sandhya paath - jagessar das

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  • 7/27/2019 Sandhya Paath - Jagessar Das




    Charan bandagi Page 3Sab vidhi mud mangal 3Chants 4Jai karun mai jai kab r 5Gaitris: di g yatr sumiran s r 6Satya n m satya n m satya n m kahiye 10Karo bandag satguru ge 11

    Namo namo gurudeo j 12Sanjh sumiran rati 17Sat sat ke n m se satya s gar bhar (Gy n Stotra) 23Ati lowl n chinhant gy n (Vigyan Stotra) 25

    Guru day s gar gy n gar 29Satguru k adhik mahim 31Kab r yaman j i puk riy (Chitawani) 33Dharm d ss binawe kar jor (Gyan Gudadi) 38Arti rat garib niw j, s heb rat ho 43

    jai jai shr gurudev 44 jai jai satya kab r 45

    Guru dukhit tum bin ratahu 47Binat sunilo krip nidh n 48

    Bho kab

    r day

    ke s

    gar 48T s tantra 49Aradhna 53Kabir chalisa 60Guru Mahima 72Baramasi 95Selected Sakhis 100

    2010 This prayer book is not to be copied, stored or transmitted by any means whatsoever.

    Copies may be obtained by contacting the author.

    This book is dedicated to all devotees of Satguru Kabir

    Dr. Jagessar Das M. D.

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    b~dgI- bandagi - 3 times

    crN b~dgI crN seva, mUl kml ibtar,khekbIr dmRdas se, treisr keBarcharan bandagi charan sev , m l kamal bist r,

    kahe kab r dharm d ss se , utare sir ke bh r.O devotee! Offer salutation and service at the feet of the guru, as this is the rootand flower of devotion everywhere. Kabir instructed Dharam Dass that doing sowill remove all difficulties and bring peace and well being.

    p aTRna - pr rthn (invocation) sb iviD mud mMgl krNm, hrN sex klex,

    synam sm nam nihM, vrdayk vrdex,gu< kwsu imrN ma se, naxt ivGn n~t,

    tasesvRarB me M, yavt hEsb sMt sab vidhi mud mangal karanam, haran ashesh kalesh; satyan m sam n m nah n, vard yak var desh;

    guru ke sumiran m tra se, n shat vighan anant,tase sarv rambh men, dhy vat hai sab sant.

    O Satguru, you have taught that for our eternal joy and welfare, and for theremoval of all obstacles and suffering, there is no greater boon than Satnam - thetrue, eternal name of God.You have also taught that worship of the guru will destroy countless obstacles.Thus the saints always meditate on the guru prior to all activities.

    yan mUlm guror mU itR, pUja mUlm guror pdm,mM mUlMguror vaym, mo mUlMguror kZpa

    dhy n m lam guror m rti, p ja m lam guro padam;mantra m lam guror v kyam, moksh m lam guro krip .

    The root of meditation is the guru, and the root of worship is his feet.The root of all mantras is the gurus teaching, and the root of liberation is hisgrace.

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    b~dOMsykbIr ke, crN kml ixrnay,jasu an idn krin kr, Bm tm det nxay; stgu< sy kbIr ke, crN kml kr jor, idy an pBudIijye, stgu< bi~dCor

    bandow satya kab r ke, charan kamal sir n i, j su gy n din karani kar, bhram tam det nas i; satguru satya kab r ke, charan kamal kar jor,divya gy n prabhu dijiye, satguru bandichhor

    I offer salutation to Satguru Kabir, and bow at his lotus feet;His knowledge is like light that removes the darkness of doubts;With folded hands I offer obeisance at the lotus feet of Satguru Kabir;O Lord and Satguru, the remover of bondage, please give me Divine knowledge.

    Dun - dhun (chants)1. pUrn b daya iniD sahe b, sy sUkZt synam jpo

    p ran brahm day nidhi s heb, satya s krit satyan m japoThe perfect Brahm (God) is the ocean of mercy. Recite His true, eternal and holyname - Satnam

    2. snam synam synam bol, ram nam ram nam ram nam bol satyan m satyan m satyan m bol, r mn m r mn m r mn m bol

    Recite satyanam, satyanam, satyanam, and recite Ramnam, Ramnam, Ramnam.

    3. synam, synam, sohMgu> ram, synam, synam, sohMgu> ram -- satyan m satyan m soham guru r m, satyan m satyan m soham guru r m

    Recite satyanam the true name of God residing within as the soul.

    sohm hM sa sdgu> xrNm`, st st sohMkilml hrNm-- soham hans satguru sharanam, sat sat soham kalimal haranam

    The liberated soul finds refuge in Satguru and, realizing the Self as self-existentTruth, becomes sinless.

    jy k

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    jb bolo tb ram kbIr, krm Brm kI qUqejMjIr-- jab bolo tab r m kab r, karam bharam k t te janj r--

    When you speak utter Ram Kabir, and the bondage of karmas and doubts willcease.

    sicdan~d gu< sicdan~d, sdgu< kbIr sicdan~d- sachid nand guru sachid nand, satguru kab r sachid nand--

    Satguru Kabir is the embodiment of Truth, Knowledge and Bliss. (It is alsotranslated as Existence, Consciousness and Bliss).

    jb bolo tb sy kbIr, jnm mrN kI imq jay pIr- jab bolo tab satya kab r, janam maran k mit jai p r--

    When you speak utter Satya Kabir, and the suffering of birth and death willvanish.

    synam, synam, sohMgu> ram, synam, synam, sohMgu> ram -- synam, synam, synam, synam ------ satyan m satyan m soham guru r am, satyan m satyan m soham guru r m -- satyan m satyan m, satyan m satyan m-- repeat as a chanting meditation

    The Eternal Name is God, and God is the Eternal Guru dwelling in me.

    4. jy k

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    dhi vy dhi up dhi shar r, so sab n shat japat kab r--All who came to the refuge of Kabir, obtained liberation from the worldly

    bondage.The mental and physical sufferings of the body disappear by reciting Kabir.

    kam k oD md loB hEbIrM, yesb \rtesunt kbIrM, sevk s~to su imro kbIrM, kmRBmRkI qUqejMjIrM--k m krodh mad lobh hai b r, ye sab darte sunat kab r,

    sewak santo sumiro kab r, karm bharm k t te janj r--Lust, anger, attachment and greed are powerful, but they become cowards onhearing the name Kabir.O Devotees! Worship Kabir, and your bondage of karmas and doubts will vanish.

    jb bolo tb bolo kbIrM, jasepavo hM s xrIrM,DmRdas gu< sevekbIrM, taselageBv setIrM--

    jab bolo tab bolo kab r, j se p wo hans shar r,dharam d ss guru sewe kab r, t se l ge bhow se t r--

    Thus whenever you speak, utter Kabir and you will become a liberated soul.Dharam Dass worshipped Guru Kabir and was liberated from worldly bondage.

    aid gayI- di g yatri (primary gayatri)

    aid gayI su imrn sar, su imrt hM sa tarepar,koiq QasI Gaq hE, ym bEQetharok,

    aid gayI su imr ke, hM sa hoy inxok, di g yatr sumiran s r, sumirat hans ut re p r;koti ath s gh t hai, yam baithe tah n rok; di g yatr sumirke, hans hoi nishok.

    The first gayatri is the essence of all the recitations, and the person reciting itattains Liberation. On the path to liberation there are 880 million places to cross(obstacles) where Yama blocks the way. Reciting the gayatri the soul overcomessorrow.

    Gaiq nakhI agetb ja^R, skl dUt rhepCta^R, agemkrtar hE\orI, jhaym rhemuK morI, ohMsohMnamke, agekrepyan, jr lok basa kre, jgmg dIp Tan

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    gh ti n kahi ge tab j , sakal d t rahe pachht ; ge makkar t r hai dori, jah n yam rahe mukh mor ;oham soham n m ke, ge kare pay n;ajar lok b s kare, jagmag d p asth n;

    Crossing the obstacles the soul advances to liberation, and the messengers of

    Yama are regretful.Ahead, the soul finds the makkartar (spiders thread, symbolic of ascending toliberation) and Yama turns away helplessly.The soul realizes Oham Soham (the soul is the ultimate Reality) and goes forwardto dwell in eternal Sat Lok, the Eternal Abode.By reciting this gayatri, the soul becomes free of grief and goes onward to SatLok.

    suK sagr nan kir, ho^ hM s ka rUp;ja^ pu

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    b baca pu dasa, cplan ghM sin xrIr,xd pa^ idEDre, s kiT khekbIr.t ko k l na kh i, jo yeha sanjh ch nhe;

    ghat me rahi alop k dhi ham b har k nhe;

    inpar lai siddho bh n , deo p j go shar r;brahma b ch putra d s , chapl n ugra hansani shar r; shabda p i hridai dhare, as kathi kahe kab r

    Whoever realizes this will be free of birth, old age and death.God is hidden in the body but I, Kabir, will make Him manifest to you.This is a verdict of the adepts who perfected themselves with worship andausterity.God advises the devotee, son, not to corrupt the body which is obtained after countless births . Kabir advises to keep this instruction in the heart.

    myan gayI- madhyan g yatr (midnight g yatr ) kh^ kbIr jpa Gq sUJe, ingm nam moih jo bUJe,tn mn Dnih inCavr kre, sar nam gih Bvjl tre,

    q isi nv ini maMgeso devU, Kurasan Kur vedmuK gMga pvah,kahai kab r ajap ghat s jhe, nigam n m mohi jo b jhe; tan man dhanahi nichh war kare, s r n m gahi bhowjal tare;ashta siddhi now niddhi m nge so dew , khur s n khur vedmukh gang praw ha;

    Kabir says that he who understands His name will realize the ineffable God in hisown heart. He should surrender his body, mind and wealth, and accept theessence of Gods name, and be free of the world of rebirths. If he wishes, I willconfer on him the eight spiritual perfections and nine treasures. Then like the flowof the Ganges he will become an eloquent speaker of the Vedas.

    irpuisp mar ger tra^, nvgun Drja surit pgt ho^ sUJe,Kojo surit kml ketIr, sdgu< iml gyesy kbIr.ripu sip m r ger tar i, nowgun dharj surati pragat hoi s jhe;khojo surati kamal ke t r, satguru mil gaye satya kab r.He will get rid of all enmity. In meditation he will obtain the guna s or attributes of spiritual life. In meditation on the lotus chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) he will also findSatguru Kabir.

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    sy nam kItRn - satn m kirtan (recite Satn m) synam synam synam kihye,jaih iviD raKesahe b tahI iviD rihye-- qek

    satya n m satya n m satya n m kahiye, j hi vidhi r khe saheb t h vidhi rahiye--chorus.

    Recite Satynam, Satynan, Satynan, and be happy in living as God wishes.

    muK me Mho synam s~t seva haT me M,nhI kela tUhE yaresahe b teresaT me M,

    iviD ka ivDan jan hain laB sihye--mukh me ho saty m, sant sew h th men,nahi akel tu hai py re, s heb tere s th men;vidhi k vidh n j n, h ni l bh sahiye --

    Let satyanam be on your lips, and service to the saints in your hands. Realize thatyou are not alone, but God is with you. Know that it is Gods law operating, andaccept gain or loss equally.

    ikya iBman to iPr man nihMpayega, hoga vhIyarejo sahe b jI ko Bayega,Pl axa yag xuB kmRkrterihye--kiy abhim n to, phir m n nahin p yeg ,hog wahi py re, jo s heb j ko bh yeg ,

    phal sh ty g subh karm karte rahiye--If you are full of ego, you will lose respect. Only that will occur in your life that

    pleases God. Know this and continue to perform noble deeds, giving up the desirefor rewards.

    ij~dgI kI \or sOMp haT dInanaT ke,mhlo me MraKecaheJop\I me Mbas de,D~yvad inivRvad syn kihye--

    jindag k dor sowmp h th din n th ke,mahalo men r khe chahe jhopari men b s de,dhanyavad nirvivad satynan kahiye--

    Surrender your life into Gods hands. Be happy whether He keeps you in a palace,or in a thatched hut. Be implicitly grateful and keep on reciting satyanam.

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    O Gurudeo! I offer salutations to you. You are the embodiment of Truth, and youremove the fear of birth, death, time and gunas . I offer salutations at your feet.You are kind to the humble, and by your grace, the traps of doubts are removed.

    pNmo I gu, su inyeIgu< ray,marg isrjn har ka, dIjemoih btay;Bvsagr BarI Bya, ghIra gm Tah,tum dyal dya kro, tb pa kCuTah;mai adh n bandan kar n, suniye shr gurur i;m rag sirjanh r k , d je mohi bat i;bhows gar bh r bhay , gahir agam ath h;

    tum day

    l day

    karo, tab p

    u kachhu th

    h;I humbly pray to you. Please listen, O Gurudeo! And guide me on the path to thecreator of the universe. The ocean of re-incarnation is burdensome. It isunfathomable and difficult to cross. You are compassionate. Have compassion onme and give me a place of refuge .

    Qai| hOMkr joirke, rj k>gu

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    salute you, O limitless Master! With your grace I will advance beyond this fearful oceanof reincarnation

    tum sy pu

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    give me this cherished knowledge. You are the foremost guru, and you are just.Without you I have no other refuge. In many ways, Kal has made me suffer.Listen to me, O master! You are the most noble of souls.

    aid pu

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    Name. You are the giver, and I am the beggar. O merciful Sat Kabir! Give mespiritual knowledge and remove all my sufferings. Remove the noose of Yama,the God of death.

    iksI kam ka hU nhIM, riht an < yan, sy kbIr so kZpa kir, dIjeparK yan;ko hmko jgt yha, rMck jano Bev,

    sy kbIr du:K pir h

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    O Satguru! You are the chief of the Hansas, and you dwell in the Eternal Abode. Iam your child in this world where Kal keeps torturing me. Due to my childishintellect, I am full of faults, but you, as my father, are full of the noblestqualities. O Omniscient Kabir, listen to me! People will laugh at your good nameif you do not remove my ignorance.

    hM s Darn stgu

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    na janeke ih vas koe M, avn ho^ n ho^; sanjh sumiran rati, bhajan bharose d s;mans b ch karman , jab lag ghat men sw s;

    sw s sw s men n m le, brith sw s mat khoi;n j ne kehi sw s ko, wan hoi na hoi;

    As long as there is breath in the body, this servant of God depends with mind,speech and deeds on the recitation of Gods name, performing arti, and singingdevotional bhajans. Let the name of God be in every breath. Do not waste the

    breath. You do not know if your next breath may, or may not, come.

    vasa ko kr su imrnI, jpa ko kr jap,prm tv ko yan D

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    Bvjl me Mbhukag hE M, ko^ ko^ hsMhmar,khE MkbIr DmRdas so, Kev taro par;hans mat darpe k l se, kar meri part t;amar lok pahunch i ho, chalu so bhowjal j t;

    bhowjal men bahu k g hai, koi koi hans ham r;kahai kab r dharma d ss so, kheva ut ro p r;O Dear Soul! Do not fear death. Have confidence in me. You will overcome thisworld of birth and death, and I will take you to the Eternal Abode. In thismundane world, many people behave like crows, and only a few are my swans(realized souls). Kabir instructs Dharam Dass that he (Kabir) will be the boatmanwho will grant him liberation.

    ivnaxI kI arit, gavedas kbIr,khekbIr sur nr mu in, ko^ n lagetIr;

    saMJ Byeidn aTye, ck^RdI~ha ro^,cluckva thMja^ye, jhMrEn idvs n ho^;avin sh k rati, g we d ss kab r;kahe kab r sur nar mune, koi na l ge t r;

    s njh bhaye din thaye, chakai d nha roi;chalu chakw tah n j yiye, jah n rain diwas na hoi;

    The servant Kabir performs arti and sings glorification to the Eternal Lord. Hesays that the gods, men and munis will not obtain liberation unless they realizeGod. Evening has arrived and the ruddy goose cries out to her mate: Let us go tothat place where there is no day or night.

    rEn kI ibCurI cak^, an imlI prBat,jo jn ibCurenam se, idvs imlenhIMrat;

    hOMkbIr ibclO nhIM, xd mor smrT,taih lok phu Mca^ hO, jo c|exd ko rT;rain k bichhur ch kai, n mili prabh t;

    jo jan bichhure n m se, diwas mile nahin r t;hown kab r bichlow nah n, shabd mor samrath;t hi lok pahunch i ho, jo chadhe shabd ko rath;

    The birds, separated at night, meet again in the morning. But the person separatedfrom the name of God, will not realize Him either by day or night. I am Kabir,and I do not break my promise. My Word has power and is dependable. Whoever climbs onto the chariot of the Word, I will take to the Eternal Abode.

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    tr pr DmRdas hE, yit sit ko reK,rihta pu

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    bhut idnn sejohta, bat tuharI ram, ijy trsetum imln ko, mn naih ibxram; so idn kE sehoyga, gu< ghogeba h,

    pnakr bEQavoge, crN kml kI Ca h;bahut dinan se johat , b t tumh r r m; jiya tarse tum milan ko, man n hi bisr m; so din kais hoyeg , guru gahoge b nhh;apn kar baith woge, charan kamal k chh nh;

    Oh Lord! For many a day, I have been searching for your path. I am longing tomeet you, and my mind is restless. It will indeed be a fortunate day when SatGuru takes me by the arm, and allows me to sit in the shade of his lotus feet!

    ya muK leibntI k>, laj avt hEmoih, hm to vgun bhut ikye, kE seBavetoih; surit kro meresaya, hm hEBvjl maM ih, ape hI bh jage, jo nihMpkro baM ih;ky mukh le bint karun, l j wat hai mohi;ham toh owgun bahut kiye, kaise bh we tohi;

    surati karo mere s iy , ham hai bhowjal m nhi; peh baha j yenge, jo nahi pakro b nhi;

    With what kind of face can I entreat you, as I feel ashamed. I have done manywrong things. How can I be likeable to you? Dear Lord! Please take heed of me,

    as I am in the ocean of birth and death. I will be swept away if you do not takehold of me.

    mE MpraDI jnm ka, nK-isK Bra ivkar,tum data duK BMjna, merI kro bar;

    vgun merebapjI, bkso grIb invaj,jo mE MpUt kpUt hU , tu ih ipta ko laj;mai apr dh janam k , nakh sikh bhar vik r;tum d t dukh bhanjan , meri karo ub r;

    owgun mere b

    p j

    , bakso garib niw

    j; jo mai p t kap t h n, tuhi pit ko l j;Since birth I have done wrong things, and I am full of defects. You are the giver of happiness and the destroyer of suffering. Please liberate me, O my Father! Youare the protector of the poor. Please forgive my faults. If I behave like a bad son,then it brings shame to my father .

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    skl inrMtr hm rme, hm gihregMBIr;Kailk Klk Klk kemaih, yoMgu< khekbIr;

    sakal nirantar ham rame, ham gahire gambh r;kh lik khalak khalak ke m hi, yon guru kahe kab r;

    We are all-pervading all the time, and we are in the depth of depths. We are inspace and in the universe. This is the teaching of Guru Kabir.

    sy nam kI arit, inmRl Bya xrIr;DmRdas lokegye, gu< bihya imlekbIr;

    satyan m k rati, nirmal bhiy shar r;dharam d ss loke gaye, guru bahiy mile kab r;

    With the glorification of Satnam, the body becomes pure. By doing this, DharamDass was embraced by Kabir Saheb and went to the Eternal Abode.

    DmRdas lokegye, CaM\ skl sM sar; hM sn par tarih, gu< DmRdas pirvar;dharam d ss loke gaye, chh r sakal sans r;hansan p r ut rahi, guru dharam d ss pariw r;

    Dharam Dass, leaving the whole world behind, went to the Eternal Abode. Thesucceeding generations of gurus will uplift other souls.

    st` sukZt lOlIn hE, an yan lo TIr;

    Mjavn vh pu

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    jab ph le tab gir pade, charan kamal k dh r;kali ph wari ho rahe, s heb h l haz r;

    When the flowers are blown, they fall into the dust and are trampled. Just so, thedisciple must become as dust at the feet of the Lord. Just as the flowers are rakedup, just so the liberated souls are gathered back into the being of God.

    kbIr imleDmRdas ko, ilK prvana dI~h; aid ~t kI ibntI, yhI lok ko ic~h.kab r mile dharam d ss ko, likh parw n d nh; di ant k binat , yeh lok ko ch nh.

    Guru Kabir accepted Dharam Dass as his disciple, and granted him permission togo to the eternal abode. This permission is also granted to us due to all our prayersand devotion, and marks our success in spiritual life.

    ivan to-vigy n stotra (spiritual science-state of sahaj sam dhi)

    it lOlIn ic~hMt anI, xd v>pI sun akas banI; ibna de h sahe b inralM b janI, janejnavekhaven deva;ati lowl n chinhant gy n , shabd swar p sun k s b n ;bin deha s heb nir lamb j n , j ne jan we kah we na dew ;

    The mark of an enlightened person is that he is very absorbed in God. He hearsthe Word from a heavenly voice. He knows that God is bodiless and in no need of aid, and he preaches this to others, but he does not wish himself to be called agod.

    e sa tv pUjepujavelgaven seva, sda yan DarI KMdeinrasa; suDa is~DupIvEn javeipyasa, p em Dam DOra dasI kela;ais tattva p je puj we lag we na sew , sad dhy n dh r akhande nir s ;

    sudh sindhu p wai na j we piy s , prem dh m dhowra ud s akel ;He worships the formless God and teaches others to worship Him, but he does notwish to be worshiped himself. He is always in meditation, and is free fromdesires. He drinks of the ocean of nectar, and quenches his spiritual thirst. Hehastens to the abode of love, alone and unattached.

    lOlIn yogI gu< an mela, imlMta clMta rhMta parI;e sI df i q deKo nMto ivcarI, sda cet cetMt ictvMt sUra;

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    He remains unaffected by singing, meditation, salutations, and greetings, andabove the influence of male and female, female or male devotees, and above allgames. He remains indifferent to such things as belly, back, feet, forehead, life,death, and being with or without a master

    xezo mhexo gNexo n valM, gopI n valen kM sen kalM; asen pasen dasen deva, avena javelgaven seva; shesho mahesho ganesho na gw lam, gop na gw le na kanse na k lam; se na p se na d se na dev , we na j we lag we na sew ;

    He remains unconcerned with the mythological serpent (shesh n g), the gods,cowherds and cowgirls and king Kansas death. He is not concerned with far or near, servant or master, coming or going, or with service.

    nih var paren inyrehjUra,yoMka yoMtv gihregMBIra;yMen mMen dde Rn Doka, nkw %n vge Rn sMxen xoka;nahi w r p re na niyare haz r , jyon ka tyon tatwa gahire gambh r ;

    yantre na mantre na darde na dhok , narke na swarge na sanshe na shok ;He is not concerned whether he is on this side or that side of liberation, but onlywith being near to God. He realizes that, as the supreme soul, he is unfathomableand cannot be disturbed. He remains unconcerned with charms and magic,suffering and deceit, hell and heaven, and doubt and disappoinment.

    seten pIten sjen lalM, goren savren vfen balM;Beda n veda n Keda n ko^, sda surit sohMkEn do^;

    sete na p te na sabje na l lam, gore na s ware na briddhe na b lam; bheda na ved na khed na koi, sad surati soham ekai na doi;

    He is not concerned with colors such as white, yellow, green or red, or with colorsof people such as white or brown, or with old age and youth. He remains abovesuch things as discrimination, knowledge or repentance, and he is alwaysconscious of Soham Shabda as non-duality.

    janejnavejnaven xUra, varen pareinyrehjUra;naden ib~den ij~den jIva, inr~tr b jhxit n xIva;

    j ne jan we jan we na sh r , w re na p re niyare haz r ;n de na binde na jinde na j v , nirantar brahm jah n shakti na sh v ;

    He knows God and makes Him known to others, and remains brave. He is notconcerned with life on this or that side of liberation, but only with being near toGod. He is not concerned with divine melody or the point of meditation, and notwith life or with being alive. He is always united with God, and is not concernedwith the various deities.

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    nih yog yogI n BogI n Buta, st`icdanMd n b~den muta;KeleKelavEKelavEO Kele, cetecetavEcetavEO cete;deKedeKavEdeKavEO deKe, kenekenekeso ke;nahi yoga yog na bhog na bhukt , sat chid nand s heb na bande na mukt ;khele khel wai khel wai ow khele, chete chet wai chet wai ow chete;dekhe dekh wai dekh wai ow dekhe, eke aneke so eke;

    He is not concerned with yoga, or its practice, or with worldly enjoyments. Herealizes Existence-Consciousness-Bliss, and is beyond the duality of bondage andliberation. He plays and makes others play the game of God realization. Heknows God realization and makes it known to others. Although appearances aremany, he knows the unity of all with God.

    icdgun ict ivlas das so ~tr naihM, aid ~t me Mmy gosaM^, gh ghn me MnaihM;ghnI gihyeso kE sa, sohMxd sman aid b jE seka tE sa;chidgun chit vil s d ss so antar n hi, di ant men madhya gos i;agahh gahan men n hin, gahani gahiye so kaisa;

    soham shabda sam n di brahm jaise k tais ;There is no difference between the servant Kabir, and God, who delights in, and isthe embodiment of knowledge. God is ever-present from the beginning. He is

    present now, and will be present to the end. But if you seek Him in the fathomlessdepths, you will not find Him there. How can one get hold of God? He is theSoham Shabda, the all-pervading Brahman that is changeless.

    khekbIr hm Keleshj suBav, kh dol bol sohMsmta;tame Man bsa k rmta, va rmta ko lKejo ko^R;tako ava gvn n ho^R;kahe kab r ham khele sahaj subh w, akaha adol abol soham samat ;t me n base ek ramt , w ramt ko lakhe jo ko , t ko aw gawan na ho ;

    Kabir says: "I play an easy and natural game of being present in all beings. I am perfectly balanced in all aspects. I am Soham Shabda which is unutterable andsteadfast, and beyond description. God has come and resided in me. Whoever realizes Him will be freed from the cycle of births and deaths."

    ohMsohMsohMso^R, ohMkIlk sohMbala; sohMsohMboleirsala;kIlk kmt kmod kMkvt, yecaro jug kbIr;DmRdas ko xd suna, sdgu< sy kbIr;oham soham soham so , oham k lak soham b l ;

    soham soham bole ris l ;k lak kamat kamod kankawat ye ch ro yug kab r;

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    dharm d ss ko shabd sun ye, satya guru satya kab r;"He is I. I am He. We are the same. Soham is my support. The soul within repeatsSoham Soham melodiously. In all the four ages, I have been a spiritualteacher. I, Sat Guru Sat Kabir, imparted the Shabda to Dharam Dass."

    baja nad Bya prtIt, sd`gu< ayeBvjl jIt; baja bajesahe b ka raj, mara k&qa sb dgabaj; haijr ko hjUr gaiPl ko dUr, ih~dUka gu< mu slman ka pIr; sat Ip nO KM\ me M, sohMsy kbIr.b j n d bhay part t, satguru ye bhowjal j t;b j b je s heb k r j, m r kut sab dag b j;h zir ko haz r g fil ko d r, hind k guru musalm n k p r;

    s t dw p nowkhand men soham satya kab r;Because Kabir heard the Anahad Nad (Divine Melody), he confidently conquered

    birth and death and came into this world. He loudly proclaimed that this is theKingdom of God, and all the deceivers will be destroyed. God is always in servicefor the one who is ready for devotion, but far from the one who is lazy. Kabir isthe guru for the Hindu and Pir for the Muslim. He is the Soham Shabda in all

    parts of the world.

    dya sagr tu it - day s gar stuti (ocean of mercy prayer)

    gu< dya sagr an agr, xd >pI sd`gurm;tasucrN sroj bMdO, suK dayk suK sagrm;

    guru day s gar gy n gar, shabd r p satguram;t su charan saroj bandow, sukh d yak sukh s garam;

    Kabir is the ocean of mercy, the dwelling place of knowledge, and the Shabda. Iworship his lotus feet. He is the giver of happiness, as he is the ocean of happiness.

    yogjIt jIt mr, Bastest sukZtm`;

    dya pal dyal sahe b, an data su iTtm`; yogj t aj t amar, bh sate sat sukritam;day p l day l s heb, gy n d t susthitam;

    He is perfect in yoga, and beyond passions. He is eternal, and he speaks of Truthand nobility. He is a kind master, the sustainer of mercy, the giver of knowledge,and endowed with steadfastness of mind.

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    ma xIl s~toz simta, anMd >pI ihrdym`; shj Bav ivvek su iTr, inmaRya inh sMxym;ksham sh l santosh samit , anand r p hridayam;

    sahaj bh w vivek susthir, nirm ya niha sanshayam;His nature is one of forgiveness, kindness, contentment, even mindedness and

    bliss. In a natural way, (free from religious complications), he is steadfast inspiritual discrimination, and is free from Maya and doubts.

    inmoR ih invE Rr inBRy, kT kiTta ivgtm`; pkar Or pdex data, mu it karn stgurm`;nirmohi nirvair nirbhai, akath kathit avigatam;upk r owr updesh d t , mukti k ran satguram;

    He is free of attachments, enmity and fear. He can speak of the most difficultsubjects, about which others cannot speak, and his nature is indescribable. He isthe Satguru, the giver of well being, spiritual instruction and salvation.

    das Bav kI p Iit ibntI, Bit krN kravnm`;cOrasI b~Dn kmRKMdn, bMdICor khavnm`;d ss bh w k pr ti binat , bhakti karan kar wanam;chowr s bandhan karm khandan, bandichhor kah wanam;

    With humility, love and prayer, he does devotion, and encourages others to do so.He breaks the bondage of the births of 8.4 million species of life, and the bondageof karma. He is glorified as the liberator from bondage.

    iguN rihta sy vta, sy lok invaistm`; st pu

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    k seva gu< Bit ivcl, insidn araDo su imrnm`.dharm d ss kar jor binawe, day karo man baskaram;kar sew guru bhakti avichal, nisdin r dho sumiranam.

    Dharam Dass prays to Kabir with folded hands: "Have compassion on me andhelp me to control the mind. Let me do service to all. Let me be steady in

    devotion to you always."

    iDk mihma- adhik mahim (great glory ) stgu< kI iDk mihma, an k&~d nha^ye;B imt mn tb hot su iTr, bhu ir n Bvjl a^ye;

    satguru k adhik mahim , gy n kund nah iye;bhramit man tab hot susthir, bahuri na bhowjal iye;

    It is the great glory of the Satguru that he always bathes in the pond of knowledge. With his grace, the restless mind of the devotee becomes steady, andhe does not return to the world of rebirths.

    saDusMt kI iDk mihma, rhnI k&~d nha^ye;kam k oD ivkar pirhir, bhu ir n Bvjl a^ye;

    s dhu sant k adhik mahim , rahani kund nah iye;k m krodh vik r pari hari, bahuri na bhowjal iye;

    It is the great glory of the sadhus and saints to bathe in the pond of disciplinedlife. They give up lust, anger and evils, and gain immortality.

    dastn kI iDk mihma, seva k&~d nha^ye;p em Bit pitvt df| kir, bhu ir n Bvjl a^ye;d satan k adhik mahim , sew kund nah iye;

    prem bhaki pativrat dridh kari, bahuri na bhowjal iye;

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    It is the great glory of the servant of God because he bathes in the pond of service.By practicing strong and loving devotion to God, he will not return to the world of rebirths

    yogI jn kI iDk mihma, yu it ku~d nha^ye;c~dsurj mn ggn iTr kir, bhu ir n Bvjl a^ye;

    yog jan k adhik mahim , yukti kund nah iye;chandra suraj man gagan sthir kari, bahuri na bhowjal iye;

    It is the great glory of the yogi that he bathes in the pond of union with God. Bysteadying his breath and mind in God, he will not return to this world of rebirths.

    ota vta kI iDk mihma, ivcar ku~d nha^ye; sar xd inber lIje, bhu ir n Bvjl a^ye; shrot vakt k adhik mahim , vich r kund nah iye; s r shabd niber l je, bahuri na bhowjal iye;

    It is the great glory of listeners and speakers that they bathe in the pond of thought. They consider the essence of the divine Word of God, and do not returnto this world of rebirths.

    gu< saDusMt smaj mye, Bit mu it df|a^ye; surit kir st lok phu ce, bhu ir n Bvjl a^ye; guru s dhu sant sam j madhye, bhakti mukti dridh iye; surati kari sat lok pahunche, bahuri na bhowjal iye;

    In the noble company of the guru, sadhus, saints and society, strengthen your devotion and thirst for liberation. Practice meditation and reach the eternal abode,and you will not return to this world of rebirths.

    DmRdas pkax kI~ho, kh ku~d nha^ye; skl kil ivzDoy inmRl, bhu ir n Bvjl a^ye;dharm d ss prak sh k nho, akaha kund nah iye;

    sakal kali vish dhoi nirmal, bahuri na bhowjal iye;Dharam Dass made it clear that you should bathe in the pond of unutterable God.Wash away all the evils of this Iron Age and become pure, and you will not returnto this world of rebirths.

    sahe b kbIr pkax stgu

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    DmRdas pq Kol deKo, tv me Minhtv hE;khekbIr inhtv drse, ava gvn invairye.dharm d ss pat khol dekho, tattva men nihatattva hai;kahe kab r nihatattva darse, w gawan niw riye.

    O Dharam Dass! Remove the veil of ignorance, and see that in the manifest formsis the unmanifest God. Kabir says that when God shows Himself to you, your cycles of birth and death will vanish, and you will gain immortality.

    ictavnI- chit wan (reminder or instruction)kbIr ymn jay pukairya, DmRray drbar,

    hM sa mvasI hoy rha, lgen Pa s hmar; hmrI xMka na kre, tuhrI Dren DIr; stgu< kebl gajhI, khEkbIr kbIr;kab r yaman j i puk riy , dharamr i darb r;hans maw s hoi rah , lage na ph ns ham r hamari shank n kare, tumhar dhare na dh r;

    sat guru ke bal g jah , kahai kab r kab r;Kabir states that the messengers of death went and declared to Dharmarai that thesouls have taken refuge under Kabir, and their traps have become useless against

    the souls. Those souls are not afraid of us, nor of you. By the strength of Satguruthey have become brave, and keep on repeating Kabir Kabir.

    kbIr khMto jan de, merI dsI n jay;Keviqya kenav pr, c|eGnereay;

    baja bajeriht ka, pra ngr me Mxor; stgu< Ksm kbIr hE, moih njr n aveOr;kab r kahanto j n de, mer das na j i;khewati ke n w par, chadhe ghanere y;

    b j



    rahit k

    , par

    nagar men shor; sat guru khasam kab r hai, mohi najar na we owr;

    Kabir is a speaker of wisdom. Let my faith in him not decline! He is the boatmanon whose boat many climbed aboard. The discipline he taught was allencompassing, and it created quite an excitement in the city that Satguru Kabir isthe Divine Master. I do not see anyone else like him.

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    st ka xd sun Ba^R, PkIrI dl badxahI; saDo bMdgI dIdar, shjetresayr par; sohMxd sekr p It, BEKM\ Gr ko jIt;

    tn me MKbr kr Ba^, jamenam roxna^; sat k shabd sun bh , fak ri adal badsh h ; s dho bandag d dar, sahaje utare s yar p r; soham shabd se kar pr t, abhai akhand ghar ko j t;tan men khabar kar bh i, j me n m roshn i;

    O Brother! Listen to the eternal Word. Sainthood is in fact like a spiritualemperorship that totally just. Undertake the practice of bandagi in his presence,and you will easily cross the ocean of birth and death. Be in love with SohamShabda, and win the fearless and eternal abode. O Brother! Take care of this

    body, in which the name of God shines.

    surit ngr btI KU b, be hd lq c| mhbU b; surit ngr me Mkr sel, jameatm ko mel; surati nagar bast kh b, behad ulat chadh mahb b; surati nagar men kar sel, j me tm ke mel;

    Make your residence in consciousness and meditation. Turn around from theclutches of this world and proceed to God. Walk in the region of consciousness inwhich there is union of the soul and God.

    mrI mUl sM iD imlava, tapr raKo baya paMv;dihna my me MDrna, asn mr yoMkrna;adx pvn Bir pIje, xixDir liq ci| lIje;tn mn varna kIje, liq inj nam rs pIje;amr m l sandhi mil w , japar r kho b y p nw;dahin madhya men dharn , san amar yo karn ;dw das pawan bhari p je, shashidhari ulati chadhi l je;tan man v rn k je, ulati nij n m ras p je;

    Sit with the left foot at the perineum (crotch), and the right foot above the leftankle, and perfect this posture ( siddahasan ). Take a deep breath of twelve counts,then exhale. Next, inhale while mentally surrendering the body and mind to God.

    Repeat this while mentally realizing the essence of the name of God within.

    tn mn siht raKo vas, ^s iviD kro be hd bas;dono nEn ko kr ban, BOra liq ks kman;pvRt Cekedirya jan, krleikuqI nan;

    shjepars pd invaRn, tera mIqeavajan;

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    tan man sahit r kho sw s, is vidhi karo behad b s;dono nain ko kar b n, bhowr ulati kas kam n;

    parbat chheke dariy j n, karle trikut asn n; sahaje p ras pad nirv n, tero m te w j n;

    Control the breath totally in both the body and mind. In this way, become totally

    absorbed in Infinite God. Make your eyes the arrow, and your eyebrows thestringed bow and, in meditation, shoot the arrow at the Trikuti mountain (thirdeye between the eyebrows). Always bathe in the bliss of Trikuti, and your birthand death will be abolished, and you will easily obtain liberation.

    jamegE b ka bajar, srvr do^RdIsepar;ta ibc clek&rt Jar, xoBa koqI gm par;lagenOlK tara PUl, krnI koqI jirya mUl,tako deKna mt BUl, rmta ram ap rsUl;


    me gaib k

    b z

    r, sarwar doi d

    se p

    r;t bich khare kudrat jh r, shobh koti agam ap r;

    l ge nowlakh t r ph l, karn kot jariy m l;t ko dekhn mat bh l, ramt r m p ras l;

    This world is like the marketplace of Invisible God. There are two ponds (birthand death) on one side, and liberation on the other, and God is standing betweenthem. Gods beauty is beyond description and is unfathomable, as if decorated bycountless stars as flowers. With Gods grace, the effects of countless actions are

    burned to the roots. Therefore, do not forget to look up to Him. God dwells in thehearts of all.

    maya mmRkI kaMcI, deKo Mdr kI saMcI; brsenIribn motI, c~da sUr kI yoit;JlkeiJlimla narI, ta ibc p hEyarI;mano p em kI JarI, Kul g^Rgm ikvarI;m y marm k k nch , dekho andar k s nch ;barse n r bin mot , chand s r k jyot ;

    jhalke jhilmil n r , t bich alp hai ky r ;m no prem k jh r , khul gay agam kiw r ;

    Maya is devoid of truth, therefore forget her and look at the Truth within.Realizing this Truth, you will silently feel pearl-drops of nectar inside. You willintuitively see the light of the moon and the sun, and the shining light of eternalknowledge. There will be no more aimless wandering of the mind. You will feel ashower of love all around, and the door to God opens for you.

    be\a BmRka Koya, dIpk nam ka joya;yogI yugit sejIvE, yala p em ka pIvE;

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    mOla pIv ko dIje, tn mn k& baRn kr lIje;prI hEpe m kI PaM sI, mnu a ggn ka basI;ber bharm k khoy , d pak n m k joy ;

    yog yugt se j wai, py l prem k p wai;

    mowl p w ko d je, tan man kurb n kar l je; par hai prem k ph ns , manu gagan k b s ;You will get rid of shiploads of your doubts, and you will see the light of theEternal Name. The Yogi lives in union with God and drinks cupsful of divinelove. God is your beloved, therefore surrender your body and mind to Him. Lovewill trap you and pull you to dwell in that highest state of union with God.

    bajeibna tMtI tUr, shje gepi cm sUr;BOra sugMD kayasa, ikya hEkml me Mbasa;

    rimta hM s hE Mraja, shjeplk avaja; su Mdr yam Dn laya, badl ggn me MCaya;b je bin tant t r, sahaje uge paschim s r;bhowr sugndh k py s , kiy hai kamal men b s ;ramit hans hai r j , sahaje palak w j ;

    sundar shy m dhan l y , b dal gagan men chh y ; You will then hear music without instruments, and the sun easily rises in the West(beyond space, time and direction). The bumblebee mind, wanting the fragranceof God, dwells in the Lotus (Sahasrara Chakra). Here the soul is king, and is soserene that it hears the blinking of an eye. It attains the beautiful wealth of God,and feels soothed, just as under the clouds on a hot day.

    mft bu Md Jir laya, deK do^ nEn llcaya; jb dIdar ko paya, dirya shj me Mnhaya;dirya lq mgenIr, ta ibc clecOsQ CIr;

    hM sa an bEQetIr, shjecUgemuta hIr;amrit bund jhari l y , dekh doi nain lalch y ;ajab d d r ko p y , dariy sahaj men nah y ;dariy ulat umge n r, t bich chale chowsath chh r;hans n baithe t r, sahaje ch ge mukt h r;

    The soul finds drops of nectar flowing. It longs to see God and, on being in His presence, it bathes in the river of tranquility. The flow of the river turns aroundand flows in sixty-four milky currents (milk represents spiritual wisdom). Thesoul then sits on the riverbank of realization, and easily plucks the pearls anddiamonds of liberation.

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    imla hEp em kayara, nhIMhEnEn so ~yara;jIvn mftk n yapekal, jo ik&qI seplk n qal;plka jIv selaga, DoKa idlo ka Baga;

    ictavnI ic iblas, jb lg rheipMjr vas; sohMxd jpa jap, jhaMkbIr aphI ap;mil hai prem k py r , nahi hai nain so ny r ;

    j wan mritak na by pe k l, jo trikut se palak na t l; palk j w se l g , dhokh dilo se bh g ;chit wan chit bil s, jab lag rahe pinjar sw s;

    soham shabd ajap j p, jah n kab r pah p;The soul then rejoices in meeting its Beloved, who never becomes separated fromits gaze. The soul is freed from the bondage of time and death when, even for amoment, it does not turn away from meditation on the Trikuti. Its eyes are fixedon Beloved God, and it can no longer be deceived. As long as there is life in the

    body, this instruction brings pleasure. The soul then recites Soham silently, andrealizes that Kabir is his own very Self.

    saKI- s kh (testimony) ictavnI ict lagI rhe, yh git lKEn koy; gm pMT kemhl me,Mnhd banI hoy;nam nEn me Mrim rha, janeibrla koy;

    jako stgu< imilya, tako malum hoy;chit wani chit l g rahe, yaha gati lakhai na koi;agam panth ke mahal men, anahad b n hoi;n m nain men rami rah , j ne birl koi;

    j ko satguru mili , t ko m lum hoi;Always remember this instruction. No one may know that you have realized God,

    but in the beautiful state of liberation, you will hear the unstruck divine music(Anahad Nad). Gods name will shine in you, and rarely will anyone recognize it.Only one who has been initiated by Satguru will be able to understand it.

    JM\a ropa gE b ka, do^ pvRt kesM iD; saDuipCanexd ko, df i q kml kr bMd;Jlke yoit iJlimla, ibn batI ibn tel;chu ids sUrj igya, e sa dBut Kel;

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    ( prakritis ), and this life has become the victim of lust, anger, attachment andegotism.

    kaya gudrI ka ibtara, deKo s~to gm isMgara;caMd surj do^ pevn lage, gu< prtap sesovt jage;k y gudad k bist r , dekho santo agam sing r ;ch nd suraj doi pevan l ge, guru prat p se sowat j ge;

    He manifested the body everywhere. O devotees! See how profoundly and beautifully adorned it is. The moon and sun (negative and positive, or right andleft nostrils) are its supports, and by the grace of God, the breath of life changedthe unconscious body into conscious life.

    xd kI suRsurit ka \ora, an kI qoBn isjn jora; b gudrI kI kr hu ixyarI, dag n lagedeK ibcarI; shabd k su surat k dor , gy n k tobhan sirjan jor ;ab gudad k kar husiy r , d g na l ge dekh bich r ;

    In creating this body God used the Word as the needle, meditation as the thread,and knowledge as the stitch, and joined the parts together. Now take care of this

    body wisely, and ensure that it does not become defiled.

    sumit ko sabun isrjn Do^R, k&mit mEl ko \aro Ko^R; ijn gudrI ka ikya ibcara, so jn Beqeisrjn hara; sumati ko s bun sirjan dho , kumati mail ko d ro kho ; jin gudad k kiy bich r , so jan bhete sirjan h r ;

    Wash this creation (body and mind) with the soap of good understanding, andthrow away the dirt of evil thinking. Whoever takes proper care of this quilt-like

    body will meet God the Creator.

    DIrj DunI yan Dir asn, st kI kopIn shj isMGasn;yu it kmM\l kr gih lI~ha, p e m PavrI muxIRd cI~ha;dh raj dhuni dhy n dhar san, sat k kopin sahaj singh san;

    yukti kamandal kar gahi l nh , prem ph war murshid ch nh ;The devotee should practice patience and perseverance in sitting in a proper

    posture and meditating. He should make virtue as his loincloth, simplicity as histhrone, hold reason as his water vessel, and love as his cleaning rake. These arethe marks of a true devotee.

    selI xIl ivvek kI mala, dya kI qopI tn DmRxala;me hr metMga mit bExaKI, mfga Cala mnhI ko raKI;

    sel sh l vivek k m l , day k top tan dharmsh l ;mehar matang mati baish kh , mrig chh l manah ko r kh ;

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    He should make good conduct as his garland, spiritual discrimination as hisrosary, kindness as his hat, the body as his hostel, compassion as his support,intellect as his crutch, and mind as his deer skin.

    incEDotI pvn jne , jpa jpeso janeBe ;rheinrMtr stgu< daya, saDusMgit kr sb k&C paya;nischai dhot pawan janeu, ajap jape so j ne bheu;rahe nirantar satguru d y , s dhu sangati kar sab kuchh p y ;

    He should make determination as his loincloth, breath as his sacred thread, andmentally recite Gods Name, and discover the secret of God. Always depend onthe kindness of Satguru, and keep the company of holy people, and be spirituallyfulfilled.

    lOkI lk&qI Hdya JorI, ma Kra pihr bhorI;

    mu it meKla sukZt su imrnI, p em ipyala pIvemOnI;low k lakut hriday jhor , ksham khar u pahir bahor ;mukti mekhl sukrit sumaran , prem py l p wai moun ;

    He should make attachment to God as his walking cane, kind heart as hishandbag, forgiveness as his sandals, salvation as his scarf, noble conduct as hisrosary, love as his drinking vessel, and silently drink the nectar of Gods love.

    dais k& brI klh invarI, mmta k& I ko llkarI;yu it jMjIr baM iD jb lI~ha, gm gocr iKrkI cI~ha;ud

    si kubari kalaha niw


    , mamt

    kutti ko lalk


    ; yukti janj r b ndhi jab l nh , agam agochar khirk ch nh ;

    With the stick of detachment, he should drive away conflicts, and also the doglikeegoism. When he binds himself with the chain of disciplined practice, he will findthe window open to the Unfathomable God.

    ivrag yag ivan inDana, t itlk dI~ha inrvana;gu< gm ckmk mnsm tUla, b in prgt kr mUla;vir g ty g vigy n nidh n , tatt tilak d nh nirv n ;

    gurugam chakmak man sam t l , brahm agni pragat kar m l ;The devotee should be rich in non-attachment, renunciation and spiritualknowledge, and make the philosophy of Truth as his sandal mark on the forehead.By these, he will obtain salvation. The gurus knowledge is the flintstone thatignites the mind, just as it ignites the cotton wick, and confers enlightenment.

    sMxy xok skl Bm jara, paMc pcIso prgq kr mara; idl ka dpRn du ibDa Ko^R, so vEragI pka ho^R;

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    sanshai shok sakal bhram j r , p nch pach so pargat kar m r ;dilk darpan dubidh kho , so vair g pakk ho ;

    The uncertainties, sorrows and all doubts are then burned, and he rises above thematerial elements. He gets rid of the doubts that cloud the mirror of his heart, andthus becomes a perfect devotee.

    su~y mhl me MPerI deR, mft rs kI iBa leR;duK suK mela jg ka Ba, iveNI keGaq nha;

    sunya mahal men pher de , amrit ras k bhiksh le ;dukh sukh mel jag k bh u, triven ke gh t nah u;

    He then dwells in the stillness of meditation, and receives the nectar of God. Theworld consists of the duality of suffering and happiness. The devotee overcomesthem in the sacred river of meditation.

    tn mn soD Bya jb ana, tb lK pavepd invaRna; q kml dl ckr sUJe, yogI ap ap me MbUJe;tan man sodh bhay jab gy n , tab lakh p we pad nirv n ;ashta kamal dal chakkar s jhe, yog p p men b jhe;

    When the devotee disciplines his body and mind perfectly, and obtains spiritualknowledge, he attains salvation. The Yogi, becoming perfect, is aware of the eightchakras, and realizes his Self in himself (inner realization of Self).

    ^Mgla ipMgla keGr ja^R, suzmnI narI rheQhra^R; ohMsohMtv ibcara, bMknal me Mikya shara;ingal pingal ke ghar j sushmani n r rahe thahar ;oham soham tattwa bich r , bank n l men kiy samh r ;

    His consciousness soars to the house of Ida and Pingala (yogic nerve currents),and remains steadfast in Sushumna , and realizes the Reality Oham Soham (I amthe Eternal Reality), and controls his consciousness in this channel of Godrealization.

    mn ko marI ggn ci| ja^R, mansrovr pEQI nha^R; nhd nad nam kI pUja, b vErag dev nhIMdUja;man ko m r gagam chadhi j , m nsorovar paith nah ;anahad n d n m k p j , brahm vair g deo nah n d j ;

    Suduing the mind, the soul soars to spiritual heights, and bathes in the serene lakeof meditation. In that state of consciousness, the soul worships the Divine Sound,and realizes that there it is no other God than the supreme unattached AbsoluteBeing.

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    Cu iq gyekml kmRj leKa, yhI nEnn sahe b ko deKa; hMkar iBman ibdara, Gq ka cOka kr ijyara;chhuti gaye kashmal karmaj lekh , yehi nainan s heb ko dekh ;ahank r abhim n bid r , ghat k chowk kar unjiy r ;

    With this realization, the devotee gets rid of his sins and accumulated karmas, andwith his very eyes sees God in all visible forms. He expels egotism and pride, and brightens his being with spiritual enlightenment.

    ict kr cMdn mnsa PUla, ihtkr sMpuq kr lemUla; a cvr p It kr DUpa, nOtm n sahe b ka >pa;chit kar chandan mans ph l , hit kar samput karle m l ;

    shraddh chanwar pr t kar dh p , nowtam n m s heb k r p ;The devotee should make his consciousness as the sandal paste, his mind as theflowers, his love as the folded hands, and offer them to God. He should make

    faith as his whisk fan, love as his incense, and the best Name for the form of God.

    gudrI pihreap leKa, ijn yh pgt clayo BeKa; sahe b kbIr bksI jb dI~ha, sur nr mu in sb gudrI lI~ha; gudad pahire p alekh , jin yaha pragat chal yo bhekh ; s heb kab r bakas jab d nh , sur nar muni sab gudad l nh ;

    The Invisible Power that wears this quilt, has manifested as the physical body.When Kabir distributed the gift of the body, all the gods, men and munis obtainedit.

    an gudrI p|epBata, jnm jnm kepatk jata;an gudrI p|emyana, so liK pvepd invaRna;

    gy n gudad padhe prabh t , janam janam ke p tak j t ; gy n gudad padhe madhy n , so lakhi p wai pad nirv n ;

    If the devotee recites this gyan gudadi every morning, his sins from birth after birth will vanish. If he recites it every mid-day, he will obtain salvation.

    sMJa su imrn jo nr krhI, jra mrn BOsagr trhI;

    khEkbIr suno DmRdasa, an gudrI kro pkaxa sanjh sumiran jo nar karah , jar maran bhows gar tarah ;kahai kab r suno dharmd s , gy n gudad karo prak sh .

    If he recites it every evening, he will overcome old age, death and the ocean of rebirths. Kabir says: "Listen Dharam Dass! Teach this quilt of knowledge to all."

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    saKI - s kh (testimony)mala qopI su imrnI, stgu< idya bIz;pl pl gu< ko bMdgI, crN nva xIx;m l top sumaran , satguru diy baksh sh;

    pal pal guru ko bandag , charan naw u sh s; Dharam Dass says: "Satguru, you have given me the garland, the cap and therosary as spiritual gifts. I offer salutations to you, and bow down to your holy feet.

    BO BMjn duK pirhrn, mr krn xrIr; aid yugaid ap ho, caro yug kbIr;bhow bhanjan dukh pari haran, amar karan shar r; di yug di p ho, ch ro yug kab r;

    You are the destroyer of the cycle of rebirths, and the remover of all sufferings,and you make the body immortal. You are from the beginning age after age. In allthe four yugas you have manifested yourself.

    bMdICor kha^ya, blK xhr mMJar;CUqebMDn sb Bez ko, Dn Dn khesM chhor kah iy , balakh shahar manjh r;chh te bandhan sab bhesh ko, dhan khan kahe sans r.

    You are hailed as the releaser of prisoners in the city of Balkh. The bondage of alltrue devotees was removed, and the world joyfully congratulated you.

    artI 1 - rat # 1 artI grIb invaj, sahe b artI ho, artI dIn dyal, sahe b artI ho--

    rat garib niw j, s heb rat ho, rat d n day l s heb rat ho--

    I offer rat in devotion to Kabir Saheb who is kind to the poor, and

    compassionate to the humble.

    an Dar ivvek kI batI, surit yoit jhajay-- artI k>Mstgu< sahe b kI, jhasb s~t smaj-- gy n adh r vivek k b t , surati jyot jah n j i-- rat kar n satguru s heb k , jah n sab sant sam j--

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    h r mani mukt dik, bh kshit urdesham, padm san singh san, sthit mangal vesham--

    The diamond and precious gems decorate his chest. He sits in the lotus posture onthe throne, and his form is auspicious.


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    Glory! Glory! to Kabir, the destroyer of rebirths. He took human form andmanifested as a baby near the bank of the pond.

    kml p pr xoiBt, xoBa ijt kE se,nIlacl pr raijt, mutamiN jE se--kamal patra par shobhit, shobh jit kaise,n l chal par r jit, mukt mani jaise--

    He looked beautiful on the lotus leaf, and was quite endearing. He appeared as if he were a gem on a mountain.

    prm mnohr p ibharI, ivcl ivkarI--hans ub ran k ran, pragate tan dh r ,

    p rakh r p bih r , avichal avik r -- He took on the human form to liberate the people. His form gives joy. He issteadfast and completely free of defects.

    sahe b kbIr kI artI, giNt GharI,DmRdas bilharI, mudmMgl karI-- s heb kab r k rat , aganit aghah r ,dharm d ss balih r , mud mangal k r --

    Performing the arti to Saheb Kabir removes countless sufferings. Dharam Dasssurrenders to him completely, and enjoys his auspiciousness.

    sahe b kbIr kI artI, jo ko^ gave,Bit pdarT pave, mu it pdarT pave Bv me MnhIMve, jy jy sy kbIr--

    s heb kab r k rat , jo koi g we,bhakti pad rath p we, mukti pad rath p we,bhow men nah n we, jai jai satya kab r--

    Whoever recites the arti of Saheb Kabir will get the wealth of devotion andliberation. He will not return to the world of birth and death. Glory! Glory! toSatya Kabir.

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    gu< du iKt - guru dukhit (entreaty to Satguru)gu< du iKt tum ibn rqhuare, pgt drxn dIijye;gu< vaim a suno ibntI morI, bil ja inlmb n kIijye;

    guru dukhit tum bin ratahu dw re, pragat darshan d jiye; guru sw m suno binat mor , bali j wu bilamb na k jiye;

    O Master! I am suffering without you, and Im calling repeatedly at your door.Please come and grace me with your presence. Oh Lord and Master! Listen to my

    prayers! I surrender myself to you. Please do not delay any longer.

    gu< nEn Bir Bir rht hero, inimK ne h n Cai\ye;gu< ba h dIjebM idCor, so bkI bMd Co\a^ye;

    guru nain bhari bhari rahat hero, nimikh neha na chh riye; guru b nhh d je bandichhor, so ab k band chhor diye;

    O Master! My eyes are full of tears while waiting for you. Please do not give upyour love for me even for a moment. O Master! You are the remover of bondage.Please give me your arm and release me from this present bondage of birth anddeath.

    ivivD iviD tn Byyak&l, ibn deKeb n rho;tpt tn me MQtvala, kiQn duK kE sesho;vibidh vidhi tan bhayeu by kul, bin dekhe ab na raho;

    tapat tan men uthat jw

    l , kathin dukh kaise saho;My body has become restless in many ways, and I cannot live without seeing you.

    My body is burning as if in flames. How can I bear such severe suffering?

    gun vgun praD ma kro, b n ptIt ibsairye;yh ibntI DmRdas jn ko, sy pu

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    ibntI su inlo kZpaiDan (entreaty to Satguru)

    ibntI su inlo kZpaiDan, hm sb balk hEnadan,

    pEda ikya hEtuhI sBI ko,

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    O Kabir! You are the ocean of mercy and the giver of salvation to the world. I pray toyou with folded hands. Please fulfill the desire of your devotee. I see severe sufferings inthe world, and my heart has become restless. I am standing in your presence and

    beseeching you.

    tIsa yM - t s tantra (thirty gems of Kabir) 1 . pe m jgavEivrh ko, ivrh jgavEpIv; pIv jgavEjIv ko, vhI jIv vhI pIv

    prem jag wai viraha ko, viraha jag wai p v; p v jag wai j v ko, vahi j v vahi p v.Love bestirs the heart of the separated lover for God, and God responds by enlighteninghim. He then realizes that the soul and God are one.

    2. pUja gup Hdy bse, uDa rhena koyn m mil wai r p ko, jo jan khoj hoi; jab waha r p hridai base, kshuddh rahe n koiWhoever seeks, finds that God is known through His Name. When that form of God(Name) is in the heart, no other hunger remains.

    5. kiryeint ssMg ko, baDa skl imqay; e sa Osr na imle, dulRB nr tnpay

    kariye nit satsang ko, b dh sakal mit i; ais owsar n mile, durlabh nar tan p i

    Always take part in satsangs and remove all worldly obstacles. You may not have thisopportunity again, as human birth is difficult to obtain.

    6. hoy rhejb das yh, tb suK pavE~t; deK rIit p hlad kI, inKoRsb me M k~t

    hoi rahe jab d s yaha, tab sukh p wai ant; dekh r ti prahal d k , nirkho sab men kant

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    13. yag jue sa kIijye, sb kuC kEbar; sb pBuka mera nihM, in cy ikya ivcar

    ty g ju ais k jiye, sab kuchh ekai b r; sab prabhu k mer nahin, nischai kiy bich r Renounce things in such a way that all are renounced at once. Realize that everything is

    God's and "not mine". This is perfect thinking.

    14. Co\a jb iBmanko, suKI Bya tb jIv; BavEko^RkCukhE, mereihy injpIv

    chhod jab abhim n ko, sukhi bhay tab j v; bh wai koi kachhu kahai, mere hiya nij p vWhen you abandon pride your life becomes happy. No matter what others say of you,you realize that God dwells in your heart.

    15. suK pavEgu< yan te, TIr Bya mn mor; inrKo apa sbn me M, kevl

    n~dikxor sukh p wai guru dhy n te, th r bhay man mor; nirkho p saban men, kewal nand kishor Meditation on God rewards you with bliss and a tranquil mind. See yourself in all beings,and in all beings see only God.

    16. deKo sbme Mram hE, kih rs BrpUr; jE se Ktesb bna, cInI skr gUrdekho sab men r m hai, ekahi ras bharp r; jaise ukh te sab ban , ch n sakkar g r See God in all beings. As one essence He is present in all forms. Its like sugarcane that

    produces refined sugar, raw sugar and molasses.

    17. BmRimqa tb jainye, crj lgEn koy; yh lIla hEramkI, inrKo apaKoy

    bharm mit tab j niye, achraj lagai na koi; yaha l l r m k , nirkho p khoiKnow that doubts are removed when nothing surprises you. Its all the Lord's play.Realize it by merging in Him.

    18. liKyepne>pko, TIr Bya sb Mg; khn sunn kCuna rhI,yaE Mka yaE MhE sMg

    lakhiye apne r p ko, th r bhay sab ang; kahan sunan kachhu n rahi, jyon k tyon hai sang Realize your own true form and every part of you will be steadfast. No preaching or listening remains, as God and the soul are together.

    19. su inyegunkI varta, vgun lIjEna ih; hM s CIrko ght hE, nIr yaig so ja ih

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    suniye gun k v rt , owgun l je n nhi; hans chh r ko gahat hai, n r ty gi so j nhiListen to the good qualities of others, shunning their evils. Do as the fabled swan thatdrinks the nutritious milk, and avoids the non-nutritious water.

    20. saDei~dy p blko, ijihteQepaD; mn raja bhkavte, paMcoMbesaD s dhe indriya prabal ko, jihite uthe up dh; man r j bahak wate, p ncho bade as dhControl the all-powerful senses, the cause of all problems. The five senses are unruly, andcunningly fool the controlling mind.

    21. maro asa sa ipnI, ijn \isya sM sar; takI OziD toz hE, yh gu

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    Disgrace has a very bad smell, and no one likes it. Its like the smell of feces wherenobody likes to sit.

    27. DIr bu i tb jainye, smuJEsbkI rIt; nkevgun apme M, kbhU n lavEmIt dh r buddhi tab j niye, samujhai sab k r t; unke owgun p men, kabah n na l wai m t Know him to be patient and wise who understands, and is not disturbed by people's ways.Their evil ways do not affect him.

    28. mn Qhra tb jainye, nsuJ sbEsuJay;yOM iDyar Bvn me M, dIpk bairdeKay

    man thahar tab j niye, ansujh sabai sujh i; jyon andhiy r bhavan men, d pak b ridekh iKnow the mind is steadfast when it knows previously unknown things. Its like a lamp inthe dark room. It makes everything visible.

    29. hovEhonI hoy so, honhar so hoy; ramc~dbn ko gye, suK aCt duK hoy howai honi hoi so, honh r so hoi; r mchandra ban ko gaye, sukh chhat dukh hoiWhat is destined to happen will happen, and cannot be stopped. Prince Ramchandra was

    banished to the forest, and endured suffering instead of happiness.

    30. jo yh t v ivcarke, raKeihyme Msoy; so p anI suKko lhE, du:K n drsEkoy jo yaha tattva bich r ke, r khe hiya men soi; so pr n sukh ko lahai, dukh na darsai koi30. He who carefully considers Reality, and keeps it in his heart, will enjoy eternal bliss,and gain freedom from all sorrows.


    hesy pu

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    hesy sukZt apkwitirt ijtnI kIitRhEsb iNk Or maiyk hE sbkIitRapkwitirt kalnercehE M, Or kal vym nax honevala hE, ^s karN

    apkIhI kIitRsy Or iny hE he satya sukrit! pke atirikt jitn kirt hai sab kshanik owr m yik hai; sab kirt apke atirikt k lne rache hain owr k l swayam n sh hone w l hai, is k ran pkih k rti satya owr anitya hai. O Satya Sukrit! Other than you, whatever fame there is, is momentary and illusory.Besides you, all fame is the Maya of Kal , and Kal is perishable. For this reason, onlyyour glory is true and eternal.

    heaid dlI apka hI inym sy Or suKdayk hE, apka hI inym svR sepUvR pkaixt hota hE sIkwsharesy an~dkI p ai t hotI hE he di adl ! pk h niyam satya owr sukhd yak hai; pk h niyam sarv purv prak shit hot hai; us ke sah re satya nandk prapti hot hai.O Most just Lord! Your law is true and gives happiness, and it existed before everything.By it we gain true bliss.

    hejr ap ko jra nhIMhETR at ap j~m, mrN Or skwmDykI bal ikxor,yuva, p O| Or vfavTasepresda k sman hI rhnevalehE M he ajar! p ko jar nah n hain arth t p janm maran owr uske madhyak b l, kishor,

    yuv , proudh owr vriddh avasth se pare sad ek sam n h rahanev le hain.O Eternal Master! You are not subject to birth, death, childhood, youth, adulthood andold age. You remain changeless.

    hemr ap kalkwjalseCu\akr pnehM soko mr krteho vym kal BI apseBy krta hE he amar! p k lke j lse chhud kar apne hansoko amar karte ho; swayam k l bh psebhai kart hai.O Eternal Master! You release your devotees from the trap of death and make themimmortal. Death is even afraid of you.

    heic~t ap xu an~d v>p ho, ic~taka apseko^RsM b~D nhIM, tTaip hm jE sedInoMkI shayta kI ic~ta ap sdahI krteho he achint! p shuddh nand svar p ho; chint k pse koe sambandh nah n, tath p ham

    jaise d nok sahait k chint p sad h karte ho.O Unimaginable Lord! Your nature is pure bliss. You have no worries, and you care for all humble devotees like us.


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    heppseap sdacarka pdex dekr mu in~dv>pse syasy sarasarkwmnnka magRbtateho nek pkarkwmnn krnepr BI jbyh jIv kalkwjalsenhIMinkl skta, tb ap kpseparKka magR

    btlaneko qksarkI pvf it krateho, Or jb qksarara ~t:krN xu ho jata h,Etb ap saat sy kbIrkwv>psepy parK btlakr kaljalse Cu\a deteho he mun ndra! satya sukrit svar pse p sad ch r k updesh dekar mun ndra svar p se

    saty satya s ras rke manank m rg bat te ho. anek prak r ke manan karne par bh jab yahh j v k lke j l se nah n nikal sakt , tab p karun mai svar p se p rakh k m rg batl ne ko taks r k pravriti kar te ho owr jab taks r dw r ant karan shudh ho j t haitab p s ksh t satya kab r ke svar p se pratyaksh p rakh batl kar k lj l se chhud deteho. O Munindra! With true nobililty as Munindra, you have instructed us about truth fromuntruth, real from unreal, and the path of contemplation. Even after various types of contemplation, if the soul does not escape the trap of death then, O Merciful Lord, you

    reveal the path of knowledge, and make us perform righteous actions to make the mind pure. You then manifest as Kabir and impart true spiritual knowledge and release us fromthe trap death.

    heb~dICor ap brM bar khteho pukar pukarkr btlateho ik tuharI xrN ibna hmara iQkana khIMBI nhIMhE, ijs smy apka xrN p at hota hEsI smy kalseitnka qUq jata hE sI svRsuKda^RxrNko BI pakr heDmDarN hm seDm hE Mik apka xrN nhIMpk\t,ebrn kwvl muKsebate Mbnakr dBse pneko apka das khtekhlateh,E Mpr~tudaspnkwinym tk nhIMjante he bandichhor! p b ramb r kahate ho puk r puk rkar batl te ho ki tumhar sharanbin ham r thik n kah n bh nah n hain; jis samai p k sharan pr pt hot hai us

    samai k l se tink t t j t hai, ais sarv sukhd sharan ko bh p kar he adhamudh ran!ham aise adham hain ki p k sharan nah n pakadte, baran kewal mukh se b ten ban kar dambh se apne ko p k d s kah te kahal te hain, parantu d span ke niyam tak nah n

    j nte.

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    O Redeemer! You have again and again said that without your refuge we do not have aresting place. As soon as we obtain your shelter, our connection with death is broken.Even when we obtain your blissful shelter, O Saviour of the sinful, we are such sinnersthat we do not take your refuge, but egotistically talk of being your devotee, and do noteven know the principle of being a devotee.

    hedInanaT aphI sbkwshayk ho, hm dIn Or naT hE Mijnko naT krkw pk\tehE MvesBI vym apkexrNkI iBlaza rKtehE M, ^s karN hepBU aphI

    synaT ho, apko Co\ khajaM he d n n th! pah sab ke sah yak ho, ham d n owr an th hain, jin ko n th kar ke

    pakadte hain ve sabhi swayam p ke sharan k abhil sh rakhte hain; is k ran he prabh ! pah satyan th ho, p ko chhod kah n j un.O Master of the humble! You are the help for all. We are humble orphans. Those, whowe think are masters, also depend on you. Thus, O Lord, you are the true master. Leavingyou, where else can I go?

    heanmy cEt~y pu

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    all kinds of fear. But if you shower your grace, then you will remove all fear and make usfearless.

    hean~d is~Du jbtk hmarI anxit me MapkwparKka pkax nhIMhotatbtk hm apkwsy v>p ko iks pkar janskw M jb ap dya krogepne

    sarasar ivcairNI an xitko p erNakr muJepnexrNme Mloge, tBI apkI aanu sar kalkwjalko prKkr ap kI xrNseinrax nhIMhoM ege he nandsindhu! jabtak ham r gy nshakti men pke p rakh k prak sh nah n hot tabtak ham pke satya svar p ko kis prak r j n saken? jab p day karoge apne s r s r vich rin gy n shakti ko prern kar mujhe apne sharan men loge, tabh pk gy nus r k l ke j l ko parakh kar p k sharanse nir sh nah n honge.O Ocean of Bliss! Until we have gained knowledge to see your light, till then how can we

    perceive your true nature? When you shower your grace on us, it awakens our spiritualdiscriminative power, and takes us into your refuge. It is through your instruction that we

    will know the trap of Kal . We will then be certain of your refuge.

    hesyisDu sI kZpa kro ijsseik svRsyseCUq kr apko hI p at ho ja.he satyasindhu! ais krip karo jisse ki sarv asatya se chh t kar pko h pr pt ho j n.O Ocean of Reality! Shower such grace on us that we will be free from all untruth and realize you.

    hep emmyI pnekZpakqa ara e sI dya kro ik apkwsy p emme Mmn ho ja he premmay ! pne krip kat ksh dw r ais day karo ki pke satya prem men magn ho

    j n.

    0 Ocean of Love! Through your merciful glance, shower such mercy on us that we will be absorbed in your true love.

    hemftmyI e sI dya kro ijsseapkI mft>pI aaoMpr clnekI hme Mxit ho he amritmay ! ais day karo jisse pk amrit r p gy on par chalne k hamen shakti ho. O Ocean of Nectar! Shower your grace so that we will have the power to follow your nectar-like instructions.

    hexaM itinkwt apkI kZpaseitirt hm s sOBatako kE sep at ho ske Mge? jo apkwscedasko p at hota hE hm kE seBI hE MprMtub to apkwkhlatehE M,yid hmko sy xaM it pdan n krogeto apkIhI ibrd ljayman hogI he sh ntiniket! pk krip se atirikt ham us soubh gyat ko kaise pr pt ho sakenge? jo pke sacche d s ko pr pt hot hai. ham kaise bh hain parantu ab toh pke kahal te hain,

    yadi ham ko satya sh nti prad n na karoge toh pk h birad lajj im n hogi.

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    O Ocean of Peace! Without your grace how can we be fortunate to obtain the grace whichyour true devotees get? No matter how we are, we are still yours. If you do not give ustrue peace, then your own dignity will be tarnished.

    hepu~ymyI hesceB ata hmko e sI sumit do ijsseprprkwivezko yagkr apkI seva me Mlg jave M he punyamay ! he sachche bhr t ! ham ko ais sumati do jisse paraspar ke vidvesh koty gkar pk sev men lag j ven.O Ocean of Virtues! O True Protector! Give us such good understanding so that he wegive up mutual hatreds and be absorbed in your devotion.

    hehM snayk apnee sehM soMkI sMgit muJepdan kro ijsseapkwitirtdU srekI vasna HdyseQ jave he hansn yak! pne aise hanson k sangati mujhe prad n karo jisse pke atirikt d sre k

    v san hridaise uth j ve.O Master of Souls! Give us the gift of the company of such of your souls that other desires of our heart, other than your devotion, will disappear.

    hesy sysebcakr svRda sykI or lejavo.he satya! asatya se bach kar sarvad satya k ohr le j vo.O Ocean of Truth! Save us from the unreal and lead us to the Ultimate Reality.

    iv vaskejalseinkalkr ivvas Or ako p at kra do p emsebcakrp emmyI dex me Mphu Mcado pivtaseinkalkr pivtako idKado veCacarIpnaseinkalkr yacarseCu\akr tuharI ^Ca Or aa kw

    DIn krkesdacarI bnado avishv s ke j l se nik lkar visv s owr shradd ko pr pt kar do. aprem se bach kar

    premmayi desh men pahunch do. apavitrat se nik lkar pavitrat ko dikh do. svechh ch r pan se nik lkar aty ch r se chhud kar tumh ri ichch owr gy ke adh nkarke sad ch ri ban do.Take us from the trap of unfaithfulness and grant us true faith and belief. Save us fromhatred and take us to the abode of love. Remove us from impurity and grant us purity.Remove us from the trap of selfishness and harmfulness and take us into your shelter according to your will and command, and make us righteous devotees.

    hekyaNmyI kyaNkwmagR sehqakr kyaNkI rah idKa do he kaly nmay ! akaly n ke m rg se hat kar kaly n k r hh dikh do. O Auspicious Lord! Remove us from the abode of unhappiness and take us to the abodeof happiness.

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    hesygu< ~Dkarmy dexseQakr pkaxmy dexme M\al do he satyaguru! andhk rmai deshse uth kar prak shmai deshmen d l do. O True Master! Take us away from darkness to the abode of Enlightenment.

    hesyacayR apkwsy DmRsypMT Or apkwTaipt acayRme Me sI a do ijssevnitkwBvnseinkalkr syo~nitkI s\kpr c| ja he saty charya! pke satya dharm satya panth owr pke sth pit ch rya men ais

    shraddh do jisse avnati ke bhavanse nik lkar satyonnati k sadak par chadh j un.O Eternal Master! Give us faith in your true dharma, true path, and established righteousduties, so that we may walk on the path of righteousness.

    hmlogoMko e sa sah Or e sI kMQa do ijsseapkI aoMko pUNRkrneapke Taipt syDmRko PElaneapkesyrajkI mihma pgq kr pnI tTa Or

    du iKyoMkI amako kaljalsebcaneme MsmTRhove M xaM it: xaM it: xaM it:ham logon ko ais uts hh owr ais utkanth do jisse pk gy on ko purn karne p ke

    sth pit satya dharm ko phail ne pke satyar jk mahim pragat kar apn tath owr dukhiyon k tm ko k lj l se bach nemen samarth hoven. sh nti, sh nti, sh ntiMake us enthusiastic and strong in will so that we may follow all your instructions fully.By upholding the glory of your true dharma, and revealing it to others, we would saveourselves and other souls that are suffering in the trap of Kal .

    xa~it, xa~it, xa~it-Peace, Peace, Peace.

    sy kbIro jyitsatya kab ro jaiti

    Glory to Satya Kabir

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    I kbIr cailsashri kab r ch lis forty verses on Satguru Kabir

    mMglacrn Mangal charan in the Glory of Satguru Kabir

    sdgu< pd bMdn k

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    prem sahit jo padheg , nis din prem lag i satya kab r k krip se, sahaj mukti ho j i

    Whoever recites the Chalisa night and day with love and attention, will easilyobtain liberation by the grace of Satguru Kabir.

    st kbIr ka nam, jg me Mjo ivKyat hE jant skl jhan, Bt gu< kbIr ko sat kab r k n m, jag men jo vikhy t hai j nat sakal jah n, bhakt guru kab r ko

    The name of Satguru Kabir is renowned in the world. All the devoted people of the world know of the great teacher Kabir.

    1. nmo aid bay xdev>pm, nmo jIv yavdmym iv v>pM ghuxrN p anI jo suK isMDuchure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    om namo di brahm i shabde swar pam, namo j v y vadmayam vishvar pam gahu sharan pr n jo sukh sindhu chahu re, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Om! Salutations to the Eternal Brahm who is in the form of the Word. All thevisible forms of life in this world are his form. Whoever wishes the ocean of happiness should go to his refuge and recite Kabir Kabir Kabir.

    2. ka >p krtay inrvay deKo, va >p ivtar nihMan peKo ra >p rmtaih sbmaih rhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    ka r p kart i nirv i dekho, va r p vist r nahin n pekho

    ra r p ramt hi sabm hi rahure, kab r kab r kab r kahureKa of Kabir indicates that he is the creator and sustainer. Ba of Kabir indicates his expansion in the universe. This expansion cannot be seen anywhereexcept in God. Ra of Kabir indicates that his form pervades in all beings.Understand it and recite Kabir Kabir Kabir.

    3. k kZN >pMv>pM>pM, v ivNuDarI sbedev BUpM r

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    4. k k&l k&la jo nhIMan ko^, b bel bela kwla na do^r rar meto smeqo na bhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    ka kul kul jo nah n n koi, ba bel bel akel n doira r r meto sameto n bahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Ka of Kabir represents the of oneness, and no one else talked like this. Ba of Kabir represents that he was alone with out a second, and he was above theinfluence of time. Ra of Kabir represents the abolishment of quarrel and non-collecting of too much of anything. Understand it and recite Kabir Kabir Kabir.

    5. k kahI kWvy ktaR ih ape, b bIj ibstar hreytape r romaih nr taih ghure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    ka k h kaivalya kart hi pe, ba b j bist r hare trait pe

    ra rom hi nar t hi gahure, kab r kab r kab r kahureKa of Kabir represents that he was himself the creator of Salvation. Ba of Kabir isthe seat that expanded in the universe, and he is the remover of the threeagonies (Daivic- caused by natural elements; Bhautic- caused by other living

    beings; Adhyatimic- caused from within the body). Ra of Kabir is the guide who pervades all beings. Understand it and recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    6. k kal mdRn so hdRm jpore, b bIj seQ ran tp na tpore r rah invaR h gu< bah ghure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    ka k l mardan so hardam japore, ba b j seth r n tap n taporera r hh nirv hh guru b hh gahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Ka of Kabir represents his power to crush time (give salvation). Therefore alwaysrecite it. Ba of Kabir represents the seat of austerity. O rich people! O king!Practice austerity. Ra of Kabir represents his gift of sustenance. Hold on to thearm of guru and recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    7. k kaih \rpejo rpeix

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    8. k ko terI so mihma p|ehE M, b vakW>pes>peg|ehE r svRrmtaih sb maM ih rhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    ka kou teri so mahim padhe hain, ba v kai rupe sar pe gadhe hai

    ra sarv ramt hi sab m hin rahure, kab r kab r kab r kahureKa of Kabir represents one of realization (realized soul) who recites your glory.Ba of Kabir represents those who realize him and are standing in his grace. Ra of Kabir represents that he pervades all and dwells in all. Understand it and reciteKabir Kabir Kabir.

    9. ijih pa^ ^Cay stlok kI~ha, pjay kMjay thbas lI~ha bhuBaM it suK Dam thM Aras rhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    jihi p i ichch i satlok k nh , upj i kanj i tahan b s l nh bahu bh nti sukh dh m tah n r s rahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    After realizing Guru Kabir, a soul starts to long for Sat Lok (Eternal Abode) andthere resides where Lotus flowers bloom all around (Lotus represents the puresoul because it grows in the muddy water but remains pure). In many ways, that itis a place of bliss. Reside there in comfort and recite Kabir Kabir Kabir.

    10. thaMk M\ay tEjs By, kir lok ~yara so ylok dy itihMay jg jIv ym dah ghure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    tah n ek and i taijas bahyau, kari lok ny r so trailok dayautihin y jag j v yam d hh gahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    There, from one egg (Brahmand/ Universe) all creation took place. He created thedifferent worlds which are called the three Lokas. Coming into the world this soulgets scorched by Yama, the god of death. To get rid of this trouble, recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    11. jiv as ym PaM s k

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    12. nr >p Dir BUp g< rUp Daye, ijim da| baGesesurBI Cu\aye inj Bt ym jIv gjg ah ghure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    nar r p dhari bh p guru r p dh ye, jimi d dh b ghe se surbh chhud yenij bhakt yam j v gajgr hh gahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Assuming the form of man, he was the king of gurus and came swiftly to earth.He liberated people from evils just as a king rescues a cow from the jaws of aferocious animal. He saved his devotees from Yama just as Lord Vishnu saved theelephant from the jaws of the crocodile (story in Hindu mythology). Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    13. sy xdeivdarI ibTa hE, yugn yugn jIv kI vrnI kTa hE kilyug jIv kaj duK ay shure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    satya shabde vid ri bith hai, yugan yugan j v k varn kath haikaliyug j v k j dukh y sahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    The true Word (Sat Nam) can destroy the troubles of the world. This philosophyhas been explained in yuga after yuga (four yugas-Sat Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga, Kali Yuga -great periods of time). You (Kabir) have come in this KaliYuga and endured suffering for the sake of the people. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    14. hEb apeso lIla krI hE, nO t v paMco n de hI DarI hE suK du:K ~yarehE Mkhveme Mhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    hai brahm pe so l l kar hai, now tattva p ncho na deh dh r hai sukh dukh ny re hain kahave men ahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    O Lord, you yourself have performed this wonderful miracle of assuming a body.You assumed the body that was above the five elements and their nine doors of the ordinary body. It is said that you were above pleasure and suffering. (The fiveelements are earth, water, fire, air and ether. The nine doors are two eyes, twonostrils, two ears, mouth, anus and genital organ)

    15. xah iskndr su~dr me MleKa, kE sa PkIr hEcihyeso deKakr baMD pg baMD boresudhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    sh hh sikandar su andar men lekh , kais fak r hai chahiye so dekh kar b ndh pag b ndh bore su dahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    The Emperor Sikandar Lodi thought: I wonder what type of fakir Kabir is? Hetied Kabirs hands and feet and put him in a bag, and threw him in the river.Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir (Sikandar Lodi was Emperor of Delhi. Both Brahminsand Muslims complained to him about Kabir. Fakir is a wandering holy man)

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    16. qUqehEjMjIr bEQehE MtIra, bola so xah yh saMca PkIra iPr bol boleik gj mtk hure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    t te hai janj r baithe hai t r , bol so sh hh yahh s nch fak r phir bol bole ki gaj mastak ahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    The people sitting on the bank saw that his chains were broken, and the emperor said that he was the true fakir. The emperor then said to put him in front of thewild elephant. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    17. mat maten jatei|gehE M, liK >p isMGeso ickr BgehE M dexah jmt vamI su bhUre, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    m tang m te na j te dhige hain, lakhi r p singhe so chikkar bhage haide sh hh ajmat sw mi subah re, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    As soon as the wild elephant went near Kabir, and saw his form, he ran back trumpeting as if he saw the form of a lion before him. The emperor then said thathe was a great master. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    18. deKyo sb kam krta ibjuka, Br top gola so ropa ibjUka ijmI de h gj tUl golI n lhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    dekhyo sab k m kart bijuk , bhar top gol so rop bij k jim deha gaj t l gol na lahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Seeing all of this, the emperor told the cannon bearer to load the cannon withcannon balls. Such a cannon can kill an elephant as if it were of cotton. Thecannonball could not reach him. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    19. hedIn b~DUdya deK ~dr, git jOn jE sI so nact b~dr itim ap xah isk~dr jo chure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    he d n bandhu day dekh andar, gati jown jais so n chat bandar timi p sh hh sikandar jo chahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    0 friend of the humble! We feel your mercy in our hearts. All in this world danceas you wish, just as the monkey dances according to its masters wishes. Inthe same way, Shahh Sikandar acted as you wanted. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    20. iPr xah bola yh gola n \rpe, detegenek clayahE\rpE jl Dar ijim sar miJ ay bhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure phir sh hh bol yahh gol na darpe, de tege anek chal y hai darpe jal dh r jimi s r majhi y bahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Then the Shah said that this fakir is not afraid of this cannon. Many brave menwho were bearers of swords were afraid of the cannon, but he was not afraid. He

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    also came out of the midst of the water where he was thrown. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    21. khaMkhE MOr ketI khanI, tij vamI so Bulanorep anI

    inkam ink oD inloR b bhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr bhure kah n kahain owr ket kah n , taji sw mi aiso bhul nore pr n nishk m nishkrodh nirlobh bahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    For how long can I relate the many stories of Kabir Saheb. Leaving such a master,man has lost his way. O man! Follow him, and be without lust anger and greed.Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    22. hara hExah so dEneg pIra, nahIMPkIr hEyh ap pIrajana so nrnah xrNa ghure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    h ra hai sh hh so dai neg p r , nahi fak r hai yahh p p r j n so narn hh sharan gahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    The Shah was defeated so he gave Kabir presents, realizing that he was a Pir (great guru). He said that this was no ordinary fakir, but that he was a Pir in hisown right. The emperor realized that he should accept his refuge. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    23. KUnenekejo xah nekI~ha, jana jo pneso ictme Mn dI~ha ijim tatsut krevgun n ghure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    kh ne aneke jo sh hh ne k nh , j n jo apne so chitmen na d nh jimi t t sut kare avgun na gahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Even though he knew that the emperor had committed many murders, he did nothold that against him, just as the father does not hold it against his son when thelatter does wrong things. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    24. \areso ixr pec ecejo mU MCe, kaletekaletebatejo pUCe hevamI sb khesb maM ih bhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    d re so sir pech aiche jo m nchhe, kalate kalate b te jo p chhehe sw mi sab kahe sab m nhi bahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    The great people who had crown like decorations on their turbans, and twistedtheir mustache with great pride, used to come to you to ask questions to expeltheir doubts. O master! All accept that you pervade all beings. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

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    dekho ugh r wah n hai wahh n h , kehi k j na ladte so marte vrith h tab y do d n dekho na ahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Open the shroud and look inside. He (Kabir) is not there. For what reason are youfighting and dying in vain? Then they decided that both religions should not drawa line to separate themselves from each other. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir (theHindus and Muslims were disputing over the body of Kabir-the Hindus wantingto cremate it, and the Muslims to bury it).

    30. TUl Gr PUl Dun BarI, heb hepIr rqna pukarI sunI dIn banI te ih dxRbhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    sth l ghar ph l adhu na bh r , he brahm he p r ratn puk r sun d n b ni tehi darsh bahure kab r kab r kab r kahure

    The gross home of his soul (the body of Kabir) was changed into a large heapflowers. The Hindus and Muslims began to chant: You are Brahm, you are Pir.

    The people of both religions listened to the words of Kabir and obtained vision of him. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir (Brahm is eternal, omnipotent, formless God. Pir isa saint in Islam)

    31. pu in k Oro sunoresunaA M, liK vamI e so so idn rEn ga t v jIv p aN e so ghure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    puni ek owro sunore sun u, lakhi sw m aiso so din rain g untattva j v pr n aiso gahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    Again, I am going to tell you one more thing. Listen carefully! Realizing such agreat master, I sing his glories day and night. Accept this reality as you acceptyour life itself. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    32. sUKo hta k l\ka purano, hir pay je ih crN cNoR idk jano g\o hEso ay gnay bhure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    s kho hat ek ladk pur no, hari p i jehi charan charnodik j no gado hai so y angn i bahure, kab r kab r kab r kahure

    There was a boy who was dehydrated and worn out by illness. He found God inyour form and accepted charnamrit (holy water) of your feet. Although he wasstunted by his illness, by your grace he was able to play in the courtyard of hishome. Recite Kabir Kabir Kabir

    33. ju i\ ay bhuvez jg deK lIje, panI so CanI O gu< jan kIje saDUso hEsUr pNpUr ghure, kbIr kbIr kbIr khure

    judi y bahu vesh jag dekh l je, p n so chh n ow guru j n k je s dh so hai s r pranp r gahure kab r kab r kab r kahure

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    Look around