sample reflective report 01

Reflective Report Name- Student ID- Institution- Department of Computing and Information Systems Pathway Title- Computing and Information Systems

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Page 1: Sample Reflective Report 01

Reflective Report


Student ID-

Institution- Department of Computing and Information Systems

Pathway Title- Computing and Information Systems

Project Title-


Page 2: Sample Reflective Report 01

Table of Contents

Section 1: Reflection......................................................................................................................3

1.1 Set milestones..................................................................................................................3

1.1.1 Project time plan.....................................................................................................4

1.1.2 Building of the website..........................................................................................4

1.2 Time Management..........................................................................................................4

1.3 Problem solving...............................................................................................................6

1.3.1 Modules on course..................................................................................................6

1.3.2 Software problems..................................................................................................6

1.3.3 Refactoring project.................................................................................................6

1.4 User based study.............................................................................................................7

1.5 Meetings with Supervisor.............................................................................................7

1.6 The Client...........................................................................................................................7

1.7 What is to be achieved.....................................................................................................7

Section 2: Detailed Thesis Contents........................................................................................8

2.1 Chapter headings............................................................................................................8

2.1.1 Section 1- Introduction..........................................................................................8

2.2.2 Section 2- The Contextual Review....................................................................8

2.3.3 Section 3- Artefact Design and development................................................9

2.4.4 Section 4- User based study................................................................................9

2.5.5 Section 5- Conclusion...........................................................................................10

3. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................10

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Section 1: Reflection

1.1 Set milestones

There are various different milestones set for this project to ensure it is

successfully completed. From the initial start up of the project to the current

stage all milestones have been successfully met. The very first milestone set was

for the approval of the project. For this a supervisor had approved of the project

and then a Screening and Ethic’s form were produced which explain the project.

These forms were then taken to the supervisor to approve and necessary

feedback was given and the amendments were made to ensure the forms

submitted were correct and approved for the project to go ahead. There were

lots of set milestones for the contextual report which followed the submission of

the two forms. These are all shown in figure 1.1

Figure 1.1- Time Line

The milestone which was set to carry out the research for the topic

phishing shown on figure 1.1, was met but it took longer than anticipated

to complete. The reason for this milestone being delayed was because

there was lots of information on this topic area. At first the research carried

out was shown to the supervisor who made lots of changes. From these

changes the research had to be changed because the information used

wasn’t approved by the supervisor. This then caused a week’s delay

because the research had to be carried out again. This time the supervisor

gave me some journals to look at to get information on this topic.

Apart from this milestone not being met on time the rest of the milestones

set for the contextual report were successfully met. The contextual report was

checked and feedback was given on a weekly basis from my supervisor to ensure

the report was to a high standard.

1.1.1 Project time plan

Figure 1.2 and 1.3 shows the Gantt chart and shows the milestones set for the

development of the artefact for the thesis report. The artefacts to be produced

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for this project are a website and a set of emails. The website will be a best of

breed website built and two emails. One of the emails will be fake and the other

will be a genuine. The reason for producing two emails is to see if users can

distinguish between a fake or genuine email. The genuine email will be from

PayPal and this will be duplicated and made into a phishing email.

At this present moment the emails have been produced and the user study has

been carried out. This was the first user study and he second is to create a best

of breed website for a local coach company. Company audits have been carried

out which show the best features they all have which will all be put into one

website to create the best of breed website.

1.1.2 Building of the website

The building of the website has been delayed and this milestone has been

changed. Initially there were two websites to be produces based on a fake and

genuine. However after discussing with the client this has been changed and a

best of breed website will be built instead. This decision was made with the

supervisor and the website is under development at the present moment.

The first two milestones set for the building of the website are:

Gather information to add onto website

Create the layout for the website

These have both been met and the next step is to create the pages of the

website and link them together. This will create the shell of the website and then

the best of breed features can be added.

There has been a delay with the building of the website and it has been put on

hold until the reflective report is completed. This is because the reflective report

is due before the thesis report on the 16th march 2011. An extra week has been

allocated to create the website due to the hand in of the reflective report and

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 will be used to create the website.

1.2 Time Management

Figures 1.1 and 1.2 show the Gantt chart with the set milestones. The time plan

was created to keep track of the project. By creating the time plan this ensured

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that all the tasks which were added onto the time plan needed to be completed

by a specific date set. If the tasks are not being met then the correct actions

need to be taken. This is good because it gives the opportunity to monitor and

control the progress being made and to see if deadlines are being met.

The time plan has the main tasks listed with all the sub tasks. This is to

break down the main tasks into smaller tasks to make it easier to manage.

The end date for the completion of the project has been set to Friday 15th

March 2011.

Figure 1.2- Time line

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Figure 1.3- Gantt chart

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1.3 Problem solving

There were problems encountered during the progression of the project. These

problems were all resolved in the most effective manner without causing long

delays. There were some problems which took longer than others to solve and

these have all been mentioned in the below section.

1.3.1 Modules on course

Whilst working on this project there are also three other modules going on at the

same time. This makes it very difficult because there are several things going on

at once. As there are deadlines for the other modules and assignments need to

be handed in, this causes a delay for the project work. Due to this factor the

deadlines need to be extended which leaves less time for the other tasks. To

overcome this problem extra time is being spent over the weekends to make up

the time lost and to ensure steady progress is being made on the project. By

doing this it ensures if any other problems occur then time can be allocated to

solve those problems.

1.3.2 Software problems

There has been a software problem because the version of Adobe Dreamweaver

CS3 which is used at the University did not work on my home computer. The

reason for needing this software is because the website will be built using this

software. To overcome this problem the latest version of Adobe Dreamweaver

had to be installed because the older version wouldn’t support the computer.

1.3.3 Refactoring project

The project had to be re-factored slightly because my client wanted me to make

changes to the website. Initially the building of the websites was to produce two

different websites but now there will be one website built which will contain best

of breed features from three other websites. Due to this change there is a need

for company audits to be carried out. These company audits took longer than

anticipated because there had to be specific features looked at. However they

were completed and the best of breed features were identified to insert onto the


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Apart from these problems there haven’t been any others. This is because the

client is very good who provides good feedback and sets tasks which are

approved on a weekly basis. This way the work being completed meets his needs

and requirements.

1.4User based study

The user based study is to be carried out on the completion of the artefacts. So

far the emails have been produced and the website is under development. The

artefacts are being tested as they are being developed with the client to ensure

they are correct. The emails which have been created have been tested and a

user based study has been carried out. The results were achieved and graphs

were produced to show the results and to make the necessary comparisons. The

website will also be tested in the same way and a user study will be carried out.

1.5Meetings with Supervisor

The supervisor which approved of my project has been seen on a weekly basis.

This is to keep track of all the progress being made. The supervisor was met by

making a appointment via the Faculty office at the University. From these

meetings there were tasks set for the following week. This ensured the project

was progressing and the work was being completed according to the client

needs. The feedback received from the work presented to the supervisor has

been very helpful and appropriate adjustments have been made. The supervisor

is very helpful and is very supportive.

1.6The Client

The client for this project is the supervisor. All the requirements set are based on

the information provided from the client.. There have not been any issues with

the client as meetings are held on a regular basis and the requirements are

being met. The requirements are challenging but these will be achieved with the

guidance from the client. The website will be challenging to create as the client

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requires the website to be built by the end of March to ensure enough time is left

for the thesis report to be completed.

1.7 What is to be achieved

So far it has been very clear that having a time plan produced at the earliest

stage ensures that the work is being produced according to a time scale. It has

been learnt that having regular meeting with the client who is also the

supervisor; ensures the progression of the project is being made smoothly.

At this present moment the website is being built. Once this has been completed

then the user study can be carried out. This study will show what the users think

of the website and they will be able browse the website. A Trust Utterance

Framework (TUF) will be carried out to record the results and comments of the

users as they look at the website. All milestones set have mostly been met apart

from some which have been explained.

Section 2: Detailed Thesis Contents

2.1 Chapter headings

This section will focus on the chapter headings which are to be included in the

thesis report. There will be in depth details included of all the chapter headings

which will outline the content to be included in the thesis report. The thesis

report needs to have a clear structure so that it can be followed easily with the

appropriate sections in place. All the sections which will be included in the thesis

report have been mentioned below. There will be justifications made which will

contain details about each chapter.

2.1.1 Section 1- Introduction

The introduction section will basically outline the project brief and the structure

will be outlined. This will give a detailed introduction on the thesis report and

include information on the topic chosen. The idea will be to outline the main

aspects of the project and to develop them during the course of the project. The

goal of the project will be addressed as well as the context.

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Once these points have been addressed there will then be a section which will

talk about the topic itself. In this sub section it will include what phishing is and

what the problems of phishing are as well as the added value of this project. This

will give a good understanding for whoever reads the report and they will be able

to understand what the project is about.

There will be another sub section which will talk about the aims and objectives of

the project. These objectives will be based on the artefact and what needs to be

accomplished. The aims and objectives will need to be addressed using bullet

point to make them clear. The aims and objectives of the project will be outlined

which will show the main aspects of the project which need to be met.

2.2.2 Section 2- The Contextual Review

In this section it will cover the aspects of market research, market surveys and


In the market research section it will include details on the findings with effective

comparisons and analysis documented. It will show the different types of

phishing toolbars available and provide information on each toolbar. A table will

be created to show each anti-phishing toolbar with the system requirements it

needs. The toolbars and the system requirements will be shown to make


The market surveys will include information on the needs capture, depiction and

an analysis will be carried out. This will show the understanding the users have

about phishing and if they are aware of phishing attacks. The results from the

surveys will be made into graphs to make conclusions and create a comparative


There will also be sub sections in this section which talk about:


Bayesian filters

Online identity theft

Malicious code

Person-to-person transactions

Recent study by Ross Anderson

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All of these topics will be focused on to form the literature review and provide a

detailed overview of the topic. This section will provide lots of information and

lots of journals will be used and referenced. This section links to section 1

because it follows on from the introduction and it talks about the topic in detail.

2.3.3 Section 3- Artefact Design and development

This section will include information relating to the artefacts to be produced. This

means that a requirements catalogue will be produced and the necessary UML

diagrams will be produced. This will show what needs to be included in the

artefacts and break down the artefact so that it is clear. This will include both the

emails which need to be created and the website. As there are two artefacts

being built for this project they will have their own requirements. The artefacts

will be developed and tested as they are being produced to ensure they meet

the client’s requirements. This section links from section 2 because this section

will be about the artefact and show the design and development.

2.4.4 Section 4- User based study

This section will be based on the artefacts which have been produced by this

stage. It will include all the testing and the user studies carried out. This section

will include:


Experimental design, user protocol

Conceptual framework

Trust Utterance Framework (TUF)

Results and analysis

This section will be broken down into many different sub sections. The reason for

this is the user study will be carried out and documented. The results achieved

will be documented and graphs will be produced. There will also be a Trust

Utterance Framework (TUF) carried out which will be used for the purpose of

analysis and validation of user opinions and comments whilst they carry out the

user study. This section links to section 3 because in this section it will be about

the user study which will be based on the artefacts which have been produced in

the previous section.

2.5.5 Section 5- Conclusion

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In this final section there will be details about the whole project in general and to

see if it was a success or fail. It will be an evaluation of the project as a whole

and discuss various aspects such as what went well, what went wrong and areas

for improvement. There will be details about the added value which will relate to

the literature review in terms of guidance. The milestones and objectives set for

the project will be discussed to see if they have been met.

3. Conclusion

Overall the project has been a success even though there have been problems which have been solved.

There have been some delays on the project and these have been mentioned in this report. The client

has been holding regular meetings and giving feedback on the work produced. This has helped

because it gives the opportunity to meet the client and ensure that the work being produced meets his


The emails have been produced and a user study has been carried out. The results have been analysed

and documented. The phishing email which was produced has a similar look and feel as to the original

email. They were tested with the client to see if they were ready for the users to test.

The building of the website is currently under construction and there has been a deadline set by the

client for its completion. The thesis report is being worked on whilst the website is being built. The

theses report will be a completed document which covers all the work and research carried out. This

project will be a success and all the milestones will be met if everything goes to plan. Hard work

and putting in extra hours will ensure the success of this project as well as

meeting the client on a weekly basis.