. That's some of the most important knowledge that we could discover.


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[StealthSkater note: The above seems to indicate that reverse-engineering UFOs produced successful results. And yet I have read other accounts that indicate the exact opposite. These say that the craft are almost "living machines" comprised of both organic and inorganic materials. And that they appeared to be "grown" (i.e., perfectly seamless) rather than welded and riveted like our aircraft. There are even some accounts that they interface with occupants/pilots psychoactively. (For example, see David Adair's claims => doc pdf URL-doc

URL-pdf which has always reminded me of the British sci-fi movie "5 Million Years to Earth") If so, then how can claims of success reverse-engineering be true?

There have been tales of joint Alien-Human programs to try to mimic as much of the ET craft as possible using current Earth materials and state-of-the-art manufacturing. There were reports that this program came to an abrupt end in the late-1970s when a guard entered a force-field area with his sidearm which triggered and the ricochet seriously hurt an ET overseer. Maybe future successes were a continuation of this effort rather than trying to duplicate the ET craft as is.]

ROSWELL UFO CANNOT BE REVERSE-ENGINEEREDDefense Contractors Take Millions Knowing Task Is Impossible

by Anthony Bragalia / August 2019

The crash of an unknown vehicle and its pilots in early July 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico is still surrounded by many secrets. Perhaps the most disturbing of these secrets are ones of financial fraud and of false hope. These secrets are revealed here and now:

● Department of Defense contractors tasked to unravel how extraterrestrial craft operate (and who are supposedly conducting “reverse-engineering”) are taking money to accomplish this knowing that they cannot possibly ever do so.

● These DOD contractors are well aware that they are being paid to produce results and yet have found only minimal value in the study of the craft found fallen near Roswell despite the passage of decades.

This is supported by first-hand witness testimony from Wright, the statements of a former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, analysis by 2 eminent science writers, and the actions of a U.S. Senate insider.

It is clear that while technical studies of the craft continue over years, they are based on misplaced efforts and wasted expenditures. And these efforts and expenditures are being exploited for profit in a major way by these engaged contractors. They continue to string along their Black Budget paymasters with “progress reports” on a project for which ( by its very nature) progress can never be made.

what Witnesses to the Craft did NOT see tells much

Sergeant Bill Ennis, a Wright Field (later Wright-Patterson) jet propulsion engineer from 1947, saw the crashed craft when it was brought to Wright. He was a Flight Engineer stationed at the hangar to which the craft was initially taken. But it took him many years to tell researchers this after having first


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misinformed them. When originally found by researchers Tom Carey and Don Schmitt, Ennis laughingly and dismissively said that “nothing happened” and that it was “just a weather balloon”.

Some years later, he then had a turn of heart in the winter of his life recognizing his obligation to truth and to History. He told the researchers that he did indeed see the craft when he was at the base. But that although he viewed the whole thing, he could not see an engine or propulsion system. Ennis told researchers Carey and Schmitt that he was coming forward about his involvement at Wright and the crash that came to his base

He said: “After all these years, I still don’t know how it flew.” He wanted assurances that they would try to find out “what made it fly before I die”. They promised him that they would certainly try. The years pass and so did Ennis, still wondering what propelled the damn thing if there was no power system.

And the question “What made it fly?” is central to coming to the stark realization that the answer to that question is unknowable by its nature. Such material from such an exceedingly advanced civilization could not be fully understandable in our time because it is from a Future time.

Ennis is not alone in noting the lack of a power system. Those who have said that they saw the craft have never mentioned that they had ever observed an “engine” or propulsion system onboard. If there is none, what are the contractors studying? If an energy system, an engine, fuel, or a propulsion system is not discernable, what makes it move? [StealthSkater note: The are some like German rocket pioneer Hermann Oberth who said the craft appeared to operate more like a "time machine" [perhaps from the Future?] than a spacecraft.]

The Craft is a Museum Piece

The truth is that the craft itself simply remains like a ‘museum piece’ in a display case. In a sense, a relic from the Future. It is a “curiosity piece” which is as technically unexplainable today as when it was first discovered. We still have no idea precisely how it works. While some understanding of the ‘materials of construction’ (i.e. some of the debris such as the “memory metal” debris, see below) was gained, there has been virtually no “technically actionable” progress made in understanding the system dynamics of the craft found in the desert.

Former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Navy Admiral Tom Wilson: "No Progress on ET Craft Reverse-Engineering":

The idea that “little has been learned” is supported by what was related recently in the leaked ‘Eric Davis Papers.’ A dialogue allegedly occurred on September 16, 2002 between noted astrophysicist Dr. Eric W. Davis (Baylor Professor, Consultant to the DoD and Air Force with a special expertise in propulsion) and Admiral Tom Wilson, the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 1999-2002. (Note: that Wilson was speaking to Davis 4 months after he had retired from the DIA.)

If the copy of this dialogue is true, it is explosive in what it means to Mankind. We have been visited by creatures who have crashed to Earth and we have the craft that brought them here. Leaked to researchers including UFO author Grant Cameron and later appearing on the Internet, the note’s authenticity has not been confirmed as both Wilson and Davis refuse comment. In these discussions, Admiral Wilson relates the involvement of defense contractors in an ET craft reverse-engineering attempt program.


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Wilson allegedly speaks of a meeting he had with a Program Director, Security Director, and Corporate Attorney with a major defense contractor, cleared and read into the Roswell program. Wilson squeezed some details out of them including that a craft not made by “man or human hands” had indeed been recovered in the past.

Somehow, researchers commenting on the Davis papers have missed or failed to comment on an extremely important detail. Very tellingly, Wilson also squeezed out of the defense contractor insiders something else. Wilson said of their efforts that they have been “trying to understand and exploit the technology for years and years…with little or no success.” [StealthSkater: again, what may appear to some as aliens from space might be evolved humans from the Future.]

Things from the Future are not meant for Today

Two noted futurists -- Alvin Toffler and Sir Arthur C. Clarke -- instruct us with their insights on why such reverse-engineering of craft from another world and time is not likely.

The late Alvin Toffler was author of 1970’s seminal book Future Shock. Toffler introduced a concept so profound that its implications continue to be felt as we continue our march into time. Future Shock is a condition of physical distress and mental disorientation brought on by the inability to cope with rapid or sudden change. As Toffler states so succinctly, it is “an individual and societal psychological state which is detrimental. It is induced when too much change is introduced in too short a time.”

I had a brief email correspondence with Toffler some years before he passed. We discussed ET, Contact, and (hypothetically) the reverse-engineering of captured alien craft. Toffler felt that “The technical gulf between extraterrestrials and humans would necessarily have to be very, very great. So great it would be like a dog trying to understand the Theory of General Relativity.”

He mentioned that because we are human, we have human limitations. These human limitations do not apply to the Alien. Their limitations are clearly less than ours. Toffler had previously suggested that there may well be certain cultural and even biological limits to our ability to “take in” such complex information and insight. Too much technology that is suddenly received too quickly that is too ‘different’ puts too much of a demand on our ability to perceive and understand. This means that things made on another world that far in the Future that come to our place and Present time could even instill cognitive dissonance as there may be no frame of reference to make any possible comparison. [StealthSkater note: this also gives support to the idea of a ET-Human program to create something (admittedly less advanced than theirs) using present-day Earth materials and Mankind's current manufacturing techniques.]

This sounds very much like what the late British science writer Arthur Clarke ("2001: A Space Odyssey") famously stated. Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic. Not only would alien craft technology appear as magic, but it would indeed be magical moving by forces unknowable by Man.

If Man cannot discern the difference between magic and technology, he cannot re-make the advanced technologies of an alien craft. It would be supernatural. Beyond nature as we know it. It’s rather like putting the proverbial working television in the dwelling of a Cave Man. He would have no idea how it works. Like the downed alien craft, it would be magical.

To experience the Alien is by its very nature to experience the Future. If they are coming here rather than us visiting them, they are at an instant advantage. This means that they are at once an ancient race


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and a future race. Relative to us, their evolution and history (and by extension, their technology) reaches back far longer. Yet they are at the same time of the “Future”. It is a paradigm that would make even the wisest brains hurt.

Beauty is in simplicity. But that apparent “simplicity” can hide extreme complexity. I suspect the secret of the saucers is so simple that we can’t figure it out. UFOs are often reported to have no rivets, no signs of joining or seams, and to be entirely smooth. If the craft found near Roswell showed no engine, no fuel, no energy system, that “simplicity” must be forever confounding. The testimony of Sgt. Bill Ennis and the lack of mention of a power system/engine by any witness to the crashed craft supports it's likely simple and at the same infinitely complex technology.

"We're Making Progress ---- NOT!"

Besides its extraterrestrial nature and its subsequent cover-up, the biggest secret about the Roswell crash is this:

Private sector contractors who are read into the Roswell program cannot reverse-engineer or reverse-build something that was designed and constructed by those from the far Future. But they are still getting paid vast sums to do the impossible. Of course, these companies do this because they have every vested interest to continue extending their contracts to study the crashed vehicle over years and obfuscate their inability to crack the code of a vehicle made millennia in our future.

They are kept on because:

● They are so well-entrenched now in the Military-Industrial Complex and they know so much more than anyone else that they cannot be “let go”.

● With the advent of constantly-evolving generations of advanced instrumentation and diagnostics equipment, these involved contractors may one day find the answer to how the craft flew. If there is even a glimmer of hope of that someday success, they must be retained.

● They reinforce the hope of success to the Government that pays them by having accomplished a few things over the years that give the illusion of reverse-engineering “progress”.

They may have been able to:

● Reconstruct the craft’s shape, surface, dimension and size

● Incorporate our best attempts at replication of some of the metal alloy-like materials of construction of some of the craft (i.e. memory metal) into technologies used today (see the Roswell-Battelle series of articles on memory metal in the Article Archive section). The memory metals that we have made, however, are merely “baby toy” versions of what such alien-engineered material can do. And a rudimentary understanding of an engineered material is far different than understanding an engineered system. Knowing what the craft may in part be composed of is nothing like knowing how that craft flies.

● Grossly replicate the craft’s exterior and interior features.

● From the above actions, create a representative model. But not a working prototype and most certainly not a fully functioning craft.


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● Test the craft’s configuration in wind tunnels and by computer simulation. (However, this may be worthless as such UFOs have demonstrated they are immune to atmospheric drag, g-force, and adverse flight conditions and often present themselves in non-aerodynamic shapes and forms.)

● Continually “evolve” theories over years about how the craft works. They develop a group of linked ideas intended to explain how the craft operates. A theory provides a way to explain observations. These explanations are based on assumptions. And these theories and assumptions are based on Man’s understanding of the Universe, the elements and physics (not the Alien’s).

[StealthSkater note: American military and private industry know every nut&bolt, wire, valve etc. in a Soviet Mig-25 jet fighter. They can reverse-engineer it precisely. But without testing, they can't tell you how it flies!]

Not Worth Decades of Dollars to Defense Contractors

None of the things above would tell us just exactly how these beings’ craft have come the light years required to arrive at planet Earth. None of these things would have provided 4 essential aviation/aeronautical insights in order to reverse-engineer the craft:

● Motive Force: What fuels or powers the craft and what is its means of propulsion?

● Actuation: What starts the action to cause the craft to operate and what actions cause the craft to continue to operate?

● Navigation and Control: What plans, directs, and maintains the course of the craft and the route it traverses?

● Manufacturing: Even if someone can design something, it does not mean that they can make something. Our modern-day abilities to produce something from the far Future created on another world would not apply. If the manufacturing processes are 100,000 years in advance of us, it will take that long for us to master them.

People who promote the fantasy of flying reverse-engineered alien craft do not understand the real world concept of Manufacturing Engineering. That is the discipline concerned with successfully translating technical drawings into workable machines. It deals with “make-ability”.

Moving engineered concepts into actual engineered products is very challenging. It is an insurmountable challenge in the case of things made by processes developed by non-earthly non-humans. Such beings make things in fundamentally different ways than us. They may produce systems in the weightlessness of space and they certainly calculate with wholly different forms of measurement than our own. They have access to needed things to create their vehicles that we do not.

And if the alien craft incorporates any kind of Mind-Machine Interface as has been rumored (if “thought” plays any role in such interstellar transport), then we can never unravel the secrets of how it operates (let alone actually manufacture these systems). If consciousness interfaces with engineered system, our consciousness cannot make the craft move. Our brains and our thought processes must be hugely different than the alien’s.


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Similarly, if the alien craft incorporates any kind of Body-Machine Interface principles, the same applies. Our bodies and our “wiring” would be wholly incompatible to operate systems designed for beings thousands or millions of years in advance of us.

The Washington, DC insider who tried to find out from contractors about the Roswell program

Dick D'Amato (C. Richard D'Amato) is by any standard a classic "DC insider". He apparently also knows far more about what happened at Roswell than most in DC. After attending Cornell and the Fletcher School of Diplomacy, D'Amato earned his JD from Georgetown. He was a Professor at the U.S. Naval Academy.

Entering the world of politics, he rose quickly through various appointments. He served on many high-level U.S. Congressional advisory bodies (including on Defense appropriations, National Security, and on International relations matters) and attained Top-Secret clearances.

He was named the Chief Counsel and Investigator to the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee. He later became National Security Specialist for Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd and a liaison member of the National Security Council. Today a private consultant, D'Amato remains active in politics in Maryland.

The late Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr. had a strange story to tell about Dick D'Amato. Marcel is the namesake son of Major Jesse Marcel, Army Intelligence Officer who was the first to reveal the ET truth about Roswell. Dr. Marcel relates that in 1991 he received a call from D'Amato out of the blue. D'Amato knew that Marcel had planned to attend a meeting in DC.

He invited Marcel to meet with him to discuss the Roswell event in what D'Amato called a "Secure Room" at the Capitol. Dr. Marcel (who as a child saw some of the ET debris) told D'Amato that would not be necessary. He had already said all that he knew and that he was not going to say anything that he hadn't said before.

But D'Amato explained to Marcel that the fact was that he himself wanted to relate to Marcel something important about the crash incident. Marcel agreed to meet.

What would this DC insider tell him? Marcel said that he was told to meet in the Capitol Building, Room 228. Marcel indicates that D'Amato greeted him warmly. Marcel then noticed something displayed in the room. D'Amato had prominently placed on his desk a book on Roswell that explained it as an ET event. D'Amato pointed to the book and told Marcel: "This is not fiction." Marcel replied that of course he knew it was not fiction.

He then looked at D'Amato and directly asked: "Why doesn't the Government tell the people?" D'Amato told Marcel "If it were up to him", he would. But that it is of course not up to him. He agreed with Marcel that the information needed to be officially released.

D'Amato then told Marcel that he had known of instances where "people have been threatened" about their involvement in Roswell. He asked if Marcel himself had ever been threatened. When told that he had not, D'Amato offered assistance and protection to Marcel if such a thing should ever occur.

It is known that D'Amato has had dialogues with a few researchers (including this author) in which he has detailed that there is a black arm of secrecy over the subject of UFOs. And that money is being secretly appropriated to defense contractors for projects related to Roswell’s reverse-engineering program. D'Amato indicates that it was such a covert project that even with subpoena power, he could


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not penetrate these operations. I would add that such companies are exempt from Freedom of Information requests because they are private entities.

D’Amato wanted more specifics back in the 1990s about black budgets and how billions of unaccounted-for tax dollars were being spent by these contractors. The reason the gatekeepers at these firms (often retired Generals) did not show him anything is that they have nothing to show for the money they are taking:

They are not covering up what they are doing. They are covering up what they are not able to do.

The Alien Reproduction Vehicle Myth

The only people who make such bold claims of successful reverse-engineering of the craft are accused frauds such as Bob Lazar, Richard Doty, and Corey Goode. They speak of fully-functioning, intact, alien craft that have been quietly reverse-engineered and built by humans. These man-made alien-conceived vehicles are capable of manipulating space, time, and dimensions so maintain such fantasists.

Common sense instructs us that if such extraordinary interstellar craft have actually been made by man, then someone is missing the boat on billions. Commercial companies would do anything for such technology. It would revolutionize transport of humans and delivery of cargo in ways we cannot imagine. If the Military has such things, we would win all wars and fear no conflict ever.

On the face of it, the very idea of being able to fully reconstruct now what comes from perhaps hundreds of thousands of years from now is not tenable. If we can really fly like aliens, then the NASA space program has been a “cover program” with lives lost and taxpayer money wasted.

Eisenhower Predicted All Of This

Billions of unaccounted-for dollars spent by the Government to private companies supporting defense is exactly what a former President predicted. Dwight Eisenhower gave a dire warning to the nation about a grave threat to democracy. He called it the “Military-Industrial Complex”. A formidable union of defense contractors working on secret projects with secret elements of Military and Intelligence.

The prescient observation applies directly to the reverse-engineering program related to Roswell. Highly secret, highly entrenched, and artful at obfuscation, these defense contractors having been taking the U.S. Government and taxpayers for a ride about Roswell for money for years. In his last speech to the world as President, Eisenhower hinted that he knew of the covert situation and that he had lost control of these projects. He didn’t know what they were doing ...

... or more importantly, not doing.


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