samael aun weor the agnostos theos


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Chapter 1


The Absolute Abstract Space is unconditioned and eternal, beyond the gods and men.

The Absolute is uncreated light that casts no shadow anywhere during the profound night of the Great Pralaya.

The Absolute is beyond time, number, measure, weight, chance, shape, fire, light and darkness. However, He is Fire and the uncreated light ....

The Absolute is the Being of all beings. He is what he is, what has

always been and always will be.

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Samael Aun Weor


The time has come to comprehend what the Being really is, what our

studies are, what the Gnosis is.

First of all, we have to venerate the Agnostos Theos, the Absolute

Abstract Space, unconditioned and eternal. Undoubtedly, the incognito

and unknown divinity, is that something that does not have name: that

"something," is the nameless, the ineffable.

The Absolute is far beyond of what has form and figure, side by side,

quantity, quality, number, measure and weight: It is what is not, what

does not have form, The Real.

Section 1The Agnostos Theos


1.- The Agnostos Theos

2. Jehovah as a Heve Iod

3. Be of our Being

4. The superior existential bodies of the Being

5. The true constitution of man

6. The elimination of defects

7. The true nature of Lucifer

8. The three aspects of mercury in Alchemy

9. The creation of the internal bodies and the

need to improve them.

10. When the eagle devours a snake

11. The story of San Cristobal

12. Questions




When I use this class of terms you have to understand

them from an intuitive point of view; when I say "Is

what is not," it is necessary to apprehend its profound


One form of Being, would be the one that we have in

our intellect, but that "something" is not what we have in

our intellect; for that reason I say: "Is what is not," that

Not-Being is the real Being; only in this form we could

understand, because that "something" is beyond any


Sat, the not manifested, undoubtedly belongs to the

negative aspect of the light. We are use to think in the

light but in its positive aspect. However, the negative

aspect of the great life is much beyond of what we can

understand, much more far than the Cabbala's

Sephiroths, much more far than the silence and the



sound, and the ears to perceive it; much more far than

the thought, the verb and the action.

When I speak about the "Negative Existence," we must

understand that something that is not, and however is.

The not created light, is the negative aspect of the light,

it is The Real; the "Negative Existence," taking it from

the sense that it is not manifested, that it is occult in the

veils of the manifestation.

The Ancient of days, for example, in each one of us, is

like the Malkuth to the Absolute, that is to say, to the

Absolute is like an inferior aspect. As Malkuth within

the cosmic manifestation, in other words, in the physical

world, is the most inferior aspect of all 10 sephiroths, in

the same form the Ancient of Days, with all his

greatness, majesty and grandeur, to the Absolute, is like

the Malkuth.

From that incognito and unknown divinity that stays

latent in everything that is, has been and will be, arises

every emanation: the ineffables, the army of the Voice,

the Great Word, the Holy Gods, the Governors of all

the universe. They are just manifestations of the

incognito and unknown divinity: the Agnostos Theos.

Well my dear brothers, do not forget the Jehovah, the

Iod-Heve. When I speak in this way, I do not want to

make allusion to that anthropomorphic Jehovah of the

Church of Rome and Jerusalem and of all the dogmatic

people in general; no. The Jehovah that I am talking

about, is the Intimate Jehovah of each one, it is obvious

that each one of us has his own Iod-Heve. Iod is the

masculine principle, Heve is the feminine principle: Iod

is our Secret Father, Heve is our Divine Mother

Kundalini; that is the intimate, particular Jehovah, of


Jesus of Nazareth rejected the anthropomorphic

Jehovah of the Jewish, that Biblical Jehovah of the

Talion's Law, the revengeful one; Jesus of Nazareth



loved his Father that is in secret and his Divine Mother

Kundalini. We see the Divine Rabbi of Galilee

exclaiming to the Father with great voice: "Father, into

thy hands I commend my spirit!" His divine Mother

Kundalini is stood near the cross; she is helping, she is

Ram-Io. Ram is a mantra, the mantra of fire, the mantra

of the Tattwas Tejas: Io remind us the mysteries of Isis,

Io is the point inside of the circle, it is the Lingam-Yoni.

So my dear brothers, Jesus definitively rejected the

dogmatic Jehovah, the one that based all his doctrine in

the vengeance of the "eye by eye and teeth by teeth," and

worshipped his Father that is in secret and his Divine

Mother. The authentic Jehovah, it has to be searched

intimately; each one of us, has far beyond the

Consciousness, the Father that is in secret and the

Divine mother (Iod-Heve).

We have cited the Absolute Abstract Space from which

emanated the Army of the Voice, from which unfolded

our particular Jehovah, the divine Male-Female. So, let

us see that behind our particular divinity, is the Abstract

Divinity, the Being of our Being, the Unknown God, in

front of who all the Army of the Voice prostrates: the

Deity that does not have name, the "Negative

Existence," that "Something" that Is not but however Is.

So, we have seen from where our Internal Being has

unfolded; known that he emanated from the entrails of

the Abstract Space, then we need orientation. First of

all, it is indispensable to allow the Self-Realization of

our Internal Father-Mother, within ourselves; that is

possib le if we understand ourselves, if we achieve the

elimination of the inhuman elements that we carry


Let us see: why in the depths of ourselves, is our Father-

Mother, our primordial Elohim, that has emanated from

the unknown God, from the unbounded light, from the

unconditioned and eternal Abstract Space? He comes



with one intention, and it is to materialize, to get the

Self-Realization, to crystallize in us.

Would it be possible? Yes!; but we need, I repeat, first,

the elimination of the inhuman elements, so he can,

express through us; second, we need to create the

instruments or vehicles that are capable to receive him,

to cover, to protect him; vehicles that have to be strong,

however also elastic and ductile, sublimes...

What kind of vehicles are those? Yesterday we were

talking about the Existential Superior Bodies of the

Being. Everybody think that already have those bodies

(when I say everybody, I am talking about the pseudo

esoterist and pseudo occultists); unfortunately are very

few those that born with an Astral body.

If we examine the people carefully, we see that they only

have a planetary body governed by 48 laws; something

that we can verify in the 48 chromosomes that exists in

the germinal cell. As is known, the masculine element

brings 24 chromosomes to create that cell; the biologists

do not ignore that the feminine element brings another

24 chromosomes; added we get 48, that is the necessary

number that is needed to create the germinal cell.

So, our physical body is governed by 48 laws. It is a

marvellous instrument; unfortunately the humanity only



has that instrument. The Vital base of that vehicle, is the

theosophical Linga-sarira, the bio-thermic-electro-

magnetic condensation, in which is the very root of our

existence . Beyond these

bodies, all what exists is the

Ego, and that is what the

humanity is.

The three-brained biped, the

intellectual animal, only has

the planetary body, with its

vital base, and inside, very

inside, carries the Ego, the "I,"

the myself. That "I," that Ego, is formed by different

inhuman elements. Unfortunately the Essence is

trapped, enclosed in those elements and it is obvious

that it process herself according with its own condition.

So, we are in a disastrous state, however, we have to

cover with our presence the Divine Male-Female, the

one that emanated from the Absolute Abstract Space.

Then, what to do? How to act? How to work in order to

one day our Sacred Elohim could be covered with our

presence? What can we do? First of all, we have to begin

by eliminating from our nature, the inhuman elements.

Those elements, I repeat in order to be well understood,

are personified by the diverse figures that form the "I,"

the myself: anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness,

gluttony, etc., the defects are so many, that even if we

would have one thousand mouths to speak, we would not

enumerate all of them correctly.

It is necessary, urgent, to eliminate all those defects.

Each one of them is an inhuman element and inside of

them is trapped, bottled up the Essence, the most

worthy and decent that we have.



First, it is urgent to comprehend that it is indispensable

to get Consciousness of our own errors. In relation with

the people, in the fight for the bread of everyday, in

relation with our friends, the defects that are hidden

appear, and if we are watchful, as the watchman in

wartime, then we discover them. Discovered defect, has

to be comprehended wholly, in all the mind's


Each defect has many faces and roots. Once we have

comprehended our error through the meditation's

technique, then we will eliminate them. We could

comprehend, for example, the defect of anger and

however to remain with it; we could comprehend the

defect of the envy and however to carry it inside. I

repeat, it is necessary to eliminate it, and that only is

possible using the Sexual Electric force.

So, during the Sahara Maithuna we can invoke Devi

Kundalini, the Igneous serpent of our magical powers,

and to supplicate to her, to eradicate from us the

discovered defect. She will do it, using the Minerva's

lance. Let us remember that marvellous symbol, in

which appears Jesus, the Great Kabir, inside of the

Jerusalem's temple expelling the merchants with his


In the same form we have to proceed: to expel with the

Will's whip the merchants of the temple (the anger, the

greed, the pride, etc., etc., etc.). Devi Kundalini will do

it; she will take the Lance of Minerva and with that

fohatic force will eliminate the inhuman elements that

we carry inside.

In that form my dear brothers, the Consciousness will

be liberated, emancipated and according with its process

of liberation, it will be awakening, and when all the

inhuman elements have been destroyed, then she will

shine scorchingly, then we will be able to see and to

touch the great realities of the internal worlds.



I repeat: we need to expel the merchants from the

temple, and that is only possible with Thelema


So, the work of preparation is extraordinary, because

we really need to work a lot in order to one day to cover

with our presence the divine Male-Female, the inner

Elohim, that emanated from the not created light, from

the Absolute Abstract Space.

Speaking more profoundly (about the preparation of the

temple) we will say that it is necessary to create the

Astral body. To eliminate the Ego is one part; to create

the Existential Superior Bodies of the being is another

part and to sacrifice ourselves for humanity is our duty.

With those Three Factors for the Revolution of

Consciousness, we will achieve the Inner Self-

Realization of the Being; with those Three Factors for

the Revolution of consciousness, we will prepare

ourselves to crystallize inside of us the Intimate Elohim,

the Father-Mother, the particular Jehovah, the Iod-




The creation of the Existential Superior Bodies of the

Being, is a very patient work; we need to transmute the

sacred sperm in energy. In other times, when humanity

did not have developed the abominable Kundartiguador

Organ, nobody extracted from his body the sacred

sperm; but in the intellectual animal was created the

abominable Kundartiguador organ, then he enjoyed

when eliminating the sacred sperm. If we transmute that

venerable matter, we will be able to create the

Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, but first of all

it is necessary to comprehend the different alchemic


It has been said that in order to do the Great Work, just

one substance is enough. What is that substance? We

will answer: the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.

Where that Mercury is? Well, it is the Metallic Soul of

the Sperm. It is clear that when the seminal

liquor is not spilled, this is transmuted in energy and

that energy is the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy,

that is to say, the Metallic Soul of the Sperm is the

Mercury of the Secret Philosophy and that Metallic

Soul is represented by Lucifer; but when we cite this

personage, we do not have to be scandalized.

T h a t i s L u c i f e r ; b u t d o n o t t h i n k i n a n

Anthropomorphous Archangel, Lucifer is very

individual, each one of us has his particular, individual

Lucifer. Lucifer is one of the aspects of our Internal

Being and in truth is the most important one. Is, I would

say, the duplicate of the Third logos in ourselves, the

shadow of Shiva, the Arch hierophant and Arch


Did he used to shine? It is truth: scorchingly. As an

Ineffable Archangel, he was a Saint Kumara, but when

we made the mistake to fall in the animal generation, in

the root of our actions, because he is one of the most



important aspects of our Being, because he is the

duplicate of our Inner God, he fell in the darkness of

this world and was transformed in the devil.

There are as many devils as human being are on the

earth; each one of us has his own devil and this

particular devil, is black as the coal, crystallized by the

Kundartiguador organ, in the Negative Fohat, in the

Fire of Fatality, the Luciferic fire.

Lucifer is in awkwardness, but he was the most

excellent creature, not inside of the Being, but in

ourselves. We have to whiten and that is written. The

medieval alchemists said: "Burn your books and whiten

the brass..." It is known that brass is made with cooper

and the cooper is related with Venus, the morning star...

To whiten the brass means to whiten the own internal

devil to achieve the liberation. He is the enslaved

Prometheus: a vulture devour his entrails untiringly (the

vulture of desire). Our Lucifer has power over the

heavens, over the earth and over the infernos, but we

have him in misfortune; if we whiten him, we will be

rewarded. How could we to whiten him? Eliminating

the Ego, creating the Existential Superior Bodies of the

Being and sacrificing ourselves for humanity.

Among the Aztecs, Lucifer appears falling with his head

downward into the abyss as a symbol of our sexual fall.

But there is something new in the Aztec's doctrine:

Lucifer girding the cord girdle of a penitent, of an

anchorite. Lucifer, making penitence? Have you ever

seen something more extraordinary?

That Lucifer is the representation of our Philosophical

Stone, and besides he has that paradigm in us; but is so

intimately related with the Mercury of the secret

Philosophy, that it looks as if we had passed through a

disgregation, but we have not passed through any

disgregation; it is necessary to put a lot of attention... I

already said that the Metallic soul of the Sperm is the



Philosophers' Stone, I also said that Lucifer is the

Philosophers' Stone. So, divine: What of the two is the

Philosophers' Stone? In truth, Lucifer and the Metallic

Soul of the Sperm are the Philosophers' Stone; that

stone is occult by Lucifer.

Well, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris, appear a

bird, one raven observing the "small stone of the corner."

What does appear in that "small stone of the corner"? A

figure, a devil. What does "the raven of the putrefaction"

means? The death! We need the elimination, to kill, to

destroy the animal Ego; only in that form it is possible

to whiten the devil that is in the corner of the temple

and that wants his liberation, because he wants to

become again the Luminous Archangel of other times.

That Metallic Soul of the Sperm, I repeat, is

extraordinary; has emanated from the Chaos and in

truth, is in the seminal waters. At the same time, from

that Metallic Soul, through the transmutation, a third

water is separated: it is the creative product that ascends

through the canals of Ida and Pingala to the brain.

When the fire, the Sulphur fecundates that Mercury,

then begins the marvellous process of the Initiation; but

let us take in account the three aspects of the Mercury:

First: As a Metallic Chaos: Simple sperm. Second: As

Metallic Soul or Mercury.


Page 9 of Codex Borgia: as penitent Xolotl


Third: The third water, the marvellous fluid that ascends

through the canal of Ida and pingala to the brain.

The moment comes or will come in which the third

aspect, those sexual fluids, ascending through Ida and

Pingala, will be fecundated by the Sacred Fire (there we

have the connection of the Mercury and the Sulphur in

their first aspect). All the esoteric process in us is based

in the incessant cross of the Mercury and the Sulphur.

The Sexual Hydrogen SI-12, of what the best occultist

talk, among them Gurdjieff, is the Mercury, the third

aspect, the third mercurial water. That Mercury, when

crystallizes in its first vehicle, the Astral body, becomes

extraordinarily marvellous; but in order to this Mercury

could take the form of an Astral body, it is necessary to

work it.

Through the transmutation will come the moment in

which that Mercury will take that form, and once having

the Astral body, we will be able to travel with it through

the infinite space. Much more later, the Mercury

crystallizes in the form of a Mental body and very much

later, in the form of a Causal body (observe the three

forms of the mercury's crystallization).

When those Existential Bodies are created, formed, we

incarnate the Human Soul: but it is not enough to create

with the mercury, the Existential Superior Bodies of the

Being; we have to know that the Mercury has to carry

the Gold of the Cosmic Christ inside of ourselves. Saint

Christopher, with the child in his arms, is an allegory of



the truth that we are explaining. Each one of us has,

first of all, to prepare his mercury; once is prepared, do

not forget that within ourselves, the Golden Child of the

Sexual Alchemy has to be developed.

So, the Sexual hydrogen SI-12 that Gurdjieff talks, it is

just the Mercury. When it is said that the Mercury is

developed inside of the being's Mercury, what kind of

gold is created? The Christic Gold, because Christ is the

Gold; inside of those bodies and the Mercury, has to be

formed the Gold, the Gold of the Christ. The Logos has

to crystallize in us and that is a hard and arduous work.

It is not enough to create the Existential Superior

Bodies of the Being, it is necessary to go further: they

have to be perfected so they can be covered, later, with

the different parts of the Being.

I repeat, in order to all the present and those that are

listening could understand: the Mercury is the

fundamental matter of the Great Work and it has as I

said, three aspects:

First, the Chaos, the semi liquid, semi solid secretion, of

the sexual glands, that exists not only in the males but

also in the woman, because if it is truth that the man

during the orgasm spills his sperm, the woman also has

her sperm and when has an orgasm, it lost it in

miserable form.

That the doctors do not want to call sperm, the feminine

sexual secretion? That is different; but we the alchemist,

call it sperm, because it is sperm, and I am talking in

terms of rigorous alchemy, not in clinical, medical

terms, and that has to be clarified in this conference.

Does it has three aspects? It is truth, and I am repeating

it, to make it been understood: the first, I said it, is the

sperm; the second aspect is the result of the

transmutation; is, we would say, the tetra-dimensional

part of the sperm, the subtle, etheric part; the Soul of



that sperm, the Metallic soul. That is the Mercury in its

second aspect; but the third aspect comes from the

second one: it is the energy already ascending through

the channel of Ida and Pingala to the brain.

The alchemists say that the mercury has to be fecundate

by the Sulphur and it is important to you to understand

it. It is clear that when the solar and lunar atoms make

contact in the triveni, near the coccyx, by induction

awakes a third force: the Sulphur, the Fire that ascends

victoriously through the canal of Sushumna, through the

medullar channel of the dorsal spine to the brain, and

that in its ascension awakes the Chakras or wonderful

centers of the vital body then says that mercury has

been fertilized by sulfur.

It is clear that Mercury fertilized by Sulfur is of new

issues; gives rise to a transcendental order first creation,

I mean the astral body, which is nothing more than

Mercury fertilized by Sulfur result: the astral body is

formed, and they know it all!



Gurdj ieff do not

explained it well, but

I'll explain: With the

creation of the astral

body we can move

with it consciously

a n d p o s i t i v e l y

t h r o u g h i n fin i t e


You know you have an

Astral Body when you can use it; as one who has known

his feet because he can walk, or his hands because he can

use them; well, you know that you has an Astral body

when you can travel with him.

Having made the astral body, we haven't finished, we

will have gained immortality, yes, in the world of 24

laws, ie, in the Astral world. For a person who has not

acquired, which has not made the astral body is not

immortal; when this person die his physical body

becomes dust, and what continous in the Astral World

are the various "elements" form the I, the myself, the

self, subhuman elements, inhuman, subhuman and

bestial. That those "elements" come back later..., it's

true! People, unfortunately, does not know how is born

or dies as Creating your astral body, I repeat, you must

create an individual mind, a mental vehicle.

How are you going to create it ...? With the same

Mercury is how is going to be created the mental, ie

mercury in an octave higher than the astral.



Ones the mental is created, with the same mercury in

third octave the body of Conscious Will be created.

So, you see, how mercury come to form the Superior

Existential Bodies of the Being.

Within that mercury comes to appear the gold, not

merely material gold, but the Christ gold, spiritual, but

to make me more understandable say that we must make

gold later, that is, bring the mercury to make gold. The

astral body must become gold, and then the mind and

then the causal:

that's what it is meant to say when is said "mercury

within the gold should be formed" clear; once these

bodies have been pure gold, they may be "devoured by

the serpent."

This is what we want to clarify, when we say that bodies

have to perfect them, and then you have to cover them

with the different parts of the Being.

Sure, the first body that will devour the igneous serpent

of our magical powers is the Astral, the second body

that must devour the sacred serpent is the mental and

the third body that the sacred serpent must devour is

the causal.

Later, the igneous serpent of our magical powers must

swallow the spiritual soul and intimate.

When the snake has swallowed the bodies that we have

created and it will be nothing more than her.

However, the "consummatum is" really entails,

transcendental unsuspected features the Serpent. It is

written, "the snake devours the eagle"; remember that

the Mexican National Flag Eagle Snake swallowing

always appears.

When the Eagle devours Snake wing, master of the

situation is the Eagle; In other words, the Feathered

Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, the resurrected Master, Perfect



Master, the Kumara is


Before that moment, our

Lucifer will have been

emancipated, and mixing

it with the Soul, the Spirit,

entering these bodies of

pure gold, will make the Soul and Spirit of Man

something different: an Angel Ineffable; and then,

within that ineffable ... ... has the God within you

penetrate within the Ineffable Angel, and likewise this

Angel, the Ineffable, must penetrate into the internal

God, and we shall be performed Auto and perfect.

Lucifer load powers, "measured", and bleached and give

us the elixir of life, the perfect medicine and power over

all that is, what was and what will be.

The Divine Mother Kundalini need devour the superior

existential horns of Being, but for her to do that, all the



horns must have been transformed into pure gold,

because "She does not swallow anything unclean."

So, my dear brothers, we must remain within the

serpent and the serpent within us. This is how the eagle

comes to be within us, and we in the Eagle. In a word;

that's how the Father-Mother, the God Immortal, he

will rise from his grave glass to come and see the world

through the eyes of our face, and parlar our creative

larynx; this is how each of us is called to become a

Kumara, the Primordial Elohim, in a Grand Master. But

I have to say that the foundation of all this Great Work

is the Mercury.

So that the work is done must be given opportunities to

nature; Nature helps nature.

I am going to tell you a story, a very interesting story,

where it is said that SAN CRISTOBAL said: "I will

serve the most powerful man on Earth ..." I knew of a

King, and there was to give.

- Lord, I was told you were the strongest man in the

whole Earth. I'm here to serve you ...

The King appointed him, as his slave; He did slave. But

one day he saw the King trembled at something, and he

importuned. Then tells the slave:

Lord, why are you afraid? King answered: - Because I

have fear of the devil. - Then the Devil is more powerful

than you! From there he walked away, and going down a

road saw a group of riders on their horses. There was

one that was leading, chief, is was the Devil. San

Cristobal said: - Are You the Devil? Rider answered: -

Yes, I am. - I was told that you were the most powerful

and I want to serve you. - Follow me! the devil said.

And he entered the service of the devil. But it happened

much later he saw the Devil shaking before a cross.

Sure, the man asked the Devil.


Dintel 15 de Yaxilan, Chiapas, México


- And why do you tremble? Why are you afraid? He

said: - Because I'm afraid of the Christ. - Ah! Then

Christ is stronger than you. - Yes, it is stronger.

- Well, I'm going to serve Christ!

He walked those paths met a monk.

- Where are you going? Le monk said. I replied San

Cristobal: - go in search of Christ, because I have been

told that he is more powerful! The monk said: - Look, if

you want to serve Christ, you see that river? He said: -

Yes. -So cross the people to the other side, help the poor

people! There are no boats, nothing and with your

strength you can help to pass people.

- And San Cristobal went to the river and walked for a

while people passing from one to the other side. But one

day came a child. St. Christopher lifted the child, tried

to pass to the other side, but the child weighed terribly;

San Cristobal so impatient said:

- But boy, do not get so heavy. Then the boy replied:

- I'm heavier than the world. Did not you say you

wanted to serve Christ? I am Jesus Christ!

Sure, San Cristobal was perplexed. He

went across to the child, put him on a

stone, and the monk with a lamp, took

the child in his hands ...... "

Saint Christopher carrying the child is

a symbol of Mercury, within which

should form the Pure Gold, Gold of

Christ. Sheep carrying his fleece, is

another symbol of the same.

San Cristobal is precisely mercury. That image of the

Angel of "Apocalypse" with one foot on land and one on

the water, and a book in his hands raising his right hand

to heaven and swear, and surrounded by a rainbow, is



nothing but the same Mercury , carrying the book is the

book of wisdom, he has seven seals. He that is able to

break the seven seals of the book of "Revelation" will

become a God, terribly divine.

The rainbow around the angel who swears by Heaven

and Earth, are the colors of the Great Work.

Mercury at first is black, representing the death of the

inhuman elements; It is white when we have the right to

use white linen tunic; is yellow when we already have

the right to get that robe to minister in the Temple, and

finally turns red when purple of Kings is already

delivery to us; that purple is only delivery after the

sacred serpent has swallowed the vehicles have to


The same process of rainbow colors that appear on the

Angel, is repeated in each body, in the Astral, the

Mental, in the Causal, etc., etc., etc. But again, I

emphasize again, what matters is the Mercury. There is

another example, there appears an ancient painting

where you see in the ocean, wonderful fairy is among

the waves and her two

breasts flowing with milk

falling on the water; and it

is crowned ...

I behold the three aspects

of Mercury. First, the

chaotic water, the sperm

simply; Second: the milk of

the Virgin, that is, the

m e t a l l i c s o u l o f t h e

Mercury, and third, the crown on his chest, right there

suggests that it is the third aspect of Mercury, which

already rises channels Ida and Pingala to be fertilized by

the fire; the same who later takes the form of the

existential superior bodies of the Being.



Here is another picture of the

Middle Ages: a great source

appears; a Virgin squeezes her

breasts; Christ also bleeds his

side, falling on the same

source; the source is full,

overflows, and the product is

dropped on another source. So many souls out of

purgatory and receive for purification.I behold the three

aspects of Mercury. There are three aspects.

Mercury has three aspects, but I want to be thoughtful

and understanding that go ... so that the work is done

must be given opportunities to Nature, Nature helps

Nature; If the work day is done, it would not be correct.

We will create gold, we create the existential superior

bodies of Being. How to do it?

Imitate Nature. If we take the eggs from chicken to

sunlight are lost, they do not leave the chicks, and if one



goes, lasts a short time, dies. Those eggs must be in

darkness to be fertilized.

Reproduction is always in darkness, due to the

arrangement of the creative organs; the creature is

formed between the darkness of the womb, the womb.

Everything is brewing in the darkness; the sun is the

number one enemy of any seed. So, working with

mercury must be done at night, not during the day; I

repeat, at night. The bodies should take shape gradually,

they are the same crystallization of Mercury. But they

are called, again, to perfect; They are right when they

become pure gold and pure gold become inhuman when

all elements have been annihilated, destroyed, reduced

to ashes. Understand what I'm here to explain tonight:

Bringing the Sacred Elohim, how to cover it with our

presence ...

He who exudes a day unconditional and eternal space,

should come into the world, embodied each of us. Each

of us must become an Elohim of the Great Work, and

the Great Work consists precisely in self-realization,

work with the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.

Have you understood this, my dear brothers? We tear

all the veils of Alchemy; This knowledge is delivered,

but veiled. Now we need to tear all the veils so that

humanity knows it.

I'm speaking to you on the basis of experience, because I

have my mind on Isis, otherwise could not explain.

I'm not speaking with insubstantial vain wordiness of

ambiguous chattering. Nor am I verbalizing memory, or

tossing new hypotheses, I'm simply saying, revealing

what I have lived; I repeat, I have my mind in Isis, so I

can give you these explanations.

Work with Mercury, that's the important thing! So make

it, all coated with our presence the Great Father-Mother

who emanated one day Absolute Abstract Space.



So far my talk tonight. If there is anyone who has

something to ask, you can do ...





QUESTION: ... In an ordinary relationship, sexual union ... ... no

orgasm but no ejaculation in men, in women no ejaculation, ie no

discharge in men, but women no ejaculation. In other words, the

woman is not fornicat; That's my humble concept. Would kindly

clearing that a little, please, Master?

Samael: Well, your concept, dear brother, is that of all the people ...

everyone understood in that sense, but of course, is false because there

orgasm in men and women ...

Section 2





In this part of the compilation of Samael Aun Weor’s conferences we

included those ones which were given to advanced students


Since the spread of the Gnostic knowledge is an altruistic and

nonprofit work, the open reproduction of written content is allowed,

provided it is done under the same conditions of altruism and non-

profit benefits. If the complete work is used, you must cite the source.

The images that accompany these texts were obtained from many

sources; therefore, if someone holds the copy rights of them and wants

us to stop using them, please let us know to take them out of this work.

The definitions contained in the "GLOSSARY" were taken from

different unrestricted Internet pages and then summarized only for the

purpose of using them as general reference.

Section 3




❖EIKASIA: Lectures to the general public.

❖PISTIS: Talks given to students Second Chamber.

❖DIANOIA: Lectures imparted to students of third chamber.

❖NOUS: Congressional conferences, special recordings and informal talks.


The terms "death", "revolution", "elimination” and others

are part of the context of personal psychological

development alluding to Gnostic knowledge and have

nothing to do with politics.

The translations were made by several people, so any

doubt about the contents and interpretations should be

clarified at the original in Spanish, at this same internet


The themes of this collection will be published in several

languages, so if you are interested in helping to translate

these texts into the language of your choice, please

contact us through this email: [email protected]




Literally "unknown god" is a conception of divinity that is recurrent in many cultures and that

share certain characteristics as not having human figure, have no limit, name, form, etc.

Evidently ancient cultures managed different degree of abstraction in their efforts to meet

God in its purest form: Among the Mayas he was called HUNAP-KU, which means "the giver

of the measurement and movement" among the Egyptians is the "secret name RA" in Islam is

called as ISM AL-'AZAM meaning "huge name" mentioned in some traditions that define the

existence of 99 names of God, which is the number 100. Nahua is called IPALNEMOHUANI,

"one for whom we live" among the ancient Chinese is SHANG DI name literally means 'Ruler

of Heaven', Etc.

Until the Ain Soph of the Hebrews in which provides a view from grade to grade of God's

nature, its origin and forms of manifestation.

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Also expressed as "Devi Kundalini Shakti" or Divine Mother Kundalini.

In the context of Hinduism, the Sanskrit word Shakti means energy or active power of a

DEVA (male god), personified as his wife.

Originally, all female deity of Hinduism has been called DEVI and has been associated with

fertility, then every Devi and power has been understood as shakti. In the context of

Hinduism, kundalini is an unseen energy represented by a serpent sleeping coiled in the

Muladhara (first chakra, which is located in the area of the coccyx).

For a long time related to the Kundalini, as power was a reserved or secret knowledge, but all

traditions and religions refer to it with some symbolism. But the birthplace of the concept of

Kundalini in Hinduism is the personified as a female goddess or Shakti immaculate, energetic

power of our Spirit. She is depicted as a serpent sleeping coiled three and a half times, which

gives it its Sanskrit name.

Yogis say: "His own Kundalini is nothing but his own SPIRITUAL MOTHER. You're her

only child. She can not hurt or harm but devote little by little, to cure your own physical body

and repair your chakras .... "When the Initiate invokes the Divine Mother Kundalini, to help,

she appears as a Virgin Purisima, as a Mother of all worship. In it are represented all our

Mothers of all our incarnations.

Mother Kundalini is the serpent of fire that rises through the medullar canal. The Mayans and

Toltecs produced a whole cosmogony around her.

Among the Egyptians the Virgin is Isis. Among the KALI Hindustani in its positive aspect.

Among the Aztecs is TONANTZIN. She is REA, CIBELES, MARIA, Adonia.

Diana among the Greeks and the Virgin Mary in Christianity have also been ways to

represent it.

In all cultures and in all ancient religions there is always a Spiritual Mother.

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Gnosticism includes several philosophical and religious currents that formed a syncretic blend

with Christianity in the first three centuries of our era, nevertheless it was eventually declared

heretical by the Catholic Church, although it had caused a great influence until then. Scholars

mention a pagan Gnosticism and Christian Gnosticism, although the most significant Gnostic

thought was reached as a heterodox branch of early Christianity.

The term comes from the Greek Γνωσις (gnosis), 'knowledge'.

Despite of the great diversity of currents or Gnostic ideas, it is possible to identify some

common elements especially its secret or initiatic character.

Also its dual meaning by which it is stated a difference between the spirit and the matter. Evil

and perversion are associated to the matter whereas divinity and salvation belong to the spirit.

Human beings can only access salvation through a little spark of divinity which is the spirit

that dwells within us. It is where earthly life is necessary to attain it.

This empirical experimentation of the divinity is gnosis, an inner experience of the spirit in

the flesh. All this is part of something which was known as “The Gnostic Myth”.

The Gnostic Myth is composed by:

1 - The existence of a supreme divine being

2 - Lighting and fall pleromatic

3 - The Demiurge architect as creator

4 - The becoming of the Pneuma in the world

5 - The dualism of existence

6.-The role of savior Christ

7 - The cyclical return of souls to matter through reincarnation.

The modern Gnosticism was founded by Samael Aun Weor.

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George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1872 - 1949), was a Russian mystic teacher, philosopher, writer

and composer. His main work was to present and transmit the teachings of the Fourth Way in

the Western world.

The Doctrine of the Fourth Way, has different origins and feeds on various traditions

(Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, Christianity).

The fourth way requires that the person works on the intellect, emotions and physical body.

In the fourth way, sexual function is the most important. Gurdjieff, sexual energy is the most

powerful that the body produces.

The fourth way establishes that human beings can achieve inner development of a spiritual

nature, that possibility is innate in people but is not equally developed in all, that momentum

is the basis of all religions. Also ensures that it is essential for achieving the help of someone

who already has traveled that road and that its objectives are not easily obtained, but only

after many years of work on himself.

The main popularizers of his ideas were Pyotr D. Ouspensky, of Russian origin and Maurice

Nicoll of English origin.

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There are three types of Tantra: 1st White Tantra. 2º- Black Tantrism. 3º- Grey Tantrism.

The Hindustani speak frankly about the igneous serpent of our magical powers, the Electronic

Solar Power amounting for Spinal Cord of ascetics, is the Kundalini. Clearly, the "Fohat

Transcendent" is developed exclusively for the White Tantra. The key is we have given in our

books: Connecting the "Lingam-Yoni" (phallus-uterus) without ejaculation of the sacred


Black Tantra is different: There is connection "Lingam-Yoni" magical rites and seminal

ejaculation. The result in this case is the awakening of the "Igneous Serpent" in its strictly

negative. Clearly the Sacred Fire, in the Black Tantrism is precipitated from the coccyx

towards the atomic infernos of man. Then the "Tail of Satan" appears, ie the "abominable

organ Kundartiguador". Grey Tantrism has another purpose: animal Goce without

transcendent longings.

Two Snakes: The White Tantrism, rising victorious by the spinal column; The other is the

"Tempting Serpent" of Eden on the Book of Genesis in the Bible, is the same horrible Python,

which crawled in the mud of the earth and that Apollo irritated wounded with his darts, a

passage Greek mythology. The first is "the Brazen Serpent" which cured the Israelites in the

desert, the Ascendant Fire has the power to awaken the chakras of the spine; opens were, the

Seven Churches of "Revelation" of San Juan and makes us terribly divine Gods. Second open

seven chakras that are in the lower abdomen, "Seven Gates of Hell" as the Mohammedans say.

It is unquestionable that the horrible Python Serpent is the opposite, negative and fatal,

shadow, were, the radical antithesis of the "Serpent of Light" or Kundalini.

Satan's tail is a distinctive black Tantra practitioners, the abominable organ Kundartiguador.

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Manvantara: literally means manw antara 'inside of a Manu' (by extension "within the lifetime

of a Manu"), within Hinduism.

When you are speaking of "The Days and Nights of Brahma"; reference to the name given to

periods called Manwantara (or 'range-within determine the Manus') and Pralaya (dissolution)

is made.

The Maha-Manvantaras are active periods of the universe or "Cosmic Days", the Maha-

Pralayas are his days of complete rest "Cosmic Nights."

These periods, which follow each other in regular succession, are also called kalpas. Kalpa is a

Sanskrit term meaning eon or long period and is mainly used in Buddhist and Hindu

cosmology. Each kalpa is divided into 14 manvantaras and are considered infinite, because

they never had a beginning (there never was a first Kalpa) or there will be one last into


Cosmic days and nights have different levels of implementation, since the largest possible size

which is immeasurable, to the smallest which is on a human scale.

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Maithuna is a Sanskrit term used in Hindu tantra to denote sexual union in a ritual context.

Sahaja is a similar term used in Yoga. In both cases reference to the transmutation of sexual

energy is done by specific techniques.

Although there are multiple interpretations of how to do the different translations of the word

maithuna clearly shows that refers to male-female couples and their union in the physical-

sexual sense, and is synonymous with "nishpatti kriya" (mature cleansing) .

As the spirit without matter is not effective by itself, both elements work together to achieve

harmony only when the union has been consecrated when considering that reaches maithuna

correctly. The couple is then divine: she is Shakti and he is Shiva.

Tantric literature usually makes numerous references to the need for control to achieve

ejaculation or perform maithuna sacred sex.

The Maithuna based on sexual union of man and woman, without loss of sexual energy for

spiritual purposes. Which include Kundalini awakening and removing impurities of the soul.

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Xolotl (Nahuatl, "animal") in the Aztec and Toltec mythology is the god of the spirits, which

helped the dead on their journey to Mictlan, lord of the evening star (Venus) and the twins

and underworld.

Xolotl was also the god of fire and twin of Quetzalcoatl. Its meaning is extended to dog and


It was part of the creator gods of mankind and who gave him the fire of wisdom to men. Xolotl

was commonly depicted as composed of skeletons and dog's head. In fact the dog is the most

common representation. One of the missions of this dog was to accompany the dead on their

journey into eternity, in the same way as the god Xolotl was accompanying the journey of the

Sun through the underworld.

XOLOTL in meaning esoteric Gnostic represents instinct, namely the sexual kind. On a

spiritual level is the representation of the same "Divine Daimon" which refers to Socrates, the

famous Lucifer of the Notre Dame de Paris and is summarized in the figure and myth of

Prometheus in Greek mythology.

Sexual Fire, the dog, the erotic instinct, ie the Nahuatl-Lucifer, is that extraordinary and

marvelous agent that can transform radically.

Xolotl-Lucifer as a tutor, teacher, mentor, is certainly unusual, unusual, extraordinary.

It exists in the Luciferic temptation didactic inimitable, portentous pedagogy, astounding

attraction, unmistakable incentive, hidden instigation with divinales purposes secrets,

seduction, fascination. That impulse is the psychological trainer in the gymnasium of practical

life. Wrote this: "The temptation is to fire triumph over temptation is light.".

Nahua oral traditions relate that Quetzalcoatl should go down to hell, to those terrible places,

so it is an unusual journey that Xolotl alone can guide. He rushes headlong into hell, as the

evening star dies and after a while in the darkness raised in the splendid form of the morning

star, ie Quetzalcoatl resurrected.

From the book: "Secret Doctrine of Anahuac" of Samael Aun Weor.

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