sammy suns news

SAMMY SUN’S NEWS Twelfth Edition- Spring 2018 News for children by the children. Year 6’s Terrific Trip to Bolton University On Friday 9th February, Year 6 went on a trip to Bolton University. They stayed for the whole day and completed various different activities, including a campus quest, society bingo, an art competition and an engineering competition. Overall, Year 6 had a great day out and learned something new. The first thing they did – after arriving, of course – was a university quiz. The options for each answer were ‘Y’, ‘M’, ‘C’ or ‘A’. There were four questions, two of which were ‘What is the largest university in England?’ and ‘Which university, in England, has the largest amount of ducks per square metre?’ The answers were ‘The University of Manchester’ and ‘The University of York’. Next, they created makeshift ‘Mortarboards’ for a mini- graduation, at the end of the day, and wrote their aspirations and dreams on them. Since there were two sides to decorate, the Year 6 students also wrote what they would like to be if their primary aspiration didn’t work out. After creating their ‘Mortarboards’, Year 6 went around the grounds, doing a quiz called the ‘Campus Quest’. They first went to the building where all of the University cars were kept but most people (especially the boys) lost focus after seeing the cars. Year 6 moved on to the chancellor’s building and then the library, where a few children got lost and others narrowly avoided heart- attacks as Mrs Hulme leapt out at anyone unlucky enough to be at the back. When the ‘Campus Quest’ was over (or it was 12:30) Year 6 made their way back to the activity room for lunch. When lunch was over, Year 6 competed with each other yet again. Although, this time, they were in teams. First of all, there was another quiz. One of the questions was which wacky subject there was no winner for (the answer was ‘watching episodes of The Great British Bake-off’). Next, they played a game where they nominated an artist to draw a picture the team described to them, but the artist could not get up and look at the picture. After that, year 6 did an engineering game where the teams had to try and make the sturdiest fort that a team member could fit inside… Out of newspaper and tape. When the day was nearing its end, Year 6 played a game called ‘Society Bingo’, where a pupil received a card with different societies (club-like groups of people) and the first child to get a line won. Then, just before leaving, Year 6 stood together and threw their mortarboards in the air. Finally, Year 6 left Bolton University and went back to school for the last half hour of ‘Mindfulness Week’! Article by Aleks Clayden Year 6 being engineers.

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SAMMY SUN’S NEWS Twelfth Edition- Spring 2018

News for children by the children.

Year 6’s Terrific Trip to Bolton University

On Friday 9th February, Year 6 went on a trip to Bolton

University. They stayed for the whole day and completed

various different activities, including a campus quest,

society bingo, an art competition and an engineering

competition. Overall, Year 6 had a great day out and

learned something new.

The first thing they did – after arriving, of course – was a

university quiz. The options for each answer were ‘Y’, ‘M’,

‘C’ or ‘A’. There were four questions, two of which were

‘What is the largest university in England?’ and ‘Which

university, in England, has the largest amount of ducks

per square metre?’ The answers were ‘The University of

Manchester’ and ‘The University of York’.

Next, they created makeshift ‘Mortarboards’ for a mini-

graduation, at the end of the day, and wrote their

aspirations and dreams on them. Since there were two

sides to decorate, the Year 6 students also wrote what

they would like to be if their primary aspiration didn’t

work out.

After creating their ‘Mortarboards’, Year 6 went around

the grounds, doing a quiz called the ‘Campus Quest’. They

first went to the building where all of the University cars

were kept but most people (especially the boys) lost

focus after seeing the cars. Year 6 moved on to the

chancellor’s building and then the library, where a few

children got lost and others narrowly avoided heart-

attacks as Mrs Hulme leapt out at anyone unlucky enough

to be at the back. When the ‘Campus Quest’ was over (or

it was 12:30) Year 6 made their way back to the activity

room for lunch.

When lunch was over, Year 6 competed with

each other yet again. Although, this time, they

were in teams. First of all, there was another

quiz. One of the questions was which wacky

subject there was no winner for (the answer

was ‘watching episodes of The Great British

Bake-off’). Next, they played a game where they

nominated an artist to draw a picture the team

described to them, but the artist could not get

up and look at the picture. After that, year 6 did

an engineering game where the teams had to

try and make the sturdiest fort that a team

member could fit inside… Out of newspaper and


When the day was nearing its end, Year 6 played

a game called ‘Society Bingo’, where a pupil

received a card with different societies (club-like

groups of people) and the first child to get a line

won. Then, just before leaving, Year 6 stood

together and threw their mortarboards in the

air. Finally, Year 6 left Bolton University and

went back to school for the last half hour of

‘Mindfulness Week’!

Article by Aleks Clayden

Year 6 being engineers.



On Tuesday 20th March 2018, the Year 5/6

gymnastics team went to the Manchester Games.

The team was Claudia, Sallie, Annalisa, Callum and

Marcus. First we all got in the car and Mrs Gilmore

drove to the Etihad Stadium. When we got there,

we were asked if we could do a skipping

demonstration for thirty seconds in front of the

whole entire crowd!

When the time came we met a girl called Lauren

Layfield who is a television presenter and

announced us to the crowd. After the thirty

second skip, we went back to our places and

watched the rest of the ceremony. When it

finished at ten o’clock, we said good luck to the

hockey team and went to the Amaechi Basketball

Centre to do the gymnastics.

When we all arrived we did a warm up to get

ready for the competition. The first routine was

vault which we all enjoyed and scored highly.

After that, we had some lunch before going to

body management. As soon as we finished we

went to floor which was the hardest routine of all.

This routine included a round off, a Y balance, a

backward roll to straddle, half turn or full turn,

two cartwheels or hand stand forward roll and

followed by a bridge. Once we had all finished the

time had come to announce the results. Sadly, we

didn’t place 3rd 2nd or 1st but were placed 5th out

of nine schools in Greater Manchester. When the

hard work had finished Mrs Gilmore and Miss

Johnson treated us to a Mc Donald’s for our hard


Written by guest reporter Claudia Barrett (Year 6)

Y6 in a Teachers World

On Monday 5th February, all the Year 6 pupils entered

the world of teaching. They planned it all the week

before they put it into action. It took part in all the

classes across school from years 1 up to 6. It was

certainly a good start to the well-being week.

There was a range of activities going on at the same

time. Some of them were; PE, drama, maths, ICT, art

and science. First this took a while for preparation but

in the end it turned out brilliantly. The Year 6 pupils put

a lot of work into making it an exciting afternoon. They

had three groups of children, which lasted for

approximately thirty to forty-five minutes, spread

throughout the afternoon. They had an opening and

closing assembly, to start and round off the fun


There were two drama activities that were happening,

one was in Year 4 and the other was in Year 1M. They

let the children act out scenes and a short piece that

the children had thought about within their groups. One

team was acting out emoji’s and the other group was

acting out the six secrets of wellbeing.

I asked Claudia, a Year 6 pupil, a few questions about

the day the Year 6’s taught.

What was your favourite part of the experience? Why?

My favourite part was doing the teaching because it

was fun. They would listen and by the end of it they had

learned something new.

Was it hard to plan and get it all ready?

Yes, because you couldn’t do certain aspects of the

planning. The change-over was really tricky too

Did you enjoy it?

Yes, because it was good to see how much hard work

teachers put in to give us good education.

Article by Erin Hughes, ( Year 6)

Great teachers!

Representing the school is an achievement.


Fantastic Friendly Foundation

On Thursday 22nd March 2018, a brilliant

performance about friendship and kindness was

held at Claypool Primary School. All of the

children had very different clothes… The main

ones were the chefs from The Great British Bake

Off [a programme] and the Rainbow Fish. The

Rainbow Fish was played by Olivia Froggatt and

her voice was perfect! We could all hear her

voice absolutely, amazingly, clearly! In fact, all

the class was amazing.

The Rainbow Fish

Olly told us that the children had been learning

about The Rainbow Fish book. Holly used a loud

voice to tell everyone the book has helped

Foundation Class to learn how to be a good

friend. Some children showed their superb

acting skills to tell the story.

Following this, the children sang “We’ve Got the

Recipe.” Olivia said “In Foundation we all know

how to be a perfect friend”

The Great Friendship Bake Off

Some children were asked to make a friendship

cake in one hour. At the end two children tried

to make the pretend cake and they said it was a

draw .The recipe was: A spoonful of love, a tube

of trust, a carton of patience , a bottle of

forgiveness ,a pot of respect ,a dash of laughter

and a jar of kindness. “Hands together and eyes

closed.” Said Lilia, “Thank you for our friends,

and the joy they bring.” Then Oscar said “Help

us to be kind and look after each other. Amen.”

At the end, there was a brilliant PowerPoint

which showed all of the Foundation Class

children being a good friend. At the same time

the children sang “You Can Count on Me”.

What People Thought:

Mrs Hulme thought the assembly was

amazing it made her laugh and cry. She really

enjoyed the assembly.

Miss Evans said “It was absolutely amazing

from start to finish and the children were


Mrs Stott thought that it was so good that my

heart felt as though it was going to explode.

Holly said: “My favourite bit is the singing and


Joe said “I liked going on stage, and giving the

pot of kindness to another child.”

Asida said “I liked the singing.”

Gabe said “I liked the part when Gracie gave

the jar of kindness to Sam. “

Article by: Angel Jones and Poppy Worsley

(Year 3).

At Claypool friendship is important.



On Tuesday 13th February 2018, wonderful Year 5 went on

the best school trip ever! We journeyed on a coach and

arrived at 9:30 am. We dressed up as evacuees and so did

the teachers and our guides for the day. All of the

informative guides dressed up as World War II farmers

and we went down to the farm were Betty and Farmer

George told us they were only expecting five of us children

but twenty-eight children turned up! Which was a big

surprise. (The billeting office may have mixed up the

booking!) Then we went down past Aunt Mary`s house to

the farmer`s cottage and the guides told us how to wear a

gas mask and about the jobs we will have to do on the

farm and that we have to go to school.

After that, we had to act really sad and go down to Aunt

Mary`s house were we split into groups and did a carousel.

Group One went to visit Aunt Mary first were she told the

group what would happen if we did stay with her and the

group made toast with her over the fire which was

delicious. Group Two started with Aunt Betty on milking

the fake cows (they looked white and black and were

made out of wood) also she told us how to milk a cow

correctly. We had to look to our left and rest our head on

the side of the cow. Then pull one part of the udder at a

time starting at the front right. Water came out of it! After

that Betty took Group Two down to feed real chickens and

then we had lunch in Betty and farmer Joe`s cottage. After

lunch, we all got back together for a minute, a beautiful

horse named Blossom came out, and we stroked the


Group 3 started looking at the pigs with Farmer George

and he first told us about the piglets and why they don’t

give them names. Why? The reason is because they will

just kill the pigs for meat later. If they gave the pigs names

and loved them they wouldn’t want to kill them. As a

result, there would be no more pig meat such as: bacon,

ham, pork, sausage and the other body parts like head and

trotters. Then he told us that pigs that have given birth are

sows. After, we learned about the pigs. Later Group 3

went to go and chop potatoes in the root chopper. Then

there was an air-raid siren and all groups went into the air-

raid shelter.

In the Air-raid shelter Aunt Mary, Farmer George

and Betty asked us if we knew any songs. We sang

`We`re Going to the Country`, `We`re Doing Our

Bit for the Nation` and `White Cliffs of Dover`.

Then Aunt Mary, Farmer George and Betty taught

us a new song called `Run Rabbit`. It goes like this:

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.

BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG goes the farmer’s gun.

So run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.

Don’t let the farmer have his fun, fun, fun.

He`ll get by without his rabbit pie.

So run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.”

Then, the all clear air-raid siren went off. Sadly, we

had to leave and when we were leaving, we had

to pretend the war was over. We did not want to

leave. I think if it was the real war and I was a real

evacuee, I would want to stay!

Children’s Comments

Inshra said that, “My favourite part was when I

went into Aunt Mary’s house and made toast” It

was YUMMY!”

Erin said “My favourite part was when we arrived

and started our role as evacuees”.

Rebecca said “My favourite part of the trip was

when we went to Aunt Marys house and we made

toast over the fire and ate it. It was so delicious

and I wanted to go back to Aunt Mary`s house


Grace Clayton said “I liked doing fun jobs around

the farm and helping out.”

James said “I liked milking the cow with Betty.”

Archie said” I liked doing jobs with Farmer George

and Betty. Also I thought it was good because it

was on my birthday.”

We arrived back at school at 3:15 PM. It was the

best school trip ever and we all enjoyed our

Terrific Tatton Park evacuee adventure as it was

so much fun. We all hope to come back to Tatton

Park as soon as possible!

By Erin Wilkinson year 5

Year 5 learning about life during WW2.


The year 5 class assembly

This assembly took place in the hall at Claypool Primary

School on Thursday 15th February 2018. Our assembly

was based on our learning around World War II

because we studied it as our topic. Year 5 thought it

was very interesting so we wanted to share our

learning with others. The characters were Mike, Sue,

Warden Stringer, children, old lady, adult, Mrs Jones,

Mrs Make Do and Mend, Evacuees, Mums and fact


Gabriella started the assembly off by saying “Good

morning everybody and welcome to our class

assembly.” Then we sang a song called “One of the

Kind”. Year 5 sang beautifully. After that, the rest of

the school listened to some information about what

happened when Hitler was fighting a war against Great

Britain and other countries. Some of the information

included: We did not realise how quickly our lives

would change, all men between the ages of 18 and 40

could be called up into the army, navy or air force

service and over the six years of war millions joined the

armed service.

We memorised an oral story telling called

Blood,Toil,Tears and Sweat and performed it well to an

interested audience. When World War II ended in 1918

and the Germans were defeated, it was decided that

Germany should not be allowed to have an army again.

Hitler decided that Germany would be the greatest

nation ever. He wanted German life to be perfect and

was allowed to form an army again. He bombed our

supply ships too so that we did not have enough

food.Things that we could not grow here came by ship

and the ships were in danger when they crossed the

seas and oceans.

Finally, the war against Germany was won in 1945

when Hitler died and Germany surrendered to all the

allied forces. The victory celebrations were immense

with singing, dancing and street parties going on way

into the night.

Everyone listened carefully to our role play

scenario, which had interesting characters who

included: Mike- A young boy, caught in an air raid

without his parents, Sue- Mike’s sister, Warden

Stringer who Keeps everything in order in the

shelter and children who are keeping safe in the

shelter. There was an old lady who enjoys having

a bit of a moan. The adults in the play give the

children a little sympathy, especially regarding

their lack of sweets. Additionally there is Mrs

Jones): a member of the Women’s Voluntary

service). Mrs Make Do and Mend, who busies

herself with knitting and so-on, whilst keeping an

eye on the children. The evacuees have labels

pinned on and they wait for their train. Other

children were mums with hair tied into

headscarves and perhaps wearing overalls and

dungarees ready for work. They are waiting

nervously with their children who were going to

be evacuated. It was like going back in time!

These are the quotes from year 5.

Ella: liked being a child from the air raid shelter

and she liked the acting too.

Grace liked the acting.

Rebecca liked the singing.

All of Year 5 enjoyed their great class assembly

and are looking forward for another one!

By Inshra Osei Mensah Year 5

Year 5 performing their assembly.


Year 5 explore arts award project

Year 5 are taking part in an Explore Arts Award project

which is being funded by Bolton Museum and Library

Service. Year 5 are completing booklets to show the

learning they have been doing around the arts –the

evidence will be assessed by the Trinity College of


They have read `The Girl Who Saved Christmas` and done

lots of activities around this. For inspiration, Year 5

sketched and described Amelia Wishart appearance and

personality. On Wednesday 21st March 2018 Year 5

went to a workshop with Chris Mould the illustrator.

As part of our homework, we had to research

information about Matt Haig which developed our

exploring skills. Some people completed fact files and

others created interesting biographies.

We have also taken part in a Victorian workshop at

Smithills Hall and an artist called Minty came into school

to make lanterns with the children. We had to think

about being creative, rushing the sketch, trying our

hardest and making it look neat. We thought about our

skills in sketching and cutting. We discussed what we

enjoyed about the workshop. We evaluated the skills that

we were able to do well and identified the skills for


We are creative and on Thursday 15th February 2018 Year

5 performed their class assembly to the rest of the school

and their parents. The assembly was based on World War

II and involved lots of brilliant acting and singing! Year 5

received some fabulous feedback following all of the hard

work they put into producing their brilliant class

assembly. Miss Johnson asked the class to describe and

reflect on our role in the class assembly and we wrote

about this. It was a great opportunity for children and

parents in the audience to learn more about World War II

and why it happened.

All of Year 5 was creative when they designed a

colourful book cover in the style of Chris Mould.

This followed on from exploring his style.

Year 5 have already achieved the `Discover` Arts

Award in Year 3 so the `Explore` Arts Award is

the next step.

The children will be going to a special red carpet

event on 3rd July 2018 to receive their awards.

Children’s Thoughts

Philip likes it because he can do more art which

he really enjoys.

Lois said that she liked it because it`s fun and

enjoyable also I love art.

Gabriella said she like it because it shows people

our talents.

Grace Clayton was a 1940s granny and she likes

the project because it`s fun and we learn

different skills to improve our art.

Erin Wilkinson likes our arts award because I like

art and the skills they teach us are handy for the

future. I realise how important this award is.

Ella likes it because we can learn more about


Hannah thinks we can keep track of our art.

Archie likes the fact that we are the first Year 5

class to do it in our school and Bolton!

Mia thinks that it is fun; she loves books and

likes art so it is great.

Article written by Inshra Osei-Mensah and Erin

Wilkinson (Year 5)

Year 5 had a great time.


The Marvellous Manchester Games – Hockey

On Tuesday the 20th of March, Claypool’s very

own hockey team (breaking school records by just

sitting in a car) travelled to ‘Sports City’ to

compete against the best hockey teams in

England in ‘The Manchester Games’ in

Manchester (shock). Despite the fact that both

Year 5 and Year 6 could compete, the team

consisted of seven year 6s (Sam Wilder, Alex

Horden, Aleks Clayden, Ethan Howard, Erin

Hughes, Elizabeth Davies and Izzy Randle-Sykes).

The Ceremony

The hockey team arrived at ‘Sports City’ and,

being the brilliant geniuses they all are, sat at the

very top of the ‘Lacrosse’ section of seats, directly

beneath the sign. What marvellous role models.

At first, there was a medley of dancing from

children belonging to different schools. Then,

some cheerleaders did a dance routine, which

was followed up by a skateboarding

demonstration from two professionals and a

teenager, who performed better than both of

them, most of the time. After that, the

gymnastics team did a skipping demonstration for

thirteen seconds with the screamed support from

the hockey team. To finish it off, a boy who won

‘The Voice – Kids’ and met sang ‘This is

me’ from ‘The Greatest Showman’. Then he cut

the ribbon, some deafening cheering began,

everyone split off into their different sports and

schools and then they went to all of their

different venues (for the hockey team, it was the

‘Armitage Centre’).

The Games

The first match was played by everyone except

Claypool, which was useful because the first

players (only four players could be on the pitch

from one team at once) could get an idea of what

the opponents’ strategy was before they played

against them. Even though they (Alex Horden,

Ethan Howard, Erin Hughes and Elizabeth Davies)

had scouted the other team, the match ended in

a draw.

The very next match was played by four of our

players (Aleks Clayden, Sam Wilder, Erin

Hughes and Izzy Randle-Sykes), once again,

which ended in a bitter loss. The third match

(played by Alex Horden, Elizabeth Davies, Erin

Hughes and Ethan Howard) ended in

Claypool’s first, glorious win. The fourth game

– just before lunch – (played by Ethan Howard

– before a small mishap –, Erin Hughes, Izzy

Randle Sykes, Alex Horden and Sam Wilder)

was yet another amazing win.

After lunch, Claypool played their fifth game

(with Alex Horden, Aleks Clayden, Izzy Randle-

Sykes and Erin Hughes) and suffered another

bitter loss but that barely dampened their

spirits; our team is made of tougher stuff than

that! Just to show this, the team (Sam Wilder,

Alex Horden, Elizabeth Davies and Erin Hughes)

played their sixth match and came out with a


The seventh match (including Aleks Clayden,

Alex Horden, Izzy Randle- Sykes and Erin

Hughes) was a sore loss but the Claypool team

weren’t going to give up that easily! On the

eight game, (Izzy Randle-Sykes, Elizabeth

Davies, Alex Horden and Aleks Clayden) they

came out with a draw. They took what they

had learned from the experience and headed


Article by Aleks Clayden, Y6

Being a good team player is important!


Sharing Brilliance at Clarendon

On Tuesday 6th of February, Year 6 went to a primary

school called Clarendon. Firstly, Year 6 showed

Clarendon a piece about being brilliant and they learnt

how to spread happiness, not to be a mood hover, if

you put good things into something you get it out. It is

important to send good vibes and to set yourself

HUGGS (huge, unbelievably, great, goals). After that,

Clarendon teachers had a range of activities for

Clarendon and Claypool children to participate in.

Therefore, we split into groups, the groups were split

randomly. The activities we did were making loom

bands, making vegetarian fruit pastels, painting (free

choice), making rice dishes, playing scrabble, coiling

pieces of paper into a masterpiece and making

bookmarks. Claypool pupils made friends with the

Clarendon pupils during the activities we were doing

and chatted nicely.

We are looking forward to Clarendon coming to

Claypool School.

Now you can read about some of the pupils from Year

6’s feelings or opinions about Clarendon.

What was your favourite activity and why?

Lucas St- My favourite activity was making loom bands

because it reminded me of when I was younger.

Sam- My favourite activity was making bookmarks

because it was calm and relaxing.

Elizabeth- My favourite was making the rice I have

never made rice before and it was nice to do

something new.

Amelia- My favourite was doing the art because we

were able to do anything we wanted and could make

our mind go wild.

What did you learn?

Lucas St- I learned that not every school is the same.

Sam- I learned different skills that will help me in the


Elizabeth- I learned how to cook rice.

Amelia- I learned that on this trip, going to a different

school meant that you did not have to learn; you had to

have fun.

Article by Emily Davies (Year 6)

The Tudors

On Thursday the 1st February, Year 4 went on a

school trip to Smithills Hall to learn about the

Tudors. The adults that went with us were; Mr

Horne, Mr Barrett, Martha’s mum and Megan’s

mum. On the mini-bus all Year 4 were talking

about was what it would be like there. There

was a lot of crazy thoughts .When we all got

there a lovely lady named Lesly told us all

about the outside of the hall. First of all, we got

changed into our costumes. William was Ralph

Barton, Josh was John Barton, Maya was Lady

Cecilia and Molly was Queen Barton. After we

got changed’ we had a big pretend Tudor

banquet. Next we went into different rooms.

First, we went into the information and

building room. Secondly, we went to the

bedroom and talked about a servant called

Egbert Jobs, Ben was Egbert. One was holding a

bucket underneath a king or queen so they

could go to the loo and the other was checking

for bed bugs. Soon after we went into the

family room and asked Lesley about our last

names. We also shared facts about them too.

Then we went into the church room and

designed our own shields. After, we had a

break and played lots of games. Sadly we had

to take off our costumes and eat real lunch.

Finally, we had to go back to school.

Our school trip was so much fun and we all

loved it!

Article by Molly Jones (Year 4)

Year 6 working in groups.


Welcome to Wonderful Well Being World

On Thursday 25th January 2018, on the stage in front of our family and friends as well as the whole of

Claypool School, Year 2 performed an assembly called Wonderful Well Being.

Year 2 has been kind by making biscuits for our reading buddies with a nice message. In class we have

been saying the oral storytelling of Fire Cat with actions. We wrote stories as well as pictures, drew

story maps and made up our own version. As part of our art learning we have studied Laurel Birch and

created works of art in the same style. We are going to build our own houses and burn them down

when the fire fighters visit. We wanted to show everyone our learning and the information we know.

On the day, we came dressed in our active clothes like joggers, leggings, jackets and t-shirts. Elijah,

Joseph and Evie introduced the assembly and said good morning. Everyone talked about secrets

including Mr Horne’s secret chocolate stash. They told us about Samuel Pepys and burying all the

things he wanted to protect including his cheese.

Almost everyone went on the stage to sing ‘The Best Day of My Life’ with actions to show super

singing skills.

On the stage Joshua, Alex and Harry drew some cats in the style of Laurel Birch. William, Iona, Ailie

and Finn talked about the famous artist and our brilliant artists in Year 2.

Lucy, Ellie, Alfie, Holly, Robyn Alex and Joshua told the audience about how we had been kind to other

people such as: cheering people up when they were sad or had no friends to play with.

At the end, Charlie, Mio and Nayan said a prayer and thankyou too.

All of the children took part and enjoyed the performance

Article by Ellie and Lucy (Year 2)


Wonderful World Book Day

On Thursday 1st March 2018, most schools in Bolton

dressed up as different book characters. We do world

book day because it is fun, to celebrate different

books, to learn about different books and to read

new information. All of the children and adults

dressed up as both fiction and non-fiction characters.

We did an assembly that took ages but it was still

awesome! Mrs Bell was talking about why books are

important and why they are helpful. All of the classes

went up to the front one at a time and three children

from each class asked who they were and why. The

teachers also went up to the front as well as the


Year 1M listened to a story of The Princess and the

Pea; they drew and wrote about their favourite part.

Later in the afternoon, after travelling by coach, they

watched @The Princess and the Pea@ play. Yr1 R

went to a lighthouse church to watch princess and

the pea in Manchester with Yr1 M

Whilst Year 4 made book tokens to see if one of

us could win the competition and we read a

book called King Henry VIII’S Shoes. After that,

they completed their George Marsh (martyr)’s

biography. Foundation class read their favourite

stories to each other. Year 5 did book titles,

designed a book cover and completed a book

review of the girl who saved Christmas.. Year 6

did a free write, maths questions that are book

related and researched features of a biography.

Finally, they met up with buddies from

Foundation Class and did activities. Year 2 made

bookmarks of their favourite book characters!

WOW! Year 3 made pop up books, spent time

with reading buddies and created a fantasy story

about the rainforest.

What a WONDERFUL World Book Day! We had

LOTS of fun.

Article by Maya Clayden (Year 4).

KS2 showing off their amazing costumes! All the children are ready to show off their costumes.