salt lake herald-republican. (salt lake city, utah) 1909 ... · f c 12 the heraldrepublican salt...

F c 12 THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FRIDAY NOV 5 1909 J i Mines and Mining Stocks HARRIS IS AFTER- ANOTHER BONANZA Man Who Brought Florence Tries Luck in Bannock District Ray D Harris former Salt Lake news- paper man who brought In tho famous Florence lease In Seven Troughs district has taken a lease on a block of the Iron Canyon Gold Mining ompanys ground In Bannock district The Harris lease 15 i only a short dis tance south of the Iron Canyon companys main workings from which In doing de- velopment work It has taken several car loads of ore which has been marketed at a Salt Lake amltcr bringing close to 70 a ton Te leased block Is on the same vein as Uk company workings and sev- eral openings on the Harris ground show ore of commercial grade Harris confi dently expects to be taking out ore In shipping quantities within a very short time for the pay stuff Is continuous al- most from the surface down wherever the vein has betn opened The Iron Canyon property Is about three miles from the celebrated highgrade strike of the Nevada Omaha Mining com- pany which Is In Phlladlilphla canyon a tributary of Iron canyon Aside from the big strike In Philadelphia canyon the bet ter showings of gold ore have been opened In Iron canyon The ore occurs In strong veins in a porphyritic formation It Is usually a soft carbonate found under neath from ten to twenty feet of Iron capping and the values are comparative- ly regular running generally from tO to ltI a ton Indications are that Ideal high grade milling proposItions are to be devel- oped there Big Strike Holds The big strike at Bannock Is holding out as strong as ever at the depth of JO feet In the shaft according to Jeese Fox man- ager of the Iron Canyon Gold Mining com- pany who was In camp a few days agO Slow progress has been made In sinking for the reason that the fIrst 20 feet or more of the work was done by the man ager slngiehanded Tire rich streak Is so extremely rich that he could trust no one else to work Itt the hole Two miners are now employed how t Vlr A strong house has been built over the shaft the men are locked In when they are working and a guard Is on duty to prevent outsiders from breaking in to arry off the precious rock Promising showings have been opened by several of the leisees who are working ground of the Nevada Omaha company but none has yet encountered the phenom nally rich streak The company Is pre rirIng for mor extensive operations DIVIDENDS NOW CAUSE INTEREST Grand Central to Resume Pay ments SoonIron Blos- som in Doubt Policy of the Iron Blossom management to pay an 8ct dividend or nothing has tarred speculating In that companY rofit distribution There Is said to be- no question that the company has In Its trasury ample money to pay a dlYldend thIS month but there Is a question whether the directors will not deem I It wise to conserve the treasury surplus for development requirements Action of the stock yestertlll indicated the stat of uncertainty which exists In the mind of the talent A few sales of the Sioux Consolidated companys November dIvidend have been eported at G cents and 5 cents a share but those who are best Informed contend that the regular sum of 7 cents a share will be paid- Whether Grand Central wilt resume the paying of dividends this month remains to be determined The most definite statement to be obtained from Colonel C E Loose the companys general man- ager Is that Grand Central without doubt wilt pay a dividend some time before Christmas No question Is raised that Colorado wilt pay Its regular dividend of S cents a share nor that Uncle Sam will come through with Its 2cent distribution San Francisco Mining Stocks The official closing quotations for min- Ing stocks today were as follows Andes 18 Lady W Con 1- 61khet LOU Mexican 1 1- On B iiil0ccidentaJ C 6 Caledonia 5 Ophlr 1 Challenge C A Overman 21 Chollar M Savage C Ya 1Oii Scorpion 00 Con Imperial 04 Sag Belcher 06 Crown Point so SPrrIt Nevada 4i- H C Sier Hill H N 311 Union Con Julia Utah Con 8i Justice 13 Yellow Jacket 81 New York Mining Stocks AlieP 175 Leadville C Oi Brunswick C < Xi Little Chief 0- 1C Tun stock s Mexican 13 Tun bonds fl Ontario 2i C C Va LO0 Ophlr 1 Horn Sliver Bi Standard f Iron Silver 1re Yellow Jacket 10 Boston Mining Stocks A1enture 400 Michigan 6ii Allouez W00 1 Mohawk GLOO Ama 881I Nevada 61f- Ariz Corn c51J1 Old Dom 5300 Atlantic 1Uli Parrot 860 Butte CoaVn 25O Quincy 88- 00A10100 t Shann- onH60500 15 1- Je Tamarack 6600 Centennial 3900 Trinity 1160 Cop Range 8125 U Copper 800 DalY West 7Th U S Mining 1i52fi Franklin 16S71h U S Oil 37JoO Granby 9800 Utah 4450 Greene C 1187 Victoria 300 Isle Royale Iioo Wlnona 700 Mass Min 600 North Butte rooo Do yu kodak Weilnish and 310- flll the suppliei Salt Lakt Pht- F r i ftn trftB- REEDENJ i OffiCE TALK hits for the office Drceden hs it TODA- YIndividual Stationary You ought to have some thing real nice We have It and we want you to see It All the latest shades delicate and pretty chiefly white In fancy buxes A beauti- ful linen finish Large size for gentlemen small for ladles Cards and envelopes too TELEPHONES 729 J3rcedenOfftce5upp111Q- oOWest2nilSo 1 j- k 1- a r 1 Plumes cleaned and curled College I IUlincry Parlors 301 Tribune bldg yO Imperiales Cigarettes are so mildso pureso delicatethe mot sensitive throats are soothednever irritated Theres aU the rich fuUbodied satis fying tobacco taSte of the fineSt tobacco blended to perfeion yielding a fra grance that never tires Imperiales Cigarettes are rolled it a rare quality of thin mais paper crimped not paSted and through the mouthpiece at the end comes smoke clean cool and satisfying The very firS puff tells the whole ito- rylOforlOc Sold Everywhere t THE JOHN BOLLMAN co Manufacturers Sm Franci- acoA s U 1- ir I = I OPYRIcHT Ease and Comfort In every finished packae of our hlundry products SOFTENED and JILTERED WATER skilled knowl edge of laundry methods are our suc- cessful assets In laundering TROY LAUNDRY The Laundri ot Quality Hoth phones 19 166 Main Str New York Stoels Boston Coppers Chicago Grain Utah Stocks Badger Brothers 160 MAIN STREET Branch Office Jureaa wan Members Salt Lake Exchange Direct Wires to all lIarlrets of the World Will Sell 600 Independent Coal 82 18 Kaysville Brick 95- I Utah Mex Rubber Cap 295 Will Buy Elk Coal Shares M EMBERS 181 Lake stocc and Mtntn gxcpO- enver Consolidated Stock Exnanc- Hawnldu iIi1ag toCc Exena- ngThrockmorlon Company Broker tah Savings Trust Building DEALERS Government Railway and Munletcm bend Hank and Investment Stucis CORRESPONDENTS lew York Chicago 3an Francisco Rawhide Toncpab Goldtleld and 1- Prl1i Exnhanget- stabliihed 18U D1 OlfiCM The Oldest and Lrt R G DUN CO GEORGE RUST Genera Mana- gUtI Idaho Wyoming and Nevada Oftlcea iii Progress Duil4lng Salt Lake City Notice to Water Users STATE ENGINEERS OFFICE SAt Lake City Utah Oct n 1909 Not a l3 hereby given that W H Stout WS3p- ostoffice address is Murray Utah lJ1 made applicatior In accordance with tt requirements of the ComplIed Laws Utah 1907 as amended by the 1- 5slon Laws of Utah 1M to a proprinte one 1 cubic foot i second of water from an named spring In Salt Lake county tta Said spring is situated at a point w- ibarg north 11 degrees east 4S6 feet 1s tan from the northeast corner of sour west quarter of the southweet quarter section 35 township 1 south range 1 t asr Salt Lake base and meridian Said w ter will be diverted at the point WIll it Issues from said spring and cons for a dste of 600 feet In an eartl channel and there used from Ma L t October 1 inclusive of each year tn ir- rigate 40 acres or land embraced in s tion 35 township 1 south range I fa Salt Lake base and meridian As mu of salll water itS may be necessa v be used during the entire year for mestlc purposes This application is ri Ignated In the state engineers offlC s- No 2fl7 All pratests against the grir- ing or said application stating th r- eons thereto must be nade by affl In duplicate and filed in this offic ni- In thirty 30 days after the compi h i of the publication of this nOtice CALEB TANNER- State Engine r Date of first publication Oct 9 I 1 Date of completion of publication 29 1Mi Sheriffs Sale IN THE DISTRICT COURT TN ND- for Salt Lake county State of Uta the Sterling company plaintiff agsft Walter J Poulton Jr and W J p ton defendants to be sold at shif s sale at the west front door of the ty court house In the city and Crt of Salt Lake state of Utah on the 1 day of November A D 1909 t- ociock J noon of said day all the rIg title claim and interest of said def d ants of In and to the following de- scribed real estate towit Beginning at the southeast cornet lot 3 block 62 plat D Salt LakE 11 t survey thence east 10 rods t G north 6H feet thence west io r J thence south 6till feet to beginning Purchase price payable jg iwfJI money of the United States Dated at Salt Lake City itai t s 20th day of October 190- 9JOSEPH C SHARP Sheriff of Salt Lake County Stat f Utah By Aleg BuThanan Jr Deputy Sheriff Stephens Smith Porter Attorr II for PlaintIff Date of first publication Oct 2 e OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF ty commissIoners of Salt Lake puc Salt Lake City Utah Oct i- tice II I Notice Is hereby given that th 0 1 of county commls loners of Salt I county Intends to purchase from I Larson and wife for the sum of th hundred a300 dollars for UII8 as a gr 1 bed and for such other use and pwm as may hereafter become necessary I advisable the following real state uated In Salt Lake county state of U J J to wit Commencing 1207 feet east and 1 f t south from the northwest corner r tion I township I south range 2- Salt Lake base and meridian tt r south 4SS feet thence west 4125 f t thence south 495 feet thence eal L 4J 5 feet thence south 8G fet thcnc 40125 feet thence north 185 feet tl west 4045 feet to place of begin and that said board of county com slol11S wm me3t to consummate said chase on Monday the 31th day of Nn ber 199 at 10 oclock a rn By order of the board of county t1- mls loners of Salt Lake county Ita MARGARET ZANE WITCHE- Hfn Curtv Assessment No1 P C LIME AND STONE COMPANi principal place of business Salt Lake Utah Notice Is hereby given that t 1 meeting or the directors held on the day of October 1909 an assessment of per share was levied on the capital q K of the corporation payabl > immedlll to J L May secretary = Comm I I Club building Salt Lake City Utah A stock upon which this assessment may r main unpaid on the tth day of Nvemt 1900 will be delinquent and advertised f r sale at public auction and unless pame t Is mad before will be sold on the 11th d o December 1909 to pay the deUnqler t nssssment together with the cost of aj jertlsing and expense for sale J L MAY Secretary Salt Lake City Utah Read Herald Republican Wants NEWSTRENGTHIN- SOMESECURITIES Grand Central and Mason Val ley HigherColorado ando Sioux Firm Listless trading continued the feature of the mining stock market with most of the Issues holding strong considering the lack of demand DIvidend prospects begin to figure as a strengthening or weakening influence Colorado and Sioux holding at regular pILes IndIcates that there Is little doubt of their making the regular distrIbutions this month while slight wcakenlng of Iron Blossom yester- day showed a feeling of unc rtalnty In regard to Its forthcoming action Grand Central was strong at 220 to 22211 Ma son Valley saw new demand which caused It to again cross the 2 mark and there was new activity In Nevada Hills at 76 rents to 78 cents Columbus Consolidated was weak at 63 cents to 65 cents Total number of shares sold 6SS17 value 194SS58 Closing quotations and the days sales Bid Bid lSked- I IAskedll I Forenoon I Afternoon AJax 36 35 36 n Tunnel 20 16 192 Bing Amal 12 1014 12 Black Jack 35J IS 132 U1 Bullock 01 4 Camp Bird O1 Carisa SO 00 70 Ced Tails 0 0 Colo Mln 13 132 13 Col Don Mercur Con 131 0 6 6 Crown Point 07 07 o DalyJudge Drag Iron 50 50 E Cr Point 0 OZ 02 02i E T Con 00 02w 02 E T Dev rl 10 1 E T G Kg O1f- G tl0 Central 2 I 22 21P 22 02 I 0 0 Grut Hex Gold O 8 I I 0 I I 9 100 Q md Queen O Io I 03- Inyo Gold 10 0 O Iron ms 74 7 Iron King 12 15h 1 Joe Bowers 074 0 King David 2 Led Little KIng f t O r Bel 16 Lit 1 0 L Mammoth 3 4 40- MaJ Mason Ine 10n- 11 20 20 2021 May Day 15 j Miller Hill 0 Mm Lake Flat 0 W 0 0 03- 1Mt 0- 1I Lake Ex 01 British 30 i 50- Nev I sj M Hills 74 76 T 7- 9Newhouse 2Ti 4W 27 400 New York O 01 Ohio Cop 445 435 4 Or hongo 10 2- 2Plutus 0 0 Q 06 Provo Prince Con 1 12 09 Gcramento Scot I 01 01 01- Sev Tru I I 111 10 111 Silver Sil Shield King I 39 40 II 39 40 SIOUX South Con Cal 4 l C J 16 6 6 O So Ir Bios 0 01 004 So Pacific I 07 So Swansa Oii 04 Swan Ext i I Stray Dog 1 O Ten I O 0 Ir 0 oW Tin Tin Enpire Humb J I 1 0 r 8 Uncle Sm5 50 61 Utah 1 0- 0Victar O O Q COl O I 011 O Victoria f liN 15 1S W New Cop t 2i 25 Westn Nev I J 14 I I 14 Yanke Copper Con I I 12 I 0 20 I J 11 2 Forenoon Sales Ajax 100 at- olorao 364e 10 at 13V4- Colwnbus at Ge 2360 at OSe seller sixty dar 50W at ler sixty days Indian Queen 5 r at at 22 i at 21 Iron Blosom G at 74c 5 at Oc Mason Vtillev at U9 New York 5 at S c Provo 2300 be 2O at Dxc seller sixty days 6c Sioux buyer Con 5 days at Sic 15 at 6 1 at Uncle Sam 1600 at Soc Yerlngton Copper 40 at 33o 250 at 3 Open Board Colorado Columbus 3 at at 13 thirty Iron days Blossom 200 at 7 2 at 7c seller Lower MamtI 10 at 4O May Day 500 at 16c Ohio Share Copper sold 6 46 Selling value 117455- 0Afternoon i Sales Back Jack 10 t 1c 10 at Hc 186 Colorado 500 at 3 Columbus 000 at at lU tc i Crown Point 500 at 7c i East Tlntc Con 10 at 2c I East Dev at 1O Iron Indian Blo5m Queen 10 at 3 I lasn Valley 3 at s Mineral at 3c Flat 90 evadl His Tc seler 10 sixty 300 days at 7Sc 2 at- 7k New 246 40 at SIc Ohio Coppr 50 At Seven Troughs 600 at 0jc Sioux Can 900 at 1c Tintlc Central 10 51c Open Board Est Crown Point 10 at 2c days Tlntc Dv 3 10eseler thirty Dragon Iron 5 at bc Indian Queen 40 at 31 c Iron Blossom S 72e 10 at 7c Mason Valley at 2O Mason Valley 3 at 20 Shares sold 36 Selling value 7430 UTAH COPPER MEN ON WAY Jacklng Goes to Colorado to Meet Other Directors D C Jackling general manager of the Utah Copper company left yesterday In his private car for Colorado Springs where h will meet the other members i of the official famies of Utah Copper Ray Copper and Gila I Copper to accompany them upon a gen- eral trip of Inspection of the propertes of all of those companies rado Springs the party will go through- to Ely without stoP returning to this city next Tuesday After Inspectng the mines at Bingham and Gar field they will proceed to Arizona and New Mexico- The party will include C M MacNeili Spencer Penros Aldrich Sherwood J D Hawkins Charles Hayden A Chester Beatty S W Eccles Pop Yeatma and several other be joined In Nevada ly John Hays Hammond IMLAY ADDS SECOND SHIFT TO MILL FORCE The second shift was last Friday added to the force employed In the mill of the Imlay company at Its mine In Humboldt county Nevada Scarciy of water has prevented mi at capacty but Superintendent repor i the water Is now holding wih t a gradual and steady Increase He pocts to b able soon to run three shifts at the The second carload of con- centrates i ts expected to arrive at the smelter the first pat of next week NEW WONDERS IN QUICKSILVER MINE Great Dike in Shoshone May Be Even Richer Than Ladge First Opened Development of the great phonolte dike which courses at least 35 feet through the property of the Shoshone Qulckslver company Is proving new wonders property which promises to make million- aires of the Davis brothers o this city and their associates Exploitng of the new source of wealth property shows that the rich streaks are coser to gather than they are In the cin- nabar ar which has been providing the output the mine cince It was opened about one year ago Boulders of the ore arrythg GO per cent mercury are found at the surface and It Is believe that n width of 20 feet of the Lts it Is broken down better than 6 per- cent mercury When it Is considered that the ledge a portion of which has been developed to the depth of about 150 feet shows from four to six feet of ore which averages S per cent mercury and It Is remembered further that the ore of the greatest quick tilver mines of the country averages less than 1 per cent mercury the wonderful possibities presented In the opening of which appears to be virtu aly a solid mass of hlghgrde ore will to be realized begn company this week sold In San Frncisco another consignment of quick brought It a handsome sum of money The ore Is treated at this time In common retorts at the mine Its treat- ment Is simple to n degree Crushing of the ore Is not required and a relatively mid degree of heat evaporizes the mer which Is condensed by being run through pipes over which cold water news precipitating the liquid metal which Is worth about 5 cents a pound It Is expected by April to have In sew furnaces which will multiply many- times the present output with much less expense per ton for treating the ore BIG ORE BODY IN NORTH BINGHAM Shaf at 200 Feet Depth Is in Feet of Sulphides Is Report- That the 2foot shaft of the North Bngham Mining company operating In Barneys canyon Is in a body of sulphide ore 15 feet wide Is the apparently an- thoritative report which cares from the camp The ore body Is Improving In both size and quality as depth Is attained Report- two weeks ago was that the shaft wa In 12 feet of ore which returned values of 280 a ton In gold and sliver the cop per contents being unknown Yesterday it was said that the ore body had widened to 15 feet and that marked Im provement of the copper values was ap- parent The North Bingham company started tavern months ago sinking a shaf at the mouth of its tunnel which been friven more than 10 feet on a great vein more than 100 wide at the sur face which Is believed by experts to be the northern extension of the Highland Boy vein In driving the tunnel there was taken out considerble ore which ran S20 a ton and tter gold Several ship- ments ot this class of ore were made to the smelter But the ore on the tunnel level shows unmistakable evidences of excessive leah Ing The men oehlnJ the North Blnghaxn- ompany became convinced that a great mine was to be made In the ground but that It would be necessary to go to con- siderable depth to get Into the zone of redeposition In view of this sinking was tarted from the tunnel love and the shaft has been euippe with hoist and compressor capble working to the lOfoot level Looks Like Big Mine Results obtained from work In the shaft have been closely guarded by the man- agement but it Is known that they have ben highly encouraging The formation and the chararter f the ore encountered ire said to b iimtical with those found In the Highland Boy ground of the Utah Consolidated coml ty and it is beleve that the are developing of ore which will cret excitement when somewhat greter lepth Is attained and details of characteristics become known Owners of nel hborng propcrtie who have been close touch a possible with what has been goIng on In the North Bingham workings are enthusi astc over what infrrnation they have ben able to obtain with the result tnat more developrnsnt and assessment work is being doiI In the Barneys canyon region than has been done for a number of years before San Francisco Quotations James A Iollcck Co bankers and brokers 6 West Second South street fur nleh the following received over their private wire- GOLDFIELD I Bid Asled Sandstorm m 04 Jumbo Extension 13 Booth n io 1 Blue Bul 0 oi Sliver Pick 07 10 Blue Bell 0 03 Lone Star 0 Oro om 0 Atanta n 1 Bend Florence n 0 0 Goldfield Daisy 0 07 Iewanos Combination Fraction 5 O 5 Portland 0 Yellow Tiger 04 Goldfeld Consolidated 715 04 COISTOCK I 165 170 Mexican 132 ½ 13 Gould Curry 2s Consolidated Savage Virginia 10 107 Hale Norcross 3 71 4- 1Beicher Siera Nevada 47 48 1nlon 6 67 27 Cholar Tonopnh TONOPAH Nevada H 655- Vonopah Extension 1 51 Midway itacNamara 16 27 3 Tonopah Belmont 74 75 West End Con 2 Jim Butler 1 BULLFROG 02 Mayflower Consolidated 11 12 ttontgomcry Mountain 0 Tramp Consolidated MANHATTAN I Manhattan Consolidated I Dexter Mineral Hi 1 01 0 OTHER DISTRICTS FairvieW Eagle 12 Rawhide Queen Rawhide Coalition 31 Hill 05 Balloon n n Ores and Bullion + Smeler shipments yeterday r + porte MCornick Co Ors + bullion 120 + 4 + 0 ++ + + t + + + +++ f + + + t 4 + Ore at Samplers Ore receipts by carloads reported yes- terday by the rampiers PioneerUtah 6 TaylorBruntonUtah 1 NEVADA CON MAY ADD UNITTO Mill Abosrbing Cumberland Ely to Mark Star for Larger Output Nevada ConsolMated according to ad- vices from the east Is soon to authorize- constructon of the fifth unit of Its con- centrator at the Steptoe Valley smelter lVefl if that action has not already ben tken The Minneaplia Stol company the said wl be awarded te contract- or It was announc4 by S V Ecclct U last time he visited Ely that no more constructon work would be undertak n unti soml time next summer but It is the absrbing of Cumberland- sly together poslbly with consldera ions arising from the mysterious influ- nce which Is causing the advance in pnce or the bIg coppers has led Nevada onsolldated to change Its plan to the extent of hurrying construction which viii permit Increase of production Rumors of like character which make tt- apper that directors of Utah Copper are ikely Upon the occasion of their visit here nt week to order enlargement of that companys mi to 10000 tons a day apacity appear measure to confirm the oftrepeated prediction made by east- ern authorities that smething out of the irdinary Is about to happen the copper worldsomething to cause a largely In- creased demand for the metal Is the only Inference to be taken BOSTON AND NEW YORK COPPER MINING STOCKS James A Pollock Co banker and broker 6 West Second South streets fur- nish the following received over their private wire Boston Copper Range Sales Open High Low Close JOston Con 1855 lih 1 1 1t4 Butte 6817 Butte Coaln 2 28 2 23 Cal Arlz 18 101 10 101 101 Con Mercur 16 Cop Range 726 811 S 81 8114 Cum Eiy l7M 81 Daly West H4 Davis Daly S 6 6i 6 G 116 Est Bute 326 r IHi Ut 1 90 12 ulroux con lW 11 I 9 9 Granby Con 10 Greene Can 114 613 1 1 Nev Con 263- k1ev Utah 370 2 2 PA Zh 11 1- iptss1ng G 1Wl 10 1O North Butte 1250 0 81 51 60 U 11 Tpniy l com 2 1 9 S S corn 5Hi 51 69g 0 O Preferred 50 52 5 52 5 Utah Con 441i 3 4414 SUo Boston 85 1 132 13 2 Ray Cent 2916 La Rose 5570 5 116 5t 4 1316 5 Boston Copper Close I Bid tAsked Inter Smelter H30 J500 Boston Corbin 215 2175- Hel 68 Lake Miami 362 30 170 Newhouse 35 3611 S Oil B 135 35 137 Utah Apex 45 487- Adventure 500 c5 Arizona Commercial 453 4575- C II 60 6O0 Franklin 1662 170 GreeneCananea 1S7 121 La Sale 10 15 Old Dominion 50 55 Parrot 285 25 Santa Fe 17 20 Shannon 156 1s Tennessee Copper 361 Victoria Utah Copper 506 35 5112 Vandote 22 250 A O 9500- Begole 10 175 Ely Central 40 First National 67 6SY Ray Central 2371 La Rose 500 Raven JeD 850 90 Leaf 175 18W Chino 71 80 Yukon 487 50 Chief Consolidated 137 Amalgamated 8122 882 Zinc Hancock 316 30 10 Royale- Kew 20 323- Arcadlan 27 35 40 North Lake 70 712t S P- Alboues 1675 590 5975 Atlantic 125 Centennial 4000 Mexico Consolidated bW 525 Mohawk 610 60 Osceola 150 Quincy SO Tamarack 660 6800- Winona 70 7311 Wolverine 10 Gas 450 470 B Ely 40 Cobalt Central 20 20 Goldfield Consolidated 68 71 South Lake 232 125 Majestic National 500 5600 Rawhide Coalition 310 3O Queen 30 350 Tonopah 65 Gila = 80 New York Listed Stocks Sales Open High Low Close Utah Cop13200 50 51 5 5 Tenn Cop 3 36 36 3 New York Curb Range Sales Open High Low Close Boston Con 6 1 1 1H 1H Cobalt Cent 21h 28 Ely Con60000 S 9 89 First N Con Cop l 56 f 9 6 6 9 1- Grux King Edward Cop 10 7 7 516 T 7 546 75 Miami Cop 65 16 lIZ 16 1 Mont Sho 1 Nov Con20000 23 2f 25 26w Nov Utah 65 1 316 1 316 1 Ray Cent 10 2 22 2 21 Ray Con 10 187l 19 19 TlnUc Min 21 Yukon Cold 4 1316 4 151G 4 1316 4HI 2 Cum Ely 30 7 1316 8t 7 1316 8 Gila Cop 300 7 7 7 Chino 8 8 20 Ohio Cop 170 T 42 43 4 76 La Rose 5 5 Newhouse 130 3 3 ½ 37 3 ½ 37 New York Copper Close I Bid IAskd Butte London 20 350 CumbrlandEly 80 1075 Tennessee Copper 362 3650 Utah Copper 500- 0DavisDaly 58 61211 Dominion Copper 0 r Ely Central 404 Furnace Creek 10- Greene G S 30 60 Mitchell 0 25 Montgomery Shoshone 10 10 Nevada Smelting 61 Silver Quen Silver 17 18 Kin Edward 61 75 Foster Cobalt 3 42 Cobalt Central 2 28 McKinleyDarragh 88 TlnUc Mining 15 22 Gibraltar First National Copper 67 65 Nevada His 7 S North Extension 0 B S Gas 87 Pennsylvania Vyomlng O El Rayo 243 26 Braden Copper 35 36 NEVADA UNITED WILL PUSH DEFINACE TUNNEL As the result of a visit to the property of tho Nevada Unied Mines company at Ward Nev of G Boyle consult Ing engineer and E S Knssler of Denver a director of the company an all com- pressor is to ho installed at once that more rapid work may be done In the De fiance tunnel The formation is had limestone through which hand work Is necessarily slow and unsatisfactory The compressor will be operated by a gaso- line engine on account of the scarcity of fuel In the vicinity as the smelting op- erations at Yard many years ago cleared a large radius of country of everything that could be used for fuel Fourteen men pre employed on differ ent parts of the property and they will b kept steadily at work all winter driving the tunnel and developing ore deposits In addition to the ones already opened up NATIONAL ATTRACTS i ALASKA MINING MEN Winnemucca Nev Nov 4Four morE I Alaska mining men arrive this morning from Seattle and tomorrow morning for National to look over tile camp which Is the most attractive one In the enUhe country for men who have made good In the north The gentlemen are J T Sullivan of Sullivan Badger a prominent and wealthy mining man of Nome Alaska James Galen VT J CvI anaugh a wellknown Alask and B D Blakeslee en- gineer I of Nome and who is associated with Mr of them are old Sull1an Al time Gundaker whom they knew In Alaska and whose est they are during their stay In Winnemuc- ca and at National LIVE OPEN BOARD DUE TO DEMAND FOR ELYS Demand for Ely stocks yet makes the open board the live feature of the mining stock exchange Federal Ely yesterday made a gain of 1 cent a share 5800 shares having sold at 19 cnts and 3800 shares ben cents Ely and Mc- Donald Ely both held at 40 cents Sales of the former were 2200 shares of the Tjintall Treasure Hill was In later r at 10 cents with lr shares changing hands Quotations I Bid lAshed Ely Witch 40 I 41 Federal IS 19 Ell 3 40 Ploche Demijohn 0 06 UIntah Treasure Hi 10 Mammoth 0 125 Utah Mine 120- Bingham Central Standard 3 39 Opex 2 15 2- 1Muscrove Rklcar ElY 00 10 ARGUS MINING PUSHES NORTH BINGHAM WORK Reorganization of the Utah N M company has ben effected with the Ar gus Mining company its successor and the new owner of all of its holdings The company owns a group of claims corn pricing 8 acres in the Barneys canyon section North Bingham The group covers the extension of the great lode upon which the North Bingham Mining company Is working with gratifying re suits The southerly line of the Argus group is within 100 feet of the shaft which the North Bngham company Is sinking at the mouth of Its tunnel where It is said to have opend an ore body fften feet wide The Argus company ha force of seven men employed In driving I a tunnel PIONEER LEASE WILL INCREASE PRODUCTION With the drifts cleared the ore blocked lout ready for stoplng and three carloads of ore In the loading bins the manage mentof the Pioneer lease has been forced to on Rhyole for more freight teams cal Herald This morning RhyoU two Pioneer to relieve tht cong oulfts there and aid In an Increased output- Everything In and about the lease 5 In condition considerably bet tsr than last week More 01 area great- er general average and Increased receipts and more coming up Mining Notes Tony Jacobson Is at Alta Inspecting de- velopments In the Columbus mine- R L Edwards Is In the city from Sal mon City Ida where he Is operating the Kitty Burton mine Arthur H Brown left last night for the Salmon City Ida district to Inspect the Musgrove mme In which interesting de velopments are under way Regular monthly meetings of the Unce Sam and May Day directors will be next Monday The Uncle Sam will at that time it Is expected declare th usual dividend of two cents a aharE T H Watson manager ot the Silver Queen mine il Sierra Madre district north of Ogden Is in city He r ports highly favorable conditions In the Silver Queen Stock of the Lower Mammoth Mining company upon which the latest assess ment of five cents a share has not been paid will be sold for the assessment at 2 oclork today at the offices of the corn fn n th Doolv Hnk

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Page 1: Salt Lake Herald-Republican. (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909 ... · F c 12 THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FRIDAY NOV 5 1909 J i Mines and Mining Stocks HARRIS IS AFTER- ANOTHER



i Mines and Mining StocksHARRIS IS AFTER-


Man Who Brought FlorenceTries Luck in Bannock


Ray D Harris former Salt Lake news-paper man who brought In tho famousFlorence lease In Seven Troughs districthas taken a lease on a block of the IronCanyon Gold Mining ompanys groundIn Bannock district

The Harris lease 15i only a short distance south of the Iron Canyon companysmain workings from which In doing de-

velopment work It has taken several carloads of ore which has been marketed ata Salt Lake amltcr bringing close to 70

a ton Te leased block Is on the samevein as Uk company workings and sev-

eral openings on the Harris ground showore of commercial grade Harris confidently expects to be taking out ore Inshipping quantities within a very shorttime for the pay stuff Is continuous al-

most from the surface down wherever thevein has betn opened

The Iron Canyon property Is about threemiles from the celebrated highgradestrike of the Nevada Omaha Mining com-

pany which Is In Phlladlilphla canyon atributary of Iron canyon Aside from thebig strike In Philadelphia canyon the better showings of gold ore have been openedIn Iron canyon The ore occurs In strongveins in a porphyritic formation It Isusually a soft carbonate found underneath from ten to twenty feet of Ironcapping and the values are comparative-ly regular running generally from tO toltI a ton Indications are that Ideal high

grade milling proposItions are to be devel-oped there

Big Strike HoldsThe big strike at Bannock Is holding out

as strong as ever at the depth of JO feetIn the shaft according to Jeese Fox man-ager of the Iron Canyon Gold Mining com-

pany who was In camp a few days agOSlow progress has been made In sinkingfor the reason that the fIrst 20 feet ormore of the work was done by the manager slngiehanded Tire rich streak Isso extremely rich that he could trust noone else to work Itt the hole

Two miners are now employed howt Vlr A strong house has been built overthe shaft the men are locked In whenthey are working and a guard Is on dutyto prevent outsiders from breaking in toarry off the precious rockPromising showings have been opened

by several of the leisees who are workingground of the Nevada Omaha companybut none has yet encountered the phenom

nally rich streak The company Is prerirIng for mor extensive operations



Grand Central to Resume Payments SoonIron Blos-

som in Doubt

Policy of the Iron Blossom managementto pay an 8ct dividend or nothing hastarred speculating In that companYrofit distribution There Is said to be-

no question that the company has In Itstrasury ample money to pay a dlYldendthIS month but there Is a questionwhether the directors will not deem IItwise to conserve the treasury surplus fordevelopment requirements Action ofthe stock yestertlll indicated the statof uncertainty which exists In the mindof the talent

A few sales of the Sioux Consolidatedcompanys November dIvidend have beeneported at G cents and 5 cents a share

but those who are best Informed contendthat the regular sum of 7 cents a sharewill be paid-

Whether Grand Central wilt resume thepaying of dividends this month remainsto be determined The most definitestatement to be obtained from Colonel C

E Loose the companys general man-ager Is that Grand Central without doubtwilt pay a dividend some time beforeChristmas

No question Is raised that Colorado wiltpay Its regular dividend of S cents ashare nor that Uncle Sam will comethrough with Its 2cent distribution

San Francisco Mining StocksThe official closing quotations for min-

Ing stocks today were as followsAndes 18 Lady W Con 1-61khet LOU Mexican 1 1-

On B iiil0ccidentaJ C 6

Caledonia 5 Ophlr 1

Challenge C A Overman 21

Chollar M SavageC Ya 1Oii Scorpion 00

Con Imperial 04 Sag Belcher 06

Crown Point so SPrrIt Nevada 4i-

H C Sier HillH N 311 Union ConJulia Utah Con 8i

Justice 13 Yellow Jacket 81

New York Mining StocksAlieP 175 Leadville C Oi

Brunswick C <Xi Little Chief 0-

1C Tun stock s Mexican 13Tun bonds fl Ontario 2i

C C Va LO0 Ophlr 1

Horn Sliver Bi Standard fIron Silver 1re Yellow Jacket 10

Boston Mining StocksA1enture 400 Michigan 6iiAllouez W001 Mohawk GLOO

Ama 881I Nevada 61f-

Ariz Corn c51J1 Old Dom 5300Atlantic 1Uli Parrot 860Butte CoaVn 25O Quincy 88-

00A10100t Shann-onH60500

15 1-

Je Tamarack 6600Centennial 3900 Trinity 1160Cop Range 8125 U Copper 800DalY West 7Th U S Mining 1i52fi

Franklin 16S71h U S Oil 37JoO

Granby 9800 Utah 4450Greene C 1187 Victoria 300Isle Royale Iioo Wlnona 700Mass Min 600 North Butte rooo

Do yu kodak Weilnish and 310-flll the suppliei Salt Lakt Pht-F r i ftn trftB-




hits for the officeDrceden hs it



You ought to have something real nice We haveIt and we want you tosee It All the latestshades delicate andpretty chiefly white Infancy buxes A beauti-ful linen finish Largesize for gentlemen smallfor ladles

Cards and envelopes too





j-k 1-


1 Plumes cleaned and curled College I

IUlincry Parlors 301 Tribune bldg


Imperiales Cigarettes are so mildsopureso delicatethe mot sensitivethroats are soothednever irritated

Theres aU the rich fuUbodied satisfying tobacco taSte of the fineSt tobaccoblended to perfeion yielding a fragrance that never tires

Imperiales Cigarettes are rolled it arare quality of thin mais papercrimped not paSted and through themouthpiece at the end comes smokeclean cool and satisfying

The very firS puff tells the whole ito-

rylOforlOcSold Everywhere


THE JOHN BOLLMAN coManufacturers Sm Franci-





= I


Ease and ComfortIn every finished packae of ourhlundry products SOFTENED andJILTERED WATER skilled knowledge of laundry methods are our suc-

cessful assets In laundering

TROY LAUNDRYThe Laundri ot Quality

Hoth phones 19 166 Main Str

New York StoelsBoston Coppers

Chicago GrainUtah Stocks

Badger Brothers160 MAIN STREET

Branch Office Jureaa wanMembers Salt Lake Exchange

Direct Wires to alllIarlrets of the World

Will Sell600 Independent Coal 82

18 Kaysville Brick 95-

I Utah Mex Rubber Cap 295

Will BuyElk Coal Shares

M EMBERS181 Lake stocc and Mtntn gxcpO-enver Consolidated Stock Exnanc-

Hawnldu iIi1ag toCc Exena-

ngThrockmorlon CompanyBroker

tah Savings Trust BuildingDEALERS

Government Railway and Munletcmbend Hank and Investment Stucis

CORRESPONDENTSlew York Chicago 3an Francisco

Rawhide Toncpab Goldtleld and 1-

Prl1i Exnhanget-

stabliihed 18U D1 OlfiCMThe Oldest and Lrt


gUtI Idaho Wyoming and Nevada

Oftlcea iii Progress Duil4lng Salt LakeCity


Lake City Utah Oct n 1909 Not a l3hereby given that W H Stout WS3p-ostoffice address is Murray Utah lJ1made applicatior In accordance with ttrequirements of the ComplIed LawsUtah 1907 as amended by the 1-

5slon Laws of Utah 1M to aproprinte one 1 cubic foot isecond of water from annamed spring In Salt Lake county ttaSaid spring is situated at a point w-ibarg north 11 degrees east 4S6 feet 1stan from the northeast corner of sourwest quarter of the southweet quartersection 35 township 1 south range 1 t asrSalt Lake base and meridian Said wter will be diverted at the point WIllit Issues from said spring and consfor a dste of 600 feet In an eartlchannel and there used from Ma L tOctober 1 inclusive of each year tn ir-

rigate 40 acres or land embraced in stion 35 township 1 south range I faSalt Lake base and meridian As muof salll water itS may be necessa vbe used during the entire year formestlc purposes This application is ri

Ignated In the state engineers offlC s-

No 2fl7 All pratests against the grir-ing or said application stating th r-

eons thereto must be nade by afflIn duplicate and filed in this offic ni-In thirty 30 days after the compi h iof the publication of this nOtice

CALEB TANNER-State Engine r

Date of first publication Oct 9 I 1

Date of completion of publication29 1Mi


for Salt Lake county State of Utathe Sterling company plaintiff agsftWalter J Poulton Jr and W J pton defendants to be sold at shif ssale at the west front door of thety court house In the city and Crtof Salt Lake state of Utah on the 1

day of November A D 1909 t-


noon of said day all the rIgtitle claim and interest of said def dants of In and to the following de-

scribed real estate towitBeginning at the southeast cornet

lot 3 block 6 2 plat D Salt LakE 11 tsurvey thence east 10 rods t G

north 6H feet thence west io r J

thence south 6till feet to beginningPurchase price payable jg iwfJI

money of the United StatesDated at Salt Lake City itai t s

20th day of October 190-9JOSEPH C SHARP

Sheriff of Salt Lake County Stat fUtahBy Aleg BuThanan Jr Deputy Sheriff

Stephens Smith Porter Attorr II

for PlaintIffDate of first publication Oct 2 e

OFFICE OF THE BOARD OFty commissIoners of Salt Lake pucSalt Lake City Utah Oct i-


I Notice Is hereby given that th 0 1

of county commls loners of Salt Icounty Intends to purchase from ILarson and wife for the sum of thhundred a300 dollars for UII8 as a gr 1

bed and for such other use and pwmas may hereafter become necessary Iadvisable the following real stateuated In Salt Lake county state of U J J

to witCommencing 1207 feet east and 1 f t

south from the northwest corner r

tion I township I south range 2-

Salt Lake base and meridian tt rsouth 4SS feet thence west 4125 f tthence south 495 feet thence eal L 4J 5

feet thence south 8G fet thcnc40125 feet thence north 185 feet tlwest 4045 feet to place of beginand that said board of county comslol11S wm me3t to consummate saidchase on Monday the 31th day of Nnber 199 at 10 oclock a rn

By order of the board of county t1-

mls loners of Salt Lake county ItaMARGARET ZANE WITCHE-

Hfn Curtv


principal place of business Salt LakeUtah Notice Is hereby given that t 1meeting or the directors held on theday of October 1909 an assessment ofper share was levied on the capital q K

of the corporation payabl > immedlllto J L May secretary = Comm I IClub building Salt Lake City Utah Astock upon which this assessment may r

main unpaid on the tth day of Nvemt1900 will be delinquent and advertised f rsale at public auction and unless pame tIs mad before will be sold on the 11th do December 1909 to pay the deUnqler tnssssment together with the cost of ajjertlsing and expense for sale

J L MAY SecretarySalt Lake City Utah

Read Herald Republican Wants



Grand Central and Mason Val

ley HigherColoradoando Sioux Firm

Listless trading continued the featureof the mining stock market with mostof the Issues holding strong consideringthe lack of demand DIvidend prospectsbegin to figure as a strengthening orweakening influence Colorado and Siouxholding at regular pILes IndIcates thatthere Is little doubt of their making theregular distrIbutions this month whileslight wcakenlng of Iron Blossom yester-day showed a feeling of unc rtalnty Inregard to Its forthcoming action GrandCentral was strong at 220 to 22211 Mason Valley saw new demand which causedIt to again cross the 2 mark and therewas new activity In Nevada Hills at 76rents to 78 cents Columbus Consolidatedwas weak at 63 cents to 65 cents

Total number of shares sold 6SS17value 194SS58 Closing quotations andthe days sales

Bid Bid lSked-I

IAskedllI Forenoon I Afternoon

AJax 36 35 36n Tunnel 20 16 192Bing Amal 12 1014 12Black Jack 35J IS 132 U1Bullock 01 4

Camp Bird O1

Carisa SO 00 70Ced Tails 0 0Colo Mln 13 132 13ColDon Mercur

Con 131 0 6 6Crown Point 07 07 oDalyJudgeDrag Iron 50 50E Cr Point 0 OZ 02 02iE T Con 00 02w 02

E T Dev rl 10 1E T G Kg O1f-G


Central 2 I 22 21P 2202 I 0 0GrutHex Gold

O 8 I

I 0 II 9 100

Qmd Queen O IoI 03-

Inyo Gold 100 OIron ms 74 7Iron King 12 15h 1Joe Bowers 074 0King David 2LedLittleKIng f t O rBel 16Lit 1 0L Mammoth 3 4 40-

MaJMason Ine 10n-1120 20 2021May Day 15 j

Miller Hill 0Mm

LakeFlat 0 W 00

03-1Mt 0-

1I Lake Ex 01British 30 i


NevI sj M

Hills 74 76 T 7-9Newhouse 2Ti 4W 27 400New York O 01Ohio Cop 445 435 4

Or hongo 10 2-2Plutus 0 0 Q 06

ProvoPrince Con 1 1209GcramentoScot I



Sev Tru II 111 10 111

SilverSil Shield

King I 39 40II

39 40SIOUXSouth


4l C J16 6 6OSo Ir Bios 0 01 004

So Pacific I 07So Swansa Oii


Swan Ext i IStray Dog 1 OTen I O 0 Ir 0 oWTinTin

EnpireHumb J

I1 0r 8Uncle Sm5 50 61

Utah 1 0-0Victar O O Q

COl O I 011 OVictoria f liN 15 1SW New Cop t 2i 25Westn Nev IJ 14 I I 14

YankeCopperCon I


12I 0

20 I

J11 2Forenoon Sales

Ajax 100 at-olorao

364e10 at 13V4-

Colwnbus at Ge 2360 at OSe sellersixty dar 50W at ler sixty days

Indian Queen 5ratat 22 iat 21

Iron Blosom G at 74c 5 at OcMason Vtillev at U9New York 5 at ScProvo 2300 be 2O at Dxc sellersixty days


buyerCon 5days

at Sic 15 at 6 1atUncle Sam 1600 at SocYerlngton Copper 40at 33o 250 at 3Open BoardColoradoColumbus 3at

at 13thirty

IrondaysBlossom 200 at 7 2at 7c seller

Lower MamtI 10at 4OMay Day 500 at 16cOhioShare

Coppersold 6 46

Selling value 117455-

0Afternooni SalesBack Jack 10 t 1c 10at Hc 186

Colorado 500 at 3Columbus 000 at atlU tci Crown Point 500 at 7ci East Tlntc Con 10at 2cI East Dev at 1O


Blo5mQueen 10at 3

I lasn Valley 3at sMineral at 3cFlat90evadl HisTc seler

10 sixty300

daysat 7Sc 2at-

7kNew 246 40at SIcOhio Coppr 50 AtSeven Troughs 600 at 0jcSioux Can 900 at 1cTintlc Central 10 51c

Open Board

Est Crown Point 10at 2cdays Tlntc Dv 3 10eseler thirty

Dragon Iron 5at bcIndian Queen 40 at 31 cIron Blossom S 72e 10at 7cMason Valley at 2OMason Valley 3at 20Shares sold 36Selling value 7430


Jacklng Goes to Colorado to MeetOther Directors

D C Jackling general manager of theUtah Copper company left yesterday Inhis private car for Colorado Springswhere h will meet the other members

i of the official famies of Utah CopperRay Copper and Gila

ICopper to accompany them upon a gen-eral trip of Inspection of the propertesof all of those companiesrado Springs the party will go through-to Ely without stoP returning to thiscity next Tuesday After Inspectng themines at Bingham and Garfield they will proceed to Arizona andNew Mexico-

The party will include C M MacNeiliSpencer Penros Aldrich Sherwood J DHawkins Charles Hayden AChesterBeatty S W Eccles PopYeatmaandseveral other be joined InNevada ly John Hays Hammond



The second shift was last Friday addedto the force employed In the mill of theImlay company at Its mine In Humboldtcounty Nevada Scarciy of water hasprevented mi at capactybut Superintendent repori the water Is now holding wiht a gradual and steady Increase Hepocts to bable soon to run three shiftsat the The second carload of con-centratesi ts expected to arrive at thesmelter the first pat of next week



Great Dike in Shoshone May

Be Even Richer Than LadgeFirst Opened

Development of the great phonolte dikewhich courses at least 35 feet throughthe property of the Shoshone Qulckslvercompany Is proving new wondersproperty which promises to make million-aires of the Davis brothers o this cityand their associates Exploitng of thenew source of wealth propertyshows that the rich streaks are coser togather than they are In the cin-nabar arwhich has been providing theoutput the mine cince It was openedabout one year ago Boulders of the orearrythg GO per cent mercury are found

at the surface and It Is believe that nwidth of 20 feet of theLts it Is broken down better than 6 per-cent mercury

When it Is considered that the ledge aportion of which has been developed tothe depth of about 150 feet shows fromfour to six feet of ore which averages S

per cent mercury and It Is rememberedfurther that the ore of the greatest quicktilver mines of the country averages lessthan 1 per cent mercury the wonderfulpossibities presented In the opening of

which appears to be virtualy a solid mass of hlghgrde ore will

to be realizedbegn company this week sold In SanFrncisco another consignment of quick

brought It a handsome sumof money The ore Is treated at this timeIn common retorts at the mine Its treat-ment Is simple to n degree Crushing ofthe ore Is not required and a relativelymid degree of heat evaporizes the mer

which Is condensed by being runthrough pipes over which cold waternews precipitating the liquid metalwhich Is worth about 5cents a pound

It Is expected by April to have Insew furnaces which will multiply many-times the present output with much lessexpense per ton for treating the ore



Shaf at 200 Feet Depth Is in

Feet of Sulphides Is


That the 2foot shaft of the NorthBngham Mining company operating InBarneys canyon Is in a body of sulphideore 15 feet wide Is the apparently an-

thoritative report which cares from thecamp

The ore body Is Improving In both sizeand quality as depth Is attained Report-two weeks ago was that the shaft waIn 12 feet of ore which returned valuesof 280 aton In gold and sliver the copper contents being unknown Yesterdayit was said that the ore body hadwidened to 15 feet and that marked Improvement of the copper values was ap-parent

The North Bingham company startedtavern months ago sinking a shaf at themouth of its tunnel which beenfriven more than 10 feet on a greatvein more than 100 wide at the surface which Is believed by experts to bethe northern extension of the HighlandBoy vein In driving thetunnel there wastaken out considerble ore which ran S20a ton and tter gold Several ship-ments ot this class of ore were made tothe smelter

But the ore on the tunnel level showsunmistakable evidences of excessive leahIng The men oehlnJ the North Blnghaxn-ompany became convinced that a great

mine was to be made In the ground butthat It would be necessary to go to con-siderable depth to get Into the zone ofredeposition In view of this sinking wastarted from the tunnel love and the

shaft has been euippe with hoist andcompressor capble working to thelOfoot level

Looks Like Big MineResults obtained from work In the shaft

have been closely guarded by the man-agement but it Is known that they haveben highly encouraging The formationand the chararter f the ore encounteredire said to b iimtical with those foundIn the Highland Boy ground of the UtahConsolidated coml ty and it is belevethat the are developingof ore which will cret excitement whensomewhat greter lepth Is attained anddetails of characteristics becomeknown

Owners of nel hborng propcrtie whohave been close touch apossible with what has been goIng on Inthe North Bingham workings are enthusiastc over what infrrnation they haveben able to obtain with the result tnatmore developrnsnt and assessment work isbeing doiI In the Barneys canyon regionthan has been done for a number of yearsbefore

San Francisco QuotationsJames A Iollcck Co bankers and

brokers 6 West Second South street furnleh the following received over theirprivate wire-

GOLDFIELD I Bid AsledSandstorm m 04Jumbo Extension 13Booth n io 1Blue Bul 0 oiSliver Pick 07 10Blue Bell 0 03Lone Star 0Oro om 0Atanta n 1BendFlorence

n 0 0Goldfield Daisy 0 07

IewanosCombination Fraction 5 O5Portland 0Yellow Tiger 04

Goldfeld Consolidated 71504


165 170Mexican 132½ 13Gould Curry 2sConsolidatedSavage

Virginia 10 107Hale Norcross 3 71

4-1BeicherSiera Nevada 47 48

1nlon 6 6727Cholar


Nevada H 655-Vonopah Extension 1 51


1627 3

Tonopah Belmont 74 75West End Con 2Jim Butler 1

BULLFROG 02Mayflower Consolidated 11 12ttontgomcry Mountain 0Tramp Consolidated


Manhattan Consolidated IDexterMineral Hi


FairvieW Eagle 12Rawhide QueenRawhide Coalition 31

Hill 05Balloon n n

Ores and Bullion+ Smeler shipments yeterday r+ porte MCornick Co Ors+ bullion 120+ 4 + 0++ + + t + + + + + + f + + +t 4 +

Ore at SamplersOre receipts by carloads reported yes-

terday by the rampiers PioneerUtah 6

TaylorBruntonUtah 1



Abosrbing Cumberland Ely toMark Star for Larger

OutputNevada ConsolMated according to ad-

vices from the east Is soon to authorize-constructon of the fifth unit of Its con-

centrator at the Steptoe Valley smelterlVefl if that action has not already bentken The Minneaplia Stol company

thesaid wl be awarded te contract-

orIt was announc4 by S V Ecclct U

last time he visited Ely that no moreconstructon work would be undertak nunti soml time next summer but It is

the absrbing of Cumberland-sly together poslbly with conslderaions arising from the mysterious influ-nce which Is causing the advance inpnce or the bIg coppers has led Nevadaonsolldated to change Its plan to the

extent of hurrying construction whichviii permit Increase of productionRumors of like character which make tt-

apper that directors of Utah Copper areikely Upon the occasion of their visit

here nt week to order enlargement ofthat companys mi to 10000 tons a dayapacity appear measure to confirm

the oftrepeated prediction made by east-ern authorities that smething out of theirdinary Is about to happen the copper

worldsomething to cause a largely In-creased demand for the metal Is the onlyInference to be taken


COPPER MINING STOCKSJames A Pollock Co banker and

broker 6 West Second South streets fur-nish the following received over theirprivate wire

Boston Copper RangeSales Open High Low Close

JOston Con 1855 lih1 1 1t4Butte 6817Butte Coaln 2 28 2 23Cal Arlz 18 101 10 101 101Con Mercur 16Cop Range 726 811 S 81 8114Cum Eiy l7M 81Daly West H4Davis Daly S 6 6i 6 G 116Est Bute 326

rIHi Ut 1 90


ulroux con lW 11 I 9 9Granby Con 10Greene Can 114613 1 1Nev Con 263-k1ev Utah 370 2 2PA

Zh11 1-

iptss1ng G 1Wl 10 1O

North Butte 1250 0 81 51 60U 11Tpniyl com 2 1 9

S S corn 5Hi 5169g 0 OPreferred 50 52 5 52 5Utah Con 441i3 4414SUo Boston 85 1 132 13 2Ray Cent 2916La Rose 5570 5 116 5t 4 1316 5

Boston Copper Close

I Bid tAskedInter Smelter H30 J500Boston Corbin 215 2175-Hel 68LakeMiami 362 30170Newhouse 35 3611SOil

B 13535 137Utah Apex 45 487-Adventure 500c5Arizona Commercial 453 4575-C II 60 6O0Franklin 1662 170GreeneCananea 1S7 121La Sale 10 15Old Dominion 50 55Parrot 285 25Santa Fe 17 20Shannon 156 1sTennessee Copper 361VictoriaUtah Copper 50635


Vandote 22 250A O 9500-Begole 10 175Ely Central 40First National 67 6SYRay Central 2371La Rose 500

RavenJeD 850 90

Leaf 175 18WChino 71 80Yukon 487 50Chief Consolidated 137Amalgamated 8122 882ZincHancock 316 3010Royale-Kew 20 323-

Arcadlan 2735 40North Lake 70 712tS P-Alboues


590 5975Atlantic 125Centennial 4000Mexico Consolidated bW 525Mohawk 610 60Osceola 150Quincy SOTamarack 660 6800-

Winona 70 7311Wolverine 10Gas 450 470B Ely 40Cobalt Central 20 20Goldfield Consolidated 68 71South Lake 232 125MajesticNational 500 5600Rawhide Coalition 310 3OQueen 30 350Tonopah 65Gila = 80

New York Listed StocksSales Open High Low Close

Utah Cop13200 50 51 5 5Tenn Cop 3 36 36 3New York Curb Range

Sales Open High Low CloseBoston Con 6 1 1 1H 1HCobalt Cent 21h 28Ely Con60000 S 9 89

First NCon

Copl 5 6 f 96



GruxKing Edward

Cop 10 7 7 516 T7 54675

Miami Cop 65 16 lIZ 16 1Mont Sho 1Nov Con20000 23 2f 25 26wNov Utah 651 316 1 316 1

Ray Cent 10 2 22 2 21Ray Con 10 187l 19 19TlnUc Min 21Yukon Cold 4 1316 4 151G 4 1316 4HI2Cum Ely 30 7 1316 8t 7 1316 8

Gila Cop 300 7 7 7

Chino 8 820Ohio Cop 170 T 42 434 76La Rose 5 5Newhouse 1303 3½ 37 3½ 37

New York Copper Close

I Bid IAskdButte London 20 350CumbrlandEly 80 1075Tennessee Copper 362 3650Utah Copper 500-0DavisDaly 58 61211

Dominion Copper 0 rEly Central 404Furnace Creek 10-

Greene G S 30 60Mitchell 0 25Montgomery Shoshone 10 10Nevada Smelting 61Silver QuenSilver 17 18

Kin Edward 61 75

Foster Cobalt 3 42

Cobalt Central 2 28

McKinleyDarragh 88

TlnUc Mining 15 22GibraltarFirst National Copper 67 65Nevada His 7 SNorth Extension 0B S Gas 87

Pennsylvania Vyomlng OEl Rayo 243 26Braden Copper 35 36NEVADA UNITED WILL


As the result of a visit to the propertyof tho Nevada Unied Mines company atWard Nev of G Boyle consultIng engineer and E S Knssler of Denvera director of the company an all com-pressor is to ho installed at once thatmore rapid work may be done In the Defiance tunnel The formation is had

limestone through which hand work Isnecessarily slow and unsatisfactory Thecompressor will be operated by a gaso-line engine on account of the scarcity offuel In the vicinity as the smelting op-

erations at Yard many years ago cleareda large radius of country of everythingthat could be used for fuel

Fourteen men pre employed on different parts of the property and they will bkept steadily at work all winter drivingthe tunnel and developing ore deposits Inaddition to the ones already opened up



Winnemucca Nev Nov 4Four morE I

Alaska mining men arrive this morningfrom Seattle and tomorrowmorning for National to look over tilecamp which Is the most attractive oneIn the enUhe country for men who havemade good In the north The gentlemenare J T Sullivan of Sullivan Badgera prominent and wealthy mining man ofNome Alaska James Galen VT J CvIanaugh a wellknown Alaskand B D Blakeslee en-


of Nome and who is associatedwith Mr of them are oldSull1an Altime Gundaker whomthey knew In Alaska and whose estthey are during their stay In Winnemuc-ca and at National



Demand for Ely stocks yet makes theopen board the live feature of the miningstock exchange Federal Ely yesterdaymade a gain of 1 cent a share 5800 shareshaving sold at 19 cnts and 3800shares ben cents Ely and Mc-

Donald Ely both held at 40 cents Salesof the former were 2200 shares of the

Tjintall Treasure Hill was Inlater rat 10 cents with lr shareschanging hands Quotations

I Bid lAshedEly Witch 40


Federal IS 19

Ell 3 40

Ploche Demijohn 0 06

UIntah Treasure Hi 10

Mammoth 0 125Utah Mine 120-Bingham Central Standard 3 39Opex 2 15


Rklcar ElY 00 10


Reorganization of the Utah N Mcompany has ben effected with the Argus Mining company its successor andthe new owner of all of its holdings Thecompany owns a group of claims cornpricing 8 acres in the Barneys canyonsection North Bingham The groupcovers the extension of the great lodeupon which the North Bingham Miningcompany Is working with gratifying resuits The southerly line of the Argusgroup is within 100 feet of the shaft whichthe North Bngham company Is sinkingat the mouth of Its tunnel where It issaid to have opend an ore body fftenfeet wide The Argus company haforce of seven men employed In driving




With the drifts cleared the ore blockedlout ready for stoplng and three carloadsof ore In the loading bins the managementof the Pioneer lease has been forcedto on Rhyole for more freight teamscal Herald This morningRhyoUtwo Pioneer to relieve thtcong oulfts there and aid In an Increasedoutput-

Everything In and about the lease 5In condition considerably bettsr than last week More 01 area great-er general average and Increased receipts

and more coming up

Mining NotesTony Jacobson Is at Alta Inspecting de-

velopments In the Columbus mine-

R L Edwards Is In the city from Salmon City Ida where he Is operating theKitty Burton mine

Arthur H Brown left last night for theSalmon City Ida district to Inspect theMusgrove mme In which interesting developments are under way

Regular monthly meetings of the UnceSam and May Day directors will benext Monday The Uncle Sam will atthat time it Is expected declare th usualdividend of two cents aaharE

T H Watson manager ot the SilverQueen mine il Sierra Madre districtnorth of Ogden Is in city He r

ports highly favorable conditions In theSilver Queen

Stock of the Lower Mammoth Miningcompany upon which the latest assessment of five cents a share has not beenpaid will be sold for the assessment at 2

oclork today at the offices of the corn

fn n th Doolv Hnk