sample of some pages from the magic of cultures

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  • 8/14/2019 Sample of Some Pages From the Magic of Cultures



    To know the diversity of cultural expressions through the art of

    ceramics is to travel to the origins of man. Millenniums have

    passed since the spiritual creation of the universe when God, the

    great artist, made the first man of clay, naming him Adam. In

    Hebrew, Adam comes from dimaion: imagination, abode for thevery essence of man.

    Partner in the continuous work of creation, the ceramist, when

    using his senses, surmounts the mere physical perception when

    he creates a work of art from earth to show us that God continues

    molding the universe through the hands of the artist. Without that

    constant recreation transporting us to time and space limits, the

    world would cease to exist.1

    Artistic creation is a cultural reflection of the hand that shapes it.

    Each historical period produces its own identifying art, leaving

    behind a timeless imprint of its progress and evolution. Pottery

    or ceramics is the art of making vessels and clay objects,

    crockery and porcelain of all types and qualities, hardened by

    firing. Clay composition and the way of preparing it, firing

    temperatures and enamels used are all elements that determine

    the nature and type of ceramics obtained. The oldest pottery

    samples have come to us from the Neolithic period (around seven

    thousand years ago), when man stopped being a nomad tobecome a settler and discovered the bounty earth offered him

    through agriculture. Land planting forced communities to settle

    for collecting their crops, and they developed agriculture,

    techniques and industries. By handling clay, they created the

    pottery needed for keeping food and seeds, fascinating pieces for

    their esthetic qualities,. They achieved a high degree of symmetry

    and balance in their geometrical design, thus proving that men

    did not only master nature, but also handcrafts; different

    techniques and ornamentation were slowly perfected using

    objects such as spatulas, combs and shells known as incisory

    and cardial.

    The most common painted ceramics in the Near East were works

    that mixed geometric and anthropomorphic themes. Ab stractions

    would become characteristic elements of great civilizations and


































    "and man was created from the dust of the earth

  • 8/14/2019 Sample of Some Pages From the Magic of Cultures



    Millenniums ago the first cultures of the planet came to be. Scarcely able at first to create their own utensils and

    rupestrian designs, the difference and distance between Homo sapiens and his ancestors will finally be established by

    speech and writing.

    The indomitable creating spirit that builds up to simultaneously destroy has walked on earth for countless centuries,

    variously grouping by manner, race and place, to individually develop their own cultures, overcoming or falling victim to

    adversities imposed by weather or way of life.

    Thanks to the specialized interest of archaeologists and histor ians, today we can not only imagine but also scientificallyattest the springing up of thousands of peoples and cultures scattered in five continents.

    Amazement will overcome the reader when he mentally returns to the marvelous ancient time when the Gizeh and

    Teotihuacan pyramids were built in Egypt and Mexico, the Chinese Wall in Chin a, the Inca city of Machu Picchu. If we

    imagine the Colossus of Rhodes or see the David of Michael Angelo, if we stand in front of the Persepolis Palace ruins

    in Iran or admire the Versailles Palace in France, their impressive beauty and size, their delicacy and perfection will

    move us to admiration, as well as thousands of other works of art or constructions. They are hymns of true love, life and

    art, timeless evidence of creativity in every human being.

    Roco Borobia, innovative, world and people lover, finds beauty in everything and works porcelain with a creativity and

    passion I never saw before. She wanted to print this, her second book, unprecedented and unique in the history of

    porcelain, in which the master participates with her workshop disciples, bestowing cultural capsules upon us, and thus

    supporting the works of art included here. In them, the magic, history and legends of peoples in our world fuse in a

    vitreous and sublime porcelain robe chanting odes to the impetuous human creativity of all times.

    This book, therefore, enhances the human race path and artistic creation through time immemorial. Captured and

    transmuted into porcelain by artists internally carrying not only a vast genetic and cultural luggage, but who also live

    their various influences, materializing restlessness, feelings, knowledge and creativity in their work. The total masteryof the techniques employed, allow us to travel and take a close look at these epochs, and page after page, in a fantastic

    oneiric mixture of art and history, we see a world we are part of and proud to belong to since, in it, there is still time to

    cultivate what is beautiful.

    Each piece offers a remarkable moment in which brushes, oils, and inks ornately dress the immaculate white porcelain

    with a symphony of lines, color and movement; hands danced crystallizing dreams, transforming human thoughts, and

    concretely endowing them with the grace of reaching the immortality of existence.

    Ulisses CampanelliBrazil

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    cultures have, and, when studied objectively and in depth,

    it reveals that even though names may change, knowledge

    remains the same for ancient Egyptians, Persians,

    Chinese, Incas, Greeks, Aztecs, Mayan, and many others

    that could be mentioned. Their teachings were written for

    those who want to become better human beings and get to

    know the foundations of spirit enriching wisdom, so theycan defend themselves in this materialistic war with its

    absence of values in which the casualty is the human

    species. Gnosis is the synthetic doctrine that gave birth to

    all the philosophical, scientific, religious, artistic, esoteric,

    psychological, and cultural movements and currents.

    It is not opposed to any religion, school or teaching system

    because it affirms that all religions are "precious pearls set

    on the golden thread of Divinity." It investigates knowledge

    of all things for their principles and causes, fusing

    philosophy, art and religion in a single concept. Philosophy

    makes us reflect on the reason for all things, "who we are,

    where do we come from and where are we going to"; art

    allows us to find beauty in all its manifestations to live in

    harmony with our surroundings and, as a tool for self-

    knowledge we have religion, which has nothing to do with

    intellectualism. Religion is a Latin origin word, religare,

    which means to join again. And, what do we have to link

    again? our individual conscience to the cosmic conscience.True religion is carried inside the heart and it belongs to the

    man or woman who attempts to live a dignified life, and

    then he or she will be worthy of returning once more to the

    life giving principle. That could be the Tao among the

    Taoists, Muslims Allah, Christ for the Christians, Brahma

    for the Hindustani, Ra in Egypt, Jupiter-Zeus in Greece-

    Rome, the Unpronounceable, the breath, the Almighty, all

    that that has no name.






    Roco Borobia

    Inspired on the cover of the

    Book of Antidotes, Northern

    Mesopotamia 1199, and on

    The cover of the Book of

    Songs, Mesopotamia.

    Mosul 1220.


    Acid etching. Marbled

    paint. Brushed paint.

    Gold, silver and copper frets.

    "Religion is the intimate relationship of mind with truth." Gnostic Philosophy

    28 The Mag ic o f Cu ltures

    The "memory" of a people is its history. Historical event

    narratives, laws and precepts, songs and poems, have

    been orally transmitted from one generation to the next.

    The word preceded the use of writing, but for presently

    understanding a peoples culture with its own customs and

    spiritual heritage, it is necessary to resort to the legacy of

    their written documents.

    Books fascinatingly illustrated that recollected wisdom and

    knowledge, sublime religious cults, chants and magic

    prescriptions that revealed the universal wisdom, were

    written in ancient Persia, also mentioning the preparation

    of potions for love, life or acquiring erudition. These books

    are the magic tools of the great initiates, containing hidden

    secrets that reveal the path to knowledge and

    experimentation in other dimensions, where superior

    essences evolve even more.

    This gnosis or pure knowledge equals what other great

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  • 8/14/2019 Sample of Some Pages From the Magic of Cultures


  • 8/14/2019 Sample of Some Pages From the Magic of Cultures



    Pompeiis Soul

    It is difficult to imagine the dimensions of the tragedy

    lived by the 20,000 inhabitants of Pompeii on August 27,

    year 79 of our epoch, when the eruption of Mount

    Vesuvius completely buried the city and all vestiges of


    The first excavation works that told the world about the

    last moments of Pompeii started in 1748 under the orders

    of King Charles of Bourbon. Ghosts from the past, ruins,

    temples and houses returned to reanimate death in life.

    Every human spoil found under the ash layers testified to

    the final instant, in an anguishing cry for help never

    heard, since damp ashes had hermetically sealed the


    Though most inhabitants managed to escape the tragedy,

    the mortal remains of over 2,000 victims were found

    among the ruins: complete families asleep, bakers at

    work, people eating; they even found some unfortunate

    gladiators chained. There were election posters on the

    walls, household pots, stores, workshops; everything had

    the appearance of being still alive.

    Together with objects and art, buildings constitute aninvaluable document to know the soul and the quotidian

    life of a first century AD roman city. About ten thousand

    graffiti or handwritten texts on the walls openly describe

    the Roman society of that moment. The Villa of

    Mysteries and other countless homes transmit the

    structure of the roman house, distributed around an

    "atrium" where most domestic activities took place. At

    the back of the atrium was the tablinum, a hall with a

    window through which one could contemplate the hortus

    or orchard surrounded by a colonnade or peristyle. On

    both sides of the atrium were the sleeping quarters and,

    behind them, a court widened in two wings to the walls at

    both sides of the house. The set of frescoes decorating

    the hall walls constitutes the eldest remain of mural


    AuthorRoco Borobia

    Side A.In honor of the souls ofartisans who gave splendorto Pompeii.

    Side B.Pompeii weeps for itsdestruction.

    TechniquePaint with mattefinishing, velaturapainting and gold.

    "If man has not discovered anything to die for, he iMartin Luther King






    Neverthememory o


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    to us as i

  • 8/14/2019 Sample of Some Pages From the Magic of Cultures


    To know the life and cultural traditions of p

    civilizations is like "knowing oneself", since one goe

    depths of the womb that engendered us.

    Throughout history, Africa has been a privileged placwild nature and exoticism. Place full of myths and fa

    where human beings try, from their origins, to underst

    threatening and overflowing reality of the world surro

    them, since all elements in nature are given a symbol

    to protect man from calamities and maintain his bo

    the world of spirits.

    For balue societies, love and harmonious life wit

    couple are vitally important. According to their belie

    human being has a perfect husband or wife that rem

    Ivory C

    Lovers Forev"Only love transcends in eter


  • 8/14/2019 Sample of Some Pages From the Magic of Cultures



    India Forever"As the firm rock is not altered by the wind,

    so the soul of the wise man worries not for fame and honor."Buddha

    The Indian temple is an allegory of the universe: its

    architecture symbolizes the cosmic mountain and the

    dwelling of the gods. Its design is full of hidden meanings

    subdued to magical traces made in the different Mandala

    levels. For its symbolism, a temple is a cosmogony in astone map that took form, life, and soul. The building of a

    divine abode is a ritual act performed in the name of the

    Great Architect of the Universe.

    The architectonical ensemble of the eighty-five temples in

    Khajuraho is located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

    Built by the Chandella dynasty, it is devoted to Shiva,

    Brahma and Vishnu, the three great gods of the Hindi

    religion. In the external part of the sanctuary,

    representations of different gods protect the temple and

    guide the devout from the transitory existential world

    towards the serene and stable interior of the temple, as well

    as of body and soul. One finds quarry temples built with

    superb mastery: detailed work on each block, to be later fit

    to others without mortar. The outstanding facts in Khajuraho




    Roco Borobia

    Inspired in the temples of

    Khajuraho, India.


    Acid engraving.

    Matte background finishing.

    Painting in velatura, lusters, relief

    gold and glass enamels.

    are both the movement given to sculpted figures and the

    complicity in their faces that graces them with an unequaled

    sensuous charm. The innumerable luscious erotic sculptures

    show love in its purest form. Man impersonates Shiva and

    the woman, Parvati. Their coupling, visibly perpetuated intemples, shows the sacredness of their relationship.

    The sexual ceremony of maithuna symbolizes something

    more than a simple erotic relationship. For the kaula, the

    sexual act is a ritual that helps to find the divine status of

    being, so intimate and mystic that it turns into a true spiritual

    exercise allowing for the dimensional attainment of

    quietness and wisdom in a climatic point in which the couple

    unites bodies and minds to the energy of the creator.

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    If we wanted to concentrate all the wanders of nature in a

    single place, Nepal would undoubtedly be the right place.

    Besides its being surrounded by the high Himalayan crests,

    the green rice paddies and the brilliant gold of mustard

    patches, the capital Katmandu offers a real cultural festivitywith its impressive temples and outstanding palaces. Its

    elaborate architecture, different level pagodas, copper

    covered roofs and stupas, all have sacred rooms for keeping

    the relics of the gods.

    Nowhere on earth is there a similar concentration of active

    monuments where bronze trays, brimming with rose petals,

    red or yellow pigments and rice be daily offered.

    Legend tells that the Katmandu valley was originally a

    beautiful lake with a floating lotus flower emanating magic


    The Ganesha Toy




    Roco Borobia

    It represents the whole of Katmandu

    in a toy for Ganesha, its god.


    Acid engraving. Enameled background.

    Velatura painted textured enamels.

    Enamels and metals in relief.

    "He who does not understand a regard, will neither understand a long explanation."

    Anonymous proverb.

    white light. On seeing such beauty, the Chinese patriarch

    Manjushri decided to cut the wall enclosing the valley with

    his sword to drain the lake and let the flower stand on the

    floor. The patriarch built the Swayambhunath stupa and a

    small wooden village named Manjupatan, in the very sameplace where the lotus posed itself. The astonishing beauty

    and symbolism of the stuparepresents the thirteen levels of

    wisdom, and it is devoted to Buddhas relics. The eyes

    regarding the four cardinal points of the universe appear

    half-open as a sign of the deep meditation practiced by the


    Women highly venerate the Maru Ganesha temple, elephant

    shaped god of prosperity. Harvesting is one of its most

    impressive rituals, in which people immerse in water gigantic

    figures of the deity to assure the yearly beneficial yield.

    Because of the prosperity he brings, Ganesha is one of the

    most popular gods of Hinduism.

    Another place full of energy and mystery is the Hanuman

    palace, sacred temple in which the living goddess Kumari

    lives. She is a girl selected for her bravery when five years

    old, her body must be perfect and satisfy the thirty-two signs

    or specific and distinctive marks. The girls is kept secludedin the palace to puberty, without having more contact with

    the outer world than her balcony, from where she lets herself

    be seen to be revered as a goddess; she only abandons the

    palace to attend the various Katmandu festivals, sitting high

    over a small throne. A select group of men looks after

    Kumari while she remains in the palace until the date a new

    living goddess is selected.

  • 8/14/2019 Sample of Some Pages From the Magic of Cultures


    This miss

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    Prayer is s


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    AuthorPatricia Montalvo

    Inspired in the dcor of theMadrasah de Amir Sunqr SadiShaykh Hasan Sadaqah dome.

    TechniqueAcid engraving. Marbledbackground. Brushed painting.Gold, lusters, relief goldand enamels.



    Talking about the history of a religion is the same as making

    a long, discreet and silent trip inside our spirit to recognize

    that our own existence always tries to transcend in a

    dimension that goes beyond our worldly life. Human beings

    are religions thanks to our having learnt to look for the

    sacred beyond the visible. Every culture has developed its

    religious identity encouraging their faithful to concentrate on

    something of their own, unique and peculiar to learn what is


    The beginning of the Islam dates back to 570-632 AD, when

    the life of an Arab merchant changed the history of the world

    by his divine revelations. The prophet Mohammed received

    divine signals for twenty-one years, whenever he retreated

    to pray in a cave in the outskirts of the Mecca. Gods

    message was simple: to confirm the existence of a unique

    god, the same for Jews and Christians, that taught men to

    be honest, fair and humble. Some time after, these

    teachings were compiled in a book that received the name

    of Quran (recitation".) Since most believers did not know

    how to read, teachings were transmitted in a public reading

    in which poems from the suras ("chapters") were recited.Without this endeavor contained in the sacred book, the

    Islamic religion would be deprived of meaning and loose all

    its value.

    The name "Islam" literally means, "deliver to God" and

    Moslem is everybody who completely submits life to Gods

    will, the meaning of prostration during the salat or prayer.

    When the believer touches the floor with his head in

    reverence, he accepts that human beings must leave

    arrogance and pride aside to be humble and remember,

    above everything, that we are nothing in front of God and

    that we must relate with justice, equity and compassion.

    "Please, do not begin to teach the blind

    until you have practiced to live with your eyes clos

    Mohammed, The Prophet.

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    AuthorRoco Borobia

    Inspired in the portal of the Ul CamiMosque in Divrin, Turkey.It represents the mysticism of prayercoupled with oil lamps illumination inthe mosques vaulted ceilings.

    TechniqueAcid engraving. Marbled painting.Enamels. Gold, silver, bronze and copper.


    Turkish Mosques

    During thousands of years, for being the door where the

    threshold of East to West is crossed, Turkey has been a

    civilization crossroads and a coveted place. He who knows

    Turkey will never forget the charm its spicy odor produces,

    its magical landscape, its marvelous mosques that so invite

    to prayer. Its majestic beauty has witnessed passionate

    chapters in the history of the Christian and Muslim worlds.

    Strong psychic currents that have an impact on human

    conscience were generated in their ramparts, lifting to other

    dimension that feeling of love to God professed by both


    The most imposing of all the mosques is that of Santa

    Sophia, consecrated to divine wisdom and considered one

    of the masterpieces of humanity in the history of

    architecture, unique in the world for having served both

    Christ and Allah for 1,400 years, fusing in one monument

    the talent and sensitivity of Christian and Muslim artists and

    artisans. The first part was built by Constantine III in the

    year 325 and rebuilt by Justinian in 532; it was the largest

    temple in the Christian world up to that time. It is said that

    on seeing it, Justinian raised his arms to God and said,

    "Glory be to God who made me worthy of building something

    so huge. Oh, Salomon, I have overcome you!" Ornamented

    with 16,000 square meters of glass and gold mosaics, with

    frescoes of religious images and thousands of oil lamps that

    increased their splendor, Saint Sophia was looted and taken

    by the ottoman Turks during the conquest of Constantinople

    in 1453, that same day transformed into a mosque to praise

    God in the name of Allah. The transformation into mosque

    was most rapidly made because the original building was

    respected. Space was made even richer by raising the

    minarets, the mihrab, indicating the orientation of the

    Mecca, and the mimbar or pulpit from where the Imam

    guides prayer.

    One hundred years later, Suleiman the Magnificent made

    the most beautiful and big mosque in Istanbul, named after

    him, and dominating the Horn of Gold with its beauty. Its

    solemn interior is decorated with 138 openings covered with

    fascinating stained-glass windows that impart a unique

    beauty to it. The Blue Mosque with six minarets was raisedin front of Saint Sophie as a rival in beauty. In the XIV

    century, the famous Grand mosque or Ulu Cami was built in

    Bursa, and its singularity is due to twenty small cupolas that

    render it unmistakable; among its most beautiful decorative

    elements are the elaborate portal and the Mihrab.

    "The only thing needed is divine light."


    192 The Magic of Cultures

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    Love Eclipse"Love is not only a feeling. It is also an art."

    Honor de Balzac

    In the ancient indigenous world, Aztec art stands out for its

    stone sculptures, material used for superb sculptures

    conceptually associated to an image. The most important

    group is that of the colossal sculptures made to decorate

    temples and palaces, usually religious character

    manifestations. Associated in general to an element ofnature or to mythic character actions, with scenes of gods or

    kings, sculpted in heavy stone blocks like the Sun Stone or

    Aztec Calendar, and the impressive Coyolxauhqui, patron

    goddess of the moon and Huitzilopochtlis sister.

    The image of Tonatiuh, the Sun God appears in the center of

    The Sun Stone; it is a solar calendar showing signs and

    components related to the passing of time. The design for

    this monolith consists of a central image surrounded by five

    concentric circles. Elements conforming symbolic calendar

    connotations appear in each circular band.




    Olga Gonzlez Junquera

    Represents love between the sun and the moon.

    Inspired in the Aztec Calendar or Sun Stone and the goddess Coyolxauhqui,

    National Anthropology and History Museum and

    Major Temple Museum. Mexico City.


    Engraved with acid and by glass detachment.

    Textured enamel painted in velaturas.

    Agate burnished gold.

    Since its discovery in 1790, the twenty-five-ton monolith,

    commonly known as the Aztec Calendar, has been

    particularly admired for its complex and unique circular time

    measuring. Antonio Len y Gama made the first formal

    study in 1792, and from then on, countless studies and

    theories appeared as to its use and symbolic content. It was

    questioned if the position of the monolith should be

    horizontal or vertical; now it is known that it must be

    horizontal, as that of many other monoliths of the time.

    Several proposals on numeral values for each relief element

    have been offered, so thanks to several complex

    mathematical calculations, it is now known that the monolith

    is the outcome of intricate calendar computing.

    In the famous stone Coyolxauhqui, the moon goddess

    appears as a wounded but radiant moon facing the sun in

    one of the most impressive pieces of indigenous art, long

    lasting love eclipse, and then she comes out of the depths

    of earth in 1978. The surface of this twenty-ton dramatic

    monolith, expresses the bloody fact that her brother

    Huitzilopochtli had killed her. In the central part, its

    impressive design shows the dismembered goddess torso,

    bleeding, wearing only a belt tied in the shape of a double

    snake. This accidental finding facilitated the start of formal

    diggings at the Major Tenochtitlan Temple, one of the mostremarkable urban archaeological projects in Mexico.

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    separated them in two groups (pumpkin and turquoise) and

    each ruled for half a year.

    Shamans invoked the divine presence of kachina spiritsusing metaphysics and mind power so they could return

    every year to provide peace, health and harmony to the Hopi

    community. Masked dancers represented them when they

    returned, and they danced softly and rhythmically as Nature

    does; the dance strengthened their beliefs in a unified plant

    and animal world. The snake dance is a spectacular ritual

    performed by dancers from the snake and deer

    brotherhoods. It is divided in several stages that include

    fasting, altar preparation, and four days devoted to capturing

    fifty or sixty reptiles. On the sixteenth day, each participant

    holds a snake in his teeth while dancing and the next day

    snakes are returned to nature so they can cast the news that

    the Hopi live in harmony with the natural and spiritual worlds.

    Spiritual healing is an extraordinary physical phenomenon,

    encompassing all positive energies gathered to change

    malfunctioning body conditions. The soul can be healed

    using positive energy, and even heal violence distressing theworld.

    North American Tribes

    Healing Ritual"Let us live in peace and harmony, so we can

    uphold the balance of Earth and all life forms.

    We attain it only through prayer and meditation.".

    Hopi song.




    Mara del Carmen Sardina

    de Lecumberri.

    Inspired in engravings

    that show spiritual healing

    rituals in the Hopi tribesvillages.


    Enamel painted in velatura.

    Enameled contours.

    The first calendar the North American Indians had, according

    to historians, was a turtle shell. Natives observed that a

    season repeated itself every thirteen moons, so they named

    Medicine Wheel all turtles with thirteen circles in theirshells.

    There are multiple documents telling of native medicine

    efficiency for healing illnesses and wounds. In their healing

    rituals, Hopi communities combined metaphysics with

    elements of nature as roots, plants and animal parts. Their

    creed dictated that the soul had to heal first.

    In Hopi mythology, the kachinaspirits guided men from the

    underground world to light, through a hollow cane deeply

    introduced into a raccoon-dig hole. The kachinaguided the

    Hopis in their ceremonies and gave them the needed power

    to heal soul diseases. They did not admit any form of

    violence, because if anybody raised a hand with intention to

    damage, that person attacked the natural order of the

    universe. To avoid confrontations or struggles, spirits

    254 Mag ic o f Cu ltures