samundra institute of maritime studies

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  • 8/2/2019 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies


    28/12 Samnda Inie of Maiime Sdie

    Dec Cade

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    Sada Iie f Maiie Sdie

    SIMS P-Sea Taiig Facii, Mbai

    SIMS Pe-Sea Taiig Ca, Laaa

    Dec Office Taiig

    B.Tech Maie Egieeig Ce

    Egiee Office Taiig

    Seeci Pce

    E Reiee

    Ia dae


    F Dec Office

    F Egiee Office

    Tii Fee ad Ce eee


    La Aiace

    Acadeic Caeda


    H a

    Wha e?

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    1.1 Sada Iie f Maiie Sdie

    Merchant Navy is a civilian naval fleet engaged in the transport of goods (cargo) from one location to another for trading purpos es. With more than 90% of

    merchant ships, it is indeed the backbone of world trade. This role m akes Merchant Navy different from the profess ion of Indian Navy.

    Carrying cargo to different parts of the worlds requires and has m ade Merchant Navy a highly regularised profession. Ships today are equipped with the la

    opportunity to those who join this profess ion as s eafarers, a career full of adventure, continuous training opportunities and a high income.

    Operating a modern ship efficiently requires s pecialised knowledge. A seafarer thus needs to undergo training to operate and manage a ship. The two m

    Deck or Navigation: Deck officers are responsible for the navigation of the ship and delivery of the cargo at the port of destination as per the time sc

    after the general ma intenance, administration, observance of national and international maritime laws and d iscipline on board.

    Engine: With a basic qualification of engineering, the officers from the Engine Department are res ponsible for the efficient running and m aintenanc

    equipments to enable the ship to sail as per the schedule.

    Officers trained in ei ther of the two departments work together to ensure the smooth sailing of the ship and s afe delivery of the cargo.

    Considered one of the finest seafarer-training institutes among the maritime training facilities around the globe, Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies

    developing a pool of high caliber seafarers trained at all levels to work in an increasingly demanding shipping environment. SIMS has in fact set a benc

    region in just a short span of time since its incorporation in 2002.

    It is the institutes commitment to provide an outstanding maritime training opportunity to the Indian seafarers in addition to developing and nurtu

    professiona l seafarers to carry on the difficult task of the shipping industry for the 21s t Century and beyond.

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    The non-commercial post-sea facility of the institute was es tablished exclusively for the in-hous e crew of our s ponsors , Executive Ship Management Pte

    highest standards in manning.

    Located at Chembur, Mumbai, the facility offers over 40 value-added courses to the crew members to upgrade their knowledge and keep them on top

    developing shipping industry. The courses range from Advanced Training on various Tanker Operations to short value-added courses like the Main E

    Awareness . Many of the courses are mainly specialized training courses on gas, chemical and oil tankers.

    The facilities include unique hands on equipments like a down sized stainles s s teel tank of a chemical tanker, bridge simula tor with 240 deg. Field of vie

    engine manoeuvring simulator, hydraulic and electric trainers etc.

    As a progress ive and leading teaching and training institute, SIMS provides international recognition in addition to a holis tic learning experience that is o

    giving seafarers that extra edge in ensuring a safer and more efficient running of ships .


    Rated the highest grade by ICRA Indias leading Ratings, Research, Risk and Policy Advisory Company, SIMS is recognized by the Directorate GeMaritime and Port Authority of Singapore. It is certified by leading maritime classification society, Det Norske Veritas, Norway for ISO 9001: 2008. It

    Coastguard Agency (UK), Panama, Liberia and Marshall Islands Authorities to run their Ship Security Officers Course. SIMS is the first and only marit

    providing value-added training courses approved under DG Shipping India, MCA (UK), Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore as well as Gov


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    In order to extend s uch first class maritim e training to the next generation of Indian m erchant navy officers, SIMS opened its pre-sea training campus at L

    art campus complements the post sea training facility in Mumbai.

    M de CaDesigned to be one of the most modern residential campus of a maritime training institute anywhere, SIMS, Lonavala is comfortably located eight kil

    Mumbai-Pune-Bangalore Highway (NH4) and encompas ses an area of over 55 acres by the bank of the river Indrayani amids t the magnificent view of t

    kilometres away on the northeast are the archeologically famous Karla Buddhist caves, estimated over 2000 years old .

    As trendsetter in the worlds maritime industry, SIMS Lonavala features state-of-the-art facilities with the lates t equipment. In fact, mos t of the equipmen

    and specially designed simulators are based on the type of vessels managed by our sponsors. The campus also features hands-on training in the hi-

    the real sailing experience ashore, which is pres ently not available in any other maritim e ins titute.

    The institute is fully residential for the students and the faculty and provides all amenities wi thin and around the campus .

    Lcai Ma f SIMS, Laaa

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    Wha We OffeSIMS adopts a different style of learning approach that is innovative and immersive encouraging inquiry, participation and teamwork among our studen

    holistic process that looks at the total individual and students are given training that is over and above mandatory international standards. Successfu

    rewarding seafaring career.

    All courses are under approval of DG Shipping and the nautical courses follow syllabus of the Indian Maritime University (IMU) leading to Diplom a and De

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    2.1 Dec Office Taiig

    Stage Semester Duration Teaching Method Award of Qualific


    1 and 2

    1 Year

    (Pre Sea) Purely Residential Diploma in Nautical Science


    3, 4 & 5

    min. 18 months onboard


    (At sea)

    Dis tance Learning Advanced Diploma in Nautical Sc ience (ADNS

    Seaahi ad hica aciiieSeamanship and physical activities Candidates for pre-sea training come from varying social, cultural, geographical, linguistic and economic backg

    candidates are required to be able to man the ships effectively and to know the manner of working and of behaving in their respective work-stations, ac

    halls and in all formal and informal contexts on board the ship and elsewhere.

    Bearing this in mind, we will be placing emphasis on classroom and outdoor activities such as parade, physical training, swimming, boat w

    activities, etc. Cheerful obedience to orders of superiors, team spirit, leadership and other seaman-like qualities will be inculcanated in the candid

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    2.2 B.Tech Maie Egieeig Ce

    Stage Semester Duration Teaching Method Award of Qualificatio


    1-84 Years (Pre-Sea)

    Purely Residential, Lectures

    and Practical/Workshop.

    Practical Experience in

    Machine shop, Operation &

    Maintenance of Marine

    Power plant systems and


    B. Tech Marine Engineering

    Seaahi ad hica aciiie

    Similar to Deck Cadets.

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    2.3 Egiee Office Taiig

    Stage Semester Duration Teaching Method Award of Qualific



    6 Months

    (Pre Sea)

    Purely Residential, Lectures

    and Practical/Workshop-

    Practical Experience in

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    Ship in Campus training


    Maintenance of Marine Power

    plant systems and Auxiliaries

    Diploma in Marine Engine

    Seaahi ad hica aciiie

    Similar to Deck Cadets.

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    2.4 Seeci Pce

    Seeci Pce f Pe Sea cadidaeA success ful career in merchant navy requires m ore than just a s trong academic foundation. SIMS selection process wil l test you on each of the below pa

    Wie Eaiai

    Applicants are required to qualify the written exam held at different locations all over India.

    Pea IeieApplicants are interviewed by a panel of educators and m aritime profess ionals to asses s the applicants' comm unication skills , leadership potential, clari

    abilities. The panel also looks for any extracurricular achievements of the candidate.

    Medica EaiaiMedical practitioners appointed by the Institute will examine all s elected candidates for certifying conformation wi th the medical requirements laid down b

    An eye test by MMD, DG Shipping wil l be undertaken for the candidates who are success ful in all other tests and then shortlis ted.

    Pcheic TeConducted by the certified psychologist to determine the mental profile of the candidate to determine the s uitability of the candidate for the profess ion.

    Re-aeaig / Secd ae f SIMS Eace Ea

    Re-appearance or second attempt for SIMS Entrance Exam is a llowed only after 6 months after the First attempt.

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    2.5 E Reiee/Eigibi i

    The entry requirements are set out below. In addition, selected candidates would als o have to pass a Ps ychometric test and a m edical test.

    Requirement For Deck Cadets For B.Tech Fo

    Age For Class XII: N e ha 17 ea & N

    e ha 20 ea as on date of

    commencement of the course

    For B.Sc. in PCM or Electronics: N e

    ha 22 ea as on the starting date of the


    For B.E./B. Tech. Degree from I.I.T or a college

    recognized by AICTE: N e ha 25 ea

    as on the starting date of the course

    N e ha 17 ea & N e ha 20

    ea as on date of commencement of the course

    N e ha 25

    Marital Status Unmarried

    Academic Re hd be baied a FIRST

    ATTEMPT A Bad (Ca XII):

    Minimum Percentage 60%

    PCM minimum 60%

    (For Andhra Pradesh & Kerala State Board,

    separate board exams held for each class(11th &

    12th) & hence, aggregate of both marks are


    BSc: Degree in Physics/ Chemistry/

    Mathematics/ Electronics with minimum 55% in

    final year along with Min 55% in PCM in Class XII

    BE (Mechaica) Egieeig: Degree from an

    A Bad (Ca XII):

    Minimum Percentage 60%

    PCM minimum 60% (Physics & Maths Min


    (For Andhra Pradesh & Kerala State Board,

    separate board exams held for each class(11th &

    12th) & hence, aggregate of both marks are


    Graduation in BE (M

    Achiece from a

    minimum marks of 5

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    28/12 Samnda Inie of Maiime Sdie

    Institute with min 55% in final year

    Language English shall be one of the subjects with

    minimum marks scored 50% in class X or XII

    English shall be one of the subjects with minimum

    marks scored 50% in class X or XII

    English shall be one

    marks scored 50% i

    Medical Physically fit and meet the standards laid out by DG Shipping

    Eyesight 6/6 vision in both eyes (without visual aids); no


    No Colour Blindness, Use of corrective lenses


    Use of corrective len

    permissible limits, a

    6/9 in the better ey

    Distant Unaided VisExaminations, Annexure

    IMU CET Candidates must clear IMU CET also.

    A strict medical fitness test is necessary for all selected candidates prior to admission. Candidates are advised to undergo a medical test as pr

    Shipping on their own ( prior to applying to avoid disappointment at a later stage.

    Back o Top

    2.6 Ia dae

    Ia dae ae e

    DNS - Ag 2012

    Application in progress

    Last date for the submission of Application form for the exam

    Date of Entrance exam, psychometric test, interview and Medicals

    Declaration of Results on w ebsite

    Last date of submission of DD of Rs.50000/-

    Reporting for course at SIMS Lonavla

    Course commencement date

    * Tentative Date

    4 Yea B. Tech Maie Egieeig - Ag 2012

    Application in progress

    Last date for the submission of Application form for the exam

    Exams and MEDICAL TEST with DG Approved Doctor at 6 centres/ f ield off ices in india (Exam Venue)

    Declaration of Result on w ebsite

    Last date of submission of DD of Rs.50000/-

    Reporting for course in lonavla

    Course commencement date

    * Tentative Date

    GME- Se 2012

    Application in progressLast date for the submission of Application form for the exam

    Exams and MEDICAL TEST with DG Approved Doctor at 6 centres/ f ield off ices in india (Exam Venue)

    Declaration of Results on w ebsite

    Last date of submission of DD of Rs.50000/-

    Reporting for course in Lonavla

    Course commencement date

    * Tentative Date

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  • 8/2/2019 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies


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    3.1 F Dec Office


    Pre-Sea Education & Training

    One year Pre-Sea Training Course at SIMS including the following STCW C


    Awarded Diploma in Nautical Science by IMU

    SEA-GOING SERVICEMinimum 18 months On board training with DLP (at sea)

    Awarded Advanced Diploma in Nautical Science (ADNS) by IMU


    Education & Training

    4 Months (Post Sea) + STCW Courses

    Awarded B.Sc. (Nautical Science) Degree by IMU

    Radar & ARPA Simulator training at Operational Level GMDSS (GOC)

    PSC & RB AFF and MFA

    Successfully appears for 2nd mate( FG) exam conducted by MMD

    2nd Mate Certificate of Competency by D.G. Shipping (Govt. of India)

    CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY Second Mate of a Foreign -going Ship

    Sea -going Service 18 months as officer incharge of a Navigational watch.

    POST-SEA Education and Training

    Examination and Assessment

    Assessment of Sea-going Service A-II/2 3000 gt and above,

    6 months + Radar & ARPA Simulator training at management level

    Search and Rescue training

    Carriage of dangerous cargoes

    Medical Care

    Training and AssessmentQuality Standards Written and Oral Exam

    CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY Firs t Mate of a foreign - going ship (CM)

    Seagoing Service18 months as a junior officer OR

    12 months as chief mate in charge of a navigational watch


    Education and Training

    Examination and Assessment

    Assessment of Seagoing Service, plus training in Ship management Course

    Ship handling / manoeuvring simulator training

    Written and Oral Exam

    CERTIFICATE of Competency MASTER (also known as CAPTAIN) of a foreign going Ship

    Ne Abbeiai ed:PST: Personal Survival Techniques Course.

    FPFF: Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting Course.

    EFA: Elementary First Aid Course.

    PSSR: Personal Safety & Social Respons ibilities Course.

    STCW: International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for s eafarers.

    OTFC: Oil Tanker Familiarization Course.

    CTFC: Chemical Tanker Familiarization Course.

    GTFC: Liquefied Gas Tanker Familiarization Course.


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    - - .

    PSC & RB: Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats, Course.

    AFF: Advanced Fire Fighting Course.

    MFA: Medical First Aid Course.

    DG Shipping: Di rectorate General of Shipping, Govt. of India.

    MMD: Mercantile Marine Department under DG Shipping.

    Back o Top

    3.2 F Egiee Office

    STREAM B.Tech Marine Engineering Graduate Me


    Edcaion & Training

    4 Year Pre-Sea Course at SIMS including 6

    months Ship-in-Campus training and the

    following STCW Courses: PST, FPFF, EFA,


    1 Year Pre-Sea Trainin

    6 months workshop/S

    the following STCW C



    (at the end of one year)

    B. Tech Marine Engineering Degree awarded by the

    Indian Maritime University on successful com pletion


    Term End Examinations

    Training Certificate iss u


    Certificate of Competency

    (Candidate Applies to Mercantile Marine Department

    attached to Director General of Shipping, with all


    Obtains MOT (Ministry of Shipping) Class IV Part A certificate (a pre-requ

    navy ship as a junior watch keeping engineer )

    Obtains a TAR book. (Training & Assessment Record book)

    Applies to Shipping Masters Office for CDC (Continuous Discharge Certifi


    Joins a Merchant Navy vessel as a Junior Engineer and

    completes a minimum of 6 months sea service, out of

    which 120 days are propelling days.

    Get the TAR book filled in by the Chief Engineer of the


    Obtains propelling certificate from the Chief Engineer.

    Junior Engineer/Ass istant to Senior Watch keeping engineer.

    Main Engine power more than 750 KW

    Cee 3 adaced afe aiig ce

    1. AFA

    2. PSC & RB

    3. MFA

    Complete 3 months preparatory classes in approved

    Institute & undergo 3 days Engine Simulator Course for

    operational level. Pass examination in 6 Theory papers and

    oral examination conducted by MMD.

    Obtain Class IV (Part B) Certificate of Competency issued by D.G. Shipp

    (qualifies to serve on board the ship as senior watch keeping engineer)

    Post Sea Education & TrainingCompletes Modular Course as required such as, TASCO (Specialised

    Tanker Operation), GASCO (for Gas carriers) and CHEMCO (for Chemical

    Sea Service (Continued)

    Fourth/Third EngineerWatch Keeping Engineer on a sailing ship

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    Seagoing Service

    12 months as independent (Senior) watch keeping engineer, of which 180


    Obtain propelling certificate from Chief engineer of the ship.

    Main Engine power more than 3000kW.

    POST-SEA Education and Training

    Undergo a 4 month preparatory course for MOT Class II in

    an approved Institute & undergo a 5-day Engine Simulator

    course (Management Level)

    Examination and Assessment

    Appear for MOT Class II competency examination in 6 theory papers and

    by MMD.

    Obtain MOT Class II certificate of Competency.

    Get endorsement for Dangerous Cargo, Gas and Chemical tankers.

    Sea Service (continued)

    Third/Second Engineer Senior

    Watch Keeping Engineer on a sailing ship.

    Management Level Position

    Seagoing Service

    18 months as independent watch keeping engineer. Obtain propelling ce

    of the ship.

    Main Engine power more than 3000kW

    POST-SEA Education and Training Undergo a 2 month

    preparatory course for MOT Class I in an approved Institute

    & undergo a 5-day Engine Simulator course (Management


    Examination and Assessment

    Appear for MOT Class II competency examination in 1 theory papers and

    by MMD.

    Obtain MOT Class I certificate of Competency.

    Sea Service (continued)

    Second Engineer

    Senior Watch Keeping Engineer on a sailing ship.

    Obtain propelling certificate from Chief engineer of the ship.

    Management Level Position

    Sea Service (continued)

    Chief EngineerChief Engineer. Management Level Position

    Ne Abbeiai ed:PST: Personal Survival Techniques Cours e.

    FPFF: Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting Course.EFA: Elementary First Aid Course.

    PSSR: Personal Safety & Social Respons ibilities Course.

    STCW: International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for s eafarers.

    OTFC: Oil Tanker Familiarization Course.

    CTFC: Chemical Tanker Familiarization Course.

    GTFC: Liquefied Gas Tanker Familiarization Course.

    GMDSS - GOC: Global Maritime Distress and Safety System - General Operator's Certificate.

    PSC & RB: Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats, Course.

    AFF: Advanced Fire Fighting Course.

    MFA: Medical First Aid Course.

    DG Shipping: Directorate General of Shipping, Govt. of India.

    MMD: Mercantile Marine Department under DG Shipping.

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  • 8/2/2019 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies


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    4.1 Tii Fee ad Ce Eee

    Deck Cadet B.Tech B.Tech Lateral

    Joining fee Rs.50,000 Rs.50,000 Rs.50,000

    Total Fee 5,22,550 14,26,200 10,80,550

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    4.2 Schahi

    Scholarships will be awarded to meritorious candidates at the institute's discretion.

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    4.3 La Aiace

    Needy students may be provided guidance and as sis tance on receiving study loan from recognised banks during the course of training. Contact administ

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    4.4 Acadeic Caeda

    1. Deck cadets pre-sea batch commences in Feba / Ag ee ea.

    2. B. Tech program commences in Ag ee ea.

    3. GME program commences in Mach / Seebe ee ea.

    4. Each eee i f 23 ee dai.

    F Dec Cade First Semester Seco

    Start Date Ag 2012

    Mid-semester break 1 Week - To be notified 1 Week

    Rest two weeks of holidays and exam breaks To be notified To

    F B.Tech First Semester Seco

    Start Date Ag 2012

    Mid-semester break 1 Week - To be notified 1 Week

    Rest two weeks of holidays and exam breaks To be notified To

    F GME Ce First Semester Seco

    Start Date Se 2012

    Mid-semester break 1 Week - To be notified 1 Week

    Rest two weeks of holidays and exam breaks To be notified To

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  • 8/2/2019 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies


    28/12 Samnda Inie of Maiime Sdie

    DNS - Fee Sce

    Paica G Fee

    R. R.


    Admission Fees 10,000

    Orientation Fees 12,000

    Course Tuition Fees 407,000 2,00,000

    Sb-a 4,29,000 2,00,000

    Other charges

    Boarding / Lodging & other amenities 2,00,000

    Uniform / Books / Stationery 30,000

    CDC / INDOS 1,700

    Bed Linen ** 1,850

    Caution deposit * 15,000

    Sb-a 2,48,700

    IMU charges - see Note 3 45,000

    Gad Ta 7,22,550 2,00,000

    Personal Laundry, Telephone medicals, Passport Will be directly borne by the candidate

    U.S. Visa fees & Travel related to obtaining such Visa Will be directly borne by the candidate

    * refundable at the end of 1 year Course after adjustment of damages , breakages etc.

    ** can be taken by the candidates at the end of 1 year course

    Fee ae Schede

    Joining fees (Non Refundable)

    Joining amount RS 50,000

    Admis sion wi ll be confirmed only upon receipt of the joining fee.

    Fi Seee ae

    Before date of commencement of 1st semester


    Admission fees 10,000

    Orientation Fees 12,000

    Caution deposit 15,000

    Course Tuition fees 1,03,500

    Boarding / Lodging & other amenities 1,00,000

    Uniform / Books/Stationery 30,000

    CDC / INDOS 1,700

    Bed Linen 1,850

    Sub-total 2,74,050

    IMU charges including Registration and examination fees 45,000

    Total for first semester 3,19,050

    Less: Paid at the time of joining 50,000

    Balance payable for 1st semester 2,69,050

    Second Semester payment

    Payable max prior to one week before date of Commencement of 2nd sem ester


    Course Tuition fee 1,03,500

    Boarding/Lodging & other amenities 1,00,000

    Total for Second semester 2,03,500

    Total fees and other charges for the course 5,22,550


    1. Fees & other charges are due and payable before commencement of respective sem esters.

    2. Refund / Forfeiture of joining fee Please refer Admiss ion Letter.

    3. Indian Maritime University (IMU) charges include Distance Learning Program me fees for only first year (12 Subjects) and IMU counseling fees. Ca

    arrangements to pay the exam fees in the 2nd & 3rd year directly to IMU.

    GME - Fee Sce

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    Paica R


    Admission Fees 10,000

    Orientation Fees 12,000

    Course Tuition Fees 5,08,000

    Sub-total 5,30,000

    Other charges

    Boarding / Lodging & other amenities 2,00,000

    Uniform / Books / Stationery 30,000

    CDC / INDOS 1,700

    Bed Linen ** 1,850

    Caution deposit * 15,000

    Sub-total 2,48,550

    Grand Total 7,78,550

    Less: Waiver 2,00,000

    Net Fees 5,78,550

    Less Additional Subsidy*** 1,44,000

    Fees payable by cadets 4,34,550

    * Refundable at the end of 1 year Course after adjustment of damages, breakages etc

    ** Can be taken by the candidates at the end of 1 year course.

    *** Terms and conditions apply


    1. Fees & other charges are due and payable before commencement of respective sem esters.

    2. Joining fee is non-refundable in case of candidates withdrawing before commencement of course for any reason.

    3. Personal laundry, Telephone, Medical, Passport, US VISA fees & travel related to obtaining s uch VISA will directly borne by the candidates.

    4. Candidates are requi red to undertake DG courses & Value added courses at SIMS upon completion o f the one year training. The total cost is Rs. 1

    the candidate prior to attending these courses.

    Fee Payment Schedule

    Joining Fee

    Joining amount adjusted against dues in the first semester RS 50,000

    Admis sion wi ll be confirmed only on the receipt of joining fees.

    First Semester Payment

    Before date of commencement of first semes ter course


    Admission fees 10,000

    Orientation Fees 12,000

    Caution deposit 15,000

    Course Tuition fees 82,000

    Boarding / Lodging & other amenities 100,000

    Uniform / Books/Stationery 30,000

    CDC / INDOS 1,700

    Bed Linen 1,850

    Sub-total 2,52,550

    Total for first semester 2,52,550

    Less: Paid at the time of joining 50,000

    Balance payable for 1st semester 2,02,550

    Second Semes ter Payment:Payable max prior to one week before date of Commencement of 2nd sem ester


    Course Tuition fee 82,000

    Boarding/Lodging & other amenities 100,000

    Total for Second semester 1,82,000

    Total fees and other charges for the course 4,34,550

    B.Tech - Fee Sce

    Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year

    Sem I Sem II Sem III Sem IV Sem V Sem VI Sem VII S


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    Admission Fees 8600

    Orientation Fees 12000

    (STCW course, Medical Examination, Orientation fees )

    Course Tution Fees 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000

    (Workshop feees/Laboratory fees, Library Exp,

    Ship visit/ Education trip, Welding, Shin in campus

    training fees)

    Total Fees - A 75600 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000

    Other Expenses

    CDC/INDOS 1200 0 0 0

    Bed Linen 1850 1850 1850 1850

    IMU cha rges including Reg is tration & Examination fees 33800 33800 33300 31100

    Counseling fees 10000

    Caution Deposit 15000

    Boarding & Lodging & Other amenities 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000

    (Boarding & Lodging,Mess Charges, Laundry Exp,

    Gymnasium, Swimming)

    Uniform & Stationeries 20000 20000 20000 20000

    Total Expenses - B 171850 90000 145650 90000 145150 90000 142950

    Total Fees and Other Expenses (A+B) 247450 145000 200650 145000 200150 145000 197950


    1) Caution Deposi t of Rs. 15000/- is refundable at the end of the course.

    2) Fees and Other Expenses are indicative and subect to change

    3) Statutory taxes/levies, imposed, if any,will be charged on actuals.

    4) Fees and other charges as due are payable before commencem ent of respective sem ester.

    5) A Late fee @ 10% will be charged for payment after due date.

    6) If fee payment is delayed, Management wi ll take necess ary action.

    7) Personal Laundry, Telephone, Medicals, Passport, US Visa and travel cost related to ob taining such visa will be directly

    borne by the Candidates.

    8) Value added courses will be charged in addition.

    9) Joining fees will be Rs . 50000/- at the time of admis sion, Admiss ion will be confirmed only upon receipt of the joining fees.

    10) Joining fees are non refundable in case of s tudents withdrawing before commencem ent of course for any reason.

    B.Tech Laea - Fee Sce

    Particulars 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year

    Sem III Sem IV Sem V Sem VI Sem VII Sem VIII


    Admission Fees 8600

    Orientation Fees 12000

    (STCW course, Medical Examination, Orientation fees )

    Course Tution Fees 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000

    (Workshop feees/Laboratory fees, Library Exp,

    Ship visit/ Education trip, Welding, Shin in campus

    training fees)

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    28/12 Samnda Inie of Maiime Sdie

    Total Fees - A 75600 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000

    Other Expenses

    CDC/INDOS 1200 0 0

    Bed Linen 1850 1850 1850

    IMU charges including Registration & Examination fees 33800 33300 31100

    Counseling fees 10000

    Caution Deposit 15000

    Boarding & Lodging & Other amenities 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000

    (Boarding & Lodging,Mess Charges, Laundry Exp,

    Gymnasium, Swimming)

    Uniform & Stationeries 20000 20000 20000

    Total Expenses - B 171850 90000 145150 90000 142950 90000

    Total Fees and Other Expenses (A+B) 247450 145000 200150 145000 197950 145000


    1) Caution Deposi t of Rs. 15000/- is refundable at the end of the course.

    2) Fees and Other Expenses are indicative and subect to change

    3) Statutory taxes/levies, imposed, if any,will be charged on actuals.

    4) Fees and other charges as due are payable before commencem ent of respective sem ester.

    5) A Late fee @ 10% will be charged for payment after due date.

    6) If fee payment is delayed, Management wi ll take necess ary action.

    7) Personal Laundry, Telephone, Medicals, Passport, US Visa and travel cost related to ob taining such visa will be directly

    borne by the Candidates.

    8) Value added courses will be charged in addition.

    9) Joining fees will be Rs . 50000/- at the time of admis sion, Admiss ion will be confirmed only upon receipt of the joining fees.

    10) Joining fees are non refundable in case of s tudents withdrawing before commencem ent of course for any reason.


    Admissions are strictly on merit. For exact dates of application and results please see oure highighed section.

    5.1 H A


    You may collect the application form at SIMS upon paying Rs.200 by cash or a bank draft of equal amount.(see contact details below).

    B P

    For receiving by post, please send us a self-addressed A4 size envelope with postage stamp of Rs. 65 affixed and a Bank Draft for Rs.200 in favo

    Studies payable at Mumbai. Please write your name and address on the back of the bank draft.


    You can fill up the ie aicai f hee.

    Our Contact detail:

    Sada Iie f Maiie Sdie

    5h F, Sai Cecia Bidig

    BKS Dehi Mag, Gadi Sai Rad, Gadi Ea

    Mbai, PIN- 400088, Idia

    +91 22-6799 3545 tel

    +91 22-6799 3546 fax

  • 8/2/2019 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies


    28/12 Samnda Inie of Maiime Sdie


    Lcai Ma f SIMS, Mbai

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    5.2 Wha Ne

    Your application will be processed and an e-call letter will be forwarded to you from one week to 3 weeks before the scheduled date of the writte

    to take. In case you do not receive the e-call letter, please contact us on the numbers given below. Along with the written test, candidates are

    test, appear for an interview and a medical examination. The examination / Interview dates and venues will be announced by the representative ce

    on the website.

    Dehi ESM Fied Office Chadigah ESM Fied Office

  • 8/2/2019 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies


    28/12 Samnda Inie of Maiime Sdie

    502A, Rectangle -I , D-4,

    District Centre, Saket,

    New Delhi 110017

    Tel: + 91-11-29562775/6/8

    Fax: + 91-11-2956-2777

    Email: [email protected]

    S.C.O. 427/ 428 (1st Floor)

    Sector 35-C, Chandigarh - 160022

    Tel: + 91-172-2600417/4615417

    Fax:+ 91-172-264-5417

    Email: [email protected]

    Cheai ESM Fied Office Cchi ESM Fied Office

    Executive Ship Management Pte Ltd

    Batra Centre 1st Floor

    No. 28, Sardar Patel Road

    Guindy, Chennai 600032

    Tel: + 91-44-30453300

    Fax:+ 91-44-30453341

    Email: [email protected]

    Executive Ship Management Pte Ltd

    Kochi Liaison Office,

    OS-21 3rd Floor,

    GCDA Shopping Complex,

    Marine Drive, Kochi-682 031

    Tel: + 91-484-3259591/3219591/2367275

    Fax:+ 91-484-2367275

    Email: [email protected]

    Mbai ESM Fied Office Kaa ESM Fied Office

    Executive Ship Management Pte Ltd

    Sai Commercial Annexe,BKS Devshi Marg

    2nd Floor, Govandi Station Road

    Govandi (East)

    Mumbai ,Pin - 400088

    Tel Nos :+ 91-22-67551700/1777

    Fax Nos:+ 91-22-67551771

    Email: [email protected]

    Executive Ship Management Pte Ltd

    Unit 604, 6th floor, Jasmine Tower,

    No.31,Shakespeare Sarani,

    Kolkata - 700017.

    Tel : + 91-33-40167900

    Mobile : + 91-9831957177

    Email : [email protected]

    The list of successful candidates who are accepted for SIMS pre sea training, would be announced on our website. The selected candidates are

    as per the schedule date stated in the website. This joining fee is non-refundable unless the student fails to qualify for the specified course as

    down by the institute.Those who pay the joining fee within the time frame, will only be accepted for admission.

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    Sada Iie f Maiie Sdie

    The Taiig Cie f

    Eecie Shi Maagee Pe Ld

    5 Shenton Way, #20-00

    UIC Building

    Singapore 068808

    +65 6324 0500 tel / +65 6324 4544 fax / [email protected]