santa's news articles

SANTAS clippings 2. The Washington Times 4. The Montgomery Express 6. USA Today 8. The Gazette 9. The Sentinel 11. The Almanac

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Page 1: Santa's News Articles

SANTA’S clippings

2. T h e W a s h i n g t o n T i m e s

4. T h e M o n t g o m e r y E x p r e s s

6. U S A T o d a y

8. T h e G a z e t t e

9. T h e S e n t i n e l

11. T h e A l m a n a c

Page 2: Santa's News Articles

W h i l e S a n t a w a s engaged in a very important discussion with Christy and Katie while in the children’s department of Nordstrom’s they were discovered by Cesar Soriano, a writer for The Washington Times. This article and picture of the two angelic ladies resulted. It was featured in an About Town article in The Washington Times’ Metropolitan Times section .


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Page 4: Santa's News Articles

J o e y F o r t u n a , An Express's writer made an astute analysis of Santa Ed's mission. Santa is much more than an old man giving gifts. His purposes include: Instill a d e e p e r m e a n i n g s o f “The Christmas Spirit.” S p r e a d P e a c e a n d

Goodwill. Give without expecting anything in return. And of course, P r o v i d e a v a r i e t y o f great entertainment


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The crew down at USA

Today’s Weekend section

arranged for Santa and a group

of his helpers to conduct tests

on cookies to determine which

would be best to leave out for

Santa on Christmas Eve


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To insure you will be able to obtain a Santa w h o w i l l b e a success at your part or e v e n t, E d S a n t a conducts Santa Schools.

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Almanac‘s writer, Tracy O’Shaughnessy has some interesting analogies about Santa: Tracy has a great imagination. Santa had not realized that he could represent all these characters.

Tracy is right on, S a n t a h a s i n d e e d changed his image. Totally! As a result, Santa will no longer appear in Pepsi Cola ads.


Page 12: Santa's News Articles

HintIt is a good idea to

arrange for visits from Santa early!

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